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Removal of Uranium From Aqueous Wastes Using Elect PDF

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Shannon L. Stover

Thesis submitted to the

College of Engineering and Mineral Resources
at West Virginia University
in partial fulfillment of the requirements
for the degree of

Master of Science
Chemical Engineering

John Zondlo, Ph.D., Chair

Elliot Kennel
Peter Stansberry, Ph.D.
Charter Stinespring, Ph.D.

Department of Chemical Engineering

Morgantown, West Virginia


Keywords: Uranium, Carbon, Nanofibers, Electrosorption, Environmental

Copyright 2000 Shannon L. Stover

Removal of Uranium from Aqueous Wastes Using

Electrically Charged Carbon Nanofibers

Shannon L. Stover

The presence of aqueous uranium wastes is a problem in the United States and
their treatment/disposal is desirable. Treatment methods have been developed but result
in concentration opposed to conversion to a disposable form. This technique involves
recovery of uranium as a solid, providing an advantage over other methods. The
technique utilizes carbon nanofibers as electrodes which successfully electrosorb uranium
ions. Fibers with varying surface characteristics were evaluated in the removal process
and all were determined to be equally and extremely effective. Various experimental
parameters were evaluated including applied potential, pH, and flow rate. The critical
applied potential at which significant removal is achieved is between –0.3 and –0.4 V.
Decreasing pH hinders the electrosorption process while increasing it enhances the
process. As expected, an increase in flow rates results in decreased removal. It was
determined that cyclic loading/unloading increased fiber performance and a capacity of at
least 5.45 guranium/gcarbon can be achieved. These results illustrate that this technique can
be effectively implemented to solve current waste management problems.

This work is dedicated to Duncan,

for his companionship and steadfast devotion.

You will never comprehend the importance of your presence in my life,

you are truly a gift from God. Neither will you ever understand how much I

appreciate you staying awake and keeping my feet warm while writing.

I will always remember you waiting by the window for me to

return from my late night trips to the lab.


I would like to express by sincere thanks to Dr. John Zondlo, my committee

chairman, for his contribution to my success. He has provided advice and encouragement
throughout both my graduate and undergraduate careers; however, his contribution to my
technical and professional development made the completion of this thesis possible.
I would also like to thank my committee members Dr. Peter Stansberry, Dr.
Charter Stinespring, and Mr. Elliot Kennel. A special thanks is extended to both Dr.
Stansberry and Mr. Kennel for their help in the laboratory. I would also like to thank Dr.
John Renton of the WVU Department of Geology for performing x-ray analyses of
uranium compounds; Mr. Joel Harrison of NIOSH for generating SEM photographs of
fiber samples; Mr. Gerry Glasgow for supplying information on the production and
characterization of the carbon nanofibers; and Ms. Wei Cheng for her contribution to the
attempts at FT-IR analyses.
Heartfelt appreciation is extended to my best friend, Byron, for his patience and
encouragement throughout the development of this work. I am also deeply indebted to
my friends, Chrystal and Seth, for maintaining my sanity over the past several months.
Finally, I will be forever grateful to my family; my parents, Pam and Charlie, and my
sister, Autumn, provide constant support and unconditional love. Their encouragement is
greatly appreciated and all that I have achieved I owe to them.
Funding for this research was provided by a subgrant from Applied Sciences, Inc.
to whom a Phase I SBIR grant was provided by the US Department of Energy.


Abstract ............................................................................................................................ii
Dedication ........................................................................................................................iv
List of Tables....................................................................................................................vii
List of Figures...................................................................................................................viii
Chapter 1: Introduction and Research Scope....................................................................1
Chapter 2: Literature Review ...........................................................................................4
2.1 Summary of Treatment Methods Currently in Use.....................................4
2.1.1 Coagulation-Filtration ..................................................................4
2.1.2 Lime Softening..............................................................................5
2.1.3 Reverse Osmosis Hyperfiltration .................................................6
2.1.4 Electrodialysis Process ................................................................6
2.1.5 Activated Alumina........................................................................7
2.1.6 Carbon Adsorption .......................................................................8
2.1.7 Ion Exchange.................................................................................9
2.2 Possibility of Using Electrochemical Removal Techniques .....................11
2.2.1 Electrosorption.............................................................................11
2.3 Related Electrosorption Techniques.........................................................14
2.3.1 Traditional Adsorption Processes ................................................14
2.3.2 Removal by Microbial Reduction.................................................17
Chapter 3: Theoretical Background..................................................................................19
3.1 Uranium Chemistry ...................................................................................19
3.1.1 Properties of Uranium Compounds...............................................20
3.1.2 Uranium Ions in Solution ..............................................................21 Trivalent Uranium.......................................................21 Tetravalent Uranium ...................................................21 Pentavalent Uranium...................................................23 Hexavalent Uranium ...................................................23

3.1.3 Uranium Species as a Function of pH...........................................27
3.1.4 Relationship Between pH and Electrochemical Potential.............29
3.2 Electrochemistry.......................................................................................32
3.3 Possible Electrosorption Mechanisms......................................................32
Chapter 4: Experimental Apparatus and Methods.............................................................34
4.1 Carbon Materials......................................................................................34
4.2 Reagents ...................................................................................................35
4.3 Electrolytic Cell and Fiber Loading .........................................................35
4.4 Experiments and Sampling Techniques.....................................................38
4.5 Analytical Methods...................................................................................39
4.6 Fiber Unloading........................................................................................41
4.7 FT-IR and X-Ray Diffraction Analyses....................................................42
Chapter 5: Results and Discussion ...................................................................................43
5.1 Performance Experiments.........................................................................43
5.2 Effect of Cell Potential on Fiber Performance..........................................53
5.3 Effect of Flow Rate on Fiber Performance...............................................55
5.4 Effect of pH on Fiber Performance...........................................................57
5.5 Effect of Cyclic Loading/Stripping of Fibers............................................59
5.6 Fiber Capacity..........................................................................................59
5.7 Possible Effect of Residual Iron...............................................................62
5.8 Attempt to Identify Surface Functional Groups Using FT-IR Analysis .....63
5.9 Identification of Uranium Solid By X-Ray Diffraction .............................64
5.10 Examination of Fibers Using SEM............................................................64
Chapter 6: Conclusions and Recommendations ................................................................67
6.1 Performance Experiments.........................................................................67
6.2 Variation of Parameters............................................................................67
6.3 Removal Efficiency and Fiber Capacity...................................................68
6.4 FT-IR, X-Ray Diffraction Analysis, and SEM..........................................69
6.5 Recommendations for Future Work ..........................................................70
Appendix ..........................................................................................................................75


3-1. Physical Properties of Uranium ............................................................................20

3-2. Properties of Uranium Oxides ..............................................................................20
3-3. pHs of 0.02M Solutions of Various Uranium Ions ................................................21
3-4. Values of the Hydrolysis Constants of U4+ at Various Temperatures ....................22
3-5. Activity Coefficients of UO22+ in Uranyl Nitrate Solution ....................................24
3-6. Activity Coefficients of the Uranyl Ions as a Function of Ionic Strength of the
Solution ................................................................................................................25
3-7. Hydrolysis Constants of UO22+..............................................................................25
3-8. pH at Precipitation Initiation as a Function of UO22+ Concentration in
Solution ................................................................................................................26
3-9. Temperature and Ionic Strength Dependence of Hydrolysis Constants of
UO22+ ....................................................................................................................27
3-10. Potentials for Oxidation/Reduction Reactions of Uranium Species......................30
4-1. Inherent Fiber Properties......................................................................................35


3-1. Equilibrium Concentration of Uranium (IV) .........................................................28

3-2. Equilibrium Concentration of Uranium (VI) .........................................................28
3-3. pH/Potential Relationship for Uranium Species ...................................................31
4-1. Schematic of Electrolytic Cell..............................................................................36
4-2. Experimental Setup Showing Potential, Voltmeter, Cell, and Peristaltic
4-3. Typical Voltammogram from DPV Analysis of U(VI) ..........................................40
4-4. Calibration Curve for the Concentration Range 0.0 to 5.0 ppm ............................41
4-5. Calibration Curve for the Concentration Range 5.0 to 100.0 ppm ........................41
5-1. Performance Curve for PR-1-ox400.....................................................................44
5-2. Performance Curve for PR-1-ox500.....................................................................44
5-3. Representative Behavior of Current throughout the Performance
5-4. Representative Behavior of Effluent pH throughout the Performance
5-5. Performance Curve for PR-19-ox400...................................................................46
5-6. Performance Curve for PR-1-AG .........................................................................47
5-7. Performance Curve for PR-19-AG .......................................................................48
5-8. Performance Curve for PR-19-HT........................................................................49
5-9. Performance Curve for PR-21-PS ........................................................................49
5-10. Performance Curve for CO2-950 ..........................................................................50
5-11. Performance Curve for PR-23-HT........................................................................50
5-12. Performance Curve for PR-24 ..............................................................................51
5-13. Performance Curve for PG-195-XB .....................................................................52
5-14. Performance Curve for Superior Graphite (BG-34) .............................................52
5-15. Effect of Variation in Applied Potential ...............................................................54
5-16. Effect of Applied Potential on Steady-State Effluent Concentration.....................55
5-17. Effect of Variation of Flow Rate ..........................................................................56
5-18. Limiting Flow Rate Determination Through Evaluation of Steady-State

Effluent Concentrations.........................................................................................57
5-19. Effect of pH Variation on Fiber Performance.......................................................58
5-20. Effect of Cyclic Loading/Stripping on Fiber Performance....................................60
5-21. Evaluation of Fiber Capacity................................................................................61
5-22. Percent Residual Ash in Fiber Samples................................................................62
5-23. Results of X-Ray Diffraction Analysis .................................................................65
5-24. SEM of PR-1-AG Showing Smooth Surface.........................................................66
5-25. SEM of PR-19-HT Showing Surface Roughness Following Post-Treatment........65


Treatment and disposal of uranium wastes has become an increasing problem in

the United States and worldwide since the discovery of uranium’s ability to provide both
power, through the operation of nuclear power plants, and protection, through the use of
nuclear weapons. Several aqueous, multi-component wastes exist and it is desirable not
only to treat the substances by concentrating the aqueous wastes, allowing for disposal,
but also to discover a method that would allow for selective removal of contaminants,
creating an avenue for recovery of these valuable materials [1].
Several treatment methods have been developed to remove metals from aqueous
wastes including chemical precipitation, solvent extraction, adsorption, and ion exchange,
just to name a few [2]. Although the aforementioned methods have proven useful in
several applications, they often fail to reduce contaminants to below required levels,
and/or are too costly to be commercially implemented. It is therefore highly desirable to
establish a technique that is economical to implement, effective in reaching desired
effluent concentrations, and allows for the possibility of recovery and possible sale of the
actual contaminants through a selective separation process. Electrochemical treatment
could be used not only to treat stored wastes but also to treat wastewater from sites that
are currently generating waste.
The operation of electrolytic cells is not in itself a new treatment method and has
been used for years to treat highly concentrated wastes from the electroplating, photo
finishing, and mining industries; however, several problems arise when attempting to use
this technique to treat large scale, low concentration streams including the small surface
area of metal electrodes which are traditionally the electrodes of choice. Therefore, the
development of a new type of inexpensive electrode material could provide a means by
which this technique would become both effective and economical for treating large
quantities of dilute waste streams.
A potential electrode material should exhibit good electrical conductivity, be
chemically inert over the potential region of interest, show favorable electrochemical
behavior with the anolyte(s), have a low background current, and have an easily
reproducible surface. It was recently discovered that certain types of carbon materials
including graphite, carbon paste, glassy carbon, and reticulated vitreous carbon (RVC)
performed well when used as electrodes [3]. West Virginia University (WVU)
previously tested carbon nanofibers supplied by a variety of sources for their
effectiveness in the removal of uranium ions from a synthetic aqueous waste stream [4].
It was discovered that one particular fiber, supplied by Applied Science, Inc. (ASI), was
particularly effective; however, reasons for the fiber’s effectiveness and the mechanism
of removal were not clearly determined. Not only were the fibers effective in removing
uranium from aqueous wastes, but the uranium could also be obtained in solid form by
stripping the carbon fibers. Each of these characteristics makes this technology quite
unique when compared to other existing technologies. For this reason both WVU and
ASI are particularly interested in pursuing this research as it could prove to be a valuable
tool in both the elimination of several environmental problems and the recovery of
valuable minerals.
The objective of this research project was to continue the testing previously
mentioned through the analysis of additional samples of nanofibers prepared by ASI.
Carbon nanofibers were prepared with various surface treatments in order to identify the
optimal methods for producing effective electrosorption electrodes. The previous studies
at WVU provided reason to believe that nanofibers that are mildly oxidized after growth
exhibit high electrosorption affinity for uranium while very little affinity is present in the
untreated fibers; however, all fibers produced and tested in this study were successful in
uranium removal.
ASI prepared the nanofibers in approximate one-pound batches. This is far in
excess of the requirement for individual electrodes, and allows more than adequate
material for a variety of studies. Following the fabrication of the fibers, each was used to
create an electrode and its efficiency in the uranium removal process was determined.
The tests were carried out in an electrolytic cell composed of a working, auxiliary, and
reference electrode. The cell and testing methods are described in detail later in Chapter
4. Experiments were designed to provide results that provide insight into which of the
following characteristics contributed to the electrodes’ performance: surface oxygen,
surface area, surface energy, diameter, graphitization index, and surface PAH content.
Testing included several types of experiments to attain the above-mentioned
information and was divided into two categories. The first set of experiments involved

loading each electrode with uranium to analyze its performance as a function of time
required to reduce the inlet concentration of uranium to acceptable levels. Each study
was performed at least twice to ensure accuracy and reproducibility. Following this
study, a select fiber was further tested to determine its absorptive capacity. An additional
performance experiment was also performed and involved the cyclic loading and
unloading of the fibers to identify any decrease in efficiency upon regeneration.
The second set of experiments was used to obtain further information on the
mechanism that makes this technique a success. These tests included several different
types of analyses. Experimental parameters including the pH and flow rate of the feed
and the cell potential were varied to determine their effect. Identification of the solid
precipitate mentioned previously was attempted through x-ray diffraction analysis of both
the precipitate itself and of a nanofiber sample that was loaded with the uranium
precipitate. An attempt was made to analyze the carbon nanofibers using Fourier
transform infrared (FT-IR) spectroscopy to identify any surface functional groups present
that may have been contributing to their effectiveness; however, these tests were
unsuccessful, the reason for which is discussed in more detail later in the report. Finally,
photographs were taken using a scanning electron microscope (SEM) in an attempt to
identify differences in the surface characteristics of the fibers.
The results obtained from these experiments were effective in demonstrating that
not only can the electrodes be reproduced and optimized, but that the potential for
commercial development of this technique in the future could prove to be very valuable
in the effort to restore and control the declining integrity of those sections of the world
that are battling with radioactive contamination in the form of uranium pollution.


Uranium removal techniques are receiving attention due to the ever-increasing

strictness of environmental regulations posed by the Environmental Protection Agency
(EPA). In addition to becoming a problem due to its naturally occurring presence in
surface and ground waters, uranium is the most prevalent radionuclide present at
Department of Energy (DOE) sites. The current standards imposed by the EPA are a
Maximum Contaminant Level (MCL) of 20 ppm and a Maximum Contaminant Level
Goal (MCLG) of zero [5]. Therefore, it is desirable to develop economically feasible
treatment methods to achieve these goals, the progress of which is described in this

2.1 Summary of Treatment Methods Currently in Use

There have been several removal techniques developed in recent years and
studied in laboratories and in pilot plants both across the nation and around the world.
The most popular primary treatment methods to date include conventional coagulation-
filtration with iron or alum, lime softening using varying amounts of Ca(OH)2 and
MgCO3, ion exchange by cation or anion resin, reverse osmosis hyperfiltration,
electrodialysis, and activated carbon or activated alumina adsorption. The first four
methods have proven to be both effective and economically feasible for uranium removal
from drinking water, and EPA considers them to be the best available technologies
(BATs) [5].

