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Outline Concepts
Fertilization 1. Embryology is the study of an animal’s development from the fertilized egg to the formation of
Egg Activation all major organ systems. Descriptive embryology describes developmental stages of an animal,
Metabolic and Nuclear Events and experimental embryology examines the cellular controls for development.
Embryonic Development, Cleavage, and Egg 2. Development of a new animal begins with a sperm fertilizing an egg. Fertilization events help
Types ensure successful fertilization, help prevent multiple fertilization, and help prepare the egg for
Quantity and Distribution of Yolk development.
Cleavage Patterns 3. Developmental patterns of different animals have important common themes. Some unique
The Primary Germ Layers and Their developmental patterns arise from differences in yolk distribution in animal eggs.
Derivatives 4. Echinoderm development illustrates how eggs with very little, evenly distributed yolk may
Echinoderm Embryology develop.
5. Amphibian development illustrates how a moderate amount of unevenly distributed yolk
Vertebrate Embryology
influences development.
The Chordate Body Plan
6. The embryos of reptiles, birds, and mammals require adaptations for long developmental
Amphibian Embryology
periods in terrestrial environments.
Development in Terrestrial Environments
Avian Embryology
The Fate of Mesoderm

This chapter contains evolutionary concepts, which are set off in this font.

2 Chapter 33 Descriptive Embryology

How is the complexity of form and function in adult animals ex-

plained? Can all of this complexity arise from a single egg? Most half embryo
biologists of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries believed in 2-cell stage
preformation, the concept that gametes contain miniaturized ver-
sions of all of the elements present in the adult.
In the mid-eighteenth century, the competing theory of epi-
genesis (Gr. epi, on  L. genesis, birth) gained in popularity. Biol-
ogists who favored this theory maintained that the egg contains
the material from which the embryo is gradually built—much like
a carpenter builds a building from lumber, nails, bricks, and mor-
tar. During the fourth century B.C., Aristotle described the essence Dead cell
of this theory, which depended on an unexplained “creative prin-
ciple” to direct the assembly.
In separate experiments, Wilhelm Roux (1888) and Hans
Driesch (1892) set out to determine whether epigenesis or prefor- 2-cell stage
mation was correct. Both allowed a fertilized egg to divide to the
two-cell stage. Roux, using amphibian embryos (frogs, toads, sala-
manders), killed one of the two cells with a hot needle. Driesch,
using echinoderm embryos (sea stars, sea urchins, sea cucumbers), (b)
Cells separated by shaking
completely separated the divided cells. An entire animal develop- in seawater
ing from a single cell would support epigenesis. A portion of the
animal developing would favor preformation. What was the re-
sult? Interestingly, Roux described the formation of a half embryo
that he called a “hemiembryo” (figure 33.1a), and Driesch found
that each cell retained the potential to develop into an entire or-
ganism (figure 33.1b). Biologists now know that Driesch was the
more correct of the two and that the killed cell, still attached to
Roux’s developing amphibian embryo, probably altered the devel- Blastula
opment of the untreated cell. stage
This episode in history marks an important turning point in embryos
embryology (Gr. embryo, to be full  logos, discourse), the study
of animal development from the fertilized egg to the formation of
all major organ systems. Early studies were descriptive in nature,
documenting stages in embryological development. Such material
is the subject of this chapter. The works of Roux, Driesch, and
others were the beginning of experimental embryology (or devel-
opmental biology). Developmental biologists use the tools of mo-
lecular biology to investigate the genetic controls of development. Half-size
normal larvae

Different animals use a variety of mechanisms to bring opposite
sexes together and to induce the release of eggs and/or sperm. Sim- F IGURE 33.1
ilarly, once gametes have been released, different mechanisms in- Experiments of Wilhelm Roux and Hans Driesch. (a) Wilhelm
crease the likelihood of fertilization. Roux produced a “hemiembryo” by killing one cell of a two-celled
For fertilization to occur, a sperm must penetrate the gel amphibian embryo. (b) Driesch found that separating cells of a two-
coat of an egg, which consists of protein, or protein and polysac- celled echinoderm embryo resulted in the development of two small,
but otherwise normal, larvae.
charide (mucopolysaccharide). To penetrate this coating, the
sperm of most animals possess enzymes called sperm lysins. These
enzymes may be associated with a specialized organelle at the lation often mean reduced fertility because sperm lysins from
head of the sperm, called the acrosome, or with the plasma mem- many sperm are required to dissolve the gel coat of an egg. The
brane of the sperm’s anterior tip. When a sperm contacts the gel acrosome of some species reorganizes into an acrosomal process
coat, the acrosome releases lysins that dissolve a pathway for the after releasing lysins. Just outside the egg plasma membrane is the
sperm (figure 33.2). In humans, even 80 million sperm per ejacu- vitelline layer (or zona pellucida). Egg binding proteins (bindins)
Chapter 33 Descriptive Embryology 3

sperm discharge ;;;;;;;

