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Online Recommendation System

Ankit Khera
San Jose State University

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Khera, Ankit, "Online Recommendation System" (2008). Master's Projects. 97.

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Online Recommendation System

A Master's Project

Presented to

The Faculty of Computer Science

San Jose State University

In Partial Fulfillment

Of the Requirements for the Degree

Master of Science


Ankit Kamalkishore Khera

Fall 2008

© 2008

Ankit Kamalkishore Khera




Dr. Chris Tseng


Dr. SoonTee Teoh


Dr. Anup Hosangadi




I would like to thank Dr. Tseng for helping, and guiding me

throughout the semester in my master’s project. I would also like to
thank Dr. Teoh, and Dr. Anup for being part of my committee and
supporting the concept.


Online Recommendation System

By Ankit Kamalkishore Khera

The vast amount of data available on the Internet has led to the

development of recommendation systems. This project proposes the use

of soft computing techniques to develop recommendation systems. It

addresses the limitations of current algorithms used to implement

recommendation systems, evaluation of experimental results, and

conclusion. This report provides a detailed summary of the project

“Online Recommendation System” as part of fulfillment of the Master's

Writing Project, Computer Science Department, San Jose State

University’s. The report includes a description of the topic, system

architecture, and provides a detailed description of the work done

till point. Included in the report are the detailed descriptions of

the work done: snapshots of the implementations, various approaches,

and tools used so far. The report also includes the project schedule

and deliverables.


1. Introduction .................................................... 8

2. Project Overview ............................................... 10

3. Recommendation Systems: ........................................ 13

3.1. Classification of Recommendation Systems ................... 13

3.2. Methodologies .............................................. 13

4. Implementation: ................................................ 22

4.1 System Screenshots .......................................... 22

4.2. Technical Specifications ................................... 31

4.3. Software Methodology ....................................... 31

4.4. Web Services ............................................... 32

4.5. Testing .................................................... 35

5. Advantages of the System ....................................... 36

6. Project Schedule/ Deliverables ................................. 37

7. Conclusion ..................................................... 39

References ........................................................ 40


Figure 1: System Architecture ..................................... 10

Figure 2: Taste architecture (Sean, 2008) ......................... 15

Figure 3: Vogoo implementation .................................... 15

Figure 4: Movie rating parameters ................................. 16

Figure 5: User/Movie ratings matrix(Pereira, 2006) ................ 16

Figure 6: User similarity matrix(Klir, 1988) ...................... 17

Figure 7: Similar users(Klir, 1988) ............................... 18

Figure 8: Pearson’s Correlation formula. .......................... 20

Figure 9: Cyclical methodology (Burback, 1998) .................... 31

1. Introduction

Web Discovery applications like Stumble Upon, Reddit, Digg, Dice

(Google Toolbar) Etc to name a few are becoming increasingly popular

on the World Wide Web. Information on the Internet grows rapidly and

users should be directed to high quality

Websites those are relevant to their personal interests. However,

there is no way to Judge these web pages. Displaying quality content

to users based on ratings or past Search results are not adequate.

There’s a lacking of powerful automated process combining human

opinions with machine learning of personal preference.

The goal of this project is to study recommendation engines and

identify the shortcomings of traditional recommendation engines and

to develop a web based recommendation engine by making use of user

based collaborative filtering (CF) engine and combining context based

results along with it. The system makes use of numerical ratings of

similar items between the active user and other users of the system

to assess the similarity between users’ profiles to predict

recommendations of unseen items to active user. The system makes use

of Pearson's correlation to evaluate the similarity between users.

The results show that the system rests in its assumption that active

users will always react constructively to items rated highly by

similar users, shortage of ratings of some items, adapt quickly to

change of user's interest, and identification of potential features

of an item which could be of interest to the user.

This project will focus on making use of context based approach in

addition to CF approach to recommend quality content to its users. It

would be exploiting available contextual information, analyzing and

summarizing user queries, and linking the metadata like tags and

feedback to a richer information model to recommend content. The

project also aims at using soft computing technologies to create an

automated process and develop an intelligent web application. The

System would benefit those users who have to scroll through pages of

results to find relevant content.

