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A Mechanism For The Formation of Lower Bainite

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A Mechanism for the Formation of Lower Bainite


A diffusional mechanism for the formation of lower bainite is proposed based primarily on
transmission electron microscopy (TEM) observations of isothermally reacted specimens of Fe-
C-2 pct Mn alloys. The mechanism involves the initial precipitation of a nearly carbide-free
ferrite "spine," followed by sympathetic nucleation of "secondary (ferrite) plates" which lie at
an angle to the initial "spine." Carbide precipitation subsequently occurs in austenite at
ferrite: austenite boundaries located in small gaps between the "secondary plates." An "an-
nealing" process then occurs in which the gaps are filled in by further growth of ferrite and
additional carbide precipitation; the annealing out of fenite: ferrite boundaries between impinged
"secondary plates" completes this process. This annealing stage contributes to the final ap-
pearance of lower bainite sheaves as monolithic plates containing embedded carbides. The pres-
ent mechanism accounts for the single variant of carbides oriented at an angle to the sheaf axis
repeatedly reported in lower bainite; it is also consistent with the previous observation of one
"rough" side and one "smooth" side of lower bainite "plates."

I. INTRODUCTION the chemical free-energy change attending the trans-

formation of austenite to ferrite is rarely disputed. There
A L T H O U G H there were many observations of the
also seems to be general agreement that, at least in dis-
microstructure now known as bainite in steel prior to 1930
tinctly hypoeutectoid alloys, the first formed product of
(as summarized by Hultgren [q) and the morphological
the transformation is ferrite. I5] However, a broad spec-
features of this constituent, to the extent that they could
trum of opinion about the relative contributions of these
be characterized by optical microscopy, were well de- 9two fundamental mechanisms of atomic attachment is now
scribed by Robertson t2j in 1929, it was not until the fa-
available, especially as a function of isothermal reaction
mous paper published in the following year by Davenport
and Bain I31 on the time-temperature-transformation (TTT) temperature. At one extreme, Widmanst~itten ferrite
(containing few if any carbides), upper bainite, and lower
diagram that the bainite reaction was taken seriously as
bainite are all considered to form by high-velocity shear.
a major mode through which the decomposition of aus-
At the other extreme, all of these transformation prod-
tenite can take place. Mehl t4] made an important contri-
ucts are taken to develop through diffusional mecha-
bution to the nomenclature of this reaction in 1939 when
nisms, with only martensite forming by a shear process.
he divided the morphology of ferrous bainites into two
Probably the majority opinion is that the contribution of
categories, "upper" and "lower" bainite, named in ac-
shear increases with decreasing temperature. Numerous
cordance with the temperature regions in which each ap-
investigators thus adhere to the view that the formation
pears. Although no such division of bainites formed in
of lower bainite, at the least, takes place by shear./6-91
substitutional nonferrous alloys has so far been reported,
Conversely, several criticisms against a shear mecha-
this categorization has been widely accepted and utilized
nism for bainite formation have been made previ-
in steels.
ously; tl~ hence, only a few of the major topics of this
Lower bainite has occupied a position of particular
prominence with respect to evaluations of the basic debate which are pertinent to the present model of lower
bainite formation will now be briefly considered.
mechanism of the bainite reaction. These evaluations,
which have been undertaken repeatedly since 1930, largely One of the strongest arguments for the growth of lower
revolve around the issue of whether the unit atomic pro- bainite plates by shear is the now "classic" presence of
cess through which iron atoms are transported across elongated carbides lying at an angle of approximately 55
to 60 deg to the longitudinal axis of the plates. I8,16-~9]An
austenite:ferrite boundaries is one of shear or of diffu-
sional jumps. That the driving force for these jumps is obvious mechanism through which these carbides form
is by the precipitation from the (necessarily highly super-
saturated) ferritic component of lower bainite. In view
G. SPANOS, formerly Graduate Student, Carnegie Mellon of the much higher diffusivity of carbon in ferrite [2~ than
University, is with the Physical Metallurgy Branch of the Naval in austenite, [2q both acquisition and retention of suffi-
Research Laboratory, Washington, DC 20375-5000. H.S. FANG, cient carbon supersaturation to account for the large
formerly Visiting Professor, Carnegie Mellon University, is Professor, volume fractions of carbides often found within lower
Division of Metallic Materials, Department of Mechanical Engineering,
Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, People's Republic of China.
bainite require that its ferritic component grow at rates
H.I. AARONSON, R.F. Mehl Professor, is with the Department of well above those allowed by the diffusion of carbon in
Metallurgical Engineering and Materials Science, Carnegie Mellon austenite away from the growing bainite plates, i.e., by
University, Pittsburgh, PA 15213. shear taking place at quite high velocities. [~,l~ How-
This paper is based on a presentation made in the symposium ever, there is still no reliable experimental evidence for
"International Conference on Bainite" presented at the 1988 World
Materials Congress in Chicago, IL, on September 26 and 27, 1988,
such high growth rates, as discussed in detail in another
under the auspices of the ASM INTERNATIONAL Phase Transfor- paper in this symposium, u3] One of the most puzzling
mations Committee and the TMS Ferrous Metallurgy Committee. features of this mechanism is the repeated observation