;; ;;;;;;;
Egg plasma membrane
Vitelline layer
Cortical ;;;;;;;
Fertilizing Acrosomal granule

sperm process

;;; ;;;;;;;
Egg binding
proteins ;;; (c)
Jelly layer

Other membrane

;; ;;;;;;

;; ;;;;;;
Egg plasma
membrane ;;;;;;
;;; ;;;;;;
(b) Egg cortex (d) ;;;;;;
F IGURE 33.2
Fertilization of Echinoderm Eggs. (a) Acrosomal process contacts the vitelline membrane. (b) Sperm lysins create a hole in the vitelline mem-
brane. Changes in the permeability of the plasma membrane to sodium ions initiate changes in the membrane that permit only a single sperm to
enter. (c) Cortical granules discharge, and the vitelline membrane begins to rise off the egg plasma membrane. (d) The fertilization membrane

on the surface of the acrosomal process bind to sperm attachment single sperm. Single-sperm fertilization is important because mul-
molecules on the vitelline layer of the egg plasma membrane (fig- tiple fertilization usually results in genetic imbalances and a non-
ure 33.3). Acrosomal and egg plasma membranes then fuse. viable embryo.
Other parts of the sperm (e.g., the mitochondria, centrioles, and After contact by sperm, microvilli from the plasma mem-
flagellum) may or may not enter the egg, depending on the brane of the ovum wrap around a single sperm. Contraction of mi-
species involved. crofilaments in the egg’s cytoplasm then draws the sperm into the
egg (see figure 33.2).
E G G A C T I VAT I O N A second series of events defends against multiple fertiliza-
tion. Within milliseconds of penetration by a sperm, ionic changes
The fusion of acrosomal and egg membranes is the beginning of make the plasma membrane unresponsive to other sperm and
egg activation. Egg activation is a series of biochemical changes in initiate the formation of a protective envelope around the egg,
the egg that ensures the completion of fertilization and initiates called the fertilization membrane.
embryonic development. Biologists have extensively studied the The fertilization membrane forms as granules in the cortex
events of egg activation in echinoderms, and some of the findings discharge into the region between the egg plasma membrane and
of that work are discussed here. the vitelline layer. The cortical granules release enzymes that
loosen the vitelline layer’s contact with the plasma membrane.
The granules allow water to enter the space between the vitelline
Membrane and Cortical Events layer and the egg plasma membrane, causing the vitelline layer to
Some of the earliest changes in the zygote occur at the plasma lift off the egg. Proteins of the cortical granules thicken and
membrane and in the outer region of the cell cytoplasm (called strengthen the vitelline layer. All of these reactions are completed
the cortex). These early changes ensure fertilization by only a in 1 to 2 minutes following fertilization.
4 Chapter 33 Descriptive Embryology

