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Getting to Grips with Aircraft Performance AIRCRAFT LIMITATIONS



During aircraft operation, the airframe must endure the forces generated from
such sources as engine(s), aerodynamic loads, and inertial forces. In still air, when
the aircraft is maneuvering, or during in flight turbulence, load factors (n) appear and
thereby increase loads on the aircraft. This leads to the establishment of maximum
weights and maximum speeds.

1.1. Limit Load Factors

JAR 25.301 Subpart C FAR 25.301 Subpart C

JAR 25.303 Subpart C FAR 25.303 Subpart C
JAR 25.305 Subpart C FAR 25.305 Subpart C
JAR 25.307 Subpart C FAR 25.307 Subpart C
JAR 25.321 Subpart C FAR 25.321 Subpart C
JAR 25.1531 Subpart G FAR 25.1531 Subpart G

“JAR/FAR 25.301 Loads

(a) Strength requirements are specified in terms of limit loads (the maximum loads to
be expected in service) and ultimate loads (limit loads multiplied by prescribed factors
of safety). Unless otherwise provided, prescribed loads are limit loads.”

“JAR/FAR 25.321 Flight Loads

(a) Flight Load Factors represent the ratio of the aerodynamic force component
(acting normal to the assumed longitudinal axis of the airplane) to the weight of the
airplane. A positive load factor is one in which the aerodynamic force acts upward
with respect to the airplane.”

nz =

Except when the lift force is equal to the weight and nz=1 (for instance in
straight and level flight), the aircraft’s apparent weight is different from its real
weight (mg):

Apparent weight = nz.m.g = Lift

In some cases, the load factor is greater than 1 (turn, resource, turbulence). In
other cases, it may be less than 1 (rough air). The aircraft's structure is obviously
designed to resist such load factors, up to the limits imposed by regulations.

AIRCRAFT LIMITATIONS Getting to Grips with Aircraft Performance

Consequently, load factor limits are defined so that an aircraft can operate within
these limits without suffering permanent distortion of its structure. The ultimate loads,
leading to rupture, are generally 1.5 times the load factor limits.

“JAR/FAR 25.1531 Manoeuvring flight load factors

Load factor limitations, not exceeding the positive limit load factors determined from
the manoeuvring diagram in section 25.333 (b) must be established.”

For all Airbus types, the flight maneuvering load acceleration limits are
established as follows:

Clean configuration……………………… -1g ≤ n ≤ +2.5g

Slats extended……………………………. 0g ≤ n ≤ +2g

1.2. Maximum Speeds

JAR 25.1501 Subpart G FAR 25.1501 Subpart G

“JAR/FAR 25.1501 General

(a) Each operating limitation specified in sections 25.1503 to 25.1533 and other
limitations and information necessary for safe operation must be established.”

JAR 25.1503 Subpart G FAR 25.1503 Subpart G

JAR 25.1505 Subpart G FAR 25.1505 Subpart G
JAR 25.1507 Subpart G FAR 25.1507 Subpart G
JAR 25.1511 Subpart G FAR 25. 1511 Subpart G
JAR 25.1515 Subpart G FAR 25.1515 Subpart G
JAR 25.1517 Subpart G FAR 25.1517 Subpart G

“JAR/FAR 25.1503 Airspeed Limitations: General

When airspeed limitations are a function of weight, weight distribution, altitude, or
Mach number, the limitations corresponding to each critical combination of these
factors must be established.”

Getting to Grips with Aircraft Performance AIRCRAFT LIMITATIONS

FOR THE A320-200
JAR / FAR 25.1505 Subpart G
Maximum VMO or MMO are the speeds that may not be
V = 350 kt (IAS)
operating deliberately exceeded in any regime of flight MO
MMO = M0.82
limit speed (climb, cruise, or descent).

