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Kamolthip Songtrakul, DDS,

Modified Apexification MS,* Talayeh Azarpajouh, DDS,*
Matthew Malek, DDS,*
Procedure for Immature Asgeir Sigurdsson, DDS, MS,*
Bill Kahler, DClinDent, PhD,† and
Permanent Teeth with a Louis M. Lin, BDS, PhD, DMD*

Necrotic Pulp/Apical
Periodontitis: A Case Series

The current American Association of Endodontists clinical considerations for a regenerative
endodontic procedure state that a regenerative procedure is suitable for immature permanent A modified apexification
teeth with necrotic pulp when the pulp space is not needed for a post/core in the final procedure provides immature
restoration. Therefore, many immature permanent teeth with necrotic pulp that have permanent teeth with necrotic
sustained a substantial loss of coronal tooth structure either from caries or trauma are treated pulp/apical periodontitis
by apexification or mineral trioxide aggregate/Biodentine (Septodent, Lancaster, PA) apical requiring a post/core for a final
barrier techniques in which no further root maturation would occur. This case series presents restoration the potential of
10 immature permanent teeth with necrotic pulp in which a post/core was likely required in the continued apical root
future for adequate coronal restoration because of loss of substantial coronal tooth structure development, which is an
and a modified apexification procedure was used. All 10 cases after the modified apexification advantage over current apical
procedure showed no clinical symptoms/signs and showed radiographic evidence of healed/ barrier techniques.
healing of periapical lesion after a 2-year review. Eight cases showed increased thickness of
the apical root canal walls, increased apical root length, and apical closure. The overall
percentage change in root length was 7.52%, in root width at the apical one third it was
18.89%, and in radiographic root area it was 15.04% at the 24- to 72-month follow-up period.
This modified apexification procedure allows for the tooth to be restored with a post/core if
required for the final restoration in the future as well as continued root development. (J Endod

Apexification; apical barrier techniques; modified apexification procedure; post restoration;
regenerative endodontic procedure

Apexification is a method to induce a calcified barrier in a root with an open apex or the continued apical
development of an incompletely formed root in teeth with necrotic pulps1. The purpose of apexification is
to create an apical calcified tissue barrier at the open apex of immature permanent teeth with necrotic
pulp to facilitate root canal filling and also prevent extrusion of root canal filling into the periapical tissues.
The materials used to create an apical calcified tissue barrier can be calcium hydroxide, mineral trioxide From the *Department of Endodontics,
New York University College of Dentistry,
aggregate (MTA), and Biodentine (Septodent, Lancaster, PA)2–4. Calcium hydroxide apexification usually
New York, New York; and †School of
takes an extended period of time such as months for an apical calcified tissue barrier to form. Additionally, Dentistry, The University of Queensland,
calcium hydroxide has a poor sealing ability and poor setting. Compared with calcium hydroxide, MTA Brisbane, Australia
and Biodentine have an excellent sealing ability and take a shorter time to set. Therefore, MTA and Address requests for reprints to Dr Louis
Biodentine can serve as an apical barrier, and clinicians do not have to wait for an apical hard tissue M. Lin, Department of Endodontics, New
barrier to form. Consequently, MTA and Biodentine apical plugs have been used more often than calcium York University College of Dentistry, 345
hydroxide apexification in recent years. East 24th Street, New York, NY 10010.
E-mail address:
A regenerative endodontic procedure has the potential to promote thickening of the canal walls 0099-2399/$ - see front matter
and/or continued root development of immature permanent teeth with necrotic pulp/apical periodontitis5.
Copyright © 2019 American Association
The “AAE Clinical Considerations for a Regenerative Procedure”6 list under the “case consideration of Endodontists.
section” that a regenerative endodontic procedure is indicated when the “pulp space is not needed for
post/core final restoration.” Therefore, if the coronal tooth structure of the immature permanent teeth with j.joen.2019.10.009

