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Sustainable Livestock Unilever

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Unilever SUStainable

ImplementatIon GuIde
This document provides extra

interpretation for Unilever’s dairy,

beef, pork and poultry suppliers and

their farmers on the requirements

of the Unilever SAC, and guidance

on how to fulfl those requirements,

in addition to the advice in the main

Implementation Guide.


Background to this guide 3

What are we asking for? 3

Section 2 agrochemicals and Fuels 4

Section 3 Soils 9

Section 4 Water 11

Section 5 biodiversity 13

Section 6 energy 15

Section 7 Waste 17

Section 8 Social and Human capital 18

Section 9 animal welfare 19

Cattle Production – Dairy and Beef 19
Pig Production 24
Poultry Production – Poultry meat (Broilers) and Eggs (Layers) 27

Section 10 value chain and local economy 32

Section 11 training 33

Section 12 Sustainable Feed commitment 34

2 Unilever Sustainable livestock Implementation Guide | Beef ∧ Dairy ∧ Pigs & Poultry
BackGrounD What are We
to thIS GuIDe aSkInG for?
The Sustainable Agriculture Code (SAC), and its accompanying The Unilever SAC contains three types of requirement:
Implementation Guides are generic documents, and therefore · ‘Mandatory’ – Non-compliance with these is unacceptable to
not specifcally written for livestock farmers. Unilever
· ‘Must’ – Expected practices
This document provides extra interpretation for Unilever’s poultry · ‘Should’ – Practices representing high-level achieve-
products (broiler meat and eggs), dairy, pork and beef suppliers ments in sustainability
and their farmers on the requirements of the Unilever SAC, and
guidance on how to fulfl those requirements, in addition to the it is crucial that you are fully aware of all legislative require-
advice in the main Implementation Guide. ments in your country, which may require practices that go
beyond those recommended in the following guide.
For cattle farmers it covers elements that are particularly rele-
vant to dairy & suckler cows, calves and beef animals, pasture
management, and management of manure/slurry, silage, and
run-off, other nutrient sources, as well as pesticides and veteri-
nary medicines. The section headings link directly to the section
heading number in the Unilever SAC.

For pig farmers it covers elements that are particularly rele-

vant to sows, breeding stock and rearing/fnishing pigs, manure
management and other nutrient sources, as well as pesticides
and veterinary medicines. The section headings link directly to
the section heading number in the Unilever SAC.

For poultry farmers it covers elements that are particularly

relevant to broilers, pullets and laying hens, management of
manure, run off and other nutrient sources, as well as pesticides,
and veterinary medicines. The section headings link directly to
the section heading number in the Unilever SAC.

However, these guides DO NOT give comprehensive advice on

all of the SAC requirements. For more generic guidance on the
SAC, e.g. on agrochemicals and fuels, fertiliser application, water
management and areas such as social and economic factors,
please see the main SAC Implementation Guide.

This document also outlines where changes or additions will be

made to the existing SAC, to make it more inclusive of livestock
systems. These changes will be made when the next version of
the document is published, but it may help you to be aware of
them now.

PLEASE NOTE that when the SAC requirements mention ‘crop’ this
may refer to pasture and any crops grown for animal feed, as well as
the raw material being produced for Unilever.

Unilever Sustainable livestock Implementation Guide | Beef ∧ Dairy ∧ Pigs & Poultry 3
GuIDance on LIveStock-reLateD GooD
PractIceS for Sac requIrementS

SectIon 2
legal compliance ( -, Sac p.4)
Legislation which covers the storage and application of artifcial

fertilisers, animal manure and slurry can be very strict, with
potential severe fnancial penalties imposed for infringements.

and FUelS it is therefore crucial that you are aware of legislative require-
ments in your local area and country, which may require
practices that go beyond those recommended in the following
section. Suppliers must also ensure that their farmers are aware
This section provides guidance on the storage and use of fertil- of this (, and they must be able to demonstrate how they
isers, manure, pesticides and fuels on your farm. It also covers comply with any legislation if they are asked to do so.
the storage of veterinary medicines. The use, application record
keeping etc. for veterinary medicines are covered under the
animal welfare section of the SAC (Section 9) and this guide. manure and Slurry management
Manure and slurry contain nutrients such as nitrogen, phos-
Note: The term ‘Crop Protection Product’ (CPP) includes any phorus and potash. Nutrient variability can be a problem when
pesticides (insecticides, herbicides or fungicides) used on farm, e.g. trying to determine the use of manure and slurry as a fertiliser
insecticide treatments for fies. resource, and every effort should be made to assess the nutrient
content prior to application. This can be done using on-farm
Key Issues in livestock production assessment tools, such as a slurry hydrometer or N content
· Nutrient management (application, storage and handling assessment kit, or by having a slurry sample analysed in a labo-
of manures/slurry, silage effuents and artifcial/synthetic ratory. Storage and application are discussed in further detail
fertilisers) under the relevant sections.
· Pest management (application)
· Safe use and storage of pesticides
· Safe use and storage of agrochemicals and fuels Silage effuent management
· Safe storage of veterinary medicines
Silage effuent or leachate is produced when fresh forage is
compressed during storage and the contents of the plant cells
are forced out. Although being mostly water, leachate also
contains high levels of nutrients and organic acids, it is corrosive
nUtrient management to concrete and steel and is extremely polluting to waterways.
(Section 2.3, Sac pp.4-7) Silage leachate has a polluting potential of 20 times greater than
animal manure.
For general advice on nutrient management practices, refer to
the main Unilever SA Code Implementation Guide. The following
gives specifc guidance on the management and storage of Fertiliser application (manure and slurry application,
manure, slurry and silage (including silage leachate). timing and techniques) ( -, Sac p.6)
Note: For general information on fertiliser applications, including the
use of buffer zones, see the main SAC Implementation Guide.
measuring progress (, Sac p. 4)
The Nitrogen Balance metric (see also Appendix A, SAC p.55) The nitrogen content of manure and slurry can vary enormously;
is not easily applied to livestock farming, and needs careful there are various factors which can infuence this, including
development to ensure that the data collected gives meaningful animal type, and storage method. Nitrogen within manure and
results. For now, livestock farmers who are using the Quickfre slurry is in the form of ammonium which is especially liable to
software to carry out a self-verifcation should answer zero to volatilization (ammonium is converted to ammonia gas) during
these questions. Those who are not using the Quickfre software storage and especially during application. Manure and slurry
should ignore requirement application to land should be promptly followed by incorporation
into the soil; this will optimise nitrogen availability for the crop.
There are various methods to achieve this either via injecting
slurry directly into the soil or through incorporation via ploughing
or cultivation, this reduces nitrogen losses to the air and signif-

4 Unilever Sustainable livestock Implementation Guide | Beef ∧ Dairy ∧ Pigs & Poultry
icantly reduces the risk of runoff. It has been found that 70% of overcome inadequate manure storage. All legislation, local or
nitrogen is retained if manure is incorporated within one day. national, needs to be complied with.
Only 40% remains if incorporated in 2 to 3 days and only 20% of
nitrogen if incorporated in 4 to 7 days. For practical advice on manure management plans, including
how to work out where manure should and should not be
Manure and slurry application should be undertaken to avoid used, and the area of land suitable for the application of
over-application and run-off. Spreaders and other application manure resulting from your farm, we can advise using the
equipment should be properly maintained and if necessary UK government guide called ‘Manure Management Plans, a
calibrated to enable accurate application rates (see also sections step-by-step guide for farmers’ (, p.10, and, p.12, of the SAC). There are videos avail- resources/000/015/584/manureplan.pdf) This guidance is obvi-
able which demonstrate how manure application equipment can ously more suited to temperate regions and European soils than
be calibrated. to other parts of the world.

Use appropriate application equipment and avoid, where Similar guides may be published by your own authorities, which
possible, techniques such as high trajectory techniques that may be more applicable for your region, for example:
‘throw’ slurry or manure into the air to spread it, especially if · global – basic advice from the FAO on application techniques,
close to waterways or areas of high biodiversity value if there is with information on the circumstances under which they
no appropriate buffer zone/strip or barrier. should be used. Applicable to all countries and levels of
Improving feed management, for example, in some livestock,
ensuring a better energy and protein ration, can decrease the Tech/31ProMan.htm#incorp
mineral N-content in manure, resulting in lower ammonia emis- · US – most nutrient management plans are completed
sions and more effcient use of nitrogen. Data on feed manage- to specifcations laid down by the National Resource
ment can be found in the feed plan. Ammonia emissions and Conservation Service (NRCS). A number of technical docu-
their control are also discussed in the ‘Manure Handling’ section ments developed by them, and associated extension services,
on page 6 of this document. are available at:
In developing countries where tractors are usually not powerful landuse/crops/npm/.
enough for such techniques, incorporation of manure is often
done using a plough. A comparison of different types of appli- Obviously the frst guidance to look at is your local legislation – it
cation methods with their costs/applicability and reduction of is CRUCIAL that all local laws are adhered to, regardless of the
emissions can be seen in the Food and Agriculture Organisation advice in this implementation guide.
(FAO) document (
manure, Slurry and Silage Storage Systems
Whatever technique is used for manure and slurry application ( (c), Sac p.7)
the following points should be followed: Note: Refer to main Unilever SAC Implementation Guide, Section 2.6
· Never allow slurry to pool or pond and runoff to surface for storage of synthetic fertilisers, Crop Protection Products (CPPs)
water, adjacent property or drainage ditches. and fuels.
· Never apply slurry on heavily sloped land.
· Avoid applying manure if heavy rain is expected, since the Storage areas for manure, slurry and silage can be potential
rain may simply wash the manure off the feld if it is sitting sources of water pollution if not managed properly. If slurry,
on the surface of the soil. Light rain, on the other hand may manures or silage effuent, enter a watercourse the micro-
aid incorporation. organisms within the aquatic environment begin to break
· Incorporation may not be appropriate on permanent down the nutrients, this process uses oxygen within the water
pastures, but other management techniques to prevent environment and can therefore suffocate other aquatic life
nutrient losses should be used, e.g. timing with the weather (plants and fsh). Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD) is a measure
(as described above). of the amount of oxygen required by these microorganisms to
· Avoiding application close to water sources and using buffer break down the organic material. This can be used as a gauge to
strips/zones between felds and water sources also prevent measure the polluting potential of organic materials – the higher
manure and run-off from reaching the water. the BOD the more pollution can be caused. For cattle manure
· Quickly incorporating manure has a fnancial beneft. the BOD is 15,000 – 20,000 mg/litre of oxygen, pig manure
· As a general rule, manure should not be applied to frozen is 20,000 – 30,000 mg/litre of oxygen and silage leachate is
soils because it cannot be easily incorporated, leading to 60,000 – 70,000 mg/litre of oxygen.
higher run-off potential and nutrient loss.
· An effort should be made to spread manure earlier in cold Again, many of the requirements in this area are legislated for,
weather climates (i.e. before winter sets in) to ensure that and at a minimum you should check local legislation is complied
application to frozen soils is avoided. However, sometimes with.
local laws may require this, e.g. in some areas of the US
there are daily manure spreading laws, used as a means to

Unilever Sustainable livestock Implementation Guide | Beef ∧ Dairy ∧ Pigs & Poultry 5
The best way to prevent such pollution is to ensure that storage of faeces and urine in these systems can also assist in reducing
systems: emissions, by grooving concrete or having a v-shaped 3% sloping
· Are well maintained (to avoid leakage of stored material) foor with a central channel enables the urine to be separated
· Are of adequate size (to avoid spillage due to overfows) from the manure reducing emissions.
· Are well contained and not subject to water infltration or
run-off Animal manures can contain human pathogens (disease-causing
· Do not allow contact of stored material with porous or microorganisms) which can pose a potential risk to human
coarse-textured soils health if animal wastes are not effectively handled and stored.
There are three types of pathogen; viruses (Infuenza), bacterium
You can prevent run-off and consequent pollution by using closed (Salmonella spp., Campylobacter spp., and Escherichia coli) and
or covered storage and by ensuring that diversion ditches or parasites (Protozoans), which have the potential to infect people
other techniques are used to prevent moving water from coming (and animals).
into contact with the stored material. Permanent stores should
have solid sides and an impermeable base that slopes so that It is also important that manures and slurry do not enter water
run-off can be collected easily in a sealed underground tank. courses through direct contamination or through run-off (see
Where this is not possible, other methods should be used to ‘Manure, Slurry and Silage Storage Systems’, page 5), as patho-
prevent pollution, such as collecting and re-using run-off as gens can potentially contaminate drinking water sources.
fertiliser. Urine, slurry and silage effuent should ideally be in
covered stores or tanks to limit gases and reduce water intake. Livestock products, such as milk from dairy farms, must be
Even if these features are not in place in current facilities, they handled and stored correctly to avoid contamination by manure,
should be considered as part of new building projects. especially during the milking. All staff working on livestock farms
should clean and disinfect their hands before handling food or
Finally, locating these storage systems an adequate distance eating or drinking, and if necessary soiled clothing should be
(preferably at least 30 metres/100 feet) from wells, surface remove.
water, adjacent property, drainage ditches or other areas that
could result in run-off reaching water sources can prevent water For further information on control and management of patho-
pollution. gens use the following link:
For example, where solid manure is temporarily stored outside in DI8544.html - Best Management Practices for Pathogen Control
heaps, they should never be: in Manure Management Systems
· within 10m of a surface water or land drain;
· within 50m of a spring, well or borehole;
· on land likely to become waterlogged;
· on land likely to food

In many parts of the world, the capacities of manure and urine

stores are defned by legislation. e.g. “must correspond to that
produced in 8 or 10 months”. In many European countries,
the legislation requires stores to be built for all housing for 10
animals or more. Only clean water, for example roof drainage, is
allowed to enter surface water drains, watercourses or soaka-
ways. Separate drainage and storage is required for cleaning,
disinfecting and contaminated water.

