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Carbon Dioxide Capture From Flue Gas Using Dry Regenerable Sorbents

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DOE Cooperative Agreement No. DE-FC26-00NT40923

Reporting Period: July 1, 2004 to September 30, 2004


U.S. Department of Energy

National Energy Technology Laboratory
Pittsburgh, PA 15236

David A. Green
Brian S. Turk
Jeffrey W. Portzer
Raghubir P. Gupta
William J. McMichael
Thomas Nelson
Santosh Gangwal
Ya Liang*
Tyler Moore*
Margaret Williams*
Douglas P. Harrison*

Submitted by:

Research Triangle Institute

Post Office Box 12194
Research Triangle Park, NC 27709-2194

* Louisiana State University

Department of Chemical Engineering
Baton Rouge, LA 70803

November 2004

This report was prepared as an account of work sponsored by an agency of the United
States Government. Neither the United States Government nor any agency thereof, nor
any of their employees, makes any warranty, express or implied, or assumes any legal
liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any
information, apparatus, product, or process disclosed, or represents that its use would
not infringe privately owned rights. Reference herein to any specific commercial
product, process, or service by trade name, trademark, manufacturer, or otherwise does
not necessarily constitute or imply its endorsement, recommendation, or favoring by the
United States Government or any agency thereof. The views and opinions of authors
expressed therein do not necessarily state or reflect those of the United States
Government or any agency thereof.

Laboratory studies were conducted to investigate dry, regenerable, alkali carbonate-based

sorbents for the capture of CO2 from power plant flue gas. Electrobalance, fixed-bed and fluid-
bed reactors were used to examine both the CO2 capture and sorbent regeneration phases of
the process. Sodium carbonate–based sorbents (calcined sodium bicarbonate and calcined
trona) were the primary focus of the testing. Supported sodium carbonate and potassium
carbonate sorbents were also tested.

Sodium carbonate reacts with CO2 and water vapor contained in flue gas at temperatures
between 60 and 80ºC to form sodium bicarbonate, or an intermediate salt (Wegscheider’s salt).
Thermal regeneration of this sorbent produces an off-gas containing equal molar quantities of
CO2 and H2O. The low temperature range in which the carbonation reaction takes place is
suited to treatment of coal-derived flue gases following wet flue gas desulfurization processes,
but limits the concentration of water vapor which is an essential reactant in the carbonation
reaction. Sorbent regeneration in an atmosphere of CO2 and water vapor can be carried out at
a temperature of 160ºC or higher. Pure CO2 suitable for use or sequestration is available after
condensation of the H2O. Flue gas contaminants such as SO2 react irreversibly with the sorbent
so that upstream desulfurization will be required when sulfur-containing fossil fuels are used.

Approximately 90% CO2 capture from a simulated flue gas was achieved during the early stages
of fixed-bed reactor tests using a nominal carbonation temperature of 60ºC. Effectively
complete sorbent carbonation is possible when the fixed-bed test is carried out to completion.
No decrease in sorbent activity was noted in a 15-cycle test using the above carbonation
conditions coupled with regeneration in pure CO2 at 160ºC.

Fluidized-bed reactor tests of up to five cycles were conducted. Carbonation of sodium

carbonate in these tests is initially very rapid and high degrees of removal are possible. The
exothermic nature of the carbonation reaction resulted in a rise in bed temperature and
subsequent decline in removal rate. Good temperature control, possibly through addition of
supplemental water and evaporative cooling, appears to be the key to getting consistent carbon
dioxide removal in a full-scale reactor system.

The tendency of the alkali carbonate sorbents to cake on contact with liquid water complicates
laboratory investigations as well as the design of larger scale systems. Also their low attrition
resistance appears unsuitable for their use in dilute-phase transport reactor systems. Sodium

and potassium carbonate have been incorporated in ceramic supports to obtain greater surface
area and attrition resistance, using a laboratory spray dryer. The caking tendency is reduced
and attrition resistance increased by supporting the sorbent. Supported sorbents with loading of
up to 40 wt% sodium and potassium carbonate have been prepared and tested. These
materials may improve the feasibility of large-scale CO2 capture systems based on short
residence time dilute-phase transport reactor systems.


Chapter Page

ABSTRACT.......................................................................................................... iii
LIST OF FIGURES ............................................................................................. vii
LIST OF FIGURES (continued)...........................................................................viii
LIST OF FIGURES (continued)............................................................................ ix
LIST OF TABLES.................................................................................................. x
LIST OF ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS ................................................... xi
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY .................................................................................... xii
CHAPTER 1..........................................................................................................1
INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................................1
1.1 Process Chemistry ................................................................................................... 2
1.2 Industrial Application ................................................................................................ 3
CHAPTER 2..........................................................................................................1
EXPERIMENTAL ..................................................................................................1
2.1 Electrobalance Experiments Conducted at LSU ...................................................... 1
2.1.1 Apparatus ..................................................................................................... 1
2.1.2 Electrobalance Reaction Conditions............................................................. 1
2.1.3 Typical Electrobalance Test Result .............................................................. 2
2.2 The Fixed-Bed Reactor LSU .................................................................................... 4
2.2.1 Apparatus ..................................................................................................... 4
2.2.2 Fixed-Bed Reaction Conditions .................................................................... 6
2.2.3 Typical Fixed-Bed Test Result...................................................................... 7
2.3 Fluidized–Bed Experiments at RTI........................................................................... 8
2.4 Determination of Physical Properties of Sorbents.................................................... 9
2.4.1 Particle Size Determinations ........................................................................ 9
2.4.2 BET Measurements...................................................................................... 9
2.4.3 Porosimetry ................................................................................................ 10
2.4.4 Attrition ....................................................................................................... 10
2.5 Preparation of Supported Sorbents........................................................................ 11
CHAPTER 3..........................................................................................................1
RESULTS .............................................................................................................1
3.1 Single Cycle Electrobalance Testing at LSU............................................................ 1
3.1.1 Reproducibility .............................................................................................. 1
3.1.2 The Effect of Carbonation Temperature ....................................................... 3
3.1.3 Effect of CO2 and H2O Concentration........................................................... 4
3.1.4 Comparison of Different Sorbents ................................................................ 6
3.1.5 Effect of Calcination Temperature and Atmosphere..................................... 7
3.2 Multicycle Electrobalance Testing at LSU ................................................................ 8
3.2.1 Dimensionless Weight Versus Time Results................................................ 8
3.1.3 Fractional Carbonation Versus Cycle Number Results .............................. 12
3.1.4 The Effect of SO2 ........................................................................................ 16

3.3 Fixed-Bed Reactor Testing at LSU......................................................................... 19
3.3.1 Five-Cycle Tests With Calcination in N2 at 120oC ...................................... 19
3.3.2 Multicycle Tests With Calcination in CO2 at 160ºC and 200oC ................... 24
3.4 Fluidized-Bed Reactor Testing at RTI .................................................................... 28
3.4.1 Test 1: SBC#3 ........................................................................................... 28
3.4.2 Test 2: Trona T-50..................................................................................... 35
3.4.3 Test 3: Potassium Carbonate: 1 cycle...................................................... 38
3.4.4 Test 4: Trona T-50 (5 cycles) .................................................................... 40
3.4.5 Test 5: Spray-Dried 40% Supported Potassium Carbonate (5 Cycles)..... 47
3.4.6 Test 6: 10% Supported Potassium Carbonate (5-cycles)........................... 52
3.5 Properties of Unsupported Sorbents and Sorbent Precursors ............................... 58
3.6 Characterization and Testing of Supported Materials ............................................ 58
CHAPTER 4..........................................................................................................1
CHAPTER 5..........................................................................................................1
FUTURE WORK ...................................................................................................1
5.1 Mathematical Modeling of the Process .................................................................... 1
5.2 Pilot-scale testing ..................................................................................................... 1
5.3 Sorbent Development............................................................................................... 1
CHAPTER 6..........................................................................................................1
REFERENCES .....................................................................................................1



1 Conceptual carbon dioxide capture process using regenerable sorbent

2 Schematic of the electrobalance reactor system
3 Typical results from a single-cycle electrobalance test (SBC#3)
4 Schematic of the fixed-bed reactor system
5 Typical results from a two-cycle fixed-bed reactor test (SBC#3)
6 Fluidized-bed test reactor system
7 NOVA 1000 flow diagram
8 Duplicate carbonation test results using SBR#3
9 Duplicate Carbonation Test Results Using Trona T-50
10 Effect of Temperature on the carbonation of SBC#3
11 Effect of temperature on the carbonation of Trona T-50
12 Effect of CO2 concentration on the carbonation of SBC#3
13 Effect of H2O concentration on the carbonation of SBC#3
14 Comparison of the carbonation of three sorbents at identical carbonation conditions
15 Effect of calcination atmosphere and temperature on carbonation kinetics (SBC#3)
16 Raw electrobalance result from a five-cycle test using SBC#3: Calcination in He at 120ºC
17 Smoothed electrobalance results for five carbonation cycles using SBC#3: Calcination in
He at 120ºC
18 Raw electrobalance results for five-cycle test using SBC#3: Calcination in CO2 at 200ºC
19 Smoothed electrobalance results for five carbonation cycles using Trona T-200:
calcination in He at 120ºC
20 ƒ(25) and ƒ(150) from three duplicate tests using SBC#3: Calcination at 120ºC in He
21 Comparison of ƒ(25) for carbonation of SBC#3 at four calcination conditions
22 Comparison of ƒ(150) for carbonation of SBC#3 at four calcination conditions
23 ƒ(25) comparison for four sorbent using 200ºC calcination in CO2
24 ƒ(150) comparison for four sorbents using 200ºcalcination in CO2
25 The effect of 0.2% SO2 added to the carbonation gas: Three cycles using SBC#3
26 The effect of 0.1% SO2 added to the carbonation gas: Five cycles using Trona T-200
27 CO2 concentration for a 5.5-cycle fixed-bed test using SBC#3 at 60ºC carbonation
temperature and 150 sccm carbonation feed rate
28 CO2 concentration during five carbonation cycles using SBC#3 at a nominal carbonation
temperature of 60ºC and feed rate of 150 sccm
29 CO2 concentration during five carbonation cycles using SBC#3 at a nominal carbonation
temperature of 70ºC and feed rate of 150 sccm
30 CO2 concentration during five carbonation cycles using SBC#1 at a nominal carbonation
temperature of 60ºC and feed rate of 150 sccm.
31 Percentage CO2 removal as a function of nominal carbonation temperature and cycle
number of SBC#3 and SBC#1 (based on CO2 concentration in the third sample of each
carbonation cycle)
32 Final percentage conversion of Na2CO3 to Wegscheider's salt as a function of carbonation
temperature and cycle number using SBC#3 and SBC#1
33 Fractional CO2 removal as a function of time: Five-cycle testing using SBC#3 with
calcination in CO2 at 160ºC, first test

LIST OF FIGURES (continued)


34 Fractional CO2 removal as a function of time: Five-cycle test using SBC#3 with calcination
at 160ºC in CO2, second test
35 Fractional CO2 removal as a function of time: Five-cycle test using SBC#3 with calcination
in CO2 at 200ºC
36 Fractional CO2 Removal in the third carbonation sample as a function of cycle number:
SBC#3 with calcination in CO2 at 160ºC and 200ºC
37 Cycle 1 carbonation test (9/19/01) - fractional CO2 removal
38 Cycle 2 carbonation test (9/20/01) - fractional CO2 removal
39 Cycle 3 carbonation test (9/25/01) - fractional CO2 removal
40 Cycle 4 carbonation test (9/26/01) - fractional CO2 removal
41 Cycle 5 carbonation test (9/27/01) - fractional CO2 removal
42 Temperature profile - Cycle 1 (9/19/01)
43 Temperature profile - Cycle 2 (9/20/01)
44 Temperature profile - Cycle 3 (9/25/01)
45 Temperature profile - Cycle 4 (9/26/01)
46 Temperature profile - Cycle 5 (9/27/01)
47 Temperature profile - Cycle 1 with Trona T-50
48 Cycle 1 carbonation test with Trona T-50
49 Temperature profile - Cycle 2 with Trona T-50
50 Cycle 2 carbonation test with Trona T-50
51 Fluidized-bed carbonation of potassium carbonate (3/11/02)
52 Temperature profile for fluidized-bed carbonation of potassium carbonate
53 Carbon dioxide removal and trona Cycle 1 - 5/13/2002
54 Temperature profile - carbonation Cycle 1 - 5/13/2002
55 Carbon dioxide removal with trona - Cycle 2 - 5/14/2002
56 Temperature profile - carbonation Cycle 2 - 5/14/2002
57 Carbon dioxide removal with trona - Cycle 3 - 5/15/2002
58 Temperature profile - carbonation Cycle 3 - 5/15/2002
59 Carbon dioxide removal with trona - Cycle 4 - 5/16/2002
60 Temperature profile - carbonation Cycle 4 - 5/16/2002
61 Carbon dioxide removal with trona - Cycle 5 - 5/20/2002
62 Temperature profile - carbonation Cycle 8 - 5/20/2002
63 Fluidized-bed carbonation of 40% supported potassium carbonate - Cycle 1
64 Temperature profile - 40% supported potassum carbonate - Cycle 1
65 Fluidized–bed carbonation of 40% supported potassium carbonate - Cycle 2
66 Temperature profile - 40% supported potassium carbonate - Cycle 2
67 Fluidized-bed carbonation of 40% supported potassium carbonate - Cycle 3
68 Temperature profile - 40% supported potassium carbonate - Cycle 3
69 Fluidized-bed carbonation of 40% supported potassium carbonate - Cycle 4
70 Temperature profile - 40% supported potassium carbonate - Cycle 4
71 Fluidized-bed carbonation of 40% supported potassium carbonate - Cycle 5
72 Temperature profile - 40% supported potassium carbonate - Cycle 5
73 Test data from carbonation cycle
74 Test data from carbonation Cycle 2 with 10% supported potassium carbonate sorbent -
CO2 removal

LIST OF FIGURES (continued)


75 Test data from carbonation Cycle 2 with 10% supported potassium carbonate sorbent -
average bed temperature
76 Test data from carbonation Cycle 4 with 10% supported potassium carbonate sorbent -
CO2 concentration in reactor exit gas
77 Test data from carbonation Cycle 4 with 10% supported potassium carbonate sorbent -
CO2 removal
78 Test data carbonation Cycle 4 with 10% supported potassium carbonate sorbent - average
bed temperature
79 Test data from carbonation Cycle 5 with 10% supported potassium carbonate sorbent -
CO2 concentration in reactor exit gas
80 Test data from carbonation Cycle 5 with 10% supported potassium carbonate sorbent -
CO2 removal
81 Test data from carbonation Cycle 5 with 10% supported potassium carbonate sorbent -
average bed temperature



1 Summary of Five-Cycle Carbonation Test Data

2 Summary of Two-Cycle Carbonation Test Data
3 Carbon Dioxide Removal in Test 4 (Five-cycle Fluidized Bed Test Using Trona T-50 as
Sorbent Precursor)
4 Carbon Dioxide Removal in Test 5 (Five-cycle Fluidized-Bed Test Using Spray Dried
Supported Potassium Carbonate)
5 Physical Properties of Sodium Bicarbonate Materials
6 Physical Properties of Trona
7 Supported Sorbent Characterization


AR Attrition Ration

BET Brunauer-Emmett-Teller

FID flame ionization detector

HPLC high-pressure liquid chromatography

LSU Louisiana State University

MFC mass flow controllers

SBC sodium bicarbonate

TCD thermal conductivity detector

PTFE polytetrafluoroethane

PC personal computer

ppm parts per million

sccm standard cubic centimeters per minute


This report contains information relating to research on the capture of CO2 from flue gas using
dry, regenerable, alkali carbonate–based sorbents. The research was sponsored by the U.S.
Department of Energy, National Energy Technology Laboratory. RTI International (RTI) was
the prime contractor and Louisiana State University (LSU) served as subcontractor. Church and
Dwight, Inc. was the industrial partner for the project.

