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11 TOPS Photonic Convolutional Accelerator For Optical Neural Networks - RM - Nature

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11 TOPS photonic convolutional accelerator

for optical neural networks Xingyuan Xu1,9, Mengxi Tan1, Bill Corcoran2, Jiayang Wu1, Andreas Boes3, Thach G. Nguyen3,
Sai T. Chu4, Brent E. Little5, Damien G. Hicks1,6, Roberto Morandotti7,8, Arnan Mitchell3 &
Received: 15 April 2020
David J. Moss1 ✉
Accepted: 20 October 2020

Published online: 6 January 2021

Convolutional neural networks, inspired by biological visual cortex systems, are a
Check for updates powerful category of artificial neural networks that can extract the hierarchical features
of raw data to provide greatly reduced parametric complexity and to enhance the
accuracy of prediction. They are of great interest for machine learning tasks such as
computer vision, speech recognition, playing board games and medical diagnosis1–7.
Optical neural networks offer the promise of dramatically accelerating computing
speed using the broad optical bandwidths available. Here we demonstrate a universal
optical vector convolutional accelerator operating at more than ten TOPS (trillions
(1012) of operations per second, or tera-ops per second), generating convolutions of
images with 250,000 pixels—sufficiently large for facial image recognition. We use the
same hardware to sequentially form an optical convolutional neural network with ten
output neurons, achieving successful recognition of handwritten digit images at 88
per cent accuracy. Our results are based on simultaneously interleaving temporal,
wavelength and spatial dimensions enabled by an integrated microcomb source. This
approach is scalable and trainable to much more complex networks for demanding
applications such as autonomous vehicles and real-time video recognition.

Artificial neural networks are collections of nodes with weighted con- including approaches that have the potential for full integration on a
nections that, with proper feedback to adjust the network parameters, single photonic chip8,12, in turn offering an ultrahigh computational
can ‘learn’ and perform complex operations for facial recognition, density. However, there remain opportunities for substantial improve-
speech translation, playing strategy games and medical diagnosis1–4. ments in ONNs. Processing large-scale data, as needed for practical
Whereas classical fully connected feedforward networks face chal- real-life computer vision tasks, remains challenging for ONNs because
lenges in processing extremely high-dimensional data, convolutional they are primarily fully connected structures and their input scale is
neural networks (CNNs), inspired by the (biological) behaviour of the determined solely by hardware parallelism. This leads to tradeoffs
visual cortex system, can abstract the representations of input data between the network scale and footprint. Moreover, ONNs have not
in their raw form, and then predict their properties with both unprec- achieved the extreme computing speeds that analogue photonics is
edented accuracy and greatly reduced parametric complexity5. CNNs capable of, given the very wide optical bandwidths that they can exploit.
have been widely applied to computer vision, natural language process- Recently22, the concept of time–wavelength multiplexing for ONNs
ing and other areas6,7. was introduced and applied to a single perceptron operating at 11 billion
The capability of neural networks is dictated by the computing power (109) operations per second (giga-ops per second). Here, we demon-
of the underlying neuromorphic hardware. Optical neural networks strate an optical convolutional accelerator (CA) to process and extract
(ONNs)8–12 are promising candidates for next-generation neuromorphic features from large-scale data, generating convolutions with multiple,
computation, because they have the potential to overcome some of the simultaneous, parallel kernels. By interleaving wavelength, temporal
bandwidth bottlenecks of their electrical counterparts6,13–15 such as for and spatial dimensions using an integrated Kerr microcomb source23–32,
interconnections16, and achieve ultrahigh computing speeds enabled by we achieve a vector computing speed as high as 11.322 TOPS. We then
the >10-THz-wide optical telecommunications band8. Operating in ana- use it to process 250,000-pixel images, at a matrix processing speed
logue frameworks, ONNs avoid the limitations imposed by the energy of 3.8 TOPS.
and time consumed during reading and moving data back and forth for The CA is scalable and dynamically reconfigurable. We use the same
storage, known as the von Neumann bottleneck13. Important progress hardware to form both a CA front end and a fully connected neuron
has been made in highly parallel, high-speed and trainable ONNs8–12,17–22, layer, and combine them to form an optical CNN. The CNN performs

Optical Sciences Centre, Swinburne University of Technology, Hawthorn, Victoria, Australia. 2Department of Electrical and Computer Systems Engineering, Monash University, Clayton,
Victoria, Australia. 3School of Engineering, RMIT University, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia. 4Department of Physics, City University of Hong Kong, Tat Chee Avenue, Hong Kong, China.
Xi’an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi’an, China. 6Bioinformatics Division, Walter & Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research, Parkville, Victoria,
Australia. 7INRS-Énergie, Matériaux et Télécommunications, Varennes, Québec, Canada. 8Institute of Fundamental and Frontier Sciences, University of Electronic Science and Technology of
China, Chengdu, China. 9Present address: Electro-Photonics Laboratory, Department of Electrical and Computer Systems Engineering, Monash University, Clayton, Victoria, Australia.

44 | Nature | Vol 589 | 7 January 2021

length of the kernels are arbitrary, limited only by the total number
of wavelengths.

