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Israele Opdi Offshore Pipeline PDF

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State of Israel

Ministry of Energy and Water

Natural Gas Authority

Offshore Pipeline Directive Israel (OPDI)

Prepared for
Natural Gas Authority
Qiryat Hamada 6
POB 45140
Jerusalem 90451

Prepared by
Parsons Brinckerhoff
Beit Bareket 1
Airport City
POB 1032
Airport City 70100

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Table of Content
Table Of Content.............................................................................................................................. 3

Abbreviation List ............................................................................................................................. 5

SECTION 1.0 INTRODUCTION................................................................................................... 6

SECTION 2.0 DEFINITIONS and INSTRUCTIONS ................................................................. 10

2.1 Field Development Plan ..................................................................................................... 11
2.2 Planning .............................................................................................................................. 12
2.3 Route survey ....................................................................................................................... 13
2.4 Environmental data ............................................................................................................. 14
2.5 Operating conditions and philosophy ................................................................................. 14
2.6 Basis for Design.................................................................................................................. 15
2.7 Detailed Design .................................................................................................................. 16
2.8 Material Specification......................................................................................................... 18
2.9 Welding and NDT Procedure for Girth Welds ................................................................... 21
2.10 Installation Plan .................................................................................................................. 23
2.11 Testing and Commissioning ............................................................................................... 24
2.12 Health Safety and Environment Plan.................................................................................. 26
2.13 QA/QC System Quality Assurance and Control Plan ........................................................ 31
2.14 Provision of As Built Documentation................................................................................. 32
2.15 Inspection and Maintenance Program ................................................................................ 33
2.16 Emergency Response Manual ............................................................................................ 34
2.17 Operating Manual ............................................................................................................... 35

SECTION 3 COMMUNICATIONS AND REPORTING PROTOCOL ................................... 37

3.1 General ............................................................................................................................... 38
3.2 Field Development Plan ..................................................................................................... 38
3.3 Basis for Design.................................................................................................................. 38
3.4 Detailed Design .................................................................................................................. 39
3.5 Manufacturing Specification (Line pipe, appurtenances, fabrication)
and Quality Plan ................................................................................................................ 39
3.6 Welding and NDT procedure for girth welds ..................................................................... 39
3.7 Installation Plan .................................................................................................................. 40
3.8 Testing and Commissioning Plan ....................................................................................... 40
3.8 Health Safety and Environment Plan.................................................................................. 40
3.9 QA/QC Plan........................................................................................................................ 41
3.10 As Built Document ............................................................................................................. 41
3.11 Inspection and Maintenance Plan ....................................................................................... 41
3.12 Emergency Response Manual ............................................................................................ 42
3.13 Operating Manual (OPM) ................................................................................................... 42

SECTION 4 APPLICATION FOR PERMITS .......................................................................... 43

4.1 General ............................................................................................................................... 44

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4.2 Installation Permit ............................................................................................................... 44

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Operations Permit ............................................................................................................. 45


REFERENCES ................................................................................................................. 48

Minimum Design Requirements ....................................................................................... 52

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Abbreviation List

ABD - As Built Documentation

ALARP - As Low As Reasonably Possible
AUT - Automatic Ultra Sonic Testing
BFD - Basis For Design
CA - Certifying Authority
DD - Detailed Design
EMP - Environmental Management Plan
ERM - Emergency Response Manual
FDP - Field Development Plan
HAZID - Hazard Identification Study
HAZOP - Hazard & Operability
HSE - Health, Safety & Environment
I&M - Inspection & Maintenance
IP - Installation Plan
MS - Material Specification
NDT - None Destructive Testing
OPDI - Offshore Pipeline Directive Israel
OPM - Operating Manual
QA/QC - Quality Assurance / Quality Control
QP - Quality Plan
ROV - Remote Operated Vehicle
SMS - Safety Management System
T&C - Testing & Commissioning
T&MM - Training & Material Maintenance
TAMA - Partial National Outline Plan for Natural Gas NOP 37

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1.1 This document shall be known as the Offshore Pipeline Directive Israel,
hereinafter entitled the OPDI.