2.1.1 Coagulation-Filtration
The coagulation-filtration process involves the addition of a chemical substance,
typically iron or alum, which attracts uranium ions and/or complexes, resulting in larger
particles that are then easily filterable. A significant amount of laboratory testing has
been completed in this area and impressive removal efficiencies have been realized [6].
These efficiencies are dependent upon the coagulant dosage and the final pH of the
solution. Testing has been conducted on samples of pond water containing 83-ppb
uranium in the form of UO2(CO3)22- and UO2(CO3)34-, common species that are typical of

most carbonate-dominated surface and well waters. Upon the addition of 25 mg/L of
aluminum sulfate or ferric sulfate to the waste, removal efficiencies of more than 85%
can be achieved. Previous tests were successful at pHs of both 6 and 10; however, the
removal decreases significantly at pHs both below 6 and above 10. Success at a pH of 6
is due to the attraction of the uncharged UO2CO3 complex (the dominant uranyl complex
at this pH) to the relatively uncharged aluminum or iron oxyhydroxide surface.
At pH 10 it is believed that CaCO3 precipitation caused a decrease in the
carbonate concentration that results in the formation of (UO2)3(OH)5+ complex, which in
turn is attracted to the negatively charged coagulant surface. Below a pH of 6 the
coagulant does not form an appreciable amount of floc while at pHs above 10 the
precipitant becomes increasing soluble. Both of these phenomenon result in a decrease in
removal efficiency. These results have also been duplicated, reinforcing the finding that
uranium can be efficiently removed by coagulation-filtration techniques [7]. Although
this technique is effective, continuous costs are incurred due to the required chemical
addition. The technique described also requires a settling time prior to filtration that
results in the need for large storage tanks and a batch-type process. The process could
possibly be run in a continuous manner but would require large continuously stirred tank
reactors, increasing the capital investment.

2.1.2 Lime Softening

It has been known for some time that uranium can be removed through
precipitation/filtration by significantly increasing the pH of the solution. It has been
determined through testing that upon addition of lime (50–250 mg/L), pHs can be
increased to 11.5, resulting in 85 to 90% removal efficiencies [6]. Tests have been
completed using both lime and a mixture of lime and magnesium to determine if the
presence of magnesium enhances the removal of uranium. It was determined that in the
absence of magnesium, little difference is observed in the removal efficiencies over the
pH range of 10.6 to 11.5; however, the presence of magnesium does result in a
relationship between pH and amount of uranium removed. It was reported that at pHs
between 9.8 and 10.6, the addition of MgCO3 reduced the effectiveness of the lime while
at pHs greater than 10.6, uranium removal increased with increasing amounts of MgCO3.
It was established that at pHs between 8.5 and 10.6, the calcium and magnesium

carbonate precipitates removed only 10 to 30% of the uranium while at pHs above 10.6,
the addition of magnesium raised removal efficiencies to between 93 and 99%. It was
concluded that the presence of Mg(OH)2 precipitates at pHs greater than 10.6
significantly increases uranium removal via lime softening. Despite the success of this
technique it too, like coagulation-filtration, incurs a continuing cost for the addition of
lime and possibly other chemicals such as MgCO3 added to enhance performance. This
technique would also have to be performed in a batch-type process, proving it to be
unfeasible for large volume, low concentration wastes. Also like coagulation-filtration, if
this process were to be run in a continuous manner, large reactors would be required.

2.1.3 Reverse Osmosis Hyperfiltration

The reverse osmosis (RO) process is typically implemented in the desalting of
municipal water and is a pressure-driven transport process that utilizes a membrane to
retain unwanted ions while allowing water to pass. The process involves separating the
salt (or other ions) by maintaining the pressure of the feed above that of the opposing
osmotic pressure of the ionic solution against the semipermeable membrane. This
technique has proven to be 99% effective in removing uranium from a Florida
groundwater contaminated with 300 ppb uranium [8]. The effectiveness of this technique
in the removal of uranium is not surprising due to the fact that the uranium carbonate
complexes (UO2(CO3)22- and UO2(CO3)34-) present in natural waters are very large and
highly charged. This technique is typically operated in a continuous-type process,
making it more appealing than previously described techniques in the treatment of large
volumes of aqueous wastes. However, feed rates are usually slow in order to allow the
liquid to pass through the membranes, resulting in the need for several RO tubes operated
in parallel. In addition to the significant capital cost, the operational costs due to
pumping to achieve the required pressure gradient across the membrane also make this
process unattractive.

2.1.4 Electrodialysis Process

Electrodialysis (ED) is another widely applied desalting technique that is used to
treat brackish water for potable use or to desalt and concentrate effluents for reuse. ED

involves an electrochemical separation process in which ions are driven through anion-
and cation- selective membranes from a less concentrated to a more concentrated solution
as a result of the flow of direct electric current. The electrodialysis reversal (EDR)
process now in common use is a refinement of the ED process, in which depleting and
concentrating channels are switched and the polarity of the electrodes is reversed
typically four times per hour to ionically backflush the membranes in order to minimize
scaling and fouling [9].
A recent study in Chimney Hill, Texas, demonstrated that ED can be used to
effectively treat groundwater contaminated with uranium [9]. It was determined that by
using ED, uranium removal efficiencies of more than 95% can be achieved when treating
water containing 120 ppb uranium during a continuous 28-day test. However, it was later
determined that the uranium removed was not removed by ion transport as is typical with
ED processes, but by accumulation of uranium in the anion membranes of the ED stack.
Therefore, this process is not desirable when typical anion exchange resins are capable of
achieving the same effects while utilizing a less complicated process.

2.1.5 Activated Alumina

It has been shown that activated alumina when placed in a packed bed can be used
to remove uranium from groundwater [10],[11]. EPA’s Drinking Water Research
Division Lab conducted testing and determined that removal efficiencies of 99% can be
attained when using feed water containing 273 to 432 ppb uranium; however, the length
of the run was only between 1,600 to 2,000 bed volumes (BV) during the six cycles
tested. An additional study also showed that the activated alumina was effective in
removing uranium up to 2,500 BV at a pH of 8. However, the experiment was halted due
to an increase in head loss after two or three regenerations with 10% NaCl.
Although the activated alumina columns are successful in removing uranium
down to 1ppb, the columns exhaust quickly and require frequent regeneration. As stated
above, the regeneration process results in an increase in pressure drop across the column.
When coupled, these problems make the use of activated alumina an unattractive
technique. In addition to the abovementioned operational difficulties, the implementation
of this technique, as with other adsorption/regeneration processes, results in simply

concentrating the waste which must then be treated in some other way to obtain a solid
form, increasing the overall cost of the process as a whole.

2.1.6 Carbon Adsorption

Granular activated carbon (GAC) has also been tested to determine its
effectiveness in the uranium removal process. Tests were conducted utilizing two small,
full-scale GAC columns to treat a feed containing 26 to 101 ppb uranium, reducing the
effluent concentration to below 1 ppb [12]. The columns were effective for three months
at which time they reached breakthrough. The effluent concentration continued to
increase after breakthrough until it eventually surpassed the influent concentration.
Unfortunately, the experiment was not well documented and exact bed volume
throughputs were not recorded, making the results difficult to interpret.
Later testing involved the evaluation of four different types of GAC including
Calgon APA, F-400, and Barnebey-Cheney CK3421 and 1002 [9]. The GAC samples
were tested at various pHs using 1-in. diameter glass columns and a feed contaminated
with 67 to 90 ppb uranium. At pHs ranging from 7.8 to 8.2, none of the samples removed
more than 5% of the uranium from the feed. Later experiments involved lowering the pH
to 5.8 in a successful attempt at improved removal. It is believed that this increase in
removal is due to the presence of the uncharged uranium carbonate complex, UO2CO3,
the predominant species at a pH of 5.8, which is readily removed by adsorption onto
GAC. It should be noted however, that although the GAC became more effective, its
capacity is still far below that of anion exchange resins. The effluent uranium
concentration from the GAC columns increased to 10 ppb at between 800 and 5,000 BV
and 20 ppb after 2,500 to 8,500 BV, depending on the type of GAC being used.
Overall, GAC demonstrates not only a limited capacity but also a strong pH
dependence. In a later attempt to reproduce these tests, it was reported that 95% uranium
removal was achieved at pHs less than 6.4 and less than 1% removal at pHs higher than
9.1 [13]. The pH dependence of GAC clearly demonstrates the importance of uranium
complexes in the feed water. Although GAC columns can be used to treat uranium to a
certain extent, the limited capacity and therefore increased regeneration frequency result
in a process that is economically inferior to anion exchange, which is discussed in the
following section.

2.1.7 Ion Exchange
Ion exchange has proven to be the most effective and economical treatment
technique, therefore making it the most popular. Both cation and anion exchange resins
have been used for uranium removal; however, the anion exchange resin has proven to
achieve removal efficiencies superior to those of cation resins. Several cationic resins
have been tested including H+, Na+, and Ca2+ forms [13]. The hydrogen form cationic
resin resulted in 93 to 97% uranium removal with the effluent pH equal to 3.5. Both the
calcium and sodium forms were unsuccessful at a pH of 8.2; however, at a pH of 7, the
sodium-form resin achieved 85% removal while the calcium form was still unsuccessful.
The calcium-form resin did not begin to remove uranium until a pH of 5.6 was utilized.
The removal efficiencies continued to increase with decreasing pH. By the time a pH of
4 was reached, removal efficiencies of 60 to 65% were realized. The sodium-form resin
maintained a removal efficiency of 70% at all lower pH values.
The abovementioned results demonstrate the strong dependence of uranium
removal on both the pH of the feed and the form of the resin, indicating the importance of
the uranium speciation in solution. The varying efficiencies of the resin forms are related
to the selection sequence of the cations. Although the cation resins are considered to be
somewhat effective, the requirements for a low feed pH and the low removal efficiencies
indicate that the process is not feasible for treatment of drinking water.
Anionic resins result in much higher removal efficiencies when used to treat
contaminated water. It has been suggested that anionic resin treatment would be the only
cost effective treatment method for small community water supplies [12]. Both bench-
and pilot-scale studies have shown that the strong-base anionic resins exhibit very high
capacity (up to 60,000 BVs) for the removal of the uranyl carbonate complexes including
UO2(CO3)22- and UO2(CO3)34-. One test, using a feed of water containing 22 to 104 ppb
uranium, resulted in treating 8,000 to 60,000 bed volumes before exceeding 1.0 ppb in
the effluent [14]. Another study using anionic resins also proved successful and achieved
70% removal after a 4,000 BV throughput [13]. Additional studies using real waste
samples containing 300 ppb uranium resulted in successfully treating over 9,000 bed
volumes before uranium was detected in the effluent [11]. A final study involved
analyzing two forms of resin including Dowex 21K and Ionac 641, which were operated

to 17,400 BV and 31,300 BV, and still removed 95% and 90%, respectively, of the total
uranium in the feed [10]. The results of these tests indicate that anionic resins display a
high selectivity for the charged uranyl carbonate complexes commonly found in
Due to the excellent performance of anionic exchange resins and the ability to
easily regenerate the materials, this technique has become the EPA’s treatment of choice
in the remediation of uranium laden aqueous wastes. The decommissioning and
treatment of a weapons grade production facility located in Fernald, Ohio illustrates one
example of the effectiveness of anionic exchange resins. The US Department of Energy
and Flour Daniel are each contributing to the clean up of the site, which involves
contaminated soils and structures, resulting in contaminated surface and subsurface
waters. The subsurface contamination involves the contamination of a small portion of
the Great Miami Aquifer, one of the largest sources of drinking water in the country. The
DOE has implemented a pump-and-treat system to treat the contaminated section of the
aquifer and inject the treated water back into the aquifer. The process involves the
treatment of 2,900 gpm of water contaminated with between 60 to 1,000 ppb uranium in
the form of complex uranium carbonate ions. The waste is treated using an anionic
exchange resin that successfully reduces the uranium concentration to below acceptable
limits (i.e., 20ppb).
The columns are regenerated approximately once a month, producing
concentrated (300ppm U) brine solution that must then be treated. The pH of the brine is
increased through the addition of lime and the uranium is precipitated and recovered
through filtration. The supernatant liquid, which contains small concentrations of
uranium, is recycled to the front of the process and bled slowly into the fresh waste
entering the ion exchange columns.
Although this technique is very effective and combines the best features of two
methods, ion exchange and precipitation/filtration, a treatment process that achieves the
same results in one step would be desirable. A successful process, in which uranium is
removed from liquids and recovered in a solid form, without the addition of chemicals to
adjust pH, would prove to be ideal.

2.2 Possibility of Utilizing Electrochemical Removal Techniques
Treatment of aqueous wastes containing metals by electrochemical reduction is an
attractive possibility due to the economic advantage of recovering valuable metals [1].
However, while this technique is effective for several metals including copper, lead,
cadmium, and nickel, it is not useful for uranium. The reduction potential required to
reduce the uranyl ion (UO22+) to elemental uranium is between -1.79V (dc) and -2.11V
(relative to a Ag/AgCl electrode), which is significantly more negative than the reduction
potential of water, which is -0.83V (dc) [15]. It is for this reason that the direct reduction
via electrodeposition of uranium cannot be accomplished and alternative electrochemical
methods such as electrosorption are being investigated.

2.2.1 Electrosorption
One cousin to electrodeposition, known as electroadsorption or simply
electrosorption, involves the adsorption of UO22+ onto a negatively charged electrode
surface. The technique does not involve the reduction of uranium to its elemental state,
eliminating the aforementioned difficulties associated with electrodeposition. The
negative potential placed on the electrode is significantly higher than the natural negative
surface charge formed as a result of the dissociation of oxygen functional groups present
on the surface. This technique enhances the adsorption capacity of the electrode and
makes it possible to take advantage of the increased surface areas and electrical
conductivity of some forms of carbon and graphite. It is possible that the success of this
technique could result in a minimally polluting, energy-efficient, and potentially effective
alternative to current treatment methods [16].
Electrosorption is a technique in which low concentration aqueous wastes can be
treated and the wastes accumulated in a solid form as opposed to a concentrated aqueous
one. Upon researching this technique, it became apparent that there are no parallel
investigations in this area based on publications in past or recent literature. It appears
that the WVU/ASI group may have conducted the only research in this area to date,
which has paved the way for the work presented herein [4].
Previous studies at WVU involved the use of carbon nanofibers produced using
an iron catalyst [4]. Two fibers were tested, one which was tested “as-grown” with no
post fabrication treatment and another which was oxidized following fabrication to

increase the amount of oxygen-containing functional groups of the surface. Through
experiments utilizing a small electrolytic cell, a flow rate of 0.7 mL/min, and a feed
concentration of 100ppm uranium in the form of UO22+ (in 0.1M KNO3 to increase the
ionic strength of the solution), it was determined that the post-oxidized fibers were
significantly more effective than the unoxidized fibers. Additional studies were
conducted to determine the effects of altering pH, flow rate, and applied potential.
Results were affected by all three factors. The process is ineffective at pHs below 3.5
while it is enhanced at all pHs above 3.5. As expected, the removal efficiency decreased
with increasing flow rate. Finally, a unique dependence on the applied potential was
established. The fibers were ineffective at potentials less negative than –0.45 V;
however, upon achieving the potential of –0.45 V, the increase in fiber performance was
significant and continued to increase with increasing potential. Upon reversing the
potential, the uranium was obtained in a solid form that has yet to be identified.
Although no information on electrosorption of uranium is available, aside from
the previous research at WVU, research on the electrosorption of other ions has been
published. One example involves the electrosorption of hexavalent chromium ions
(present as HCrO4-, CrO42-, and Cr2O72-) from groundwater through the use of carbon
aerogel electrodes [16]. The electrodes have a high surface area, typically between 400
and 1100 m2/g, and an exceptionally low electrical resistivity (less than or equal to 40
mÙ· cm). Upon applying a potential to the column, it was discovered that the ions were
removed from the electrolyte and electrosorbed onto the electrode surface. Influent
concentrations were reduced from 35 ppm to 2 ppm, well below the acceptable level of
11 ppm, as per surface water regulations. It is believed that the Cr(VI) separation was not
the result of simple double-layer charging but chemisorption, a process reversed by
cathodic polarization.
The electrosorption technique has also proven to be successful in the removal of
lithium ions from aqueous solutions using chemically and physically activated carbons
[17]. The performance of the carbon electrodes was a strict function of their
physicochemical properties including pore volume, pore size distribution, and surface
area. Testing included runs during which electrochemical polarization was present and
runs where it was not. Results indicated that the cathodic treatment of the activated
carbons significantly enhanced the adsorption of the lithium ions.

