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The document discusses development of complex electromagnetic problems using FDTD subgridding in hybrid computational techniques.

The book discusses techniques for developing complex electromagnetic problems using Finite Difference Time Domain subgridding in hybrid computational techniques.

The book discusses techniques like Finite Difference Time Domain method, subgridding and hybrid computational techniques.



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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Development of complex electromagnetic problems using FDTD subgridding in hybrid computational
techniques/editors, K. N. Ramli, R. A. Abd-Alhameed and P. S. Excell (Electromagnetics and Radio
Frequency Engineering School of Engineering, Design and Technology, Bradford University, UK).
pages cm. -- (Engineering tools, techniques, and tables)
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN:  (eBook)
1. Electromagnetism--Mathematical models. 2. Finite differences. 3. Time-domain analysis. 4.
Numerical grid generation (Numerical analysis) I. Abd-Alhameed, R. A. (Raed A.)
QC760.4.M37D48 2014

Published by Nova Science Publishers, Inc. † New York


Preface vii
Chapter 1 Numerical Solution of Maxwell Equations
Using FDTD and MoM 1
K. N. Ramli, R. A. Abd-Alhameed
and P. S. Excell
Chapter 2 FDTD Technique for Field Truncation 17
K. N. Ramli, R. A. Abd-Alhameed
and P. S. Excell
Chapter 3 Surface Kernel Solution of the Method of Moments 45
K. N. Ramli, M. Lashab, K. H. Sayidmarie
and R. A. Abd-Alhameed
Chapter 4 Quasi-Static Finite-Difference Time-Domain
Subgridding Technique 113
K. N. Ramli, R. A. Abd-Alhameed
and P. S. Excell
Chapter 5 Effect of Anisotropic Magneto-Chirality
on Microstrip Resonator Characteristics 143
C. Zebiri, F. Benabdelaziz and M. Lashab
Chapter 6 Interaction of EM Fields to the Human Body
Using Hybrid Computational Method 207
K. N. Ramli, R. A. Abd-Alhameed
and P. S. Excell
vi Contents

Chapter 7 Quasi-Static FDTD Scheme for Electrically-Small

Regions in Free Space, Lossless and Lossy
Penetrable Media 233
C. H. See, A. S. Abdullah, J. M. Noras
and R. A. Abd-Alhameed
Chapter 8 Computation of Electromagnetic Field Inside
a Tissue Using Quasi-Static and Lumped-Element
FDTD Scheme 265
C. H. See, R. A. Abd-Alhameed, M. J. Ngala
and P. S. Excell
Chapter 9 Simulation of Antennas Coupled to Lossy
Dielectric Volumes 309
M. A. Mangoud, R. A. Abd-Alhameed
and P. S. Excell
About the Editors 329
Index 331

Complex electromagnetic problems using new hybridised computational

technique combining the frequency domain Method of Moments (MoM),
Finite-Difference Time-Domain (FDTD) and a subgridded Finite-Difference
Time-Domain (SGFDTD) method are studied and discussed in detail. The
techniques are desirable to predict electromagnetic absorption in
inhomogeneous, anisotropic and lossy dielectric materials irradiated by
geometrically intricate sources.
In Method of Moments modelling, the surface kernel solution is derived
for 1-D, 2-D and 3-D. The electric surface patch integral formulation is solved
by independent linear basis function methods in the circumferential and axial
directions of the antenna wires. A similar orthogonal basis function is used on
the end surface and appropriate attachments with the wire surface are
employed to satisfy the requirements of current continuity. The surface current
distributions on structures which may include closely spaced parallel wires are
investigated and analysed. The results are found to be stable and showed good
agreement with less comprehensive earlier work by others. Moreover,
Galerkin technique is employed to predict the effect of a chiral bianisotropic
substrate of a rectangular microstrip resonator in the spectral domain.
The work also investigates the interaction between overhead high voltage
transmission lines and underground utility pipelines using the FDTD technique
for the whole structure, combined with a subgridding method at points of
interest. The induced fields above the pipeline are computed. The Perfectly
Matched Layer (PML) concept has been utilized to circumvent open-region
geometries. The establishment of edge elements has greatly improved the
performance of this method and the computational burden due to huge
viii Khairan N. Ramli, Raed A. Abd-Alhameed and Peter S. Excell

numbers of time steps, in the order of tens of millions, has been eased to tens
of thousands by employing quasi-static methods.
The book also illustrates the principle of the equivalent surface boundary
employed close to the antenna for MoM-FDTD-SGFDTD hybridisation. It
shows the benefit of using hybrid methods due to their ability to analyse a
system of multiple discrete regions by employing the principle of equivalent
sources to excite the coupling surfaces. A human body model is developed to
interact with a short range RFID antenna. The near and far field radiation
pattern are explored for which the cumulative distribution function of antenna
radiation efficiency is presented. The field distributions show reasonable and
stable results at 900 MHz. This work helps deeper investigation of the
phenomena in the interaction between electromagnetic fields and human
FDTD method is further used at powerline and mobile communication
frequency to model the interaction between the EM wave and electrically
small objects. The method is also employed for lumped-element biological cell
model in which Floquet periodic boundary conditions are imposed to introduce
a periodic replication effect of the biological cell. Furthermore, the hybrid
MoM-FDTD technique permits different parts of an antenna to be computed.
The Equivalence Principle describes the fields between the different parts
accurately. The method facilitates precise computation of antenna in proximity
with lossless and lossy dielectric media.
In: Development of Complex Electromagnetic … ISBN: 978-1-61122-013-1
Editors: K. N. Ramli et al. © 2014 Nova Science Publishers, Inc.

Chapter 1



K. N. Ramli1, R. A. Abd-Alhameed2 and P. S. Excell3

Faculty of Electrical and Electronics Engineering,
Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia,
Parit Raja, Batu Pahat, Johor, Malaysia
Mobile and Satellite Communications Research Centre,
Bradford University, Bradford, UK
Institute for Arts, Science and Technology,
Glyndwr University,Wrexham, UK

This chapter briefly describes the historical background of the
numerical solution for Maxwell equations using FDTD and MoM
techniques in solving complex electromagnetic scattering problems. It
also presents the state of the art of the original contributions of the
analysis methods towards further developments of the hybrid
computational technquiesin Electromagnetics.
2 K. N. Ramli, R. A. Abd-Alhameed and P. S. Excell


Over the past years, a number of numerical and analytical approaches to
Maxwell's time-dependent curl equations were broadly used with the increases
in computer memory capacity and relentless advances in computational
imitating efficiency.
Consequently, the demand for efficient field modelling tools in
electromagnetic scattering problems is ceaselessly expanding.
In general, computational electromagnetic techniques have been applied to
vast areas including the study of the radiation, scattering and penetration
of electromagnetic wave with 3-D objects, in problems related to
telecommunication, electromagnetic compatibility (EMC), microwave devices,
waveguide structures and medical diagnosis.
Apparently, many considerations need to be taken into account when
deciding to choose the most suitable numerical technique in order to solve a
specific problem.
Some of the main factors include the geometry of the scattering and
radiating objects, computer requirements, the domain of interest whether time-
domain or frequency-domain, and the absorbing boundary conditions (ABC).
The material characteristics and its geometry play important roles in choosing
the approach used to mathematically model the properties of the
electromagnetic interaction. In biomedical application for instance, the object
is inhomogeneous, anisotropy, penetrable body which cannot be easily
included in the formulations [1]. However, the ability of finite-difference time-
domain (FDTD) algorithm to simulate and investigate the inhomogeneous,
anisotropy media makes it very useful and effective technique thus far.
Typically, there are two main categories of numerical algorithms approaches
applied by researches. They are namely the frequency-domain integral
formulation using the method of moments (MoM) [2-8], and the time-domain
differential formulation by means of the FDTD method [9-14]. Integro-
differential equation method is generally global in nature so that the initial and
boundary conditions must be imposed as the algorithm continues. In contrast,
differential-equation technique is typically local in nature so that the initial and
boundary conditions are both directly included in the computational algorithm.
The former technique usually postulates extensive analytical pre-processing
whereas the later demands negligible analytical pre-processing. The methods
mentioned above can be applied to certain specific geometries of concern.
Consequently, the differential-equation formulations are increasingly
well-known due to the fact that it can solve any type of geometries in the
Numerical Solution of Maxwell Equations Using FDTD and MoM 3

problem space of the computational domain. In the past, MoM has been
applied for aircraft field analysis [15], dual-reflector antenna and feeding horn
[16] and microstrip antennas [17]. Moreover, FDTD has been employed for
patch antennas [18], sloped interfaces [19-20] and SAR calculation [21].


First introduced by Yee in 1966 [22], FDTD is widely used to solve
electromagnetic scattering problems due to its muscular characteristics

● Simplicity: The second-order accurate central finite-difference

approximations for spatial and temporal derivatives of the electric and
magnetic vector field components is directly used to solve Maxwell's
equations explicitly in the absence of linear algebra.
● Fidelity: Wideband and narrowband applications can be easily
implemented by applying different type of time pulse shape such as
Gaussian and sinusoidal wave respectively.
● Robustness: Numerical dispersions in FDTD computations can be
enclosed to model very large variety of electromagnetic scattering
problems accurately. Furthermore, the FDTD algorithm can be easily
implemented on parallel computers for faster simulation time.
● Effectiveness: Problems involving nonlinear media can be inherently
alleviated in a straightforward manner in the time-domain compared
with those in the frequency-domain technique.
● Versatility: It can intrinsically be used to model inhomogeneous,
anisotropy materials such as biological tissues, geophysical strata and
shielding metal structures.

Generally, the algorithm used by Yee was described by the electric field
component which was spatially and temporally offset from the magnetic field
component to acquire the update equations. These equations were used in a
leap-frog manner to propagate the electric and magnetic fields ahead in time.
The equations provide the present fields in terms of the past fields all over the
computational domain. After Yee’s publication, the approach was widely used
with different endeavour [23-27].
The boundaries of the computational domain in FDTD need to be
carefully treated when simulating problems in open regions. Spurious
4 K. N. Ramli, R. A. Abd-Alhameed and P. S. Excell

reflections will generally occur from the termination of the grid. The problem
can be solved by means of the well known method called the absorbing
boundary condition (ABC). It is generally meant to absorb any outgoing
propagating waves without ideally producing spurious reflections. The ABCs
was first proposed in 1971 by Merewether [28] to solve the open region
difficulties. The development chronicle to magnify the practicability study of
the technique was continued in the literature by [29-33] which were based of
nonmaterial type.
In contrast, Berenger presented a new idea in 1994 called the perfectly
matched layer (PML) ABC which was based on material category [34]. The
state of the art of Berenger’s PML contributes to notably better precision when
compared to the other ABCs in the written works [35, 36] for broad assortment
of applications.
The main handicap of FDTD lies in the truth that only consistent grids can
be used. Accordingly, the geometry resemblance in FDTD is restricted to
staircase-shaped boundaries which lead to a large number of computer
memory requirements and the CPU time particularly when dealing with
curvature geometries with fine features [37]. The total number of cells in the
computational domain grows significantly due to a global fine mesh. Another
FDTD weakness is the presence of error due to numerical dispersion [38, 39].
In this case, many scientists were prompted to examine the subgridding
scheme as an approach to parry the problem. A variety of methods have been
proposed to boost the efficiency of FDTD technique such as non-uniform
meshing [40], sub-cellular technique [41], non-orthogonal meshing [42],
alternative direction implicit (ADI) method [43-45], higher-order technique
[46, 47], hybrid method [48-52] and subgridding method [53-59]. In FDTD
subgridding technique, the smaller size components in a structure is filled with
fine grids and the remaining of the space is represented by coarse grids. The
fields on the boundary between coarse and fine grids are basically unknown in
nature. They are predicted by using spatial and temporal interpolations.
The regions of the coarse and fine grids are computed by the FDTD
method and are kept in time step which satisfy the Courant stability condition.
Consequently, the stable subgridding algorithm can refine the mesh locally.
Hence, the accuracy of the solution can be improved without increasing the
computational efforts significantly.
Numerical Solution of Maxwell Equations Using FDTD and MoM 5


The MoM is basically a general procedure for solving linear equations.
The “moments” in its name is due to the process of taking moments by
multiplying the suitable weighting functions and integrating. In other words, it
is essentially the technique of weighted residuals applicable for solving both
the differential and integral equations. The advantages of MoM are accuracy,
versatility and the potential to compute the near and far zone parameters.
Furthermore, the method proved its ability to solve real complex antenna
geometry in both frequency and time domain. The use of MoM and related
matrix methods has become widespread in electromagnetic areas since the
published paper of Richmond in 1965 [60] by generating a system of linear
equations for the unknown current density and enforcing the boundary
conditions at discrete points in the scattering body. Afterwards, he developed a
point-matching solution for scattering by conducting bodies of arbitrary shape
[61]. In 1967, Harrington documented the mathematical concept of MoM by
which the functional equations of the field theory were reduced to matrix
equations [62]. Later, he published a book on MoM which was a step forward
towards the development of the numerical techniques [63].
The prime drawback of using MoM lies beneath its rectangular and
triangular basis function. Their usage to examine the problem of
electromagnetic scattering by dielectric objects with high dielectric constant
leads to spurious charges. This problem was alleviated by means of solenoidal
basis function [64, 65]. Wilton and Govind [66] made an effort to circumvent
the error currents and anomaly behaviour of the solution near the edges by
means of triangle expansion functions with suitable singular pulses at the
The MoM has been favourably employed in variety of electromagnetic
applications [67-77] such as scattering problems [67-70], synthesis of slotted
waveguide array antenna [71], field analysis in circular-loop antenna [72, 73],
the solution for patch antenna using volume integral equation (VIE) [74], VHF
propagation modelling [75], microwave tomography system [76], and surface
current distribution in normal mode helical antenna [77].
6 K. N. Ramli, R. A. Abd-Alhameed and P. S. Excell


The dominant focus of the research work is the modelling and analysis of
the complex electromagnetic problems by means of MoM, FDTD and
subgridded FDTD (SGFDTD) scheme to be employed in several applications.
In order to achieve the research goal, the basic idea is to use the
hybridisationmethod in which the tools for electromagnetic field modelling
problems can be designed with more accuracy and efficiency. The surface
kernel solution of MoM technique is derived for 1-D, 2-D and 3-D. The
method is used to predict the surface current distributions on structures with
closely spaced parallel wires, such as dipoles, loops and helical antennas.In
addition, the Galerkin procedure is imposed to determine the effect of a chiral
bianisotropic substrate of a rectangular microstrip resonatorin the spectral
domain. Next, the present work is devoted to mathematical modelling and
implementing SGFDTD in 2-D Cartesian coordinate keeping minimum
reflection at the boundary. This method is applied to the interaction between
overhead transmission lines to the underground pipeline for validation
purposes. The SGFDTD formulation is then embedded inside the hybrid
MoM-FDTD method.
The full code with the adaptation of subgridding inside the hybrid MoM-
FDTD design problems is written in Fortran as a platform. The hybridisation
of MoM-FDTD-SGFDTD code is used to analyse and investigate the
applications in electromagnetic problems for validation such as the interaction
between EM fields to the human body. FDTD method is used to model the
interaction between the EM wave and electrically small objects in free space,
lossless and lossy media at powerline frequency and mobile communication
frequency. Quasi-static approach is introduced to parry the computational
burden due to huge number of time steps. In addition, the method is also
employed to model biological cells incorporating lumped-element biological
cell model. Floquet periodic boundary conditions are imposed to imitate the
effect of periodic replication of the cell. It is noteworthy that aheterogeneous
hybrid computational method is also discussed in the book. The combination
of MoM and FDTD allow different parts of an antenna to be simulated
accurately. The fields between these two regions are intimately described by
the implementation of the Equivalence Principle. The current crosses the
boundary of the two regions may precisely be computed by incorporating the
extension of the equivalence principle. The method paves the way for precise
computation of antenna in proximity with lossless and lossy dielectric media.
Numerical Solution of Maxwell Equations Using FDTD and MoM 7


Chapter 1 postulates historical background and literature survey of FDTD
and MoM techniques used to solve electromagnetic scattering issues. It should
be noted that a more detailed review of existing literature is reported at the
beginning of each chapter with separate references at the end.
Chapter 2 unfolds the theoretical concept of FDTD principles including
the derivation of the magnetic and electric field update equations, parameters
that control the stability and accuracy, plane wave source modelling concept
by applying the equivalent surface, and finally the implementation of
Berenger’s PML absorbing boundary condition.
Chapter 3 presents the surface kernel solution of the MoM. The
formulation begins from 1-D, and then extended to 2-D and 3-D antenna
problems. The surface current distributions on structures with closely spaced
parallel wires, such as dipoles, loops and helical antennas, are computed by
using the method of moments with a general surface patch formulation. The
modelling method employed a two-dimensional electric surface patch integral
equation formulation solved by independent piecewise-linear basis function
methods in the circumferential and axial directions of the wire.
Chapter 4 explains the modelling and analysis of quasi-static FDTD
subgridding technique in two-dimensional approach. The interaction between
overhead transmission lines and underground pipeline at power-line frequency
is modelled. FDTD technique is used for the whole structure spatial problem
combined with subgrid method at the pipeline. The soil in the common
corridor has been designed as arbitrarily inhomogeneous.
Chapter 5 exposes the effect of a chiral bianisotropic substrate of a
rectangular microstrip resonator using the integral equation formulation based
on Galerkin procedure for moment method in the spectral domain. It is aimed
to study the effect of the chirality of a bianisotropic substrate upon the
resonant frequency and the half-power bandwidth. In addition, the effect of a
magnetic anisotropy via an asymptotic approach is also discussed.
Chapter 6 describes the hybridisation MoM-FDTD-SGFDTD computa-
tional method. The modelling on multiple-region hybrid techniques with
frequency-domain MoM and time-domain FDTD and subgridding are
suggested and investigated. The method is validated for near field and far field
applications particularly on the interaction between electromagnetic fields and
human body in which the RFID antenna is located and moved at several
positions in front and back of inhomogeneous human body model.
8 K. N. Ramli, R. A. Abd-Alhameed and P. S. Excell

Chapter 7 portrays the implementation of frequency scaling approach in

order to reduce the number of FDTD time steps. The reflection on the interface
layers has been reduced in lossless and lossy penetrating media. The accuracy
of the FDTD scaling approach with the models of homogenous and layered
spheres in free space, lossless and lossy media is verified. This work facilitates
to the validity of using the scaled-frequency FDTD method to obtain induced
electric fields at extremely low frequency (50 Hz) and at mobile
communication frequencies.
Chapter 8 reveals microdosimetricmodeling of bioelectromagnetic
interactions at cellular level. The approach employs FDTD method, combined
with an arbitrarily-oriented implementation of the Hodgkin-Huxley cell-
membrane model, the Floquet periodic boundary condition, the frequency-
scaling technique and the lumped-element model for membrane behavior. The
work supports deeper understanding of the phenomena in the interaction
between EM fields and biological systems at various levels of spatial
Chapter 9 discloses a heterogeneous hybrid computational method.
Different methods are employed at different parts of antenna simulation to
permit the most suitable method to be used for each element. The method
employs FDTD and MoMto determine the electric and magnetic fields in two
regionsinterfaced by Equivalence Principle. The work assists in the prediction
of antenna behavior in proximity with lossy dielectric volumes.

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In: Development of Complex Electromagnetic … ISBN: 978-1-61122-013-1
Editors: K. N. Ramli et al. © 2014 Nova Science Publishers, Inc.

Chapter 2


K. N. Ramli1, R. A. Abd-Alhameed2 and P. S. Excell3

Faculty of Electrical and Electronics Engineering,
Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia,
Parit Raja, Batu Pahat, Johor, Malaysia
Mobile and Satellite Communications Research Centre,
Bradford University, Bradford, UK
Institute for Arts, Science and Technology,
Glyndwr University, Wrexham, UK

This chapter explains the fundamental concepts of the FDTD

computational method. It includes the derivation of FDTD updating
equations for electric and magnetic field components, the accuracy and
stability which necessitate the FDTD computational method. The solution
of Maxwell's equations is included by means of finite differences. The
general idea of the ABC to the specific Berenger’s PML in 2-D and 3-D
are also described.

Over the past few years, finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) method
[1-11] have become increasingly prevalent in the computational
electromagnetic problems due to its simplicity, efficiency, robustness and
versatility scheme for highly complex configuration in the computational
18 K. N. Ramli, R. A. Abd-Alhameed and P. S. Excell

domain. Generally, FDTD technique is the most well-known numerical

method for the solution of problems in electromagnetic simulation ranging
from RF to optical frequencies. It is considered to be one of the most powerful
numerical techniques for solving partial differential equations of any kind. In
addition, it can be utilized to solve the spatial as well as the temporal
distributions of electric and magnetic fields in various media. In principle,
FDTD is a method that divides the solution domain into finite discrete points
and then replaces the partial differential equation with a set of difference
equations. It has successfully been applied to many problems of propagation,
radiation and scattering of electromagnetic waves such as antenna, radar,
wireless communication system, high speed electronic, photonic, radiography,
x-ray crystallography, bio-electromagnetic and geophysical imaging. A good
measure of its success lies in the fact that thousand of papers on the subject
have been published in journals and international symposium, apart from the
books and tutorials devoted to it [11]. Moreover, much specific and general
purpose commercial software is available on the market which further extends
its appeal globally. Furthermore, three books are used as the main references
to the recent FDTD research written by Taflove and Hagness [11], Taflove
[12] and Kunz and Luebbers [13].


A pioneering way of describing the electromagnetic phenomena was
introduced by James Clerk Maxwell in 1865 [14]. Later in 1873, he published
an article called “Treatise on Electricity and Magnetism” in which the
discoveries of Coulomb, Oersted, Ampere and Faraday were united into four
refined constructed mathematical equations known as Maxwell’s equations.
The differential time domain Maxwell’s equations in a linear medium are
given by:

   E  J m
t (2.1)

   H  Je
t (2.2)
FDTD Technique for Field Truncation 19

B is the magnetic flux density in Wb/m2, D is the electric flux density in

C/m2, E is the electric field in V/m and H is the magnetic field in A/m. Jm is
the magnetic current density in V/m2 and is defined to relate any magnetic loss
to the field. Je is the electric current density in A/m2 and is defined to relate
any electric loss to the field. Jm and Je are respectively given by:

Jm     H

Je    E (2.4)

* is magnetic resistivity in /m and  is the electric conductivity in S/m.

In materials with field-independent, direction-independent and frequency-
independent electric and magnetic properties, the following proportions apply:

B=H (2.5)

D=E (2.6)

 is the magnetic permeability in H/m and  is the electric permittivity in

F/m. Inserting (2.3) and (2.5) to (2.1) and dividing by  gives:


    E   H


*H is the magnetic losses which may exist inside the medium. Inserting
(2.4) and (2.6) to (2.2) and dividing by  gives:

E 1
   H  E 
t  (2.8)

E is the electric losses which may exist inside the medium. In Cartesian
coordinates, equations (2.7) and (2.8) yield the following six scalar equations:
20 K. N. Ramli, R. A. Abd-Alhameed and P. S. Excell

H x 1  E y E z 
      H x 
t   z y  (2.9)

H y 1  E z E x 
     H y 
t   x z  (2.10)

H z 1  E x E y 
      H z 
t   y x  (2.11)

Ex 1  H z H y 
     Ex 
t   y z  (2.12)

E y 1  H x H z 
     Ey 
t   z x  (2.13)

Ez 1  H y H x 
     Ez 
t   x y  (2.14)

A space point in a rectangular grid is defined from Yee's original notation

[15] as:

(i , j , k )  (i x , j y , k  z ) (2.15)

Let F denote any function of discrete space and time given by:

F (ix, jy , kz , nt )  Fi ,nj , k


x, y and z are the grid space increments in x, y and z directions

respectively, and ∆t is the time increment. Using a central finite-difference
approximation, space and time derivatives of F can be written as:
FDTD Technique for Field Truncation 21

F Fi 1 2 , j , k  Fi 1 2, j , k
n n

  O ( x) 2
x x (2.17)

n 1 2 n 1 2
F Fi , j , k  Fi , j , k
  O ( t ) 2
t t (2.18)

In equation (2.17), O(x) 2 is the error term that represents all the
remaining terms in a Taylor series expansion. It is known as a central finite
difference scheme in space with second-order accuracy. Similarly, (2.18) is
second-order accurate in time. Applying Yee's finite-difference scheme to
(2.9) gives:

E n n 
 y i , j , k 1 2  E y i , j , k 1 2 
n 1 2 n 1 2   
H x i, j ,k  H x i, j ,k 1
  z 
t i, j ,k E n n 
 z i , j 1 2, k  E z i , j 1 2,k n 
   i, j , k H x i , j ,k 
 y  (2.19)

The H x i , j ,k
field component in (2.19) is evaluated at time step n.
However, the value of H x i , j ,k
at time step n is not available and hence the
following interpolated approximation is used:

n 1 2 n 1 2
H x i , j ,k  H x i , j ,k
H x i , j ,k 
2 (2.20)

n 1 2
By substituting equation (2.20) in (2.19), leaving H x i , j ,k
on the left
hand side and passing the all remaining terms to the right, assuming cubical
FDTD cells are used, the finite difference updating equation for the magnetic
and electric field components can be derived as:
22 K. N. Ramli, R. A. Abd-Alhameed and P. S. Excell

E n n

n1 2 n1 2  y i, j ,k 1 2  Ey i, j ,k 1 2 
H x i, j ,k  Da, H x H x i, j ,k  Db, H x 
i , j ,k i , j ,k  n n
  Ez i, j 1 2,k  Ez i, j 1 2,k 
  (2.21)

 Ez n n

n 1 2 n 1 2  i 1 2, j , k  E z i 1 2, j , k 
H y i , j ,k  Da , H y H y i , j ,k  Db, H y
i , j ,k  n n 
i, j ,k
  E x i , j ,k 1 2  E x i , j , k 1 2 
  (2.22)

 Ex n n

n 1 2 n 1 2  i , j 1 2,k  Ex i , j 1 2,k 
H z i , j ,k  Da , H z H z i , j ,k  Db , H z
i , j ,k i , j ,k  n n 
  E y i 1 2, j ,k  E y i 1 2, j ,k 
  (2.23)

 H z n1 2  H z n1 2 
n 1 n  i , j 1 2,k i , j 1 2, k 
E x i , j , k  Ca , E x Ex i , j ,k  Cb, Ex
i , j ,k i , j ,k  n 1 2 n 1 2 
  H y i , j ,k 1 2  H y i , j ,k 1 2 
  (2.24)

 H x n 1 2  H x n 1 2 
n 1 n  i , j , k 1 2 i , j , k 1 2 
Ey  Ca , E y Ey  Cb , E y
i , j ,k  n 1 2 n 1 2 
i , j ,k i , j ,k i , j ,k
  H z i 1 2, j ,k  H z i 1 2, j ,k 
  (2.25)

 H n1 2  H n 1 2 
n 1 n  y i 1 2, j ,k y i 1 2, j , k 
E z i , j ,k  Ca , E z E z i , j ,k  Cb, Ez  
  H x i ,j112 2,k  H x in,j112 2,k 
i , j ,k i , j ,k n
  (2.26)

It can be seen that the coefficients on the left hand side are referred to as
Yee's updating coefficients. The electric field coefficients are given by:

  t    i , j ,k t 
C a i , j , k  1  i , j , k  1  
 2 i , j ,k   2 
  i, j ,k 
FDTD Technique for Field Truncation 23

 t    i , j , k t 
Cb p   1  
i , j ,k     2 i , j ,k 
 i , j ,k p   (2.28)

The magnetic updating coefficients can be written as:

  i, j , k t    i, j , k t 
Da  1   1  
i, j ,k  2 i, j ,k   2 i, j,k 
   

 t    i, j ,k t 
Db p   1  
i , j ,k  i , j ,k  p   2i , j ,k 
    (2.30)

The subscript p can be x, y or z and p is the cell size in the p-direction.

Assuming the structure under investigation contains different types of material
such as dielectric or magnetic, electric and magnetic field updating
coefficients can be easily calculated from equations (2.27) to (2.30) before the
FDTD time stepping algorithm starts.
The orientation of the fields in Figure 2.1 is known as the FDTD lattice or
Yee cell. The magnetic and electric fields are located on the faces and the
edges of the cube respectively. Each electric field vector component is
surrounded by four circulating magnetic field vector components and vice
versa. Both the electric and magnetic field vector components are located half
a cell from each other. In addition, this arrangement permits easy
implementations of the central finite difference approximations and the
integral form of the Faraday's law and the Ampere's law.
The system of difference equations is solved at the nodes. Figure 2.2
illustrates the typical relationship between field components within a quarter
of a cell and on a plane distinctly helpful when handling boundary conditions
of a closed region.
24 K. N. Ramli, R. A. Abd-Alhameed and P. S. Excell

Figure 2.1. The electric and magnetic field components distribution on the FDTD
lattice [16].

Figure 2.2. Relationship between field components: (a) within a quarter of a unit cell,
(b) on a plane [16].
FDTD Technique for Field Truncation 25

Figure 2.3. Space-time chart of the Yee algorithm in a leapfrog arrangement [11].

The field quantities are solved with a leapfrog arrangement where a half
time step separates the solutions of the electric and magnetic fields as shown
in Figure 2.3. The time-stepping of the FDTD algorithm is continued until the
desired late time pulse response or steady state behaviour is reached. Figure
2.4 depicts the time-stepping FDTD algorithms flow chart. Apparently, a
suitable size of the time step should be chosen properly to avoid the late time
instability of the algorithms, after determining the spatial resolution based on
the geometrical features and the operating frequency. It can be seen that a
leapfrog arrangement between the electric and magnetic field vector
components is used to implement the time step of the FDTD algorithm. The
grids of the electric and magnetic fields are displaced half a cell between them
indicating that the computer must work through them in turn.
26 K. N. Ramli, R. A. Abd-Alhameed and P. S. Excell

Figure 2.4. The flow chart of the time stepping FDTD algorithm [13].
FDTD Technique for Field Truncation 27

Figure 2.5. Variation of the numerical phase velocity with wave propagation angle in
two-dimensional FDTD grid [11].


The accuracy and stability of FDTD method is controlled by two
significant parameters namely the space resolution x, y, z and the time
resolution t. Waves of different frequencies will propagate at slightly
different speeds through the grid due to the approximations inherent in FDTD.
As a result, the grid dispersion error will occur in the FDTD. The difference in
the propagation speed also depends on the direction of propagation relative to
the grid. Hence, the grid dispersion error must be reduced to an acceptable
level to increase the accuracy and stability of the results. To ensure the FDTD
numerical accuracy, the spatial increment h used in the simulation is required
to be small enough compared to the wavelength. Usually, h is less than or
equal to min/10, where min is the shortest wavelength at the frequency of
computation. The numerical grid produces a certain amount of numerical
28 K. N. Ramli, R. A. Abd-Alhameed and P. S. Excell

dispersion error, when the grid size and the angle of propagating wave are
increased as illustrated in Figure 2.5. Numerical dispersion is observed to be
approximately 1% when the cell size is exactly /10.
The time increment t must satisfy the CFL criterion [11, 13] to ensure
the stability of the computation process, which sets the relation between the
time and space resolution for three-dimensional FDTD given by:

vmax t 
1 1 1
c  
x  y  z 2
2 2

vmax is the maximum phase velocity of the propagating wave in any

material in the model. For the three-dimensional cubic cell space lattice with
x = y = z = h in a d-dimensional spatially homogeneous FDTD grid, the
time step is bounded by:

t 
vmax d (2.32)

d is the number of the space dimensions (d = 1, 2 or 3). The time step

should be chosen as large as possible to minimise the burden on the computer
run time requirement. Smaller time step will give more accurate result with
longer simulation run time. The time resolution value of h/(2vmax) is always
conceived in many FDTD codes to compromise the accuracy and stability of
FDTD simulation whilst the CFL criterion is satisfied.


An electromagnetic wave excitation will be introduced into the FDTD
lattice for modelling the scattering problem. This can be achieved by using the
electric and magnetic field vector components to realize the wave source
compared to the total number of field components in the space lattice. In
addition, the required computation time and resources to simulate the source is
relatively small compared to the required ordinary time-stepping of the fields.
As a result, the maximum algorithm efficiency is achieved. The compact
FDTD Technique for Field Truncation 29

electromagnetic wave sources can be classified into two general classes

namely the hard source and the total/scattered field formulation for the plane
wave excitation in one and three dimensional lattices.

2.4.1. Hard Source Excitation

The hard source is set up by assigning a desired time function to specific

electric or magnetic field components in the FDTD lattice. In 1-D TM grid, the
hard source on Ez could be established at the grid source point is to generate a
continuous sinusoidal wave of frequency fo which is switched on at n = 0.
There are three common hard sources discussed here. The first type of the hard
source can be expressed as [11]:

 Eo sin 2f o nt 

Ez is

The second hard source provides a wideband Gaussian pulse with finite
DC content. The pulse is centred at the time step no and has a 1/e characteristic
decay of ndecay time steps. It is simply given by:

 Eoe

 n  n o  / n decay 2

Equation (2.34) has a nonzero value at n = 0. no should take a value of at

least 3ndecay if a smooth transition from zero into the Gaussian pulse is needed.
The third hard source provides zero DC content, bandpass Gaussian pulse with
Fourier spectrum symmetrical about fo. The pulse is centred at the time step no
and has a 1/e characteristic decay of ndecay time steps. It is expressed as:

 E0 e
 
 n  n0 / ndecay 
   
sin 2f 0 n  n0 t

2.4.2. Plane Wave Source Excitation

The plane wave source excitation model was used by Yee in 1966 [15].
An arbitrary incident plane wave is used for the excitation purposes. The
30 K. N. Ramli, R. A. Abd-Alhameed and P. S. Excell

incident plane wave is modelled and approximated within the FDTD space
lattice. Two methods of excitation of the plane wave on the space lattice is
discussed here, namely the initial condition technique and the total/scattered
field formulation technique. The initial condition method was used by Yee in
the implementation of the FDTD method to represent an incident plane wave
with special applications in the RCS simulations. The values of electric and
magnetic field vector components at the zero time step of the incident plane
wave throughout the problem space are preset in sign and magnitude. As a
result, this will give the desired polarisation of the incident plane wave.
However, this method has a drawback due to the fact that it is a non-compact
wave source. It requires a large number of additional free space cells to
contain initial conditions of long duration pulses or continuous sinusoids for
oblique incident angles of the propagating wave. This will unfortunately
increase the size of the problem space which one must avoid. Hence, the
technique is limited to special usage only. The most popular method used in
many FDTD software is the total/scattered field formulation method [17, 18]
due to the fact that it allows the modelling of the FDTD with long-duration
pulsed or sinusoidal illuminations for arbitrary plane wave propagation

Figure 2.6. Total and scattered field zoning for a generic scattering case [11].
FDTD Technique for Field Truncation 31

Figure 2.6 presents the total and scattered field zoning for a generic
scattering case. Basically, it shows two distinct regions of interest namely the
total field and scattered field region. Both of the regions are separated by a
non-physical virtual surface applied numerically with a special treatment to
include the incident wave excitation and to split the problem space into the
total field and scattered field regions. As a result, the scattered field vector
values can be computed in the scattered field region without the presence of
the incident field. Furthermore, the arbitrary incident plane wave with different
oblique incidence angles using incident-field array (IFA) excitation scheme
[11] can be modelled efficiently. The IFA is generally an FDTD-based lookup
table from which the incident-field values are covered on the FDTD lattice in
the propagating direction.

Figure 2.7. Total and scattered field components for 1-D FDTD grid. Total/Scattered Field Formulation in 1-D

The basic principle of the total/scattered formulation example is best
illustrated by simple example of one-dimensional transverse magnetic (TM)
field case, as shown in Figure 2.7 [11]. The formulation divides the x-directed
array of Ez and Hy components into two regions, region 1 (total fields) and
region 2 (scattered fields) by a virtual surface. At this surface interface
between the two regions, there exists a special set of E and H components as
depicted by the grey-coloured components. These four field components are Ez
at iL and iR and Hy at (iL-1/2) and (iR+1/2). Subscripts L and R represent left and
right respectively. According to Yee algorithm [11], these may have different
types, total or scattered, respectively. The incident fields, Einc and Hinc are
known and may be calculated at the outer interface points. They are added to
the regular updating equations. For example, Ez at iL, the left interface surface,
is considered to be a total field component and by applying the basic FDTD
algorithm, it is updated as:
32 K. N. Ramli, R. A. Abd-Alhameed and P. S. Excell

Ez tot,i  Ez tot,i 
 
Hy 
n1 2

tot,iL 1 2
 Hy
n1 2

scat,iL 1 2


Subscripts tot and scat stand for total and scattered fields respectively. It is
clear that the above equation is inconsistent, so Hy,tot at (iL-1/2) must be
subtracted from Hy,tot at (iL+1/2) to advance the value of Ez,tot at iL. To correct
this updating equation, the vector function Hy,inc at (iL-1/2) is added as an
excitation wave source of the FDTD algorithm. The boundary Ez updating
equation is given by:

Ez tot,i  Ez tot,i 
 
Hy 
n1 2

tot ,iL 1 2
 Hy
n1 2

scat,i L 1 2
 
 
n1 2

inc,iL 1 2

Subscript inc stands for incident field. The added term is assumed to be a
known function such as sinusoidal wave or Gaussian pulse for plane wave
representation, while the rest of the terms of the right hand side are assumed
stored in computer memory from the previous updating time step. By
following proper modifications of equation (2.37), the updating equations for
the other three special magnetic and electric boundary field components are
expressed as follows:

n1 2

scat,iL 1 2
 Hy
n1 2

scat,iL 1 2

 
 n n

Ez tot,i  Ez scat,i 1 
 
Ez inc,i

n 1
Ez tot,i  Ez tot,i 
 
Hy 
n 1 2

scat,i R 1 2
 Hy
n 1 2

tot ,i R 1 2
 
n 1 2

inc,iR 1 2

n1 2

scat,iR 1 2
 Hy
n1 2

scat,iR 1 2

 
n n
Ez scat,i 1  Ez tot,i 

 
Ez inc,i

Equations (2.38)-(2.40) are the one-dimensional total/scattered field

FDTD formulations to generate the equivalent effects of the plane wave at one
surface interface. The same principle can be extended to 2-D and 3-D
scattering problems.
FDTD Technique for Field Truncation 33 Total/Scattered Field Formulation in 3-D

In general, the equivalence principle surface implementation in FDTD code is
employed with electric and magnetic field nodes are located at half a cell apart
between each other. In three-dimensional case, the interface of the total and
the scattered field zone is constituted by six flat planes to form a closed
rectangular box as depicted in Figure 2.8. Furthermore, each face of the
rectangular box consists of two tangential electric and magnetic fields in a
closed surface. The notation used by Taflove in [11] is used in order to
simplify the equations. Equations from (2.21) to (2.26) are used as the basis of
the updating equations. A cubic-cell space lattice is assumed for simplicity.

Figure 2.8. Coordinate origins for the calculation of incident field.

Figure 2.9. Location of Ey() and Ez() components in planes i = io and i = i1.
34 K. N. Ramli, R. A. Abd-Alhameed and P. S. Excell

The Ey and Ez components can be determined from Figure 2.9. Ey (i = io; j

= jo + ½, …, j1 - ½; k = ko, …, k1) is given by:

n 1 n 1 n 1 2
Ey  {E y }(2.25)  Cb, E y H z ,inc i 1 2, j ,k
i0 , j , k i0 , j , k i0 , j , k 0

Ez (i = io; j = jo, …, j1; k = ko + ½, …, k1 - ½) is given by:

n 1 n 1 n 1 2
E z i , j ,k  {E z i , j , k }( 2.26)  Cb , E z H y ,inc
i0 , j , k i0 1 2, j , k
0 0

Figure 2.10. Location of Ex() and Ez() components in planes j = jo and j = j1.

Ey (i = i1; j = jo + ½, …, j1 - ½; k = ko,…,k1) is given by:

n 1 n 1 n 1 2
Ey  {E y }( 2.25)  Cb, E y H z ,inc i 1 2, j ,k
i1 , j , k i1 , j , k i1 , j , k 1

Ez (i = i1; j = jo, …, j1; k = ko + ½, …, k1 - ½) is given by:

n 1 n 1 n 1 2
Ez i1 , j , k
 {E z }
i , j , k ( 2.26 )
 Cb , E z H y ,inc
i1 , j , k i1 1 2, j , k

The Ex and Ez components can be determined from Figure 2.10. Ex (i = io +

½, ..., i1 - ½; j = jo; k = ko, …, k1) is given by:

n 1 n 1 n 1 2
Ex i, j  {E x i , j ,k }( 2.24)  Cb , Ex H z ,inc i , j
0 ,k i , j0 , k 0 1 2, k
FDTD Technique for Field Truncation 35

Ez (i = io, …, i1; j = jo; k = ko + ½, …, k1 - ½) is given by:

n 1 n 1 n 1 2
Ez i, j  {E z i , j ,k }( 2.26)  Cb , E z H x ,inc i , j
0 ,k i , j0 , k 0 1 2, k

Ex (i = io + ½, …, i1 - ½; j = j1; k = ko, …, k1) is given by:

n 1 n 1 n 1 2
E x i , j ,k  {E x i , j ,k }( 2.24)  Cb , E x H z ,inc i , j 1 2,k
i , j1 , k
1 1 1

Ez (i = io, …, i1; j = j1; k = ko + ½, …, k1 - ½) is given by:

n 1 n 1 n 1 2
Ez i , j1 , k
 {E z }
i , j , k ( 2.26 )
 Cb , E z H x ,inc i , j 1 2,k
i , j1 , k
1 1

Figure 2.11. Location of Ex() and Ey() components in planes k = ko and k = k1.

The Ex and Ey components can be determined from Figure 2.11. Ex (i = io +

½, …, i1 - ½; j = jo, …, j1; k = ko) is given by:

n 1 n 1 n 1 2
E x i , j ,k  {E x i , j ,k }( 2.24)  Cb , E x H y ,inc
i , j ,k0 i , j , k 0 1 2
0 0

Ey (i = io, …, i1; j = jo + ½, …, j1 - ½; k = ko) is given by:

n 1 n 1 n 1 2
Ey  {E y }( 2.25)  Cb, E y H x ,inc i , j ,k
i , j , k0 i , j ,k0 i , j , k0 0 1 2
Ex (i = io + ½, …, i1 - ½; j = jo, …, j1; k = k1) is given by:
36 K. N. Ramli, R. A. Abd-Alhameed and P. S. Excell

n 1 n 1 n 1 2
E x i , j ,k  {E x i , j ,k }( 2.24 )  Cb , E x H y ,inc i , j ,k 1 2
i , j , k1
1 1 1

Ey (i = io, …, i1; j = jo + ½, …, j1 - ½; k = k1) is given by:

n 1 n 1 n 1 2
Ey  {E y }( 2.25)  Cb, E y H x,inc i , j ,k 1 2
i , j , k1 i , j , k1 i , j , k1 1

The consistency condition for the magnetic field components located 0.5
outside of each face of the total/scattered-field interface are given by analogy.
The Hy and Hz components can be determined from Figure 2.9. Hy (i = io - ½; j
= jo, …, j1; k = ko + ½, …, k1 - ½) is given by:

n 1 2 n 1 2 n
Hy  {H y }( 2.22)  Db, H y E z ,inc i , j ,k
i0 1 2, j , k i0 1 2, j ,k i0 1 2, j , k 0

Hz (i = io - ½; j = jo + ½, …, j1 - ½; k = ko, …, k1) is given by:

n 1 2 n 1 2 n
Hz i0 1 2, j , k
 {H z }
i0 1 2, j , k ( 2.23)
 Db , H z E y ,inc i , j ,k
i0 1 2, j , k 0

Hy (i = i1 + ½; j = jo, …, j1; k = ko + ½, …, k1 - ½) is given by:

n 1 2 n 1 2 n
Hy  {H y }  Db, H y Ez ,inc i , j , k
i1 1 2, j , k i1 1 2, j , k ( 2.22 ) i1 1 2, j , k 1

Hz (i = i1 + ½; j = jo + ½, …, j1 - ½; k = ko, …, k1) is given by:

n 1 2 n 1 2 n
Hz i1 1 2, j , k
 {H z i 1 2, j ,k }( 2.23)  Db , H z E y ,inc
i1 1 2, j , k i1 , j , k

The Hx and Hz components can be determined from Figure 2.10. Hx (i = io,

…, i1; j = jo - ½; k = ko + ½, …, k1 - ½) is given by:

n 1 2 n 1 2 n
H x i, j  {H x i , j }
1 2, k ( 2.21)
 Db , H x E z ,inc i , j
0 1 2, k i , j0 1 2, k 0 ,k
FDTD Technique for Field Truncation 37

Hz (i = io + ½, …, i1 - ½; j = jo - ½; k = ko, …, k1) is given by:

n 1 2 n 1 2 n
Hz i , j0 1 2, k
 {H z }
i , j0 1 2, k ( 2.23)
 Db , H z E x ,inc i , j
i , j0 1 2, k 0 ,k

Hx (i = io, …, i1; j = j1+½; k = ko + ½, …, k1 - ½) is given by:

n 1 2 n 1 2 n
H x i , j 1 2,k  {H x i , j 1 2,k }( 2.21)  Db , H x E z ,inc i , j ,k
i , j1 1 2, k
1 1 1

Hz (i = io + ½, …, i1 - ½; j = j1+½; k = ko, …, k1) is given by:

n 1 2 n 1 2 n
Hz i , j1 1 2, k
 {H z i , j 1 2,k }( 2.23)  Db , H z E x ,inc i , j ,k
i , j1 1 2, k
1 1

The Hx and Hy components can be determined from Figure 2.11. Hx (i = io,

…, i1; j = jo + ½, …, j1 - ½; k = ko - ½) is given by:

n 1 2 n 1 2 n
H x i , j ,k  {H x i , j , k } ( 2.21)  Db , H x E y ,inc i , j ,k
0 1 2 0 1 2 i , j , k 0 1 2 0

Hy (i = io + ½, …, i1 - ½; j = jo, …, j1; k = ko - ½) is given by:

n 1 2 n 1 2 n
Hy  {H y }  Db, H y Ex ,inc i , j ,k
i , j , k 0 1 2 i , j , k0 1 2 ( 2.22 ) i , j , k0 1 2 0

Hx (i = io, …, i1; j = jo + ½, …, j1 - ½; k = k1 + ½) is given by:

n 1 2 n 1 2 n
H x i , j , k 1 2  {H x i , j , k 1 2 }( 2.21)  Db, H x E y ,inc
i , j , k1 1 2 i , j , k1
1 1

Hy (i = io + ½, …, i1 - ½; j = jo, …, j1; k = k1 + ½) is given by:

n 1 2 n 1 2 n
Hy  {H y }  Db, H y E x ,inc i , j , k
i , j , k1 1 2 i , j , k1 1 2 ( 2.22) i , j , k1 1 2 1
38 K. N. Ramli, R. A. Abd-Alhameed and P. S. Excell


ABC is generally one of the most critical elements in FDTD simulation
and analysis for several reasons. It is introduced at the outer boundary of the
FDTD lattice to limit the problem space into bounded regions and hence the
electromagnetic wave interaction problems can be solved easily. It is meant to
simulate the extension of the FDTD mesh to infinity. In other words, it is used
to truncate the computational region at the edges of the finite FDTD mesh. The
key to the success of an ABC is that it should be able to absorb the waves
travelling outward from the FDTD lattice with extremely low reflection at the
There have been numerous ABC approaches [11] to effectively
approximate an infinite mesh. Mur [17] used analytical ABC which provides
the effective reflection at the boundary between -35 to -40 dB. Liao et al. [19]
implemented both spatial and temporal extrapolation of the electromagnetic
fields by means of Newton backward-difference polynomial. The result was
20 dB less reflective than the second order Mur. Nevertheless, the method was
delicate to the frequency and direction of propagation of the incident wave
[20]. Therefore, the ABC boundary must be located at large distances from the
radiator and scatterer to be more efficient and effective. Mei et al. [21] used
error cancellation procedure to improve the performance of the local ABC.
However, the method had a considerable residual error due to the assumption
of zero degree of the incidence wave angle. One of the most flexible and
efficient methods is the perfectly matched layer (PML) developed by Berenger
[22]. Though PML is perfect in theory, spurious reflection is present in the
actual FDTD computation [23, 24]. The basic idea in [22] is to produce an
artificial lossy medium by complex electric permittivity and magnetic
permeability surrounding the FDTD problem space so that the wave will be
absorbed before it hits the boundary. In addition, this technique permitted the
boundary reflections below -80 dB. The PML boundary can now be placed
close to the scatterer and radiator. Berenger’s PML is now considered as the
predominant and standard used in the most FDTD imitations [25, 26].