Plasma membrane AND EGG TYPES
of sperm acrosomal
process Billions of cells that make up adult animals arise from the zygote.
Cleavage refers to cell divisions that occur during embryonic de-
velopment, and the cells that cleavage produces are blastomeres
(Gr. blasto, sprout  mero, part). The first cell division of the zy-
gote results in two daughter cells. These blastomeres divide in syn-
chrony, producing a four-celled embryo. As more blastomeres are
produced, divisions become asynchronous. Throughout early em-
Bindins bryology, the embryo does not increase in overall size. Instead,
blastomeres become smaller, and the proportion of DNA to cyto-
plasm increases.
Vitelline layer
Egg sizes, cleavage patterns, and the length of embryonic periods
Egg plasma membrane
of animal species are related to differences in the quantity and dis-
Egg cytoplasm tribution of yolk in an egg. Yolk, a mixture of proteins, lipids, and
glycogen, is the food reserve for the developing embryo. Animals
with relatively small amounts of yolk—for example, echinoderms
F IGURE 33.3 (sea stars and their relatives) and amphibians (frogs and their rel-
Sperm-Egg Adhesion Is Mediated by Species-Specific Macromole- atives)—often have larval stages that begin to feed after a brief pe-
cules. Schematic drawing of bindin proteins covering the surface of riod of embryological development during which yolk is entirely
the acrosomal process of a sea urchin sperm. The bindin proteins bind absorbed. Some animals with longer periods of embryological de-
to specific bindin receptor molecules (a carbohydrate) associated with
the vitelline layer of the egg. (Bindin proteins and receptors are velopment (reptiles and birds) provide embryos with larger quan-
drawn disproportionately large.) tities of yolk. Other animals with long periods of embryological
development (eutherian, or placental, mammals and some sharks)
provide nourishment to embryos through a placenta or some other
modification of the female reproductive tract.
Other important changes occur in the egg cortex. After
sperm penetration, the cortical layer thickens, and rotational and
sliding movements of the outer egg cytoplasm begin. In amphib-
ians, these cortical changes result in the formation of a gray cres- The relative size of the blastomeres that result from cleavage and the
cent on the egg, opposite the point of sperm penetration. The gray rate of cleavage show how yolk influences cleavage patterns. Eggs
crescent has an important influence on later development. with evenly distributed yolk usually have cleavage patterns that re-
sult in uniformly sized blastomeres. Eggs with unevenly distributed
M E TA B O L I C AND NUCLEAR EVENTS yolk have cleavage patterns that result in unequal blastomeres.
Cleavages that completely divide an egg are holoblastic
Prior to nuclear fusion, other nuclear events usually occur. Postfer- (Gr. holo, whole  blasto, sprout). If cleavages cannot completely
tilization changes help prepare the zygote for the ensuing mitotic divide the embryo because of large quantities of yolk, the cleav-
divisions. Ionic changes raise the intracellular pH and initiate ages are meroblastic (Gr. mero, part). These embryos develop
changes in zygote physiology. DNA replication occurs, and in most around, or on top of, the yolk (figure 33.4).
species investigated, rates of protein synthesis increase. Rapid pro- Other cleavage patterns result from differences in the orien-
tein synthesis following fertilization meets the needs of new cells for tation of the mitotic spindle during mitosis, and the degree to
enzymes and structural proteins that make up the mitotic spindle which the fate of early blastomeres is predetermined. Developmen-
and contribute to chromosome structure. Little mRNA is synthe- tal differences are thought to reflect differences in the evolutionary
sized in the zygote. Instead, existing maternal (egg) mRNA is acti- history of the animal groups that possess them. For example, the pat-
vated, and it directs the formation of the bulk of the proteins tern of cleavage where blastomeres are oriented directly over one an-
synthesized in early stages of embryonic development. This influ- other is characteristic of the evolutionary lineage leading to the
ence is called maternal dominance. echinoderms and chordates. Another pattern of cleavage, where an
The region of the egg referred to as the animal pole contains upper tier of blastomeres is twisted out of line with a lower tier of blas-
less yolk, more mitochondria, and more ribosomes, and is more tomeres, is characteristic of the lineage leading to the annelids (seg-
metabolically active than the opposite, vegetal pole of the egg. mented worms) and arthropods (insects and their relatives). Chapter 7
Chapter 33 Descriptive Embryology 5

First Second Third

cleavage cleavage cleavage

Ectoderm Nervous tissue

Epidermis of the skin
Sensory organs
Endoderm Gut tract lining
Digestive glands
Respiratory tract lining
Mesoderm Connective tissues
Circulatory system
Bones, tendons, ligaments
Dermis of the skin
Excretory structures
Reproductive structures

