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200 Hour Manual | Your Yoga Flow

Revision 27 January 2023 | All Rights Reserved Ó 1

Four Limbed Staff Pose 30
Easy Pose 3 Upward Facing Dog Pose 31
Child’s Pose 4 Downward Facing Dog Pose 32
Corpse Pose 5 Garland Pose 33
Mountain Pose 6 Pigeon Pose 34
Standing Forward Fold Pose 7 Boat Pose 35
Chair Pose 8 Side Plank Pose 36
Warrior II Pose 9 Sphinx Pose 37
Extended Side Angle Pose 10 Locust Pose 38
Triangle Pose 11 Bow Pose 39
Half Moon Pose 12 Camel Pose 40
Tree Pose 13 Bridge Pose 41
Standing Wide-Legged Forward Fold Pose 14 Fish Pose 42
Eagle Pose 15 Staff Pose 43
Warrior III Pose 16 Head to Knee Forward Fold Pose 44
Standing Splits Pose 17 Marichi I Pose 45
Warrior I Pose 18 Seated Forward Fold Pose 46
High Lunge Pose 19 Yoga Mudra Pose 47
Dancer Pose 20 Butterfly Pose 48
Pyramid Pose 21 Simple Twist Pose 49
Revolved Side Angle Pose 22 Half Lord of the Fishes Pose 50
Revolved Triangle Pose 23 Cow Face Pose 51
Dolphin Pose 24 Shoulder Stand Pose 52
Cat Pose 25 Plow Pose 53
Cow Pose 26 Reclining Hand to Big Toe Pose 54
Dolphin Plank Pose 27 1 Knee Twist Pose 55
Cobra Pose 28 2 Knee Twist Pose 56
Plank Pose 29 Happy Baby Pose 57

200 Hour Manual | Your Yoga Flow

Revision 27 January 2023 | All Rights Reserved Ó 2
Easy Pose

Keep your journal close by so you can write out the following information while watching the tutorial or
after watching & practicing the Asana:

[ Muscles Involved
[ Common Misalignments
[ Avoidances & Risks
[ Prenatal Modifications

Calms the mind, strengthens the back.


Sit on the edge of a foam block, blanket or bolster to help find neutral pelvis. Fold one shin infront of the
other, with the feet relaxed. There should be a comfortable space between the feet and the pelvis. Yield
down evenly through the sitting bones and reach upward through the crown of the head. Maintain the
natural curvature of the spine with the ears balanced over the shoulders and the shoulders balanced
over the hips. Palms rest on the thighs, face up or down (or in a mudra).


Sit with one or both legs



More or less height.


Block, blanket or bolster to

support knees.


Hand on top of head to

encourage sitting tall.
Gently press between
shoulder blades. Press
shoulders down.

200 Hour Manual | Your Yoga Flow

Revision 27 January 2023 | All Rights Reserved Ó 3
Child’s Pose

Keep your journal close by so you can write out the following information while watching the tutorial or
after watching & practicing the Asana:

[ Muscles Involved
[ Common Misalignments
[ Avoidances & Risks
[ Prenatal Modifications

Child’s Pose is a resting pose. It can help to calm the mind and help to relieve stress and fatigue.


From all fours with the knees wide apart, touch the big toes togther and sit back towards the heels.
Rest the arms at your sides with the palms facing up or down, or position the arms extended over-head.
Rest the foreheadon on the mat. You can use stacked hands or fists to support the head. Feel the breath
moving into the back body.


Place a bolster between the thighs so that the torso and head drape over the bolster. If challenging to sit
on the feet, use a bolster, blanket or foam block(s) on the back thighs. Roll up a small towel to support
the feet.


Begin with feet and hips parallel and arms stretched overhead, palms face up or down. With arms
overhead, bring hands together in prayer mudra, bend elbows and rest prayer mudra at base of skull.
With arms extended over head, walk arms over to the right (head follows) for a few breaths and then
over to the left (head follows), to lengthen into the side body.

Blanket, bolster, foam block, rolled
up towel.


Place palms on
base of sacrum and
gently press
tailbone down
towards heels.
Press the shoulders
away from the ears.

200 Hour Manual | Your Yoga Flow

Revision 27 January 2023 | All Rights Reserved Ó 4
Corpse Pose

Keep your journal close by so you can write out the following information while watching the tutorial or
after watching & practicing the Asana:

[ Muscles Involved
[ Common Misalignments
[ Avoidances & Risks
[ Prenatal Modifications

Savasana can calm the mind and relax the body. Many students, especially beginners, find this


Lie on the back with the arms and the legs relaxed, palms face up. Center the head evenly over the
spine and relax the shoulders. Find a neutral symmetry in the body. Let go of effort and soften every
layer, from skin to cells. Feel the front body sink into the back body. Feel the back body sink into the
earth. Rest in the deep peace of Savasana.


Bolster under knees, hands rest on belly. Support head or neck with blanket or block.
Laying on the side with knees bent (bolster between knees is a nice option).


Prone or lying on side (pregnancy).


Bolster, foam block or blanket for head. Eye pillow to cover eyes. Blanket for warmth.


Hold head to lengthen neck, press shoulders down, roll feet open.

200 Hour Manual | Your Yoga Flow

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Mountain Pose

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after watching & practicing the Asana:

[ Muscles Involved
[ Common Misalignments
[ Avoidances & Risks
[ Prenatal Modifications

Improves posture, increases awareness. Strengthens ankles

and thighs.


Stand with the feet parallel and hip distance apart. Balance
the weight of the body evenly over the four corners of the
feet: big toe joint, little toe joint, inner and outer heel

Gently press the front of the thighbones back and rotate

the thighs slightly inwards. Lengthen the pubic bone
towards the navel. Micro bend the knees and relax the

Reach the crown of the head up towards the sky,

balancing the head evenly over the spine so that the
ears line up with the shoulders. Lengthen the waist and
widen across the collarbones. Ease the shoulders away
from the ears. Relax the arms at your sides, palms soft and
open. Feel tall, spacious and grounded.


Feet closer together, toes touch with space between ankles.

With eyes closed, shift your weight back and forth, side to side,
feeling for the four corners of the feet before finding neutral
balance over the feet. Shoulder shrugs and rolls.
Feet wider apart for comfort for pregnancy or body shape.


Place hand on crown of head to encourage extension upwards. Place one hand at the front and back of
the lower rib cage; soften and gather in here.

200 Hour Manual | Your Yoga Flow

Revision 27 January 2023 | All Rights Reserved Ó 6
Standing Forward Fold Pose

Keep your journal close by so you can write out the following information while watching the tutorial or
after watching & practicing the Asana:

[ Muscles Involved
[ Common Misalignments
[ Avoidances & Risks
[ Prenatal Modifications

Reduces stress, anxiety and fatigue. Calms the mind and soothes the nerves. Relieves tension in the
spine, neck and back.