Protecting farm inputs such as silage and fertiliser can improve

effciency and reduce wastage of valuable inputs, as well as
protecting watercourses. For example, preventing water from
coming into contact with silage can help to maintain the fresh-
ness and quality of the silage, thereby minimising additional feed

manure Handling ( (d), Sac p.7)

Ammonia emissions have already been discussed on pages 5.
If ammonia emissions are high (excessive odour levels), nitrogen
is not being used effciently. Ammonia evaporation is directly
related to the area of exposed surface; the larger the area
the higher the evaporation rate, therefore for pigs and cattle
increasing the frequency of slurry removal from solid foors,
helps reduce ammonia emissions by over 50%. The separation

6 Unilever Sustainable livestock Implementation Guide | Beef ∧ Dairy ∧ Pigs & Poultry
peSt management (Section 2.4, Sac p.7) fy larvae are somewhat protected beneath the surface. In some
regions, commercially produced parasitic wasps are available
Pest management on livestock farms includes management of for release, e.g. in the Netherlands from Koppert. Speak to your
pests that might affect crops, forage or pasture grown for animal local adviser to see if they are available.
feed, as well as management of vermin (birds, rodents etc.)
and other pests (cockroaches, fies etc.) that might affect the Insecticides are the least preferred method of control. However, if
animals or housing facilities. Good pest control is necessary to used safely, and in conjunction with non-chemical methods, their
prevent loss of pasture or forage, to protect animal health. Crop use can contribute to good control.
Protection Products (CPPs) must be handled and stored with
care, to prevent damage to human and animal health and prevent Knockdown insecticides, e.g. pyrethrin, are best applied during
damage to the environment. early morning hours when stable fies are less active and are
concentrated in overnight resting locations such as barns, tree
Please note: Most of the generic guidance in the main SAC lines, and shade structures.
Implementation Guide applies to CPP use on livestock farms. This
section gives guidance on one specifc pest problem often found on Residual insecticides, e.g. permethrin, are best applied to
livestock farms. structures on which fies tend to rest, e.g. building walls, fence
lines, shade structures, surrounding vegetation. The use of any
chemicals near livestock product storage areas, or milking areas
an integrated pest management (ipm) approach in dairy production, must be carried out with extreme care, and
to fy control (other examples could include rats, in accordance with any Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point
cockroaches etc.) (HACCP) plans you have in place (see requirements
An IPM approach, as described in Section, SAC, SAC p.43).
p.9 can be applied to the control of pests and vermin on livestock
farms. Because they have short life-cycles, fies develop resistance to
pesticides very quickly, and using a different class of residual
This example looks specifcally at fies. Sanitation, a cultural insecticide each time an application is made is important
control (requirement (c)), is probably the most important action (Section (a)). One might, for example, select a pyrethroid
you can take to control fies. Finding and eliminating breeding for one treatment and switch to an organophosphate for the next
places is the frst step. The major fy breeding areas in livestock treatment. Continue to rotate throughout the season to achieve
production areas are: maximum control and to keep resistance to a minimum.
· around manure storage areas
· around feeding areas For dairy production, further detail of using the IPM approach
· under fences – in outdoor systems for the control of fies can be seen in the University of California
· in poorly drained, moist areas guide “Management of Nuisance Flies: Dairy Design and
Operational Considerations”, University of California Department
Fly populations often increase rapidly after periods of rain, of Entomology (2008).
especially when it is warm. Heavily bedded, infrequently cleared (
out areas, such as calf pens, can be one of the main sites for fy Farms/Draft-EIR/App-D.pdf)
breeding Farmers are encouraged to look at the bedding to check
for maggots (fy larvae). The best spots to check are around the
water and along the edges of pens. These areas are moist and agrocHemical SaFety and riSk aSSeSSment
can get little traffc from livestock. If maggots are found, rid the (Section 2.5, Sac p.10)
area of manure. Good manure management is key – constant
disturbance is required, and manure in areas that are not risk assessment - consideration of pesticide use
disturbed by livestock e.g. along fences or around feed structures ( (a))
needs to be regularly moved or removed. For dairy operations, clearly the protection of milk is funda-
mental (see also the requirements regarding HACCP in require-
Identifcation of fies and understanding their life cycles ment, SAC p.43). Therefore, the use of CPPs
( should not be too diffcult, but if you are in doubt, in milking areas and milk storage rooms should be restricted to
speak to your local adviser. Infestation levels can be checked ensure that there is no contamination of milk, e.g. to when there
either by using sticky traps or simply counting fies on the is no active milking activity and no milk in storage. Milking equip-
animals. ment must be protected from contact and contamination.

Natural enemies of fies, usually parasitic wasps, are often found Similarly, for egg production the use of CPPs in egg storage and
on farms, their activity should be encouraged (SAC requirement handling rooms should be such that eggs are protected from (b), p.9). If pesticides need to be applied they must be contamination.
used in a way that minimises harm to fies natural enemies.
Broad-spectrum pesticides should not, for example, be sprayed
directly onto a fy development site as natural enemy populations
tend to be present on the surface of the development site, while

Unilever Sustainable livestock Implementation Guide | Beef ∧ Dairy ∧ Pigs & Poultry 7
agrocHemical & FUel Sto1rage
(Section 2.6, Sac p.12)

In addition to the general advice in the main SAC Implementation

guide, the following applies:

veterinary medicine storage and record keeping

( (a)-(g))
Veterinary medicines must be stored in secure facilities, which
are locked to prevent access by unauthorised people or children,
with a record of all medicines kept in the store, and they must
not be stored with agrochemicals or fuels. All requirements in apply. Medicines must be stored according to manufactur-
er’s instructions and recommendations; this may require some
vaccines being stored in refrigerated facilities which must also
comply with the above requirements.

links to other sections

Section 4 – Water
(nutrient management, agrochemical use and
Section 5 – Biodiversity
(nutrient management, agrochemical use, IPM)
Section 3 – Soils (nutrient management)
Section 8 – Social and Human Capital
(safe agrochemical use and storage)
Section 9 – Animal welfare (use of veterinary medicines)

8 Unilever Sustainable livestock Implementation Guide | Beef ∧ Dairy ∧ Pigs & Poultry
SectIon 3
· Avoiding overgrazing – pasture cover protects the soil, so
overstocking can lead to the soil being eroded in heavy rain-

fall. In cattle production, cattle should be moved to another
area before bare patches appear – a rotational grazing
system, where cattle are moved regularly (the time of which
varies depending on the rate of growth, and hence the season
and weather conditions), can be used. Other methods, e.g.
A healthy, fertile soil is important for producing a high yield set stocking, can also work well, as long as grazing is well
and quality pasture or crops with minimal inputs. Good soil planned, by estimating grass yield, grazing rate etc.
management is also important for protection of watercourses · Strategic placement of access points, watering points and
and for biodiversity. The main principles and practices behind gates, where the level of animal movement is high – espe-
sustainable soil management are covered in the main SAC cially in wet regions, you should avoid placing gates and
Implementation Guide. Many of them also apply to pasture access points at the lowest point of a feld (to reduce the
management. This section covers additional guidance for soil potential for channelling surface water run-off and to cut off
management under pasture and looks at aspects such as the route for any eroded soil particles).
compaction, erosion and contamination. · Excluding animals from drainage lines and watercourses –
soil loss in these areas is high in heavy rain, so these areas
Key Issues in livestock production are often fenced off to prevent grazing.
· Soil compaction
· Soil erosion
· Soil contamination managing the risk of soil compaction
( (e), Sac p.15)
Soil compaction from livestock (sometimes known as ‘pugging’
or ‘poaching’) can reduce pasture yield, encourage weed growth
Soil management (Section 3.3, Sac pp.14-16) and reduce nitrogen fxation, so needs to be avoided where
possible. It is most likely to be an issue in temperate regions
pasture management when the ground is wet, so action may only be needed in
(Soil management System,, Sac p.15) certain regions and at certain times of the year. For example, in
Protecting soil health under pasture is important – well-struc- temperate winters especially, animals may need to be restricted
tured soils grow the best pasture. The components of your soil to one area of the feld at a time, with the area being rotated over
management system (as listed in (a)-(j)) are as neces- time. In regions where compaction is a risk, animals should also
sary for pasture as for any other crop. Soil structure can be be restricted to designated laneways to and from areas of high
maintained by preventing compaction and erosion (see below), use (for example, feeding or milking areas) and stocking densi-
and also by using minimal tillage techniques (see main SAC ties should be checked to ensure they are not too high.
Implementation Guide) and appropriate timing in cultivation.
Good pasture management also requires careful forage species Other strategies include:
selection, and regular soil nutrient and pH testing. Phosphorous · Keeping pasture cover dense – compaction is worse where
and potassium levels particularly can vary widely in pastures and pasture cover is sparse.
should be carefully monitored in case supplements are required. · Installing several watering points and shade areas (helps to
break up the herd into smaller groups). Access can be rotated
Specifc pasture management advice, including optimal stocking to further reduce compaction risk.
rates and suitability of plant species, is region-specifc and you · Use loafng areas or feeding pads – these are areas can
should speak to your agricultural adviser or extension service be constructed from either a porous material or concrete
for how to best manage your pasture. Stocking rates can also (although care should be taken that this will not cause hoof
be affected by legislation on nitrate loading limits per hectare. injuries).
This is an area that needs to be considered in both your soil and
nutrient management systems (see also requirement, Managing soil compaction from machinery, e.g. used for appli-
SAC p.4). cation of manure, is covered in the main SAC Implementation
The following links show examples of soil management plans for
dairy, beef and outdoor pig farms: If soil compaction is identifed as already being a problem,
· certain pasture management techniques can be used to help
fle/0006/167028/soil-dairy-beef.pdf alleviate the issue, for example growing deep-rooted grass
· species (e.g. Phalaris, Tall fescue, Cefalu, arrowleaf clover,
SoilManagementPlan.aspx although the suitability of species will vary depending on region
and soil type, so speak to a local adviser before taking action),
which can help break up compacted soil layers, or increasing soil
managing the risk of soil erosion ( (d), Sac p.15) organic matter to enrich and strengthen soil.
In livestock areas, soil erosion can be prevented by:

Unilever Sustainable livestock Implementation Guide | Beef ∧ Dairy ∧ Pigs & Poultry 9
Mechanical measures, such as subsoiling (deep-ripping)
the pasture can also be used. However, the effectiveness of
subsoiling depends on soil texture, moisture content, soil profle
and compaction extent, and DOES NOT provide a permanent cure
for compaction – if the source of the compaction is not removed
or effectively managed, the soil will become compacted again.

managing the risk of soil contamination

( (g), Sac p.15)
Some veterinary medicines pose a risk to soil health, for example
copper or zinc sulphate, which is sometimes used in footbaths to
control hoof diseases in cattle and is included in pig rations/feed
to increase growth rates. When copper sulphate is applied to
soil, it binds to organic matter and therefore accumulates in the
upper soil layers. As plants only require small amounts of copper
to grow (annual removal rates are less that 0.55 kg/hectare for
a typical grain or forage crop) therefore high copper levels can
accumulate in soils and can be toxic to plants and soil microbes.

A suitable disposal system should be in place, and practices

adopted to reduce the amount used, or disposal rates diluted and
spread over larger areas of land (dilution effect). If copper/zinc
is applied to the land, then concentrations in the soil must be
monitored to ensure levels do not become toxic.

The risk of all veterinary medicines entering the soil should be

understood – this information will often be included on the medi-
cine data sheet, but if not, manufacturers should be able to give
you relevant information.