F IGURE 33.4
Early Cleavage Patterns. (a) Holoblastic cleavage of an embryo
containing a small quantity of evenly distributed yolk results in uni- with which mature sperm and eggs are obtained makes them con-
formly sized blastomere (e.g., a sea urchin). (b) Holoblastic cleavage venient models to illustrate principles of early animal development.
of an embryo containing moderate to large quantities of unevenly The eggs of echinoderms have relatively little yolk, and the
distributed yolk results in unequal blastomeres (e.g., an amphibian). yolk is evenly distributed throughout the egg (figure 33.5a). Cleav-
(c) Meroblastic cleavage occurs when large quantities of yolk prevent ages are holoblastic and result in smaller blastomeres, but the over-
the embryo from dividing completely (e.g., a reptile or bird).
all size of the embryo remains relatively constant (figure 33.5b–d).
In just a few hours, a solid ball of small cells, called the morula (L.
morum, mulberry) is produced (figure 33.5e).
compares cleavage patterns as well as other developmental differ- As cell division continues, cells pull away from the interior
ences in these two evolutionary lineages. of the embryo. A fluid-filled cavity, the blastocoel, forms, and the
cells form a single layer around the cavity. The embryo is now a
hollow sphere called a blastula (figure 33.5f). In sea urchins, de-
T H E P R I M A RY G E R M L AY E R S velopment through the blastula stage takes place within the fertil-
A N D T H E I R D E R I VAT I V E S ization membrane. When the cells of the blastula develop cilia,
the blastula breaks out of the fertilization membrane and begins to
Tissues and organs of animals arise from layers, or blocks, of em- swim. Late in the blastula stage, groups of cells break free of the
bryonic cells called primary germ layers. Their development from animal end of the embryo and position themselves within the
a nondescript form in the early embryo to their form in late em- blastocoel. These cells, called primary mesenchyme, will form
bryonic through adult stages is called differentiation. One layer, skeletal elements (called spicules) of the embryo.
ectoderm (Gr. ektos, outside  derm, skin), gives rise to the outer The next series of events in echinoderm embryology is gas-
body wall. Endoderm (Gr. endo, within) forms the inner lining of trulation. The first sign of gastrulation is the invagination of cells
the digestive cavity. Mesoderm (Gr. meso, in the middle) gives at a point in the vegetal half of the embryo (figure 33.5g). The
rise to tissues between ectoderm and endoderm. Undifferentiated point of invagination is the blastopore, which will eventually
mesoderm (called mesenchyme) develops into muscles, blood and form the anal opening of the larva. During invagination, an em-
blood vessels, skeletal elements, and other connective tissues bryonic gut, the archenteron (Gr. archeo, ancient  enteron, gut),
(table 33.1). elongates and reduces the size of the blastocoel (figure 33.5h).
During gastrulation, the embryo also begins to lengthen and
assumes a pyramidal shape. Although adult echinoderms do not
E C H I N O D E R M E M B RY O L O G Y have head and tail ends, larvae have a preferred direction of
movement. The end of an animal that meets the environment
Biologists have studied echinoderm embryology extensively. during locomotion is called the anterior end and is where the head
Echinoderms are easily maintained in laboratories, and the ease of most animals is located. The opposite end is the posterior end.
6 Chapter 33 Descriptive Embryology

(a) (b) (c)

(d) (e) (f)

(g) (h) (i)

F IGURE 33.5
Stages in the Development of an Echinoderm. (a) The egg immediately after fertilization. Note the formation of the fertilization membrane.
(b) The first two cleavages occur along the animal/vegetal axis. (c) The third cleavage occurs at right angles to the previous cleavages, midway
between animal and vegetal poles. An eight-cell stage with approximately equal blastomeres results. (d,e) Subsequent cleavages result in the for-
mation of the morula. (f) The blastula—a hollow sphere whose walls are a single cell layer thick. (g) Gastrulation begins with invaginations at a
point on the surface of the blastula, and the archenteron forms. (h) As gastrulation continues, the archenteron enlarges. The gastrula breaks out of
the fertilization membrane and is ciliated. (i) The pluteus is a pyramidal-shaped, free-swimming larva. Spicules can be seen in this scanning elec-
tron micrograph, and the gut is complete. (All photomicrographs are 400.) Photographs © Stephen A. Miller.
Chapter 33 Descriptive Embryology 7

The shape changes that occur during gastrulation establish the an-
teroposterior axis of the embryo.
Finally, a body cavity, or coelom, forms from outpockets of
the archenteron, and the gut breaks through the anterior body Neural tube
wall. The opening thus produced is the mouth.
The cell movements that begin in gastrulation result from
groups of cells changing their shapes simultaneously. Contractile Notochord
microfilaments mediate these shape changes. These precise, coor-
dinated changes transform a single-layered sphere of cells into an (b)
embryo with several layers of cells. The progressive development
of an animal’s form that begins in gastrulation is morphogenesis. Gut
In the sea urchin, these changes produce a pluteus larva that
swims freely in the sea and feeds on even smaller plants and ani-
mals (figure 33.5i).

Postanal tail

V E RT E B R AT E E M B RY O L O G Y Pharyngeal
Early stages of vertebrate (animals with a vertebral column or (a) slits or pouches
“backbone”) development are similar to those described for echin-
oderms. The differences are the result of longer developmental periods F IGURE 33.6
and, for some vertebrates, adaptations for development on land. Chordate Body Plan. The development of all chordates involves the
formation of a neural tube, the notochord, pharyngeal slits or
pouches, and a postanal tail. Derivatives of all three primary germ
T H E C H O R D AT E B O D Y P L A N layers are present. (a) Side view. (b) Cross section.

