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Magnetite in Exploration of Porphyry SEG 2017 - Pisiak

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©2017 Society of Economic Geologists, Inc.

Economic Geology, v. 112, pp. 919–940

Magnetite as an Indicator Mineral in the Exploration of Porphyry Deposits:

A Case Study in Till near the Mount Polley Cu-Au Deposit, British Columbia, Canada*
L. K. Pisiak,1 D. Canil,1,† T. Lacourse,2 A. Plouffe,3 and T. Ferbey4
1 School of Earth and Ocean Sciences, University of Victoria, Victoria, British Columbia V8W 2Y2, Canada
2 Department of Biology, University of Victoria, Victoria, British Columbia V8W 2Y2, Canada
3 Geological Survey of Canada, Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0E8, Canada
4 British Columbia Geological Survey, Victoria, British Columbia V8W 9N3, Canada

The investigation of this paper focused on whether the composition of hydrothermal ore-related magnetite
in till could be used to locate porphyry deposits in terrane where glacial overburden overlies rocks that host
porphyry Cu-Au mineralization. This hypothesis was tested using 20 till samples collected in a ~900-km2 area
surrounding the Mount Polley porphyry Cu-Au deposit in south-central British Columbia, Canada. At least
100 magnetite grains were randomly selected from the magnetic fraction of each till sample. Nineteen trace
elements in ~50 magnetite grains in each sample were measured by laser ablation-inductively coupled plasma-
mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS). The large beam or raster size used for laser ablation (to 100 mm) homog-
enizes any heterogeneous trace element distributions in magnetite that result from oxy-exsolution and/or and
dissolution/reprecipitation, avoiding this issue with the few micron size of an electron beam. Linear discrimi-
nant analysis (LDA) performed on a compilation of magnetite compositions measured by LA-ICP-MS from
worldwide porphyry deposits and intrusive igneous rocks define the chemical signature (Mg, Al, Ti, V, Mn, Co,
Ni) of hydrothermal magnetite exclusive to porphyry systems. Application of our two LDA models to the 985
magnetite compositions we measured in the till samples surrounding Mount Polley showed anomalous amounts
of hydrothermal magnetite grains in till up to 2.5 km west-southwest and 4 km northwest of the deposit—a
pattern that is consistent with the ice-flow history of the region. Our LDA models for magnetite trace element
compositions have strong potential to be an effective tool in exploration for buried porphyry systems.

Introduction oxide Cu-Au (IOCG), and porphyry Cu(-Mo-Au) (McQueen

Indicator mineralogy is a powerful tool in exploration and has and Cross, 1998; Kamvong et al., 2007; Dupuis and Beau-
had proven success in locating a variety of mineral deposits, doin, 2011; Nadoll et al., 2012, 2014, 2015; Dare et al., 2012,
including diamondiferous kimberlite pipes and base metal 2014; Huang et al., 2014; Chen et al., 2015; Canil et al., 2016;
sulfides (Averill, 2001). For porphyry Cu(-Au) systems, indi- Makvandi et al., 2016).
cator minerals have included a large variety of accessory Despite a dearth of experimental data for the partition of
and alteration minerals that occur in these deposits such as trace elements in magnetite crystallized from fluid (Ilton and
apatite, epidote, garnet, jarosite, rutile, and tourmaline, and Eugster, 1989; Simon et al., 2004), several studies have used
ore-related minerals such as pyrite, chalcopyrite, and gold an empirical approach to fingerprint the chemical signa-
(Averill, 2011; Kelley et al., 2011; Celis et al., 2014; Hashmi ture of magnetite from various hydrothermal environments.
et al., 2015). Magnetite chemistry has been applied in sedi- Dupuis and Beaudoin (2011) developed discrimination
mentary provenance studies (Grigsby, 1990; Razjigaeva and diagrams for a number of deposit types including IOCG,
Naumova, 1992; Yang et al., 2009), and as a resistate mineral Kiruna, banded iron formation, porphyry Cu, skarn, Fe-Ti-
ubiquitous in porphyry systems, shows potential as an indica- V, Ni-Cu-PGE, and VMS. Nadoll et al. (2012, 2014) used
tor mineral in exploration (Dupuis and Beaudoin, 2011; Nad- factor analysis to identify factors that are able to discrimi-
oll et al., 2012; Dare et al., 2014). nate between igneous, low-temperature hydrothermal and
Magnetite (Fe3O4) is a member of the spinel group of min- metamorphic magnetite, identifying Mg, Al, Ti, V, Mn, Co,
erals that are recognized for their systematic variations in Zn, and Ga as key elements. They determined that hydro-
composition as a function of temperature, cooling rate, fO2, or thermal magnetite has elevated values for the Mg-Mn factor,
silica activity (Buddington and Lindsley, 1964; Irvine, 1965; whereas igneous magnetite can be identified by high values
Sack and Ghiorso, 1991; Roeder, 1994; Barnes and Roeder, of Co-Ni-V. Nadoll et al. (2015) calculated discriminant
2001; Dare et al., 2014). Several studies suggest that varia- measures on magnetite from porphyry Cu and skarn depos-
tion in minor and trace element contents in magnetite is sys- its, as well as their respective host rocks, in the southwestern
tematically related to the type of mineralizing environment, United States. Dare et al. (2014) used data from a variety of
including volcanogenic massive sulfide (VMS), skarn, Fe hydrothermal ore deposits and igneous rocks to broadly dis-
tinguish hydrothermal from igneous magnetite using Ti, Ni,
† Corresponding
and Cr. Canil et al. (2016) used principal components analy-
author: e-mail,
*A digital supplement containing electronic Appendix Tables A1 and A2 is
sis on hydrothermal magnetite from porphyry Cu(-Au-Mo)
available at and at http://econgeol.geoscience- and skarn deposits to recognize positive correlations of Al, Appendix text follows this paper. Ti, and V related to temperature, and negative correlations
Submitted: June 24, 2016
0361-0128/17/4494/919-22 919 Accepted: January 10, 2017

of Sn and Mo, with Mn and Co, governed by fluid chemistry. rocks of the Nicola Group that forms an open NW-plunging
Few studies have examined magnetite as an indicator in till syncline (Fig. 2; Logan and Mihalynuk, 2005; Rees, 2013).
proximal to an ore deposit (McMartin et al., 2011; Sappin The intrusive complex is composed of fine-grained porphy-
et al., 2014). There have been no ground-truth tests of mag- ritic diorite and monzonite with subordinate plagioclase por-
netite in tills around a known porphyry deposit. phyry and syenite dikes with crystallization ages of 205 ± 3 Ma
In this paper, the potential of magnetite trace element based on the U-Pb zircon method (Mortensen et al., 1995;
chemistry as an indicator for porphyry Cu(-Au) deposits is Logan and Mihalynuk, 2005; Logan et al., 2007). Various mag-
tested. Linear discriminant analysis to rigorously define the matic-hydrothermal breccias are the major host for Cu-Au
signature of hydrothermal magnetite from mineralized por- mineralization, which occurs as disseminated and stockwork
phyry systems is first used. Subsequently the application of chalcopyrite, bornite, and pyrite (Fraser et al., 1992; Rees
discrimination methods to 987 magnetite compositions mea- et al., 2013). The age of porphyry Cu-Au mineralization was
sured in till surrounding the Mount Polley porphyry Cu-Au determined by Logan et al. (2007) as 205.2 ± 1.2 Ma based
deposit, British Columbia, Canada (Fig. 1) shows the veracity on 40Ar/39Ar ages of hydrothermal biotite intergrown with
and plausibility of using these methods for magnetite as an chalcopyrite.
exploration tool. The Late Wisconsinan Fraser Glaciation deposited a large
amount of glacial sediment over the Quesnel terrane and
Geologic Setting much of the Interior plateau. Ice build-up of the Cordille-
The Mount Polley porphyry Cu-Au deposit occurs in the ran Ice Sheet began ~29 ka, with complete deglaciation by
Quesnel terrane, an assemblage of Late Triassic to Early Juras- ~11.5 ka (Ryder et al., 1991). Ice-flow indicators as measured
sic arc rocks in the North American Cordillera (Fig. 1). The from erosional features on outcrop indicate two directions of
intrusive complex hosting the Mount Polley deposit is a high- ice-flow movement in the Mount Polley region: (1) early west-
level, NW-trending alkalic stock, approximately 4 by 6 km in ward ice-flow (oriented at 250°–275°) during advancement of
dimension, emplaced in metasedimentary and metavolcanic valley and piedmont glaciers from the Cariboo Mountains in



Fig. 1. Location map of the Mount Polley porphyry Cu-Au deposit (star), superimposed on the geologic terrane map of Brit-
ish Columbia (modified from Colpron and Nelson, 2011). Triangles are locations of samples used in the discriminant analysis
database from mineralized (yellow) and barren (blue) intrusions (Mountjoy , 2011; Canil et al., 2016). C = Catface, CM =
Copper Mountain, E = Endako, H = Hushamu, HV = Highland Valley, IC = Island Copper, M = Mesachie, N = Nimpkish,
P = Pine.

