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Semi Detailed Lesson Plan English Template

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region III
Division of City Schools
City of San Jose del Monte
Hacienda Caretas, Brgy. Graceville, City of San Jose del Monte, Bulacan


The learners demonstrate an understanding of the properties of
A. Content Standards
substances that distinguish them from mixtures
The learners should be able to investigate the properties of mixtures
B. Performance Standards
of varying concentrations using variable materials in the community
for specific purposes.
At the end of the session, students are expected to:
a. identify a matter to be a pure substance or a mixture;

C. Learning Competencies/Objectives b. share to the class through recitation some common substances and
mixtures seen at home; and

c. demonstrate the formation of substances and mixtures in a group

II. CONTENT  Substances and Mixture
A. References
1. Teacher's Guide pages pg: 19 – 27
2. Learner's Materials pages pg:17 – 26
3. Textbook pages
Visual aids
Pictures showing a mixture and substance
4. Additional Materials from
Water in a glass
Learning Resource (LR) portal
½ table spoon of a mango powder juice
Common things seen at home (oil, water, rock etc.)
B. Other Learning Resources
Do you have any idea what is mixture? Can you give the meaning of
mixture? What are the two different types of mixtures?
A. Reviewing previous lesson or
presenting the new lesson
Mixture contains two or more components or substances
It can be homogeneous or heterogeneous mixture
Some homogeneous mixture
B. Establishing a purpose for the lesson Motivation
ENGAGE a. Sing a line from a song “We are the World.”
“We are the world, we are the children. We are the ones who make a
brighter day so let’s start giving. There are choices we’re making,
we’re saving our lives. It’s true we’ll make a better day just you and
b. After singing, ask the following questions to the students:

1. In what way should we act as humans?

2. What does it mean by being one?
c. Process the answer to the students.
Being one teaches us unity and unity teaches us that we are composed
of not just one but a variety of members. This leads us to our lesson

C. Presenting examples/instances of the
new lesson 1. Show to the class a cup of glass with water. Call on a student to
describe the water in the glass and what the water is made up of.

The water is
D. Discussing new concepts and crystal clear. It
practicing new skills #1 is made up of
hydrogen and

2. Add the ½ table spoon of powder mango juice to the cup of water
then stir it well. Call another student to describe now the combination
of the water and powder juice.

The combination
resulted to a
yellowish liquid
made of water and
powder juice.

3. Through a bullet list, explain to the class the difference of the

mixture and a solution.

E. Discussing new concepts and

Pure substances Mixtures
practicing new skills #2
 Contains only one  Mixtures are substances
type of the particle. that consist of
combination of two or
 Substances don’t more pure substances, or
usually occur in their different particles.
pure form of nature,
so in order to obtain  Mixtures can be form of
pure substances, solids, liquids, and
people must refine gases, in any
raw materials. combination

During boiling, the During boiling, the temperature

temperature of a substance of mixture is different at
changes different times

During melting, substance During melting, mixture has

melts completely/ smoothly portions that seem to be not
F. Developing mastery (Leads to within a short time melting
Formative Assessment 3) Examples of substances
Examples: Air, concrete, juice
Gold Water


Examples of Mixtures

Mango juice Air


4. Post on board two pictures about the formation of mixtures and

What can you say about the pictures?
 Substances are formed from only 1 particle where as mixtures
formed from 2 or more substances.

From the given examples of known things at home, a student picks

one and share to class if it’s a substance or a mixture and what
composes it.

G. Finding practical applications of

concepts and skills in daily living

1. Group the class

H. Making generalizations and
2. Each group must come up with a presentation about how mixtures
abstractions about the lesson
and substances are formed using only the members of the group.
3. They are given 3 minutes only to finish the presentation.
I. In a ¼ sheet of paper, identify the following if it is a substance
write (S) or if it is a mixture write (M).
1. Paint M
2. Water S
3. Gold S
4. Lead S
5. Air M
6. Blood M
I. Evaluating learning 7. Salt S
8. Silver S
9. Mercury S
10. Halo-halo M
II. Using 1 -2 sentences answer the given questions.
1. Explain the difference between substances and mixture?

2. Describe
On a short bond paper with 0.5 inches on all sides as margin, make a
collage of the different examples of mixtures and substances that we
see at the environment. To be passed on Friday.

J. Additional activities for application Criteria:

or remediation Cleanliness 5 pts.
Appropriate choice of pictures 10 pts.
Artistry 5 pts.
Total 20 pts.


A. No. of learners who earned 80% in

the evaluation (No. of learners/Total
number of learner present)

Prepared by:

Signature over Printed Name

Observed by:

School Head

Date: ______________________

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