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Machine Learning To Communication System

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An Introduction to Machine Learning

Communications Systems
Tim OShea, Senior Member, IEEE, and Jakob Hoydis, Member, IEEE

AbstractWe introduce and motivate machine learning (ML) well defined and isolated function (e.g., coding, modulation,
communications systems that aim to improve on and to even channel estimation, equalization). However, it is not clear that
replace the vast expert knowledge in the field of communications individually optimized processing blocks achieve the best pos-
using modern machine learning techniques. These have recently
achieved breakthroughs in many different domains, but not yet sible end-to-end performance. In fact, it seems likely that we
are introducing artificial barriers and constraints to efficiency.
arXiv:1702.00832v1 [cs.IT] 2 Feb 2017

in communications. By interpreting a communications system as

an autoencoder, we develop a fundamental new way to think For example, we do not necessarily care how well we can
about radio communications system design as an end-to-end estimate the channel with a given scheme, or how well any one
reconstruction optimization task that seeks to jointly optimize independent function works, rather we seek to optimize end-to-
transmitter and receiver components in a single process. We
further present the concept of Radio Transformer Networks end system metrics jointly over all components. A learned end-
(RTNs) as a means to incorporate expert domain knowledge in to-end communications system will likely not possess such a
the ML model and study the application of convolutional neural well defined block structure as it is trained to achieve only the
networks (CNNs) on raw IQ time-series data for modulation best end-to-end performance.
classification. We conclude the paper with a deep discussion of
open challenges and areas for future investigation. Parallelization gains of neural networks: It is well known
that neural networks are universal function approximators
[2] and recent work has shown a remarkable capacity for
I. I NTRODUCTION algorithmic learning with recurrent neural networks [3], a con-
struct which has been shown to be Turing-complete [4]. Since
A. Motivation
the execution of neural networks can be highly parallelized
Since the groundbreaking work of Shannon [1], we know using data and computationally distributed concurrent archi-
the ultimate limit of communications in terms of reliably tectures, and has shown to work well with small data types
achievable data rates over noisy channels. The challenge of [5] conducive to efficient wide single-instruction multiple-
achieving this limit has been driving radio engineers for the data (SIMD) operations, there is some hope that learned
last 70 years: find specific algorithms that attain an effi- algorithms can be executed significantly faster and at lower
cient transfer of information (e.g., low error probability, high energy cost than manually programmed counterparts.
spectral efficiency, low latency) over a variety of channels. Specialized hardware for ML applications: Computa-
Although many of the algorithms communications engineers tional micro-architectures have shown a relentless trend to-
have come up with achieve remarkable performanceoften wards higher transistor counts and lower powers and clock
close to the Shannon limitwe believe that machine learning rates for achieving optimal energy efficiencies. Massively con-
(ML) communications systems hold the potential to improve current architectures with distributed memory architectures,
on some of these algorithms in terms of reliability, generality, such as graphical processing units (GPUs), have shown to be
latency, and energy efficiency. The main reasons for this are: very energy efficient and capable of impressive computational
Inadequate system models: Most signal processing algo- throughput when fully utilized by concurrent algorithms. The
rithms in communications have solid foundations in statistics performance of such systems, however, has been largely lim-
and information theory. However, these algorithms are often ited by the ability of algorithms and higher level programming
optimized for mathematically convenient models (which are languages to make efficient use of them. The inherently con-
linear, stationary, and have Gaussian statistics), but not for current nature of computation and memory access distribution
real systems with many imperfections and non-linearities. An across wide and deep neural networks holds the promise of
ML based communications system does not require such a achieving highly efficient distributed algorithms which can
rigidly defined model for representation and transformation of fully utilize parallel hardware architectures.
information and could be optimized in an end-to-end manner
for a real system with harsh realistic effects. Our vision is that, in the future, numerous algorithms in
Limiting functional block-structure: Engineers have computing and communications will likely not be represented
learned to represent communications systems through a chain by special purpose expert code, but by learned weights of neu-
of multiple independent processing blocks; each executing a ral networks optimized for end-to-end loss functions. Neural
network primitives and tensor expressions offer well defined
T. OShea is with the Bradley Department of Electrical and Computer algorithmic constructs in which parameters can be readily
Engineering, Virginia Tech, Arlington, VA, US (
J. Hoydis is with Nokia Bell Labs, Route de Villejust, 91620 Nozay, France modified to optimize different tasks on highly concurrent pro-
( cessing architectures. Although this vision is quite appealing,