Vertebrates are members of the phylum Chordata, and certain

structures characterize all chordates. The endpoint of the study of
end blends with the bottom of the pond, lake, or stream. The dark
vertebrate embryology is the point at which most of these charac-
pigment of the animal pole also absorbs heat from the sun, and the
teristic structures have formed (figure 33.6).
warming may promote development.
The chordate nervous system develops from ectoderm, and
is dorsal and tubular. The first evidence of a developing nervous
system is the formation of the neural tube. Nervous tissue prolifer- Initial Cleavages
ates anteriorly into a brain. The first cleavage of the amphibian embryo, like that of echino-
The notochord is the primary axial structure in all chordate derms, is longitudinal. It begins at the animal pole and divides
embryos, as well as many adults. It is flexible, yet supportive, and the gray crescent in half. Because of the large amount of yolk in
lies just beneath the neural tube. The notochord is mesodermal in the vegetal end of the egg, cleavages are slower there than in the
origin and consists of vacuolated cells packed into a connective animal end. The amphibian morula, therefore, consists of many
tissue sheath. small cells at the animal end of the embryo and fewer, larger cells
In addition to the notochord and the dorsal tubular nerve at the vegetal end of the embryo (figure 33.7a–e). The amphib-
cord, all chordates possess pharyngeal slits or pouches and a ian blastula forms in much the same way as the echinoderm blas-
postanal tail at some point in their life history. tula, except that the yolky vegetal cells cause the blastocoel to
form in the animal half of the embryo (figure 33.7). Unlike that
A M P H I B I A N E M B RY O L O G Y of echinoderms, the blastula wall of amphibians has multiple cell
Most amphibians lay eggs in watery environments, and the eggs
are fertilized as the female releases them (figure 33.7a). Frog eggs
have a pigmented animal pole. Because the vegetal pole is heavily Gastrulation
laden with yolk, the eggs rotate in their jelly coats so that the less The cells of the blastula that will develop into specific structures
dense, darkly pigmented animal pole is oriented up (figure 33.7b). are grouped on the surface of the blastula. During gastrulation,
This rather simple series of events has interesting adaptive signif- some of these cells move into the interior of the embryo. Embry-
icance. Amphibian eggs usually develop with little care or protec- ologists use dyes or carbon particles to mark the surface of the blas-
tion from the parents. The pigmentation helps camouflage tula and then follow the movements of these cells during
developing embryos from predators. When viewed from below, gastrulation. Embryonic cells are designated according to their fu-
the light color of the vegetal end of floating eggs blends with the ture development by “presumptive notochord,” “presumptive en-
sky above. When viewed from above, the dark color of the animal doderm,” and so forth.
8 Chapter 33 Descriptive Embryology


(a) (b) (c) (d) (e)

Blastocoel Dorsal lip of
the blastopore Archenteron Ectoderm
Blastopore Endoderm Chordamesoderm

Yolk plug

(f) (g) (h) (i) blastopore

Presumptive plate Neural fold Neural groove
notochord Ectoderm Neural
Mesoderm tube
Endoderm Body cavity

(j) (m)
(k) (l)

F IGURE 33.7
Stages in the Development of a Frog. (a–c) Early cleavages. The gray crescent is shown in (a). The first and second cleavages usually begin at
the animal pole and are at right angles to one another. The second cleavage begins before the first cleavage is completed. (d) The third cleavage
is horizontal. Because of the dense, yolky cytoplasm at the vegetal pole, this third cleavage occurs closer to the animal pole and results in unequal
blastomeres. (e) Morula. (f) Blastula. Note the blastocoel near the animal pole and the multiple cell layers of the blastula. (g,h) Gastrulation.
Involution begins as cells move into the interior of the embryo, forming a slitlike blastopore. The blastopore extends to the sides and toward the
vegetal pole. Ectodermal cells spread into a thin layer over the surface of the embryo, gradually covering the vegetal end. The ends of the blasto-
pore join, forming a yolk plug, and the blastopore eventually closes. (i) Chordamesoderm begins forming the notochord and spreads laterally. (j,k)
The embryo lengthens during gastrulation, and when gastrulation is complete, nerve cord formation begins. The neural plate develops,
its edges upfold, and the neural tube forms. (l) The mesoderm proliferates, forming somites. Mesoderm along the sides of the embryo splits,
forming the body cavity, or coelom. (m) The larval stage, or tadpole, gradually uses up the yolk stored in endodermal cells and begins to feed.