1.2 The OPDI shall be supplementary to the Partial National Outline Plan for Natural
Gas NOP 37/A/2 (TAMA) December 2002, the Natural Gas Law, Safety Decree
and other relevant sea Tama’s, and shall be read in conjunction with them.

1.3 The TAMA shall be in place and sanctioned independent of the OPDI.
The OPDI provides more detailed specification of some of the requested
information, necessary to obtain NGA approval for the installation and
operation of an offshore high pressure natural gas pipeline.

1.4 In case of conflict, the Partial National Outline Plan for Natural Gas NOP 37/A/2
(TAMA) shall govern over the OPDI.

1.5 The general objective of the OPDI is to present instructions and guidelines
required by the Natural Gas Authority (NGA) upon the Owner (i.e INGL) of an
offshore high-pressure natural gas pipeline, with the intention of assisting the
applicant obtaining required necessary permits.

1.6 The OPDI is applicable to the planning, designing, manufacturing, constructing,

operating and maintaining of offshore high pressure natural gas pipelines and
does not address permitting nor making any reference to offshore exploration,
offshore gas extraction and production platforms, onshore pipelines and liquid
filled pipelines.

1.7 Owner shall be in full compliance with the OPDI. When in full compliance with
the requirements of the OPDI and all other specific requirements made by the
NGA, the NGA will submit written confirmation of compliance to the required
regional Planning
1.8 Once written confirmation, has been submitted by the NGA to the
Regional Planning Authorities, the owner may continue to apply for a
building permit (Heter Bniya).

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1.9 Owner’s compliance with the OPDI shall be verified with the NGA
through the communications and reporting protocol as defined in
Section 4.

1.10 Owner shall bare all costs associated with Owner’s compliance with the OPDI
and application for permits. The NGA shall not bear any commercial or other
responsibility related to Owner’s successful or unsuccessful compliance with the
OPDI and application for permits.

1.11 The NGA shall be the custodian of the OPDI. The Owner shall be obliged to
obtain the latest version of the OPDI inclusive of all its supplements, addendum,
etc., from the NGA

1.12 The purpose of the OPDI is to create conditions for the safe and efficient
development and use of an offshore high-pressure gas pipeline system in
accordance with Israeli governmental law and policy.

1.13 The OPDI further assures equal conditions for development of offshore pipelines
in the private sector by applying the same standard to all private developers.

1.14 Before Owner can install and subsequently operate an offshore high- pressure
gas pipeline system, Owner shall apply for a permit and such permit shall have
been granted before commencement of any installation related activity. The
OPDI provides guidelines and instructions for Owner to follow in his application
procedure for an installation and operating permit.

1.15 Exemptions to the OPDI may be granted by the NGA only upon written
request by Owner and subject to agreed restrictions and conditions. Such agreed
exemption shall carry NGA signature. Exemptions to the OPDI shall be considered on a
case-by-case basis and a given exemption can be withdrawn if:

> the data furnished by Owner to obtain it appear to be incorrect or incomplete to the
extent that the exemption would not have been granted if the actual data had been
known at the time the decision was made.

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> the circumstances on the basis of which it was granted have changed to the
extent that the exemption would not have been granted if the altered
circumstances had existed at the time the decision was made.
> It cannot be maintained in case a safety hazard develops out of it.
> It appears that one or more conditions, under which it was granted, are not
complied with.

For the purpose of this OPDI and the instructions ensuing here from, the
following definitions will have the "following meanings”:
2.1 Field Development Plan
The Field Development Plan shall make reference to the TAMA, Section A2,
Plan documents, section B13, Land designation and limitations for the marine
transportation system, and shall provide more detailed information
complementary to the requested information therein.