Fig. 2. Regional geology, mineral occurrences, and till sample locations (red dots) in the Mount Polley study area (modified
from Plouffe et al., 2013a; bedrock geology from Logan et al., 2010). Samples analyzed in this study are indicated as larger
symbols. Locations for Mount Polley bedrock samples are also shown (blue dot).

the east, and (2) later north-westward ice-flow (oriented at Laser ablation-inductively coupled plasma-mass
290°–330°) during the last glacial maximum related to an ice spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS)
divide to the south of Mount Polley at 52°N latitude (Plouffe Fifty magnetite grains per till sample were randomly selected
et al., 2013a). The NW-trending direction is the dominant for elemental analysis by LA-ICP-MS at the University of
ice-flow movement recorded in the study area (Hashmi et al., Victoria. Grains with appreciable alteration, fracturing, or a
2015). significant number of inclusions were excluded because they
would not be amenable to ablation without obvious contami-
Sampling and Analytical Methods nation of other phases. Analysis of Mg, Al, Si, Ca, Sc, Ti, V,
Till samples Mn, Cr, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Ga, Nb, Mo, Sn, Ta, and W was per-
formed using a 213-nm Nd: YAG UV laser operating at 50 to
A total of 74 till samples from an area of ~900 km2 surround- 63% energy and 10 Hz, and interfaced to a Thermo Scientific
ing the Mount Polley deposit gathered as part of a Natural XSERIES 2 Quadrupole ICP-MS.
Resources of Canada Targeted Geoscience Initiative 4 pro- Laser ablation using spots (25–55 μm diam) and rastered
gram (Plouffe et al., 2013b; Ferbey et al., 2014) was the lines (100–150 μm long) were employed depending on the
basis for our study (Fig. 2). For each sampling location, mineral size and texture (Fig. 3). Data collection for each
~10 kg of till was collected at a depth of ~80 cm below the analysis included 30 s of background signal followed by 20 to
soil weathering horizon. Bulk till samples were prepared at 30 s of ablation, with a minimum of 60 s washout. External
Overburden Drilling Management Ltd. (Nepean, Canada) calibration using standard reference material silicate glasses
by wet sieving to a <2-mm-size fraction and then concen- NIST611, NIST613, and NIST615 was performed for every
trating by density on a shaking table. The recovered heavy 10 analyses. Time-resolved spectra were processed off-line
minerals were further concentrated in methylene iodide using a custom spreadsheet. Obvious mineral inclusions at the
(specific gravity 3.2) and sieved into three different sized surface were avoided for ablation (Fig. 3), but heterogeneities
fractions: 1 to 2, 0.5 to 1, and 0.25 to 0.5 mm. Magnetic in time-resolved spectra, caused by small inclusions inter-
separation was performed on the heavy mineral fraction of sected at depth by the laser, were edited to remove contami-
the processed till samples. Magnetite grains (2–0.25 mm) nated sections from the spectra. When such heterogeneities
were picked from the ferromagnetic heavy mineral fraction were too large and/or frequent in the spectra, the analysis was
using a hand magnet and binocular microscope at the Uni- discarded.
versity of Victoria (Victoria, Canada). Approximately 100 to Three different methods of standardization were employed:
125 grains/till sample were randomly selected, mounted in (1) internal standardization using an assumed stoichiometric
epoxy, and polished for further study (Pisiak et al., 2015). amount of Fe in pure Fe3O4 magnetite (i.e., 72 wt % Fe), (2)
The composition of magnetite from intrusive rocks in the internal standardization using the Fe concentration as deter-
Mount Polley deposit was previously investigated by Canil mined by EMP analysis, and (3) the ablation yield correction
et al. (2016). factor (AYCF) method of Liu et al. (2008). The AYCF method
Petrography is an internal standard-independent calibration that corrects
for the absolute amount of material ablated and calibrates to
Reflected light microscopy was used to examine internal the total counts per second for each analysis assuming that
textures of the magnetite. Magnetite grains were classified all elements in the sample have been analyzed (Liu et al.,
according to their crystal form, state of preservation (e.g., 2008). For magnetite, the elements selected for LA-ICP-MS
intensity of pitting, alteration, or fracturing), exsolution tex- analysis cover the range of known substitutions in magnetite
tures, and abundance of mineral inclusions. A subset of mag- that occur in measurable concentrations and, therefore, safely
netite grains in each sample was further examined with a satisfies this assumption. A comparison of the three different
Hitachi S-4800 field emission scanning electron microscope standardization methods is discussed further below.
(SEM) at the University of Victoria using an accelerating volt- Accuracy, precision, and detection limits using a beam with
age of 16 kV and an emission current of 20 nA. Backscattered a 25-μm diameter, and rastered over a 100-μm length were
electron (BSE) imaging and semiquantitative energy disper- monitored over time in each analytical session using the USGS
sive X-ray spectrometry (EDS) were used to identify exsolu- basaltic glass reference BCR2g (Table 1). Accuracy for Mg, Si,
tion and alteration phases and inclusions. Ca, Sc, Ti, V, Mn, Co, Ni, Nb, Mo, and W, using Fe as the
Electron microprobe analysis internal standard (in % RSD), is better than 5%. Elements Cr,
Fe and Ta have accuracies between 5 and 10%; Al, Cu, and
The concentrations of Mg, Al, Si, Ca, Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Fe, and Sn between 10 and 20%; and Zn and Ga at 20 to 30%. Preci-
Ni in magnetite from a subset of the till samples were deter- sion was better than 20% for all elements except Cr, Zn, Ga,
mined using a CAMECA SX 50 electron microprobe (EMP) and W. Detection limits are reported using the 3σ criterion,
at the University of British Columbia (Vancouver, Canada). whereby the limit of detection for each element is calculated
The EMP was operated at an accelerating voltage of 15 kV, using three times the standard deviation of the gas background
beam current of 20 nA, and spot size of 5 μm. Counting times signal that contains zero analyte (Longerich et al., 1996).
of 20 s were used for all elements except V, Cr, and Ni (40 s).
Less than 5% of all analyses for most elements in magne-
tite were below the detection limits of the EMP (250 ppm), Petrography
except Cr and Ni for which ~30% of all analyses were below Magnetite grains in till exhibit a wide variety of morphologies,
detection. textures, alteration, and inclusions (Fig. 3). In the till samples,

Fig. 3. Petrographic varieties of magnetite from till in reflected light at 20× magnification. A. Euhedral, homogeneous
magnetite grain with 100-μm-long laser-ablation raster, apatite (Ap) inclusion and minor hematite (Hem) alteration patches
(sample 12 PMA 081 A01-C3). B. Subhedral magnetite grain with ilmenite (Ilm) trellis lamellae and 110-μm-long laser-
ablation raster (12 PMA 077 A01-D1). C. Subhedral magnetite grain with very fine trellis lamellae, potassium feldspar (Kfs)
and apatite inclusions, hematite alteration, and two 30-μm laser-ablation spots (12 PMA 088 A01-D4). D. Subrounded,
heterogeneous magnetite grain with fine trellis lamellae, hematite alteration, as well as blebby titanite (Ttn) predominantly
concentrated in the core (12 PMA 087 A01-G6).