For further information relating to copper sulphate visit:

links to other sections

Section 2 – Agrochemicals and Fuels
(nutrient use and soil health)
Section 4 – Water (soil erosion and water quality)
Section 5 – Biodiversity (compaction and soil biodiversity)
Section 10 – Animal welfare
(use of medicines and footbaths)

Future requirement changes to the SaC (b) will read “Crops are only grown and livestock only
grazed/housed…” (d) will read “… loss include overgrazing, water
erosion…” (b) will read “… are used, or livestock kept…”

10 Unilever Sustainable livestock Implementation Guide | Beef ∧ Dairy ∧ Pigs & Poultry
SectIon 4
· Using wastewater to fush feeding areas and free-stall barns,
directing the water fow to the manure/slurry storage area

(this also prevents pollution with nutrient-rich water and
enables nutrients to be used on the land).
· Using a high-pressure hose to clean more quickly and with
less water, but taking care not to use them on animals
The availability of clean, high-quality water is essential to life. · Ensuring pipework and water infrastructure is in good condi-
Prevention of water pollution is critical to maintain ground water tion with no leaks .
that is safe for drinking, and to protect aquatic life in ponds, · Collecting rainwater from roofs of stock housing, which
streams and rivers. Water must be used carefully and with provides an alternative source of water, as well as potentially
respect for others in your catchment area. reducing the volume entering the slurry storage system. If
rainwater is collected for use as drinking water appropriate
Note: Refer to main Unilever SA Code Implementation Guide for treatments should be implemented to render the water
general advice on considering social and environmental impacts potable.
of water use, for protecting water quality from sediments, agro­
chemicals, fuels and human sewage, and on irrigation water use and
management. protect and enhance water quality – pollution from
livestock and wastewater ( (f) and (h), Sac p.18)
Key Issues in livestock production There are a number of sources from which water pollution might
· Water pollution (effuent run-off, manure, silage, milk- arise, and a number of ways in which the risk of such pollution
house waste, urine and faeces) from livestock can be managed:
· Water use effciency (cleaning, milk cooling systems, · Minimise livestock access to watercourses – this also
irrigation) prevents soil erosion.
· Before any new sheds are constructed, ensure that they
are located at a safe distance from ground water (wells) or
surface water sources – this is often dictated by legislation.
Water management (Section 4.3, Sac pp.17-19) · Manage animal holding areas and pastures to avoid effuent
run-off, e.g. by storing and spreading farm manures in
measuring progress (, Sac p.17) accordance to local requirements. See manure management
The water metric requires information on volume of irrigation guidance on pages 4-6 of this guide, and the advice below.
water applied to pasture or crops for animal feed per year (if · Direct wastewater to manure storage areas (as above).
relevant) and the volume of water used per year for watering
animals, cleaning and manure management.
livestock yard management
It must be stressed that livestock drinking water should never be Livestock yards (barnyards, holding areas, woodchip corrals,
limited. Requirement (Section 9 – Animal Welfare) states stand-off pads and feedlots) are concentrated areas of livestock,
that “animals must have freedom from thirst… by ready access and hence their wastes, and are therefore vital to protection of
to fresh water”. This requirement must not be compromised by water quality. These yards, especially when on permeable soils
water effciency measures. or near on-farm water sources, can cause nitrate and bacte-
rial contamination in ground or surface water. To minimise the
possibility of contaminants leaching to groundwater or running
Using water resources effciently (, Sac p.18) off to surface water, such yards should be located on concrete
While in some regions there is plenty of water available, in other or fne-to-medium textured soils over 100 feet/30 metres from
areas water scarcity is a serious issue, and it is important to start water sources such as wells, surface water, adjacent property,
thinking about a water use plan. As water shortages are realised, drainage ditches or other areas that could result in the run-off
water costs may increase, impacting proftability. Once a baseline reaching water sources. The best means to achieve this is to
of water use is established, proactive steps can be taken to prevent fooding in livestock yards by diverting rain and/or food-
increase effciency and optimise water use. Also, while water waters from the area. Having a roof over the yard or otherwise
appears to be a plentiful resource, it is important to determine if diverting water from the yard is the best way to prevent run-off.
this is actually true by investigating the health of a farm’s specifc This is especially important if yards are on a slope. Other prac-
watershed/catchment. tices, such as keeping the yard clean, diverting run-off to manure
storage areas or collecting and reusing run-off (e.g. as nutrients
Water is used for the animals’ drinking water, cooling, cleaning, on felds), can prevent run-off and hence minimise potential
and in the case of dairy, milk-cooling. In some regions it is also pollution to water sources.
used to irrigate crops and/or pasture. Several management
strategies on farms can decrease water use. These include:
· Sweeping or scraping foors before washing down to remove milk-house Washings (dairy only)
solid waste and reduce the amount of water required for Water used to clean the milking parlour and milking equipment
cleaning. contains high levels of organic matter, nutrients, chemicals and

Unilever Sustainable livestock Implementation Guide | Beef ∧ Dairy ∧ Pigs & Poultry 11
microorganisms, and can contaminate water with ammonia,
nitrate, phosphorus, detergents and disease-causing organisms
if not disposed of properly. Milking parlour wastewater is made
nutrient-rich by virtue of having high amounts of milk residues
or being washed down the drain with manure and feed. This
nutrient-rich water can lead to pollution if it is untreated before
it reaches water supplies. To minimise this potential impact to
water, wastewater should be diverted to manure storage areas
(see nutrient management, Section 2.3). Nutrient-rich frst rinse
water can also be reused by applying it directly to felds as fertil-
iser. If applying frst rinse to felds, care should be taken to match
feld nutrient needs with nutrient content of frst rinse. Cleaning
the parlour of feed and excess manure prior to wash down will
minimise the amount of this material that enters water and can
also minimise the volume of water needed for cleaning.

links to other sections

Section 2 – Agrochemicals and Fuels (nutrient management,
agrochemical use, IPM)
Section 5 – Biodiversity (effect of water pollution)
Section 8 – Social and Human Capital (catchment level issues)

12 Unilever Sustainable livestock Implementation Guide | Beef ∧ Dairy ∧ Pigs & Poultry
cides. They can increase the usefulness of these areas by

SectIon 5
planting native plant species, or creating habitats that encourage
particular native wildlife. Some solutions are very simple, for

example a strip of two to three metres of uncut grass near a
hedge or other boundary produces many more insects and
because of that many more birds. Obviously this reduces the
area of pasture available for livestock, so if you have the choice
of putting a feld margin in a more or less productive feld, you
Biodiversity management in any agricultural system depends should choose the least productive one.
greatly on the region in which the farming takes place, and the
ecosystem in which the farmer is operating. Livestock farming is Another issue in grassland can be nesting birds. Farmers can
no exception to this, and the actions needed to protect rain- protect bird species by leaving certain areas ungrazed or mowed
forest from pasture expansion in South America are clearly very until bird nesting is complete. The timing depends on the regions
different from action needed to protect nesting birds from forage you are in and the bird species present. Areas of pasture with
cutting in Europe. The examples given below give an idea of some low-intensity grazing (such as areas only used for a small part
of the sorts of action livestock farmers can take in managing of the year or ‘dry’ cattle who do not need to get to milking
biodiversity. Please note that many of the other management parlours) can often have a relatively high biodiversity value, espe-
requirements in the SAC will also have biodiversity benefts, e.g. cially in Europe where many species evolved under conditions of
protection of water courses from pollution, safe and reduced low-intensity grazing.
use of pesticides, protection of soil health etc. In turn, protecting
biodiversity can have many benefts to the farmer, e.g. in natural management of riparian areas
pest control, healthy soils producing high yields of pasture. In Riparian areas, the edges of streams, rivers, ditches etc., provide
some regions, fnancial grants or subsidies may be available for unique habitats for many plants and animals. They also play a
taking action to protect or enhance biodiversity. role in soil conservation and protecting the aquatic ecosystem
from damage and pollution. Management of livestock to prevent
Key Issues in livestock production them trampling, grazing and adding nutrients to these areas, for
· Pasture expansion and management example by fencing them off and allowing natural vegetation to
· Nutrient and pest management impacts regenerate, greatly enhances biodiversity. These areas should
· Livestock disturbance of natural habitats also be excluded from fertiliser and pesticide application. The
size of the strip/buffer zone left beside the waterway depends
on several factors (type of water source, farming system etc.),
but should be at least 3 metres. In many situations, e.g. when
biodiverSity protection and enHancement pesticides are being sprayed, the size of the strip will be larger
(Section 5.3, Sac pp.20-23) than this, with recommendations ranging from 3 to 50m. A full
table of recommended sizes for buffer zones is included in the
measuring progress ( main SA Code Implementation Guide in the section on fertiliser
The metric for biodiversity measures the area of land that application (requirement and in Appendix 2B.
farmers enhance in some way for wildlife – this can be land that
is non-productive, e.g. unsuitable for grazing or growing feed, or management of on-farm areas that are unsuitable for grazing
land that is used for farming. It also includes any local wildlife or feed production
conservation projects that you support in some way. You will need If there are areas of the farm that are non-productive, these can
to provide data on the area of land you manage in a way that is often be improved for wildlife, for example by creating a pond,
benefcial to wildlife and on any local biodiversity projects you are planting with native plants that encourage pollinators or natural
otherwise involved with. enemies of pests for biological control benefts, or with native
trees. Farm buildings can also be used to put up nest boxes for
birds. Other examples are listed in the main SAC Implementation
biodiversity action plan (bap) ( - Guide.
Activities around wildlife protection or enhancement should
be laid out in the biodiversity action plan (see main SAC avoiding disturbance by livestock
Implementation Guide for more on how to develop a BAP, and the As mentioned in the sections above on natural features and
sorts of activities can be included). Issues that could be consid- riparian areas, excluding livestock from certain areas can beneft
ered in a BAP for a livestock farm include (but not exclusively) biodiversity. This is also the case for any areas of high biodiver-
the following: sity value already existing on the farm, e.g. patches of woodland.
If such areas are identifed, their beneft should be maximised by
managing pasture for biodiversity establishing physical barriers to prevent disturbance by livestock.
Intensively grazed pasture can be low in biodiversity value, due
to the potential lack of natural features – farmers can increase Silvopastoral systems
biodiversity by adding features such as hedges, wooded areas, This involves planting trees and/or shrubs in grassland and
windbreaks and feld margins or buffer zones that have limited savannas. It is often used in tropical regions, although it is also
livestock access and are not treated with fertilisers or pesti- the traditional livestock system in Southern Europe. The system

Unilever Sustainable livestock Implementation Guide | Beef ∧ Dairy ∧ Pigs & Poultry 13
promotes biodiversity and contributes to carbon sequestration
due to the presence of trees. It can also have other benefts, e.g.
in some climates grass grows better under the trees because
of the shade provided (though in other climates the opposite
is true), soil is protected from erosion, and the trees can also
deliver an income. In warmer climates there are also potential
animal welfare benefts, due to the shade from the sun.

animal genetic diversity (, Sac p.22)

Although breeding programmes have been successful in
improving productivity and resistance to some conditions, lack of
genetic diversity is a potential issue within livestock farming, as
inbreeding can reduce the productivity and hence proftability of
animals. However, this issue should be dealt with at the industry
level, and there is no consistent advice to farmers. We advise
farmers to be aware of the genetic diversity within the herd, and
work with relevant breeding programmes that aim to prevent

links to other sections

Section 2 – Agrochemicals and Fuels (nutrient management,
pest management, IPM)
Section 4 – Water (management of buffer zones around
streams, rivers and ponds)

Future requirement changes/additions to the SaC will read “… where the Unilever raw material is
produced…” will read “… improve proftability, reduce the need for
CPPs and prevent animal health problems that lead
to enforced culling of stock.”

Need new requirement (Livestock Disturbance) to be inserted

before ‘Purchasing of natural products’, to say “Farmers
should protect natural ecosystems from livestock disturbance
by establishing physical barriers – SHOULD”.

14 Unilever Sustainable livestock Implementation Guide | Beef ∧ Dairy ∧ Pigs & Poultry
SectIon 6
Water Heating
· Ensure water storage tank is well insulated to minimise heat

· Fit any immersion heaters with a time switch to ensure
heating time is minimised. Time switches can also be used
to make the most of cheaper-tariff electricity, e.g. in some
regions tariffs are cheaper at night.
Energy management provides you with an opportunity to save · Investigate using a heat recovery unit, which can recover up
money as well as reduce your impact on the environment. This to 60% of the heat extracted from cooling milk and convert it
section gives you ideas on where you may be able to make to hot water for use in pipeline and parlour cleaning.
effciencies, but you will need to assess your own usage before · Investigate systems that use alternative energy sources, e.g.
working out where the best savings can be made. biogas or solar energy to produce hot water (see also section
on renewable energy, requirement
Key Issues in livestock production
· Direct energy use (running equipment such as fans, pumps,
refrigeration, heating, lighting) building ventilation
· Livestock greenhouse gas emissions · Maximise the use of natural ventilation, using prevailing
winds and adjustable barn openings.
· Remember that switching to effcient fans can produce
energy eFFiciency (, Sac p.25) signifcant savings on both small and large farms. Fan blades
should be cleaned to maintain effcient energy use.
Note: Refer to main Unilever SA Code Implementation Guide, Section · Use thermostats to make sure ventilation is not used
6.3.3 for general advice on farm energy management, renewable unnecessarily.
energy etc. and for specifc guidance on energy savings in cropping · Make sure ventilation equipment is regularly cleaned and
systems. well maintained.
· Use opaque rather than transparent/translucent materials
Energy use can be split into direct use (gas, electricity and other for roofng on the sunny side of a building or in warmer
fuels) and indirect use (energy used in the production of feed, climates.
artifcial fertiliser and machinery). All energy use is associated · When planning new buildings, position the barn in a way that
with greenhouse gas emissions (see later section), and almost it is not in full sun (especially relevant for warmer climates).
always costs money.