The FDP shall comprise a detailed plan of the proposed offshore high-
pressure gas pipeline including but not limited to:

Its routing in WGS 84 (latitude/longitude) and Old Israel Grid co-ordinates,

drawn onto maps of a scale 1: 5.000, providing details such as:
> Pipeline length, horizontal curvature
> bathymetric profile
> seabed configuration and soil data over an area of 100 meters either side
the proposed pipeline centre line
> proximity to seabed faults, troughs, unstable slopes and the like
> proximity to any seabed based facilities and obstructions,
> the proximity to port entrances, shipping lanes and vessel anchorage areas
and the like,
> basic pipe data such as the nominal diameter,
> location and type of appurtenances such as Tee connections, valve
(stations), flanged connections and the like,
> pipeline burial depth and soil cover,
> type of shore approach and landfall

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> details on cable and pipeline crossings,
> any other data along the proposed route bearing significance

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As an essential part of the preparation of an FDP, the Owner shall prepare a

detailed schedule providing data on all aspects of the planned pipeline
development including but not limited to design, procurement, manufacturing,
fabrication, installation, testing and commissioning aspects. These data shall

> description of all key activities in logical sequence

> early and late start of these activities
> early and late completion of these activities

> scheduled or available float in all activities

> interfaces with third parties.

> milestones

> target dates for getting permits

> contingencies and mitigation measures in case of conflicts

This planning shall be accompanied by a revision track record, providing

information, background of schedule changes and mitigation measures
incase schedule changes might create conflicts.

2.2.1 Millstones
Based on the approved detailed schedule the NGA will determine milestones for

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2.3Route survey

witnessing and hold for NGA inspectors.

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2.3Route survey

To support the FDP, Owner shall conduct a detailed route survey of the
proposed pipeline routing, 100-meter either side of the theoretical centerline of
the pipeline, which shall provide following data along the route:

> Water depth (bathymetry) along the route

> Side-scan sonar records of the seabed surface, undulations,
obstructions, etc
> Sub-bottom geotechnical data using drop core and vibro-coring
> Location, co-ordinates and burial condition of existing facilities such as
pipelines, wellheads, cables, to be crossed or to be passed close-by,
shipwrecks, anchors of buoys, etc.
> Details of the landfall area

The data obtained from this survey shall be evaluated and utilized in the decision
making regarding optimization of the proposed pipeline route and be taken into
consideration for the pipeline design. Owner shall further attempt to obtain
historical data of the seabed area along the pipeline route with the objective of
being able to make judgment on long-term seabed behavior.
Owner shall obtain following 1-year and 100-year statistical environmental
data along the proposed pipeline routing:

> Wave height, period, directions.

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> Current strength and directions
> Wind strength and direction
> Seawater temperature
> Tidal differences

This data shall be utilized in the decision taking regarding optimization of the
proposed pipeline route and be taken into consideration for the pipeline
The 1-year statistical data is to be applied for installation related design
engineering while the 100-year statistical data is to be applied for the pipeline
operational case.

2.5 Operating conditions and philosophy

Owner shall establish the operating conditions and philosophy for the
proposed pipeline. The expected gas composition and input temperature and
pressure drive these operating conditions. For the FDP the following data shall
be established:

> Gas composition.

> Operating temperature (input)
> Operating pressure (input)

The raw data, obtained from exploration drilling, shall be evaluated and
utilized in the decision taking regarding optimization of the proposed
pipeline design and operating facilities. The operating facilities and operating
philosophy determine the final composition, temperature and pressure of the
gas entering the pipeline system

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2.6 Basis for Design

The Basis for Design shall make reference to the TAMA, section C, Conditions
for a permit for the construction of the transportation system, and shall provide
more detailed information complementary to the requested information therein.