The CA processes vectors, which is extremely useful for human
Kernel weights W Comb shaping
speech recognition or radio-frequency signal processing, for exam-
ple. However, it can easily be applied to matrices for image process-
Sliding receptive field
ing by flattening the matrix into a vector. The precise way that this
is performed is governed by the kernel size, which determines both

Input data X
the sliding convolution window’s stride and the equivalent matrix
computing speed. In our case the 3 × 3 kernel reduces the speed by a

Photonic VCA
factor of 3, but we outline straightforward methods to avoid this (see

int wav Supplementary Information, including Supplementary Figs. 1–30 and

erl e
ea leng Weighted
vin t
g h
Supplementary Tables 1, 2).
replicas of X

VCA and matrix CA

Extended Data Fig. 1 shows the experimental setup for the VCA, whereas

Convolution output Y
Time Fig. 2 shows the matrix version used to process a classic 500 × 500
image, adopted from the University of Southern California-Signal and
Fig. 1 | Operation principle of the TOPS photonic CA. EOM, electro-optical Image Processing Institute (USC-SIPI) database (
Mach–Zehnder modulator; SMF, standard single mode fibre for database/). The system performs simultaneous image convolutions
telecommunications; PD, photodetector. with ten 3 × 3 kernels. The weight matrices for all kernels were flattened
into a composite kernel vector W containing all 90 weights (10 kernels
with 3 × 3 = 9 weights each), which were then encoded onto the optical
power of 90 microcomb lines by an optical spectral shaper (the wave-
simultaneous recognition of images from the MNIST handwritten digit shaper), with each kernel occupying its own band of 9 wavelengths.
dataset33, achieving an accuracy of 88%. Our ONN represents a major The wavelengths were supplied by a soliton crystal microcomb with a
step towards realizing monolithically integrated ONNs and is enabled spacing of about 48.9 GHz (refs. 22–24,30,32), with the 90 wavelengths occu-
by our use of an integrated microcomb chip. Moreover, the scheme is pying 36 nm across the C-band (see Extended Data Fig. 2 and Methods).
stand-alone and universal, fully compatible with either electrical or opti- Figure 3 shows the image processing results. The 500 × 500 input
cal interfaces. Hence, it can serve as a universal ultrahigh-bandwidth image was flattened electronically into a vector X and encoded as the
front end that extracts data features for any neuromorphic hardware intensities of 250,000 temporal symbols, with a resolution of 8 bits
(optical or electronic-based), bringing massive-data machine learning per symbol (see Supplementary Information for a discussion on the
for both real-time and ultrahigh-bandwidth data within reach. effective number of bits), to form the electrical input waveform via
a high-speed electrical digital-to-analogue converter, at a data rate
of 62.9 gigabaud (with time slot τ = 15.9 ps; Fig. 3b). The duration of
Principle of operation each image for all 10 kernels (3.975 μs) equates to a processing rate of
The photonic vector convolutional accelerator (VCA, Fig. 1) features 1/3.975 μs, or 0.25 million ultralarge-scale images per second.
high-speed electrical signal ports for data input and output. The input The input waveform X was then multi-cast onto 90 shaped comb lines
data vector X is encoded as the intensity of temporal symbols in a serial via electro-optical modulation, yielding replicas weighted by the kernel
electrical waveform at a symbol rate 1/τ (baud), where τ is the symbol vector W. The waveform was then transmitted through around 2.2 km
period. The convolutional kernel is represented by a weight vector W of standard single mode fibre (dispersion about 17 ps nm−1 km−1) such
of length R that is encoded in the optical power of the microcomb lines that the relative temporal shift between the adjacent weighted wave-
via spectral shaping by a waveshaper (see Methods). The temporal length replicas had a progressive delay of 15.9 ps, matching the data
waveform X is then multi-cast onto the kernel wavelength channels symbol duration τ. This resulted in time and wavelength interleaving
via electro-optical modulation, generating the replicas weighted by W. for all 10 kernels. The 90 wavelengths were then de-multiplexed into
The optical waveform is then transmitted through a dispersive delay 10 sub-bands of 9 wavelengths, with each sub-band corresponding
with a delay step (between adjacent wavelengths) equal to the symbol to a kernel, and separately detected by 10 high-speed photodetec-
duration of X, effectively achieving time and wavelength interleaving. tors. The detection process effectively summed the aligned symbols
Finally, the delayed and weighted replicas are summed via high-speed of the replicas (the electrical output waveform of kernel 4 is shown
photodetection so that each time slot yields a convolution between X in Fig. 3c). The 10 electrical waveforms were converted into digital
and W for a given convolution window, or receptive field. signals via analogue-to-digital converters and resampled so that each
As such, the convolution window effectively slides at the modulation time slot of each individual waveform (wavelengths) corresponded to
speed matching the baud rate of X. Each output symbol is the result of a dot product between one of the convolutional kernel matrices and
R multiply-accumulate (MAC) operations, with the computing speed the input image within a sliding window (that is, receptive field). This
given by 2R/τ TOPS. Since the speed of this process scales with both effectively achieved convolutions between the 10 kernels and the raw
the baud rate and number of wavelengths, the massively parallel num- input image. The resulting waveforms thus yielded the 10 feature maps
ber of wavelengths from the microcomb yields speeds of many TOPS. (convolutional matrix outputs) containing the extracted hierarchical
Moreover, the length of the input data X is theoretically unlimited, so features of the input image (Fig. 3d, Supplementary Information).
the CA can process data with an arbitrarily large scale—the only practi- The VCA makes full use of time, wavelength and spatial multiplex-
cal limitation being the external electronics. ing, where the convolution window effectively slides across the input
Simultaneous convolution with multiple kernels is achieved by add- vector X at a speed equal to the modulation baud rate of 62.9 billion
ing sub-bands of R wavelengths for each kernel. Following multicast- symbols per second. Each output symbol is the result of 9 (the length
ing and dispersive delay, the sub-bands (kernels) are demultiplexed of each kernel) MAC operations, and so the core vector computing
and detected separately, generating electronic waveforms for each speed (that is, the throughput) of each kernel is 2 × 9 × 62.9 = 1.13 TOPS.
kernel. The VCA is fully reconfigurable and scalable: the number and For 10 kernels the total computing speed of the VCA is therefore

