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12 Chakra System

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 8th chakra – Located slightly above the crown chakra, about 1 inch above it.

With the 8th

chakra, we enter realms transcending space and time. This energy center is said to open
access to parallel universes and lives; it gives access to the realm of the Akashic records and
the sphere of potentialities in the making. It is a useful center for shamanic healing and
communication with spirit guides.
 9th chakra – Located further above the crown chakra, the 9th chakra is said to be the “seat
of the soul.” It allows access to your soul’s code or higher purpose. It can be seen as the door
to archetypal energies or patterns that play an important role in shaping our destiny.
 10th chakra – Located about a foot and a half below the surface of the ground. It ensures
our connection with the earth. Because it works primarily with the energies of the earth, it is
very physical in nature. It participates to our physical well-being and connects us to the
grounding energies of the earth and our environment. Just like the first (or root) chakra, it is
useful to heal any bone and bone marrow-related issues. It can also play a role in any DNA-
reltated or hereditary issues.
 11th chakra – Located outside of the human body, it is said to be accessible through the
hands and feet. It makes up and energy field that connects of human sphere of influence to
the supernatural. Shamans can use this chakra’s dimension to produce magic and influence
the physical with supernatural powers. The 11th chakra emphasizes the mind as a powerful
tool to shape matter.
 12th chakra – Located on the outskirts of the 12-chakra system, it allows us to stretch
beyond our common sphere of understanding into universal unity with all that is. It is said
that it’s the chakra of mastery of the soul’s purpose through our human existence.
 Earth chakra — (8th) — Located roughly three feet below into the earth at your feet. —
Brown — No matter where you are, the earth chakra keeps you grounded. This chakra anchor
harnesses all the pieces of the human puzzle, from DNA to bone and blood. NOTE:
Depending on individual interpretation of chakra study, the location of the 8th chakra varies,
but its function as grounding chakra epicenter is the same. Additional locations range form
between the heart and throat chakras to just above the crown chakra. Another interpretation
states the human aura is the 8th chakra; conglomeration of all chakra energy.
 Lunar chakra — (9th) — Located just above the (7th) sahasrara chakra or crown chakra. —
Silver or white — The ninth chakra links you to the energies of the moon. It is the main hub
for karmic understanding and channeling that governs intelligence, communication with spirit
guides, and funnels information about incarnations.
 Solar chakra — (10th) — Resides above the ninth chakra. — Gold — Associated with
masculine energy, the solar chakra governs your ability to live your dreams. This chakra
helps you to focus your will to remove blockages and give your existence purpose.
 Galactic chakra — (11th) — Located just above the solar chakra. — Mixture of violet,
gold and silver — Considered a channel for prophecy, the 11th chakra governs your ability to
transcend space and time and allows you to access the Akashic Records, also referred to as
the Universe’s cosmic “Book of Life.”
 Universal chakra — (12th) — Located above the galactic chakra. — Multi-faceted, multi-
colored orbs of light — Known as the chakra of Universal Consciousness, the 12th chakra
allows you to transcend the mundane to reach Enlightenment and commune with the Divine.

Cyndi Dale, “Advanced Chakra Wisdom”

The 12 Chakra System of Healing

Saturday, May 14, 2016

The 12 Chakra System of Healing


Naseer Ahmad
(based on a talk I gave in Toronto~1991)

An ancient method of healing rediscovered for the 21st century.

Atlan Spiritual Healing is an energy system that, by the placing of hands on parts of the body that
correspond to the chakras and acupuncture meridians, heals the physical, emotional and spiritual
parts of our being.

Before Atlantis, there was a way of life called The Way of Atlan. It explained the connection
between our individual and divine selves, and how to address our physical, emotional and spiritual
needs. Much of the Way of Atlan has been lost, but fragments of it exist in the world’s religions and

There was a healing method within the Way called Spiritual Healing in the Way of Atlan, which had
also been lost, though parts of it exist within the Indian and Chinese forms of yoga, kundalini,
meditation, and chi.

This is a healing system, but it’s not really a system. It’s not even a technique. It’s a way of living, a
movement of energy within and outside you, and, it is a space. If I were to say that it’s a series of
exercises and initiations, then that would be misleading, because it’s not that either. It’s a form that
is the oldest form of healing, because it’s the one that is inherent within us. It’s the nature of the
being to be able to heal itself, and something that we all need to get in touch with, how we heal

Here are the basics:

The 12 chakra system

Chakras are energy centers, receptors, transmitters, and portals into other dimensions. They act as
storehouses of energy and also, memories and information. They can be clear or with colour, and we
can change their essential frequency. They operate on the physical, emotional and spiritual levels.

Located on the body, they extend into the aura and beyond. They can shift, split or mutate
depending on input and expression. They are also a map and blueprint for evolution. Every being on
this planet has chakras, as does the planet itself (what we call sacred places), even the Universe has

At first I was only aware of the classic 7 chakras, but wondered, why were we ignoring the feet? It is
our connection with the feminine energy of the earth. Why was there no information on the chakras
beyond the crown, or the split in the sacral and the heart chakras? This meditation caused me to
recognize the patterns of suppression: of the feminine, karma and purpose, sexuality and spirituality,
our childhood experiences and what happens to us after we die that lead to the mutations within
the chakras, and how to reverse those imbalances.

Briefly, there are 12 chakras, the balancing of which can lead to a spiritual alchemy of balance within
our selves.