that nearly all carbide plates or rods precipitate parallel and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) investiga-
to only one crystallographic variant of their habit plane tion of lower bainite morphology in both hypo- and
in the ferritic component of a given lower bainite hypereutectoid Fe-C-Mn alloys.
plate. I8,~6-191 This is in contrast to tempered martensite,
where carbide precipitation parallel to multiple members
of the same crystallographic form is repeatedly ob-
served. [23-261Insofar as the present authors are aware, the Six high-purity Fe-C- - 2 pct Mn alloys* and a single
only explanation offered for this phenomenon on the basis
*All compositions are expressed in weight percent; the exact man-
of.precipitation wholly within ferrite is that the carbides ganese content in each of these alloys is actually within -+0.2 pct
form along parallel twins created in the bainitic ferrite of 2 pct.
plates while these plates grow by a shear mechanism. [271
However, twins have not been observed in lower (or in Fe-0.1 pct C-2.9 pct Mn alloy were employed in this in-
upper) bainite. 17'271 vestigation. In the former alloys, the carbon concentra-
A substantial body of experimental evidence has now tion ranged from 0.34 to 1.37 pet. The composition and
been accumulated suggesting that this view of lower estimated Ms temperature [42J of all alloys used are listed
bainite formation is incorrect. Smith et a1.128~ have thus in Table I. The TEM results presented here are centered
observed with hot-stage optical microscopy the forma- on one hypoeutectoid alloy (0.34 pet C) and one hyper-
tion of martensite occurring with great rapidity, while eutectoid alloy (0.95 pet C). The heat treatment and TEM
that of lower bainite is simultaneously taking place very procedures utilized are described in Reference 4 3 . [431
slowly at reaction temperatures below Ma. Speich I291
subsequently reported measurements of both the length-
ening and thickening kinetics of lower bainite plates with
the same technique in hypereutectoid Fe-C and Fe-C-X Before presenting the findings of the present investi-
alloys. He satisfactorily rationalized these measurements gation, it is necessary to note that the term "sheaf" was
in terms of diffusional growth. A more recent report based originally employed to describe a packet of precipitate
upon photoemission electron microscopy, that lower plates, particularly of ferrite, formed by successive "face-
bainite plates in an Fe-0.34 wt pct C-2.02 wt pet Si-3.0 wt to-face" sympathetic nucleation, [41,441 as shown sche-
pct Mn alloy lengthen much more rapidly than carbon matically in Figure 1. Sympathetic nucleation has been
diffusion in austenite will allow, [9J may be due instead defined as the nucleation of a precipitate crystal at the
to bainite-stimulated martensite formation occurring well interphase boundary of another precipitate crystal of the
above the Ms temperature, as observed by Smith e t a / . [281 same phase when the matrix and precipitate differ con-
and recently characterized in detail by Okamoto and tinuously in composition. [41,441 The dashed lines across
Oka. [30] these plates drawn perpendicular to their broad faces in-
Crystallographic arguments in favor of carbide nucle- dicate that "edge-to-edge" sympathetic nucleation 144,45]
ation predominantly within the ferritic component of lower has also occurred and has participated in their length-
bainite [81 are often ambiguous. I31'32J In particular, ening. Oblak and Hehemann [TJ have also reported this
Shackleton and Kelly I311 showed that the Bagaryatski [331 type of microstructure but interpreted it differently, as is
orientation relationship between ferrite and cementite considered in Section IV. Published optical and trans-
observed in lower bainite, [3~1 which is the same as that mission electron micrographs [1~ indicate that the fer-
found in tempered martensite, [33'34'351 can be explained ritic component of upper bainite consists primarily of
just as well in terms of precipitation of certain variants single intragranular plates (or laths [271) and closely spaced
of both ferrite and cementite directly from austenite.~27~ sideplates (or laths I271) at higher temperatures but in-
Orientation relationship arguments that the ferrite forms creasingly of sheaves of sideplates and of intragranular
b y shear [6,36] are diminished by the finding that lower plates at lower temperatures. These sheaves are predom-
bainite and martensite formed in the same alloy have quite inantly of the type sketched in Figure 1. In the lower
different crystallographies. [371 The appearance of tent- bainite region, we shall now demonstrate that the ferritic
shaped rather than invariant plane strain surface relief component also consists of sheaves of crystals but with
effects in association with lower bainite plates t29] further a different and considerably more complex geometry.
detracts from arguments in favor of a shear mechanism Unlike upper bainite, many of the individual plates in a
for the formation of lower bainite, since it has been dem- sheaf will be shown to make an appreciable angle with
onstrated that diffusional transformation products can yield respect to the axis of the sheaf as a whole. Given this
tent-shaped reliefs I38,39'4~ wheareas martens[tic products background, the proposed mechanism for lower bainite
should not do so. formation will now be presented concurrently with the
On the basis of this background, the question of the experimental observations.
mechanisms through which lower bainite develops is en- On the present model, the initial element of a lower
gaged in this paper. Instead of shear, purely diffusional bainite sheaf* is evidently a single, nearly carbide-free
ledgewise migration of partially coherent ferrite: austenite
*For reasons which will become apparent, this paper uses the term
boundaries and sympathetic nucleation [411of ferrite crys- lower bainite "sheaf" to refer to the microstructure which has in the
tals at the ferrite: austenite boundaries of previously formed past been termed a lower bainite "plate." [8,27,471
ferrite crystals will be utilized to develop a new trans-
formation mechanism capable of explaining the distri- ferrite plate. Figures 2(a) and (b) are bright- and dark-
bution and morphology of carbides within lower bainite. field TEM micrographs of a lower bainite sheaf formed
This mechanism will be based primarily on an optical at 250 ~ in an Fe-0.95 pct C-1.93 pet Mn alloy. The