2. Project Overview

Web Browser

Safari/Firefox etc

Request for Response by server

recommendation by combines results of both
user, provides collaborative filtering
context information engine & context based
(Core engine)

Calculates similar User based Context based Uses context

users based on Collaborative Engine information,
numerical rating filtering engine Synonyms to find
using Pearson’s recommended
correlation items for users

Knowledge Base

MySql database / Amazon Web


Figure 1: System Architecture


1. User types in the URL for the system on a Web Browser.

2. User logs into the system using his `userid`.

3. The user chooses from amongst the type 2 different types of
recommendation systems available.

4. If the user chose ‘Collaborative Filtering’ option, the system

calculates similar users making use of engineering algorithms,

and then recommends items to the users based on the most similar


5. If the user chose ‘Context based Filtering’ option, the system

then makes use of the context information, and Synonym Finder to

make predictions.

6. The System provides the user with following functionalities:

1. Different Search Features to search items

1.1. Auto search complete: The System provides its users with

auto search box, which automatically pulls the books

matching the keywords typed, by the user. The auto

search feature is automatically activated after the user

has typed 3 characters. The feature also displays the

averages rating of the book besides it. Auto search

complete would display 10 results matching the users

keywords. If the user is unable to find the match

amongst the 10 results he/she can click on the ‘more’

link provided at the bottom of the results to view more

results matching their search.

1.2. The System also provides users with Advance search

benefits; users can search for books matching authors,

publisher, ISBN etc. Users can also view all the

available versions of a particular books released by the

author so far.

2. Rate Books: Users can rate the movies which they like/dislike by

providing numerical rating on a scale of one to ten. The system

also allows the users to tag their books, and provide feedback.

3. View/Edit past books: The system allows the users to view and edit

their past ratings, tags, and feedback.

3. Recommendation Systems:

Recommendation system is an information filtering technique,

which provides users with information, which he/she may be interested


3.1. Classification of Recommendation Systems

Most of the recommendation systems can be classified into either

User based collaborative filtering systems or Item based

collaborative filtering systems (Billsus, 1998). In user based

collaborative filtering a social network of users sharing same rating

patterns is created. Then the most similar user is selected and a

recommendation is provided to the user based on an item rated by most

similar user. In item based collaborative filtering relationship

between different items is established then making use of the active

user's data and the relationship between items a prediction is made

for the active user (Machine, 2008).

3.2. Methodologies

The proposed system makes use of Pearson’s correlation to

implement User based collaborative filtering, and context, Synonym

Finder to implement Context based filtering techniques to generate

recommendations for the active user.

Following are the methodologies used/researched so far:

 Alternative approaches using engineering algorithms:

 Taste: Taste is a flexible, fast collaborative filtering

engine for Java. It takes the users' preferences for items

and The engine takes users' preferences for items ("tastes")

and recommends other similar items (Sean, 2008).

Figure 2: Taste architecture (Sean, 2008)

1. Vogoo: Vogoo is a php based collaborative filtering and

recommendation library. It recommends items to users, which

matches their tastes. It calculates similarities between

users and creates communities based on them. The figure below

shows the results of using vogoo to generate similar taste

sharing users and recommendations made my the most similar

users (Droux, 2008).

Figure 3: Vogoo implementation

 Fuzzy Logic: Here I tried to make use of fuzzy logic to

calculate similar users. We use a hybrid approach (Christakou,

2005) and accept inputs from the users in three forms:

 Numeric rating between 0.0 – 1.0

 Three rating for context between 0.0 – 1.0

 Tags (free tagging)

Rating 0.3 0.0 1.0


0.0 1.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 1.0

(Story) (Funny) (Different)

Tag Kid's
s Movie
Figure 4: Movie rating parameters

In order to calculate similar users for the active user we first

reduce the three ratings for any movie to a single movie rating

between zero and one, after that we generate a user/movie

matrix(Pereira, 2006) as shown in the following fig

m1 m2 m3 m4

users b


Figure 5: User/Movie ratings matrix(Pereira, 2006)

Once the (user/movie rating) matrix is generated we apply fuzzy

logic to it and generate a user similarity matrix as shown in

the figure:



Figure 6: User similarity matrix(Klir, 1988)

The above figure shows the user similarity matrix in which the

ratings between different users are listed. Now in order to

calculate similar users we define to be a partition set where,

α>0 for example let α ={0.4,0.5,0.8,0.9,1.0}. Now for every

value of α we will get a similar user group satisfying the

condition example: (ab=0.8) > (α=0.4) so user 'a' and user 'b'

are related(Klir, 1988). This is shown in the figure below:

Figure 7: Similar users(Klir, 1988)

Following is the currently used approach:

User Request: - User makes a request for recommendation by

clicking on the recommendation menu. User is asked to provide

contextual information.