Stand in Tadasana with the hands placed on the hips. Soften the knees. Inhale and lift the chest, exhale
and fold forward from the hip joints (not from the waist). Release the weight of the head as you rest your
torso close to your thighs. Hold onto opposite forearms or place the hands on the legs or the mat.


Knees bent deeply, hands or elbows rest on

thighs for extra support. If forward bending
feels uncomfortable or not safe for the spine,
stay in the half way down position with a flat
back and hands on the legs for support.


Palms to back of legs or ankles, elbows tucked

into back of knees. Hold opposite forearms to
hang and decompress the spine. Spinal rolls,
Swan Dive, Yoga Mudra. Ankles crossed before
folding forward.


Block can be used between thighs, shins or ankles.

Strap around thighs or hips. Sitting on a chair.


Touch crown of head to encourage lengthening in the

fold. Strap around hips or thighs (or use hands) to draw them back as the torso folds.

200 Hour Manual | Your Yoga Flow

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Chair Pose

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after watching & practicing the Asana:

[ Muscles Involved
[ Common Misalignments
[ Avoidances & Risks
[ Prenatal Modifications

Strengthens the thighs (which supports the knee joint).


Stand with feet hip-width or closer together. Bend the knees to sit back
and sweep the arms up. Wrap the shoulders as if holding
imaginary oranges in your armpits. Check that you
can see the toes and that the knees are pointing
straight ahead. Press the thighbones down towards
the heels. Maintain the natural curves of the spine,
anchor the belly and lift through the chest.


Hands rest on thighs. Bend knees less.


Facing wall with palms walking

up wall. Back to the wall for
more support.


Block between knees.


Check that knees are not bowing out or

collapsing in.

200 Hour Manual | Your Yoga Flow

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Warrior II Pose

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after watching & practicing the Asana:

[ Muscles Involved
[ Common Misalignments
[ Avoidances & Risks
[ Prenatal Modifications

Strengthening and energizing pose.


Stand facing the long edge of the mat, stepping the feet wide apart. Pivot the righ foot so the toes face
the short edge of the mat. Turn the left foot in to find comfort in the hips and spine.
Bend the right knee to a right angle with the ankle and lower the thigh towards parallel to the floor.
Lift up and out of the righ hip joint in order to stabilize the pelvis in a neutral, upright position. Lenghten
the pubic bone towards the navel. Strongly push back through the right leg, pressing into the outer edge
of the right foot. Float the arms up parallel to the ground, pams face down. Gaze towards the middle left

To change sides; straighten the left leg and pivot the feet
around to the other side.


Feet closer together, knee

slightly bent. Hands in prayer.
Practice against a wall.


Arms wrapped in Eagle, palms facing

up, arms in cow face wrap.


Wall to support body or to press

back foot against.


Bring arms into one line; head to centre; knee over ankle; neutral pelvis (rather than forward tilted); watch
for clenched toes.

200 Hour Manual | Your Yoga Flow

Revision 27 January 2023 | All Rights Reserved Ó 9
Extended Side Angle Pose

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after watching & practicing the Asana:

[ Muscles Involved
[ Common Misalignments
[ Avoidances & Risks
[ Prenatal Modifications

Stretches side body.


From Warrior II (right knew bent), tilt the pelvis to side over the bent right leg. Gently rest the right elbow
on the knee and extend the left arm over head. Find neutral space in the shoulder joints and length in the
neck. Create space between the right hip joint and the belly to avoid collapsing into the knee. Press into
the outer edge of the back foot and lengthen from heel to fingertips.

To change sides, come back up to Warrior II and and pivot the feet around to the other side.


Top arm hand rests on hip.


Hand to inside of front foot, wrap

and bind, arms parallel on either side
of the head.


Block to support hand.


Watch for clenched toes, leaning into

knee or hip.

Adjust head & shoulders over spine.

200 Hour Manual | Your Yoga Flow

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Triangle Pose

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after watching & practicing the Asana:

[ Muscles Involved
[ Common Misalignments
[ Avoidances & Risks
[ Prenatal Modifications

Stretches side body and back of front thigh



From Warrior II straighten the front leg, with a micro

bend in the kneel. Maintaining head to tail aligment, side
bend over the straight front leg. Rest the hand along the
leg, wherever it is comfortable. Extend the opposite arm
up. Feel the width across the collar bones and the length
from head to tail.

Lengthen the side body evenly and avoid collapsing into

the front hip joint. Look to the side or if neck allows,
look up towards the extended hand.


Less tilt, hands rest on hips.


Bind (top arm wraps


Block to
support hand.
Back against
the wall to


Watch for clenched toes, locked knee joint. Align back of head to sacrum. Adjust arms to one line.

200 Hour Manual | Your Yoga Flow

Revision 27 January 2023 | All Rights Reserved Ó 11
Half Moon Pose

Keep your journal close by so you can write out the following information while watching the tutorial or
after watching & practicing the Asana:

[ Muscles Involved
[ Common Misalignments
[ Avoidances & Risks
[ Prenatal Modifications

Standing balance pose; strengthens whole body, stretches hamstring on standing leg.


From Warrior 2, straighten the right leg, keeping a slight bend in the right knee. Rest the left hand on the
hip as you reach out and down with the right arm, placing the fingertips in front of the right foot (or on a
block). Shift your weight into the right leg as you float the back leg up in line
with the hips.

The left leg externally rotates in the hip joint to lift the lef hip and turn the
toes of the left foot forward. Press through the ball of the left foot to help
keep the lifted leg strong. Open the left arm up towards the ceiling as you
revolve the chest. Lengthen the sides of the body evenly. Look to the
side or if neck allows,
look up
towards the


Less tilt, hands rest on hips.


Bind (top arm wraps around).


Block to support hand. Wall to support body.


Watch for clenched toes, locked knee joint. Align

back of head to sacrum. Adjust arms to one line.

200 Hour Manual | Your Yoga Flow

Revision 27 January 2023 | All Rights Reserved Ó 12
Tree Pose

Keep your journal close by so you can write out the following information while watching the tutorial or
after watching & practicing the Asana:

[ Muscles Involved
[ Common Misalignments
[ Avoidances & Risks
[ Prenatal Modifications

Improves balance.


Stand in Mountain Pose. Shift the weight

into the left leg and foot. Externally
rotate the right hip joint.
Place the sole of the right foot
against the left ankle, shin or
above the left knee (inner thigh).
Pelvis stays level.Hands at
Namaste mudra or ams sweep
up like tree branches. Root the
standing foot and lengthen up through
the top of the head. Find a steady, soft
gaze (Drishti) to help with mental focus
and physical balance.


Practice against or beside a wall.


Hands stay in prayer over the chest. Palms

together overhead. Foot to ankle. Eyes


Wall to support knee or body.


Watch for clenched toes, leaning into knee or hip.

200 Hour Manual | Your Yoga Flow

Revision 27 January 2023 | All Rights Reserved Ó 13
Standing Wide-Legged Forward Fold Pose

Keep your journal close by so you can write out the following information while watching the tutorial or
after watching & practicing the Asana:

[ Muscles Involved
[ Common Misalignments
[ Avoidances & Risks
[ Prenatal Modifications

Forward bends calm the mind, stretches hamstrings, lower back.