Nature | Vol 589 | 7 January 2021 | 45

TOPS optical
Image processing Optical and electronic control and signal flow convolution accelerator

Kernel 1 Kernel 2 Kernel 10 Loss PUMP

Ten 3× 3


Comb spectral
(·) (*) shaper
Length of each kernel = 9 Wavelength
Raw input image
500 × 500 Electronic input 9 kernel weights on
Flatten X 250,000 pixels 9 wavelengths
and DAC
15.9 ps Modulation rate = 62.9 gigabaud

Broadcast, weight and progressively delay

Dot product
within sliding Convolution


9 wavelength channels for kernel 1
9 wavelength channels for kernel 2
9 wavelength channels for kernel 10
9 aligned data symbols over 9 wavelength
channels summed for each kernel
Kernel 1 PD
ADC and

Single-kernel vector computing

Y 15.9 ps speed = 2 × 9 × 62.9 = 1.13 TOPS Kernel 2
Signal rate = 62.9 gigabaud
Kernel 10

Result of 2×9 operations
Electronic output kernel 1
10 convolved image Electronic output kernel 2
feature maps of Electronic output kernel 10
82,668 pixels each

A 250,000 pixels multicast onto 90 wavelengths then sequentially delayed

250,000 pixels

9 wavelength channels

for kernel 1

9 wavelength channels
for kernel 2

Overall vector
computing 9 wavelength channels
speed for kernel 10
= 10 × 1.13 =
11.3 TOPS Time

Fig. 2 | Image processing. The experimental setup (right panel), the optical continuous-wave pump laser; EDFA, erbium-doped fibre amplifier; MRR,
and electronic control and signal flow (middle panel), and the corresponding micro-ring resonator. DAC, digital-to-analogue converter.
processing flow of the raw input image (left panel) are shown. PUMP,

1.13 × 10 = 11.3 TOPS, representing a 500-fold increase for high-speed

ONNs (see Supplementary Information). Convolutional ONN
In this work, the 3 × 3 kernels yielded a convolution window Our CA is fully and dynamically reconfigurable as well as scalable. We
vertical sliding stride of 3, and so the effective matrix computing speed used the same system to sequentially form both a front-end convolu-
was 11.3/3 = 3.8 TOPS. Homogeneous strides operating at the full vec- tional processor as well as a fully connected layer, to form an optical
tor speed can be achieved by adding parallel weight-and-delay paths CNN that we applied to the simultaneous recognition of full 10 (0 to 9)
(see Supplementary Information), although we found that this was handwritten digit images33, versus two-digit recognition22.
unnecessary. Finally, the CA can process arbitrarily large-scale data, Extended Data Figure 3 shows the principle of the optical CNN,
beyond the 250,000 pixels reported here, limited only by the external whereas Fig. 4 shows the experimental configuration. The convolu-
electronics (compared to the single-neuron perceptron22 that only tional layer performs the heaviest computing duty of the network,
processed 49-pixel images). taking 55% to 90% of the total computing power. The digit images

46 | Nature | Vol 589 | 7 January 2021

a Kernel 1 Kernel 2 Kernel 3 Kernel 4 Kernel 5 Kernel 6 Kernel 7 Kernel 8 Kernel 9 Kernel 10


Tap weights (dB)

–20 weights

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90

Channel number
Optical power (dBm)

Shaped comb
1,535 1,540 1,545 1,550 1,555 1,560 1,565 Negative
Wavelength (nm)

1.0 15.9 ps per symbol

Intensity (a.u.)

Zoom in
0.5 input
2 ns

0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 1.012 1.0121 1.0122
Time (μs) Time (μs)
1.0 15.9 ps per symbol
Intensity (a.u.)