2.5.1. 3-D Berenger’s PML

In 3-D, all six Cartesian field vector components are separated to realize
the following twelve modified version of Maxwell’s equations [22]:
FDTD Technique for Field Truncation 39

H xy  ( E zx  E zy )
o   *y H xy  
t y (2.65)

H xz  ( E yx  E yz )
o   z* H xz 
t z (2.66)

H yz  ( E xy  E xz )
o   z* H yz  
t z (2.67)
H yx  ( E zx  E zy )
o   x* H yx 
t x

H zx  ( E yx  E yz )
o   x* H zx  
t x (2.69)

H zy  ( E xy  E xz )
o   *y H zy 
t y
E xy  ( H zx  H zy )
o   y E xy 
t y (2.71)

E xz  ( H yx  H yz )
o   z E xz  
t z (2.72)

E yz  ( H xy  H xz )
o   z E yz 
t z (2.73)

E yx  ( H zx  H zy )
o   x E yx  
t x (2.74)
40 K. N. Ramli, R. A. Abd-Alhameed and P. S. Excell

E zx  ( H yx  H yz )
o   x E zx 
t x (2.75)
E zy  ( H xy  H xz )
o   y E zy  
t y (2.76)

PML matching conditions and lattice structures are basically similar to the
TM case.

2.5.2. 3-D PML Numerical Implementations

The standard time-stepping of the Yee algorithm cannot be used since the
attenuation of the outgoing source waves in the PML layer is very fast.
Consequently, an explicit exponential time step algorithm is suggested in the
PML layer [27]. From equations (2.70) and (2.71), the updating Hzy and Exy in
the PML medium can both be expanded by the expressions:

  *y 
  *y   i , j ,k t 
 i , j ,k t    i , j ,k  E n n

 xy i , j 1 2, k  E xy i, j 1 2,k 
n 1 2  i , j ,k 

n 1 2 1 e  
H zy e  
H zy   
i, j ,k i, j ,k  *y i, j , k  p   E xz n  E

 i , j 1 2, k xz i , j 1 2, k 

  y i , j ,k t 
 
  y i , j ,k t 
    i , j ,k   H zx n 1 2  H zx n 1 2 
n 1   i , j ,k  n 1 e    i , j 1 2,k i , j 1 2, k 
E xy e  
E xy   
i , j ,k i , j ,k  y i , j ,k  p   H zy
n 1 2
 H zy
n 1 2

 i , j 1 2, k i , j 1 2, k 

The subscript p can be x, y or z and p is the cell size in the p-direction. In

addition, the updating equation for the other ten vector field components can
be derived by using the same technique. The thickness of the PML layer can
be reduced to obtain the optimum profile of the conductivity by means of
geometric progression [28, 29]:

 
 oc ln g
     o g
 ln R0g
p p
2 p g N  1  (2.79)
FDTD Technique for Field Truncation 41

N is the number of cells in the PML layer and g is the geometric

progression grading factor. This is an empirical factor in a function of the
number of cells in the scatterer region. Equation (2.79) shows that the
conductivity increases by the factor g from one cell to the other.

The fundamental concepts of the FDTD computational method were
briefly explained in this chapter. Some of them deal with the solution of
Maxwell's equations by means of finite differences, the derivation of FDTD
updating equations for electric and magnetic field vector components, and the
explanation on the accuracy and stability which necessitate the FDTD
computational method. In addition, the excitation source inside the FDTD
lattice was also explained. The general idea of the ABC to the specific
Berenger’s PML in 2-D and 3-D were well treated. Last but not least, Fortran
source code was written successfully in 2-D FDTD with subgridding
(SGFDTD) and 3-D MoM-FDTD-SGFDTD hybrid technique for different
applications in electromagnetic scattering problems.

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FDTD Technique for Field Truncation 43

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In: Development of Complex Electromagnetic … ISBN: 978-1-61122-013-1
Editors: K. N. Ramli et al. © 2014 Nova Science Publishers, Inc.

Chapter 3



K. N. Ramli1, M. Lashab2,
K. H. Sayidmarie3 and R. A. Abd-Alhameed4
Faculty of Electrical and Electronics Engineering,
Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia,
Parit Raja, Batu Pahat, Johor, Malaysia
Electronics Department, University of Skikda, Skikda, Algeria
Department of Communication Engineering,
College of Electronic Engineering, University of Mosul, Mosul, Iraq
Mobile and Satellite Communications Research Centre,
Bradford University, Bradford, UK

The classical methods known as asymptotic or high frequency, such
as physical optics (PO) or geometrical theory of diffraction (GTD), can
present an approximate or almost exact solution for electromagnetic
scattering to some given antenna shape. The numerical methods known as
the full wave lead generally to an exact solution for any given shape of
antenna, these can be listed as finite element method (FEM), finite-
difference time-domain method (FDTD) and moment method (MoM).
The moment method is based on the digitalization of the electric field
integral equation (EFIE) or the magnetic field integral equation (MFIE),
obtained from the vector solution of Maxwell equation and for given
46 K. N. Ramli, M. Lashab, K. H. Sayidmarie et al.

boundary conditions. The moment method presented is ideally used for

perfectly conducting surface and homogenous medium, for
inhomogeneous medium leading to volume integral a hybrid solution
MoM/FEM is preferred, also for large structures practically considered as
planar a MoM/PO is preferred to reduce the computing time.
In this work, the moment method is used in spatial domain, applied
to homogenous medium and perfectly conducting surfaces, one-
dimensional and two-dimensional antennas, cylindrical square or circular
antennas. An investigation of the surface current distribution in a Normal-
Mode Helical Antenna (NMHA) is also reported.
This enables precise prediction of the performance of NMHAs, since
traditional wire-antenna simulations ignore important details.
A moment-method formulation was developed using two
geometrically-orthogonal basis functions to represent the total non-
uniform surface current distribution over the wire of the helix. Extended
basis functions were used to reliably treat the discontinuity of the current
at the free ends. A surface kernel was used all over the antenna structure.
The surface current distribution was computed for different antenna
geometries such as dipoles, loops and helices. For helices the currents
were investigated for different pitch distances and number of turns. It was
found that the axially-directed component of the current distribution
around the surface of the wire was highly non-uniform and that there was
also a significant circumferential current flow due to inter-turn
capacitance, both effects that are overlooked by standard filamentary
current representations using an extended kernel. The impedance
characteristic showed good agreement with the predictions of a standard
filamentary-current code, in the case of applied uniform excitation along
the local axis of the wire. However, the power loss computations of the
present technique produce significantly different results compared to
those well established methods when wires are closely spaced.

Great research work has been carried out to improve the numerical method
applied to electromagnetic scattering, especially for very complicated
geometries or for stratified and inhomogeneous medium. The moment method
is still one the most powerful method, which could give very exact solution for
many antenna structures [1-3], but for some cases where the geometry of the
antenna is complicated or its medium is inhomogeneous, in this case a hybrid
solution is needed [4, 5]. The choice of the numerical solution depends on the
antenna shape and the type of medium where the antenna is placed. The
Surface Kernel Solution of the Method of Moments 47

moment method (MoM) is used for very simple structures, where surface
integral equations are used [6, 7].
The finite element method (FEM) and the finite-difference time-domain
(FDTD) are used for very complicated geometries where volumetric integral
equations are used.
The computing time is usually O(N2) for the moment method and O(N3)
for the other numerical methods, where N is the number of unknowns. For
very large structures (over 100 wavelength), the computing time and the
memory storage became very big, a hybrid with approximate methods such as
physical optics (PO) is desirable [8, 9].
The moment method was first introduced by Harrington in 1968 [10],
since then many effort were made to improve both the precision and the
computational time spent. A good choice of basis and testing function can
improve the precision and the computing time, for instance sinusoidal
functions known as entire domain, when used good results are obtained but the
computing time is a bit longer than ordinary functions [11-15].
Several research work have been carried out to reduce the computing time
of the classical moment method, such as the fast multipole (FMPM) [16] and
improved moment method based on wavelets [17-21].
These two methods have the ability to reduce the computing time by
simply reducing the impedance matrix coefficients.


Maxwell equations should be applied to any antenna or 3-D structure to
find the electromagnetic scattering. For homogenous and isotropic medium fed
by magnetic or electric field, the equations are defined as [22].
 
  E   j H (3.1)
  
  H  j E  J (3.2)

 
.E 
 (3.3)
48 K. N. Ramli, M. Lashab, K. H. Sayidmarie et al.

.H  0 (3.4)

  
We define E and H respectively the electric and magnetic field, J is
the current density and  the electric charge density.
The medium is considered homogenous and isotropic as shown in Figure
3.1, the permittivity  and the permeability  are considered constant with
respect to curl and divergence action.

Figure 3.1. Homogenous and isotropic structure fed by electric or magnetic field.

3.2.1. Electric Field Integral Equations (EFIE)

Applying the boundary conditions upon the antenna or the object of

arbitrary shape in Figure 3.1, having a perfectly conducting surface (PEC), the
tangential electric field on the surface is null. This can be expressed as [23]:
 
Einc  Escat  0
Surface Kernel Solution of the Method of Moments 49

 
where, Einc is the incident electric field and Escat is the scattered electric
field. Using Maxwell’s equations previously given, the scattered electric field
can be expressed by the following equation.
 
Escat   j. A  

where A is the magnetic potential vector, and  is the electric potential
scalar. They are obtained after substitution of equation (3.6) into Maxwell’s
equations also by using the unit vector into the expression gauges de Lorentz
[24], given by:

A  . J (r ' ).G(r , r ' ).dS '
S (3.7)

 
   (r ' ).G(r, r ' ).dS '

where G(r,r') is Green’s function in the space domain, and  is the charge
density. They are expressed by the following relations:

 jk r  r '
G (r , r ' ) 
4 . r  r '

   ..J
j. (3.10)

where r is the vector describing the contour of the structure, r’ is the

observation vector and k    00 is the propagation constant in free space.
By substituting (3.7) and (3.8) in (3.6), the following equation is derived:
 
nˆ  Einc  nˆ  ( j.A  .)
50 K. N. Ramli, M. Lashab, K. H. Sayidmarie et al.

n̂ is the unit normal vector to the surface of the structure. Finally, the integral
equation of the electric field can be given as:

 
 [k 2
J (r ' ).G(r , r ' )  ' J (r ' ).G(r, r ' ).]dS '
Einc (r )  S
0 (3.12)

where  and  are respectively the gradient with respect to source point
(x,y,z) and the divergence with respect to the observation point (x,y,z).
Equation (3.12) is defined as the electric field integral equation (EFIE). The
temporal dependence ejt is omitted here, but it is considered present in all this
manuscript. The solution of the integral equation leads to the density of current
in which the directivity and the gain of the antennas are obtained.

3.2.2. Magnetic Field Integral Equations (MFIE)

For perfectly conducting structure, the boundary conditions on the surface

of the structure can expressed by the fact that the sum of the incident field and
the reflected field lead to the density of current J s . This is defined by the
following equation:

nˆ  H  nˆ  ( H inc  H scat )  J S (3.13)

The magnetic field integral equation (MFIE) is obtained in the same

manner as previously done. The general expression is given as:

J s (r )
nˆ  H inc (r )   nˆ   J s (r ' )  ' G(r , r ' ).dS '
2 S

Here the integral is called principal value, where the case (r = r’) is
excluded. This type of integral is called Cauchy integral [25].
Surface Kernel Solution of the Method of Moments 51


3.3.1. Formulation

The moment method (MoM) is very well known technique for resolving
linear equations [4]. For antenna analysis, the moment method converts the
integral equation of the field into a matrix equation, by digitalizing this later,
the matrix equation is given as [3, 22]:

  
g  L( f ) (3.15)

 
where g is the excitation source, L is a linear integro-differential operator,

and f is the unknown function, which is written as the sum of N independent

functions f n , called the basis functions with unknowns amplitudes an .

 N 
f   an f n
n 1 (3.16)

By injecting equations (3.16) into (3.15) and owing to the fact that L is a
linear operator, equation (3.15) can be written as:

 N  
g   an L( f n )
n 1 (3.17)

The unknown amplitudes are determined by using asset of integral

equation weighted by test functions wn . These are inserted in equation (3.17)
as an inner product defined as follows:

  N
  
wm , g   an wm , L ( f n )
n 1 (3.18)
52 K. N. Ramli, M. Lashab, K. H. Sayidmarie et al.

Equation (3.18) is written in a matrix form as given below:

g m   Z mn . an  (3.19)

Equation (3.19) often written in a similar manner to the Ohm’s law, using
the matrix so called impedance, defined by the following scalar product:

  
Z mn  wm , L ( f n )

Equation (3.20) is written in explicit form as:

 w1, L( f1 ) w1, L( f 2 ) 
 
Z mn   w2 , L( f1 w2 , L( f 2  
     
  (3.21)

Also the unknown amplitudes and the scalar product of the test function
and excitation are given as:

 a1   w1 , g 
an   a2  gm    w2 , g
  

     
; (3.22)

The impedance matrix is considered to be not singular or reversible, the

unknowns are written as:

an   Z mn1.gm  (3.23)

The exact solution depends on the choice of the basis function and the test
function. In this case, these have to be linear and independent.
Surface Kernel Solution of the Method of Moments 53

3.3.2. Basis Functions

By choosing the test functions as Dirac delta wm ( x)   ( x  xm ) , the

moment method is known as point matching method [26, 27]. In the case
where the test functions and weighting function are similar wm ( x )  f m , the
moment method is known as Galerkin method. In this chapter, the basis and
testing function are chosen as Dirac delta, triangular, rectangular and wavelets.


In this section, a one-dimensional (1-D) patch is under study as shown in
Figure 3.2. The moment method is applied on this structure to find the current
density and radar cross section (RCS). The patch is considered as very thin and
fed by TE or TM wave depending on the polarization case.

Figure 3.2. One-dimensional patch.

Since the path is 1-D, the integral equations of the electric field (TM case)
and magnetic (TE case) respectively equation (3.12) and (3.14) are written in
the following form.

 a/2
EZinc ( x) 
4 
a / 2
J ( x).H 0( 2) (k. x  x' ).dx
54 K. N. Ramli, M. Lashab, K. H. Sayidmarie et al.

J ( x) k a/2
 H Zinc ( x)   j  J ( x' ).H1( 2) (k x  x' ).dx'
2 4 a / 2 (3.25)
( 2)
where H (2)
0 and H 1 are Hankel’s functions zero and first order of the
second type respectively, defined as given bellow:

H0(2) (k r  r' )  4 j.G(r, r' )


2  j ( kr  3 / 4 )
H 1( 2 )  e
kr (3.27)
The integral equations (3.24) and (3.25) are solved by applying the
moment method as illustrated by equation (3.18). Equations given below are
respectively for the TM and TE case.

x n 1

n 1
n  ( x  xm ),
4 
 ( x  xn ).H 0( 2 ) ( k x  x ' ).dx ' 

 ( x  xm ), EZinc ( x )

 m, n k xn1
n 1
n  ( x  xm ), (
4 xn
( x  xn ).H1( 2) (k x  x' ).dx' 

 ( x  xm ), H Zinc ( x)

where  m, n is the Kronecker delta defined by the following equation:

1 m  n
 m, n  
0 m  n

The patch is cut into N segments as, xn  (n  1). x , with  x  a . The

test functions are Dirac delta and the basis functions are chosen as triangular
 ( x  xn ) , defined as follows:
Surface Kernel Solution of the Method of Moments 55

 x  xm 1
 , x xx
  x
m 1 m

 x  xm 1
( x  xm )   , x xx
  x
m m 1

 0, elsewhere
 (3.30)

The triangular function is represented graphically by the following Figure


Figure 3.3. Triangular basis function.

Equations (3.28) and (3.29) can be written in a very simple form by

applying the scalar product contained inside and taking into account the
definition of the basis functions of equation (3.30).

n [ ( x  xn 1 ).H 0( 2 ) (k xm  x ).dx
n 1 4. x x n 1

x n 1
 ( xn 1  x ).H 0( 2 ) ( k xm  x ).dx ]  E Zinc ( xm )

 a (
n m,n  j [  ( x  xn 1 ).H 1( 2 ) (k xm  x ).dx
n 1 4. x x n1
56 K. N. Ramli, M. Lashab, K. H. Sayidmarie et al.

x n 1
 ( xn 1  x ).H 1( 2 ) ( k xm  x ).dx ].)  H Zinc ( xm )

The matrix elements are written in explicit form and given below by
polarization case TM and TE respectively.

  x
(xxn1).H0(2) (k xm x)dx (xn1 x).H0(2) (k xm x).dx

4. 
,n 
xn1 xn 
x (3.33)

ZmTE,n m,n
k  xn
(x  xx1).H1(2) ( xm  x ).dx  (xn1  x).H1(2) (k xm  x ).dx
j 
4.x  xn1 xn 

The integral equations (3.33) and (3.34) are written in Matlab code taking
into account the presence of singularity when xn  xm . The singularity is due
to discontinuity of Green function [28, 29], in all this chapter we have been
trying to avoid this singularity using the technique of contournement related to
the choice the integration path. The excitation as shown in Figure 3.2,
projected in the x-axis leading to following equations:

gmTM  Eo.e jk.xm cos(i)


gmTE  Ho.e jk.xm cos(i)


Eo and Ho are corresponding unity quantities respectively to the incident

electric and magnetic fields. After resolution of the impedance matrix (3.23),
we obtain the density of current shown in Figure 3.4 and Figure 3.5.
It is remarkable in both cases that the current is divergent the boundary
and the current is oscillating more and more for higher wavelength. The
obtained results coincide exactly with the results obtained by Hatamzadeh
It is worth well to present the radar cross section bi-static (RCS) of the 1-
D patch. This quantity shows how easily this object is detected, the RCS
Surface Kernel Solution of the Method of Moments 57

depends on geometry of the object and angle of excitation. The RCS is defined
in the literature by the following equation:

 ( )  lim r   2r 2

By taking the magnitude of the incident electric field Eincident  1 , and

2 j  jk .r
H0( 2) (kr)  e , for far field r   ,  is the observation angle.
 .kr
By substituting in equation (3.31) and (3.32) respectively for the TM and TE
case, the following relations are obtained [22]:

k 2 N
 TM
( )   x  ane jk . xm cos( )
4 i 1

Unidimensional Patch, TM Polarization,  =90°, F=0.3Ghz

18 4

Current Density Jz(mA)




-0.5 -0.4 -0.3 -0.2 -0.1 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5
Length of the Patch (L/Lmax)

Figure 3.4. Current density of the path, with length 2λ and 4λ, incident angle φi = 90°,
TM polarization, F = 0.3 GHz.
58 K. N. Ramli, M. Lashab, K. H. Sayidmarie et al.

Unidimensional Patch, TE Polarization,  =90°, F=0.3Ghz

Current Density Jx(mA)



-0.5 -0.4 -0.3 -0.2 -0.1 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5
Length of the Patch (L/Lmax)

Figure 3.5. Current density of the path, with length 2λ and 4λ,incident angle φi= 90°,
TE polarization, F = 0.3 GHz.

k 2 N
 ( ) 
 x  an .cos( ).e jk . xm cos( )
4 i 1

where  is the angle between the vector observation r’ and the vector source
r. The bi-static RCS is represented in decibel using the following formula:

 dB  10 . log 10 ( ( )) (3.40)

Figure 3.6 and Figure 3.7 show the bi-static RCS respectively for TM and
TE case. It is remarkable that the RCS is more important for a perpendicular
direction to the patch, and is minimal for parallel direction to the patch. It is
also minimal for longer patch with respect to the wavelength. The results are
in good agreement with the work presented in [25].
Surface Kernel Solution of the Method of Moments 59


In this section, the 2-D structure will be treated, such as the case of
circular cylinder, square cylinder of infinitely long with homogenous, isotropic
and perfectly conducting surface, as shown in Figure 3.8. The 2-D integral
equations of both cases TM and TE, related to the circular cylinder can be
extracted respectively from equations (3.12) and (3.14) according to the
literature [8, 22]:

  
EiZinc (r ) 
4 C
J z (r ' ).H 0( 2) (k r  r ' ).dC '

Bi-static RCS unidimensional patch, TM case


Bistatic RCS (dB)



0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180
Observation Angle  (degres)

Figure 3.6. Bi-static RCS of the patch, length 2λ and 4λ, incident angle φi = 90°, TM
polarization, F = 0.3 GHz.
60 K. N. Ramli, M. Lashab, K. H. Sayidmarie et al.

Bi-static RCS unidimensional patch, TE case



Bistatic RCS (dB)





0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180
Observation angle  (degres)

Figure 3.7. Bi-static RCS of the patch, length 2λ and 4λ, incident angle φi = 90°, TE
polarization, F = 0.3 GHz.

Figure 3.8. Perfectly conducting cylinder.

J c (r ) k  
 H Zinc (r )   j  J c (r ' ).H1( 2) (k r  r ' ).cos( r , r ' ).dC '
2 4 C (3.42)
Surface Kernel Solution of the Method of Moments 61

The index C insinuates that the integral should be done on the contour of
 
the cylinder, also  r , r ' is the angle between the vector (r  r ' ) and the normal
vector to the surface n̂ . It is noteworthy that the current Jc, is a tangential
current to the contour and not in the z-axis. Equations (3.41) and (3.42) can be
written by just following the contour C, with changing variables from
Cartesian coordinate to polar coordinate. The integral equations related to
circular cylinder are given as:

    2   
EZinc (r ( )) 
4   0
J Z ( ' ).H0( 2) (k r ( )  r ' ( ' ) ). r ' ( ' ) .d '

J  ( ) k  2   
 H Zinc ( )  j  J ( ' ).H1( 2 ) (k r  r ' ) cos( r ,r ' ). r ' ( ' ) .d '
2 4  0 (3.44)

The structure of Figure 3.8 presents an axial symmetry, by the fact that the
2-D problem is brought to a 1-D problem, where the only variable is the angle
theta (θ). The integral equations (3.43) and (3.44) are digitalized by the
moment method using equation (3.18). The following equations are
respectively for the cases TM and TE.

  n1 
n  (   m ),
4  n
(   n ).H 0( 2) (k R ). r ' ( ' ) .d '

  (   m ), EZinc (r ) (3.45)

 m,n k  n 1 
n 1
n  (   m ), (
 j
4  n
 (   n ). cos( r , r ' ).H 1( 2 ) ( k R ). r ' ( ' ) .d '

  (   m ),  H Zinc ( r )


  2
R  r ( )  r ' ( ' ) , n  (n  1). ,   N

62 K. N. Ramli, M. Lashab, K. H. Sayidmarie et al.

 m  [(m  1)  ]

The test functions are Dirac delta and the basis functions are rectangular
type  (  m ) , defined as follow:


The graphical presentation of the rectangular basis functions are given in

Figure 3.9.
Equations (3.45) and (3.46) can be written more explicitly by performing
their scalar product, giving the following equations:

  N  n 1   
Ei ( r ( m ))  
4 i 1
an  H 0( 2) (k r ( m )  r ' ( ' ) ). r ' ( ' ) .d '
 n
  m .n k  n1 
 H Zinc ( m )   a  n
 j  cos( r , r ' ).H1( 2 ) (kR ). r ' ( ' ) .d '
4 n 
n 1 (3.49)

The elements of the matrix respectively TM and TE are obtained by using

equation (3.18) and their expressions are given below:

 n1   
Z mTM,n 
4  n
H 0( 2) (k r ( m )  r ' ( ' ) ). r ' ( ' ) .d '

 k  n1 
Z mTE, n   m.n  j  cos( r , r ' ).H1( 2 ) ( kR). r ' ( ' ) .d '
 2 4 n  (3.51)

In the same manner as done in the previous section, the excitation is

projected in the (x,y) plane giving the following expressions:
Surface Kernel Solution of the Method of Moments 63

gmTM  Eo.e jk ( xm . cos(i )  ym .sin(i ))


gmTE  Ho.e jk ( xm .cos(i ) ym .sin(i ))


Figure 3.9. Rectangular basis functions.

Since the cylinder is circular, we have the following equations:

xm  r (m ) .cos(m ) ym  r (m ) . sin(m )

and .

With r (m )  a , a is the diameter of the cylinder given in Figure 3.8,

chosen equal to 1.5λ for the TM case and equal to 2λ for the TE case to
compare the present results to the work curried out by Esteban [30]. The same
circular cylinder was treated by the moment method in spectral domain. The
current density is obtained after resolution of the matrix equation. The results
are presented in Figure 3.10 for TM case and in Figure 3.11 for TE case. It can
be noticed that the current density for both cases is greater in the direction of
the feeding and minimum value obtained for the opposite side.
Following the exploration of the same results, the bi-static RCS for an
infinitely long cylinder is presented in Figure 3.12 for the TM case, and in
Figure 3.13 for TE case.
64 K. N. Ramli, M. Lashab, K. H. Sayidmarie et al.

The radiation pattern given in Figure 3.14 shows the total pattern in both
cases. However, it is clear that the maximum gain for TM case is facing to the
feeding point, whereas the maximum gain for the TE case is in the opposite
side of the feeding.

Circular cylinder, TM Polarization , Diameter = 1.5 ,  =0°, F=0.3Ghz

Current density (mA)

0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350
Observation Angle(degres)

Figure 3.10. Current density of circular cylinder, cylinder diameter = 1.5λ, incident
angle φi = 0°, TM polarization, F = 0.3 GHz.

Circular cylinder, TE Polarization , Diameter = 2 ,  =0°, F=0.3Ghz

Current density (mA)

0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350
Observation Angle (degres)

Figure 3.11. Current density of the circular cylinder, cylinder diameter = 2λ, incident
angle φi = 0°, TE polarization, F = 0.3 GHz.
Surface Kernel Solution of the Method of Moments 65

Circular cylinder , TM Polarization , Diameter =1.5 ,  =0°, F=0.3Ghz


Bi-static RCS (dB)



0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350
Observation Angle (Degrees)

Figure 3.12. Bi-static RCS of the circular cylinder, cylinder diameter=1.5λ, incident
angle φi = 0°, TM polarization, F = 0.3 GHz.

Circular cylinder, TE Polarization , Diameter =2,  =0°, F=0.3Ghz


Bi-static RCS (dB)



0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350
Observation Angle (Degrees)

Figure 3.13. Bi-static RCS of the circular cylinder, cylinder diameter=2λ, incident
angle φi = 0°, TE polarization, F = 0.3 GHz.
66 K. N. Ramli, M. Lashab, K. H. Sayidmarie et al.

a b

Figure 3.14. Radiation pattern for the circular cylinder, (a) TM case (b) TE case.


3.6.1. Bodies of Revolution Structures

The application of the moment method in 3-D structures can be a very

difficult task. The matrix of integral equations become very heavy and the
unknowns are too much, especially for very complicated geometries, also
when the structure does not present any symmetry.

Figure 3.15. Body of revolution structure.

Surface Kernel Solution of the Method of Moments 67

For simplicity, here in this section the moment method is applied for 3-D
structures having symmetry of revolution known as bodies of revolution
(BOR), as shown in Figure 3.15. Conical horn, parabolic reflector, circular
waveguide and many others are examples of BOR structures. The solution of
the integral equation of such structures can be brought to 2-D cases even
though the structure is 3-D [27, 31]. The integral equation for 3-D structure
and body of revolution, solved by the moment method is given below as the
inner product [29]:
 j    
Einc ,W   
 0 S S '
[k 2 (W .J ).G (r , r ' )  ( ' J )(.W )G (r , r ' )]dS '.dS
 
where W and J are respectively testing and basis functions as vector form,
written in the tangent system of coordinate. The total current on the surface of
the structure is written as [29]:

 J (t, )  J (t , ).e
J (t , )  t
n   (3.55)

where, J t and J  are the two current density components, associated to the
tangential unity vectors. The term e jn  corresponds to the Fourier series
expansion with n is the mode number.

3.6.2. Boundary Element Method (BEM)

Bodies of revolution antennas are generally treated by the boundary

element method (BEM), where the magnetic field integral equation (MFIE)
and the electric field integral equation (EFIE) are solved by the moment
method using the surface equivalence principle [21, 32]. The principle enables
the placement of electric current and magnetic current inside a closed volume,
by just setting a discontinuity of the fields inside and outside the volume, as
shown in Figure 3.16. The electric and magnetic currents are given as [33]:

= ×( − ) (3.56)

=− ×( − ) (3.57)
68 K. N. Ramli, M. Lashab, K. H. Sayidmarie et al.

The fields inside the volume can be set to arbitrary values, since the
equivalent currents are realized for any discontinuity. The internal fields are
set to zero for simplicity of the problem, = 0 and = 0.

a b

Figure 3.16. Surface equivalence principle, (a) Original problem (b) Replaced by
surface of electric current and magnetic currents.

3.6.3. Parabolic Reflector Antenna

The reflector antenna of Figure 3.17, fed by a dipole antenna, is

considered having symmetry of revolution, and thus it is a body of revolution,
upon which we can apply the boundary element method and the surface
equivalent principle.

Figure 3.17. Parabolic reflector antenna.

Surface Kernel Solution of the Method of Moments 69

To avoid heavy processing here we just consider the case of magnetic

excitation. Equation (3.14) can be written as:

K ( J (r ))  J (r )  nˆ   J (r ' )  ' G(r , r ' ).ds'  nˆ  H i (r )
2 S

where, K is an integro-differential operator. Equation (3.58) is known as

principle value integral where the current density is expanded as symmetry of
revolution structure. The current components of equation (3.55) can written as
wavelets expansion as in [33]. The idea behind choosing the wavelets as basis
functions is mainly to reduce the computing time and to reduce the size of the
impedance matrix.

2 0 1 j 2 m1
J t (t , )   a .
j ,n (t , )   cmt , n mt , n (t , )
m0 n0 (3.59)

2 0 1 j 2 m1
J (t , )   an . j , n (t , )   cm , n m , n (t , )
 

n 0 m0 n 0 (3.60)

 
where ( m,n , m,n ) and (  j ,n , j ,n ) are respectively, the mother wavelet and
t t

the scaling wavelet. As matter of simplicity, the current expansion can be

written in a simpler manner as:

j 2 m 1
J t (t , )    cmt , n mt , n (t , )
m0 n0 (3.61)

j 2 m 1
J (t , )    cm , n m , n (t , )
m 0 n 0 (3.62)

As application of the Galerkin technique, the wavelets are used as basis

and testing functions. The following integral expresses the digitalized moment
method as an inner product:
70 K. N. Ramli, M. Lashab, K. H. Sayidmarie et al.

 
W , K ( J ( r ))  W , nˆ  H i (r )

where is the basis and testing functions. Equation (3.63) is written in

tangential coordinate (uˆt , uˆ , nˆ ) [34-36], giving two equations respectively in
the ( ) axis and ( ) axis:

1  t  t  

 2 sW . J ( r ).ds   
s s
[( ˆ
n  W )  J (r ' )].G (r , r ' )ds '.ds 

  W t .(nˆ  H i )ds
s (3.64)
1      
 2 sW .J (r ).ds  s s[(nˆ  W )  J (r ' )].G (r , r ' )ds'.ds 

  W  .(nˆ  H i )ds
s (3.65)

Knowing that,

 t
nˆ  W   W  tˆ , and nˆ  W  W ̂

 
(W t  nˆ)  J  (W tˆ )  ( Jt tˆ' Jˆ ' )
 
(W   nˆ)  J  (W tˆ)  ( Jt tˆ' Jˆ ' )

The excitation is written as:

n t 
n H  i
1 0 0   Hi tˆ  H tiˆ
0 H ti Hi
Surface Kernel Solution of the Method of Moments 71

The inner product in equation (3.64) and (3.65) can be expressed as:
 
W t .J  W t tˆ.( J t tˆ' J ˆ ' )  W t J t (3.69)
 
W  .J  W  tˆ.( J t tˆ' J ˆ ' )  W  J  (3.70)

Concerning the gradient of Green’s function, this can be written as:

G(r, r ' )  Rˆ .( jk  ).G(r , r ' )
R (3.71)


Rˆ  R / R

  '
R  r  r '  (    ' ) 2  ( z  z ' ) 2  4  ' sin 2 ( )

By replacing equations (3.69) and (3.70) into equations (3.64) and (3.65),
and adding the summation in (3.61) and (3.62):

 1 t t 
 
Wq J p . .dt    (Wqt J tpˆ  tˆ'Wqt J p ˆ  ˆ ' ).I G1. '  .dt '.dt 
0 2 0 0

  Wqt H i tˆ.tˆ.I G 2  .dt
0 (3.72)

 T 1   T T 
 
0 2
Wq J p . .dt    (Wq J tp tˆ  tˆ'Wq J p tˆ  ˆ ' ).I G1. '  .dt '.dt 
0 0

   Wq H tiˆ .ˆ .I G 2  .dt
0 (3.73)
72 K. N. Ramli, M. Lashab, K. H. Sayidmarie et al.

I G1   G ( r , r ' ).e j . 'd '
0 (3.74)

1 2
IG 2 
2 0
e j d

where the index  is the mode number and T is the maximum arc length of the
antenna (for a sphere T   .r , r is the radius). The indices (p,q) correspond
respectively to the combinations (m p , n p ) and ( mq , nq ) . Equations (3.72)
and (3.73) can be written as a matrix equation as [37]:

 Z tt Z t  cmt , n   H 1 
  .t .    
 Z Z   cm , n   H 2 

Each element of the matrix (3.76) is given based on equations (3.72) and

1 t t
Z ttpq   .Wq J p  .dt   W J q
t t
p .ˆ  tˆ'.I G1. ' dt ' dt
t 2 t t'

Then equation (3.77) is written as an inner product, using wavelets of

different scale:

Z ttpq   p ,  q ,  T (t , t ).(t ,  )
2 (3.78)

where T(t,t) is the second term under the double integral, (t,, ) is an
operator of changing variables from(t, t ' ) to ( ,  ' ) ,  is a variable related
the wavelet belonging to domain [0,1], finally  p and  q are wavelets of
different rank. Equation (3.78) can be written in more explicit form as
introduced by Wang [38] and Tretiakov [39].
Surface Kernel Solution of the Method of Moments 73

1 1 1
Z ttpq    q [  p    pT (t , t ) (t ,  ) d .D( )]D( ' )d '
0 2 0

With D( )  dt / d , in the same manner the other elements of the

matrix can be expressed as:

Z tpq    W q
J p .ˆ  ˆ '.I G1. ' dt ' dt
t t' (3.80)

Z tpq    q ,  p , T (t ,  ).(t , 


Z pq.t   W

q J tp .tˆ  tˆ'.I G1. ' dt ' dt
t t' (3.82)

Z pq.t   q ,  p , T ( , t ).(t , 


1  
pq  
Z  .Wq J p .dt   W

q J p .tˆ  ˆ '.IG1. ' dt ' dt
t 2 t t'

pq   p ,  q ,
Z   T ( , ).(t ,  )
2 (3.85)

We express the excitation using the wavelets as described previously:

H q1   q , H t I G 2 .(t ,  )

H q2    q , H  I G 2 .(t ,  )
74 K. N. Ramli, M. Lashab, K. H. Sayidmarie et al.

Once the matrix equation (3.76) is solved the unknowns [cmt ,n , cm , n ] which
are the components of the current density are obtained. To find the co-
polarization and cross-polarization, a transformation from tangential
coordinate to polar coordinate have to be done as in [40]. The wavelet
employed is constructed from Haar orthogonal wavelet with vanishing
moment N=7. The lowest resolution level is chosen as 2j = 27 = 128. Since 128
wavelets are involved, a system with 128  128 matrix elements is
generated.The radiation pattern given in Figure 3.18 and Figure 3.19 are
obtained for given ratio focal distance over length of diameter, with F/D = 0.5,
the diameter = 10λ, the incident angle φ=45° and the frequency F = 30 GHz.
The figures show a gain of almost 10 dB is obtained, and the co-polarization is
maximum at the front side with its very narrow main lobe (20° width).
In reverse, the cross polarization is null at the front of the antenna and
maximum at its sides. The radiation pattern given in Figure 3.20 and Figure
3.21 show the rectangular and polar radiation pattern respectively. with F/D =
0.5, the incident angle of the excitation is 45°, and the diameter = 5λ and the
frequency F = 30 GHz. The figures show a gain of almost 15 dB is obtained
with the main lobe of the co-polarization is larger than last one (40° width).
The obtained results were compared to previously obtained results in the
literature [16, 41] and they were in good agreement.

Reflector Antenna, F/D=0.5, D=10 , = 45°

0 CrossPolarization

Radiation Pattern (dB)






-150 -100 -50 0 50 100 150
Observation Angle - (degres)

Figure 3.18. Rectangular radiation pattern of the reflector antenna, D=10λ at frequency
F=30 GHz.
Surface Kernel Solution of the Method of Moments 75

Figure 3.19. Polar radiation pattern of the reflector antenna, D=10λ at frequency F=30
GHz, co-polarization.

Reflector Antenna, F/D=0.5, D=5 , = 45°

10 Copolarization
Radiation Pattern (dB)







-150 -100 -50 0 50 100 150

Observation Angle - (degres)

Figure 3.20. Rectangular radiation pattern of the reflector antenna, D=5λ at frequency
F=30 GHz.
76 K. N. Ramli, M. Lashab, K. H. Sayidmarie et al.

Figure 3.21. Polar radiation pattern of the reflector antenna, D=5λ at frequency F=30
GHz, co-polarization.


When parallel wires are close together the surface current distribution
becomes non-uniform. This effect has been investigated previously, subject to
certain approximations. Smith [42, 43] and Olaofe [44] assumed that the
average current flowing in a set of parallel wires was equal, which means that
the cross-sectional distribution of surface current remains constant along the
wires. Tulyathan and Newman [45] used a more general treatment but still
neglected the possibility of a circumferential component in the surface current:
it is intuitively obvious that such a component must be present when there is
significant displacement current flow in the inter-wire capacitance. A more
general detailed solution by Abd-Alhameed and Excell [46] included the
modelling of two surface current components at any point on the wire surface,
subject to certain geometry constraints. And more recently [47-49] in which
two parallel dipoles and loop antennas were investigated for the existence of
the non-uniform surface currents, in which the antenna power losses were fully
covered in [49]. In addition, most of the methods used for analysis of wire
antennas of arbitrary shape (including the possibility of closely parallel wires)
Surface Kernel Solution of the Method of Moments 77

assume a uniform surface current distribution across the cross section, (e.g.,
Djordjevic et al. [50], Burke and Poggio [51] and Richmond [52]).
Hence, surface resistive losses and reactive effects that may be augmented
by the non-uniform surface current will not be correctly predicted.
This problem is particularly significant for resonant coiled electrically-
small antennas, such as the normal-mode helical antenna (NMHA), in which
the surface current distribution has a critical effect on the efficiency and Q-
factor. A moment-method (MoM) formulation uses two orthogonal basis
functions on the surface of the wire including its ends was thus developed to
investigate this problem in details. The work detailed a more generalised
theory and results of the work done by the present authors [47]. It should be
noted that there are more advanced commercial codes now available which, in
particular, implement patch modelling more effectively (e.g., FEKO [53], CST
[54], HFSS [55] and IE3 [56]). In general MoM [57-63] has the ability to solve
complex antenna pattern in frequency and time domain.
Basically, the original motivation for this work was to assess the degree of
benefit that would be obtained if an antenna of this type were to be realised in
high-temperature superconductor. Electrically-small antennas have a low
radiation resistance that is easily swamped by ohmic loss resistance, resulting
in a low efficiency. Superconductors have the potential to remove much of the
loss and hence raise the efficiency significantly. There is then the possible
disadvantage that the inherent Q-factor of the antenna may become very high:
whether this is a real disadvantage depends on the nature of the system into
which the antenna is proposed for deployment. To quantify the reduction in
loss, and hence improvement in efficiency, which might accrue from the use of
superconductor, it is necessary to quantify the surface loss Ps measured in

J s2
Ps 
s (3.88)

where Js is the surface current density (A/m) and s is the surface conductivity
(). The self-resonant helix had already been identified as a convenient design
of electrically-small antenna in which quite interesting results were reported
for example, broad band V-helical antenna [64], circular NMHA [65], double
pitch NMHA [66] and multiple pitches NMHA [67], however, for realisation
in high-temperature superconductor, the superconducting element may be left
electrically isolated. The detailed quantification of Js in this particularly
78 K. N. Ramli, M. Lashab, K. H. Sayidmarie et al.

complex case was thus the main original objective of the work. The very
detailed modelling procedure that has been developed has much wider uses,
particularly in the accurate modelling of normally-conducting NMHAs, which
see extensive use in mobile telecommunications.
Complete validation of the predictions of the procedure poses
considerable difficulties, since it would require measurement of the surface
current distribution on wire. This matter is an important topic for future work,
but an adequate degree of validation can be claimed for the results that have
been presented in this work from this type of modelling process.


Initially, the normal MoM approach is followed, but no attempt is made to
approximate the surface current or the scattered field observation points to a
single point on the wire cross-section. Instead, both are allowed to be
completely general points on the wire surface and the surface current is
allowed to have components both parallel to, and transverse to the wire axis.
This leads to an equation of the form:

I j
j .L ( J j )  (E i )

where Ij is a basis function for the surface current Jj, Ei is the incident electric
field strength and L is the integro-differential operator given by:

L ( J )  ( j A    ) tan (3.90)

where A and  are the vector and scalar potentials. If a set of testing functions
Wm is defined, equation (3.89) may be rewritten as:

I j
j Wm , L ( J j )  Wm , E i for j  1, 2,... N

Surface Kernel Solution of the Method of Moments 79

Wm , L ( J j )    ( W
s s'
m .L ( J j )) ds ' ds  Z mj

Wm , E i   ( W
m .E i ) ds  Vm

where ds and ds are the differential areas on the wire surface for the source
and the observation points respectively, m = 1, 2, ... N is the index of the
testing function and Z and V are the conventional abbreviations for the
interaction matrix and excitation vector terms in the Method of Moments.


The impedance matrix elements Zmj can be written using the closed
surface integral identity [68] as follows:

 1 
Z mj  j   J .W
s s'
j m 
(.J j )(.Wm )  g ( R)ds' ds


where g(R) is the free-space Green function [69-71] and is given by the

e  jkR
g (R) 
4R (3.95)

R is the distance between the observation and source points on the wire
surface. Singular integral occurs when R = 0 (i.e., g(R) ). The coordinates
for a point on the surface of the helix wire can be given by:

x  ,    x' cos    y ' sin  

80 K. N. Ramli, M. Lashab, K. H. Sayidmarie et al.

y  ,    x ' sin    y ' cos 


z  ,      a sin   cos  
2 (3.98)


x '  b  a cos   (3.99)

y '   a sin  sin   (3.100)

tan   
2b (3.101)

where a is the radius of the helix wire, b is the radius of the helix, P is the
pitch distance between the turns,  is the azimuth angle of the circumferential
cross-section wire and  is the pitch angle. Equations (3.99), (3.100) and
(3.101) are the exact coordinates of helix geometry. Defining two orthogonal
directions on the surface of the helix wire as shown in Figure 3.22, the unit
vectors of the curvilinear surface patches in both directions are:

Figure 3.22. Basic geometry of the helical antenna driven by a voltage source at its
centre. The directions of the orthogonal basis or test functions are shown on the right
and represent the source or observations points on the wire surface and its ends.
Surface Kernel Solution of the Method of Moments 81

aˆ  sin   cos   aˆx  cos   cos   aˆy  sin   aˆz (3.102)
aˆ cs   sin   cos    cos  sin  sin  aˆ x
 sin  sin    cos   cos  sin  aˆ y  cos   cos  aˆ z

where â and âcs are the unit vectors in the axial and circumferential
surfaces of the wire respectively as shown in Figure 3.22. The differential
lengths in both directions are:

d  b ' 'd (3.104)

dcs  ad  (3.105)

where d and d are the differential lengths in and  respectively, and

 P  '2
b''    b
 2  (3.106)

b '  (b  a cos( )) 2 (3.107)

The coordinates of the start surface of the helix at  = 0 is given by:

x r ,    b  r cos  

y r ,     r sin  sin   (3.109)

z r ,    r sin   cos   (3.110)

where 0 ra. Hence, the unit direction vectors of the basis function on the
end surface can be expressed as:
82 K. N. Ramli, M. Lashab, K. H. Sayidmarie et al.

aˆ r  cos   aˆ x  sin   sin   aˆ y  sin   cos   aˆ z (3.111)

aˆ ce   sin   aˆ x  cos   sin   aˆ y  cos   cos   aˆ z (3.112)

where â r and â ce are the unit vectors in the radial and the circumferential
directions on the end surface of the wire respectively as shown in Figure 3.22.
The differential area on the end surface can be given by:

dAend  rdrd (3.113)

Similarly, the unit direction vectors, coordinators and differential area on

the other end of the helix wire can be defined. Now, assume the surface
current density over the wire surface can be expressed by two orthogonal
current components in â and â cs (similarly at the surface end directions â r
and â ce ). Then if the surface current is expanded over the wire surface using
triangular basis functions in which the divergence of the current continuity is
finite [72], then as example, these functions into the axial direction can be
given by:

  
 f  
f      for 0     and 1     2
 f   1

 

f '    f '     for 0     and 1     2
 (3.115)

where f ' ( ) is the differentiation of f ( ) and  is the axial length of the

curvilinear patch presented in Figure 3.22 in the direction of  for all angle
values of  from 1 to 2.
A similar basis functions in the directions of â cs , â r and âce can be
given. The testing functions are chosen to be identical to the expansion basis
functions (Galerkin’s method) yielding a symmetric impedance matrix. Hence,
by substituting equations (3.96)-(3.115) into equation (3.94), the impedance
Surface Kernel Solution of the Method of Moments 83

matrix elements can be found. As an example, the impedance element for basis
and test function in the axial direction can be stated as follows:
 1 
Z  '  j   aˆ  .aˆ  f ( ) f ( ' )  k
s s'
' 2
f ( ) f ( ' )  g ( R)ds' ds



ds  ab' ' dd


The other self and mutual impedance elements for all other basis
directions can be obtained in a similar way. The magnitude of R is written as:

R x  x '2   y  y '2  z  z '2 (3.118)

Since x, y and z are the function of  and , then R is also a function of 

and . By integrating equation (3.104), the following expression is achieved:

  b ' ' (3.119)

By substituting equations (3.106) and (3.107) into equation (3.119) gives:

 2 
  P  2 
     (b  a cos(  )) 
  2  
  (3.120)

Let say there is another axial length 1 of the curvilinear patch, then:

 2 
  P  2 
1      (b  a cos(  )) 1
  2  
  (3.121)

It can be clearly seen that  remains constant along the axial length. In
other words:
84 K. N. Ramli, M. Lashab, K. H. Sayidmarie et al.

 
f ( )  
 1 1 (3.122)


Equation (3.116) can be rewritten as:

H ( ,  ,  ' ,  ' )e  jkR ( , , ', ')

Z ' '  j  
   ' '
4R ( ,  ,  ' ,  ' )
d ' d ' dd

From this equation, singularity occurs when:

   ' and    ' (3.124)

Moreover, when the surfaces of the patches are very close in proximity to
each other still there will be pseudo-singularity. The condition occurs when:

   ' ' and    ' ' (3.125)

In this case, equation (3.123) cannot be integrated directly due to the

problem of singularity. However, the obstacle can be alleviated by means of
cancellation technique [73] with the introduction of additional function (see
Appendix A). Consider a point P on a patch of helix wire as depicted in Figure
3.23. The point is considered to be anywhere on the patch which is located in
proximity above the origin. It should be noted that point S is the starting point
for integration process. L and W are the length and the width of the patch
respectively. â  and âcs are the unit vectors in the axial and circumferential
surfaces of the wire respectively. û p and û t are the new unit vectors due to
point P in the axial and circumferential surfaces of the wire respectively.
It can be shown that from Figure 3.23, the following expression can be
obtained fundamentally:

r p  puˆ p  tuˆ t
Surface Kernel Solution of the Method of Moments 85

r1s  r1  r p

Figure 3.23. Point P on a patch of helix wire above the origin.

By substituting equation (3.126) into equation (3.127), the following

expression can be achieved:

r1s  r1  ( puˆ p  tuˆ t )


In general, equation (3.128) is used as the starting point for integration.