Combustion of fossil fuels since the beginning of the industrial revolution is believed to be a
major cause of the increased concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere. It is becoming clear that
improved energy efficiency and substitution of low-carbon fuels, while important, will not be
sufficient to limit the growth of atmospheric CO2 concentrations. New technologies for the
capture and sequestration of CO2 are needed.

The only currently available process for the capture of CO2 from flue gas streams is based on
amine scrubbing, a costly and energy-intensive process. The regenerable sorbent-based
process being developed in this project provides an alternate to amine scrubbing. This process
is applicable to the capture of CO2 from existing fossil fuel–fired power plants and is potentially
applicable to CO2 capture from all stationary fossil fuel combustion sources.

The important reactions involved in the capture of CO2 using sodium carbonate (Na2CO3)
sorbents result in the reversible formation of sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3) and Wegscheider's
salt (Na2CO3•3NaHCO3):

Na2CO3(s) + CO2(g) + H2O(g) ↔ 2NaHCO3(s)


Na2CO3(s) + 0.6 CO2(g) + 0.6 H2O(g) ↔ 0.4[Na2CO3•3NaHCO3(s)].

Both forward reactions are exothermic. CO2 capture is accomplished by the forward reactions
while equal molar quantities of CO2 and H2O are produced by the reverse, or sorbent
regeneration, reactions. Condensation of H2O from the regeneration product gas results in a
pure CO2 product suitable for use or sequestration.

Laboratory studies of the CO2 capture and regeneration reactions have been conducted in an
electrobalance (thermogravimetric analyzer) and in bench-scale fixed-bed and fluidized-bed

RTI International is a trade name of Research Triangle Institute.

reactor systems. Physical properties of sorbents including several grades of calcined sodium
bicarbonate (SBC), calcined trona, and potassium carbonate have been determined.

Multicycle tests have been conducted to provide preliminary information on sorbent durability.
The carbonation reaction was studied in the electrobalance between 60ºC and 80ºC using, in
most cases, a feed gas containing 8% CO2 and 16% H2O, with the balance made up of an inert
gas (either He or N2). These CO2 and H2O contents simulate the flue gas formed from the
complete combustion of CH4 using 10% excess air. Calcination was studied between 120oC
and 200oC in an atmosphere ranging from 0% CO2 (100% inert) to 100% CO2. Low-
temperature calcination in an inert atmosphere, while not commercially feasible, was chosen to
minimize the severity of the sorbent exposure during the calcination phase. If pure CO2 is to be
produced in a commercial process, a high-CO2 calcination atmosphere must be used along with
a higher calcination temperature. These tests confirmed that the optimal carbonation
temperature was in the 60ºC to 70ºC range. The minimum temperature is established by the
dew point of the feed gas while the maximum temperature is limited by the thermodynamics of
the reversible carbonation reaction. The carbonation rate was found to increase with increases
in both the H2O and CO2 concentrations.

The addition of SO2 (0.1% to 0.4%) to the carbonation feed gas to simulate the flue gas
composition from combustion of a sulfur-containing fuel produced a rapid decrease in CO2
removal capacity due to the formation of Na2SO3. For example, when 0.1% SO2 was added to
the feed gas, the sorbent capacity for CO2 removal decreased by about 76% during five-cycle
tests. The Na2SO3 was stable in an inert atmosphere at temperatures as high as 200oC. When
sulfur-containing fossil fuels are used, the CO2 sorbent capture step must be downstream of a
desulfurization step.

Fixed-bed reactor tests with product gas analysis as a function of time using gas
chromatography were used to study the extent of CO2 removal as a function of time. Nominal
carbonation temperatures of 60oC and 70oC were studied, along with calcination in N2 at 120oC
and in CO2 at both 160oC and 200oC. Five-cycle tests and one 15-cycle test were used to
obtain additional information on sorbent durability. When the fixed-bed tests were carried to
completion, the final percentage conversion of Na2CO3 to Wegscheider’s salt was approximately
100% in the 60ºC tests and about 90% in the tests at 70oC.

Fluidized-bed reactor tests of up to five cycles were conducted. Carbonation of sodium
carbonate in these tests was initially very rapid and high degrees of removal were obtained.
The exothermic nature of the carbonation reaction resulted in a rise in bed temperature and
subsequent decline in removal rate. Good temperature control, possibly through water addition
and subsequent evaporative cooling, appears to be the key to getting consistent carbon dioxide
removal in a full-scale reactor system.

The tendency of the alkali carbonate sorbents to cake on contact with liquid water complicates
laboratory investigations as well as the design of larger scale systems. The low temperature
range in which the carbonation reaction takes place is suited to treatment of coal-derived flue
gases following wet flue gas desulfurization processes, but limits the concentration of water
vapor which is an essential reactant in the carbonation reaction. Also these sorbents have low
attrition resistance and cannot be used without modification in dilute-phase transport reactor

Sodium and potassium carbonate have been incorporated in high surface area ceramic
supports to obtain greater surface area and attrition resistance, using a laboratory spray dryer.
The caking tendency is reduced and attrition resistance increased by supporting the sorbent.
Supported sorbents with loadings of up to 40 wt% sodium and potassium carbonates have been
prepared and tested. These materials may improve the feasibility of large-scale CO2 capture
systems based on short residence time dilute-phase transport reactor systems.



Global warming, increasingly thought to be associated with the atmospheric emission of

greenhouse gases, principally CO2, is emerging as the key environmental issue of the early 21st
century. The average atmospheric concentration of CO2 has increased from 280 ppm to 370
ppm during the last 150 years, or since the beginning of the industrial revolution. During that
same period, the average global temperature has increased by as much as 1oC (Berger, 2002).
Continued uncontrolled emission of greenhouse gases may lead to increases in sea levels and
increased frequency and intensity of climatic extremes such as hurricanes and floods.

Fossil fuels used for power generation, transportation, and by industry are the primary sources
of anthropogenic CO2 emissions to the atmosphere. While there are many potential approaches
to limiting greenhouse gas emissions, including increased energy efficiency and use of carbon-
free or low-carbon fuels, it is becoming increasingly clear that CO2 capture and sequestration
must play an important role in attacking the global warming problem. Initial CO2 capture effort
will no doubt focus on large stationary sources, with fossil fuel–fired power plants being obvious
prime targets. New technologies including O2 combustion with CO2 recycle (Douglas et al.,
2003), pre-combustion decarbonization (Doctor et al., 2001), and chemical looping combustion
(Hurst et al., 2003; Yu et al., 2003) are under development. These technologies, in addition to
being expensive and energy intensive, cannot generally be retrofitted to the large number of
existing power plants.

The only currently available process for capturing CO2 from flue gas that is also capable of
being retrofitted to existing plants is based on amine scrubbing. For example, the Econamine
FG Plus process (Reddy et al., 2003), which uses a solvent of monoethanolamine with an
oxidation inhibitor, has been used commercially in a number of plants for CO2 recovery. Amine-
based scrubbing processes, however, are costly and energy intensive because of the large
volume of gas to be treated, the low partial pressure of CO2 in the flue gas, the presence of
contaminants that may be detrimental to the solvent, and the energy demand associated with
solvent regeneration.

This study is based on the use of a dry, regenerable, alkali carbonate–based sorbent to remove
CO2 from flue gases. Sorbent regeneration produces a gas stream containing only CO2 and
H2O. Condensation of H2O produces a pure CO2 stream suitable for subsequent use or

sequestration. The work described in this report primarily involved sodium carbonate as the
active component of the sorbent.

This topical report describes work conducted under a cooperative agreement with the U.S.
Department of Energy by RTI International, LSU, and Church and Dwight, Inc.


The important reactions involved in the capture of CO2 using sodium carbonate (Na2CO3)
sorbent result in the reversible formation of sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3) and Wegscheider's
salt (Na2CO3•3NaHCO3):

Na2CO3(s) + CO2(g) + H2O(g) ↔ 2NaHCO3(s) (1)

∆Hr = -32.4 kcal/mol CO2
Na2CO3(s) + 0.6 CO2(g) + 0.6 H2O(g) ↔ 0.4[Na2CO3•3NaHCO3(s)] (2)
∆Hr = -32.5 kcal/mol CO2

Several patents (Krieg et al., 1984; Sarapata et al., 1987; and Falotico, 1993) describe
processes and process improvements to optimize Reaction 1. Both forward reactions are
exothermic; energy management will be an important consideration in a commercial system.
Other potential reaction products such as sodium sesquicarbonate, Na2CO3•NaHCO3•2H2O,
and sodium bicarbonate hydrate, NaHCO3•2H2O, were found to be of negligible importance at
reaction conditions of interest.

Phase diagrams supplied by Church and Dwight, Inc. (Church and Dwight, 2000), indicate that
Wegscheider’s salt is favored at reaction conditions of 70oC and above at the H2O and CO2
partial pressures studied. X-ray diffraction analysis of the product from a fixed-bed reactor test
at a nominal temperature of 70oC confirmed the formation of Wegscheider’s salt.

Trona (a naturally occurring mineral used for production of soda ash) may be used to produce a
regenerable sorbent for CO2 according to the following reactions:

Trona is initially calcined according to

2[Na2CO3•NaHCO3•2H2O(s)]→3Na2CO3(s) + CO2(g) + 5H2O(g) (3)

Subsequent carbonation and calcination reactions proceed according to

Na2CO3(s) + CO2(g) + H2O(g)↔2NaHCO3(s) (4)

Potential contaminants in flue gas, such as SO2 and HCl, will react irreversibly with Na2CO3 and
must be reduced to low levels prior to CO2 capture. HCl and SO2 in the flue gas are also
absorbed by Na2CO3 according to the following reactions:

Na2CO3(s) + 2HCl(g) → 2NaCl(s) + CO2(g) + H2O(g), (5)

Na2CO3(s) + SO2(g) + ½ O2(g) → Na2SO4(s) + CO2(g). (6)

Reactions 5 and 6 are not reversible under the conditions expected for regenerable capture of


A process based on the chemistry described above could be retrofitted into existing power
plants or installed in new plants. A conceptual process employing fast fluidized-bed reactors for
carbonation and regeneration of sorbent is shown in Figure 1.

The technical feasibility of such a process depends on rapid reaction rates and long sorbent life.
Important economic factors include the use of low-value heat from the power plant for sorbent
regeneration and efficient movement of sorbent.

Flue Gas w/Reduced CO2 Content

To I.D. Fan/
Carbonation Reactor

ns f

Con- Water
T ra

denser Stream
rb e

Gas Heat CO 2
Exchanger Stream

Regeneration Gas (Hot, Dry CO2)

Figure 1. Conceptual carbon dioxide capture process using regenerable sorbent




2.1.1 Apparatus

The electrobalance reactor (or thermogravimetric analyzer [TGA]) monitors the change in weight
associated with reaction as a function of time, temperature, and feed gas composition, but
provides no information on CO2 removal efficiency. A schematic diagram of the electrobalance
reactor system, which consists of a gas flow system, a Cahn model 2000 electrobalance, a
MicRICON temperature programmer-controller, and a personal computer (PC) for data
acquisition and storage, is shown in Figure 2. Pure He and CO2 were obtained from high-
pressure cylinders and their flow rates were monitored using calibrated rotameters equipped
with needle valves. Helium was used as the inert gas instead of N2 to reduce aerodynamic
noise and increase electrobalance sensitivity. H2O was fed as a liquid using a positive
displacement syringe pump. Feed lines were heat traced to insure complete vaporization of the
H2O. The He flow was split with a portion introduced at the top of the system to protect the
electrobalance mechanism from corrosive reactive gases. The remaining He, mixed with CO2
and steam, was fed to the electrobalance side arm, and the combined gases flowed downward
over the reacting solid. The solid was held in a quartz cup and suspended from the
electrobalance using a Pt wire. Temperature was monitored and controlled from a chromel-
alumel thermocouple positioned approximately ¼-inch below the sample in the isothermal zone.

2.1.2 Electrobalance Reaction Conditions

The effects of calcination and carbonation temperature and calcination and carbonation gas
composition were examined in the electrobalance tests. In addition, multicycle tests were
carried out to obtain preliminary data on sorbent durability. Six sorbents were tested, but the
extent of testing varied between the sorbents. Calcination temperature was varied between
120ºC and 200ºC while most calcination tests used an atmosphere of pure He. The He
atmosphere is not realistic from a commercial viewpoint, but was chosen to minimize the
severity of sorbent exposure during the calcination phase. Additional calcination tests were
carried out in more realistic conditions using pure CO2 and in a mixture of 80% CO2-20% H2O.
However, the increased CO2 partial pressure required a higher calcination temperature.

o Flow Meter

o Flow Meter

o Flow Meter

Product Gas
Syringe Pump
H 2O
Thermocouple He

Figure 2. Schematic of the electrobalance reactor system

Carbonation temperature was varied between 60oC and 80oC and most carbonation tests used
a standard feed composition of 8% CO2, 16% H2O, and 76% He (all mol %). With the exception
of the substitution of He for N2 and the absence of excess O2, this composition approximates
that of flue gas obtained when natural gas is completely combusted in 10% excess air. In
selected tests the CO2 and H2O concentrations were varied to determine the effect of these gas
concentrations. Carbonation product was considered to be NaHCO3 in tests conducted at 60oC,
and Wegscheider’s salt in tests at 70oC and 80oC.