The BFD shall provide a complete and comprehensive summary of all design
related data and criteria applicable to the proposed offshore high pressure gas
pipeline such as:

> Reference to lawful design codes, guidelines, technical specifications and

all addenda to these (1)
> Relevant engineering decisions, their rationality, choice of design
related parameters and any other variables having impact on the
> Software used for design and analyses and its validation by an
Independent Third Party.
> Decisive design factors derived from the route survey, environmental,
corrosion and protection philosophy, specific operating criteria, required
lifetime for the pipeline, etc.
2.7 Detailed Design

The owner shall execute a detailed design, computer analyses and the like
for the proposed pipeline, along the proposed route. This detailed design
shall be conducted using the approved BFD.
The detailed design shall firmly establish the following pipeline parameters and
installation and operating criteria and limitations:

> Outside diameter

> Wall thickness

1 The BFD shall provide specific details about project specific design factors,
waivers and deviations to the code, etc., all to be agreed between Owner and
code holder and such agreement shall be in writing and signed by both parties.

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> Material grade (composition)
> Corrosion protection measures. (corrosion coating, CP, impressed current)
> Stability measures (weight coating, burial, backfill)
> Protection measures (burial, backfill, rock dump, mattresses)
> Installation criteria and limitations i.e. allowable stress level and stress
control during all phases of the pipeline installation activities (during
installation from a lay barge, lifting pipe spanning, testing and
commissioning, etc.)
> Operating criteria and limitations such as gas flow, operating pressure,
surge pressure, minimum and maximum throughput
> System layout inclusive protection system against over pressurization.

Further, as part of the detailed design, Owner shall execute a risk analysis this
risk analysis shall assess the probability of damage to the pipeline as a result of
accidental external forces.

A qualitative assessment of the risk of failure of a proposed offshore high-

pressure gas pipeline shall as a minimum take into account:

> accidental external loading as the result from any marine activity such as
shipping and fishing activities,
> environmental hazards such as slope instability, seismic activity, severe storm
conditions, seabed scouring and liquefaction potential.
> internal and external corrosion,
> operational hazards.

Threshold values for criteria to be met are:

For accidental external loading:

Expected frequency of pipeline damage due to marine activity, resulting in a leak shall be
less than 1.0 x 10 E-6 per kilometer pipeline per year.

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Environmental hazards.
Appropriate routing of the pipeline shall eliminate these. For unpredictable or
unquantifiable hazards related to the environment, shall be assessed on a case by case

Internal and external corrosion.

Appropriate inspection of the pipeline shall eliminate unexpected failure.
Operational hazards.
Appropriate operating of the pipeline shall eliminate these. The pipeline shall be
protected against operating mistakes through the use of instruments, warning
system and mechanical protection means.

2.8 Material Specification

2.8.1 Pre-qualification

The Owner shall obtain all pipeline materials from reputable suppliers with
proven track record. Owner shall establish acceptance criteria associated with
suppliers and demonstrate that these are met through conducting a pre-
qualification process.

2.8.2 Lawful code

Line pipe and pipeline appurtenances shall be specified in compliance with

lawful codes and NGA approved specification. Before commencement of any
manufacturing, fabricating or procurement, the NGA and Owner shall have
agreement on the material specification, the manufacturing process and the
QA/QC plan in place to assure compliance of the materials with the
specification and codes in place.

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2.8.3 Certificates
Each completed pipe joint shall have its own unique manufacturing, inspection and test
certificate which shall be presented to the NGA or its appointed representative for final
acceptance of the joint. The independent third party shall accept the definitive material
certificate by signing off the original documents.

2.8.4 Traceability

Each pipe joint shall have a fully traceable history inclusive its base plate certificate and all
steps of its manufacturing process and acceptance testing.

The Material Specification shall as a minimum provide details for the manufacturing method,
limitations, acceptance and rejection criteria, inspection method and the material traceability
method, of the following line pipe related elements:
> Bare Line pipe
> Line pipe corrosion coating
> Line pipe weight coating and/or protection coating
> Anodes
> Line pipe bends
> Flanges, Tees, any other appurtenances

As a minimum, the following data shall be verified:

> Chemical composition of base materials.