The first sign that gastrulation is beginning is the formation cells near the vegetal end of the embryo. These protruding cells
of a groove between the gray crescent and the vegetal region of are called the yolk plug (figure 33.7h,i). Eventually, the lips of the
the embryo. This groove is the slitlike blastopore. The animal- blastopore contract to completely enclose the yolk. The blasto-
pole margin of the blastopore is the dorsal lip of the blastopore. pore is said to have “closed.”
Cells at the bottom of the groove move to the interior of the em- During the closing of the blastopore, two other movements
bryo, and the groove spreads transversely (figure 33.7g). This occur. First, the spreading of cells from the animal pole toward the
groove is similar to that which occurs during echinoderm blasto- dorsal lip of the blastopore and the rolling of cells into the blasto-
pore formation. In amphibians, however, superficial cells begin to pore form the archenteron. As these mesodermal and endodermal
roll over the dorsal lip of the blastopore in a process called invo- cells roll into the interior of the embryo, the archenteron becomes
lution (to curl inward). Cells spread from the animal pole toward larger, and the blastocoel becomes smaller (figure 33.7g–i). Be-
the blastopore and replace those moving into the interior of the cause the large, yolk-filled cells of the vegetal end are less active in
embryo. In the process, the ends of the slitlike blastopore continue these movements, they ultimately make up the floor of the gut
to spread transversely and downward toward the vegetal pole un- tract. Second, gastrulation results in a spreading and thinning of
til one end of the slit meets and joins the opposite end of the slit. ectodermal cells toward the blastopore. In addition, ectoderm
A ringlike blastopore now surrounds the protruding, yolk-filled spreads over the entire embryo, a process called epiboly.
Chapter 33 Descriptive Embryology 9

Mesoderm Formation
Animal pole
Some of the last cells to roll over the dorsal lip into the blastopore
are presumptive notochord and presumptive mesoderm (figure
33.7i). Initially, these cells make up the dorsal lining of the Shell
archenteron near the blastopore. Later, they detach from the en- Air pocket Chalaza
doderm and move to a position between the endoderm and ecto-
derm in the region of the dorsal lip of the blastopore. This Inner shell
mesoderm, called chordamesoderm, spreads anteriorly (the em- Albumen
bryo is now beginning to elongate) between ectoderm and endo- Outer shell
derm. Chordamesoderm will differentiate into notochord (figure membrane Yolk
33.7j,k). Lateral to the notochord, mesoderm spreads and thick- (a)
ens along the sides of the embryo. These thickenings, called
somites, are visible externally as a row of bumps on either side of
the embryo (figure 33.7l). As mesoderm continues to spread ven-
trally, it splits to form the body cavity (coelom) and the mesoder-
mal lining of the body wall and gut.

(b) First cleavage (c) Third cleavage (d) Blastoderm

Neural Tube Formation formation
During late gastrulation, external changes along the upper surface
of the embryo begin to form the neural tube—a process called neu- F IGURE 33.8
rulation. After gastrulation is complete, an oval-shaped area on the Structure and Early Development of the Chicken Egg. (a) Egg
dorsal side (the side that will become the animal’s back) of the em- and egg membranes. Albumen is an accessory food source, and along
bryo marks the presumptive neural tube. This region is the neural with egg membranes, protects the embryo and prevents it from drying.
plate. Microfilaments in neural plate cells flatten and thicken the (b) The first cleavage cannot pass through the massive yolk. (c) Third
cleavage. (d) Blastoderm formation at the animal end of the egg.
neural plate. The edges of the neural plate roll up and over the mid-
line of the neural plate. These longitudinal ridges, called neural
folds, meet dorsally to form the neural tube (figure 33.7j). The por-
tion of the neural tube that will become the brain is the last to close.
ization, membranes and fluids collect around the egg (figure
With further development of the mesoderm, the amphibian
33.8a). A vitelline membrane covers the surface of the true egg.
embryo gradually takes on the form of a tadpole larva. Yolk in cells
The “white” consists of water and a protein called albumen. This
lining the floor of the gut is gradually depleted, and the larva be-
watery environment protects the egg from mechanical damage
gins feeding on algae and other plant material (figure 33.7m).
and drying. Albumen is a source of nutrients (in addition to the
yolk of the egg) and is eventually consumed during development.
DEVELOPMENT IN TERRESTRIAL Two denser strands of albumen (called chalazas) attach to the in-
side of the shell and to the egg, and suspend the egg in the center
ENVIRONMENTS of the watery albumen. The shell is made of calcium carbonate
Reptiles (class Reptilia), birds (class Aves), and mammals (class impregnated with protein. Thousands of tiny pores (40 to 50 m
Mammalia) develop on land rather than in the water. Embryos that in diameter) in the shell permit gas exchange between the em-
develop on land require protection from desiccation, which a series of bryo and the outside. On the inside of the shell are two shell
extraembryonic membranes provides. The longer developmental peri- membranes. An air pocket forms between these membranes at
ods of these animals reflect their lack of independent larval stages. the rounded end of the shell. The air pocket enlarges during de-
(Larval stages, such as those of amphibians, allow individuals to velopment, as air moves through pores in the shell to replace wa-
achieve increased complexity in spite of short embryonic periods.) ter loss. As hatching approaches, the chick penetrates the air
pocket with its beak, the lungs inflate, and the chick begins to
breathe from the air sac, while still exchanging gases across vas-
AV I A N E M B RY O L O G Y cular extraembryonic membranes.