Table 1. Detection Limits, Accuracy, and Precision for Magnetite LA-ICP-MS Analysis

Element Isotope DL, min (ppm) DL, max (ppm) DL, med (ppm) Accuracy (%) Precision (%)

Mg 26 2.13 92 6.53 5 13
Al 27 0.53 121 6.23 13 11
Si 29 123 42,820 380 1 6
Ca 42 81 899 160 5 5
Sc 45 0.03 3.49 0.41 3 15
Ti 47 0.45 691 4.23 2 13
V 51 0.08 32 0.52 5 15
Cr 52 0.71 109 1.76 9 22
Mn 55 0.3 61 0.9 3 15
Fe 57 11 3,546 76 8 14
Co 59 0.02 1.17 0.13 4 15
Ni 60 0.1 6.08 1.63 4 17
Cu 63 0.08 3.85 0.54 14 15
Zn 66 0.12 28 0.4 22 21
Ga 69 0.01 1.5 0.07 29 30
Nb 93 0.003 0.91 0.05 2 12
Mo 95 0.02 1.17 0.12 2 14
Sn 118 0.04 0.88 0.08 15 14
Ta 181 0.001 0.94 0.01 10 17
W 182 0.004 1.49 0.04 1 26

Notes: Accuracy and precision calculated based on analysis of BCR2g; abbreviations: min = minimum, max = maximum, med = median

magnetite grains vary in shape from subhedral-euhedral octa- and in some cases cryptic. In exsolved magnetite, titanite is
hedrons and cubo-octahedrons, to more commonly rounded a replacement product of Ti-rich lamellae (Fig. 4C), form-
to subrounded forms, which likely result from sediment trans- ing after oxy-exsolution, whereas in magnetite grains without
port. Some magnetite grains are highly fractured or strongly exsolution, titanite occurs as irregular stringers or fine dis-
pitted, whereas others are relatively pristine or homogeneous seminations (Fig. 4D). In addition, titanite may form along
(Fig. 3A). In reflected light, magnetite is typically gray with grain boundaries or as localized patches (Fig. 3D), similar to
a brownish tint, but is often characterized by exsolution of a hematite. Mineral inclusions may be present and/or abundant
slightly lower reflective phase. Exsolved phases of ilmenite in some but not all magnetite grains (Fig. 3A, C). There was
(FeTiO3) or, very rarely, ulvöspinel (Fe2TiO4), and/or rutile no relationship of inclusion occurrences to grain size, habit,
(TiO2) typically occur as trellis-type lamellae ranging from or chemistry. Apatite is the most common type of inclusion
submicroscopic to 10 μm in width (Figs. 3, 4). Parallel- or followed by quartz, K-feldspar, and chalcopyrite in decreasing
sandwich-type lamellae are also observed, but are much less abundance. Magnetite grains containing multiple generations
common. Some magnetite grains contain more than one exso- of coarser grained magnetite (>200 μm) recognized as disso-
lution phase. For example, Figure 4A shows thick ulvöspi- lution/reprecipitation during hydrothermal processes in skarn
nel + rutile lamellae with thin interstitial trellis replaced by deposits (Hu et al., 2015) were rare in the total population,
an unknown Si-Al-Mg phase in magnetite. Ilmenite exsolu- and not recognized in any of the 985 magnetite grains ana-
tion occurs by subsolidus oxidation during cooling, whereas lyzed. Nevertheless, as will be shown in what follows, only a
ulvöspinel exsolution occurs from cooling alone below 600°C subset of the till magnetites are likely hydrothermal in origin.
(Haggerty, 1991).
Two predominant types of alteration are present in mag- Chemistry of Magnetite
netite from till: (1) martitization (hematite alteration) due to
oxidation, and (2) “sphenitization” by late-stage fluids (Hag- Comparison of analytical methods
gerty, 1976). Martitization is identified in reflected light, The complete compositional dataset for all magnetite grains
and predominantly occurs along grain boundaries, crystallo- in till (n = 985) is given in an online Appendix Table A1. We
graphic planes (lamellae), adjacent to fractures, or as localized tested the accuracy of three calibration methods for the pro-
patches, with no preference for any specific textural or mor- cessing of magnetite LA-ICP-MS spectra, in order to opti-
phological type of magnetite (Fig. 3). In comparison, altera- mize its application in mineral exploration. The “EMP Fe”
tion of magnetite to titanite (sphenitization) is highly variable calibration method uses the Fe concentration in magnetite as

Fig. 4. Backscattered electron (BSE) images of magnetite. A. Coarse ulvöspinel (Usp) and rutile (Rt) lamellae with an inter-
stitial, fine, dark trellis lamellae of an Si-Al-Mg-rich phase (sample 12 PMA 095 A01-C11). B. Submicroscopic ilmenite (Ilm)
lamellae in magnetite (12 PMA 095 A01-A15). C. Preferential titanite (Ttn) alteration of ilmenite lamellae in magnetite (12
PMA 585 A01-F4). D. Stringers and disseminations of titanite in magnetite (12 PMA 088 A01-B15).

determined by EMP as the internal standard for LA ICPMS standardization methods by providing accurate calibration of
spectra. To obviate the step of obtaining EMP data, the “stoi- all elements in magnetite while eliminating the time for an
chiometric Fe” calibration method assumes the maximum additional analytical step in determining the concentration of
stoichiometric amount of Fe that can occur in magnetite the internal standard.
(72%) as the internal standard and, therefore, is an approxima- Elements such as Mg, Al, Ti, V, Cr, and Mn occur in sig-
tion that produces the maximum possible trace element con- nificant concentrations in magnetite and are often detectable
centrations. The third type of calibration, the AYCF method, by both EMP and LA-ICP-MS. Other elements that occur in
calibrates to the total counts per second in each analysis and, much lower concentrations (<0.1 wt %) such as Si, Ca, Cr, and
therefore, requires no internal standard, and thus no prior Ni, however, are often near or below detection for the EMP
step of EMP analysis for Fe (Liu et al., 2008). (Fig. 6A). Significant scatter observed for certain elements
For all major and minor elements in magnetite, the stoichio- may be an artifact of the difference in beam size between the
metric Fe calibration method produced consistently higher EMP and LA-ICP-MS (Fig. 6B). For example, extensive exso-
concentrations (by 13–35%) than the EMP Fe method (Fig. lution is observed in a large proportion of the magnetite grains
5A). In contrast, the AYCF method produces element con- in this study (Figs. 3, 4) and the lamellae are often at scales
centrations within only a few percent of that calculated using coarser than the electron beam size (5 μm). The smaller beam
the EMP Fe calibration method (Fig. 5B) with a maximum size of EMP is less able to homogenize entire bulk composi-
difference observed of 20 to 25%. The low-mass elements tion during analysis in this case (Dare et al., 2012). This differ-
Mg, Al, Si, and Ca could not be compared between standard- ence in sampling would contribute significantly to differences
ization methods because spurious concentrations arise when in concentrations for any element that is heterogeneously dis-
calibrated using Fe as an internal standard, possibly due to tributed in magnetite, such as Ti, which can be concentrated
the low concentration of Fe in the NIST reference materi- in exsolution lamellae (Fig. 6B). A larger beam size is possible
als used for standards. On the other hand, the calibration for EMP, but the area rastered by the laser (150 × 80 μm) is
curves for Mg, Al, Si, and Ca, using the internal standardless more efficient for homogenizing material during analysis, as
AYCF method, are well correlated and considered reliable. can be seen in images of Figure 3. In what follows, we use
Thus, the AYCF method is preferred over either internal
25,000 (A)
R² = 0.99 10000
Cr (ppm) – LA-ICP-MS
Cr (ppm) - 'Stoichiometric Fe'

20,000 1000

15,000 100

10 R² = 0.98
0 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000 100000
Cr (ppm) - EMP
(B) 10
R² = 1
Ti (wt.%) – LA-ICP- MS
Cr (ppm) - AYCF

R² = 0.33
5,000 0.1

0 5,000 10,000 15,000 20,000 25,000 0.01
0.01 0.1 1 10
Cr (ppm) - 'EMP Fe'
Ti (wt.%) - EMP
Fig. 5. A comparison of LA-ICP-MS calibration methods using Cr concen-
trations in magnetite as a representative example of a trace element, showing Fig. 6. A comparison of LA-ICP-MS and EMP analytical methods for mag-
1:1 reference line (solid black) and fitted trend (dotted). A. Good correla- netite. A. Good correlation is observed for Cr between the two techniques,
tion of data (R2 >0.99) is observed between calibration methods, however, however, the EMP performs poorly when close to the detection limit as indi-
the “stoichiometric Fe” method of standardization consistently produces the cated by data scatter below ~1,000 ppm. B. Significant scatter is present in Ti
highest element concetrations. B. Element concentrations determined by between the two techniques, likely the result of a 5-um EMP beam size being
AYCF calibration that closely matches those of the “EMP Fe” method unable to homogenize exsolution lamellae with host magnetite.