Chemical composition shall be in compliance with chosen material grade.
> Mechanical properties of base materials
Tensile testing (longitudinal and traverse), fracture toughness and hardness
(Charpy V, CTOD), lamination detection, etc.
> Mechanical properties of all welds inclusive HAZ

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As above.
> Mechanical properties after bending, forging, heat treatment, forming of base
As above.
> Corrosion sensitivity of end product. Accelerated corrosion testing of weld, HAZ and
base material sample
> Dimensions
Measurements of wall thickness, pipe straightness, pipe body ovality, pipe end ovality.

Owner shall provide the NGA the inspection and testing program and procedures, proposed
to verify that chemical and mechanical properties are met, frequency of testing not limited to
destructive and non-destructive testing method, testing equipment, etc, verification,
acceptance and reject criteria, etc.

The manufacturing process shall be monitored through a pre-agreed test and inspection
plan, which shall be conducted by qualified inspectors. Owner shall provide the NGA with
pre-qualification, selection criteria and CV’s of the proposed inspectors. The NGA requires
the inspectors to operate under the umbrella of an independent Certifying Body such as
Lloyds, DNV, Stoomwezen or any party to be acceptable to the NGA.
For already made, off the shelf materials, Owner shall supply evidence of
authenticity of base material, manufacturing specification with reference to lawful
codes, test and inspection and acceptance certification, signed by independent
Certifying Body such as Lloyds, DNV, Stoomwezen or any party to be
acceptable to the NGA.

The NGA reserves the right to review the line pipe material manufacturing
specification, test and inspection plan, QA/QC plan, etc and to request for
changes and/or amendments, before pipe manufacturing and procurement of
appurtenances is being initiated.

During any phase of the manufacturing process, Owner shall give the NGA
ample warning (minimum 2 weeks) for the NGA to witness agreed hold points.
The owner will maintain an updated schedule on outlined in Section 2.2 of the

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2.9 Welding and NDT Procedure for Girth Welds

Owner shall develop, test and implement approved welding and NDT procedures
for all of the welding of the offshore pipeline in obedience of the lawful codes i.e.
the requirements of NEN 3650, NEN 3653, BS 4515 and EN 12732:2000,
augmented with the additional requirements to be detailed in a project specific

An independent Certifying Body such as Lloyds, DNV, Stoomwezen or any party

to be acceptable to the NGA shall verify compliance with the codes for all
phases of the weld procedure development inclusive its mechanical and
chemical testing. The NGA or its representative shall have the right to witness
the welding process procedure.

Owner shall apply a strict material traceability record of all base material, weld
consumables and test coupons identification and verification procedures.
Similarly Owner shall apply strict recording of the applied
welding parameters. The approved welding procedure shall have been signed of by
independent Certifying Body such as Lloyds, DNV, Stoomwezen or any party to be
acceptable to the NGA, and supplied to the NGA for review.

Each welder or welding machine operator shall be qualified in accordance with NEN 3650
Annex D2 prior to the start of production welding by making a test weld using the qualified
welding procedure whereas Owner shall assure that only qualified welders and welding
operators are employed during the welding of the offshore high pressure gas pipeline.

Production welding shall not commence until the qualified welding procedures, qualified
welders and qualified inspection personnel lists have been reviewed and supplied to the
NGA and satisfy the inspection requirements of the independent third party.

The NGA requires that all pipeline welds (100%) shall be non-destructively examined (NDT)
by AUT in accordance with NEN 3650 Annex D6 and agreed addendum.

NDT shall be carried out to written procedures, which shall be submitted to the NGA or its

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representative prior to the commencement of the work and to be reviewed and accepted by
independent third party certifying body.

Owner shall submit detailed procedure and technique sheets for ultrasonic examination
signed off by dependant Certifying Body such as Lloyde, DNV, Stoomwezen or any party to
be accepted to the NGA for approval prior to the start of production.