Zoom in Electronic
0.5 output of
kernel 4
0 2 ns

0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 2.5949 2.5950 2.5951
Time (μs) RMSE 0.037689 Time (μs)
d Kernel 1 Kernel 2 Kernel 3 Kernel 4 Kernel 5

0 0 0 1 2 1 –1 –2 –1 1 2 1 1 0 –1

0 1 0 2 4 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 –2

0 0 0 1 2 1 1 2 1 –1 –2 –1 1 0 –1

Identical Blur Bottom Sobel Top Sobel Left Sobel

10 convolved
Kernel 6 Kernel 7 Kernel 8 Kernel 9 Kernel 10 feature maps
–1 0 1 –1 –1 0 –1 –1 –1 0 –1 0 1 0 0

–2 0 2 –1 0 1 –1 8 –1 –1 5 –1 0 1 0

–1 0 1 0 1 1 –1 –1 –1 0 –1 0 0 0 1

Right Sobel Emboss Outline Sharpen Motion blur

Fig. 3 | Experimental results of the image processing. a, The kernel weights gradient-based method that looks for strong changes in the first derivative of
(tap weights) and the shaped microcomb’s optical spectrum. b, The input an image (the grey and red lines show the ideal and experimentally generated
electrical waveform of the image (the grey and blue lines show the ideal and waveforms, respectively). d, The weight matrices of the kernels and
experimentally generated waveforms, respectively). c, The convolved results corresponding recovered images. RMSE, root-mean-square error.
of the fourth kernel that performs a top Sobel image processing function—a

Nature | Vol 589 | 7 January 2021 | 47

Convolutional layer Fully connected layer
Equivalent optical input for the convolutional layer Equivalent optical input for the synapses of neuron 10
Wconv(3)[25] Wconv(2)[25] Wconv(k)[R − i + 1] WFC(l)[R − i + 1]
Wconv(1)[25] WFC(10)[72] WFC(10)[70] W (10)[3]

Optical input
Optical input


pump WFC(10)[1]
Wconv(3)[1] Wconv(2)[1] Wconv(1)[1] WFC(10)[71]

O1 O2 O25 O26 O27 O50 O51 O52 O75 O1 O2 O3 O72 O72 O72
Wavelength, λi R = 25 × 3 Wavelength, λi R = 72
Kernel 1 Kernel 2 Kernel 3
5×5 6 × 26
Convolutional Comb power splitting and flattening Feature
kernels maps

Kernel 3 Kernel 2 Kernel 1 TOPS
convolution 6×4
Flatten accelerator Feature
30 × 30 maps

Input image Electrical input vector Xconv[n]
L = 900 L = 72 Electrical input vector XFC[n]


Fully connected layer

Convolutional layer
Wconv(1)[R − i + 1]·Xconv[n − i] WFC(10)[R − i + 1]·XFC[n − i]
Wconv(1)[25]·Xconv[n − 1] O51 SMF SMF WFC(10)[72]·XFC[n − 1] O1
Wconv(1)[24]·Xconv[n − 1] O52 WFC(10)[71]·XFC[n − 1] O2
Wconv(1)[23]·Xconv[n − 1] O53 WFC(10)[70]·XFC[n − 1] O3

Wconv(1)[3]·Xconv[n − 1] O73 WFC(10)[3]·XFC[n − 1] O70

Wconv(1)[2]·Xconv[n − 1] O74 WFC(10)[2]·XFC[n − 1] O71
Wconv(1)[1]·Xconv[n − 1] O75 WFC(10)[1]·XFC[n − 1] O72
demultiplexing Comb splitting
and shaping and shaping
Time slots of Summing time slot of the
6 × 26 convolved results matrix multiplication
Feature maps PD
Kernel 1

Kernel 2

PD Kernel 3
1 2 10
1 3 5 7 9 R+1 L+1 1 3 5 7 9 R+1 2R – 4 2R – 2 2R
Electrical output (1) Time n Feature maps Output of neurons Electrical output of Time n
Yconv =Wconv(1)*Xconv
of convolutional kernel 1 neuron 10 YFC(10)[R + 1] = WFC(10)·XFC
Sample Kernel 1

Fig. 4 | Experimental schematic of the optical CNN. Left side is the input wavelengths for both the TOPS photonic CA as well as the fully connected layer
front-end CA while the right side is the fully connected layer, both of which form systems. The electronic digital signal processing (DSP) module used for
the deep learning optical CNN. The microcomb source supplies the sampling and pooling and so on is external to this structure.