A large proportion of direct energy use on farms comes from lighting

running equipment (pumps, fans, refrigerators, generators etc.). · Convert tungsten lighting to discharge lighting. There are a
Savings can be made by identifying and reducing waste, and by wide range of effcient alternatives, including compact fuo-
investing in more effcient technology – these are listed below, rescents which can be used as a direct plug-in replacement,
together with more general energy-saving advice. More informa- and high-pressure sodium lamps which can be used to light
tion can be found in the references at the end of the section. yards and buildings. Lighting costs can be cut by as much as
80% by using the right type of lighting.
· Use time switches or sensors to make sure lights are only on
milk cooling (dairy) when they are needed – the need to give the animals a period
· Use plate heat exchangers for milk pre-cooling. of rest from light is also relevant here (linked to animal
· Install a heat recovery system with or without the pre-cooling welfare).
system. · Make effcient use of natural light. Installation of windows
· Install direct expansion tanks (preferably with a 2-stage can reduce the need for artifcial lighting (as well as bene-
pre-cooler). fting the welfare of the animals).
· Remember that variable speed drives in vacuum pumps save
energy, reduce pump noise while milking and potentially Further detail on these technologies and on other ways of saving
reduce wear and tear. energy can be found at:
· Consider scroll compressor systems, which typically save · - UK based advice on reducing
15-25% electrical costs compared to conventional recipro- farm energy use.
cating compressors, and are quieter and more reliable. ·
· Consider also alternative energy-effcient milk cooling EnergyUsePigFarms.aspx - UK based advice on energy
systems, such as those powered by solar energy or by evap- benchmarking for pig units.
oration technology (see also section on renewable energy,

Unilever Sustainable livestock Implementation Guide | Beef ∧ Dairy ∧ Pigs & Poultry 15
reneWable energy ( -, Sac p.26) and plant requirements. You may be able to reduce your
use of artifcial fertilisers, saving money and reducing your
Renewable energy can be used directly (i.e. generated on farm) emissions.
or indirectly, i.e. by buying ‘green power’. Indirect use should · reducing or avoiding ploughing of grassland – this reduces
be investigated in discussions with your current, or alternative, nitrous oxide emissions signifcantly.
power provider. · optimising feed quality – increasing the effciency with
which animals use nutrients to produce milk, eggs and meat
Renewable energy production on farm can be achieved through can result in reduced methane emissions per litre of milk
use of wind, solar or biogas (methane gas from anaerobic diges- or kg of eggs or meat. This can be accomplished by feeding
tion). Wind and solar power opportunities are site specifc and high-quality, highly digestible forages or grains – basically by
should be discussed with a local consultant. providing a balanced diet targeted at the anticipated produc-
tion. Speak to your feed provider for more information on
your particular case.
biogas (anaerobic digestion) · increasing the longevity of breeding stock – fewer replace-
Biogas is produced from manure using anaerobic digestion, a ment stock are required overall, giving additional beneft in
natural process in which bacteria break down manure and other terms of wasted inputs.
organic matter in the absence of oxygen, generating a mixture
of methane and carbon dioxide – the biogas. Producing biogas links to other sections
in this way reduces methane emissions and hence green- Section 2 – Agrochemicals and Fuels (biogas plants as part
house gases (GHG) and potentially odour and can also produce of manure management and fertiliser production,
both electricity and fertiliser for use on crops or pasture. The nutrient management as a source of reduction of
economic and practical feasibility and indeed sustainability of a nitrous oxide)
biogas plant depends on various factors, and if you are inter- Section 10 – Value chain (links to proftability)
ested you should contact a local anaerobic digester provider.
Depending on your location, you may be eligible for government
grants. Unilever does not support the use of food crops for bio-
energy production, and we would advise against growing crops
for the purposes of producing biogas.

Further information on biogas production can be found at:
pdf (British Colombia Ministry of Agriculture and Lands

greenHoUSe gaS emiSSionS (, Sac p.26)

Use of the technologies and energy effciency measures

discussed above would reduce GHG emissions associated with
energy production, as well as from methane production in the
case of anaerobic digestion.

As well as energy use, livestock farming is associated with other

sources of GHG emissions:
· Methane directly from cattle - (as well as from manure)
· Nitrous oxide associated with fertiliser use and from manure
· Carbon dioxide (CO2) from feed and fertiliser production

An assessment of GHG emissions should be carried out

using the ‘Cool Farm Tool’ (or a similar calculator if you are
using one already), a calculation tool which can be found on

As well as quantifying GHG emissions, the tool can show you

which management practices may enable you to reduce them.

These include the following:

· reducing use of artifcial fertilisers – by making the most of
the nutrients available in manure and slurry, and by making
sure you are only applying what is needed for soil fertility

16 Unilever Sustainable livestock Implementation Guide | Beef ∧ Dairy ∧ Pigs & Poultry
SectIon 7
WaSte diSpoSal (, Sac pp.30-31)

disposal of veterinary waste and expired veterinary
Veterinary waste can be either hazardous or non-hazardous.
Infectious waste and contaminated sharps, e.g. needles, should
be kept separate from other waste and generally disposed of
Waste on livestock farms can include non-hazardous (e.g. paper, by high temperature incineration, though this may vary from
cardboard) and hazardous (e.g. expired veterinary medicines, location to location, and is likely to be covered by legislation,
fallen stock and used fuels such as oil) waste. General farm so guidance on this must be sought. Non-hazardous veterinary
waste management, including reduction and recycling strategies, waste, e.g. gloves and swabs, can usually be disposed of in land-
are covered in the main SAC implementation guide. This section fll, though again this may vary, and you should check with local
focuses mainly on animal-related waste streams. PLEASE NOTE regulations.
that this section does not cover manure management – this is
covered in the nutrient management section on pages 4 - 10 of Safe disposal of unwanted or expired veterinary medicines is
this guide. essential to protect farm workers, family members, animals and
the environment from accidental exposure. Many veterinarians
Key Issues in livestock production and manufacturers will accept returns of products, or specialised
· Reducing, reusing, recycling and re-thinking waste waste-handlers may operate in this area.
· Management of hazardous waste
Animal pesticides (e.g. fy treatments, de-wormers) must be
disposed of in an identical manner to crop pesticides, usually
through specialised waste contractors (see main SAC implemen-
legal compliance (, Sac p.29) tation guide).

Legislation on waste management varies signifcantly from

country to country, so it is important to check your local regula- disposal of fallen stock
tions. You should be particularly aware of legislation relating to Regulations vary on disposal of fallen stock, so your local legal
veterinary waste, manures, meat and products from sick animals requirements must be looked at and complied with.
and fallen stock.
In Europe, burial of livestock on-farm is not allowed – instead
fallen stock must be sent to rendering or incineration plants.
Storage oF HazardoUS WaSte Elsewhere, on-farm burial/composting may be allowed, but the
(, Sac p.30) SAC requirements - must still be taken into
account. These ensure that risks to people and the environment
Clinical waste includes veterinary waste – national regulations from such disposal is assessed and managed appropriately.
must be followed or in the absence of regulations, guidance on
the best option must be sought.
disposal of plastics
Storage of hazardous waste must take account of the potential Plastic, especially silage wrapping is a common waste stream on
exposure of animals and animal products, as well as of people beef and dairy farms. Plastic waste is dealt with more generally
and the environment. It is especially important to ensure that in the main SAC implementation guide – recycling schemes for
animal feed does not become contaminated. Similarly, care must plastic waste are becoming common, but in some countries
be taken that hazardous waste does not become included in on-farm burial or disposal through landfll sites will still be the
slurry or manure that is subsequently applied to pasture. only option.

links to other sections

Storage oF non-HazardoUS WaSte Section 2 – Agrochemicals and Fuels (agrochemical storage
(, Sac p.30) and waste disposal, manure management)

Non-hazardous waste in this context includes manure, slurry and

Future requirement changes/additions to the SaC
silage. This is covered in the ‘manure and silage storage’ section will read “… clinical or veterinary waste”
of this document on page 4 (Nutrient Management).

Unilever Sustainable livestock Implementation Guide | Beef ∧ Dairy ∧ Pigs & Poultry 17
SectIon 8 The section also needs to include assessment of the risk of

Social and HUman

injuries from animals. Such injuries can be avoided by having
proper animal facilities, and training for workers in avoiding such


These issues also link to requirement (d) “Safe and

healthy working conditions will be provided for all employees”,
and should also be included in health and safety training for
Social and human capital describes the connection between the workers (requirement
farm and both the community and its workforce. It covers quality
of life issues, access to, good relations with and protection of
farm labour, and strengthening the local community. Most of the Working HoUrS (, Sac p.35)
issues concerned with social and human capital are generic to
farming and are therefore covered in the main SAC implemen- Livestock farming typically involves long working hours. Farmers
tation guide Section 8. The following section covers some issues must be aware of, and comply with, local laws governing working
that are most relevant to livestock farming. hours for their employees.

Key Issues in livestock production

· Worker training (including health and safety) commUnity involvement and neigHboUrS
· Implementation of health and safety procedures for (, Sac p.37)
· Long working hours Clean air is important for everyone, including farming families
· Air quality (odour management) for local community and the local community. One of the best ways for farmers to
be good neighbours is to minimise odour, by making sure barns
are kept clean and by ensuring manure storage facilities are
designed well.
HealtH and SaFety riSk aSSeSSment –
recommended componentS (, Sac p.35) Certain manure treatments can also reduce odour. For more
detail on odour management, see:
An additional area that needs to be recommended for the health ·
and safety risk assessment is zoonoses – diseases that are Housing/Preparing-an-odor-management-plan/
transferrable from animals to humans. People working with ·
livestock, may be exposed to possible infections, and the risk of coexisting-with-neighbors-a-poultry-farmers-guide
this must be assessed and managed. At a minimum this involves ·
providing hand washing facilities for all workers, but may also and-practices-to-reduce-odor-from-swine-facilities
mean implementing certain hygiene and medical screening (Although this refers to controlling odour in large feedlot
practices, e.g.: situations, it is an excellent source of general management
· Avoiding contact with animal wastes, carcasses, excretions techniques for odour management)
and offal; but if they must be handled, ensure the workers
have the appropriate clothing and equipment, such as
aprons, rubber boots, gloves, goggles and other skin protec- links to other sections
tion. As always, this personal protective equipment needs to Section 2 – Agrochemicals and Fuels (manure management
be regularly maintained or replaced to remain effective. They and local community impacts)
must also receive adequate training in avoiding such risks; Section 11 – Training
making sure animal wastes don’t come into contact with
human food and drinking water;
Future requirement changes to the SaC
· Avoiding eating raw meats or unpasteurised dairy products will have an additional issue “(n) zoonoses (diseases
(although this is accepted common practice for farmers that can pass from animals to humans) and injuries
themselves, unpasteurised products should not be sold or from interaction with animals – SHOULD”
given to farm workers without warnings of possible health
· Treating and disinfecting cuts, abrasions and animal bites
· Evaluating specifc groups of workers with respect to labour
related risks and providing appropriate measures of protec-
tion. For example, specifc measures should be implemented
for those with reduced immune competence (such as preg-
nant women, those undergoing treatment such as cancer
therapy and those with chronic diseases).

18 Unilever Sustainable livestock Implementation Guide | Beef ∧ Dairy ∧ Pigs & Poultry
SectIon 9
cattle prodUction –
dairy and beeF

animal WelFare mutilations

Thought should be given to the necessity
on individual farms to carry out such tasks
as disbudding and castration. Where deemed
This section describes some of the specifc ways in which necessary, such surgical procedures must be kept
livestock farmers can best provide for their animals’ health to a minimum and only be performed by competent, trained
and welfare. More general advice on complying with the SAC personnel. The use of anaesthetics and analgesics, when under-
requirements on animal welfare is contained in the main SAC taking surgical procedures is strongly recommended.
Implementation Guide, and it is important that you refer to this
also. The preferred methods for identifcation of cows are the use of
ear tags or ear tattoos. These procedures should be undertaken
For all SAC requirements on animal welfare, farmers also should by competent, trained personnel.
bear in mind legislative requirements in their location, as specifc
laws can vary signifcantly. Local advice for your particular The docking of dairy cow tails is not an acceptable practice,
system and location should also be sought from your veteri- unless undertaken by a veterinarian for welfare reasons (such
narian or adviser. as injury or infection) and with the use of anaesthetics and

recordS (Section 9.1, Sac p.38)

Food and water provision (, Sac p.39)
Requirement 9.1.4 refers to the animal health plan. Ideally the
health plan should consist of: (1) records of animal diseases that Feed
are diagnosed and/or treated on a daily basis, (2) risk assess- Cattle diets should be appropriate for the stage of production and
ment on all relevant factors for animal health (e.g. housing and fed in suffcient quantities to maintain the animals in good health
feeding), (3) treatment plans for the most relevant diseases whilst maintaining body condition and satisfying their nutritional
(especially when antibiotics are involved) and (4) preventative requirements (lactating dairy cows will have a higher dietary
measures taken on the farm to achieve good animal health requirement than suckler cows). This can be best regulated and
performance. Ideally the health plan should be developed in documented in a feed plan. Ideally, the feed plan should detail
discussion with the vet (for more detailed advice on the animal the type of feed that is provided and the level of ingredients used.
health plans see page 23 for cattle, page 26 for pigs and The feed plan should also indicate the levels of energy, protein,
page 31 for poultry). minerals and fbres in the ration. The feed plan should also
contain a section on the nutrition of youngstock and calves.
As well as the four records listed in the SAC, the list should also
include records of feed supplements purchased for use on farm. All ration ingredients and formulations must meet local legis-
The records should include date, description of the feed including lative requirements (e.g. the use of certain animal proteins is
ingredients, quantity, feed supplier, country of origin and batch banned in the EU).
code. An available feed plan developed for the different produc-
tion groups and will help to give a more detailed summary of In extensive systems, pasture on which cattle are kept should be
welfare from a dietary perspective. maintained to ensure adequate provision of forage. In situations
where pasture cannot be maintained, supplementary feed or
forage should be made available. Producers should be aware of
direct physical abuse and mental suffering of animals any nutrient defciencies of pasture and supplements provided.
(, Sac p.39)
Livestock at all stages of production should be handled and All cattle should have daily access to food (except when required
managed in a considerate and compassionate manner at all by the veterinarian). Efforts should be made to avoid sudden
times. There should be no reason for staff to abuse or mistreat changes in the type and quantity of feed.
animals in their care, any breach should be treated seriously and
staff involved should be reported to the relevant authority. Good cattle nutrition is judged on the basis of:
1. general condition of the cattle (coat, over fat or thin)
2. production and performance (milk yield, food conversion
casualty slaughter ratio, daily liveweight gain)
Casualty slaughter of livestock on the farm (due to sickness or 3. nutritional disease incidence (such as milk fever, ketosis,
injury) should be undertaken in a humane manner and prevent laminitis, and bloat)
any additional suffering to the animal. Any on-farm slaughter
should preferably be done by a veterinarian or a trained and
competent member of staff (if local legislation allows).