Equation (3.123) can thus be expanded as:

H( ,  ,  ' ,  ' )e  jkR( , , ', ')
Z ' '  j 
   4R( ,  ,  ' ,  ' )
d ' d ' dd
   '  '

J ( ,  , p' , t ' )e  jkR( , , p ',t ')
   4R( ,  , p' , t ' )
dp' dt ' dd 

  p' t ' 
J ( ,  , p' , t ' )e  jkR( , , p ',t ')
 j  
  p' t '
4R( ,  , p' , t ' )
dp' dt ' dd
86 K. N. Ramli, M. Lashab, K. H. Sayidmarie et al.

The above equation can be solved using numerical solution:

n n  n ' n ' H ( ,  ,  ' , ' )e  jkR(i , j , 'k , 'l )

i j k l
Z ' '  j      ( )w 'l w 'k
i 1 j 1k 1l 1 4R(i , j , 'k ,  'l )

n p ' nt '  J ( ,  , p ' , t ' )e jkR i j p k t l 
 ( , , ' , ' )
    w w
i j k l

k 1l 1
 4R(i ,  j , p'k , t 'l )   t 'l p ' k
 
 jkR (i , j , p ',t ')
n n  J (i ,  j , p ' , t ' )e 
 j      dt ' dp'  w j wi

i 1 j 1 p 't ' 4R(i ,  j , p ' , t ' ) 
  (3.130)

The last term of equation (3.130) can be solved using analytical solution:

 jkR(i , j , p ',t ')

J(i ,  j , p' , t ' )e
Ip't '  
p' t '
4R(i ,  j , p' , t ' )
dt' dp'

For simplicity, the above equation can be reduced to the following format:

a1  a 2 t
I 
p t v 2  ( p  p1 ) 2  (t  t1 ) 2

where a1, a2, v, p1 and t1 are constants. The analytical solution of the equation
is given by the expression:

I  a1C  a2 D  constant (3.133)

The expression for C and D are given in the Appendix B.


Initially, simple antenna geometries such as dipole and loop antennas were
investigated and discussed as special cases of more complex geometries such
as the helix. The antenna geometries of the parallel dipoles and loops are
shown in Figure 3.24. A similar procedure of placing orthogonal basis
Surface Kernel Solution of the Method of Moments 87

distribution over the wire surface and wire ends as for the dipoles are used. A
computer program was written to implement the analysis given in the previous
section. The surface patch subdivision was automatically generated by the
program, subject to the number of the basis functions in both orthogonal
directions. The impressed field Ei is modelled by a delta-function voltage
source at the centre of the dipole and the helix whereas in loop it was placed at
 = 0.

a b

Figure 3.24. The geometry models of two parallel dipoles and loop antennas including
the directions of the basis or test functions used; (a) dipoles, (b) loops. A simple axial
excitation (in the -direction) was considered. Thus the impressed field can be given

Ei   ( c )aˆ
2a (3.134)

where a is the radius of the wire antenna and c is the half axial length of the
dipole or the helix. The antenna wire for all geometries was assumed to be
perfectly conducting and surrounded by free space. Several examples were
used to investigate the surface current distribution of dipoles, loops and
NMHA as predicted by the formulation, as follows.
The response of the input impedance of two parallel dipoles of 50 cm
length and 5 mm wire radius separated by 15 mm is presented in Figure 3.25.
In this example, both dipoles were centrally fed as presented in equation
The axial and circumferential lengths were subdivided by 16 curvilinear
patches of equal lengths in both directions. The attachment basis modes
between the wire ends and the wire surface were placed subject to the
88 K. N. Ramli, M. Lashab, K. H. Sayidmarie et al.

corresponding number of axial and circumferential patches used. It is found

that the results agree well with those calculated using NEC [51] (extended
kernel solution), although it is to be expected that the latter will be less
reliable, as less detail in the behaviour of the wire is taken into account. It is
worth noting that Tulyathan and Newman [45], observed this behaviour on
half wavelength dipoles when they ignored the circumferential surface current
For the same antenna geometry, the input impedance at 300 MHz
(equivalent to half wavelength dipoles and 0.005 wavelength wire radius)
versus the separated distance between the dipoles is shown in Figure 3.26. It is
clearly seen that there is good agreement between the results of the present
work and those obtained from NEC except for the reactance values for closely
spaced distances.
However, the methods were completely different in their numerical
solutions. The normalised magnitudes of the axial and circumferential surface
current components of two parallel dipoles separated by 15 mm for the same
wire radius as above are shown in Figure 3.27, versus  (the azimuth of the
circumferential cross-section wire) at 6.25 cm and 4.6845 cm respectively,
considered from bottom of the dipoles of their local axes (equivalent to 
length measured from the bottom of the dipole), for different operating

Figure 3.25. The input impedance versus frequency for two parallel dipoles separated
by 15 mm; solid line: NEC [51], (‘ooo’ Resistance, ‘xxx’ Reactance present work).
Surface Kernel Solution of the Method of Moments 89

Figure 3.26. Input impedance at 300 MHz operating frequency of two parallel dipoles
of 50 cm length and 5 mm wire radius versus the separated distance between them;
(‘***’, ‘+++’: Present work), (‘ooo’ and ‘xxx’: NEC).

a b

Figure 3.27. The normalised magnitudes of the axial and circumferential surface
current components of the antenna geometry given in Figure 3.24 separated by 15 mm
versus  at  = 6.25 cm for axial and  = 4.6845 cm for circumferential from the
bottom of the dipoles for different operating frequencies: ‘xxx’ 100 MHz, ‘***’ 300
MHz, ‘ooo’ 500 MHz; (a) axial component, (b) circumferential component.
90 K. N. Ramli, M. Lashab, K. H. Sayidmarie et al.

It is very interesting to note that the non-uniform variations of these

currents over different frequencies have small marginal differences. The
maximum ratio of the axial component to the circumferential component was
around 34:1.
Similarly, these currents at 300 MHz (equivalent to half wavelength
dipoles) for different separation distances are presented in Figure 3.28. It
should be noted that the actual magnitudes of the circumferential component is
inversely proportional to the distance between the dipoles in spite of their
fixed variations shown in Figure 3.28(b). Also the axial component is still non-
uniform even when the separation distance between the dipoles is 100 mm (0.1
The normalised surface currents for a thicker wire of radius of 10 mm
(0.01 wavelengths) for the same antenna geometry versus the separation
distances between the dipoles are shown in Figure 3.29. Comparing Figures
3.28(a) and 3.29(a) the non-uniform effects on the axial components can be
strongly seen on the thick wires, for example at the separation distance of 100
mm. It is clear from Figures 3.25 and 3.26 that the average current along the
local axis of the dipoles will be similar to that computed using NEC, thus the
expected field pattern will be similar, and is not reproduced here. The ratio of
the power losses predicted from the non-uniform surface current distribution to
those predicted from the average (or uniform) current distribution was
considered as an equivalent measure of the improvement in modelling
verisimilitude when using the new method. However, since the losses are
small in most cases it is possible to assume that the antenna wire is perfectly
conducting and surrounded by free space; then losses can be predicted by
taking them as proportional to the surface current density squared. The
variation of the power loss ratio against the separated distance between two
parallel half wavelength dipoles, for two wire thicknesses, is shown in Figure
3.30. It can be noticed that for high separation distances, the power loss
converged to unity value as is expected.
However, the variations show a significant power loss for closely spaced
dipole antennas. For the following two antenna geometries we restrict our
discussion on the presence of non-uniformity of the surface currents that
clearly match the variations of the power loss ratios.
The normalised magnitudes of the axial and circumferential surface
current components for single and two parallel loops versus  for different
operating frequencies are shown in Figures 3.31 and 3.32 respectively. For
both figures the loop radius and wire radius are 3 cm and 5 mm respectively.
Surface Kernel Solution of the Method of Moments 91

a b

Figure 3.28. The normalised magnitudes of the axial and circumferential surface
current components versus  at similar location as Figure 3.27, for different separated
distances between the dipoles at 300 MHz (equivalent half wavelength dipoles with
0.005 wire radius): (a) axial component, (b) circumferential component. (‘ooo’: 15
mm, ‘xxx’: 30 mm, ‘***’: 50 mm, ‘+++’: 100 mm, ‘□□□’:500 mm).

a b

Figure 3.29. The normalised magnitudes of the axial and circumferential surface
current components versus  at similar locations as Figure 3.27, for different separated
distances between the dipoles at 300 MHz (equivalent to half wavelength dipoles with
0.01wire radius): (a) axial component, (b) circumferential component. (‘ooo’: 30 mm,
‘xxx’: 50 mm, ‘***’: 100 mm).
92 K. N. Ramli, M. Lashab, K. H. Sayidmarie et al.

Figure 3.30. Power loss ratio of two parallel half wavelength dipoles for various
separation distances; ‘ooo’: wire radius = 0.005λ, ‘xxx’: wire radius = 0.01.

In the case of parallel loops the separation distance was selected to be 15

mm. The loops are fed by a simple delta excitation source at  = 0.

a b

Figure 3.31. The normalised magnitudes of the axial and circumferential surface
current components versus  at  = 0: axial component and  = 33.75:
circumferential component, for a single loop antenna for different operating
frequencies. The loop radius and wire radius are 3 cm and 5 mm respectively.(a) axial
component, (b) circumferential component. (‘xxx’: 400 MHz, ‘ooo’: 600 MHz, ‘+++’:
800 MHz, ‘***’: 900 MHz).
Surface Kernel Solution of the Method of Moments 93

a b

Figure 3.32. The normalised magnitudes of the axial and circumferential surface
current components versus  at  = 0: axial component and = 33.75:
circumferential component, for two parallel loops separated by 15 mm and each has a
radius of 3 cm and 5 mm wire radius versus different operating frequencies. (a) axial
component, (b) circumferential component. (‘+++’: 400 MHz, ‘xxx’: 600 MHz, ‘***’:
800 MHz, ‘ooo’: 900 MHz).

The axial component is taken at the source location whereas the

circumferential is taken at  = 33.75 (angles are simply used here to define
the locations of the circumferential cross-section wire, and for this particular
angle the  length is 0.0177cm). It should be noted that the variations of the
currents for two parallel loops are taken for the bottom loop as shown in
Figure 3.24(b). It is clearly shown that the maximum variations of the axial
currents for frequencies less that the expected parallel resonance frequency of
the antenna structure are always pointed inside the loops geometries (i.e.  =
180). The circumferential component for the single loop antenna is similar to
that computed on the two parallel dipoles, and its ratio compared to the axial
component was found to be 41:1.
However, the same component for two parallel loops was reduced to
minimum around  = 90, whereas its ratio to axial component was 28:1.
Moreover, the normalised magnitudes of the axial and circumferential surface
current components for two half wavelength parallel loops each of radius
0.0796 wavelength and 0.013 wavelength wire radius versus  for various
separation distances d are shown in Figure 3.33. The locations of these
currents are similar to those taken in Figures 3.31 and 3.32. The axial
component reserved its variations for most of the distances considered in this
example as in the case of the single loop antenna except when at very close
94 K. N. Ramli, M. Lashab, K. H. Sayidmarie et al.

distance. The variations of the circumferential component was also eliminated

around  = 90 even the separation distance was 20a.

a b

Figure 3.33. The normalised magnitudes of the axial and circumferential surface
current components versus  at  = 0: axial component and  = 33.75:
circumferential component, for two half wavelength parallel loops each of radius
0.0796 wavelength and 0.013 wavelength wire radius, versus the separation distance
‘d’. (a) axial component, (b) circumferential component. (‘+++’: d = 3a, ‘xxx’: d = 6a,
‘***’: d = 20a, ‘ooo’: d = 100a).

a b

Figure 3.34. The normalised magnitudes of the axial and circumferential surface
current components of a half wavelength single turn helix antenna versus  at different
positions from the first end of the helix. The helix radius, wire radius and pitch
distance are 0.0796, 0.013 and 3a respectively. (a) axial component: ‘***’:0.031,
‘ooo’:0.125, ‘+++’:0.25 (b) circumferential component: ‘***’:0.0156,
‘ooo’:0.109, ‘+++’:0.234.
Surface Kernel Solution of the Method of Moments 95

a b

Figure 3.35. The normalised magnitudes of the axial and circumferential surface
current components of the same antenna geometry given in Figure 3.33, except that the
operating frequency is half than that used in Figure 3.33 (i.e. operating wavelength
2). (a) axial component: ‘***’:0.031, ‘ooo’:0.125, ‘+++’:0.25 (b) circumferential
component: ‘***’:0.0156, ‘ooo’:0.109, ‘+++’:0.234.

a b c

Figure 3.36. The normalised magnitudes of the axial and circumferential surface
current components of a half wavelength two turns helix antenna versus  for different
pitch distances. The helix radius and wire radius are 0.04 and 0.006 respectively.
(‘ooo’: P = 3a, ‘+++’: P = 5a, ‘xxx’: P = 7a, ‘***’: P = 9a)(a) axial component: taken
at 0.031 from the bottom end of the helix. (b) axial component: taken at the centre of
the helix. (c) circumferential component: taken at 0.023 from the bottom end of the

The normalised magnitudes of the axial and circumferential surface

current components of a half wavelength single turn helix antenna versus  at
different positions from the first end of the helix are shown in Figure 3.34. The
helix radius, wire radius and pitch distance are 0.0796, 0.013 and 3a
respectively. It is shown that the strong effects of the axial component were
96 K. N. Ramli, M. Lashab, K. H. Sayidmarie et al.

pointed inside the helix for all locations presented. These results might help to
approximate the equivalent of these variations into one curve that might be
taken along all the local length of the helix to assess the total loss power in the
axial direction. Similar variations were observed on the circumferential
component except that the strong effect has shifted from  = 90 to  = 135
for the locations presented. However, considering the strong effect locations of
these currents regardless of the locations of their maxima and taking into
account the similarities in these variations it may be concluded that this
indicates the approximate contribution of this current to the total loss power.
However, for the same antenna geometry given in Figure 3.34, the
currents were computed at half the operating frequency (i.e. operating
wavelength 2) as shown in Figure 3.35. It is clearly shown that the strong
effects of these current variations are mostly similar to that presented in Figure
3.34. Moreover, a strong correlation can be found in the variations of the
circumferential currents for different locations for this example. However, a
one turn helix is not sufficient to permit comment on the currents variations of
a multi-turn helix antenna, thus the following examples are considered. The
normalised magnitudes of the axial and circumferential surface current
components of a half wavelength of two, three, four and five turns helix
antenna versus  for different pitch distances are shown in Figures 3.36, 3.37
and 3.38.

a b c

Figure 3.37. The normalised magnitudes of the axial and circumferential surface
current components of a half wavelength three turns helix antenna versus  for
different pitch distances. The helix radius and wire radius are 0.0265 and 0.004
respectively. (‘ooo’: P = 3a, ‘+++’: P = 5a, ‘xxx’: P = 7a, ‘***’: P = 9a); (a) axial
component: taken at 0.0294 from the bottom end of the helix. (b) axial component:
taken at the centre of the helix. (c) circumferential component: taken at 0.022 from
the bottom end of the helix.
Surface Kernel Solution of the Method of Moments 97

a b

Figure 3.38. The normalised magnitudes of the axial surface current components of a
half wavelength four turns helix antenna versus  for different pitch distances. (a) four
turns: the helix radius and wire radius are 0.02 and 0.003 respectively; (b) five turns:
the helix radius and wire radius are 0.015 and 0.002 respectively; (‘ooo’: P = 3a,
‘+++’: P = 5a, ‘xxx’: P = 7a, ‘***’: P = 9a).

It is very clear that the axial and circumferential components were non-
uniform even if the pitch distance between the helix turns was nine times the
radius of the wire. Another interesting point is that the peak values of the axial
component were pointed inside the helix (i.e. around  = 180) for all helices
presented. This is clearly shown in the variations of these currents at the feed
points on Figures 3.36(b), 3.37(b), 3.38(a) and 3.38(b) and the helix turns in
Figures 3.36(a) (first turn) and 3.37(a) (first turn). The similarities of these
variations permit the approximate calculation of the effective power loss in
that particular direction. It was also observed that the maximum variations of
the circumferential component on the first turn confined between  = 0 and
180 as shown in Figures 3.34(b), 3.35(b), 3.36(c) and 3.37(c). However, the
maximum ratio of the axial component to the circumferential component for
all pitch distances was found between 15:1 and 40:1 for all helices more than
one turn.
General comments on the trend of these results are to predict the accurate
or approximated equivalent power losses that are associated with non-uniform
variations along the wire surfaces. Hence this will follow to affect the
radiation efficiency of this kind of antennas.
98 K. N. Ramli, M. Lashab, K. H. Sayidmarie et al.

The application of moment method in space domain has been presented in
this chapter, for 1-D, 2-D and 3-D antennas. From the 1-D antenna, we can
understand the very basic principles of the moment method since only one
variable involved. The application of this case can be just for very thin wire
antenna. It has been noticed that the current at the edges is vanishing due to the
current has greater value at the edges. In the second case of 2-D antenna, an
example of infinite cylinder has been studied. This can have an application for
thin wire antenna but infinite, the most important concept presented here are
the electric integral equation (EFIE) and the magnetic integral equation
(MFIE) manipulation. For each type of polarization we have to choose the
corresponding integral equation, also the concept of digitalizing the integral
equation is another important task to understand. In the last section, the 3-D
antennas have been treated, but only for body of revolution (BOR), where a 3-
D problem is brought to 2-D problem.
An application has been presented concerning the reflector antenna fed by
a dipole antenna, working at 30 GHz. The basis and testing functions are
chosen as wavelets mainly to reduce the computation time and the size of the
impedance matrix.
Finally, the radiation pattern of the reflector antenna was given for
different size of the diameter, the co-polarization is maximum in front of the
antenna and the cross-polarization is null in front of the antenna.
The surface current distributions on structures with closely spaced parallel
wires, such as dipoles, loops and helical antennas, can be computed by using
the method of moments with a general surface patch formulation. The current
distribution varies substantially from the common assumption that it is
uniform around the wire cross-section.
Transverse (circumferential) currents are shown to be present: they are
relatively weak on thin wires (around 0.01 wire radius) excited by axial
component parallel to the local axis of the wire. The effect is still significant
when the wire separation distance is relatively large.
In spite the strong variations of the axial and circumferential currents, it
was found that the input impedance and the average value of the axial surface
current are in reasonable good agreement with the results of thin wire codes
such as NEC using an extended kernel solution. The power loss ratio resulting
from use of non-uniform surface current, compared with the conventional
uniform assumption of two parallel dipoles, shows a significant increase of
power loss when they are closely separated. However, these current variations
Surface Kernel Solution of the Method of Moments 99

will dominate the radiation efficiency when predicting the accurate total power
loss on these types of antennas and this can be important in some applications,
e.g., highly resonant antennas and antennas realised in superconducting
materials. As a matter of interest it was computed that the maximum ratio of
the variations of the axial component to the circumferential component on a
half wavelength helix of a few turns for different pitch distances was between
15:1 to 40:1. This behaviour is expected as the NMHA has a hybrid of dipole
and loop behaviour. The modelling method employed a two-dimensional
electric surface patch integral equation formulation solved by independent
piecewise-linear basis function methods in the circumferential and axial
directions of the wire. A similar orthogonal basis function was used on the end
surface and appropriate attachments with the wire surface were employed to
satisfy the requirements of current continuity. The results were stable and
showed good agreement with less comprehensive earlier work by others.

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To find the tangent surface equation at a point on the curved surface can
be stated in the following. For simplicity, assume each point on the curved
surface S for all 3-D axes can be represented by two variables as u and v given

x  f u , v , x  f u  , v  (A.1)

y  g u , v , y  g u , v  (A.2)

z  h u , v , z   h u  , v  (A.3)

It should be noted that the above equations must be differentiable at any

given point such as (xo, yo, zo). Hereafter, these should be differentiable at (uo,
vo). Thus, the partial differentiation with respect to u and v evaluated at (uo, vo)
is given by:

a   fu gu hu  (A.4)

b   fv gv hv  (A.5)

where Rp = R/p, R could be f or g or h and p might be u or v. The normal

vector to the surface (i.e. orthogonal to the surface), can be expressed as:
106 K. N. Ramli, M. Lashab, K. H. Sayidmarie et al.

L 
M   ab
 (A.6)

 N 

The above notation can be extended using the cross product as in the
following matrix:

 L   g u  hv   g v  hu 
 M     f  h    f  h 
   v u u v  (A.7)
 N    f u  g v    f v  hu 

The total length of the normal vector can be given by:

D L2  M 2
N2 (A.8)
The tangent plane should satisfy the following formula:

x y z  Lx   My   Nz  (A.9)

Thus, the tangent surface for a point at (xo, yo, zo) can simply be expressed
by the following:

L  x  x   M  y  y    N  z  z    0 (A.10)

Of course the result is equivalent to the following necessary condition:

F x , y , z   0 (A.11)

The above equations are also applicable to direct surface equation such as
that given by the unit sphere at the origin:

x2  y2  z2 1  0 (A.12)
Surface Kernel Solution of the Method of Moments 107

The equation of the tangent plane at (xo, yo, zo):

x  x   F  y  y   F z  z   0 (A.13)
x x , y , z y x , y , z
z x , y , z

Keep in mind the required transformation can also be implemented for

other coordinates such as between the spherical and the Cartesian coordinates,
given by:
r x
  y (A.14)
 z

Again the above derivation can be applied to simple surfaces such as the
one given by the following example. Surface equation is z = 4x3y2 + 2y and the
tangent at point (1, -2, 12) can be derived as:

f x , y   4 x 3 y 2  2 y (A.15a)

 12 x 2 y 2 (A.15b)

 8x3 y  2 (A.15c)

Substituting the value of xo = 1 and yo = -2 to equation (A.15b) and

(A.15c) gives:

 48 (A.15d)
x x , y 
108 K. N. Ramli, M. Lashab, K. H. Sayidmarie et al.

 14 (A.15e)
y x , y

Hence, the tangent plane is given by the expression:

48 x  1  14  y  2   z  12   0 (A.15f)

48 x  14 y  z  64 (A.15g)

Finally, the tangent surface of helix wire can be derived as follows. Given
the coordinates of the helix by the following:

x  b  a cos   cos  (A.16)

y  b  a cos  sin  (A.17)

z   a sin  (A.18)

 x   x 
   
    ,      , 
L    x 
    y  
 M       
 N     ,   ,
z   
   x 
     ,     
   , 
Surface Kernel Solution of the Method of Moments 109

The expression for C in equation (3.133) in Chapter 3 is given by:

C  log(t1  t  (v2  p2  2 pp1  p12  t 2  2tt1  t12 ) 2 ) p  p  p1
1 1
 log(v2  p2  2 pp1  p12 )  v  atan( (2 p  2 p1) / v)  t / ((t  t1)2 ) 2
2 2
1 1 1 1
 log((2t 2  4tt1  2t12  2(v2 ) 2 ( p  p1  (v2 ) 2 )  2((t  t1)2 ) 2 (( p  p1  (v2 ) 2 )2
1 1 1 1 1 1
 2(v2 ) 2 ( p  p1  (v2 ) 2 )  t 2  2tt1  t12 ) 2 ) / ( p  p1  (v2 ) 2 )) p1  t(v2 ) 2 / ((t  t1)2 ) 2
1 1 1 1
 log((2t 2  4tt1  2t12  2(v2 ) 2 ( p  p1  (v2 ) 2 )  2((t  t1 )2 ) 2 (( p  p1  (v2 ) 2 )2
1 1 1 1 1 1
 2(v2 ) 2 ( p  p1  (v2 ) 2 )  t 2  2tt1  t12 ) 2 ) / ( p  p1  (v2 ) 2 ))  t(v2 ) 2 / ((t  t1)2 ) 2
1 1 1 1
 log((2t 2  4tt1  2t12  2(v2 ) 2 ( p  p1  (v2 ) 2 )  2((t  t1 )2 ) 2 (( p  p1  (v2 ) 2 )2
1 1 1 1 1
 2(v2 ) 2 ( p  p1  (v2 ) 2 )  t 2  2tt1  t12 ) 2 ) / ( p  p1  (v2 ) 2 ))  t / ((t  t1 )2 ) 2
1 1 1 1
 log((2t 2  4tt1  2t12  2(v2 ) 2 ( p  p1  (v2 ) 2 )  2((t  t1 )2 ) 2 (( p  p1  (v2 ) 2 )2
1 1 1 1 1
 2(v2 ) 2 ( p  p1  (v2 ) 2 )  t 2  2tt1  t12 ) 2 ) / ( p  p1  (v2 ) 2 )) p1  t1 / ((t  t1 )2 ) 2
1 1 1 1
 log((2t 2  4tt1  2t12  2(v2 ) 2 ( p  p1  (v2 ) 2 )  2((t  t1 )2 ) 2 (( p  p1  (v2 ) 2 )2
1 1 1 1 1 1
 2(v2 ) 2 ( p  p1  (v2 ) 2 )  t 2  2tt1  t12 ) 2 ) / ( p  p1  (v2 )2 )) p1  t1 (v2 ) 2 / ((t  t1 )2 )2
1 1 1 1
 log((2t 2  4tt1  2t12  2(v2 )2 ( p  p1  (v2 ) 2 )  2((t  t1 )2 ) 2 (( p  p1  (v2 )2 )2
1 1 1 1
 2(v2 ) 2 ( p  p1  (v2 ) 2 )  t 2  2tt1  t12 ) 2 ) / ( p  p1  (v2 )2 ))t
 log( p  p1  (v2  p2  2 pp1  p12  t 2  2tt1  t12 ) 2 )  t1
1 1 1
 log( p  p1  (v2  p2  2 pp1  p12  t 2  2tt1  t12 ) 2 )  t1(v2 ) 2 / ((t  t1)2 ) 2 ...
110 K. N. Ramli, M. Lashab, K. H. Sayidmarie et al.

1 1 1 1
... log((2t 2  4tt1  2t12  2(v2 ) 2 ( p  p1  (v2 ) 2 )  2((t  t1)2 ) 2 (( p  p1  (v2 ) 2 )2
1 1 1 1 1
 2(v2 ) 2 ( p  p1  (v2 ) 2 )  t 2  2tt1  t12 ) 2 ) /( p  p1  (v2 ) 2 ))  t1 /((t  t1)2 ) 2
1 1 1 1
 log((2t 2  4tt1  2t12  2(v2 ) 2 ( p  p1  (v2 ) 2 )  2((t  t1)2 ) 2 (( p  p1  (v2 ) 2 )2
1 1 1 1
 2(v2 ) 2 ( p  p1  (v2 ) 2 )  t 2  2tt1  t12 ) 2 ) /( p  p1  (v2 ) 2 )) p1

The expression for D in equation (3.133) in Chapter 3 is given by:

1 1
D  (2 p  2 p1 )(v 2  p 2  2 pp1  p12  t 2  2tt1  t12 ) 2 
4 2
 log(p  p1  (v 2  p 2  2 pp1  p12  t 2  2tt1  t12 ) 2 )v 2 
 log(p  p1  (v 2  p 2  2 pp1  p12  t 2  2tt1  t12 ) 2 )t12 
 log(p  p1  (v 2  p 2  2 pp1  p12  t 2  2tt1  t12 ) 2 )t 2  t1 p
1 1
 log(t1  t  (v 2  p2  2 pp1  p12  t 2  2tt1  t12 ) 2 )  t1 p  t1tp1 /((t  t1) 2 ) 2
1 1 1 1 1
 log((2t 2  4tt1  2t12  2(v 2 ) 2 ( p  p1  (v 2 ) 2 )  2((t  t1) 2 ) 2 (( p  p1  (v 2 ) 2 ) 2  2(v 2 ) 2
1 1 1 1 1
 ( p  p1  (v 2 ) 2 )  t 2  2tt1  t12 ) 2 ) /( p  p1  (v 2 ) 2 )  t 2  2tt1  t12 ) 2 ))  t1tp1 /((t  t1 )2 ) 2
1 1 1 1 1
 log((2t 2  4tt1  2t12  2(v 2 ) 2 ( p  p1  (v 2 ) 2 )  2((t  t1)2 ) 2 (( p  p1  (v 2 ) 2 )2  2(v 2 ) 2
1 1 1 1
 ( p  p1  (v 2 ) 2 )  t 2  2tt1  t12 ) 2 ) /( p  p1  (v 2 ) 2 ))  t12 p1 /((t  t1) 2 ) 2
1 1 1 1 1
 log((2t 2  4tt1  2t12  2(v 2 ) 2 ( p  p1  (v2 ) 2 )  2((t  t1) 2 ) 2 (( p  p1  (v2 ) 2 ) 2  2(v2 ) 2
1 1 1 1
 ( p  p1  (v 2 ) 2 )  t 2  2tt1  t12 ) 2 ) /( p  p1  (v 2 ) 2 ))  t12 p1 /((t  t1) 2 ) 2
1 1 1 1 1
 log((2t 2  4tt1  2t12  2(v2 ) 2 ( p  p1  (v2 ) 2 )  2((t  t1)2 ) 2 (( p  p1  (v2 ) 2 )2  2(v2 ) 2 ) 2
1 1 1 1
 2(v 2 ) 2 ( p  p1  (v2 ) 2 )  t 2  2tt1  t12 ) 2 ) /( p  p1  (v 2 ) 2 ))  t1 p1
1 1
 log((v2  p2  2 pp1  p12  t1t(v2 ) 2 /((t  t1)2 ) 2 ...
Surface Kernel Solution of the Method of Moments 111

1 1 1 1 1
... log((2t 2  4tt1  2t12  2(v2 ) 2 ( p  p1  (v2 ) 2 )  2((t  t1 )2 )2 (( p  p1  (v2 ) 2 )2  2(v2 )2
1 1 1 1 1
 ( p  p1  (v2 ) 2 )  t 2  2tt1  t12 ) 2 ) / ( p  p1  (v2 ) 2 ))  t1t(v2 ) 2 / ((t  t1)2 ) 2
1 1 1 1 1
 log((2t 2  4tt1  2t12  2(v2 ) 2 ( p  p1  (v2 ) 2 )  2((t  t1 )2 ) 2 (( p  p1  (v2 ) 2 )2  2(v2 ) 2
1 1 1 1 1
 ( p  p1  (v2 ) 2 )  t 2  2tt1  t12 ) 2 ) / ( p  p1  (v2 ) 2 ))  t12 (v2 ) 2 / ((t  t1 )2 ) 2
1 1 1 1 1
 log((2t 2  4tt1  2t12  2(v2 ) 2 ( p  p1  (v2 ) 2 )  2((t  t1 )2 )2 (( p  p1  (v2 )2 )2  2(v2 )2
1 1 1 1 1
 ( p  p1  (v2 ) 2 )  t 2  2tt1  t12 )2 ) / ( p  p1  (v2 )2 ))  t12 (v2 )2 / ((t  t1 )2 )2
1 1 1 1 1
 log((2t 2  4tt1  2t12  2(v2 )2 ( p  p1  (v2 )2 )  2((t  t1 )2 )2 (( p  p1  (v2 )2 )2  2(v2 )2
1 1 1
 ( p  p1  (v2 )2 )  t 2  2tt1  t12 )2 ) / ( p  p1  (v2 )2 ))  t1v  atan( (2 p  2 p1) / v)
In: Development of Complex Electromagnetic … ISBN: 978-1-61122-013-1
Editors: K. N. Ramli et al. © 2014 Nova Science Publishers, Inc.

Chapter 4


K. N. Ramli1, R. A. Abd-Alhameed2 and P. S. Excell3

Faculty of Electrical and Electronics Engineering,
Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia,
Parit Raja, Batu Pahat, Johor, Malaysia
Mobile and Satellite Communications Research Centre,
Bradford University, Bradford, UK
Institute for Arts, Science and Technology,
Glyndwr University, Wrexham, UK

A new approach to the modeling of electromagnetic wave
propagation and penetration in and around electrically small objects is
presented. The traveling electromagnetic wave from a source is simulated
by the finite-difference time-domain solution of Maxwell’s equations,
and a sub-gridding technique is imposed at points of interest in order to
observe the electromagnetic field at high resolution.
The computational burden caused by the requirement for a large
number of time steps has been ameliorated by implementing the state-of-
the-art quasi-static approach. The method is demonstrated by finding the
induced electromagnetic fields near a buried pipeline that runs parallel to
400-kV power transmission lines; results are presented and discussed.
114 K. N. Ramli, R. A. Abd-Alhameed and P. S. Excell

The sharing of route by overhead high voltage power transmission lines
(OHTL) and buried utility pipelines has become quite common nowadays [1].
Most of the countries in the world typically follow the same procedure to
distribute the energy to rural and urban territories. The primary reason of this
tendency is the restriction imposed by government and private organisations
concerning the environmental effect due to the development of the facilities
needed on a given location of interest.
The numerous constraints become more alarming as new construction
reaches high density urban areas. This sharing of way prompts the question to
the public concern as to the effect of OHTL has on underground pipelines. In
some situations, the underground utility pipelines may be very close in
proximity to OHTL. It is thus necessary to take into account the
electromagnetic fields induced above the pipelines [1]. Electromagnetic
interference can be generated in the pipelines due to the electromagnetic
induction between the underground pipelines and OHTL when they are close
to each other in the vicinity. In general, the interference can be composed into
two; namely conductive interference and inductive interference. Conductive
interference is the potential increase of the ground in the vicinity of the
pipelines. It happens from a large current injected into the ground from the
transmission line particularly due to the lightning strikes between the tower
and the overhead transmission line. In contrast, inductive interference is the
voltage generated in the pipelines due to the induction of the electromagnetic
field of the OHTL.
This work presents the development of a new approach of modelling the
source excitation and the penetration of structures by continuous propagating
electromagnetic plane waves. The technique incorporates the solution of time-
dependent Maxwell’s equations and the initial value problem as the structures
are illuminated by the plane waves. The propagation of waves from source
excitation is simulated by solving a finite-difference Maxwell's equation in the
time domain. The ultimate objective of research in this area is to access the
appropriateness of the method in determining the amount of electromagnetic
penetrating fields between OHTL and underground utility pipeline. The three-
phase OHTL are modelled as the AC sources and the pipeline as the dielectric
material. In this case, the pipeline is defined as the fine grid and the residual
spaces as the coarse grid in the computational spaces. The fields between these
two grids are unknown in nature and have to be calculated. Interpolation
algorithm is thus required between the grids. The aim of the present work is to
Quasi-Static Finite-Difference Time-Domain … 115

develop the general code for solving the electric and magnetic fields within
arbitrary metal or dielectric structures, while maintaining a boundary of
uncertainty low reflection level in two-dimensional approach.
In this work, finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) method has been used
due to its easiness and potentiality to treat complex geometry structures in the
huge calculation region [2-12]. This method of solving Maxwell’s differential
equations was first proposed in two-dimensional problems [13] and then
utilized in three-dimensional applications [14]. However, the standard FDTD
method is incompetent if the details of the geometry need to be modelled due
to a global fine mesh. As a result, the total number of cells increases
dramatically. The time step must be reduced to fulfill the Courant stability
condition causing the computational time to increase significantly. The
discretisation of time step is crucial for accurate determination of the scheme
and has to be small enough to resolve different dielectric or metal structures.
A frequency domain integral equation such as method of moments is well
suited for modelling complex of antennas in free space [15]. In other words, its
strength is solving PEC structures effectively. Generally, it employs a method
of weighted residuals.
All such techniques begin by establishing trial functions with one or more
adjustable parameters, and the residuals are obtained from the differences
between trial and true solutions. The parameters are found using minimisation
to give the best fit of the trial function. In contrast, the time domain FDTD
technique is best suited for modelling electromagnetic fields inside and outside
inhomogeneous media, in particular the ground.
The presence of arbitrary inhomogeneous objects inside the computational
domain does not seriously impact the number of unknowns to be determined.
Many researchers in the past have been prompted to investigate
subgridding technique as an analysis approach in the interaction between
source and scatterer [16-21]. In general, this technique is used to condense the
lattice at the point of interest locally and does not require any analytical
formula to be taken into account, and hence it is appropriate for objects of any
shape. The residual of the space is filled with coarse grids. The fields on the
boundary between coarse and fine grids are coupled using spatial and temporal
interpolations. The regions of the coarse and fine grids are computed by the
FDTD method and are kept in time step. A stable subgridding algorithm can
refine the mesh locally and improve the accuracy of the result without
increasing the computational efforts significantly. It is hence very useful for
FDTD code.
116 K. N. Ramli, R. A. Abd-Alhameed and P. S. Excell

Chilton and Lee [22] developed a subgridding method based on multigrid

finite element principles in 2-D. The work was then extended to 3-D. The
method was applied to the parallel plate waveguide with different dielectric
material and shape for validation purposes. Later, they developed a higher
order FDTD with appropriate media boundary conditions. The method which
was called conservative subgridding was derived for Lobatto Cell [23]. Lin
and Kuo [24] used Crank-Nicolson algorithm in the subgridding scheme to
handle problems involving fine structural features. Numerical results were
presented for unilateral fin-line and dielectric cylinder scattering. Some
attempts have been taken in the analysis of cavity with one and two perfect
electric conductor (PEC) fins [25, 26], metamaterial slab [27], electrostatic
plate condensator, circular coaxial waveguide and circular waveguide [28],
PEC cylinder with a current filament in free space [29, 30], lossy dielectric
block located near a short linear antenna [31] and passive equivalent circuit
FDTD technique has been applied to the high voltage power transmission
line analysis in the published literature. The computation of transient
electromagnetic fields due to switching within a typical high-voltage air-
insulated substation (AIS) was done by using FDTD method [33]. Dedkova
and Kriz [34] proposed a new effective approach to evaluate the distribution of
voltage and current along the nonlinear transmission line by using FDTD
method. An improved technique was proposed by Tang et al. [35] to calculate
the transient inductive interference in underground metallic pipelines due to a
fault in nearby power lines. The frequency-dependent problem in the analysis
of transient interference was solved in phase domain based on FDTD method.
Lu and Cui [36] used FDTD method to calculate the wave processes of voltage
and current distributed along the three-phase 500 kV busbars and the power
lines without load in the substation of multi-conductor transmission lines
(MTL). The iterative formulas were presented to determine the boundary
conditions at the node of the branches. The work was extended to transmission
line network and non-uniform line [37]. Vector fitting method was adopted in
FDTD to treat with the frequency dependent parameters [38]. In this case, the
corresponding voltage and current recursion formulations in FDTD technique
were presented based on the recursive algorithm for time domain convolution.
The comparison of transient analysis method using Bergeron's method, FDTD
method and time-domain finite-element (TDFE) was discussed in [39].
Numerical results of MTL simulations based on Laplace transform and FDTD
method was presented and compared in [40].
Quasi-Static Finite-Difference Time-Domain … 117

The method mentioned above has two main advantages relative to the
other modelling approaches. First, it is simple to implement for complicated
dielectric or metal structures due to arbitrary electrical parameters can be
assigned to each cell on the grid.
Second, the entire computational spaces need not to be discretised with a
fine grid as it put unreasonable burden on the computer processing time. The
ultimate objective of research in this area is to access the appropriateness of
the method in determining the amount of electromagnetic penetrating fields
between transmission lines and underground utility pipeline. The three-phase
transmission lines are modelled as the AC sources and the pipeline as the
dielectric material. In this case, the pipeline is defined as the fine grid and the
residual spaces as the coarse grid in the computational spaces. The fields
between these two grids are unknown in nature and have to be calculated.
Interpolation algorithm is thus required between the grids. The aim of the
present work is to develop the general code for solving the electric and
magnetic fields within arbitrary metal or dielectric structures, while
maintaining a boundary of uncertainty low reflection level in two-dimensional


FDTD technique is not a practical scheme when low frequency is applied
due to lengthy simulation time. The computer burden cannot be solved even
for reasonable spatial resolution. For example, the spatial resolution of x = y
= z = 1 cm is given at 50 Hz power line frequency. The duration of time step
required is given from Courant stability criterion, t = x/c 3 = 1.92 ns. In
order to cover one complete cycle, the number of time steps needed is N =
1/(ft) = 1.0  107. It needs many years to complete the simulation even when
run on fast machine. However, a method known as quasi-static approximation
proposed by Moerloose et al. [41] solve the difficulties. The formulation takes
into account the wavelength which is much greater than the object of study.
The primary advantage of quasi-static formulation is thus reducing the long
simulation time constraint. There have been some early efforts of using quasi-
static idea to study the interaction between living tissues exposed to extremely
low frequency (ELF) electric fields in the published literature such as [42-44].
The basis of their research dominantly verifies the effectiveness of quasi-static
scheme at very low frequency. FDTD comes into play when researches in [45-
118 K. N. Ramli, R. A. Abd-Alhameed and P. S. Excell

48] applied the same knowledge. In this case, the dimension of the object of
study is at a fraction of the wavelength. An attempt to gain the scheme of
using the same technique but at much higher frequencies of 900 MHz and
1800 MHz has been made by See et al. in 2003 [49-50].
The theoretical method discussed by the authors in [42-44] has been
realised in the present work to approximate the quasi-static FDTD
subgridding. In general, two conditions must be satisfied before applying the
quasi-static formulation:

i The size of the object is a factor of 10 or more, smaller than the

ii │ + jωε│ >> ωεo


 is the conductivity of the object (S/m)

ε is permittivity of the object (F/m)
ω is the angular frequency (measured in radians per second, with units s-1)
εo is the free space permittivity (8.85  10-12 F/m)
From the conditions stated above, the electric field components tangent to
the surface of the structure and the internal fields are roughly zero compared to
the applied field. The external electric field components can be viewed as
orthogonal to the structure. From Maxwell’s equation with div D = , the
boundary condition for the normal electric field components at the surface of
the region of interest is given by the expression [43-45]:
  
j o nˆ  Eair   tissue  j tissue n  Etissue

The ‘’ symbol in equation (4.1) basically refers to vector dot product.
From this equation with the two stated conditions satisfied, the scaling
relationship can be deduced [43-45]:

       f   j   f    
E tissue  f      
 E tissue  f 
       f   j  f   (4.2)

Quasi-Static Finite-Difference Time-Domain … 119

E tissue  f  is the resultant internal electric field (V/m)

  f   is the scaling internal electric field (V/m)
E tissue
f is the frequency of interest (Hz)
f  is the scaling frequency (Hz)
ω is the angular frequency of interest (s-1)
ω is the scaling angular frequency (s-1)
 is the conductivity of the object (S/m)
  is the scaling conductivity of the object (S/m)

Assuming that   f     f  and    f      f   , then equation

(4.2) can be approximated as [43-45]:

  f   f   
E tissue  f    E  f 
 f   f   tissue

It can be concluded that from this equation, a higher working scaling

frequency f  which falls within the quasi-static region can be chosen to excite
the model in order to reduce the computational burden. Hence, the scaling
internal electric field which is calculated at much higher frequency of 460 kHz
can be shifted back to the actual 50 Hz power line frequency.


The main grid of the computational domain was basically divided into
subgrids, and the missing fields on the boundary between them are predicted
using temporal and spatial interpolations. The average electrical characteristics
were considered between the main grid cells and fine grid (subgridding cells)
when dielectric material (in this case the pipeline) was present on the interface
surface. The field components will be updated on both the main grid and
subgridding cells as shown in Figure 4.1.
Subgrid technique was validated by illustrating example in two cases.
Case 1 was considered when the observed field was located inside subgrid area
with two conditions: (a) Without subgrid, and (b) With subgrid, as shown in
Figure 2 (refers to the x symbol inside the grid region). Case 2 was considered
when the observed field was located outside subgrid area with two conditions:
120 K. N. Ramli, R. A. Abd-Alhameed and P. S. Excell

(a) Without subgrid, and (b) With subgrid, as depicted in Figure 4.2 (refers to
the x symbol outside the grid region).
The problem space was excited by sinusoidal wave and Gaussian pulse at
1800 MHz. The electric fields at the same point for case 1 and case 2 were
observed and compared as illustrated in Figures 4.3(a).

Figure 4.1. Subgridding model with field components at the main and fine grid.

a b
Figure 4.2. The observed field was located inside/outside subgrid area: (a) Without
subgrid, (b) With subgrid.
Quasi-Static Finite-Difference Time-Domain … 121

Figure 4.3. The observed fields: (a) The electric field inside subgrid and at normal grid,
(b) The magnetic field inside subgrid and at normal grid.

The corresponding electric field values in numerical is shown in Table

4.1(a). The magnetic fields at the same point for case 1 and case 2 were also
observed and compared as illustrated in Figures 4.3(b). The corresponding
magnetic field values in numerical is shown in Table 4.1(b).
Table 4.1. The observed fields in numerical values: (a) The electric field inside subgrid and at normal grid, (b) The
magnetic field inside subgrid and at normal grid

Sinusoidal Gaussian
Inside Subgrid Outside Subgrid Inside Subgrid Outside Subgrid
Number of
Ez at Ez at Ez at Ez at
Time Steps Ez at Ez at Ez at Ez at
Normal Normal Normal Normal
Subgrid Subgrid Subgrid Subgrid
Grid Grid Grid Grid
1 -0.1400 -0.1400 -0.1900 -0.1900 -0.1900 0.0087 -0.1900 0.0087
1000 -0.1523 -0.1527 -0.2088 -0.2095 -0.2088 0.0191 -0.2088 0.0135
2000 0.1067 0.1154 0.1881 0.2014 0.1881 0.0061 0.1881 0.0043
3000 0.1994 0.2113 0.3301 0.3483 0.3301 0.0035 0.3301 0.0025
4000 -0.0135 -0.0091 0.0038 0.0106 0.0038 0.0025 0.0038 0.0018
5000 -0.2440 -0.2477 -0.3494 -0.3550 -0.3494 0.0019 -0.3494 0.0013
6000 -0.1781 -0.1794 -0.2483 -0.2504 -0.2483 0.0014 -0.2483 0.0010
7000 0.0899 0.0980 0.1624 0.1747 0.1624 0.0012 0.1624 0.0008
8000 0.1869 0.1983 0.3110 0.3285 0.3110 0.0010 0.3110 0.0007
9000 -0.0233 -0.0192 -0.0111 -0.0049 -0.0111 0.0008 -0.0111 0.0006
10000 -0.2520 -0.2559 -0.3616 -0.3676 -0.3616 0.0007 -0.3616 0.0005
Sinusoidal Gaussian
Inside Subgrid Outside Subgrid Inside Subgrid Outside Subgrid
Number of
Hy at Hy at Hy at Hy at
Time Steps Hy at Hy at Hy at Hy at
Normal Normal Normal Normal
Subgrid Subgrid Subgrid Subgrid
Grid Grid Grid Grid
1 0.1000 0.1000 0.0067 0.0067 0.0039 0.0039 0.0055 0.0055
1000 0.1428 0.1441 0.0571 0.0588 0.0571 0.0588 0.0571 0.0588
2000 -0.7502 -0.7757 -1.1335 -1.1675 -1.1335 -1.1675 -1.1335 -1.1675
3000 -1.0701 -1.1052 -1.5602 -1.6070 -1.5602 -1.6070 -1.5602 -1.6070
4000 -0.3365 -0.3496 -0.5820 -0.5995 -0.5820 -0.5995 -0.5820 -0.5995
5000 0.4586 0.4693 0.4781 0.4925 0.4781 0.4925 0.4781 0.4925
6000 0.2316 0.2356 0.1755 0.1808 0.1755 0.1808 0.1755 0.1808
7000 -0.6922 -0.7160 -1.0563 -1.0879 -1.0563 -1.0879 -1.0563 -1.0879
8000 -1.0271 -1.0609 -1.5028 -1.5479 -1.5028 -1.5479 -1.5028 -1.5479
9000 -0.3028 -0.3149 -0.5371 -0.5532 -0.5371 -0.5532 -0.5371 -0.5532
10000 0.4859 0.4975 0.5145 0.5300 0.5145 0.5300 0.5145 0.5300
124 K. N. Ramli, R. A. Abd-Alhameed and P. S. Excell

The electric fields in subgrid region (Ezg) and at normal grid (Ez) for case 1
were found to be identical to each other to confirm the proof of concept. The
electric fields Ez with and without subgrid for case 2 were also found to be
identical to each other. A similar explanation also applies for the magnetic
fields for both case 1 and 2.
The results in Figure 4.4 illustrate the stability of the simulation inside the
problem space. The electric field remained at 0.23 V/m when using different
values of subgrid cells to justify that the results converge with the mesh size in
the computational domain.



A source code was written to implement the design and analysis of the
interaction between overhead high voltage power transmission lines and
buried utility pipeline. Fortran 90 was used as a programming language
platform. The work was devoted to 2-D TM case.

Figure 4.4. Electric field distribution for different numbers of subgrid cells in one main
FDTD cell.
Quasi-Static Finite-Difference Time-Domain … 125

Figure 4.5. Outline of standard circuit 400 kV steel lattice transmission high voltage
suspension towers with normal span of 300 m (low height construction design, not to
scale) [51, 52].

