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The Seven Chakra Personality Types: Discover the Energetic Forces That Shape Your Life, Your Relationships, and Your Place in the World
The Seven Chakra Personality Types: Discover the Energetic Forces That Shape Your Life, Your Relationships, and Your Place in the World
The Seven Chakra Personality Types: Discover the Energetic Forces That Shape Your Life, Your Relationships, and Your Place in the World
Ebook329 pages4 hours

The Seven Chakra Personality Types: Discover the Energetic Forces That Shape Your Life, Your Relationships, and Your Place in the World

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How Your Chakra Personality Type Can Direct Your Life

The role of chakras. Chakras are energy centers in our bodies through which we experience life. Each one holds a different meaning, and through examining the qualities they carry, we can use chakras as a tool for understanding ourselves. Trained Yogi and author Shai Tubali is one of Europe’s leading experts in the field of subtle bodies and, more specifically, the ancient chakra system. His knowledge and deep understanding is what makes this one of the most insightful chakra books.

A system for classifying people. Each one of us has a chakra that is more dominant for us than for others. This book breaks down the seven personality types and helps readers discover which one is their dominant type. In addition, each person possesses a second and third chakra that influence the way they experience life. By learning your combination of chakra personality types, you become better equipped to define your strengths and weaknesses.

Make the right decisions for your life. Though chakra healing is powerful, chakras can also be utilized to discover our life’s purpose and direction. After determining our chakra personality type, we can use that information to help us make the right decisions in all aspects of our lives, from our careers to our relationships. Ultimately, it allows us to fulfill our greatest potential and live up to our purpose.

Read The Seven Chakra Personality Types by Shai Tubali and find…

  • How to use your chakras as a tool for understanding yourself
  • Insight into each of the seven chakra personality types
  • Which chakra personality type you are

If you’ve read books such as The Ultimate Guide to ChakrasChakra Healing, and Essential Chakra Meditation, you’ll find a further source of insight into chakras in Shai Tubali's The Seven Chakra Personality Types.

PublisherConari Press
Release dateSep 1, 2018

Shai Tubali

Shai Tubali, PhD, is an international speaker, author, and spiritual teacher. He is one of Europe's leading authorities in the field of chakras and the subtle body and has published twelve books. Shai also serves as an academic researcher at the University of Leeds and has developed several meditation-based therapeutic methods. Visit him online at

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    The Seven Chakra Personality Types - Shai Tubali



    What makes you feel the happiest and most complete in life? Surely, you can come up with more than one thing, but try to get in touch with the most fulfilled moments you have ever had. Was it an unimaginable depth of intimacy and love you shared with a soul mate? Or was it a moment in which you felt that you managed to crack open the secrets of the universe? Was it a silent retreat in some far-off spot in the Himalayas? Or perhaps an electrifying speech you gave to a responsive audience, a truly adventurous journey around the world, a tremendous leap you made in your career, or designing and building your own dream house?

    Whatever has made you feel most happy and fulfilled in life is most likely a function of your chakra type. What does that mean? Your chakra type determines the way you perceive and experience the world. It leads you to pay attention to particular elements in your life while hardly noticing others. It draws you to those elements in your life that you intuitively feel are the most meaningful and most essential for your happiness.

    More often than not, we simply explain our individual differences by pointing out that we all have our own inclinations. Different strokes for different folks. On the other hand, there are many systems for self-knowledge in the world that have attempted to crack open the mystery of our individuality and determine why each of us experiences life so differently. These systems strive to help us understand why we each have certain inclinations and tendencies, why we suffer from certain excesses and deficiencies, certain frustrations and anxieties, and how we apply our individual skills and abilities. Some, like psychoanalysis, are based entirely on individual history, tracing our anxieties back to traumatic incidents that occurred at the age of three. Others—like numerology, ennea-grams, and human-design techniques—classify human tendencies and behavior into general and universal categories. The system of chakra types, the ancient system that offers us a profound and illuminating answer of its own, belongs to this latter group.

    Chakras and the Individual

    No question, everyone is destined to fully realize all seven chakras in order to embody a fully balanced and fully realized human being. None of us can turn our backs on the challenges and trials in life that fulfill each chakra's psychological role, nor should we avoid the development of all qualities and powers inherent in each of the seven. But it is impossible for any of us, even the most advanced beings imaginable, to manifest all of life's aspects. Though this may sound limiting, it is actually quite beautiful. This is why we have different expressions of the same experience.

