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Treatment of Strip Perforation Using Root MTA: A Case Report

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Treatment of Strip Perforation Using Root MTA: A Case Report

Mohammad Froughreyhani , Amin Salem Milani  , Behnaz Barakatein , Vahhab Shiezadeh

1 Department of Endodontics, Dental School, Tabriz University of Medical Sciences, Tabriz, Iran; 2 Dental and Periodontal Research Center, Tabriz
University of Medical Sciences, Tabriz, Iran; 3 Department of Endodontics, Dental School, Isfahan University of Medical Sciences, Isfahan, Iran; 4 Dental School,
Zanjan University of Medical Sciences, Zanjan, Iran



Article Type:
Case Report
Received: 26 May 2012
Revised: 07 Oct 2012
Accepted: 22 Oct 2012
*Corresponding author: Amin Salem Milani, Dental
and periodontal research center, Tabriz University of
medical sciences, Daneshgah Ave., Tabriz, Iran.
Tel: + 98-4113355965
Fax: +98-4113346977

Root perforations are an undesired complication of endodontic

treatment which result in loss of integrity of the root, and adversely
affect the prognosis of the treatment. Recently, Iranian mineral trioxide
aggregate (Root MTA) has been introduced as an ideal material for
perforation repair. In this article a successful repair of strip root
perforation of mandibular molar using Root MTA is presented with
15-month follow-up. This case suggests that Root MTA may be a
substitute material for the treatment of strip perforation; however,
more clinical studies with larger sample size and longer follow-ups are
Keywords: Lateral Root Perforation; Mandibular; Molar; Mineral
Trioxide Aggregate; Root MTA


oot perforations may occur during access cavity

preparation, root canal instrumentation, post space
preparation, or as a result of the extension of
internal resorption into the periradicular tissues. They
result in loss of integrity of the root and destruction of the
adjacent periodontal tissues [1]. Root perforation can be
repaired through the access cavity or by surgical
intervention. When repair of a perforation fails after an
intracanal approach or if the perforation site is
inaccessible through the access cavity, surgical repair is
indicated [2]. Prognosis of perforation repair mostly
depends on elimination and prevention of infection of the
perforation site. In addition, the use of a biocompatible
material that seals the perforation will limit periodontal
inflammation [3].
Different materials have been used for perforation
repair, including amalgam, IRM, Super EBA, Cavit, guttapercha, glass ionomer, resin-ionomer, new generation
dentin-enamel bonding systems, and composites; but
none of them fulfill the criteria of an ideal repair material
that include sealing ability, biocompatibility, and ability to
induce osteogenesis and cementogenesis [4].

Mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA) is a widely known

material that was originally proposed to repair
perforations; however, it gradually gained a variety of
clinical applications such as root end filling [5, 6], pulp
capping in primary and permanent teeth [7, 8], apical
barrier for immature permanent teeth [9], and repair of
tooth resorption [10]. MTA has also shown strengthening
effect on dentinal wall of immature roots [11, 12] and was
also proposed as a suitable coronal barrier material [13].
MTA is primarily composed of tricalcium silicate,
tricalcium aluminate, tricalcium oxide, and silicate oxide
that upon hydration, forms a colloidal gel that solidifies in
approximately 3h [14]. MTA has shown many favorable
properties including a good sealing, biocompatibility,
antibacterial effect, radiopacity, and ability to set in the
presence of blood [15-19]. In vitro perforations repaired
with MTA show significantly less leakage when compared
with amalgam, IRM, ZOE, and Super EBA [20, 21]. Its
ability to induce osteogenesis and cementogenesis make
MTA a suitable material for the treatment of root
perforations [22]. The original commercial brand of MTA
is ProRoot MTA that was developed by Tulsa Dental. The
high cost of ProRoot MTA persuaded the researchers to
develop other brands with lower costs.

IEJ Iranian Endodontic Journal 2013;8(2):80-83

Froughreyhani et al.81

Figure 1. A) preoperative tracing radiograph showing large furcal and periapical lesions at the mesial and distal roots of the mandibular first
molar; B) a strip perforation on the distal aspect of the mesiolingual canal; C) repair of the perforation with Root MTA; slight extrusion of the
material is evident; D) 15-month Follow-up radiograph showing complete resolution of periapical and furcal lesions.
Root MTA was developed by Lotfi in Tabriz
University of Medical Sciences, (Iran) as a less expensive
brand of MTA. Studies have shown favorable properties of
Root MTA [23, 24]. There are still not enough case reports
and clinical studies demonstrating the clinical applications
of Root MTA. This study presents a mandibular molar
with iatrogenic stripping perforation which was
successfully managed using Root MTA.