element concentrations determined by LA-ICP-MS analysis Sphenitization of magnetite can occur by metasomatic
rather than EMP because of the greater sensitivity and lower introduction of SiO2 and CaO in late-stage H2O-rich fluids or
detection limits of the former instrument, and the fact a laser by the breakdown of plagioclase, followed by the removal of
spot or raster samples more of the crystal during analysis and FeO from magnetite to form other minerals in the rock such
is, therefore, a better representation of the total preexsolution as sulfide, chlorite, or amphibole (Haggerty, 1976). This phe-
magnetite composition before exsolution occurred. nomenon has been documented in metasomatized intrusive
rocks (Weisse et al., 1985), I- and S-type granites (Whalen and
“Sphenitization:” High Si and Ca in magnetite Chappell, 1988), and hydrothermally altered oceanic crust
About 90% of the magnetite grains sampled from tills in the (Shau et al., 2000). Weisse et al. (1985) reported preferential
Mount Polley region are characterized by elevated concentra- titanite alteration of ilmenite lamellae in magnetite from the
tions of Si and Ca, up to 7.3 and 6.0 wt %, respectively. Both Nahant gabbro, United States, similar to that observed in till
Si and Ca do not have extensive substitutions in spinel group near Mount Polley (Fig. 4C). Haggerty (1976) documented
minerals from the Earth’s crust (O’Neill and Navrotsky, 1984). examples of titanite replacement for both exsolved lamellae
A number of studies have documented several weight percent and host magnetite.
Si in magnetite from various environments with Ca typically In five porphyry and skarn deposits of British Colum-
<1 wt % (Vincent and Phillips, 1954; Shcheka et al., 1977; bia, sphenitization was observed petrographically in very
Newberry et al., 1982; Shiga, 1988; Westendorp et al., 1991; few samples. The chemistry of magnetite from Mount Pol-
Dare et al., 2014). The high Si contents could be attributed to ley (<0.3 wt % Si, <0.05 wt % Ca) confirms that this is not
an Fe2SiO4 equiv spinel component in solid solution with mag- a characteristic of the deposit (Canil et al., 2016). In fact,
netite rather than contamination by minute silicate impurities greater degrees of sphenitization in magnetite in till samples
(e.g., Newberry et al., 1982; Westendorp et al., 1991). Alter- were observed at greater distances downice or away from
natively, Shcheka et al. (1977) suggested variable amounts of the Mount Polley deposit. As sphenitization is relatively
a Ca2SiO4 spinel component in magnetite based on similarly common during regional, low-grade metamorphism (Hag-
high Ca contents. The majority of Si-bearing magnetite in the gerty, 1976), grains in the till with any appreciable amount
aforementioned studies is described as zoned or containing of this effect are likely sourced from the metamorphosed
discrete domains in which Si is concentrated, features that are mafic volcanic and sedimentary rocks of the Late Triassic
not observed in magnetite from our till samples. Nicola Group that dominate the study area (Fig. 2) rather
Most magnetite grains in till that are enriched in Si and Ca than being hydrothermal in origin and specific to the Mount
are characterized by approximately equal atomic proportions Polley porphyry deposit.
of these two elements (Fig. 7). This is inconsistent with sub-
stitution as a Ca2SiO4 spinel component, but is the expected Compositional variability in magnetite from till
1:1 stoichiometry of Si and Ca in titanite (CaTiSiO5), which The large compositional variability observed in the detrital
is observed petrographically in many magnetite grains on a magnetite grains reflects the diverse bedrock sources for till
variety of scales (Figs. 3, 4). Using the Si and Ca contents, the in the Mount Polley region. For brevity, we describe only the
maximum amount of titanite alteration in magnetite is 33% salient relationships between a few of the trace elements. Tita-
(Fig. 8). nium is the most variable of all elements measured in magne-
tite, ranging from 50 ppm to 13.5 wt %, and shows a strong
positive correlation with Al, which ranges up to 7.6 wt % (Fig.
2,500 8A). The Ti and Al contents of magnetite are related to tem-
perature (Turnock and Eugster, 1962; Buddington and Lind-
Mt. Polley
2,000 sley, 1964). Therefore, elevated Ti and Al concentrations in
most magnetite grains in till is consistent with a large pro-
portion of material derived from igneous source rock, likely
Ca (ppm)/m.w.

1,500 the volcanic rocks of the Nicola Group that cover most of the
study area (Fig. 2). In contrast, hydrothermal magnetite typi-
1,000 cally contains substantially lower Ti and Al than magnetite in
igneous rocks (Fig. 8A; Dupuis and Beaudoin, 2011; Dare et
al., 2014; Nadoll et al., 2014; Canil et al., 2016).
Trivalent V and Cr have maximum concentrations of 0.7
and 8.1 wt %, respectively. High V contents are typical of
0 magmatic magnetite (Nadoll et al., 2014); however, magnetite
0 500 1,000 1,500 2,000 2,500 at the Mount Polley deposit also contains significantly high V
(Fig. 8B). Magnetite with elevated Cr concentrations occurs
Si (ppm)/m.w. in serpentinized mafic-ultramafic rocks as “ferritchromit,” a
Fig. 7. Ca and Si contents in magnetite normalized to their molecular product of hydrothermally altered Cr-Al spinels (e.g., Mellini
weight to show approximate atomic proportions. The 1:1 line (dashed) is the et al., 2005). Chromium-rich magnetite could be derived from
expected stoichiometry for Ca and Si atoms in titanite. Several magnetite serpentinites of the Slide Mountain terrane that crop out in
grains from till with high Si and low Ca may indicate potential interference
by minute quartz inclusions in these grains, or possible Si in solid solution. the far northeast corner of the study area (Fig. 2). Elevated
Mount Polley magnetite data from Canil et al. (2016) and recalibrated using concentrations of Si and Ca related to secondary sphenitiza-
the AYCF method. tion are also observed in some grains (Fig. 7).

100,000 Till
SW USA Porphyry
BC Porphyry
10,000 Mount Polley 100

Al (ppm)

Mo (ppm)
1,000 10

100 1

(A) (C)
10 0.1
10,000 100

1,000 10

V (ppm)

100 1

(B) (D)
10 0.1
1 100 10,000 0.01 1 100

Ti (ppm) Sn(ppm)
Fig. 8. Select binary plots showing the covariation in magnetite chemistry from till for (A) Ti and Al, (B) Ti and V, (C) Sn and
Mo, and (D) Sn and Sc. Magnetite analyses from Mount Polley and other porphyry deposits in British Columbia (Canil et
al. (2016) were recalibrated using the AYCF method in this study. Magnetite data from porphyry deposits in the southwest
United States is from Nadoll et al. (2015).

Scandium and Sn are measurable in nearly all magnetite documented in several magnetite grains in till sourced from
grains but are <77 and 12 ppm, respectively. Tin concentra- low-grade metamorphosed bedrock (Fig. 7). The Al + Mn
tions are positively correlated with Mo and Sc in hydrother- versus Ti + V diagram of Nadoll et al. (2014, 2015) defines
mal magnetite, but not in the variety of magnetite in the tills fields for distinguishing skarn and porphyry deposits from the
(Fig. 8 C, D). Other minor elements that are detectable in southwest United States. With the exception of one sample
most magnetite grains include Ni (max ,3021 ppm), Cu (max from Mount Polley, magnetite from the deposit is accurately
1,807 ppm), Co (max 759 ppm), and Ga (max. 213 ppm). Gal- classified as porphyry (Fig. 11); however, magnetite from sev-
lium is weakly correlated with Mn (100–30,000 ppm) and Zn eral unmineralized igneous intrusions (Mountjoy, 2011) and
(30–10,000 ppm), suggesting minor components of MnGa2O4 all magnetite from till are similarly classified as porphyry.
and ZnGa2O4. More than 10% of all analyses were below Finally, a plot of Ti versus Ni/Cr in magnetite proposed by
detection for Nb, Mo, Ta, and W for which the maximum con- Dare et al. (2014) broadly distinguishes hydrothermal from
tents of each element is less than ~150 ppm. magmatic grains. Hydrothermal porphyry magnetite from
Mount Polley (Canil et al., 2016) falls within the hydrothermal
Identification of Hydrothermal Magnetite field in this plot (Fig. 12). Chromium is typically in very low
concentrations in hydrothermal magnetite (i.e., <150 ppm at
Binary plots Mount Polley). Therefore, for a large number of analyses of
Dupuis and Beadoin (2011) developed two diagrams to distin- magnetite from Mount Polley and a small number of magne-
guish magnetite compositions of porphyry, iron oxide Cu-Au tite grains in till, the detection limit for Cr was used, produc-
(IOCG), skarn, Kiruna, banded iron formation (BIF), and Fe- ing a minimum Ni/Cr value. Magnetite from the till samples
Ti-V deposits. Their Ni/(Cr + Mn) versus Ti + V plot is unable primarily plots in the igneous field, with a small proportion
to accurately classify magnetite from Mt. Polley (Fig. 9). Tests of grains overlapping into the hydrothermal magnetite field
of a second discrimination diagram of Ca + Al + Mn versus (Fig. 12).
Ti + V found that porphyry magnetite from till and bedrock Because the discrimination diagrams shown in Figures 9,
at Mount Polley partly coincide with the porphyry field (Fig. 10, and 11 are unable to properly identify hydrothermal mag-
10), but also extend into the fields for IOCG, skarn, Kiruna, netite from Mount Polley, these diagrams would be too gen-
and Fe-Ti-V deposits (Nadoll et al., 2014; Canil et al., 2016). eral or ineffective in practice for an exploration program. The
The latter diagram is very problematic because Ca + Al + Mn Ti versus Ni/Cr diagram is straightforward and shows poten-
values will be grossly modified by sphenitization, which we tial for application of magnetite in exploration for porphyry

Fig. 9. Ni/(Cr + Mn) vs. Ti + V plot for magnetite compositions with discrimination fields from Dupuis and Beaudoin (2011).
Magnetite from Mount Polley plots at much lower Ni/(Cr + Mn) values than that proposed for porphyry deposits due to
relatively high Mn concentrations at the deposit (data from Canil et al., 2016). Most magnetite grains plot in the Fe-Ti-V field
with very few grains overlapping the porphyry field.