Another test has been conducted that involves both the use of electrosorption and
electrodialysis using an ion exchange resin [18]. The technique was tested for its
effectiveness in removing Ni2+ and Cu2+ from synthetic wastes that were designed to
imitate electroplating effluents. The tests involved placement of 5.0 grams of an ion
exchange resin into the desalination compartment of an electrodialysis cell containing a
10cm2 membrane. The feed contained 10 mg-eq/L NaCl and a metal ion (Cu2+ or Ni2+) to
other ion (Na+) ratio of 3:1. The pH and linear flow rate of the feed were 5 and 0.1 cm/s,
respectively. Tests were conducted both with and without the presence of an electric
current (10 mA/cm2). Ion removal in the presence of the electrical current was found to
be six times that of the experiment with the absence of current. The increase in removal
efficiency was attributed to electrochemical reactions taking place in the resin/solution
boundary layer that resulted in the formation of insoluble metal hydroxides. It should
also be noted that the technique was more effective for the treatment of Cu2+ ions than for
Ni2+ ions. Although this technique appears somewhat promising, it has not yet been
proven effective for the treatment of uranium contaminants.
Tests have also been conducted on the removal of organic compounds from
aqueous solutions using electrosorption onto GAC [19],[20],[21]. These studies include
the adsorption and electrosorption of chloroform onto three types of GAC. The results
are dependent upon operating parameters, including applied potential, temperature, pH,
contaminant concentration, and chemical properties of the GAC. It was determined that
an increase in the negative potential, increases in initial chloroform concentration, and
decreases in temperature resulted in an enhanced affinity for chloroform while the
imposition of a positive potential and neutral pH values inhibited sorption. Although
previous studies have shown GAC to be inferior in uranium removal, it is undetermined
whether the presence of an applied potential would increase performance capabilities.
The abovementioned studies, in conjunction with previous testing conducted at
WVU, provide significant reason to believe that electrosorption-type technologies can be
developed and implemented for uranium removal. The technique would provide uranium
treatment that is economically competitive with treatment using anionic exchange resins;
however, proposed electrosorption techniques result in the acquisition of uranium from
solution in a solid form, eliminating the need for post treatment techniques following

regeneration. The implementation of this process would provide an economical
advantage to other removal methods and also fewer process complications.

2.3 Related Electrosorption Techniques

As stated previously, little information is available on the treatment of uranium
using electrosorption. However, techniques related to this work have been in practice for
years. Because electrosorption is an enhanced adsorption process, such adsorption
processes are of interest. Although this technique was mentioned previously, a more in
depth discussion is presented below. Also, because the electrosorption mechanism is not
well understood, treatment methods which involve reduction and hence precipitation of
the uranium ion are also included as they could provide future insight into the mechanism
behind the uranium electrosorption phenomenon.

2.3.1 Traditional Adsorption Processes

Both natural and synthetic adsorbents are commonly used as sorbents in uranium
treatment including, but not limited to, zeolites, titanium oxide, clays, polymeric
materials, ion-exchange resins, iron nodules, and microorganisms. A summary of the
results obtained when utilizing these various materials are presented below.
Experiments have been conducted using HEU-type zeolite crystals in the sodium
form placed in batch reactors to adsorb uranium from a 50 to 20,000 ppm feed [22]. The
crystals were successful and loadings of up to 11.68 mguranium/gzeolite were realized. It was
also determined that removal efficiencies were higher for concentrations below 100 ppm.
The performance of the material is attributed to a double sorption processes including
ion-exchange adsorption and surface precipitation, taking place both on the surface and
throughout the zeolite crystals. The process is pH dependent, exhibiting a stronger
affinity for uranium removal at lower pHs.
A new polymeric adsorbent has been developed and demonstrated in successfully
removing uranium [23]. The material contains both hydrophilic (resulting in swelling
when placed in water) and amidoxime groups (for chelating with uranyl ions). The
adsorbent is created by initially placing cyano (CN) groups on the surface and converting
them to amidoxime groups through reaction with an aqueous hydroxylamine solution at a
molar ratio of 1.25 (NH2OH:CN) for three to four days. The adsorbent has demonstrated

a very high affinity for uranium and is stable in aqueous environments.
Several naturally occurring substances have also been tested for their
effectiveness in treating uranium. Clays have been used for several years in ion exchange
applications and have recently been tested for their effectiveness in uranium removal
[24]. It was determined that the performance of these clays was not only a function of pH
of the feed solution, but also of the concentration of humic substances and the clay-to-
solution ratio. The presence of humic substances enhances uranium adsorption at low pH
due to the formation of a clay-humate complex.
When considering natural materials, the use of iron nodules to treat uranium is
worth mentioning [25]. The iron nodules, which have proven effective in scavenging
uranium from groundwater, have a high capacity for uranium uptake. Experiments show
that a uranium enrichment of 8% (by weight) can be achieved, much higher than that of
other forms of iron including fissure fillings and clay coatings. The mechanism is
believed to involve an initial adsorption step followed by precipitation.
In several cases of environmental pollution, high ionic strengths and high pHs are
present in conjunction with uranium pollution such as in the case of storage tank liquids
and leachates from vitrified, saltstone, and grouted waste forms. Studies have been
completed on the effect of these conditions on the mechanism of treatment methods
involving adsorption onto natural sediments containing carbonate mineral phases [26]. It
was determined that neither the concentration of uranium nor the ionic strength affect the
adsorption mechanism; however, removal efficiencies greatly increased when the pH was
increased from 8.3 to 9.3. When the pH surpassed 10.3, precipitation of uranyl solids
occurred causing removal efficiencies to increase dramatically but due to precipitation
rather than adsorption; and as stated previously, precipitation is a costly process for large
quantities of low concentration wastes due to the required chemical addition and storage
The above-mentioned studies involved the removal of uranium from aqueous
wastes where other contaminants were not present; however, several studies have also
been completed that involve the removal of uranium in the presence of other
contaminants. One study involved the removal of uranyl ions from spent nuclear fuel
[27]. An innovative anion exchange resin (AR-01) was utilized. The material is
composed of a resin embedded in silica beads with benzimidazole functional groups

present on the surface. The majority of fission products including Cs(I), Sr(II), Mo(VI),
Rh(III) and trivalent rare earth metals were immune to adsorption while Ce(IV) was
strongly adsorbed. It should be noted, however, that Ce(IV) was eventually reduced to
Ce(III) by the resin, a non-adsorptive form. Zirconium (IV) also presented weak
adsorption and partially mixed with U(VI). Both Ru(III) (in the form of anionic
nitrosylnitrato-complexes) and Pd(II) exhibited strong adsorption.
Several types of bacteria have also been tested for their effectiveness in the
uranium adsorption process. One type of bacteria, scenedesmus obliquus 34, was found
to exhibit an energy independent sorption of uranium, even in the presence of other
metals [28]. These metals included Cu2+, Ni2+, Zn2+, Cd2+, and Mn2+, each of which
competed only slightly with the uptake of uranyl ions. A maximum capacity of 75
mguranium/gsorbent (dry weight) was achieved and the results could be modeled using the
Freundlich adsorption isotherm. Increases in electrolyte concentrations increased the
affinity for uranium sorption while pretreatment of the cells with NaOH, NaCl, ethanol,
or heat resulted in only a slight decrease. Treatment of the bacteria with a buffer of pH 4
results in desorption. The uranium uptake using this substance is believed to be
attributed to active groups or capillary action in the cell wall capturing the uranium.
An immobilized biomass known as Rhizopus arrhizus has also been tested for its
ability to adsorb uranium [29]. Tests were conducted using both synthetic and industrial
wastes. It was discovered that when using influents with concentrations at or below 500
ppm, effluent concentrations of as low as 1 ppb were obtained. Breakthrough of the
column began at 57 bed volumes and continued through 76 bed volumes. It is also
possible to regenerate the biomass and obtain highly concentrated solutions of uranium
through elution. Use of synthetic uranyl nitrate solutions resulted in no deterioration of
the biomass performance over twelve successive sorption-elution cycles; however,
treatment of mine leachate solutions resulted in an 18% reduction in performance after
only four cycles. It should be noted that the presence of additional ions, particularly
aluminum, hinders the effectiveness of the technique.
Another immobilized biomass, Citrobacter, has also been studied for its use in
treating acidic uranium drainage waters [30]. Samples of the acidic solutions containing
35 ppm uranium were obtained from the National Uranium Enterprise (ENUSA, Spain)
and were treated by the biomass. The samples were supplemented with 5-mM glycero-2-

phosphate and adjusted to a pH of 4.5. The biomass was successful in removing up to
50% of the uranium by maintaining a residence time of 1.4 hours (resulting in a flow rate
of 50 mL/h). Although the technique is effective, the substrate used is expensive, making
the process economically unfeasible. A more feasible substrate has yet to be identified.
Brewery yeast has also proven successful in the removal of uranium from aqueous
wastes in a process that combines biosorption and precipitation [31]. Both unwashed and
washed biomass samples were evaluated. Testing of the unwashed yeast resulted in a
maximum capacity of 360 mguranium/gsorbent (dry weight). It was determined that washing
the yeast reduced the capacity to 150 mguranium/gsorbent. An additional experiment involved
the retention of the unwashed biomass by a semi-permeable membrane. It was
discovered that 40% of the uranium present precipitated outside the membrane, indicating
that a significant portion of the uranium removal was due to precipitation induced by low
molecular weight compounds loosely associated with the biomass.
Another group of immobilized biomass products has been analyzed using several
different polymers as a binder material [32]. These polymers included calcium alginate,
polyacrylamide, polysulfone, and polyurethane. Polyurethane-based materials were
determined to be superior to the other candidates and production of pseudomonas
aeruginosa CSU in the form of spherical beads of uniform size has already been
accomplished at the pilot plant scale. The immobilized biomass was evaluated using a
batch sorption isotherm approach including both a stirred-tank approach and continuous
loading/elution in an up-flow, packed-bed column. Breakthrough results indicate that P.
aeruginosa CSU is effective for removal of uranium from acidic, low-concentration
wastewater and achieved loading capacities of 97 mguranium/gdry biomass. Although the
technique is effective, it takes over an hour to become so.

2.3.2 Removal by Microbial Reduction

As stated previously, the electrosorption mechanism is not fully understood and it
is possible that a reduction, although not to the elemental state, of the uranyl ion at the
surface of the electrode plays an important role. Biological reduction is therefore also
worth mentioning as it has been effective in the reduction and precipitation of uranyl
ions. Despite the success of these techniques, skeptics claim that the reduction is the
result of an abiological reaction with sulfide, hydrogen, or organic compounds [33].

There has been much discussion that the microorganisms play an indirect role by
producing reduced compounds that are then used to reduce U(VI) in an abiological
reaction or that cell walls provide a surface for abiological reduction. Despite these
criticisms, work continues in this area and is summarized below.
An initial study determined that Fe(III)-reducing organisms obtain energy for
growth from electron transport to U(VI) [33]. This type of reduction can occur much
faster than typical reduction techniques. The specifics of this mechanism may explain the
deposition of uranium in aquatic sediments and aquifers and is suggested as a biological
technique for the remediation of uranium in the environment.
Following initial studies, several more tests were completed on the potential use
of biological techniques to treat uranium. One study suggested that sulfate-reducing
microorganisms may contribute to the reduction of U(VI) in sediments [34]. The
experiments involved the reduction of U(VI) in the presence of washed cells of sulfate-
grown Desulfovibrio desulfuricans in a bicarbonate buffer using lactate or H2 as an
electron donor, without which no reduction occurred. Applying heat prior to reduction
also inhibited treatment due to termination of the cells. However, exposure to air did not
effect D. desulfuricans’ ability to reduce U(VI). Attempts were made to grow the
bacteria using U(VI) as the electron acceptor but were unsuccessful.
Additional studies were conducted on microbial reduction of U(VI) in an attempt
to describe the kinetics of the technique [35]. A pure culture of Shewanella alga strain
BrY was used to reduce U(VI) under non-growth conditions where lactate was used as
the electron donor. Initial U(VI) concentrations ranged from 13 to 1,680 ìmol/L.
Reduction rates were measured and used to determine the maximum specific U(VI)
reduction rate (2.37 ìmole -U(VI)/(mg biomass⋅h)) and the Monod half-saturation
coefficient (132 ìM -U(VI)). The reduction of U(VI) was maintained at a minimum of
60% of this rate throughout at least 80 hours of the experiment. Results also showed that
oxygen present initially delays but does not inhibit U(VI) reduction. Although BrY only
reduces U(VI) by 30% of the rate at which it reduces Fe(III), it is always comparable but
most often surpasses the performance of other metal reducing species.


Before presenting the experimental procedure and results, it is necessary to

understand uranium chemistry, electrochemistry, and possible electrosorption
mechanisms. An understanding of uranium chemistry is important so that attempts can
be made at understanding the uranium electrosorption process.
The form of uranium ions in solution can vary greatly depending on pH and has
been shown to affect the performance of the removal process [4]. A summary of the
various types and characteristics of precipitates and the various forms of ions in solution
are presented in the following section. Additional sections describe traditional
electrochemical techniques, highlight the difference between electrodeposition and
electrosorption, and discuss possible mechanisms that could be responsible for the
effectiveness these carbon nanofiber electrodes to remove uranium.

3.1 Uranium Chemistry

Uranium is often regarded as a rare element; however, it is abundant in nature
when compared to elements such as cadmium, barium, and mercury. The uranium
content in the earth’s crust is 1×10-3% (by weight) [36]. It does, however, occur mostly
in the dispersed state. Mined deposits of naturally occurring uranium are typically ores
comprised of 99.28% U238, 0.71% U235, and 0.01 % U234. The most abundant, U238, also
has the longest half-life of 4.50×109 years. The most important uranium-bearing minerals
are pitchblends (U3O8) and carnotite (K2(UO2)2(VO4)2⋅nH2O) [15].
Prior to World War II, only rich uranium ores were worked because of the
insignificant consumption of the element. In the postwar period, however, the working of
lean ores on a large scale became necessary due to the use of uranium for military
purposes and nuclear-power engineering, as well as the depletion of rich ore deposits.
Because of these newfound uses of uranium, it was investigated extensively during the
1950’s, 60’s, and 70’s. A summary of the important information gathered during this
time is summarized in the following sections.

3.1.1 Properties of Uranium Compounds
Uranium is an extremely dense metal, closely resembling steel in appearance. It
can be found with three different crystalline modifications including alpha, beta, and
gamma structures. A summary of the physical properties of elemental uranium is
presented in Table 3-1.

Table 3-1. Physical Properties of Uranium [37]

Properties Values
Melting Point 1132 ± 1°C
Boiling Point 3318°C
Density (25°C) 19.04 g/cm3
Latent Heat of Fusion 4.7 kcal/mole
Latent Heat of Evaporation 106.7 cal/mole
Enthalpy (25°C) 1521.4 cal/mole
Entropy (25°C) 11.99 cal/deg. ⋅mole
Electrical Conductivity 2.4⋅104 (ohm⋅cm)-1
Thermal Conductivity 0.071cal/cm⋅sec⋅deg
Surface Hardness (Rockwell) 100

Three uranium oxides are known to exist for certain including the dioxide (UO2),
the trioxide (UO3), and the mixed oxide (U3O8). It has also been speculated that the
existence of a fourth oxide, the monoxide (UO), also exists but is not widely observed
[38]. The properties of the three common oxides are summarized in Table 3-2.

Table 3-2. Properties of Uranium Oxides [15]

Dioxide (UO2) Trioxide (UO3) Mixed Oxide (U3O8)
Red to yellow powder,
Appearance Dark-brown powder depending on the Black or dark green powder
crystalline modification
Reduction of higher
Reduction of higher
Preparation uranium oxides with Igniting UO2 or UO3 in air
uranium oxides
Sparingly soluble in dilute
Not soluble in HCl, Soluble HCl, readily soluble in
Solubility Soluble in all mineral acids
in HNO3 and heated, heated, concentrated HCl,
In Acids and acetic acid
concentrated H2SO4 also soluble in HNO3 and

The affinity of uranium oxides for water increases from UO2 to U3O8 to UO3.
The hydrate of uranium dioxide (UO2⋅nH2O) is obtained from the reaction of ammonia or
alkalis with a solution of a U(IV) salt, or from the hydrolysis of dilute solutions of U(IV)
chloride or acetate. In air, the hydrate is easily oxidized to UO3⋅H2O. After drying over
sulfuric acid, the hydrate has the composition UO2⋅2H2O. The freshly prepared U(IV)
hydroxide is readily soluble in acids, but its solubility decreases upon standing [15].
Several hydrates of UO3 also exist including UO3⋅H2O (H2UO4), UO3⋅2H2O
(H4UO5), and 2UO3⋅H2O (H2U2O7). These hydrates are much more stable than the
hydrates of the dioxide and are only slightly soluble in water [15].

3.1.2 Uranium Ions in Solution

Uranium can be present in solution as ions or ionic groups with four oxidation
states: 3+, 4+, 5+, and 6+. Among them, 6+ is the most common and natural form in
solution while 3+ and 5+ are relatively unstable. The oxidation state of 6+ typically
occurs in the form of the uranyl ion, UO22+ [15]. Trivalent Uranium

Aqueous solutions of U(III) can be prepared by dissolving its salts or by reducing
solutions of U(IV) or U(VI). The cation can be easily oxidized to U(IV) even in the
absence of oxygen and its presence slowly reduces water to free hydrogen. As stated
previously, U(III) is unstable, causing a hindrance in the study of its complex formation
and hydrolysis; however, existing data suggest that U(III) has a low complexing capacity.
It should also be noted that the salts of U(III) in solution are less hydrolyzed than those of
U(IV), but more than those of U(VI), as shown in Table 3-3.