Step the feet wide apart with the feet parallel or turned slightly inward. Place the hand on the hips.
Inhale and lift the chest to lengthen, exhale hinge forward from the hip joints. Place the hands on the
floor, fingers and toes on the same line. Elbows bend back, shoulders away from ears. Release the
weight of the head like an anchor weight; lift the wide sitting bones up. Press into the outer edges of the
feet, lift through the inner edges of the feet, ankles and knees. Place hands on hips to come up, leading
with the crown of the head, keeping the spine long.


Hands walk further forward or further back

with fingers facing back towards heel edge
of mat.


Yoga mudra, twist, fingers wrapped

around toes, hands wrap around
outer ankles.


Blocks for hands and/or for



Hands to help release head

and lengthen neck. Adjust
hips so they are even.

200 Hour Manual | Your Yoga Flow

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Eagle Pose

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after watching & practicing the Asana:

[ Muscles Involved
[ Common Misalignments
[ Avoidances & Risks
[ Prenatal Modifications

Improves balance; strengthens inner thighs; stretches upper back and shoulders.


Stand in Mountain Pose with the feet closer together.

Wrap your right elbow under your left elbow, hugging
the forearms together and pressing the palms or
backs of the hands together. Draw the elbows
and hands forward and up, ease the shoulder
blades down. Bend the knees to sit back in Chair
pose, wrapping your right leg over your left leg,
perhaps tucking your foot behind the left calf. Hug
the legs and arms toward the midline.


Wrapping foot can dangle or rest on mat. Palms

press together or back of the hand rests on forearm
or hands on shoulders. Sit in chair without wrapping


Fold forward, resting elbows on thigh.


Against a wall to support the body.


Move shoulders away from ears.

200 Hour Manual | Your Yoga Flow

Revision 27 January 2023 | All Rights Reserved Ó 15
Warrior III Pose

Keep your journal close by so you can write out the following information while watching the tutorial or
after watching & practicing the Asana:

[ Muscles Involved
[ Common Misalignments
[ Avoidances & Risks
[ Prenatal Modifications

Improves balance; strengthens muscles of standing leg and whole body.


From Warrior I (right leg bent), come onto the ball of the left foot and bring the left knee forward. Hands
to prayer at the heart, knee lifting towards chest. Keeping the hips level and the core strong, reach back
with the left leg and tilt the torso parallel to the ground. Press back through the left heel, with toes
pointing down. Reach forward with the arms, palms facing in; gaze down to the floor, back of head
aligned to tail, chin gently tucked in. Feel for the wrap of the shoulders (gently hugging imaginary
oranges in your armpits), and length in the neck.

To come out, bring the hands back to prayer and lower the left leg back into Warrior I.


Practice at the wall. Hands can stay in prayer or out to the side like airplane wings. Hands on blocks.


Hands in yoga mudra behind back. Ealge arms.

PropsWall or block for hands.


Square off
hips; bring head
into alignment with spine. Unlock knee of
standing leg, toes point forward; internal
rotation of thigh of extended leg.

200 Hour Manual | Your Yoga Flow

Revision 27 January 2023 | All Rights Reserved Ó 16
Standing Splits Pose

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after watching & practicing the Asana:

[ Muscles Involved
[ Common Misalignments
[ Avoidances & Risks
[ Prenatal Modifications

Hamstring stretch;
improves balance and


From standing (or W3, or Pyramid),

fold forward placing the hands on the
ground and lengthening the extended
leg up toward the sky. Lengthen the front
body as you fold over the right leg. Spiral
the left leg in towards the midline, lengthen
the neck and gaze towards the knee. Wrap
your right hand around the ankle tucking the
elbow in behind the knee.

To come out, lower the left foot next to the right

foot, Uttanasana. Other side.


Hands stay in front of foot.


Both hands wrap around ankle.


Block to support hands.


Watch for locked knee in standing leg. Square the hips.

200 Hour Manual | Your Yoga Flow

Revision 27 January 2023 | All Rights Reserved Ó 17
Warrior I Pose

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after watching & practicing the Asana:

[ Muscles Involved
[ Common Misalignments
[ Avoidances & Risks
[ Prenatal Modifications

Standing Poses are energizing. W1 Stretches hip flexors and calves.

Begin in Downward Dog. Bend your knees slightly and step forward with your right foot into lunge. Pivot
your back foot slightly in (around 45 degrees).
Root into the four corners of the feet and sweep the
torso up to vertical. Hips and shoulders face the front
edge of the mat; arms lifted with the elbows softly
turning in, shoulder blades neutral. Lengthen from pubic
bone to belly and draw the rib cage in for core stabaility.
Back leg stays straight with weight pressing into the
outer edge of the foot. Front knee over ankle. Gaze
slightly up.

Come back to Downward Dog to change sides.


Lifting the heel of the back foot. Legs closer together.

Hands in prayer with shoulder injuries.


Arms in eagle wrap, forward fold with yoga



Block at wall with the

front knee pressing
into block. Foam
brick to support back heel.


Touch knee to align, press on back leg to straighten, adjust tilt of pelvis, and soften shoulders.

200 Hour Manual | Your Yoga Flow

Revision 27 January 2023 | All Rights Reserved Ó 18
High Lunge Pose

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after watching & practicing the Asana:

[ Muscles Involved
[ Common Misalignments
[ Avoidances & Risks
[ Prenatal Modifications

Stretches groin and hip flexors. Energizing pose.


Starting from Downward Facing Dog, step

the right foot forward into lunge, fingertips
on other side of right foot. Stabilize the right
knee by rooting into the four corners of the
foot. Inhale; raise the torso and arms up. Lift the
left thigh up, press back through the heel. Hug
the legs into the midline. Lengthen the pubic
bone to belly and draw the front ribs in for
core stability.

Return to Downward Facing Dog to change



Back leg bent or lower back knee to ground. Back

foot down or use block to support.


Side stretch, eagle arms, twist.


Blocks to
support hands
(torso stays
lower to ground).


Align knee, gather lower rib cage in.

200 Hour Manual | Your Yoga Flow

Revision 27 January 2023 | All Rights Reserved Ó 19
Dancer Pose

Keep your journal close by so you can write out the following information while watching the tutorial or
after watching & practicing the Asana:

[ Muscles Involved
[ Common Misalignments
[ Avoidances & Risks
[ Prenatal Modifications

Stretches shoulders, chest, hip flexors and abdomen. Improves balance and overall strength. Deep

From Mountain, shift weight to the left leg. Use a Drishti to support balance.
Bend your right knee, bringing the right to the buttock. Reach back with
your right hand to hold the outise of the right foot.
Sweep the left arm up and begin to lift the right thigh up
towards parallel to the
floor. Keep the pubic bone
to belly line long and the
legs hugging into the
midline. Tilt the torso
slightly forward.