Fig. 10. Ca + Al + Mn vs. Ti + V plot of magnetite compositions with discrimination fields from Dupuis and Beaudoin (2011).
Magnetite from Mount Polley plots slightly above the porphyry field based on relatively high Mn concentrations (data from
Canil et al., 2016). Magnetite in till shows minor overlap with the porphyry field.

Fig. 11. Al + Mn vs. Ti + V plot of magnetite compositions with skarn and porphyry discrimination fields from Nadoll et
al. (2015). The skarn + porphyry field is a transitional zone between the two deposit types. Magnetite from Mount Polley is
successfully classified as porphyry magnetite, with the exception of one analysis (data from Canil et al., in press, recalculated
using the AYCF calibration method). There is no distinction for igneous magnetite, therefore, magnetite data from barren
igneous intrusions in the Cordillera (Mountjoy, 2011) and till are erroneously classified as porphyry magnetite.

Fig. 12. Ti vs. Ni/Cr plot of magnetite compositions with igneous and hydrothermal discrimination fields from Dare et al.
(2014). Analyses with Cr values below detection were assigned the value of the detection limit (1.76 ppm), which gives a mini-
mum Ni/Cr value. Magnetite from Mount Polley is successfully classified as porphyry magnetite (data from Canil et al., 2016).
Magnetite from till is predominantly classified as igneous, but a small proportion of grains plot in the hydrothermal field.

deposits (Fig. 12), but hydrothermal magnetite is poor in Cr in veins and hydrothermal breccias, thus showing direct
and detection limits will introduce practical uncertainty. Hu petrographic evidence of precipitation from fluids. Ore igne-
et al. (2015) also contested the validity of these diagrams in ous magnetite is eu-subhedral and occurs in fresh or altered
Figures 9 and 10 because EMP analysis (on which these dia- intrusive rocks located at a porphyry deposit. Barren igneous
grams are based) is prone to the problem of a small beam size magnetite is eu-subhedral, but from unmineralized intrusions
in sampling the larger heterogeneities in hydrothermal mag- that are remote from or show no relationship to any kind of
netite. We show that laser ablation, particularly with rastering, ore deposit. The database was then divided into two subsets
can sample at a scale beyond most heterogeneities from exso- based on the whether the analytical data were measured all in
lution, and better integrate the total composition of magnetite one lab, or in different labs.
(irrespective of the origin) while still avoiding obvious mineral For brevity here, the extended procedures and details of
inclusions at the surface (Fig. 3). Nevertheless, there may be the discriminant analyses are given in the Appendix 2 and
too wide a compositional range in hydrothermal magnetite to elsewhere (Pisiak, 2015). We determined the elements that
be accurately classified using simple binary diagrams. have the most discriminating power among magnetite com-
positions from these three groups (hydrothermal porphyry
Discriminant analysis magnetite, ore igneous magnetite, and barren igneous mag-
A multivariate statistical method that applies the collective netite) to define discriminant functions that uniquely iden-
significance of all elements, rather than just a few, may be tify the provenance of magnetite grains. A linear method of
a more robust approach to characterize the composition of discriminant analysis (LDA) was chosen due to the simplic-
magnetite as an indicator mineral (Nadoll et al., 2014, 2015). ity of linear functions. Table 3 summarizes the results of the
We used discriminant analysis (Davis, 2002) to test for differ- two discriminant analyses, subsequently referred to as LDA1
ences between magnetite from various sources. We compiled and LDA2 for the two different subsets of data, described
a database of trace element concentrations in magnetite (n in detail in Appendix 2. The discriminant scores for the two
= 481) from three petrologically distinct groups to create a analyses show a clear separation of the magnetite composi-
training dataset for the discriminant analysis (Table 2). Hydro- tional groups in a territorial plot of the linear functions (Fig.
thermal porphyry magnetite was designated as that occurring 13A, B). Factor 1 (F1) effectively separates hydrothermal

Table 2. Source of Magnetite Data for Discriminant Analyses

Source Elements analyzed Locality Sample type n

Canil et al. (i016) Mg, Al, Si, Sc, Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Co, Copper Mountain Cu-Au deposit, BC, CAN HTP 19
  Ni, Cu, Nb, Mo, Sn, W, Re Endako Mo deposit, BC, CAN HTP 14
Island Copper Cu-Mo-Au deposit, BC, CAN HTP 27
OIG 12
Mount Polley Cu-Au deposit, BC, CAN HTP 45
Pine Cu-Au deposit, BC, CAN HTP 28

Mountjoy (2011) Mg, Al, Sc, Ti, V, Mn, Co, Ni, Highland Valley Cu deposit, BC, CAN OIG 32
  Cu, Nb, Mo, Sn, W Hushamu intrusion, BC, CAN BIG 9
Nimpkish batholith, BC, CAN BIG 7
Mesachie Lake pluton, BC, CAN BIG 16
Argonaut intrusion, BC, CAN BIG 8

Nadoll et al. (2015) Na, Mg, Al, Si, S, Ca, Ti, V, Cr, Chino Cu deposit, NM, USA HTP 13
  Mn, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Ga, Ge, As, OIG 32
  Se, Sr, Y, Nb, Mo, Ag, In, Sn, Ba, Cobre Cu deposit, NM, USA HTP 8
  Ce, Au, Tl, Pb, Th OIG 8
Henderson Mo deposit, CO, USA OIG 41
Morenci Cu deposit, AZ, USA HTP 8
Morenci Garfield Cu deposit, AZ, USA OIG 7
Morenci Producer Cu deposit, AZ, USA HTP 7
Morenci Sun Ridge Cu deposit, AZ, USA HTP 15
Safford Dos Pobres Cu deposit, AZ, USA HTP 24
Safford Lone Star Cu deposit, AZ, USA HTP 25
OIG 20
Safford San Juan Cu deposit, AZ, USA HTP 18
OIG 16
    Inner Zone batholith, Japan BIG 12

Notes: Abbreviations: n = sample size; BIG = barren igneous; HTP = hydrothermal porphyry, OIG = ore-related igneous, only elements that were analyzed
in magnetite from all localities by the respective author are listed

Table 3. Results of Linear Discriminant Analysis for Two Magnetite Databases

A. LDA1                    Dataset: MDB1

      Discriminant functions Standardized functions Scores of group means

F1 F2 F1 F2 F1 F2

Mg 0.703 0.384 Mg 0.956 0.521             BIG –1.791  0.995

Al –1.387 0.091 Al –1.401 0.092             HTP 1.03  0.049
V –0.075 1.169 V –0.666 1.039             OIG –1.399 –1.005
Mn 0.412 –0.75 Mn 0.549 –1
Co –0.827 –0.525 Co –0.509 –0.323
Ni –0.306 –1.149 Ni –0.268 –1.005 Statistics
Constant –12.15 –11.256
F1 F2

Eigenvalue 1.667 0.402

Wilks lambda: 0.268 Canonical correlation 0.791 0.535
p-value: <0.001 Cumulative dispersion 0.806 1
N = 222

B. LDA2                    Dataset: MDB2

      Discriminant functions Standardized functions Scores of group means

F1 F2 F1 F2 F1 F2

Mg 0.627 0.477 Mg 0.814 0.619 BIG –1.553   0.831

Al –1.5 0.281 Al –1.493 0.279 HTP 1.03   0.068
Ti 0.259 –0.192 Ti 0.529 –0.392 OIG –1.064 –0.784
V –0.404 0.79 V –0.354 0.691
Mn 0.212 –0.439 Mn 0.275 –0.571
Co –0.541 0.215 Co –0.354 0.141 Statistics
Ni –0.567 –1.043 Ni –0.501 –0.92
Constant –14.699 –2.355 F1 F2

