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Proceedings of the 11th WSEAS International Conference on SYSTEMS, Agios Nikolaos, Crete Island, Greece, July 23-25, 2007


A Theme-based Search Technique

Nida Al-Chalabi & Khalil Shihab
Department of Computer Science, Sultan Qaboos University, Box 36, Al-Khod, Oman

Abstract: - This work presents an intelligent search engine, called ORCA, that returns the most relevant
documents for user’s queries. This search engine analyses the queries and builds themes (models) to be used
when the engine is confronted with similar queries. The intelligent component is used for constructing a model
of the user behavior and using that model to fetch and even pre-fetch information and documents considered of
interest to the user. It uses both latent semantic analysis and web page feature selection for clustering web
pages. Latent semantic analysis is used to find the semantic relations between keywords, and between

Keywords: Information Filtering, User’s Model, Search Engines, Latent Search Analysis.

1 Introduction while surfing the Web. This model can be

At the current explosive growth rate of the Web, constructed from the user access log files, and can be
Internet users are finding it more and more used to access. In the final section of this paper, we
frustrating to effectively retrieve the desired identify some key components of such an intelligent
information[1, 2, 3]. Current search engines usually component.
flood the users with the number of pages and URLs Recently, several additional search engines
for a given search query. These engines are based on which are described to be intelligent have been
first identifying keywords from the user queries and, introduced. These engines mainly depend on
secondly, searching the web to find the pages automatically discovering the users access patterns
according to the frequency of these keywords in the while accessing the Web and use that knowledge for
HTML pages. The disadvantage of this approach is future retrieval of information relevant to the interest
that the results of these search engines usually of the users. Examples of such engines include
contain a lot of unwanted information, which does WebWatcher [3] and Letizia [4]. They aim at
not relate to the users actual requirements. In other automatically performing some of the Web
words, they have lots of “noise”. With this type of exploration on behalf of the user to pre-fetch what is
blind search and lack of automatic filtering considered of interest to the user.
capability, traditional search engines make it difficult WebWatcher is basically a tool which aims at
for the users to find new information about the same helping the user by interactively giving him advice
topic. during the navigation. While the user is browsing
This work addresses this very problem and aims through the pages, WebWatcher assesses the links
at coming up with a design for a filtering system for contained in the pages, and then recommends those
the Web searching which is based on the interests of links which are considered more promising in
individual users, and has the capability for making meeting the requirements of the search criteria, i.e.
intelligent decisions in regard to what the user the goal. Letizia is an intelligent agent which works
desires to access. In summary, the filtering system with conventional browsers such as Netscape. It
should give the users only the information they want, tracks the user behavior during browsing and
discarding irrelevant and duplicate pages; thus attempts to figure out his goals and hence build a
saving the users time and effort while surfing the model of his interests. It then uses that model to
Web. In other words, search engines should not search for pages considered relevant to the goals
bother the users with unwanted knowledge. embodied in the user model. The goal here is to
conduct some exploration of the Web on the behalf
Moreover, the search engines should incorporate of the user. Obviously, in such automatic
some sort of intelligent capability to help the users in exploration, too many noises are expected. For
locating information related to their interests. This example, some pages are visited by the user not
implies that an engine should possess learning because they are of any interest, but simply either
capability for building a model of the user behavior they have some intermediate links which need to be
Proceedings of the 11th WSEAS International Conference on SYSTEMS, Agios Nikolaos, Crete Island, Greece, July 23-25, 2007 368

followed to get to the desired page or they have been accessing the Theme Database where the results of
mistakenly visited. Unfortunately, both of the above the search are stored, organized and managed by the
engines lack efficient techniques to deal with this last Processing Manager.
In short, intelligence claimed to be embodied in
these engines lie in their ability to model the user’s
access behavior and use that model to anticipate and
predict future access patterns. It is worth noting that Look-Up
these intelligent search tools are still in their Table
experimental stages. It will be interesting to see how
effective these tools are after some performance Query
evaluations are reported. It goes without saying that
any attempt to include some sort of intelligence, as
the one described above, would require incorporating
complicated machine learning and automatic user Dispos
modeling techniques in the design of search engines. e Theme Database