Table 3-3. pHs of 0.02M Solutions of Various Uranium Ions [39]

Ion U3+ U4+ UO22+
pH of Solution 2.4 1.3 2.9 Tetravalent Uranium

Solutions of U(IV) can be obtained by dissolving its salts or by reducing solutions
of U(VI). This reduction can be achieved through the use of various metals including Pb,
Zn, Bi, Ag, and Cd. The reduction is normally achieved in an acidic solution because this

type of environment is more conducive to qualitative reduction. Uranium (IV) is
typically present in solution as the simple ion U4+ or possibly as U(H2O)n4+, where n = 6
or 8 [15].
The presence of U(IV) salts results in an acidic solution caused by hydrolysis.
The reaction of the hydrolysis is shown below.

U4+ + H2O = UOH3+ + H+ 3-1

This reaction, when extensive, can cause the formation of poly-nuclear ions of the type
U[(OH)3U]n4+n and also polymers [U(OH)4]x [40]. Reaction 3-1 is strongly temperature
dependent as shown in Table 3-4 which presents hydrolysis constants (Ka) at various
temperatures [41].

Table 3-4. Values of the Hydrolysis Constants of U4+ at Various Temperatures

(Ionic Strength ì = 0.5; U 4+ + H2O UOH3+ + H+)
Temperature (°C) 10 25 43
Value of Ka 0.075 0.21 0.66

Uranium (III) is often formed throughout the reduction process but is easily and
quickly oxidized to U(IV) by atmospheric oxygen. A mercury cathode can be used to
reduce U(VI) to U(IV) electrolytically and quantitatively [42]. Reduction can also be
achieved through a photochemical reaction with alcohol [43], ether [44], or lactic acid
[45]. Finally, U(IV) can also be obtained by reduction of uranyl nitrate with rongalite
(CH2O⋅NaHSO2⋅2H2O) in nitric acid [46].
Cold, acidic solutions of U(IV) are fairly stable in darkness; however, it has been
shown that its oxidation in air is significantly increased with exposure to light,
particularly direct sunlight or ultraviolet light. The reaction proceeds as shown below.

U4+ + hv → (U4+)* 3-2

(U4+)* + O2 → UO22+ 3-3

A quantum of light is indicated by hv and an asterisk indicates an excited uranium ion
[47]. Pentavalent Uranium

Dilute solutions of U(V) can be obtained through the electrolytic reduction of
U(VI) at pH 2.5 to 3.0. It has been shown that solutions of up 90% U(V) can be obtained
by reducing U(VI) on a platinized platinum electrode at very specific conditions (1°C, pH
2.5 – 3.0, U(VI) concentration of 1⋅10-3M) [48].
Uranium (V) is always present in solution in equilibrium with U(IV) and U(VI)
due to the disproportionation of U(V) to U(IV) and U(VI). It exists as the UO2+ ion and
it has been hypothesized that the disproportionation occurs in perchloric acid according to
the following reaction [49].

UO2+ + H+ = UOOH2+ 3-4

UO2+ + UOOH2+ = UO22+ + UOOH+ 3-5
UOOH+ → UO4+ 3-6
2UO2+ + 4H3O+ → UO22+ + U4+ + 6H2O 3-7

The equilibrium constant of the above-detailed process is (1.7 ± 0.3)×106 [50]. Uranium
(V) is most easily maintained in solution with little disproportionation when the pH is
kept between 2 and 40. Hexavalent Uranium

Of the four oxidation states, U(VI) is the most relevant because it is the one used
in the present study. As stated previously, U(VI) is most often present as the uranyl ion
(UO22+). It has been established that at pHs equal to or below 2.5, the uranyl ion
predominates over other species; while at higher pHs, the uranyl ions are dominated by
composite hydrolyzed ions (i.e., (UO2)2(OH)2+, (UO2)3(OH)5+, and UO2OH+). Further, it
has been determined through the X-ray analysis of several crystalline compounds of
U(VI), that UO22+ is a linear radical in which U-O bond is partly covalent. It has also
been shown that UO22+ in solution is a linear radical [39].
Several investigations into the dissociation of uranyl salts have been completed.
One study found that uranium in concentrated nitric acid is present predominately as
undissociated molecules of UO2(NO3)2. Likewise, aqueous solutions of uranyl sulfate
contain amounts of undissociated UO2SO4. Uranyl acetate has been found to dissociate
incompletely, even more so than uranyl sulfate. Upon combining these studies, the
uranyl salts can be arranged according to degree of dissociation from most to least as
follows: UO2(ClO4)2 > UO2Cl2 > UO2(NO3)2 > UO2SO4 > UO2(CH3COO)2 [39].
Activity coefficients of the uranyl ion based on the molarity of UO2(NO)3 in an
aqueous solution are presented in Table 3-5. Additional data, which summarize the
activity coefficients of the uranyl ion based on various ionic strengths of solution, are
shown in Table 3-6. The values demonstrate the dependence of the activity coefficient
on the concentration of the solution; the activity coefficient becomes large at high

Table 3-5. Activity Coefficients of UO22+ in Uranyl Nitrate Solution [51]

Molarity of
0.1 0.2 0.3 0.5 0.7 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5
Activity Coefficient
0.573 0.543 0.540 0.564 0.617 0.721 0.959 1.288 1.670 2.120 3.470
of UO22+,ã

Although a significant amount of information is known about the behavior of the

uranyl ion at pHs below 2.5, little is known with great certainty about its behavior at pHs
above 2.5 due to its complicated nature. Because of the acidic nature of dissolved uranyl
salts, hydrolysis of UO22+ is indicated. Although much research has been completed in
this area, the results are inconclusive; overall, the following hydrolysis products are
assumed to exist: U2O52+, U3O82+, [UO2(OH)]+, [U3O8(OH)]+, U3O8(OH)2, [U3O8(OH)3]-,
and others.

Table 3-6. Activity Coefficients of the Uranyl Ion as a Function of the Ionic Strength of the Solution [52]
Ionic Strength of Activity coefficient Ionic Strength of Activity coefficient
Solution, µ of UO22+, ã Solution, µ of UO22+, ã
0.002 0.868 0.500 0.430
0.003 0.858 0.600 0.440
0.004 0.830 0.900 0.500
0.007 0.794 1.200 0.600
0.012 0.699 1.500 0.740
0.022 0.608 1.800 0.920
0.042 0.567 2.100 1.160
0.080 0.488 2.400 1.490
0.109 0.473 2.700 1.950
0.139 0.451 3.000 2.570
0.201 0.425 3.600 4.610
0.261 0.422 4.200 8.350
0.335 0.462

It has been established that polynuclear, doubly charged, uranium-oxygen ions

have a complicated structure [53]. The hydrolysis constants of the uranyl ion are shown
in Table 3-7.

Table 3-7. Hydrolysis Constants of UO22+

Hydrolysis Reference
Hydrolysis Reaction
(2.0 ± 0.4) × 10-5 [54]
UO22+ + 2H2O = UO2(OH)+ + H3O+ 6.4 × 10-5 [55]
6.0 × 10-5 [39]
UO2(OH)+ + 2H2O = UO2(OH)2 + H3O+ 4.6 × 10-4 [39]
1.35 × 10-6 [39]
~2 × 10-6 [39]
2UO22+ + 3H2O = UO3⋅UO22+ + 2H3O+ 1.14 × 10-6 [56]
10-6.05 ± 0.1 [40]
4.1 × 10-3 [54]
UO22+ + U2O52+ + 3H2O = U3O82+ + 2H3O+ 5 × 10-9 [56]
U3O82+ + 2 H2O = U3O8(OH)+ + H3O+ 2.8 × 10-4 [56]
U3O8(OH)+ + 2 H2O = U3O8(OH)2 + H3O+ 3 × 10-7 [56]
U3O8(OH)2 + 2 H2O = U3O8(OH)3- + H3O+ 4 × 10-8 [56]
U3O8(OH)3- + 2 H2O = U3O8(OH)42- + H3O+ 1 × 10-11 [56]
U3O8(OH)42- + 2 H2O = U3O8(OH)53- + H3O+ 4 × 10-12 [56]

A study was conducted on the hydrolysis of the uranyl ion by means of a

potentiometric titration of uranyl solutions with alkali [52]. It was determined that upon
the addition of alkali to a OH-:UO22+ ratio of 0 to 1, uranyl ions are mainly converted to

[UO2(OH)]+. Upon further addition of alkali, increasing the ratio to above 1, a
condensation process sets in and causes an increase in the number of polymeric, singly-
charged ions (UO2(UO3)nOH+). Still further addition of alkali, increasing the ratio to
between 1.4 and 1.6, results in the formation of a metastable colloidal solution containing
unstable polymers of [UO2(UO3)nOH]+ that are unstable and therefore converted to
colloidal uranyl hydroxide. This colloid decomposes and UO3⋅nH2O is precipitated.
Once the ratio reaches values between 1.4-1.6 and 1.9-2.0, uranyl hydroxide is
precipitated. Finally, the further addition of alkali causes the hydroxide to be converted
to uranates and polyuranates. Table 3-8 shows precipitation pH as a function of UO22+
concentration [52].

Table 3-8. pH at Precipitation Initiation as a Function of UO22+ Concentration in Solution

Conc. Of Uranyl Perchlorate, M 0.1 0.01 0.001 0.0001 0.00003 0.00001
pH at Initiation of Precipitation 4.47 5.27 5.90 6.62 6.80 7.22

Solubility products of uranyl hydroxide (20°C) are

[UO OH + ] [OH − ]
SP1 = = 1.3 ⋅ 10 −12

[UO (OH ) ]
2 2

[UO ] [OH ]
2+ − 2

SP2 = = (6 ± 2 ) ⋅ 10 −18 (Brusilovski, 1958).


[UO (OH ) ]
2 2

Recently, hydrolysis of the uranyl ion and the dependence of the hydrolysis on
both temperature and ionic strength of solution have been studied [57]. It is still
maintained that the phenomenon is explained by the formation of the monomer
[UO2OH]+ according to the reaction

UO22+ + H2O = (UO2OH)+ + H+ 3-10

and the dimer [UO2⋅UO3]2+ according to the reaction

2UO22+ + H2O = (UO2⋅UO3)2+ + 2H+. 3-11

The hydrolysis constants are also shown below

[(UO OH ) ] [H ]
+ +

[UO ]
K1 2+

K2 =
[(UO 2
⋅ UO 3 )
] [H ]+ 2

[UO ]
2+ 2

and the temperature and ionic strength dependence are illustrated in Table 3-9.

Table 3-9. Temperature and Ionic Strength Dependence of Hydrolysis Constants of UO22+
Conditions (ionic strength and temp.) K1 K2
µ = 0.347; 25°C 4⋅106 1.5⋅106
µ = 0.0347; 25°C 1.5⋅106 0.7⋅106
µ = 0.0347; 40°C 8⋅106 1.2⋅106

3.1.3 Uranium Species as a Function of pH

As illustrated in the previous section, the species of uranium present in an
aqueous solution is a strong function of the pH. Computer software is now available
(MINEQL+, etc.) which can predict the species distribution across a range of pH for any
solution of a given ionic strength and summarize the results in the form of a species
diagram. These diagrams were previously generated during studies conducted at WVU
[4]. The diagrams show the species distribution for a solution of 0.1M KNO3 containing
100ppm uranium, the same solution used as the synthetic uranium waste feed for the
experiments presented herein. These diagrams are presented for the two major oxidation
states, 4+ and 6+, as Figures 3-1 and 3-2, respectively.
Figure 3-1 illustrates the low solubility of UO2 even in very acidic solutions. It
can be seen that the concentrations of U4+ and UOH3+, even at very low pH, are less than
10-5. It is worth reiterating that the figure represents the equilibrium state of the species
and much higher concentrations may exist at various points in time. It is also worth
noting that because this diagram was constructed for a 0.1M solution of KNO3, the

effects of a change in oxidation due to stronger acids (concentrated nitric acid) is
neglected. These points are however discussed later in the section that addresses the
relationship between potential and pH.

Figure 3 - 1. Equilibrium Concentration of Uranium (IV) [4]

Figure 3 - 2. Equilibrium Concentration of Uranium (VI) [4]

Figure 3-2 illustrates that the chemistry of U(VI) is more complicated than that of
U(IV). At pHs between 4 and 4.5, nearly all species are present in equilibrium with each
other. At lower pH, the dominant species is UO22+ while at higher pH (UO2)3(OH)5+ is
prevalent. Also, although not noted in this figure, several uranium hydrates are formed at
pHs above 6 including UO3⋅H2O which precipitates from solution. These issues are also
addressed in the following section.

3.1.4 Relationship Between pH and Electrochemical Potential

A significant amount of information has been collected and compiled regarding
the relationship between pH and potential for several species of uranium [58]. These data
are presented in Table 3-10 where equations for the electrochemical potential as a
function of pH are displayed. The data were established for solutions at 25°C. It should
be noted that the data presented in the table are not exhaustive of all uranium species,
only those that are thought to be possibly present in the system used to conduct the
experiments presented herein.
This data can also be interpreted graphically. Figure 3-3a shows the equilibrium
diagram for the uranium-water system considering the solid substances U, UO, U2O3,
UO2, U3O8, and anhydrous UO3, and shows the domains of the stability of the metal and
the “green oxide” U3O8, the principal constituent of pitchblend, while Figure 3-3b
considers the solid substances UH3, U, UO, U2O3, UO2, U3O8, and UO3⋅2H2O. It should
be noted that these figures are only valid in the absence of substances with which these
metals can form insoluble salts and soluble complexes.

Table 3-10. Potentials for Oxidation/Reduction Reactions of Uranium Species [58]
Reaction Potential, V
Two Dissolved Substances
U3+ = U4+ + e- E0 = -0.607 + 0.0591 log (U4+/U3+)
U + H2O = UOH3+ + H+ + e-
E0 = -0.538 – 0.0591 pH + 0.0591 log (UOH4+/U3+)
U3+ + 2H2O = UO2+ + 4H+ + e- E0 = 0.612 – 0.2364 pH + 0.0591log (UO2/UOH3+)
UOH3+ + H2O = UO2+ + 3H+ + e- E0 = 0.546 – 0.1773 pH + 0.0591 log (UO2+/U3+)
U3+ + 2H2O = UO22+ + 4H+ + 2e- E0 = 0.333 – 0.1182 pH + 0.0591 log (UO22+/U4+)
UOH3+ + H2O = UO22+ + 3H+ + 2e- E0 = 0.299 – 0.0886 pH + 0.0591 log (UO22+/UOH3+)
UO2+ + UO22+ = e- E0 = 0.052 + 0.0591 log (UO22+/UO2+)
Limits of the Domains of Predominance
3+ 4+
U /U E0 = -0.607
U3+ / UOH3+ E0 = -0.538 – 0.0591 pH
U4+ / UO2+ E0 = 0.612 – 0.2364 pH
UOH3+ / UO2+ E0 = 0.546 – 0.1773 pH
U4+ / UO22+ E0 = 0.333 – 0.1182 pH
UOH3+ / UO22+ E0 = 0.299 – 0.0886 pH
UO2+ / UO22+ E0 = 0.052
One Dissolved Substance and One Solid Substance
U4+ + 2H2O = UO2 + 4H+ NA
UOH3+ + H2O = UO2 + 3H+ NA
UO22+ + H2O = UO3 + 2H+ NA
a.) E0 = -0.382 – 0.2364 pH – 0.0591 log (U3+)
U3+ + 2H2O = UO2 + 4H+ + e-
b.) E0 = -0.019 – 0.2364 pH – 0.0591 log (U3+)
a.) E0 = 0.221 + 0.0295 log (UO22+)
UO2 = UO22+ + 2e-
b.) E0 = 0.040 + 0.0295 log (UO22+)
U3O8 + 4H+ = 3UO22+ 2H2O + 2e- E0 = -0.403 + 0.1182 pH + 0.0886 log (UO22+)
a.) Uranous oxide, b.) Uranous hydroxide

Figure 3-3 (a & b). pH/Potential Relationship for Uranium Species [58]

3.2 Electrochemistry
As stated previously, this study involves electrosorption, not electrodeposition;
however, an understanding of classical electrochemistry provides a basis for speculation
on the possible mechanism that is responsible for the success of this uranium removal
technique. Two possible mechanisms have been proposed in previous studies and will be
discussed in more detail in the following section.
An electrochemical cell consists of two electrodes, an anode and a cathode. Each
electrode is submersed in a suitable electrolyte solution. An electrochemical cell can be
used to measure the current being generated in the cell by a reaction that is taking place
or an external source of energy can cause a reaction to take place in the cell. Regardless
of the situation, the two electrodes must be connected to one another externally and
submersed in electrolyte solutions that are also in contact. This allows the flow of
electrons to occur by two separate techniques; one outside the cell via electrical
conductivity through wires and the other inside the cell through the migration of electrons
through the solution [59].
As stated previously, an electrolytic cell can be connected to a voltmeter that can
measure the amount of energy generated by a chemical reaction; or, as in the case with
the present study, the cell can be connected to a potentiostat that induces a potential
across the electrodes and initiates a chemical reaction. Regardless of the purpose or use
of the cell, an electric current will flow. This can happen by three distinct processes
including the movement of electrons through the external connection (i.e., a wire,
voltmeter, or potentiostat), migration of cations and anions within the electrolyte solution,
and an oxidation or reduction reaction that takes place at the surface of one of the two
electrodes. The electrode where the oxidation reaction (electrons released) occurs is
known as the anode while the reduction reaction (electrons consumed) occurs at the
cathode [59].