Mechanical Ultrasonic Inspection of Girth Welds shall be based on using Pulse Echo and
Time of Flight Diffraction technique. Time of flight diffraction shall be added to improve
interpretation of ultrasonic pulse- echo responses and accurate sizing in through-thickness
The complete ultrasonic system shall be qualified by means of calibration, which
shall be witnessed and approved by an independent Certifying Body such as
Lloyds, DNV, Stoomwezen. Owner shall allow sufficient time for such
qualification and all parties concerned shall agree a suitable time schedule. The
NDT equipment and procedure(s) shall be qualified by calibration and technical
justification when available as described in NEN 3653:2003 Sections 7, 8, 9 and
10. The use of "blind and open” trials shall be applied.

Should an automatic ultrasonic system (AUT) be proposed and found to be

acceptable to NGA, the operator responsible for the final interpretation and
sentencing of the welds shall, besides being in possession of a EN 473 level 2
ultrasonic qualification, prove to owner that he has sufficient knowledge and
experience of lay barge interpretation and welding technology in order to be able
to identify weld defects inherent to the welding system(s) operating on the pipe
laying vessel.

2.10 Installation Plan

The Owner shall be responsible to supply the NGA with a detailed Installation
Plan (IP). This IP shall be assessed by the NGA on its safety aspects through a
formal and systematic review of the installation plan with the objective of hazard
identification and execution concerns. The IP shall provide full details of the

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pipeline installation aspects with emphasise on management of personnel safety
and pipeline integrity control during all phases of the installation. Procedures
shall be developed for all specific installation aspects such as the pipe laying,
pipe burial, diving works, pressure testing, etc. The procedures shall noticeably
address how human safety and pipeline integrity are managed through all steps
of the installation, how this is monitored and judged.
2.11.1 Testing

Owner shall conduct and successfully complete a pipeline test before taking the
pipeline into service. The testing shall only be initiated after all construction
activities inclusive any remedial work, have been successfully completed and
the pipeline body, as a whole, shall no longer be subjected to any loading,
displacements, other than those for normal operating. The testing program
comprise three steps:

> Conclusive confirmation that the pipeline has been installed onto the seabed
without any form of buckling and without any dents, i.e. confirmation that the
pipeline has not suffered any structural damage through measuring its
Internal Diameter (ID) over its full length, inclusive tie-in spools and risers.
This test is normally executed by pigging the line with a gauge plate. Size of
gauge plate shall be agreed by the NGA.

> Pressure testing of the complete pipeline system, riser-top-to-riser-top, to a

pressure beyond the maximum operating pressure to confirm structural
strength of the pipeline body. This strength test is normally executed by
flooding the pipeline with filtered water, and subsequent pressurization of the
water to strength test pressure for short duration (1-4 hours).

> Pressure testing of the complete pipeline system, riser-top-to-riser-top, to a

pressure beyond the maximum operating pressure to confirm leak tightness
of the pipeline body. This leak test is normally executed in continuation with
the strength test whereby the leak test pressure is lower than the strength

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pressure. The duration of this test is a minimum of 24 hours.
Owner shall develop and present to the NGA a pipe line test specification,
which shall include for Owners method to execute the above three tests. This
specification shall, as a minimum, incorporate the requirements stipulated in
the NEN 3650 but the NGA reserves the right to review the test specification
and to request for changes and/or amendments, before pipe testing begins.

The agreed Test Specification shall be accepted by the independent third party
certifying body and shall contain as a minimum the following key criteria:

> Testing criteria to meet inclusive settings, allowable margins

> Test reject criteria,
> Remedial action in case any of the three test fails
> NGA hold and witness points.

As a minimum the NGA shall witness insertion and extraction of the gauge
plate. The NGA shall accept or reject the result of the gauge plate run.
The NGA shall have the right to witness all of the pressure testing inclusive
calibration and setting of all of the equipment and monitoring devices. The
NGA shall accept or reject the pressure testing results

2.11.2 Commissioning

Owner shall prepare a commissioning plan. This plan shall address the
measures taken prior to taking the pipeline into operation. The commissioning
plan shall specifically address the safety aspect of introducing first gas into the

The use of an inert buffer between the first introduction of natural gas and the
air -filled pipeline is mandatory and the NGA shall specifically approve Owner’s

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proposed first gas introduction procedure.

