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Kindergarten Story Lesson

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Kindergarten Story

Theme: could be spring or
animals, adaptable
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Border credit to Krista Wallden of Creative Clips
Greet Students
Review Expectations (or set them if it’s your first time with the group)
1. Stay on your mat
2. Listen to directions the first time
3. Stay safe
4. Have fun
Warm Up Activity
Let’s start by getting our bodies ready with some warm ups! We
have some laundry to do. Pretend to pick up your clothes and put them in
the dryer.
Squat down and pick them all up!
Washing machine: bend your knees and tuck your arms in by your
sides. Twist your torso side to side for the washing machine! Keep your
feel still and twist fast, then slow, then fast, then slow.
Dryer: Take your clothes out of the washer and bend down low to
put them in the dryer. Feet apart, bend your knees a little, and take your
arms in front of you, elbows bent, twirling them over and over each other
like they are going through the dryer. Reverse and go the other way!
Mini story:
• Now that we have clean clothes, we can go for a little jog all the way
to the lake! Remember to stay on your mat and follow all of the
movements that I am doing.

© 2018 Kumarah Yoga

• Jog in place: let’s go for a jog all the way to the lake and see what we
can find on the way.
• Binoculars: Freeze! Get your binoculars out with your thumb and
forefingers touching, look through and see what you can find!
• Dog: I see a woman walking her dog. Let’s do downward dog pose.
Wag your tail! Do some puppy hops with your feet.
(You can keep getting up to “jog” and “search” for animals if the kids
need to use more energy or just keep going)

• Uh oh, the dog sees a cat! Quick go into cat pose and hiss at the dog.
Now climb quickly up that tree!
• Tree pose: hold it here while the dog calms down and then we can
keep going. Breathe very slowly and quietly.
• Look, an eagle in the tree. Let’s try eagle pose. Woah, it starts to fly!
Change from Eagle to warrior 3 with arms out to balance and soar.
• Wow, the eagle led us all the way to the lake, let’s go check it out. Sit
in wide legged forward fold to create the shape of the lake. I see lots
of birds flying over the lake. Stretch from one side to the other like
the birds flying across the sky.
• Boat: Let’s get in a boat and go out onto the lake to see what else we
find. We can sing Row, Row, Row, Your Boat as we row to get to the
middle of the lake.

© 2018 Kumarah Yoga

• Turtle: Ooh, I see a turtle resting on a log. Turtle pose is fun to try,
and then we pretend to hide when they go into the water. Sit on your
bottom with feet wide, knees bent, reach your arms under your knees
and wrap around on to your shins. Relax your head down.
• I see some fish in the water too! Let’s do fish pose. Sit with legs
together, then rest your elbows on the ground right behind you. Point
your toes, then look up and reach your chest high.
• What other animals do you see? (Let kids give ideas by raising a
hand, and then either do a pose that works or let them create one!)
Animal Poses Freeze Dance Game
If time, have students remember the animals and poses that they learned and/or
made up in their story. Write them on a board or a paper. You should pick 3-8 poses
to list.

For the game, it’s played like freeze dance. Play some music, and when it stops
they need to freeze in an animal pose.

The teacher (or a person in the middle) has their eyes closed and calls an animal.
(or you can draw sticks or roll a dice or something). Any students making that
animal shape are then “out”. I usually let them keep playing though.

© 2018 Kumarah Yoga

Sun Salutation

Try this poem a couple of time and try to make it really rhythmic. If you do it
enough, the kids will start to say it with you!

Rise up, sun, for all to see (tadasana to reaching up)

And shine your light all over me (forward fold)

I breathe in deep (halfway lift)

to feel my strength (high plank)

I stretch my spine (cobra pose)

to feel its length (downward dog)

I hop my feet forward all the way to my hands (frog pose)

I balance on my toes as I look at the land (crouch and curl)

Reach up to the sky now, little ones (reach and stand back up)

Show your smile, say hello sun! (wave at the sky, Namaste hands)

© 2018 Kumarah Yoga

Calm Down time

Ask the kiddos to come to seated and do some gentle stretches as you breathe.
Before you stretch, show them how to sit up tall and use their nose for breathing.

Place one hand on your tummy, with the other place a finger under your nose like
a moustache.

Lead them in some slow inhales and exhales, guiding them to use their tummy for
breathing, not their shoulders. Once they have done this a few times, keep cuing inhale
exhale and do some gentle seated stretches:
Inhale arms up, exhale hands to heart

Inhale reach up, exhale reach to the side, inhale reach up, exhale other way

Inhale sit up straight, exhale twist one way; inhale sit up tall, exhale other way

If time and space allows, let them lay down for a quiet rest time (savasana):

o Voices off, listen to your breathing

o Hands and feet stay as still as you possibly can

o Eyes can be open or closed

o Try laying your hands on your tummy to feel your breathing

Enjoy! And good work. Keep spreading the love and benefits for Yoga for Kids from Kumarah

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