Server: - The information provided by the user is send to the

server. The server is composed on 2 sub engines: user based

collaborative filtering engine, and context based engine. The

server sends users request to both the sub engines.

User based collaborative filtering engine: - calculates similar

users based on the numerical ratings of common items rated by

the active users and other users of the system. The system

achieves this by making user of the Pearson’s correlation.

• Pearson’s Correlation: is a way to find out similar users.

The correlation is a way to represent data sets on graph.

Pearson’s correlation is x-y axis graph where we have a

straight line known as the best fit as it comes as close to

all the items on the chart as possible. If two users rated

the books identically then this would result as a straight

line (diagonal) and would pass through every books rated by

the users. The resultant score is this case is 1. The more

the users disagree from each other the lower their

similarity score would be from 1. Pearson’s Correlation

helps correct grade inflation. Suppose a user ‘A’ tends to

give high scores than user ‘B’ but both tend to like the

book they rated. The correlation could still give perfect

score if the differences between their scores are



The algorithm first finds all the common books rated by

user ‘A’ and user ‘B’. It then finds out the sums and sum

of the squares of the ratings for both the users. It then

finds the sum of the products of their ratings. These

scores are then used to find out Pearson’s correlation.

Figure 8: Pearson’s Correlation formula.

Context Engine: - was initiated with an item based collaborative

filtering approach example: Amazon related books etc. The item

based collaborative filtering approach was build using Pearson’s

correlation, but instead of calculating similarity between users

here we calculated similarity between items. The results were

good but it did not meet the goals set for the context-based

engine initially. The system did not give good results due to

lack of ratings, the system did not fill up the deficiencies of

the CF based engine, the system did not do justice to the word

‘related’ items, because of all these reasons the below approach

was followed. This engine makes use of contextual information

provided by the user, synonyms, meta data about the products to

find recommended items.

• The system first asks the user to provide context

information example: author, publisher, and ISBN, and tags.

The system does not expect the user to provide the complete

author, ISBN; publisher name example ‘oxf’ could be typed

in as part of publisher name. The system then asks the user

to type any free keywords. Once the user clicks the submit

button. The information is first fed into the query engine,

which makes use of the context information to narrow down

the search results. The free keywords are fed to the

Synonym Finder engine, which makes use of screen scraping

techniques to find different senses of the entered

keywords. This is done to find out the correct sense of the

keyword used. All the results of the query parser (books)

and Synonym Finder (senses) are then shown to the user. The

user is then expected to see the results and if he/she is

not yet satisfied, they can click on the ‘refine’ button,

as soon as the refine button is clicked the results the

Synonym Finder i.e. different senses are fed to the query

parser. Simultaneously a web service call is made to the

Amazon Web Services to capture the editorial reviews of the

books shown to the user earlier. Once this is done. The

parser searches for these senses in the editorial reviews,

if a match is found then the results (books) are shown in

that category. The advantage of using this approach is that

it helps to cover the disadvantages of the User based

collaborative filtering engine like lack of user ratings,

false ratings etc and deliver accurate predictions to the


4. Implementation:

4.1 System Screenshots

1) Home Screen

This is how the home screen for the online recommendation system

looks like. To begin recommendation process the user first has to

enter the ‘userID’. We can see this in the above figure were User

‘23446’ has just logged. The session for this user has to remain

active through out the recommendation process in order for the system

to make recommendations.

2) Books Search

The above figure shows the implementation of the auto search feature

as described above, the figure displays 10 books with their average

ratings along side matching the keyword ‘ame’ entered by the active

user. If the match is not seen the more link can be clicked to see

other matching results.

3) `More` Keyword

The above figure shows the results of top books matching the keyword

‘ame’ when the more link is clicked.

4) Results Books Search

The above figure shows the details of the book like isbn, title,

author, year of publication, publisher, rating, tag, feedback,

and description [not visible in snapshot due to lack of space]

etc. The user can rate the new book or update his current

ratings here.

5) Advance Search Books (publisher): -

6) Advance Search Books (publisher) results: -

This feature provides the user with advance search capabilities.

