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Soal Asata B Inggris

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Mata Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris

Kelas VIl(Tujuh)
Hari, Tanggal Selasa,6 Juni 2023
Waktu 07.30 09.30 WIB

1. Sebelum mengerjakan soal, tulislah dahulu nama dan nomor peserta Anda pada lembar
jawaban yang tersedia!
2 Bacalah dengan telitipetunjuk mengerjakan soal sebelum Anda mengerjakannya!
3 Tulislah jawaban Anda pada lembar jawaban yang disediakan, dengan ballpoint ataupulpen
tinta hitam!
4. Laporkan kepada pengawas tes, apabila terdapat tulisan yang kurang jelas atau rusak atau
jumlah soal kurang!
5 Jumlah soal yang diberikan sebanyak 55 soal, terdiri dari 50 Soal Pilihan Gandadan 5 Soal
6. Dahulukan menjawab soal-soal yang Anda anggap mudah!
7. Berilah tanda silang (X) pada salah satu huruf jawaban yang benar!
memperbaikinya, coretlah
8. Apabila ada jawaban yang Anda anggap salah dan Anda ingin kemudian berilah
dengan dua garis lurus mendatar pada jawaban Anda yang salah (*),
tanda silang (X) pada huruf jawaban yang Anda anggap benar.
Pilihan semula (Jawaban salah) :
Dibetulkan menjadi
9 Untuk soal uraian, jawablah dengan singkat tetapi jelas, pada tempat yang disediakan!
10. Periksalah pekerjaan Anda sebelum diserahkan kepada Perngawas!

Choose A, B, C or D for the corect answer.

1. Lani "Good evening, Rian."

Rian "Good evening."
Lani "How's your life today?"

A. How are you?

B. How do youdo?
C. I'm great, thank you.
D. Nice to meet you too

Akhir Tahun Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIlTahun 2022/2023

Asesmen Sumatif
The dialogue is for questions number 2 and 3.
Alya and Kinan are in the canteen. Kinan meets her friend, Cleo, and introduces her 0
Cleo : Hi, Kinan. How is everything with you?
Kinan Hi, Cleo. Iam fine. And you?
Cleo Iam very well, thanks. School. She is
Kinan Oh, Alya, this is Cleo. We are in the same class in Elementary
now in Class VIlC. Cleo, please meet my classmate, Alya.
Alya Hello, Cleo. Nice to meet you.
Cleo Hi, Alya. Nice to meet you
2. What is the dialogue about?
A. Telingsomeone
B. Describing sonmeone
C. Greeting someone
D. Introducing someone

3. From the conversation, we know that Alya and Cleo are

A. classmates
B. schoolmates
C. siblings
D. relatives

Read the text below and answer the question.

This is our classroom. Our classroom is wide and clean. There are a lot of things in it.
There are twenty-two tables and forty-four chairs. There are also a whiteboard, a flag. a
ruler, a clock,a calendar, some marker, and some pictures. Besides that, there are also
Some dusters and some broomns.

4. Is your classroom dirty and narrow?

A. Yes, it is.
B. No, it is not.
C. Yes, there is.
D. No, there is not.

Read the text below and ans wer the question.

Our Sweet House
My family lives in a sweet house. The color of our house is brown and white. It has
three bedrooms, one for my parents and two for me and my little brother.
My mom cooks in the kitchen. There are so many kitchen equipments. We eat in
dining room. We also have a32-inch TV in the living room, sometimes I study there.
Myfavorite room is my bedroom. Ilike toread book and write a story there. The last
part is garage. Our garage is not too big, but it can fit a car and two motorbikes
5. What do we have in the living
A. Cupboard
B. Refrigerator
C. A television set
D. Shower
6. Fendi What time is it?
It is 11 12
A. a quarter past eleven.
B. half past eleven.
C. twelve o 'clock.. 8
D. half past ten.

7. Yuni Which one is your father?

Lisa isstanding in a line.
A. He
B. His
C. Him
D. She

8. Khalik Afif, Iheard your school is very large.

Afif Yes, it is. It ... two basketball court.
Khalik That's cool.
A. have
B. has
C. do have
D. doesn't have

The dialogue is for question number 9.

Father Fanny, can you help me, please?
Fanny Yes, Dad.
Father Can you get me my glasses, please? Ineed it to read the newspaper.
Fanny Where is it?
Father Emm ... Maybe it's on the table.
Fanny OK. Here you are,Dad.
Father Thanks, dear.
Fanny My pleasure, Dad.
9. "Ineed it to read the newspaper." The word "it" in the sentence refers to..
A. table.
B. Fanny.
C. glasses.
D. newspaper.

