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Geological Society of America

Special Paper 370

Origin and evolution of large Precambrian iron formations

Bruce M. Simonson
Geology Department, Oberlin College, Oberlin, Ohio 44074-1044, USA


Collectively, iron formations represent Earth’s preeminent supracrustal repository

of iron. The largest iron formations were deposited in the Late Archean and Paleo-
proterozoic via a unique confluence of atmospheric, hydrospheric, lithospheric, and bios-
pheric conditions. Understanding these conditions better requires a deeper appreciation
of the sedimentary features of iron formations. Many researchers refer to them collec-
tively as banded iron formations or the acronym BIF, but banding is not always well
developed. Iron formations that lack thin banding consist of sand-sized detritus and are
cross-bedded, and should be referred to as granular iron formations or the acronym GIF.
The mineralogical and textural heterogeneity of iron formations is also underappreciated.
The iron in many iron formations resides in siderite or iron-rich silicates rather than
oxides. This implies that iron formations did not all form from local releases of oxygen by
photosynthetic microbes. Both the heterogeneity of iron formations and the variety of dif-
ferent rock types with which they are associated indicate that large iron formations are
not products of a particular depositional setting, such as evaporites. They owe their exis-
tence to a combination of: (1) copious masses of dissolved iron supplied by deep-sea
hydrothermal systems, (2) the appearance of large continental shelves to serve as deposi-
tional repositories, and (3) a stratified ocean with a chemistry suitable for connecting the
two. The mechanisms of precipitation are still unclear, but it probably took place along
regional chemoclines. Evidence of microbial involvement is increasing. The largest iron
formations of all are those of the Hamersley and Transvaal Basins in western Australia
and South Africa, respectively, and they may have originally formed a single huge unit.

Keywords: iron-rich rocks, banded iron formations, BIFs, granular iron formations,
Precambrian, secular variations.

INTRODUCTION Iron formations are also important because they contain the
vast majority of iron that will ever be mined. Iron formations gave
Iron-rich sedimentary rocks are those containing ≥15% metallic rise to the largest and richest ore deposits via leaching of silica
iron by weight (James, 1966). Most workers recognize two main cat- and oxidation of iron during the Precambrian (Morris, 1987).
egories: iron formations, which are generally cherty, thinly lami- These ore deposits are currently being mined all over the world.
nated, and Precambrian in age, and ironstones, which are generally In 2000, Australia produced over 160 million metric tons of iron
less siliceous, more aluminous, not laminated, smaller, and Phanero- ore worth in excess of $2.5 billion. China and Brazil each pro-
zoic in age (Young and Taylor, 1989). This distinction has gained duced even more. Supposedly, there are 10 trillion tons of iron
wide acceptance and highlights time-related changes in iron-rich within 300 m of the land surface in just one mining district of the
sedimentary rocks, which have important implications for the evolu- former Soviet Union, the Kursk Magnetic Anomaly (Alexandrov,
tion of Earth’s atmosphere and hydrosphere. There is general agree- 1973). However, ore deposits per se are not the focus of this
ment that iron formations are a distinct class of sedimentary rock paper; its purpose is to assess the conditions that are needed to
whose deposition was essentially restricted to early Earth history. create the biggest iron formations.

Simonson, B.M., 2003, Origin and evolution of large Precambrian iron formations, in Chan, M.A., and Archer, A.W., eds., Extreme depositional environments:
Mega end members in geologic time: Boulder, Colorado, Geological Society of America Special Paper 370, p. 231–244. ©2003 Geological Society of America

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232 B.M. Simonson

CHARACTERISTICS OF IRON FORMATIONS into banded versus granular varieties. Banded iron formations
(BIFs) were originally laminated chemical muds (Fig. 1), whereas
Mineralogical Composition of Iron Formations granular iron formations (GIFs) originated largely as well-sorted
chemical sands (Fig. 2). Most of the clasts in granular iron forma-
Regardless of size, iron formations consist of a broad range of tions were produced by intrabasinal erosion and redeposition of
iron-bearing minerals that are generally accompanied by quartz. pre-existing banded iron formations. Banded iron formations are
The quartz represents chert that has been recrystallized to varying by far the more abundant of the two, but the use of the term for all
degrees. Geologists of the fledgling U.S. Geological Survey pro- iron formations is unfortunate because it obscures the fact that
duced a string of monographs on the “iron ranges” in the Lake some of the large iron formations accumulated in shallow-water,
Superior region, culminating in Van Hise and Leith’s (1911) high-energy environments. This fundamental dichotomy has been
overview. They recognized the diverse nature of iron formations, recognized over the years by other terms as well. For example, the
which James (1954) later systematized into four “facies”: oxide, sil- “slaty” versus “cherty” iron formations of the Lake Superior
icate, carbonate, and sulfide (Table 1). Chert was not incorporated region (Morey, 1983) and the pelagic versus platform iron forma-
into this scheme because it is a near-ubiquitous component of iron tions of Dimroth (1986) are essentially banded iron formations
formations, but its abundance helps to distinguish them from Phan- and granular iron formations respectively. The acronym BIF has
erozoic ironstones. James used the term “facies” more like meta- gained wide acceptance in recent years, and GIF should, too. Min-
morphic petrologists than sedimentary geologists, i.e., for rocks eralogically, most granular iron formations belong to the oxide
with consistent mineral compositions rather than certain deposi- and silicate mineral facies, whereas banded iron formations are
tional structures. However, there is some correlation between min- more diverse mineralogically and include an abundance of both
eral facies and other sedimentary features of iron formations oxide and carbonate facies (James, 1954; Simonson, 1985). How-
(James, 1954; Simonson, 1985). Debate continues about which of ever, the textural relationships described below are not restricted to
the mineral constituents in iron formation (if any) represent original specific mineralogical compositions.
precipitates as opposed to diagenetic phases. In view of this uncer-
tainty, it is not a good idea to infer depositional conditions from Granular Iron Formations (GIFs)
mineralogical composition without additional evidence. For exam- Three primary textural components are readily recognizable
ple, the fact that an iron formation belongs to the oxide facies should in granular iron formations, as in most arenites: (1) a framework
not be used as prima facie evidence for deposition in shallow water. of clasts, (2) matrix (finer grained interstitial material), and
For excellent overviews of the chemistry and mineralogy of iron (3) cement (authigenic minerals filling interstitial voids). Frame-
formation, see James (1954, 1966), Klein (1983), and Lepp (1987). work clasts typically consist of a mixture of iron oxides, iron sil-
icates, and/or chert, although there are rare examples of clasts
Sedimentary Textures of Iron Formations consisting of other types of iron-rich minerals. Matrix consists of
the same minerals, but it is rare in granular iron formations as a
Where detrital textures are not obscured by metamorphism, whole. The crystals we see today in most, if not all, of the detrital
sedimentary features permit the subdivision of iron formations material in granular iron formations were derived from, but not
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Origin and evolution of large Precambrian iron formations 233