it is currently still unclear to what extent ML can replace processing algorithms with ML, such as belief propagation for
or augment the expert knowledge which has been developed channel decoding [12], compressed sensing [13], [14], blind
during the last century. The goal of this article is to provide an detection for multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) systems
introduction to ML communications systems, discuss related with low-resolution analog-to-digital converters (ADCs) [15],
open challenges, and present interesting directions for future and learning of encryption/decryption schemes to achieve
research. We have made the source code for all numerical privacy in an eavesdropper channel [16]. Some of us have
examples available [6] to allow for reproducible research. recently made preliminary investigations of learned end-to-
The remainder of this article is structured as follows: end communications systems [17] and revisited the problems
Fundamentals of deep learning and related topics, such as of modulation detection [18], compression [19], and channel
training and ML libraries, together with a summary of prior decoding [20] with state-of-the art ML tools. Several of these
work is presented in Sections I-B to I-G. In Section II, ideas will be presented in Section II.
several examples of ML applications to communications are
presented. Section III contains an overview and discussion of C. Notations
open problems and key areas of future investigation, while
We use boldface upper- and lower-case letters to denote
Section IV concludes the article.
matrices and column vectors, respectively. For a vector x,
xi denotes its ith element, kxk its Euclidean norm, xT its
B. Background and related work transpose, and x y the element-wise product with y. For
The use of ML techniques in digital communications has a matrix X, Xij denotes the (i, j)-element. R and C denote
a long history covering a wide range of applications. These the sets of real and complex numbers, respectively. N (m, R)
comprise (non-linear) channel modeling and prediction, local- is the multivariate Gaussian distribution with mean vector m
ization, equalization, filtering, decoding, quantization, com- and covariance matrix R. Bern() is the Bernoulli distribution
pression, demodulation, and modulation recognition, to name with success probability and r is the gradient operator.
a few [7] (and references therein). However, to the best of
our knowledge, hardly any of these applications have been D. Deep learning basics
adopted in a product or led to a commercial success. It
A feedforward neural network with L layers describes a
is also interesting that essentially all of these applications
mapping f (r0 ; ) : RN0 7! RNL of an input vector r0 2 RN0
focus on individual receiver processing tasks alone, while the
to an output vector rL 2 RNL through L iterative processing
consideration of the transmitter or a full end-to-end system is
entirely missing in the literature.
The combination of ML and communications is frequently rl = fl (rl 1 ; l ), l = 1, . . . , L (1)
associated with the term cognitive radio which has been
where fl (rl 1 ; l ) : R 1 7! R is the mapping carried
Nl Nl
around since 1995 [8] and saw a surge of interest and research
out by the lth layer. This mapping depends not only on the
in methods using ML for radio systems optimization [9].
output vector rl 1 from the previous layer but also on a set
The dream of radio systems that could rapidly adapt, self-
of parameters l . Moreover, the mapping can be stochastic,
optimize, self-organize, and operate autonomously emerged.
i.e., fl can be a function of some random variables. We use
Significant work was invested in realizing expert systems for
= {1 , . . . , L } to denote the set of all parameters of the
a range of applications, such as dynamic spectrum access
network. The lth layer is called dense or fully-connected if
and primary user sensing/avoidance. This work proved to be
fl (rl 1 ; l ) has the form
highly specialized per task, and much of it lacked the ability
to generalize and provide any form of general intelligence in fl (rl 1 ; l ) = (Wl rl 1 + bl ) (2)
wireless devices. Since then, the interest in cognitive radio has
dwindled, a phenomenon which we refer to as the cognitive where Wl 2 R Nl Nl
, bl 2 R , and () is an activa-
1 Nl

radio winter, which basically mirrored the plateau and lack of tion function which we will be defined shortly. The set of
funding, advancements, or general major steps forward seen parameters for this layer is l = {Wl , bl }. Table I lists some
in the first and second artificial intelligence winters [10]. other layer types together with their mapping functions and
The advent of open-source ML libraries (see Section I-F) parameters which are used in this manuscript. All layers with
and cheaply available specialized hardware together with the stochastic mappings generate a new random mapping each
astonishing progress of ML in computer vision have stimulated time they are called. For example, the noise layer simply adds
renewed interest in the application of ML for networking [11]. a Gaussian noise vector with zero mean and covariance matrix
The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) INl 1 to the input. Thus, it generates a different output for the
has recently kicked-off the Spectrum Collaboration Challenge same input each time it is called. The activation function ()
(SC2)1 with the goal of competing self-optimizing com- in (2) introduces a non-linearity which is very important for
munications systems for various yet to be specified global the so-called expressive power of the neural network. Without
objective functions, such as throughput maximization and this non-linearity there would be not much of an advantage of
inteference minimization. Several research groups have given stacking multiple layers on top of each other. Generally, the
a fresh look at ways of how to improve existing signal activation function is applied individually to each element of
its input vector, i.e., [ (u)]i = (ui ). Some commonly used
1 activation functions are listed in Table II.