Chicken development can be used to model the development of

birds and reptiles. What is commonly referred to as the “egg” of Early Cleavages and Gastrulation
a chicken is, in reality, the true egg, plus a variety of membranes Cleavage of the chicken egg is meroblastic (figure 33.8b–d). A
that protect the egg. The yellow portion of the chicken egg is the small disk of approximately sixty thousand cells at the animal end
single cell produced in the chicken ovary. This egg is released of the egg develops and is the blastoderm. The blastoderm is
into the oviduct, where fertilization may occur. Following fertil- raised off the yolk, leaving a fluid-filled space analogous to the
10 Chapter 33 Descriptive Embryology

Blastoderm Hypoblast


(a) (b) (c)

Primitive streak Neural tube
Ectoderm Henson’s node Archenteron Somite

Endoderm Migrating Endoderm Mesoderm
cells Yolk

(d) (e)

F IGURE 33.9
Gastrulation in the Chick Embryo. (a,b) Meroblastic cleavage results in blastoderm formation. (c) Cells of the blastoderm rise off the yolk and
rearrange into two layers—epiblast and hypoblast. (d) Gastrulation results from the migration of epiblast cells into a longitudinal groove called the
primitive streak. These migrating cells form mesoderm and endoderm, and cells remaining in the epiblast form ectoderm. (e) The embryo lifts off
the yolk when the margins of the embryo grow downward and meet below the embryo.

blastocoel of the amphibian blastula. Proliferation and move- The embryo lifts off the yolk when the margins of the em-
ment of blastoderm cells sort the cells into two layers. The epi- bryo grow downward and meet below the embryo (figure 33.9e). A
blast (Gr. epi, upon  blast, sprout) is the outer layer of cells, and connection between the embryo and the yolk is retained and is
the hypoblast (Gr. hypo, below) is the inner layer (figure 33.9a–c). called the yolk stalk. Blood vessels develop in the yolk stalk and
The movements of blastoderm cells are the beginning of gastru- carry nutrients from the yolk to the embryo.
lation. The female reproductive tract releases the egg at about
this time.
A medial, linear invagination, called the primitive streak,
gradually extends anteriorly (figure 33.9d). A depression, called
The Development of Extraembryonic
Henson’s node, forms at the anterior margin of the primitive streak Membranes
and marks the beginning of an inward migration of epiblast cells, Extraembryonic membranes of amniotes include the yolk sac, the
comparable to involution of the amphibian gastrula. The primitive amnion, the chorion, and the allantois (figure 33.10). Reptiles
streak is, therefore, analogous to the dorsal lip of the blastopore. and birds have a large quantity of yolk that becomes enclosed by a
This migration occurs during a dramatic posterior movement of yolk sac. The yolk sac develops from a proliferation of the endo-
Henson’s node. Migrating cells form mesoderm, what is left of the derm and mesoderm around the yolk. The yolk sac is highly vas-
epiblast on the surface of the embryo is the ectoderm, and the hy- cular and distributes nutrients to the developing embryo.
poblast forms the endodermal lining of the gut tract. The three Following the neural tube stage, the ectoderm and meso-
germ layers are now arranged above the surface of the yolk. derm on both sides of the embryo lift off the yolk and grow dor-
Following gastrulation, notochordal cells separate from the sally over the embryo. As these membranes meet dorsally, they
overlying neural ectoderm, and the neural tube forms as described fuse and form an inner amnion and an outer chorion. The amnion
earlier for the amphibian embryo. In addition, mesoderm, which encloses the embryo in a fluid-filled sac. This amniotic cavity pro-
originally formed as solid blocks of cells, organizes into somites tects against shock and drying. The chorion is nearer the shell, be-
and splits to form the coelom. comes highly vascular, and aids in gas exchange.
Chapter 33 Descriptive Embryology 11

