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Convolutional Recurrent Neural Networks For Small-Footprint Keyword Spotting

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Convolutional Recurrent Neural Networks for Small-Footprint Keyword

Sercan Ö. Arık1,*, Markus Kliegl1,*, Rewon Child1, Joel Hestness1, Andrew Gibiansky1, Chris
Fougner1, Ryan Prenger1, Adam Coates1
Baidu Silicon Valley Artificial Intelligence Lab, 1195 Bordeaux Dr. Sunnyvale, CA 94089, USA
Equal contribution,

learning-based approaches due to their superior performance

Abstract [2]. Deep learning-based KWS systems commonly use Deep
Keyword spotting (KWS) constitutes a major component of Neural Networks (DNNs) combined with compression
human-technology interfaces. Maximizing the detection techniques [3,4] or multi-style training approaches [5,6]. A
accuracy at a low false alarm (FA) rate, while minimizing the potential drawback of DNNs is that they ignore the structure
footprint size, latency and complexity are the goals for KWS. and context of the input, and an audio input can have strong
Towards achieving them, we study Convolutional Recurrent dependencies in time or frequency domains. With the goal of
Neural Networks (CRNNs). Inspired by large-scale state-of- exploiting such local connectivity patterns by shared weights,
the-art speech recognition systems, we combine the strengths of Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) were explored for
convolutional layers and recurrent layers to exploit local KWS [7,8]. A potential drawback of CNNs is that they cannot
structure and long-range context. We analyze the effect of model the context over the entire frame without wide filters or
architecture parameters, and propose training strategies to great depth. Recurrent neural networks (RNNs) were also
improve performance. With only ~230k parameters, our CRNN studied for KWS with connectionist temporal classification
model yields acceptably low latency, and achieves 97.71% (CTC) loss [9,10], unlike the aforementioned DNN and CNN
accuracy at 0.5 FA/hour for 5 dB signal-to-noise ratio. models [2-6] with cross-entropy (CE) loss. Yet, a high accuracy
at a low FA rate could not be obtained, given the ambitious
Index Terms: Keyword spotting, speech recognition, targets of the applications of such systems. Similar to DNNs, a
convolutional neural networks, recurrent neural networks.
potential limitation of RNNs is that the modeling is done on the
input features, without learning the structure between
1. Introduction successive time and frequency steps. Recently, [11] proposed a
Motivated by the most common way humans interact with Convolutional Recurrent Neural Network (CRNN) architecture
each other, conversational human-technology interfaces are with CTC loss. However, despite the large model size, similar
becoming increasingly popular in numerous applications. High- to RNNs, a high accuracy at a low FA rate could not be
performance speech-to-text conversion and text-to-speech obtained.
conversion constitute two important aspects of such interfaces, In this paper, we focus on developing a production-quality
as most computational algorithms are developed for text inputs KWS system using CRNNs with CE loss for a small-footprint
and outputs. Another crucial aspect of conversational interfaces model, applied for a single keyword. Our goal is to combine the
is keyword spotting (KWS) – also known as wakeword strengths of CNNs and RNNs, with additional strategies applied
detection, to enable transitioning between different during training to improve the overall performance, while
computational states based on the voice input provided by the keeping a small-footprint size. The rest of the paper is organized
users. KWS systems aim to detect a particular keyword from a as follows. In Section 2, we describe the end-to-end architecture
continuous stream of audio. As their output determines different and training methodologies for small-footprint KWS. In
states of the device, very high detection accuracy for a very low Section 3, we explain the experiments and the corresponding
false alarm (FA) rate is critical to enable satisfactory user results. In Section 4, we present our conclusions.
experience. Typical applications exist in environments with
interference from background audio, reverberation distortion, 2. Small-footprint keyword spotting
and the sounds generated by the speaker of the device in which
the KWS is embedded. A KWS system should demonstrate 2.1. End-to-end architecture
robust performance in this wide range of situations.
Furthermore, the computational complexity and model size are We focus on a canonical CRNN architecture, inspired by
the successful large-scale speech recognition systems [12-14].
important concerns for KWS systems, as they are typically
To adapt these architectures for small-footprint KWS, the
embedded in consumer devices with limited memory and
model size needs to be shrunk two to three orders of magnitude.
computational resources, such as smartphones or smart-home
sensors. We will analyze the impact of different parameters on
performance while shrinking the size of the model.
There are already millions of devices with embedded KWS
Fig. 1 shows the CRNN architecture with the corresponding
systems. Traditional approaches for KWS are based on Hidden
parameters. The raw time-domain inputs are converted to per-
Markov Models with sequence search algorithms [1]. With the
channel energy normalized (PCEN) mel spectrograms [8], for
advances in deep learning and increase in the amount of
available data, state-of-the-art KWS has been replaced by deep succinct representation and efficient training. (Other input