The use of natural gas to de-water a pipeline shall be prohibited.

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General safety

and Environment
and care of thePlan
Environment is of prime importance to the NGA.
Owner shall be committed to maintain a safe, healthy and injury free workplace
2.12.1 for its employees and any person working on behalf of the Owner. Further
more, Owner shall be committed to avoid damage to the environment.

Adherence to agreed procedures, work-plan, operating philosophy, etc., of all

personnel is fundamental to ensuring safe and efficient working conditions. It
should be stressed that the responsibility for Health, Safety and care for the
Environment is the responsibility of the owner and shall be an integral part of
and, is inseparable from all daily operations.

2.12.2 Owner’s HSE objective shall be to:

> Provide effective safety systems and plans for managing HSE in all his
operations to ensure those risks are assessed and reduced to level. As Low
As Reasonably Possible (ALARP).

> properly inspect and maintain all equipment and tools

> Promote safety awareness, near miss reporting and a healthy, responsible
attitude amongst all personnel.

> Ensure effective emergency response arrangements, backed-up with

trained and exercised personnel.

> Establish and maintain clear written standards and procedures to control
the risk to HSE and ensure these are adhered to

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> Ensure that all personnel involved, either staff or subcontractors, are
competent and able to perform their tasks safely.

> Ensure prompt investigation of incidents and that adequate corrective

actions are taken.

> Promote joint consultation and lateral learning for all personnel

> Provide sufficient resources for HSE advisory and audit services to assist
management to meet set HSE policy objectives.

> Co-operate with statutory and professional bodies to promote workable,

practical standards and improve codes of practice and legislation in relation
to HSE matters.

2.12.3 Training and Material Maintenance

The NGA requires that all work under supervision of the Owner shall be carried
out with due observance of all legal requirements to achieve the required
statutory standards for Health, Safety and Environment.

Owner shall ensure that for all parties, personnel, contractors, working on
behalf of Owner, are fully familiar with and will adhere to statutory health, safety
and environmental standards and regulations. Owner shall present the NGA his
HSE plan in a document hereinafter referred to as the HSE- plan. The HSE-
Plan shall include for regular audits, inspections, HAZIDs and HAZOPs. The
NGA reserves the right to witness audits, inspections, HAZOPs, HAZIDs and if
considered required, the NGA request for changes and/or amendments of the
plans prior to implementation.

2.12.4 Safety Management System

Owner shall develop and implement a safety management system (SMS).

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The SMS is defined as follows:
The SMS is a systematic approach to safety and health aspects in the
execution of offshore pipeline installation operations.
The approach must be laid down in a formal description in which it must be
demonstrated that the work is organized in such a way that it can be executed

The SMS relates to all phases and combination of phases involved in offshore
pipeline installation operations.

The SMS must in general contain:

> Objectives relating to safety and heath.

> The way it is intended to accomplish these objectives.
> The standards applicable to accomplish these objectives.
> The way in which observance of these standards will be monitored.

The description of the SMS should satisfy the principles of quality management
as formulated in the ISO-9000 series and should contain, as a minimum, the
following elements:

> Safety policy and control.

> Establishment of safety management evaluation criteria.
> Design, safety margins, review, applicable codes.
> Operations, HAZOPs, compliance with statutory regulations and industry
standards, environmental limitations,
> Personnel, required training standards, required courses, job selection
> Supervision, required experience, job analysis, risk identification, incident
and near miss reporting, accident and incident investigation
> Emergency planning and drills

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2.12.5 Items to be addressed:

Disposal of chemicals used for the commissioning and conservation of pipelines

such as dye, corrosion inhibitors, oxygen scavengers, biocides, etc.

Any limitations to exposure to the environment of chemicals, i.e. zinc anodes.