The dialogue is for question number 10.

Jovita Neliz, Ineed to make a phone call to my mother. But my battery is low. ...
Neliz Sure. You can use my phone.
Jovita Thank you, Neliz.
Neliz You're welcome.

10. The suitable expression to fill the blank is ...

A. CanIbuy your phone?
B. Can youcall my mother?
C. Could Iborrow your phone?
D. Couldyou give your phone tome?

Asesmen Sumatif Akhir Tahun Bahasa Inggris Kelas Vil Tahun 2022/2023 |3
What do you atudy n tuesday!
Thave Matt, tlee, Egeh, and donsslan Whata tyou?
hudi have At, PhyabalEducaton Mlh ond Hetgin Eduoation
Diha Thave Piyaal Edoalon ontiday but my unitomis broken Ganlbonon
tiure, l waah il afler uon tomonow
Dika hank yo ud
1 When doen udi have hyaloal Eduoation?
A Tuesday
D Fiday

The dialogue is for questlons nmtber 12 anat 13.

Ma Mutla Alightstudente We willstart our online class in a minute. Make sure to turn
on the camera, so thatlcansee your face andmark your allendanc Annisa,
canyou pleane turn on your Camra now?
Annisa Yes, Ma'am I'm sorry I got trouble with my laptopbetore this. I will turnon
my cameranow
Ma Mutia Thankyou Annisa Nowtun off the microphone, students l will explain the

12. From the dialoguo, we know that ..

A Anninaoxplaintn thematerlal
B Ms Mutia is Anisa's teacher
C Annisna asks for pormission to Ms. Mutia,
D the students should turn offthe camera and turn on the rmicrophone.
13 'Make sure to turnon the carmera,
The underlined phrase has the same meaning with
switch off
switch on
C take off
D. take on

The toxt is for questlon numbor 14.

Puputgoes to SMP Nusantara, She gets up at 4,30 in the morning, She studies from
7am. to 1.30 p.m Then, at2 p.m.she haslunch with her friends. After lunch,she plays
with her friends and after dinner she usually preparos for the next days lessons. After
that, she talks with her farmily, calln her friends or reads magazines. She enjoys studying
in SMP NUsantara because she has very patient toachers and nice friends.
14. What does Puput do after lunch?
A. She takes a nap.
B. She reads magazines.
C. She plays with her friends
D. She proparos the nextday's lesson

4 Asesrnen Sumatif Akhir Tahun Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIlTahun 2022/2023

15. Wisnu How often do you play football?
Aji I play football ... a week, on Tuesday and Thursday.
A. twice
B. often
C. once
D. every

16. Carlo Excuse me where the nearest post office?

Mr. Albert Follow this way until second traffic light. It is on your left beside the bank.
Carlo Thank you.
The suitable expression to complete the dialogue is ...
A. Can Ihelp you find
B. Could you show me
C. Could Itell you the way
D. Could you come with me

The dialogue is for question number 17.

Andini : Hi Nadin. What extracurricular do you join?
Nadin I join Modern Dance.
Andini Wow that's really cool!
Nadin Thanks, what about you?
Andini I'm not sure, Science Club or Modern Dance.
Nadin Why don't you join Modern Dance? So we can do it together.
Andini Iknow, but you know Ilike science a lot, right?
Nadin Yes, it's true, just join what's best for you, Iam not pushing you to do Modern
Andini Thank you.
17. From the dialogue above, we know that Nadin wants to join ...
A. Modern dance.
B. Science club.
C. Modern and science.
D. The other club.

The dialogue is for question number 18.

Boy Tomorrow will be class meeting. What willyou do?

Ayu I will dance with my friend.
Boy It might be fun.
Ayu How about you?
Boy Iam going to play basketball.
Ayu Oh, what a good idea!