    It is clear that we all have a unique perspective on life. For this reason, even when we share the same experiences, we tend to interpret and express them very differently. Perhaps the most striking demonstration of this is found in the intensely different expressions of the state of spiritual enlightenment, which is said to be singular and yet the same for all.

    Rumi, the great Sufi poet and mystic, spoke of love of the divine, and of surrender and union. Gurdjieff, the Armenian master, focused on willpower, on overcoming, and on self-remembrance. Osho, Jiddu Krishnamurti, and Ramana Maharshi had clearly distinct approaches that led to very different paths and practices. These differences of interpretation and expression derived from the different chakra personality types to which each belonged. This chakra type acted as a prism that caused the divine light that shone through them to be expressed as a distinct ray of light rather than as the full spectrum of divine illumination. This fragmentation enables myriad individual experiences of the same life to come into being.

    Your personality type defines your most essential and persistent worldview. It has nothing to do with specific phases of your life in which you need to focus more on developing certain abilities and qualities or on answering important challenges. At times, you may find yourself needing to open your heart more, or to cultivate your independence, or strengthen your ground. Indeed, realizing that some part of you is more important than others at a certain stage of your life is an inevitable part of your whole-human development and balance.

    In the same way, your personality type may not be related to certain strengths you naturally possess. You can be generous, willful, or meditative without it being an indication of your type. Locating your personality means recognizing your basic constitution—the fundamental way in which you perceive and experience life, and your most fundamental attractions and passions. It is about the way you meet reality and the way you use it to harness the forces of your constitution and fulfill your destiny. Another way to think of it is as the impulse or inclination that you find irresistible because it stems from your most authentic self. This impulse may have such a strong pull that, at times, it feels bigger than yourself. When followed, it can easily engage you in a way that makes you nearly forget everything else.

    Your chakra type does not necessarily correspond with what you do in your life at the moment or what you want to think of yourself. It is not even found in tendencies you deem admirable. Personally, I admire Mother Teresa—but that doesn't mean I am a fourth-chakra type. It may actually imply that she reflects to me certain aspects that are harder for me to fulfill. That is why the best method is to follow the way you first meet with the world. What is the first center in you that responds to things you encounter? Is it the mental part, your cognition and understanding? Or is it feeling, emotion, or will?

    A helpful key is the fact that the seven personality types are divided into three major groups of perception and experience: the material-earthly types, the emotional-communicative types, and the mental-spiritual types. The first, second, and third chakras belong to the first group; the fourth and fifth chakras belong to the second; and the sixth and seventh chakras belong to the third. These groupings are based on how each type most directly experiences the world and what it initially arouses in them. The first or so-called lowest group—lowest only in terms of its location on the body, not its place in a hierarchy—initially meets the world through the senses and perceivable objects. The second group first encounters the world through emotions and fantasies. The third does not really directly experience the world at all. They meet it more as an idea and translate experience into abstract principles.

    Your Chakra Type

    The journey offered in this book is a colorful and vivid one. This is because it doesn't deal merely with big abstract principles of spirituality, but rather with very particular, richly nuanced, partly funny individual realities—the realities of human nature as reflected in the chakra system. The more you read through the book, the more you will notice that you spontaneously identify with the ways you think and behave according to the types—and with the ways your friends, partners, and children think and behave. You will realize that we all fall into one of the seven major patterns as different perceivers and experiencers of reality. Recognizing these seven patterns is the beginning of learning how to control and optimize them more effectively.

    At a certain point, you will also begin to classify other experiences into these seven patterns—for instance, while watching a movie, or looking at a certain advertisement, or participating in a lecture. Since our culture—religion, art, entertainment—consists entirely of the contributions of the seven types, it is only natural that all cultural phenomena will bear the distinct orientation and focus of one of them. The system of chakra types thus provides a healthy way to understand and appreciate our human diversity, as well as a way to promote self-knowledge, tolerance, and openness. Through its lessons, we become better receivers of the gifts each chakra type has to offer.

    More often than not, people think that their perception of the world is the same as everyone else's. That is why we always seem so surprised when someone completely disagrees with our own worldview. But the system of chakra personality types reveals to us that everyone does not see the same world. Sometimes, we need to embrace the worldview of others to enhance our own experience and to supply aspects that may be missing from our own perception. This is important to understand, because my vision of the seven types is not hierarchical in any way; rather, it is communal. When I describe each type in detail, my clear aim is not only to help you recognize your own special self, but also to make you appreciate all seven types. I wish everyone to see the world through the eyes of each chakra type and to appreciate this vision as an essential ingredient of their own being.