The user can search under categories author, ISBN, publisher. The

above figure displays the books found on category ‘publisher’

matching keyword ‘oxford’

7) Recommendation

The above figure shows the initial screen shown to the user where

the context information is gathered from the user. The active user

chooses the tag, selects the parent context category, enters

keyword to be searched under the parent context category and

finally enters the free keywords, which he/she might be of

interested in.

8) Collaborative filtering, recommendation results

The above figure shows the collaborative filtering

engines results. It displays the user id of the similar

users, similarity score, books in common, and predictions

by them for active user.

9) Context filtering, recommendation results

The above figure shows the first set of results shown to the users

matching the context information provided by the user. Here

different senses of the free keywords entered by the user are

shown to the user to further refine the recommendation results.

10) Context filtering, recommendation results

In the figure below final results of the context based engine are

displayed to the user.

4.2. Technical Specifications

Content Management System: Drupal 6.6

Languages: PHP 5, Ajax, JavaScript

Database: MySql 5.x

Server: Apache 2.x.x

Datasets: MovieLens Data set, Book-Crossing Data set

Screen scrapping websites:

4.3. Software Methodology

Figure 9: Cyclical methodology (Burback, 1998)

Cyclical methodology is being used for implementation. The system is

been generated in an incremental approach by following the various

phases shown in the diagram above.

4.4. Web Services

Amazon Web Services

The system makes use of the Amazon Rest (representational state

transfer) web service ecs4.0 to fetch metadata about the book.

Yahoo Web Search Services

Allows the user to tap into the Yahoo! Search technologies from

other applications. Related Suggestion/ Term extraction returns

suggested queries to extend the power of a submitted query, providing

variations on a theme to help you dig deeper. I tried to make use of

yahoo web service in order to get related/main keywords, so that

these keywords could be used to search the free tags entered by

users. This would help to improve the results of context based engine

and in turn would help to provide better recommendations. (Later this

approach was dropped and replaced with Screen Scrapping technique

discussed after this).

Snapshots of Implementation of Yahoo Related Suggestion

1) The php script accepts the keyword 'Madonna' and queries that
keyword to Yahoo Web Service, which returns the results of the

query as related suggestion keyword.

Screen Scrapping

I decided to screen scrap related words based on the tags entered by

the user. This would help the system to find output-improved results.

Snapshots of Implementation of Screen Scrapping Technique

The website from which data is scrapped:

2) The purpose of this php script is to screen scrap synonyms from
a website and use it for recommendations. The script captures

the first keyword (synonym) in each sense amongst the number of

keywords in each sense.

3) Result

4.5. Testing

The system has been tested by keeping a small set of data from the

BX-Crossing dataset aside and then monitor whether the system is able

to make correct predictions matching the results available in the set

aside database. The system was also tested to see whether the results

of context-based engine would match some of the items resulting from

the Amazon related books web service which served as a benchmark,

besides this engine was tested to see if it gave satisfactory results

in scenarios were collaborative filtering engine failed due to less


5. Advantages of the System

1) The System would benefit those users who have to use search
engines to locate relevant content. They have to scroll through

pages of results to find relevant content.

2) Rather than searching for quality web pages, the users of this
system would be directly taken to quality web pages matching

their personal interests and preferences.

3) The system would deliver quality web pages as it is not just

dependent on the rating given by other users which could be

deceiving at times.

6. Project Schedule/ Deliverables


Date Work Description

Week 1-4 System - Architecture and

workflow design.

Week 5-13 Implementation of the Online



a) Developing an algorithm to add

items and their

descriptions to the system

ontology/Taxonomy, extracting

features, and maintaining

distance scores

between items.

b) Developing an algorithm to for

extracting important keyword,

from user queries and feedback.

c) Developing an algorithm to

make use of the

Keywords while recommending.

d) Integrating/Implementing the

system with user based

Collaborative-filtering engine

findings in cs297

Week 13-14 Analysis and optimization of

planned system.

Week 15 Preparing for project defense

Week 16 Project defense


1. A web-based application in which the users may obtain recommended

content related to their preferences and interests.

2. CS 298 Final Report

7. Conclusion

In this semester a recommendation system has been implemented

based on hybrid approach of collaborative filtering engine and

context based engine. The system can be highly improved by making use

of caching mechanisms, user clustering which will definitely boost

the speed of the system, using yahoo term extraction web service to

parse and get important keywords from the feeback provided by the

user for an item and utilizing these keywords in context based

engine. Further enhancements include storing users past history of

results, contexts for future predictions.


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