Stand facing a wall to
support balance. Lifted leg
can stay lower to the floor.


Cross wrists to foot with both hands. Tilt the

pelvis slightly forward, tipping the torso
towards parallel to the floor.


Strap around foot. One or both hands can hold

strap. Wall to support front hand for balance.


Guide lifted knee/legs inward for core support.

200 Hour Manual | Your Yoga Flow

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Pyramid Pose

Keep your journal close by so you can write out the following information while watching the tutorial or
after watching & practicing the Asana:

[ Muscles Involved
[ Common Misalignments
[ Avoidances & Risks
[ Prenatal Modifications

Strengthens and stretches spine; stretches shoulders and chest (with hands in reverse Namaste Mudra);
calming to the mind.


From Mountain Pose, step back with the right foot to align the hips to face the front edge of the mat.
The legs stay straight and about hip width apart with the back foot toes turned in to rotate the hip
forward. Sweep the hands around behind you into reverse prayer with fingers pointing up or hold
opposite elbows. Inhale lift the chest, Exhale, spine long, hinging forward from the hips, align the center
of the torso over the inner line of the front leg. Right hip
forward, left hip back; keep the symmetry in
the hips and shoulders and the lift in the
chest. Tuck the chin in slightly; neck
stays long.


Hands stay on hips, less forward tilt.


Deepen the rotation of the

torso, aligning midline of torso
with center of thigh. Hands rest
on ground, on other side of the
front foot.




Hands to square hips and shoulders. Watch for back rounding.

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Revolved Side Angle Pose

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after watching & practicing the Asana:

[ Muscles Involved
[ Common Misalignments
[ Avoidances & Risks
[ Prenatal Modifications

Deep twist massages the organs.


Begin in High Lunge with the right leg bent. Bring the palms to prayer position at the chest. Exhale and
rotate the torso to the right. Lean the torso toward the front thigh and perhaps bring the left elbow to the
outside of the right thigh. You may gaze to the side or, if it’s available to you, look upwards. Feel the
depth of the spiral coming from the spine, not from the hips. Keep the entire body hugging tightly to the
mid line. Direct the right sitting bone toward the left heel. Try to keep the back heel, hips, spine and head
in one straight line. Expand into the chest as you breath in and twist deeper as you exhale (belly towards


Pivot the back heel toward the midline and press it down into the ground. Lower down onto the back
knee. Adjust hand position; prayer hands can float off the thigh or one hand rests on the bent leg, the
other hand on the hip.


Back knee on the ground. Back knee lifted and leg straight.
Back foot pivots to midline roots down. Bottom arm
elbow on outer thigh. Bottom arm hand to outside
of front ankle. Hands at prayer with elbows
floating off of front thigh.




Knee over
ankle; head in line with spine.

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Revision 27 January 2023 | All Rights Reserved Ó 22
Revolved Triangle Pose

Keep your journal close by so you can write out the following information while watching the tutorial or
after watching & practicing the Asana:

[ Muscles Involved
[ Common Misalignments
[ Avoidances & Risks
[ Prenatal Modifications

Stimulates abdominal organs, chest opener. Hamstring stretch; strengthens leg and foot muscles.


Coming out from Triangle, place hands on hips and

pivot up onto the ball of the backt foot, as you shorten the
distance between the feet and align the hips and shoulders to
face the short edge of the mat.
Tilt forward slightly, hinging from the hips, and rotate the torso
to the right (if right leg is forward). Root down into the feet and
hug the inner legs in for stability. Place the left hand on the
outside of the right thigh and reach the right arm up.
Both palms facing out the right. Shift the right hip back to
maintain neutral pelvis. As you twist, maintain length in the
side body, and ease in the neck and shoulder joints.
Gaze to the ground, the side or up towards the right


Hands stay on hips. Back heel on

block. Front hand on block.


Lower hand on
mat.Top hand on hip
or lower back.




Hands to square hips to short edge of mat.

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Dolphin Pose

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after watching & practicing the Asana:

[ Muscles Involved
[ Common Misalignments
[ Avoidances & Risks
[ Prenatal Modifications

Strengthens upper body; stretches hamstrings (backs of thighs).


Start in tabletop pose. Come down onto forearms, placing elbows directly below shoulders and wrap
your hands around your upper arm bones to set the elbows shoulder width apart. Fingertips extend to
the short edge of the mat and wrists are the same distance apart as elbows. Root down through this
forearm base. Strongly press shoulder blades towards your waist, outer edges of shoulder blades
wrapping towards the armpits. Gaze between the elbows. Tuck your toes under and as you exhale, lift
your knees and sitting bones up toward the sky. Straighten the legs if you can and reach your tailbone
away from your head.


Keep knees bent if back is rounding. Stay down on knees if too much for the shoulders.


Press palms together or interlace fingers

with palms slightly apart and wrists
upright. Walk feet closer to hands. Lift
one leg up at a time.


Block between forearms;

press elbows and
forearms into block to
help stabilize


Place palms on sacrum and gently press pelvis towards heels. Draw the shoulders away from the ears.

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Cat Pose

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after watching & practicing the Asana:

[ Muscles Involved
[ Common Misalignments
[ Avoidances & Risks
[ Prenatal Modifications

Keeps the spine mobile. Massages and stimulates the belly, kidneys and adrenal glands.


Start on all fours. Place your wrists directly under the shoulders. Spread your fingers wide apart and yield
evenly through the hands. Place your knees directly below your hips. Tuck toes under. Center your head
in neutral position, eyes looking at the floor. Exhale to round your back in Cat. Look towards your belly,
lifting the vertebrae of the spine up towards the sky. Belly draws in, tail tucks under. Spine is in flexion.


For weak wrists: roll up the top of your mat to support your hands and lift your wrists; alternately use fists
or forearms. Folded blanket or soft block for under knees.


Tops of feet on the floor, balancing Cat, Dancing Cat,

Circling Cat.


Blanket, block, rolled up mat/towel


Touch upper spine

to encourage
lifting. Gently
tuck head under.

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Cow Pose

Keep your journal close by so you can write out the following information while watching the tutorial or
after watching & practicing the Asana:

[ Muscles Involved
[ Common Misalignments
[ Avoidances & Risks
[ Prenatal Modifications

Keeps the spine mobile. Massages and stimulates the belly, kidneys and adrenal glands.


Start on all fours. Fingers spread; wrists aligned under shoulders; knees aligned under hips. Toes can be
tucked under or flat. Lift the tailbone, the chest and gaze up. Feel the back move into extension, as if the
vertebrae could sink into the earth. Move back and forth between Cat and Cow. Exhale into Cat, Inhale
into Cow. Initiating the movement from the tailbone, sequencing up into the head. Feel the wave of
movement from tail to head.


For weak wrists: roll up the top of your mat to support your hands and lift
your wrists; alternately use fists or forearms. Folded blanket or soft block
for under knees.