Figure 4.5 illustrates the cross section and the dimension of a common
corridor in which a buried utility pipeline runs parallel to a 400 kV overhead
power transmission line. It is designed with low height construction. The
height from the ground to the bottom conductors is 17 m. The distance from
the overhead ground wire to the earth surface is 32 m. Phase A conductors at
the top were collocated horizontally with a separation of 3.0 m. The bottom
conductors of phase B, phase B to C and phase C were collocated horizontally
with a separation of 1.75 m, 3.5 m and 1.75 m between two adjacent
conductors respectively. The three phase steel lattice transmission high voltage
suspension tower was designed with six cables. These cables were used as the
source signal which propagates inside the problem space. Each of the two
cables carries the same phase of the AC current.
The general equations of phase A, phase B and phase C cables were given
respectively by the expressions:

Phase A  sin(2ft )
126 K. N. Ramli, R. A. Abd-Alhameed and P. S. Excell

 2 
Phase B  sin 2ft   
 3 

 4 
Phase C  sin 2ft   
 3 

where f is the frequency (Hz) and t is the time (s). The pipeline was separated
at a distance of 100 m from the steel lattice suspension towers and buried 2 m
beneath the surface of the earth. It was made from metal with a very high
conductivity of 4.75  106 S/m. The radius of the pipeline was 25 cm. The soil
in the common corridor was designed to be inhomogeneous. It was modelled
with different relative permittivity by means of random number generator. It
was known that the relative permittivity of soil varies from 1 to 5 at 460 kHz,
where as the conductivity is kept at 2.0  10-3 S/m [53].
Figure 4.6 represents a histogram that indicates the number of occurrance
that soil with their respective value of random relative permittivity from 1 to 5.
Figure 4.7 depicts the cumulative distribution function of soil relative
The plot is basically based on equation (7). The representation of Figures
4.6 and 4.7 clearly indicates that the soil was designed as arbitrarily

Figure 4.6. Histogram of soil relative permittivity.

Quasi-Static Finite-Difference Time-Domain … 127

Figure 4.7. Cumulative distribution function of soil relative permittivity.

The cumulative distribution function (CDF) is given by:

CDF x    dx
1 4

where x1 is the variable of which is unknown in nature and must be determined

by using random number generator. Basically, random number generator is
given by the expression:

R g 0  1  x1  1
4 (4.8)

where Rg(0→1) is the random number generator that generates random

number from zero to one. Rearranging equation (4.8), the x1 term can be
deduced as:

x1  4 Rg 0  1  1

In addition, the conductivity of soil mainly depends on the water content

in it and slightly on the granularity. In general, its value was very small
typically in the order of 2.0  10-3 S/m or less [53]. Homogeneous soil also
was used in order to compare the correlation between the neighbouring cells. It
128 K. N. Ramli, R. A. Abd-Alhameed and P. S. Excell

was modelled with r = 3.0 while its conductivity remained the same value as
before. The computational region at the coarse grids was discretised at a
spatial resolution of 2,609 cells per wavelength (y = z = 25 cm).
Subgridding involves local mesh refinement in the pipeline and some part of
the ground in order to determine the propagation of the waves inside that area
while observing the change in the electric and magnetic fields. The
computational space for main region was 521 cells × 185 cells (130.25 m ×
46.25 m) as shown in Figure 4.8. The subgrid computational space was 40
subgrid cells × 40 subgrid cells as illustrated in Figure 4.9.
In other words, there were many colours that represent random
distribution of the soil. In contrast, the non-colour (white area) depicts the
pipeline. The values for the other parameters were summarised in Table 4.2.
The distribution of ground surrounding the pipeline was generated by
using random number to simulate the inhomogeneity of the media. The fine
grids was discretised at a spatial resolution of 10,435 cells per wavelength (y
= z = 6.25 cm). In other words, the ratio of the coarse to the fine grids was
4:1. The length of the coarse grids remained at 3.83 × 10-4 of the wavelength.
The length of the fine grids remained at 9.58 × 10-5 of the wavelength. The
induced EM fields section above the pipeline were observed for 30 cells × 20
cells (7.5 m × 5 m). The Courant stability condition for 2-D case is given by:

t 
c 2 (4.10)

where h is the spatial homogeneous FDTD grid (h = y = z) and c is the

speed of light in free space.

Figure 4.8. The main region in the computational domain for 400 kV steel lattice
transmission high voltage suspension towers model.
Quasi-Static Finite-Difference Time-Domain … 129

Figure 4.9. The subgrid region in the computational domain for 400 kV steel lattice
transmission high voltage suspension towers model.

Table 4.2. FDTD simulation parameters

Parameter Measurement
Source frequency 460 kHz
Coarse grids 25 cm
Fine grids 6.25 cm
Refinement factor 4
Time step 0.4 ns
Number of time steps 21,160
Number of cycles 4
Subgrid spatial resolution 40 subgrid cells  40 subgrid cells
Induced EM fields spatial resolution 30 cells  20 cells
130 K. N. Ramli, R. A. Abd-Alhameed and P. S. Excell

According to this equation, the time step was set at 0.4 ns to satisfy the
Courant stability condition. The simulation was run for 21,160 time steps to
allow for the wave to fully traverse the spatial domain for 4 cycles.

Figure 4.10. Three-phase sinusoidal sources driven from 400 kV steel lattice
transmission high voltage suspension towers.


The interaction results between 400 kV steel suspension towers and
metallic cylinder are presented in this section. The frequency of 460 kHz was
employed to get the fields before they were altered back to 50 Hz. Figure 4.10
shows the three-phase 400 kV sinusoidal sources separated by 120 phase
The fields Ezg, Hyg and Hxg were observed at point (31.25 cm, 31.25 cm)
within subgrid section. These fields distribution were plotted in Figure 4.11 for
homogeneous and random distribution soil.
The EM wave which travels from the suspension tower to the pipeline
varies from 2.24 × 10-7 V/m (-133 dBV/m) to 6.3 × 103 V/m (76 dBV/m).
Quasi-Static Finite-Difference Time-Domain … 131

Figure 4.11. The amplitude of EM fields plotted against time inside subgrid region: (a)
Electric field Ezg, (b) Magnetic field Hyg and Hxg.

The distribution of the electric field Ez, magnetic fields Hy and Hx through
the simulated FDTD computational space were given in Figures 4.12, 4.13 and
4.14 respectively.
In subgrid region, the distribution of Ezg, Hyg and Hxg were demonstrated
in Figures 4.15, 4.16 and 4.17 respectively. Here, the fields inside the metallic
pipeline were also found to be zero. The reason for this phenomenon was due
to the excess electrons at the surface of the metal preventing any incoming
132 K. N. Ramli, R. A. Abd-Alhameed and P. S. Excell

propagating waves from penetrating the pipeline. It was shown that the electric
field distribution surrounding the pipeline alters from 7.9 × 10-7 V/m (-122
dBV/m) to 7.9 × 10-4 V/m (-62 dBV/m) which shows good conformity with
The difference in relative distance of each phase from the nearby pipeline
can create phase imbalance in the transmission line. Under fault condition, the
currents on the faulty phases of transmission lines were high causing induced
AC voltage on the pipeline. The induced field will not contribute to shock
hazard in normal condition.

Figure 4.12. The electric field Ez distribution in the main FDTD grid.

Figure 4.13. The magnetic field Hy distribution in the main FDTD grid.
Quasi-Static Finite-Difference Time-Domain … 133

Figure 4.14. The magnetic field Hx distribution in the main FDTD grid.

Figures 4.18, 4.19 and 4.20 illustrate the induced EM fields for Ez, Hy and
Hx respectively. As can be seen, the current amplitude induced on the pipe
varies (Hy magnetic fields in figure 15(b)) from 1.8 × 10-8 A/m (-155 dBA/m)
to 1.3 × 10-7 A/m (-138 dBA/m), and (Hx magnetic fields in figure 15(c)) from
5.6 × 10-8 A/m (-145 dBA/m) to 4.0 × 10-7 A/m (-128 dBA/m). It is
noteworthy that these currents do not produce any sudden risk to a person

Figure 4.15. The electric field Ezg distribution in the subgrid section.
134 K. N. Ramli, R. A. Abd-Alhameed and P. S. Excell

Figure 4.16. The magnetic field Hyg distribution in the subgrid section.

Figure 4.17. The magnetic field Hxg distribution in the subgrid section.

Figure 4.18. The induced electric field Ez at 1.75 m above metallic pipeline.
Quasi-Static Finite-Difference Time-Domain … 135

Figure 4.19. The induced magnetic field Hy at 1.75 m above metallic pipeline.

Figure 4.20. The induced magnetic field Hx at 1.75 m above metallic pipeline.

An approach to model the interaction between overhead transmission lines
and underground utility pipeline at power-line frequency has been presented.
This uses the FDTD technique for the whole structure of the problem
combined with subgridding method at the object of interest particularly at the
underground pipeline. By implementing a modified version of Berenger’s
136 K. N. Ramli, R. A. Abd-Alhameed and P. S. Excell

PML, the reflection on the boundary layers inside the spatial FDTD
computational region has been successfully decreased, although it is
surrounded by lossy penetrable media. The computational burden due to huge
number of time steps in the order of tens of millions has been eased to tens of
thousands by employing the method called quasi-static approximation scheme.
The use of inhomogeneous soil in the common corridor permits a non-trivial
proximity region of authentic ground properties to be simulated. Profound
investigation of the interaction between electromagnetic fields and natural or
utility arrangement with different electrical characteristics at different level of
spatial resolution can be assisted by such tools. The combination of frequency
scaling SGFDTD approach with arbitrary inhomogeneous dielectric volume,
and the modified Berenger’s PML paves a way as a good candidate model of
EM fields interaction modelling for complex geometries.

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In: Development of Complex Electromagnetic … ISBN: 978-1-61122-013-1
Editors: K. N. Ramli et al. © 2014 Nova Science Publishers, Inc.

Chapter 5


C. Zebiri1, F. Benabdelaziz2 and M. Lashab3

Electronics Department, University of Ferhat Abbas, Sétif, Algeria
Electronics Department, University of Constantine,
Constantine, Algeria
Electronics Department, University of Skikda, Skikda, Algeria

The effect of a chiral bianisotropic substrate on the complex resonant
frequency of a rectangular microstrip resonator is studied on the basis of
the integral equation formulation. The analysis is based on numerical
resolution of the integral equation using the Galerkin procedure for the
moment method in the spectral domain. This work aims to study the
effect of the chirality of a bianisotropic substrate upon the resonant
frequency and the half-power bandwidth. The effect of a chiral-substrate
bianisotropy on the surface waves of the microstrip resonator is also
studied. The effective technique used to formulate the characteristic
equations of the surface waves in a medium equipped with a complex
anisotropy is presented. The equations concerning an evaluation of the
cut-off frequencies are given in more detailed forms. A simple
approximate formula for estimating the wave number of the surface mode
TM0 and TE1 are obtained. An estimated maximum value of chiral slab
144 C. Zebiri, F. Benabdelaziz and M. Lashab

thickness without the excitation of surface waves is given. The effect of

a chiral bianisotropic substrate with the complex constitutive
parameters on the input impedance of a rectangular microstrip antenna
is also studied on the basis of the integral equation formulation. The
analysis is based on numerical solution of the integral equation using
the Galerkin procedure for the moment method in the spectral domain.
The effect of the uniaxial anisotropy and chirality of the superstrate on
the resonant frequency and bandwidth of rectangular microstrip patch in a
substrate-superstrate configuration are investigated. The work treats the
asymmetrical effects on the resonant frequency and the bandwidth of a
rectangular microstrip patch antenna in a complex bianisotropic substrate-
superstrate configuration.

In recent years, the method of moments (MoM) [1-6] has been adopted in
the analysis of radiating elements such as resonators [7] and antennas [8, 9].
Microstrip resonators appeared during the fifties, and they were especially
developed during the seventies [10, 11]. They are small in size and have
simplicity, easy manufacturing and easy handling. They are robust when they
are fixed on rigid surfaces, and are also very effective in terms of resonance,
polarization, input impedance and radiation patterns [12-14]. The major
disadvantages of microstrip resonators are their weak purity of polarization,
and narrow half-power bandwidth which is typically a few percent. However,
increasing substrate thickness and reduced relative permittivity make it
possible to improve resonator efficiency by up to 90%, and to increase
bandwidth by up to 35%, provided that the surface waves are minimized [15].
The resonant frequency of microstrip resonator is strongly related to the
dielectric of the substrate, and remains a very important factor to determine in
resonator design. Some works have mentioned that many uniaxial anisotropic
substrates have been used for printed circuit resonators [16, 17]. However,
studies concerning the resonant frequency calculation of the microstrip
resonator, implemented on a substrate of uniaxial anisotropy [18], have shown
that this kind of substrate does not affect the quality factor, the half-power
bandwidth and obviously the resonant frequency. For these reasons, other
studies have focussed on cases of positive and negative anisotropy [18-20], or
bianisotropic media [21]. In the present work, the Spectral Domain Approach
(SDA) is applied, and intensively used in the analysis and design of planar
Effect of Anisotropic Magneto-Chirality ... 145

structures. In such an approach, the tensorial Green’s spectral function which

relates the tangential electric field components and the corresponding current
of different conductor has to be determined. Many techniques have been used
to evaluate this function [18-20, 22-26]. Chew [19] showed that the number of
modes refines and improves the integral equation resolution. In the present
work, only the TM01 mode is considered to solve the integral equation in order
to highlight the effect of chirality and the permeability. The simulation of this
study was carried out by a development of software using professional
FORTRAN. With a PC Intel Pentium M, processor 1.86 GHz and 512 MB
RAM, the determinant cancellation of the Green’s tensor is obtained in about
65 s.


5.2.1. Maxwell’s Equation

In chiral media, the geometrical character of the internal structure (the

handedness) causes macroscopic effects that are observed as the rotation of the
polarization of the propagating field plane [27]. Composite chiral material
which exhibits the effect of chirality at microwave frequencies has been
fabricated and characterized in many studies [27-29]. The chirals media
considered here have a non-homogenous gyro-electric, and can be described
by a set of constitutive relations [30], with an artificial magnetism which exists
in chiral and bianisotropic composites [27]

  1 
B  H   E (5.1)

  1 
D  E   H (5.2)

where the permittivity and permeability tensors are of uniaxial anisotropy and
the magneto-electric elements are respectively expressed as
146 C. Zebiri, F. Benabdelaziz and M. Lashab

t 0 0  t 0 0
   
 0 t 0  0 t 0
0 0  z  0 0  z 
 ,  ,
 0  0
 
    j   0 0
 0 0 0
 (5.3)

Assuming an eit time variation and starting from Maxwell’s equation in

the Fourier domain, we can show that the transverse fields in the chiral
medium are expressed with respect to the longitudinal components Ez and
H z according to the following matrix equations

  E~e

S s , z
ES s , z   ~h

 1 E~
  F (s , rs ) ~ 

 
ES s , z  s Ey 
 z 1   
j 0   0  ~
Ez 
 
 t s 
z  
1 ~ 
 0  0 z  Hz 
 s 

  H~e

S s , z
HS s , z   ~ h

 1 H~ 
  F (s , rs ) ~ 

 
HS s , z  s  Hx 
 1 
  0 z 0  ~
 Ez 
 s  ~ 
 0 z 1    Hz 
j 0  
t s  z 
Effect of Anisotropic Magneto-Chirality ... 147

 y 

F  s , rs   x   ,  s   x xˆ   y yˆ , rs  xxˆ  yyˆ (5.6)
 y   x 

where F  s , rs  is the kernel of the vector transforms, the superscripts e and

rs  0

~ ~
h in (5.4) and (5.5) denote the TM and TE waves respectively, E S and H S are
expressed according to the TE and TM modes.

5.2.2. Transverse and Longitudinal Components

Taking into account the wave equation solution, we express the

longitudinal components of the electric and magnetic fields in the chiral
medium according to the following expressions

  e e
E z  s , z  A e e j  z z  B e e  j z z (5.7)

  h h
H z  s , z  A h e j z z  B h e  j  z z (5.8)


 ze 2   02  t  t   2     s2 t

 zh 2   02  t  t   2     s2 t

and the spectral coefficients Ae , Ah , B e and B h are functions of the variables

 s ,  ze and  zh . These are respectively the free space propagation for TE and
TM modes. According to the previous equations, the following tangential
components of the fields are obtained


E e s , z 

ES  s , z   ~ h

j z z 
 j z z
   
  e A s  e B s (5.11)
 E  s , z   
148 C. Zebiri, F. Benabdelaziz and M. Lashab

 
H e s , z 
HS s , z   ~ h
 j z z  j z z
       
  e g s A s  e h s B s
 H  s , z   


 z  diag  ze  zh  (5.13)

  
A  s  j 12
    j B
e 1
 s2
 0  z Ah 

  
B  s   j 12
   j B
e 1
 s2
 0  z B h 

  
g  s  diag 
 0  t 
j  0  j zh  

 j   0  j z
 0 t 
 (5.16)

  
h  s  diag 
 0  t 
j  0  j zh  

 j   0  j z
 0 t 
 (5.17)

For an electric and non magnetic medium having biaxial anisotropy with
regard to the permittivity, the previous expressions are well detailed in [18-


The proposed structure is studied and the boundary conditions have been
applied after which the dyadic Green’s function is obtained. The Green’s
elements are independent and do not couple in this case, each of them
regarding the medium as an equivalent isotropic medium, as can be certified
by another case proved by [27]. The Green’s function is expressed in compact
form as the following tensor
Effect of Anisotropic Magneto-Chirality ... 149

Ne 
G  s  
j 0
diag e  z  ze , h  02 t  
  sin  z d (5.18)
 D D 


Ne 

  
0 t t   t  s2
 (5.19)

     
D e   ze z  t cos  zh d  j  02 t  t   t  s2  j z  0 t sin  ze d


  
D h   zh cos  zh d  j  z t  j 0 sin  zh d    (5.21)


It is clear from (5.18) that the Green’s dyadic is diagonal in the (TM, TE)
representation although a uniaxial bianisotropy is present. This results in
simplification when deriving the Green’s dyadic for a multilayer anisotropic
media. The surface current J on the patch can be expanded into a finite series
of basis functions

 J r  M  0 
J rs    an  xn s    bm   (5.22)
n 1  0  m1  J ym rs 

where a n and bm are the mode expansion coefficients to be sought. The

integral equation describing the electric field on the patch is [18-20]

  d F   ~
s s , rs  G  s   J  s   0 (5.23)

Using the well-known Galerkin procedure of the moment method, the

integral equation in (5.23) is discretized into the following matrix equation
150 C. Zebiri, F. Benabdelaziz and M. Lashab

 B1 N N B 
2 N M   a N 1 
  0
B3 M N B  (5.24)
4  b M 1 
M M 

( B1 ) N  N ( B2 ) N  M ( B3 ) M  N ( B4 ) M M are the elements of the

where , , and
digitalized matrix equation.


Equation (5.24) has a non-trivial solution only in the case where the
condition below is verified

det(B())  0 (5.25)

The resonator is designed to operate near its resonant frequency, and all its
characteristics are estimated around this frequency. Equation (5.25) is called
the characteristic equation for the complex resonant frequency f  f r  if i ,
where f r is the resonant frequency and f i is the dampling factor that
characterises the losses of the radiating antenna. The quality factor and the
half-power bandwidth are defined in [31, 32] as

Q  f r (2 f i )

BW  1 Q (5.27)

5.5.1. Asymptotic Formula for Resonant Frequency

The effect of the two chiral constitutive parameters has been studied.
These are first the chirality and the magnetic uniaxial anisotropy of the
substrate upon the complex resonant frequency and secondly the half-power
bandwidth of the microstrip resonator. In order to validate the results (in both
isotropic and chiral cases), we have made a comparison with the isotropic case
Effect of Anisotropic Magneto-Chirality ... 151

presented in the literature. The figures presented below show the normalized
real and imaginary parts of the resonant frequency, and the half-power
bandwidth, compared with the measurements in the literature with x=z=2.35
and x=z=7. The medium considered is defined as follows: ==-1, 0 and 1
respectively (magneto-electric elements), t=0.8, z=1 (positive anisotropy of
the permeability), t=1.2, z=1 (negative anisotropy). Uniaxial anisotropy is
obtained by changing t and keeping z constant.

Figure 5.1. Rectangular microstrip patch antenna with chiral substrate.

To demonstrate the effect of the constitutive parameters of the dielectric

chiral layer, we can consider the asymptotic form of the resonant frequency,
when the layer d is electrically thin. However, the dyadic Green’s function
takes the following form

G k s  
d 0

diag  02 t  1  s2 ,t  02
 (5.28)

Some authors such as Chew [19], have shown that only one basis function
(N=0, M=1) is needed to obtain excellent convergence of the results. In this
case, the current distribution on the patch conductor is given by
152 C. Zebiri, F. Benabdelaziz and M. Lashab

 0   0 
J rs   b1   1 sin  y   
 b     b   (5.29)
 J r   2  
 b 
y1 s

and the characteristic equation for the resonant frequency driven from the
fourth element of the matrix equation (5.24) is given as

  d  ~
B  11 
2 ~
t  1  y2 J y1   s  J y1  s   0 (5.30)
4 s 0

The function Jy1 has a Fourier transform given by the analytical expression

~ sin x a
 cos y b

J y1  s    b 2 2

2 2   y b2 2

Using the asymptotic expression of G given by (5.28) and taking into

account (5.31), equation (5.30) becomes

 02 t I1  I2  0 (5.32)
 z b2


cos2  y 
 y2 cos2  y
I1   d y 
, I 2  dk y
   
  2   2
2 2 2 2 2 2
0 y 0 y

Using the integration along the contour of the spectral domain, the integral
equations of (5.33) is resolved analytically as

1 
I1  , I2 
 4
Effect of Anisotropic Magneto-Chirality ... 153

Substituting (5.34) into (5.32), the estimation of the resonant frequency

can be determined, expressed by

fr  (5.35)
2b  z t

where c is the speed of light in the vacuum. The resulting formula gives an
idea of the effect of the parameters z and t upon the antenna resonant
frequency. It is clear that this depends on the permittivity along the optic axis
and the perpendicular component of the permeability in the limit of a thin
substrate, hence the resonant frequency depends only on the components z
and t.

5.5.2. Numerical Results

1,00 0,025
Normalized frequency

Normalized frequeny

0,98 
0,96 

[20] 0,010
0,92 [18]
0,90 
0,88 0,000
0,00 0,05 0,10 0,15 0,20 0,00 0,05 0,10 0,15 0,20
(a) d/b (b) d/b

BW %




0,00 0,05 0,10 0,15 0,20
(c) d/b

Figures 5.2. Normalized resonant frequency, a=1.5 cm, b=1 cm, r=7, (a) Real part, (b)
Imaginary part, (c) Half-power bandwidth.
154 C. Zebiri, F. Benabdelaziz and M. Lashab

The effect of dielectric medium, provided with a gyrotropy, upon the

complex resonant frequency and the half-power bandwidth has been studied.
The substrate is considered to be bianisotropic with relative permittivities such
as x=z=7 and x=z=2.35. The dimensions of the rectangular patch are 1 cm ×
1.5 cm. In Figure 5.1, the complex resonant frequency and the half-power
bandwidth are presented with respect to the substrate thickness for different
values of chirality depending on the magnetic anisotropy choice.
Normalization is with respect to the frequency f0 which is obtained from the
fundamental mode f r  c 2b  z .

1,00 0,063

Normalized frequeny
Normalized frequeny

0,96 
0,045 

0,92 0,036

[20] 0,027
0,88 
 0,018

0,82 0,000
0,02 0,06 0,10 0,14 0,18 0,02 0,06 0,10 0,14 0,18
(a) d/b (b) d/b

0,15 [20]
0,12 
BW (%)




0,02 0,06 0,10 0,14 0,18
(c) d/b

Figures 5.3. Normalized resonant frequency, a=1.5 cm, b=1 cm, r=2.35, (a) Real part,
(b) Imaginary part, (c) Half-power bandwidth.

According to Figures 5.2 and 5.3, it follows that

 The effect of chirality is remarkable only for thick layers, whereas for
those infinitely small, no effect is perceived, which is confirmed by
the asymptotic form expression of the resonant frequency given by
Equation (5.35).
Effect of Anisotropic Magneto-Chirality ... 155

 In the case of a positive chirality (ξ=η=1), the real resonant frequency

increases, whereas the imaginary part decreases, which also involves a
reduction in the bandwidth and an increase in the factor of quality. In
contrast, the negative chirality case, with ξ=η=-1, leads to opposite
variations compared to the preceding ones.
 An increase or decrease in the resonator parameters of fr, fi or
bandwidth are accentuated when we consider a low permittivity of
about ε=2.35, which is not the case for the value ε=7.

1,14 [20] 0,05

1,08 t=0.8, z=1

Normalized frequeny
Normalized frequeny

t=1.2, z=1
0,01 t=0.8, z=1
t=1.2, z=1
0,78 0,00
0,00 0,05 0,10 0,15 0,20 0,00 0,05 0,10 0,15 0,20

(a) d/b (b) d/b


BW (%)


0,03 t=z=1
t=0.8, z=1
t=1.2, z=1
0,00 0,05 0,10 0,15 0,20

(c) d/b

Figures 5.4. Normalized resonant frequency, a=1.5 cm, b=1 cm, r=2.35, (a) Real part,
(b) Imaginary part, (c) Half-power bandwidth.

It can be seen that from Figures 5.4, in the case of permeability values less
than 1, for example μt=0.8, that the effect of uniaxial anisotropy of the
permeability clearly results in a large increase in the real part of the resonance
frequency, but an unimportant increase in the imaginary part of the resonance
frequency. Therefore, the bandwidth undergoes a slight reduction.
Permeability values greater than one, such as μt=1.2, cause variations in the
opposite sense with respect to the preceding case. The chirality is apparent
156 C. Zebiri, F. Benabdelaziz and M. Lashab

only in thick layers, whereas the effect of the permeability remains whatever
the thickness of the support. According to these results one can predict the
desired values of three parameters: fr, fi and bandwidth of the resonator, as
illustrated by Figure 5.5.

1,125 [20] 0,063

t=1.2, z=1 [20]
t=1.2, z=1
Normalized frequeny

t=1.2, z=1 0,054

t=1.2, z=1

Normalized frequeny
0,045 t=0.8, z=1
0,036 t=0.8, z=1

0,900 0,027

t=0.8, z=1 0,009
t=0.8, z=1
0,750 0,000
0,00 0,05 0,10 0,15 0,20 0,00 0,05 0,10 0,15 0,20
(a) d/b
(b) d/b

0,16 [20]
t=1.2, z=1
t=1.2, z=1
t=0.8, z=1
0,10 t=0.8, z=1
BW (%)





0,00 0,05 0,10 0,15 0,20

(c) d/b

Figures 5.5. Normalized resonant frequency, a=1.5 cm, b=1 cm, r=2.35, (a) Real part,
(b) Imaginary part, (c) Half-power bandwidth.


In the past few years, a significant interest has been directed towards the
study of the effect of complex materials, such as anisotropic dielectrics,
magnetized ferrites and chiral materials on the realization of Microwave
Integrated Circuits (MIC) and Antenna Printed Circuits (APC). Certain
standard anisotropic media are used as substrates for microwave printed
resonators [16]. Pozar proved that the substrate anisotropy should always be
taken into account when designing planar microstrip resonators, otherwise, the
structure is likely to operate out of the predicted frequency band [17].
Effect of Anisotropic Magneto-Chirality ... 157

Magnetized ferrites belong to the complex material class which have proved to
have potential applications as substrates in the field of MIC and APC.
Measurements have confirmed that the resonant frequencies of the microstrip
structures printed on ferrite substrates can be fixed to suit a range of
applications, simply by adjusting the polarization of an external magnetic field
[33]. However, ferrites can be employed to reduce the microstrip resonator
[34, 35] and to design circularly polarized antennas by the application of a
simple feed [36].
The possibility of employing chiral materials as substrates for the design
of MIC and APC, was reported by Lindell [27]. On the other hand, Pozar [37]
underlined the serious disadvantages of the use of these materials as substrates,
because of the losses due to the surface wave excitation and the significant
appearance of poles during numerical calculations. However, Toscano et al.
[38] and Zebiri et al. [39, 40] have recently proved that chiral substrates can
advantageously be employed to increase the bandwidth of microstrip antennas.
This result indicates that more attention must be paid to detailed studies of the
surface wave excitation in the microstrip antennas over chiral substrates. This
study evaluates the cut-off frequencies of TE0 and TM1 modes of a resonator
printed on an anisotropic medium in order to optimize these structures
according to their applications.
These resonators appeared during the 1950s and especially were
developed during the 1970s [10, 11]. They combine small size, simplicity,
facility of manufacture and practical implementation. Moreover, they are
easily matched to plane and non-plane surfaces, and they exhibit a great
robustness when assembled on rigid surfaces. They are also very effective in
terms of resonance, polarization, input impedance and radiation diagram [12,
The major disadvantages of microstrip resonators lie in their low purity of
polarization. As regards antennas we can consider the reduction of their
bandwidth which is typically a few percent [41]. However, increasing
substrate thickness and reduced relative permittivity make it possible to
improve resonator efficiency by up to 90%, and to increase bandwidth by up to
35%, provided that the surface waves are minimized [15]. The idea of using
chiral materials as substrates and superstrates in the design of printed antenna
was first presented by Engheta [42] and the term “chirostrip“ was then
invented. In the literature, it is shown that the power of the surface wave can
generally be reduced when a chiral substrate is employed for antennas
intended for printed circuitry [43].
158 C. Zebiri, F. Benabdelaziz and M. Lashab

5.6.1. Surface Waves in Chiral Media

The surface wave modes are guided by the interface separating two
different dielectric media [44]. In the design of microstrip circuits as well as in
their applications, the study of surface waves is justified by one of the two
following reasons; to minimize their effects or to use them in certain
applications [45]. It is initially essential to take into account the propagation of
modes in the chiral layer. We study the propagation of these modes along z-
axis. For such propagation, the interface of the structure can be considered as a
particular case of a chiro-waveguide [46].
In [47] it is proved that in all chiro-waveguides the proper modes are
hybrid [46], but for the case of the selected chiral, decomposition into TE and
TM modes is possible [39, 40, 48, 49]. Their study would be also made during
the evaluation of the improper integrals appearing in the formulation of the
problem of a microstrip structure by the integral method. It would be also
necessary, in certain situations, to determine as a preliminary the propagating
modes of the surface waves which appear in a microstrip structure. The
spectral method and the tensorial Green’s function are adopted as an analysing
tool. We can mention as an example the case where the integration of the
characteristic matrix elements deduced from the Galerkin’s method is
performed on the wave numbers real axis [50, 51].
Moreover, if we are interested in the fields radiated by a microstrip
structure without neglecting the radiation due to the surface waves, the
determination of their wave numbers is necessary [52]. However, the majority
of the studies relating to this subject deal with the problem of the surface
waves as being a procedure of solving two transcendent equations for which
the expressions appear in the denominators of the Green’s function [32, 52,
The study in the case of simple structures, made up of one or two
dielectric layers, does not present difficulties [54, 55]. However, for the
structures that consist of more than two layers, the study becomes increasingly
complicated, requiring tedious calculations. As a result, the resolution of the
resulting characteristic equations and the asymptotic behavior of the solutions
for low operating frequencies and low dielectric-layer thicknesses is more
complicated. Traditional methods do not lead, in general, to simple
expressions without significant algebraic calculation.
Effect of Anisotropic Magneto-Chirality ... 159 Isotropic Case

Surface waves induce unwanted radiation at the non-radiant ends of the
structure. Moreover, they can lead to the undesirable coupling between the
radiant elements in the case of antenna arrays. The phase velocity of the
surface waves strongly depends on the permittivity εr and the substrate
thickness h. Surface wave excitation in a dielectric layer established on a
ground plane was well studied in [56]. The dominant mode with the lowest
cut-off frequency is TM0 (fc=0), and the cut-off frequencies of higher modes
(TMn and TEn) are presented as

fc  , n=0, 1, 2, … (5.36)
4h  r  1

where c0 is the speed of light in vaccuo, and h and εr are respectively the
thickness and the permittivity of the substrate. Odd values of n give the cut-off
frequencies for the TEn modes, and even values of n give cut-off frequencies
for the TMn modes. For the TE1 mode, the computed values of the ratio h c1
are 0.217 for Duroid (εr=2.32) and 0.0833 for alumina (εr=10), using the
following equation

h n
1  (5.37)
c 4  r 1

Thus, the low order mode TE1 is excited at 41 GHz for a Duroid substrate
of thickness 1.6 mm, and at approximately 39 GHz for an alumina substrate of
thickness 0.635 mm. The thickness of the substrate is chosen so that the h 0
ratio is lower than the h c (λ0 is the wavelength in open space at the
operating frequency), which gives [57]

h (5.38)
4 fu  r  1

where fu is the highest frequency in the operation band. Note that h should be
chosen as high as possible, under the constraint indicated in (5.38), so that the
160 C. Zebiri, F. Benabdelaziz and M. Lashab

maximum effectiveness is achieved. Moreover, h must be in conformity with

the substrates available in the market. Another practical formula for h is given
in [58] by

0 .3  c
h (5.39)
2f u  r

The TM0 mode has no cut-off frequency and is always present to a certain
extent. The excitation of the surface wave TM0 mode becomes appreciable
when h/λ>0.09 (εr≅2.3) and when h/λ>0.03 (εr≅10). Generally, suppressing
the TM0 mode requires lower permittivity and smaller substrate size.
Unfortunately, decreasing ε tends to increase the antenna size, whereas
decreasing h thus leads to a limitation of the antenna effectiveness, hence a
reduction of its bandwidth. The reduction of surface waves, for microstrip
antennas printed on ferrites, has been discussed by many researchers [59-63].
In [64-66], electromagnetic band gap (EBG) structures, also known under the
name of photonic crystals, were found to reduce and in certain cases to
eliminate the surface waves, leading to increases in directivity and bandwidth.
In this context, Yang [67] was the first who proposed antennas with large gain,
which could be carried out with a unique radiant element printed on a 2-D
photonic bandgap (PBG) material.

5.6.1. Bianisotropic Case

The problem of surface waves, in simple anisotropic monolayer microstrip
structures, is rigorously formulated and solved. The advantages of the method
are highlighted, and comparative analyses are carried out between our results
and those published in the literature. Here we consider the monolayer structure
represented in Figure 5.1. The radiant conducting plate is suppressed, the
structure is a chiral layer without an excitation source established on a ground
plane (Figure 5.6). The surface waves which occur and propagate in this
structure have been studied.

Figure 5.6. Monolayer chiral substrate configuration.

Effect of Anisotropic Magneto-Chirality ... 161

In previous work [39], we calculated the denominators of the Green tensor

elements. We point out here the modal equations of the surface waves. For the
TM modes

 
D e   ze z  t cos  ze d   j  02 t  t   t  2  j z  0 t sin  ze d   0


For TE modes

D h   zh cos zh d   j  z t  j 0 sin  zh d   0 (5.41)

where the wavenumbers  z ,  zh ,  z ,  02 and  2 are given in [39, 40].


We develop asymptotic limits at low frequencies for TM0 modes, where

the cut-off frequencies of the surface waves are characterized by  s   . In
the borderline of low frequency,   0 . By taking into account the preceding
Equations (5.40) and (5.41), the asymptotic limits at low frequencies for the
surface waves are obtained as follows. For the TM0 mode, and at low
frequencies, by letting lim  s2   02 , and according to [39],  ze becomes
 0 0

 0 0
e2 2
 2 
lim  z   0  t  t     tz  (5.42)

Knowing that in this case,   0 since  s   0 , by substituting (5.42)

into (5.40)

 z   j 02
  z 1t
 (5.43)
 z 1   0d 

For the isotropic case, Equation (5.43) is reduced to [55]

 z   j 02 d
 z 1  (5.44)
162 C. Zebiri, F. Benabdelaziz and M. Lashab

For the TE1 mode, at low frequencies, where  02  0 and lim  s2   02 ,

 0 0

and according to [39],  becomes


 0 0

lim  z   0  t  t   
h2 2 t
 (5.45)

Knowing that in this case,   0 since  s   0 , by substituting (5.45)

into (5.41)

 z  1   0 d  (5.46)
t d

The wavenumbers in Equations (5.43) and (5.46) are general formulas for
the anisotropic case with chiral, they can be shown to equal those obtained by
Peixeiro et al. [55]. The development of an approximate formula for the
wavenumbers of TM0 and TE1 modes gives for the TM0 mode

1  1 
 z   j 02 t 1   d (5.47)
1   0d    z t 

and for the TE1 mode

 z  1   0 d  (5.48)
t d

The chirality effect on the two wavenumbers is similar, for the case of
very thin layers, while bringing the ratio 1/1+0d closer to 1-0d. According
to the equation  z2   02   s2 . By replacing z in the Equation (5.42), an
approximate expression can be found as

  2d2   1 2  
  1  2 
z t
 2 2 0
sp 0  z 1   0 d 2 
 
Effect of Anisotropic Magneto-Chirality ... 163

  02 d 2  2

TM   0 1  2
    12
 (5.50)
0 

 z 1   0 d 2 z t

and for the TE1 mode

  1    d   2 
 2
  1  
2 0
  (5.51)
   0  t d  
 

  1   d   2  2

TE   0 1   0
  (5.52)
1    0  t d  
 

Equations (5.50) and (5.52) are useful as a good initial estimate for the
pole location, in a standard routine, to seek the true solution, as shown in
Figure 5.7. The approximation of the pole location in the integration path is
harmful for effective numerical evaluations of the integrals. It is advantageous
to subtract the pole singularity and to reinstate it thereafter analytically. In the
case of a thick substrate, several poles may exist, and the analytical evaluation
of the integrals around the half-circles becomes quite complicated if two or
several poles are very close to each other [68]. The total number of the poles is
determined by the operating frequency and the dimensional parameters of the
substrate [52, 68]. In the isotropic case, it is possible to predict the number of
poles, such as in [69], if we have  0 d  r  1   2 then the denominator of
Gh(s) does not have any zero, while that of Ge(s) has only one.
In the case of a structure having only one isotropic dielectric layer with
z=t=r, z=t=1 and =0 the equality (5.51) reduces to the simple expression
given by [63, 70]

  r  1 
 
   1  0 d
2 2 2 2
sp  r2 
 
164 C. Zebiri, F. Benabdelaziz and M. Lashab

Figure 5.7. Surface waves approximate wavenumber in the integration path.

By replacing (5.42) in (5.40), the TM0 mode cut-off frequency is obtained

as follows

 0 d
 2   02 (5.54)
1   0d 
It is sufficient to put z=0 in Equations (5.40) and (5.41), to deduce the
cut-off frequencies of TE and TM modes. For TM modes

nc 1
f cTM  , n is even. (5.55)
4 d   
  t  t  z   2 
 t 

For TE modes

c 1

n 1 
 t t   2  t  
f TE
   arctan ,
  
d  2 t
 2 2  
t t z  
is odd. (5.56)

In the absence of chirality, Equations (5.55) and (5.56) become

Effect of Anisotropic Magneto-Chirality ... 165

nc 1
f cTM  (5.57)
4 d   
  t  t  z 
 t 
2n  1 c 1
f cTE 
 
4 d    t
t t z

In the case of nonmagnetic anisotropic dielectrics, Equations (5.57) and

(5.58) become

nc 1
f cTM  (5.59)
4 d   
  t  z 
 t 
2n  1 c 1
f cTE  (5.60)
4 d  t  1

In the case of isotropic dielectrics, Equations (5.59) and (5.60) become

nc 1
f cTM  (5.61)
4 d  r 1 
2n  1 c 1
f cTE  (5.62)
4 d  r  1

The previous equations have the same forms of those developed in [55,
57]. The mode of the low order TE1 is excited at 40.77 GHz in a duroid
(r=2.32) substrate of thickness 1.6 mm without the effect of the chirality [57].
On the other hand, using the same substrate with the consideration of a
positive (=+1) or negative (=-1) coefficient of chirality, the TE1 mode for
the same structure is excited at 138.40 GHz or 192.75 GHz respectively.
Similarly, the low order TE1 is excited at approximately 39.33 GHz for an
isotropic 0.635 mm thick alumina (r=10) substrate [57], but at 50.75 GHz or
166 C. Zebiri, F. Benabdelaziz and M. Lashab

116.16 GHz respectively with a positive (=+1) or negative (=-1) chirality

The practical expression of d is no more that given by (5.38), but rather
that given by (5.63), and we can in this case increase the thickness of the
substrate without exciting surface waves [71]

c 1

n 1  
t t 
  2  t 
d   arctan (5.63)
  

f   2  t  2 2  
t t
z  

5.6.1. Numerical Examples

According to the results obtained for different expressions of the surface
modes cut-off frequencies illustrated in Figures 5.8 and 5.9, chirality moves
the surface waves away from the operating frequency of the structure, which
constitutes an apparent advantage for the antennas. However, for filter
structures it is preferable to use the pure imaginary form of the magneto-
electric elements, formulated from more complex expressions. This case of
study of TM and TE surface waves cut-off frequencies according to the
medium constitutive parameters, ended in results which show clearly that the
thicker the dielectric, the more favoured is excitation of surface waves.

600 isotropic case [57]

550 x=z/t, t=2.35
TE0 mode frequency (GHz)

500 x=t/z, z=2.35

x=z/t, t=1.
x=t/z, z=1.

300 x=posititive




0,85 0,90 0,95 1,00 1,05 1,10 1,15

Figure 5.8. Effect of the chiral constitutive parameters on the TE0 mode cut-off
frequency versus different ratios. TE0 is excited at 40.77 GHz in a Duroid (r=2.32)
substrate of thickness 1.6 mm [57].
Effect of Anisotropic Magneto-Chirality ... 167

isotropic case [57]
x=z/t, t=2.35

TM1 mode frequency (GHz)


x=t/z, z=2.35
400 x=z/t, t=1.
350 x=t/z, z=1.




0,85 0,90 0,95 1,00 1,05 1,10 1,15

Figure 5.9. Effect of the chiral constitutive parameters on the TM1 mode cut-off
frequency versus different ratios, in a Duroid (r=2.32) substrate of thickness 1.6 mm
[57]. isotropic again.



The effect of a chiral bianisotropic substrate with complex constitutive

parameters on the input impedance of a rectangular microstrip antenna has
been studied on the basis of numerical solution of the integral equation using
the Galerkin procedure for the moment method in the spectral domain. The
input impedance of the resonator studied in Figure 5.1 is one of the problems
that must be rigorously formulated in the spectral domain [72]. The method of
moments using the Galerkin procedure, where the test functions are the same
basis functions, can be used to solve numerically these integrals. The forms
most commonly used for the elementary cells are the triangle and the rectangle
[73]. The spectral domain approach (SDA) is used for the analysis and design
of planar structures. In this approach, the tensorial Green’s spectral function
which relates the tangential electric field components and the corresponding
currents on different conductors has to be determined. A great many
techniques have been used to evaluate this function [10, 22]. The fundamental
difference between an isotropic medium and an isotropic chiral one is that the
latter is characterized by a more complex form of the wave equation. In
electromagnetism, the chirality is an additional parameter for the design of
168 C. Zebiri, F. Benabdelaziz and M. Lashab

materials. However, chiral materials are supposed to have particular absorbing

properties [74]. The effect of the bianisotropic media on the propagation in
waveguides and antennas has also stimulated the interest of many researchers.
Thus, much research work on electromagnetic propagation in waveguides
filled with bi-isotropic/chiral materials is reported in the literature, such as in
[75, 76]. The use of chiral media in microstrip antennas is also proposed in
[76-78] specifically in order to reduce losses due to surface wave radiation in a
microstrip antenna printed on a chiral substrate [76, 78], although this matter is
discussed in [79].
The input impedance of an antenna case can be calculated as a
combination of electric field dispersed with the current on the probe, according
to the following expression

M N

Z in    I xmVxm   I ynV yn  (5.64)
 m1 n1 

where Ixm and Iyn are the coefficients to be determined, and m and n define the
number of basis functions along the directions x and y, respectively.

 d
1 
i  x x f  y y f 
Vxm 
4 2  J
xm e G
zx dzd x d y (5.65)

 d
1 
i  x x f  y y f 
V yn 
4 2 
 J yne G
zy dzd x d y (5.66)

Gzx=Gzx(x,y,z) and Gzy=Gzy(x,y,z) are the spectral Green functions for

J xm  J xm  x ,  y , z 
~ ~
the chiral substrate case, where and

J yn  J yn  x ,  y , z  are the Fourier transforms of the basis functions in the

~ ~

spectral domain. After some algebra, it can be written as

 z sin ze d  y J y
t 1
V  2  d x d y
4  0  z  zeT
Effect of Anisotropic Magneto-Chirality ... 169

 z sin  ze d  x J x
t 1
V  2  d x d y
4  0  z  zeT

  
T   t  z cos ze d   j z  ze sin  ze d 1  0 e tan  ze d  (5.69)
 z 
 

where the surface currents J on the patch are expanded into a finite series of
basis function Jxn and Jym. For digital convergence of Equations (5.67)-(5.69),
the steps discussed in [57, 80, 81] are followed.
Figures 5.9 and 5.10 show that the input impedance is directly related to
the chirality, which leads us to consider this effect in seeking a better
adaptation. The amplitude parameters raised vary depending on the chirality,
while in [72], where the case of chiral bi-isotropic is considered, these
parameters are constant in amplitude, which is advantageous for the circuit

1,2 =-1
isotropic case
normalized input impedance (real part)






1,16 1,17 1,18 1,19 1,20 1,21
f (GHz)

Figure 5.9. Chirality effect on the real part of the input impedance (a=7.62 cm,
b=11.43 cm, x0=1.52 cm, y0=0.385 cm, εx=εz=2.64).
170 C. Zebiri, F. Benabdelaziz and M. Lashab

1,25 =-1

Normalized input impedance (imaginary part)

isotropic case







1,16 1,17 1,18 1,19 1,20 1,21
f (GHz)

Figure 5.10. Chirality effect on the imaginary part of the input impedance (a=7.62 cm,
b=11.43 cm, x0=1.52 cm, y0=0.385 cm, εx=εz=2.64).

According to the literature, positive and negative uniaxial anisotropy both

introduce a slight change in the half-power bandwidth, whereas in this work,
the structure is implemented on a chiral substrate. The results show that the
effect of the constitutive parameters (chirality and axial permeability) is very
apparent on the half-power bandwidth and the resonant frequency, according
to the choice of the chirality element. The positive case presents a diminution
of the real part of the resonant frequency and an increase of the imaginary part.
The inverse is obtained for the case of negative chirality. The advantage of the
uniaxial anisotropy of the permeability is on the widening of the half-power
bandwidth which can be very important for a radiating cavity application. The
inverse is obtained for the case of a cavity built for filter use. The introduction
of a chiral substrate leads to various applications. Its main effect is the ability
of structure miniaturization, which makes electronic component integration
The adopted approach can be employed during the analysis of the
microstrip to predict the surface waves which appear in such structures. It can
also be used for locating integrand singularities that can be encountered in
solutions using the method of moments via the Galerkin procedure. The
introduction of chiral leads to a diversity of applications. One appreciable
effect, which is the capacity of miniaturization of the structures, facilitates the
electronic components integration. The chirality also moves away the surface
waves from the operating frequency of the structure, which is an advantage for
antennas. Furthermore, for filters, it is preferable to use the pure imaginary
Effect of Anisotropic Magneto-Chirality ... 171

shape of the magneto-electric elements of the chiral. This case of study of the
TM or TE surface waves cut-off frequencies, with respect to the constitutive
parameters of the medium, ended in results which show clearly that the
possibility of excitation of the surface waves is more favoured when the
dielectric become increasingly thick, compared to components with traditional
dielectrics. Thus chirality presents interesting effects on the resonant
frequency, bandwidth and input impedance.