Forming embryo Amnion fold

Allantois Gut Amnion


Yolk stalk
Yolk Chorion
Yolk sac
(a) (b)

F IGURE 33.10
Formation of Extraembryonic Membranes. (a) The embryo lifts off the yolk as the hypoblast proliferates around the yolk to form the yolk sac.
The amnion begins forming before the allantois. (b) Amnion folds fuse above the embryo, enclosing the embryo in the amnion and forming a
continuous chorion on the inside of the shell. The allantois increases in size as uric acid accumulates. The yolk is absorbed and metabolized as
the embryo grows.

Development in a closed environment presents a problem of

waste disposal. Accumulation of nitrogenous waste products in
the embryo, or unconfined in the shell, would be lethal for the em- Following gastrulation in birds, reptiles, and mammals, all three
bryo. The immediate breakdown product of proteins is highly primary germ layers have formed. Of the three layers, the fate of
toxic ammonia. This ammonia is converted to a less toxic form, mesoderm is the most complex. Mesoderm forms all of the sup-
uric acid, which is excreted and stored in the allantois, a ventral portive tissues of vertebrates, including connective tissues (bone,
outgrowth of the gut tract. Uric acid is a semisolid, and thus, little cartilage, and blood) and muscle. These supportive tissues are fre-
water is wasted. The allantois gradually enlarges during develop- quently associated with derivatives of other primary germ layers.
ment to occupy the region between the amnion and the chorion. For example, the inner lining of the gut is endodermal, but meso-
In addition, the allantois becomes highly vascular and functions dermally derived structures, such as smooth muscle, blood, and
with the chorion in gas exchange. blood vessels, make up the bulk of that system.
12 Chapter 33 Descriptive Embryology

S U M M A RY 9. The initial cleavages of a chicken egg result in the formation of a

disk of cytoplasm, the blastoderm, at the animal end of the embryo.
1. Embryology is the study of animal development from the fertilized Gastrulation involves cells migrating toward a medial longitudinal
egg to the formation of all major organ systems. Descriptive embry- groove, called the primitive streak.
ologists document these changes. Experimental embryologists study
the cellular controls of development.
2. Fertilization is the process by which the union of two gametes forms
a diploid zygote. A variety of mechanisms have evolved to ensure
fertilization. allantois embryology
3. Contact with sperm activates the egg. Changes in the egg cytoplasm amnion endoderm
ensure that a singlΩe sperm penetrates the egg and that the cell is blastula gastrulation
metabolically ready for mitosis. chorion mesoderm
differentiation morula
4. The quantity and distribution of yolk influence cleavage patterns.
Eggs that contain little yolk divide into equal-sized blastomeres.
Eggs that contain larger amounts of yolk either do not divide com-
pletely or divide into unequal blastomeres.
5. One of the goals of embryology is the description of the formation and CRITICAL THINKING QUESTIONS
fates of the primary germ layers: ectoderm, endoderm, and mesoderm. 1. In what sense is fertilization a random event? Do you think random
6. Echinoderm development is representative of the development of a fertilization is adaptive for a species? Explain.
zygote that contains little yolk. Cleavages are holoblastic and equal. 2. What mechanisms prevent fertilization of an egg by more than one
Gastrulation occurs by invagination of the blastula. Mesoderm and sperm? Why is this important?
the coelom form from simple outpockets of the archenteron.
3. Practical applications often follow quickly on the heels of basic re-
7. Frog eggs have a large amount of unequally distributed yolk. As a re- search. How could basic research into the process of fertilization be
sult, their cleavage is holoblastic and unequal. The blastocoel forms applied to problems of contraception and infertility?
near the animal pole, and gastrulation occurs by involution. Chor-
4. Evaluate the following statement: “The primary differences between
damesoderm forms between ectoderm and endoderm, and develops
early cleavages of most animal embryos are the result of the quantity
into somites, coelomic linings, and the notochord. Changes in the
and distribution of yolk.”
ectoderm include the formation of the neural tube.
5. The eggs of many terrestrial vertebrates are protected by a shell and
8. The development of reptiles, birds, and mammals shows adaptations
have large quantities of yolk. Why do most mammalian eggs lack
for living on land, including the formation of extraembryonic
these features?

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