Figure 1. Banded iron formations. A: Cut face of microbanded oxide-

facies BIF from Dales Gorge Member; lower three-fourths of sample has
thicker layers and consists of reddish jasper (hematitic chert); upper
fourth of sample (underneath pencil point) has thinner lamination and is
metallic (magnetite-rich and chert-poor); sample is about 5 cm thick.
B: Cut face of carbonate-facies BIF from Sokoman Iron Formation; lam-
ination is not as rhythmic and sample is dull gray, except for a dark
brown rind on exterior from siderite oxidized by surface weathering
(e.g., to left of pencil point).
Figure 2. Granular iron formations. A: Photomicrograph of sample from
the Gunflint Iron Formation (between crossed polarizers with gypsum
the same as, the crystals or other materials that were originally plate inserted); sediment was originally medium to coarse sand-size
“granules” that now consists of a combination of very finely crystalline
present. Han (1978, 1982) revealed widespread evidence of hematitic chert (uniform gray) and opaque hematite (black); interstitial
replacement in magnetite crystals by heating samples to about pores are largely filled with chalcendonic cement (speckled gray). Long
300°C in a free-air circulating furnace, thereby inducing partial dimension of field of view is about 4 mm. B: Cut face of cross bed from
oxidation. Even the relict or pseudomorphic textures Han discov- Sokoman Iron Formation, Howell’s River area (Klein and Fink, 1976);
ered are secondary rather than original depositional features. In dark areas are metallic (magnetite-rich and chert-poor) whereas white to
light gray areas are chert-rich and range in color from white to red (due
contrast, most cements consist of iron-poor chert and/or quartz, to disseminated hematite) to green (due to disseminated greenalite); pen-
and many show textures acquired during void filling. In addition cil point for scale.
to these three primary components, all iron formations contain
various secondary or diagenetic phases. These later phases are
generally more coarsely crystalline, cut across clearly detrital tex-
tures, and are not discussed further here. granular iron formations contain internal cracks with septarian
The dominant clasts in granular iron formations (Fig. 2A) geometries; these have been attributed to post-depositional
have long been referred to as “granules.” Unmetamorphosed shrinkage (Figs. 2, 3, and 9 in Simonson, 1987).
granules consist of finely crystalline material internally (e.g., Van Siliceous cements showing void-filling textures are abundant
Hise and Leith, 1911). They are analogous to the peloids and intra- in granular iron formations. The cements consist largely of drusy
clasts of carbonate grainstones (Dimroth, 1976; Dimroth and quartz and/or parallel-fibrous to radial-fibrous chalcedony. Sev-
Chauvel, 1973). Most granules range in size from fine to coarse eral different lines of evidence indicate that these cements were
sand and in shape from well-rounded to angular (Mengel, 1973). emplaced very early. One is a minus-cement porosity of 40–50%
Some granular iron formations also contain abundant ooids, but in many granular iron formations (Fig. 2A), which approaches
these are much rarer than granules. Internally, ooids in granular the depositional porosity of a well-sorted sand. There is also an
iron formations display concentrically laminated cortices; no abundance of tangential contacts, which is typical of uncom-
radial textures have been reported. Some granules and ooids in pacted sand. Finally, some granular iron formations contain rare
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234 B.M. Simonson