Tops of feet on the floor. Balancing Cat,

Dancing Cat, Circling Cat, Extended Cow
Pose with lifted knee bent and opposite
hand holding foot.


Blanket, block, rolled

up mat/towel


Gently press upper

back down towards
the ground to encourage extension.

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Dolphin Plank Pose

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after watching & practicing the Asana:

[ Muscles Involved
[ Common Misalignments
[ Avoidances & Risks
[ Prenatal Modifications

Strengthens shoulders and core.


From Dolphin, walk the feet back to align shoulders over elbows. Strongly root down through the
forearm base and slide tips of the shoulder blade toward waist. Belly, low ribs drawing up. Reach back
through the heels and tailbone. Beam the crown of the head forward. Draw the chin slightly in towards
the chest, maintaining neutral neck.


Knees to floor for extra support.


One leg lifts.


Place a block between legs or use a strap around upper arms.


Use block or hands on back of head to bring into alignment with spine. Touch where you see the body
collapsing to encourage lift.

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Cobra Pose

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after watching & practicing the Asana:

[ Muscles Involved
[ Common Misalignments
[ Avoidances & Risks
[ Prenatal Modifications

Strengthens back muscles. Opens chest/lungs.


Lie on your belly with the forehead to the floor. Place your hands close to your side ribs with elbows
pointing up. Reach back and anchor through the toes with feet parallel, kneecaps lifted and thighs rolling
in. Draw the navel in as you inhale and lift the chest up away from the ground. Keep the pubic bone
grounded, tailbone lengthening, and buttocks unclenched. Soften the shoulders away from the ears and
lengthen the head away from the anchored tail.


Less lift with Cactus arms, use arms more to push up higher into a deeper backbend.


Lift hands away from ground to avoid going too deep into back bend. Sphinx.


Blanket placed under belly or pelvis. Block between ankles or thighs.


Hands gently draw shoulders down. Touch sternum to encourage lift.

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Plank Pose

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after watching & practicing the Asana:

[ Muscles Involved
[ Common Misalignments
[ Avoidances & Risks
[ Prenatal Modifications

Upper body strengthening.


From Downward Facing Dog, shift your weight forward, aligning your shoulders directly over your wrists.
Draw the front body up into the back body, base of the skull in one line with the tailbone. Knees stay
slightly bent; core strongly engaged. Feel the space between the shoulder blades neutral, not
collapsing, not rounding. Press back through the heels and forward through the crown of the head.


Knees to floor for supported plank.


One leg lifts, knee to chest and across to triceps.


Place a block between legs or use a strap around upper arms.


Use block or hands on back of head to bring into alignment

with spine. Touch where you see the body collapsing to
encourage lift.

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Four Limbed Staff Pose

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after watching & practicing the Asana:

[ Muscles Involved
[ Common Misalignments
[ Avoidances & Risks
[ Prenatal Modifications

Strengthens the whole body.


From Plank, wrists directly under shoulders, connect to shoulder girdle stability, as if hugging imaginery
organges in your arm pits. Draw the navel towards the spine. Push the heels towards the back of the
room, resting on the balls of the feet. Bend your elbows to a 90-degree angle, elbows tucked into your
ribcage, lower your entire body with the shoulders at the same height as the elbows. Hover your body
above the floor, head staying in line with the spine. Gaze down, keeping the back of the neck long and
throat soft. Avoid rounding the upper back or collapsing into the hips.

Knees to floor before moving into pose.


Press back up into plank. Lower all the way down to the floor in preparation for upward facing dog.

Use a bolster to support the torso. Squeeze a block between thighs. Strap around upper arms.

Use block or hands on back of head to bring into alignment with spine. Touch where you see the body
collapsing to encourage lift.

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Upward Facing Dog Pose

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after watching & practicing the Asana:

[ Muscles Involved
[ Common Misalignments
[ Avoidances & Risks
[ Prenatal Modifications

Strengthens the arms and stretches the whole front of the body.

From Chaturanga, ease down to the floor, or lie on your belly with the forehead to the floor.
Place your hands close to your side ribs with elbows pointing up. Reach back and anchor the long toe
bones, outer ankles hugging in. Draw the navel in. Inhale, push into the ground to straighten the arms
and come up to balance on the tops of the feet. Collarbones wide and shoulders away from ears.


Lower the knees to the floor. Cobra.


Move into Upward Facing Dog from Chaturanga



Blocks under the hands.

Block between the thighs.


Hands to roll shoulders back and

down, Hands to gently lift hips if

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Downward Facing Dog Pose

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after watching & practicing the Asana:

[ Muscles Involved
[ Common Misalignments
[ Avoidances & Risks
[ Prenatal Modifications

Stretches the back and hamstrings. Good weight bearing pose. Relieves fatigue.


From Child’s pose, come onto all fours. Place your hands slightly forward from your shoulders with
knees hip width apart. Spread your fingers wide and imagine your hands are trying to open large jar lids.
Tuck your toes under and sit back towards your heels. Yielding into your hands, engage your quads to
lift knees and hips up and back creating an upside-down V shape. Knees stay slightly bent, tailbone
reaching away from the head. Straighten the legs as much as you can without rounding your back. Press
the upper thighbones back and lower the heels towards the ground. Feet stay parallel, toes forward,
heels straight back. Move the shoulder blades away from the head, out from center, wrapping the outer
edges towards the armpits. Relax the head between the upper arms, gather the low belly, low rib cage
in. Spinal curves stay neutral, as if in Moutain pose.


Knees stay bent if back is rounding. Use Dolphin Pose arm position if wrists or shoulders weak or injured.
Roll up the top of mat for extra wrist support.


One leg lifts. Three-legged dog. Dancing Dog.


Place a block between legs. Strap around hips or legs for

Partner work. Strap around upper arms.


Use hands or strap to pull thighs and/or groins

back. Hands encourage neck to lengthen
and head to relax. Facing pelvis,
place palms on lower back/sacral
area and lean weight into body to encourage widening and lengthening.

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Garland Pose

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after watching & practicing the Asana:

[ Muscles Involved
[ Common Misalignments
[ Avoidances & Risks
[ Prenatal Modifications

Stretches the ankles and groins. Deep hip opener.


Feet about mat-width apart, keep heels on mat and pivot toes outward, off mat. Lower the seat down
into a squat position. Press the elbows into the inner knees or thighs. Lift the chest and release the
weight of the tailbone.


Practice against a wall. Heels on blocks. Sit on a

bolster. Feet wider and more turned out.


Arms wrap around the front of the

shinbones, clasp your back heels, gaze at
the belly.


Wall, blocks


Watch for clenched toes, leaning

into knee or hip.

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Pigeon Pose

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after watching & practicing the Asana:

[ Muscles Involved
[ Common Misalignments
[ Avoidances & Risks
[ Prenatal Modifications

Hip, Psoas stretch.