    The most direct way to locate your own chakra type is to read through the chapters that outline each of the types carefully and try to recognize whether you have just read a description of yourself. Sooner or later, you will encounter a profile so intimate and comfortably familiar that something in you will leap forward and declare, Hey, he is talking about me! This chakra is most likely your major personality type.

    Finding your major personality type shouldn't feel like guessing. You may find yourself a little torn between two types—in fact, this may actually be an important indication of something we will discuss later—but eventually one will gain the upper hand and make you feel that you are coming home, as if you recognize your very own way of seeing the world. This, by the way, can be a somewhat amusing and self-revealing process, during which you will feel embarrassingly transparent.

    Other chapters—perhaps one or two—will seem to describe close relatives of your personality, containing reasonably large parts of your being, yet still not feeling like a perfect fit. These chakras are most likely your secondary and supportive personality types. Most chapters, however, will seem totally foreign to you, or perhaps may seem to be a better fit for your partner or for someone you know.

    That said, it is important to clarify what you should be looking for in this process. The description closest to yourself needs to feel intimate and familiar, not merely because you have recognized certain behavioral patterns or positive and negative attributes, as you might find some part of your personality in an astrological or numerological chart. Remember, this system is about recognizing your heart's deepest calling, so you must look for the constitution that most easily fits you and in which you can best fulfill your own soul design.

    That is why, even in the description of your major chakra type, you are not expected to embrace every little detail. What determines your chakra type is the lens through which you perceive the world. This lens makes you notice certain elements while overlooking others, and thus determines what is most meaningful and valuable to you. The question you must ask yourself as you read through these chapters is, Is this the way I experience life?

    Some small details can be eliminated from your personality for the simple fact that none of us is purely and perfectly one major chakra type. Types that feel like your personality's close relatives also have a role in shaping your life. Don't be concerned, for instance, if you recognize yourself when you read that another type finds it hard to wake up in the morning and start a new day.

    You also shouldn't expect that your major chakra type will contain all of your strengths and talents. Just because you belong to one chakra type doesn't mean that you cannot come into the world equipped with various qualities and capacities from different chakras, or that you won't develop these qualities along the way. Your type is all about what you love the most—that which gives the most intimate experience of yourself.

    Of course, sometimes your true chakra type may be buried beneath thick layers of suppression, social adaptations, or certain life conditions. This makes the process of self-discovery a deep probing of your most fundamental soul elements that gradually encourages your chakra type to rise from beneath the thick layers of concealment and declare itself. In the same way, you can become trapped in a severely unbalanced expression of your type that demonstrates its more constrained forms.

    Moreover, superficial guessing can lead you astray, because you may already expect or want to be a certain type because it better suits your self-image or some cherished lifestyle habits. If you fear this is the case for you, you may need more than your own direct reading to give you perspective. One way to get this perspective is by answering questions like the ones you will find at the end of each chapter. These questions can help you by pinpointing key qualities and behaviors that are more crucial than others in determining the type. If you are still uncertain, you may want to have a private session with an expert in the field who can give you a qualified outsider's analysis. In my own private sessions, I use a technique called chakra reflection that reveals which of a person's chakras contains the highest energy concentration—a subtler expression of mental and emotional identification with chakra type.

    Children's Chakra Types

    Finding the chakra type of children can sometimes be a challenge. Some children show defined chakra characteristics at early stages in life. If you have a child so strongly defined, it is quite easy to guess his or her type. However, in most cases, it is difficult to be certain, for the simple reason that it is during childhood that the fragile and fragmented personality begins to consolidate. During childhood and adolescence, some of the chakra centers are in a state of rapid development, which makes observing children's and teenagers' tendencies quite confusing. The general development of the chakras can get mixed up with the expression of a child's unique chakra type. You have to penetrate the veils of psychological maturation to find a persistent line of tendencies and attractions.

    Moreover, while some children and teenagers are more defined than others and stand out in skills and tendencies, the majority of them are in an intense process of self-searching and self-definition and may only contact their dormant talents and passions in later stages of life. For most people, it takes a lot of time and many life experiences to attain a stable unfolding of their chakra type.

    Thus, while guessing is always fun, determining chakra type with complete certainty is safest when the person is between the ages of twenty-one and twenty-eight. These ages are not arbitrary. In chakra development, each period of seven years constitutes a cycle of life during which a certain chakra matures. Thus, by the age of twenty-one, a person has attained a basic foundation of the three lower chakras, which means their basic personality is more or less established.