Proc Manager
Theme Manager
2 Themes – User’s Behavior Models
In this approach, a search engine should come up
with the models that represent best of the user access
patterns and various areas of interest. We use explicit Doc. Database
planning mechanism to model the user behavior on
the Web. In this mechanism, the user is required to
explicitly spell out his/her interests that which
externalize and represent his access patterns. In this
way, the information about the user overall access HOTBOT 37.Com
Yahoo AltaVista
behavior on the Web is analyzed by the search
engine. This approach greatly simplifies the
problems associated with designing systems for
intelligent or automatic deduction of the user access
patterns. WWW
2.1 The Architecture Figure 1: System Architecture
Here we would like to lay down an architecture of
the User’ Model (Theme) component of the system, 2.2 The Operations
which is placed on top of the existing search engines. After retrieving or creating themes for the current
The system is written in Visual Basic and is designed user, the system displays the Current Themes and
to help the users in avoiding seeing undesired Search Criteria window on the screen and allows the
information when carrying out the search. user to add, modify, or delete his search preferences.
At the architectural level (shown in Figure 1), For example, the user can enter four search criteria,
the system consists of two main components, namely but decide to submit only the first and the last ones
the Theme Manager and the Processing Manager. for search. The search engines selected can be Yahoo
The Theme Manager serves several purposes for the first criteria and 37.Com for the last criteria.
besides being the interface which communicates with After the user submits the searches, the system
the users. As an interface, the Theme Manager processes the user’s query using the noise-disposal
allows the user to establish his/her personal profile, procedure in order to produce a query consisting of
which includes such items as (1) set of keywords keywords only. It, then, uses these keywords to look
(search criteria) which captures the topic or concept up for a theme from a table called look-up table,
of interest to the user, (2) the desired search engine which contains all the themes in the database. Using
and (3) the options for live update. The Theme a partial matching process, the system tries to match
Manager maintains individual user models in the the first keyword in the user’s query with the first
Theme Database. The Manager is also responsible column in the table. If a match is found, it checks the
for submitting the queries to the search engines and next field that contains the themes or tables related to
the first keyword and once again it tries to find
Proceedings of the 11th WSEAS International Conference on SYSTEMS, Agios Nikolaos, Crete Island, Greece, July 23-25, 2007 369

another match. This process will continue until the information in the document. At the same time, we
system finds the theme that contains all the URLs. also extract text features from web page content.
The process continues in the same manner with the
other keywords in the user’s query. 3 System Implementation
The system also deals with empty queries, the
case of having only one word and this word is final
sub theme, and the case of none of the given 3.1 Query Dispose
keywords is a final sub-theme and the case when the At this stage, the query is modified by removing all
query doesn’t exist in the database. For the last case, the noise and all the unnecessary words. The system,
the system creates a new table with its description as then, converts the query into individual keywords.
the query keywords and sends the queries to the What we mean by noise is the words that are helpless
search engines selected and the results produced are in the searching process such as find, about and
fed into the Processing Manager. The Manager without. For example, if the user query is “training
compiles the lists of URLs from the engines, merges courses of diploma in computer science” so the pure
them, deletes duplicates, and finally produces a list query is “training courses diploma computer
of URLs which satisfy the queries submitted. As science”. These keywords are stored in a vector
documents arrive, the Processing Manager classifies called terms-vector.
URLs and stores these results into the Document This sub routine is written using Visual Basic
Database. Script and ASP.
The Process Manager uses two types of features
extraction, latent semantic analysis and web page
features selection, for web page clustering using our 3.2 Look-Up Table
conceptual clustering technique (see section 5). The This table is a two-dimensional array in which the
latent semantic analysis (see section 4) extracts first column consists of all the tables (or themes)
common semantic relations between keywords and a available in the system’s database. The cells in each
document. The web page feature selection extracts row contain the tables (themes) related to the first
the text features from a given web page for inputting entry in each row. The last filled entry in each row is
to our clustering technique. Latent semantic analysis indicated by “*” to show that this is the last entry.
is used to find the semantic relations between This is due to the various numbers of sub themes
keywords, and between documents. The latent related to each theme. We have used “$” to indicate
semantic analysis method projects terms and a that this theme is a final sub theme.
document into a vector space to find latent For an experiment, we created a database
containing three main themes: education, business
Var and computer. The database is created in Microsoft
x, i : integer
Access. There are 59 tables in total for all the three
word, query : string
find : Boolean
begin Now consider the business theme along with its
x=0 only three related sub themes, which are economics,
Size = 0 //size of the array of keywords of query. finance and marketing. If we trace the finance sub
query = bring the user’s query from the HTML theme, we get the following sub themes: banking,
interface “project.asp” accounting, planning, investment services, etc. If we
while (query is not “ “) trace the theme investment service, the related sub
begin themes beneath it are: brokerages and socially
x = find the position of the first responsible investment. If we continue with
white space “ “ in query
brokerages, we get bonds and money as a final sub
word=starting from left of query
take the sub string from the first index till (x-1)
theme. This technique is used for all the tables to get
find=check if word is a noise ”false if it’s a noise” to the final sub themes. The following shows the
if find then scheme that was stated above.
keywordArray (Size) = word Business theme
increment Size by 1 Lookup (9, 1) = "business"
end // if Lookup (9, 2) = "economics"
query=update query to start from Lookup (9, 3) = "finance_and_investment"
x till length of query Lookup (9, 4) = "marketing_and_advertising"
end //while .
Proceedings of the 11th WSEAS International Conference on SYSTEMS, Agios Nikolaos, Crete Island, Greece, July 23-25, 2007 370