2.1.3 Typical Electrobalance Test Result

Results of a typical single-cycle electrobalance test using sorbent SBC#3 are shown in Figure 3
where dimensionless weight and temperature are plotted versus time. Approximately 70 mg of
sorbent precursor was heated from ambient to 100oC at a rate of 5ºC/min, and then to 120oC at
1oC/min under flowing He. Calcination of NaHCO3 to Na2CO3 began at about 100ºC and was
complete soon after the temperature reached 120oC. The final experimental dimensionless
weight was quite near the theoretical value of 0.631 that is indicated by the horizontal dashed

line in the figure. The system was then cooled to the carbonation temperature under flowing He
and, after about 190 min, the gas composition was changed to 8% CO2, 16% H2O, and 76% He
flowing at 600 sccm. The subsequent increase in dimensionless weight corresponded to the
carbonation of Na2CO3 and removal of CO2 from the gas phase. The global carbonation rate
was rapid initially and decreased as the reaction approached completion. The final
dimensionless weight of 0.84 was quite near the theoretical value of 0.85 corresponding to the
complete conversion of Na2CO3 to Wegscheider’s salt.

1.1 140
8% CO2
16% H2O
1 76% He
600 sccm
Dimensionless Weight


Temperature, oC



0.5 0
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400
Time, min

Figure 3. Typical results from a single-cycle electrobalance test (SBC#3)

Calcination of both the SBC and trona samples was complete in all of the electrobalance tests
presented in this report. Many of the carbonation results that follow are presented as fractional
carbonation at selected times. The equations for calculating fractional carbonation depend on
both the composition of the precursor and whether the carbonation product is Na2CO3 or
Wegscheider’s salt. The following equations have been used.

SBC Precursor – Na2CO3 Product

w(t ) − 0.631
f (t ) = (7)

SBC Precursor – Wegscheider’s Salt Product
w(t ) − 0.631
f (t ) = (8)
Trona T-50 Precursor – Na2CO3 Product
w(t ) − 0.723
f (t ) = (9)
Trona T-50 Precursor – Wegscheider’s Salt Product
w(t ) − 0.723
f (t ) = (10)
Trona T-200 Precursor – Na2CO3 Product
w(t ) − 0.711
f (t ) = (11)
Trona T-200 Precursor – Wegscheider’s Salt Product

w(t ) − 0.711
f (t ) = (12)

In equations 4 through 9, f(t) is the fractional carbonation at time t, and w(t) is the dimensionless
weight at time t. 0.631, 0.723, and 0.711 are the dimensionless weights corresponding to
complete calcination of the SBC samples, trona T-50, and trona T-200, respectively. 0.369,
0.385, and 0.401 are the dimensionless weight increases associated with complete conversion
of the calcined product to NaHCO3 for the SBC samples, trona T-50, and trona T-200,
respectively. Finally, 0.221, 0.231, and 0.241 are the dimensionless weight increases
associated with complete conversion of the calcined product to Wegscheider’s salt for the SBC
samples, trona T-50, and trona T-200, respectively. These equations are based on the
assumption that the inert materials in trona T-50 and trona T-200 are nonvolatile.


2.2.1 Apparatus

The fixed-bed reactor system, shown in Figure 4, also consisted of a gas flow system, the fixed-
bed reactor, a temperature programmer-controller connected to a single-zone split-tube furnace,
and a Shimadzu Model GC-14A gas chromatograph. Pure CO2 and, in this case, inert N2 were
obtained from high-pressure cylinders, with flow rates controlled by mass flow controllers. In
early tests, as shown in Figure 3, H2O was added as a liquid using a syringe pump, and the feed

lines were heat traced to insure complete vaporization. In later tests the syringe pump was
replaced and H2O was added by bubbling N2 and CO2 gases through H2O contained in a
temperature-controlled wash bottle. The exit gases were assumed to be saturated with H2O.
The narrow window between the temperature needed to vaporize the H2O and the desired
reaction temperature prompted this change. With too much preheat added to the H2O line from
the syringe pump, the combined gas temperature exceeded the desired reaction temperature.
With too little preheat, not all of the H2O vaporized. Control proved to be easier using the gas
bubbler and the quality of data improved after the change was made.

Combined gases entered near the bottom of the reactor vessel, and the gases were preheated
to reaction temperature as they flowed upward in the annular space between the vessel and
reactor insert. The gases then flowed downward through the fixed bed of sorbent, which was
supported using a porous stainless disc. Thin layers of quartz wool were placed between the
porous disc and sorbent and also above the sorbent. Product gases exited from the bottom of
the reactor vessel into a condenser for removal of excess H2O, and then passed to the gas
chromatograph for analysis.

The gas chromatograph, equipped with an automatic 10-port sampling valve, dual columns,
methanizer, and both thermal conductivity detectors (TCDs) and flame ionization detectors
(FIDs), was used to determine the CO2 concentration in the product gas as a function of time.
Product gases from the condenser first entered a HayeSep-N column to trap trace quantities of
moisture that escaped the condenser. CO2 was then separated from the dry gases using a
Carboxen 1000 column while the HayeSep column was backflushed to vent. The carrier gas
was UHP N2. Gases eluted from the Carboxen column flowed first to the TCD, then to the
methanizer where CO2 was converted to CH4, and finally to the FID where the CO2
concentration was determined.

BPR : Back-Pressure Regulator
PRV : Pressure Relief Valve P1
CV : Check Valve
MFC : Mass Flow Controller
D : Dryer
F : Filter
cv MFC F D


P1 PRV Syringe

Vent H2 O

Figure 4. Schematic of the fixed-bed reactor system

2.2.2 Fixed-Bed Reaction Conditions

The standard carbonation gas composition of 8% CO2, 16% H2O, and 76% N2 was used in all
tests. N2 was substituted for He as aerodynamic noise and balance sensitivity were no longer of
concern. As with the electrobalance tests, carbonation temperature was varied between
nominal temperatures of 60oC and 80oC. Nominal temperatures were reported in all fixed-bed
reactor tests, as the energy released by the exothermic carbonation reaction was sufficient to
increase the bed temperature above the nominal setting. The carbonation product was
considered to be Wegscheider’s salt in all fixed-bed tests because of the increase in
temperature above the nominal setting. Once again, calcination temperature was varied
between 120oC and 200oC and either pure He or pure CO2 was used as the calcination
atmosphere. Sorbent SBC#3 was used in most of the fixed-bed tests, and multicycle testing
was emphasized. In the fixed-bed reactor tests, product gas composition was analyzed by gas
chromatography to determine CO2 removal efficiency.

2.2.3 Typical Fixed-Bed Test Result
Typical results from a two-cycle fixed-bed reactor test using SBC#3 are shown in Figure 5. CO2
concentration (dry basis) and nominal reaction temperature are plotted as a function of time. In
this test, the first calcination was carried out in N2 at 120oC during day 1 and the reactor was
allowed to cool overnight in flowing N2 to the desired carbonation temperature. The first
carbonation and second calcination were completed during day 2. Carbonation occurred at a
nominal 60oC in a feed gas containing 8% CO2, 16% H2, and 76% N2; second-cycle calcination
conditions were the same as in cycle 1. Finally, the second carbonation was completed during
day 3 using the same conditions as in carbonation Cycle 1.

Figure 5. Typical results from a two-cycle fixed-bed reactor test (SBC#3)

CO2 was first detected in calcination Cycle 1 at about 100ºC, reached a maximum concentration
of almost 18% in just over 100 min, and then decreased to zero by 300 min, indicating that
calcination was complete. Good material balance closure was obtained with numerical
integration of the area under the concentration-time curve showing that 0.159 mols of CO2 were
produced, compared to the stoichiometric amount of 0.159 mols based on the mass of the initial
Na2CO3 charge. Initial CO2 concentration during the first carbonation cycle was almost 5%,
corresponding to about 50% CO2 removal. The CO2 concentration then decreased to just over
1% before increasing monotonically in a standard breakthrough curve. 1% CO2 (dry basis) in
the product gas corresponds to about 90% CO2 removal. During the second calcination cycle,
the maximum CO2 concentration was about 13%, and the area under the curve corresponded to

0.089 mols of CO2. While this amount was 58% less than the amount liberated during the first
calcination, it corresponded to greater than 90% conversion of Na2CO3 to Wegscheider’s salt.
Initial CO2 concentration during the second carbonation cycle was about 1% and the
concentration increased monotonically throughout the carbonation test. The CO2 concentration
decrease that occurred early in the first carbonation cycle and was not repeated during the
second cycle was a general trend noted in several of the multicycle fixed-bed tests. This can be
attributed to rearrangement of the packed bed, which minimized gas bypassing.


RTI conducted six cyclic fluidized-bed tests in a 2-inch diameter bench-scale system. SBC,
trona, potassium carbonate, and two different supported sorbents were tested. The reactor
system is shown in Figure 6. The reactant gas supply consists of three electronic mass flow
controllers (MFCs) which are used to meter nitrogen, air, and carbon dioxide from compressed
gas cylinders. These MFCs were calibrated against a soap bubble flow meter. Deionized water
was added to the mixed dry gas stream using a high-pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC)
pump. The reactor consists of a 2-inch internal diameter quartz tube, fitted with a 3-mm thick
porous quartz plate distributor. The reactor is suspended within a flanged 4-inch stainless steel
pipe that is surrounded by a three-zone electric furnace. Inlet gas enters the top flange of the
pipe, passes through the annulus, and enters the quartz reactor through the distributor at the
bottom. A 6-inch bed of sorbent (or sorbent precursor) is initially charged to the reactor to
maintain a length-to-diameter ratio of 3. Effluent gas passes through a shell and tube heat
exchanger for condensation of steam, a Hartmann and a Braun Model URAS-14 nondispersive
infrared carbon dioxide monitor. The sorbent bed contains 3 Type-K thermocouples spaced at
1, 3, and 5 inches above the distributor. An electronic differential pressure gauge connected
with a digital display indicates the pressure drop across the bed. Total pressure is also

Information about the process is collected and recorded by the “Lab View” package, an
advanced data acquisition software/hardware package from National Instruments. The software
has been programmed to facilitate the monitoring of the process providing bed temperatures,
inlet gas temperature, reactor pressure, pressure drop, inlet gas flow rates, and outlet carbon
dioxide and oxygen concentrations.

Figure 6. Fluidized-bed test reactor system

Because the carbonation reaction rate is strongly dependent on the concentration of H2O in the
simulated flue gas, and because the latent heat of vaporization of water can be used to reduce
the temperature of the sorbent bed, provisions were made to add liquid water near the top of the
fluidized bed. This equipment modification was attempted between the second and third tests.
A 1/16-in outside diameter polytetrafluoroethane (PTFE) tube was inserted through the upper
reactor flange and extended along the outside of the thermowell, to a height approximately 6-in
above the flow distributor. A variable-speed syringe pump was connected to the tube to permit
the addition of deionized water. This modification was removed as it proved to be unworkable
because the sorbent caked and plugged the bed upon exposure to liquid water.


2.4.1 Particle Size Determinations

Particle size distributions were measured using a sieve shaker apparatus and a Sympatec-
Helos laser diffraction analyzer.

2.4.2 BET Measurements

Brunauer-Emmett-Teller (BET) surface area determinations were conducted with a

Quantachrome Nova 1000 instrument. The Nova 1000, shown schematically in Figure 7, has a
pore diameter range of 3.5 to 2000 Ǻ and an accuracy of 0.1 percent. The minimum resolvable

pressure is 0.016 torr. Determinations on various grades of SBC were conducted as received
and after overnight calcination at 125ºC (257ºF). In addition, some samples were tested after
shorter calcination periods. The outgassing temperature for all determinations was 250ºC

Figure 7. NOVA 1000 flow diagram

2.4.3 Porosimetry
Mercury porosimetry determinations were conducted with a Micromeritics AutoPore II 9220
instrument coupled to a PC equipped with AutoPore II software, version 3.01. Triple distilled
mercury was used for all determinations. Measurement of pore volume, pore volume
distribution, and median pore diameter by mercury intrusion provides a direct indication of
diffusional resistance associated with the sorbents. Determinations were conducted on
materials as received, and after calcination overnight at 125ºC (257ºF).

2.4.4 Attrition
Attrition measurements of unsupported sorbents were made using a 3-hole air-jet attrition tester
using the ASTM D 5757-95 method. Attrition measurements of supported sorbents were made
using a "Davison type" jet cup apparatus that is typically used in industry for measuring attrition
of a fluidized catalytic cracking (FCC) catalyst. A generic description of the jet cup apparatus

and the procedure used has been published (Zhao et al., 2000). To remove apparatus-related
bias the jet cup attrition values of the samples tested are reported as attrition ratio, where
attrition ratio (AR) is defined as:

Jet cup attrition index of the sample

AR =
Jet cup attrition index of a standard

The standard chosen for these tests is an equilibrium FCC catalyst, that is known to be a
relatively attrition resistant material. Based on the above equation, the higher the AR, the
higher is the sample likely to undergo attrition in a fluidized-bed or transport reactor.


RTI prepared sorbents composed of up to 40% sodium carbonate on alumina-type support

materials. The bulk of these materials were prepared using a laboratory-scale spray dryer with
a capacity of 1 to 2 kg/day. One spray-dried sorbent prepared in the laboratory was
successfully scaled up to a 200 kg batch by a commercial catalyst manufacturer. The
supported sorbents were subjected to reactivity screening analyses by thermogravimetric
analysis at RTI. Selected samples were also subjected to surface area and attrition




The electrobalance was used to compare performance of the different sorbent precursors and to
evaluate the effects of calcination and carbonation temperature and gas composition on sorbent
performance. The effect of calcination conditions was evaluated by comparing performance in
the subsequent carbonation cycle, particularly in multicycle tests where sorbent durability was
studied. While six of the sorbent precursors were tested during early stages of the experimental
program, SBC#3 received primary emphasis.

