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Case Report Single Visit Apexification Technique by Root End Barrier Formation With MTA

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Updat Dent. Coll .

j 2015;5(1):21-25

Case Report
Single visit apexification technique by root end barrier formation with
*Tazdik G. Chowdhurya, S. M Abdul Quaderb, Tasnim-A-Jannatc, Shirin Sultana Chowdhuryd, KM Rowank Jahane, Fahd A. A. Karimf

a. Assistant Professor and Head, Dept. of Paediatric Dentistry, Update Dental College and Hospital
b. Associate professor, Dept. of consevative dentistry & Endodontics, Update Dental College and Hospital
c. MPH (on course),Department of Health promotion & Health Education, Bangladesh University of Health Science
d. Associate professor, Dept. of consevative dentistry & Endodontics, Update Dental College and Hospital
e. Lecturer, Department of Paediatric Dentistry, Update Dental College and Hospital
f. Assistant Professor, Dept. of Conservative Dentistry & Endodontics, Update Dental College and Hospital,


Article history: Aim: To seal with Mineral trioxide aggragate(MTA) and make a
Received: 08.02.15
sizeable communication between the root canal system and the
Accepted: 16.03.15 periradicular tissue and provide a barrier because of lack of
apical constriction.
Key words: Summary: A 9 year old girl who had met with trauma about six
years ago, before she visited department of Paediatric Dentistry ,
Mineral Trioxide
Aggragate(MTA), Nonvital Update Dental College,Dhaka,Bangladesh for the treatment of
immature permanent teeth,Apical mandibular right lateral incisor. The case was diagnosed as
closure, Single visit Apexification. necrosis of pulp with open apex. After proper isolation access
opening and biomechanical preparation was performed with
1mm short of the radiographic apex and calcium hydroxideused
as intra canal medicament. After 15 days MTA was placed in the
canal till a barrier of 4mm was achieved. Later obturation was
done using lateral condensation technique.Size of the periapical
lesion was almost decreased after one year of follow up. Follow-
up was done after 1 month, 6 months and 1 year later.

Introduction: techniques have been suggested to obturate an

immature tooth, which involved the use of a
The primary objective in endodontic therapy is root filling material without the induction of
the complete obturation of the root canal space apical closure.3
to prevent re-infection. In teeth with
incomplete root development caused by 1) Placement of a large gutta-percha filling or
trauma, caries and other pulpal pathosis, the customized gutta-percha cone with sealer at the
absence of the natural constriction at the end of apex. 2) Placement of gutta-percha with sealer
the root canal presents a challenge and makes short of the apex. 3) Periapical surgery.
control of filling materials difficult. The aim is
to seal a sizeable communication between the These techniques did not gain popularity since
root canal system and the periradicular tissue there was no physical apical barrier to facilitate
and provide a barrier against which obturation obturation. However, two other techniques
material can be compacted.Because of the lack were reported which aimed to provide an apical
of an apical constriction, an alternative to barrier.3
standard root canal treatment, apexification or
root end closure has been advocated.1,2Three 1) Placement of calcium hydroxide to induce a
mineralized apical barrier. 2) Placement of a
* Address of Correspondence biocompatible material such as dentinal chips
Dr. Tazdik G. Chowdhury,BDS,DDS
Assistant Professor and Head
against which a root filling could be placed.
Dept. of Paediatric Dentistry,
Update Dental College and Hospital,
Mobile: 01711-047904
Apexification can be defined as a ‘method to formation after stimulating reparative
induce a calcific barrier in a root. The dentinogenicmechanisms.MTA may also act to
American Association Endodontist’s Glossary entomb residual microorganisms at the dentin
of endodontic terms refers to apexification as interface. The slow release of calcium ions also
“a method of inducing a calcified barrier in a allows the material to stimulate growth factors
root with an open apex or the continued apical from the dental pulp and promote signalling
development of an incompletely formed root in molecules (TGF-β ,interleukin(IL) 1 α, IL-β
teeth with necrotic pulp.”4 ,macrophage, colony- stimulating
factor(MCSF),that encourage hard tissue
Mineral Trioxide Aggregate is a powder formation.28MTA has been used to create a
consisting of fine hydrophilic particles of hard tissue barrier quickly after the disinfection
tricalcium silicate, tricalcium aluminate, of the canal. Calcium sulphate can be pushed
tricalcium oxide and silicate oxide. It also through the apex to provide a
contains small amounts of other mineral resorbableextraradicular barrier against which
oxides, which modify its chemical and physical to pack the MTA.
properties. Hydration of the powder results in
formation of colloidal gel that solidifies to Case report and results
form a strong impermeable hard solid barrier in
approximately three to four hours. Electron A 9 year old girl who had met with trauma
probe microanalysis of MTA powder showed about six years ago, before she visited the
that calcium and phosphorus are the main ions Department of Paediatric Dentistry , Update
present.5Bismuth oxide powder has been added Dental College,Dhaka,Bangladesh for the
to make the aggregate radio-opaque. Mineral treatment of mandibular right lateral incisor.
trioxide aggregate has a pH of 12.5 after Patient had met with trauma and no treatment
setting, similar to calcium hydroxide. This may had been performed until the moment. She had
impart some antimicrobial properties.6The chief complaint of pain which was mild,
material has a low solubility and a radio- intermittent and had started few days back.
opacity slightly greater than that of dentin. As Clinical examination revealed the crown size
because it has low compressive strength5, it was reduced and discoloured and mobility of
should not be placed in functional areas.4But in the teeth was within normal limits.
single visit apexification technique by MTA is Radiolucency with context to 26 and open apex
currently being appreciated.According to with periapical radiolucency was evident, on
Tomson et al .,the bioactive properties of MTA radiographic evaluation. On the basis of
that stimulate reparative bridge formation can clinical and radiographical examination, the
be attributable to the material providing a case was diagnosed as necrosis of pulp with
biocompitablenoncytotoxic antibacterial open apex.
environment.27MTA also provides a favorable
surface morphology for cell attachment and has On the first appointment, after proper isolation
the ability to form hydroxyapatite on its surface access opening to root canal instrumentation
in the presence of tissue fluid.They was established by standardized technique.i
hypothesized that soluble components of MTA Working length was established 1mm short of
during and after setting on the dentin interface the radiographic apex. Copious irrigation was
may cause the release of growth factors and done using 3% sodium hypochlorite and 2%
other bioactive molecules,such as transforming chlorhexidine throughout the biomechanical
growth factor beta(TGF-β1) and preparation. The canal was dressed with intra
adronomedullin.The increased presence of canal medicament , calcium hydroxide and the
these dentine extra cellular proteins as the access cavity was sealed with fast setting zinc
result of MTA culminates in dentin bridge oxide eugenol cement(IRM) . Patient was then
recalled after 15 days.