Unilever Sustainable livestock Implementation Guide | Beef ∧ Dairy ∧ Pigs & Poultry 19
calf nutrition animal Feed purchase and traceability
Providing an adequate volume of high-quality colostrum or colos- The main SAC implementation guide describes the three
trum replacer is critical to calf health because calves depend elements relating to good food and drink provision – access,
on colostrum for immune protection. All calves, whether to be quality and amount. One way in which to guarantee quality of
raised as a replacement heifer (for suckler or dairy), veal, or for purchased feed is to ensure feed is supplied by a reputable
beef fnishing, should receive colostrum or colostrum replacer vendor. In many countries, for example those in the European
and be fed in a way that promotes health and reduces the risk of Union, this is regulated by law. Here, all vendors of animal feed
disease. The recommended provision is 2-4 litres (0.5 – 1 gallon) must be registered or approved and have traceability procedures
within 2 hours after birth. After receiving immunity through in place. Feed contaminated with afatoxins and dioxin must
feeding colostrum or colostrum replacer, calves should be fed not be fed to animals. Afatoxins and dioxins in feed can cause
milk or milk replacer until weaning. Calves should have contin- serious problems as the afatoxins can pass into the fnished
uous access to fresh water, or provided water at least twice a day product. Ideally all feed should be tested for afatoxins and
(only if continuous access is impossible and there is no competi- dioxin. As a minimum, testing for these hazardous substances
tion), that is free of contaminants or pollutants. Within two weeks should be based on a risk assessment of feed constituents
after birth, calves to be retained on the farm should be offered a that pose a high risk of contamination. For example; afatoxins
palatable, high-quality ration. should be tested where raw materials come from tropical areas
and dioxins where raw material production is situated close to
Advice on weaning seems to vary considerably depending on incineration sites. This can also mean that grazing or harvesting
location. We therefore advise you to conform to offcial local is not possible if dioxin levels are too high in a certain region. If
(veterinary) advice for your breed and farming system – this testing of feed is not possible, the testing of meat for afatoxins
should be sought from your Ministry of Agriculture or similar and dioxin levels are the minimum standard.
government department, or university extension service if there
is one. Suppliers of feed should be asked for data on the nutritional
quality of the ingredients. A properly designed and verifed feed
In general the health of calves can be judged by: (1) looking at the plan should be the assurance for good animal feed purchase and
general condition of the calf (e.g. colour and shine of the coat) traceability. Water supply and water quality should be included in
and (2) the percentage of calves that suffer from health problems the feed plan as well.
and/or the number of calves that have been treated with antibi-
otics or other types of medications. For additional information on feed plans follow the links:
For additional information on (dairy) calf nutrition use the beefbrpmanual5-feedingsucklercowsandcalvesforbetterre-
following links: turns.pdf - EBLEX, UK “Better returns Programme feeding
· suckler cattle and calves
gin-calves.pdf - Northern Ireland Department of Agriculture ·
and Rural Development, “Blueprint for Rearing Dairy-Origin ingplus.aspx - DairyCo UK- feeding dairy cows
welfare/onfarm/documents/calfsurv03.pdf - UK Department avoiding competition for food and drink (, Sac p.39)
for the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs “Improving Calf With respect to requirement on competition, the method
Survival” of feeding and provision of water must be designed and placed so
· as to minimise competition between animals.
presentation%20-%20Peter%20Wynn.pdf – Calf Management
- Faculty of Veterinary Science, University of Sydney Water availability for indoor-housed cattle should be suffcient so
that 10% of the herd can drink at one time.
For feeding trough space the following are recommended as the
Water appropriate allowance:
All cattle should have continuous access to a suffcient quantity
of clean drinking water, so that they are able to satisfy their fuid
intake needs. Equipment for providing water to animals should
minimise contamination, and the harmful effects of competition
between animals. There should be enough water available for
at least 10% of housed cattle to drink at one time. An appro-
priate number of water sources (natural or man-made) should
be available to grazing cattle which are easily accessible. Water
troughs should be managed in a way that ensures they are
capable of dispensing water and that access is available at all
times for example, minimising possible freezing in cold weather
and ensuring areas around water troughs do not become water

20 Unilever Sustainable livestock Implementation Guide | Beef ∧ Dairy ∧ Pigs & Poultry
Recommendations for feed trough space: · providing enough space for all animals to lie in comfort at
the same time, and to stand up and move freely and without
Weight (kg) Ration fed ad-lib/Self feed injuring themselves. The size, shape and weight of the animal
needs to be considered when designing lying places.
(centimetres per animal)

200 45 15 · ensuring lying areas that are dry and clean. Where bedding is
provided it should be checked daily and replenished to ensure
250 45 15
that all animals are physically comfortable, clean and dry.
300 50 15

350 50 15 · ensuring lying areas are appropriate and suffcient to allow

cattle to lie down for 10-14 hours a day (which is especially
400 55 17 important for lactating dairy cows).
450 55 19
· ensuring that sanitation programmes are in place that
500 55 22 results in clean animals. Removing manure on a regular
550 55 24 basis will decrease ammonia levels as well. For indoor
housing, the internal surfaces should be made of materials
600 60 26
that are easy to disinfect and clean.
650 65 28
· ensuring drainage is appropriate to reduce the build-up of
700 70 30
stagnant water and the potential for damp bedding.
750 75 32
· ensuring light levels inside housing are adequate for
Source: UK Red Tractor Assurance Scheme
animals to feed and behave normally. Light levels should
be suffcient to allowing inspection of the animals by the
animal environment ( and, Sac p.39)
Cattle should be kept in an environment that takes into account · ensuring ventilation is suffcient so that cattle do not suffer
their welfare needs, be designed to protect them from physical from cold or heat stress.
and thermal discomfort, fear and distress, and allows them to
exhibit natural behaviour. · ensuring open lots or sites for grazing are chosen carefully.
Fields should be free draining and have adequate shelter.
There are many examples of specifc actions that can be taken;
some of these are listed below.
Additional requirements for dairy cows
These include: · Actions should be taken to ensure that cows do not stand
· Using non-slip fooring – slipping on foors is a common for long periods of time waiting to get milked. Long standing
cause of leg damage. However, foors should not be too rough times will have a negative impact on hoof health and
either, as this can damage feet. Build-up of slurry can also decrease the effciency of production.
make the foors slippery as well as potentially causing health
issues, so cleaning systems should be in place to avoid this. The priorities for protecting cattle from physical discomfort and
stress, and enabling them to perform natural behaviour may
· avoiding sloping foors – no more than 10% is commonly differ depending on the type of facility.
recommended, as steeper slopes can cause leg problems,
slipping and falling. Some examples are listed below:
· Stanchion/tie stalls:
· ensuring slatted foors are suitable for cattle – for example · Daily exercise for animals
the gaps should not be wide enough to cause foot injuries. · Ability for animals to stand and lie down
· Space to stretch, eat, drink, urinate and defecate
· Forming appropriate group sizes. Barns and lots should comfortably
not be overstocked so as to prevent competition and stress · Routine manure removal
in the herd and ensure that all cattle can be accessed by the · Free-stalls:
stockman. Age, sex, liveweight and behavioural needs of the · Routine removal and replacement of soiled bedding
animals, as well as environmental factors, should be taken · Adequate time for rest, exercise and feed and water
into consideration when determining group size. Bulls raised consumption
for slaughter should ideally be kept in groups of in excess of · Size of stalls and provision of adequate lunge space
20 animals. Steers/heifers should ideally be kept in groups of · Provision of air movement and/or cooling systems for
less than 40 animals. animal comfort
· Open lot and pastures:

Unilever Sustainable livestock Implementation Guide | Beef ∧ Dairy ∧ Pigs & Poultry 21
· Appropriate drainage to avoid situations in which animals The suitability of the animal environment can be judged best by
stand in mud after rain looking at the health and welfare of the cows (e.g. locomotion
· Access to shade during hot periods and windbreaks score and skin lesions). In principle high levels of animal health
during cold periods and welfare can be achieved in all systems. Farm management
· Management in arid areas should be suffcient to avoid is the key success factor in this process. This implies that farm
excessive dust workers and supplier employees (responsible for visiting the
· In open lots, routine manure removal surrounding farm) should be able to monitor and score the welfare and health
feeding areas status of individual cows and the herd. Usually courses are in
place to help the farmers learn this.

Space recommendations For more information on cattle environments and facilities follow
the links:
cubicles ·
For cubicle housing there should be a minimum of one cubicle per ·
animal (ideally there should be 5% more cubicles than animals). ·
Recommended cubicle dimensions:
Dr Temple Grandin, Associate professor of Animal Sciences at
type of animal liveweight dimensions of cubicle Colorado State University has conducted research into the design
(kilos) of of cattle facilities and how to minimise stress on the animal.
Length (m) Width (m)
animal These guides give specifc information and links to additional
Cows 400-600 2.4 1.15 information.

Over 600 2.5 1.20 Non-slip fooring

Calves, youngstock 75-150 1.2 0.6
and beef cattle
150-250 1.5 0.75 Livestock handling systems
250-375 1.7 0.90

Over 375 2.1 1.10

Handling and transport
Source: UK Red Tractor Assurance Scheme

loose housing calving facilities and calf environment

All animals should have the space to move around freely, and lie A clean, dry, well-lit, well-ventilated calving area has many
down and rise without diffculty; slatted lying areas must not be health benefts for mother and calf at the time of birth. For
used for dairy cows. indoor calving ideally the cow should be housed and calved on
their own, with pens being cleaned out and disinfected between
Guidelines for space allowance: each calving. Areas used for calving should not be used for
sick animals due to the risk of contamination and infection. For
type of liveweight Bedded Solid foors (m2) Slatted outdoor calving a maternity paddock should ideally be avail-
animal (kilos) areas (includes feeding foor able which can be easily inspected by staff so assistance can be
& loafng areas) (m2) provided to the cows at calving. In extensive systems where a
dairy 500 4.25 5.85 maternity paddock is not possible, in-calf cows should be regu-
cows larly checked to ensure no diffculties in calving occur.
600 5.00 6.80

700 5.75 7.75 Housed or penned calves and young stock should be given
adequate space to stand, lie down and turn around without
Suckler 400 3.50 4.90 2.50 diffculty as well as being able to groom themselves and stretch
500 4.25 5.85 2.75 their limbs. They should also be protected from extreme weather
conditions, including high and low temperatures, draughts, and
Calves, 200 2.0 3.00 1.10
300 2.75 3.95 1.50
In group housing each calf with a liveweight upto 150kg should
and 400 3.50 4.90 1.80
beef have at least 1.5m2 of space, between 150kg and 220kg at least
cattle 500 4.25 5.85 2.1 1.7m2 and over 220kg 1.8m2 (source: COUNCIL DIRECTIVE
2008/119/EC – Europe).
600 5.00 6.80 2.3
Source: UK Red Tractor Assurance Scheme Routine early weaning of suckled beef calves should be avoided
as this can reduce their resistance to disease. Weaning is recom-