3.1.1 Reproducibility

The levels of reproducibility obtained from multiple tests at duplicate reaction conditions for
SBC#3 and trona T-50 are shown in Figures 8 and 9, respectively. Dimensionless weight
during the carbonation phase is plotted versus time. Separate samples of sorbent precursor
were used in each of the six tests, and calcination occurred at 120oC in He. Calcination was
complete in each test as indicated by the fact that the initial dimensionless weights were all
equal to the theoretical values for calcination of NaHCO3 and trona, respectively, represented by
the horizontal dashed lines. Carbonation conditions were identical in each of the six tests and
are shown on the figures. The raw electrobalance data were smoothed so that results from
individual tests could be identified.

SBC#3 results in Figure 8 showed a small variation in initial carbonation rate, but the overall
results were quite reproducible. Final dimensionless weights in each case were 0.84, which
corresponds to 95% carbonation to Wegscheider’s salt product. Results from two of the trona
T-50 tests in Figure 9 were quite similar, but there was a significant difference in the third test.
The final dimensionless weights were 0.91 and 0.92, which correspond to 80% and 83%
conversion to Wegscheider’s salt.

The results shown in these figures were typical in that good reproducibility was normally
achieved using all SBC precursors, while scatter even larger than shown in Figure 9 occurred in
some of the trona reproducibility tests. The wider range of particle sizes and the possible
variation in impurity levels from sample to sample were identified as potential causes of the lack
of reproducibility. Indeed, sieving the trona and using narrower particle size ranges improved,

but did not eliminate, the variation. As a result of the reproducibility studies, the SBC samples
received greater emphasis in subsequent experiments.

C arbonation T em perature 70 o C
Dimensionless Weight

8% C O 2
16% H 2 O
0.7 B alance H e
600 sccm


0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180
Tim e(m in )

Figure 8. Duplicate carbonation test results using SBR#3


Carbonation Temperature 70 oC
Dimensionless Weight


8% CO2
0.8 10% H2O
Balance He
600 sccm


0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200

Figure 9. Duplicate Carbonation Test Results Using Trona T-50

3.1.2 The Effect of Carbonation Temperature

Temperature affects both the kinetics and thermodynamics of the carbonation reaction. Figure
10 compares smoothed electrobalance results for three tests using SBC#3 at carbonation
temperatures of 60ºC, 70ºC, and 80ºC. Calcination was carried out at 120ºC in He and the
carbonation gas contained 8% CO2, 16% H2O, and 76% He. Both the initial rate, as measured
by the initial slope of the dimensionless weight-time curves, and the final dimensionless weight
decreased with increasing temperature. The reaction rate approached zero after about 200 min
at both 60ºC and 70ºC, but reaction was still occurring slowly at 80ºC after 400 min.
Carbonation temperatures lower than 60ºC are not practical, as the dew point of the feed gas is

8% CO2
0.95 16% H2O
76% He
0.9 300 sccm
Dimensionless Weight

0.85 70°C

0.8 80°C




0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400
Time (min)

Figure 10. Effect of Temperature on the carbonation of SBC#3

The decrease in final dimensionless weight between 60ºC and 70ºC is attributed to the
formation of different products – NaHCO3 at 60ºC and Wegscheider’s salt at 70ºC. The final
dimensionless weight of 0.92 at 60ºC corresponds to 76% conversion of Na2CO3 to NaHCO3,
while the 0.84 final dimensionless weight at 70oC corresponds to about 95% conversion to
Wegscheider’s salt. The decrease in rate between 70oC and 80ºC is attributed to a decrease in
concentration driving force due to the reversibility of the reaction. No reaction occurred at 80oC

when the CO2 concentration was reduced to 5%, which is in agreement with thermodynamic
calculations. These results emphasize the importance of careful temperature control because
of the narrow temperature window available for CO2 removal.

Somewhat different results were obtained when trona T-50 was tested at different temperatures
as shown in Figure 11. The initial rate showed the exact opposite effect and decreased from
80ºC to 70ºC to 60ºC. Final dimensionless weights at 70ºC and 80ºC were effectively equal at
0.92, while at 60ºC the final weight was 0.98. These final dimensionless weights correspond to
85% conversion to Wegscheider’s salt at 70ºC and 80ºC, and to 67% conversion to Na2HCO3 at
60ºC. However, since different samples were used in each test, at least part of these effects
may be due simply to the lack of reproducibility associated with trona carbonation.


1 60 oC
Dimensionless Weight

70 oC
0.9 80 oC

8% CO2
0.8 16% H2O
76% He
300 sccm

0 25 50 75 100 125 150

Figure 11. Effect of temperature on the carbonation of Trona T-50

3.1.3 Effect of CO2 and H2O Concentration

At a fixed carbonation temperature, increases in the concentration of both CO2 and H2O
produced an increase in the carbonation rate, but little change in the final dimensionless weight.
These effects are illustrated for SBC#3 in Figure 12 for CO2 and Figure 13 for H2O. When CO2
was removed from the feed gas no reaction occurred, which confirmed that sodium carbonate

monohydrate, Na2CO3·H2O, would not be formed at this temperature. Although the
dimensionless weight after 250 min was slightly less in 5% CO2 than in 8% CO2, reaction was
still occurring at the lower concentration and extrapolation suggests that the final dimensionless
weights would be approximately equal.

Changing the H2O concentration had a similar effect as shown in Figure 13. The carbonation
rate was clearly faster in 16% H2O and the reaction was effectively complete in less than 200
min. Reaction was still occurring slowly after 400 min in 10% H2O, but the final dimensionless
weights were approximately equal.

Carbonation Temperature 70 oC

8% CO2
Dimensionless Weight

5% CO2

16% H 2O
0.7 Balance He
300 sccm

0.65 0% CO2

0 50 100 150 200 250
Time (min)

Figure 12. Effect of CO2 concentration on the carbonation of SBC#3


16% H2O 10% H 2O
Dimensionless Weight


8% CO2
Balance He
300 sccm

Carbonation Temperature 70 oC

0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400

Figure 13. Effect of H2O concentration on the carbonation of SBC#3

3.1.4 Comparison of Different Sorbents

Figure 14 compares the dimensionless weight versus time responses during the carbonation of
three sorbents—SBC#1, SBC#3, and trona T-50—for a reaction temperature of 60oC, where the
carbonation product should be NaHCO3. The initial dimensionless weights are very close to the
theoretical values of 0.631 for both SBC samples, as indicated by the lower horizontal line, and
0.723 for trona T-50, as indicated by the upper horizontal line. The initial reaction rates, which
correspond to the initial slopes of the dimensionless weight-time curves, were approximately
equal. The final dimensionless weights of the two SBC samples were also reasonably close,
although SBC#1 took considerably longer to reach the final value. The final dimensionless
weights of 0.94 for the SBC samples correspond to 83% conversion to NaHCO3, while the final
dimensionless weight of 0.99 for trona T-50 corresponds to only 69% conversion to NaHCO3.


0.95 T-50

Dimensionless Weight

8% CO2
0.8 16% H2O
76% He
0.75 300 sccm

Carbonation Temperature 60°C


0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400

Figure 14. Comparison of the carbonation of three sorbents at identical carbonation


3.1.5 Effect of Calcination Temperature and Atmosphere

In all the previous tests reported, the sorbent precursor was calcined at the mildest possible
conditions in He at 120oC. In order to produce pure CO2 during sorbent calcination, it will be
necessary to carry out the calcination in an atmosphere containing a high concentration of CO2,
and the calcination temperature must be increased. The higher temperature will increase the
possibility of sintering and cumulative loss of activity through many cycles. Results of
carbonation tests in which calcination occurred in pure CO2 at temperatures between 120oC and
200oC are shown in Figure 15; carbonation data following calcination in He at 120oC are
included for comparison. Calcination results in pure CO2 at 120oC are included, although the
calcination rate at these conditions is too small to be of practical interest. On the basis of these
single-cycle tests, it is clear that the more severe calcination conditions did not have an adverse
impact on the subsequent carbonation. In fact, there was a slight increase in both the
carbonation rate and the final dimensionless weight in each of the tests following CO2
calcination compared to He calcination. Evaluation of possible cumulative effects requires
multicycle tests.


Preliminary information on sorbent durability was acquired through a series of five-cycle tests.
Carbonation conditions were constant in all cycles in all tests—70oC in 8% CO2, 16% H2O, and
76% He. Various sorbent precursors were tested and calcination temperature and atmosphere
were varied. Durability was evaluated by comparing carbonation performance in each cycle.

Carbonation Temperature 70 oC

0.9 170 oC (CO2)

150 oC (CO2)
Dimensionless Weight

120 oC (CO2)
200 oC (CO2)
120 oC (He)

8% CO2
16% H2O
Balance He
0.6 600 sccm

0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240

Figure 15. Effect of calcination atmosphere and temperature on carbonation kinetics


3.2.1 Dimensionless Weight Versus Time Results

Raw electrobalance data from a five-cycle test using SBC#3 with calcination at 120oC in He are
shown in Figure 16. Complete calcination, as indicated by the dimensionless weight of 0.63,
was achieved at the end of all five calcination phases. The first carbonation was initiated after
about 200 min and continued until the weight approached a constant value. The second
calcination followed immediately. Then the sample was cooled to 70oC and left overnight in
flowing He, with the second carbonation, third calcination, third carbonation, and fourth
calcination carried out the next day. The fourth carbonation, fifth calcination, and fifth
carbonation were completed on the third day. Thus, the time scale in Figure 16 is arbitrary
following the first cycle.

Figure 16 clearly shows a decrease in the final dimensionless weight between carbonation
Cycles 1 and 2 and again between Cycles 3 and 4. However, there was an increase in final
dimensionless weight between Cycles 2 and 3 and no significant difference between Cycles 4
and 5. In addition, there was a small decrease in the slope of the dimensionless weight-time
curves near the beginning of carbonation Cycles 1 and 2. Thereafter, the initial slopes were
reasonably constant. These results are indicated more clearly in Figure 17 where smoothed
electrobalance data during the five carbonation cycles are overlaid. Note that the maximum
cycle time plotted in Figure 17 is 150 min, which is too short to show the larger final
dimensionless weight in Cycle 3. However, Figure 14 also shows that carbonation is continuing
after 150 min in Cycle 3, but has effectively stopped after 150 min in the other cycles. Both the
reduced initial slope and reduced final dimensionless weight between Cycles 1 and 2 are clear.

1.05 Calcination: He at 120 C
1 Carbonation: 70 C
8% CO2,16% H2O,76% He
Dimensionless Weight

0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400
Time, min

Figure 16. Raw electrobalance result from a five-cycle test using SBC#3: Calcination in
He at 120ºC



Dimensionless Weight

0.8 3
0.75 1
0.7 5
2 4 Calcination in He at 120 oC
0.65 Carbonation at 70oC
8% CO2/16% H2O/76% He
0.6 600sccm

0 25 50 75 100 125 150
Time, min

Figure 17. Smoothed electrobalance results for five carbonation cycles using SBC#3:
Calcination in He at 120ºC

The dimensionless weight of 0.87 after 150 min in carbonation Cycle 1, which corresponds to
108% conversion to Wegscheider’s salt, is in reasonable agreement with previous single-cycle
results. The 150-min dimensionless weights then decreased to 0.82, 0.81, 0.80, and 0.80, in
Cycles 2 through 5, respectively, with the final value of 0.80 corresponding to about 76%
conversion of Na2CO3 to Wegscheider’s salt.

Similar raw electrobalance data from a five-cycle run using SBC#3, but with calcination at 200oC
in CO2, are shown in Figure 18. Once again, complete calcination was obtained in each cycle.
The final dimensionless weight at the end of the first carbonation cycle was 0.83, which
corresponds to about 90% conversion to Wegscheider’s salt. There were small decreases in
the initial slope with increasing cycle number, but the magnitudes of the decreases were smaller
than shown in Figure 16. Similarly, there was a small decrease in final dimensionless weight
between Cycles 1 and 2, but no further decrease between Cycles 2 and 5.

1.05 o
Calcination: CO2 at 200 C
1 o
Carbonation: 70 C
0.95 8% CO2, !6% H2O,
Dimensionless Weight

76% He
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400

Figure 18. Raw electrobalance results for five-cycle test using SBC#3: Calcination in
CO2 at 200ºC

Smoothed dimensionless weight-time data from a five-cycle test using trona T-200 are shown in
Figure 19. Calcination conditions were 120oC in He, the same as used in the five-cycle test with
SBC#3 whose results are shown in Figure 17. Note that the reproducibility problems associated
with trona samples did not exist in this case because the same sample was used in each cycle.
The final dimensionless weights in all cycles were about 0.92, which corresponds to about 87%
carbonation. Sorbent durability appears to be superior to that of SBC#3, as there are no
significant decreases in either the initial slopes of the curves or the final dimensionless weights.


0.9 2 3
Dimensionless Weight


0.8 Calcination in He at 120 oC

Carbonation at 70oC
0.75 8% CO2
16% H 2O
0.7 76% He

0 25 50 75 100 125 150
Time, min

Figure 19. Smoothed electrobalance results for five carbonation cycles using Trona
T-200: calcination in He at 120ºC

3.1.3 Fractional Carbonation Versus Cycle Number Results

In this section, fractional carbonation values at selected reaction times are used instead of the
complete dimensionless weight versus time curves presented in the previous section. This
facilitates comparison of results from different runs. Fractional conversion as a function of time
is given by equations 7 through 12. Also in this section, t = 25 min was chosen to represent the
reaction rate and t = 150 min was chosen to approximate the final fractional carbonation.

The reproducibility of three five-cycle tests using different samples of SBC#3 is shown in Figure
20. Calcination was carried out at 120oC in He and the results from the five-cycle test
previously presented in Figure 17 are included. The discrete points represent individual test
results while the line is drawn through the average from the three tests. The scatter between
runs is obvious, particularly in the f(25) data. While there is a general decrease in f(25) with
cycle number, there is no consistent trend. The largest single value of f(25) occurred in Cycle 4
of one of the tests, and, probably by coincidence, the f(25) values in Cycle 4 were larger than
the Cycle 3 values in each test. There is less scatter in the f(150) results, as well as a clear
decrease from Cycles 1 to 2 to 3, followed by reasonably constant values in Cycles 3, 4, and 5.

The average values of f(25) and f(150) in Cycle 5 are 29% and 23%, respectively, smaller than
the corresponding values in Cycle 1.