representations we experimented with yielded worse
performance for model architectures of comparable size.) The a large-scale speech recognition model, to obtain the estimated
2-D PCEN features are given as inputs to the convolutional probability distributions of keyword characters 𝑐" (1 ≤ 𝑘 ≤ 𝐾)
layer, which employ 2-D filtering along both the time and for each time instance. As the CTC decoding yields peaked
frequency dimensions. The outputs of the convolutional layer distributions, we further smooth the output over time and obtain
are fed to bidirectional recurrent layers, which might include smoothed character occupancy scores 𝑝 𝑐" , 𝑡 . We then obtain
gated recurrent units (GRUs) [15] or long short-term memory the beginning and end times of the keywords using the heuristic
(LSTM) units [16] and process the entire frame. Outputs of the algorithm shown in Algorithm 1. An extra short padding is
recurrent layers are given to the fully connected (FC) layer. added while chopping the keywords to cover edge cases. The
Lastly, softmax decoding is applied over two neurons, to obtain accuracy of alignments obtained were significantly beyond the
a corresponding scalar score. We use rectified linear units as time scale of human perception.
activation function in all layers.
3. Experiments and Results
3.1. Data and training
We develop our KWS system for the keyword “TalkType”
(which can be pronounced as a single word or two words). We
choose a frame length of T = 1.5 seconds, which is sufficiently
long to capture a reasonable pronunciation of “TalkType”.
Using a sampling rate of 16 kHz, each frame contains 24k raw
time-domain samples. Corresponding PCEN mel spectrograms
are obtained for 10 ms stride and 40 channels, yielding an input
dimensionality of 40 ´ 151. The entire data set consists of ~16k
different samples, collected from more than 5k speakers. The
dataset is split into training, development and test sets with 6-
1-1 ratio. Training samples are augmented by applying additive
noise, with a power determined by a signal-to-noise ratio (SNR)
Figure 1: End-to-end CRNN architecture for KWS. sampled from [-5,15] dB interval. The additive noise is sampled
from a data set of representative background noise and speech,
2.2. End-to-end training with a total length exceeding 300 hours. To provide robustness
against alignment errors, training samples are also augmented
Algorithm 1 Sequential alignment of keyword samples by introducing random timing jitter. We use the ADAM
optimization algorithm for training [17], with a batch size of 64.
require: keyword characters 𝑐" (1 ≤ 𝑘 ≤ 𝐾), smoothed
The learning rate is initially chosen as 0.001, and later dropped
character occupancy scores 𝑝 𝑐" , 𝑡 , decay rate 𝛼 (0 ≤ to 0.0003.
𝛼 ≤ 1)
initialize: 𝑝-. 𝑐" , 𝑡 = 𝑝 𝑐" , 𝑡 , 𝑝.- 𝑐" , 𝑡 = 𝑝 𝑐" , 𝑡 Our evaluation considers a streaming scenario such that
for: 𝑛 ∶= 1 to 𝑁345. inference is performed for overlapping frames of duration T.
for: 𝑘 ∶= 0 to 𝐾 − 2 (right-to-left decoding) The shift between the frames is chosen as 100 ms, (which
should ideally be much longer than the spectrogram stride and
𝑇9.-: = argmax 𝑝.- 𝑐" , 𝑡
4 much shorter than the inference latency - see Section 3.2 for
𝑝.- 𝑐"@A , 𝑡 = 𝛼 ⋅ 𝑝.- 𝑐"@A , 𝑡 for 𝑡 ≥ 𝑇9.-: more details). The metrics we focus on are the false rejection
end rate (FRR) and false alarms (FA) per hour, typically fixing the
for: 𝑘 ∶= 𝐾 − 1 to 1 (left-to-right decoding) latter at a desired value such as 1 FA/hr [7]. Noise is added to
𝑇9-.: = argmax 𝑝-. 𝑐" , 𝑡 the development and test sets, with a magnitude depending on
4 the SNR value. We note that the collected samples are already
𝑝-. 𝑐"DA , 𝑡 = 𝛼 ⋅ 𝑝-. 𝑐"DA , 𝑡 for 𝑡 ≤ 𝑇9-.: noisy so the actual SNR is lower if defined precisely as the ratio
end of powers of the information-bearing signal and the noise.
end Similar to our augmentation of the training sets, negative
return: (min 𝑇9-.G , 𝑇9.-G , max (𝑇9-.I , 𝑇9.-I )) samples and noise datasets are sampled from representative
background noise and speech.
In speech recognition, large-scale architectures with 3.2. Impact of the model architecture
recurrent layers typically use variants of CTC loss to decode the
most probable output label. Aside from the modeling
Table 1 shows the performance of various CRNN
limitations due to conditional independence assumptions of
architectures for the development set with 5 dB SNR. We note
targets, CTC loss has a high computational complexity and
that all models were trained until convergence, even though it
typically yields good performance only when the model
requires very different number of epochs. We observe the
capacity is sufficiently large to efficiently learn from a large
general trend that the larger model size typically yields better
dataset. As we focus on small-footprint architectures, the loss
performance. Increasing the number of convolution filters or
function that is optimized during the training is chosen as the
increasing the number of recurrent hidden units are the two
CE loss for the estimated and target binary labels, indicating
effective approaches to improve the performance. Increasing
whether a frame corresponds to a keyword or not.
the number of recurrent layers has a limited impact, and GRU
To train with a CE loss, unlike CTC, precise alignment of is preferred over LSTM as a better performance can be obtained
the training samples is important. We use Deep Speech 2 [14], for a lower complexity.
Table 1: Performance of different CRNN architectures (see Fig. 1 for the description of the parameters). The chosen set of
parameters for the rest of the paper is colored and highlighted in bold.

