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Evolution of Urogenital Ducts Part-2 27.03.2020

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Course material for 27.03.


Course: B.Sc.(H) Zoology IV semester
Paper: Comparative Anatomy
Faculty: Dr. Priya Goel
• No genital ducts present. Sperm are shed into the coelom and exit via abdominal pore.
• The archinephric ducts drain the kidneys exclusively.

• The opisthonephros (or mesonephros) is differentiated into Anterior GENITAL and Posterior
RENAL portions.
• In the anterior genital portion in males, some uriniferous tubules lose excretory function, form
slender Vasa efferentia, and become continuous with seminiferous tubules of the adjacent testis.
They serve to convey sperm of testis to the mesonephric duct of kidney.
• Thus, in male anamniotes, mesonephric or wolffian duct forms a urinogenital duct, serving both
as a vas deferens for sperm as well as a ureter for urine.
• However, in many elasmobranchs (e.g. dogfish), accessory urinary ducts drain urine from kidney
to cloaca so that the mesonephric duct serves entirely or mainly as a vas deferens.
• The anterior genital part of kidney along with the part of mesonephric duct forms an epididymis.
• In the embryos of Anura, each testis is made of two portions - the anterior portion disappear and
the posterior portion becomes the adult functional testis.
– In adult male toad, the anterior portion also persists as the Bidder's organ, containing large
cells similar to immature ova.
A metanephros develops as the adult functional kidney
with its own urinary duct or ureter to transport urine.
Thus, mesonephric or Wolffian duct becomes solely a
genital duct or vas deferens.
The remnants of embryonic mesonephros and a coiled
portion of mesonephric duct become the epididymis of
the adult kidney.
From each testis sperms pass first through epididymis,
then through vas deferens to reach urethra.
• Branchiostoma: No genital ducts.
• Cyclostomes: No genital ducts.
• In all vertebrate embryos, except cyclostomes, the
coelomic epithelium on the outside of mesonephric
duct develops a groove which becomes closed to form
a tube called Mullerian duct.
• In adult males, Mullerian duct becomes vestigial and
• In adult females, the Mullerian duct grows larger and
becomes the female genital duct or oviduct.
• It opens anteriorly into coelom, in the region of
degenerating pronephros, by a coelomic funnel or
ostium, and terminates posteriorly into cloaca.
• Fishes:
– In Elasmobranchs and lungfishes, the Mullerian duct is formed differently by the
longitudinal splitting of the pronephric duct. It differentiates into four regions: funnel,
shell gland, isthmus, and uterus. Funnel receives the ova from ovary, shell gland
secretes albumen and mucus or egg shell around it. The isthmus connects the shell
gland to the uterus. The uterus nutritionally supports embryos if they are held in the
oviduct for an extended period. Oviducts may join before they enter the cloaca, or they
may enter separately.
– Teleost fishes have a short oviduct that starts directly from the ovaries. They are not
mullerian ducts and are often called Egg Ducts. There is no cloaca in telosts.
• Amphibians: Mullerian ducts function as oviducts. They are long and convoluted. Posteriorly
each oviduct dialates to form uterus/ovisac that open independently into cloaca.

• Amniotes: Remnants of the mesonephros may persist in larval stages as PROVARIUM, but
adults have metanephric kidneys drained exclusively by new paired ducts, the ureters
(metanephric ducts).
• The oviducts (Müllerian ducts) persist in their roles of transporting ova from the ovaries and
supporting the embryo while it is in transit.
• Reptiles: The oviducts are long and open into the coelom by large, slit-like ostia.
The right oviduct is shorter than the left in snakes. Posteriorly, the oviducts dialate
to form the shell gland or ovisac, and open independently into the cloaca. Upper
parts of oviduct have glandular lining in crocodilians, chelonians and Sphenodon
that secrete albumen over the egg. Many reptiles have cloacal glands also, which
release a secretion with nauseating odour and a defensive role.
• Aves: Both the oviducts (Mullerian ducts) appear in the embryo but only the left
grows and becomes functional in the adult. A vestige of the right persists attached
to the cloaca. The left oviduct is a long, muscular, convoluted tubule.
– The anterior end widens to form the oviducal funnel/infundibulum that serves to receive the
ova released from the ovary.
– Next is the glandular part Magnum, where albumen is laid down around the egg.
– Then comes the isthmus which secretes the shell membranes around the egg.
– The terminal part is known as vagina, it secretes mucus to facilitate laying of eggs. Both
oviducts are functional in certain birds of prey.
• Mammals: mammals have paired oviducts (Mullerian ducts). Each oviduct consists
of anterior narrow Fallopian tube and a posterior wide uterus. The former opens
into coelom by an Ostium bordered by fringed margins called fimbria/ fallopian
funnel/ infundibulum. The uteri terminate in vagina through cervix. However in
monotremes, only the left oviduct is functional.
Eutherian mammals possess one of the four types of uterus on the basis of
degree of fusion of uterus with vagina at the distal end:
1. Duplex uterus: uteri distinct and open separately into the vagina
(elephants, many rodents and some bats. There may even be two
separate vaginas for each uterus that
2. Bipartite uterus: uteri partly fused and open by a single aperture into
the vagina (most carnivores, pigs, cattle, some rodents, few bats)
3. Bicornuate uterus: uteri over half fused (rabbit, whales, sheep, insectivores,
most bats, some carnivores, hoofed mammals). The uterus has two
horns/cornua in which the young develop. A uterus with two horns may have
two totally separate passageways within the body of the uterus, although this
is not discernible from the external view. One horn may be larger and longer
than the other, the blastocysts implant in that horn, even though both ovaries
produce viable eggs.
4. Simplex uterus: uteri completely fused (Armadillo, Apes, Humans). Fusion
commences at the ends of short oviducts and there are no uterine horns.
Blastocysts implant in the body of the uterus and there is only one foetus per
pregnancy. Armadillos are exceptional: they give birth to identical quadruplets.
Points to remember:
• The pronephric duct usually persists and is renamed the mesonephric
(Wolffian) duct or the opisthonephric duct (if it extends till the caudal end
of coelom), respectively.
• In males, this duct transports sperm and is then called the Vas deferens.
• In females, it is known embryologically as the Wolffian duct.
• The metanephric duct is commonly renamed as the ureter.
• In females, the archinephric (mesonephric) ducts tend to function only
within the urinary system. The Müllerian duct arises embryologically next
to the archinephric (wolffian) duct.
• In males, the Müllerian duct regresses, but in females, the Müllerian ducts
become the oviducts of the reproductive system.

Duct Fate/other name

Archinephric duct  Pronephric duct  Mesonephric Vas deferens in male genital system
duct (Wolffian duct)
Mullerian duct Oviduct in female genital system
Metanephric duct Ureter (urinary duct)

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