JOE  Volume -, Number -, - 2019 Modified Apexification Procedure Case Series 1

necrotic pulp is lost because of caries or In the modified apexification procedure, necrotic pulp were considered likely to require
trauma and an intraradicular post/core may be the involved tooth is isolated with a rubber dam an intraradicular post/core for proper coronal
required for adequate coronal restoration, under local anesthesia. The canal is restoration in the future after the dentoalveolar
such immature permanent teeth with necrotic chemomechanically debrided to ensure structure had completely developed. The
pulp will be better treated with apexification disruption and disinfection of bacterial biofilm cases for modified apexification procedures
rather than a regenerative endodontic on the canal walls. A 3-mm thick were treated in the postgraduate endodontic
procedure6. These immature permanent teeth biocompatible resorbable collagen matrix is clinic. The department of pediatric dentistry
with necrotic pulp will be better treated with placed in the apical canal approximately 1–2 determined the type of restoration, post or
apexification rather than a regenerative mm from the open apex to prevent MTA/ core, and were responsible for the final
endodontic procedure7. In apexification, an Biodentine from extruding into the periapical restoration of these immature permanent
MTA/Biodentine plug is usually placed close to tissues. A 3-mm thick MTA/Biodentine plug is teeth.
the open apex, and continued apical root then placed over the collagen matrix. The rest
development of the arrested root of immature of the coronal canal space is backfilled with
permanent teeth with necrotic pulp/apical warm gutta-percha using the vertical Treatment Protocol
periodontitis usually will not occur. A compaction technique (Fig. 1). The access Modified Apexification Procedure
polyethylene tube implant study has shown cavity is restored with permanent restorative Under local anesthesia with 2% lidocaine
that tissue surrounding the tubes could grow materials. The collagen matrix in the apical containing 1:100,000 epinephrine (Dentsply
into the lumen of polyethylene tubes if the canal will eventually be resorbed, leaving 4–5 Sirona, York, PA), the involved tooth was
tubes were short and had a large luminal mm of apical canal space unfilled for continued isolated with a rubber dam. The access cavity
diameter8. Replantation and apical root development. An EDTA canal rinse was entered through the lingual surface for
autotransplantation studies have also shown and induction of periapical bleeding into the anterior teeth and the occlusal surface for
that pulpal revascularization occurred more apical canal were not used in our modified posterior teeth. The pulp chamber was
easily with a shorter root (,8 mm) and larger apexification procedure. irrigated with 3% sodium hypochlorite. The
apical foramen (.1 mm) of immature canal(s) were identified. The working length of
permanent teeth9,10. Based on the experience the canals was determined with a hand K-file,
of our published11,12 and unpublished cases of Root ZX II Apex locator (Morita, Irvine, CA), and
cervical root fracture of immature permanent In the present case series, 10 immature a conventional periapical radiograph. The
teeth with necrotic pulp after a revascularized permanent teeth with necrotic pulp/apical canal was chemomechanically debrided with
procedure, the discussion of proper periodontitis were referred from the hand K-files and ProTaper Universal Rotary
restoration of immature permanent teeth after department of pediatric dentistry and treated Files (Dentsply Tulsa Dental Specialties,
treatment13–15, and the lack of continued with a modified apexification procedure Johnson City, TN) to an appropriate size to
apical root development after traditional (Table 1). All immature permanent teeth with disrupt bacterial biofilm on the canal walls and
apexification, the concept of modified
apexification procedure was consequently
developed to potentially promote continued
apical root development of immature
permanent teeth with necrotic pulp/apical
periodontitis for the postgraduate endodontic
The suggested criteria of a modified
apexification procedure are the following:

1. Immature permanent teeth have lost

substantial coronal tooth structure for final
proper restoration. A post/core may
reinforce the strength of these teeth against
masticatory force to prevent cervical root
2. Immature permanent teeth at stage 3 and 4
root development16 because these
immature permanent teeth have an
adequate thickness of the root canal walls
and root length for intraradicular post/core if
required; immature permanent teeth at
stage 1 and 2 root development16 are
excluded because they do not have enough
thickness of the root canal walls and root
length for an intraradicular post/core.
3. A modified apexification procedure can be
an alternative treatment to traditional
apexification to encourage continued root
development. FIGURE 1 – A drawing of an immature permanent tooth to show the modified apexification procedure.