Fractional Carbonation, f(t)

Calcination: 120oC in He
0.8 Carbonation: 70oC f(150)
8% CO2, 16% H2O,
0.7 76% He




0.3 f(25)

0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Cycle Number

Figure 20. ƒ(25) and ƒ(150) from three duplicate tests using SBC#3: Calcination at 120ºC
in He

Similar results were obtained from three duplicate five-cycle tests at the same conditions using
trona T-200. The average value of f(150) decreased by 12%, from 0.90 in Cycle 1 to 0.79 in
Cycle 5, while the average value of f(25) decreased by 27%, from 0.51 in cycle 1 to 0.37 in
Cycle 5.

The effects of calcination temperature and atmosphere on reaction rate, f(25), and capacity,
f(150), in five-cycle tests using SBC#3 are shown in Figures 21 and 22, respectively. All
carbonations occurred at 70oC in 8% CO2, 16% H2O, and 76% He. The average values from
Figure 20 are used to represent results at 120oC in He, where duplicate tests were made.
Calcination at 200oC in an atmosphere of 20% H2O and 80% CO2 was added in this series of
tests to simulate possible commercial calcination conditions.

The maximum carbonation reaction rate, represented in Figure 21 by f(25), clearly occurred
following calcination at the mildest conditions of 120oC in He. Results at the more severe
calcination conditions were closely bunched, except for unexpectedly high results in Cycles 2

and 4 for calcination at 200oC in 80% CO2 and 20% H2O. Average slopes of all lines in Figure
21 are approximately equal, suggesting that the rate of decrease in activity was not a strong
function of calcination conditions. Sorbent capacity data, shown in Figure 22 and represented
by f(150), contained less scatter. In particular, in Cycle 1 all values of f(150) were reasonably
close to 1.0. Values of f(150) decreased moderately with increased number of cycles at all
calcination conditions, with the only exception being Cycles 4 and 5 following calcination in He
at 160oC.

The f(25) and f(150) carbonation results for four test sorbents—SBC#1, SBC#3, T-50, and T-
200—are compared in Figures 23 and 24. Calcination occurred under severe conditions of
200oC in CO2, while carbonation occurred at 70oC in 8% CO2, 16% H2O, and 76% He. SBC#1
produced the largest values of both f(25) and f(150), and there was relatively little decrease in
either value with increasing cycle number. For example, the values of f(25) actually increased
between Cycles 1 and 4 before decreasing in Cycle 5. The f(150) value decreased by only
10%, from 1.02 in Cycle 1 to 0.92 in Cycle 5. SBC#3 was second to SBC#1 in both f(25) and
f(150), and there was relatively little difference in either of the trona samples.


Fractional Carbonation, f(25)


0.2 o
120 C in He
200 C in CO2

0.1 200 oC in 80%CO2/20% H2O

160 oC in He

1 2 3 4 5
Cycle Number

Figure 21. Comparison of ƒ(25) for carbonation of SBC#3 at four calcination conditions

120 oC in He
200 C in CO2
Fractional Carbonation, f(150)

1 200 oC in 80%CO2/20%H2O

160 oC in He



1 2 3 4 5
Cycle Number

Figure 22. Comparison of ƒ(150) for carbonation of SBC#3 at four calcination conditions


Fractional Carbonation, f(25)




1 2 3 4 5
Cycle Number

Figure 23. ƒ(25) comparison for four sorbent using 200ºC calcination in CO2


1 T-50
Fractional Carbonation, f(150)





1 2 3 4 5
Cycle Number

Figure 24. ƒ(150) comparison for four sorbents using 200ºcalcination in CO2

3.1.4 The Effect of SO2

The presence of SO2 in the flue gas will interfere with CO2 removal through the formation of
Na2SO3 and/or Na2SO4. The relevant reactions are

Na2CO3(s) + SO2(g) → Na2SO3(g) + CO2(g) (10)

Na2CO3(s) + SO2(g) + 0.5O2(g) → Na2SO4(s) + CO2(g) (11)

The effect of SO2 addition, with and without the presence of O2, was examined in a series of
multicycle electrobalance tests. When 0.4% and 0.2% SO2 were added the tests were
terminated after three cycles because little carbonation activity remained. When 0.1% SO2 was
added the test was continued through five cycles with a cumulative loss in CO2 removal in each
cycle. Calcination conditions were 120oC in He in all tests, and carbonation occurred at 70oC in
8% CO2 and 16% H2O with the He concentration decreasing in response to the SO2 that was

Figure 25 shows raw electrobalance data for a 3.5-cycle test using SBC#3 in which 0.2% SO2
was added to the carbonation gas. The initial calcination progressed as expected with the final

dimensionless weight very near the theoretical value of 0.631. The dimensionless weight
increased rapidly when the SO2-containing carbonation gas was added and reached a
maximum of about 0.88 about 100 min later. The dimensionless weight then began to decrease
and was about 0.83 when the first carbonation cycle ended. The final dimensionless weight at
the end of the second calcination was 0.68, instead of 0.63, presumably due to the irreversible
formation of Na2SO3. The weight changes became progressively smaller thereafter and after
the fourth calcination the final dimensionless weight decreased only to 0.74. At the end of the
fourth calcination the temperature was increased incrementally to 200oC, but there was no
additional weight loss. Not only were increasing amounts of Na2SO3 being formed in each
carbonation cycle, the Na2SO3 was stable in He at temperatures as high as 200oC. The cause
of the dimensionless weight maximum, which occurred only during the first cycle, is unknown.

The amount of CO2 removed during each carbonation cycle is proportional to the difference in
dimensionless weights between the end of a carbonation and subsequent calcination cycle.
This difference decreased from 0.15 in Cycle 1 (based on the final dimensionless weight of
0.83) to 0.11 in Cycle 2 and to 0.04 in Cycle 3.

Reducing the SO2 concentration to 0.1% slowed the rate of Na2SO3 formation enough that five
complete cycles could be completed. Results of a five-cycle test using trona T-200 are shown
in Figure 26. The results were qualitatively similar to those shown in Figure 25 except that the
rate at which CO2 sorption capacity was lost decreased because of the lower SO2
concentration. The dimensionless weight increase was 0.25 during the first carbonation cycle,
but was only 0.06 during the fifth carbonation cycle. This represents a loss in CO2 sorption
capacity of about 76% in five cycles.

Results obtained when both 1.7% O2 and SO2 were added to the carbonation gas were not
greatly different from results shown in Figures 22 and 23. 1.7% O2 was selected as this
approximates the O2 concentration in flue gas when natural gas is burned with 10% excess air.
From these results it is clear that when sulfur-containing fossil fuels are burned, the CO2 capture
step must be downstream of a desulfurization step.

1.1 200
8%CO2 8%CO2 8%CO2
He 16%H2O He 16%H 2O He 16%H2O He 180
1 0.2%SO2 0.2%SO2 0.2%SO2
Balance He Balance He Balance He
Dimensionless Weight

0.9 140

Temperature, oC

0.7 80


0.5 20
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200
Time, min

Figure 25. The effect of 0.2% SO2 added to the carbonation gas: Three cycles using

1.1 120
8%CO2 8%CO2 8%CO2 8%CO2 8%CO2
16%H2O 16%H2O 16%H2O 16%H2O 16%H2O
He He He He 0.1%SO2 He
0.1%SO2 0.1%SO2 0.1%SO2 0.1%SO2
1 Balance He Balance He Balance He Balance He Balance He
Dimensionless Weight

Temperature, oC

0.8 70


0.5 20
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400
Time, min

Figure 26. The effect of 0.1% SO2 added to the carbonation gas: Five cycles using
Trona T-200


Fixed-bed tests with the product gas analyzed by gas chromatography were used to evaluate
CO2 removal. At the beginning, single cycle tests were carried out to confirm the reliability of
the reactor and analytical systems; most of the later tests were multicycle to provide additional
information on sorbent durability. Calcination was carried out in both pure N2 and CO2 over a
temperature range of 120oC to 200oC. The carbonation gas contained 8% CO2, 16% H2O, and
76% N2, and in most tests H2O was added using a gas bubbler system, the gas exiting the
bubbler was assumed to be saturated. Nominal carbonation temperatures of 60oC, 70oC, and
80oC were examined, but the actual bed temperature was somewhat higher because of the
exothermic nature of the carbonation reaction. SBC#3 was used as the sorbent in all tests
except one, which used SBC#1.

3.3.1 Five-Cycle Tests With Calcination in N2 at 120oC

CO2 concentration (dry basis) in the product gas as a function of time during both the calcination
and carbonation phases of a 5.5-cycle test using SBC#3 with calcination at 120oC in N2 and a
nominal carbonation temperature of 60oC is shown in Figure 27. As previously described, the
initial calcination was carried out one day with both carbonation and calcination on subsequent
days. The sorbent was always left overnight as Na2CO3 at 60oC in flowing N2. First-cycle
calcination material balance closure was good with only a 3.5% difference between the
theoretical amount of CO2 liberated and the experimental value determined by numerical
integration of the CO2 concentration-time curve. Initial CO2 concentrations were near 1% in all
carbonation cycles except Cycle 1, where the minimum CO2 concentration was about 3%.
There is a clear indication of improved performance between carbonation Cycles 1 and 2,
similar to that shown in Figure 5, which illustrated typical results. Results from calcination
Cycles 2 through 6 are virtually identical, with a maximum CO2 concentration of about 15% in
each cycle.

These results are indicated more clearly in Figure 28 where CO2 concentrations in the
carbonation product gas during the five cycles are overlaid. The poorer performance during the
early stages of Cycle 1 is obvious. With the exception of the waves in the concentration-time
curves in the 200–300 min period of Cycles 2 and 5, performance in Cycles 2 through 5 was
basically identical. These waves are thought to be caused by variable feed gas composition
due to H2O condensation between the gas bubbler and the reactor. The difficulty in controlling
the preheat level to prevent condensation without overheating of the feed gas has been

Figure 27. CO2 concentration for a 5.5-cycle fixed-bed test using SBC#3 at 60ºC
carbonation temperature and 150 sccm carbonation feed rate


10 cycle 1
9 cycle 2
cycle 3
cycle 4
Mole Percentage, %

7 cycle 5

4 SBC-3
120oC Calcination in N2
60oC Carbonation

0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500
Time, min

Figure 28. CO2 concentration during five carbonation cycles using SBC#3 at a nominal
carbonation temperature of 60ºC and feed rate of 150 sccm

discussed previously. All cycles exhibited the basic shape of a traditional breakthrough curve
and all approached almost the same final CO2 concentration.

Results from the carbonation phases of a five-cycle test using a nominal 70oC carbonation
temperature are shown in Figure 29. Calcination was also at 120oC in He in this test. The
results are qualitatively similar to the 60oC results shown in Figure 28. There is an obvious
improvement in performance between the early stages of Cycles 1 and 2 with effectively no
difference in performance between Cycles 2 and 5. The concentration waves are absent and
Cycles 2 through 5 all exhibit the shape of a traditional breakthrough curve. The most
significant difference between the results at 60oC and 70oC occurred in the early stages of the
test. The initial CO2 concentration at 70oC was about 3% compared to about 1% at 60oC.

cycle 1
cycle 2
9 cycle 3
8 cycle 4
cycle 5
Mole Percentage, %

4 SBC-3
120oC Calcination in N2
70oC Carbonation

0 100 200 300 400 500
Time, min

Figure 29. CO2 concentration during five carbonation cycles using SBC#3 at a nominal
carbonation temperature of 70ºC and feed rate of 150 sccm

Only a small amount of CO2 was removed when the carbonation temperature was increased to
a nominal 80ºC, even though carbonation is thermodynamically favored and some CO2 removal
occurred in electrobalance tests at this temperature. This is attributed to a temperature
increase above the nominal level due to the exothermic heat of reaction, and emphasizes the
importance of careful temperature control in any commercial process.

SBC#1 was evaluated in a five-cycle test with calcination at 120oC in He and carbonation at a
nominal temperature of 60oC. Results from the five carbonation cycles in terms of CO2
concentration as a function of time are presented in Figure 30. The results are very similar to
those shown in Figure 28 for SBC#3 at the same conditions. Again, there was a noticeable
improvement in performance between Cycles 1 and 2 and essentially no difference in
performance between Cycles 2 and 5. Initial CO2 concentrations during Cycles 2 through 5
were just over 1%, while the minimum concentration in Cycle 1 was about 2.5%.


10 cycle1
Mole Percentage, %

7 cycle5

3 120 oC Calcination in N2
2 60oC Carbonation

0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800

Time, min

Figure 30. CO2 concentration during five carbonation cycles using SBC#1 at a nominal
carbonation temperature of 60ºC and feed rate of 150 sccm.

The performance of SBC#3 and SBC#1 in these five-cycle fixed-bed tests is further compared in
Figures 31 and 32. Figure 31 shows the percentage CO2 removal in the third sample from each
carbonation cycle as a function of cycle number. The third sample, which was acquired 36 min
after the carbonation reaction was initiated, was chosen for the comparison to provide sufficient
time for the carbonation gas feed rate and composition to reach steady-state values. Figure 32
shows the final percentage conversion of Na2CO3 to Wegscheider’s salt as a function of
carbonation cycle.

Figure 31 emphasizes the improved performance in all three tests between Cycles 1 and 2, the
improved performance associated with the lower nominal temperature of 60oC, and the close

correspondence in 60oC results between SBC#3 and SBC#1. At 60oC, the CO2 removal
increased from just above 60% in Cycle 1 to almost 90% in the remaining cycles for both
sorbents. The comparable numbers for 70oC carbonation were almost 30% CO2 removal in
Cycle 1 and about 70% in the remaining cycles.

The final percentage conversions of Na2CO3 to Wegscheider’s salt shown in Figure 32 are quite
consistent during all five cycles of all three tests. 60oC carbonation resulted in effectively
complete conversion, while the percentage conversion of SBC#3 at 70oC was near 85%.