intraclasts of silica-cemented granular iron formations that were biotas in the world (Walter and Hofmann, 1983; Han and Run-
detritally reworked (Fig. 11 in Simonson, 1987). However, early negar, 1992).
silica cementation is not universal; many granular iron formations Some granular iron formations also have relatively large cav-
were heavily compacted as evidenced by tight frameworks and ities, cracks, and/or vugs filled with siliceous cements and, in
distorted clasts. The spatial distribution of cements in granular some case, a bit of fine sediment (Fig. 8 in Simonson, 1987).
iron formation is typically highly irregular but clearly guided by These larger cracks and the small septarian-style cracks inside
contrasts between depositional layers (Fig. 2B). individual granules form a continuum and are attributed to post-
depositional shrinkage. The larger cracks in granular iron forma-
Banded Iron Formations (BIFs) tions cut indiscriminately across granules and cements at times,
In contrast to granular iron formations, banded iron forma- indicating that some of the cements also shrank. Similar cracks
tions originally consisted of a broad spectrum of iron-rich miner- and vugs developed in stromatolitic cherts in granular iron for-
als in precipitates that were too fine-grained to reveal much via mations and contain evidence of cavity-dwelling microbes
petrographic analysis. Even those banded iron formations sub- (Simonson and Lanier, 1987). The presence of sediment in these
jected to relatively little deformation and metamorphism have cracks proves that they formed close to the sediment-water inter-
been diagenetically reorganized. Nevertheless, they are still fine- face. However, they are not normal mudcracks formed via sub-
grained and uniform (Fig. 1), indicating that the particles that pre- aerial desiccation because they are in cemented sands (granular
cipitated originally must have been quite small. Banded iron iron formations) rather than former muds (banded iron forma-
formations show more diversity in iron mineralogy than granular tions), and they do not have the requisite columnar geometries.
iron formations, including substantial thicknesses of all four of These cracks appear to be unique to iron formations and are
James’ facies. Most of these minerals are thought to have compo- attributed to true syneresis, i.e., shrinkage due to the dewatering
sitions close to the phases originally precipitated from basin of gelatinous silica precursors (Gross 1972; Dimroth and Chau-
waters, except for stilpnomelane and other aluminosilicate min- vel, 1973; Beukes, 1984).
erals. Aluminous minerals in either banded or granular iron for- Layers of pure granular iron formation thicker than a few
mations usually reflect contamination with volcaniclastic and/or meters are rare, whereas banded iron formations can continue
siliciclastic detritus (e.g. Pickard, 2002). Exquisite volcanic uninterrupted by granular iron formations for up to a hundred
shards replaced by stilpnomelane occur in some iron formations meters stratigraphically (Simonson and Hassler, 1996; Trendall,
(LaBerge, 1966a, 1996b). Finally, the abundance of silica at a 2002). Iron formations with a mixture of banded iron formation
given stratigraphic level can vary tremendously along bedding; and granular iron formation are more abundant than pure granu-
this generally takes the form of what are known as chert pods lar iron formations, and they show bedding that is more irregular
(described below). than pure banded iron formation but less massive than pure gran-
ular iron formation. The granular iron formation in mixed iron
Sedimentary Structures of Iron Formations formations usually occurs as discontinuous lenses enclosed in
banded iron formation. These lenses represent “starved” bed-
Granular Iron Formations forms generated by storm waves and currents (Simonson, 1985).
Depositional structures are often obscured by diagenetically However, differential compaction around sediment that was pref-
redistributed minerals, but dune-scale cross-stratification (Fig. 2B) erentially cemented with silica gave rise to secondary features
is widespread in granular iron formations (Simonson, 1985). The that look similar. In addition, some granular iron formation lenses
few paleocurrents that have been measured show complex poly- in mixed iron formations have an oxidized, jaspery core and a
modal patterns with hints of herringbone; this is typical of shallow more reduced outer rind. The outer rind is probably a “reaction
marine sands (Ojakangas, 1983). Flat pebble conglomerates are a rim” formed by incomplete equilibration between oxidized sands
minor but widespread component of granular iron formations. versus reduced muds during diagenesis.
Most of the pebbles in these intraclastic layers are derived from In many large iron formations, extensive alteration and/or
silica-rich layers rather than silica-poor layers. deformation make it difficult to assess the original proportions of
Siliceous stromatolites are also found in granular iron for- banded iron formation versus granular iron formation. The large
mations. Although they are quite distinctive, they are quite minor Indian iron formations in Orissa are a case in point. Although
in terms of their total volume. Iron formation stromatolites vary some of these iron formations display current-formed structures
in width from less than a centimeter to over a meter and range in (Majumder and Chakraborty, 1977), indicating they must have
morphology from columnar to domal structures. They were orig- been granular, most appear banded and are so extensively altered
inally interpreted as products of sediment trapping and/or precip- that depositional textures are difficult to assess (Majumder and
itation by microbial mats, but some stromatolites in granular iron Chakraborty, 1977). The situation is even worse in the famous
formations have characteristics like those of siliceous sinters Quadrilátero Ferrífero of Brazil. Banding is ubiquitous in the
deposited in and around hot springs (Walter, 1972). Thanks to Cauê Itabirite, a large iron formation indeed, but it is so metamor-
early silica cementation, these stromatolites and associated iron phosed and deformed (Chemale et al., 1994) that it is impossible
formations contain some of the best-preserved early Precambrian to say whether or not granular textures were originally present.
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Origin and evolution of large Precambrian iron formations 235