Structures with substrate-superstrate are employed, in general, to improve
parameters such as the efficiency, effectiveness and polarization of the antenna
[82], where the superstrate is used as a protective structure for the aerial
elements against bad climatic conditions such as rain, fog, and snow [83],
which form in unexpected ways, and affect the performance of the printed
antennas [20, 84, 85]. Therefore, for better characterization and precise design,
these effects must be taken into account. The major undesirable effect of the
considered structure is resonant frequency shifting, which can force the
antenna to work at frequencies other than the predefined ones [83]. Another
possible disadvantage could be the excitation of a large number of surface
waves, due to large thicknesses. Lifting the superstrate off the antenna
substrate would help to alleviate this problem [17]. The use of complex
materials, such as biaxial or bianisotropic materials, or the use of an
anisotropic superstrate, can have interesting effects [17]. The effects of
uniaxial anisotropy on the resonant frequency and the bandwidth of a
monolayer microstrip antenna, have been studied in several works, for a
rectangular patch in [18, 86, 87], and for a circular patch in [83, 85, 88], where
the positive and negative uniaxial anisotropy were considered. On the other
hand, the effect of an isotropic dielectric superstrate on the resonant frequency
and the bandwidth of a radiating rectangular patch microstrip was evaluated
experimentally by Bahl [89], and theoretically by Bouttout [20]. They deduced
that the bandwidth decreases for a high permittivity thin superstrate.
On the basis of previous work for the monolayer case [39], where
magnetic uniaxial anisotropy and chirality effects are studied, the effects of a
superstrate having uniaxial electric, magnetic anisotropies and chiral elements
172 C. Zebiri, F. Benabdelaziz and M. Lashab

on the resonant frequency and the bandwidth of the rectangular microstrip are
investigated. The idea of using chiral materials as a substrate and superstrate in
printed antenna circuits was first introduced by Engheta [42]. It has been
shown that the power of the surface waves can be generally reduced when a
chiral substrate is employed in a printed microstrip circuit [90]. The theoretical
concept of the complex resonant frequency considered here is formulated in
terms of an integral equation, by using the vector Fourier transform [91, 92].
This part of work is presented as follows. Firstly, the bianisotropic material is
presented with its magneto-electric tensors, with a chiral material as substrate
and superstrate, Green’s tensors are deduced and the integral equation is
obtained in the spectral domain. Secondly, the numerical results are presented
for different values of the magneto-electric elements. In this contribution, the
intention is to show and observe the effects of chiral elements on the resonant
frequency and half-bandwidth of a microstrip antenna.

5.8.1. Constitutive Equations for Bianisotropic Media

The geometry under consideration is shown in Figure 5.11. A rectangular

patch with dimensions (a, b) along the two axes (ox, oy) respectively, is
printed on a grounded dielectric slab of thickness d1. Above the radiating patch
is the superstrate layer of thickness d2. All the dielectric materials are assumed
to be bianisotropic. The chiral media considered in this study can be described
by the following constitutive relations [30]

  1 
B  μH  ξE (5.70)
  1 
D  εE  ηH (5.71)
   
where E and H are the electric and magnetic field vectors, D and B are
the electric and magnetic induction vectors, c0 is the speed of light in vacuum
and , ,  and  are the constitutive tensors, expressed as
Effect of Anisotropic Magneto-Chirality ... 173

Figure 5.11. Geometrical structure of rectangular patch trapped between bianisotropic


 μt 0 0  εt 0 0  0 ξ 0
   
μ  μ0  0 μt 0  , ε  ε0  0 εt

0, ξ η j  ξ 0 0
0 0 μ z  0 0 ε z   0 0 0
  

A more detailed classification of the bianisotropic materials in terms of

reciprocity and some other properties can be found in [30, 39, 90, 93-95].

5.8.2 Green’s Tensor Evaluation

Starting from Maxwell’s equations, the transverse magnetic (e) and

transverse electric (h) counterparts of the tangential electric and magnetic
fields in the Fourier domain for a bianisotropic bounded region with an
anisotropy tensor of type (5.72) can be expressed in compact matrix form [39].
Keeping in mind the boundary conditions for the tangential field components
in the proximity of the conducting patch, for the structure shown in Figure
5.11, the relation between the electric source and the electric field can be
derived in terms of the spectral Green's dyad [96].
174 C. Zebiri, F. Benabdelaziz and M. Lashab

 N ie  N ce e e
N κ z ,1
 0

 
G κs 
1  Die  Dce   

 sin κ z ,1d1  (5.73)
jωε 
N i
 N ch  2
κ0 

 D i
 Dch  

εt ,1
κ 02 εt ,1 μt ,1  κ s2
ε z ,1
Ne  (5.74)
κ ze,12

κ ze,2

Nie  κ z cos κ z,e 2 d2  j  εt,2

sin κ z,e 2 d2  (5.75)

Nce 
κ 0ξ 2
κ ze,2

κ z εt,2  jκ0ξ2 sin κ z,e 2 d2    (5.76)


Nih  cos κ z,h2 d2  j  h
κ z,2
μt,2 sin κ z,h2 d2   (5.77)

Nch   j
κ0 ξ 2
κ z,2
sin κ z,h2 d2   (5.78)

   
Die  κ z εt,1 cos κ z,e 1d1  jκ ze,1 sin κ z,e 1d1 cos κ z,e 2 d2   
 sin κ
 j t,1 κ ze,2 cos κ z,e 1d1  j

κ κ

ε t,2 sin κ z,e 1d1 z,1 z
 e
z,2 d2 
 t,2 z ,2 
Dce 
  
κz εt,1  jκ0ξ1 sin κz,e1d1 cos κz,e 2 d2   
εt,1 κ0ξ2

εt,2 κz,e2
  
κz εt,2  jκ0ξ2 sin κz,e 2 d2 cos κz,e1d1   
 ε ξ  κ ξ ξ κe ε κe 
 
 κ0   t,1  1  0e 1 e 2 κz εt,2  jκ0ξ2  jξ2 ez,1  jξ1 t,1 z,e2 sin κz,e 2d2 sin κz,e1d1
 εt,2 ξ2 κz,1κz,2 κz,2 εt,2 κz,1 
   
 
Effect of Anisotropic Magneto-Chirality ... 175

1 
  
 κz,h1 cos κz,h1d1  jκz μt,1 sin κz,h1d1   cos  κ h
z,2 2  
 (5.81)
Dih    κ κh μ  
μt,1 

 j  μt,2 z h z,1 cos κz,h1d1 
   
j t,1 κz,h2 sin κz,h1d1  sin κz,h2 d2 
μt,2 

 

 
 ξ 2 μt,1  ξ1 μt,2 jκ0 ξ 2  κ z μt,2  
κ0 
κ z,h2 μt,2

sin κ z,h1d1 sin κ z,h2 d2    
 (5.82)
Dc 

μt,1  κh

    
 hz,1 ξ2 sin κ z,h2 d2 cos κ z,h1d1  ξ1 cos κ z,h2 d2 sin κ z,h1d1
κ z,2
    

 

κ z  κ 02  κ s2 (5.83)

The indices i, c, 1 and 2 respectively represent the uniaxial anisotropic

case, chiral case, first layer and second layer.

5.8.3. Galerkin’s Method

It is clear from (5.73) that the Green’s dyadic is diagonal in the (TM, TE)
representation in the presence of uniaxial anisotropic chirality can be
simplified when deriving Green’s dyadic for a multilayer anisotropic media.
Furthermore, if the substrate and superstrate layers are isotropic the
coefficients with ‘c’ indices are cancelled. The dyadic elements given in (5.73)
are the same as given in [20] and [97]. The surface current J on the patch can
be expanded into a finite series of basis functions

 J r  M  0 
J rs    an  xn s    bm   (5.84)
n 1  0  m1  J ym rs 

where an and bm are the mode expansion coefficients to be sought. The integral
equation describing the electric field on the patch is [98]

  dκ F κ ,r  G κ  J κ   0
s s s s s (5.85)
176 C. Zebiri, F. Benabdelaziz and M. Lashab

F κ s ,rs  rs 0
is the kernel of the vector transforms, where

κ κy 

F κ s ,rs 
rs  0
 x  
 , and J κ s is the Fourier transformation of the
 κ x 
κ y

surface current J. Using the well known Galerkin procedure of the method of
moments, the integral equation in (5.85) is discretized and brought into the
following matrix equation

 ( Β1 ) N N ( B2 ) N M  (a) N 1 
( Β )  0
( Β4 ) M M  (b) M 1 
 3 M N

where (B1)NN, (B2)NM, (B3)MN and (B4)MM are the elements of the digitalized
matrix equation. (a)N1 and (a)M1 are respectively vectors of the unknown
~ ~
expansion coefficients of patch surface currents J xn  s  and J ym  s  . A
nontrivial solution of (5.86) is derived by seeking a complex frequency f=fr+ifi,
where fr and fi are respectively the real and imaginary parts of the complex
resonant frequency and 2fi/f is the half-power bandwidth of the antenna [18,
99, 100]. Owing to the fact that the narrow bandwidth of the resonator should
be exact, the obtained results are validated with those in [20] and [89]. Table
5.1 presents a comparison between the calculated frequencies and those
measured by Bahl [89] and calculated in [20]. The superstrate and the
substrate are considered in the isotropic case. The values are closer to those
given in [89] than to those given in [20]. Table 5.1 shows a better convergence
of our results.
In Figure 5.12, the effect of the electric uniaxial anisotropy is presented by
comparison with the isotropic case [20] (a rectangular patch trapped between a
superstrate and a substrate; a=6 cm, b=5 cm, d1=0.1 cm, t,1=z,1=2.35), for
various values of the permittivity (t,2=z,2=1.5, 2.35, 4, 10) and superstrate
Effect of Anisotropic Magneto-Chirality ... 177

Table 5.1. Comparison between the real resonant frequencies calculated

and measured

Resonant Frequencies (GHz)

N° t,2 d2 (cm)
Measured [89] Calculated [20] Our results
1 1.0  4.104 4.123 4.10121
2 0.0800 4.008 4.033 4.01228
3 2.32 0.1590 3.934 3.983 3.96249
4 0.3180 3.895 3.924 3.90398
5 0.1120 3.952 3.991 3.96994
6 0.1590 3.912 3.958 3.93791
7 0.3180 3.874 3.887 3.86747
8 0.6360 3.806 3.822 3.80391
9 0.0064 4.070 4.108 4.08679
10 3.0 0.0128 4.058 4.095 4.07364
11 0.0384 4.010 4.051 4.02978
12 10.2 0.0635 3.640 3.782 3.76112
13 0.1540 3.482 3.518 3.49265
14 0.3120 3.260 3.222 3.27192

The normalized real frequency is plotted according to the thickness of the

superstrate, and the normalization is with respect to the real resonant
frequency fr0, related to the monolayer antenna (d2=0, r,1=2.35). This is the
case for all the following sections. According to Figure 5.12(a) and 5.12(b), it
is noticed that for lower values of the permittivity, the effect of the two axial
components of the permittivity (t,2,z,2) becomes more apparent for low
values, but in fact it is very important for high values of the permittivity. These
values of the permittivity mask the effect of the axial components. The
component t,2 has a more marked effect on the real part of the resonant
frequency than the component z,2. These observations are valid for the ratio
d2/d1 greater than unity and for high values for the permittivity. In Figure
5.12(a)-(c), the influence of the component z,2 on the real resonant frequency
is almost constant (±0,15%-±0,2%). Consequently, the most advantageous of
these anisotropies is the positive uniaxial anisotropy case, where the real
resonant frequency is subject to a great increase.
178 C. Zebiri, F. Benabdelaziz and M. Lashab

[20] [20]
Normalized real frequeny 1,002 t,2/z,2=0.8, z,2 =1.5 1,002 t,2/z,2=0.8, z,2 =2.35

Normalized real frequeny

1,000 t,2/z,2=1.2, z,2 =1.5 1,000 t,2/z,2=1.2, z,2 =2.35

0,998 z,2/t,2=0.8, t,2 =1.5 0,998 z,2/t,2=0.8, t,2 =2.35

z,2/t,2=1.2, t,2 =1.5 0,996 z,2/t,2=1.2, t,2 =2.35
0,0 0,5 1,0 1,5 2,0 2,5 3,0 0,0 0,5 1,0 1,5 2,0 2,5 3,0

(a) d2/d1 (b) d2/d1

[20] [20]
t,2/z,2=0.8, z,2 =10
Normalized real frequeny

t,2/z,2=0.8, z,2 =4. 1,00

Normalized real frequeny

t,2/z,2=1.2, z,2 =4. t,2/z,2=1.2, z,2 =10
z,2/t,2=0.8, t,2 =4. 0,97 z,2/t,2=0.8, t,2 =10
z,2/t,2=1.2, t,2 =4. 0,96
z,2/t,2=1.2, t,2 =10

0,975 0,94

0,970 0,93

0,965 0,92

0,0 0,5 1,0 1,5 2,0 2,5 3,0 0,0 0,5 1,0 1,5 2,0 2,5 3,0

(c) d2/d1 (d) d2/d1

Figure 5.12. The effect of uniaxial anisotropic permittivity of a superstrate on the

normalized real resonant frequency; a=6 cm, b=5 cm, d1=0.1 cm, r,1=2.35, (a)
t,2/z,2=1.5, (b) t,2/z,2=2.35, (c) t,2/z,2=4, (d) t,2/z,2=10.

In Figure 5.13, the normalized imaginary frequency is plotted according to

the thickness of the superstrate. The numerical results show that the
influencing factor is t,2, and this effect is maximum in the region
(1.5d1>d2>d1). For a positive anisotropy (z,2=1.5 and t,2=0.8z,2) and
d2=1.5d1, the imaginary resonant frequency fi reaches the monolayer case,
whereas for the isotropic case the resonant frequency fi is reached for d2=2.6d1.
We deduce that the first case leads to superstrate miniaturisation (superstrate
thickness reduction of 42.30%) and a slight increase in bandwidth. In [18], it
has been found that the bandwidth is only weakly affected by the uniaxial
anisotropy of the mono layer.
Effect of Anisotropic Magneto-Chirality ... 179


Normalized imaginary frequency

Normalized imaginary frequency 1,012 t,2/z,2=0.8, z,2 =1.5
t,2/z,2=0.8, z,2 =2.35
1,008 t,2/z,2=1.2, z,2 =1.5 t,2/z,2=1.2, z,2 =2.35

1,004 z,2/t,2=0.8, t,2 =1.5 1,005 z,2/t,2=0.8, t,2 =2.35

z,2/t,2=1.2, t,2 =1.5 z,2/t,2=1.2, t,2 =2.35


0,0 0,5 1,0 1,5 2,0 2,5 3,0 0,0 0,5 1,0 1,5 2,0 2,5 3,0

(a) d2/d1 (b) d2/d1

Normalized imaginary frequency

Normalized imaginary frequency

t,2/z,2=0.8, z,2 =4. 1,00
t,2/z,2=0.8, z,2 =10
t,2/z,2=1.2, z,2 =4. 0,98 t,2/z,2=1.2, z,2 =10
z,2/t,2=0.8, t,2 =4. 0,97
z,2/t,2=0.8, t,2 =10
0,98 0,96
z,2/t,2=1.2, t,2 =4. 0,95 z,2/t,2=1.2, t,2 =10
0,0 0,5 1,0 1,5 2,0 2,5 3,0 0,0 0,5 1,0 1,5 2,0 2,5 3,0

(c) d2/d1 (d) d2/d1

Figure 5.13. The effect of uniaxial anisotropic permittivity of a superstrate on the

normalized imaginary resonant frequency; a=6 cm, b=5 cm, d1=0.1 cm, r,1=2.35, (a)
t,2/z,2=1.5, (b) t,2/z,2=2.35, (c) t,2/z,2=4, (d) t,2/z,2=10.

The effect of a dielectric superstrate on the bandwidth of a rectangular

antenna microstrip is also studied. In Figure 5.14, the normalized bandwidth is
plotted versus the thickness of the superstrate. Numerical results show that for
low permittivity (1<z,2<z,1) and low thicknesses (d2<d1) of the protective
dielectric layer, the bandwidth is appreciably constant for the isotropic case
[89], but it is more sensitive to the variations of the permittivity of the
superstrate t,2, whereas the component z,2 does not have any effect on the
bandwidth. For higher thicknesses (d2>d1), one can see two regions. In the first
one (d1<d2<2d1), the bandwidth increases slowly and the component t,2
remains more influential than z,2, and in of the second region (2d1<d2), the
component z,2 becomes the most important factor. In the case of an isotropic
superstrate, (z,2, t,2>t,1=z,1) and relatively lower thicknesses (d2<2.6d1), the
bandwidth is always lower than BW0 (related to the monolayer antenna d2=0,
r,1=2.35) which is the bandwidth of the monolayer antenna [20].
180 C. Zebiri, F. Benabdelaziz and M. Lashab

[20] [20]
1,014 t,2/z,2=0.8, z,2 =1.5
t,2/z,2=0.8, z,2=2.35
t,2/z,2=1.2, z,2 =1.5 t,2/z,2=1.2, z,2=2.35

Normalized BW
Normalized BW

z,2/t,2=0.8, t,2 =1.5 z,2/t,2=0.8, t,2=2.35
z,2/t,2=1.2, t,2 =1.5 z,2/t,2=1.2, t,2=2.35

0,996 0,990

0,0 0,5 1,0 1,5 2,0 2,5 3,0 0,0 0,5 1,0 1,5 2,0 2,5 3,0
(a) d2/d1 (b) d2/d1
[20] [20]
t,2/z,2=0.8, z,2 =4. 1,04
t,2/z,2=0.8, z,2 =10
t,2/z,2=1.2, z,2 =4.
Normalized BW

t,2/z,2=1.2, z,2 =10

Normalized BW

z,2/t,2=0.8, t,2 =4. 1,00 z,2/t,2=0.8, t,2 =10

z,2/t,2=1.2, t,2 =4. z,2/t,2=1.2, t,2 =10


0,0 0,5 1,0 1,5 2,0 2,5 3,0 0,0 0,5 1,0 1,5 2,0 2,5 3,0

(c) d2/d1 (d) d2/d1

Figure 5.14. The effect of uniaxial anisotropic permittivity of a superstrate on the

normalized bandwidth; a=6 cm, b=5 cm, d1=0.1 cm, r,1=2.35, (a) t,2/z,2=1.5, (b)
t,2/z,2=2.35, (c) t,2/z,2=4, (d) t,2/z,2=10.

In this region, the components t,2 hold the bandwidth close to BW0 or
higher. For dielectric permittivity (z,2, t,2>t,1=z,1) and higher thicknesses
(3d1>d2>2.6d1), the components z,2 and t,2 have a tiny effect on the
bandwidth, but for much higher values (z,2 or t,2=10), the component t,2 has
an important effect. In Figure 5.15, the effect of the uniaxial permeability is
presented in comparison with the isotropic case, for various values of the
permeability and thickness of the superstrate. According to Figure 5.15, while
increasing the value of the permittivity (t,2,z,2>r,1), the effect of the two axial
components of the permeability (µt,2, µz,2) becomes more negligible, whereas
for weak permittivity (1<t,2,z,2r,1), the component µz,2 has a stronger effect
on the real part of the resonant frequency than the component µt,2.
Figure 5.16 shows that for low permittivity (1<t,2,z,2r,1), the
component of the permeability µz,2 for (d2<1.5d1) is the most influential factor
on the imaginary resonant frequency, whereas for thick layers (d2>2.6d1), the
component µt,2 becomes more important than µz,2. For higher permittivity
(t,2,z,2>r,1), one can distinguish two regions. For the first one (d2<1.5d1), the
anisotropy in this case has a negligible effect (0.5% maximum), while in the
Effect of Anisotropic Magneto-Chirality ... 181

second region (d2>1.5d1), the component µt,2 has a visible effect (up to 2.5%).
Figure 5.17 shows that for (d2<d1), the influencing component on the
bandwidth is µz,2. Unfortunately, this effect remains weak in this region,
whereas for thick layers (d2>d1), the component µt,2 becomes more important
than µz,2, and the bandwidth in this case reaches a maximum of 3%. For higher
thicknesses of the superstrate (d2>d1), the effect of permeability on the
imaginary frequency and bandwidth is more important than the permittivity,
whereas for real frequency the latter constitutive elements have a reverse

[20] r,2 =1.5 [20] r,2 =2.35

1,000 1,000
Normalized real frequeny

t,2/z,2=0.8, z,2 =1.

Normalized real frequeny

t,2/z,2=0.8, z,2 =1.
t,2/z,2=1.2, z,2 =1. t,2/z,2=1.2, z,2 =1.
0,998 0,995
z,2/t,2=0.8, t,2 =1. z,2/t,2=0.8, t,2 =1.
0,996 z,2/t,2=1.2, t,2 =1. z,2/t,2=1.2, t,2 =1.


0,0 0,5 1,0 1,5 2,0 2,5 3,0 0,0 0,5 1,0 1,5 2,0 2,5 3,0

(a) d2/d1 (b) d2/d1

Figure 5.15. Continued on next page.

[20] r,2 =4. [20] r,2 =10.

Normalized real frequeny

1,000 1,00
Normalized real frequeny

t,2/z,2=0.8, z,2 =1. 0,99

t,2/z,2=0.8, z,2 =1.
t,2/z,2=1.2, z,2 =1. 0,98 t,2/z,2=1.2, z,2 =1.
z,2/t,2=0.8, t,2 =1. 0,97 z,2/t,2=0.8, t,2 =1.
z,2/t,2=1.2, t,2 =1. 0,96 z,2/t,2=1.2, t,2 =1.
0,970 0,93

0,0 0,5 1,0 1,5 2,0 2,5 3,0 0,0 0,5 1,0 1,5 2,0 2,5 3,0
(c) d2/d1 (d) d2/d1

Figure 5.15. The effect of uniaxial anisotropic permeability of a superstrate on the

normalized real resonant frequency; a=6 cm, b=5 cm, d1=0.1 cm, r,1=2.35, (a) r,2=1.5,
(b) r,2=2.35, (c) r,2=4, (d) r,2=10.
182 C. Zebiri, F. Benabdelaziz and M. Lashab

[20] r,2 =1.5

Normalized imaginary frequeny
[20]  r,2 =2.35

Normalized imaginary frequeny

 t,2/ z,2=0.8,  z,2 =1. 1,010
 t,2 / z,2 =0.8,  z,2 =1.
 t,2/ z,2=1.2,  z,2 =1. 1,005
 t,2 / z,2 =1.2,  z,2 =1.
1,004  z,2/ t,2=0.8,  t,2 =1. 1,000
 z,2/  t,2 =0.8,  t,2 =1.
1,000  z,2/ t,2=1.2,  t,2 =1. 0,995
 z,2/  t,2 =1.2,  t,2 =1.

0,992 0,980

0,0 0,5 1,0 1,5 2,0 2,5 3,0 0,0 0,5 1,0 1,5 2,0 2,5 3,0

(a) d 2/d 1 (b) d 2 /d 1

[20]  r,2 =4. [20]  r,2 =10.
Normalized imaginary frequeny

Normalized imaginary frequeny

1,000 1,00
 t,2 / z,2=0.8,  z,2 =1. 0,99  t,2 / z,2 =0.8,  z,2 =1.
0,990  t,2 / z,2=1.2,  z,2 =1. 0,98
 t,2 / z,2 =1.2,  z,2 =1.
 z,2 / t,2 =0.8,  t,2 =1. 0,96  z,2/  t,2 =0.8,  t,2 =1.
0,975  z,2 / t,2 =1.2,  t,2 =1. 0,95
 z,2/  t,2 =1.2,  t,2 =1.
0,965 0,92
0,960 0,91
0,955 0,90
0,0 0,5 1,0 1,5 2,0 2,5 3,0 0,0 0,5 1,0 1,5 2,0 2,5 3,0

(c) d 2 /d 1 (d) d 2 /d 1

Figure 5.16. The effect of uniaxial anisotropic permeability of a superstrate on the

normalized imaginary resonant frequency; a=6 cm, b=5 cm, d1=0.1 cm, r,1=2.35, (a)
r,2=1.5, (b) r,2=2.35, (c) r,2=4, (d) r,2=10.
[20]  r,2 =1.5 [20] r,2 =2.35
 t,2/ z,2=0.8,  z,2 =1. t,2/z,2=0.8, z,2 =1.
1,015 1,020
 t,2/ z,2=1.2,  z,2 =1. t,2/z,2=1.2, z,2 =1.
Normalized BW

Normalized BW

 z,2/ t,2=0.8,  t,2 =1. 1,010 z,2/t,2=0.8, t,2 =1.
1,005  z,2/ t,2=1.2,  t,2 =1. 1,005
z,2/t,2=1.2, t,2 =1.

1,000 0,995

0,0 0,5 1,0 1,5 2,0 2,5 3,0 0,0 0,5 1,0 1,5 2,0 2,5 3,0

(a) d2/d 1 (b) d2/d1

[20] r,2 =4.

[20] r,2 =10.
1,03 t,2/z,2=0.8, z,2 =1. 1,05 t,2/z,2=0.8, z,2 =1.
t,2/z,2=1.2, z,2 =1.
Normalized BW
Normalized BW

1,03 t,2/z,2=1.2, z,2 =1.
1,01 z,2/t,2=0.8, t,2 =1. 1,02
z,2/t,2=0.8, t,2 =1.
1,00 z,2/t,2=1.2, t,2 =1. 1,00
z,2/t,2=1.2, t,2 =1.
0,99 0,98
0,98 0,96
0,97 0,94
0,0 0,5 1,0 1,5 2,0 2,5 3,0 0,0 0,5 1,0 1,5 2,0 2,5 3,0

(c) d2/d1 (d) d2/d1

Figure 5.17. The effect of uniaxial anisotropic permeability of a superstrate on the

normalized bandwidth; a=6 cm, b=5 cm, d1=0.1 cm, r,1=2.35, (a) r,2=1.5, (b) r,2=2.35, (c)
r,2=4, (d) r,2=10.
Effect of Anisotropic Magneto-Chirality ... 183

Normalized real frequeny

Normalized real frequeny

1,02 1,02
1,00 0,99
0,98 [20] r,2 =1.5 0,96 [20] r,2 =2.35
2=-1. 0,94
2= 1. 0,93
2= 1.
0,95 0,92
0,0 0,5 1,0 1,5 2,0 2,5 3,0 0,0 0,5 1,0 1,5 2,0 2,5 3,0

(a) d2/d1 (b) d2/d1


Normalized real frequeny

Normalized real frequeny

[20] r,2 =4. 0,78 [20] r,2=10.
0,90 2=-1. 0,72
2= 1.
0,86 0,60
2= 1.
0,0 0,5 1,0 1,5 2,0 2,5 3,0 0,0 0,5 1,0 1,5 2,0 2,5 3,0
(c) d2/d1 (d) d2/d1

Figure 5.18. The chirality effect of a superstrate on the normalized real resonant
frequency; a=6 cm, b=5 cm, d1=0.1 cm, r,1=2.35, (a) r,2=1.5, (b)  r,2=2.35, (c) r,2=4,
(d) r,2=10.

The chirality effect on the resonant frequency is shown in Figure 5.18. In

this case, the effect of the chirality is that the real resonant frequency
monotonously increases with respect to superstrate thickness for a positive
magneto-electric element compared to the previous case (uniaxial
anisotropies), whereas for negative elements the real resonant frequency is
subject to an accentuated decrease. In addition, by increasing the permittivity,
the normalized real resonant frequency increases or decreases further,
according to the chirality parameter. In Figure 5.19, the chirality effect on the
imaginary resonant frequency always remains the same as the real part, with
the exception that this effect is more important for the imaginary part than for
the real part. The normalized imaginary frequency is three times the
monolayer case of imaginary frequency for a positive chirality, and six times
for a negative chirality parameter. The effect of the negative chirality element
on the bandwidth is more important than the positive chirality element for
d2>1.5d1 and for higher permittivity (t,2,z,2>r,1). This is illustrated in Figure
5.20(d), where an increase of eleven times in BW0 is obtained. For lower
permittivity (t,2,z,2<r,1) the effect of the positive chirality element on the
bandwidth is more important than the negative chirality. It should be noted
184 C. Zebiri, F. Benabdelaziz and M. Lashab

that the negative chirality element is advantageous over the positive one, due
to the possibility of bandwidth cancellation for the case when d2≈0.5d1.

imaginary frequeny

imaginary frequeny


[20] r,2 =1.5 -1
[20] r,2 =2.35
-2 2=-1. -3 2=-1.
2= 1. -4 2= 1.
0,0 0,5 1,0 1,5 2,0 2,5 3,0 0,0 0,5 1,0 1,5 2,0 2,5 3,0

(a) d2/d1 (b) d2/d1

3 4
imaginary frequeny 3
imaginary frequeny


1 1

0 0

[20] r,2 =4. -2 [20] r,2=10.
-3 2=-1. -4 2=-1.
2= 1.
2= 1. -6

0,0 0,5 1,0 1,5 2,0 2,5 3,0 0,0 0,5 1,0 1,5 2,0 2,5 3,0
(c) d2/d1 (d) d2/d1

Figure 5.19. The chirality effect of a superstrate on the normalized imaginary resonant
frequency; a=6 cm, b=5 cm, d1=0.1 cm, r,1=2.35, (a) r,2=1.5, (b) r,2=2.35, (c) r,2=4,
(d) r,2=10.

[20] r,2 =1.5
[20] r,2=2.35
Normalized BW

Normalized BW

2= -1. 4 2= -1.


2= 1. 3 2= 1.


0 0
0,0 0,5 1,0 1,5 2,0 2,5 3,0 0,0 0,5 1,0 1,5 2,0 2,5 3,0
(a) d2/d1 (b) d2/d1

Figure 5.20. Continued on next page.

Effect of Anisotropic Magneto-Chirality ... 185

6,0 11
Normalized BW 5,4
[20] r,2 =4. 10 [20] r,2 =10.

Normalized BW
2= -1. 9
2= -1.
4,2 8

3,6 2= 1. 7
2= 1.
1,2 2
0,6 1
0,0 0
0,0 0,5 1,0 1,5 2,0 2,5 3,0 0,0 0,5 1,0 1,5 2,0 2,5 3,0

(c) d2/d1 (d) d2/d1

Figure 5.20. The chirality effect of a superstrate on the normalized bandwidth; a=6 cm,
b=5 cm, d1=0.1 cm, r,1=2.35, (a) r,2=1.5, (b) r,2=2.35, (c) r,2=4, (d) r,2=10.


Earlier publications focused on understanding how the superstrate affects
the resonant frequency and subsequent power matching concerns [101-103].
Also other general types of antenna are treated - multilayered stacked
geometry [104], several patch forms, such as the triangular one [103, 104],
rectangular type [104], circular patch [105] and circular annular ring
microstrip [106], where the structures with substrate-superstrate, were
generally employed to improve the characteristics of the resonator and
especially those of the antenna [82, 102, 103, 105-109]. Several particular
cases of such a medium have found practical applications in recent years
(chiral materials, biased ferrites and biaxial optical fibres) and additional
applications are likely to occur as a consequence of the introduction of novel
synthetic electronic materials [48]. Pozar quoted some disadvantages posed by
the superstrate, and suggested that the most complex mediums, such as biaxial,
bianisotropic, or the use of an anisotropic superstrate, can have more
interesting effects [17]. This suggestion motivated studies of several
configurations of the superstrates, used to improve antenna radiation
properties, such as dielectric slabs [110, 111] and electromagnetic bandgap
(EBG) structures [66, 112, 113]. Yang [67] was the first who proposed the
antennas with high profit could be obtained by a radiating element printed on
EBG, and the use of highly-reflective surfaces [109], the artificial magnetic
[102, 114], effects of self-biased magnetic films on patch antennas with
186 C. Zebiri, F. Benabdelaziz and M. Lashab

substrate-superstrate sandwich structure [59-63], and bianisotropic substrate

and superstrates [39, 40].
The improvement brought by the anisotropy and the thickness of the
superstrate is to reduce surface waves resulting in a radiation efficiency of
more than 90% [59-63, 101, 115], and radar cross section (RCS) [116, 117]. In
[118], the authors found the superstrate loaded on the metallic patch can be
used for frequency tuning, bandwidth enhancement and RCS reduction. The
idea of using chiral materials as substrates and superstrate in the design of
printed antennas was first introduced in 1988 by Engheta [42], and the term
‘chirostrip’ was then invented. Later in 1989, chiroptical guides were invented
(and named) by Engheta and Pelet in [46]. These discoveries have opened up a
whole new field of theoretical studies on the properties of these guides or
resonator-based chiral: new polarizations, crossing patterns, coupling TE/TM
wave generation ‘slow’ resonant frequency, bandwidth and surface wave [90].
It was not until 2001 that the resolution of Maxwell's equations in these
structures was fully completed [119, 120]. Over the years, the interaction of
electromagnetic fields with chiral matters has been studied, with chiral media
is used in many applications involving arrays antennas, radome antennas,
microstrip substrates and waveguides [121]. Therefore, it is important to
predict the electromagnetic behaviour of a general bianisotropic medium, aside
from the fundamental studies contained in [122-124] and related publications.
The dispersion relation of such media has been studied in [125] and an
application to layered structures has been fully made in [48, 126].
Chiral media are optically active, a behaviour caused by their
asymmetrical molecular structure that enables a substance to rotate the plane
of incident polarized light, where the amount of rotation in the plane of
polarization is proportional to the thickness of the traversed medium as well as
to the light wavelength [47, 121, 127-129]. The media can be divided basically
into reciprocal [130] and nonreciprocal magneto-electric materials [122, 131,
132]. The most general linear medium is described by bianisotropic
constitutive relations [122-124]. Note that the constitutive tensors can define
whether the medium is reciprocal or not [133], and the effect of this media in
electronic components parameters can be symmetrical or asymmetrical [134,
135]. It should be pointed out that the paper [136] is specifically focused on
chiral media. Those reciprocal bi-isotropic media whose existence is out of
controversy-nonreciprocal bi-isotropic media have neither been found nor
manufactured, and the possibility of their existence is currently under
discussion in the open literature [97, 137]. The nonreciprocal behaviour of
particular classes of such materials has also been studied [48, 123, 138]. In the
Effect of Anisotropic Magneto-Chirality ... 187

following section, the combined effects of asymmetric chiral substrate and

superstrate on the resonant frequency and bandwidth of rectangular microstrip
are considered.

5.9.1. Combined Effect of Substrate and Superstrate Chirality

(Thin Layer Case)

Figure 5.21 shows a rectangular microstrip patch antenna in a

bianisotropic substrate-superstrate configuration. In the monolayer case [39],
the asymmetry effect is more visible when the substrate permittivity εr=7 than
in a second case with εr=2.35; it is also more apparent on the bandwidth than
on the resonant frequency. An increase of layer thickness leads to an increase
of the asymmetry effect of the chiral (?) [39]. Figures 5.22(a)-5.22(d) and
5.23(a)-5.23(d) show the combined effect of the two chiral substrates.
Knowing that the substrate thickness d1=1 mm, in the configuration
(substrate/superstrate) case, the asymmetry effect of the substrate is negligible
both on the resonant frequency or on the bandwidth, this case concord with the
last one [39] and in [40].
The effect of asymmetry on an increase or decrease of the resonant
frequency, for a positive or negative magneto-electric element, is not the same
as compared to the isotropic case. The chiral superstrate becomes more
important with the increasing of these two factors. The thickness and
permittivity (i.e. the asymmetry reaches 1% up to 33% for respectively
εr=1.5% to εr=10 on the resonant frequency, and on the bandwidth, the
asymmetry effect can reach 700% for εr=10). In the case of the resonant
frequency, the asymmetry of the chiral superstrate is important (the effect of
the substrate chirality is always negligible due to the weak thickness of this
layer). This occurs according to the thickness layer ratio, d2/d1. For a positive
magneto-electric, there is a monotonis increase of the bandwidth. However, in
the negative magneto-electric case, three zones are observed, the first one
located in 0<d2/d1<0.5, when the bandwidth undergoes an increase reaching
100% for all cases. In the second region, 0.5 <d2/d1<1, the bandwidth
decreases with the same slope. In the last region d2/d1> 1, a monotonic
increase of the bandwidth is visible. As stated above in the previous section, it
is preferable to have the substrate layer thick enough for better observing the
combined effect of the both media, indeed the value of d1=5 mm is considered.
The dimensions of the studied structure and the ratio d2/d1, are preserved as in
188 C. Zebiri, F. Benabdelaziz and M. Lashab

previous cases and the normalization is compared to the monolayer case


5.9.2. Combined Effect of Substrate and Superstrate Chirality

(Thick Layer Case)

Figures 5.24(a-d) present the associated effect of the two magneto-electric

components of the various layers (substrate and superstrate). The behaviour of
the real resonant frequency is as studied previously. Even with d1=5 mm, the
asymmetry effect of the chiral is not visible, but the combination between the
chirality of the substrate and superstrate is asymmetric. By increasing the
thickness of the superstrate and its permittivity εr, the substrate chirality effect
with a negative magneto-electric element of the superstrate becomes weaker,
whereas for a positive chirality of the superstrate, the chirality effect of the
substrate is important. The asymmetry effect of the superstrate chirality on the
resonant frequency is also remarkable in this case.

Figure 5.21. Rectangular microstrip patch antenna in a bianisotropic substrate-

superstrate configuration.
Effect of Anisotropic Magneto-Chirality ... 189

isotropic case [40] isotropic case [40]

 1 =0., 2 =-1. [40]  1 =0., 2 =-1. [40]

Normalized real frequency

1,02 1,025

Normalized real frequency 1,01

 1 =0., 2 =+1. [40]  1 =0., 2 =+1. [40]


 1 =-1.,  2 =-1.  1 =-1.,  2 =-1.
0,97  1 =+1.,  2 =-1. 0,950  1 =+1.,  2 =-1.
0,96  1 =-1.,  2 =+1.  1 =-1.,  2 =+1.
 1 =+1.,  2 =+1.
 r,2 =1.5  r,2 =2.35
 1 =+1.,  2 =+1.
0,95 0,925
0,0 0,5 1,0 1,5 2,0 2,5 3,0 0,0 0,5 1,0 1,5 2,0 2,5 3,0
(a) d 2 /d 1 (b) d 2 /d 1

isotropic case [40]

1=0.,2=-1. [40]
Normalized real frequency

Normalized real frequency

1,05 1,05
1=0.,2=+1. [40] 1,00

1,00 0,95

isotropic case [40]
1=0.,2=-1. [40]
1=0.,2=+1. [40]
1=-1., 2=-1. 1=-1., 2=-1.
0,90 1=+1., 2=-1. 1=+1., 2=-1.
1=-1., 2=+1. 1=-1., 2=+1.
1=+1., 2=+1.
r,2 =4. 0,65
1=+1., 2=+1.
r,2 =10.
0,85 0,60
0,0 0,5 1,0 1,5 2,0 2,5 3,0 0,0 0,5 1,0 1,5 2,0 2,5 3,0

(c) d2/d1 (b) d2/d1

Figure 5.22. Normalized resonant frequency of a rectangular microstrip patch antenna in a

bianisotropic substrate-superstrate configuration versus superstrate thickness; a=6 cm, b=5
cm, d1=0.1 cm, t,1=z,1=2.35, z,2=1.5, 2.35, 4, 10.

 r,2 =1.5
 r,2 =2.
 1=-1., 2=-1.
Normalized bandwidth

5  1=-1.,  2 =-1.
Normalized bandwidth

 1=+1.,  2=-1.
3,5  1=+1.,  2 =-1.
 1=-1., 2=+1. 4
3,0  1=-1.,  2 =+1.
 1=+1.,  2=+1.
 1=+1.,  2 =+1.
2,5 3
2,0 isotropic case [40] isotropic case [40]
 1=0., 2=-1. [40] 2  1=0.,  2 =-1. [40]
 1=0., 2=+1. [40]  1=0.,  2 =+1. [40]

0,0 0
0,0 0,5 1,0 1,5 2,0 2,5 3,0 0,0 0,5 1,0 1,5 2,0 2,5 3,0
(a) d2/d 1 (b) d 2/d 1

 r,2 =4.  r,2 =10

 1 =-1.,  2 =-1. 12  1 =-1.,  2 =-1.
Normalized bandwidth

Normalized bandwidth

 1 =+1.,  2 =-1.  1 =+1.,  2 =-1.
4,50  1 =-1.,  2 =+1.  1 =-1.,  2 =+1.
3,75  1 =+1.,  2 =+1. 8  1 =+1.,  2 =+1.

3,00 isotropic case [40]

isotropic case [40]  1 =0.,  2 =-1. [40]
 1 =0.,  2 =-1. [40] 4  1 =0.,  2 =+1. [40]
 1 =0.,  2 =+1. [40]

0,00 0
0,0 0,5 1,0 1,5 2,0 2,5 3,0 0,0 0,5 1,0 1,5 2,0 2,5 3,0
(c) d 2 /d 1 (d) d 2 /d 1

Figure 5.23. Normalized bandwidth of a rectangular microstrip patch antenna in a

bianisotropic substrate-superstrate configuration versus superstrate thickness; a=6 cm, b=5
cm, d1=0.1 cm, t,1=z,1=2.35, z,2=1.5, 2.35, 4, 10.
190 C. Zebiri, F. Benabdelaziz and M. Lashab

r,2 =2.35

Normalized real frequency

r,2 =1.5

Normalized real frequency

1,04 1,00
1,00 0,95
0,90 1=2=0.
0,94 1=0., 2=+1.
1=0., 2=+1. 0,85 1=-1., 2=-1.
0,92 1=-1., 2=-1.
1=0., 2=-1. 1=0., 2=-1.
0,90 1=+1., 2=-1. 0,80 1=+1., 2=-1.
1=-1., 2=+1. 1=-1., 2=+1.
0,86 0,75
1=+1., 2=+1. 1=+1., 2=+1.
0,0 0,5 1,0 1,5 2,0 2,5 3,0 0,0 0,5 1,0 1,5 2,0 2,5 3,0
(a) d2/d1 (b) d2/d1

r,2 =10

Normalized real frequency

1,05 r,2 =4 1,0
Normalized real frequency

1,00 0,9
0,85 0,7

0,80 1=2=0. 0,6 1=-1., 2=-1.

0,75 1=0., 2=+1.
1=-1., 2=-1. 0,5 1=+1., 2=-1.
0,70 1=0., 2=-1. 1=2=0.
1=+1., 2=-1. 1=-1., 2=+1.
0,65 0,4 1=0., 2=+1.
1=-1., 2=+1. 1=+1., 2=+1.
0,60 0,3 1=0., 2=-1.
1=+1., 2=+1.
0,0 0,5 1,0 1,5 2,0 2,5 3,0 0,0 0,5 1,0 1,5 2,0 2,5 3,0
(c) d2/d1 (d) d2/d1

Figure 5.24. Combined effect of substrate and superstrate on the normalized resonant
frequency versus superstrate thickness; a=6 cm, b=5 cm, d1=0.5 cm, t,1=z,1=2.35,
z,2=1.5, 2.35, 4, 10.

r,2 =1.5
Normalized real frequency

1,04 r,2 =2.35

Normalized real frequency


0,98 0,95
1=2=0. 0,90
0,92 1=-1., 2=-1. 1=0., 2=+1.
0,85 1=-1., 2=-1. 1=0., 2=+1.
0,90 1=+1., 2=-1. 1=0., 2=-1.
1=+1., 2=-1. 1=0., 2=-1.
0,88 0,80
1=-1., 2=+1. 1=-1., 2=+1.
1=+1., 2=+1. 0,75
1=+1., 2=+1.
0,0 0,5 1,0 1,5 2,0 2,5 3,0 0,0 0,5 1,0 1,5 2,0 2,5 3,0

(a) d2/d1 (b) d2/d1

r,2 =10.
Normalized real frequency

1,05 r,2 =4.

Normalized real frequency

0,90 0,8

0,85 0,7
1=-1., 2=-1.
1=+1., 2=-1.
0,6 1=-1., 2=-1.
1=-1., 2=+1. 0,5 1=+1., 2=-1.
0,70 1=2=0.
1=2=0. 1=-1., 2=+1.
0,65 1=+1., 2=+1. 0,4
1=0., 2=+1. 1=0., 2=+1.
0,60 1=+1., 2=+1.
1=0., 2=-1. 0,3 1=0., 2=-1.
0,0 0,5 1,0 1,5 2,0 2,5 3,0 0,0 0,5 1,0 1,5 2,0 2,5 3,0

(c) d2/d1 (d) d2/d1

Figure 5.25. Combined effect of substrate and superstrate on the normalized bandwidth
versus superstrate thickness; a=6 cm, b=5 cm, d1=0.5 cm, t,1=z,1=2.35, z,2=1.5, 2.35,
4, 10.
Effect of Anisotropic Magneto-Chirality ... 191

Figures 5.25(a-d) show that the chirality effect of the substrate on the
bandwidth is symmetric in this case, but the combined effect (ξ1 and ξ2) is
asymmetric on the bandwidth. This is more apparent for low permittivity εr,
important ratio d2/d1 and for a positive magneto-electric element of the
superstrate, ξ2=+1, Figures 5.25(a-b). The asymmetry effect of the superstrate
chirality on the bandwidth becomes important when increasing both the
permittivity εr and the thickness of this layer, with a negative magneto-electric
element of the superstrate ξ2=-1, Figure 5.25(d), whereas in the case of a
positive magneto-electric element of the superstrate, the chirality of the
substrate is negligible.
The symmetry and asymmetry of the bi-isotropic chiral media, having
scalar constitutive parameters, have been reported by some authors [134, 135].
In [134], the authors found that the chiral substrate produces additional
longitudinal asymmetric and transverse symmetric field components, this is
the case of isotropic study. This effect could significantly change the
properties of microwave devices built on a chiral substrate, and with respect to
the asymmetry, it is necessary to evaluate the asymptotic form of the Green
tensor. This form is obtained analytically just below, when d1→ 0, and d2 are
maintained constant to show the asymmetry effect of this chiral layer,
according to the Green tensor given in (5.73) as the following

   κe κ ξ   
      
 κ02εt,1  κ s2  κ z cos κ z,e 2 d2   j z,2  0e 2 κ z ε t,2  jκ0ξ 2  sin κ z,e 2 d2 
 ε κ

   t,2 z,2   
  d
G κs  1   e  
   
jωε  κ z εt,1 cos κ z,2 d2  j  κ z,2 sin κ z,2 d2  j

εt,1 κ 0ξ
εt,2 κ z,e2
  
κ z εt,2  jκ0ξ 2  sin κ z,2 d2
 

    
 0 κ02 

It can be noticed from the previous expression that the chirality anomaly is
observed as

 κ
  
G e κ s  f  e0 κ z ε t,2 ξ 2  j κ 0 ξ 22 sin κ z,e 2 d2    (5.88)
 κ z ,2 

The term εt,2 ξ2 sin κ z,2 d2  e
 is significant for important values of  t,2, and
this last result can explain some previous results. The anomaly can be
explained also by the fact that the fields are divided into the symmetric and
asymmetric field components. The symmetric field components were only
192 C. Zebiri, F. Benabdelaziz and M. Lashab

slightly affected by the chirality of the media, but the asymmetric field
components were entirely due to the chirality of the media. This can be clearly
noticed by rewriting the equations, TE and TM immitance in symmetric and
asymmetric forms

 
 
      
g  s  diag  j 2 02 t 0 e 2  j ze 2 2 0 t e 2
j  0  j  
h 
 (5.89)
  0  
  

  
z 0    z 
 

0 t
 asymmetric part symmetric part asymmetric part 

 
 
      
h  s  diag  j 2 02 t 0 e 2  j ze 2 2 0 t e 2
j  
0  j  z
h 
 (5.90)
  0  
  
 
 0z 
z     
 0  t
 asymmetric part symmetric part asymmetric part 

The asymmetric part occurs in the TE and TM immitance equations (5.89)

and (5.90) according to the sign of the magneto-electric element . Contrary to
the case studied in [134], and taking into account Equation (5.72), which
shows a gyrotropic form of the bianisotropic media, the non-diagonal shape of
the magneto-electric element produces an asymmetry in the longitudinal and
transverse components.
In addition, according to the observations, it was found that the layer
thickness has an effect on the chiral asymmetry, where the variation of the
layer leads to a variation of the transverses components.

Numerical results for resonant frequency and bandwidth were presented
for different values of constitutive parameters. The asymmetric effect of a thin
chiral substrate is negligible in the first case examined, a monolayer microstrip
antenna, but the effect of the superstrate is always important. Another original
result was obtained, not previously discussed in the literature, namely the
relationship between the permittivity (exactly t,2) and the chiral constitutive
parameter. It is shown that by increasing the permittivity, the asymmetrical
Effect of Anisotropic Magneto-Chirality ... 193

effect of the chiral becomes high, and for complex values of the magneto-
electric parameters ,  (in this case a non-diagonal matrix) has shown that the
transverse component occurs in the chiral asymmetry, which is not the case for
bi-isotropic case study where ,  have a scalar form. In addition to what is
found in the literature, it is shown that the layer plays an important role in the
chiral asymmetry. Bianisotropy and specially the asymmetry of the substrates
should always be taken into account in the design of the microstrip resonators.
Furthermore, to improve the resonator parameters the chiral is probably most
convenient for this task, since this artificial medium can be modelled as
required. The effects of a uniaxial permittivity, uniaxial permeability and
chirality of the superstrate on the complex resonant frequency and bandwidth
have been studied using the integral equation formulation. Fast numerical
convergence is obtained using sinusoidal basis functions to expand the current
on the patch, with the calculation being carried out on a PC with 1.86 GHz
Intel Pentium M and 1,024 GB RAM. The determinant cancellation of the
Green’s tensor is obtained in about 42 s. Numerical results for the resonant
frequency and bandwidth have been presented for various constitutive
parameter configurations. The most important parameters for a substrate-
superstrate are t,2, µz,2, in contrast to the monolayer case where they are z,1,
µt,1, whereas the chirality elements have an important effect for any case. The
advantage of positive uniaxial permittivity anisotropy is summarized by the
fact that the resonant frequency and the bandwidth are subject to an increase.
For all presented behaviour of the chiral medium in a rectangular microstrip
antenna substrate-superstrate configuration, it can be concluded that the
material is suitable for the conception of radiating resonators or selective filter

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In: Development of Complex Electromagnetic … ISBN: 978-1-61122-013-1
Editors: K. N. Ramli et al. © 2014 Nova Science Publishers, Inc.