Table I. Alloy Compositions and Estimated M,* Temperatures
Wt Pct C Wt Pct Mn Wt Pct Si Wt Pct P Wt Pct S Ms (~
0.10 2.90 0.02 0.004 0.005 448
0.34 1.90 0.003 0.004 0.005 337
0.57 1.99 0.007 0.003 0.003 243
0.77 1.94 0.003 0.002 0.003 185
0.95 1.93 <0.01 0.003 0.003 146
1.12 1.82 0.003 0.003 0.004 131
1.37 1.99 0.005 0.003 0.002 104
*Estimates were made from formulas compiled by Andrews. [42j

heavy arrow in each of these figures points out the ini- boundaries (partially) enclosing the gaps. More time is
tiating ferrite plate. thus available for carbide nucleation at the austenite: ferrite
Once the initiating ferrite plate of a sheaf, which may interface.
be termed its "spine," has appeared, other ferrite crystals The fourth and final stage in the development of a
are then sympathetically nucleated at it but often on only lower bainite sheaf is further ferrite growth around the
one of its two broad faces, as in Figure 2. These crys- carbides, and perhaps additional carbide precipitation,
tals, whose morphology often appears to approximate that until the small amount of austenite remaining in the gaps
of a thick plate, frequently develop at a marked angle to has been decomposed. If a significant proportion of Si
the spine. Figure 3(a) shows another example of this is present in the alloy, though, both the third and fourth
structure near the tip of a lower bainite sheaf. In steps of this sequence can be greatly inhibited.
Figure 3(b), the higher magnification employed permits The overall external shape of the sheaf will thus quickly
observation of serrations at the sides of the sheaf, de- lose its initial serrated appearance and will soon more
veloped where the individual "secondary plates" have nearly resemble that of a lenticular ferrite monocrystal
lengthened unequally, perhaps because they nucleated at
different times. Figure 4 illustrates this type of structure
in the 0.34 pct C alloy; gaps between adjacent "second-
ary plates" are evident (indicated by arrows in Figure 4).
The third step in this process is the precipitation of
carbides in the small gaps between "secondary plates"
(which may have already impinged along other portions
of their interphase boundaries). In the present alloys,
electron diffraction studies indicated that the carbide was
cementite. A typical example of the diffraction analysis
is shown in Figure 5. (Also note the ferrite spine
in Figure 5(a).*) These carbides were presumably nu-
*The appearance of a few carbides in the region of the spine shown
in Figure 5(a) is most likely due to a stereological effect in which the
carbides associated with sympathetically nucleated ferrite plates over-
lap the spine, either above or below the spine, within the T E M foil.
However, it is also possible that some carbide precipitation occurred
at austenite:ferrite boundaries of spines at boundary orientations where (a)
their growth was markedly slowed by a low density of growth ledges
and later resumed, or reinitiated, by sympathetic nucleation, t44,451

cleated at the austenite: ferrite boundaries forming the sides

of the gaps in the same manner that carbide precipitation
occurs between ferrite laths in upper bainite. Extensive
overlap within the austenite gaps of carbon diffusion fields
associated with the adjoining ferrite must markedly in-
crease the carbon concentration in the gaps and thereby
diminish the migration kinetics of the ferrite:austenite

( i )
(- i )

' ) Fig. 2 - - A lower bainite sheaf formed in Fe-0.95 wt pct C-1.93 wt
pct Mn reacted at 250 ~ for 15,000 s: (a) bright-field T E M micro-
Fig. 1 - Schematic representation of an upper bainite "sheaf." graph and (b) corresponding dark-field micrograph.



Fig. 4 - - G a p s (indicated by arrows) between ~secondary ferrite plates"

near the tip of a lower bainite sheaf in an Fe-0.34 wt pct C-1.90 wt
pct Mn alloy reacted at 350 ~ for 40 s.

of sketches (which are greatly simplified for the pur-

poses of illustration) in Figure 7, a carbide precipitation
(b) process emerges which differs significantly from that of
precipitation of a single variant of carbides entirely from
Fig. 3 - - Leading tip of a lower bainite sheaf in Fe-0.95 wt pct C- 1.93 ferrite. Carbide precipitation in lower bainite is now sug-
wt pct Mn reacted at 250 ~ for 15,000 s: (a) lower magnification gested to occur at the austenite: ferrite boundaries of the
view and (b) higher magnification image showing serrations at the
"secondary plates," predominantly from austenite (as will
sides of the sheaf.
be considered further in Section IV). In effect, then, the
sequence proposed in Figure 7 is essentially the same as
the one which is widely accepted for upper bainite, i.e.,
containing embedded carbides. As illustrated in Figure 6, precipitation of carbides at t~: y boundaries forming nar-
this "smoothing" process occurs with sufficient rapidity row "pockets" or "gaps" of carbon-enriched austenite
so that the polycrystalline nature of the sheaf can be de- between upper bainite plates, t8,46~ Thus, the major dif-
tected only near its leading edge, where this process was ference between the development patterns of sheaves of
terminated by quenching.* At the same time, migration upper bainite plates and those of lower bainite plates ap-
pears to be that the ferritic component of lower bainite
*Note that the long boundaries discerned near the center and lower
right-hand portions of the sheaf in Figure 6 (and which lie parallel to
sheaves is composed of one or a few long "spines" plus
the sheaf axis) are not the ferrite:ferrite boundaries between second- a number of shorter plates making a substantial angle
ary sideplates discussed throughout the text. The latter boundaries are with respect to the spines, while the ferrite plates (or
only visible near the leading edge (e.g., see the higher magnification laths) in upper bainite form by face-to-face sympathetic
micrographs of Figures 3 and 4). The former boundaries apparently nucleation.
result from impingement of multiple ferrite "spines." Such spines have
been "caught" at an earlier stage (before impingement) in the micro-
The fine scale on which the sympathetic nucleation
graphs in Figures 2 and 8. and the growth of ferrite plates occur in the lower bainite
region and the swift obscuration of the initial micro-
of small-angle grain boundaries formed by impingement structure are probably the principal reasons why pre-
between adjacent ferrite crystals within a sheaf will soon vious investigators have not discerned the present
remove much of the internal evidence that many crystals mechanism for the formation of lower bainite. Addi-
were involved in the development of the sheaf, much in tionally, the thin ferrite spines are often difficult to de-
the same manner as an annealing or recovery process, tect even by TEM unless the lower bainite sheaf is prop-
e.g., during the tempering of martensite. I23~ Addition- erly oriented in the microscope such that the secondary
ally, after complete impingement has occurred along the sideplates (and the corresponding carbides which form
broad faces of ferrite sideplates, since their relative mis- between them) do not overlap the spine in the field of
orientation should be very small, such boundaries ex- view. Nevertheless, some common features between the
hibit very weak c o n t r a s t - - and may even be nonexistent. current mechanism and previous models will be consid-
A large portion of the sheaf shown in Figure 6 thus ap- ered in Section IV.
pears, except upon closest inspection, to be simply the Two complications in the morphology of ferrite within
product of the precipitation of carbide plates parallel to lower bainite sheaves must now be briefly noted. Figure 8,
but a single habit plane within a large single crystal of an enlargement of a portion of Figure 2(a), demonstrates
ferrite. that multiple ferrite "spines" (pointed out by arrow-
Recapitulating this mechanism through the sequence heads) are present in some sheaves. These are often both