The Carajás formation, a large iron formation in northern Brazil, origins of some of these have recently been questioned (Fedo and
is much less deformed (Trendall et al., 1998), but little sedimento- Whitehouse, 2002). At the other extreme, iron-rich rocks often
logical work has been done on this unit. Perhaps it is no coinci- referred to as iron formations were deposited on various conti-
dence that most sedimentological work on large iron formations nents in the Neoproterozoic. However, the Neoproterozoic units
has been done in Australia, North America, and South Africa, as have a simple iron mineralogy dominated by hematite and are
these appear to have the best preserved sedimentary features. less cherty than early Precambrian iron formation (James and
Trendall,1982; Beukes and Klein,1992). They are also much more
Banded Iron Formations closely associated with glaciogenic sediments (Young, 1988) and
As the name implies, most banded iron formations have well- much smaller than the largest of the older iron formations, so they
developed thin lamination to thin bedding with alternating iron- will receive little consideration in this paper. The largest iron
rich and iron-poor layers (Fig. 1). Thin lamination is the norm in formations were deposited during an interval of ca. 800 m.y. in
fine-grained Precambrian strata, given the lack of burrowers, but the Late Archean to Paleoproterozoic, which ended rather
the layers in banded iron formations (particularly those rich in iron abruptly on or before 1.8 Ga (Gole and Klein, 1981; Trendall,
oxides) are among the most striking found in sediments of any 2002). This “interval” may actually consist of two main peaks
age. In some cases, exceedingly thin layers can be correlated for rather than a single plateau of iron formation deposition (Isley
over 100 km (Trendall and Blockley, 1970; Ewers and Morris, and Abbott, 1999). After 1.8 Ga, few if any iron formations were
1981; McConchie, 1987), but this level of correlation has rarely deposited until the Neoproterozoic. Although some of the details
been attempted, let alone achieved. Bedding can also be highly will no doubt change as research continues, there were clearly
cyclic via the alternation of either iron-rich versus iron-poor layers secular changes in both the size and depositional environments
within banded iron formation or layers of banded iron formation of iron formation, as follows.
versus layers of fine shaly or volcaniclastic sediment (Trendall and
Blockley, 1970; Trendall, 1973b; Ewers and Morris, 1981; Increase in Mass Through Time
Beukes, 1984). Trendall (1972) attempted to relate these cycles to Statistically, Early to Middle Archean iron formations tend to
orbital parameters, but no one has tested them for the periodicities be smaller than those that are Late Archean to Paleoproterozoic in
typical of Milankovitch forcing in recent years. age. This is reflected in Gross’s (1965, 1983) classification of iron
The only common sedimentary structures in banded iron formations into two major varieties, Superior-type versus Algoma-
formations other than banding are chert pods, which are concre- type. Gross’s original formulation did not prove to be universally
tion-like bodies rich in silica that are typically ellipsoidal in cross- applicable in all respects (Trendall, 2002). However, the names
section. Individual layers can often be traced continuously through will be used in this paper because they provide a handy way to
chert pods, and the chert-poor banded iron formations adjacent distinguish iron formations associated mainly with volcanic rocks,
to the pods offer textbook examples of differential compaction the Algoma-type, from iron formations associated mainly with
(Dimroth, 1976; Beukes, 1984; Simonson, 1987). Therefore, chert sedimentary strata, the Superior type. The main departure from
pods are analogous to concretions in other types of sediment, i.e., Gross’s original schema is that not all Superior-type iron forma-
localized pockets of early cementation. Drastic changes in the tions contain granular iron formations (Table 2). When defined in
thickness of individual layers that pass through chert pods indi- this fashion, it turns out that all of the largest iron formations are
cate that some, and perhaps most, silica-poor banded iron forma- Superior-type iron formations. Additional distinctions similar to,
tions lost 90% or more of their original thickness during but not the same as, those that Gross made between Algoma-type
compaction. This indicates that the depositional porosities of and Superior-type iron formations are outlined as follows. These
banded iron formation were comparable to those of other fine- reflect secular changes in the nature of iron formation.
grained sediments such as argillites (70–90%; Singer and Müller, James and Trendall (1982) attempted a semi-quantitative anal-
1983) and carbonate oozes (80–95%; Cook and Egbert, 1983). ysis of variation in the size of iron formation as a function of age by
Early concretions typically shield minerals from chemical alter- placing major iron formations from five continents into four cate-
ation as well as physical compaction. A range of iron-rich miner- gories: small, moderate, large, and very large. Their data set indi-
als are preserved in chert pods, suggesting that the original cates that the largest iron formations are all Late Archean through
sediment had a range of compositions similar to the four facies Paleoproterozoic in age, whereas smaller Algoma-type iron forma-
shown by present-day banded iron formations rather than any sin- tions occur throughout the entire age range from Early Archean
gle precursor mineral. through Paleoproterozoic. The smaller size of the Algoma-type
iron formations presumably reflects deposition in smaller basins.
Secular Changes in Iron Formations However, Gole and Klein (1981) correctly noted that they are typ-
ically more deformed than Superior-type iron formations and cau-
Iron formations range in age from Early Archean to Neopro- tioned that some Algoma-type iron formations “may have been
terozoic, but they were not formed in equal measure throughout quite extensive prior to deformation and disruption.”
this long time span. Banded iron formations are found among the Among the Late Archean to Paleoproterozoic iron forma-
oldest sedimentary strata on Earth, although the sedimentary tions, those of the Hamersley Basin of western Australia and the
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236 B.M. Simonson

Transvaal Basin of South Africa are clearly the largest. While

examples of James and Trendall’s (1982) “very large” iron for-
mations are found on all five continents, only the Hamersley
and Transvaal Basins each contain in excess of 1014 tonnes of
iron. There are five major iron formations within the Hamersley
succession (Trendall, 1983) versus only two in the Transvaal
succession (Beukes, 1984). However, this is offset in part by the
fact that the preserved area of the Transvaal Basin is roughly
twice that of the Hamersley Basin. The exceptional size of the
iron formations in these two basins becomes even more remark-
able since they may actually be two parts of a single basin. But-
ton (1976) summarized an impressive number of similarities in
their sedimentary and economic deposits, as well as their geo-
logical evolution. Cheney (1996) formalized this hypothesis by
suggesting the name “Vaalbara” for the combined landmass. Figure 3. World map with locations of selected basins with large iron
Not everyone is persuaded, but subsequent studies continue to formations, indicated as follows: C—Carajás, H—Hamersley, K—Kursk
reveal more and more geological parallels between these two Magnetic Anomaly, L—Labrador trough, N—Nabberu, O—Orissa, Q—
successions, and their geochronologies seem to grow ever Quadrilátero Ferrífero, S—Lake Superior, and T—Transvaal. See
Table 2 for more details.
closer (Nelson et al., 1999). The most recent connection is a
striking similarity in the detrital zircon populations of 3.47-Ga
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Origin and evolution of large Precambrian iron formations 237