Percent CO2 Removal (%)


0.2 SBC-1

0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Cycle Number

Figure 31. Percentage CO2 removal as a function of nominal carbonation temperature

and cycle number of SBC#3 and SBC#1 (based on CO2 concentration in the
third sample of each carbonation cycle)

60 oC
Final Percent Conversion


70 oC


60 SBC-3

0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Cycle Number

Figure 32. Final percentage conversion of Na2CO3 to Wegscheider's salt as a function of

carbonation temperature and cycle number using SBC#3 and SBC#1

3.3.2 Multicycle Tests With Calcination in CO2 at 160ºC and 200oC

Carbonation results from two five-cycle tests using SBC#3 with calcination carried out in CO2 at
160oC are shown in Figures 33 and 34. In these figures, fractional CO2 removal is shown as a
function of time. Progress of the calcination phase cannot be monitored whenever calcination
occurs in a CO2 atmosphere. Consequently, calcination was carried out for a fixed time period
of 2 hours. Carbonation was at a nominal temperature of 60oC with the feed containing 8%
CO2, 16% H2O, and 76% N2. These figures are, for practical purposes, mirror images of the
previous figures, which showed CO2 concentration as a function of time. The only significant
difference in the two tests is that in the first (Figure 33), the carbonation cycle lasted about 350
min; in the second test (Figure 34), the carbonation cycle was ended after 225 min. In earlier
tests, the carbonation cycle last as long as 700 min (Figure 30). Figure 33 shows what appears
to be a step function increase in CO2 removal after about 100 min in Cycle 3. This was due,
however, to a computer malfunction, which caused the software to incorrectly show 100% CO2
removal. The carbonation cycle actually continued for the full 350 min in a normal manner.
Figure 34 shows two distinct peaks in CO2 removal during Cycle 1 at about 160 and 190 min.
This is attributed to an incorrect level of feed preheat, which allowed partial condensation of H2O

in the feed gas. The level of preheat was increased slightly in subsequent cycles and the peaks
were eliminated.

Fraction Carbon Dioxide Absorbed




Carbonation 1
Carbonation 2
0.3 Carbonation 3

0.2 Carbonation 4

0.1 Carbonation 5

0 50 100 150 200 250 300
Time (min)

Figure 33. Fractional CO2 removal as a function of time: Five-cycle testing using SBC#3
with calcination in CO2 at 160ºC, first test

Fraction Carbon Dioxide Absorbed




0.5 Carbonation 1

0.4 Carbonation 2

0.3 Carbonation 3

0.2 Carbonation 4

Carbonation 5

0 50 100 150 200
Time (min)

Figure 34. Fractional CO2 removal as a function of time: Five-cycle test using SBC#3
with calcination at 160ºC in CO2, second test

Both figures show an initial minimum in first-cycle CO2 removal, followed by an increase to a
maximum value and then a gradual decrease with time. In the first cycle of the first test
(Figure 33) the CO2 removal increased from less than 0.30 in the first sample to a maximum of
0.82 after 48 min and slowly decreased to 0.09 at the end of the cycle. The first cycle minimum
was less pronounced in the second test (Figure 34) where the CO2 removal increased from 0.51
in the first sample to a maximum of 0.82 after 48 min and a final value of 0.40 after 225 min.
However, the final value may be abnormally high because of the earlier peaks in apparent CO2

Performance improved between Cycles 1 and 2 in both tests and remained relatively constant
during Cycles 2 through 5. The initial minima were absent, or at least much less pronounced, in
subsequent cycles and the overall maxima in CO2 removal reached 0.91 in both tests. This
occurred after 48 min in Cycle 4 in the first test (Figure 33) and after 24 min in Cycle 3 in the
second test (Figure 34). Final CO2 removals ranged from 0.09 to 0.14 when the carbonation
cycles were terminated after 350 min in the first test, and from 0.18 to 0.25 when the
carbonation cycles were terminated after 225 min in the second test (neglecting the final value
of 0.40 in Cycle 1 which is attributed to the condensation problem). Overall, there was little
difference between cycles in either test and no evidence of performance deterioration as the
number of cycles increased.

Fractional CO2 removal as a function of time for a five-cycle test using SBC#3 with calcination in
CO2 at 200oC for 2 hours is shown in Figure 35. Once again, the carbonation cycle was at a
nominal temperature of 60oC with the feed gas containing 8% CO2, 16% H2O, and 76% N2; the
carbonation cycles were again terminated after 225 min.


Fractional Carbon Dioxide Capture





Carbonation 1
0.3 Carbonation 2
Carbonation 3
0.2 Carbonation 4
Carbonation 5

0 50 100 150 200
Time (min)

Figure 35. Fractional CO2 removal as a function of time: Five-cycle test using SBC#3
with calcination in CO2 at 200ºC

While the fractional CO2 removal-time curves in the last three figures are qualitatively similar,
there are significant differences. Once again, the initial minima in CO2 removal during the first
cycle are evident, and the minima are significantly reduced in subsequent cycles. However,
performance was significantly poorer using 200oC calcination in CO2. The overall maximum
CO2 removal was only 0.74 (after 84 min in Cycle 1) compared to 0.91 in both tests following
calcination in CO2 at 160oC. The slopes of the curves in Figure 35 are significantly smaller than
the slopes in the previous figures, indicating that CO2 removal was still occurring to a greater
extent when carbonation was terminated. In fact, final CO2 removals ranged from 0.34 to 0.38
in Figure 35, values that are 50% to 100% larger than in the earlier figures.

Results from these three tests plus a final 15-cycle test are further compared in Figure 36,
where fractional CO2 removal in the third sample of each carbonation cycle is plotted against
cycle number. The 15-cycle test used calcination at 160oC in CO2. As described previously, the
third sample was chosen for the comparison to provide sufficient time for feed gas composition
and flow rate to reach steady values. The similarity of the results of the three tests using 160oC
calcination and the superiority of these tests compared to the 200oC calcination test is
immediately evident. There appears to be no deterioration in performance as the number of

cycles increased. It is also interesting to note that fractional CO2 removals of about 0.90
associated with 160oC calcination in CO2 are quite close to the values shown in Figure 31 for
calcination at 120oC in N2.

Fractional Carbon Dioxide Capture

Calcination in CO2 at 160 C

0.4 Calcination in CO2 at 200 C


0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
Cycle Number

Figure 36. Fractional CO2 Removal in the third carbonation sample as a function of
cycle number: SBC#3 with calcination in CO2 at 160ºC and 200ºC


3.4.1 Test 1: SBC#3

A five-cycle calcination/carbonation test was conducted using SBC#3 as a sorbent precursor.

Temperatures for the carbonation cycles varied from cycle to cycle, as the range of feasible
operating temperatures was determined. While the reactor was preheated prior to carbonation,
the exothermic heat of reaction ultimately controlled the reaction temperature, and no additional
heat input, beyond the influent gas preheater, was necessary to maintain the bed temperature.
Slight variations in temperature across the fluidized sorbent bed occurred. The reactor was
initially loaded with 258 g of SBC#3, providing an initial bed height of 6 inches, for a height-to-
diameter ratio of 3. The material was calcined in situ prior to the first carbonation and between
subsequent carbonations. Calcinations were essentially complete, based on, in some cases,

the carbon dioxide content of the reactor effluent gas and, in all cases, monitored bed

Carbon dioxide removal was calculated based on inlet flows (dry basis) of air, nitrogen, and
CO2, and CO2 content (dry basis) of the effluent gas. Carbon dioxide removal profiles for each
cycle are shown in Figures 37 through 41. Cycle lengths varied from approximately 3 to 6.5
hours. Temperature profiles at 1 in, 3 in, and 5 in above the flow distributor are shown in
Figures 42 through 46.




6.00 Total Flow in =10.1 SLPM

Total Flow in (dry) =8.5 SLPM
6.6% CO2 in influent
16% H2O in influent
Temperature =169 deg F
4.00 258 g Sodium bicarbonate loaded (equivalent to 162.8 g sodium carbonate).
Carbon dioxide capacity = 67.6 g.
Total CO2 removed = 26.4 g.


0 50 100 150 200 250
Time (min)

Figure 37. Cycle 1 carbonation test (9/19/01) - fractional CO2 removal



Total Flow in = 10.2 SLPM

4 Total Flow in (dry) =8.68 SLPM.
8.1% CO2 in influent (dry).
16.5% H2O in influent.
Temperature = 159 deg F
258 g Sodium bicarbonate loaded (equivalent to 162.8 g
sodium carbonate). Carbon dioxide capacity = 67.6 g.
Total CO2 removed = 26.05 g

0 50 100 150 200 250 300
Time (min)

Figure 38. Cycle 2 carbonation test (9/20/01) - fractional CO2 removal






Total Flow = 10.4 SLPM

Total Flow = 9.16 slpm (dry).
7.6% CO2 in influent (dry).
11.9% H2O in inluent.
Temperature = 148 deg F.
258 g Sodium Bicarbonate loaded (equivalent to 162.8 g sodium
carbonate). Carbon dioxide capacity - 67.6 g.
Total CO2 removed = 26.15 g.

0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200
Time (min)

Figure 39. Cycle 3 carbonation test (9/25/01) - fractional CO2 removal




Percent Removed


8 Total Flow 10.2 SLPM

Total Flow (dry) = 9.6 SLPM
7.3 % CO2 in (dry)
6.9% CO2 in
6.1 % H2O in
Temperature = 135 deg F.
258 g Sodium bicarbonate loaded (equivalent to 162.8 g sodium
4 carbonate). Carbon dioxide capacity = 67.6 g.
Total CO2 removed = 26.4 g.

0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200
Time (min)

Figure 40. Cycle 4 carbonation test (9/26/01) - fractional CO2 removal




Total flow =9.95 SLPM (dry)
Total Flow = 10.40 SLPM (wet)
CO2 in = 7.0% (dry)
4 CO2 in = 6.7% (wet)
H2O in = 4.5%
Temperature = 105 deg F.
258 g Sodium carbonate loaded (equivalent to 162.8 g sodium carbonate).
2 Carbon dioxide capacity = 67.6 g.
Total CO2 removed = 44.1 g.

0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450
Time (min)

Figure 41. Cycle 5 carbonation test (9/27/01) - fractional CO2 removal





165 Mid-bed

Bottom of bed

Top of bed
0 50 100 150 200 250
Time (min)

Figure 42. Temperature profile - Cycle 1 (9/19/01)




Mid bed

Top of bed
Bottom of bed






0 50 100 150 200 250 300
Time (min)

Figure 43. Temperature profile - Cycle 2 (9/20/01)


155 Bottom of bed

150 Mid bed


140 Top of bed








0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200
Time (min)

Figure 44. Temperature profile - Cycle 3 (9/25/01)


Bottom of
Mid bed

Top of bed





0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200
Time (min)

Figure 45. Temperature profile - Cycle 4 (9/26/01)


Bottom of bed



Mid bed
Top of bed





0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450
Time (min)

Figure 46. Temperature profile - Cycle 5 (9/27/01)

A summary of test results is given in Table 1. The temperature data in this table are based on
the average temperature (for the three measurement locations) during the carbonation cycle,
which varied as the exothermic effects of the reaction declined. The water vapor content of the
reactant gas was limited in the lower temperature cycles to avoid supersaturation.

Table 1. Summary of Five-Cycle Carbonation Test Data

Cycle 1 2 3 4 5
Total Flow (SLPM) 10.1 10.2 10.4 10.2 10.4
Dry Flow (SLPM) 8.5 8.7 9.2 9.6 10.0
CO2 in (dry %) 6.6 8.1 7.6 7.3 7.0
H2O in (%) 16.0 16.5 11.9 6.1 4.5
Temperature (ºF) 169 159 148 135 105
CO2 removed (g) 26.4 26.1 26.2 26.4 44.1
Sorbent Capacity Utilization (%) Based on 39.1 38.6 38.8 39.1 65.2
conversion to CO2
Exposure Time (min) 210 260 175 175 390

Based on these data there was no obvious decline in sorbent activity over five cycles in
contaminant-free simulated flue gas. The sorbent was removed from the reactor after the fifth

3.4.2 Test 2: Trona T-50

This cyclic calcination/carbonation test was limited to two cycles due to plugging of the reactant
in the bed. Trona T-50 was added to the reactor to a height of 6 in, resulting in an initial height-
to-diameter ratio of 3. The trona was calcined to sodium carbonate by heating to approximately
120ºC in flowing nitrogen for two hours. Nitrogen flow was maintained until the first carbonation
test was started. Temperatures for the first carbonation cycle, as shown in Figure 47, averaged
80ºC, which was higher than optimal, and resulted from preheating the reactor to too high a
temperature before beginning the carbonation phase. Carbon dioxide removal (as determined
by comparison of the inlet and outlet carbon dioxide mass flow), as shown in Figure 48, declined
from about 20% to about 8% during a three-hour test. The total mass of carbon dioxide
removed was 29.9 grams. The theoretical capacity of the bed based on a sodium bicarbonate
endpoint was 103 g (or 34.3 g based on a Wegscheider’s salt endpoint). The sorbent was then
calcined in the reactor in the same manner that it was calcined before the first carbonation

The second carbonation cycle was conducted at a lower, theoretically more favorable
temperature, averaging 65ºC. Bed temperature profiles are shown in Figure 49. Because of
the lower feed gas temperature, the water vapor content of the simulated flue gas was
decreased from 12.1% to 5.8% for the second cycle to avoid condensing water. Carbon dioxide
removal for this cycle, as shown in Figure 50, declined from 11% to 1% over the course of 160



Top of Bed


Middle of Bed
Temperature (degrees C)


Bottom of bed




0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200
Time (minutes)

Figure 47. Temperature profile - Cycle 1 with Trona T-50

Total Flow in = 10.3 SLPM
Total Flow in (dry) = 9.1 SLPM
6.8% CO2 in inf luent
20 12.1% H2O in inf luent
Temperature = 80 deg C
381.7 g Trona T-50 (93% purity)
[Equivalent to 248 g Na2CO3]
Percent Remova

Carbon dioxide capacity = 103 g

Total CO2 removed = 29.9 g


0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200
Time (minutes)

Figure 48. Cycle 1 carbonation test with Trona T-50



Top of Bed

Bottom of bed
60 Middle of
Temperature (degrees C)






0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180
Time (minutes)

Figure 49. Temperature profile - Cycle 2 with Trona T-50

Total Flow in = 10.9 SLPM
Total Flow in (dry ) = 10.3 SLPM
10 6.7% CO 2 in inf luent (dry )
5.8% H2 O in inf luent
Temperature = 65.3 degrees C
381.7 g Trona T-50 (93% purity )
[Equiv alent to 248 g Na 2 CO 3 ]
Percent Removal

Carbon Diox ide Capac ity = 103 g

Total CO 2 remov ed = 17.4 g

0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180
Tim e (m in )

Figure 50. Cycle 2 carbonation test with Trona T-50

The total mass of carbon dioxide removed was 17.4 g. The theoretical capacity of the bed
based on a sodium bicarbonate endpoint was 103 g, same as before. The decline in activity in
the second cycle may have been due to the lower water vapor content available for reaction, or
a decline in the activity of the sorbent material.

Carbon dioxide removal was calculated based on inlet flows (dry basis) of air, nitrogen and CO2,
and CO2 content (dry basis) of the effluent gas. A summary of test results is given in Table 2.