Fig. 5--Fe-0.95 wt pct C-1.93 wt pct Mn reacted at 250 ~ for 15,000 s: (a) bright-field TEM, (b) dark-field TEM taken from a 113 carbide
reflection, and (c) corresponding diffraction pattern. Small circles in (c) represent cementite reflections.

shorter and thinner than the spine first formed. Length- shown in Figure 5 of Hehemann's tS] well-known review
ening rapidly, such spines would physically prevent fur- of the bainite reaction, reproduced here in Figure 9.
ther lengthening of large numbers of secondary plates The second complication in the morphology of ferrite
(formed earlier), as shown in Figure 8. Several ferrite in lower bainite sheaves to be noted is the strong ten-
"spines" can thus be discerned in the lower bainite sheaf dency for individual ferrite crystals within these sheaves
to form facets diagonally across their leading edge. This
feature is, of course, most readily observed at the lead-
ing tip of a sheaf, as illustrated in Figure 10; arrowheads
point out prominent examples of such facets. Ohmori
e t al. t48] also drew attention to facets of this type in their
sketches of bainite sheaves, emphasizing their potential
for serving as nucleation sites for bainitic carbides. Car-
bides growing "allotriomorphically" or as plates along

Fig. 6 - - L o w e r magnification bright-field TEM image of the lower

bainite sheaf corresponding to Fig. 4, illustrating the smooth character
of the sheaf boundary further from the tip. Fig. 7 - - Sketch of the proposed mechanism for lower bainite formation.



Fig. 10--Facets at crystals at the leading tip of a lower bainite sheaf

in Fe-0.34 wt pct C-1.90 wt pet Mn reacted for 40 s at 350 ~

Fig. 8--Enlargement of Fig. 2(a) revealing multiple ferrite spines.