3.3 Possible Electrosorption Mechanisms

Electrochemical reactions involve the reduction of a metal ion to its elemental
state on the surface of one of the two electrodes; however, as stated previously this is not
possible with uranium since its reduction potential is more negative than that of water.
Therefore, this process makes use of electrosorption, a technique that is not widely

understood due to its case sensitive nature as a result of the interactive forces present at
the surface of the electrodes. It is however known that electrosorption or
electroadsorption as it is sometimes called is the result of an electrically enhanced
adsorption process. On this basis, two possible mechanisms have been proposed and are
summarized below [4].
The first of the two proposed mechanisms entertains the possibility of
electrosorption as the result of the formation of double-layer charging of the carbon
electrode. It is known that an electrical double layer exists at the interface between a
porous carbon electrode and an electrolyte solution. The layer has an abundance of
cations or anions on the solution side. These ions are adsorbed onto the electrode surface
or remain in the diffuse double layer; regardless, no Faradaic (i.e., no oxidation or
reduction) reactions occur during the adsorption process. Simple calculations can predict
the adsorptive capacity of a given electrode material based on surface area, applied
potential, and double-layer capacitance. Based on these calculations, the amount of
uranium expected to be adsorbed was negligible compared to that actually observed,
indicating another reaction is occurring either in place of or in addition to the double
layer formation.
The second proposed mechanism was one that mimics an ion-exchange type
sorption process in which surface functional groups play an important role. This
explanation proposes that the induced negative potential causes a Faradaic reaction,
producing hydrogen and hydroxyl ions, resulting in the dissociation of acid groups on the
carbon surface. The dissociated acid groups then react with the uranyl ions, causing them
to be bound to the carbon surface. This technique therefore depends on the presence of
surface functional groups on the carbon nanofiber electrode, supporting the highly
effective oxidized ASI fibers; however, this technique also has a limited capacity and
therefore does not explain removal efficiencies. Therefore, a separate or additional
phenomenon must be identified to explain the success of this process.


The following section describes in detail the apparatus and techniques that were
involved in performing the abovementioned studies.

4.1 Carbon Materials

As stated previously, ASI (Cedarville, OH) supplied WVU with a series of carbon
nanofibers for testing. Eight fibers were initially prepared with the addition of two fibers
at a later time. The fibers were produced by a catalytic vapor deposition process that
allows for control of the fiber dimensions such as length and diameter. Lengths are
available from 1mm to tens of cm and diameters can vary from under 2 to over 100 µm.
The fibers have an incredibly low density, ranging from 0.0009 mg/cm3 with no
subsequent treatment, to 0.067g/cm3 after being pelletized with a water slurry. The fibers
can also undergo other subsequent treatments that alter their surface properties including
oxidation, heat treatment, and heat treatment with oxidation. Oxidation of the fibers is
accomplished by placing them into a 5-in reaction tube and passing through a stream of
hot air (400°C or 500°C) at 1L/min. for 90 minutes.
The method of growth and the types of post-treatments are identified by the
names of the fibers. The prefix “PR-19” refers to natural gas derived nanofibers while
“PR-1” refers to a fiber grown using pure methane and results in smaller diameter fibers.
“PR-21” fibers are made with natural gas that is dosed with additional CO2. The fiber
name suffixes indicate the post-treatment techniques. “Ox400” indicates nanofibers
oxidized in air at 400 °C and “ox500” fibers oxidized in air at 500 °C. “PS” nanofibers
are pyrolytically stripped in CO2, “AG” nanofibers are provided as-grown with no
surface treatment, and “HT” fibers are heat treated at 3,100 °C to achieve full
graphitization. The specific properties of the initial eight fibers tested are presented in
Table 4-1.

Table 4 - 1. Inherent Fiber Properties

Surface Surface Graph. Surface PAH

Surface Area Diameter
Oxygen Energy Index Content
(m2/g) (nm)
(Atomic %) (mJ/m2/g) (%) (mg/g)

PR-1-ox400 4.6 29.0 350.0 (125.0) (30.0) 0.0

PR-1-ox500 -- -- -- (125.0) (30.0) 0.0

PR-1-AG 1.1 25.0 48.0 125.0 30.0 <1.0

PR-19-AG 0.6 15.0 27.0 200.0 55.0 <1.0

PR-21-PS 1.9 25.0-35.0 136.0 (200.0) (55.0) 0.0

PR-19-HT -- 21.0 275.0 (200.0) 72.0 0.0

PR-19-ox400 -- -- -- (200.0) (55.0) 0.0

CO2-950 -- 190.0 470.0 (200.0) (55.0) 0.0

PR-23-HT -- -- -- -- -- --

PR-24 -- -- -- -- -- --
Values in parentheses estimated based on AG fiber values. Data provided by ASI, missing data not available.

4.2 Reagents
Various solutions of uranium were prepared by diluting a stock solution of
UO2(NO3)2 (10,000 ppm, Plasma Standard, SPEX Industries, Inc., Edison, NJ) with a
0.1-M solution of potassium nitrate and deionized water. The deionized water was
purified using a NANOpure ultra-pure water purification system (Barnstead-
Thermolyne, Dubuque, IA). All other chemicals were certified ACS grade. The pH of
all solutions was adjusted to 3.5 (Accumet pH meter, model AR20, Fisher Scientific),
using both potassium hydroxide (KOH) and nitric acid (HNO3). The pH was maintained
at 3.5 due to the results of a previous study showing the dependence of performance on
pH [4]. This relationship is discussed in detail in Chapter 5.

4.3 Electrolytic Cell and Fiber Loading

The cell was a small, cylindrical, lab scale unit with an inside diameter of 1 cm
[60]. The volume of the inner cylinder was adjustable and therefore the amount of
carbon placed into the cell could be varied (usually 0.2g). The cell was equipped with
three electrodes: working, auxiliary, and reference. The oxidation and reduction

reactions occur at the working and auxiliary electrodes while the reference electrode
establishes a basis to which other potentials are referenced. The reference electrode used
here was a silver/silver chloride (Ag/AgCl) electrode (Bioanalytical Systems Inc., Part
No. MF-2021, West Lafayette, IN). The auxiliary electrode was constructed of platinum
wire bent into a coil. The carbon fibers were placed into the cell between a platinum
mesh connected to a platinum wire that served to provide proper electrical contact to the
fibers. A layer of filter paper was added above the fibers to keep them from being eluted
from the cell. A schematic of the cell illustrating all components can be seen in Figure 4-
To minimize the voltage drop across the cell, the height of the nanofiber bed was
kept small (approximately 2 cm although this varies with each type of fiber) and the
fibers were kept under a mild compressive force. Also, the distance between the three
electrodes was kept to an absolute minimum.

Figure 4 –1. Schematic of Electrolytic Cell

After being loaded with the carbon nanofiber material, the cell was connected to a
potentiostat (Model PWR-3, Bioanalytical Systems, Inc., West Lafayette, IN) that applied
a constant voltage to the carbon electrode. It should be noted that all subsequent voltage
values are always referenced to the Ag/AgCl reference electrode. A peristaltic pump
(Model 7518-60 (driver model 7521-50), Cole Parmer Instrument Company, Vermont
Hills, IL) was used to transport the aqueous uranium solution through the cell at specified
flow rates. Samples were taken at various times that were predetermined according to the
type of experiment being performed. These experiments are discussed in the following
section. The voltage was monitored during the experiments by means of a digital
voltmeter (Keithly 2700 multimeter/data acquisition system, Integra Series, Keithly
Instruments, Inc., Cleveland, OH) to ensure that it remained constant and that the
reference electrode was operating properly. Both the pH and the electrical current drawn
throughout the experiment (Range doubler multitester, catalogue no. 22-215, Radio
Shack) were also recorded in an attempt to gain an understanding of the adsorption
mechanism. A photograph of the setup is shown in Figure 4-2.

Figure 4-2. Experimental Setup Showing Potentiostat,

Voltmeter, Cell, and Peristaltic Pump

It is both interesting and important to note that it is imperative that the cell be fed
in the manner indicated by Figure 4-1 (i.e., the feed should come into contact with the
working electrode prior to coming into contact with the auxiliary electrode). When the
direction is reversed, the process becomes ineffective. This infers that the reaction

occurring at the auxiliary electrode taints the reaction that occurs at the working

4.4 Experiments and Sampling Techniques

Several different types of experiments were performed in gathering the data
presented in Chapter 5 including performance experiments, parameter evaluation
experiments, and experiments to determine capacity and possible deterioration of
removal efficiency following reloading of the fibers after stripping. The first of these
experiments, the performance experiments, were all conducted in the same manner. The
fibers were loaded into the cell and wetted with a 0.1 M KNO3 solution. A potential of
+1.0 V was then applied to the cell while passing the KNO3 solution through at 0.7
mL/min for one hour to rinse the fibers. Following this hour, the solution was switched
to the 100-ppm uranyl nitrate solution and the effluent was monitored to determine when
the uranium solution had displaced the original KNO3 solution. Once the effluent
reached 100 ppm, the potential was switched from +1.0 V to –0.9 V and sampling
commenced. Samples were taken every fifteen minutes for the first two hours and less
frequently thereafter. The flow rate was maintained at 0.7 mL/min for the duration of the
experiment. Residence time is more indicative of the effectiveness of the fibers;
however, it is difficult to determine due to the nature of the experiment. Not only is the
free volume inside the cell dependent upon the density of the fiber placed inside, this
volume is constantly decreasing as uranium is deposited. In view of these complications,
residence times are estimated to be between 5 to 7 minutes.
It should be noted that due to this low flow rate, a 15-minute sampling period was
required to obtain the 10-mL sample needed to analyze for uranium. Therefore, the
results are reported using average sampling times as opposed to the time that the
collection of the sample was actually completed. For the majority of the data, this is
would have little effect on the results; however, the first and possibly the second data
points are actually elevated due to the high initial concentration of the effluent.
The second set of experiments was performed using the baseline fiber from the
initial study involving the performance experiments, PR-1-ox400. This fiber was used to
conduct all further testing. The experiments involved varying parameters and included
testing several cell potentials, flow rates, and pHs. These experiments were designed to

be only two hours in length as the interesting phenomena typically occur during the first
30 to 60 minutes of the experiments. The test of cell potential involved testing potentials
starting from zero (pure adsorption) and slowly decreasing to –0.9 V. The evaluation of
flow rate involved the use of flow rates 2, 2.5, and 3 times that of the original flow rate.
Finally, several pHs were investigated in addition to the original of 3.5. These included
2.0, 5.0, and 7.0. Unless otherwise noted, all experimental parameters with the exception
of the one being tested were kept constant and equal to those used during the
performance experiments. Samples were taken every fifteen minutes until steady-state
effluent concentrations were obtained and less frequently thereafter.
The final experiments involved the effect of stripping and reloading on removal
efficiency and the ultimate capacity of the fibers. The cyclic loading experiment utilized
the same carbon sample which was repeatedly loaded for two hours and stripped for 30
minutes, then reloaded. The process was repeated six times and samples again were
taken every fifteen minutes until steady-state concentrations were reached and less
frequently thereafter.
The determination of ultimate capacity involved the use of a 1,000-ppm solution
as opposed to 100-ppm used for the abovementioned experiments. The solution was fed
at 0.7 mL/min. Once again, samples were taken every fifteen minutes until a steady-state
concentration was achieved and less frequently thereafter. Due to the length of this
experiment, it is possible that several hours passed between certain samples. However,
due to the nature of the experiment and the performance of the fibers, this did not effect
the interpretation of the results nor hinder the experiment in any way.

4.5 Analytical Methods

Differential pulse voltammetry (DPV) was employed to analyze the concentration
of uranium in the cell feed and effluent. The device consisted of a static mercury drop
electrode (SMDE) (Model 303A, EG&G Instruments, Princeton Applied Research,
Princeton, NJ), a potentiostat/galvanastat (Model 263 A, EG&G Instruments, Princeton
Applied Research, Princeton, NJ), and electrochemical software (Model 250, EG&G
Instruments, Princeton Applied Research, Princeton, NJ).
Each 10-mL sample was placed into the measuring cell and purged for four
minutes with nitrogen as the presence of oxygen in the sample interferes with the analysis

of the uranium. The voltage scan began at -0.5 V and increased to 0.0 V at a scan rate of
10.0 mV per second (versus Ag/AgCl reference electrode). Uranium (VI) was reduced to
U(V) during the scan causing a current peak to appear at approximately -0.17 V (versus
Ag/AgCl reference electrode). This agrees with the information presented in Chapter 3,
which states that the reduction of U(VI) to U(V) occurs at 0.052 V. After accounting for
the use of the reference electrode, which deducts 0.22V from what should be observed,
the peak should occur at -0.168 V.
The height of the peak is proportional to the concentration of U(VI) present in the
sample and can be used to determine the amount of U(VI) remaining in solution. A
typical U(VI) voltammogram is shown in Figure 4-3. Separate calibration curves were
constructed for use in both high and low concentration ranges. As stated above, the
calibration curves were constructed prior to testing and are shown below as Figures 4-4
and 4-5. It should be noted that the current peak can shift as the KCl-AgCl solution in
the reference electrode is diluted through diffusion. The solution was therefore changed
regularly (RDE0022, EG&G Instruments, Princeton Applied Research, Princeton, NJ).

0 -50 -100 -150 -200 -250 -300 -350 -400 -450 -500

Peak Height


Current (uA)





Potential (mV)

Figure 4 - 3. Typical Voltammogram from DPV Analysis of U(VI)

0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0

y = -21.434x
R 2 = 0.9905

Peak Height (nA)




Uranium Concentration (ppm)

Figure 4-4. Calibration Curve for the Concentration Range 0.0 to 5.0 ppm

0 20 40 60 80 100 120


y = -25.637x
R 2 = 0.999
Peak Height (nA)




Uranium Concentration (ppm)

Figure 4-5. Calibration Curve for the Concentration Range 5.0 to 100.0 ppm

4.6 Fiber Unloading

The fibers can also be stripped of uranium by feeding a 0.1M potassium nitrate
solution through the cell in the same direction as that of the uranium solution and

applying a positive potential of +1.00V (versus a Ag/AgCl reference electrode). The
uranium was recovered as a bright yellow solid. Although the form of the solid has been
identified as a hydrate, little information is known about its exact structure. It is worth
restating that it is this phenomenon that makes this technology unique when compared to
current treatment methods. Despite the industry’s current ability to concentrate uranium
wastes, thereby drastically reducing their volume, an emerging technology such as this
provides a means by which the uranium can be recovered in the solid form. This process
also provides an advantage to those already treating uranium with anion exchange (i.e.,
Fernald, Ohio, mentioned previously) as it can be used to treat the high concentration of
regenerants obtained after elution.

4.7 FT-IR and X-Ray Diffraction Analyses

As stated in the research goals, it is desirable to attempt to assess the nature and
amount of oxygen functionality on the surface of the carbon nanofibers. This was
attempted through the use of infrared analysis. An FT-IR analyzer was employed to
make these measurements (Nicolet 510P FT-IR Spectrometer). The samples were
prepared by mixing various amounts of fiber with KBr to form a pellet. The amount of
fiber in the pellets varied from a maximum of 5% (by weight) to amounts too small to
X-ray diffraction analyses were also performed in an attempt to determine the
form of the solid uranium precipitate obtained upon stripping the fibers. An x-ray
diffraction unit (Phillips, Model PW1800) using Cu Ká single-crystal monochromed
radiation was utilized. The data were collected in the step-scan mode with a 0.02 degree,
2è step with a measurement time of 0.5 seconds per step. The samples were scanned for
2è values ranging from 5 degrees to 75 degrees. A computer file database (JCPDS –
International Centre for Diffraction Data) compared the results to characteristics of
known compounds to identify the exact species of the uranium solid.


ASI produced eight types of nanofibers with varying physical properties for
testing at WVU. After the completion of initial testing, two additional fibers were also
fabricated and incorporated into the testing regime. In an attempt to identify those
properties that make the fibers effective in uranium removal, the fibers were initially
compared based upon a series of performance experiments. Additional testing to
determine the dependence of fiber performance on pH, flow rate, and cell potential then
followed these experiments. Finally, a fiber was chosen as a representative sample and
used to test for capacity and effects of regeneration on removal efficiency. FTIR analysis
to identify surface functional groups on the carbon fibers and X-ray diffraction
techniques to identify the solid uranium substance obtained upon stripping were also
completed and the results are included.