spherule layers on both cratons that appear to be the products of with sedimentary rather than volcanic rocks, the associated sedi-
a single large asteroid or comet impact (Byerly et al., 2002). ments again are deeper water deposits that include turbidites and
Individually or collectively, the Hamersley and Transvaal graded tuff beds (Beukes, 1983; Simonson et al., 1993; Hassler,
Basins contain a record of the largest and most sustained epi- 1993). In contrast, a number of the younger Superior-type iron
sode of iron sedimentation in Earth history. formations are in conformable contact with shallow-water
deposits such as tidally cross-bedded quartzarenites and stroma-
Increase in Environmental Energy through Time tolitic dolomites (Hall and Goode, 1978; Ojakangas, 1983; Morey,
Changes in the sedimentary textures of iron formations sig- 1983; Simonson, 1984). However, some of the young Superior-
nal an increase in the energy of their depositional environments type iron formations consist of just banded iron formation and are
through time. Algoma-type iron formations consist almost exclu- associated with deep-water, turbidite-rich units (Larue, 1981;
sively of banded iron formation; the few granular iron formations Simonson, 1985).
that have been reported (e.g., Manikyamba, 1999) are highly unu- The transition from Algoma- to Superior-type iron-forma-
sual. The oldest Superior-type iron formations, those of the tions was probably gradual rather than abrupt. While the oldest
Hamersley and Transvaal Basins, also consist mainly of banded Superior-type iron-formations were being deposited in the
iron formation. The fine grain size and thin, laterally persistent Hamersley and Transvaal Basins ca. 2.6 Ga, Algoma-type iron
lamination of these banded iron formations reflect “exceptionally formations were accumulating on other continents. Moreover,
still and quiet” conditions (Trendall 1983), implying deposition some iron formations appear to be intermediate in character
in deep shelf and possibly slope environments well below wave between Algoma-type and Superior-type iron-formations. This
base. Higher-energy conditions did occur on rare occasions in includes some iron formations deposited on the margins of the
the Hamersley Basin, as indicated by a few highly restricted Kaapvaal and Zimbabwe Cratons around 3.0 Ga (Watchorn,
occurrences of granular iron formation (Simonson and Goode, 1980; Fedo and Eriksson, 1996) and others deposited in the Lake
1989). In contrast, a stratigraphic unit of granular iron formation Superior area (Morey and Southwick, 1995). As for the increase
in the Transvaal Basin (Table 2) implies a sustained period of in energy through time evident among the Superior-type iron for-
higher-energy conditions that are probably associated with a mations, it is not clear whether this was stepwise or gradual
lowstand (Beukes, 1983, 1984). However, unlike most younger because there are so few iron formations with well-constrained
granular iron formations, the main granular iron formation in the ages between about 2.4 and 2.0 Ga (Isley and Abbott, 1999).
Transvaal Basin belongs to the carbonate facies, i.e., it is
siderite-dominated (Beukes, 1984; Beukes and Klein, 1990). ORIGINS OF LARGE IRON FORMATIONS
This suggests that it formed in deeper, more stagnant waters than
most granular iron formations. Probably because of the lack of close modern analogs, many
In contrast to the older Superior-type iron formations, gran- different theories have been proposed for the origin of iron
ular iron formations are widespread in young Superior-type iron formation. Consensus has yet to be reached on the specific mech-
formations, although they are still subordinate in total volume to anisms whereby iron and silica were precipitated, but a broad
banded iron formations. The best examples are the Superior-type consensus has been reached on the general setting and some of
iron formations in the Lake Superior area and Labrador trough of the key parameters of iron formation’s deposition. Before dis-
North America (Zajac, 1974; Morey 1983; Dimroth, 1986; Fral- cussing the views that currently prevail, it is perhaps simplest to
ick and Barrett 1995) and the Nabberu Basin of western Australia outline some of the theories for the origin of iron formation that
(Hall and Goode, 1978; Goode et al., 1983; Bunting, 1986), most no longer seem viable.
of which contain substantial thicknesses of granular iron forma-
tion (Table 2). These granular iron formations display a host of Obsolete Hypotheses
shallow-water features, most notably abundant cross-bedding
(Fig. 2B). They also contain more limited but at times spectacular Replaced Carbonates
oolitic and stromatolitic layers. These characteristics clearly indi- As noted above, granular iron formations have textural con-
cate that substantial parts of these iron formations accumulated stituents analogous to those of carbonate grainstones. The petro-
in higher energy environments, although most were probably graphic analysis of granular iron formations reached its zenith in
deposited in deeper water fairly close to wave base because they the work of Erich Dimroth (Dimroth, 1968; Dimroth and Chau-
all interfinger with banded iron formations stratigraphically. vel, 1973). He ultimately concluded that the similarities between
Changes in the stratigraphic units associated with iron granular iron formations and calcarenites were so striking that
formations provide further evidence of shallowing through time iron formations must have been deposited as carbonates, then
in iron formation basins. Algoma-type iron formations are gen- replaced wholesale by iron- and silica-rich minerals during dia-
erally associated with volcanic rocks that include deep-water genesis (Dimroth, 1976). Other researchers arrived at similar
deposits such as volcaniclastic turbidites (Dunbar and McCall, conclusions (e.g., Kimberley, 1974; Lougheed, 1983; Lepp,
1971; Barrett and Fralick, 1985, 1989; Shegelski, 1987). While 1987; Sommers et al., 2000), but few advocates remain for this
the older Superior-type iron formations are associated largely interpretation. Arguments that militate against it include the
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238 B.M. Simonson