FRR (%) for the noise development

Convolutional Recurrent FC
Total number of set with 5 dB SNR
Recurrent parameters
NC (LT, LF) (ST, SF) R NR NF at 1 FA/hour at 0.5 FA/hour
32 (20,5) (8,2) 2 8 GRU 32 45k 5.54 7.44
32 (20,5) (8,2) 3 8 LSTM 64 68k 6.17 7.68
32 (5,1) (4,1) 2 8 GRU 64 102k 6.04 7.31
32 (20,5) (8,2) 2 16 GRU 64 110k 3.48 4.46
32 (20,5) (20,5) 2 32 GRU 64 110k 5.70 7.99
32 (20,5) (8,2) 3 16 GRU 64 115k 3.42 4.10
16 (20,5) (8,2) 2 32 GRU 32 127k 3.53 5.55
32 (20,5) (12,4) 2 32 GRU 64 143k 5.80 7.72
16 (20,5) (8,2) 1 32 GRU 64 148k 4.20 6.27
128 (20,5) (8,2) 3 8 GRU 32 159k 3.83 5.21
64 (10,3) (8,2) 1 16 GRU 32 166k 3.21 4.31
128 (20,5) (8,2) 1 32 LSTM 64 197k 3.37 4.56
32 (20,5) (12,2) 2 32 GRU 64 205k 3.26 4.40
32 (20,5) (8,2) 1 32 GRU 64 211k 3.00 3.84
32 (20,5) (8,2) 2 32 GRU 64 229k 2.85 3.79
32 (40,10) (8,2) 2 32 GRU 64 239k 3.57 5.03
32 (20,5) (8,2) 3 32 GRU 64 248k 3.00 3.42
32 (20,5) (8,2) 2 32 LSTM 64 279k 3.06 4.41
32 (20,5) (8,1) 2 32 GRU 64 352k 2.23 3.31
64 (20,5) (8,2) 2 32 GRU 64 355k 2.43 3.99
64 (20,5) (8,2) 2 32 LSTM 32 407k 3.11 4.04
64 (10,3) (4,1) 2 32 GRU 64 674k 3.37 4.35
128 (20,5) (8,2) 2 32 GRU 128 686k 2.64 3.78
32 (20,5) (8,2) 2 128 GRU 128 1513k 2.23 2.95
256 (20,5) (8,2) 4 64 GRU 128 2551k 2.18 3.42
128 (20,5) (4,1) 4 64 GRU 128 2850k 2.64 3.21