5.1 Performance Experiments

The first two samples tested were PR-1-ox400 and PR-1-ox500. PR-1-ox400 is a
reproduction of a fiber previously tested by WVU that successfully removed uranium [4].
Both fibers are produced from methane and oxidized in a stream of hot air, PR-1-ox400
at 400°C and PR-1-ox500 at 500°C. The oxidation at a higher temperature is believed to
be more vigorous, therefore resulting in a higher level of oxygen functionality along with
a higher surface area and surface energy. PR-1-ox400, as before, proved to be effective
in the removal process; the performance curve is shown in Figure 5-1. All performance
runs depict an initial run shown by the solid line and a duplicate run to ensure accuracy
shown by the dashed line (data used to construct all results can be found in the
Appendix). The plot depicts the concentration of uranium in the effluent of the cell as a
function of time on-line. The insert is an expanded plot and shows the details of the
concentration for the first 60 minutes of the run. It should be noted that the samples
represent an average concentration over the fifteen-minute sample time, not an
instantaneous concentration. For all the tests described below, the properties of the
uranium feed were maintained constant. The concentration was 100 ppm, the flow rate
was 0.7 mL/min. and the pH was 3.5 for these tests and subsequent tests unless otherwise

noted. PR-1-ox500 was also effective in uranium removal and the performance curve for
this fiber is shown in Figure 5-2.




Uranium Concentration (ppm)


60 40

50 20

40 0
0 15 30 45 60




0 60 120 180 240 300 360 420 480
Time (minutes)

Figure 5 - 1. Performance Curve for PR-1-ox400




Uranium Concentration (ppm)







0 60 120 180 240 300 360 420 480

Time (minutes)

Figure 5 - 2. Performance Curve for PR-1-ox500

It is also interesting to note the trend of both the current drawn due to the reaction
taking place inside the cell throughout the duration of the experiment and the pH of the
effluent. The current and pH trends are shown in Figures 5-3 and 5-4, respectively. As
can be seen from Figure 5-3, the current is initially high and then slowly drops to a
steady-state level. In opposition, the pH initially drops and then slowly rises to a steady-
state effluent pH of approximately 2.8. Although the trend of the two parameters is
opposite, both demonstrate a relationship similar to that of the concentration versus time
graphs. All parameters demonstrate an initial spike at the onset of the experiment then a
constant decrease until a steady-state value is achieved. Because of the similar behaviors
that mimic concentration trends, it is likely that changes in both pH and current are
related to the electrosorption mechanism.




Current (mA)




0 60 120 180 240 300 360 420 480

Time (minutes)

Figure 5 – 3. Representative Behavior of Current throughout the Performance Experiments

The third fiber tested, also an oxidized fiber, was PR-19-ox400 and it performed
identically to that of the baseline fiber, PR-1-ox400. This fiber was fabricated identically
to that of PR-1-ox400; however, natural gas was used as the carbon source as opposed to
methane resulting in a slightly larger diameter. Because both fibers were oxidized in air
at 400°C, they are believed to have the same extent of oxidation on the surface; hence,
their identical performance was not unexpected. The results are shown in Figure 5-5.









0.0 60.0 120.0 180.0 240.0 300.0 360.0 420.0 480.0

Time (minutes)

Figure 5 – 4. Representative Behavior of Effluent pH throughout the Performance Experiments



Uranium Concentration (ppm)








0 60 120 180 240 300 360 420 480

Time (minutes)

Figure 5 - 5. Performance Curve for PR-19-ox400

As opposed to the intial set of three fibers which were all oxidized, the second set
of fibers tested were unoxidized or “as grown” fibers meaning they underwent no post-
treatment processing. This group included two fibers, PR-1-AG and PR-19-AG. PR-1-
AG was fabricated from methane and PR-19-AG from natural gas. Both fibers were very
effective in uranium removal. The results of the performance tests completed using the
PR-1-AG and the PR-19-AG fibers are shown in Figures 5-6 and 5-7, respectively.
It should be noted that in previous testing conducted at WVU, the unoxidized
fibers prepared and supplied by ASI proved to be unsuccessful [4]. However, when
similar fibers were supplied and tested again (PR-1-AG), the fibers proved to be effective
in the removal of uranium. The cause of this discrepancy is unknown at this time due to
the lack of knowledge of the electrosorption mechanism. It is possible that the fibers
changed over time; it is also possible that due to continuing improvements in the
production process, an unidentified characteristic was altered, causing the fibers to be
more effective (e.g., surface PAH content). Regardless, to ensure the importance of
utilizing the fibers provided by ASI, two samples of carbon black were obtained and
tested for their effectiveness at uranium removal. The results of these tests are presented
at the end of this section.




Uranium Concentration (ppm)







0 60 120 180 240 300 360 420 480

Time (minutes)

Figure 5 - 6. Performance Curve for PR-1-AG




Uranium Concentration (ppm) 70







0 60 120 180 240 300 360 420 480

Time (minutes)

Figure 5 - 7. Performance Curve for PR-19-AG

The next set of fibers tested included the last three fibers initially supplied by ASI
including PR-19-HT, PR-21-PS, and CO2-950. The PR-19-HT fiber is a fully graphitized
version of PR-19-AG and has a higher surface energy and higher graphitization index
than the other fibers. The fibers are heated to above 3,000°C in an inert atmosphere for
between 1 and 4 hours. It is also possible that the fibers have a higher edge plane density
but this has yet to be substantiated. This fiber, like the previous fibers tested, was
successful in removing uranium and the results of the testing can be seen in Figure 5-8.
PR-21-PS is a production fiber that has approximately the same diameter as the
PR-19-AG fibers but has a higher surface area and surface energy. The fiber is produced
using natural gas with an addition of CO2 and the post-treatment involves heating in
argon for between 4 and 6 hours. This fiber was also effective in uranium removal, and
the results can be seen in Figure 5-9.
The CO2-950 fiber has the highest surface area and surface energy of all the fibers
supplied. They performed very well also and the results of this test can be seen in Figure




Uranium Concentration (ppm)







0 60 120 180 240 300 360 420 480

Time (minutes)

Figure 5 - 8. Performance Curve for PR-19-HT




Uranium Concentration (ppm)







0 60 120 180 240 300 360 420 480

Time (minutes)

Figure 5 - 9. Performance Curve for PR-21-PS




Uranium Concentration (ppm) 70







0 60 120 180 240 300 360 420 480

Time (minutes)

Figure 5 - 10. Performance Curve for CO2-950

The last set of fibers included the two additional fibers not within the original
scope of testing. The ninth fiber, PR-23-HT, was similar to the PR-19-HT fiber, but has a
smaller diameter and possibly more edge planes. This fiber was just recently developed
and was therefore not included in the initial scope of the testing. This fiber, like PR-19-
HT is post-treated by heating to above 3,000°C in an inert environment. PR-23-HT
performed very well and the results are shown in Figure 5-11.




Uranium Concentration (ppm)







0 60 120 180 240 300 360 420 480

Time (minutes)

Figure 5 - 11. Performance Curve for PR-23-HT

The final fiber tested, PR-24, was post-treated by soaking in peracetic acid in a
successful attempt (verified by ASI via XPS) to saturate the surface with oxygen
functional groups. This fiber also proved to be very effective in the removal of uranium
and the results of this test are shown in Figure 5-12.




Uranium Concentration (ppm)







0 60 120 180 240 300 360 420 480

Time (minutes)

Figure 5 - 12. Performance Curve for PR-24

As stated previously, two samples of carbon black were evaluated to ensure the
unique capability provided by using the fibers produced by ASI. The samples obtained
were conductive in an attempt to obtain different types of carbon that are nominally used
for the same types of applications. The carbon black samples were tested in the same
manner as that of the fibers. The first sample, PG-195-XB, was relatively unsuccessful in
removing uranium. The concentration initially dropped from 100 ppm to approximately
70 ppm but then began to increase toward the initial 100-ppm concentration of the feed
solution in a very short time. Although the sample did remove some uranium, when
compared with the fibers it was considered unsuccessful. The second sample, Superior
Graphite (BG-34), was more successful than the PG-195-XB. The concentration initially
dropped and then increased until reaching a steady state of sorts where it remained for a
short time before also increasing toward 100 ppm. The results from both experiments are
shown in Figures 5-13 and 5-14, respectively.




Uranium Concentration (ppm)







0 15 30 45 60 75 90 105 120

Time (minutes)

Figure 5 - 13. Performance Curve for PG-195-XB




Uranium Concentration (ppm)







0 15 30 45 60 75 90 105 120

Time (minutes)

Figure 5 - 14. Performance Curve for Superior Graphite (BG-34)

5.2 Effect of Cell Potential on Fiber Performance
It was both presumed and demonstrated through previous testing that several
factors contribute to the effectiveness of the nanofibers including pH, flow rate, and cell
potential. The first factor investigated was the potential applied to the electrolytic cell.
An experiment was conducted using the baseline fiber (PR-1-ox400) during which the
effect of several cell potentials was established. (It should be noted that this is the same
fiber used for the remainder of the experiments discussed in this chapter.) The potentials
ranged from zero (pure adsorption) to -0.9 V, the potential applied during the
performance experiments discussed in the previous section. The results of the variation
in cell potential are shown in Figure 5-15.
The dashed line, which for the most part is constant at 100 ppm, represents zero
potential and therefore resulted in very little removal. Following the observation of zero
potential, both -0.1 V and -0.2 V were tested and although a small amount of removal
was noted during the first fifteen minutes, the uranium concentration in the effluent
immediately returned to the inlet concentration of 100 ppm. Once the applied potential
was increased to -0.3 V, the fibers became more effective; however, the steady-state
effluent concentration still remained between 85 ppm to 95 ppm. The major increase in
removal efficiency occurred when the potential was raised from -0.3 V to -0.4 V. The
effluent concentration initially decreased to below 10 ppm then increased to a steady-
state concentration of approximately 15 ppm. The final three potentials tested included
-0.5 V, -0.7 V, and -0.9 V all resulted in a steady-state concentration of below 1 ppm. It
is obvious from this experiment that there is a change that occurs between -0.3 V and -0.4
V at which point the nanofibers become particularly more effective. This phenomenon is
most likely due to the required potential associated with the precipitation reaction/s.
It is interesting to look at the relationship between applied potential and steady
state effluent concentration in an attempt to predict the limiting potential or potential at
which the effluent remains at or below 1 ppm. These data are plotted and shown in
Figure 5-16. The plot shows that although the most significant change occurs between –
0.3 and –0.4 V, the limiting potential at which the effluent is maintained at or below 1
ppm is between –0.4 and –0.5 V.


-0.1 V Adsorption (No Charge)

-0.2 V


Uranium Concentration (ppm)

-0.3 V




-0.4 V


-0.7 V
-0.5 V
-0.9 V
0 15 30 45 60 75 90 105 120
Time (minutes)

Figure 5 - 15. Effect of Variation in Applied Potential




SS Effluent Concentration (ppm)








-0.9 -0.8 -0.7 -0.6 -0.5 -0.4 -0.3 -0.2 -0.1 0.0

Applied Potential (V)

Figure 5 - 16. Effect of Applied Potential on Steady-State Effluent Concentration

5.3 Effect of Flow Rate on Fiber Performance

Although previous studies conducted at WVU showed 0.7 mL/min (the flow rate
used in the performance experiments discussed in Section 5.2) to be the limiting flow rate
[4], the experiment was performed again in an attempt to reproduce the results and ensure
that the cell was being operated at its maximum throughput potential. The limiting flow
rate was determined to be the maximum flow rate at which the cell can be operated while
maintaining an effluent concentration of below 1 ppm. The results of the experiment are
shown in Figure 5-17.
The initial flow rate of 0.7 mL/min (equivalent to a residence time of 5 to 7
minutes) is shown by the dashed line. Upon doubling the flow rate to 1.4 mL/min
(residence time of 2.5 to 3.6 minutes), the performance of the fiber (PR-1-ox400) was not
compromised; however, once the flow rate of the influent was tripled to 2.1 mL/min
(residence time of 1.9 to 2.8 minutes), the fibers were no longer as effective and the
effluent concentration remained slightly above 15 ppm for the duration of the experiment.
Finally, a flow rate two and a half times that of the initial flow rate, approximately 1.8
mL/min (residence time of 1.7 to 2.4 minutes) was tested. This flow rate resulted in a
steady-state effluent concentration of about 5 ppm.




Uranium Concentration (ppm)



2.1 mL/min
Res. Tm.: 1.7-2.4 min.
0.7 mL/min
Res. Tm.:
20 5-7 min.
1.8 mL/min
Res. Tm.: 1.9-2.8 min.

1.4 mL/min, Res. Tm.: 2.5-3.6 min.

0 15 30 45 60 75 90 105 120

Time (minutes)

Figure 5 - 17. Effect of Variation of Flow Rate

Although it can be deduced from Figure 5-17 that the limiting flow rate occurs
between 1.4 and 1.8 mL/min, a separate plot was constructed in an attempt to predict the
exact value and is shown in Figure 5-18. The data were determined to have an
exponential relationship and predict a limiting flow rate of approximately 1.5 mL/min. It
should be noted that this fiber is a representative sample and it is likely that the limiting
flow rate would vary from fiber to fiber. It is also a strong function of cell size and

y = 0.0005e
R2 = 0.9898

SS Effluent Concentration (ppm)


Predicted Limiting Flow Rate = 1.5

0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5

Flow Rate (mL/min)

Figure 5 - 18. Limiting Flow Rate Determination Through Evaluation of Steady-

State Effluent Concentrations

5.4 Effect of pH on Fiber Performance

The final parameter tested was pH. The pH in nearly all of the performance
experiments was 3.5 in an attempt to mimic the previous studies conducted at WVU [4].
These prior studies showed that at a pH of 2.0 no removal occurred while for pHs above
3.5 the performance of the fibers increased remarkably. For this study, pHs of 2.0, 5.0,
and 7.0 were tested in addition to the known performance at a pH of 3.5. The results of
the experiment are shown in Figure 5-19 where the dashed line notes the performance at
a pH of 3.5 and additional pHs are indicated.


pH = 2.0

Uranium Concentration (ppm)




pH = 3.5


pH = 5.0

0 15 30 45 60 75 90 105 120
Time (minutes)

Figure 5 - 19. Effect of pH Variation on Fiber Performance

It should be noted that an attempt to test the performance at a pH of 7.0 resulted in
the precipitation of a uranium solid, making the experiment impossible to complete.
Because of the presence of the solid, very high removal efficiencies were noted in the
presence of a positive current, indicating that the solid was most likely being filtered by
the fiber.

5.5 Effect of Cyclic Loading/Stripping of Fibers

Following the completion of the abovementioned experiments, the baseline fiber
(PR-1-ox400) was repeatedly loaded (not to full capacity) with uranium and stripped,
then reloaded etc. according to the procedure outlined in Chapter 4. The process was
repeated six times to determine the effect on the removal efficiency of the fibers. The
results of the experiment are shown in Figure 5-20.
As expected, the initial run looks nearly identical to the performance run for these
same fibers. However, what is unexpected is that as opposed to the fibers becoming less
effective following subsequent runs, the fibers actually become slightly more effective.
This is most likely due to some residual uranium precipitate on the surface of the carbon
that results in a more rapid removal rate in the initial stages of electrosorption. It should
be noted again that the carbon was not exhausted prior to regeneration but just taken to
some arbitrary level of uranium content, here approximately 45 minutes.

5.6 Fiber Capacity

The final experiment used to evaluate the fiber performance was one designed to
determine the capacity of the fiber for uranium electrosorption. Again, the baseline fiber
was used (PR-1-ox400) and the same amount was used as that in the performance
experiments, 0.2 g. The concentration of the feed was increased to 1,000 ppm and the
flow rate and pH of the solution were maintained at 0.7 mL/min and 3.5, respectively.
The experiment involved allowing the cell to run for several days while maintaining the
influent conditions. Samples were taken several times daily to monitor performance.
The effluent concentration initially decreased to between 200 and 225 ppm and
maintained this steady-state concentration for approximately 12 hours. After 12 hours,
the effluent concentration began to increase. Finally, after 40 hours, it became obvious
that the fibers were exhausted and the experiment was halted. After completing a mass




Uranium Concentration (ppm)

Initial Pass

Subsequent Passs




0 15 30 45
Time (minutes)

Figure 5 - 20. Effect of Cyclic Loading/Stripping on Fiber Performance

balance, it was determined that a loading of 5.45 guranium/gfiber was achieved over the 40
hour period. A plot of the effluent concentration as a function of time is shown in Figure
It should be noted that the mass balance was performed by collecting the effluent
from the cell for the entire duration of the experiment in 500-mL increments. The
concentration of the collected effluent was then determined. Because the influent
concentration was known, once the effluent concentration was determined, the amount of
uranium deposited on the carbon could be determined for that 500-mL increment.
A final point worth noting in relation to this experiment is the fact that as the
uranium deposits within the cell, it decreases the working volume inside the cell and
thereby increases the local flow rate, in effect, increasing the fluid velocity and
decreasing the residence time. The diminishing capacity demonstrated in the later stages
of this experiment could be due to an increase in flow rate that has already been shown to
reduce the fibers’ capacity (see Section 5.3). Future experiments involving scaled-up
models will be better apt at addressing this issue.