TABLE I: List of layer types E. Convolutional Layers

Name fl (rl 1 ; l ) l Convolutional neural network (CNN) layers were introduced
Dense (Wl rl 1 + bl ) Wl , bl in [22] to provide an efficient learning method for 2D images.
Noise rl 1 + n, n N (0, INl 1 ) none By tying adjacent shifts of the same weights together in a
Dropout d rl p1 , di Bern() none
Nl 1 rl 1
way similar to that of a filter sliding across an input vector,
Normalization krl 1 k2
none convolutional layers are able to force the learning of features
with an invariance to shifts in the input vector. Additionally,
TABLE II: List of activation functions they reduce the model complexity, as measured by the number
Name [ (u)]i Range of free parameters in the layers weight matrix, required to
linear ui ( 1, 1) represent such a feature at any location in the input layer, as
ReLU max(0, ui ) [0, 1) compared with a fully connected weight matrix of all inputs
tanh tanh(ui ) ( 1, 1) to all outputs between the two layers.
sigmoid 1
1+eu ui
(0, 1) In general, a convolutional layer consists of a set of F filters
softmax e
P uj
(0, 1) Qf 2 Rab , f = 1, . . . , F (F is called the depth), which gen-
j e
erate each a so-called feature map Yf 2 R(n+a 1)(m+b 1)
TABLE III: List of loss functions from an input matrix X 2 Rnm 2 according to the following
Name l(u, v)
X1 X
b 1
MSE ku vk22 f
Categorical cross-entropy
P Yi,j = Qfk,l Xsi k,sj l (6)
j uj log(vj )
k=0 l=0

where s 1 is an integer parameter called stride and it is

Feedforward neural networks are generally trained using assumed that X is padded with zeros, i.e., Xi,j = 0 for all
labeled training data, i.e., a set of input-output vector pairs i2/ [0, n 1] and j 2 / [0, m 1]. The output dimensions can
(r0,i , r?L,i ), i = 1, . . . , S, where r?L,i is the desired output of be reduced by either increasing the stride s or by adding a
the neural network when r0,i is used as input. The goal of the pooling layer. The pooling layer essentially cuts Y into p p
training process is to minimize the loss regions for each of which it computes a single value, e.g., the
maximum or average value, or the `2 -norm.
1X ? For example, taking a vectorized grayscale image input
L() = l(r , rL,i ) (3)
S i=1 L,i consisting of 28 28 pixels and connecting it to a dense layer
with the same number of activations, results in a single weight
with respect to the parameters in , where matrix with 784 784 = 614, 656 free parameters. On the
l(u, v) : RNL RNL 7! R is the loss function and rL,i other hand, if we use a convolutional feature map containing
is the output of the neural network when r0,i is used as input. six filters each sized 5 5 pixels, we obtain a much reduced
Several relevant loss functions are provided in Table III. number of free parameters of 6 5 5 = 150. For the right
Different norms (e.g., `1 , `2 ) of some of the parameters can kind of dataset, this technique can be extremely effective. We
be added to the loss function to favor solutions with small or will see an application of convolutional layers in Section II-C.
sparse parameters. The most popular algorithm to find good For more details on CNNs, we refer to [21, Ch. 9].
sets of parameters is stochastic gradient descent (SGD)
which starts with some random initial values of = 0 and F. Machine learning libraries
then updates iteratively as
In recent times, numerous tools and algorithms have
t+1 = t rL(t ) (4) emerged that make it easy to build and train large neural
networks. Tools to deploy such training routines from high
where > 0 is the learning rate and L() is an approximation level language to massively concurrent GPU architectures have
of the loss function which is computed for a random mini- been key enablers. Among these are Theano [23] and Tensor-
batch of training examples St [1, S] of size St at each Flow [24], which allow for high level algorithm definition in
iteration, i.e., the Python programming language, automatic differentiation
1 X ? of training loss functions through very large networks, and
L() = l(rL,i , rL,i ). (5) compilation of the networks forwards and backwards passes
i2St into hardware optimized concurrent dense matrix algebra ker-
In general, St is very small compared to S. Note that there are nels. Keras [25] provides an additional layer of neural network
many variants of the SGD algorithm which dynamically adapt primitives with Theano and TensorFlow as its back-end. It has
the learning rate to achieve faster convergence [21, Ch. 8.5]. a highly customizable interface to quickly experiment with and
The gradient in (4) can be very efficiently computed through deploy deep neural networks, and has become our primary tool
the back-propagation algorithm [21, Ch. 6.5]. Defining and used to generate the numerical results for this manuscript [6].
training neural networks of almost arbitrary shape can be 2 In image processing, X is commonly a three-dimensional tensor with the
very easily done with one of the many existing ML libraries third dimension corresponding to the different color channels. The filters are
presented in Section I-F. then also three-dimensional and work on all channels simultaneously.