22 Unilever Sustainable livestock Implementation Guide | Beef ∧ Dairy ∧ Pigs & Poultry
mended between six and nine months of age. Early weaning is For additional information on monitoring and management
acceptable where the cattle are suffering from poor health, body systems follow the links:
condition or welfare. Weaned calves should have access to fresh
forage and a concentrate mix. scoring-020130.pdf - Photographic guides for monitoring are
available such as the UK government guide to Body Condition
management – requirement for training (, Sac p.39)
This requirement covers the need for training of farmers and Further information surrounding health planning can be found at:
stock-keepers in all aspects of dairy and beef farming. ·
leafet_-_farm_herd_planning.pdf - herd health planning
cattle handling, movement and transportation health-welfare/lameness/husbandry-prevention/mobili-
Since cattle are often subject to movement and transportation, ty-scoring/ - Locomotion scoring
employees should be properly trained to handle cattle at all ·
stages of production, keeping stress to the animal at a minimum. New5point_locomotionscoreguide.pdf - US University
The consequences of inhumane handling should be known to Extension Service Guide to Locomotion Scoring
employees. ·

Handling facilities should be well-maintained and free of objects Your veterinarian may be able to provide you with similar guides,
such as broken boards or rails that may cause bruising. The so remember to ask as part of the health planning process.
transit of cattle should be safe, humane, and comfortable in
order to ensure their health, quality and value.
calf Health
For information and advice on livestock transport please view Since calves are more susceptible to a number of diseases,
the ‘Unilever Livestock Transport and Slaughter Implementation good hygiene is particularly important, as is monitoring of their
Guide’. general health. Your vet will be able to advise further. Procedures
carried out on calves should be, where applicable be under
anaesthesia (e.g. dehorning). The number of procedures carried
animal health plan (, Sac p.39) out on calves (like dehorning, castration) should be kept to a
Animal health plans for all cattle should include: minimum (for additional advice surrounding procedures see
· Calf health and management protocols ‘Mutilations’ page 19).
· Monitoring of cattle health e.g. monitoring of locomotion,
body condition and lesions. Monitoring for these issues Calves should be provided with food that contains suffcient iron
enables early identifcation of problems and therefore early to ensure a blood haemoglobin level of at least 4.5mmol/litre (by
intervention to address underlying factors. Such monitoring providing 40 to 50 mg Fe/kg supplied in feed). A minimum daily
can link to the requirement for continuous improvement, ration of 100g of fbrous food should be provided for every calf
monitoring and benchmarking (section 9.2). over 2 weeks. This should be raised in line with growth to 250g by
· Treatment protocols for regularly encountered conditions 20 weeks old.
(Including chemicals, drugs, medications, withdrawal period
· Recommended vaccination protocols (when applicable)
· Recommended parasite controls
· Protocol for health checks (for all stages of production)
· Mortality records, including cause of death
· Quarantine procedures
· Biosecurity procedures
· A risk assessment should be part of the health plan,
including discussion surrounding all possible risks for animal
health (e.g. feeding, housing, management).

The health plan should be reviewed and amended accordingly at

least once a year.

Additional requirements for dairy cows:

· Milk yield and milk quality are also useful indicators of cow
health, so monitoring of milk yield and quality parameters
should also be part of the health plan (somatic cell count,
bactoscan and TBC as well as nutritional indicators such as
fat and protein).

Unilever Sustainable livestock Implementation Guide | Beef ∧ Dairy ∧ Pigs & Poultry 23
pig prodUction Ideally, provision of water should take into consideration the
following: the total volume available; suffcient fow rate for
mutilations the type of animal (e.g. some classes of stock may not spend a
Thought should be given to the necessity on individual farms to long time taking water); the method of provision (e.g. the type of
carry out such tasks as tail docking, teeth clipping and castration. drinker); and its accessibility to all the animals in a group. Pig
keepers should be aware of the daily water requirement of the
Tail docking and teeth clipping should not be carried out animals under their care.
routinely: only being carried out where there is evidence on the
farm that injuries to pigs have occurred (e.g. injuries to sows daily requirements and minimum fow rates for pigs of
teats, ear/tail biting) or are likely to occur as a result of not tail different weights and stages:
docking or tooth clipping.
Weight of pig (Kg) daily Requirement minimum fow
Where deemed necessary such surgical procedures must be (litres) rate through
kept to a minimum and only be performed by competent, trained nipple drinkers
personnel. If castration is deemed necessary; it should ideally (litres/min)
take place within 72 hours of birth and an anaesthetic and newly weaned 1.0 - 1.5 0.3
prolonged pain relief should be administered.
up to 20kgs 1.5 – 2.0 0.5-1.0
Other tasks such as boar tusk removal, should only be carried 20kgs-40kgs 2.0 - 5.0 1.0-1.5
out when by not doing so would cause injury or distress.
Finishing pigs up 5.0 - 6.0 1.0-1.5
to 100kgs

Food and water provision (, Sac p.39) Sows & Gilts: 5.0 - 8.0 2.0
Feed Sows & Gilts: 15 – 30 2.0
Pig diets should be appropriate for the stage of production: in-lactation
fed in suffcient quantities to maintain the pigs in good health
while maintaining body condition and satisfying their nutritional Boars 5.0 - 8.0 2.0
requirements. Source: Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA, UK)

The diets of dry and lactating sows should meet health require- Where nipple drinkers are used, ideally a drinking point should
ments and avoid nutritional or metabolic problems. This can be be available for each ten pigs on rationed feeding. On unre-
best regulated and documented in a feed plan. Ideally, the feed stricted feeding, one nipple drinker should provide adequate
plan should detail the type of feed that is provided and the level supply for 15 pigs given suffcient fow rates.
of ingredients used. The feed plan should also indicate the levels
of energy, protein, minerals and fbres in the ration. Where trough systems are used: pigs up to 15 kg should have
access to 0.8 cm per head; pigs in the 15-35 kg liveweight range
The feed plan ideally should also contain a section on the nutri- should have access to 1.0 cm per head; pigs over 35 kg should
tion of pigs during the rearing and fnishing periods. Good pig have access to 1.3 cm of trough space per head.
nutrition is judged on the basis of: (1) general condition of the
pigs, (2) production performance. In wet feed systems, pigs should have access to a separate
supply of fresh water.
Procedures should be in place to minimise the contamination of
stored feeds. All ration ingredients and formulations should meet Water troughs, bowls and nipples should be kept clean and
local legislative requirements (e.g. the use of mammalian and managed in a way that ensures they are capable of dispensing
avian proteins in diets is banned in some countries). water at all times.

All pigs should have daily access to food (except when required animal Feed purchase and traceability
by the attending veterinarian). Efforts should be made to avoid The main SAC implementation guide describes the three
sudden changes in the type and quantity of feed. elements relating to good food and drink provision – access,
quality and amount. One way in which to guarantee quality of
purchased feed is to ensure feed is supplied by a reputable
Water vendor. In many countries, for example those in the European
All pigs should have continuous access to a suffcient quantity Union, this is regulated by law. Here, all vendors of animal feed
of clean drinking water so that they are able to satisfy their fuid must be registered or approved and have traceability procedures
intake needs. Equipment for providing water to animals should in place. Feed contaminated with afatoxins and dioxin must
minimise contamination and the harmful effects of competition not be fed to animals. Afatoxins and dioxins in feed can cause
between animals. Water troughs, bowls and nipples should be serious problems as the afatoxins can pass into the fnished
managed in a way that ensures they are capable of dispensing product. Ideally feed should be tested for afatoxins and dioxin.
water at all times. As a minimum, testing for these hazardous substances should be

24 Unilever Sustainable livestock Implementation Guide | Beef ∧ Dairy ∧ Pigs & Poultry
based on a risk assessment of feed constituents that pose a high and replenished to ensure that all
risk of contamination. For example; afatoxins should be tested animals are physically comfort-
where raw materials come from tropical areas and dioxins where able and dry.
raw material production is situated close to incineration sites.
This can also mean that grazing or harvesting is not possible if · accommodation used for pigs should
dioxin levels are too high in a certain region. If testing of feed is allow each pig to: stand up, lie down and
not possible, the testing of meat for afatoxins and dioxin levels rest without diffculty while maintaining a
are the minimum standard. comfortable temperature and allowing enough
space to allow pigs in the group to lie down at the same time.
Suppliers of feed should be asked for data on the nutritional Stocking density guidance: 0.40m²/pig (of unobstructed foor
quality of the ingredients. A properly designed and verifed feed space) where the average pig weight is >30kg and <50kg;
plan should be the assurance for good animal feed purchase and 0.65m²/pig where the average pig weight is >85kg; and
traceability. Water supply and water quality should be included in 1.00m²/pig where the average pig weight is >110kg. Mature
the feed plan as well. sows should be given a minimum total foor area of 3.5m2/
sow, and 2.5m2/gilt for frst and second parity animals.

avoiding competition for food and drink (, Sac p.39) · the housing of sows and gilts in groups, except during the
With respect to requirement on competition, the method period between 7 days before the predicted day of farrowing
of feeding and provision of water should minimise the contami- and the day on which the weaning of piglets (including any
nation of feed and water and should minimise bullying: restricted piglets fostered) is complete.
feeding in troughs should enable all pigs to feed simultaneously.
· ensuring manure is removed on a daily routine basis, and
If a foor feeding system is used, feed should be scattered over a that sanitation programmes are in place that result in clean
wide area to reduce the potential for bullying. animals. Removing manure on a regular basis will decrease
ammonia levels as well.
Mechanical and automated (e.g. Electronic Sow Feeders) feeding
systems should be monitored to ensure procedures are in place · ensuring light levels inside housing are adequate for
in the event of a breakdown. animals to feed and behave normally.

· ensuring ventilation is suffcient: pigs must be provided with

animal environment ( and, Sac p.39) an environment which allows them to regulate their temper-
Pigs should be kept in an environment that takes into account ature so that they can avoid heat or cold stress.
their welfare needs, be designed to protect them from physical
and thermal discomfort, fear and distress, and allows them to · Supplying pigs with permanent access to a suffcient quan-
exhibit natural behaviour. tity of material such as straw, hay, wood, sawdust, mush-
room compost, peat (or a mixture of such which does not
There are many examples of specifc actions that can be taken adversely affect the health of the animals), to enable proper
with respect to the pig farm environment, to protect pigs from investigation and manipulation activities.
physical discomfort and stress, and enable them to perform
natural behaviour. These include: Where pigs are kept in outdoor husbandry systems, stock/
· Using non-slip fooring – slipping on foors is a common breeds of pig should be selected for their suitability for outdoor
cause of leg damage. However, foors should not be too rough conditions.
either, as this can damage feet. Build-up of slurry can also
make the foors slippery as well as potentially causing health Sites for outdoor production should be chosen carefully: sites
issues, so cleaning systems should be in place to avoid this. with free draining soils, in low rainfall areas with low frost inci-
dence are most suitable. Adequate shelter (to protect the pigs
· avoiding sloping foors – no more than 10% is commonly in hot or cold weather conditions) should be provided for all pigs
recommended, as steeper slopes can cause leg problems, which are outdoors.
slipping and falling.
A stocking density guideline of 25 sows per ha overall is consid-
· ensuring slatted foors, where used, are suitable for pigs ered acceptable on suitable sites.
– for example the gaps should not be wide enough to cause
foot injuries. The suitability of the animal environment can be judged best by
looking at the health and welfare of the pigs (e.g. body condi-
· ensuring housing for all classes of stock (including entire tion, lesions, fght marks etc.). Farm management is a key
males) is within sight and sound of other animals and success factor in providing for the health and welfare of the pigs.
includes an exercise area. Therefore, it should be possible to monitor and score the health
and welfare of individual animals and the herd by viewing the
· providing all housed pigs with lying areas that are dry and pigs and the facilities.
clean. Where bedding is provided it should be checked daily

Unilever Sustainable livestock Implementation Guide | Beef ∧ Dairy ∧ Pigs & Poultry 25
Farrowing, piglet environment and facilities mended parasite controls: protocol for the treatment of injurious
The feeding management of sows and gilts should ensure they behaviour; protocol for pre delivery health checks; quarantine
are in suitable body condition at the time of farrowing: a target procedures; biosecurity procedures.
score of 3.5 -4 should be aimed for.
Besides the monitoring of disease incidences, a risk assessment
Farrowing accommodation should be constructed and be suff- should be part of the health plan. In this risk assessment all
ciently big enough to allow sows to rise up and lie down again possible risks for animal health (e.g. feeding, housing, manage-
without diffculty. Additionally, the space available to sows in ment) are discussed.
farrowing crates should be long enough to allow sows to lie in a
fully outstretched comfortable position, which will depend on the Procedures carried out on pigs should be, where applicable (e.g.
weight of the sow. Ideally sows should not be placed in crates castration) under anaesthesia. The number of procedures carried
more than fve days before the expected farrowing date. out on piglets (like teeth clipping, tail docking) should be kept to
a minimum (for additional advice surrounding procedures see
Nesting material should be provided, whenever possible, particu- ‘Mutilations’ page 24).
larly in the 24 hours prior to farrowing to enable sows to exhibit
nest-building behaviour.

If necessary, piglets should be provided with a source of supple-

mentary heat, together with a solid, dry and comfortable lying
area away from the sow where all of them can rest at the same
time. In farrowing pens where sows are kept loose, some means
of protecting piglets should be installed, e.g. creep rails.

Unless the health and welfare of the sow or piglets is being

compromised, piglets should not be weaned from the sow at less
than 28 days.