JAR / FAR 25.1511 Subpart G CONF1 230 kt

CONF1+F 215 kt
V must be established so that it does not CONF2 200 kt
Flap extended FE
exceed the design flap speed. CONF3 185 kt
CONFULL 177 kt

JAR / FAR 25.1515 Subpart G

VLO: Landing Gear Operating Speed

VLO may not exceed the speed at which it is VLO RET (landing gear
safe both to extend and to retract the landing operating: retraction)
gear. If the extension speed is not the same 220 kt (IAS)
as the retraction speed, the two speeds must
VLO / VLE be designated as VLO(EXT) and VLO(RET) VLO EXT (landing gear
Landing gear respectively. operating: extension)
speeds 250 kt (IAS)
JAR / FAR 25.1515 Subpart G
VLE (landing gear
VLE: Landing Gear Extended Speed. extended)
VLE may not exceed the speed at which it is 280 kt / M 0.67
safe to fly with the landing gear secured in
the fully extended position.

1.3. Minimum Speeds

1.3.1. Minimum Control Speed on the Ground: VMCG

JAR 25.149 Subpart B FAR 25.149 Subpart B

“JAR/FAR 25.149 Minimum control speed

(e) VMCG, the minimum control speed on the ground, is the calibrated airspeed during
the take-off run, at which, when the critical engine is suddenly made inoperative, it is
possible to maintain control of the aeroplane with the use of the primary aerodynamic
controls alone (without the use of nose-wheel steering) to enable the take-off to be
safely continued using normal piloting skill.

AIRCRAFT LIMITATIONS Getting to Grips with Aircraft Performance

In the determination of VMCG, assuming that the path of the aeroplane accelerating
with all engines operating is along the centreline of the runway, its path from the point
at which the critical engine is made inoperative to the point at which recovery to a
direction parallel to the centreline is completed, may not deviate more than 30 ft
laterally from the centreline at any point.”

Engine failure


Determination of V MCG:
lateral deviation under 30 ft

Figure B1: VMCG

“VMCG must be established, with:

• The aeroplane in each take-off configuration or, at the option of the
applicant, in the most critical take-off configuration;
• Maximum available take-off power or thrust on the operating engines;
• The most unfavourable centre of gravity;
• The aeroplane trimmed for take-off; and
• The most unfavourable weight in the range of take-off weights.”

1.3.2. Minimum Control Speed in the Air: VMCA

JAR 25.149 Subpart B FAR 25.149 Subpart B

“JAR/FAR 25.149 Minimum control speed

(b) VMC[A] is the calibrated airspeed, at which, when the critical engine is suddenly
made inoperative, it is possible to maintain control of the aeroplane with that engine
still inoperative, and maintain straight flight with an angle of bank of not more than 5

(c)VMC[A] may not exceed 1.2 VS with

• Maximum available take-off power or thrust on the engines;
• The most unfavourable centre of gravity;
• The aeroplane trimmed for take-off;
• The maximum sea-level take-off weight

Getting to Grips with Aircraft Performance AIRCRAFT LIMITATIONS

• The aeroplane in the most critical take-off configuration existing along the
flight path after the aeroplane becomes airborne, except with the landing
gear retracted; and
• The aeroplane airborne and the ground effect negligible

(d) During recovery, the aeroplane may not assume any dangerous attitude or require
exceptional piloting skill, alertness, or strength to prevent a heading change of more
than 20 degrees.”

5° max

Heading change ≤ 20º

Figure B2: VMCA

1.3.3. Minimum Control Speed during Approach and Landing: VMCL

JAR 25.149 Subpart B FAR 25.149 Subpart B

“JAR/FAR 25.149 Minimum control speed

(f) VMCL, the minimum control speed during approach and landing with all engines
operating, is the calibrated airspeed at which, when the critical engine is suddenly
made inoperative, it is possible to maintain control of the aeroplane with that engine
still inoperative, and maintain straight flight with an angle of bank of not more than 5º.
VMCL must be established with:
• The aeroplane in the most critical configuration (or, at the option of the
applicant, each configuration) for approach and landing with all engines
• The most unfavourable centre of gravity;
• The aeroplane trimmed for approach with all engines operating;
• The most unfavourable weight, or, at the option of the applicant, as a
function of weight.
• Go-around thrust setting on the operating engines

(g) For aeroplanes with three or more engines, VMCL-2, the minimum control speed
during approach and landing with one critical engine inoperative, is the calibrated
airspeed at which, when a second critical engine is suddenly made inoperative, it is
possible to maintain control of the aeroplane with both engines still inoperative, and
maintain straight flight with an angle of bank of not more than 5 degrees. VMCL-2 must
be established with [the same conditions as VMCL, except that]:
• The aeroplane trimmed for approach with one critical engine inoperative