18. What will Boy play in the class meeting?

A. Dance
B. Football
C. Volley ball
D. Basketball

Asesmen Sumatif Akhir Tahun Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIITahun 2022/2023

19. Nanda When does Maya do her English Club?
A. She has her English Club on Monday at 3 p.m. - 5 p.m.
B. She did her English Club on Monday at 3 p.m. - 5 p.m.
C. She does her English Club on Monday at 3 p.m. -5 p.m.
D. She is doing her homework on Monday at 3 p.m. - 5 p.m.
The dialogue is for questions number 20to 22.
Anne Dinda, Ithink Ihave difficulties in learningthese days. My exam scores are
getting worse. Can you give me some tips?
Dinda Do you always study at the same time each day?
Anne Yes, Ido.
Dinda That's agood start. Make a track for all of your homework and assignments.
Make sure to study several days before the exams so that you have enough
time to learn the materials.
Anne What do lneed todo if l'don't understand a certain material?
Dinda When you get stuck, write down the question on a note. Then, just move on
to the rest of your material. Youcan ask the question to friends or the teacher
Anne That's good tips. I will try to doit. Can we study together sometimes?
Dinda Sure. I willbe happy to be your study buddy.
20. The dialogue is about
A. class schedule.
B. daily activities.
C. Dinda's habit.
D. study tips.

21. Which one is not the tips based on the dialogue?

A. Writing down the questions we don't understand on a note.
B. Makinga track for all of the homework and assignments.
C. Having the same study time each day.
D. Asking to friends during the exam.
22. Which of the followings is the expression of asking for permission in the dialogue?
A. That'sa good start.
B. Can yougive me some tips?
C. Can we study together sometimes?
D. Do you always study at the same time each day?

The text is for questions number 23 and 24.

Let me tell you about my bedroom. There are many kinds of furniture in my bedroom.
In the centre of my room, th¹re is my bed. The bed is made of wood. There is a nice bed
cover and a warm blanket for my bed. On the right side of my bed, there is a wardrobe. I
put my clothes in it. On the left side of my bed, there is a bookshelf. Iput my books there.
There isatable anda chair next to the shelf. lusually sit there to study. On the table, there
is a desk lamp. When Istudy in the evening, lalways turn on the lamp. There is also an
alarm clock on my table. I set the alarm in the evening before lgo to bed. It wakes me up
in the morning. Ialways clean my bedroom every day. larrange things neatly to make my
bedroom comfortable to live in.

Asesmen Sumatif Akhir Tahun Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIl Tahun 2022023
23. The text mainly tells us about
A. the furniture in the writer's bedroom.
B. the kinds of furniture in a bedroom.
C. the bed in the writer's bedroom.
D. the writer's bedroom.

24. What is the bed like?

A. Acozy wooden bed.
B. In the center of the room.
C. Nice and large.
D. Small but nice.

25. It is a room in the school building where teachers usually teach. All the students go to
room every Monday to Saturday to learn and meet with their classmates andteachers. It is full
of chairs and tables. Which room suits to the description?

A. C.

B. D.

The text isfor questions number 26 and 27.

My name is Gilang. Istudy at school from Monday to Friday. Istart my school activities
at 7 in the morning. On Monday, Ihave classes after the Flag Ceremony. From Monday to
Thursday, Igo home from school at 2p.m. On Friday, Igo home at 11 in the afternoon.
My favorite subject is Natural Sciences. Ilike to study the natural phenomenon andi
want to be scientist in the future. Istudy Natural Sciences on Tuesday and Friday. My
other favorite subject is English. It is because Iwant to continue my study abroad. Ialways
have English on Monday and Wednesday at the first period.
26. The second paragraph tells us about
A. Gilang's hobbies.
B. Gilang's daily activities.
C. Gilang's class schedule.
D. Gilang's favorite subject.
27. What time does Gilang's class start on Friday?
A. 2 p.m.
B. 7 a.m.
C. 8a.m.
D. 12 p.m.

The text is for questions number 28 to 30

Sofia's Class Schedule
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Frlday
7.00 8.00 Flag Maths
Ceremony Maths PE
Indonesian English
8.00-9.00 ICT
9.00-9.30 Break
9.30- 10.30 Maths Civic Social Guidance
Education and
10.30- 11.30 Art and
11.30- 12.15 Break
12.15-13.15 Social Natural
English Religious
Sciences Sciences Education
28. What information can we get from the
A. Class schedule.
B. Someone's study plan.
C. Student's learning habit.
D. Extracurricular schedule.
29. When does Sofia have Maths?
A. Every day
B Only on Monday
C. On Monday and Thursday
D. On Monday, Tuesday,and Thursday
30. What does Sofia have after
A. Civic Education. Religious Education on Tuesday?
B. Natural Sciences.
C. Indonesian Language.
D. Guidance and Counselling.
31. It is a lesson learning about
Indonesian people, country, including the government and the
Pancasila. Docitizenship.
we also learn the national For
lesson it is? principal called you know what
A. Civic Education.
B. Natural science.
C. Social science.
D. History.