2 Songtrakul et al. JOE  Volume -, Number -, - 2019

TABLE 1 - Etiology, Pathology, and Treatment Outcome

thickness Increased
Types of of the apical apical Years of
Case Periapical Periapical apical plug root canal root Apical final
number Tooth Age Etiology Symptoms lesion healing materials walls length closure review
1 9 9 Trauma Asymptomatic Yes Yes MTA Yes Yes Yes 4
2 8 10 Trauma Asymptomatic Yes Yes MTA Yes Yes Yes 2
3 9 10 Trauma Draining sinus Yes Yes MTA Yes Yes Yes 2
4 31 12 Caries Pain on biting Yes Yes MTA Yes Yes Yes 4
5 18 13 Caries Pain on chewing, Yes Yes Biodentine Yes Yes Yes 2
draining sinus
6 8 10 Trauma Asymptomatic Yes Yes MTA Yes No Yes 2
7 7 28 Dens Pain on biting Yes Yes MTA No No No 3
8 10 18 Trauma Asymptomatic Yes Yes MTA No Yes No 3
9 29 12 Caries Asymptomatic Yes Yes MTA Yes Yes Yes 3
and dens
10 8 7 Trauma Asymptomatic Yes Yes MTA Yes Yes Yes 4

MTA, mineral trioxide aggregate.

irrigated with copious amounts of 3% sodium thickness of ProRoot MTA (Dentsply, Johnson The radiographic outcome was
hypochlorite. The canal was dried and dressed City, TN) or Biodentine was then prepared assessed. The preoperative and postoperative
with calcium hydroxide. The access cavity was according to the manufacturer’s instructions, images were saved in a JPEG format and
closed with a cotton pellet and Intermediate carried into the canal with the MAP system transferred to ImageJ software (version 1.41;
Restorative Material (Dentsply Sirona, (Produitis Dentaies SA, Vevey, Switzerland), National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD)
Charlotte, NC) for 2 weeks. and carefully condensed into the canal coronal with the TurboReg plug-in (Lausanne, VD,
At the second visit if the tooth was to the collagen matrix with measured hand Switzerland) for root length, dentin thickness,
asymptomatic, the access cavity was pluggers. Radiography was performed to check and radiographic root area (RRA)
reopened, and the calcium hydroxide was the placement of the MTA/Biodentine plug. The measurement. The images were calibrated,
removed with copious amounts of sodium rest of the coronal canal space was backfilled and the root length, dentin thickness, and RRA
hypochlorite irrigation. The canal was dried with with warm gutta-percha using a vertical from both the preoperative and reevaluation
paper points without EDTA irrigation and also compaction technique. The access cavity was images were measured, which were
no induction of intracanal bleeding from the restored with composite resin (Figs. 2–4). If the performed according to the procedure
periapical tissues. A biocompatible resorbable tooth was symptomatic, another round of described by Bose et al17, Jeeruphan et al18,
collagen matrix (Collagen Matrix, Inc, Oakland, chemomechanical debridement and calcium and Flake et al19.
NJ) of 3-mm thickness was prepared and hydroxide dressing of the canal was performed The “straight-line” tool was used to
placed into the apical canal approximately 1–2 until the tooth became asymptomatic before measure the root length and dentin thickness.
mm short of the apex using appropriate completion of the modified apexification A straight line from the cementoenamel
Buchanan hand plungers (SybronEndo, procedure. The treated teeth were reviewed junction to the radiographic apex of the tooth
Orange, CA) to prevent extrusion of MTA/ at 3, 6, and 12 months; 2 years; and up to 4 was measured as a root length. The dentin
Biodentine into the periapical tissues. A 3-mm years. thickness was obtained as the difference
between the root width and the pulpal space at
the level of the apical one third on preoperative
TABLE 2 - Radiographic Outcome and reevaluated radiographic images (below
the MTA or Biodentine apical plug).
Case Tooth Root length (%) Root width (%) Radiographic Root Area (%) The “polygon” tool was used to outline
the entire radiographic root area starting from
1 9 6.02 35.94 20.55
2 8 3.1 19.55 10.5 the mesial to the distal cementoenamel
3 9 3.38 25.73 16.20 junction and peripherally by the periodontal
4 31 8.96 22.58 11.30 ligament space. The RRA measurement was
5 18 8.08 10.94 8.98 calculated by subtracting the pulp space area
6 8 0.61 17.70 14.62 from the entire root area in each radiograph.
7 7 0.70 0.46 0.74 All radiographic measurements were
8 10 10.41 0.62 9.08 collected. The radiographic root length,
9 29 24.21 20.17 30.73 dentin wall thickness, and root area were
10 8 9.78 35.21 27.69
reported as a percentage change in root
Average 7.53 18.89 15.04
length, a percentage change in dentin