Chapter 6


K. N. Ramli1, R. A. Abd-Alhameed2 and P. S. Excell3

Faculty of Electrical and Electronics Engineering,

Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia,

Parit Raja, Batu Pahat, Johor, Malaysia
Mobile and Satellite Communications Research Centre,
Bradford University, Bradford, UK
Institute for Arts, Science and Technology,
Glyndwr University, Wrexham, UK

A new hybrid method of moments (MoM)/finite-difference time-
domain (FDTD), with a subgridded finite-difference time-domain
(SGFDTD) approach is presented. The method overcomes the drawbacks
of homogeneous MoM and FDTD simulations, and so permits accurate
analysis of realistic applications. As a demonstration, it is applied to the
short-range interaction between an inhomogeneous human body and a
small UHF RFID antenna tag, operating at 900 MHz. Near-field and far-
field performance for the antenna are assessed for different placements
over the body. The cumulative distribution function of the radiation
efficiency and the absorbed power are presented and analyzed. The
algorithm has a five-fold speed advantage over fine-gridded FDTD.
208 K. N. Ramli, R. A. Abd-Alhameed and P. S. Excell

Rigorous determination of electromagnetic fields within arbitrary,
anisotropic, and inhomogeneous dielectric bodies is important for researchers
exploring the effects of microwaves upon living tissue. Electromagnetic fields
are induced inside any biological system, such as the human body, when it is
illuminated by an electromagnetic wave, which is also scattered externally.
The human body is an irregularly shaped heterogeneous conducting medium
whose permittivity and conductivity vary with the frequency of the incident
wave, so the distributions of the internal and scattered electromagnetic fields
depend on the body’s physiological parameters and geometry, as well as on
the polarization and frequency of operation. Due to its mathematical simplicity
and ease of implementation, FDTD [1-12] numerical solutions have been
widely adopted to solve complex stratified dielectric objects, such as human
bodies [13-15] and biological tissues [16-17].
The conventional uniform mesh FDTD becomes unfavourable due to
excessive computation time and memory when it is applied to electrically
small objects which require high spatial resolution. To circumvent this
problem, the non-uniform mesh and subgridding schemes in FDTD were
proposed. However, these methods may produce spurious solutions or suffer
from instability [18], so the FDTD method has been used in conjunction with
other numerical techniques in order to tackle this limitation. In 1993, Aoyagi
et al. [19] used the Yee algorithm with the scalar wave equation to reduce the
computations needed to model a vivaldi antenna, while Cangellaris et al. [20]
used a hybrid spectral-FDTD method to analyze propagation in anisotropic,
inhomogeneous periodic structures. Wang [21] introduced a hybrid ray-FDTD
method and used it to investigate scattering from a cavity with a complex
termination and wave penetration through inhomogeneous walls. In 1994,
Mrozowski [22] introduced a hybrid FDTD-PEE (partial eigenfunction
expansion) method to speed up the FDTD method when solving shielded
structure problems. In addition, finite element and finite volume methods have
recently been combined with FDTD, [23, 24], for accuracy in handling curved
geometries and systems with fine features. Hybrid methods operating entirely
in the time domain have been reported in the literature [25, 26], but the time-
domain MoM is not at the state of maturity and flexibility of the frequency-
domain version. Time-domain MoM does have the advantage of generating
information over a wide frequency band, and does not need an iterative
procedure to couple with FDTD, but it requires very long run-times when
treating a junction with more than two wires [27], unlike the frequency domain
Interaction of EM Fields to the Human Body … 209

version in which complex metallic structures may be modeled accurately with

lower run-times and with more flexibility in treating different complex
The hybrid MoM/FDTD method may be said to have been first
investigated in 1982, when Taflove and Umashankar [28] used a hybrid
FDTD/MoM approach to investigate electromagnetic (EM) coupling problems
and aperture penetration into complex geometries and loaded cavities, In 1987,
the same authors used an equivalent surface fully enclosing equivalent wire
bundles (concept of equivalent radius) to replace them with a single wire in the
FDTD model [29]. Later, the concepts of [28] and [29] were deployed in the
computer software GEMACS [30] which was developed using method of
moments/uniform geometrical theory of diffraction/finite-difference
frequency-domain (MoM/UTD/FDFD) hybrids to allow users to model
problems with more than one region. The work on hybrid MoM/FDTD was
continued by Bo et al. in 2010 [31] to model HF antennas located on the
ground. A year later, Xin et al. [32] employed the same technique for RF coil
to determine the open vertical-field of the propagated EM wave.
In 2000, Mangoud proposed a hybrid combination of frequency domain
MoM and FDTD [33], thus overcoming the drawbacks of homogeneous
FDTD and MoM to solve a wide variety of electromagnetic interaction
scattering problems. In 2004, a new hybrid method brought together the
FDTD, finite-element time-domain (FETD) and method of moments time-
domain (MoMTD) methods to analyze problems of thin-wire antennas
radiating in the vicinity of arbitrarily-shaped inhomogeneous bodies [34].
From [35], stair case errors [36] from FDTD can be mitigated by using a finite
element method (FEM), but this method requires high computational
resources. The method in [33] was extended to include the analysis of wide
band [37] and dual-band [38] antenna responses using an impedance
interpolation method [38] to minimize the computation time on the MoM side.
Recently, the works [33, 37-38] have been extended by embedding
subgridding inside an inhomogeneous human body model when the source
excitation is a short-range radio frequency identification (RFID) antenna at
900 MHz in the UHF band [39]. The use of subgridding in the hybrid MoM-
FDTD method ensures that transitions are as reflection-less as possible in
order to provide specific animated display movements of the electric and
magnetic fields in both the subgridded region and main grids. However,
curved objects and small geometric features cannot be accurately modelled
due to inherent staircase errors caused by the Cartesian grid. To circumvent
this weakness, a variable time and space increment has been employed which
210 K. N. Ramli, R. A. Abd-Alhameed and P. S. Excell

provides for subgridding and consequently minimizes numerical dispersion.

The main grid is divided into subgrids, and the boundary fields are coupled
using temporal and spatial interpolations. Thus, the MoM-FDTD-SGFDTD
hybridization method is well-suited to electromagnetic radiation and scattering
problems as it overcomes the drawbacks of homogeneous MoM and FDTD
simulations, this being appropriate for realistic electromagnetic analysis. In
this paper, a new 3D hybrid MoM-FDTD-SGFDTD is developed and used to
study the state of the art in body-antenna interaction.


Consider the electromagnetic hybrid geometry illustrated in Figure 6.1.
The figure shows two regions, with the source in region A, and the scatterer in
region B. The source region is bounded by a closed Huygens surface Sc. The
method starts by computing the fields due to the real currents of the source
region on the surface Sc, excluding region B. These fields are computed by
applying Galerkin's method with a set of variable polynomial basis
functions [33, 37].

Interaction of EM Fields to the Human Body … 211


Figure 1. Hybrid MoM-FDTD-SGFDTD configuration for single source and scatterer

geometries: (a) Near-field, (b) Far-field.

The equivalent surface currents on the surface Sc represent the outward

travelling wave-fields from the source to the scatterer, due to the fields of the
source. These may be expressed as:

J if  nˆ  H if

M if  E if  nˆ

Here n̂ is the outwardly directed unit vector normal to the surface from
the source region. Hif and Eif are equivalent to the forward-scattered magnetic
and electric fields respectively from the source region on the equivalent
surface Sc, and Jif and Mif are the corresponding electric and magnetic source
currents respectively on this surface. These currents are then treated as sources
in the FDTD computational province, propagating fields to the scatterer by
using the E and H curl equations given by the expression:
212 K. N. Ramli, R. A. Abd-Alhameed and P. S. Excell

E    M if
t (6.3)
H    J if
t (6.4)

The back-scattered fields were computed by FDTD at S c (the closed

surface interior to the surface Sc and bounding the region A). This surface is
closed in the scattered field region, so that the calculated surface currents are
due to the scattered fields only.
The equivalent surface currents due to these fields, representing an
additional source to the MoM domain (region A), are given by:

J ib  H ib  nˆ (6.5)

M ib  nˆ  E ib (6.6)

where Hib and Eib are the back-scattered fields computed at Sc . Note that n̂ is
as above, directed outwards from the source region. Jib and Mib are the electric
and magnetic equivalent surface currents at S c .
Now, the voltage back-scattered in the source region (the excitation for the
MoM) can be evaluated using either of the following equations, defined by the
reciprocity theorem in the same way as in [33, 37]:

Vb   dS
a ( J ms  E ib )

V b  J ib  E ms  M ib  H ms , dS c

 dS

Vb  c ( J ib  E ms  M ib  H ms )
S c
Interaction of EM Fields to the Human Body … 213

E ib   j A( r )   V ( r )    F (r )
 (6.10)

A( r )    dS c J ib G ( r , r ' )
S c

V (r )  
 
dS c  's  J ib G ( r , r ' ) 
S c

F (r )    dS

c M ib G ( r , r ' )
S c

G(r, r) is the free space Green function, given by the expression:

 jk r  r '
G (r , r ' ) 
r  r'

The vectors r and r apply to the source and observation points

respectively and Sa is the conducting surface area of the structure within region
A. Jms is the electric test-function used on the wire. Ems and Hms are the electric
and magnetic fields respectively for the test-function Jms. Equation (6.7)
explicitly requires a double integral to evaluate Eib and integrate over the
surface of the antenna, with the condition that the FDTD discretisation be very
small compared to the operating wavelength. It can be simplified by ignoring
the surface integral and evaluating the voltage back-scattered corresponding to
the centre of the cell surface, by a summation over grid cell surfaces, to get the
following equation for the hybrid case:

S c

Vb   (J
k 1
ib k  E ms ( rk , r ' )  M ibk  H ms ( rk , r ' )) a k
where rk is the position vector of the centre of the cell surface and ak is the
surface area of the cell surface. Therefore J ib and M ibk are the equivalent
214 K. N. Ramli, R. A. Abd-Alhameed and P. S. Excell

surface currents at the centre of the surface cell n. Since the excitation voltages
are known, the MoM can be executed to compute the new currents and the
procedure can be repeated until the steady state solution is achieved.


A 900 MHz centre-fed half-wavelength dipole of 0.0025 radius was
defined as a transmitter source, for example presenting the RFID reader,
whereas the RFID tag was considered as a small half-wavelength meander
antenna [40], as shown in Figure 6.2. The tag was designed in a zig-zag
pattern with 17 turns in which subgridding cells of 666 volumetric were
imposed. The dotted bold line on the left and right portray the Huygens surface
for near and far field respectively. The spatial resolution of the computational
domain was terminated by six faces of perfectly matched layer (PML) in
which one of them describes the ground plane (represented by grey colouring
in the figure).
Two different distances between the source and the tag were studied and
discussed, for the far-field and near-field cases, with separate simulations for
each. It should be noted that the centres of the source and the sensor lie on the
y axis and they are separated by the distance Dt. For both simulations, a thin
wire subroutine code inside the subgridded FDTD was used to include the
effects of the wire radius of the meander antenna inside the new FDTD
subgrid. For simplicity in this example the medium surrounding the source and
the scatterer was modelled as free space; however, in general the scatterer can
be placed on dielectric objects in which part of its volume can be subgridded.
A sinusoidal excitation voltage was applied at the centre of the antenna
source. The antenna wires were assumed to be perfectly conducting. The near-
field method as shown in Figure 6.1(a) is equivalent to the far-field
configuration for short distances, such as Dt = 16.8 cm. In contrast, the far-
field technique as illustrated in Figure 6.1(b) is analogous to the near-field
configuration for much higher distances, such as Dt = 33.6 cm. The magnitude
of Ey electric field components along the z axis at y = 7.2 cm were compared
for near-field and far-field simulations, with good agreement as shown in
Figure 6.3. The Ez components were also assessed and found to be identical to
each other (see Figure 6.3).
Interaction of EM Fields to the Human Body … 215

Figure 6.2. A basic geometry of FDTD-SGFDTD for near-field and far-field


Figure 6.3. Magnitude of Ey and Ez electric field components along z axis at y = 7.2
cm: Near-field Ey(‘ooo’), Ez(‘xxx’), Far-field Ey and Ez (‘ ’).
216 K. N. Ramli, R. A. Abd-Alhameed and P. S. Excell

The field distribution over an x-z plane 7.2 cm distant from the sensor for
the near-field and far-field technique is shown in Figure 6.4 (a) and (b)
respectively. The plane size considered here was 20 cm  16 cm for the x and z
axes respectively. When the far-field and near-field techniques were checked
for comparison of one antenna geometry i.e. with Dt was set at 16.8 cm for
both techniques, the fields were found identical to each other. Both methods
show good stability and the results were convergent within four iterations.
However, the total field components were found to vary between ±2% when
compared to results computed using NEC software.



Figure 6.4. A basic. Distribution of the Ez and Etotal field components in dB at 7.2 cm
away from the sensor, (a) using near field method and (b) using far field method. (left:
Ez, right: Etotal).

To validate the accuracy of the method [40], where Figure 6.5 depicts the
calculation model used, and to compare the result with existing published
results [15, 41], a COST244 model [15, 41] was adopted as a human phantom.
This model represents a homogeneous cubical human head of size 200  200 
Interaction of EM Fields to the Human Body … 217

200 mm3, with relative permittivity r = 41.5, conductivity  = 0.95 S/m and
volume density  = 1000 kg/m3.
A 160 mm long half-wavelength dipole, operating at 900 MHz, was used
as a radiation source, with a continuous wave with an input power of 250 mW
exciting the dipole. The distance between the antenna and the human head was
15 mm and the origin of coordinates was set at the centre of the surface of the
human head model, on the same horizontal level as the antenna feeding point.
The FDTD cell size and time step in the analysis area were 2.5 mm and 3.3 ps
respectively. The problem space, cell sizes and number of PML layers were
(127127127 cells), 2.5 mm and 6, respectively. The size of the equivalent
Huygens surface is 6668 cells, equivalent to 15 mm  15 mm  170 mm.
The subgridded volume is 1616 16 cells, equivalent to 40 mm  40 mm 
40 mm. It should be noted that this subgridded volume is placed between two
dielectric media, i.e. free space (40540 mm3) and the human head
(403540 mm3) in order to evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed method
when applied to inhomogeneous tissues. Two and four subgridding factors
were used for each cell of the main FDTD. The dielectric properties for the
subgridded cells located on the boundary were averaged and assigned on each
field component, as shown in Figure 6.6. The variations of the unaveraged
specific absorption rate (SAR) along the y-axis with and without subgridding
are shown in the Figure 6.7.
These unaveraged SAR values without subgridding, with subgridding
factor of 2 and with subgridding factor of 4 were observed at every 1.25 mm,
0.625 mm and 0.3125 mm points respectively in the ascending order along the
y-axis. The outcomes were promising for the case of without subgridding and
both with subgridding factors applied in this example due to the convergence
of the results into one line.
The averaged SAR of 6.8 W/kg was computed by numerical simulation
(in this case, it was averaged) over 10 gm of human tissue. The value of 6.8
W/kg (averaged over 10 gm of tissue) when compared with [15, 41] were very
close. In order to prove the proposed technique is computationally viable, the
situation shown in Figure 6.5 was also modeled using FDTD with coarse and
fine grids, and using FDTD/MoM methods. The required computational times
for each method are compared in Table 6.1.
In the coarse grid FDTD model, a 2.5 mm cell size was used while in the
fine grid FDTD model, 1.25 mm and 0.625 mm cell sizes were adopted. It
should be noted that all simulations were performed on an Intel Core-i7-2000
desktop with 3.4 GHz CPU and 16 GB of RAM.
218 K. N. Ramli, R. A. Abd-Alhameed and P. S. Excell

Figure 6.5. Basic geometry model of COST244.

Figure 6.6. Distribution of field components on the interface boundary model of two
different mediums of the proposed subgridding model.
Interaction of EM Fields to the Human Body … 219

Table 6.1. Simulation time for different numerical techniques

Method Problem space Cell Time No of steps/ Simulation

size size steps number of cycles Time
(mm) (ps) (hours)
FDTD 127127127 2.5 3.3 8417 (25 cycles) 1.5
FDTD 254254254 1.2 1.041 26683 (25 4.5
FDTD 508508508 0.625 0.7 39682 17
(25 cycles)
MOM/FDTD 127127127 2.5 3.3 8417 (25 cycles) 3.8
MOM/FDTD/SG 127127127 2.5 3.3 8417 (25 cycles) 4.1
(subgridding factor 2) SG 161616
MOM/FDTD/SG 127127127 2.5 3.3 8417 (25 cycles) 4.3
(subgridding factor 4) SG 161616

As can be noticed, the proposed method exhibits reasonable computational

time in comparison with the standard coarse-gridded FDTD and MoM/FDTD.
However, when compared with fine-gridded FDTD, the proposed algorithm
requires less computational effort, yielding roughly a five-fold speed

Figure 6.7. The variations of the unaveraged SAR along y-axis of the model shown in
Figure 6.5 [15, 41].
220 K. N. Ramli, R. A. Abd-Alhameed and P. S. Excell


A Huygens surface around the proposed antenna is first introduced as
illustrated in Figure 6.8 with volume of 16×4×10 and 10×4×16 FDTD cells for
horizontal and vertical polarization respectively. The surface basically acts as
a virtual box enclosing the radiating element such that the fields are enclosed
within this region.
The equivalent electric and magnetic sources on the Huygens surface are
produced at each time step from the electric and magnetic fields created by the
antenna in free space using NEC code [42]. This field data is used as an input
source for the FDTD code. The overall FDTD spatial volume is 118×77×327
points. The equivalence principle is carried out in 3-D by applying the hybrid
electromagnetic method described in [40] with cell size dx = dy = dz = 6.0 mm
and dx = dy = dz = 3.0 mm for the coarse and fine FDTD lattices respectively.
The time step is set at 7.0 ps.

(a) (b)

Figure 6.8. RFID antenna with equivalent Huygens box: (a) Horizontal polarization,
(b) Vertical polarization.

A six cell perfectly matched layer (PML) is used to terminate the FDTD
space, and the distance between the antenna Huygens surface box and the
Interaction of EM Fields to the Human Body … 221

human body is 12.0 mm (or 2 cells). The human body model employed in this
work was developed by Mason et al. in 2000 [43]. The near-field and far-field
radiation of the antenna at 900 MHz for different locations has been analyzed
in order to investigate the performance of the antenna in proximity to the
human body. The number in Figure 6.9 indicates the location of the RFID

Figure 6.9. Location of the antennas, represented by black dots, in proximity to the
human body.

Figure 6.10. Subgrid cells of 10×10×10 FDTD cells are taken inside the human body:
(a) Front location, (b) Back location (subgridded).

A total of 32 locations were investigated; 16 on the back, and 16 on the

front. Each placement was investigated with horizontal and vertical
polarizations, in order to obtain the clearest possible results with a restricted
222 K. N. Ramli, R. A. Abd-Alhameed and P. S. Excell

number of samples. Figure 6.10 shows the location of the antenna in front and
at the back of human body respectively, in which subgrid cells of 10×10×10
FDTD cells were taken inside the human body for near-field analysis. The
near-field and far-field of the antenna are calculated and analyzed at various
locations in order to build up a realistic picture of the antenna performance
while in close proximity with the human body. Figure 6.11 shows the electric
field distributions using an equivalent dB scale in the immediate
neighbourhood and the interior of the body model, for the vertical polarization
state, in x-y, x-z and y-z planes.
Figure 6.12 shows the electric field distribution inside the subgridded
region for x-y, x-z and y-z planes (represented in the equivalent dB scale).
Additional simulations were performed using the same antenna placements for
horizontally polarized antenna, and these were found to be comparable with
the vertical state. The electric field distributions obtained in the neighbourhood
of the human body model were almost the same regardless of whether the
antenna tag was horizontally or vertically polarized. It is interesting to note
that a similar observation was also produced within the subgridded region. The
electric fields were very strong when the antenna was located close to the
body, as represented by the red colouring in the plots.
Figure 6.13 illustrates the far-field radiation pattern for the antenna (in
horizontal polarization state) at the front and back of the human body model. It
should be noted that the underlying computation was normalized to 1 W input
power. The variation in the far-field patterns implies that the field distributions
are more concentrated in the direction facing the normal antenna axis, and
away from the body.
The field magnitude is reduced by between 10 dB to 20 dB, which appears
to be due to the tailing effect of the body. Once more, the field distributions
for vertical polarization were quite similar to the horizontal case, and hence
are not reproduced here.
It can be concluded from Figure 6.14 that the cumulative distribution
function (CDF) has similar curves for horizontal and vertical polarization in
these locations. Moreover, it is apparent that the standard deviation of the
radiation efficiency when the mobile is located in the front is less compared to
the back.
The antenna achieves better radiation efficiency of 43% mean percentage
value for both horizontal and vertical polarization comparing front and back
Interaction of EM Fields to the Human Body … 223



Figure 6.11. Electric field distribution (dB scale) for vertical polarized antenna placed
at: (a) Front of the body, (b) Back of the body.
224 K. N. Ramli, R. A. Abd-Alhameed and P. S. Excell



Figure 6.12. Electric field distribution (dB scale) inside subgrid region for vertically
polarized antenna placed at: (a) Front of the body, (b) Back of the body.
Interaction of EM Fields to the Human Body … 225

Figure 6.13. Far-field pattern for horizontally polarized antenna placed at: (a) Front of
the body, (b) Back of the body; ‘o-o-o’: E, ‘x-x-x’: E.



Figure 6.14. Cumulative distribution function of radiation efficiency and the ratio of
Pabsorbed / Pradiated for: (a) Horizontal polarized antenna, (b) Vertical polarized antenna.
226 K. N. Ramli, R. A. Abd-Alhameed and P. S. Excell

This follows from a loss in the tissue at the front, and a greater degree of
absorbed power at the back of the human body, as can be seen from the plots.
Taking the previous simulation results into account, we may conclude that
altering the position of the antenna on the front will not result in a large
dispersion in the radiation efficiency of the antenna.

A hybrid MoM-FDTD-SGFDTD approach has been presented and
adopted for modelling the interaction of the human body with a short-range
RFID antenna. In order to ensure that optimal quality of results was achieved
using a limited sample size of 32 points, each point was investigated using two
both horizontal and vertical polarizations. The MoM technique was used to
produce the electric and magnetic fields created by the antenna in free space,
and the equivalent electric and magnetic sources on the Huygens surface were
produced at each time step. The FDTD technique was then applied for the
whole structure of the problem combined with subgridding at the object of
interest, namely inside the human body near the excitation source. The human
body model was designed to be inhomogeneous at close proximity to the
antenna. The near-field and far-field distributions were incorporated into the
study to heighten the understanding of the impact on human tissue both facing
the antenna, and not directly facing the antenna. The cumulative distribution
function of the radiation efficiency and the ratio of absorbed to radiated power
of the antenna at these locations were also computed. The results support the
conclusion that there was a clear improvement in the front of the human body
model compared to the back position. The combination of hybrid MoM-
FDTD-SGFDTD method approach with an arbitrary inhomogeneous human
body model encourages the development of this new EM field interaction
modeling approach. This study robustly supports the computing of the total
power dissipated and the SAR distribution inside human tissue.

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In: Development of Complex Electromagnetic … ISBN: 978-1-61122-013-1
Editors: K. N. Ramli et al. © 2014 Nova Science Publishers, Inc.

Chapter 7



C. H. See1, A. S. Abdullah2, J. M. Noras3

and R. A. Abd-Alhameed3
Engineering, Sport and Sciences Academic Group,
University of Bolton, Bolton, Lancashire, UK
Department of Electrical Engineering, College of Engineering,
University of Basrah, Basrah, Iraq
Mobile and Satellite Communications Research Centre,
Bradford University, Bradford, UK.

A new approach to model the interaction between the

electromagnetic wave and electrically small objects in free space, lossless
and lossy media is discussed. The computational burden due to huge
number of time steps has been reduced by implementing quasi-static
approach. The accuracy of the frequency scaling method is verified with
the models of homogenous and layered spheres in free space, lossless and
lossy media. The numerical results are found to be in good agreement
with the analytical ones. This research paves the way to the validity of
using the frequency scaling FDTD to obtain the induced electric fields at
low and high frequencies.
234 C. H. See, A. S. Abdullah, J. M. Noras et al.

The problem of modelling electromagnetic field interaction with structures
whose dimensions are a few wavelengths has been the subject of many studies
and numerical simulations for bioelectromagnetic applications. The methods
used for such numerical simulations generally fall into one of three categories,
method of moment (MoM) [1-12], finite-element method (FEM) [13-23] and
finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) [24-36].
Method of moment does an excellent job of analyzing unbounded
radiation problems and they excel at analyzing perfect electric conductor and
homogeneous dielectrics. However, it is not very effective when applied to
arbitrary configurations with complex geometries or inhomogeneous
dielectrics. As for finite-element method, it is a very versatile technique
because it allows the analysis of complex inhomogeneous structures.
However, it requires unaffordable computation resources to solve extremely
large problem, due to discretising the entire problem space and lack of
adequate free-space boundary conditions that can be placed close to the
objects modelled.
In contrast, the finite-difference time-domain, since its first introduction
by Yee [37], has been used extensively over the last decade for
bioelectromagnetic dosimetry – the numerical assessment of electromagnetic
fields coupled to complex heterogeneous biological entities at powerline
frequency and radio frequency. The use of FDTD is very attractive for this
application, due mainly to its algorithmic simplicity, capable to solve
complicated heterogeneous geometries and ease of modularization and
parallelisation of the algorithm on massively parallel computers. Moreover, it
is also capable to model electromagnetic wave interaction problems requiring
the solution of considerably more than 108 field vector unknowns. At this level
of complexity, it is possible to develop detailed, 3-D models of complete
engineering systems.
The classical form of FDTD method requires extremely small time-step
sizes when modelling electrically-small regions (much smaller than a
wavelength). Thus, it can become impractical due to the unaffordable
computation times required. This problem can be solved by implementing a
quasi-static approximate version of FDTD. This approach is based on
transferring the working frequency to a higher frequency, to reduce the
number of time steps required. Then, the generated internal field at the higher
frequency can be scaled back to the frequency of interest [37, 38-41]. It should
be noted that this approach is only valid if the size of the interacting structure
Quasi-Static FDTD Scheme for Electrically-Small Regions … 235

in the problem space is 10 times or more smaller than the wavelength and |σ +
jωε| >> ωεo [35, 38], where σ and ε are the conductivity and permittivity of the
tissues respectively,  is the radian frequency, and εo is the permittivity of free
space. In order to prove the validity of the quasi-static approach, this chapter
will develop a 3-D FDTD program to directly model a single homogeneous or
multi-layered sphere inside a lossless or lossy problem space. The sphere was
excited by a plane wave, which is replaced by an equivalent surface. The edge
of the problem space was truncated by a properly modified Berenger’s
perfectly matched layer (PML) absorbing boundary condition (ABC), with
matching impedance condition (σ/ε = σ*/ for lossless or lossy media, whereas
σ/εo = σ*/o for free space) [42-45]. An optimum value of the g factor is
properly chosen to provide efficient low reflection termination of the
computational space for different penetrable media problem at the interface


The exact solution for describing the characteristics of electromagnetic
radiation scattered by a homogenous sphere when it is excited by a plane
wave, was first solved by Mie [46] in 1908 and has been concisely formulated
by Stratton [47] in 1941. A solution of scattering problem of a sphere with one
concentric shell has been given by Aden and Kerker [48] and the scattering
from an inhomogeneous spherically symmetric object has been calculated by
Wyatt [49]. Since Mie series solution is simple and easy to be modified for
any composition of sphere, therefore it was adapted by various authors for
comparisons to investigate bioelectromagnetic problems, either to be used as
an analytical solution to the problems [50-60] or as a solution to proposed
numerical methods [38, 61-65] for comparisons. This section gives the
solutions in a form readily amenable to machine computation for both the
scattered and the interior fields. The spherical core is surrounded by arbitrary
number of concentric shells. It should be noted that this exact solution will be
implemented as a tool for comparison against our proposed quasi-static FDTD
method throughout this chapter.
236 C. H. See, A. S. Abdullah, J. M. Noras et al.

7.2.1. Sphere with Arbitrary Concentric Layers

Figure 7.1 depicts the orientation of the plane wave with respect to a
rectangular and spherical coordinate system having its origin at the centre of
the sphere. The plane wave is assumed to propagate in the positive z-direction
and the electric field is linearly polarised in the x-direction. A stratified sphere
with arbitrary thickness and electrical characteristics is shown in Figure 7.2.
The basic idea of the analysis is performed by expanding the incident and
secondary fields in vector spherical harmonics appropriate to each region and
matching the tangential components of the fields at each boundary to
determine the expansion coefficients.
The expansion of the incident plane wave is given in Stratton [47] and the
same identical notation will be implemented in this work. This incident wave
will induce fields in all of the regions and the general solution of the vector
wave equation for the transverse fields in any shell layer can be written as a
 
linear combination of the spherical vector wave functions, m and n , that was
used by Stratton [47]. In general, the radial field dependence is an arbitrary
solution to any linear combination of the spherical Bessel and Hankel function
of first and second kinds. Each type of Bessel and Hankel function with its
associated properties will be discussed as follows:

 The spherical Bessel function of the first kind, Bn(1) = Jn(r), indicates a
standing wave.
 The spherical Bessel function of the second kind, Bn(2) = Yn(r),
indicates a standing wave as well and is also called the spherical
Neumann function or Weber function.
 The spherical Bessel function of the third kind, Bn(3) = Jn(r) + iYn(r),
indicates an inward traveling wave and is also called the Hankel
function of the first kind, Hn(1)(r).
 The spherical Bessel function of the fourth kind, Bn(4) = Jn(r) - iYn(r),
indicates an outward traveling wave and is also called the spherical
Hankel function of second kind, Hn(2)(r).

For the innermost layer of the sphere the spherical Bessel function of first
kind, Jn, is the only admissible solution, while for the surrounding medium the
fields will consist of incident waves and scattered waves in order to satisfy the
radiation condition at infinity. Hence, the general solution of the electric and
magnetic field vectors in pth region of concentric sphere can be formulated as
Quasi-Static FDTD Scheme for Electrically-Small Regions … 237

 2 n  1 p  1
 

 1  3   3 
E p  E o e i t  i n an mo1n  ibnp ne1n   np mo1n  i np ne1n (7.1)
n 1 nn  1

i nn  1 b m 
 k E eit 
2n  1  1  1  3   3 
Hp   p o n p
 ianp no1n  np me1n  i np no1n (7.2)
 p n 1
n e1n

 
where a, b, ,  are the expansion coefficients and m , n are the spherical
vector wave functions as given by Stratton [47].

B nz k p r Pn1 cos  
 z  1 cos   ˆ
mo  
e 1n sin  
 sin  

 B nz k p r 
sin 
Pn1 cos   cos   ˆ
 
 

  z  nn  1 z
Bn k p r Pn1 cos  cos  rˆ
no 
e 1n
k pr 
 

1 
k p r  k p r 

k p rBnz k p r 
 1
 sin
Pn cos   cos ˆ

  (7.4)

1 
k p r sin   k p r 

k p rBnz k p r  Pn1 cos  
cos  ˆ
 sin 

where k p is the complex propagation constant for the pth region:

 p 2  2

Re k    r    
 1   p
  1 (7.5)
Im p c2  
  o r  
  

o is the free space permittivity,  r and  p are the relative permittivity


and electrical conductivity of the pth layer, and the positive value of the square
root is used.
238 C. H. See, A. S. Abdullah, J. M. Noras et al.

Figure 7.1. Spherical co-ordinates and incident plane wave configurations.

The n-th term of Pn1 cos   is the associated first order Legendre
polynomials, properties for which can be found in literature [66] or might be
computed using the follow recursive relations:

Pn1 cos    1
Let: Qn    and Rn    Pn cos  then:
sin  

Qn   
2n  1cosQn 1    nQn  2   and
n 1

Rn    n cosQn    n  1Qn 1  

which can be solved using initial value of

Q0    0.0, Q1    1.0, R1    cos . The subscript “e” and “o” correspond
 
to the even or odd character of the vector wave functions m and n .
Quasi-Static FDTD Scheme for Electrically-Small Regions … 239

Figure 7.2. M-layered concentric spherical system. Shaded region represents pth layer
of the system with the radius of rp and electrical parameters of p, p, and p.

7.2.2. Solution for Expansion Coefficients

The electric and magnetic fields can be determined using equations (6.1)
and (6.2) with four expansion coefficients a, b, ,  determined by the
 
requirement that the tangential components E and H be continuous at the
interfaces between all regions. This requirement yields the following four
relationships at the interface to each layer:

E 
p   E p 1 
E 
p   E p 1  (7.6)

H 
p   H p 1 
H 
p   H p 1 

 
Substituting m and n functions into equations (7.1) and (7.2) and
applying the four relationships in equation (7.6), the expansion coefficients
may be written as follows [51, 67]:

anp 
    
 np jnp   p hnp np 1 anp 1   np hnp 1   p hnp np 1  np 1 (7.7a)
240 C. H. See, A. S. Abdullah, J. M. Noras et al.

 np 
   
 p jnp np 1   np jnp 1 anp 1   p jnp np 1   np hnp 1  np 1  (7.7b)

bnp 
   
 np np jnp 1  hnp np 1 bnp 1   np np hnp 1  hnp np 1  np 1  (7.7c)

 np 
   
jnp np 1   p np jnp 1 bnp 1  jnp np 1   p np hnp 1  np 1  (7.7d)


jnp  jnp k p rp 
hnp  hnp k p rp 
pn  jnp np  hnp np
k p 1  p
p 
k p  p 1

np 
1 
k p rp  k p rp  
k p rp jnp 

2n  1

n  1 jnp1  njnp1 
 np 
1 
k prp   k prp  
k p rp hnp 

2n  1

n  1hnp1  nhnp1 

All of the Bessel functions are now understood to be evaluated at the

values of p and p+1 corresponding to the interface between the two regions.
For the solution of coefficients anp ,  np , bnp and  np , equations (7.7a), (7.7b)
and equations (7.7c), (7.7d) can be represented in the matrix form as follows:

 
 anp  Q11p Q12p  anp 1 
 p   (7.8)
 n  Q p Q p   p 1 
   21 22  n
 
Quasi-Static FDTD Scheme for Electrically-Small Regions … 241

 
 bnp  U11p U12p  bnp 1 
 p   (7.9)
  n  U p U p   p 1 
   21 22  n
 

From [43], for a M-layered sphere, the above equations can be stated as

  M 
 a1n  T11 T12  an 
 1     (7.10)
 n  T T   M 
 
 21 22   n 

  M 
 bn1  V11 V12  bn 
 1     (7.11)
  n  V V   M 
 
 21 22   n 

M 1 M 1
where Tij   Qijp and Vij   U ijp (7.12)
p 1 p 1

Using the fact that  n1   n1  0 (i.e., the Hankel function, in which its
divergent at the origin at the innermost sphere, must be absent for this region),
and a1  b1  1 . Equations (7.8) and (7.9) yield:

 
 a1n  T11 T12   1 
   
 M (7.13)
  T T   
 
 21 22   n 

 
 bn1  V11 V12   1 
   
 M (7.14)
  V V   
 
 21 22   n 
242 C. H. See, A. S. Abdullah, J. M. Noras et al.

Equations (7.13) and (7.14) represent a simple simultaneous equation

form which a 1n ,  nM and bn1 ,  nM can be computed. Using the modified
version of equations (7.8) and (7.9), all remaining expansion coefficients can
be found as follows:

 
 anp 1  Q11p 1 Q12p 1  anp 
 p 1      (7.15)
 n  Q p 1 Q p 1   p 
   21  n

 
 bnp 1  U11p 1 U12p 1  bnp 
 p 1      (7.16)
  n  U p 1 U p 1   p 
   21  n


The primary difficulty of FDTD method when modelling open-region
electromagnetic wave scattering problem, is that an artificial boundary or
absorbing boundary condition (ABC) is required to be imposed at the outer
grid boundaries of the computational domain, in order to truncate the size
volume. Therefore, absorbing boundary conditions (ABC’s) are one of the
most critical elements of finite-difference time-domain analysis, which must
be applied to absorb the required wave of this bounded problem. Several
analytical ABC’s, such as Mur [68] and Liao [69], have been invented in order
to overcome this problem. The proposed ABCs provide effective reflection
coefficients in order of -35 dB to -45 dB for most FDTD simulations.
Recently, the capabilities of the ABC have been significantly enhanced with
the introduction of Berenger’s perfectly matched layer (PML) [42, 44, 45].
This is based on surrounding the FDTD problem space with highly lossy and
matched non-physical absorber. It also allowed for boundary reflections below
-80 dB to be realized. The PML, therefore, became the boundary of choice for
the simulation problems of this chapter.
It is known that a plane wave incident on a planar boundary of a
dispersionless medium from free space is perfectly transmitted without
Quasi-Static FDTD Scheme for Electrically-Small Regions … 243

reflection (matched across a planar boundary) for all normally incident waves
if the matching condition in equation (7.17) is satisfied for that medium [42].

 
 (7.17)
 o o

The idea of matching condition in free space for the PML will be extended
to lossless and lossy media with the following modified matching condition.

 
 (7.18)
 r o  r o

where  and * are the electric conductivity and magnetic conductivity of the
medium respectively. o and o are the free space permittivity and permeability
and the relative permittivity and permeability are r and r. In order to reduce
the reflection on the interface layer, an optimum value of the geometric
grading factor g has been selected, by using an empirical expression as in [44]:

c ln g
   ln R ( 0 ) (7.19)
2x g N  1

where x is the spatial increment of FDTD mesh, R(0) is the normal reflection
coefficient, N is the number of the cells in the PML thickness, c is the velocity
of EM waves in free space or lossy medium.


In order to verify the validity of quasi-static approximation (using a higher
frequency f  to obtain induced E fields) in finite-difference time-domain
(FDTD) method, four examples will be illustrated and discussed in this
section. Due to the existence of the analytical solution for a spheres exposed to
plane wave, therefore, all examples demonstrated here will be discussed
subject to a homogeneous and layered sphere involving for free space, lossless
and lossy penetrable media to confirm the accuracy of the solution obtained
from numerical results with analytical solution.
244 C. H. See, A. S. Abdullah, J. M. Noras et al.

This section is classified into two sub-sections, i.e. verification at

powerline frequency and verification at mobile communication frequency, in
which three examples will be given at powerline frequency and one example
will be shown at mobile communication frequency. It should be noted that
Examples 7.1 and 7.2 are drawn from paper [38] for proving the proposed
FDTD method and compared with Mie-series solution codes that is working at
powerline frequency for free space case. Then, the media of the Examples 7.1
and 7.2 are replaced with lossless case and the results are compared as shown
in Example 7.3. This example gives stable results and shows the feasibility of
using the quasi-static approach to biological application at mobile
communication. Finally, the quasi-static concept is extended to model a
biological equivalent spherical cell in lossy penetrable media at mobile
communication frequency and it is clearly depicted in Example 7.4.
In FDTD computational domain, Examples 7.1 to 7.3 are modelled in a
domain of 636363 cm space size, with a grid resolution of 1 cm in each
direction and t of 16.67 ps. Example 7.4 uses 100100100 m space size,
with grid cell of 1 m in each direction and t of 1.3 fs. The model is excited
by a plane wave of 1 V/m, which is propagating in z-direction and polarised in
x-direction. Moreover, the domain was terminated by a PML (6, Gx, 40 dB)
(six layers, with geometric progression profile and geometric grading factor of
Gx of the media used, for which 40 dB attenuation for normal incidence is
considered) on all sides. Moreover, the simulation time of order of four
oscillation periods of the source field is found necessary to calculate the steady
state conditions.
For the convenience of illustration of the problem, consider Figures 7.3
and 7.4, which show the 2-D and 3-D view of geometry stated in FDTD
computational domain. This shows the equivalent surface (Huygens surface)
that replaces the plane wave. It also shows the Berenger’s perfectly matched
layer (PML) that implements the absorbing boundary condition (ABC). This
layer has been applied surrounding the edge of the problem space, with
matching impedance condition (σ/ε = σ*/ for lossless or lossy media, whereas
σ/εo = σ*/o for free space). In addition, in order to explain the results
systematically, all 1-D and 2-D plots of the induced electric and magnetic
fields components are standardised for ease of comparison for all test cases.
For 1-D plots, it should be noted that only dominated Ex component versus y
and z, it also includes Ez component versus x. Moreover, the dominated Hy
vesus x and z for the central axes of the sphere are shown for discussion. For
2-D plots, they display logarithmic value of 2-D field strengths are
Quasi-Static FDTD Scheme for Electrically-Small Regions … 245

demonstrated when eight grid cells are considered between the PML and the

Figure 7.3. Basic structure of the problem for FDTD computational domain.

Figure 7.4. 3-D view of the problem for FDTD computational domain.
246 C. H. See, A. S. Abdullah, J. M. Noras et al.

7.4.1. Verification at Low Frequency (Powerline Frequency)

This section demonstrates the feasibility of frequency scaled FDTD
method to solve scattering problem at powerline frequency of 60 Hz. All the
test cases in this section will initially transfer the working frequency to 20
MHz, in order to make the simulation time reasonable to be computed. Then,
the obtained induced fields are scaled back to 60 Hz by using equation (4.3) in
Chapter 4 Section 4.2. As can be observed, if the same problem is solved
directly at frequency of 60 Hz and four oscillation-period criterion is used,
then the number of the time step requires is 4×(1/(t×60)). This is equivalent
to about 4 billions of time steps at desired operating frequency of 60 Hz. By
scaling the operating frequency to 20 MHz, the number of time steps can be
reduced, i.e., from few billions to few thousands. In the other hand, due to σ
>>  at both 20 MHz and 60 Hz, the selection of the r of the scatterer
properties can be considered relatively insignificant for the calculations.
Hence, r = 1 is used for the scatterer.

Figure 7.5. Huygens surface in free space FDTD computational domain (logarithmic
Quasi-Static FDTD Scheme for Electrically-Small Regions … 247 Free Space Penetrable Media

For sake of checking the correct implementation of equivalent surface
(Huygens surface) that replaces the plane wave and the Berenger’s PML
absorbing boundary condition in FDTD computation domain, thus, the
simulation is initially performed without the presence of the analysed object.
Figure 7.5 shows the Huygens surface in free space of the FDTD
computational domain. As can be seen, the fields inside the problem space is
about 0 dB, while the numerical reflection is about -40 dB between the
Huygens surface and PML region. This proves that the FDTD code is working
perfectly with the Huygens surface and Berenger’s PML absorbing boundary

Example 7.1: A single layer sphere of radius 16.5 cm with conductivity 

= 0.35 S/m and dielectric constant r = 1.0. Properties of free space ( = 0, r =
1.0) are assumed here in the perfectly matched layers (PML) and the problem
space, where the PML (6, G5.4, 40 dB) (six layers, with geometric progression
profile and geometric grading factor of 5.4, with 40 dB attenuation for normal
incidence) is used on all sides. Figure 7.6 shows the intensity of Ex component
in coordinate plane of the structure at 20 MHz, while Figure 7.7 depicts the
electric field distribution along various central axes for a single-layer sphere in
free space media at 60 Hz. The induced magnetic field inside the structure are
also shown in Figure 7.8 and Figure 7.9 respectively. It can be observed from
Figure 7.9 that the magnitude of magnetic field Ey component is about 1/377
A/m (which is equivalent to the incident magnetic field) constantly along x and
z axis of the structure at both 20 MHz and 60 Hz, where 377  is the
characteristic impedance for free space medium. This result confirms that
under quasi-static condition, the magnetic and electric field are decoupled. As
can seen, the results of the proposed method agree well with the Mie series
Example 7.2: A three-layer concentric sphere is modelled in free space
here. The assumed properties are listed as follows: 1 = 0.52 S/m
(corresponding to properties of skeletal muscle) for innermost sphere 0 < r < 8
cm, 2 = 0.2 S/m (corresponding to the properties of fat) for the intermediate
sphere 8 < r < 12 cm, and 3 = 0.04 S/m (corresponding to the properties of
bone) for the outermost sphere 12 < r < 16.5 cm. Since σ >> ωεo for each
layers at 20 MHz and 60 Hz, thus, the choice of εr is insignificant in
calculation results. Due to the reason above, εr = 1 is assumed in all layers of
the sphere. Figure 7.10 shows the Ex component in yz coordinate plane for
248 C. H. See, A. S. Abdullah, J. M. Noras et al.

three-layers sphere excited by plane wave of 1 V/m at 20 MHz. The calculated

results of 60 Hz are well agreed with the analytical one as illustrated in Figure

Figure 7.6. Ex component at yz-plane for single-layer sphere excited by plane wave of 1
V/m at 20 MHz (logarithmic scale).

Figure 7.7. Electric fields distribution along various central axes for single-layer sphere
excited by plane wave of 1 V/m at 60 Hz in free space.
Quasi-Static FDTD Scheme for Electrically-Small Regions … 249

Figure 7.8. Hy component at xz-plane for single-layer sphere excited by plane wave of
1 V/m at 20 MHz and 60 Hz (logarithmic scale).

Figure 7.9. Magnetic field Hy component distribution along various central axes for
single-layer sphere excited by plane wave of 1 V/m at 60 Hz and 20 MHz in free
250 C. H. See, A. S. Abdullah, J. M. Noras et al.

Figure 7.10. Ex component at yz-plane for three-layers sphere excited by plane wave of
1 V/m at 20 MHz in free space (logarithmic scale).

Figure 7.11. Electric fields distribution along various central axes for three-layer
sphere excited by plane wave of 1 V/m at 60 Hz in free space.
Quasi-Static FDTD Scheme for Electrically-Small Regions … 251

Figure 7.12. Huygens surface in lossless media FDTD computational domain

(logarithmic scale). Lossless Penetrable Media

By using equations (6.18) and (6.19), the Berenger’s PML absorbing
boundary conditions in FDTD computational domain is modified to permit the
modelling of lossless media. To validate the correctness of PML absorbing
boundary conditions, the simulation is first running without the presence of the
scatterer. Figure 7.12 shows Huygens surface in lossless media of the FDTD
computational domain. The results are well agreed with the predicted results,
in which the fields inside the problem space is about 0 dB and numerical
reflection is found about -40 dB between the Huygens surface and PML

Example 7.3: A homogenous single layer sphere with the same

conductivity and permittivity of previous example, are being used in this
example, except the properties of the surrounding media and perfectly
matched layers (PML) are assumed to be ( = 13×10-9 ≈ 0, r = 50) in order to
consider the sphere in a lossless media. It should be noted that the PML (6,
G9.5, 40 dB) (six layers, with geometric progression profile and geometric
252 C. H. See, A. S. Abdullah, J. M. Noras et al.

grading factor of 9.5, with 40 dB attenuation for normal incidence) is

implemented on all sides, in order to reduce the reflection of the interface
layer. Figure 7.13 describes the intensity of the Ex component in yz-plane at 20
MHz. Figure 7.14 depicts the electric field distribution along various central
axes in lossless media. The magnetic field distributions are also shown in
Figure 7.15 and 7.16 respectively. It proves that within quasi-static regime, the
electric and magnetic field are decoupled, in the other words, the scattered
magnetic field is insignificant compared to incident field since the induced
magnetic field is equal to incident magnetic field which is about 1/  18.8
mA/m at both 20 MHz and 60 Hz, where  is the characteristic impedance of
lossless media which is about  o  o r  53.27 . As can be observed,
excellent agreement has been reached between the numerical and analytical

7.4.2. Verification at Mobile Communication Frequency

The frequency scaled FDTD technique is applied to biological cell

modelling at mobile communication frequency of 2450 MHz. Since the cell
size of this problem is considered about micrometer, therefore t 
s c 3  10 15 s where s is the cell size and c is the speed of light in lossy
penetrable media. Since four oscillations period of the incident wave are
required for the completion of the simulation to reach the steady state. This
would involve some millions of iteration, hence, apply the operating frequency
to 2450 MHz to the problem will increase the number of iterations required.
Consequently, frequency of 30 GHz is selected as transferable working
frequency at initial state, to support the simulation time at affordable level to
be computed. Then, the obtained induced fields are scaled back to 2450 MHz. Lossy Penetrable Media

The stability and the correctness of the implementation of modified lossy
Berenger’s PML absorbing boundary conditions are initially performed, by
running the simulation without the presence of the analysed scatterer. Figure
7.17 shows Huygens surface in lossy FDTD computation. According to Figure
7.17, the electric field inside the problem space is 0 dB, while numerical
reflection between the Huygens surface and PML region is nearly -40 dB. As
can be seen, the results are well agreed with the predicted one.
Quasi-Static FDTD Scheme for Electrically-Small Regions … 253

Figure 7.13. Ex component at yz-plane for single-layer sphere excited by plane wave of
1 V/m at 20 MHz in lossless media (logarithmic scale).