Table 2. Summary of Two-Cycle Carbonation Test Data

Cycle 1 2
Total Flow (SLPM) 10.3 10.9
Dry Flow (SLPM) 9.1 10.3
CO2 in (dry %) 6.8 6.7
H2O in (%) 12.1 5.8
Temperature (ºC) 80 65
CO2 removed (g) 29.9 17.4
Sorbent Capacity Utilization (%) 29.0 16.5
Exposure Time (min) 180 160

The temperature data in this table are based on the average temperature (for the three
measurement locations) during the carbonation cycle, which varied as the exothermic effects of
the reaction declined. The water vapor content of the reactant gas was limited in the lower
temperature cycles to avoid supersaturation.

3.4.3 Test 3: Potassium Carbonate: 1 cycle

Several unsuccessful attempts were made to conduct cyclic fluidized-bed tests using potassium
carbonate as a sorbent. Problems were encountered with plugging of the bed, as indicated by
an increase in differential pressure across the bed. The bed plugged both during pre-drying in
dry nitrogen, and during carbonation in nitrogen/oxygen/carbon dioxide/steam mixtures. In
general, the material is hygroscopic and tends to agglomerate during storage. A single
carbonation cycle was completed during one test. Data are shown in Figure 51. The reactor
temperature profile is shown in Figure 52. The reactor plugged up upon calcination following
this carbonation cycle.

The test was conducted with 6.55% carbon dioxide and 6.14% water in the inlet gas. Carbon
dioxide removal in the early stages of this test peaked at about 35% and remained above 15%
for the first 30 minutes. The temperature in the bed increased rapidly due to the exothermic
nature of the reaction. The fact that CO2 removal continued to take place at these temperatures
(peaking at about 110ºC, averaged across the bed) demonstrates a potential advantage of
potassium carbonate over sodium carbonate for flue gas operations. Unsupported potassium
carbonate would, however, be much more difficult to handle.


Total Flow in = 10.1 SLPM
30 Total Flow in (dry) = 9.48 SLPM
Percent Removal

6.55% CO2 in inlet gas

25 6.14% H2O in inlet gas
Average Temperature = 88 deg C
20 233.1 g K2CO3
Carbon Dioxide Capacity = 74.2 g


0 50 100 150 200 250 300

Tim e (m inute s)

Figure 51. Fluidized-bed carbonation of potassium carbonate (3/11/02)


Middle of Bed


Temperatu re (C)

T op of Bed

Bot t om of Bed



0 50 100 150 200 250 300
Ti m e (m i n u te s)

Figure 52. Temperature profile for fluidized-bed carbonation of potassium carbonate

The CO2 removal declined to about 6% after 280 minutes, at which point the sorbent bed was
only 54% exhausted (based on conversion to potassium bicarbonate). The high initial removals
may be indicative of reactivity in short residence time reactor systems such as transport
reactors or entrained bed systems. On this basis, potassium carbonate may be a promising
sorbent if problems related to agglomeration and attrition can be resolved.

3.4.4 Test 4: Trona T-50 (5 cycles)

The reactor was loaded with 406 g of material, and the material was not removed between
cycles. This was equivalent to an initial bed height of 6 inches, resulting in a bed height-to-
diameter ratio of 3. This mass of trona, after calcination, has a carbon dioxide capacity of 37 g.
All calcinations were carried out in nitrogen at 150ºC. Carbonation reactions were conducted in
a simulated flue gas of 4.7 to 6.5% carbon dioxide and approximately 6.9% water vapor.
Carbonation test temperatures varied within the fluidized bed through the course of the cycles,
peaking at approximately 75ºC. The carbonation cycles were stopped after approximately three

hours, even though most of the stoichiometric capacity of the bed was unused, because the
initial rates were of greatest interest. Carbon dioxide removal, and the associated fluidized-bed
temperature profiles are shown in Figures 53 through 62. The temperatures at the "bottom,"
"middle," and "top" of the bed were measured at 1 inch, 3 inches, and 5 inches above the flow
distributor. A summary of these data is given in Table 3.


loaded 406.1 g T-50 trona, (assumed 6.4%inert)
equivalent to 267.4 g sodium carbonate
Carbon Dioxide Removal (%)

capacit y 111 g carbon dioxide
carbon dioxide in (dry) = 6.98%
dry gas flow in = 8.36 slpm
total gas flow = 8.98 slpm
15 carbon dioxide in (wet ) = 6.50%
carbon dioxide removed = 12.7 g
capacit y used = 11.4%


0 20 40 60 80 10 0 12 0 14 0 16 0 18 0 200

Tim e (minutes)

Figure 53. Carbon dioxide removal and trona Cycle 1 - 5/13/2002


top of bed
middle of bed
Temperature (degrees C)

bottom of bed





0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200

Tim e (m inutes)

Figure 54. Temperature profile - carbonation Cycle 1 - 5/13/2002


loaded 406.1 g T-50 trona, (assumed 6.4%inert)
equivalent to 267.4 g sodium carbonate
Carbon Dioxide Removal (%)

30 capacity = 111 g carbon dioxide

carbon dioxide in (dry) = 5.05%
dry gas flow in = 8.34 slpm
25 total gas flow = 8.96 slpm
carbon dioxide in (wet) = 4.70%
20 carbon dioxide removed = 16.1 g
capacity used = 14.5%



0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200

Time (minutes)

Figure 55. Carbon dioxide removal with trona - Cycle 2 - 5/14/2002



top of bed
Temperatue (degrees C)

middle of bed
bottom of bed





0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200

Time (minutes)

Figure 56. Temperature profile - carbonation Cycle 2 - 5/14/2002


loaded 406.1 g T-50 trona, (assumed 6.4%inert)
equivalent to 267.4 g sodium carbonate
Carbon Dioxide Removal (%)

30 capacity 111 g carbon dioxide

carbon dioxide in (dry) = 5.05%
dry gas flow in = 8.36 slpm
total gas flow = 8.98 slpm
carbon dioxide in (wet) = 4.70%
20 carbon dioxide removed = 17.5 g
capacity used = 15.8%


0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200

Time (minutes)

Figure 57. Carbon dioxide removal with trona - Cycle 3 - 5/15/2002


top of bed
middle of bed
Temperature (degrees C)


bottom of bed





0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200

Tim e (m inutes)

Figure 58. Temperature profile - carbonation Cycle 3 - 5/15/2002


25 loaded 406.1 g T-50 trona, (assumed 6.4%inert)
Carbon Dioxide Removal (%)

equivalent to 267.4 g sodium carbonate

capacity = 111 g carbon dioxide
20 carbon dioxide in (dry) = 5.05%
dry gas flow in = 8.34 slpm
total gas flow = 8.96 slpm
carbon dioxide in (wet) = 4.70%
15 carbon dioxide removed = 16.9 g
capacity used = 15.2%


0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200

Tim e (m inutes)

Figure 59. Carbon dioxide removal with trona - Cycle 4 - 5/16/2002



top of bed
Temperature (degrees C)


middle of bed
bottom of bed





0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200

Time (minutes)

Figure 60. Temperature profile - carbonation Cycle 4 - 5/16/2002


5/ 20/2002
loaded 406.1 g T-50 trona, (assumed 6.4%inert)
25 equivalent t o 267.4 g sodium carbonat e
Carbon Dioxide Removal (%)

capacity = 111 g carbon dioxide

carbon dioxide in (dry) = 5.05%
20 dry gas f low in = 8.36 slpm
total gas flow = 8.98 slpm
carbon dioxide in (wet) = 4.70%
carbon dioxide removed = 17.3 g
15 capacity used = 15.6%


0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200

Tim e (m inutes)

Figure 61. Carbon dioxide removal with trona - Cycle 5 - 5/20/2002



top of bed

middle of bed
Temperature (°C)

bottom of bed





0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200
Time (minutes)

Figure 62. Temperature profile - carbonation Cycle 5 - 5/20/2002

Table 3. Carbon Dioxide Removal in Test 4 (Five-cycle Fluidized Bed Test Using Trona
T-50 as Sorbent Precursor)
Cycle 1 2 3 4 5
Total Gas Flow (SLPM) 8.98 8.96 8.98 8.96 8.98
CO2 in (%) 6.98 4.70 4.70 4.70 4.70
H2O in (%) 6.90 6.90 6.90 6.91 6.90
CO2 removed (g) 12.7 16.1 17.5 16.9 17.3
Capacity used (%) 11.4 14.5 15.8 15.2 15.6

The results are relatively consistent from cycle to cycle with no indication that the activity of the
sorbent declined over the course of the five cycles. Variations in temperature are unavoidable
with strongly exothermic reactions in the present well-insulated reactor system. The initial
removal rates of 15 to 30 percent, as shown in the data for the first 15 to 30 minutes of the run,
are more significant than the overall sorbent capacity usage over the three-hour duration.

3.4.5 Test 5: Spray-Dried 40% Supported Potassium Carbonate (5 Cycles)

A second five-cycle fluidized-bed test was conducted using a spray-dried 40% potassium
carbonate on alumina support. This material was tested because of its superior attrition
resistance to granular potassium carbonate, and because the support provides a heat sink for
the energy released by the carbonation reaction. Experimental conditions were similar to the
previous test. The reactor was loaded with 379 g of sorbent, and the material was not removed
between cycles. This was equivalent to an initial bed height of 5.5 inches. The potassium
carbonate content of this sorbent has a carbon dioxide capacity of 48.2 g (assuming conversion
to bicarbonate). All calcinations were carried out in nitrogen at 150ºC. Carbonation reactions
were conducted in a simulated flue gas of 6.28% carbon dioxide and approximately 6.2% water
vapor. Carbonation test temperatures varied within the fluidized bed through the course of each
cycle, peaking at approximately 105ºC. The carbonation cycles were stopped after 3 to 3.5
hours, even though most of the stoichiometric capacity of the bed was unused, because the
initial rates are of greatest interest. Carbon dioxide removal, and the associated fluidized-bed
temperature profiles are shown in Figures 63 through 72. The temperatures at the "bottom,"
"middle," and "top" of the bed were measured as in the trona tests. A summary of these data is
given in Table 4.


20 6/3/2002
Carbon Dioxide Removal (%)

loaded 379.0 g supported sorbent

equivalent to 151.6 g potassium carbonate
capacity 48.2 g carbon dioxide
carbon dioxide in (dry) = 6.70%
dry gas flow in = 9.32 slpm
total gas flow = 9.94 slpm
carbon dioxide in (wet) = 6.28%
carbon dioxide removed = 24.3 g
10 capacity used = 50.4%

0 50 100 150 200 250

Tim e (m inutes)

Figure 63. Fluidized-bed carbonation of 40% supported potassium carbonate - Cycle 1


bottom of bed
Temperature (degrees C)


middle of bed
top of bed




0 50 100 150 200 250

Time (minutes)

Figure 64. Temperature profile - 40% supported potassum carbonate - Cycle 1


6/ 4/2002
loaded 379.0 g support ed sorbent
Carbon Dioxide Removal (%)

equivalent t o 151.6 g potassium carbonate

capacity 48.2 g carbon dioxide
carbon dioxide in (dry) = 6.70%
dry gas f low in = 9.32 slpm
15 t otal gas f low = 9.94 slpm
carbon dioxide in (wet ) = 6.28%
carbon dioxide removed = 18.9 g
capacity used = 39.2%

0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200

Tim e (m inutes)

Figure 65. Fluidized–bed carbonation of 40% supported potassium carbonate - Cycle 2


bot t om of bed

middle of bed
Temperature (degrees C)



t op of bed



0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200

Tim e (m inutes)

Figure 66. Temperature profile - 40% supported potassium carbonate - Cycle 2


loaded 379.0 g supported sorbent
Carbon Dioxide Removal

equivalent to 151.6 g potassium carbonate

capacity 48.2 g carbon dioxide
carbon dioxide in (dry) = 6.70%
15 dry gas flow in = 9.32 slpm
total gas flow = 9.94 slpm
carbon dioxide in (wet) = 6.28%
carbon dioxide removed = 22.4 g
10 capacity used = 46.5%

0 50 100 150 200 250

Tim e (m inutes)

Figure 67. Fluidized-bed carbonation of 40% supported potassium carbonate - Cycle 3


100 top of bed

middle of bed
Temperature (degrees C)



bottom of bed



0 50 100 150 200 250

Tim e (m inutes)

Figure 68. Temperature profile - 40% supported potassium carbonate - Cycle 3


loaded 379.0 g supported sorbent
Carbon Dioxide Removal (%)

20 equivalent to 151.6 g potassium carbonate

capacity 48.2 g carbon dioxide
carbon dioxide in (dry) = 6.70%
dry gas flow in = 9.32 slpm
15 total gas flow = 9.94 slpm
carbon dioxide in (wet) = 6.28%
carbon dioxide removed = 19.7 g
capacity used = 40.9%

0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200

Tim e (m inutes)

Figure 69. Fluidized-bed carbonation of 40% supported potassium carbonate - Cycle 4

top of bed

middle of bed
Temperature (degrees C)



bottom of bed



0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200

Tim e (m inutes)

Figure 70. Temperature profile - 40% supported potassium carbonate - Cycle 4


Carbona Dioxide Removal (%)

loaded 379.0 g supported sorbent
equivalent to 151.6 g potassium carbonate
20 capacity 48.2 g carbon dioxide
carbon dioxide in (dry) = 6.70%
dry gas flow in = 9.32 slpm
15 total gas flow = 9.94 slpm
carbon dioxide in (wet) = 6.28%
carbon dioxide removed = 17.9 g
capacity used = 37.1%

0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200

Time (minutes)

Figure 71. Fluidized-bed carbonation of 40% supported potassium carbonate - Cycle 5


bott om of bed
middle of bed
Temperature (degrees C)


t op of bed




0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200

Tim e (m inutes)

Figure 72. Temperature profile - 40% supported potassium carbonate - Cycle 5

Table 4. Carbon Dioxide Removal in Test 5 (Five-cycle Fluidized-Bed Test Using Spray
Dried Supported Potassium Carbonate)

Cycle 1 2 3 4 5
Total Gas Flow (slpm) 9.94 9.94 9.94 9.94 9.94
CO2 in (%) 6.28 6.28 6.28 6.28 6.28
H2O in (%) 6.24 6.24 6.24 6.24 6.24
CO2 removed (g) 24.3 18.9 22.4 19.7 17.9
Capacity used (%) 50.4 39.2 46.5 40.9 37.1

3.4.6 Test 6: 10% Supported Potassium Carbonate (5-cycles)

The reactor was loaded with 190 g of sorbent material, which contained 19 g of potassium
carbonate and 171 g of support material. The carbon dioxide capacity of the sorbent, assuming
complete conversion of potassium carbonate to potassium bicarbonate (and no activity due to
the support material) was 6.0 g. Integration of the carbon dioxide removal data indicated that
greater than 100% of the stoichiometric capacity of the potassium carbonate was used,
suggesting that the support was reversibly adsorbing carbon dioxide. Carbonation cycles were
extended for 3 hours, as in past tests. Useful data were obtained from three carbonation cycles;
experimental problems occurred in the first and third cycles. The carbon dioxide concentration

at the reactor exit, as well as the sorbent bed temperature rise, suggested that the reaction was
essentially complete within the first few minutes of each carbonation cycle. Data for the second,
fourth, and fifth cycles are shown in Figures 73 through 81.