(30 × 30 greyscale matrices with 8-bit resolution) were flattened into systems, including signal sampling, nonlinear function and pooling,
vectors and multiplexed in the time domain at 11.9 gigabaud (time slot were implemented electronically with digital signal processing hard-
τ = 84 ps). Three 5 × 5 kernels were used, requiring 75 microcomb lines ware, although many of these functions (for example, pooling) can be
(Fig. 5) and resulting in a vertical convolution stride of 5. The dispersive achieved optically (for example, with the VCA). Supervised network
delay was achieved with around 13 km of standard single mode fibre training was performed offline electronically (see Supplementary
for telecommunications to match the data baud rate. The wavelengths Information).
were de-multiplexed into the three kernels which were detected by We first experimentally tested 50 images of the handwritten digit
high-speed photodetectors and then sampled as well as nonlinearly MNIST dataset33, followed by more extensive testing on 500 images
scaled with digital electronics. This recovered the hierarchical fea- (see Supplementary Information for 500 image results). The confusion
ture maps that were then pooled electronically and flattened into a matrix for 50 images (Fig. 6) shows an accuracy of 88% for the gener-
vector XFC (72 × 1) for each image, forming the input data to the fully ated predictions, in contrast to 90% for the numerical results calcu-
connected layer. lated on an electrical digital computer. The corresponding results for
The fully connected layer had 10 neurons, one for each of the 10 500 images are essentially the same—89.6% for theory versus 87.6% for
categories of handwritten digits (0 to 9), with the synaptic weights of experiment (Supplementary Fig. 25). The fact that the CNN achieved
the lth neuron (l ∈ [1, 10]) represented by a 72 × 1 weight matrix WFC(l). close to the theoretical accuracy indicates that the impact of effects
The number of comb lines (72) matched the length of the flattened that could limit the network performance and reduce the effective
feature map vector XFC. The shaped optical spectrum at the lth port had number of bits (see Supplementary Information), such as electrical
an optical power distribution proportional to the weight vector WFC(l), and optical noise or optical distortion (owing to high-order disper-
serving as the optical input for the lth neuron. After being multicast sion), is small.
onto 72 wavelengths and progressively delayed, the optical signal was The computing speed of the VCA front end of the optical CNN was
weighted and demultiplexed with a single waveshaper into 10 spatial 2 × 75 × 11.9 = 1.785 TOPS. For processing the image matrices with 5 × 5
output ports, each corresponding to a neuron. Since this part of the kernels, the convolutional layer had a matrix flattening overhead of 5,
network involved linear processing, the kernel wavelength weighting yielding an image computing speed of 1.785/5 = 357 billion operations
could be implemented either before electro-optical modulation or per second. The computing speed of the fully connected layer was 119.8
later—that is, just before photodetection. The advantage of the latter billion operations per second (see Supplementary Information). The
is that both demultiplexing and weighting can be achieved with a single waveform duration was 30 × 30 × 84ps = 75.6 ns for each image, and so
waveshaper. Finally, the different node/neuron outputs were obtained the convolutional layer processed images at the rate of 1/75.6 ns = 13.2
by sampling the 73rd symbol of the convolved results. The final output million handwritten digit images per second. The optical CNN supports
of the optical CNN was represented by the intensities of the output online training, given that the dynamic reconfiguration response time
neurons (Extended Data Fig. 4), where the highest intensity for each of the optical spectral shaper used to establish the synapses is <500 ms,
tested image corresponded to the predicted category. The peripheral and even faster with integrated optical spectral shapers34.

48 | Nature | Vol 589 | 7 January 2021

25 channels
Positive channel Negative channel per kernel

Optical power

Optical input

1,540 1,550 1,560
Wavelength (nm)

OSS convolutional
pump Kernel 3 Kernel 2 Kernel 1
900 1

Electrical input

Intensity (a.u.)
0.94 0.96 0.98

30 × 30 input
Convolutional layer

1 Flatten

84 ps per
symbol 0
TOPS photonic analogue signal processor

0.942 0.944 0.946 6 × 26 feature maps
Time (ms)


map 1

Convolution results of handwritten digit 3

Intensity (a.u.)
WDM –1

map 2
0.94 0.96 0.98
Electrical output

PD 0

map 3
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4
Feature maps Time (ms)

Fig. 5 | Convolutional layer. Architecture and experimental results. The left electrical waveform for the digit 3 (middle: the grey and yellow lines show the
panel shows the experimental setup. The right panel shows the experimental ideal and experimentally generated waveforms, respectively), the convolved
results of one of the convolutional kernels, showing the shaped microcomb’s results and the corresponding feature maps. CW pump, continuous-wave
optical spectrum and the corresponding kernel weights (the blue and red lines pump laser. OSS, optical spectral shaper. WDM, wavelength de-multiplexer.
denote the positive and negative synaptic weights, respectively), the input FC, fully connected.