apparent lack of any carbonate units that are half-converted to deposited in deeper water, open marine settings (Dimroth, 1971;
iron formations and the presence of textural features like synere- Klein and Beukes, 1989; Simonson et al., 1993). Sedimentologi-
sis cracks that are not found in carbonates and require a gelati- cal studies have made it clear that the clastic units associated with
nous precursor (Simonson, 1987). In the words of Kimberley Superior-type iron formations were likewise deposited in open
(1989), “the evidence against this concept is now so overwhelm- marine settings and lack evidence of arid conditions or even sub-
ing ...that diagenetic replacement is no longer ...viable.” aerial exposure during deposition (Ojakangas, 1983; Beukes,
1983; Simonson, 1984; Bunting, 1986).
Lacustrine/Nonmarine Deposits
Despite the fact that James (1954) marshalled a number of Precipitation in Oxygen Oases
good arguments supporting the deposition of iron formations in Preston Cloud was a scientist of exceptionally broad vision
marginal marine basins, it has repeatedly been suggested that iron and one of the first to invoke non-uniformitarian differences
formations were deposited in lacustrine environments completely between environmental conditions of the Precambrian and
isolated from the world ocean (e.g., Hough, 1958; Eugster and Phanerozoic to try to explain iron formations. The crux of his
Chou, 1973; Garrels, 1987). While it is certainly possible that elaborate theory, summarized in Trendall (2002), is that dis-
some smaller iron formations were deposited in lacustrine set- solved ferrous iron was ubiquitous in the early oceans, so iron
tings (Eriksson, 1983; Beukes, 1984), multiple lines of evidence formations formed wherever photosynthetic microbes provided
indicate that the Superior-type iron formations were deposited in an abundance of oxygen. It was an elegant hypothesis, but pre-
open marine settings, primarily on continental margins. One line cipitating iron oxides is only part of the story. Iron formations
of evidence is their close association with shallow marine contain a variety of iron-rich phases, and minerals shielded
deposits such as tidally influenced quartzarenites (Ojakangas, within chert pods indicate that the precursor sediment had a
1983; Simonson, 1984). In many instances, the transitions from range of compositions similar to those of present-day banded
such units to overlying iron formations coincide with transgres- iron formations (Simonson, 1987). One corollary of Cloud’s
sions (Beukes, 1983; Simonson and Hassler, 1996), which would hypothesis would be the presence of high concentrations of iron
make the connection with the world ocean even deeper. Sequence- in carbonate sediments contemporaneous with iron formations.
stratigraphic analyses have also confirmed that Superior-type iron It has since been determined that Late Archean to early Paleo-
formations occur in successions typical of those deposited on proterozoic carbonates do contain somewhat more iron than
Phanerozoic continental margins (Barley et al., 1992; Morey and Phanerozoic carbonates (Veizer et al., 1990, 1992), but it is
Southwick, 1995; Krapez and Martin, 1999). Additional lines of hardly enough to fit the scenario of ubiquitous ferrous iron in
evidence supporting a marine origin include the lack of chemical the world ocean (Holland, 1984).
and mineralogical variability one would expect of precipitates
from closed basin waters with variable chemistries (Gole and Biogenic Oozes
Klein, 1981; Lepp, 1987) and the sheer size and lack of internal It has been suggested that iron formations represent accu-
variability of the largest iron formations (Kimberley, 1989; mulations of the skeletal remains of microorganisms. Banded
Simonson and Hassler, 1996). iron formations and granular iron formations both contain a pro-
fusion of spheroidal microstructures that average about 30
Evaporites of the Precambrian microns in diameter and have been attributed to organic activity
Iron formations have been interpreted as both marine (Tren- (LaBerge, 1973; LaBerge et al., 1987). Heaney and Veblen
dall, 1973a) and non-marine (e.g., Eugster and Chou, 1973) evap- (1991) demonstrated that these microstructures are diagenetic on
orites. It is reasonable to expect differences in composition the basis of a transmission electron microscopy study. Moreover,
between evaporites formed in the Phanerzoic versus the Precam- the fossil record of silica-secreting organisms only dates back to
brian, particularly in light of recent documentation that marine the Lower Cambrian (Allison, 1981). Lastly, textural evidence
evaporites have varied in composition within the Phanerozoic from granular iron formations indicates that much of the silica
(Lowenstein et al., 2001). However, it is hard to see how the was added as cement via interstitial precipitation (Simonson,
evaporation of seawater could give rise to iron- and silica-rich 1987) instead of being a primary constituent added directly from
minerals and little else at any time in Earth history. Equally dam- the water column.
aging to the evaporite interpretation is the total lack of any struc- As for the iron in iron formations, certain groups of organ-
tures reflecting arid conditions in either iron formations or the isms including bacteria form perfect magnetite crystals. Possible
strata associated with them. As noted above, shrinkage structures examples of biogenic magnetite have been recovered from lime-
are present in some granular iron formations, but they are early stones in the Gunflint Iron Formation (Chang and Kirschvink,
diagenetic rather than depositional in origin and were caused by 1989). However, it is hard to envision how biogenic magnetite
syneresis of amorphous silica precursors rather than subaerial could accumulate in such pure concentrations over such exten-
exposure. Moreover, none of the carbonates closely associated sive areas, then be altered to the various different minerals needed
with Superior-type iron formations contain sabkha deposits or to create present-day iron formations (Table 1). Therefore, it is
any other evidence of aridity. They appear instead to have been highly unlikely that iron formations are biogenic oozes composed
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Origin and evolution of large Precambrian iron formations 239