The data suggest a rapid reaction rate. While the reactivity of the support, which makes up 90%
of the sorbent material, complicates data analysis (making it impossible to derive a quantitative
reaction rate) the temperature rise in the sorbent bed confirms that a rapid exothermic reaction
is taking place.

Carbon Dioxide Concentration (%)

Calcination at 150°C in nitrogen.
Carbonation conditions:
4 steam 6.3%
carbon dioxide 7.2%(dry basis)

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Time (minutes)

Figure 73. Test data from carbonation cycle



Removal (%)




0 2 4 6 8 10

Time (min)

Figure 74. Test data from carbonation Cycle 2 with 10% supported potassium carbonate
sorbent - CO2 removal



Temperature (degrees C)








0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Time (minutes)

Figure 75. Test data from carbonation Cycle 2 with 10% supported potassium carbonate
sorbent - average bed temperature


Carbon Dioxide Concentration (%)

Carbonation conditions:
water vapor: 6.3%
carbon dioxide: 7.2% dry basis
3 Calcination at 150 degrees C in nitrogen

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Time (minutes)

Figure 76. Test data from carbonation Cycle 4 with 10% supported potassium carbonate
sorbent - CO2 concentration in reactor exit gas




Removal (%)







0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Time (minutes)

Figure 77. Test data from carbonation Cycle 4 with 10% supported potassium carbonate
sorbent - CO2 removal


Temperature (degrees C)




0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Time (minutes)

Figure 78. Test data carbonation Cycle 4 with 10% supported potassium carbonate
sorbent - average bed temperature

Carbon Dioxide Concentration (%)

Calcination at 150°C in nitrogen.
Carbonation conditions:
steam 6.3%
carbon dioxide 7.2% (dry basis)

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Time (minutes)

Figure 79. Test data from carbonation Cycle 5 with 10% supported potassium carbonate
sorbent - CO2 concentration in reactor exit gas



Removal (%)






0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Time (minutes)

Figure 80. Test data from carbonation Cycle 5 with 10% supported potassium carbonate
sorbent - CO2 removal


Temperature (degrees C)




0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Time (minutes)

Figure 81. Test data from carbonation Cycle 5 with 10% supported potassium carbonate
sorbent - average bed temperature


RTI measured particle size, BET surface area, porosity, ASTM attrition index, and bulk density
of selected samples of the unsupported sorbents tested. The various grades of SBC and trona
were tested before and after laboratory calcination. Properties of sodium bicarbonate (SBC)
materials and trona are given in Table 5 and 6 respectively. Structural properties such as pore
volume and particle size of these materials appear suitable for use. However, the ASTM
attrition index of these materials is very high. Typical ASTM attrition index of an attrition-
resistant material such as FCC is 0.2-0.5. Except for SBC grade 5, all of the materials tested
appear to exhibit poor attrition resistance. However the large particle size and narrow size
distribution of the SBC grade 5 is unsuitable for use in a transport reactor.


RTI produced a series of sorbents composed of sodium carbonate incorporated in a ceramic

support. Two potassium carbonate materials used for fluidized bed testing were also prepared.
The objective of the sorbent development work was to produce an active (as indicated by high
BET surface area and rapid conversion to Wegscheider's salt) material which is mechanically
stable (as indicated by a high value for compact bulk density and a low value for the attrition
ration (AR) based on the Davison test). Sorbent composition and spray dryer operation were
varied to identify important parameters.

The compositions and selected properties of these materials are shown in Table 7. This table
also includes the properties of calcined SBC#3 and those of plain support materials, without
incorporation of Na2CO3. TGA weight gains based on a 20-minute exposure to an atmosphere
of 7.5% carbon dioxide and 5.9% water vapor at 60°C were used to compare carbonation
activity of the different sorbents.

The goal of the supported sorbent development program is to produce a sorbent that is more
active than calcined SBC#3, with attrition resistance comparable to that of commercial FCC
materials. These requirements must be satisfied for a transport reactor system to be effectively
used for this reaction cycle. A transport reactor process involves a short residence time (on the
order of 5-10 seconds) and requires a material which will be mechanically stable over many
(typically more than 100) carbonation/calcination cycles.

Table 5. Physical properties of Sodium Bicarbonate Materials
SBC grade
SBC grade 1 2 SBC grade 3 SBC grade 3 SBC grade 5
calcined calcined calcined calcined calcined
SBC overnight SBC overnight SBC 3 hours overnight SBC 3 hours
grade 1 at 125ºC grade 2 at 125ºC grade 3 at 125ºC at 125ºC grade 5 at 125ºC
fresh in air fresh in air fresh in air in air fresh in air
Particle Size Distribution (%)
297 microns 0 0 0 0.65 0 n/a 0 0 n/a
-297+177 microns 0 0 0 0.98 0 n/a 0.65 27.7 n/a
-177+125 microns 0 0 8.61 8.82 0 n/a 0 63.85 n/a
-125+88 microns 8.56 8.7 65.56 64.38 1.03 n/a 0.98 5.74 n/a
-88+75 microns 19.86 20.4 13.58 13.07 0.69 n/a 1.31 0 n/a
-75+53 microns 43.84 41.47 8.28 9.15 10.31 n/a 10.46 1.35 n/a
-53 microns 27.74 29.43 3.97 2.94 87.97 n/a 86.6 1.35 n/a

mean particle size microns 60.7 60.2 100.2 104.4 31.6 n/a 33.3 169.4 n/a
harmonic mean micron 48.6 47.9 89.4 92.3 28.6 n/a 28.9 150.2 n/a

BET Surface Area sq. m/g 1.348 2.537 5.167 2.435 3.748 3.462 2.686 4.1 2.093

Mercury Porosimetry Data

Total Intrusion Volume ml/g 0.0454 0.3908 0.0295 0.3562 n/a 0.5389 0.775 n/a 0.1138
Total Pore Area m2/g 5.688 14.68 6.574 12.383 n/a 12.064 20.195 n/a 7.066
Median Pore Diameter (vol) Å 76426 3531 10389 3320 n/a 65260 51357 n/a 3425
Median Pore Diameter (area) Å 51 72 53 87 n/a 62 63 n/a 59
Average Pore
Diameter (4V/A) Å 320 1065 179 1150 n/a 1787 1532 n/a 644
Bulk Density g/ml 1.8389 1.185 2.0798 1.3447 n/a 0.8359 0.7089 1.12 1.8198
Apparent Density g/ml 2.0065 2.2071 2.2157 2.5807 n/a 1.521 1.5695 n/a 2.2954
Porosity % 8.3578 46.3107 6.1337 47.8928 n/a 45.0432 54.8322 n/a 20.7177
Stem Volume Used % 10 42 6 40 n/a 54 52 n/a 26

Attrition Index
(ASTM) 2.29 n/a 7.55 n/a 4.97 n/a n/a 0.49 n/a
Bulk Density lb/ft3 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 69.7 n/a
n/a = not tested
Table 6. Physical Properties of Trona

Trona T-50 Trona T-50 calcined Trona T-200 Trona T-200 calcined Sodium Carbonate
fresh overnight at 125ºC in air fresh overnight at 125ºC in air (commercial grade)
Mercury Porosimetry Data
Total Intrusion Volume ml/g 0.0294 0.2517 0.3481 0.7056 n/a
Total Pore Area m2/g 7.3 9.4 14.9 11.7 n/a
Median Pore Diameter (vol) Å 7410 2833 68950 49258 n/a
Median Pore Diameter (area) Å 42 100 41 91 n/a
Average Pore Diameter (4V/A) Å 162 1074 938 2415 n/a
Bulk Density g/ml 2.03 1.58 1.17 0.84 n/a
Apparent Density g/ml 2.16 2.63 1.97 2.08 n/a
Porosity % 6 39.8 40.6 59.3 n/a
Stem Volume Used % 8 44 48 70 n/a

1.79 n/a 7.95 n/a 2


Attrition Index (ASTM)

n/a = not tested
Table 7. Supported Sorbent Characterization
Na2CO3 Compact Bulk TGA Weight
content of Density BET Surface Gain, 20 min. Attrition Ratio
Sample # sorbent (%) (g/mL) Area (sq. m/g) (%) (AR)
041604-1a 0 0.68 96.6 3.8 3.1
042004-1a 0 0.74 120.8 4.6 3.0
040204-1a 20 0.51 28.43 7 Nt
040504-1a 40 0.64 12.91 10 Nt
040804-1a 20 0.5 33.7 6.2 Nt
040904-1a 40 0.64 14.29 9 Nt
041204-1a 20 0.5 31.4 6.6 Nt
041604-2a 40 0.64 13.5 8.7 Nt
041604-3a 50 0.71 10.7 9.2 Nt
042104-1a 40 0.74 7.9 8.9 Nt
042104-2a 40 0.74 7.0 7.9 Nt
042804-1a 20 0.43 34.8 6.7 Nt
042804-2a 40 0.51 10.9 8.9 Nt
042904-1a 40 0.49 9.84 9.1 Nt
050504-3 40 0.89 6.96 5.2 1.3
050704-1a 40 0.54 14.3 nt 2.3
050704-3a 40 0.54 11.4 nt 1.3
110102-1 7.5 nt 178 6.0 1.0
K-1+++ 40 nt 4.5 nt nt
K-2+++ 10 nt 93 nt nt
Calcined --- 0.99 2.41 4.2 nt
FCC+ --- 0.96 nt nt 1.0
RTI-5 40 1.61 1.85 1.5 0.51
nt = not tested
+ = Commercial fluid cracking catalyst (standard material)
+++ = Potassium Carbonate

As seen in Table 7, sorbents have been developed in the laboratory with substantially greater
activity than calcined SBC#3. The increased activity is even more significant when the reduced
fraction of active material (typically 40-50% for supported sorbents as opposed to 100% for
calcined SBC#3) is considered. Some of these sorbents also exhibit AR of 1.0 to 1.5 indicating
that they are attrition resistant. One promising spray-dried material produced at RTI containing
40% Na2CO3 that had relatively high carbonation activity and good attrition resistance was
selected for scale-up. A commercial catalyst manufacturer prepared several hundred pounds of
this material (RTI-5). The commercially produced material had excellent attrition resistance but
had very low reactivity. A review of the procedures used to produce this material suggested that
there were significant differences in the production technique between the laboratory and the
scale-up facility. Another attempt to scale up this material or a similar formulation is planned.



This study has demonstrated the technical feasibility of a dry, regenerable, sodium sorbent–
based process for the capture of CO2 from flue gas, and the production of pure CO2 suitable for
use or sequestration during the sorbent regeneration phase. The process offers a potential
alternative to amine-based scrubbing processes for CO2 capture from flue gas.

CO2 capture is accomplished by the reversible reaction with Na2CO3 to form either NaHCO3 or
Wegscheider’s salt, depending on reaction conditions. The reaction is reversed at higher
temperature to regenerate the sorbent and liberate equal molar quantities of CO2 and H2O.
Pure CO2 for use or sequestration is produced after condensation of the H2O. The carbonation
(CO2 capture) reaction is feasible in the temperature range of 60ºC to 70ºC, with the lower
temperature limit established by the dew point of the carbonation feed gas, and the upper
temperature limited by the thermodynamics of the exothermic, reversible carbonation reaction.
This narrow temperature window coupled with the exothermic nature of the carbonation reaction
indicates that careful energy management and temperature control will be required in a
commercial process.

A promising means of temperature control of the carbonation reaction is evaporative cooling

through the addition of atomized liquid water to the reactor. This is complicated by the tendency
of the sorbent materials to cake. Sorbent regeneration in pure CO2 should be carried out at a
temperature of about 160ºC. Acid flue gas contaminants such as SO2 and HCl will react
irreversibly with the sorbent to such an extent than an upstream desulfurization process will be
required when using sulfur-containing fossil fuels.

CO2 removal efficiencies of about 90% were achieved during the early stages of laboratory-
scale fixed-bed and fluid-bed reactor tests. Complete carbonation of the sorbent was possible
when the fixed-bed tests were carried out to completion. No deterioration in sorbent
performance occurred in 15-cycle fixed-bed tests.

The calcination reaction, which regenerates the sorbent for reuse, has been confirmed to go to
completion in laboratory-scale reactor systems. This endothermic reaction is responsible for
most of the process energy requirements. While this heat requirement is fixed by the heat of

reaction, the economic feasibility of the process will be improved by using the lowest quality
heat available from the power plant.

Capital and operating costs will be strongly affected by the reactivity and attrition resistance of
the sorbent. A faster and more complete carbonation will result in smaller and less expensive
contacting equipment. Sorbents with greater attrition resistance will result in reduced sorbent
loss and thus lower operating cost. Supported sorbent have been prepared in the laboratory
with increased reactivity as well as increased attrition resistance. Scale up of these sorbents to
large quantity is in progress.




Using ASPEN PLUS process simulation software, a model has been developed to represent a
cyclic sodium carbonate sorbent–based, entrained-bed reactor process to capture and
concentrate carbon dioxide from flue gas. This model will be refined to produce realistic
material and energy balances, optimizing the use of heat from the power plant for sorbent
regeneration. Ultimately, this model will be used to size equipment for a full-scale process.
Capital and operating cost estimates will then be developed for the process.


Several multicycle tests will be conducted at a pilot-scale entrained-bed reactor facility. These
tests will be conducted in single-loop mode with sorbent from the carbonation reaction collected
and reloaded for calcination. The results of these tests will provide a good estimate of the rates
that can be expected in a full-scale transport reactor system and will impact reactor sizing and
economic feasibility analyses.


Work will continue in the laboratory spray dryer system to produce active, attrition-resistant
sorbents that can be scaled to large-quantity production.



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