Eigenvalue 1.356 0.295

Canonical correlation 0.759 0.477
Wilks lambda: 0.328 Cumulative dispersion 0.821 1
p-value: <0.001
N = 253

Notes: Abbreviations: F1 = factor 1, F2 = factor 2; all elements in ppm; BIG = barren igneous, HTP = hydrothermal porphyry, OIG = ore-related igneous
F1 = ln[0.703Mg/Fe - 1.287Al/Fe - 0.075V/Fe + 0.412Mn/Fe - 0.827Co/Fe - 0.306Ni/Fe] - 12.15
F2 = ln[0.384Mg/Fe + 0.091Al/Fe + 1.169V/Fe - 0.75Mn/Fe - 0.525Co/Fe - 1.149Ni/Fe] - 11.256
F1 = ln[0.627Mg/Fe - 1.5Al/Fe + 0.259Ti/Fe - 0.404V/Fe + 0.212Mn/Fe - 0.541Co/Fe - 0.567Ni/Fe] - 14.699
F2 = ln[0.477Mg/Fe + 0.281Al/Fe - 0.192Ti/Fe + 0.79V/Fe - 0.439Mn/Fe + 0.215Co/Fe - 1.043Ni/Fe] - 2.355
The coefficients in the standardized functions are normalized to the variance of each element; Eigenvalues indicate the amount of variance explained by
each function; the canonical correlation is a measure of the correlation between the discriminant scores and the variables; cumulative dispersion is the
percentage of variance that is added by each function

magnetite from the ore-related and barren igneous groups, is slightly more pronounced in LDA2 (Fig. 13B). Neverthe-
with hydrothermal magnetite generally characterized by posi- less, the derived compositional fields from both models show
tive F1 values. Coefficients of the standardized discriminant strong potential for identifying magnetite provenance in min-
functions show the relative importance of each variable on the eral indicator studies. Our approach shows a classification
respective function (Table 3). The greatest influence on F1 accuracy of 91 and 78% for the LDA1 and LDA2 models,
are Mg and Al, suggesting these two elements have the stron- respectively (Table 4), which suggests that this classification
gest discriminating power for separating hydrothermal from method can be confidently applied to magnetite compositions
igneous magnetite. Factor 2 (F2) effectively separates ore and of unknown provenance as an exploration tool.
barren igneous magnetite, with the latter tending toward posi-
tive F2 values. Application to the Mount Polley Porphyry
Differences in the LDA1 and LDA2 models are mostly Cu-Au Deposit
affected by Mn, Ni, and V in F2, but with a smaller influence
of Mn and V in LDA2. Slight variation is expected between Hydrothermal magnetite in till
the analyses because of the difference in variables selected. The classification methods for magnetite composition derived
Minor overlap is observed between compositional fields and from discriminant analysis and binary plots discussed above

5 5
(C) Tills - LDA1
1 -1
Factor 2

Factor 2
-1 -5
-9 OIG
-5 -11
5 5
(D) Tills - LDA2
(B) LDA2
Factor 2


Factor 2

-3 -5
-5 -7
-5 -3 -1 1 3 5 -7 -2 3
Factor 1 Factor 1
Fig. 13. Territorial plots of the discriminant scores for the full MDB1 and MDB2 training datasets for linear discriminant
analyses LDA1 (A) and LDA2 (B). Equations for Factors 1 and 2 are given in Table 3. Scores of group means indicated as
black diamonds in each respective field. Abbreviations: BIG = barren igneous, HTP = hydrothermal porphyry, OIG = ore-
related igneous. Panels (C) and (D) show territorial plots of the discriminant scores for magnetite of unknown origin in the
till samples using the linear functions of LDA1 and LDA2, respectively.

Table 4. Linear Discriminant Analysis Classification Summary for were directly tested using till samples surrounding the Mount
Individual Magnetite Groups Polley porphyry deposit as a ground-truth evaluation. For a
A. MDB1      Elements: Mg, Al, V, Mn, Co, and Ni
total of 20 till samples distributed upice, downice, and remote
from the deposit, 50 magnetite grains were analyzed in each
        Predicted group sample to determine if hydrothermal magnetite from the
deposit could be successfully identified in till (Fig. 2).
HTP OIG BIG Total % For each till sample, magnetite grains were assigned a dis-
Actual group HTP 30 3  1 34  88 criminant score using each of the two sets of linear functions
OIG  0 6  1  7  86 derived for LDA1 and LDA2. A territorial plot of F1 versus
BIG   0 0 15 15 100 F2 allowed for classification of magnetite grains into one of
56   91 the three predefined groups (Fig. 13C, D) and for the relative
percentage of hydrothermal grains in each till sample from
B. MDB2   Elements: Mg, Al, Ti, V, Mn, Co, and Ni the area (Table 5). The discriminant functions of LDA1 iden-
tified 71 hydrothermal porphyry magnetite grains in the area,
        Predicted group whereas those of LDA2 identified 93 grains. Most magnetite
grains from each classification plot within the ore igneous
compositional field using both LDA1 and LDA2 functions,
Actual group HTP 50  8  2  60 83 suggesting that the discrimination of ore from barren igneous
OIG  4 19  2  25 76 magnetite is not robust.
BIG  1  5 10  16 63 Magnetite compositions from till were also plotted in the
101 78
discriminant diagrams proposed in the literature as described
above. The diagrams of Dupuis and Beaudoin (2011) were
Notes: Discriminant functions calculated on 65% of the MDB1 and MDB2
datasets and applied to the remaining 35% of the data; abbreviations: unable to correctly classify magnetite from Mount Polley and
BIG = barren igneous, HTP = hydrothermal porphyry, OIG = ore-related could not identify a sufficient number of porphyry magnetite
igneous grains in till (Figs. 9, 10). The Al + Mn versus Ti + V diagram

Table 5. Classification Results for Magnetite Grains in Till

A. LDA1 B. LDA2 C) Ti vs Ni/Cr diagram

Till sample n BIG OIG HTP % HTP BIG OIG HTP % HTP n IG HT % HT

12 PMA 586 A01 68 12 54 2 3 23 40 5 7 12 12 0 0

12 PMA 095 A01 30 1 27 2 7 9 19 2 7 30 27 3 10
12 PMA 083 A01 50 1 48 1 2 8 40 2 4 50 49 1 2
12 PMA 585 A01 50 9 41 0 0 16 33 1 2 50 49 1 2
12 PMA 081 A01 49 10 32 7 14 20 20 9 18 49 38 11 22
12 PMA 088 A01 50 2 47 1 2 15 31 4 8 50 44 6 12
12 PMA 077 A01 50 3 46 1 2 11 39 0 0 50 47 3 6
12 PMA 087 A01 50 3 47 0 0 14 36 0 0 50 47 3 6
12 PMA 080 A01 42 3 26 13 31 12 18 12 29 43 30 13 30
12 PMA 578 A01 50 11 37 2 4 16 30 4 8 50 44 6 12
12 PMA 575 A01 50 1 48 1 2 20 28 2 4 50 49 1 2
12 TFE 089 A01 50 6 42 2 4 16 32 2 4 50 45 5 10
12 PMA 101 A02 50 4 38 8 16 13 24 13 26 50 42 8 16
12 TFE 078 A01 50 13 36 1 2 28 22 0 0 50 48 2 4
12 PMA 094 A01 49 3 35 11 22 10 27 12 24 49 43 6 12
12 TFE 102 A01 49 8 35 6 12 21 24 4 8 49 43 6 12
12 PMA 098 A01 50 5 36 9 18 18 20 12 24 50 46 4 8
12 PMA 566 A01 44 4 39 1 2 13 29 2 5 47 43 4 9
12 PMA 071 A01 49 1 46 2 4 12 34 3 6 50 48 2 4
12 PMA 574 A01 49 3 45 1 2 21 24 4 8 50 42 8 16
Total 979 103 805 71 7 316 570 93 9 929 892 93 10