At weaning, piglets should be moved into specialised housing

which has previously been emptied of pigs, cleaned and

management – requirement for training (, Sac p.39)

This requirement covers the need for training of farmers and
stock-keepers in all aspects of pig farming, including insemina-
tion, pregnancy care and farrowing, management practices, pig
handling, movement and transportation (see next paragraph) as
well as dealing with sick and fallen or culled stock.

pig handling, movement and transportation

Since pigs are often subject to movement and transportation,
employees should be properly trained to handle pigs at all stages
of production keeping stress to the animal at a minimum. The
consequences of inhumane handling should be known and

The transit of pigs should be safe, humane, and comfortable

in order to ensure their health, quality and value. For informa-
tion and advice on livestock transport please view the ‘Unilever
Livestock Transport and Slaughter Implementation Guide (red

animal health plan (, Sac p.39)

Animal health plans for sows, piglets and rearing/fnishing stock
should include, as a minimum: Identifed diseases; treatments to
be administered for regularly encountered conditions (Including
chemicals, drugs, medications, pre-harvest period etc.);
recommended vaccination protocols (when applicable); recom-

26 Unilever Sustainable livestock Implementation Guide | Beef ∧ Dairy ∧ Pigs & Poultry
poUltry prodUction – For broilers it is preferable that
poUltry meat (broilerS) and eggS (layerS) houses are equipped with 2 silos to
ensure that withdrawal periods of
mutilations coccidiostats and other treatments
It should not be necessary to use any mutilations for growing can be effectively managed (require-
broilers. ment
Prior to depopulation of houses feed should
In all egg production systems there are on-going challenges with not be withdrawn from the birds for more than
feather pecking and cannibalism during the rearing and laying 12 hours before the time of slaughter.
phases. Best practice is considered as not beak trimming. If beak
trimming is deemed necessary, and recommended by a veteri-
nary surgeon, then it should ideally be performed at one day old Water
using an infra-red system. Birds should be provided with continuous access to fresh, potable
There are various management techniques that should be used
to reduce the need for beak trimming. These include: It is essential that high standards of water quality are main-
· Ensuring synchrony of the rearing and laying environments tained. Drinkers should be hygienically managed. Water quality
for the birds. should be periodically checked, with samples taken from the
· Lighting (duration, intensity, pattern) drinker points in the houses. As a guide, water quality should be
· Water ft for human consumption, irrespective of the source.
· Feed
· Housing Recommended standard limits for potable water:
· Avoiding barren environments – providing enrichment to
encourage natural behaviour parameter unit test Requirement methods
· Reducing stocking density remarks
· Genetics – understanding differences between and within Total per ml 6.9 x 102 1.0 x 102 Pour
breeds Bacteria Plate
· Rapid recognition and treatment of issues
· Consistent nutrition / ration formulation Coliform per 100 ml nil nil Filtration
· Lighting – managing intensity, avoiding shafts of light E. Coli per 100 ml nil nil Filtration
entering a building
· Effective control of parasites such as red mite. Salmonella per 100 ml negative negative Filtration
Source: World Health Organisation
Food and water provision (, Sac p.39)
Water meters should be ftted in all houses and the amount of
Feed water consumed should be monitored on a daily basis. Changes
Birds should be fed ad-libitum and diets should be specifcally in water consumption provide an early indication of health issues
formulated to satisfy the nutritional requirements of the type of within focks.
bird that is being reared. Feed should be presented in a form that
is suitable for the age and type of bird. Feed should be sourced A 24 hour supply of water should be available on site or there
from a purpose built feed mill that operates to an approved local should be provision made to achieve this e.g. the use of a dedi-
scheme (e.g. The Universal Feed Assurance Scheme, UFAS cated bowser.
Assurance/Trade%20Assurance%20Schemes/UFAS.mspx). Typical daily water consumption for layers (litres per 1000 birds)
Details of the key ration components should be detailed in the at 21˚C:
farm feed plan e.g. energy, protein, key minerals and amino
acids. production age/Rate of Water Consumption
Stage production
Procedures should be in place to minimise the contamination layer pullet 4 weeks 100
of stored feeds. All ration ingredients and formulations should
meet local legislative requirements (e.g. the use of mammalian / 12 weeks 160
avian proteins and ‘growth promoters’ in diets is banned in some 18 weeks 200
countries). Diets should be free from hormones and, if fshmeal
is used, it should be fed at levels that do not result in the tainting laying hens 50% production 220
of fnished product. 90% production 270
Source: Poultry CRC ­­requirements/
For further information regarding the sustainability of feed,
please refer to section 12.

Unilever Sustainable livestock Implementation Guide | Beef ∧ Dairy ∧ Pigs & Poultry 27
Typical daily water consumption for broilers at 20�C (litres per animal environment ( and, Sac p.39)
1000 mixed sex birds): Chickens should be kept in an environment that takes into
account their welfare needs, be designed to protect them from
age (weeks) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 physical and thermal discomfort, fear and distress, and allows
them to exhibit natural behaviour.
Water 65 120 180 245 290 330 355 370
Source: Poultry CRC ­­requirements/
Buildings should provide a safe, hygienic and comfortable
environment for the birds. All surfaces within the poultry house
should be easily cleanable, including walls, foors, ceilings and
animal Feed purchase and traceability pen divisions. The fabric of the building should provide a weath-
The main SAC implementation guide describes the three er-proof and vermin-proof environment.
elements relating to good food and drink provision – access,
quality and amount. One way in which to guarantee quality of temperature and relative Humidity
purchased feed is to ensure feed is supplied by a reputable Systems should be in place to maintain a suitable temperature
vendor. In many countries, for example those in the European that is appropriate for the age and type of bird being housed.
Union, this is regulated by law. Here, all vendors of animal feed Supplementary heating and cooling systems should be available
must be registered or approved and have traceability procedures that are capable of maintaining the optimal temperature in all
in place. Feed contaminated with afatoxins and dioxin must climatic conditions likely to be encountered throughout the year.
not be fed to animals. Afatoxins and dioxins in feed can cause In hot weather, houses may switch to a tunnel ventilation system
serious problems as the afatoxins can pass into the fnished or use misting / cooling systems.
product. Ideally feed should be tested for afatoxins and dioxin.
As a minimum, testing for these hazardous substances should be The level of Relative Humidity in the poultry house should also
based on a risk assessment of feed constituents that pose a high be monitored and controlled. Best practice is thought to be the
risk of contamination. For example; afatoxins should be tested provision of a Relative Humidity between 50 and 70%.
where raw materials come from tropical areas and dioxins where
raw material production is situated close to incineration sites. The box below describes legislation relating to temperature and
This can also mean that grazing or harvesting is not possible if humidity within the EU:
dioxin levels are too high in a certain region. If testing of feed is
not possible, the testing of meat for afatoxins and dioxin levels COUNCIL DIRECTIVE 2007/43/EC of 28 June 2007, laying down
are the minimum standard. minimum rules for the protection of chickens kept for meat
production states:
Suppliers of feed should be asked for data on the nutritional
quality of the ingredients. A properly designed and verifed feed ANNEX II - REQUIREMENTS FOR THE USE OF HIGHER
plan should be the assurance for good animal feed purchase and STOCKING DENSITIES
traceability. Water supply and water quality should be included in
Requirements for the holdings — control of environment
the feed plan as well.

3. The owner or keeper shall ensure that each house of a

avoiding competition for food and drink (, Sac p.39) holding is equipped with ventilation and, if necessary, heating
With respect to requirement on competition, the method and cooling systems designed, constructed and operated in
of feeding and provision of water should minimise the contami- such a way that:
nation of feed and water and minimise competition.
(b) the inside temperature, when the outside temperature
Feed: Pan type feeding systems are preferable. Suffcient feed measured in the shade exceeds 30°C, does not exceed this
space should be provided according to the recommendation of outside temperature by more than 3°C;
the equipment manufacturer.
(c) the average relative humidity measured inside the house
during 48 hours does not exceed 70% when the outside
Water: Nipple drinker systems are preferable, although bell
temperature is below 10°C.
drinkers may be used. Suffcient drinking space should be
provided according to the recommendation of the equipment
manufacturer. Drinkers must be positioned at the correct height
for the size of the birds.

Mechanical and automated feeding / watering systems should

be monitored and procedures should be in place in the event of a

28 Unilever Sustainable livestock Implementation Guide | Beef ∧ Dairy ∧ Pigs & Poultry
air Quality · From week 15 – 16 the day length is increased to a maximum
The ventilation system should control the levels of noxious gases, of 14 / 16 hours to bring the birds into lay and maintain egg
including ammonia, carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide. Typical production.
standards include:
Lighting levels in laying houses tend to be lower than in broiler
Scheme Co2 (ppm) Co (ppm) nH3 (ppm) houses to discourage pecking, but the RSPCA Freedom Food
standard suggests a minimum of 10 lux.
EU Legislation for 3,000 20
increased densities –
see Stocking Density It is good practice to use dawn and dusk simulation when lights
below are switched on and off in a poultry house. This reduces levels
of stress within focks. This can be achieved by using automated
RSPCA Broilers 5,000 50 15
systems which gradually lower or raise the light intensity over
RSPCA Layers 5,000 50 25 a period of time (typically 15 – 20 minutes), by switching rows of
lights on / off sequentially, or by utilising the natural dawn and
HSE Long term expo- 5,000 30 25
dusk in open sided / windowed housing systems.
sure for personnel

lighting In deep litter systems the foor should be completely covered in
A lighting programme should be in place that is appropriate to litter to maintain dry and friable bedding. This should provide an
the production method, age and physiological requirements of appropriate environment for the birds that reduces the likeli-
the birds. This programme should defne both the duration of the hood of hock burn, pododermatitis and cleanliness issues, and
light / dark periods and the intensity of light provided. The source encourages dust bathing and other natural behaviours. The
of light may be either natural (through open sided houses or via material used should be absorbent and safe. Typically mate-
windows) or artifcial, or a combination. rials such as woodshavings, chopped straw and rice hulls are
used. Used litter should be disposed of in a responsible manner,
Programmes should comply with local legislation. Within every in accordance with the waste management plan for the farm
24 hours there must be a period of darkness irrespective of age (requirement
and production system.
Stocking density
The box below describes legislation relating to lighting Stocking density (space allowance) should comply with local
programmes for broilers within the EU: legislation and take into account the local climate. Specifc
stocking densities will depend on the type of bird being reared
COUNCIL DIRECTIVE 2007/43/EC of 28 June 2007, laying down (broiler / layer) and the production system (intensive / extensive).
minimum rules for the protection of chickens kept for meat
production states: Examples of typical stocking densities are:

ANNEX I - REQUIREMENTS APPLICABLE TO HOLDINGS System production Stocking density Stocking density
method (inside) (outside)
6. All buildings shall have lighting with an intensity of at least
20 lux during the lighting periods, measured at bird eye level Broiler Standard **Max 42 kg / m2 N/A
and illuminating at least 80% of the useable area. A temporary High Welfare 30 kg / m2 N/A
reduction in the lighting level may be allowed when necessary Indoor
following veterinary advice.
Free Range 27.5 kg / m2 1 m2 / bird
7. Within seven days from the time when the chickens are
Pullet Floor ***21kg / m2 N/A
placed in the building and until three days before the foreseen
time of slaughter, the lighting must follow a 24-hour rhythm
– (Eggs)
and include periods of darkness lasting at least six hours in
total, with at least one uninterrupted period of darkness of at *Cage ***250 cm2 / kg N/A
least four hours, excluding dimming periods.
Egg *Enriched 750 cm2 / bird N/A
Layer Cage

There is no specifc legislation relating to lighting programmes Barn 1,100 cm2 / bird N/A
for egg layers but typical guidelines are: Free Range 1,100 cm2 / bird 1 m2 / bird
· Over the frst seven days (from day old) the day length should
* Unilever is working towards sourcing all its eggs from cage­free systems – this is
be reduced from 23 hours to 9 / 10 hours. Intensity is typically
an interim reference only.
reduced from 20 lux to 5 – 10 lux. ** Density for EU broiler production is now defned in law and depends on the facil­
· From week 2 to week 15 – 16, the day length is maintained at ities / farm performance (see below). In hot climates the stocking density might
a constant length (9 / 10 hours). typically be reduced to 28–32 Kg / m2
*** Guideline only – legislation for layers only applies in the laying phase

Unilever Sustainable livestock Implementation Guide | Beef ∧ Dairy ∧ Pigs & Poultry 29
The box below describes legislation relating to stocking density For egg layers, within the eu there is specifc legislation
for broilers within the EU: relating to the design of enriched cages, which must include:
· A nesting area
COUNCIL DIRECTIVE 2007/43/EC of 28 June 2007, laying down · Litter such that pecking and scratching are possible
minimum rules for the protection of chickens kept for meat · Appropriate perches allowing at least 15 cm per hen
production states: · A feed trough which may be used without restriction must
be provided. Its length must be at least 12 cm multiplied by
Article 3 the number of hens in the cage
· Each cage must have a drinking system appropriate to the
2. Member States shall ensure that the maximum stocking size of the group; where nipple drinkers are provided, at
density in a holding or a house of a holding does not at any time least two nipple drinkers or two cups must be within the
exceed 33 kg/m2. reach of each hen
· To facilitate inspection, installation and depopulation
3. By way of derogation from paragraph 2, Member States of hens there must be a minimum aisle width of 90 cm
may provide that chickens be kept at a higher stocking density between tiers of cages and a space of at least 35 cm must
provided that the owner or keeper complies with the require- be allowed between the foor of the building and the bottom
ments set out in Annex II, in addition to the requirements set tier of cages
out in Annex I. · Cages must be ftted with suitable claw-shortening devices

4. Member States shall ensure that, when a derogation is

granted under paragraph 3, the maximum stocking density in In outdoor systems the quality of the range area is as important
a holding or a house of a holding does not at any time exceed as the quantity of space provided. Cover, such as shrubs, trees
39 kg/m2.
and man-made shelters will encourage ranging behaviour. Sites
for outdoor production should be chosen carefully e.g. sites with
5. When the criteria set out in Annex V are fulflled, Member
free draining soils are preferable.
States may allow that the maximum stocking density referred
to in paragraph 4 be increased by a maximum of 3 kg/m2.
alarm Systems
Poultry houses should be equipped with alarm systems that are
capable of alerting the stock-keeper to problems. Alarms are
thinning typically used to alert the stockman to: high and low tempera-
Thinning is commonly used within some regions of Europe to tures, power failure and, in some cases, failure of water supply.
maximise productivity. However, this practice does have disad-
vantages for the birds left after thin, including: Farms should also be equipped with a generator that is capable
· Necessity to withdraw feed and feed treatments e.g. coccidio- of running the entire site in the event of a failure in electric
stats, from all birds supply. On broiler farms it is good practice that the generator
· Disruption of lighting programme starts automatically, especially if the site is not continuously
· Stress due to the proximity of machinery and personnel manned.
· Risk of disease introduction
Alarms and generators should be tested regularly and records
For these reasons best practice is considered not to thin and if maintained.
absolutely necessary it should only be carried out once per fock.