of many such individual carbide crystals seems better
described as interphase boundary allotriomorphs than as
such facets probably contribute to the carbide population plates.
whose long axis lies at about 55 to 60 deg with respect
to the longitudinal axis of the sheaves.
In regard to the carbide morphology within lower bainite IV. DISCUSSION
sheaves, the dark-field micrographs of Figures 1 l(a) and A. Origin of the Transition from Upper to Lower
(b) indicate that the aligned carbides are not monolithic Bainite Sheaves
plates but, rather, are individual carbide crystals nu-
cleated side by side, presumably along austenite:ferrite The most likely explanation of why edge-to-face sym-
boundaries. Some have probably grown laterally into pathetic nucleation of secondary plates against a broad
contact, while others may have been sympathetically nu- face of the ferrite spine appears in the lower but not in
cleated at the edges of carbides formed a little earlier the upper bainite region is as follows. The higher driving
along these boundaries. The morphology of an aggregate force for ferrite nucleation available in the lower bainite
regime simply makes the higher work of formation (AF*)
of edge-to-face critical nuclei for sympathetic nucleation
of ferrite, relative to the AF* for face-to-face sympa-
thetic nucleation, t441 a competitively surmountable bar-
rier at these temperatures. For example, calculations of
the driving force for nucleation of ferrite have shown
that a decrease in temperature from 500 ~ (in the upper
bainite range) to 350 ~ (within the lower bainite range)
in the Fe-0.34 wt pct C-1.90 wt pct Mn alloy can lead
to a 50 pct reduction in AF* for a given critical nucleus
geometry and interfacial energy. 143j

B. Some Questions Associated with the Present

Mechanism for Formation of Lower Bainite Sheaves
Speich t291 has found that lower bainite plates formed
in an Fe-0.66 pct C-3.32 pct Cr steel yield a tent-shaped
surface relief effect. This appears inconsistent with the
present view that lower bainite consists of sheaves of
secondary plates sympathetically nucleated at one broad
face of (usually) a single or a few ferrite spine(s).* How-
* Speich also concluded that sympathetic nucleation does not appear
to be operative during the formation of the lower bainite structures he
studied. However, the lesser resolving power of the observational
techniques he employed, optical and replication electron microscopy,
may have prevented observation of the fine (and easily obscured)
structural features which led the present authors to the opposite
Fig. 9 - - T E M micrograph of lower bainite in 4360 steel reacted at conclusion.
275 ~ taken from Ref. 8 (magnification was not reported).


replication electron and optical microscopy, is com-
pletely consistent with the present TEM observations.
The "smooth" side is now shown to correspond to an
initiating ferrite spine, and the "rough" side is formed
by the leading edges of the secondary plates. Hence, this
question becomes one of explaining the asymmetry of
sympathetic nucleation on opposite sides of the initiating
spine. Although the current experimental findings do not
provide a direct answer to this question, a possible ex-
planation will now be offered. On a recent analysis of
sympathetic nucleation, t44~ it may be postulated that the
nominally smooth side of the spine actually has a higher
density of growth ledges than the side at which second-
ary plates are sympathetically nucleated. The larger the
average intededge distance, the longer is the time avail-
able for sympathetic nucleation on the terraces and, thus,
the smaller is the probability that the newly formed crys-
tals will be overrun by an advancing ledge. ~44jHowever,
the origin of the postulated unequal densities of growth
ledges on opposite broad faces of a "spine" remains un-
c e r t a i n - - a somewhat unsurprising situation in view of
the difficulties being encountered in explaining the for-
mation kinetics of growth ledges.j491