Notes: The number of grains is significantly reduced for Ti vs. Ni/Cr classification of sample 12 PMA 586 A01 since Cr was not selected for measurement
during one analytical run; abbreviations: n = total number of grains, BIG = barren igneous, HT = hydrothermal, HTP = hydrothermal porphyry, IG =
igneous, OIG = ore-related igneous

of Nadoll et al. (2015) was useful in distinguishing porphyry LDA2 models, with the latter yielding slightly higher per-
from skarn magnetite, but with no distinction provided for centages in most samples (Fig. 14A). In contrast, there is less
igneous magmatic magnetite (Fig. 11). The Ti versus Ni/Cr agreement between the LDA models and the Ti-Ni/Cr dis-
diagram of Dare et al. (2014) correctly identified all magne- crimination diagram (Fig. 14B, C). A significant number of
tite samples from Mount Polley as hydrothermal. When the grains that were classified as hydrothermal by the Dare et al.
discriminant diagram was applied to magnetite from till, 93 (2014) plot were not similarly identified as hydrothermal in
hydrothermal magnetite grains were identified, which is simi- our discriminant analyses.
lar to the classification by the LDA2 model (Fig. 12, Table 5). The textures of hydrothermal magnetite grains were exam-
The proportion of hydrothermal grains estimated in each ined to determine if they were potentially useful as a petro-
till sample are generally consistent between the LDA1 and graphic discrimination tool. The proportion of hydrothermal

LDA1 - %HTP Grains
LDA2 - %HTP Grains

30 30
20 20
10 10
5 (A) (B)
0 0
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 35
LDA2 - %HTP Grains

LDA1 - %HTP Grains 30


Fig. 14. The percentage of hydrothermal porphyry magnetite grains iden- 10

tified in each till sample using the three different methods of classification. 5 (C)
The proportion of hydrothermal porphyry magnetite grains in till are gen-
erally consistent between the LDA1 and LDA2 models (A), whereas there 0
is less agreement between the LDA models and the Ti-Ni/Cr discrimina- 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
tion diagram (B, C). Ti-Ni/Cr diagram - %HTP Grains

magnetite grains showing no exsolution varied with the classi- determined by LDA1, LDA2, and the Ti-Ni/Cr discriminant
fication method: 58% for LDA1 and 66% for LDA2. Although diagram (Table 5) is plotted in Figures 15 to 17. Samples hav-
hydrothermal magnetite typically contains relatively low Ti ing populations of >10% hydrothermal magnetite grains were
contents, ilmenite exsolution lamellae in magnetite from deemed anomalies, whereas samples below this amount were
porphyry systems have been documented at several localities considered to be the regional background signal.
(e.g., Celis et al., 2014; Nadoll et al., 2015; Canil et al., 2016). Classification of magnetite by the LDA1 discriminant func-
Additionally, magmatic magnetite from rapidly cooled volca- tions identified six till samples with anomalous concentrations
nic rocks is commonly free of exsolution (e.g., Grigsby, 1990; of hydrothermal magnetite grains (Table 5). Five of these
Frost and Lindsley, 1991; Dare et al., 2014). The absence samples were similarly identified with the LDA2 classification
of exsolution in magnetite is not a reliable indication of its and occur along a trend that begins immediately southwest
provenance from hydrothermal porphyry systems. No other of the deposit with the farthest anomalous sample approxi-
textural features such as the presence or type of inclusions, mately 4 km northwest of Mount Polley (Figs. 15, 16). To the
degree if sphenitization, or martitization were linked to mag- west, the anomaly is detected ~2.5 km from the deposit. Till
netite classification by discriminant model. samples at 5 km and farther afar from the deposit contain
hydrothermal magnetite counts within the background range.
Mineral indicator maps for till surrounding Mount Polley Northwest transport of hydrothermal magnetite from the
The percentage of hydrothermal magnetite grains in each till Mount Polley deposit is consistent with the dominant ice-
sample surrounding the Mount Polley porphyry deposit as flow direction in the study area and documented using several

Fig. 15. The percentage of hydrothermal porphyry magnetite grains in the till samples as determined by the LDA1 model
plotted at each sample location. Symbol size is proportional to percentage of hydrothermal porphyry magnetite grains in the
sample. The Mount Polley deposit is underlain by the unit in pink and highlighted by the yellow star. Bedrock geology as in
Figure 2.

Fig. 16. The percentage of hydrothermal porphyry magnetite grains in the till samples as determined by the LDA2 model at
each sample location. Symbols as in Figure 15.

ore-related and pathfinder elements, and other ore and alter- compared to those from the LDA classifications (Fig. 17). The
ation minerals (Hashmi et al., 2015). The transport of magne- four till samples with the greatest proportion of hydrothermal
tite grains several kilometers west-southwest of the deposit is magnetite grains identified by the Ti-Ni/Cr diagram occur on
also consistent with the observations of Hashmi et al. (2015), a trend west from the deposit to a distance of 5 km, much
who found chalcopyrite, gold, and epidote grains in till sam- farther than that determined by the LDA classifications, and
ples west-southwest of the deposit. This bidirectional trans- by Hashmi et al. (2015) for chalcopyrite, gold, and epidote
port of material is characteristic of glacial dispersal, whereby in till. Hydrothermal magnetite grains would be primarily
material was initially transported by the earlier ice-flow move- transported to the northwest based on the dominant ice-flow
ment to the west-southwest during glacial advancement from trajectory at Mount Polley. In contrast, classification using the
the Cariboo Mountains, followed by reworking and transport Ti-Ni/Cr diagram shows that hydrothermal magnetite from
of debris by ice flow to the northwest during the glacial maxi- the deposit has been transported greater distances to the west
mum (Parent et al., 1996). than to the northwest, conflicting other glacial evidence from
The Ti versus Ni/Cr method of magnetite classification the region (Hashmi et al., 2015).
(Fig. 12) identified the same quantity of hydrothermal mag- All till samples with anomalous concentrations of hydro-
netite grains as the LDA2 discriminant functions, but spread thermal magnetite grains can be directly traced to the Mount
over a larger number of till samples (Table 5). Using this dis- Polley porphyry deposit based on ice-flow directions in the
crimination method, an apparent bidirectional detrital glacial study area, with the exception of one till sample that occurs
transport from the deposit to the west and northwest remains, 5 km north of the deposit (Figs. 15, 16). This sample (12 TFE
but the dispersal of hydrothermal magnetite grains over a 102 A01) contains 12% hydrothermal magnetite grains iden-
larger number of samples produces a more diffuse anomaly tified by both LDA1 and the Ti versus Ni/Cr discrimination

Fig. 17. The percentage of hydrothermal porphyry magnetite grains in the till samples as determined by the Ti-Ni/Cr dis-
crimination diagram (Dare et al., 2014) plotted at each sample location. Symbols as in Figure 15.

methods (Table 5). Hydrothermal magnetite grains at this on detrital magnetite grains (n = 985) from 20 till samples
location are not likely to be derived from the Mount Polley collected over an area of ~900 km2 surrounding the Mount
deposit based on known ice-flow movements and the remote- Polley deposit. The LA-ICP-MS method, which employs a
ness of the sample. However, the sample is located 1 km large beam diameter and raster, homogenizes and integrates
south-east (upice) of an alkalic porphyry Cu-Au occurrence. magnetite compositions in grains showing exsolution, and
We suspect that other similar covered and unknown occur- when calibrated using the “standardless” AYCF method is
rences that host hydrothermal magnetite might be present in an efficient protocol for analyzing large numbers of grains in
the area and, therefore, may be prospective targets for further an indicator mineral exploration study, ensuring that all trace
exploration. elements (Mg, Ti, Al, V, Mn, Co and Ni) imperative for use
in the discriminant models for magnetite can be consistently
Summary and Further Work measured to low detection limits.
Previous studies have shown potential for magnetite as an Previously proposed binary discriminant diagrams are not
indicator mineral in exploration of porphyry deposits but optimal for distinguishing hydrothermal magnetite in an
there have been few if any published tests in the field. We exploration study. Caution must be taken when interpret-
carried out such a test on magnetite in till sampled around ing magnetite chemistry using certain elements affected by
a known porphyry Cu-Au deposit at Mount Polley, where secondary processes such as sphenitization (for Si and Ca),
the glacial history has been well studied (Plouffe et al., 2013; which was relatively common in detrital magnetite from till.
Hashmi et al., 2015) and the composition of magnetite from We instead employed linear discriminant analysis (LDA) to
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(Canil et al., 2016). Laser ablation-ICP-MS was performed and barren igneous rocks using Mg, Ti, Al, V, Mn, Co, and Ni.