Fig. 2: A communications system over an AWGN channel represented as an autoencoder. The input s is encoded as a one-hot
vector, the output is a probability distribution over all possible messages from which the most likely is picked as output s.

G. Network Dimensions and Training

The term deep has become common in recent neural
network literature, referring typically to the number of lay- Fig. 1: A simple communications system consisting of a
ers used within a single network. It can be related to the transmitter and a receiver connected through a channel.
number of iterative operations that are performed on the input
data through sequential layers transfer functions. While deep
uses of the channel. To this end, it applies the transformation
networks may allow for numerous iterative transforms on the
f : M 7! Rn to the message s to generate the transmitted
data, a minimum latency network would likely be as shallow as
signal x = f (s) 2 Rn .3 Generally, the hardware of the
possible. Width is used to describe the number of activations
transmitter imposes certain constraints on x, e.g., an energy
in the output of one given layer, or all layers on average. It can
constraint kxk22 n or an amplitude constraint |xi | 1 8i.
also be thought of as an approximate measure for the memory
We assume in this work an energy constraint as it leaves
required at each layer to represent its state.
more freedom to the signal design. Extensions to arbitrary
Conventional wisdom in training methods has varied over
constraints are straightforward but might change some of
the years, from direct solution techniques, gradient descent
the results. The communication rate of this communications
techniques, genetic algorithm search techniques each having
system is R = k/n [bit/channel use], where k = log2 (M ). In
been favored or considered at one time (see [21, Ch. 1.2]
the sequel, the notation (n,k) means that a communications
for a short history of deep learning). Layer-by-layer pre-
system sends one out of M = 2k messages through n
training [26] was also a recently popular method for scaling
channel uses. The channel is described by the conditional
weight training to larger networks where back-propagation
probability density function p(y|x), where y 2 Rn denotes
once struggled. However, most systems today are able to train
the received signal. Upon reception of y, the receiver applies
networks which are both wide and deep by using SGD meth-
the transformation g : Rn 7! M to produce the estimate s of
ods with adaptive learning rates, regularization methods, such
the transmitted message s.
as Dropout, to prevent overfitting, and activations functions,
From an ML point of view, this simple communications
such as ReLU, to reduce gradient issues.
system can be seen as an autoencoder [21, Ch. 14]. The goal
of the autoencoder is to find a representation x of s, which is
II. E XAMPLES OF MACHINE LEARNING APPLICATIONS FOR robust with respect to the perturbations created by the channel,
THE PHYSICAL LAYER so that it can reconstruct s based on y. An example of such an
In this section, we will show how to represent an end-to- autoencoder is provided in Fig. 2. Here, the transmitter consists
end communications system as an autoencoder and train it of a feedforward network with multiple dense layers, followed
via SGD. We will then introduce the concept of Radio Trans- by a normalization layer that ensures that all constraints on
former Networks (RTNs) to deal with fading channels, and x are met. Note that the input s to the transmitter is first
demonstrate an application of CNNs to raw radio frequency encoded as a one-hot vector 1s 2 RM , i.e., an M -dimensional
time-series data for the task of modulation classification. vector, the sth element of which is equal to one and all other
elements are equal to zero. The channel is represented by a
simple noise layer with a fixed variance = (2REb /N0 ) 1 .
A. Autoencoders for end-to-end communications systems
Similar to the transmitter, the receiver is implemented as
In its simplest form, a communications system consists of
3 We focus here on real-valued signals only. Extensions to complex-valued
a transmitter, a channel, and a receiver, as shown in Fig. 1.
signals are discussed in Section III. Alternatively, one can consider a mapping
The transmitter wants to communicate one out of M possible to R2n , which can be interpreted as a concatenation of the real and imaginary
messages s 2 M = {1, 2, ..., M } to the receiver making n parts of x. This approach is adopted in Sections II-B and II-C.

another feedforward network with multiple dense layers. The

last layer has a softmax activation whose output p 2 (0, 1)M 100
can be interpreted as a probability distribution over all possible
messages, i.e., the elements of p are positive and sum to
one. The decoded message s corresponds then to the index 10 1