From Downward Facing Dog, lift your left leg up. Bend and lift your knee up towards the sky to open the
hip. Bring your left knee, shin and foot forward towards the short edge of your mat. Reach back through
your right leg, pressing down through your foot and shin. Try to even out the hips to balance evenly over
the pelvis. Lengthen pubic bone to belly and draw lower rib cage in. Lift the sternum and soften the
shoulders. Return to Downward Facing Dog to change to other side.


Adjust angle of knee for comfort and safety. Thread the needle on the back.


Reclined Pigeon, twist, one leg king pigeon, back foot toes tuck under, knee lifts, reach back through
heal (deep stretch for the psoas). Hands placed closer to hips or behind in yoga mudra.


Use a bolster, blanket or blocks to

support forward leg buttock. Strap to
assist with bent leg variations.


Be cautious if you feel pain or strain in

the knee.

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Boat Pose

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after watching & practicing the Asana:

[ Muscles Involved
[ Common Misalignments
[ Avoidances & Risks
[ Prenatal Modifications

Strengthening for the whole body.


Sit with knees bent, hands at the back of thighs. Engage your core by drawing the navel back and
towards the spine. Tilt back over the sitting bones and lift the legs up. Roll the knees in and reach out
through the heels. Keep the hands at the back of the thighs, or when you are ready, bring the arms out to
your side, palms up, fingertips reaching towards toes. Gaze up. Maintaining the curve of the lumbar
spine, draw the kidneys in and up.


Knees bent, hands

back of thighs. Feet
stay on mat.


Hold onto outside edges

of feet, legs open to a V


Strap around feet & back.


Press between the shoulder blades

to encourage chest lifting.

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Side Plank Pose

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after watching & practicing the Asana:

[ Muscles Involved
[ Common Misalignments
[ Avoidances & Risks
[ Prenatal Modifications

Strengthens the arms, shoulders and core. Improves balance.


Starting in Downward Facing Dog with the feet hip-width apart, move right foot to touch the left and
bring right hand to centre of the mat and slightly forward. Roll onto the outside edge of the right foot as
the left hand comes off the earth and extends towards the sky. Feet stacked, the whole body strong and
long, align base of the skull to the tailbone and engage the whole body to maintain the shape.


Bring top leg in front or behind,

so two legs are separate and both
feet are on the ground. Bend top
leg and place the sole of the foot on
the floor in front of you, near hips.
Begin on side with forearm down,
elbow rooted and both knees bent,
lower legs lifted off
the floor.


Tree, holding big toe, raise the

top leg up towards the sky.


Practice with soles of the feet

pressing against a wall.


Use block or hands on back of head to bring into alignment with spine. Touch where you see the body
collapsing to encourage lift.

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Sphinx Pose

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after watching & practicing the Asana:

[ Muscles Involved
[ Common Misalignments
[ Avoidances & Risks
[ Prenatal Modifications

Backbend, chest opener, stimulates abdominal organs.


Lie face down. Root down through the pubic bone and draw the tailbone towards the feet. Reach back
through the toes. Draw your navel in and press up onto elbows with forearms parallel to each other.
Soften the shoulders away from the ears, keeping your neck long and throat soft.


Move arms further forward. Lower the chest closer to the floor.


Clasp the elbows. Seal pose: arms straight.


Blanket under belly or pelvis. Bolster under belly. Bolster under armpits. Rest head on block.


Hands gently draw shoulders down, touch

chest bone to encourage lifting.

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Locust Pose

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after watching & practicing the Asana:

[ Muscles Involved
[ Common Misalignments
[ Avoidances & Risks
[ Prenatal Modifications

Strengthens back muscles. Opens chest and lungs.


Lie prone with forehead down. Reach back through tail, root down into pubic bone., draw the navel
towards the spine. On either breath (inhale or exhale), lift your legs, arms, and torso up. Beam the crown
of the head forward, reach back through fingers and toes. Gaze slightly down; throat soft, neck long.


Keep legs down.


Interlace the fingers together in yoga mudra. Arms reach overhead.


Rolled blanket under chest. Blanket under pelvis. Strap around upper thighs.


Lengthen neck, roll arm bones back, hold hands and pull back and up.

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Bow Pose

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after watching & practicing the Asana:

[ Muscles Involved
[ Common Misalignments
[ Avoidances & Risks
[ Prenatal Modifications

Strengthens the back and abdominal muscles. Good for stress and fatigue.


Lie on your belly. Bend your knees and reach back to hold the front of your ankles. Keep your knees
hugging inward, as if squeezing a block between the thighs. Root the pubic bone down. Draw the navel
towards the spine. Using your breath (either an inhale or exhale). Press the feet into hands to lift feet up
and away from your buttocks. Thighs, chest and head lift up. Gaze up with soft throat, shoulders away
from ears.


Knees bent or legs stay straight, arms

at side as you lift up.


Rock back and forth, Rock over

onto one side.


Strap around ankles or thighs.

Blanket under pelvis.


Hands draw shoulder blades

down; guide knees together
(not wider than hip-width).

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Camel Pose

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after watching & practicing the Asana:

[ Muscles Involved
[ Common Misalignments
[ Avoidances & Risks
[ Prenatal Modifications

Backbends are energizing, good for fatigue, depression.


From sitting, Kneel with hips directly above knees. Place your hands at the base of the spine, fingers
pointing towards the tailbone, elbows tucked in. Draw the tailbone towards the pubic bone, actively
press down through your shins and lift the chest into a gentle back bend. Gaze up without compressing
your neck or tightening your throat.

To release out from Camel, shift

the hips and tailbone back
before bringing the spine
forward, head moving last. Rest
in Child’s pose.


Keep the head forward & lessen the backbend.


Toes flat or tucked under with hands to heels.


Block between thighs or calves. Blocks for



One hand to chest bone, one

on upper spine to encourage lift and

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Bridge Pose

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after watching & practicing the Asana:

[ Muscles Involved
[ Common Misalignments
[ Avoidances & Risks
[ Prenatal Modifications

Stimulates thyroid, calming to the brain, strengthens back, buttocks and hamstrings.


Lie on back with your feet hip width apart, ankles under knees. Strongly press the upper arm bones into
the ground as you reach the fingertips towards the heels. Exhale as you strongly press parallel feet into
the ground, lifting your pelvis and spine up from the ground. Shift your knees forward, aligning them
directly over your heels. Lengthen the tailbone towards the back of the knees. Root firmly through feet,
arms, shoulders and back of head. Keep the throat soft and open. Release down slowly, vertebra by


Rest sacrum on block.


Fingers interlaced in yoga mudra, lift one leg, hold heels, lift heels.


Block pressed between knees or thighs,

use strap around thighs or shins.


Lift hips with

strap or hands,
knees/thighs if
opening out.

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Fish Pose

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after watching & practicing the Asana:

[ Muscles Involved
[ Common Misalignments
[ Avoidances & Risks
[ Prenatal Modifications

Stretches front of body, stimulates throat and thyroid gland. May be therapeutic for asthma and other
respiratory issues.