AIRCRAFT LIMITATIONS Getting to Grips with Aircraft Performance

• The thrust on the operating engine(s) necessary to maintain an approach

path angle of 3 degrees when one critical engine is inoperative
• The thrust on the operating engine(s) rapidly changed, immediately after
the second critical engine is made inoperative, from the [previous] thrust to:
- the minimum thrust [and then to]
- the go-around thrust setting

(h) In demonstrations of VMCL and VMCL-2, … lateral control must be sufficient to roll
the aeroplane from an initial condition of steady straight flight, through an angle of 20
degrees in the direction necessary to initiate a turn away from the inoperative
engine(s) in not more than 5 seconds.”


5º max

Control in straight flight Turn away in less than 5 seconds

Figure B3: VMCL and VMCL-2

1.3.4. Minimum Unstick Speed: VMU

JAR 25.107 Subpart B FAR 25.107 Subpart B

“JAR/FAR 25.107 Take-off speeds

(d) VMU is the calibrated airspeed at and above which the aeroplane can safely lift off
the ground, and continue the take-off…”

During the flight test demonstration, at a low speed (80 - 100 kt), the pilot pulls
the control stick to the limit of the aerodynamic efficiency of the control surfaces. The
aircraft accomplishes a slow rotation to an angle of attack at which the maximum lift
coefficient is reached, or, for geometrically-limited aircraft, until the tail strikes the
runway (the tail is protected by a dragging device). Afterwards, the pitch is
maintained until lift-off (Figure B4).

Two minimum unstick speeds must be determined and validated by flight tests:
- with all engines operatives : VMU (N)
- with one engine inoperative : VMU (N-1)

In the one-engine inoperative case, VMU (N-1) must ensure a safe lateral control
to prevent the engine from striking the ground.

It appears that : VMU (N) ≤ VMU (N-1)

Getting to Grips with Aircraft Performance AIRCRAFT LIMITATIONS

Figure B4: VMU Demonstration (Geometrically-limited Aircraft)

1.3.5. Stall Speed

Air velocity over the wing increases with the angle of attack, so that air
pressure decreases and the lift coefficient increases.

 Air pressure Ì
Angle of Attack Ê Ö Air velocity over the wing Ê Ö
 Lift coefficient Ê

Therefore, the lift coefficient increases with the angle of attack. Flying at a
constant level, this lift coefficient increase implies a decrease of the required speed.
Indeed, the lift has to balance the aircraft weight, which can be considered as
constant at a given time.

Angle of Attack Ê Ö CL Ê

Weight = ½ ρ S (TAS)2 CL = constant

ρ = constant
S = constant CL Ê Ö TAS Ì
Lift = constant

The speed cannot decrease beyond a minimum value. Above a certain angle
of attack, the airflow starts to separate from the airfoil (Figure B5).

Figure B5: Airflow Separation

AIRCRAFT LIMITATIONS Getting to Grips with Aircraft Performance

Figure B6 shows that the lift coefficient increases up to a maximum lift

coefficient (CLmax), and suddenly decreases when the angle of attack is increased
above a certain value.

This phenomenon is called a stall and two speeds can be identified :

- VS1g, which corresponds to the maximum lift coefficient (i.e. just before the lift
starts decreasing). At that moment, the load factor is still equal to one (JAR 25
reference stall speed).
- VS, which corresponds to the conventional stall (i.e. when the lift suddenly
collapses). At that moment, the load factor is always less than one (FAR 25 reference
stall speed).


n = 1g

n < 1g

Stall area (n ≤ 1g)

Angle of Attack
V S1g VS
Figure B6: CL versus Angle of Attack

JAR 25.103 Subpart B

“JAR 25.103 Stall speed

(a) The reference stall speed VSR is a calibrated airspeed defined by the applicant.
VSR may not be less than a 1-g stall speed. VSR is expressed as:

n zw

VCLMAX = [speed of maximum lift coefficient, i.e. VS1g]
nzw = Load factor normal to the flight path at VCLMAX”

Change 15 of JAR 25 (October 2000) introduced this notion of reference stall

speed VSR, which is the same as Vs1g. In the previous version of JAR 25, a direct
relationship between VS and VS1g was provided, in order to ensure the continuity
between aircraft models certified at Vs, and aircraft models certified at VS1g.