N.B. It is accepted that it may be necessary to thin in cases of management – requirement for training (, Sac p.39)
unexpected hot weather to avoid heat stress. This requirement covers the need for training of farmers and
stock-keepers in all aspects of poultry farming, including
enrichment management practices, bird handling, movement and trans-
For broiler production and the rearing of replacement egg layers portation (see next paragraph) as well as dealing with sick and
in deep litter, there is no legislation relating to the provision of injured stock.
enrichment, but it is considered to be a key element of ensuring
birds can express natural behaviour. In laying systems enrich-
ments are also an essential tool in reducing the likelihood of poultry handling, movement and transportation
feather pecking. Employees should be properly trained to handle birds at all
stages of production keeping stress to a minimum. The conse-
Typical enrichments include: quences of inhumane handling should be known and enforced.
· Broilers: Perches, Pecking objects, Bales of straw / wood
shavings The transit of birds should be safe, humane, and comfortable
· Replacement Layers: Perches, Strings and other pecking in order to ensure their health, quality and value. For informa-
objects, Bales of straw / wood shavings tion and advice on livestock transport please view the ‘Unilever
Livestock Transport and Slaughter Implementation Guide

30 Unilever Sustainable livestock Implementation Guide | Beef ∧ Dairy ∧ Pigs & Poultry
animal health plan (, Sac p.39)
Health and welfare plans for poultry should include, as a
minimum: Identifed diseases; treatments to be administered for
regularly encountered conditions (Including chemicals, drugs,
medications, pre-harvest period etc.); recommended vaccination
protocols (when applicable); recommended vermin and para-
site controls: protocol for the treatment of injurious behaviour;
protocol for pre delivery health checks; quarantine procedures;
biosecurity procedures.

In broiler systems, stock-keepers should run a proactive

programme to maximise the leg health of the fock. They should
be trained to recognise signs of abnormal gait and proactively
cull birds to prevent any unnecessary suffering.

Besides the monitoring of disease incidences, a risk assessment

should be part of the health plan. In this risk assessment all
possible risks for animal health (e.g. feeding, housing, manage-
ment) are discussed.

Antibiotics are an essential tool in treating disease outbreaks and

maximise the health and welfare of focks. However antibiotics
must be used responsibly and only if prescribed by a veterinary
surgeon. Products, or equivalents products e.g. fuoroquinolones
that can be used to treat human disease, should be avoided
whenever possible. The animal health plan must also take into
account the likely development of resistance to antibiotics.

Future requirement changes to the SaC

9.1.5 needs to be added to the list of records kept “Records of
feed supplements – MUST” add after food and drink provision
“All producers should develop a feed plan – SHOULD” and
encouragement of grazing wherever this is possible (as they
are able to express natural behavior in this way).

Unilever Sustainable livestock Implementation Guide | Beef ∧ Dairy ∧ Pigs & Poultry 31
SectIon 10
partnering and SHaring inFormation

valUe cHain and Since commodity prices can fuctuate widely, suppliers should

local economy
help farmers with contingency planning (e.g. forward buying feed
to help reduce fnancial losses if prices fuctuate) and cash-fow
projection, especially making farmers aware of the importance
and value of this and general business planning, and with consid-
ering contracts that allow a longer term planning approach.

Key Issues in livestock production

· Access to economic information and tools
· Proftability of livestock farms (in certain regions)
avoiding WaSte in tHe valUe cHain
· Dealing with commodity and price fuctuations (reQUirementS -

Some of the requirements in this section are not relevant to

livestock production.

meaSUring progreSS ( By limiting stock losses (e.g. lowing mortality rates) via proper
health planning and management (see Section 9, page 19-23
The metric ‘Produce more with less’ relates to the issue of using for cattle, page 24-26 for pigs and page 27-31 for poultry),
scarce agricultural land resources in a productive way. more animals can be reared from the same number of breeding
animals. Animals (produced for meat) should be marketed
Yield per hectare of land for livestock production clearly differs at the correct weight and conformation to ensure they meet
between production systems; therefore measuring livestock market requirements and consumer demands. Animals which
production in terms of land use is far more complicated than for are over-fat will produce carcasses which may need to have the
crops. excess fat trimmed off at the processor, leading to increased
costs for the processor, and a reduced price paid for the carcass.
Livestock production is affected by many factors including animal
genetics, production system (intensive or extensive), climate, avail- The requirements that are not applicable are,,
able resources (feed), health, welfare and management. There are, and You should answer N/A to these questions.
measures for monitoring productivity, such as daily liveweight gain,
feed conversion ratio, young reared per adult, feed consumption.
But these measures are clearly affected by the diversity of issues variety/breed Selection (
within the livestock industry. Currently there are no standardised
measures for the beef, pork and poultry industries which can strip As discussed in the section on genetic diversity, you should take
out the variables and compare like against like. At the moment advice on breed selection from local breeding programmes as
(other than dairy suppliers – see below), livestock farmers do not well as personal knowledge and judgement on what traits may
need to supply data for this metric. be desirable. Suppliers are not required to test new breeds, as
this is largely done at the industry level.

Currently, we simply need you to provide information on your HarveSting management (
average milk yield per cow per year, corrected for energy content
(ECM), as well as an equivalent average fgure for farms in your Mechanical harvesting is not applicable for most livestock
region (suppliers, not farmers need to supply this data). production. Where harvesting systems are mechanised, such as
The following paragraph explains how to do the correction for in the catching of poultry, product quality should be monitored
energy content (Energy Corrected Milk): and the health and welfare of the animal should not be compro-
mised by the harvesting method.
eCm (kg/cow/year) = yield (kg/cow/year) x [(383 x % fat) +
(242 x % protein) +783.2)/3140]
As an example, working on the basis of 7000 kg milk produced HarveSting ScHedUling and rotationS
per cow per year, and a fat content of 3.5% and a protein ( and
content of 3.2%
These requirements are not relevant for livestock farmers –
ECM = 7000 x [(383 x 3.5) + (242 x 3.2) + 783.2]/3140 answer N/A.
= 7000 x [(1340.5) + (774.4) + 783.2]/3140
= 7000 x 0.923
= 6460.7 kg/cow/year links to other Sections
Section 8 - Social and Human Capital (work-life balance,
employment in the local community)

32 Unilever Sustainable livestock Implementation Guide | Beef ∧ Dairy ∧ Pigs & Poultry
Future requirement changes to the SaC
10.1.6 will read “Market information for raw materials SectIon 11
produced.” will read “All crop and animal products….” (c) will read “… bulk purchasing of seed, seedlings,
fertiliser, feed…” (d) will read “… dialogues with plant and animal Please see the main SAC Implementation Guide for guidance
breeders…” on training and requirement, which makes it clear that title will read “Crop/animal product yield and genetic “managers and stock-keepers must be thoroughly trained,
potential” and skilled and competent in animal husbandry and welfare, and
text will read “Farmers… taking into account safety, have a good working knowledge of their system and the animals
quality, animal welfare, … costs.” under their care”. title will read “Variety/breed selection”,
text will read “… if high quality varieties/breeds are
Future requirement changes
used… specify or supply the variety or breed for
11.2.1 (a) will read “… growing healthy crops/pasture…”
farmers to use.” (a) will read “… time between farm and factory…”
All other requirements apply.

Unilever Sustainable livestock Implementation Guide | Beef ∧ Dairy ∧ Pigs & Poultry 33
SectIon 12
is included in the diet of livestock it should ideally be sourced

SUStainable Feed Unilever supports The Round Table on Sustainable Soy (RTRS)

and would encourage their suppliers to do the same whenever
possible. In the United States Unilever is actively working with
the United Soybean Board to ensure that there US Soy is in
compliance with our requirements.

Unilever appreciates that by reducing the livestock industries

Key Issues in livestock production
reliance on imported soy and increasing the proportion of home-
· Increasing demand for livestock products
grown protein crops for use in animal feed is one possible option
· Sourcing soy from regions where deforestation is an issue
· Finding alternative protein sources to soy for animal feed to reduce the environmental impact of soy grown on land which
has recently been converted from natural habitat. Therefore,
where possible, animal feed protein should be home grown or
locally sourced (some alternative protein crops include peas,
beans, lupins or alfalfa).
although there are no requirements in the Unilever
Sustainable agricultural code which relate to section 12, However, it should be noted that further research is required on
the sustainable feed commitment is a future direction the following:
which Unilever would like to suppliers to consider. this · That growing alternative protein crops does not just displace
may require suppliers of Unilever to have (as a minimum) the current environmental issues associated to soy to other
a written commitment in the future. regions of the globe or cause new challenges
· Research and development into alternative crops or raw
In 2011 the world population reached 7 billion and is projected materials to replace soy
to reach 10.1 billion in the next ninety years, reaching 9.3 billion
by 2050 (FAO, 2011). Not only is the global population increasing, Roundtable on Responsible Soy (RtRS)
income levels are also rising allowing for a change in dietary The RTRS is an international multi-stakeholder initiative
preferences towards a diet containing higher levels of animal founded in 2006 that promotes the use and growth of respon-
based protein. sible production of soy. Membership includes Producers,
Industry, Trade & Finance and Civil Society Organizations.
To meet these demands, the livestock industry is increasing The mission of the RTRS is to ensure that “current and future
the intensifcation and scale of production. The pig and poultry soybean is produced in a responsible manner to reduce social
and environmental impacts while maintaining or improving the
sectors have rapidly expanded and shifted towards a grain based
economic status for the producer”.
diet to improve productivity. The dairy and cattle industries, in
some geographical locations, have moved from grass-based to
grain based diets also in an effort to increase production.

A high level of dietary protein is a crucial component to

increasing livestock productivity and due to its superior protein
content along with its price and availability soy is extensively
used for this purpose.

The issue surrounding soy is that a proportion of its production is

associated with de-forestation, for example, for the last 10 years
South America has planted an additional 1.5 million hectares of
soy, some of this on areas of tropical forests, and Cerrado. Global
forest areas have been decreasing by an average of 0.2% per year
(data from 1990-2005) (WRI).

Other adverse effects of soy production are a consequence of

monoculture, which can negatively impact local biodiversity, and
natural resources such as water and soil. Soy production is also
implicated in displacement of local people and hunger problems
due to fewer edible crops being grown.

The negative effects of soy farming on people and the environ-

ment can be reduced by making the soy chain more sustainable.
Unilever recognise the importance of soy as a signifcant source
of protein in animal feeds, and therefore concludes that if it

34 Unilever Sustainable livestock Implementation Guide | Beef ∧ Dairy ∧ Pigs & Poultry
lead editors
Vanessa King, Unilever Sustainable Sourcing
Development Team
Klaas Jan van Calker, Sustainable Sourcing
Consultant (Dairy)

external advisers
FAI Farms Ltd., Tim Amlaw, Gabe Clark, Nigel Cook,
Irwin Foreman, Brian Lindsay, Marcia McGlochlin,
Jim Reynolds (DVM, MPVM), Dr. Jim Webster,
Ann Wilkinson

Version 1

Unilever © 2013

For further information/contact

For Suppliers:

Design A10plus, Rotterdam,
Unilever plc
100 Victoria Embankment
London EC4Y 0DY

T: +44 (0)20 7822 5252

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