of p with the highest probability. The autoencoder can be

Block error rate

trained end-to-end using SGD. The training data is the set of
all possible messages s 2 M. A suitable loss function is the 10
categorical cross-entropy between 1s and p.4
Fig. 3 compares the block error rate (BLER), i.e., Pr(s 6= s), 3
of a communications system employing binary phase-shift
Uncoded BPSK (4,4)
keying (BPSK) modulation and a Hamming (7,4) code with
either binary hard-decision decoding or maximum likelihood 4 Hamming (7,4) Hard Decision
decoding (MLD) against the BLER achieved by the trained Autoencoder (7,4)
autoencoder (7,4). Both systems operate hence at rate R = Hamming (7,4) MLD
4/7. For comparison, we also provide the BLER of uncoded 10
4 2 0 2 4 6 8
BPSK (4,4). This result shows that the autoencoder has
learned without any prior knowledge an encoder and decoder Eb /N0 [dB]
function that together achieve the same performance as the Fig. 3: BLER versus Eb /N0 for the autoencoder and several
Hamming (7,4) code with MLD. The layout of the autoencoder baseline communication schemes.
is provided in Table IV. In all of our experiments, training was
done at a fixed value of Eb /N0 (cf. Section III-B). For all other
implementation details, we refer to the source code [6].
Fig. 4 shows a similar comparison but for an (8,8) and (2,2)
communications system, i.e., R = 1. Surprisingly, while the 100
autoencoder achieves the same BLER as uncoded BPSK for
(2,2), it outperforms the latter for (8,8) over the full range of 10 1

Eb /N0 . This implies that it has learned some joint coding and
modulation scheme, such that a coding gain is achieved. For
Block error rate

a truly fair comparison, this result should be compared to a
higher-order modulation scheme using a channel code. 3
The examples of this section treat the communication task 10
as a classification problem and the representation of s by an
M -dimensional vector becomes quickly impractical for large 10 Uncoded BPSK (8,8)
M . To circumvent this problem, it is possible to use more Autoencoder (8,8)
compact representations of s such as a binary vector with 10 5
Uncoded BPSK (2,2)
log2 (M ) dimensions. In this case, output activation functions Autoencoder (2,2)
such as sigmoid and loss functions such as MSE or binary 10 6
cross-entropy are more appropriate. Nevertheless, scaling such 2 0 2 4 6 8 10
an architecture to very large values of M remains challenging Eb /N0 [dB]
due to the sheer size of the training set. A very important
property of the autoencoder is that it can learn to communicate Fig. 4: BLER versus Eb /N0 for the autoencoder and BSPK.
over any channel, even for which no information-theoretically
optimal schemes are known.

B. Radio transformer networks for augmented signal process- TABLE IV: Layout of the autoencoder used in Figs. 3 and 4. It
ing algorithms has (2M + 1)(M + n) + 2M trainable parameters, resulting
in 62, 791, and 135,944 parameters for the (2,2), (7,4), and
A number of the phenomena undergone in the wireless
(8,8) autoencoder, respectively.
channel and the transceiver hardware can be removed through
the application of parametric transformations. These include Layer Output dimensions
re-sampling to adjust time offset, time scale, and clock re- Input M
covery; mixing with a carrier to correct phase and frequency Dense + ReLU M
Dense + linear n
offset, and convolution with an inverted channel response to
Normalization n
4 A more memory-efficient approach to implement this architecture is by Noise n
replacing the one-hot encoded input and the first dense layer by an embedding Dense + ReLU M
that turns message indices into vectors. The loss function can then be replaced Dense + softmax M
by the sparse categorical cross-entropy that accepts message indices rather
than one-hot vectors as labels. This was done in our experiments [6].

Fig. 5: A radio receiver represented as an RTN. The input y first runs through a parameter estimation network g! (y), has a
known transform t(y, !) applied to generate the canonicalized signal y, and then is classified in the discriminative network
g(y) to produce the output s.