. Table 2: www table, which is an example of a theme

. table.
Lookup (9, 23) = "brokerages"
Lookup (9, 24) = "bonds"
Lookup (9, 25) = "money"
Lookup (9, 26) = "*"

Finance Sub Theme

Lookup (29, 1) = "finance_and_investment"
Lookup (29, 2) = "banking"
Lookup (29, 3) = "accounting"
Lookup (29, 4) = "planning"
Lookup (29, 5) = "investment_service" To retrieve the fields in the final sub theme tables,
. we use the following algorithm:
Lookup (29, 13) = "*" dim objrs
set objrs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
Investment Service Sub-Theme connectme = "DSN=dsnname"
Lookup (12, 1) = "investment_service" sqlstmt = store here the query to retrieve the fields from
Lookup (12, 2) = "socially_responsible_investment" a specified table
. sqlstmt,connectme
. Do While not objrs.EOF
. response.write objrs("URL")
Lookup (12, 6) = "*" response.write objrs("Description")
Brokerages Sub Theme loop
Lookup (8, 1) = "brokerages"
Lookup (8, 2) = "bonds" 3.4 Theme Search
Lookup (8, 3) = "money" In order to complete this stage we need four major
Lookup (8, 4) = "*" subroutines: first_col (), leaf_node (), search_row ()
and findtheme ().
Bonds Final Sub Theme The first_col () subroutine gets a string and tries
Lookup (7, 1) = "bonds" to find a match in the lookup table by searching the
Lookup (7, 2) = "$" first column, which contains all the themes and sub-
themes available in the database, and returns an
Money Final Sub Theme integer number, which represents the row where the
Lookup (15, 1) = "money" theme can be found. It searches the lookup table
Lookup (15, 2) = "$" using a partial matching technique.
The leaf_node () subroutine takes an integer,
3.3 Database which represents the row number. It should check
The database is created in Microsoft Access and it whether the string is in first column and the given
initially contains 59 tables. There are two types of row is a final sub-theme. It returns a Boolean value
tables: final sub theme tables and other theme tables. true if it is a final sub theme and false otherwise.
The final sub theme tables are at the bottom level of
each theme (or the most sub theme). x = first_col (current keyword)
leaf_node (x)
Table 1: html table, which is an example of the final 'if the first keyword is not a final sub theme
sub-theme. begin
While (count <= array size) And (final sub theme is not
found) do
if (current keyword is not available) then
create a new table in the database
leaf_node( a given row)
if the given keyword is final sub theme
Proceedings of the 11th WSEAS International Conference on SYSTEMS, Agios Nikolaos, Crete Island, Greece, July 23-25, 2007 371

tablename = lookup (count, 1)

sqlstmt = select required fields from this DIM strSQL
final sub theme strSQL = "CREATE TABLE" & " " & tablename " &
retrieve the urls from database. & ")" & "_
End “ num Counter Primary Key,” &_
Else “URL Text(50), “ &_
begin “Description Text(50) “ &_
Bool=search_row(a given row, key (count+1)) “) ";
if bool then DIM Conn
increment count SET Conn= Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection”)
End Conn.Open "sun","”,””
End Conn.Execute (strSQL)
End Conn.close
Else if the first keyword is final sub theme then set conn=Nothing
retrieve the urls from the database.

