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Book Reviews and Article Abstracts: Radiographic Cephalometry: From Basics To 3-D Imaging, 3rd Edition

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Book reviews and article abstracts

Alex Jacobson, Associate Editor
Birmingham, Ala

BOOK REVIEW evance. This new text has a clarity of expression and
clinical significance that calls for the profession’s rapt
Radiographic cephalometry: From attention.
Larry White
basics to 3-D imaging, 3rd edition Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 2007;131:00
Copyright © 2007 by the American Association of Orthodontists.
Alex Jacobson and Richard Jacobson doi:10.1016/j.ajodo.2007.02.038
Quintessence Publishing Company; 320 pages;
509 illustrations (192 in color); $110

Alex Jacobson has once again offered orthodontists Orthodontic treatment of the
their finest guide for understanding and implementing Class II noncompliant patient
cephalometric data with this third edition of Radio-
graphic Cephalometry. Coauthored by Richard Jacob- Moschos A. Papadopoulos, editor
son, it has kept all of the features that made this tome Edinburgh, London, New York, Oxford, Philadelphia,
so useful and popular in the past, and they have added St Louis, Sydney, and Toronto: Elsevier, Mosby; 2006;
some new features that bring it completely into the 398 pages; 845 illustrations (most in color); $190
21st century.
Contributors such as Coenraad Moorrees, Richard A successful treatment outcome in orthodontics
Weems, Page Caufield, Scott McClure and Andre generally requires patient cooperation. The objective
Ferreira, James Vaden, Herb Klontz, Lionel Sadowsky, of this volume is to provide options for the orthodontic
Joseph Ghafari, Lysle Johnston, Shane Langley, treatment of noncompliant patients with Class II mal-
Christos Viachos, David Sarver, Mark Johnston, occlusions especially when nonextraction treatment
William Harrell, David Hatcher, and James Mah grace protocols must be used. During the last decade, various
the pages with their special knowledge and skills noncompliant appliances and techniques were proposed
and bring unusual precision and intelligence to their to correct Class II malocclusions, by either advancing
proffered subjects. the mandible or distalizing the maxillary molars into a
Jacobson has included most of the chapters from Class I relationship.
the second edition, but, in deference to recent develop- This book has 5 sections, the first of which is
ments in 3-dimensional imaging, he has wisely included “Class II orthodontic treatment and compliance.” The
chapters that describe these new techniques with great introductory chapter in this section is an attempt to pro-
clarity. Ghafari authored a chapter on posteroanterior vide an understanding of noncompliance factors that
cephalometry, which has far more relevance now be- influence it and aspects of compliance prediction. This
cause of 3-dimensional analysis, diagnosis, and treat- is followed by a chapter that classifies noncompliance
ment planning. appliances for Class II correction into 2 categories: inter-
One new and useful alteration to the original for- maxillary appliances that derive their anchorage in an
mat for this book is the inclusion of a CD-ROM that intermaxillary manner to advance the mandible, and
contains manual tracing templates, digital tracing intramaxillary appliances that derive their anchorage
templates, and video clips that demonstrate 3-dimen- in an intramaxillary or absolute anchorage manner. The
sional technology. This feature obviates the tendency latter appliances act only in the maxillary arch to move
for loose pages to drop out of books and deprive clini- the molars distally.
cians of valuable information that they cannot easily The introductory chapter in section II of the book,
replace. entitled “Intermaxillary appliances used for the man-
Jacobson has resisted the common practice of suc- agement of Class II noncompliant patients,” provides a
cessful authors to rest on their laurels and permit their brief overview of 10 types of appliances that can be used
texts to remain unchanged until they no longer have rel- to achieve successful treatment outcomes. Described


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