Uranium Concentration (ppm)







0 240 480 720 960 1,200 1,440 1,680 1,920 2,160 2,400

Time (minutes)

Figure 5 - 21. Evaluation of Fiber Capacity

5.7 Possible Effect of Residual Iron
Because the fibers are produced using an iron catalyst, it was thought that possible
residual iron present in the fibers might have been contributing to the effectiveness of the
uranium removal process by acting as a magnet. Therefore, it was of interest to
determine the amount of iron present in the ten fiber samples. Ash tests were performed
by heating 0.5-g samples of fiber to 750°C in air and maintaining this temperature for at
least four hours. This process burns off all carbon and leaves only the oxides of the
metals in the original fiber. Several of the fibers were determined to contain significant
amounts of residual ash. Although it is possible that other metal oxides are present, it is
likely that the majority of the ash is composed of iron oxide as it is known that the fibers
are fabricated using an iron catalyst and the ash residue appeared to be rust colored upon
visual inspection. No other metals should be present since none were added initially.
The carbon feed, whether CH4 or methane, were pure gases. The results of the ash tests
are shown in Figure 5-22.





Percent Ash




























Sample Identification

Figure 5 - 22. Percent Residual Ash in Fiber Samples

Although all samples contained significant amounts of ash, the fibers produced
from natural gas had a higher ash content on average than the other fibers. The reason for

this is unknown; perhaps the carbon layer is thinner and results in a higher iron
concentration by weight or perhaps a higher concentration of catalyst was employed.
Despite the high ash content in the majority of the samples, the two heat-treated
graphitized fiber samples, PR-19-HT and PR-23-HT, contained no residuals. This is due
to the volatilization of the iron at the high temperatures used to treat the fibers (i.e., over
3,000°C). Because all the fibers were effective in uranium removal and two fibers
contained no residuals, it can be concluded that the presence of iron does not contribute
to the effectiveness of the fibers.

5.8 Attempt to Identify Surface Functional Groups Using FT-IR Analysis

As stated in the scope of research, because the surface functional groups are
believed to contribute to the effectiveness of the fibers, it is desirable to identify any
groups present. Several attempts to obtain information about the fibers were made.
Pellets used to conduct the FT-IR analysis were prepared using varying amounts of fiber
and potassium bromide (KBr). Potassium bromide is used because it does not interfere
with the spectra, as it does not produce bands above 400 cm-1, which is the region of
interest [61]. Despite vigorous efforts and attempts with varying ratios of fiber to KBr, a
distinctive analysis was unable to be obtained.
Following the problems encountered during the analysis attempts, a brief
literature search was conducted to determine the feasibility of using FT-IR analysis to
identify functional groups. It has been firmly established that analysis of carbon fibers
using FT-IR techniques results in difficulties due to the strong absorbance and scattering
of infrared radiation by the carbon fibers [62]. In recent years, XPS has been the
technique of choice for analysis of carbon fibers since the fibers do not interfere with data
collection; this technique provides nearest-neighbor information, which would be
desirable. It has also been determined that FT-IR analysis can be used to analyze carbon
fibers but only after careful optimization of the conditions, an effort that was beyond the
scope of this study. Therefore, analysis of the fibers using FT-IR techniques was

5.9 Identification of Uranium Solid By X-Ray Diffraction
The solid obtained upon stripping the fibers was collected and analyzed via x-ray
diffraction techniques. The solid was air dried at room temperature prior to analysis.
The results showing the various diffraction peaks can be seen in Figure 5-23. The results
were somewhat inconclusive and indicated that the solid contained a barium atom, a
substance that is not present anywhere in the system. It is likely that the actual uranium-
bearing solid was not present within the database with which the spectrum was compared.
Regardless, the analysis indicates that the solid stripped from the carbon fibers is some
type of complex uranium hydroxide hydrate (i.e., X(UO2)6O4(OH)6⋅8(H2O)).

5.10 Examination of Fibers Using SEM

Finally, two of the fiber samples were analyzed using a scanning electron
microscope (SEM). The purpose of the test was to identify the edge planes present on the
surfaces of the fibers and to discern any surface difference between the “as-grown” fibers
and the fibers that underwent post-treatment techniques. Two fibers were chosen, PR-1-
AG and PR-19-HT.
Upon inspection of the SEM photographs of the fibers at a magnification of
25,000X, no drastic or significant differences were noticed. It was also impossible to
discern the edge planes at this level of magnification. It is however possible to
distinguish that the surface of the as grown (PR-1-AG) fibers tends to have a smoother
texture than the heat-treated (PR-19-HT) fibers. This is most likely due to the removal of
surface material that is vaporized during the post-treatment process. The SEM
photographs of PR-1-AG and PR-19-HT are shown below as Figures 5-24 and 5-25,
respectively. However, on the whole, no significant differences were noted between the
two surfaces of the fiber samples.

Figure 5 – 23. Results of X-Ray Diffraction Analysis

Figure 5 – 24. SEM of PR-1-AG Showing Smooth Surface

Figure 5 – 25. SEM of PR-19-HT Showing Surface Roughness Following Post-Treatment


The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of varying the surface
properties of catalytically grown carbon nanofibers on uranium removal. The fibers were
subjected to performance experiments that were used to compare them. Following these
initial experiments, the experimental parameters including cell potential, flow rate, and
pH of influent were varied to determine their effect on the uranium removal phenomenon.
A final set of experiments was conducted to determine the effect of repeatedly loading
and stripping the fibers on removal efficiency and the capacity of the fibers for
electrosorption. Attempts were made to identify surface functional groups and to
determine the identity of the uranium solid obtained upon stripping the fibers.

6.1 Performance Experiments

The ten fibers were tested using a feed of 100 ppm at a flow rate of 0.7 mL/min
and a pH of 3.5. All fibers were successful in removing uranium to below 1 ppm.
Although significant differences were introduced with the various fibers, the alterations
in fiber characteristics did not affect fiber performance. It is therefore obvious that the
property specific to the ASI carbon nanofibers that results in these high removal
efficiencies has yet to be identified. Although it was previously believed that the surface
functional groups were responsible for the effectiveness of the fibers, this study indicates
that the concentration of these functional groups is not the controlling parameter of the
fiber performance.

6.2 Variation of Parameters

Three experimental parameters were varied to test their effects on the uranium
removal efficiency including cell potential, flow rate, and pH. The cell potential was
varied from zero (pure adsorption) to -0.9 V, the potential used to conduct the
performance experiments. Little removal was realized at zero, -0.1 V, or -0.2 V. Upon
applying a potential of -0.3 V, some removal was noted; however, the steady-state
concentration remained at between 85 and 95 ppm. It was not until the cell potential

reached -0.4 V that the uranium removal significantly increased, maintaining a steady-
state effluent concentration of approximately 15 ppm. It is likely that there is a limiting
applied potential at which the precipitation mechanism is initiated. Further increases in
potential including -0.5 V, -0.7 V, and -0.9 V resulted in maintaining an effluent
concentration of below 1 ppm. Therefore, the limiting applied potential is reached
somewhere between -0.4 and -0.5 V.
The second parameter, the flow rate, affected the uranium removal rate
significantly. It was determined that the flow rate could be set to twice that of the initial
flow rate, resulting in a feed of 1.4 mL/min and still maintain an effluent concentration of
below 1 ppm uranium. However, upon tripling the flow rate, the effluent concentration
increased to between 15 and 20 ppm. Operating the cell at a flow rate two and a half
times the original flow rate resulted in a steady-state effluent concentration of 5 ppm. It
was therefore determined that the limiting flow rate is located somewhere between 1.4
and 1.8 mL/min, 1.5 mL/min approximately.
The final test parameter was pH. A range of pHs was considered including 2.0,
3.5 (used in the performance experiments), 5.0, and 7.0. Decreasing the pH to 2.0
resulted in decreased removal efficiency and is therefore not desirable. Increasing the pH
from 3.5 to 5.0 achieved the same high removal efficiency. The final increase in pH from
5.0 to 7.0 resulted in the formation of a uranium precipitate that was filtered by the fiber
even when a positive potential was applied and therefore the experiment could not be
completed. It appears from this information that the technique is not effective at pHs at
or below 2.0. Because no pHs were tested between 2.0 and 3.5, the limiting pH was not
clearly determined. It appears that increases in pH, increase the removal efficiency of the
process until precipitation is achieved at which point the uranium can simply be filtered
and removed.

6.3 Removal Efficiency and Fiber Capacity

The baseline fiber (PR-1-ox400) was loaded-stripped and reloaded several times
to determine the effect of cycling on the removal efficiency. It was found from the
experiment that the fibers’ efficiency is not only maintained throughout the cycles, but is
actually improved by prior loading with uranium. This is most likely due to residual

uranium precipitates that are not expelled from the fiber surface during stripping. These
precipitates then provide sites for more immediate precipitation of additional uranium,
resulting in quicker removal during subsequent loadings.
The fiber capacity was also determined through an extensive loading experiment
involving a run that lasted for several days. The feed concentration was increased to
1,000 ppm to speed up the saturation process. The flow rate and pH were maintained at
0.7 mL/min and 3.5, respectively. The cell broke through after approximately 15 hours
when the fibers apparently became saturated with uranium. Breakthrough lasted for
several hours and the experiment was halted after 40 hours. The capacity was determined
to be 5.45 guranium/gfiber for the entire 40-hour period.
It should be noted that it is not clear whether the loading of the fiber is a function
of nucleation sites. Deposition of the uranium throughout the process of the experiment
causes a decrease in the working free volume of the cell. Therefore, as more uranium is
deposited, it causes an increase in the local flow rate and could therefore result in an
apparent decrease in removal efficiency. In addition to being affected by these
conditions, the capacity is also expected to be fiber specific although this was not studied

6.4 FT-IR, X-Ray Diffraction Analysis, and SEM

An attempt was made to characterize the surface functional groups of the carbon
fibers using FTIR analysis. The attempt was unsuccessful however due to the strong
absorbance and scattering of infrared radiation by the thick carbon fibers. It was
therefore not possible to correlate fiber performance with surface functional groups
although several of the fiber samples were assumed to have decreased surface
functionality and performed as well as other fibers with increased surface functionality.
Attempts to identify the solid uranium precipitate were inconclusive. The solid
was dried at room temperature and analyzed via x-ray diffraction. The analysis resulted
in predicting the presence of a barium atom that is not present in the system. It is highly
likely that an exact match was not present in the XRD database. The form of the solid
however indicates a complex uranium hydroxide hydrate.

Two fiber samples were analyzed using SEM techniques in an attempt to identify
edge plane density and other surface characteristics; however, the edge planes were not
apparent at the magnification used (25,000X). There was a minor difference between the
surface of the fibers in that the “as-grown” fibers appeared to be significantly smoother
than the heat-treated fibers. This is believed to be due to the pyrolytic materials that are
stripped from the surface of the heat-treated fibers during post-treatment.

6.5 Recommendations for Future Work

Unfortunately, several of the results presented herein are inconclusive and do not
provide a strong insight into the uranium removal mechanism. It is still unclear exactly
which fiber characteristics make it effective in the removal process. It is however
obvious that the surface functional groups or the presence of iron are not significant
concerns. Conducting the performance experiments at a higher feed concentration or
flow rate could provide additional insight into which fibers are extremely effective while
others remain moderately effective. It is not clear that the full potential of all the fibers
was realized during these experiments.
A more thorough investigation of uranium chemistry and the relationship between
chemical reactions involving uranium and the potentials at which they occur could
provide a significant piece to the puzzle of determining the removal mechanism. It
remains unclear whether the removal is the result of one reaction or more than one
occurring in series.
Finally, a more detailed study of the experimental parameters involving potential,
flow rate, and pH could more accurately identify the key conditions that contribute to
making this technique effective. More detail concerning limiting potential and pH could
provide valuable information regarding the removal mechanism while the limiting flow
rate would provide insight into the electrosorption rate and the possibility of scale-up.
The work presented herein confirms the findings established in previous studies
that this technique can be used to treat aqueous wastes effectively and efficiently and
obtain uranium in a solid form as opposed to a concentrated aqueous solution. This
would allow the uranium to be disposed of as a solid without the need for additional post-


1. Hatfield, T.L., T.L. Kleven and D.T. Pierce, Journal of Applied Electrochemistry,
26, 1996, p. 567-574.

2. Rao C.S., Environmental Pollution Control Engineering, Wiley, 1991.

3. Kinoshita, K., Carbon: Electrochemical and Physiochemical Properties, Wiley,

New York, NY, 1998.

4. Xu, Y., “Electrochemical Treatment of Metal-bearing Aqueous Wastes Based on

Novel Forms of Carbon”, Ph.D. Dissertation, Dept. of Chemical Engg., West
Virginia University, 1999.

5. U.S. E.P.A., “National Primary Drinking Water Regulations: Radionuclides:

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Initial Run (7/6/00) Subsequent Run (8/16/00)

Time Ave. Time Peak Ht. Conc. Time Ave. Time Peak Ht. Conc.
(min.) (min.) (::A) (ppm) (min.) (min.) (::A) (ppm)
0 0.0 NA 100.00 0 0.0 NA 100.00
13 6.5 -1,007.40 39.29 15 6.5 -892.80 34.82
25 19.0 -26.24 1.02 30 22.5 -57.81 2.25
37 31.0 -1.51 0.06 45 37.5 -13.48 0.53
48 42.5 -1.48 0.06 60 52.5 -2.04 0.08
59 53.5 -8.12 0.32 75 67.5 -5.16 0.20
73 66.0 -4.45 0.17 90 82.5 -1.26 0.05
87 80.0 -2.65 0.10 105 97.5 -2.16 0.08
101 94.0 -2.19 0.09 120 112.5 ND <0.05
117 109.0 -6.17 0.24 420 NA ND <0.05
131 124.0 -4.29 0.17 480 NA ND <0.05
160 145.5 -0.96 0.04
175 167.5 ND <0.05
480 480.0 ND <0.05


Initial Run (7/11/00) Subsequent Run (9/14/00)

Time Ave. Time Peak Ht. Conc. Time Ave. Time Peak Ht. Conc.
(min.) (min.) (::A) (ppm) (min.) (min.) (::A) (ppm)
0 0.0 NA 100.00 0 0.0 NA 100.00
15 7.5 -690.30 26.93 15 7.5 -475.80 18.56
30 22.5 -21.60 0.84 30 22.5 -22.13 0.86
45 37.5 -7.93 0.31 45 37.5 -5.75 0.22
60 52.5 ND <0.05 60 52.5 -15.96 0.62
75 67.5 -2.36 0.09 75 67.5 -2.18 0.09
90 82.5 -3.01 0.12 90 82.5 -4.77 0.19
105 97.5 ND <0.05 105 97.5 -2.15 0.08
135 120.0 -6.04 0.24 120 112.5 ND <0.05
195 NA -2.58 0.10 480 NA ND <0.05
300 NA ND <0.05
480 NA ND <0.05

Current and pH

PR-1-ox500, 7/11/00 Run

Time (min.) I (mA) PH

0 NA 3.50
15 3.05 2.54
30 2.05 2.60
45 1.85 2.71
60 1.80 2.76
75 1.80 2.80
90 1.75 2.83
105 1.75 2.85
135 1.70 2.89
195 1.60 2.87
300 1.55 2.87
480 1.50 2.87


Initial Run (8/1/00) Subsequent Run (9/11/00)

Time Ave. Time Peak Ht. Conc. Time Ave. Time Peak Ht. Conc.
(min.) (min.) (::A) (ppm) (min.) (min.) (::A) (ppm)

0 0.0 NA 100.00 0 0.0 NA 100.00

15 7.5 -1,359.00 53.01 15 7.5 -707.80 27.61
30 22.5 -92.74 3.62 30 22.5 -23.35 0.91
45 37.5 -24.48 0.95 45 37.5 ND <0.05
60 52.5 -16.40 0.64 60 52.5 ND <0.05
75 67.5 -19.67 0.77 75 67.5 ND <0.05
90 82.5 -4.55 0.18 90 82.5 -10.38 0.40
105 97.5 -1.70 0.07 105 97.5 ND <0.05
120 112.5 ND <0.05 120 112.5 ND <0.05
180 NA ND <0.05 180 NA -1.20 0.05
240 NA -4.08 0.16 240 NA -1.71 0.07
480 NA -13.76 0.54 480 NA -6.04 0.24