Clinical photograph Access cavity preparation Dressing with Ca(OH)2 After sinus healing

MTA Placement After 1 month follow up After 6 month After 1 Year

On second appointment, calcium hydroxide moist cotton was placed in the canal .Finally
was removed using H- files along with normal sealed with IRM.
saline irrigation and MTA powder (Dental Two days later patient was recalled and
Tulsa Dentsply, De Tray, Germany) and temporary filling was removed to check the
distilled water were mixed in 3:1 ratio and hardness of MTA. Obturation was done using
placed in the canal by cement lifter.MTA was lateral condensation technique and permanent
condensed with the help of castom made restoration was done. Size of the periapical
pluggers made with no.60 Guttaparcha which lesion decreased significantly and tooth was
snugly fitted to the desired length. After clinically alright after one year of follow up.
placement of MTA, radiograph was taken and

Preoperative radiograph Working Length Determination MTA Radiograph Post Obturation Radiograph

After 1 Month After 6 Month After 1 Years

Discussion the root dentin to Ca(OH)2,13.Torneck14 and
others have indicated that when apical closure
It is essential to choose a treatment plan that is takes place clinically with Ca(OH)2, there is
best for patient and dentist in complicated not complete bridging of the apex
cases. Apexification is a method by which histologically. Thus there is increasing
artificial barrier in the root apex is formed in popularity with one visit apexification
such a way that obturating material can be techniques using Mineral Trioxide Aggregate
filled in the canal space16. Calcium hydroxide (MTA) as osteoconductive apical barrier.8
has been extensively used to accomplish apical MTA has a compressive strength equal to
closure due to its ability to induce hard tissue intermediate restorative material and Super –
formation, but it is more time consuming,which EBA but less than that of amalgam. It is
may between 3 and 21 months17,18,25,26.MTA commercially available as ProRoot MTA
was used in immature premolars of dogs and (Dentsply Tulsa Dental, Tulsa). MTA has the
was concluded that it induced apical plug more ability to induce cementum like hard tissue
often with less inflammation.19 MTA has when used adjacent to the periradicular tissues.
shown good sealing abilities and MTA has its superior sealing property, can set
biocompatibility to the periradicular in the presence of blood and It is
tissue.20,21,22MTA has been successfully used as biocompatible. Shabahang15et al examined hard
an apical barrier.23,24 In this case maintaining tissue formation and inflammation
sterilization of root canal, intracanal histomorphologically after treating open apices
medicament, good apical seal using MTA and a in canine teeth with osteogenic protein-1, MTA
three dimensional obturation has contributed to and calcium hydroxide. MTA induced hard
the success of the cases. tissue formation with the most consistency, but
the amount of hard tissue formation and
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