JOE  Volume -, Number -, - 2019 Modified Apexification Procedure Case Series 3

FIGURE 2 – (A ) A preoperative periapical radiograph of teeth #8 and #9. Both teeth had a complicated crown fracture. Tooth #8 has a large pulp cavity, an open apex, and a periapical
lesion. The tooth has an almost closed apex and no periapical lesion. Clinically, tooth #9 was diagnosed with pulp necrosis and symptomatic apical periodontitis and tooth #9 with pulp
necrosis without symptoms. (B ) A postoperative periapical radiograph after the modified apexification procedure of tooth #8. (C ) A periapical radiograph of the 4-year follow-up of tooth
#8. Resolution of the periapical lesion, diffuse intracanal mineralization of the apical root canal, and apical closure are evident. Tooth #9 was treated with root canal therapy because the
apex was closed.

thickness, and a percentage change in root no clinical symptoms/signs and showed 15.04% at the 24- to 72-month follow-up
area, respectively. radiographic evidence of healed periapical period (Table 2).
pathology. Eight cases showed increased
RESULTS thickness of the apical canal walls, increased

Ten cases of immature permanent teeth with

apical root length, and apical closure. Three DISCUSSION
cases showed diffuse intracanal calcification.
necrotic pulp/apical periodontitis treated with Hertwig epithelial sheath (HERS) cells play a
The overall percentage change in root length
modified apexification procedures with a pivotal role in tooth root development20–23.
was 7.52%; in root width at the apical one
minimal follow-up of 2 years are presented in HERS cells provide an inductive signal to stem
third, it was 18.89%; and in RRA, it was
this case series (Table 1). All 10 cases showed cells in the apical papilla to differentiate into

FIGURE 3 – (A ) A preoperative periapical radiograph of tooth #9. The tooth had a complicated crown fracture and has an open apex and a periapical lesion. Clinically, the tooth was
diagnosed with necrotic pulp and asymptomatic apical periodontitis. (B ) A postoperative periapical radiograph after the modified apexification procedure. (C ) A periapical radiograph of
the 2-year follow-up showing resolution of the periapical lesion and apical closure.

4 Songtrakul et al. JOE  Volume -, Number -, - 2019

FIGURE 4 – (A ) A preoperative periapical radiograph of tooth #31. The crown has a large temporary filling. The distal root has an open apex. Clinically, tooth #31 was diagnosed with
irreversible pulpitis with symptomatic apical periodontitis. (B ) A postoperative periapical radiograph. The distal root was treated with the modified apexification procedure, and the
mesial root was treated with root canal therapy because it did not have an open apex. (C ) A periapical radiograph of the 4-year follow-up of tooth #31. Resolution of periapical pathosis,
thickening of the apical canal walls, and apical closure are evident.