Lie down with knees bent. Lift buttocks to slide hands under, palms face down, elbows tucked under.
Straighten the legs with knees and big toes touching. Inhale, root the elbows and strongly draw the
shoulder blades down the back as elbows bend to help lift the chest. Place top of the head on the earth
and stay strong through legs and buttocks. To release, draw chin to chest, remove hands from under
body and release slowly to the floor. Hug knees to chest and roll head side to side.


Keep legs bent. Don’t lift onto head. Lay back over bolster.


Hands slide out, bent elbows tucked into side ribs with palms pointing up and facing each other.


Strap around upper back to lift chest higher. Bricks support head and upper back.


Hands to help lift chest.

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Staff Pose

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after watching & practicing the Asana:

[ Muscles Involved
[ Common Misalignments
[ Avoidances & Risks
[ Prenatal Modifications

Strengthens core and spine.


Sit tall with legs extended, arms close to your side with palms pressing down. Press down through
thighs, out through heels and fan the toes. Align the back of the head to tailbone. Press back through
upper arm bones and glide the shoulder blades down the back.


Sit on the edge of a foam block or folded blanket, bend knees, or practice against a wall.


Keep legs as they are,

opposite hand to opposite
thigh and twist from the spine
to look back.


Block, blanket, bolster for

under knees.


Hands gently draw shoulders

down, press between
shoulder blades.

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Head to Knee Forward Fold Pose

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after watching & practicing the Asana:

[ Muscles Involved
[ Common Misalignments
[ Avoidances & Risks
[ Prenatal Modifications

Forward bends are calming to the mind and the nervous system, Stimulates liver and kidneys.


From Staff Pose, bend the right knee, placing the sole of the foot against the inner left thigh. Sit tall and
rotate the torso slightly to the left to center the navel over the thigh. Breathing in, lift the chest, breathing
out, fold over the extended left leg. Clasp hold of the foot, ankle, or shin with both hands. Reach out
through the heel, press down with the thigh. Gently tuck the chin to keep space at the base of the skull.


Support bent knee with blanket or block. Place sole of foot on lower thigh or calf.


Hands clasped around foot, ankle, or shin.


Block or bolster to support knee, strap around foot.


Head aligned with spine.

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Marichi I Pose

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after watching & practicing the Asana:

[ Muscles Involved
[ Common Misalignments
[ Avoidances & Risks
[ Prenatal Modifications

Massages abdominal organs, stimulation of liver and kidneys.


From Staff Pose, bend the left knee and place the foot on the mat, with the heel as close to the left
sitting bone as possible while keeping both sitting bones rooted on the ground. Keep the straight right
leg actively pressing down and rotated slightly inward.

Reach the left arm forward and internally rotate so that the thumb points to the floor and the palm faces
out to the left. Lengthen the torso forward and draw the left shin in towards the armpit. Sweep the
forearm around to the outside of the leg. The left hand will press against the outside of the left thigh or

Sweep the right arm around behind the back and try to clasp hold of fingers or wrists (or use a strap).
With an exhalation, extend the torso forward from the groins, lowering the torso toward the right leg.
Draw the shoulder blade tips down your back.


Instead of clasping hands, Keep arms open like wings with fingertips tented on floor.


instead of clasping hands, hold one

wrist with one hand.


Block under the

back hand. Strap
to bind.


Square shoulders with hips. Position head over spine.

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Seated Forward Fold Pose

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after watching & practicing the Asana:

[ Muscles Involved
[ Common Misalignments
[ Avoidances & Risks
[ Prenatal Modifications

Calming to mind and nervous system. Good for digestion.


Sit in Staff Pose. Inhale to lengthen the spine, arms sweep up over head. As you breathe out, hinge
forward from the hips, folding over the thighs. Legs stay active; thighs pressing down, knees roll in, toes
point up. Stay long through the front of the torso. Hands rest alongside the legs or wrapped around the
outer edges of the feet.


Knees bend; sit on block or folded blanket. Place blanket, blocks or bolster under back of knees.


Lifting chest as you inhale, fold deeper as you exhale. Sit facing wall with feet pushing into baseboard.
Clasp big toes with forefinger and thumbs.


Blanket, block, strap


Align head to tail,

press into upper

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Yoga Mudra Pose

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after watching & practicing the Asana:

[ Muscles Involved
[ Common Misalignments
[ Avoidances & Risks
[ Prenatal Modifications

Shoulder and chest stretch.


Sit in Easy Pose with hands behind, fingers interlaced in yoga mudra. Gently squeeze the shoulder
blades together and away from the head, roll the arm bones back. Inhale as you lift your chest. Exhale as
you fold forward. Keep the shoulders rolling back as you lift the hands up off the tailbone and toward the
sky. Inhale to come up and release mudra.


Legs straight, hands behind with

fingertips to floor. Do the same arm
position from Child’s Pose.


Holding opposite albows across

lower back.




Gently move hands

away from spine, roll
shoulders back.

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Butterfly Pose

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after watching & practicing the Asana:

[ Muscles Involved
[ Common Misalignments
[ Avoidances & Risks
[ Prenatal Modifications

Hip opener.


Sit with the feet close to the body; soles of the feet pressing together, hands wrapped around feet,
ankles or shins. Actively draw the thighs away from the pubic bone and release the knees toward the
ground. Sit tall, extending up through the crown of the head, draw the collarbones wide apart, and slide
the shoulder blade tips down the spine. Maintain the natural curvature of the spine.


Feet further away from pelvis.


Bounce the knees up and down. Side bend. Hinge forward

from the hips. Lie back over a bolster.


Block, strap, bolster.


Reach forward from

the tailbone.

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Simple Twist Pose

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after watching & practicing the Asana:

[ Muscles Involved
[ Common Misalignments
[ Avoidances & Risks
[ Prenatal Modifications

Massages and stimulates abdominal organs.


Sit in Easy Pose. Place your left hand on your right thigh and your right hand behind you close to your
tailbone. Twist to the right with lots of space between your belly and your chest. Keep lifting up through
the crown of the head as you gaze to the right. Relax the jaw, soften the throat and move the shoulder
blades towards the waist.


One or both legs extended if straining knee.


Wrap the right hand around the left hip.


Block to sit on or to support the right

Sit on a chair.


Hands gently draw shoulders

down. Move head
over spine if forward
or dropped.

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Half Lord of the Fishes Pose

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after watching & practicing the Asana:

[ Muscles Involved
[ Common Misalignments
[ Avoidances & Risks
[ Prenatal Modifications

Chest opener; massages abdominal organs.


Sitting with the right leg extended, bend the left leg, placing the foot on the outside of the straight right
leg. If available, bend the right knee and and sit evenly over the sitting bones. Place the hand (or
elbow) on the outside of the left leg, and the left hand on the floor, close to the body. Inhale to find
length and space in the torso, exhale to twist to the left. Maintain the curve in the lower back, avoid
leaning back. Feel the spirtal from the pelvis up to the throught the spine to the head. Maintain the
neutral curves of the spine. Gaze to the left, chin stays parallel to the ground.