The search_row () sub routine accepts an integer 4 Latent Semantic Analysis (LSA)
representing the row number and a string. It returns a Latent semantic analysis applies a vector space
Boolean value true if the string is found in the concept [5]. All keywords and documents form a
indicated row, otherwise it returns false. two-dimension term-document matrix; singular value
decomposition is used to decompose the term-
While (lookup (row number, count) != "*") && document matrix to obtain the semantic features.
(string not found)
Suppose that X is a term-document matrix, which is
if some letters in lookup (row number, count) which is an i×j matrix; where i is the number of
match some letters from string (partial matching) then keywords and j the number of documents. Each
return true element X[i,j] is the number of occurrences of
Else keyword i in document j. The SVD computes the
Increment count matrix singular value decomposition of X. It uses the
end eigenvalue and eigenvector to reduce the dimensions
of the original data, filtering irrelevant information.
Finally, the findtheme () is a search algorithm The original matrix has a high dimension. An SVD
takes each keyword from the vector of keywords one can reduce the original high term-document matrix
at a time. It searches the lookup table by passing dimensions to a low term-document matrix. The
each keyword to first_col (). The findtheme() returns Matlab command [U,S,V] = svd(X) produces a
the row number. If it is a final sub-theme, the system diagonal matrix S of the same dimension as X, with
retrieves the required fields (Description and URL). nonnegative diagonal elements in decreasing order,
Otherwise, the system should carry out a further and unitary matrices U and V so that X = U*S*V'.
check. If the keyword cannot be found in the
database, the system should expand the database
using initially this keyword as a title. If the keyword 5 Clustering Technique
exists in the database, the system will check if the Our clustering technique is computationally efficient
next keyword in the vector of keywords in the row of and has high classification accuracy [6]. The basic
the previous keyword. If the keyword is there, the idea of the method is simple yet effective. It uses a
process is repeated using the remaining keywords. control-generate-test strategy, which involves the
But if the next keyword doesn’t exist in that row, generation of a set of dynamic filters (concepts) and
then the system has to create a new theme. then testing these concepts on given data vectors
(components) for detecting clusters of these
3.5 Expanding the Database components.
The database should be expanded when the query The clustering technique is based on using the
entered by the user has not found in the local identity matrix (I), i.e. a matrix that contains only the
database. The system should, therefore, adds a new base vectors, rather than using a random matrix
table (theme) with query as an initial name of the (RM). These vectors are, therefore, considered as the
new table. The system seeds for producing the required filtering concepts.
starts with empty new theme (no records). The Using this method, the algorithm operates in O (N)
records will be added manually. The following code time; where N is the number of base vectors. It
is responsible for this issue: provides great speed and efficiency improvement
Proceedings of the 11th WSEAS International Conference on SYSTEMS, Agios Nikolaos, Crete Island, Greece, July 23-25, 2007 372

over the first method and over the methods currently Clusters generation
used for clustering. 6. At the start of iteration i, select a concept
vector (cvi) and its associated distance (bdi) at a
Concepts construction: random.
Prepare a suitable identity matrix I of base 7. Find the pattern vectors that satisfy the
vectors and the data matrix that is required to be inequality, given below, and place them in the
divided into groups. The number of the elements concept group i (CGi)
Let adi= ||pvk – cvi||; k=0, 1, 2, …, n be the
(patterns) of the data matrix should constitute distance after the alignment and bdi is the
the dimensions of the identity matrix I. Thus, if distance before the alignment. For a pattern
the data matrix has n elements, then the vector k to be placed in group i, it must satisfy
dimensions of the identity matrix I should be the following inequality:
n×n. ||bdi – adi||<Ti where Ti=adi*∝;
1. Use the data matrix to produce a category 0<∝<1.
matrix or pattern matrix PM=[pvi]T of pattern 8. Stop when you reach an empty pattern
vectors (pvi). This requires a transformation of matrix (PM). Otherwise, increase ∝ slightly.
data or smoothing. We have used log10 for the 9. Reset PM and CGi for all i, and repeat from
transformation. This step is not necessary but it step 1.
provides further performance enhancement and,
as stated before, it can only be carried out if we
know in advance the categories of each attribute 6 Conclusion and Further Work
in the data matrix. This paper has presented a prototype system to
2. If the number of columns of the pattern improve the efficiency of the Web search engines.
matrix (PM) is less than the number of columns
The main goal of the search tool described here is to
of the identity matrix I, then fill the missing data
of PM with averages to produce a new matrix, overcome the drawbacks found in the current search
namely IM. This step is required in order to have engines, which are related mainly to their being one-
the same dimensionality for both PM and I. time, unintelligent search engines. The novelty of the
3. Use the identity matrix I (or IM), and the design presented lies in its ability to support
pattern matrix (PM), and go throughout the intelligent (automatic) approaches. The retrieved
following steps to generate a concept matrix documents are grouped into clusters using our
CM=[cvi] T of concept vectors along with its clustering technique that accepts as input the web
associated distance vector DV= [dvi] T. features and the semantic features produced by LSA.
Through this approach, the users are always
For i =0 to the last pattern in PM do
presented with updated information and are never
For j=0 to the last random vector in IM do flooded with duplicate information every time a
Begin query is submitted.
a. Find the closest base vector bvj in IM to pvi in PM.
b. Calculate the distance before alignment (bdi): References:
bdi = ||bvj – pvi||, and save the Result in BD=[bdi]T [1]
c. Align bvj and pvi as follows: [2]
bvj = bvj + α ||bvj – pvi||; 0<α<1. [3] Armstrong et al. WebWatcher: A Learning
d. Replace bvi with the result of the alignment to
Apprentice for the World Wide Web.
produce a candidate concept.
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5. Eliminate the redundant concepts; concepts Computing, 2002, pp 188-193, USA.
are considered redundant if the same clustering [6] Landauer, T. K., Foltz, P. W., & Laham, D.
result can be reached with using only the Introduction to Latent Semantic Analysis,
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carried out as follows:
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a. Let adi= ||pvk – cvi||; k=0, 1, 2, …, n be the
distance after the alignment.
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then eliminate cvji

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