It is desired to limit the model size given the resource (FLOPs) when implemented on processors of modern consumer
constraints for inference latency, memory, and power devices (without special functions to implement
consumption. Following [7], we choose the size limit as 250k nonlinear operations). Even when implemented on modern
(which is more than 6 times smaller than the architecture with smartphones without any approximations and special function
CTC loss in [11]). For the rest of the paper, the default units, our KWS model can achieve an inference time much
architecture is the set of parameters highlighted in bold, which faster than the time scale for reactive time for humans with
also corresponds to a fairly optimal point given the model size auditory stimuli, which is ~280 ms [18].
vs. performance trade-off.
3.3. Impact of the amount of training data
We compare the performance with a CNN architecture
based on [7]. Given the discrepancy in input dimensionality and
training data, we reoptimize the model hyperparameters for the
best performance while upper-bounding the number of
parameters to 250k for a fair comparison. For the same
development set with 5 dB SNR, the best CNN architecture
achieves 4.31% FRR at 1 FA/hour and 5.73% FRR at 0.5
FA/hour. Both metrics are ~51% higher compared to the FRR
values of the chosen CRNN model with 229k parameters.
Interestingly, the performance gap is lower for higher SNR
values. We elaborate on this in Section 3.4.
Recall that the model is bidirectional and runs on
overlapping 1.5 second windows at 100 ms stride. However,
thanks to the small model size and the large time stride of 8 in
the initial convolution layer, we are able to do inference
comfortably faster than real time. The inference computational
complexity of the chosen CRNN-based KWS model with 229k Figure 2: FRR at 0.5 FA/hour vs. number of unique
parameters is roughly ~30M floating point operations training keywords for the test set with 5 dB SNR.
Given the representation capacity limit imposed by the
architecture size, increasing the amount of positive samples in
the training data has a limited effect on the performance. Fig. 2
shows the FRR at 0.5 FA/hour (for the test set with 5 dB SNR)
vs. the number of unique “TalkType” samples used while
training. Saturation of performance occurs faster than
applications with similar type of data but with large-scale
models, e.g. [14].
Besides increasing the amount of the positive samples, we
observe performance improvement by increasing the diversity
of relevant negative samples, obtained by hard mining. We
mine negative samples, by using the pre-converged model on a
very large public videos dataset (that are not used in training,
development, or test sets). Then, training is continued using the
mined negative samples until convergence. As shown in Fig. 2,
hard negative mining yields decrease in FRR for the test set. Figure 4: FRR at 1 FA/hour vs. additional distance for
far-field test sets with varying SNR values. Solid:
3.4. Noise robustness baseline performance, dashed: with far-field
augmented training.

Fig. 4 shows performance degradation with the additional

distance. Far-field test sets are constructed by augmenting the
original test set with impulse responses corresponding to a
variety of configurations at the given distance (considering
different values for degrees of arrival etc.). Significant
deterioration in performance is observed especially in
conjunction with higher noise, as also explained in [19]. To
provide robustness against this deterioration, we consider
training with far-field-augmented training samples, using a
variety of impulse responses that are different than the ones in
the test set. This augmentation achieves significantly less
degradation in performance for farther distances. Yet, it yields
a worse performance for the original data set due to the
training/testing mismatch.
Figure 3: FRR vs. FA per hour for the test set with
various SNR values.
4. Conclusions
For the test set with various SNR values, Fig. 3 shows the We studied CRNNs for small-footprint KWS systems. We
FRR vs. FA per hour. For higher SNR, lower FRR is obtained, presented the trade-off between model size and performance,
and stable performance starts for a lower FA rate. Note that the and demonstrated the optimal choice of parameters given the
SNR values (in dB) of the augmented training samples are tradeoff. The capacity limitation of the model has various
sampled from a distribution with a mean of 5 dB, and implications. Performance gain is limited by merely increasing
deterioration in performance is observed beyond this value. the number of positive samples, yet hard negative mining
Performance for lower SNR values can be improved by improves the performance. Training sets should be carefully
augmenting with lower SNR, but this comes at the expense of chosen to reflect the application environment, such as the noise
decreased performance for higher SNR, which can be attributed level or far-field conditions. Overall, at 0.5 FA/hour (which is
to the limited learning capacity of the model. an acceptable value from a user perspective), our model
We observe the benefit of recurrent layers especially for achieves 97.71%, 98.71% and 99.3% accuracy for the test set
lower SNR values. The performance gap of CRNN with 5 dB, 10 dB and 20 dB SNR values, respectively. Our
architectures with CNN architectures (adapted from [7] as numerical performance results may seem better than other
explained in Section 3.1) reduces as the SNR increases. We KWS models in the literature. However, a direct comparison is
hypothesize that the recurrent layers are better able to adapt to not meaningful because of the difference in the datasets and the
the noise signature of individual samples, since each layer actual keywords, i.e. the inference task. Given that human
processes information from the entire frame. CNNs, in contrast, performance is excellent in the KWS task, we still believe that
require wide filters and/or great depth for this level of there is further room for improvement in terms of performance.
information propagation.
5. Acknowledgements
3.5. Far-field robustness
Discussions with Andrew Ng, Sanjeev Satheesh, Jiaji Huang,
Our dataset already consists of samples recorded at varying Jue Sun, and Bing Jiang are gratefully acknowledged. We thank
distance values, which should be representative for most Hui Song for the impulse response measurements used for far-
applications such as smartphone KWS systems. Yet, some field augmentation.
applications, such as smart-home KWS systems, require high
performance at far-field conditions.
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