Getting to Grips with Aircraft Performance AIRCRAFT LIMITATIONS

For JAR, this rapport between Vs and Vs1g is:

VS = 0.94 x VS1g

As an example (refer to the “Takeoff” chapter):

• For aircraft models certified at VS (A300/A310), V2min = 1.2 VS
• For aircraft models certified at VS1g (Fly-By-Wire aircraft), V2min = 1.13 VS1g

IMPORTANT: In Airbus operational documentation, as well as in this brochure,

VSR is referred to as VS1g.

FAR 25.103 Subpart B

“FAR 25.103 Stalling speed

(a) VS is the calibrated stalling speed, or the minimum steady flight speed, in knots, at
which the airplane is controllable, with Zero thrust at the stalling speed, or […] with
engines idling”.

FAR 25 doesn’t make any reference to the 1-g stall speed requirement.
Nevertheless, Airbus fly-by-wire aircraft have been approved by the FAA, under
special conditions and similarly to JAA approval, with VS1g as the reference stall


JAR 25.25 Subpart B FAR 25.25 Subpart B

JAR 25.473 Subpart C FAR 25.473 Subpart C
JAR-OPS 1.607 Subpart J AC 120-27C

2.1. Aircraft Weight Definitions

• Manufacturer’s Empty Weight (MEW) : The weight of the structure,

power plant, furnishings, systems and other items of equipment that are
considered an integral part of the aircraft. It is essentially a “dry” weight,
including only those fluids contained in closed systems (e.g. hydraulic fluid).
• Operational Empty Weight (OEW) : The manufacturer’s weight empty plus
the operator’s items, i.e. the flight and cabin crew and their baggage,
unusable fuel, engine oil, emergency equipment, toilet chemicals and fluids,
galley structure, catering equipment, seats, documents, etc…
• Dry Operating Weight (DOW) : The total weight of an aircraft ready for a
specific type of operation excluding all usable fuel and traffic load.
Operational Empty Weight plus items specific to the type of flight, i.e.
catering, newspapers, pantry equipment, etc…

AIRCRAFT LIMITATIONS Getting to Grips with Aircraft Performance

• Zero Fuel Weight (ZFW) : The weight obtained by addition of the total
traffic load (payload including cargo loads, passengers and passenger’s
bags) and the dry operating weight.
• Landing Weight (LW) : The weight at landing at the destination airport. It is
equal to the Zero Fuel Weight plus the fuel reserves.
• Takeoff Weight (TOW): The weight at takeoff at the departure airport. It is
equal to the landing weight at destination plus the trip fuel (fuel needed for
the trip), or to the zero fuel weight plus the takeoff fuel (fuel needed at the
brake release point including reserves).

TOW = DOW + traffic load + fuel reserves + trip fuel

LW = DOW + traffic load + fuel reserves
ZFW = DOW + traffic load

Figure B7 shows the different aircraft’s weights, as defined in the regulations:

Taxi Weight
taxi fuel
TakeOff Weight (TOW)

trip fuel

Landing Weight (LW)

fuel reserves
Zero Fuel Weight (ZFW)

total traffic load

Dry Operating Weight (DOW)

Operational Empty Weight (OEW)

cabin equipment

Manufacturer’s Empty Weight (MEW)




Figure B7: Aircraft Weights

Getting to Grips with Aircraft Performance AIRCRAFT LIMITATIONS

2.2. Maximum Structural Takeoff Weight (MTOW)

The takeoff weight (TOW) must never exceed a Maximum structural TOW
(MTOW) which is determined in accordance with in flight structure resistance criteria,
resistance of landing gear and structure criteria during a landing impact with a vertical
speed equal to -1.83 m/s (-360 feet/min).