C. On the Crystallography of Secondary

Sideplate Formation
An obvious question which arises is why the broad
faces of "secondary sideplates" lie at a characteristic angle
of approximately 55 to 60 deg [47,5~ to the "spine" when
the {111}~ atomic habit planes of ferrite plates tS~j form
70.5 deg angles with respect to one another (within a
given matrix austenite grain). A survey of published thin
foil and replication TEM micrographs [7,27'46,48,521of lower
bainite sheaves showed that the apparent angle (i.e., not
corrected for stereological effects) between the carbide
direction and the sheaf axis actually varies between 46
and 67 deg, with 70 pct of the angles lying between 55
and 61 deg; a determination of the true angle by trace
analysis procedures from a statistically acceptable num-
ber of plates has yet to be reported. Nevertheless, the
often quoted angle of 55 tS~ or 60 deg [471 appears to be
Fig. 1 1 - - L o w e r bainite formed in 0.95 wt pct C-1.93 wt pct Mn re-
acted at 200 ~ for 130,000 s: (a) dark-field micrograph taken from somewhat restrictive.
a carbide reflection and (b) lower magnification dark-field image. Previous optical microscopy studies of lower bainite
"plates" have shown considerable scatter in the habit plane
at a given temperature as well as a change in the range
of habit planes observed with decreasing tempera-
ever, since the spines have a thickness of about 0.2/xm ture. t4,531 The habit planes measured by optical micros-
or less and may often lie below the plane of polish, they copy are now seen to be those averaged over all the
are not resolvable with optical microscopy. Conse- crystals comprising a given lower bainite sheaf; both
quently, the reliefs observed should be those produced structural and growth ledges at ferrite:austenite inter-
by the array of parallel secondary plates. On the other faces can cause even further deviation of the atomic habit
hand, such an array ought to introduce a considerable plane from that observed by optical microscopy, rS1} As
substructure into the surface relief effect, again on a very far as the present authors are aware, the only study in
fine scale, and perhaps also not detectable with optical which the atomic habit plane between ferrite and aus-
interference microscopy. tenite has been deduced is that of Rigsbee and Aaronson tSl~
A further question about lower bainite sheaf mor- for ferrite plates formed at 450 ~ to 475 ~ in an Fe-
phology is why do secondary plates often form on only 0.62 pct C-2.0 pct Si alloy. They reported triatomic
one side of many of the ferrite spines? Hehemann has structural ledges spaced between 2.2 and 3.6 nm apart,
long emphasized that lower bainite "plates," which the which cause the apparent habit plane, observed by con-
present authors refer to as sheaves, often have one smooth ventional TEM techniques, to deviate by as much as
side and one rough, with growth evidently occurring only 18 deg from the atomic habit plane, which was found to
on the rough side. tS~This observation, made mainly with be {111}~/{110}~. Thus, if the atomic habit plane of the


spine and the sideplates in lower bainite sheaves are dif- (ferrite + carbide) phase boundary, the portion of car-
ferent variants of {11 1}J{1 10}~, the presence of such bide which can precipitate from within ferrite must, ac-
ledges could account for the presence of angles smaller cording to the Lever Rule, be very small under this
than 70.5 deg between the apparent habit planes of these circumstance. Most of the bainitic carbides should thus
variants.* The variations of the apparent habit plane re- precipitate from austenite at ferrite:austenite interfaces.
ported by Rigsbee and Aaronson could thus explain the Perhaps the most striking outcome of the present
range of apparent angles between the carbides and the mechanism is its ability to explain the "single variant"
overall sheaf axis observed in the literature.** of carbides oriented at an angle with respect to the lon-
gitudinal sheaf axis [8,~6-19] as a direct and natural con-
*The almost invariable presence of martensite above and below
the bainite sheaves, especially in the vicinity of the tip and the thin sequence of (interphase boundary) carbide precipitation
initiating "spine," and the high volume fraction of carbides resulted in gaps between the broad faces of the secondary (fer-