remove multipath fading effects. However, the estimation of where h(l) CN (0, 1/L) are i.i.d. Rayleigh fading chan-
the parameters to seed these inverse transforms (e.g., frequency nel taps, n(t) CN (0, (REb /N0 ) 1 ) is receiver noise, and
offset, channel impulse response) is often a very involved x(t) = 0 for t < 0. We implement the complex-valued
process based on signal specific properties and/or information representation in (7) by having 2n real outputs and inputs at
from pilot tones. the encoder and receiver, respectively, which are interpreted
One way of augmenting pure ML models with our expert as a concatenation of the real and imaginary parts of x and
knowledge of the radio domains behavior is the use of an y. In this example, the goal of the parameter estimator is to
RTN as shown in Fig. 5. An RTN consists of three parts: predict a complex-valued vector ! (represented by 2L real
(i) a learned parameter estimator g! : Rn 7! Rp which values) that is used in the transformation layer to compute
computes a parameter vector ! 2 Rp from its input y, (ii) the complex convolution of y with !. Thus, the RTN tries to
a parametric transform t : Rn Rp 7! Rn that applies equalize the channel output through inverse filtering in order
a deterministic function to y which is parametrized by ! to simplify the task of the discriminative network. We have
and suited to the propagation phenomena, and (iii) a learned implemented the estimator as a regression network using two
discriminative network g : Rn 7! M which produces the dense layers with tanh activations followed by a dense layer
estimate s of the transmitted message from the canonicalized with linear activation.
input y 2 Rn . By allowing the parameter estimator g! to take While the plain autoencoder struggles to meet the perfor-
the form of a neural network, we can train our system end-to- mance of differential BPSK (DBPSK) with maximum likeli-
end to optimize for classification, reconstruction, or regression hood sequence estimation (MLE) and a Hamming (7,4) code,
tasks. Importantly, the training process of such an RTN does the autoencoder with RTN outperforms it. Another advantage
not seek to directly improve the parameter estimation itself of RTNs is faster training convergence which can be seen from
but rather optimizes the way the parameters are estimated to Fig. 7 that compares the validation loss of the autoencoder
obtain the best end-to-end performance. While the example with and without RTN as a function of the training epochs.
above describes an RTN for receiver-side processing, it can We have observed in our experiments that the autoencoder
similarly be used wherever parametric transformations seeded with RTN consistently outperforms the plain autoencoder,
by estimated parameters are needed. The idea of RTNs is independently of the chosen hyper-parameters. However, the
inspired from Spatial Transformer Networks [27] that have performance differences become smaller when the encoder
worked well in computer vision. However, the parametric and decoder networks are made wider and trained for more
transforms used in this domain are not well suited for radio iterations. Although there is theoretically nothing an RTN-
domain tasks which leads to our modified approach. augmented network can do that a plain feedforward network
A compelling example demonstrating the advantages of cannot, the RTN helps the training process by incorporating
RTNs is shown in Fig. 6 which compares the BLER of an au- expert domain knowledge and simplifying the complexity of
toencoder (8,4) with and without RTN over a multipath fading the target function, similar to the role of convolutional layers
channel with L = 3 channel taps. That is, the received signal in imparting translation invariance where appropriate.
y = [<{y(0)}, . . . , <{y(n 1)}, ={y(0)}, . . . , ={y(n 1)}]T The autoencoder and RTN as presented above could be
is given as easily extended to operate directly on IQ samples rather than
symbols to effectively deal with problems such as pulse shap-
ing, timing-, frequency- and phase-offset compensation. This
X1 is an exciting and promising area of research that we leave to
y(t) = h(l)x(t l) + n(t) (7)
future investigations. Interesting applications of this approach

100 1

Correct classification probability

Block error rate


10 Autoencoder (8,4) CNN
DBPSK(8,7) MLE + Hamming(7,4) Boosted Tree
Autoencoder (8,4) + RTN Random Guessing
10 4 0
0 5 10 15 20 20 10 0 10
Eb /N0 [dB] SNR

Fig. 6: BLER versus Eb /N0 for various communication Fig. 8: Classifier performance comparison versus SNR
schemes over a channel with L = 3 Rayleigh fading taps.

-profile, combined with neural network based classification
[30]. However, approaches to this point have not sought to use
Autoencoder + RTN
Categorical cross-entropy loss

0.8 feature learning on raw time-series data in the radio domain.

This is however now the norm in computer vision which
motivates our approach here.
As widely done for image classification problems, we
leverage a series of convolutional layers followed by a series of
0.4 fully-connected layers terminated with a softmax activation in
order to form our classifier. The layout is provided in Table V
and we refer to the source code [6] for further implemen-
0.2 tation details. The dataset5 for this benchmark consists of
1.2M sequences of 128 complex-valued basedband IQ samples
corresponding to ten different digital and analog single-carrier
0 20 40 60 80 100 modulation schemes (AM, FM, PSK, QAM, etc.) that have
Training epoch gone through a wireless channel with harsh realistic effects,
such as multipath fading, sample rate and center frequency
Fig. 7: Autoencoder training loss with and without RTN offset [18]. The samples are taken at 20 different SNRs within
the range from -20 dB to 18 dB.

could also arise in optical communications dealing with highly In Fig. 8, we compare the classification accuracy of the
non-linear channel impairments that are notoriously difficult to CNN against that of extreme gradient boosting6 with 1000
model and compensate for [28]. estimators, operating on a mix of 16 analog and cumulant
expert features as proposed in [29] and [31]. The short-time
nature of the examples places this task on the more difficult
C. CNNs for classification tasks end of the modulation classification spectrum since we cannot
Many signal processing functions within a radio physical integrate expert features for high stability over long periods
layer can be learned as either regression or classification of time. We can see that the CNN outperforms the feature-
tasks. Here we look at the well-known problem of mod- based classifier by around 4 dB in the low to medium SNR
ulation classification of single carrier modulation schemes range while the performance at high SNR is almost identical.
based on sampled radio frequency time-series data. This task In [32], the authors report on a successful application of a
has been accomplished for years through the approach of similar CNN layout for the detection of black hole mergers in
expert feature engineering and either analytic decision trees astrophysics from noisy time-series data.
or trained discrimination methods operating within feature
space, such as support vector machines, random forests, or
small feedforward neural networks [29]. Some recent methods
take a step beyond this using pattern recognition on simplified 5 RML2016.10b
expert feature maps, such as the spectral coherence function or 6