Although handwritten digit recognition is a common benchmark memory, and processing 4K-resolution (4,096 × 2,160 pixels) images
for digital hardware, it is still largely beyond current analogue recon- at >7,000 frames per second is possible.
figurable ONNs. Digit recognition requires many physical parallel The 720 synapses of the CNN (72 wavelengths per synapses per neu-
paths for fully connected networks (for example, a hidden layer with ron, 10 neurons), a substantial increase for optical networks12, ena-
10 neurons requires 9,000 physical paths), which represents a huge bled us to classify the MNIST dataset33. Nonetheless, further scaling is
challenge for nanofabrication. Our CNN represents the first reconfig- needed to increase the theoretical prediction accuracy from 90% to that
urable and integrable ONN capable not only of performing high-level of state-of-the-art electronics, typically substantially greater than 95%
complex tasks such as full handwritten digit recognition, but to do (see Supplementary Information). Both the CA and CNN can be scaled
so at many TOPS. substantially in size and speed using only off-the-shelf telecommuni-
cations components. The full S, C and L telecommunications bands
(1,460–1,620 nm, >20 THz) would allow more than 400 channels (at a
Discussion 50-GHz spacing), with the further ability to use polarization and spatial
Although the performance of ONNs is not yet competitive with dimensions, ultimately enabling speeds beyond a quadrillion (1015)
leading-edge electronic processors at >200 TOPS (for example, Google operations per second (peta-ops per second) with more than 24,000
TPU15 and other chips13,14,35), there are straightforward approaches synapses for the CNN (see Supplementary Information). Supplemen-
towards increasing our performance both in scale and speed (see Sup- tary Fig. 30 shows theoretical results for a scaled network that achieves
plementary Information). Further, with a single processor speed of an accuracy of 94.3%. This can, in principle, be further increased to
11.3 TOPS, our VCA is approaching this range. The CA is fundamentally achieve accuracies comparable to state-of-the-art electronic chips for
limited in data size only by the electrical digital-to-analogue converter the tasks performed here.

Nature | Vol 589 | 7 January 2021 | 49

r Intensity 1

r Intensity
Neuron numbe (a.u.) 1

2 2

Neuron numbe
4 4
6 6
8 8 50
10 40 50 10 30 40
20 30 20
10 10
Image number Image number
True label

True label

Predicted label Predicted label

Fig. 6 | Experimental and theoretically calculated results for image matrices (see Supplementary Information), with the darker colours indicating
recognition. The upper figures show the sampled intensities of the 10 output a higher recognition score.
neurons at the fully connected layer, while the lower figures show the confusion

Although our systems had a non-negligible optical latency of 0.11 μs

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damental: it can almost be eliminated (to <200 ps) by using integrated maries, source data, extended data, supplementary information,
highly dispersive devices such as photonic crystals or customized acknowledgements, peer review information; details of author contri-
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Nature | Vol 589 | 7 January 2021 | 51