    Your Three-Type Structure

    If you find yourself torn between two chakra types, don't be concerned. This just means that you have encountered both your major personality type and a secondary type. Now you must determine which is dominant. Which one is your true self?

    The good news is that there is a simple self-test you can use to help you do that. You will find one at the end of each chapter. Just follow the instructions to estimate the percentage of the specific chakra type in you. This percentage is not estimated in relation to other types. You simply evaluate the degree of presence of a chakra type in your personality on a scale of 1 to 100. In other words, how much of all that you read about the chakra type feels close to your being. After reading through all seven chapters and evaluating each type in this way, gather all the percentages and determine which chakra type received the highest score. The one with the highest score is your major personality type. You may find that one of the seven chakra types is so strikingly identical to your own experience that you give it a perfect score of 100 percent. But even a score of only 90 or 80 percent may indicate your major type, as long as it is your highest score.

    Even if you recognize yourself as belonging 100 percent to a certain type, however, in reality no one is truly 100 percent of any type. For instance, in Ayurvedic medicine, an ancient Hindu system built around the central concept of three fundamental elements or energies called doshas that circulate in the body and govern all physiological activity, it is the balance between these elements that determines health and disease. Vata (air) controls all movement; pitta (fire) regulates heat and intensity; kapha (water) is responsible for nourishment. Each individual possesses different proportions of these elements, which are the cause of individual physical constitution and temperament, including particular dispositions to certain physical and mental tendencies and disorders. But no person is 100 percent pitta or 100 percent vata or 100 percent kapha. Each individual consists of an endlessly varied combination of these elements.

    In the same way, although each individual has a major chakra personality type, all of humanity is obviously not strictly divided into seven types. The seven major chakra types are too archetypal to include all the subtleties and nuances of an actual living personality. That is why each complete personality is made up of a major type, as well as a second type and a supportive type. These secondary and supportive personality types endow us with more distinct characteristics and make our personalities unique. They add a perspective and life experience that completes your major type. Your second highest score on the self-test indicates your secondary chakra type; your third highest score indicates your supportive chakra type. Together, these three chakra types form a sort of trinity whose interaction captures very successfully your life's journey and purpose.

    Your second and supportive personality types, when combined with your major type, help to define you as a complete individual—one who is balanced, rounded, and empowered by the interaction between the three types. This is the beauty and wisdom of the chakra-type system. It allows for the description of many diverse individual personalities through the creative combination of chakra characteristics. These combinations may be a source of inner conflict and tension for those they describe, but they also give rise to unique personalities.

    By combining the seven major types in a threefold structure, the chakra personality system provides for an elaborate mapping of forty-two distinct personality types. And since each personality consists of interaction between three dominant chakra types, an amazing 252 personality types can be mapped. Factor into this the relative proportion of the percentages of each of the three chakras, and you have an almost limitless array of personality types to consider.

    Fulfilling Your Chakra Type

    Knowing your three-type personality structure does more than add one more factor to your self-image or vaguely support your feelings and intuitions about yourself. When you learn about your constitution, you can harness its powers and direct it toward an ideal fulfillment of your soul design. That is why, at the end of each of the following chapters, you will find suggestions for lifestyle changes that deal with everything from very small and mundane details, to broader emotional, mental, and behavioral issues, to profound spiritual enlightenment. By following these suggestions, you can tune into a fully realized model of your type. You do this by balancing the excesses of your type and encouraging its natural fulfillment.

    As a rule, each chakra type wants to do precisely those things that lead to imbalance. And the great irony is that, usually, what seems healthy to a chakra type is precisely what is the most unbalanced. Indeed, balancing your chakra energies may seem a bit like taming your personality type rather than letting it freely spread its wings. But unless you tame your type, it can never properly and safely mature.

    Each type has its own unbalancing elements that, when wrongly channeled, can lead to self-destruction and even psychosomatic disorders. That is why learning to harness your tendencies is vital to fulfilling your chakra type. Think of this balancing process as finding ways to express your nature within clear structures. These structures no doubt limit the flow of your expression, but they are, paradoxically, exactly what allows it to stream healthily out of your being—like directing a gushing river into channels that keep the flow active and, at the same time, manageable.

    Eating a delicious food is wonderful in reasonable quantities. If you eat a whole cake, however, you may end up with a stomachache. To enjoy an experience, you must limit it. It is a part of the wisdom of life that unlimited or unregulated experience cannot be held or contained. Even your natural energy should best flow only at certain times and for certain uses.

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