TABLE V: Layout of the CNN for modulation classification question is the optimal choice of loss function. In Section II-A,
with 324, 330 trainable parameters. we have treated communications as a classification problem
Layer Output dimensions for which the categorical cross-entropy is a common choice.
Input 2 128 However, for alternate output data representations, the choice
Convolution (128 filters, size 2 8) + ReLU 128 121
Max Pooling (size 2, strides 2) 128 60 is less obvious. Applying an inappropriate loss function can
Convolution (64 filters, size 1 16) + ReLU 64 45 lead to poor results.
Max Pooling (size 2, strides 2) 64 22 Choosing the right neural network architecture and training
Flatten 1408
Dense + ReLU 128
parameters for SGD (such as mini-batch size and learning rate)
Dense + ReLU 64 are also important practical questions for which no satisfying
Dense + ReLU 32 hard rules exist. Some guidelines can be found in [21, Ch. 11],
Dense + softmax 10
but methods for how to select such hyper-parameters are
currently an active area of research and investigation in the ML
III. D ISCUSSION AND OPEN RESEARCH CHALLENGES world. There have been a number of important works in this
field over the past several years including investigations into
A. Data sets and challenges hyper-gradients and making hyper-parameters differentiable
In order to compare the performance of ML models and during architecture search [33] as well as investigations into
algorithms, it is crucial to have common benchmarks and open how genetic algorithm or particle swarm style optimization
datasets. While this is the rule in the computer vision, voice can be used to guide this search [34]. These are important
recognition, and natural language processing domains boosting questions required to optimize neural network architectures
a recent surge in ML research progress (e.g., MNIST7 or and training processes on existing tasks, and for adapting
ImageNet8 ), nothing comparable exists for ML communica- them to new datasets and tasks. We have begun investigating
tions systems. Communications is somewhat different because this area based on distributed concurrent architecture search
we are dealing with inherently man-made signals that can be processes, an approach that has been discussed widely in the
accurately generated synthetically, allowing the possibility of context of asynchronous parameter sharing systems for the
standardizing data generation routines rather than just data training of very large networks [35].
in some cases. It would be desirable (as is common in
many traditional ML domains) to establish a set of common C. Complex-valued neural networks
problems and the corresponding datasets (or data-generating Owing to the complex baseband representation, we naturally
software) on which researchers can benchmark and compare deal with complex numbers in communications and most
their algorithms. One such example task is modulation classi- related signal processing algorithms rely on phase rotations,
fication in Section II-C. complex conjugates, absolute values, etc. For this reason,
it would be desirable to have neural networks operate on
B. Data representation, loss functions, and training SNR complex rather than real numbers [36]. However, none of the
previously described ML libraries (see Section I-F) currently
As ML for communications is a new field, little is known
support this, and there are several reasons for it. First, it
about optimal data representations, loss-functions, and training
is possible to represent all mathematical operations in the
strategies. For example, binary signals can be represented as
complex domain with a purely real-valued neural network of
binary or one-hot vectors, modulated (complex) symbols, or
twice the size, i.e., each complex number is simply represented
integers, and the optimal representation might depend among
by two real values. For example, a neural network with a
other factors on the neural network architecture, the learning
scalar complex input and output connected through a single
objective, as well as the loss function. In decoding problems,
complex weight, i.e., y = wx, where y, w, x 2 C, can be
for instance, one would have the choice between plain channel
represented as a real-valued neural network y = Wx, where
observations or (clipped) log-likelihood ratios. In general, it
the vectors y, x 2 R2 contain the real and imaginary parts
seems that there is a representation which is most suited to
of y and x in each dimension and W 2 R22 is a weight
solve a particular task via a neural network. Similarly, it is
matrix. Note that the real-valued version of this network has
not obvious at which SNR(s) an ML communications system
four parameters while the complex-valued network has only
should be trained. It is clearly desirable that a learned system
two. Second, a complication arises in complex-valued neural
operates over any SNR, i.e., generalizing to arbitrary SNR
networks since traditional loss and activation functions are
values at test time regardless of training. However, we have
generally not holomorphic so that their gradient is not defined.
observed that training at certain SNRs or SNR ranges does
A solution to this problem is Wirtinger calculus [37]. Although
not translate obviously to test performance. Training at low
complex-valued neural networks might be easier to train and
SNR for instance does not allow for the discovery of higher
consume less memory, we currently believe that they do not
structure important in higher SNR scenarios. The authors of
provide any significant advantage in terms of expressive power,
[32] have observed that starting off the training at high SNR
but keep them as an interesting topic for future research.
and then gradually lowering it with each epoch led to signifi-
cant performance improvements for their application. A related D. ML-augmented signal processing
7 Rather than trying to immidiately replace all expert knowl-
8 edge developed during the last century with ML, an alter-