8| Asesmen Sumatif Akhir Tahun Bahasa Inggris

Kelas VIITahun 2022/202
The text is for questions number 32 to 34.
Belva has an online class this morning. Before joining the class, he prepares the
writing materials and the books about the learning materials. Even though it is an online
class, he still wears a school uniform.
Belva attends the class on time. The students should turn on the camera andturn off
the microphone. If astudent forgets to turn off the microphone and is very noisy, the
teacher asks him/her to turn it of.
The class begins after allstudents are ready to learn. The teacher shares screen
while explaining the material. The students pay attention to the lesson well. If a student
wants to ask a question, he/she can click the raise hand button.

32. The class begins after ...

A. all students are ready to learn.
B. the teacher shares screen.
C. the students raise hand button.
D. the teacher explains the material.
33. What can the student do if he/she wants to ask a question?
A. He/she can turn off the camera.
B. He/she can click the raise hand button.
C. He/she can click the share screen button.
D. He/she can turn on the microphone directly.

34. The text tells us about ...

A. Belva's hobbies.
B. Belva's online class.
C. Belva's class schedule.
D. Belva's favorite subject.

35. Look at the picture.

Sonia "Where does Andy hide?"
Bima "He hides ... mother."
A. under
B. beside
C. behind
D. in front of

36. Look at the picture.

Mr. Handy "Reza, do you know my dictionary?
Ithink Ileft it somewhere."
Reza "Let me check it. Your dictionary is
... the table at the ... row. I'll get it,
Mr. Handy "Thank you, Reza."
Reza "You're welcome, Sir."
A. on- front
B on - back
C. under - front
D. under - back

VIl Tahun 2022/2023

Asesmen Sumatif Akhir Tahun Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9
The text is for questions number 37 to 40.



Meke en online clens echedule:
Prepare your confort plece: t helps you to be aways reedy to
place whereyou can think Joln online clesses.
Makee to do ist:
it makee your study time Be sctve in oloee decusslon:
more effective. You cen leen to ehere your ldees
Jotn online discussion: with othere.
you can ask questions
to your teechers or
Makea study plen end stkck to it
Mange yourself well, for example
when to study and whon to take
Revtev: Bome breaks.
Review the topleto
help you
understend the Learn agoin previous leesons:
lesson beter it helps you to memorlze ond
undertend the lsson.
Breek dne:
Take a break by Have your study area:
walking around the Prepare a comfortable plece
house for study.

37. What is the function of both infographics?

A. To tell how to become a good student.
B To tell how to join the online class.
C. To present the tips to study.
D. To motivate a lazy student.

38. What is Galang's tip to make your study time more

A. Take a break.
B. Make a to do list.
C. Join online discussion
D. Prepare comfort place to study.

39. Why does Andre suggest making an online class schedule?

A. Because it helps you to be always ready to join online
B. Because it helps you to memor0ze and classes.
understand the lesson.
C. Because it makes your book colourful.
D. Because it can add your mood study.
40. We find there are similarities between Galang's and
A. make a study plan.
Andre's study tips, one of them is ...
prepare some snacks.
C prepare the comfort place to study.
D. take a break by walking around the house.

Asesmen Sumatif Akhir Tahun Bahasa Inggris Kelas VI
Tahun 2022/2023
The following picture is for questions number 41 to 43.


Computer LIbrary
Room Tollet

7F 70 Scenc

Music Room 7A 76 7C

9E 9B 8E Room

9A A &F Tollet

Meeting Gymnasium
Teachers Statfs Principa's
Room Room Room

Security Garden

41. The picture presents information about

A. the map of a certain city.
B. the activities on a curricular activity.
C. the timetable of the classes in a school.
D. the map of the rooms in a school building.

42. The Staff's room is located ...Teacher's room and Principal's room
A. besides
B. between
C. behind
D. infront of

43. Youare in front of the Security Post. Go straight ahead, past the school yard. Past the Library
and stop.The room is on your right side. Where are younow?
A. Computer Room.
B. Music Room.
C. Canteen.
D. Class 7F.

The schedules below are for questions number 44 to 46.