in the appearance of so many superimposed spots in the selected area rite) plates (and, to a lesser extent, along facets of ferrite
diffraction patterns that the misorientation between the thin initiating crystals at the edges of the sheaf). The single "habit plane"
spine and the "sideplates" could not be determined with any confidence.
**The precise magnitude of the t r u e angle is not critical to this
of these carbides is thus a consequence of the predom-
explanation; the pertinent issue is that a single variant of carbides inance of one orientation of secondary ferrite plates in a
(lying at an appreciable angle to the sheaf axis) has been repeatedly bainite sheaf.
observed in lower bainite. 17,~7,'z-45.5~
E. Comparisons with Some Previous Proposals for
Lower Bainite Formation Mechanisms
D. Mechanism and Kinetics of "Subunit" Growth and Most of the previous proposals are based upon a shear
the Origins of Bainitic Carbides mode for the formation of the ferritic component of bain-
As noted in the Introduction, the present mechanism ite, followed by carbide precipitation within the ferrite.
for lower bainite formation is based upon diffusional (Some authors have proposed that even the carbides in
growth of ferrite (and, implicitly, also of carbides). Also, lower bainite form by shear. [54]) Attention will now be
as previously remarked, Oblak and Hehemann tT] have restricted to those mechanisms containing one or more
postulated that individual ferrite plates (which they termed elements of the formation sequence proposed as a result
"subunits') within sheaves grow at much higher than of the present investigation.
diffusion-limited velocities, sufficient to provide the high Huang and Thomas [18] used crystallographic and mor-
carbon supersaturation in ferrite which is a prerequisite phological observations to conclude that carbides formed
to extensive carbide precipitation within ferrite plates. in association with lower bainite precipitate predomi-
Kinsman and Aaronson employed thermionic emission nantly from austenite at austenite:ferrite boundaries, in
electron microscopy to demonstrate that individual fer- agreement with the present model. They particularly em-
rite plates (a term the present authors prefer to "sub- phasized that the single habit plane operative is char-
unit," with its connotation of subboundaries formed by acteristic of interphase boundary precipitation [47,55]rather
polygonization) within upper bainite sheaves grow at ap- than of carbide precipitation wholly within the ferrite
proximately the rates permitted by the diffusion of car- phase, though their mechanism, if based upon precipi-
bon in austenite, tl~ Equivalent experiments are now tation at a single, essentially planar a : y boundary, is
required on lower bainite. A useful deduction can be necessarily incomplete, as will now be described. Ex-
made, though, from the failure of lower bainite to grow plaining the single carbide "habit plane" as a result of
at high velocities below Ma. [28] Strain energy is consid- precipitation at the broad faces of a monolithic lower
ered to be the factor limiting the growth of individual bainite plate, tl8] as represented schematically in Figure 12,
ferrite plates or "subunits" to small fractions of the ex-
ternal dimensions of a sheaf. [7a~ However, sufficient
driving force should be available below Ma to permit
these plates to grow swiftly to the much greater lengths
characteristic of martensite plates, which are also ob-
served at these temperatures. [28]The failure of the overall
growth kinetics of lower bainite sheaves to increase greatly
below Ma, while martensite plates simultaneously grow
at much greater velocities, t28] strongly implies that their
component plates do not grow more rapidly than diffu-
sion control allows, even for a short distance (e.g., the
length of a "subunit').
On the diffusional growth mechanism, ferrite should
contain no more carbon than that corresponding to the
extrapolated ferrite/(ferrite + austenite) phase bound- - ~' '~ "
ary. [l~ Analysis of X-ray diffraction data on the com-
position of retained austenite associated with partial
transformation to both upper and lower bainite indicates
that the average carbon concentration in bainitic ferrite
is even smaller than this. [~~ While these carbon concen- Fig. 1 2 - - S k e t c h illustrating carbide precipitation at the broad face of
trations are higher than those of the extrapolated ferrite/ a monolithic bainite plate.156]