2.3. Maximum Structural Landing Weight (MLW)

The landing weight (LW) is limited, assuming a landing impact with a vertical
speed equal to -3.05 m/s (-600 feet/min). The limit is the maximum structural landing
weight (MLW). The landing weight must comply with the relation:

actual LW = TOW – Trip Fuel ≤ MLW

actual TOW ≤ MLW + Trip Fuel

2.4. Maximum Structural Zero Fuel Weight (MZFW)

Bending moments, which apply at the wing root, are maximum when the
quantity of fuel in the wings is minimum (see Figure B8). During flight, the quantity of
fuel located in the wings, mWF, decreases. As a consequence, it is necessary to limit
the weight when there is no fuel in the tanks. This limit value is called Maximum Zero
Fuel Weight (MZFW).

2 2 2

mWFg mWFg

mg mg
Figure B8: wing bending relief due to fuel weight

Therefore, the limitation is defined by:

actual ZFW ≤ MZFW

The takeoff fuel is the sum of the trip fuel and the fuel reserves. Consequently:

actual TOW ≤ MZFW + Takeoff Fuel

AIRCRAFT LIMITATIONS Getting to Grips with Aircraft Performance

2.5. Maximum Structural Taxi Weight (MTW)

The Maximum Taxi Weight (MTW) is limited by the stresses on shock
absorbers and potential bending of landing gear during turns on the ground.
Nevertheless, the MTW is generally not a limiting factor and it is defined from
the MTOW, so that:

MTW – Taxi Fuel > MTOW


JAR 25.25 Subpart B FAR 25.25 Subpart B

The minimum weight is the lowest weight selected by the applicant at which
compliance with each structural loading condition and each applicable flight
requirement of JAR/FAR Part 25 is shown.
Usually, the gusts and turbulence loads are among the criteria considered to
determine that minimum structural weight.


JAR 25.1527 Subpart G FAR 25.1527 Subpart G

“JAR/FAR 25.1527
The extremes of the ambient air temperature and operating altitude for which
operation is allowed, as limited by flight, structural, powerplant, functional, or
equipment characteristics, must be established.”

The result of this determination is the so-called environmental envelope, which

features the pressure altitude and temperature limits. Inside this envelope, the
aircraft’s performance has been established and the aircraft systems have met
certification requirements.

The following Figure (B9) is an example of an A320 environmental envelope,

published in the Flight Crew Operating Manual (FCOM).

Getting to Grips with Aircraft Performance AIRCRAFT LIMITATIONS

Figure B9: A320 Environmental Envelope


5.1. Thrust Setting and EGT Limitations

JAR 25.1521 Subpart G FAR 25.1521 Subpart G

The main cause of engine limitations is due to the Exhaust Gas Temperature
(EGT) limit (Figure B10).

Figure B10: Engine Limitations

AIRCRAFT LIMITATIONS Getting to Grips with Aircraft Performance

- The TakeOff (TOGA) thrust represents the maximum thrust available for
takeoff. It is certified for a maximum time of 10 minutes, in case of engine failure at
takeoff, or 5 minutes with all engines operative.
- The Go Around (TOGA) thrust is the maximum thrust available for go-
around. The time limits are the same as for takeoff.
- The Maximum Continuous Thrust (MCT) is the maximum thrust that can be
used unlimitedly in flight. It must be selected in case of engine failure, when TOGA
thrust is no longer allowed due to time limitation.
- The Climb (CL) thrust represents the maximum thrust available during the
climb phase to the cruise flight level. Note that the maximum climb thrust is greater
than the maximum cruise thrust available during the cruise phase.

5.2. Takeoff Thrust Limitations

Figure B11 shows the influence of pressure altitude and outside air
temperature on the maximum takeoff thrust, for a given engine type.

At a given pressure altitude, temperature has no influence on engine takeoff

thrust, below the so-called reference temperature (Tref) or flat rating temperature.
Above this reference temperature, engine thrust is limited by the Exhaust Gas
Temperature (EGT). The consequence is that the available thrust decreases as the
temperature increases.

On the other hand, at a given temperature, any increase in the pressure

altitude leads to decreasing the available takeoff thrust.

(Tref depends on engine type)
(daN) Tref (PA = 0)
PA = 0 ft
PA = 2000 ft
PA = 8000 ft
OAT (°C)
-10 -5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40

Figure B11: TOGA thrust versus OAT and PA for a given engine type


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