Sit with the bottom leg straight. Sit on block.

Use hand instead of elbow to draw knee
toward body.


Reach the hand around towards outer hip

and the opposite arm around the front shin
to bind the hands or fingertips together.


Block; strap if binding hands.


Hands on shoulders to
release down the

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Cow Face Pose

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after watching & practicing the Asana:

[ Muscles Involved
[ Common Misalignments
[ Avoidances & Risks
[ Prenatal Modifications

Chest opener; shoulder stretch; hip opener with forward fold.


From seated, cross your right knee over your left bent knee, thighs stacked and feet in towards the hips.
Sit evenly over the sitting bones. Reach up and back with your right hand, placing fingertips on the
shoulder. Hug the bent elbow in close to your head with the elbow pointing back. Sit tall with your chest
lifted and shoulders relaxed. Bring your left arm out to your side with the palm face back, bend the
elbow and walk your hand up your back
towards your upper hand. Possibly
hook the fingers together but do not


Sit on block; use strap between hands.


If fingers clasp, fold torso forward over



Block, Strap


Hand on crown. Move top elbow back.

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Shoulder Stand Pose

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after watching & practicing the Asana:

[ Muscles Involved
[ Common Misalignments
[ Avoidances & Risks
[ Prenatal Modifications

Soothing to the nervous system and decreases varicose veins.


From Plow Pose, support the back with the hands, elbows no
wider than shoulder-width apart. Engage core and extend
legs, toes toward the ceiling, bring torso, legs and feet into one
long, vertical line. Root the back of the head to keep neck in
neutral and walk hands toward shoulder blades to lift more of
spine off the floor. Keep throat open. Hug legs in toward each
other and lift up through pubic bone and feet, toward sky.

To come out, return to Plow Pose.


Use stacked blankets under upper back to reduce flexion in

neck/cervical spine.
Flex at hips so that legs are in a shallow v-shape (toes over
forehead), rather than vertical from torso through legs and
feet. Strap around upper arms to hold elbows at shoulder-


One leg lowers overhead toward the ground. Soles of the

feet together, knees bent. Legs in wide ‘V’.


Wall, blankets, strap


Tuck elbows under. Help lift legs up.

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Plow Pose

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after watching & practicing the Asana:

[ Muscles Involved
[ Common Misalignments
[ Avoidances & Risks
[ Prenatal Modifications

Calming to the nervous system and stimulates thyroid gland.


Lie down on your back with your knees bent and arms at your side. Draw the navel in, exhale and lift your
legs up and over your head. Walk the hands up the back and tuck elbows under. Settle the weight of the
pelvis over the shoulders and root the back of the head to keep the neck in neutral. Draw the chin away
from the chest and soften the throat. With your toes on the ground, lift the tailbone and thighs up
towards the sky; try not to round your back. Your hands can stay on the back or press arms into mat,
fingers extending toward the foot of the mat or hands in yoga mudra. To release, bend the knees
towards the shoulders, and roll down slowly, with control, vertebra by vertebra.


Feet against a wall. Use stacked blankets under upper back to reduce flexion in neck/cervical spine.
Strap around upper arms to hold elbows at shoulder-width.


Yoga Mudra. Arms overhead, hands holding feet. Feet

mat-width apart. Bend knees and wrap hands
over calves.


Blankets or foam
blocks placed
under upper
back and
Use a Bolster, blocks or
chair to support feet. Strap around upper arms.

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Revision 27 January 2023 | All Rights Reserved Ó 53
Reclining Hand to Big Toe Pose

Keep your journal close by so you can write out the following information while watching the tutorial or
after watching & practicing the Asana:

[ Muscles Involved
[ Common Misalignments
[ Avoidances & Risks
[ Prenatal Modifications

Stretches the hamstrings, inner thighs and low back.


Lie on your back holding your right knee towards your chest with your left leg extended long, back of
thigh pressing into mat. Reach out through the heels of both feet. Wrap your peace fingers around the
right big toe and stretch the leg up and over to the right. Keep both hips level and grounded, ribs and
low belly anchored. Actively reach out through the heels and roll the thighs inward.


Use a strap around the foot or ankle. Anchoring leg bent.


Bring the leg up and over to the other side to stretch the IT band.


Wall, strap, and sandbag weight on thigh or hips.


Hand on hip of leg on the floor to keep hips rooted and level.

200 Hour Manual | Your Yoga Flow

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1 Knee Twist Pose

Keep your journal close by so you can write out the following information while watching the tutorial or
after watching & practicing the Asana:

[ Muscles Involved
[ Common Misalignments
[ Avoidances & Risks
[ Prenatal Modifications

Deep spinal twist nourishes the organs.


Lie on your back and hug your right knee into your chest, left leg long. Place your right foot on your left
leg. Use the left hand to draw the knee across as you roll onto the outer left hip. Right arm extends out in
line with the shoulder, head turned, looking to the right. Let the right foot rest on the thigh or mat,
wherever it is comfortable.


Bend both knees. block or bolster to support the bent knee (between knee and floor).


Bound twist: Wrap your peace fingers around the big toe and straighten the leg out to the side. Bend the
bottom leg and reach for the foot with the hand.


Bolster, block or folded blanket.


Gently anchor the extended arm/shoulder and rotate top hip away from shoulder.

200 Hour Manual | Your Yoga Flow

Revision 27 January 2023 | All Rights Reserved Ó 55
2 Knee Twist Pose

Keep your journal close by so you can write out the following information while watching the tutorial or
after watching & practicing the Asana:

[ Muscles Involved
[ Common Misalignments
[ Avoidances & Risks
[ Prenatal Modifications

Stretches the hips and spine.


Lie on your back with your knees into your chest. Place the arms in line with the shoulders, palms face
down. Roll to the outer right hip and release the knees to the right. Roll the head left, gaze at the left


Block under or between knees. Place same side hand on bent knees.


Top leg crosses over bottom leg. Legs straight instead of bent.


Block, bolster


Gently press arms down, lengthen side body, rotate hip.

200 Hour Manual | Your Yoga Flow

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Happy Baby Pose

Keep your journal close by so you can write out the following information while watching the tutorial or
after watching & practicing the Asana:

[ Muscles Involved
[ Common Misalignments
[ Avoidances & Risks
[ Prenatal Modifications

Stretches low back, groin and hips.


Lying on your back, hug your knees into your chest, bringing knees as wide as the outer ribs, or wider
apart. Reaching hands between the knees, catch inner or outer edges of the feet. Soles of the feet face
the sky. Knees draw down towards the armpits. Tailbone stays on the ground; neck curve stays neutral.


Strap around feet. One leg at a time. Block or blanket under the head if unable to maintain neutral neck
curves. Block or blanket to support pelvis if tailbone is lifting from the ground.


Rock side to side, Shift to one side, straighten opposite leg.


Strap, blocks, blanket.


Ensure head is properly


200 Hour Manual | Your Yoga Flow

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