Initial Run (8/18/00) Subsequent Run (8/19/00)

Time Ave. Time Peak Ht. Conc. Time Ave. Time Peak Ht. Conc.
(min.) (min.) (::A) (ppm) (min.) (min.) (::A) (ppm)
0 0.0 NA 100.00 0 0.0 NA 100.00
15 7.5 -933.80 36.42 15 7.5 -924.10 36.05
30 22.5 -52.85 2.06 30 22.5 -26.75 1.04
45 37.5 -13.11 0.51 45 37.5 -11.22 0.44
60 52.5 -7.05 0.28 60 52.5 ND <0.05
75 67.5 -7.90 0.31 75 67.5 ND <0.05
90 82.5 -3.41 0.13 90 82.5 -2.03 0.08
105 97.5 -18.94 0.74 105 97.5 -4.57 0.18
120 112.5 -2.01 0.08 120 112.5 -3.14 0.12
390 NA ND <0.05 420 NA -1.21 0.05
480 NA -2.89 0.11 480 NA -27.44 1.07


Initial Run (8/8/00) Subsequent Run (8/12/00)

Time Ave. Time Peak Ht. Conc. Time Ave. Time Peak Ht. Conc.
(min.) (min.) (::A) (ppm) (min.) (min.) (::A) (ppm)

0 0.0 NA 100.00 0 0.0 NA 100.00

15 7.5 -483.10 18.84 15 7.5 -104.50 4.08
30 22.5 -28.27 1.10 30 22.5 -49.98 1.95
45 37.5 -5.97 0.23 45 37.5 -16.35 0.64
60 52.5 -5.32 0.21 60 52.5 -18.05 0.70
75 67.5 ND <0.05 75 67.5 -8.35 0.33
90 82.5 -3.91 0.15 90 82.5 -10.27 0.40
105 97.5 ND <0.05 105 97.5 -3.43 0.13
165 NA ND <0.05 120 112.5 -4.27 0.17
300 NA -9.04 0.35 135 NA -3.90 0.15
435 NA -2.73 0.11 480 NA ND <0.05
480 NA ND <0.05


Initial Run (3/21/00) Subsequent Run (10/12/00)

Time Ave. Time Peak Ht. Conc. Time Ave. Time Peak Ht. Conc.
(min.) (min.) (::A) (ppm) (min.) (min.) (::A) (ppm)

0 0.0 NA 100.00 0 0.0 NA 100.00

15 7.5 -907.50 36.28 15 7.5 -367.20 14.68
30 22.5 -34.33 1.37 30 22.5 -16.72 0.67
45 37.5 -25.53 1.02 45 37.5 -5.17 0.21
60 52.5 -14.04 0.56 60 52.5 -1.50 0.06
75 67.5 -13.29 0.53 75 67.5 -2.49 0.10
90 82.5 -7.15 0.29 90 82.5 ND <0.05
105 97.5 ND <0.05 105 97.5 -1.47 0.06
120 112.5 -4.17 0.17 120 112.5 ND <0.05
150 NA ND <0.05 150 NA ND <0.05
180 NA ND <0.05 180 NA -1.82 0.07
240 NA -2.81 0.11 240 NA ND <0.05
390 NA ND <0.05 390 NA ND <0.05
480 NA -12.32 0.49 480 NA -4.16 0.17


Initial Run (3/20/00) Subsequent Run (10/11/00)

Time Ave. Time Peak Ht. Conc. Time Ave. Time Peak Ht. Conc.
(min.) (min.) (::A) (ppm) (min.) (min.) (::A) (ppm)

0 0.0 NA 100.00 0 0.0 NA 100.00

15 7.5 -655.40 26.20 15 7.5 -1,215.30 48.58
30 22.5 -90.21 3.61 30 22.5 -8.47 0.34
45 37.5 -11.37 0.45 45 37.5 -9.76 0.39
60 52.5 ND <0.05 60 52.5 -7.82 0.31
75 67.5 -5.87 0.23 75 67.5 -3.51 0.14
90 82.5 ND <0.05 90 82.5 -2.72 0.11
105 97.5 -3.55 0.14 105 97.5 ND <0.05
120 112.5 -8.14 0.33 120 112.5 -5.37 0.21
150 NA ND <0.05 150 NA -5.56 0.22
180 NA ND <0.05 180 NA -1.92 0.08
240 NA -2.27 0.09 240 NA ND <0.05
385 NA ND <0.05 390 NA ND <0.05
480 NA ND <0.05 480 NA -4.18 0.17


Initial Run (6/8/00) Subsequent Run (10/10/00)

Time Ave. Time Peak Ht. Conc. Time Ave. Time Peak Ht. Conc.
(min.) (min.) (::A) (ppm) (min.) (min.) (::A) (ppm)

0 0.0 NA 100.00 0 0.0 NA 100.00

13 7.5 -603.20 23.53 15 7.5 -1,349.50 52.64
25 22.5 -74.91 2.92 30 22.5 -44.81 1.75
40 37.5 -31.62 1.23 45 37.5 -8.93 0.35
58 52.5 -4.43 0.17 60 52.5 -3.32 0.13
95 67.5 -1.62 0.06 75 67.5 ND <0.05
150 NA -2.59 0.10 90 NA -1.35 0.05
225 NA -2.62 0.10 105 NA -3.03 0.12
330 NA -4.83 0.19 120 NA -3.62 0.14
480 NA -3.84 0.15 150 NA -4.68 0.18
180 NA -2.43 0.09
240 NA ND <0.05
360 NA ND <0.05
480 NA -7.43 0.29


Initial Run (7/13/00) Subsequent Run (9/20/00)

Time Ave. Time Peak Ht. Conc. Time Ave. Time Peak Ht. Conc.
(min.) (min.) (::A) (ppm) (min.) (min.) (::A) (ppm)

0 0.0 NA 100.00 0 0.0 NA 100.00

15 7.5 -1,021.60 40.84 15 7.5 -1,475.10 57.54
30 22.5 -32.38 1.29 30 22.5 -24.23 0.95
45 37.5 -4.86 0.19 45 37.5 ND <0.05
60 52.5 -1.68 0.07 60 52.5 ND <0.05
75 67.5 ND <0.05 75 67.5 ND <0.05
90 82.5 ND <0.05 90 82.5 ND <0.05
120 105.0 ND <0.05 225 97.5 ND <0.05
180 NA ND <0.05 330 112.5 ND <0.05
480 NA -1.32 0.05 405 NA ND <0.05
480 NA -2.52 0.10


Initial Run (8/15/00) Subsequent Run (10/13/00)

Time Ave. Time Peak Ht. Conc. Time Ave. Time Peak Ht. Conc.
(min.) (min.) (::A) (ppm) (min.) (min.) (::A) (ppm)
0 0.0 NA 100.00 0 0.0 NA 100.00
15 7.5 -860.50 33.56 15 7.5 -869.00 33.90
30 22.5 -42.66 1.66 30 22.5 -27.95 1.09
45 37.5 -14.66 0.57 45 37.5 -7.05 0.27
60 52.5 -4.14 0.16 60 52.5 ND <0.05
75 67.5 ND <0.05 75 67.5 ND <0.05
90 82.5 ND <0.05 90 82.5 ND <0.05
105 97.5 ND <0.05 105 97.5 -5.34 0.21
120 112.5 ND <0.05 120 112.5 ND <0.05
480 NA ND <0.05 150 NA -4.75 0.19
180 NA ND <0.05
240 NA -8.94 0.35
360 NA ND <0.05
480 NA -2.51 0.10

Carbon Black Samples

PG-195-XB (3/8/00) Superior Graphite,BG-34 (3/15/00)

Time Ave. Time Peak Ht. Conc. Time Ave. Time Peak Ht. Conc.
(min.) (min.) (::A) (ppm) (min.) (min.) (::A) (ppm)
0 0.0 NA 100.00 0 0.0 NA 100.00
15 7.5 -2,329.00 93.10 15 7.5 -813.20 32.51
30 22.5 -1,959.00 78.31 30 22.5 -111.80 4.47
45 37.5 -1,756.00 70.20 45 37.5 -1,073.00 42.89
60 52.5 -2,185.00 87.35 60 52.5 -1,455.20 58.17
90 82.5 -2,424.00 96.90 75 67.5 -1,552.10 62.05
90 82.5 -1,544.20 61.73
105 97.5 -1,582.50 63.26
120 112.5 -1,666.00 66.60


Applied Potential

No Potential -0.1 V -0.2 V -0.3 V

Time Peak Ht Conc. Peak Ht Conc. Peak Ht Conc. Peak Ht Conc.

(min.) (::A) (ppm) (::A) (ppm) (::A) (ppm) (::A) (ppm)
0 NA 100.00 NA 100.00 NA 100.00 NA 100.00
15 -2,531.00 98.72 -2,376.00 92.68 -2,126.00 82.93 -1,495.00 58.31
30 -2,550.00 99.47 -2,555.00 99.66 -2,560.00 99.86 -2,041.00 79.61
45 -2,560.00 99.86 -2,560.00 99.86 -2,550.00 99.47 -2,419.00 94.36
60 -2,550.00 99.47 -2,550.00 99.47 -2,531.00 98.72 -2,442.00 95.25
75 -2,531.00 98.72 -2,560.00 99.86 -2,560.00 99.86 -2,286.00 89.17
90 -2,550.00 99.47 -2,531.00 98.72 -2,550.00 99.47 -2,211.00 86.24
105 -2,560.00 99.86 -2,550.00 99.47 -2,531.00 98.72 -2,241.00 87.41
120 -2,550.00 99.47 -2,560.00 99.86 -2,550.00 99.47 -2,289.00 89.29

-0.4 V -0.5 V -0.7 V -0.9 V

Time Peak Ht Conc. Peak Ht Conc. Peak Ht Conc. Peak Ht Conc.

(min.) (::A) (ppm) (::A) (ppm) (::A) (ppm) (::A) (ppm)

0 NA 100.00 NA 100.00 NA 100.00 NA 100.00

15 -1,255.00 48.95 -870.50 33.95 -629.70 24.56 -423.17 16.51
30 -249.70 9.74 -174.00 6.79 -75.12 2.93 -7.37 0.29
45 -348.40 13.59 -69.90 2.73 -20.65 0.81 -1.51 0.06
60 -383.40 14.95 ND <0.05 -4.61 0.18 ND <0.05
75 -319.60 12.47 -6.76 0.26 ND <0.05 -8.12 0.32
90 -326.00 12.72 ND <0.05 -1.33 0.05 -4.45 0.17
105 -334.10 13.03 -5.61 0.22 ND <0.05 -2.65 0.10
120 -344.00 13.42 ND <0.05 -6.16 0.24 ND <0.05

Flow Rate

0.7 mL/min 1.4 mL/min 1.8 mL/min 2.1 mL/min

Time Peak Ht Conc. Peak Ht Conc. Peak Ht Conc. Peak Ht Conc.

(min.) (::A) (ppm) (::A) (ppm) (::A) (ppm) (::A) (ppm)

0 NA 100.00 NA 100.00 NA 100.00 NA 100.00

15 -974.10 38.00 -1,007.40 39.29 -1,117.30 43.58 -1,308.50 51.04
30 -16.24 0.63 -22.75 0.89 -333.00 12.99 -757.80 29.56
45 -1.51 0.06 -16.26 0.63 -147.30 5.75 -541.30 21.11
60 ND <0.05 ND <0.05 -127.40 4.97 -482.60 18.82
75 -8.12 0.32 -8.64 0.34 -133.70 5.22 -448.90 17.51
90 -4.45 0.17 ND <0.05 -124.50 4.86 -426.80 16.65
105 ND <0.05 -4.73 0.18 -125.60 4.90 -433.80 16.92
120 -6.17 0.24 -5.86 0.23 -119.70 4.67 -425.40 16.59


2.0 3.5 5.0

Time Peak Ht Conc. Peak Ht Conc. Peak Ht Conc.

(min.) (::A) (ppm) (::A) (ppm) (::A) (ppm)

0 NA 100.00 NA 100.00 NA 100.00

15 -2,184.00 85.19 -1,007.40 39.29 -576.30 22.48
30 -2,037.00 79.46 -26.24 1.02 -22.15 0.86
45 -1,741.00 67.91 -1.51 0.06 -9.78 0.38
60 -1,523.70 59.43 -1.48 0.06 ND <0.05
75 -1,123.70 43.83 -8.12 0.32 ND <0.05
90 -953.60 37.20 -4.45 0.17 ND <0.05
105 -1,573.70 61.38 -265 0.10 ND <0.05
120 -1,710.00 66.70 -2.19 0.09 ND <0.05


Initial Pass Subsequent Pass (1)

Time Peak Ht. Conc. Time Peak Ht. Conc.

(min.) (::A) (ppm) (min.) (::A) (ppm)
0 NA 100.00 0 NA 100.00
15 -1,007.40 39.29 15 -873.95 34.09
30 -26.24 1.02 30 -15.13 0.59
45 ND <0.05 45 ND <0.05
60 ND <0.05 60 -1.29 0.05
75 -7.65 0.30 75 ND <0.05
90 -4.45 0.17 90 ND <0.05
105 ND <0.05 105 -3.67
120 -2.19 0.09 120 ND <0.05

Subsequent Pass (2) Subsequent Pass (3)

Time Peak Ht. Conc. Time Peak Ht. Conc.

(min.) (::A) (ppm) (min.) (::A) (ppm)

0 NA 100.00 0 NA 100.00
15 -745.63 29.08 15 -799.23 31.17
30 -7.32 0.29 30 -9.56 0.37
45 ND <0.05 45 -5.46 0.21
60 ND <0.05 60 ND <0.05
75 -1.27 0.05 75 ND <0.05
90 ND <0.05 90 -3.21 0.13
105 -3.33 0.13 105 ND <0.05
120 ND <0.05 120 -1.89 0.07

Subsequent Pass (4) Subsequent Pass (5)

Time Peak Ht. Conc. Time Peak Ht. Conc.

(min.) (::A) (ppm) (min.) (::A) (ppm)

0 NA 100.00 0 NA 100.00
15 -676.33 26.38 15 -714.56 27.87
30 -8.73 0.34 30 -12.34 0.48
45 -4.87 0.19 45 -6.74 0.26
60 ND <0.05 60 ND <0.05
75 -3.25 0.13 75 ND <0.05
90 ND <0.05 90 -2.67 0.10
105 -5.61 0.22 105 ND <0.05
120 ND <0.05 120 ND <0.05


Capacity = 5.45 guranium /gcarbon

Time (min.) Ave. Time (min) Peak Ht. (::A) Conc. (ppm)

0 0.0 NA 100.00
15 7.5 -16,680.00 650.62
30 22.5 -9,827.00 383.31
45 37.5 -8,541.00 333.15
60 52.5 -7,811.00 304.68
90 75.0 -7,246.00 282.64
120 105.0 -6,985.00 272.46
240 NA -5,693.00 222.06
405 NA -5,455.00 212.78
585 NA -5,720.00 223.12
780 NA -5,749.00 224.25
1,560 NA -8,259.00 322.15
2,115 NA -18,770.00 732.14
2,370 NA -21,316.00 831.45

Percent Ash

Percent Ash
Wt. of Both

Wt. of Both
after Ash

after Ash

Wt. of

Wt. of

Wt. of

Wt. of



Initial Test

PR-1-ox400 8.45 0.63 8.46 1.73% PR-1-ox400 9.28 0.54 9.28 1.79%
PR-1-ox500 9.44 0.52 9.45 2.67% PR-1-ox500 9.38 0.59 9.39 2.95%
PR-19-ox400 8.52 0.61 8.53 2.38% PR-19-ox400 9.71 0.68 9.72 2.75%
PR-1-AG 9.28 0.72 9.29 1.36% PR-1-AG 8.99 0.63 9.00 1.37%
PR-19-AG 8.76 0.64 8.78 3.70% PR-19-AG 8.60 0.61 8.63 3.67%
PR-19-HT 9.45 0.71 9.45 0.00% PR-19-HT 8.94 0.73 8.94 0.00%
PR-21-PS 8.76 0.58 8.78 3.85% PR-21-PS 9.36 0.54 9.37 2.57%
CO2-950 18.74 0.52 18.75 2.28% CO2-950 20.56 0.58 20.57 2.43%
PR-23-HT 9.43 0.63 9.43 0.00% PR-23-HT 9.21 0.69 9.21 0.00%
PR-24 8.72 0.54 8.73 1.81% PR-24 9.09 0.52 9.10 1.87%


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