Methods outcome of R MAC operations or 2R operations, with a symbol duration
τ given by that of the input waveform symbols. Thus, considering that
Optical soliton crystal microcomb L is generally much larger than R in practical CNNs, the term (L – R + 1)/
Optical frequency combs, composed of discrete and equally spaced fre- (L + R − 1) would not affect the vector computing speed, or throughput,
quency lines, are extremely powerful tools for optical frequency metrol- which (in operations per second) is given by
ogy23. Microcombs offer the full power of optical frequency combs,
but in an integrated form with much smaller footprint23–25. They have
2R L − R + 1 2R
⋅ ≈ (1)
enabled many breakthroughs through their ability to generate wideband τ L+R−1 τ
low-noise optical frequency lines for high-resolution optical frequency
synthesis27, ultrahigh-capacity communications28, complex quantum As such, the computing speed of the VCA demonstrated here is
state generation29, advanced microwave signal processing32, and more. 2 × 9 × 62.9 × 10 = 11.321 TOPS for 10 parallel convolutional kernels).
In this work we use a particular class of microcomb termed soliton We note that when processing data in the form of vectors, such as
crystals. They were so named because of their crystal-like profile in the audio speech, the effective computing speed of the VCA would be the
angular domain of tightly packed self-localized pulses within micro-ring same as the vector computing speed 2R/τ. Yet when processing data
resonators30. They are naturally formed in micro-cavities with appropri- in the form of matrices, such as for images, we must account for the
ate mode crossings, without the need for complex dynamic pumping overhead on the effective computing speed brought about by the
and stabilization schemes (described by the Lugiato–Lefever equa- matrix-to-vector flattening process. The overhead is directly related
tion23). They are characterized by distinctive ‘fingerprint’ optical to the width of the convolutional kernels, for example, with 3 × 3 ker-
spectra (Extended Data Fig. 2f) which arise from spectral interference nels, the effective computing speed would be approximately 1/3 × 2R/τ,
between the tightly packaged solitons circulating along the ring cav- which, however, we note is still in the ultrafast (TOPS) regime owing to
ity. This category of soliton microcomb features deterministic soliton the high parallelism brought about by the time–wavelength interleav-
formation originating from the mode-crossing-induced background ing technique.
wave and the high intracavity power (the mode crossing is measured as For the matrix CA the output waveform of each kernel (with a length
in Extended Data Fig. 2c). This in turn enables simple and reliable initia- of L – R + 1 = 250,000 – 9 + 1 = 249,992) contains 166 × 498 = 82,668
tion via adiabatic pump wavelength sweeping29 that can be achieved useful symbols that are sampled out to form the feature map, while
with manual detuning (the intracavity power during the pump sweeping the rest of the symbols are discarded. As such, the effective matrix
is shown in Extended Data Fig. 2d). The ability to adiabatically sweep convolution speed for the experimentally performed task is slower
the pump lies in the fact that the intra-cavity power is over thirty times than the vector computing speed of the CA by the overhead factor of 3,
higher than for single-soliton states (dissipative Kerr solitons), and very and so the net speed then becomes 11.321 × 82,668/249,991 = 11.321 ×
close to that of spatiotemporal chaotic states23. Thus, the soliton crystal 33.07% = 3.7437 TOPS.
displays much less thermal detuning or instability resulting from the For the deep CNN the CA front-end layer has a vector computing
‘soliton step’ that makes resonant pumping of dissipative Kerr soliton speed of 2 × 25 × 11.9 × 3 = 1.785 TOPS while the matrix convolution
states more challenging23. It is this combination of ease of generation speed for 5 × 5 kernels is 1.785 × 6 × 26/(900 – 25 + 1) = 317.9 billion
and overall conversion efficiency that makes soliton crystals highly operations per second. For the fully connected layer of the deep CNN
suited for demanding applications such as ONNs. (see Supplementary Information), the output waveform of each neuron
The coherent soliton crystal microcomb (Extended Data Fig. 2) was would have a length of 2R − 1, while the useful (relevant output) symbol
generated by optical parametric oscillation in a single integrated MRR. would be the one located at R + 1, which is also the result of 2R opera-
The MRR (Extended Data Fig. 2b) was fabricated on a CMOS-compatible tions. As such, the computing speed of the fully connected layer would
doped silica platform23,24, featuring a high Q factor of over 1.5 million be 2R/(τ × (2R − 1)) per neuron. With R = 72 during the experiment and
and a radius of 592 μm, which corresponds to a low free spectral range 10 neurons operating simultaneously, the effective computing speed
of about 48.9 GHz (ref. 32). The pump laser (Yenista Tunics, 100S-HP) of the matrix multiplication would be 2R/(τ × (2R − 1)) × 10 = 2 × 72/
was boosted by an optical amplifier (Pritel PMFA-37) to initiate the (84 ps × (2 × 72 − 1)) = 119.83 billion operations per second.
parametric oscillation. The soliton crystal microcomb provided more
than 90 channels over around 36 nm of the telecommunications C-band Experiment
(1,540–1,570 nm), offering adiabatically generated low-noise frequency To achieve the designed kernel weights, the generated microcomb was
comb lines with a small footprint of <1 mm2 and potentially low power shaped in power using liquid-crystal-on-silicon-based spectral shapers
consumption (<100 mW using the technique in ref. 31). (Finisar WaveShaper 4000S). We used two waveshapers in the experi-
ments—the first was used to flatten the microcomb spectrum while the
Evaluation of the computing performance precise comb power shaping required to imprint the kernel weights
Given that there are no common standards in the literature for classi- was performed by the second, located just before the photodetection.
fying and quantifying the computing speed and processing power of A feedback loop was employed to improve the accuracy of comb shap-
ONNs, we explicitly outline the performance definitions that we use in ing, in which the error signal was generated by first measuring the
characterizing our performance. We follow an approach that is widely impulse response of the system with a Gaussian pulse input and compar-
used to evaluate electronic micro-processors. The computing power ing it with the ideal channel weights. (The shaped impulse responses
of the CA—closely related to the operation bandwidth—is denoted as for the convolutional layer and the fully connected layer of the CNN
the throughput, which is the number of operations performed within are shown in the Supplementary Information).
a certain period. Considering that in our system the input data and The electrical input data were temporally encoded by an arbitrary
weight vectors originate from different paths and are interleaved in waveform generator (Keysight M8195A, 65 billion symbols per second,
different dimensions (time, wavelength and space), we use the tem- 25-GHz analogue bandwidth) and then multicast onto the wavelength
poral sequence at the electrical output port to define the throughput channels via a 40-GHz intensity modulator (iXblue). For the 500 × 500
in a more straightforward manner. image processing, we used sample points at a rate of 62.9 billion samples
At the electrical output port, the output waveform has L + R − 1 sym- per second to form the input symbols. We then employed a 2.2-km-long
bols in total (L and R are the lengths of the input data vector and the dispersive fibre that provided a progressive delay of 15.9 ps per chan-
kernel weight vector, respectively), of which L – R + 1 symbols are the nel, precisely matched to the input baud rate. For the convolutional
convolution results. Further, each output symbol is the calculated layer of the CNN, we used 5 sample points at 59.421642 billion samples
per second to form each single symbol of the input waveform, which calculations, was due to the deterioration of the input waveform caused
also matched with the progressive time delay (84 ps) of the 13-km-long by intrinsic limitations in the performance of the electrical arbitrary
dispersive fibre (the generated electronic waveforms for 50 images are waveform generator. Addressing this would readily lead to a higher
shown are shown in the Supplementary Information; these served as degree of accuracy (that is, closer agreement with the numerical
the electrical input signal for the convolutional and fully connected calculations).
layers, respectively). We note that the high-order dispersion present During the experimental testing of 500 handwritten digit images
in standard single mode fibre would introduce an alignment error into using the CNN, we separated the input dataset into 10 batches (each
the convolution results (up to 46 ps). Thus, we used the programmable batch contains 50 images), which were sequentially processed by the
phase characteristics of the second waveshaper to compensate for this convolutional layer and fully connected layer (see Supplementary
error. This could equally be addressed by using speciality dispersive Information for the full results).
elements with negligible high-order dispersion.
For the CA in both experiments—the 500 × 500 image processing
experiment and the convolutional layer of the CNN—the second wave- Data availability
shaper simultaneously shaped and de-multiplexed the wavelength The authors declare that the data supporting the findings of this study
channels into separate spatial ports according to the configuration of are available within the paper and its supplementary information files.
the convolutional kernels. As for the fully connected layer, the second
waveshaper simultaneously performed the shaping and power splitting
(instead of de-multiplexing) for the 10 output neurons. Here, we note Code availability
that the de-multiplexed or power-split spatial ports were sequentially The authors declare that the algorithm of the demonstrated neural
detected and measured. However, these two functions could readily be network supporting the findings of this study is available within the
achieved in parallel with a commercially available 20-port optical spec- paper and its supplementary information files.
tral shaper (WaveShaper 16000S, Finisar) and multiple photodetectors.
The negative channel weights were achieved using two methods. For
the 500 × 500 image processing experiment and the convolutional layer Acknowledgements This work was supported by the Australian Research Council Discovery
of the CNN, the wavelength channels of each kernel were separated into Projects Program (grant numbers DP150104327, DP190102773 and DP190101576). R.M.
acknowledges support by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada
two spatial outputs by the waveshaper, according to the signs of the (NSERC) through the Strategic, Discovery and Acceleration Grants Schemes, by the MESI
kernel weights, and then detected by a balanced photodetector (Fin- PSR-SIIRI Initiative in Quebec, and by the Canada Research Chair Program. B.E.L. was
isar XPDV2020). Conversely, for the fully connected layer the weights supported by the Strategic Priority Research Program of the Chinese Academy of Sciences
(grant number XDB24030000). D.G.H. was supported in part by the Australian Research
were encoded in the symbols of the input electrical waveform during Council (grant number FT104101104). R.M. is affiliated with the Institute of Fundamental and
the electrical digital processing stage. Incidentally, we demonstrate Frontier Sciences (China) as an adjoint faculty member.
the possibility of using different methods to impart negative weights,
Author contributions X.X. conceived the idea and designed the project. X.X. and M.T.
both of which work in the experiments. performed the experiments. X.X. analysed the data, and performed the numerical simulations
Finally, the electrical output waveform was sampled and digitized and the offline training. S.T.C. and B.E.L. designed and fabricated the integrated devices. B.C.,
by a high-speed oscilloscope (Keysight DSOZ504A, 80 billion sym- J.W., A.B., T.G.N., R.M. and A.M. contributed to the development of the experiment and to the
data analysis. X.X. and D.J.M. wrote the manuscript. D.J.M. supervised the research.
bols per second) to extract the final convolved output. In the CNN, the
extracted outputs of the CA were further processed digitally, including Competing interests The authors declare no competing interests.
rescaling to exclude the loss of the photonic link via a reference symbol,
Additional information
and then mapped onto a certain range using a nonlinear tanh function. Supplementary information is available for this paper at
The pooling layer’s functions were also implemented digitally, follow- 03063-0.
ing the algorithm introduced in the network model. Correspondence and requests for materials should be addressed to D.J.M.
Peer review information Nature thanks Sylvain Gigan and the other, anonymous, reviewer(s)
The residual discrepancy or inaccuracy in our work for both the for their contribution to the peer review of this work.
recognition and convolving functions, as compared to the numerical Reprints and permissions information is available at