of the products of biomineralization. Nevertheless, it is possible alternative to transporting it in mid- and/or deeper level waters
that microbes played a role in the deposition of iron formations, under more reducing conditions. This implies that the water col-
and quite possibly a large one (as discussed below). umn is stratified. Contrasts in the trace element and isotopic com-
positions of iron formations and coeval iron-poor strata (Klein
Current Consensus and Beukes, 1989; Carrigan and Cameron, 1991; Winter and
Knauth, 1992) support a stratified ocean model.
If the preceding theories are no longer viable, what models Despite broad agreement that water columns in iron forma-
currently seem most reasonable? Here are some points of broad tion basins were stratified, consensus has yet to be reached on the
agreement that any comprehensive model for iron formations character and causes of that stratification. Some workers envision
should take into account. a large reservoir of bottom water with relatively uniform concen-
trations of dissolved ferrous iron (e.g., Jacobsen and Pimentel-
Hydrothermal Source of Solutes Klose, 1988). Cameron (1983) envisioned a different situation in
James (1954) and most early workers believed that deep which the highest concentrations of dissolved iron were at inter-
weathering on continents provided the iron needed to make iron mediate water depths owing to higher concentrations of hydrogen
formations. The subsequent discovery of deep-sea hydrothermal sulfide in deeper waters. Isley (1995) subsequently demonstrated
systems provided an alternative source that is more consistent the feasibility of connecting hydrothermal sources with shelf sinks
with the geological characteristics of iron formations and associ- in the early Precambrian by dispersing iron laterally at shallow to
ated deposits (Simonson, 1985). Banded iron formation deposi- intermediate water depths. Under the conditions she posited,
tion has been linked to hydrothermal activity with reasonably seafloor hydrothermal activity could supply enough dissolved iron
high confidence via stratigraphic context and facies relationships to make even large, Superior-type iron formations. A mid-water
for some Algoma-type iron formations (e.g., Goodwin et al., maximum in the concentration of dissolved iron is also consistent
1985). Moreover, geochemical signatures of hydrothermal with the stratigraphic context of many Superior-type iron forma-
sources have been detected in all types of iron formations (Klein tions (Simonson and Hassler, 1996).
and Beukes, 1992). Geochemical indicators ranging from iso- Given this consensus, models for the deposition of large iron
topic ratios of sulfur (Cameron, 1983) and neodymium (Jacob- formations should focus on processes active along chemoclines
sen and Pimentel-Klose, 1988) to rare earth element distributions between deeper iron-rich and shallower iron-poor water masses
(Fryer, 1983; Derry and Jacobsen, 1990; Danielson et al., 1992) (e.g., Beukes and Klein, 1992). For example, iron could be pre-
indicate that seafloor hydrothermal systems were more active in cipitating via oxidation along the chemocline in a manner some-
the early Precambrian (particularly in the Archean). Fryer et al. what analogous to the formation of particulate MnO2 in the
(1979) pointed out that this activity would inject “a high magni- modern Black Sea (Force and Maynard, 1991). Microbes are apt
tude flux of reduced species into the Archaean Ocean” from the to take advantage of steep chemical gradients wherever they find
bottom, including large masses of dissolved ferrous iron. The fact them, so microbial mediation of precipitation along chemoclines
that the younger iron formations deposited in shallower water is possible, if not probable. Recent isotopic work strongly sug-
tend to have lower concentrations of iron than the older, deeper- gests that microbes played a role in the precipitation and/or dia-
water iron formations is also consistent with a deep-ocean source genetic reorganization of the iron in iron formations (Beard et al.,
of iron. In summary, hydrothermal sources in the deep ocean are 1999). Trendall (2002) marshaled additional arguments favoring
now widely viewed as the source of the iron that is needed to the involvement of the biosphere in the deposition of iron forma-
make iron formations (e.g., Barley et al., 1997). tions. Given the variety of iron minerals found in iron formations,
a variety of mechanisms are probably needed to explain all of the
Stratified Water Column permutations (see review by Morris, 1993). Pinning these mecha-
Most researchers now believe large iron formations were nisms down and explaining why they often happened in the cyclic
deposited in basins with a stratified water column. Hypotheses patterns now seen in banded iron formations are the greatest chal-
that the deeper ocean waters contained uniformly higher concen- lenges to achieving a full understanding of iron formation. Per-
trations of dissolved ferrous iron emerged in the 1970s (Holland, haps these cycles are ancient examples of microbial biofeedback!
1973; Drever, 1974; Degens and Stoffer, 1976) and gained in
popularity in the 1980s (Button, 1982). The building of iron for- High Primary Silica Content
mations requires the transport of large masses of dissolved iron The high chert content of iron formations relative to
over long distances, but surface waters were too oxygenated to younger, iron-rich sediments is widely perceived as reflecting a
do so in the Late Archean to Paleoproterozoic (Trendall, 2002). higher average concentration of silica in Precambrian seawater
Some of the best evidence of this comes from iron formations. relative to today’s oceans. This reflects the fact that silica-fixing
Hematite is the dominant iron mineral in the least-altered granu- organisms did not evolve until the Phanerozoic (Maliva et al.,
lar iron formations, which are much likelier to reflect the oxida- 1989). Siever (1992) arrived at a value of 60 ppm for the aver-
tion state of near-surface waters than are banded iron formations. age concentration of silica in late Precambrian seawater using
If iron were not mobile in surface waters, there would be no reasonable estimates of relevant fluxes. Silica concentrations
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240 B.M. Simonson