Case Report
A 25-year-old woman with the complaint of persistent
drainage of pus in the right mandibular vestibule region was
referred to the Endodontic Department of Tabriz Dental
School. Patients medical history revealed no significant
On clinical examination, the right mandibular first
molar was sensitive to percussion; however, probing depth
and mobility were within normal range. Right mandibular
first molar showed no response to thermal and electric pulp
testing. Tracing with gutta-percha pointed to the right first
mandibular molar as the origin of the draining sinus tract.
Radiographic examination also revealed furcal and apical
radiolucency (Figure 1A). Diagnosis of pulp necrosis with
chronic periradicular periodontitis was established. After
isolation with rubber dam, standard access cavity was
prepared, and canal instrumentation was started. The
instrumentation was stopped because of sudden bleeding in
mesiolingual canal of mesial root. Stripping perforation of
the mesial root was seen on the intraoral periapical
radiograph (Figure 1B). The patient was immediately
referred to the post-graduate section of the Endodontic
Department. There, the instrumentation of the canals was
continued using ProTaper Universal (Dentsply Maillefer,
Ballaigues, Switzerland) in a crown down approach except in
the mesiolingual canal to prevent increasing the size of
perforation. One percent sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl) was
used as irrigant during instrumentation. Because of
persistent hemorrhage, a calcium hydroxide dressing was
placed into the canals, and the tooth was temporary restored
with Zonalin (Purton, Wiltshin, Sweden). The patient was
asymptomatic between appointments. At the subsequent visit
7 days later, the tooth was isolated, temporary restoration
was removed, and the canals were thoroughly irrigated with

IEJ Iranian Endodontic Journal 2013;8(2):80-83

1% NaOCl. The canals were then gently dried and obturated

with gutta-percha (Gapadent, Hamburg, Germany) and
AH26 sealer (Dentsply DeTrey, Konstanz, Germany) using
lateral compaction method. The gutta-percha coronal to the
perforation site in mesiolingual canal was removed. Root
MTA (Salamifar, Tehran, Iran) was mixed according to the
manufacturers instructions and compacted into the coronal
section of the canal and perforation site using Schilder
plugger (Dentsply Caulk, Milford, USA) (Figure 1C). A wet
cotton pellet was placed over the MTA, and the tooth was
temporary restored using IRM (Dentsply, York, PA, USA).
After 48 hours, the temporary restoration and cotton pellet
were removed, and the tooth was permanently restored with
amalgam (Synalloy, Dentoria, France). On 15-month recall,
the patient had no signs or symptoms, and radiographic
examination demonstrated complete resolution of furcal and
periapical radiolucency (Figure 1D).

Strip perforation is an unwanted procedural accident that
negatively affects the prognosis. Mesiobuccal root of maxillary
molars and the mesial root of mandibular molars are highly
susceptible to strip perforation because of thin dentinal walls.
Inappropriate instrumentation as well as large instruments
during preparation in these thin root canals can cause strip
perforation. Mechanical trauma to periodontal tissue as a
result of perforation and possible contamination of the site
often lead to inflammation and osseous destruction. Strip
perforation differs from other perforations because of its large
affected area, irregular edge of the perforation site, and
difficulty in sealing the perforation [3]. One of the most
important factors affecting the prognosis is the time elapsed
since the occurrence of the perforation [1, 25]. In the present
case, the time between perforation and repair was short; this
contributed to the success of the treatment. In this case, the
canals were treated with calcium hydroxide between
appointments to reduce exudation, excessive bleeding, and
inflammation of the periradicular tissues before the obturation
of the canals and sealing of the perforation with MTA. Studies
have shown that calcium hydroxide eliminates bacteria and
reduces inflammation and bleeding from the perforation site
[26, 27]. Application of calcium hydroxide in this case reduced
inflammation and bleeding, making the treatment less

Repair of strip perforation using Root MTA82

complicated. To prevent possible negative effect of calcium

hydroxide on setting of MTA [28], the mesiolingual canal was
thoroughly irrigated prior to MTA placement.
Mineral trioxide aggregate is well known biocompatible
material that induces cementogenesis around the perforation
sites [29]. It has been used successfully to repair the
perforations in different clinical situations [15, 18, 27, 30].
Because of hydrophilic nature of MTA, moisture is required
for complete setting of the material [4]. However, some studies
have proposed that the moisture from the tissue side is often
enough for proper setting of MTA without the need for
additional moisture from within the canal [31, 32]. We used a
wet cotton pellet for 48 h to assure proper setting of MTA.
Root MTA is Iranian brand of mineral trioxide aggregate
produced by Dr. M. Lotfi. The studies on microleakage,
cytotoxicity, and biocompatibility of Root MTA showed
favorable results similar to the original ProRoot MTA [23, 24,
On 15-month recall, the repaired tooth was clinically and
radiographically healthy and continued to satisfy functional
demands. This case presented successful treatment of strip
perforation using Root MTA. We may conclude that Root
MTA is a suitable material for perforation. However, further
clinical studies are still required to determine the prognosis of
root perforations repaired with Root MTA in long term.
Conflict of Interest: None declared.

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IEJ Iranian Endodontic Journal 2013;8(2):79-82

Please cite this paper as: Froughreyhani M, Milani AS, Barakatein

B, Shiezadeh V. Treatment of a Strip Perforation Using Root
MTA: A Case Report. Iran Endod J. 2013;8(2):80-83.

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