odontoblast and produce root dentin24. HERS also occur to the arrested root in the modified endodontic procedures of immature
cells can also signal stem cells in the dental apexification procedure of immature permanent teeth with necrotic pulp/apical
follicle to differentiate into cementoblasts and permanent teeth with pulp necrosis/apical periodontitis7.
produce cementum through epithelial- periodontitis. In the present case series, Vigorous induction of periapical
mesenchymal interaction23. In addition, HERS continued apical root development (thickening bleeding into the apical canal space as a
cells are capable of undergoing epithelial- of the apical canal walls, increased root length, scaffold might physically damage the HERS
mesenchymal transition into and apical closure) appeared to occur and prevent root growth31. In the modified
cementoblasts21,23. Therefore, HERS cells are frequently with the modified apexification apexification procedure, only the apical 4–5
responsible for an increase in thickness of the procedure, probably because the potential of mm of the canal space is empty after
canal walls, length of the root, and apical revascularization/revitalization is related to the chemomechanical debridement. Therefore,
closure. If the HERS is damaged by persistent length of the root and the size of the apical induction of periapical bleeding into the apical
apical periodontitis or physical irritation during foramen9,10 and the preservation of the HERS canal as a scaffold might not be necessary.
the induction of periapical bleeding, continued cells. However, chemomechanical debridement
root development could be halted. Wound healing is a continuum and was used in the modified apexification
In immature permanent teeth with sequela of inflammation. It is the host’s procedure to help disrupt and disinfect
necrotic pulp/apical periodontitis, the programmed response to injury to eliminate intracanal bacterial biofilm. Because all 10
development of the root is usually arrested. irritants, and the response begins the moment cases had complete periapical healing, our
When infection/inflammation involves the the tissue is insulted27,28. Wound healing is to infection control measurement of the infected
pulpal-periapical tissue complex, recapitulate the event of embryonic tissue root canals using chemomechanical
proinflammatory cytokines, such as interleukin morphogenesis29,30 and is a very complex debridement and calcium hydroxide
1 and tumor necrosis factor alpha, released biological process, which requires spatial and intracanal medication was effective.
from immunoinflammatory cells are capable of temporal orchestration of cells, matrix, and In the current apexification procedure
inhibiting biological functions of the apical bioactive growth factors, cytokines, and (ie, an MTA/Biodentine apical plug of immature
papilla cells and the HERS cells25,26, thus chemokines. During wound healing of the permanent teeth with necrotic pulp/apical
resulting in the arrest of physiological root injured tissue, the wound will be filled with periodontitis), continued root development
development. Therefore, to rescue arrested granulation tissue, regardless of the size of the might occur but further maturation usually
root development of immature permanent wound as a part of programmed wound does not. In a study using a similar quantitative
teeth with necrotic pulp/apical periodontitis, healing processes27,28. Eventually, the wound analysis, Bose et al17reported minimal
infection/inflammation of the pulp-periapical will heal with tissue similar to or different from changes in root length and root canal width in
tissue complex must be controlled so that the the original tissue (regeneration or repair). In immature teeth treated with an MTA plug
apical papilla cells and the HERS cells can the modified apexification procedure, the apexification procedure. In the present case
resume their biological function. Regenerative apical canal space can be easily filled with series, 8 of 10 cases treated with the modified
endodontic procedures of immature granulation tissue from inflamed periapical apexification procedure of immature
permanent teeth with necrotic pulp/apical tissues even without induction of periapical permanent teeth with necrotic pulp/apical
periodontitis have shown if infection/ bleeding into the apical canal space if the periodontitis showed continued root
inflammation of the pulpal-periapical tissue apical foramen is large enough. The progenitor development. Two cases did not show
complex is controlled, the arrested root will cells from apical bone marrow, the periodontal continued root development, probably
have the potential to continue to develop5. ligament, and apical papilla can migrate and because of severe damage to the HERS cells.
Usually, healing of the arrested root of proliferate into the apical root canal space; The significance of continued root
immature permanent teeth with necrotic pulp/ differentiate into cementoblasts, osteoblasts, development in terms of increasing strength of
apical periodontitis after regenerative or odontoblasts; and produce cementumlike, the immature permanent tooth with necrotic
endodontic procedures is by repair and not bonelike, or dentinlike tissue, similar to the pulp in the present case series is not known
regeneration7. A similar biological event should tissues formed in the canals after regenerative and warrants further investigation.