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downice of a deposit where the number of hydrothermal mag- 1992, British Columbia Geological Survey Paper 1993-1, p. 295–300.
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grains per till sample to ensure that a target of viable size can netic significance: Reviews in Mineralogy, v. 25, p. 433–468.
be generated requires further investigation. Grigsby, J.D., 1990, Detrital magnetite as a provenance indicator: Journal of
Sedimentary Petrology, v. 60, p. 940–951.
Acknowledgments Haggerty, S.E., 1976, Opaque mineral oxides in terrestrial igneous rocks:
We are grateful to J. Spence for assistance with LA ICPMS Reviews in Mineralogy, v. 3, p. HG101–HG300.
——1991, Oxide textures—a mini-atlas: Reviews in Mineralogy, v. 25,
analyses. We thank S. Dare and P. Nadoll for reviews and J. p. 129–137.
Hanley and L. Meinert for editorial handling. Till collection Hashmi, S., Ward, B.C., Plouffe, A., Leybourne, M.I., and Ferbey, T., 2015,
and sample processing was supported by Natural Resources of Geochemical and mineralogical dispersal in till from the Mount Polley
Canada Targeted Geoscience Initiative 4 grants to AP and TF. Cu-Au porphyry deposit, central British Columbia, Canada: Geochemistry:
Exploration, Environment, Analysis, v. 15, p. 234–249.
LP was supported by student scholarships from Geoscience Hu, H., Lentz, D., Li, J.-W., McCarron, T., Zhao, X.-F., and Hall, D., 2015,
BC, the University of Victoria, and the Society for Economic Re-equilibration processes in magnetite from iron skarn deposits: Eco-
Geologists. Analytical work was supported by British Colum- nomic Geology, v. 110, p. 1–8.
bia Ministry of Energy and Mines and NSERC of Canada Huang, X., Qi, L., and Meng, Y., 2014, Trace element geochemistry of mag-
Discovery grants to DC. netite from the Fe(-Cu) deposits in the Hami region, eastern Tianshan oro-
genic belt, NW China: Acta Geologica Sinica, v. 88, p. 176–195.
Ilton, E.S., and Eugster, H.P., 1989, Base metal exchange between magnetite
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Detailed Procedures for Discriminant Analyses of Magnetite

We compiled a database (n = 493) of trace element concen- (which is mostly Fe). Nonetheless, to minimize deviations
trations in magnetite to use as a training dataset for linear from normality and prevent the effects of data closure, each
discriminant analyses (Table 2). The first dataset (MDB1, n element (xi) was transformed using the additive log-ratio
= 222) consists of magnetite compositions from Canil et al. method of Aitchison (1986). This method transforms D-part
(2016) and Mountjoy (2011) for six porphyry Cu(-Au-Mo) compositional data into (D – 1)-dimensional Euclidean space
deposits and four barren igneous intrusions in the Canadian to which multivariate statistical methods can be applied. Iron
Cordillera. All data for MDB1 were obtained in the same LA- by EMP analysis was chosen as the component divisor due
ICP-MS laboratory, thus providing an internally consistent to its consistently high concentration and minimal variation
dataset. The second dataset (MDB2, n = 271) combines the (<10% relative) in magnetite. Transformed data for magnetite
aforementioned data with those of Nadoll et al. (2015) from was imported into SYSTAT 13, a statistical software package,
four porphyry Cu deposits, one Climax-Mo deposit (south- to perform the discriminant analysis.
west United States), and one barren igneous intrusion (Japan), The linear method of discriminant analysis (LDA) was cho-
all measured at different LA-ICP-MS laboratories. The larger sen due to the simplicity of linear functions as compared to
MDB2 dataset is less internally consistent, but is a more com- quadratic discriminant analysis (QDA), which is more com-
prehensive representation of porphyry magnetite composi- plex and contains a larger number of parameters. In LDA,
tion from a large number of deposits, rocks and locations. equal covariance between groups is required to produce reli-
Magnetite in both datasets was classified as either (1) able discriminant functions. Although QDA is the preferred
hydrothermal porphyry magnetite by occurring in veins and method for datasets with unequal covariance, LDA is a very
hydrothermal breccias, showing direct petrographic evidence close approximation and can perform better on independent
of precipitation from fluids; (2) ore-related igneous magne- test data (Vermeesch, 2006). As a comparison, LDA and QDA
tite as an igneous mineral in fresh or altered intrusive rocks were carried out on both datasets and the discriminant models
in a porphyry deposit; or (3) barren igneous magnetite as an were tested based on their predictive power for independent
igneous mineral from unmineralized intrusions. Summary sta- test data. There was no significant improvement using QDA.
tistics for the compositional groupings for magnetite in the To assess the capability of LDA for distinguishing magne-
MDB1 and MDB2 datasets are given in Table A2-1 and A2-2, tite composition, the MDB1 and MDB2 datasets were each
respectively. subdivided into two parts: (1) a random 65% of the data used
Discriminant analysis requires values for all selected ele- as “training” for the discriminant analysis, and (2) the remain-
ments of interest, thus only those elements that are common ing 35% left as independent “test” data. First, the optimum
between all the magnetite data sources were included in the set of elements was determined because some may not sig-
analyses. Magnetite from skarn deposits was available for nificantly contribute to the discriminating power of the func-
compilation of MDB1 and MDB2, but was excluded because tions and can, therefore, be eliminated from the analysis. The
it often contains trace element abundances that are below stepwise method of discriminant analysis was used to incre-
detection/reporting limits (Nadoll et al., 2012, 2014, 2015; mentally add elements into the discriminant analysis based on
Canil et al., 2016). For the internally consistent MDB1 data- their contribution to the model as indicated by the associated
set, only elements Mg, Al, Ti, V, Mn, Co, Ni, and Sn were change in the Wilks l parameter, which approaches zero with
selected as variables, because Cu, Nb, Mo, and Sn were only increasing power for the chosen element(s). Decreasing the
measured in 60 to 80% of the analyses. For the MDB2 data- number of variables in the discriminant analysis will naturally
set, a larger number of analyses have elements that are below increase Wilks l. Table A2-3 lists Wilks l values associated
detection, due to the higher limit of reporting (10σ of the with each element ranked in order of discriminating power
background) criterion used by Nadoll et al. (2015), compared by forward-stepping LDA using the training datasets. At 0.05
to the detection limit (3σ of the background) criterion we level of significance, all eight elements (Mg, Al, Ti, V, Mn, Co,
apply. To maximize the number of samples from the Nadoll Ni, and Sn) were statistically significant in the MDB1 training
et al. (2015) dataset, only elements Mg, Al, Ti, V, Mn, Co, data, whereas, only Al, Mg, Ni, and Co were significant in the
and Ni could be included in the discriminant analyses (Sn was MDB2 training data.
excluded). Censored values were not used to substitute for The stepwise method is commonly used to optimize variable
any elements that are below detection. selection, but it is not always the best method for selecting the
Discriminant analysis assumes that each variable is normally most useful subset of variables (Thompson, 1995). Alterna-
distributed, but geochemical data are commonly skewed and/ tively, multiple iterations of discriminant analyses can be per-
or contain outliers (Reimann and Filzmoser, 2000). Addi- formed where each element is manually removed in turn from
tionally, compositional data are “closed” to a constant sum of the analysis and each discriminant model is evaluated on the
100%, which conflicts with the assumption of variable inde- ability to correctly classify samples from an independent test
pendence (Chayes, 1960; Vermeesch, 2006). The problem of dataset. Classification results on the “test” data using various
closure is minimal for trace elements in magnetite because manually chosen element subsets for LDA compared rankings
they comprise only a small portion of the bulk composition of the percent classification accuracy and the associated Wilks
l. For MDB1, a classification accuracy of 91% was achieved
1 Appendix
when Ti and Sn were excluded from the analysis (Table A2-4).
Tables A1 and A2 are available online.

This is contrary to stepwise LDA, which determined that all with the greatest predictive power for the independent test
eight elements (Mg, Al, Ti, V, Mn, Co, Ni, and Sn) were signif- data were selected for further analysis. Table 3 gives the equa-
icant in the model. Similarly, stepwise LDA determined that tions for the discriminant functions (F1, F2) and Table 4 is a
Mg, Al, Co, and Ni were significant for the MDB2 training detailed summary of the classification for the magnetite com-
data, but the derived functions using only these four elements positional groups using the preferred set of elements for each
performed relatively poorly on the test data, with 66% accu- dataset. The equations for the field boundaries separating
racy. In contrast, 78% of magnetite samples were classified the magnetite groups (hydrothermal porphyry magnetite, ore
accurately when using all seven elements (Mg, Al, Ti, V, Mn, igneous magnetite, and barren igneous magnetite) are given
Co, and Ni; Table A2-4). The stepwise method is not ideal for in Table A2-5.
variable selection in this case. Therefore, only the elements

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