Extended Data Fig. 1 | VCA, for processing one-dimensional data. It consists of the experimental setup (right panel), the optical and electronic control and
signal flow (left panel). ADC, analogue-to-digital converter. 1D, one-dimensional.
Extended Data Fig. 2 | Generation of soliton crystal microcombs. c, Measured dispersion Dint of the MRR showing the mode crossing at about
a, Schematic diagram of the soliton crystal microcomb, generated by pumping 1,552 nm. d, Measured soliton crystal step of the intra-cavity power. e, Optical
an on-chip high-Q (quality factor >1 million) nonlinear micro-ring resonator spectrum of the microcomb when sweeping the pump wavelength. f, Optical
with a continuous-wave laser. b, Image of the MRR (upper inset) and a scanning spectrum of the generated coherent microcomb at different pump detunings
electron microscope image of the MRR’s waveguide cross-section (lower inset). at a fixed power. FSR, free spectral range.

Extended Data Fig. 3 | The architecture of the optical CNN. The architecture includes a convolutional layer, a pooling layer and a fully connected layer.
Extended Data Fig. 4 | Fully connected layers. Architecture and experimental and red lines illustrate the ideal and experimentally generated waveforms,
results. The left panel depicts the experimental setup, similar to the respectively; middle); and the output waveform of the neuron and sampled
convolutional layer. The right panel shows the experimental results for one intensities (bottom). Conv layer, convolutional layer. CW pump,
output neuron, including the shaped comb spectrum (top); the pooled feature continuous-wave pump laser.
maps of the digit 3 and the corresponding input electrical waveform (the grey

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