1. Black, on the soles of our feet, is karma, the female energy, physical energy and the
2. Red, between our legs, is birth, the urge to procreate, elimination and the immune system.
3. Orange, on the genitals and navel, is our sexuality, confidence, childhood experience and
4. Yellow, on the solar plexus, is our soul, ego and identity, the lungs.
5. Green, over the left breast, is the balancing energy, relationships, the creative force, healing
and the heart.
6. Pink, over the thymus gland (just below the neck) is dharma and our purpose in life. A
student suggested it be called the Higher Heart chakra.
7. Sky Blue, over the thyroid gland, is the mind, communication, fear and control.
8. Indigo, usually on the forehead (but sometimes slightly below) associates with the pineal
gland, intuition, and brain functions.
9. Violet, on the crown of the head, is the doorway into the spirit realms, dreams, visions and
third sight. The point from which the spirit leaves the body, in meditation or death.
10. Green/gold/green/gold/green, one palm length above the crown, is a 5-layered chakra that
governs much of what we call the paranormal, and magic. The manifestation of our
projected emotional energy, a universal storehouse of knowledge called the Akashic
Records, which we can access through various means.
11. Cobalt blue, another palm length above, is the chakra of psychic protection. A requirement
for healers!
12. White, another palm length above, is the male energy. There are also major receptors and
transmitting points in the hands, feet, shoulders and crown, the energising colour of which is
clear (like water) and there are minor chakras, mostly in the joints of the body. And there is,
lastly, the Void, the space between and beyond the chakras.

The chakras in the material realm

An unbroken flow of energy is what keeps us healthy, and blocks and stress may speed up the
process of illness. Prana, chi, and kundalini are just some of the names people use for these
energies, but their definitions are unfortunately, incomplete. I use the three energies, physical,
psychic, and spiritual, and find that this healing helps on all three levels, and that changes within the
being can be reflected in changes in the external environment. Properly used, healing can actually
slow down the ageing process.

Each chakra is fed by certain foods: The Spirit chakras from white down to violet are fed by
vegetables; Psychic chakras indigo, fruits and sugar; sky blue, grains; pink, oils, nuts and seeds;
green, fish; yellow, dairy and eggs; Physical chakras orange, poultry and organ meats; red, red meat;
and black, pork and placenta. Avoid certain foods, and you starve that chakra. You want to have
more servings of foods for the upper chakras, and less for the lower chakras, depending on many

The first 3 chakras, black to orange, govern the physical energy fields. The next 5, yellow to indigo,
the psychic/emotional energy fields. The last 4, violet to white, regulate the spirit energy fields.
These correspond with, respectively, the nervous system, the hormonal system, and the invisible
energy fields that govern our well-being.

Energy Healing is the future of medicine, as it is truly Holistic, whereas most other forms work only
on the physical, emotional, or spiritual.

The chakras in health

The significance of karma in our well-being cannot be underestimated. Karma is the sum total of all
our material actions and memories, but also the lessons we must learn, and therefore not always
connected with past lives. Our disconnection with the Earth leads to imbalances within our material
selves, for where else does our wealth and physical health come from but the Earth? We are born
with karma, and our sexuality and self-love also determine our health.

The chakras in the psychic realm

The psychic is based on the Greek word psyche, or the soul. It is the sum total of all our emotional
memories, and how we affect others, or are affected by others. We define ourselves by the feedback
we get from others, the way in which we compensate for whatever we lack, and seek completion.
We need to heal the past, and forgive others, and ourselves. We need to find our purpose. Most
people are stuck in the need for emotional gratification, but properly trained, can go into the areas
of the hidden intuitive senses, and, magic.
The chakras and the spirit realms
We have been so stuck in linear thinking within the bounds of our senses that we could not go
beyond into the hidden and unknown. There is much knowledge contained within our physical and
emotional bodies we are only now beginning to access. I would like to take you into the dimensions
within our spiritual body, and beyond.

Our definitions of spirituality are so varied; I would like to define spirit as the space we can reach
once we let go of our ego (without the usual tortures we inflict upon ourselves to attain that goal).
And spirituality is just, a space of balance and peace, however we get there.

The chakras in divinity

The imbalance between male and female energy, or the opposing points of yin and yang, are
reflected in our concepts of God as a male energy. The irreconcilable struggle between these two
opposites has always existed, outside and within us. The Black chakra, as representative of the
feminine energies, has been suppressed. By directing our energies towards the White chakra, the
male energy has also been put into a position of imbalance, which leads to distortions in healing and

There is a third element to this, which is the energy of the child. The Sky God made love to Mother
Earth and this produced the race of humanity. We are not only all the children of God; we are the
balancing force that leads to the reconciling of male and female energies, through our actions. The
child energy is based in the heart chakra, and its ultimate force is Love, Compassion and Healing.

See how children are, in their fearlessness and how they look not to the past, but the future. So, the
divine energy exists within the male, female, and child.

The chakras in time and space

Our awareness of existence is where time and space intersect, measurable only by our senses. So, if
it is now 1:58 p.m. where you are, that is where you exist. The past is gone, the future unknown.
There are parallel dimensions in time and space but we are unaware of them except sometimes
when we meditate, have psychic visions or die.

It is important to learn how to access the geography of dimensions. Only then can we travel
between time and space.

Time and space are not linear, but fluid and dynamic; the Universe is not orderly and logical, but full
of chaos, from which comes creation.

The space between the chakras

Focusing only on the chakras, meridians and energy pathways is a form of linear thinking. What
about the space between spaces, and the energy beyond? What happens here in the deepest
healing and meditation? I call that space the Void, which the Buddha described as the nothingness
one attains upon letting go the ego. Healing then come into being, and a space of balance reached.

And beyond
We learn to forgive, and heal the past, and go into the further dimensions, and whatever we learn,
share with others.

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