fails to account for the long, semicontinuous sheets of corresponds to the "smooth" side of lower bainite "plates"
such carbides making a "55 to 60 deg" angle with re- first observed by Oblak and Hehemann t71 and sub-
spect to the interface, rather than lying parallel to the sequently reported by others, t571 The present mech-
interface, as occurs during interphase boundary carbide anism accounts for the single variant of carbides at an
precipitation at the broad faces of (nearly) monolithic angle to the sheaf axis observed repeatedly in lower
grain boundary ferrite allotriomorphs. [47] As was briefly bainite, ts'16-191 as a direct consequence of carbide precip-
mentioned in Section III, Ohmori e t al. t4sl also sug- itation at the broad faces (and, to a lesser extent, on facets)
gested that the carbides precipitate from the austenite phase of "secondary ferrite plates" lying at a large angle to the
at a: y boundaries. In particular, they proposed that car- initiating ferrite spine.
bide precipitation may occur at facets on these bound-
aries (at the edges and faces of ferrite plates) which make
a marked angle with respect to the overall sheaf axis ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
(Figure 13). Both investigations t~8,481were apparently made The authors express their appreciation to the National
on heavily transformed specimens in which many bainite Science Foundation for support of this work through Grant
sheaves had impinged; hence, detailed observations were No. DMR81-1907 to the Carnegie Mellon University
not reported on the morphology of the leading edges of Materials Research Laboratory. Appreciation is also ex-
the sheaves. pressed to Professor W.T. Reynolds, Jr. for his careful
Insofar as the present authors are aware, the only pre- review of this manuscript and Professor Helio Goldenstein
vious investigation in which the tips of lower bainite for many helpful discussions.
sheaves were imaged by TEM at reasonably high mag-
nifications is that of Yada and Ooka. t571 Their micro-
graphs also reveal one smooth side and one serrated side REFERENCES
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