JOE  Volume -, Number -, - 2019 Modified Apexification Procedure Case Series 5

Nonetheless, the increased root length might speculation needs further verification because root maturation to occur, unlike traditional
enhance the strength of the tooth because of in vitro studies have shown that calcium apexification procedures.
the increased crown/root ratio. hydroxide, which also has a pH of 12.5, was The major drawback of the present case
The type of hard tissue formed on the conducive with stem cells of apical papilla series of the modified apexification procedure
apical canal walls and in the apical canal space survival and proliferation at all concentrations was that the department of endodontics did
in the modified apexification procedure in the in culture37 and in human dentin disks38. not have control when a post/core had to be
present case series is not known without However, in vivo histologic studies have placed on these immature permanent teeth
histologic examination. However, increased shown that vital pulp tissue would become after treatment. This issue could also happen in
thickness of the apical root canal walls and necrotic in direct contact with calcium private practice. The endodontists have no
diffuse mineralization in the apical root canal hydroxide most likely because of the high pH control when a post/core has to be placed for
space in the present case series are an of the calcium hydroxide, such as in pulp immature teeth if needed because pediatric
indication that mineralized tissue-forming cells capping39. In the present case series treated dentists or general dentists are responsible for
have migrated into the apical canal space to with a modified apexification procedure, MTA/ the final restoration of these immature teeth.
form mineralized tissue in the modified Biodentine was placed 4–5 mm coronal to the However, continued apical root (apical 4–5
apexification procedure. In an animal study, it root apex and separated from periapical mm) development was evident after the
was shown histologically that cementumlike tissues by a resorbable collagen matrix. modified apexification procedure in the present
tissue was deposited on the apical canal walls Again, deposition of hard tissue on the apical case series even though a post/core was not
and bonelike tissue deposited in the apical root canal walls and/or in the apical root canal placed.
canal space of the 1–3 mm unfilled apical canal space and apical closure was observed,
if the apical foramina were enlarged to size 40 indicating the survival of HERS cells and
to 80 K-files without inducing bleeding into the possibly apical papilla cells.
apical canal space32. These tissues are similar An advantage of the modified The modified apexification procedure is easier
to the tissues observed in the canal spaces of apexification procedure when compared with than traditional apexification procedures to
human immature permanent teeth with revascularized procedures is that the coronal perform because an MTA/Biodentine apical
necrotic pulp/apical periodontitis after a aspect of the root can be used with either a plug does not have to be placed close to the
regenerative endodontic procedure33–35. The post or composite resin placed in the canal open apex. In addition, the modified
apical closure in the present case series of space. Flowable composite resin, dual cure apexification procedure has the potential to
immature permanent teeth with necrotic pulp composite, and fiber posts of a depth of just 3 promote continued apical root development,
treated with the modified apexification mm significantly strengthen the roots of thus increasing the crown/root ratio. This is the
procedure is likely because of the survival of immature teeth against fracture40,41. It is advantage of the modified apexification
HERS cells, which can be resistant to recommended that the modified apexification procedure over calcium hydroxide
inflammatory processes36. procedure is used in teeth with stage 3 and 4 apexification and an MTA/Biodentine apical
In immature permanent teeth with root development16 to allow sufficient root plug of immature permanent teeth with
necrotic pulp/apical periodontitis in which the space for intracanal placement of composite necrotic pulp. Therefore, immature permanent
loss of a substantial coronal tooth structure resin with or without a post. In a clinical teeth with necrotic pulp at stage 3 or 4 root
may require an intraradicular post/core for outcome study with a mean follow-up of 8.29 development requiring an intracanal post/core
proper coronal restoration, the modified years, immature teeth treated with an MTA for final restoration because of loss of a
apexification procedure will be more suitable apical barrier and restored with either substantial coronal tooth structure can be
than regeneration endodontic procedures to composite resin or a post resulted in no teeth treated with the modified apexification
retain the teeth because regenerative lost because of root fracture42. Strengthening procedure. However, more prospective
endodontic procedures do not allow for an the crown of the root in the cervical third of controlled clinical trials are needed to verify the
intraradicular post or placing a core of the root, which is the area at risk of fracture, is use of the modified apexification procedure for
composite resin into the cervical third of the an advantage that the modified apexification immature permanent teeth with necrotic pulp/
root space. Apexification using MTA/ procedure has when the clinician decides on apical periodontitis to promote apical root
Biodentine as an apical barrier placed close to whether to use revascularization or development.
the open apex usually does not promote apexification protocols in the treatment of
continued root development, probably immature teeth with a necrotic pulp.
because of the high pH (12.5) of MTA/ However, similar to revascularization
Biodentine, which might directly damage procedures, the modified apexification The authors deny any conflicts of interest
HERS and apical papilla cells. This procedure also has the potential for further related to this study.

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