could have been even higher early in the Precambrian, given columns, this implies progressive shallowing of chemoclines
that the level of hydrothermal activity on the seafloor was pre- through time. This could reflect secular changes in bathymetry,
sumably greater. Specific mechanisms that have been proposed which ultimately depend on tectonic processes, but it could also
for silica precipitation include biogenic inducement (LaBerge reflect changes in the chemistry of the atmosphere and/or sea-
et al., 1987), slight evaporative concentration, co-precipitation water. The increase in the abundance of granular iron formation
with iron (Ewers, 1983), and polymerization due to electrolyte suggests dissolved iron was being transported into shallower
changes (Morris, 1993). These processes take place in surface water and for longer distances from its hydrothermal sources
waters, but there is good textural evidence that a significant through time. This runs counter to the notion that the atmo-
fraction of the silica in iron formations precipitated interstially sphere was becoming progressively more oxic throughout this
from pore waters close beneath the sediment/water interface time interval (Eriksson, 1995). As noted above, iron formations
(Simonson, 1987). Therefore, the high silica content of iron for- with well-constrained ages between ca. 2.4 and 2.0 Ga are
mations is probably a more general reflection of high silica con- scarce. Therefore, we are not in a good position to judge
centrations in Precambrian seawater rather than biogenic whether the observed changes in the sizes and depositional
activity or evaporative concentration in the surface waters of environments of iron formation were gradual or abrupt.
specific basins. Higher ambient geothermal gradients may also
have increased the flux of silica into the shallow subsurface Atmospheric/Hydrospheric Cause for Their Demise
from below (Simonson, 1987). There is general consensus that the termination of iron
Interpreting the high silica content of iron formation this way formation deposition in the Paleoproterozoic reflects evolution-
makes sense if iron formations were a type of background sedi- ary shifts in atmospheric and hydrospheric chemistry. Changes
ment that accumulated slowly. Eriksson (1983) suggested that clearly occurred in the chemistry of the world ocean by about
iron formations were deposited wherever nothing else was accu- 1.8 Ga, which radically reduced iron’s mobility in deeper ocean
mulating fast enough to dilute it. This is consistent with the fact waters. Researchers have historically attributed this to ventilation,
that many iron formations appear to have accumulated in sedi- that is, oxygenation, as many lines of evidence signal a dramatic
ment-starved settings (Simonson and Hassler, 1996). However, rise in atmospheric oxygen ca. 2.2–1.9 Ga (Holland, 1994). How-
recent age dates suggest that iron formations were deposited rel- ever, deep-sea chemistry and atmospheric chemistry do not
atively rapidly (Barley et al., 1997; Trendall, 2002; Pickard, always march in lock step. The decrease in the concentration of
2002) and raise questions about this interpretation. Perhaps high dissolved iron in the deep oceans after 1.8 Ga could reflect an
ambient concentrations were increased by hydrothermal activity increase in the concentration of dissolved sulfide rather than dis-
during episodes of iron formation deposition. solved oxygen (Canfield, 1998; Anbar and Knoll, 2002). This
makes sense in terms of the high demand that inputs of organic
Tectonic Cause for Their Increase in Size carbon would place on the relatively low concentrations of dis-
The increase in the average size of iron formations through solved oxygen one would expect in the deep ocean at times of lit-
time evidenced primarily by the appearance of Superior-type iron tle or no glacial activity. Either way, some change in the
formations can be attributed in large part to a significant expan- chemistry of the deep oceans clearly prevented the storage and/or
sion of continental shelf and slope environments in the Late long-distance transport of dissolved iron during the second half
Archean. An increase in the total area of continental shelves is a of Earth history on a scale comparable to the first half. This
corollary of a Late Archean surge in the growth of continental brought the deposition of large iron formations to an end.
crust (Goodwin, 1991, Lowe, 1992, Eriksson, 1995). Continental The appearance of iron formations in the Neoproterozoic,
margins typically offer larger repositories for sediment than which are similar, though not identical, to the older iron forma-
basins in the volcanic terrains that hosted Algoma-type iron for- tions, probably indicates a short-lived return to conditions like
mations. An increase in the size of stable-shelf deposits in the those in the first half of Earth history. As with the older iron for-
Late Archean is not unique to iron formations. For example, the mations, the source of the iron for the Neoproterozoic iron for-
first platformal carbonates comparable in size to Phanerozoic mations appears to have been hydrothermal (Young, 1988;
build-ups appear in the Late Archean in the same basins that host Breitkopf, 1988). The close association of these iron formations
the first large iron formations (Beukes, 1983; Grotzinger, 1994; with glacial sediments may be a key piece of evidence in this
Klein and Beukes, 1989; Simonson et al., 1993). Cratonization regard (Young, 1988; Trendall, 2002). The Neoproterozoic
of shields was a highly diachronous process (Eriksson and Don- glaciations were very extensive, so much so that Hoffman et al.
aldson, 1986). This could help explain why the largest iron for- (1998) believe they gave rise to a “snowball Earth.” Perhaps a
mations differ in age on different continents (Trendall, 2002). world ocean covered by ice could become highly stratified for the
The increase through time in the size of iron formations first time in over an eon and recreate some of the processes active
may not be entirely a direct result of lithospheric evolution. Evi- in the Archean and Paleoproterozoic (Klein and Beukes, 1992).
dence for deposition of iron formations in progressively shal- Whatever was responsible, conditions changed again before the
lower waters through time was summarized above. If iron start of the Phanerozoic such that significant iron formations
formations were being deposited in basins with stratified water finally disappeared from the stratigraphic record for good.
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Origin and evolution of large Precambrian iron formations 241

SUMMARY AND SPECULATION present in some iron formation basins (LaBerge, 1966a, 1966b;
Pickard, 2002), but they are surprisingly rare. The existence of
The sedimentology of banded iron formations, granular iron uniquely large areas of flooded continental crust could help
formations, and associated iron-poor strata constrain the origin of explain the exceptional continuity of depositional layers across
large iron formations in critical ways. For example, it is now clear the Hamersley and Transvaal Basins. Such flooding, and perhaps
that large iron formations are not replaced carbonates, skeletal the small size of continents at that point in Earth’s history, may
biogenic oozes, or precipitated around colonies of photosynthe- also have aided in the formation of uniquely large iron formations
sizing microbes releasing oxygen. It is also clear that large iron by minimizing dilution with fine-grained siliciclastic sediment
formations accumulated in marine environments, none of which derived from continental weathering. The immense size of the
were highly evaporitic; that hydrothermal systems were the Late Archean to Paleoproterozoic iron formations in these basins
source of the iron; and that large iron formation basins had strat- also indicates that they were unusually close and/or well con-
ified water columns. It seems that the large, Superior-type iron nected to large hydrothermal sources of iron.
formations owe their existence to a unique confluence of three
main circumstances in the Late Archean to Paleoproterozoic: ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
(1) the presence of large hydrothermal systems on the deep sea
floor, which presumably were very active throughout the Much of my work has been done in collaboration with Ober-
Archean; (2) a dramatic expansion in the total area of continental lin students who have greatly enhanced my understanding of iron
margins, which provided depositional repositories larger than any formations. I am particularly indebted to Scott Hassler. Fieldwork
that existed earlier in the Archean; and (3) a stratified ocean with was supported by grants from the National Geographic Society,
reduced intermediate and/or deep water masses that could trans- the National Science Foundation, and Oberlin College, as well as
mit large fluxes of dissolved ferrous iron from deep-sea logistical support from the Geological Survey of Western Aus-
hydrothermal systems to distant depocenters. The fact that large tralia, Hamersley Iron Pty. Ltd., the Iron Ore Company of Canada,
iron formations occur in many different tectonic settings and are and numerous other mining companies. N. Beukes and P. Link
associated with many different rock types (Gross, 1983; Fralick reviewed the first draft and made many helpful suggestions for its
and Barrett, 1995; Morey and Southwick, 1995) suggests that improvement. This overview draws heavily on Simonson (1997).
these conditions were met in a variety of different settings. If so,
the first-order cause of large iron formations could simply be REFERENCES CITED
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Geological Society of America Special Papers

Origin and evolution of large Precambrian iron formations
Bruce M. Simonson

Geological Society of America Special Papers 2003;370; 231-244


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