nate approach might be to augment existing algorithms for awareness, spectrum coordination and regulatory compliance,
certain applications with the help of ML on sub-tasks. This we are faced with a wide range of distinctly control-system
is especially important as it provides the ML algorithm with problems that hold significant potential for optimization us-
side information which it would need to infer otherwise from ing neural network driven reinforcement learning approaches.
the training data. This problem arises for example in channel Recent work in this field has provided drastic progress in the
coding. A naive deep neural decoder taking noisy observations capacity for learning complex reward seeking control systems
of transmitted symbols as input and providing the correspond- in increasingly difficult environments [40], [41], [42], [43].
ing information bits as output would need to see all possible This class of approaches could be applied in the radio resource
codewords during the training phase. Since this number grows management layer to optimize and control complex commu-
exponentially with the codelength, such a learning system nications systems with many operating parameters efficiently.
suffers from the curse of dimensionality which prevents Some applications of these techniques in the context of radio
scaling to larger code length. A nice idea of how this problem resource managment for 5G systems are discussed in [44].
can be circumvented is [12] which reinterprets the Tanner
graph of a high density parity check (HDPC) code as a neural G. Algorithm learning
network with artificially introduced, trainable weights. Since
the structure of the code is provided by the Tanner graph, The more layers a neural network has, the more sequential
it is sufficient to train this deep learning decoder with a processing steps it can perform on the input data. For this
single codeword. This approach is shown to improve on the reason, deep neural networks are often more successful than
standard belief propagation algorithm. However, as recently shallow ones for a large number of problems in computer
shown in [20], there is some hope that neural networks can vision. Recurrent neural networks can perform in theory an
learn to decode the full codebook of structured codes after infinitely large number of processing steps and are, there-
having been trained on only a subset of it, although it is fore, Turing complete [4]; but they are notoriously difficult
still unclear which type of architecture would achieve the best to train and harder to paralelize. Similar, to Turings idea
generalization performance. Other relevant examples of ML- of enriching a finite-state machine by an infinite memory
augmented signal processing are [13] and [14] in the context tape, memory-augmented neural networks, such as the Neural
of compressed sensing. The concept of RTNs as presented in Turing Machine [45], add an addressable memory to recurrent
Section II-B is another way of incorporating side information neural networks with the goal of simplifying the learning
into a large variety of ML algorithms. process [46]. Such constructs could potentially learn arbitrary
algorithms which could generalize from a few short training
examples to very long sequences of input data. For example,
E. System identification for end-to-end learning
rather than treating decoding as a hopeless classification prob-
In Section II-A, we have tacitly assumed that the trans- lem, memory-augmented neural networks could try to learn
fer function of the channel is known so that the back- a decoding (and even encoding) algorithm which does not
propagation algorithm can compute its gradient. For example, suffer from the curse of dimensionality. However, work on
for a Rayleigh fading channel, the autoencoder needs to know these types of ML models is still early and has a long way to
during the training phase the exact realization of the channel mature for such complex algorithmic tasks.
coefficients to compute how a slight change in the transmitted
signal x impacts the received signal y. While this is easily
possible for simulated systems, it poses a major challenge H. Learning from CSI and beyond
for end-to-end learning over real channels and hardware. In Accurate channel state information (CSI) is a fundamental
essence, the hardware and channel together form a black-box requirement for multi-user MIMO communications. For this
whose input and output can be observed, but for which no reason, current cellular communication systems invest signif-
exact analytic expression is known a priori. Constructing a icant resources (energy and time) in the acquisition of CSI
model for a black box from data is called system identification at the base station and user equipment. This information is
[38], which is widely used in control theory. Transfer learning generally not used for anything apart from precoding/detection
[39] is one appealing candidate for adapting an end-to-end or other tasks directly related to processing of the current
communications system trained on a statistical model to a real- data frame. Storing and analyzing large amounts of CSI
world implementation which has worked well in other domains possibly enriched with location informationposes significant
(e.g., computer vision). potential for revealing novel big-data-driven physical-layer
understanding algorithms beyond immidiate radio environment
F. Reinforcement learning for radio control tasks needs. New applications beyond the traditional scope of com-
munications, such as tracking and identification of humans
Radio control planes are often faced with complex resource
(through walls) [47] as well as gesture and emotion recognition
management challenges. These consist of optimizing the use of
[48], could be achieved using ML on radio signals.
power, spectrum, and network resources while optimizing the
user experience for latency, bandwidth, application function,
and user satisfaction. In the context of cellular handset oper- IV. C ONCLUSION
ation, for both base station resource allocation of spatial and We have discussed a number of promising new applications
spectral resources, as well as spectrum sensing for interference of ML to radio communications system design, which offer

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