Vika's Extracurricular Schedule Mario's Extracurricular Schedule
Day Time Activity Day Time Activity
Monday 2-4 p.m. Choir Monday2-4 p.m. Science Club
Tuesday3-5p.m. Scout Tuesday 3-5p.m. Scout
Friday 2- 4 p.m. Traditional dance Thursday 2-4 p.m Basketball

Asesmen Sumatif Akhir Tahun Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIl Tahun 2022/2023 |11
44. When does Vika have traditional dance?
A. On Monday
B. OnTuesday
C. On Thursday
D. On Friday

45. Does Mario join Science Club?

A. Yes, he is.
B. No, he isn't.
C. Yes, he does.
D. No, he doesn't.

46. What activity do both Vika and Mario join?

A. Traditional dance
B. Science Club
C. Basketball
D. Scout

The text is for questions number 47 to 50.

Today, there is a school event in SMP Bina Nusa. The school organizes a sport
Competition. The event is held to commemorate the Independence Day. There are many
sports, such as running, badminton, and futsal in the schoolyard. Each class has to
participate in all of the sports. They are competing each other. The schoolyard is very
wide and spacious. It consists of several fields, like badminton and futsal field. The running
track is in the left side of the schoolyard. AIl students are happily participating the
competition. They cheer on their classmates.
47.The purpose of the text is ....
A. to retellan experience in participating a school festival.
B. to describe one of extracurricular activity at school.
C. to tell how to join a competition at school.
D. to describe a school event.

48.What event is held in the text?

A. Boak bazaar.
B. Music festival.
C. Sport competition.
D. Traditional Art Exhibition.

49. Who must join the event?

A. School Staffs
B. Students
C. Teachers
D. Principal
50. Based on the text, there are not competitions.
A. futsal and running.
B. futsal and badminton.
C. running and badminton.
D. basketball and volleyball.

12 Asesmen Sumatif Akhir Tahun Bahasa Inggris Kelas VI Tahun 2022/2023

II. Answer the following questions correctly.
1. Study the table belowand choose the correct adverb of frequency to complete the sentences.
Keisha's Weekly Schedule
Activity Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
Have breakfast

Study in the library

Watch TV

Play guitar
Wash the dishes V

Do homework

Keisha ...has breakfast in the morning.

b. Keisha ... plays guitar, but she can sing beautifully.
2. Rearrange these following jumble words to make good sentence.
a. does -not -h¡ve - his - breakfast - my father.
b. TV- often - how - you - do - watch -?
3. Complete the dialogue below with the phrases provided.
Tian Do you join an extracurricular activity, Vivi?
Vivi Yes, Ijoin the English Club. It is held every Tuesday.
Tian What activities do you do in the club?
Vivi Well, ... (1), have conversation, and present some topics. We do the
activities in English. What about you? What do you join?
I'minterested in Pencak Silat. But Idon't know whom Iask if Iwant to
Vivi Oh, ... (2). Youcan ask him.
Tian Really? Alright. By the way, all the students have to join the Scout, right?
Vivi You're right. It is acomplimentary activity for the first grader.
Tian ...(3).
Vivi It is held every Friday from 2.00p.m. to 4.30 p.m. in the schoolyard.
Tian What do we do on the Scout?
Vivi Iguess we ... (4) the surroundings.

a. When does the Scout held?

b. Iread English stories
C. camp, track and explore
d. It is held every Tuesday
e. Ganialso joins Pencak Silat

Read this followingtext and answer questions number 4 and 5 below.
My Best School
My Junior High School's building is not too far from my house. Iusually ride bicycle to
go there. It takes 15 minutes to arrive at my school.
Aside from daily routine like study inschool which start from 7 a.m. until 1.30 p.m., I
also do another extracurricular like basketball exercising or playing music in the
ith my classmate.
place has
My school is big and amazing. It is different from another school. Ihis building of
football field and auditorium for meeting and performing a drama. The main
this school has 30 rooms. 18. Then, there
There are 6 classes for each grade. So, the total rooms for learning is
are more rooms for another activity like teacher office, headmaster room, cafeteria with
cheap price and etc.
Inaddition, my schoolalso has two basketball
courts, one laboratory for science, and
has a nice hallwhich we call as Pendopo,
one computer laboratory. Moreover, my school
parking area for students and also guests.
one Al-Ikhlas mosque, 3 clean toilets and large fish pond. At the break time, Ialways sit
One place that llove most at my school is the
swimming in the pond.
here to find inspiration by seeing the fish

writer's school have?

4. How many classes does the
his school?
5. What is the writer's favorite place in

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