Figure 7.14. Electric fields distribution along various central axes for single-layer
sphere excited by plane wave of 1 V/m at 60 Hz in lossless medium (logarithmic
254 C. H. See, A. S. Abdullah, J. M. Noras et al.

Figure 7.15. Hy component at xz-plane for single-layer sphere excited by plane wave of
1 V/m at 60 Hz and 20 MHz in lossless media (logarithmic scale).

Figure 7.16. Magnetic field distribution along various central axes for single-layer
sphere excited by plane wave of 1 V/m at 60 Hz and 20 MHz in lossless medium.
Quasi-Static FDTD Scheme for Electrically-Small Regions … 255

Example 7.4: A two-layer sphere simulating a biological cell inside a

lossy medium, for which the assumed properties are as follows: cytoplasm
(internal) r = 48.699,  = 1.412; membrane r = 11.3,  = 0.0; and lossy
medium (external) r = 70.87,  = 2.781. The internal radius (internal region)
is 25 m and the membrane thickness is set to 2 m. The operating frequency
is 2.45 GHz whereas the interim transformed frequency used in this example is
30 GHz. From equation (6.19), the optimum grading factor g is calculated as
6.07 for which the FDTD cell size is 1 m. The electric field distributions
inside the simulated biological equivalent spherical cell are shown in Figures
7.18-7.20, while magnetic field distributions are depicted in Figures 7.21 and
7.22 at the operating frequency of 2450 MHz. From the inspection of Figure
7.22, the induced magnetic field is constant over the sphere at both 2.45 GHz
and 30 GHz. The value of these fields, is about 1 /  lossy A/m, in which the
 lossy is the characteristic impedance of the lossy media. The value of  lossy is
computed and approximately is found to be 44.77 Ω. In the light of all the
obtained simulated results, as can be noticed that the numerical and analytical
results are indistinguishable.

Figure 7.17. Huygens surface in lossy medium FDTD computational domain

(logarithmic scale).
256 C. H. See, A. S. Abdullah, J. M. Noras et al.

Figure 7.18. Ex component at yz-plane for double-layers sphere excited by plane wave
of 1 V/m at 30 GHz in lossy medium (logarithmic scale).

Figure 7.19. Electric field (Ex) distribution along various central axes for double-layers
sphere excited by plane wave of 1 V/m at 2450 MHz in lossy medium.
Quasi-Static FDTD Scheme for Electrically-Small Regions … 257

Figure 7.20. Electric field (Ez) distribution along x-axes for double-layer sphere excited
by plane wave of 1 V/m at 2450 MHz in lossy medium.

Figure 7.21. Hy component at xz-plane for double-layers sphere excited by plane wave
of 1 V/m at 2450 MHz and 30 GHz in lossy medium (logarithmic scale).
258 C. H. See, A. S. Abdullah, J. M. Noras et al.

Figure 7.22. Magnetic field distribution along various central axes for double-layer
sphere excited by plane wave of 1 V/m at 2450 MHz and 30 GHz in lossy medium.

By implementing the frequency scaling approach, the number of FDTD
time steps can be reduced. The reflection on the interface layers inside the
FDTD computation domain, has also been successfully reduced in lossless and
lossy penetrate media. The accuracy of the FDTD scaling approach with the
models of homogenous and layered spheres in free space, lossless and lossy
media, was verified. The numerical results were in good agreement with the
analytical ones. This lending its support to the validity of using the scaled-
frequency FDTD method to obtain induced electric fields at power-line and
mobile communication frequencies, as long as the quasi-static conditions are

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In: Development of Complex Electromagnetic … ISBN: 978-1-61122-013-1
Editors: K. N. Ramli et al. © 2014 Nova Science Publishers, Inc.

Chapter 8


C. H. See1, R. A. Abd-Alhameed2, M. J. Ngala3

and P. S. Excell3
Engineering, Sport and Sciences Academic Group,
University of Bolton, Bolton, Lancashire, UK
Mobile and Satellite Communications Research Centre,
Bradford University, Bradford, UK
Heaton Education, Glydegate, Bradford, UK
Institute for Arts, Science and Technology,
Glyndwr University, Wrexham, UK

An approach to model the biological cells incorporating a generic

lumped-element membrane model is presented and analysed. Linear
assemblages of cells are investigated and then Floquet periodic boundary
conditions are imposed to imitate the effect of periodic replication of the
assemblages. The analysis of a large structure of cells is made more
computationally efficient than the modeling of the entire structure. The
total fields of the simulated structures are shown to give reasonable and
stable results at 900, 1800, and 2450 MHz. This method will facilitate
deeper investigation of the phenomena in the interaction between
electromagnetic fields and biological systems.
266 C. H. See, R. A. Abd-Alhameed, M. J. Ngala et al.

Research into possible mechanisms of interaction of electromagnetic (EM)
fields with biological tissues and cells in culture has motivated a growing need
for accurate models describing the EM behaviour of cells exposed to these
fields. Therefore, several numerical models have been set up in order to study
the interaction between EM fields and biological entities, at tissue level, cell
level and ionic level. In this area, the most frequently used technique for
computing the EM field is the finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) method
[1-12], due to its independence from the material parameters.
The standard FDTD method requires extremely small time-step when
modelling electrically-small regions (much smaller than a wavelength): this is
especially the case when modelling biological cells, since they have maximum
dimensions of a few tens of micrometers. Thus, it can become impractical due
to the unaffordable computation times required. This problem can be solved by
implementing a quasi-static approximate version of FDTD. This approach is
based on transferring the working frequency to a higher frequency, to reduce
the number of time steps required. Then, the generated internal field at the
higher frequency can be scaled back to the frequency of interest [13-16].
Cells are surrounded by thin membranes, typically about a few
nanometres thick [17]. They are the major barrier in the cell, separating the
inside of the cell from the exterior medium. This structure will allow cells to
selectively interact with their environment. Therefore, the cell membrane has
been identified as the primary target of the action of the EM field on biological
structures. Since the thickness of the membrane is about 1000 times smaller
than the biological cell, and if the standard FDTD procedure were to be blindly
applied to model detail in the membrane within a complete cell model, then
this will take some millions of iterations to complete one cycle of simulation.
This again will cause excessive computation time. To overcome this problem
in standard FDTD, the lumped element finite-different time-domain (LE-
FDTD) method [18-22] was implemented in such a way to model the
behaviour of the membrane, based on the Hodgkin-Huxley (HH) model [23-
27] on the surface of the biological cell.
This chapter presents a new approach to model and analyse of the HH
membrane model [23-27]. The HH model is represented as an electrical circuit
on the surface of the biological equivalent spherical cells. For the sake of
simplicity, the analysed structure has been represented with spherical cells and
then Floquet periodic boundary conditions [28-31] have been applied to the
border of the analysed structure in order to mimic the presence of the
Computation of Electromagnetic Field Inside a Tissue … 267

surrounding cells. Despite the cellular tissues are not perfectly periodic and the
living cells are not precisely spheres, this approximation allows the modelling
of biological tissue with only a small part of the structure and alleviates the
problem of huge requirement of computer resources for the simulation of a
complete tissue. Since the external medium of the biological tissue is lossy
fluid, the modified Berenger’s perfectly matched layer (PML) absorbing
boundary condition (ABC) is used to truncate the computation grid [32-35], in
order to reduce the reflections on the interface layers. It should be noted that
Berenger’s PML ABC is more accurate than the Mur ABC [36], used in other
recent work [16].
A further difficulty is the limited extent of studies on the dielectric
properties of cell tissues [37]; thus, the complex permittivity of each cell tissue
is not clearly established for radio frequencies. However, in this study, an
analytical method for estimating the electrical properties of cell tissues in the
RF band [38] will be adopted throughout the analysis. Earlier work only
considered two media (water and membrane) [16], but the procedure adopted
here enables the tissue model to consist of three media (lossy medium,
membrane and cytoplasm). In addition, a mass of connected biological tissue
is simulated by creating an equivalent stack of compact cell structures (such as
spherical and cylindrical with interstices, and cubical). The total electric fields
along the central axes of rows of these spherical, cubical and cylindrical cell
structures will be investigated.


Many structures of electromagnetic interest are extremely large and
periodic in one or more dimensions. In order to perform the EM analysis of
these types of structure with reasonable computational time, the structures are
assumed to be an infinite grid and subsequently reducing the problem into a
unit cell analysis by using Floquet boundary condition. This will enable the
numerical solution to simulate the effect of the periodic replication. In this
area, photonic bandgap (PBG) structure, frequency selective surface (FSS) and
antenna array are the typical candidates for EM analysis that use the same
boundary condition. These structures may contain complex arbitrary shape of
scatterers comprised of dielectrics and conductors, thus, numerical methods
that can easily handle complex and inhomogeneous geometries are
indispensable in this scope of research.
268 C. H. See, R. A. Abd-Alhameed, M. J. Ngala et al.

For the purpose of numerical modelling, the FDTD technique appears to

be an attractive choice for this problem due to its simplicity and
comprehensibility. In fact, the Floquet theorem has been successfully
implemented inside the FDTD to analyse the case of normal [28, 39] and
oblique incidence [40, 41] for two- and three-dimensional problems. The
techniques used to perform FDTD with the Floquet periodic boundary
condition can be classified into two categories, i.e., direct field methods and
field transformation methods. Direct field methods comprise of normal
incidence, sine-cosine, multiple unit cell and angled update method, whereas
the field transformation methods consist of multi-spatial grid and split-field
method [12]. In order to understand basic theory and implementation of
Floquet periodic boundary into FDTD, the case of normal incidence method
for 2-D and 3-D problems is demonstrated in the following context.

8.2.1. Three-Dimensional Case

Figure 8.1 shows a simple geometry for the elucidation of three-

dimensional periodic boundary implementation. As can be observed, the
periodic boundaries are imposed on the x- and y-sides of the structures, while
ABCs are applied to truncate the space lattice along z-axis. The coordinate
point (i0, j0, k0) and (iN, jM, kp) denote a space point in a uniform rectangular
lattice, where i0, j0, k0 are the smallest lattice grid number in x, y, z direction
respectively and iN, jM, kp are the largest lattice gird number in x, y, z direction
Consider the problem space is filled with the lossless medium ( = 0,  =
0r and  = 0) and the normal incident plane wave is propagating along z-
axis. The tangential electric fields distribution on plane i0, iN, j0 and jM are
illustrated in Figure 8.2. As can be seen, the red arrows are representing the
tangential electric field components which are located on edge of the surface
plane, while the black arrows are indicated as the least of the tangential
electric field components which are located on the surface plane. It should be
noted that the explanation of the implementation method of the periodic
boundary condition into FDTD computational domain in the following
context, are based on the normal incidence methods [12], therefore, it is only
applicable when the normal incidence plane wave is used. For the sake of
simplicity and consistency of explanation of updating equations for the
periodic boundary condition on the surfaces of the geometry shown in Figure
8.1, the updating equations of the tangential electric components (Ex, Ez and
Computation of Electromagnetic Field Inside a Tissue … 269

Ey) which are not on the edge of the surface will be firstly to be discussed, and
subsequently, the updating equations of the edged tangential electric
component (Ez) are demonstrated. Consider the four surfaces planes at i = i0, iN
and j = j0, jM, in which the Floquet periodic boundary condition should be
applied as shown in Figure 8.1.

Figure 8.1. Geometry used in the analysis of 3-D infinite periodic structure illuminated
by a normal incident plane wave.



Figure 8.2. (a) Location of Ez() and Ey() components in plane i = i0 and iN, (b)
Location of Ez() and Ex() components in plane j = j0 and jM.
270 C. H. See, R. A. Abd-Alhameed, M. J. Ngala et al.

From Figure 8.2(a), the 3-D updating equations for the tangential electric
components (Ey and Ez) which are not located on the edge of surface plane i =
i0 and iN, can be written as:

 n  12
i, j, k p  1 / 2 
n 1  t  H x i , j , k  1 / 2   H x
E y ( i , j , k )  E y (i , j , k ) 
 
  n
 (7.1a)
  H z i  1 / 2, j , k   H z i  1 / 2, j , k 
2 2

Eyn 1 iN , j, k   Eyn 1 (i, j, k ) (8.1b)

 n  12 
 t  H y i  1 / 2, j, k   H yn 1 / 2 iN  1 / 2, j, k 
Ez i, j, k   Ez i, j, k   
n 1 n

  n
 (8.2a)
  H x i, j  1 / 2, k   H x i, j  1 / 2, k  
2 2

Ezn1iN , j, k   Ezn1(i, j, k) (8.2b)

where t is the time increment and  is the space lattice increment.

As for the 3-D updating equations for the tangential components (Ex and
Ez) which are not located on the edge of the surface at plane j = j0 and jM as
shown in Figure 8.2(b), can be represented by:

 n  12 n

t  H z i, j  1 / 2, k   H z i, jM  1/ 2, k  
E n 1
i, j, k   E (i, j, k )  

x x
  n
 (8.3a)
  H y i, j, k  1/ 2  H y i, j, k  1 / 2
2 2

Exn1i, jM , k   Exn1(i, j, k) (8.3b)

 n  12 
t  H y i  1/ 2, j, k   H y i  1/ 2, j, k   (8.4a)
n 1 / 2

En 1
i, j, k   E i, j, k   

z z
  n

  H x i, jM  1/ 2, k   H x i, j  1/ 2, k 
2 2

Ezn1i, jM , k  Ezn1(i, j, k) (8.4b)

Computation of Electromagnetic Field Inside a Tissue … 271

As for the case of the edged tangential electric components (Ex, Ey, Ez) on
plane i = i0, iN and j = j0, jM and due to the Ex and Ey components are on the
edge of the absorbing boundary conditions as seen in Figure 8.2(a) and (b),
therefore, they are assumed to be updated by the ABC updating equations. It
should be noted that the only edged Ez tangential components will be
considered here for the periodic boundary condition. According to Figure 8.3,
due to the normal incidence plane wave, hence, four equations of Ez tangential
components can be updated simultaneously:

 n 12 
t  H y i  1/ 2, j , k   H yn1 / 2 iN  1 / 2, j , k  
E z i, j , k   Ez i, j , k   
n1 n
 (8.5a)
  n

  H x i, jM  1/ 2, k   H x i, j  1/ 2, k 
2 2

Ezn1iN , jM , k   Ezn1(i, j, k) (8.5b)

Ezn1iN , j0 , k   Ezn1(i, j, k) (8.5c)

Ezn1i0 , jM , k   Ezn1(i, j, k ) (8.5d)

Figure 8.3. Location of the edged tangential component (Ez).

272 C. H. See, R. A. Abd-Alhameed, M. J. Ngala et al.

8.2.2. Hodgkin and Huxley (HH) Membrane Model

Cells are surrounded by thin membranes. It is the major barrier in the cell,
separating cell contents from outside. Since the cell is separated from its
environment, the membrane must be able to accommodate the required cell
functions. Therefore, the membrane has to act as a selective barrier, allowing
nutrients to pass in but keeping out many harmful substances to the cell, and as
a dynamic barrier medium, constantly adapting to changing environmental
conditions (different concentrations of ions).
The dimensions of a biological cell are around a few tens of micrometres
while the thickness of the membranes is in the scale of a few nanometres,
strongly depending on the type of the tissue. Depending on the type of the cell,
voltages in the range of 20-200 mV can be obtained across the membrane.
When the cell is in a resting state, the current across the membrane averages
zero, but more generally it depends on the variation on the membrane voltage
[23, 24].
Hodgkin and Huxley (HH) gave a general description of the time course
of the current which flows through the membrane of a squid giant axon when
the potential difference across the membrane is suddenly changed from its
steady state [23, 24]. The results in [23], suggest that the behaviour of a
membrane may be represented by the electrical circuit shown in Figure 8.4.
Current can be carried through the membrane either by charging the
membrane capacitance or by movement of ions through the nonlinear
conductance in parallel with the membrane capacitance. The equations that
describe the HH model are [23]:

I  Cm  g k n 4[V , t ](Vm  Ek )
 g Na m3[V , t ]h[V , t ] (Vm  ENa ) (8.6)
 gl (Vm  EL )

dn [V , t ]
 a n (V )(1  n[V , t ])  bn (V ) n[V , t ] (8.7)

dm [V , t ]
 a m (V )(1  m[V , t ])  bm (V ) m[V , t ] (8.8)
Computation of Electromagnetic Field Inside a Tissue … 273

dh [V , t ]
 a h (V )(1  h[V , t ])  bh (V ) h[V , t ] (8.9)


V  Vm Vr (8.10)

The element definitions of the HH model of the above equations are given
as follows:

 gl is the leakage conductance of chloride or other ionic channels.

 m, n, h are the probability parameters determining the percentage of
open channels (where an ion passes through the membrane). All
variables change between 0 and 1 as functions of time and voltage.
 Cm is the membrane capacity per unit area.
 Vm is the voltage across the membrane.
 Ek, Ena, and El are the resting potentials of the various ionic channels.
They contribute to the steady-state voltage on the membrane for each
ionic channel.
 gk and gna are the nonlinear conductances of potassium and sodium
 Vr is the resting potential of the membrane.
 V is the potential difference between the resting potential and the
potential of the membrane, expressed in mV.
 I is the total ionic current across the membrane due to flux of ions. It
is equal to zero if the membrane voltage equals the resting potential.

Table 8.1 quotes the constant value of all the components in HH model, as
stated in [23]. The percentage of the open potassium channels is n4 and the
percentage of the open sodium channels is m3h. It also needs to be highlighted
that the quantities appearing in equations (8.7) to (8.9) are defined as [23]:

Table 8.1. Constant values of the parameters in equation (8.6)

Cm Ek gk ENa gNa EL gL
0.01 F/m2 72 mV 360 S/m2 -55 mV 1200 S/m2 50 mV 3 S/m2
274 C. H. See, R. A. Abd-Alhameed, M. J. Ngala et al.

0 . 01 (V  10 )
a n (V )  (8.11)
e (( V  10 ) / 10 )  1

0 .1(V  25 )
a m (V )  (8.12)
e (( V  25 ) / 10 )  1

ah (V )  0.07e(V / 20) (8.13)

bn (V )  0.125e(V / 80) (8.14)

bm (V )  4e(V / 18) (8.15)

bh (V )  ((V  30 ) / 10 )
e 1

Equations from (8.11) to (8.16) can be redefined and rearranged in more

general form as follows:

  ( a  b )   (8.17)


  n , m , h 

After solving the first order partial differential equation of (8.17), the
expression for ψ can be obtained:

a  e
 ( a  b ) t

 (t )  1   (8.18)
a  b  K 

where K is the constant that defines the initial condition. As can be observed,
if the time t is much greater than the time constant τ = 1/(aψ+bψ), the parameter
ψ can be considered and replaced to the following constant:
Computation of Electromagnetic Field Inside a Tissue … 275

 (t ) t   (8.19)
a  b

Consider a biological cell excited by a plane wave of 1 V/m. Since the

dimension of the membrane is just a few nanometres, the potential difference
on the membrane can be estimated as a few nV. This leads to the conclusion
that the variables m, n, h in equations (8.11)-(8.16) can be assumed as constant
values at steady state, and the HH model can be treated as a linear model.
Figure 8.5 shows the percentage variations of aψ and bψ versus V in the range
of ±1 V. Table 8.2 quotes the constant values of n, m and h at steady state.


8.3.1. Implementation of Floquet Boundary Condition

This section demonstrates the implementation of Floquet boundary

conditions, quasi-static FDTD and the present modified PML for a lossy
medium excited by a 100 V/m plane wave at an operating frequency of 900
MHz. The lossy medium properties were εr = 1.0, σ = 25 S/m. The problem
space and cell sizes were 2121121 and 10 μm respectively. The Floquet
boundary conditions were imposed on four sides of the lossy medium. The
remaining two sides were each terminated by a PML of 6 cells. The analyses
were performed at 10, 15 and 20 GHz and then transferred back to the desired
operating frequency of 900 MHz. As can be observed in Figure 8.6, the
analytical and computed results are in good agreement.

Figure 8.4. Equivalent electrical circuit for the cell’s membrane.

276 C. H. See, R. A. Abd-Alhameed, M. J. Ngala et al.

Table 8.2. Steady-state values

n m h
0.3177 0.0529 0.5961

Figure 8.5. Percentage variation of aψ and bψ ( = n, m, h) versus voltage.

8.3.2. Implementation of HH Model

To verify the correctness of the implementation of the HH model within

the FDTD framework, the results of the analytically computed solution have
been used for comparison. In the first test case, the HH model will be included
in one FDTD grid cell which is aligned with the grid. In order to observe the
transient phenomena and the steady-state with a reasonable period of
computation time, the cell size of the FDTD framework is assumed to be 10
cm. Since the entire system is linear, these assumptions do not affect the
validity of this test case. No external excitation will be given in this test case
until the steady state is reached. It should be noted that the direction of the
Computation of Electromagnetic Field Inside a Tissue … 277

cell’s membrane is normal to the x-axis. Therefore, the following equations are
exploited for this analysis in FDTD computational domain.

Hz in, j1,k1/ 2 Hz in, j,k1/ 2 

 
Ex in,j1/12/ 2,k1/ 2  Ca,Ex i, j1/ 2,k1/ 2Ex in,j1/12/ 2,k1/ 2  Cb,Ex i, j1/ 2,k1/ 2   
 Hy i, j1/ 2,k Hy i, j1/ 2,k1  (8.20)
n n
 
 n n
Ca,Ex i, j1/ 2,k1/ 2. gk n4Vk  gNam3hVNa  glVl

 i, j,k t Cm g n4 t g m3hmt g  t 
1   k m  Na  l m
 2 npi, j,k 2n pi, j,k 2n pi, j,k 2n pi, j,k  (8.21)
i, j ,k
Cam,n, p i, j ,k
 i, j,k t Cm g n4 t g m3hmt g  t 
1   k m  Na  l m
 2 npi, j,k 2n pi, j,k 2n pi, j,k 2n pi, j,k 
 i, j ,k

 t 
 
   (8.22)
Cbm,n, p   i, j ,k m 
i , j ,k
 i, j,k t Cm g n4 t g m3hmt g  t 
1   k m  Na  l m
 2   pi, j ,k 2n pi, j ,k 2n pi, j ,k 2n pi, j ,k 
 i , j ,k n

 1 
 
   (8.23)
Ccm,n, p   n p
i , j ,k
 i, j,k t Cm gk n4mt gNam3hmt gl mt 
1    
 2 n pi, j,k 2n pi, j,k 2n pi, j,k 2n pi, j ,k 
 i , j ,k

where Vk = 72 mV, VNa = -55 mV, VL = 50 mV

gk  360n p , gNa 1200np , gk  3n p , C  0.01n p

Now, by setting current I = 0 in equation (8.6), the steady state condition

for the cell can be attained, which means the average rate of the ions crossing
the membrane is zero. Under this steady state conditions, the resting voltage is
equal to the membrane’s voltage (Vr = Vm), then voltage (Vr) can be computed
as follows:
278 C. H. See, R. A. Abd-Alhameed, M. J. Ngala et al.

Figure 8.6. Electric field along the centre of the lossy medium.

GK n 4 Ek  GNa m3hE Na  GL EL
Vr   60.27 mV
GK n 4  GNa m3h  GL

Figure 8.7 shows the comparison between the FDTD model and the
analytical computed membrane voltage versus time. As can be seen, the
analytical and FDTD results are indistinguishable in the steady state. Since the
HH model contains a large capacitor, it causes the transient of the HH circuit
to require hundreds of thousands of time steps to reach the steady state when
simulation considers the dimensions of a realistic biological cell. To speed up
the computation time, the actual FDTD simulation is performed in two steps.
In the first step (known as DC simulation), simulation is performed with the
capacitor in the circuit and then removed and its effects on the system is
energized by the step voltage (DC) sources. Once the steady state is reached,
the electric and magnetic fields on each FDTD discretisation cell are used as
the initial values for the second step. During the transient simulation, the
capacitor and the sinusoidal source are activated. In short, to speed up the
computation time, the value obtained in the steady state without excitation can
be used as the initial value of the membrane voltage. This procedure is similar
to the approach used by the SPICE computer program [24] for the transient
and AC analysis of electronic circuits.
Computation of Electromagnetic Field Inside a Tissue … 279

Figure 8.7. Steady state membrane’s voltage verse number of time steps (the normal is
directed along X).

In the second test case, it was shown that the method above gives the same
results as when complete transient simulation is performed. The HH model
was again inserted in one of the FDTD grid cells, with dimension of 10 cm.
Then, it was excited by a plane wave at a frequency of 10 MHz. Two initial
conditions were assumed in the simulation; firstly the membrane voltage was
set at zero, and then at 60.27 mV. Figure 8.8 depicts the comparison of the two
initial conditions, leading to the conclusion that the computation time can be
speeded up by assigning the resting voltage on the cell’s membrane at the
initial state of the simulation. In a third test case, all the parameters in equation
(8.11) were set to zero, except for n = 1 and gk = 2,000,000 S/m2, so the HH
model behaves like a resistor whose value is:

R  50 
gk s 2

In this case, the grid cell’s size is 0.1 mm, and a plane wave excitation was
used propagating in the z-direction and polarised in the x-direction at 40 GHz.
Figure 8.9 shows the distribution of voltage and current on the membrane. The
ratio between the peak values of voltage and current on the membrane was
50 Ω.
280 C. H. See, R. A. Abd-Alhameed, M. J. Ngala et al.

Figure 8.8. Comparison between membrane voltage with different initial conditions.

Figure 8.9. Voltage and current on the membrane.

Computation of Electromagnetic Field Inside a Tissue … 281

Figure 8.10. Modified LE-FDTD cell on normal FDTD cell grid.

8.3.3. Single Cell Validation

In this section, the HH model was modelled on a spherical structure with

diameter 50 m and discretised with 1 m steps, in order to check the
polarization voltage of 60.27 mV on the membrane. The HH model is included
on the surface of the cell. The inner and external mediums of the cell
geometry, have been considered as cytoplasm (r = 48.699,  = 1.412 S/m)
and lossy medium (r = 70.87,  = 2.781 S/m) respectively. It should be noted
that the LE-FDTD method has been successfully modified in order to
accommodate the case when the position of the lumped element inside the
membrane’s cell is not aligned with the FDTD grid (see Figure 8.10), so that it
can be excited by the electric field component normal to its surface. The
rotation was done subject to the fields in spherical coordinates and then
transferred to the actual grid of the FDTD at each time step. A matrix
transformation was implemented on each FDTD cell surface.
Figure 8.11 depicts the polarization voltage value of 60.27 mV on the
membrane of the spherical structure without any external excitation. From
Figure 8.12, it can be observed that the field in the centre of the spherical
structure is not zero. This effect can be described to a type of numerical noise
which is created by the geometry of the structure. In order to verify whether
the noise is random or deterministic, two simple simulations have been carried
out. In one, the structure was irradiated with a plane wave of 100 kV/m at 100
282 C. H. See, R. A. Abd-Alhameed, M. J. Ngala et al.

GHz and in the other there was no excitation. It should be noted that the plane
wave in the first case is propagating along the z-axis and electric field is
parallel to the x-axis. Figure 8.13 shows the numerical noise in the centre of
the structure without excitation. Figure 8.14 shows that the dominant
component (Ex) is corrupted by the numerical noise along the z-axis of the
structure, whereas Figure 8.15 shows that the noise is deterministic and the
harmonic excitation can be retrieved. This can be done by subtracting the
numerical noise in Figure 8.13 from the excitation field in Figure 8.14.


By incorporating the aforementioned and validated theories, i.e., Floquet
periodic boundary conditions (FPBCs), modified PML, quasi-static and
lumped-element FDTD approach, this section will model biological tissue with
different structures that consider a cluster of spherical, cubical and cylindrical
cells and examine the electromagnetic field behaviour inside the tissue when it
is exposed by a plane wave.

Figure 8.11. Field distribution on coordinate plane.

Computation of Electromagnetic Field Inside a Tissue … 283

Figure 8.12. Total electric field along central axis of the structure.

Figure 8.13. The field versus time in the central FDTD cell of the structure in lossy
medium without excitation.
284 C. H. See, R. A. Abd-Alhameed, M. J. Ngala et al.

Figure 8.14. The corrupted excitation field in the centre of the FDTD cell of the

Figure 8.15. Excitation field removed from the numerical noise.

Computation of Electromagnetic Field Inside a Tissue … 285

In general, the radius of the each biological cell in a tissue was 10 µm.
The biological cell consists of three layers, which are cytoplasm, membrane
and extracellular medium and the dielectric properties of these were obtained
from [38]. The equations of the effective conductivity    and effective
dielectric permittivity    of the material of biological cells are given in the
following two forms:

 k k
     0    (8.24)
k 1 1    k
2 2

 k 2 k2
     0    (8.25)
k 1 1    k
2 2

where   2f , f is the frequency of the field, n is the number of steps of

dielectric relaxation of the material,   k and  k are the magnitude of the k-
th relaxation step and the time constant of the k-th step respectively, while
 0  and  0  are the conductivity and dielectric permittivity of the material
and it is measured at   1 /  1 . It should be noted that all the fixed
parameters that govern the equations are well defined in Tables 8.3 and 8.4.
Once all the parameters are known, the material of the biological cell, as
function of field frequency, can be established easily as shown in Figures 8.16
and 8.17 which are the ones in [38]. From the inspection of Figures 8.16 and
8.17, the electrical properties of cytoplasm, membrane and extracellular
medium are found and all the desired parameters of this analysis at various
frequency of interest, i.e. 900 MHz, 1800 MHz, 2000 MHz, 2450 MHz and 10
GHz, are tabulated in Table 8.5 respectively.

Table 8.3. Electrical properties of biological cell model

Parameter Symbol Value

Permittivity of cytoplasm i (0) 6.4 × 10-10 As/Vm
Conductivity of cytoplasm i (0) 0.3 S/m
Permittivity of membrane m (0) 6.4 × 10-10 As/Vm
Conductivity of membrane m (0) 3.0 × 10-7 S/m
Permittivity of extracellular medium e (0) 4.4 × 10-11 As/Vm
Conductivity of extracellular medium e (0) 1.2 S/m
286 C. H. See, R. A. Abd-Alhameed, M. J. Ngala et al.

Table 8.4. Parameters of dielectric relaxation of cytoplasm, membrane

and extracellular medium

Parameter Symbol Value

Dielectric relaxation of cytoplasm and
extracellular medium:
First relaxation time re /ri 6.2 × 10-12 s
First relaxation step e /i 5.9 × 10-10 As/Vm
Dielectric relaxation of membrane:
First relaxation time rm1 3.0 × 10-9 s
First relaxation step rm1 2.3 × 10-11 As/Vm
Second relaxation time rm2 4.6 × 10-10 s
Second relaxation step rm2 7.4 × 10-12 As/Vm

Figure 8.16. Effective permittivity of cytoplasm, membrane and extracellular medium

of the biological cells as a function of frequency.
Computation of Electromagnetic Field Inside a Tissue … 287

Figure 8.17. Effective conductivities of cytoplasm, membrane and extracellular

medium of the biological cells as a function of frequency.

Table 8.5. Electrical property of the simulated structure at mobile

communication frequencies

900 MHz 1800 MHz 2000 MHz 2450 MHz 10 GHz

 = 72.2003
i  = 71.956
i  = 71.88
i  = 71.6806
i i = 63.5023

i = 0.4168 i = 0.7656 i = 0.8742 i = 1.1590 i = 12.8384

m = 1.6526 m = 1.5680 m = 1.5621 m = 1.5536 m = 1.5371
m = 0.0217 m = 0.0232 m = 0.0233 m = 0.0234 m = 0.0237
 e = 72.2003 e = 71.956  e = 71.88 e = 71.6806  e = 63.5023
e = 1.3168 e = 1.6656 e = 1.7742 e = 2.0590 e = 13.7384
288 C. H. See, R. A. Abd-Alhameed, M. J. Ngala et al.

8.4.1. Connected Tissue Model Using Spherical Cells

A stack of ten spherical cells was investigated, as shown in Figures 8.18

and 8.19. The radius of the each cell was 10 µm. A plane wave of 100 V/m,
propagating in the z-direction and polarized in the x-direction was used as the
excitation. Note that the incident plane wave excitation was applied on a plane
lying between the PML region and the outer limit of the FDTD grid. In
addition, in order to reduce high-frequency transients [42, 43] and DC offsets
[44, 45], associated with unramped sine wave excitations, the following
ramped sinusoidal source in equation (8.26) was adopted [44]:

 0 Tr
0.51  cos t sin t  0t 
 2
f (t )   r r
 sinr t  t
 2

where Tr is the period of the ramped cosine which is about 3 source cycles.
The PML, shown in Figure 8.19, was six FDTD elements wide, the
grading factor g was 10.1383 and the grid structure was effectively extended
to infinity in the x- and y-directions, by imposing the Floquet boundary
condition along the x- and y-axes. The Floquet periodic boundary condition
plays an important role to mimic the presence of an extended 3-D structure of
biological cells, simulating connected tissue. This can be easily imagined in
two dimensions, as shown in Figure 8.18. The FDTD problem space was
220×20×20 FDTD elements of size 1 µm while a discretization time step δt of
1.3 fs was chosen to drive the FDTD computation, to meet the requirements of
the Courant stability criterion.
Before implementing the Hodgkin-Huxley model into the simulated
structure, the effect of moving the Floquet boundaries gradually away from the
simulated structure was studied. Figures 8.20 and 8.21 depict the field
distribution through the centre of the simulated structure at 10 GHz with
varying locations of the Floquet boundaries, where Ncell is the number of
FDTD elements between the Floquet boundaries and the boundaries of the
biological cells, in the x and y directions. Figure 8.22 shows the field
distribution on the xz-plane of the simulated structure for the case of Ncell =
10. When the Floquet boundaries are exactly adjacent to the simulated
structure (Ncell = 0), the strongest coupling effect between cells can be
Computation of Electromagnetic Field Inside a Tissue … 289

obtained. The highest induced field on the membrane and lowest induced field
in the cytoplasm of the cell can be observed. Conversely, when the Floquet
boundaries are far away from the simulated structure (Ncell = 10), the lowest
induced field on the membrane and highest induced field in the cytoplasm of
the cell are observed. It should be noted that all the following analysis will be
based on Ncell = 0, which is assumed to be the most appropriate model for the
real living biological tissues or cells in this microdosimetry study. The
simulations were performed at the transformed intermediate frequency of 10
GHz and the overall model was then transformed to the intended lower
frequencies. Table 8.6 reports the transformation factors at 900 MHz, 1800
MHz, 2000 MHz and 2450 MHz used in the analysis.
Figure 8.23 illustrates the 10 GHz field distribution on the xz-plane of the
simulated structure. The distributions of the electric field through the centre of
the simulated structure, along the incident wave propagation direction, at 900
MHz, 1800 MHz, 2000 MHz and 2450 MHz are given in Figures 8.24 and
8.25, where Figure 8.25 is an enlarged version of Figure 8.24. The magnified
version of Figure 8.25 is also plotted in Figure 8.26 and 8.27 as well. From
inspection of Figures 8.25, 8.26 and 8.27, the field inside the cells is not
constant and the induced field intensity is directly proportional to the
frequency. In other words, the higher the operating frequency that is used to
excite the model, the higher the electric field intensity that will be induced
within the analyzed structures.
To complete the simulation, the Hodgkin-Huxley models were embedded
in the surface of the spherical cells, in a direction normal to the surface, to
represent the membrane effect of the tissue model. Versions including this
were studied at frequencies of 900 MHz and 2450 MHz. As can be seen in
Figures 8.28 and 8.29, there is a difference of approximately 15% in the field
strength due to the contribution of the membrane effect from the Hodgkin-
Huxley model. These variations were in well agreement with expectations [16,
23, 38,46,47,48].

8.4.2. Connected Tissue Model Using Cubical Cells

Since living cells, when compacted into connected tissue, are not perfectly
spheres, a cluster of cubical cells was also chosen for study on the foundation
of the previous spherical cells analysis. Figure 8.30 depicts the proposed
cluster of cubical cells in a three dimensional view of the FDTD computational
domain. In order to compare the results obtained from the previous model with
290 C. H. See, R. A. Abd-Alhameed, M. J. Ngala et al.

this analysis, an FDTD simulation was executed, keeping the same parameter
values unchanged. The 2-D view of the electric field inside the cubical cell
tissue is shown in Figure 8.31. The field distributions along the propagation
direction of the incident wave, through the centre of the simulated structure at
various frequencies, are illustrated in Figures 8.32 and 8.33, while the
magnified version of Figure 8.33 are depicted in Figures 8.34 and 8.35. The
contribution of the Hodgkin-Huxley model to the cubical tissue model has also
been investigated, as shown in Figures 8.36 and 8.37. The effects of adding the
Hodgkin-Huxley model are about 15% difference in field magnitude, as can be
easily observed in the figures.
The peak field values on the membrane of the cubical structure are
observed to be about three times higher than in the cytoplasm, which agrees
well with the results from the structure based on spherical cells. However, the
absolute field strength is approximately doubled in the spherical cell case,
presumably because of the curvature at the points studied. It is to be expected
that much higher fields would be observed at the corners of the cubical cells,
but it might be argued that, as a localised matter, these points do not
correspond well with biological reality.

Figure 8.18. The 2-D view of the simulated structures in FDTD computational domain.
Computation of Electromagnetic Field Inside a Tissue … 291

8.4.3. Connected Tissue Model Using Cylindrical Cells

The shape of the living cells can be so diverse. In order to have better
understanding on the subject of EM field interaction with different geometry
of biological tissue, a cluster of cylindrical cells model of the tissue is
proposed, as depicted in Figure 8.38. This analysis is performed in which the
material properties unchanged as in the case of spherical and cubical cell
structures. Figure 8.39 describes the 2-D view of electric field distribution of
the proposed cylindrical cell tissue at 10 GHz, while the electric field
distribution along the centre of the analysed structure is shown in Figure 8.40
to 8.43, where the Figures 8.41-8.43 are the amplified version of the Figure
The loading effect of the HH model into the cylindrical cell tissue has also
been studied. Figure 8.44 and 8.45 demonstrate the difference of 15% in field
magnitude with and without the presence of HH model in the proposed
simulated structure. The results show consistent difference with the previous
spherical and cubical cells tissue simulated structures.

Figure 8.19. The 3-D view of the simulated spherical structures in FDTD
computational domain.
292 C. H. See, R. A. Abd-Alhameed, M. J. Ngala et al.

Figure 8.20. Penetration of electric field along z-axis, through the centre of the
simulated structure with different location of the Floquet boundary condition.

Figure 8.21. Penetration of electric field (enlargement of Figure 8.20).

The comparison of the field distribution of spherical, cubical and

cylindrical cells tissue model, through the centre of the analysed structure, is
elucidated in Figure 8.46. The peak field on the membrane of the cylindrical
Computation of Electromagnetic Field Inside a Tissue … 293

structure is found to be about 1.7 times higher than in the cytoplasm, which is
distinct with the previous two models. As can be noticed, the peak field value
of this cylindrical model is higher than the cubical model and lower than the
spherical model, whereas the peak field value on the cytoplasm is the about the
same as in the spherical model and double the value found in the cubical

Figure 8.22. Ncell = 20, modulus of the electric field on xz-plane at intermediate
frequency 10 GHz (logarithmic scale).

Table 8.6. Frequency scaling transformation factor from 10 GHz to the

following mobile communication frequencies

Parameter 900 MHz 1800 MHz 2000 MHz 2450 MHz

Cytoplasm 0.9296 0.9337 0.9344 0.9360
Membrane 0.9000 0.9700 0.9756 0.9838
Extracellular 0.8867 0.9226 0.9254 0.9301

Figure 8.23. Modulus of the electric field on xz-plane at intermediate frequency 10

GHz (logarithmic scale).
294 C. H. See, R. A. Abd-Alhameed, M. J. Ngala et al.

Figure 8.24. Penetration of electric field along z-axis, through the centre of the
simulated structure.

Figure 8.25. Penetration of electric field (enlargement of Figure 8.24).

Computation of Electromagnetic Field Inside a Tissue … 295

Figure 8.26. Penetration of electric field on the cytoplasm (enlargement of Figure


Figure 8.27. Penetration of electric field on the membrane (enlargement of Figure

296 C. H. See, R. A. Abd-Alhameed, M. J. Ngala et al.

Figure 8.28. Electric field distribution along z-axis, through the centre of the simulated
spherical structure in Figure 8.19, incorporating Hodgkin-Huxley model and driven at
900 MHz.

Figure 8.29. As Figure 8.28, driven at 2450 MHz.

Computation of Electromagnetic Field Inside a Tissue … 297

Figure 8.30. The 3-D view of the simulated cubical structures in FDTD computational

Figure 8.31. Modulus of the electric field on xz-plane at intermediate frequency 10

GHz (logarithmic scale).

Figure 8.32. Penetration of electric field along z-axis, through the centre of the
simulated structure.
298 C. H. See, R. A. Abd-Alhameed, M. J. Ngala et al.

Figure 8.33. Penetration of electric field (enlargement of Figure 8.32).

Figure 8.34. Penetration of electric field on the cytoplasm (enlargement of Figure

Computation of Electromagnetic Field Inside a Tissue … 299

Figure 8.35. Penetration of electric field on the membrane (enlargement of Figure


Figure 8.36. Electric field distribution along z-axis, through the centre of the simulated
cubical cell structure in Figure 8.30, incorporating Hodgkin-Huxley model and driven
at 900 MHz.
300 C. H. See, R. A. Abd-Alhameed, M. J. Ngala et al.

Figure 8.37. As Figure 8.36, driven at 2450 MHz.

Figure 8.38. The 3-D view of the simulated cylindrical structures in FDTD
computational domain.
Computation of Electromagnetic Field Inside a Tissue … 301

Figure 8.39. Modulus of the electric field on xz-plane at intermediate frequency 10

GHz (logarithmic scale).

Figure 8.40. Penetration of electric field along z-axis, through the centre of the
simulated structure.

Figure 8.41. Penetration of electric field (enlargement of Figure 8.40).

302 C. H. See, R. A. Abd-Alhameed, M. J. Ngala et al.

Figure 8.42. Penetration of electric field on the cytoplasm (enlargement of Figure


Figure 8.43. Penetration of electric field on the membrane (enlargement of Figure


Figure 8.44. Electric field distribution along z-axis, through the centre of the simulated
cubical cell structure in Figure 8.38, incorporating Hodgkin-Huxley model and driven
at 900 MHz.
Computation of Electromagnetic Field Inside a Tissue … 303

Figure 8.45. As Figure 8.44, driven at 2450 MHz.

Figure 8.46. Comparison of three different simulated structures at 900 MHz.

An approach to microdosimetric modeling of bioelectromagnetic
interactions at the cellular level has been presented. This uses the FDTD
method, combined with an arbitrarily-oriented implementation of the
304 C. H. See, R. A. Abd-Alhameed, M. J. Ngala et al.

Hodgkin-Huxley cell-membrane model and the Floquet periodic boundary

condition. By implementing a frequency-scaling approach, the number of
FDTD time steps for such an electrically-small structure can be reduced from
several millions to a few tens of thousands. The reflection on the interface
layers inside the FDTD computation domain has also been successfully
reduced, even though it is within lossy penetrable media, by using a modified
version of Berenger’s absorbing boundary condition. The accuracy of the
FDTD scaling approach was verified with idealized models of spherical cells
in lossy media. The feasibility of the inclusion of the HH model inside the
FDTD computation domain was demonstrated. This leads to the conclusion
that the application of the HH model allows cells of arbitrary geometries to be
handled and demonstrates the viability of embedding other types of lumped-
element model for membrane behavior. It can be argued that the HH model is
imperfect for microwave frequencies, but it is reasonable to use it as a working
hypothesis (as have others [6]) to develop modeling techniques while
operational versions of improved models are still in development.
Use of the Floquet boundary condition enables a non-trivial region of
connected biological tissue to be simulated. Such a tool will facilitate deeper
investigation of the phenomena in the interaction between EM fields and
biological systems at various levels of spatial definition. The combination of
quasi-static FDTD with an arbitrarily-oriented lumped element membrane
model, the modified Berenger absorbing boundary condition and the Floquet
periodic boundary condition represents a significant advance in verisimilitude
of biological cell modeling.

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In: Development of Complex Electromagnetic … ISBN: 978-1-61122-013-1
Editors: K. N. Ramli et al. © 2014 Nova Science Publishers, Inc.

Chapter 9



M. A. Mangoud1, R. A. Abd-Alhameed1
and P. S. Excell2
Mobile and Satellite Communications Research Centre,
Bradford University, Bradford, UK
Institute for Arts, Science and Technology,
Glyndwr University, Wrexham, UK

A heterogeneous hybrid computational electromagnetic method is
presented in this chapter. Different parts of an antenna simulation
problem are treated by using different methods enabling the most
appropriate method to be used for each part. The method employs the
method of moments and finite-difference time-domain techniques to
compute the fields in two regions. The two regions are interfaced by
surfaces on which effective sources are defined by the application of the
equivalence principle. An extension to this permits the conduction
currents to cross the boundary between the different computational
domains. Several examples are studied and the results are compared and
analysed. The method paves the way for accurate simulation of the
behaviour of an antenna that is closely coupled with lossy dielectric
310 M. A. Mangoud, R. A. Abd-Alhameed and P. S. Excell

Electromagnetic computation algorithms are widely used for the
prediction of the behaviour of antennas of all types. In general, these are
broadly classified into two types, integral equation methods, often known as
the method of moments (MoM) [1-10] and differential equation methods (such
as finite-difference time-domain) [11-20], which have significantly different
strengths and weaknesses. Integral equation methods are widely used for
simulation of broadcasting antennas since they can simulate the behaviour of
arbitrarily shaped metallic structures with relative ease and a good level of
fidelity. However, problems arise if the antenna is associated with substantial
dielectric volumes, particularly lossy dielectrics such as earth, sea water and
the human body. The integral equation methods inherently compute the
coupling between each discretization element in the model and every other
element. This does not cause a problem for metal because it is considered to be
effectively impenetrable and hence only the surface has to be discretized;
further, wires and thin rods can be represented as one-dimensional elements.
Penetrable dielectrics, on the other hand, have to be represented with a 3-D
assembly of volumetric elements. Leaving aside the mathematical complexity
of modelling such elements, the key difficulty that arises is that, in being a 3-D
structure, the number of elements required in the model rapidly becomes very
large and the computational task can become unmanageable. An alternative
approach for penetrable dielectrics that is computationally much more
tractable is to use a differential equation method, such as the FDTD method.
This is a well-known and highly developed algorithm that directly implements
a discretized form of Maxwell’s equations. It is very efficient and relatively
easy to implement, but it has one major disadvantage in that it requires the
problem space to be discretized into three-dimensional rectangular elements.
This results in a significant deficiency in the modelling of structures with
surfaces that are not parallel to the principal axes, since the surfaces then have
a stepped shape (known as ‘staircasing’) as a result of conformance to the
rectangular quantization grid. This poses particular problems when attempts
are made to model linear (wire-type) antennas with components that are not
parallel to the axes. These two methods have unique advantages in their own
domain of application but it is not possible to apply either to the other domain
without significant disadvantages (e.g., using integral equation methods to
model the ground or using FDTD to model wires). A method was thus
developed to enable both of them to be used for a single problem, combining
them via a hybridization algorithm in which a bounding surface was
Simulation of Antennas Coupled to Lossy Dielectric Volumes 311

established on which fictitious equivalent sources were considered to exist.

The first stage of hybridization between these methods was achieved by
analysing each part of a problem with the most appropriate method [21, 22],
the coupling between these methods being computed by using the equivalence
principle theorem. In this theorem, the objects should not be physically
connected, but separated by a distance of at least a moderate fraction of a
wavelength to place the equivalence-principle surface in isolation between
them [23].


If conduction currents are required to cross the boundary between the two
hybridised domains, a special treatment is required to ensure current continuity
across the boundary surface. To include this case, the previous work [23-26]
can be extended for the case where the source region is subdivided, one part
replaced by equivalent surface currents using the equivalence principle
(computed by MoM) and the other part handled with the use of direct
impressed currents (suitable to couple with FDTD). An industry-standard
frequency-domain MoM program [27] was used, to aid acceptance in practical
applications, although it can easily be modified for use with any MoM
program. Coupling between the scatterer and source regions is calculated
using the Reaction Theorem, with appropriate modifications to the MoM
program to take account of the fact that the basis and weighting functions are
not the same. Progress has been made in solving this problem by development
of a formulation that allows current flow across the domain boundary, as will
be discussed in the following section with some basic examples that illustrate
the objectives of this novel technique.

9.2.1. Theory of Modified Hybrid MoM-FDTD Method

Figure 9.1(a) shows two regions, one enclosing the source, the other
enclosing the scatterer. The source region is further subdivided into two sub-
regions, A and B as shown in Figure 9.1(b). In general there is no physical
attachment between source region B and the scatterer region, but the scatterer
312 M. A. Mangoud, R. A. Abd-Alhameed and P. S. Excell

can be very close to, or attached to, the source region A. In Figure 9.1(b) the
surface Sc encloses the entire source region. The fields due to the induced
currents from both source sub-regions A and B can be computed in order to
evaluate the surface currents Jsi and Msi over the modified closed surface Sc1:

M si  ( E ( J A , M A )  E ( J B , M B ))  nˆ (9.1)

J si  ( H ( J A , M A )  H ( J B , M B ))  nˆ (9.2)

where JA, JB, MA and MB are the electric and magnetic surface currents of
source regions A and B; n̂ is the unit vector normal to the surface Sc1.

Figure 9.1. The basic geometry of the problem.

Now let the part of the surface Sc surrounding sub-region A be coincident

with the surface of the conducting source structure within A. The currents on
Sc then become the surface currents on the conductor which can be transferred
to an FDTD model by treating them as impressed currents. The whole source
region is then modelled using the FDTD method with impressed currents
replacing sub-region A and a surface of equivalent currents replacing sub-
region B. The hard (impressed) sources for a perfectly conducting surface (MA
= 0) considered in region A can be implemented in FDTD as follows:

E  E FDTD  (9.3)
( / t   / 2)
Simulation of Antennas Coupled to Lossy Dielectric Volumes 313

where EFDTD represents the normal electric field finite-difference updating

equations with a total/scattered field formulation [22], JA is the electric surface
current calculated using MoM, t is the time step,  and  are the permittivity
and the conductivity of the surrounding medium, respectively. For region B,
which is surrounded by the closed surface Sc1, the difference equations at the
surface for the FDTD method can be stated as follows:

J si Sc1
E  EFDTD  (9.4)
( / t   / 2)

H  H FDTD  M si Sc1 (9.5)

where Jsi and Msi are the surface electric and magnetic currents, and with the
suffix Sc1 are only those defined at the surface Sc1.  is the permeability of the
medium. The voltage induced on the source region A due to the back-scattered
fields from the scatterer is:

VA = (Efree - Escat)  s (9.6)

where Efree and Escat are the induced electric fields in the region A, calculated
in the FDTD domain, without and with the scatterer, and s is the FDTD cell
size. The voltage induced in region B (the scattered field region) is found using
MoM by employing the Reaction Theorem:

VB   J ts  Eib dsB (9.7)


VB   E ts  J ib  H ts  M ib dsc1 (9.8)
S c1

EiB   jA(r )  V (r )    F (r ) (9.9)

314 M. A. Mangoud, R. A. Abd-Alhameed and P. S. Excell

A(r )    J ib g (r , r )dsc1 (9.10)

S c1

V (r ) 
    J
s ib g ( r , r )dsc1 (9.11)
S c1

F (r )    M ib g (r , r )dsc1 (9.12)
S c1

The free space Green’s function is given by:

 jk r  r 
g (r , r )  (9.13)
4 r  r 

The vectors r and r apply to the source and observation points

respectively. SB is the conducting surface area of the structure within region B.
Jts is the electric test function used on the wire or the patch. It is usually a
uniform pulse to account for the excitation voltage at the centre of the wire
segment and the patch for the MoM, if using NEC [27]. Ets and Hts are the
electric and magnetic fields respectively for the test function Jts. It should be
noted that, in applying (7), there is no magnetic test function specified in NEC
[27]. Since Ets and Hts can be obtained easily using NEC, after ignoring the
sinusoidal basis functions, and assuming that the cell meshing used in FDTD
is very small compared to the operating wavelength, equation (9.8) can be
reduced by ignoring the surface integral and evaluating the voltage back-
scattered corresponding to the centre of the cell surface, as shown below:

Vb   ( Ets (r , r )  J ibn  H ts (r , r )  M ibn )an (9.14)


where rn is the position vector of the centre of the cell surface and an is the
surface area of the cell. Therefore Jibn and Mibn are considered to be the
equivalent surface currents at the centre of the surface cell n. At the boundary
of the hard source and the equivalent surface (Sc1) FDTD requires at least two
or three cells of additional margin to recalculate the voltage induced in region
Simulation of Antennas Coupled to Lossy Dielectric Volumes 315

B, as seen from Figure 9.1(b). When the voltages have been obtained, the new
currents (JA, Jsi and Msi) can be computed and the method can be repeated until
the steady state is reached.


Near-fields and input impedance are taken to be convenient but rigorous
validation results for the following examples:

Figure 9.2. The geometry of the examples given.

Example 9.1: A perfectly electrically conducting (PEC) half-wavelength

dipole with radius 0.001, in free space, was first considered. The chosen
simulation frequency was 961 MHz with wavelength equal to 0.31212 m and
the FDTD cell size equal to 0.00306 m. Thus, the dipole was considered as 51
cells in the z-direction. The equivalent surface treatment was arbitrarily chosen
to enclose 70.4% (0.352) of the length of the dipole to be modelled using
MoM, whereas the rest of the dipole was replaced by the impressed currents
inside the FDTD problem space (as in Figure 9.2(a), without the scatterer).
The free space electric field on a line parallel to the dipole at a transverse
distance of 0.0346 was examined, as shown in Figure 9.3. The results of the
proposed current crossing technique are in good agreement with those from
316 M. A. Mangoud, R. A. Abd-Alhameed and P. S. Excell

the hybrid MoM/FDTD [25] method (with a Huygens surface surrounding the
full dipole) and the pure MoM NEC programs [27].
Example 9.2: A wire scatterer was introduced adjacent to the half-
wavelength dipole of the previous example, in the form of a PEC rod of length
0.3528 and radius 0.001, parallel to the source dipole at a distance 0.0196,
equivalent to two FDTD cells, see Figure 9.2(a). The scatterer was located in
the region of the impressed current source. The dipole here was modelled
using the current crossing technique, using Huygens surface to enclose 19.6%
(0.098) of the length of the dipole. The impressed currents were used for the
rest of the dipole inside the FDTD part of the program. The input impedance
of the source dipole versus the number of iterations is shown in Figure 9.4.
The results are in good agreement with those from a uniform MoM treatment
[27]. The electric field contours in the y-z plane, which contains the source and
the scatterer, are shown in Figure 9.5 for the cases with and without the
scatterer. This figure clarifies the methodology used and the technique of the
current crossing the boundary using the equivalent surface principle.
Example 9.3: In this example, illustrated in Figure 9.2(b), the source
region contains a dipole with total conductor length 1.0 and radius 0.001.
The working frequency was doubled to become 1923 MHz which means
wavelength of 0.156 m. Similar to the previous example, cell size of 0.00306
m was used. One of dipole arms is coiled into a helix with three turns of radius
0.12 and pitch 0.004. This simulates a canonical form of a transmitter
cabinet directly feeding a helical antenna adjacent to a scatterer, in a case
where the cabinet is intended to be simulated by FDTD. The scatterer is a wire
of length 0.473 (24 cells) and radius 0.001. The scatterer and the source are
separated by 0.01182 (6 cells). The equivalent surface encloses the helix
region (treated by MoM) while the impressed current treatment (FDTD region)
is used for the other arm of the dipole. The input impedance versus the number
of iterations is shown in Figure 9.6. The results converge to Z = 420 - j190 
which is also in good agreement with a non-hybrid NEC treatment Z = 462 -
j220  [27]. The accuracy of this proposed modified hybrid method is
demonstrated in Figure 9.7. This shows the computed near-field magnitude
distribution contours for the example given in Figure 9.2, when conduction
currents are crossing domain boundaries for both the dipole and the helix-
dipole in free space and with a wire scatterer. The plane displayed contains the
scatterer and the second arm of the source dipole that is represented by the
straight wire. The near-field distribution shows the important advantage of the
Simulation of Antennas Coupled to Lossy Dielectric Volumes 317

method over the conventional hybrid technique [24, 25, 28-30] which requires
a more substantial separation distance between the source and the scatterer.
In the free space simulation of Figure 9.7(a) the symmetric patterns of the
half-wavelength dipole in the total field region outside the Huygens surface
can be observed. Figure 9.7(a) shows a reasonable pattern with expected
asymmetry for the helix-dipole combination of length 1.0, with a minimum
near-field value around the middle of the straight half of the dipole. In both
Figures 9.5(a) and 9.7(a), the near-field values inside the Huygens surface are
close to zero. Also, it is noticed that the boundary area of connection between
the wire and the virtual surface shows very little disruption to the fields in the
scattered region, hence indicating that the proposed current crossing treatment
is implemented successfully. Figures 9.6(b) and 9.7(b) illustrate near-field
contours in the presence of scatterers. It can be noted that more back-scattered
field is observed inside the Huygens surface for the helix-dipole as compared
with the dipole. This is because of the closer proximity of the scatterer to the
crossing boundary in the first case.

Figure 9.3. Comparison between the computed near electric fields of a dipole in free
space (Example 9.1).
318 M. A. Mangoud, R. A. Abd-Alhameed and P. S. Excell

Figure 9.4. Input impedance of the source dipole with scatterer of Example 9.2, versus
number of iterations, for current-crossing hybrid treatment.

(a) (b)

Figure 9.5. Vertical slice cut for computed near electric field magnitude distribution
contours (in dB) for the Example 9.2: (a) without the scatterer; (b) with the scatterer.
Simulation of Antennas Coupled to Lossy Dielectric Volumes 319

Figure 9.6. Input impedance of the semi-helical dipole with scatterer of Example 9.3,
versus number of iterations, for hybrid current-crossing treatments.

(a) (b)

Figure 9.7. Vertical slice cut for computed near-field magnitude distribution contours
(in dB) for the Example 9.3: (a) without the scatterer; (b) with the scatterer.
320 M. A. Mangoud, R. A. Abd-Alhameed and P. S. Excell

Example 9.4: In this example, the scatterer region is taken to be a slab of

lossy dielectric. The sheet dimensions are 0.125×0.0625×0.5 and it was
modelled with a relative permittivity of 41.3 and conductivity of 1.3 S/m, as
presented in Figure 9.8. These material properties would correspond to a
highly hydrated and conducting material such as biological tissue, but
seawater is not greatly dissimilar and the same principle applies to any other
penetrable lossy dielectric, such as earth or construction materials. The input
impedance versus the number of iterations required to reach steady state
solution, for three different distances, is shown in Figure 9.9. The results are in
excellent agreement with the data in [31]. The far field pattern for two
different planes is shown in Figure 9.10.

Figure 9.8. The geometry for Example 9.4.

Simulation of Antennas Coupled to Lossy Dielectric Volumes 321



Figure 9.9. The input resistance and reactance of the source dipole in Example 9.4, for
three different distances from the dielectric.
322 M. A. Mangoud, R. A. Abd-Alhameed and P. S. Excell



Figure 9.10. The far-field E component for Example 9.4, at two different cuts: (a)
vertical cut at  = 90; (b) horizontal cut at  = 90, for three different separation
distances from the dielectric. (—  — 0.1, —  — 0.15, —  — 0.2).
Simulation of Antennas Coupled to Lossy Dielectric Volumes 323

Example 9.5: A typical HF broad-band duo-conical monopole antenna

over an infinite perfectly conducting ground plane is modelled as an example
of a broadcasting antenna and to insure the ability of the method to account for
the ground plane effect in the presence of the current-crossing boundary. The
antenna, shown in Figure 9.11, has the following properties: 34.3 m high, 45.0
m across, 110 apex angle and 2.2 sag angle. The antenna is chosen to be
simulated as operating within the short wave band at 3 MHz, with a VSWR of
1.75 at the input port. The input port is placed in the segment of the antenna
attaching it to the ground plane. The antenna and ground models inside the
FDTD problem space are shown in Figure 9.12. The bottom set of PML layers
is removed and both PML and problem space updating equations are modified
to account for the effect of the infinite ground plane. The surface currents on
the Huygens surface are calculated using MoM, considering the infinite
conducting ground plane. The problem space is set to 727267 cells of size 1
m3 and the equivalence-principle surface is 505040 cells. The antenna
currents outside this surface are represented by the impressed currents, as
described in the theory of the method. The near-field magnitude of the
dominant vertically-polarised electric field component, observed at 27 m radial
distance from the origin, as a function of height (i.e. distance in the z-
direction) is shown in Figure 9.13. The results are in excellent agreement with
those from NEC [27]. The hybrid method, however, has much greater
flexibility than pure MoM, such as NEC, to handle differing types of ground
and arbitrarily-shaped volumes of lossy dielectric near the antenna.

(a) 3-D (b) Front

view (c) Top view

Figure 9.11. Different views of duo-conical monopole antenna on perfect ground plane
324 M. A. Mangoud, R. A. Abd-Alhameed and P. S. Excell

Figure 9.12. FDTD problem space details of Example 9.4.

Figure 9.13. Electric field magnitude (Ez) versus distance parallel to z-axis at 27 m
radial distance from the origin.

A novel hybrid method has been presented which permits conduction
currents to cross the boundary between different computational domains. The
Simulation of Antennas Coupled to Lossy Dielectric Volumes 325

objects can be physically connected or separated. The method uses the FDTD
method in the scatterer and part of the source region and uses the standard
frequency-domain MoM program in the remaining part of the source region to
give the complete solution of the fields in the two regions. Several validation
cases are examined and the results compared with available data. Also a short
wave broadcasting monopole over ground plane has been successfully
implemented using this modified technique. The hybrid method will have
great advantage over alternative methods in the following electromagnetics
applications such as cellular telephone dosimetry investigations close to real
biological tissues, complex satellite quadrifilar antennas, SAR reduction using
phased array antennas, base station safety assessment, subsurface radar, and in
general, interaction between complex source structures and inhomogeneous
dielectric materials.

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Khairan N. Ramli
Faculty of Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia
Parit Raja, Batu Pahat, Johor, Malaysia

Raed A. Abd-Alhameed
Mobile and Satellite Communications Research Centre
Bradford University
Bradford, UK

Peter S. Excell
Institute for Arts, Science and Technology
Glyndwr University
Wrexham, UK

182, 185, 195, 197, 198, 200, 201, 204,

# 205, 208
anisotropy, 2, 3, 7, 143, 144, 145, 148, 150,
1-D, vii, 6, 7, 29, 31, 53, 56, 61, 98, 244
154, 155, 156, 170, 171, 173, 176, 177,
2-D, vii, 6, 7, 9, 12, 17, 32, 41, 42, 59, 61,
178, 180, 186, 193
67, 98, 116, 124, 128, 137, 160, 227,
antenna, vii, viii, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 13, 15, 18,
244, 260, 261, 268, 290, 291, 305, 327
45, 46, 47, 48, 51, 68, 72, 74, 75, 76, 77,
3-D, vii, 2, 6, 7, 17, 32, 33, 38, 40, 41, 47,
80, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96,
66, 67, 98, 105, 116, 220, 234, 235, 244,
97, 98, 99, 100, 102, 104, 116, 137, 144,
245, 260, 268, 269, 270, 288, 291, 297,
150, 151, 153, 157, 159, 160, 167, 168,
300, 310, 323
171, 172, 176, 177, 179, 185, 187, 188,
189, 192, 194, 195, 196, 197, 198, 199,
A 201, 202, 203, 207, 208, 209, 213, 214,
216, 217, 220, 222, 223, 224, 225, 226,
ABC, 2, 4, 17, 38, 41, 235, 242, 244, 267, 230, 258, 267, 309, 310, 316, 323, 325
271 Antenna Printed Circuits, 156
absorbing boundary condition, 2, 4, 7, 43, APC, 156, 157
235, 242, 244, 247, 251, 252, 262, 267, aperture, 209, 229
271, 304, 307 apex angle, 323
AC, 114, 117, 125, 132, 136, 261, 278, 305 arbitrary, 5, 9, 15, 29, 31, 42, 48, 68, 76,
AC current, 125 101, 102, 115, 117, 136, 196, 204, 208,
AC sources, 114, 117 226, 227, 229, 234, 235, 236, 260, 261,
AC voltage, 132 267, 304, 305, 326
algorithm, 2, 3, 4, 9, 12, 13, 23, 25, 27, 28, asymptotic, 7, 45, 151, 152, 154, 158, 161,
31, 32, 40, 42, 114, 115, 116, 117, 136, 191
138, 139, 140, 195, 207, 208, 219, 227, attenuation, 40, 244, 247, 252
228, 234, 261, 262, 305, 310, 326 axial, vii, 7, 61, 81, 82, 83, 84, 87, 88, 89,
amplitude, 131, 133, 169 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 102,
angular frequency, 118, 119 170, 177, 180, 198, 199
anisotropic, vii, 14, 144, 149, 156, 157, 160, azimuth, 80, 88
162, 165, 171, 175, 178, 179, 180, 181,
332 Index


bandwidth, 7, 143, 144, 150, 153, 154, 155, capacitance, 46, 76, 272
156, 157, 160, 170, 171, 172, 176, 178, capacitor, 278
179, 180, 181, 182, 183, 185, 186, 187, Cartesian, 6, 19, 38, 61, 107, 209
189, 190, 191, 192, 195, 199, 203 cell, viii, 6, 8, 23, 25, 28, 33, 40, 41, 117,
basis function, vii, 5, 7, 14, 46, 51, 52, 54, 124, 138, 140, 213, 217, 220, 244, 252,
55, 62, 63, 67, 69, 77, 78, 81, 82, 87, 99, 255, 263, 266, 267, 268, 272, 275, 276,
100, 103, 149, 151, 167, 168, 169, 175, 277, 278, 279, 281, 283, 284, 285, 288,
193, 314 289, 290, 291, 299, 302, 304, 306, 313,
Berenger, 4, 7, 11, 12, 17, 38, 41, 43, 44, 314, 315, 316
135, 235, 242, 244, 247, 251, 252, 262, CFL criterion, 28
267, 304, 307 charge density, 48, 49
Bessel function, 236, 240 chiral, vii, 6, 7, 143, 145, 146, 147, 150,
bianisotropic, vii, 6, 7, 143, 144, 145, 154, 151, 156, 157, 158, 160, 162, 166, 167,
167, 171, 172, 173, 185, 186, 187, 188, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 175, 185, 186,
189, 192, 195, 196, 198, 200, 204, 205 187, 188, 191, 192, 196, 197, 200, 201,
biaxial, 148, 171, 185 204, 205
bi-isotropic, 168, 169, 186, 191, 193, 196 chirality, 7, 143, 145, 150, 154, 155, 162,
bioelectromagnetic, 8, 234, 235, 303 164, 165, 166, 167, 169, 170, 171, 175,
biological, viii, 3, 6, 8, 140, 208, 231, 234, 183, 184, 185, 187, 188, 191, 192, 193,
244, 252, 255, 263, 264, 265, 266, 267, 197
272, 275, 278, 282, 285, 286, 287, 288, chirostrip, 157, 186, 197, 199, 201
290, 291, 304, 308, 320, 325 chiro-waveguide, 158, 200
biological cell, viii, 6, 140, 252, 255, 265, chloride, 273
266, 272, 275, 278, 285, 286, 287, 288, circumferential, vii, 7, 46, 76, 80, 81, 82,
304, 308 84, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96,
biological tissue, 3, 208, 231, 266, 267, 282, 97, 98, 102
289, 291, 304, 320, 325 coarse grid, 4, 114, 115, 117, 128, 217
bi-static, 56, 58, 63 components, 3, 4, 17, 21, 23, 24, 25, 28, 29,
Bodies of Revolution, 66 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 40, 41,
bone, 247 67, 69, 74, 76, 78, 82, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92,
boundary, viii, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 118, 119, 120, 145,
23, 32, 38, 42, 43, 46, 48, 50, 56, 67, 68, 146, 147, 153, 167, 170, 171, 173, 177,
115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 136, 137, 148, 180, 186, 188, 191, 192, 214, 215, 216,
173, 195, 210, 217, 218, 227, 234, 235, 218, 236, 239, 244, 268, 269, 270, 271,
236, 242, 244, 247, 251, 252, 261, 262, 273, 307, 310
264, 265, 266, 267, 268, 271, 275, 282, computational domain, 3, 4, 18, 115, 119,
288, 292, 304, 305, 307, 309, 311, 314, 124, 128, 129, 214, 242, 244, 245, 246,
316, 317, 323, 324, 327 247, 251, 255, 268, 277, 289, 290, 291,
Boundary Element Method, 67 297, 300, 309, 324
computational electromagnetic, 2, 17, 230,
conductance, 272, 273, 307
Index 333

conductivity, 19, 40, 41, 77, 118, 119, 126, 201, 202, 203, 208, 214, 217, 227, 230,
127, 208, 217, 235, 237, 243, 247, 251, 247, 260, 261, 263, 264, 267, 285, 286,
285, 313, 320 305, 307, 309, 310, 320, 321, 322, 323,
converge, 124, 316 325, 327
cosine, 268, 288 dipole, 68, 86, 87, 88, 90, 98, 99, 214, 217,
Courant stability, 4, 115, 117, 128, 130, 288 263, 315, 316, 317, 318, 319, 321
cross-section, 76, 78, 80, 88, 93, 98, 196, Dirac, 53, 54, 62
203 dispersion, 4, 12, 27, 186, 195, 205, 210,
cubical, 21, 216, 267, 282, 289, 290, 291, 226
292, 297, 299, 302 divergence, 48, 50, 82
curl, 2, 48, 211 duo-conical, 323
curl equations, 2, 211 dyadic, 148, 149, 151, 175, 196
current, vii, 5, 6, 7, 13, 15, 19, 46, 48, 50,
53, 56, 61, 63, 67, 68, 69, 74, 76, 77, 78,
82, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, E
97, 98, 101, 102, 103, 114, 116, 125,
EBG, 160, 185, 203
133, 140, 145, 149, 151, 168, 175, 176,
efficiency, viii, 2, 4, 6, 17, 28, 77, 97, 99,
193, 196, 260, 272, 273, 277, 279, 280,
144, 157, 171, 186, 199, 207, 222, 225,
306, 308, 311, 315, 316, 317, 318, 319,
eigenfunction, 208
current density, 5, 13, 19, 48, 53, 63, 67, 69,
electric charge density, 48
74, 77, 82, 90
electric conductivity, 19, 243
current distribution, vii, 5, 6, 7, 15, 46, 77,
electric conductor, 116, 234
78, 87, 90, 98, 103, 140, 151
electric current density, 19
curvilinear, 80, 82, 83, 87
electric field, 3, 7, 8, 9, 19, 21, 22, 23, 45,
cut-off frequency, 159, 160, 164, 166, 167
47, 48, 49, 50, 53, 57, 67, 78, 104, 117,
cycle, 117, 266
118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 124, 131, 132,
cylinder, 59, 60, 61, 63, 64, 65, 66, 98, 116,
133, 134, 140, 145, 149, 167, 168, 173,
130, 204
175, 194, 211, 214, 215, 222, 233, 236,
cylindrical, 46, 101, 198, 199, 267, 282,
247, 252, 255, 258, 259, 267, 268, 281,
291, 292, 300
282, 283, 289, 290, 291, 292, 293, 294,
cytoplasm, 255, 267, 281, 285, 286, 287,
295, 297, 298, 299, 301, 302, 308, 313,
289, 290, 293, 295, 298, 302
315, 316, 317, 318, 323, 326
Electric Field Integral Equation, 48
D electric flux density, 19
electric permittivity, 19, 38
DC, 29, 199, 278, 288, 308 electric potential scalar, 49
DC content, 29 electromagnetic, vii, viii, 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 9,
delta, 53, 54, 62, 87, 92 10, 11, 13, 14, 15, 18, 28, 38, 41, 43, 45,
delta-function, 87 46, 47, 101, 102, 103, 105, 113, 114,
deterministic, 281 115, 116, 117, 136, 137, 139, 141, 160,
dielectric, vii, viii, 5, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 15, 23, 168, 185, 186, 193, 197, 199, 201, 203,
42, 100, 114, 115, 116, 117, 119, 136, 208, 209, 210, 220, 227, 228, 229, 231,
137, 144, 151, 154, 158, 159, 163, 166, 233, 234, 235, 242, 259, 260, 262, 263,
171, 172, 179, 180, 185, 195, 198, 200,
334 Index

264, 265, 266, 267, 282, 306, 307, 309, 198, 207, 213, 222, 225, 226, 236, 241,
325, 327, 328 285, 286, 287, 314, 323, 325
electromagnetic band gap, 160 fundamental, 17, 41, 154, 167, 186
Electromagnetic Compatibility, 10, 11, 13,
43, 102, 104, 137, 139, 194, 200, 228,
229, 259, 261, 264, 307, 308, 326 G
EM wave, viii, 6, 130, 209, 243
Galerkin, vii, 6, 7, 9, 53, 69, 82, 104, 143,
energy, 114, 260, 263, 306
149, 158, 167, 170, 175, 176, 194, 210,
equivalence principle, 6, 33, 67, 68, 220,
259, 260, 326
309, 311
Gaussian pulse, 29, 32, 120
equivalent sources, viii, 311
geometry, 2, 4, 5, 46, 57, 76, 80, 87, 88, 89,
equivalent surface, viii, 7, 209, 211, 212,
90, 95, 96, 115, 172, 185, 203, 208, 210,
214, 235, 244, 247, 311, 314, 315, 316
215, 216, 218, 244, 268, 281, 291, 312,
equivalent surface currents, 211, 212, 214,
315, 320
311, 314
grading factor, 41, 243, 244, 247, 252, 255,
excitation, 28, 29, 31, 32, 41, 46, 51, 52, 56,
57, 62, 69, 70, 73, 74, 79, 87, 92, 114,
Green, 8, 49, 56, 71, 79, 99, 100, 145, 148,
144, 157, 159, 160, 166, 171, 196, 197,
149, 151, 158, 161, 167, 168, 172, 173,
209, 212, 214, 226, 276, 278, 279, 281,
175, 191, 193, 195, 196, 200, 213, 314,
283, 284, 288, 306, 314
extracellular, 285, 286, 287
grid, 4, 9, 10, 14, 20, 27, 28, 29, 31, 42, 114,
117, 119, 120, 121, 122, 124, 128, 132,
F 133, 136, 137, 209, 213, 217, 227, 242,
244, 245, 261, 267, 268, 276, 279, 281,
far field, viii, 7, 57, 214, 216, 320 288, 305, 310, 326, 327
fat, 247 grid dispersion, 27
FDTD lattice, 23, 24, 28, 29, 31, 38, 41, 220 gyro-electric, 145
FEM, 45, 47, 209, 230, 234, 260 gyrotropy, 154
ferrite, 157, 196, 197, 198, 199
fine grid, 4, 114, 115, 117, 119, 120, 128,
217 H
Finite-Difference Time-Domain, v, vii, 228
Haar, 74
Floquet, viii, 6, 8, 265, 266, 267, 268, 269,
half-power, 7, 143, 144, 150, 154, 170, 176
275, 282, 288, 292, 304, 307, 308
half-wavelength, 214, 217, 315, 316, 317
Fourier spectrum, 29
Hankel function, 236, 241
Fourier transform, 152, 168, 172, 176
harmonic, 197, 282
free space, 6, 8, 30, 49, 87, 90, 115, 116,
helical, 5, 6, 7, 15, 77, 80, 98, 104, 316, 319
118, 128, 147, 213, 214, 217, 220, 226,
helix, 46, 77, 79, 80, 81, 82, 84, 85, 86, 87,
233, 235, 237, 242, 243, 244, 246, 247,
94, 95, 96, 97, 99, 100, 108, 316, 317
248, 249, 250, 258, 314, 315, 316, 317
heterogeneous, 8, 10, 41, 136, 208, 227,
function, vii, viii, 5, 7, 8, 14, 20, 29, 32, 41,
234, 261, 304, 308, 309, 326
47, 49, 51, 52, 53, 55, 56, 71, 78, 79, 81,
high voltage, vii, 114, 116, 124, 125, 128,
83, 84, 87, 99, 100, 115, 126, 127, 145,
129, 130, 141
148, 151, 152, 158, 167, 169, 195, 196,
Index 335

Hodgkin, 8, 266, 272, 288, 289, 290, 296, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 115,
299, 302, 304, 306, 307 137, 143, 145, 149, 152, 158, 167, 172,
Hodgkin-Huxley, 8, 266, 288, 289, 290, 175, 176, 193, 194, 213, 229, 259, 310,
296, 299, 302, 304 314, 325, 326
homogeneous, 14, 28, 128, 130, 196, 207, integral equation, 5, 7, 8, 9, 15, 45, 47, 50,
209, 210, 216, 234, 235, 243 51, 53, 54, 56, 59, 61, 66, 67, 98, 99,
horizontal, 217, 220, 221, 222, 226, 322 101, 102, 103, 104, 115, 137, 143, 145,
human body, viii, 6, 7, 13, 140, 207, 208, 149, 152, 167, 172, 175, 176, 193, 194,
209, 221, 222, 226, 228, 230, 308, 310 229, 259, 310, 325, 326
human head, 216, 217 interaction, vii, viii, 2, 6, 7, 8, 14, 38, 44,
Huygens, 210, 214, 217, 220, 226, 244, 246, 79, 115, 117, 124, 130, 135, 140, 186,
247, 251, 252, 255, 316, 317, 323 207, 209, 210, 226, 229, 233, 234, 262,
Huygens surface, 210, 214, 217, 220, 226, 264, 265, 266, 291, 304, 307, 325, 327
244, 246, 247, 251, 252, 255, 316, 317, interference, 114, 116, 139
323 intermediate frequency, 289, 293, 297, 301
hybrid, viii, 1, 4, 6, 7, 8, 12, 13, 41, 46, 47, ions, 272, 273, 277, 306
99, 100, 158, 207, 208, 209, 210, 213, isotropic, 10, 42, 47, 48, 59, 137, 148, 150,
220, 226, 228, 229, 230, 264, 306, 309, 161, 163, 165, 167, 169, 171, 175, 176,
316, 318, 319, 323, 324, 327, 328 178, 179, 180, 186, 187, 191, 193, 196,
227, 305
iteration, 252
I iterative, 116, 204, 208

imaginary, 151, 155, 166, 170, 176, 178,

179, 180, 182, 183, 184 K
impedance, 46, 47, 52, 56, 69, 79, 82, 83,
87, 88, 89, 98, 144, 157, 167, 168, 169, kernel, vii, 6, 7, 46, 88, 98, 147, 176
170, 171, 198, 202, 204, 209, 235, 244, Kronecker, 54
247, 252, 255, 315, 316, 318, 319, 320
impedance matrix, 47, 52, 56, 69, 79, 82, 98
incident, 29, 31, 32, 33, 38, 49, 50, 56, 57, L
58, 59, 60, 64, 65, 74, 78, 186, 208, 236,
lattice, 23, 24, 28, 29, 30, 31, 33, 38, 40, 41,
238, 242, 247, 252, 268, 269, 288, 289,
115, 125, 126, 128, 129, 130, 268, 270
layer, 4, 11, 38, 40, 41, 43, 44, 151, 158,
incident plane wave, 29, 31, 236, 238, 268,
159, 160, 163, 172, 175, 178, 179, 187,
269, 288
191, 192, 193, 201, 214, 220, 235, 236,
induced field, vii, 132, 140, 246, 252, 262,
237, 239, 242, 243, 244, 247, 248, 249,
264, 289, 305
250, 251, 253, 254, 255, 257, 258, 262,
induction, 114, 172
263, 267, 307
inhomogeneous, vii, 2, 3, 7, 14, 43, 46, 115,
leapfrog, 25
126, 136, 200, 207, 208, 209, 217, 226,
Legendre polynomials, 238
228, 234, 235, 263, 264, 267, 325, 328
logarithmic scale, 246, 248, 249, 250, 251,
input impedance, 87, 88, 98, 144, 157, 167,
253, 254, 255, 256, 257, 293, 297, 301
168, 169, 170, 171, 198, 315, 316, 320
longitudinal components, 146, 147
integral, vii, 2, 5, 7, 8, 9, 15, 23, 45, 47, 50,
51, 53, 54, 56, 59, 61, 66, 67, 69, 72, 79,
336 Index

loop, 5, 15, 76, 86, 87, 90, 92, 93, 99, 102, 137, 145, 146, 173, 186, 194, 227, 259,
103, 263 262, 305, 310, 326
lossless, viii, 6, 8, 233, 235, 243, 244, 251, membrane, 8, 255, 263, 265, 266, 267, 272,
253, 254, 258, 268 273, 275, 277, 278, 279, 280, 281, 285,
lossy, vii, viii, 6, 8, 38, 116, 136, 233, 235, 286, 287, 289, 290, 292, 295, 299, 302,
242, 243, 244, 252, 255, 256, 257, 258, 304, 306, 307
267, 275, 278, 281, 283, 304, 309, 310, metal, 3, 115, 117, 126, 131, 310
320, 323 Method of Moment, v, vii, 45, 79, 230
lumped element, 266, 281, 304, 306 MIC, 156, 157
microdosimetry, 289
microstrip, vii, 3, 6, 7, 10, 99, 143, 144,
M 150, 151, 156, 157, 158, 160, 167, 170,
171, 172, 179, 185, 186, 187, 188, 189,
macroscopic, 145
192, 194, 195, 196, 197, 198, 199, 200,
magnetic, 3, 7, 8, 17, 18, 19, 21, 23, 24, 25,
201, 202, 203, 204, 205, 259, 326
28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 36, 38, 41, 43, 45,
microwave, 2, 5, 11, 15, 43, 145, 156, 191,
47, 48, 49, 50, 53, 56, 67, 68, 69, 98,
194, 199, 204, 260, 263, 304, 306
101, 115, 117, 121, 122, 124, 128, 131,
Microwave Integrated Circuits, 156
132, 133, 134, 135, 140, 147, 148, 150,
mobile, viii, 6, 8, 78, 103, 140, 222, 228,
154, 157, 171, 172, 173, 185, 196, 199,
229, 244, 252, 258, 262, 264, 287, 293,
202, 203,209, 211, 212, 213, 220, 226,
306, 327
236, 239, 243, 244, 247, 252, 255, 278,
MoM, v, vii, viii, 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 9, 13, 41,
312, 313, 314
45, 47, 51, 77, 78, 100, 103, 104, 144,
magnetic current density, 19
193, 203, 207, 208, 209, 210, 211, 212,
magnetic field, 3, 8, 17, 18, 19, 23, 24, 25,
214, 217, 219, 226, 229, 230, 234, 259,
28, 29, 30, 33, 36, 41, 45, 48, 50, 56, 67,
310, 311, 313, 314, 315, 316, 323, 325,
115, 117, 121, 122, 124, 128, 131, 132,
133, 134, 135, 140, 147, 157, 172, 173,
monolayer, 160, 171, 177, 178, 179, 183,
209, 213, 220, 226, 236, 239, 244, 247,
187, 188, 192
252, 255, 278, 314
monopole, 323, 325
Magnetic Field Integral Equation, 50
multilayer, 149, 175, 195, 198
magnetic flux density, 19
magnetic permeability, 19, 38
magnetic potential vector, 49 N
magnetic resistivity, 19
magneto-chirality, 197 near field, 7, 216
magneto-electric, 145, 151, 166, 171, 172, Neumann function, 236
183, 186, 187, 188, 191, 192, 193 noise, 281, 284
magnitude, 30, 57, 83, 214, 222, 247, 285, non-uniform, 4, 12, 15, 46, 76, 77, 90, 97,
290, 291, 316, 318, 319, 323, 324 98, 116, 208
matrix, 5, 47, 51, 52, 56, 62, 63, 66, 69, 72, normal incidence, 244, 247, 252, 268, 271
73, 74, 79, 83, 98, 100, 106, 146, 149, numerical dispersion, 4, 12, 28, 210
150, 152, 158, 173, 176, 193, 240, 281 numerical grid, 27
Maxwell, v, 1, 2, 3, 9, 10, 13, 17, 18, 38, 41,
42, 45, 47, 49, 104, 113, 114, 115, 118,
Index 337

polarisation, 30, 194

O potassium, 273, 306
power, 7, 14, 46, 76, 90, 96, 97, 98, 103,
orthogonal, vii, 4, 46, 74, 77, 80, 82, 86, 99,
113, 114, 116, 117, 119, 124, 125, 135,
102, 105, 118
139, 140, 143, 144, 150, 151, 153, 154,
oscillation, 244, 246
155, 156, 157, 170, 172, 176, 185, 207,
217, 222, 226, 258, 305, 308
P power line frequency, 117, 119
power transmission lines, 14, 113, 114, 124
parameter, 167, 183, 192, 274, 290 powerline, viii, 6, 234, 244, 246, 262
partial differential equations, 18 problem space, 3, 30, 31, 38, 120, 124, 125,
PBG, 160, 267 217, 234, 235, 242, 244, 247, 251, 252,
PEC, 48, 115, 116, 315, 316 268, 275, 288, 310, 315, 323, 324
Perfectly Matched Layer, vii
permeability, 19, 38, 48, 145, 151, 153, 155,
170, 180, 181, 182, 193, 243, 313
permittivity, 19, 38, 48, 118, 126, 127, 144,
quasi-static, viii, 7, 14, 113, 117, 118, 119,
145, 148, 153, 155, 157, 159, 160, 171,
136, 140, 233, 234, 235, 243, 244, 247,
176, 177, 178, 179, 180, 183, 187, 188,
252, 258, 262, 266, 275, 282, 304
191, 192, 198, 202, 208, 217, 231, 235,
237, 243, 251, 267, 285, 286, 307, 313,
320 R
phase, 9, 12, 27, 28, 42, 114, 116, 117, 125,
130, 132, 136, 159, 227, 261, 305, 326 radiating cavity, 170
phase shift, 130 radiation, viii, 2, 8, 14, 18, 64, 74, 75, 76,
phase velocity, 27, 28, 159 77, 97, 98, 99, 100, 102, 103, 105, 144,
pipeline, vii, 6, 7, 113, 114, 117, 119, 124, 157, 158, 159, 168, 185, 186, 198, 199,
125, 126, 128, 130, 131, 132, 134, 135 202, 203, 207, 210, 217, 221, 222, 225,
pitch distance, 46, 80, 94, 95, 96, 97, 99 226, 234, 235, 236, 263, 306, 307, 325
plane, 7, 23, 25, 29, 31, 32, 62, 101, 106, radiation efficiency, viii, 97, 99, 186, 207,
107, 108, 114, 145, 157, 159, 160, 186, 222, 225, 226
214, 216, 235, 236, 238, 242, 243, 244, radiator, 38
247, 248, 249, 250, 252, 253, 254, 256, Radio Frequency, iv
257, 258, 263, 268, 269, 270, 271, 275, ramped cosine, 288
279, 281, 282, 288, 289, 293, 297, 301, random, 126, 127, 128, 130, 281
316, 323, 325 random number, 126, 127, 128
plane wave, 7, 29, 31, 32, 114, 235, 236, reactance, 88, 321
238, 242, 243, 244, 247, 248, 249, 250, Reaction Theorem, 311, 313
253, 254, 256, 257, 258, 263, 268, 269, real, 5, 77, 151, 155, 158, 169, 170, 176,
271, 275, 279, 281, 282, 288 177, 178, 180, 181, 183, 188, 210, 289,
PML, vii, 4, 7, 12, 17, 38, 40, 41, 43, 44, 325
136, 214, 217, 220, 235, 242, 243, 244, rectangle, 167
247, 251, 252, 262, 267, 275, 282, 288, rectangular, vii, 5, 6, 7, 20, 33, 53, 62, 74,
307, 323 143, 154, 167, 171, 172, 173, 176, 179,
polar, 61, 74
338 Index

185, 187, 189, 193, 195, 198, 199, 200, 244, 246, 247, 251, 252, 266, 267, 278,
201, 202, 203, 236, 268, 310 279, 289, 290, 306, 309, 310, 315, 317
rectangular grid, 20 sine wave, 288
refinement, 128 singularity, 56, 84, 163
reflection, 6, 8, 12, 38, 43, 115, 117, 136, sinusoidal, 3, 11, 29, 30, 32, 47, 103, 120,
209, 235, 242, 243, 247, 251, 252, 258, 130, 193, 214, 227, 278, 288, 314
304 sodium, 273, 306, 307
relative permittivity, 126, 127, 144, 157, soil, 7, 126, 127, 128, 130, 136, 260
217, 237, 243, 320 solution, vii, 1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 10, 11, 15, 17, 18,
relaxation, 285, 286 41, 42, 44, 45, 46, 50, 52, 67, 76, 86, 88,
resistance, 77, 101, 199, 321 98, 101, 102, 103, 113, 114, 137, 144,
resonant, 7, 77, 99, 143, 144, 150, 151, 152, 147, 150, 163, 167, 176, 201, 214, 227,
153, 154, 155, 156, 157, 170, 171, 172, 234, 235, 236, 240, 243, 244, 247, 261,
176, 177, 178, 179, 180, 181, 182, 183, 262, 267, 276, 305, 307, 320, 325
184, 185, 186, 187, 188, 189, 190, 192, source, 7, 8, 9, 28, 29, 32, 40, 41, 42, 50, 51,
199, 202 58, 79, 80, 87, 92, 93, 103, 113, 114,
resonant frequency, 7, 143, 144, 150, 151, 115, 124, 125, 136, 160, 173, 209, 210,
152, 153, 154, 155, 156, 170, 171, 172, 211, 212, 213, 214, 217, 220, 226, 227,
176, 177, 178, 179, 180, 181, 182, 183, 228, 244, 261, 278, 288, 305, 311, 312,
184, 185, 186, 187, 188, 189, 190, 192, 313, 314, 316, 318, 321, 325, 326
199, 202 space resolution, 27, 28
resonator, vii, 7, 143, 144, 150, 155, 156, spatial resolution, 25, 117, 128, 129, 136,
157, 167, 176, 185, 186, 193, 194, 197, 208, 214
200 spectral domain, vii, 6, 7, 63, 143, 152, 167,
168, 172, 196
Spectral Domain Approach, 144
S sphere, 72, 106, 235, 236, 241, 243, 244,
247, 248, 249, 250, 251, 253, 254, 255,
sag angle, 323
256, 257, 258, 263
scalar, 19, 49, 52, 55, 62, 78, 191, 193, 208,
spherical, 107, 203, 235, 236, 237, 239, 244,
228, 260
255, 263, 266, 267, 281, 282, 288, 289,
scaling, 8, 69, 118, 119, 136, 233, 246, 258,
290, 291, 292, 296, 304
293, 304
stability, 4, 7, 12, 17, 27, 28, 41, 115, 117,
scatterer, 38, 41, 115, 210, 211, 214, 246,
124, 128, 130, 138, 216, 252, 288
251, 252, 311, 313, 315, 316, 317, 318,
standard deviation, 222
319, 320, 325
steady state, 25, 214, 244, 252, 272, 275,
scattering, 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 8, 10, 11, 13, 14, 15,
276, 277, 278, 315, 320
18, 28, 30, 31, 32, 41, 43, 45, 46, 47, 99,
step, 4, 5, 9, 21, 25, 28, 29, 30, 32, 40, 41,
100, 101, 102, 103, 105, 116, 195, 196,
115, 117, 129, 130, 136, 217, 220, 226,
197, 201, 203, 204, 205, 208, 209, 210,
234, 246, 261, 266, 278, 281, 285, 286,
229, 235, 242, 246, 263, 264, 307, 308,
288, 304, 326
325, 327, 328
subgrid, 7, 119, 120, 121, 122, 124, 128,
sensor, 214, 216
129, 130, 131, 133, 134, 214, 222, 224
shock hazard, 132
simulation, 3, 8, 11, 12, 18, 27, 28, 38, 117,
124, 129, 130, 140, 145, 217, 226, 242,
Index 339

subgridding, vii, 4, 6, 7, 12, 13, 41, 115, TM, 29, 31, 40, 53, 54, 56, 57, 58, 59, 61,
116, 118, 119, 135, 138, 139, 208, 209, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 124, 147, 149, 158,
214, 217, 218, 219, 226 161, 164, 166, 171, 175, 186, 192, 197
substrate, vii, 6, 7, 15, 137, 143, 144, 150, TM grid, 29
151, 153, 154, 156, 157, 159, 160, 163, transmission lines, vii, 6, 7, 14, 113, 114,
165, 166, 167, 168, 170, 171, 172, 173, 116, 117, 124, 132, 135, 136, 139, 195,
175, 176, 185, 187, 188, 189, 190, 191, 202
192, 195, 196, 197, 199, 200, 201, 203, transverse, 31, 78, 146, 173, 191, 192, 193,
205 204, 236, 315
superconductor, 77 triangle, 5, 167
superstrate, 144, 171, 172, 173, 175, 176, triangular, 5, 53, 54, 55, 82, 185, 202
177, 178, 179, 180, 181, 182, 183, 184,
185, 186, 187, 188, 189, 190, 191, 192,
195, 197, 200, 202, 203 U
surface current, vii, 5, 6, 7, 46, 76, 77, 78,
82, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, underground, vii, 6, 7, 114, 116, 117, 135,
97, 98, 101, 103, 149, 169, 175, 176, 139
211, 212, 214, 311, 312, 313, 314, 323 uniaxial, 144, 145, 149, 150, 155, 170, 171,
surface current distribution, vii, 5, 6, 7, 46, 175, 176, 177, 178, 179, 180, 181, 182,
76, 77, 78, 87, 90, 98, 103 183, 193, 195, 196, 197, 200, 201
surface kernel, vii, 6, 7, 46 utility, vii, 114, 117, 124, 125, 135


tangential components, 147, 236, 239, 270, vector, 3, 23, 25, 28, 30, 31, 32, 38, 40, 41,
271 45, 49, 50, 58, 61, 67, 78, 79, 105, 106,
tangential electric, 33, 48, 145, 167, 173, 118, 147, 172, 176, 201, 211, 213, 234,
268, 270, 271 236, 237, 238, 260, 312, 314
Taylor series, 21 vector dot product, 118
TE, 53, 54, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, vertical, 209, 220, 221, 222, 223, 226, 229,
64, 65, 66, 101, 147, 149, 157, 158, 161, 322
164, 166, 171, 175, 186, 192, 197 voltage, vii, 80, 87, 114, 116, 124, 125, 128,
three-phase, 114, 116, 117, 130 129, 130, 132, 136, 139, 141, 212, 213,
time constant, 274, 285 214, 272, 273, 276, 277, 278, 279, 280,
time domain, 5, 12, 13, 18, 42, 77, 114, 115, 281, 306, 313, 314
116, 140, 208, 228, 229, 262, 264, 305 volume density, 217
time resolution, 27, 28
time step, viii, 4, 6, 8, 21, 23, 25, 27, 28, 29, W
30, 32, 40, 113, 115, 117, 129, 130, 136,
217, 220, 226, 233, 234, 246, 258, 266, water, 127, 263, 267, 306, 310
278, 279, 281, 288, 304, 313 wave, viii, 2, 3, 6, 7, 11, 13, 15, 27, 28, 29,
tissue, 140, 208, 217, 226, 228, 231, 262, 30, 31, 32, 38, 43, 44, 45, 53, 105, 113,
264, 266, 267, 272, 282, 285, 288, 289, 116, 120, 130, 139, 143, 147, 157, 158,
291, 292, 304, 306, 320 159, 160, 167, 186, 196, 197, 198, 199,
200, 208, 209, 211, 217, 228, 233, 234,

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