For each pipeline installation a HSE plan shall be developed. This plan needs to
address all measures taken to support safe and healthy working conditions for
all personnel involved and all measures taken to avoid pollution of the
environment. The HSE shall include safety training of personnel, health and
safety measures related to personnel transport to and from the offshore
installation sites, health and safety training and standards applied for hazardous
work such as diving.
The HSE plan shall provide details of and schedule for safety audits.

2.12.6 Environmental Responsibility

An Environmental Management Plan shall be prepared by the Owner. The EMP

shall address the effects of pipeline materials, anodes, and coating on its
environment. No planned pipeline emissions into the sea are authorised. With
respect to cleaning and testing of the pipeline using inhibited water, the used
chemicals shall be of a biodegradable nature. The EMP will specify all areas of
possible impacts due to the construction of the pipeline and all proposed
mitigation measures.

2.12.7 Diving related safety

It is the owners responsibility to ensure that any use of divers, diving

techniques, diving equipment or other installations for carrying out operations
by human beings under water or under pressure for the purpose of sub-marine
pipeline installations meet independent third party

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verification criteria and acceptance. It is the NGA’s perception that diving
techniques shall only be considered if the work that these divers have to do
cannot practically be executed by Remote Operated Vehicles (ROV).

Personnel used for diving operations shall be qualified and trained to international,
local and industry standards. All diving personnel shall have adequate and recent
track records for the work they are intend to do. Medical records shall be not less
than 3 month old. All diving operations shall comply with the highest safety
standards and shall be evaluated and challenged through HAZID.

Equipment used for diving or other installations for carrying out operations under
water or under pressure for the purpose of sub-marine pipeline installations, shall
be constructed and maintained in such a manner as to provide sufficient guarantee
for safety. Design, maintenance and inspection of such equipment shall be in
compliance with statutory and an independent body, shall verify industry standards
and compliance. Maintenance and inspection reports shall be of recent date, not
older than 3 months. Frequent equipment audits shall be applied.

2.12.8 Incident reporting

Any incident occurring during the course of the manufacturing, construction,

installation and commissioning phase shall be reported, by written statement, to
the NGA within 48 hours of the incident. Such Incident Report shall provide a full
description of the course of such an incident and the measures to mitigate
reoccurrence of a similar type of incident. Owner shall maintain statistics with
respect to the incidents occurring. These statistics shall be evaluated against
threshold values, pre-agreed between the NGA and Owner. In case unacceptable
level of incidents take place, the NGA shall instruct Owner to re-assess his SMS
and might stop all work until such re-assessment has been undertaken.

- 28 -
Similarly Owner shall report ’near-misses’, situations that have not caused
incidents but had the potential to do so. Owner shall actively pursue near miss
reporting amongst all personnel involved in the work.

2.12.9 Hazard Identification Study (HAZID)

Owner shall apply a structured manner in hazard identification, by conducting

frequent assessments of the work. These HAZIDs shall be in the form of a
meeting in which a multidisciplinary brainstorming season shall be held about
the work activities, the circumstances on the work place, the human factor, etc.
The end result of a HAZID should lead to identification of potential hazards,
shortcomings and out of this, possible recommendation, improvements could
be accomplished.
The objective of HAZIDS is to provide the NGA assurance that:

> The by Owner selected technology can be applied with confidence so as to

provide a safe and operable offshore high-pressure gas pipeline.

> The manufacturing, fabrication and installation of the pipeline can and will
be achieved without unacceptable dilution of design intent.

> That Owner is adequately prepared to commission and operate the pipeline

> The pipeline is achieving an acceptable level of safe operation

consistent with commercial intend.

2.13 QA/QC System Quality Assurance and Control Plan

Owner shall develop, implement, maintain and report using an approved

Quality System, which shall be in accordance with ISO 9000 series.
Owner shall present the NGA his quality system as a document hereinafter
referred to as the Quality Plan (QP). The QP shall address the measures taken
to assure that all aspects line pipe manufacturing, procurement, offshore

- 29 -
installation and commissioning are executed to internationally and/or
domestically recognised standards and, as a minimum, to ISO 9000 series.
The QP shall include for hold points related to, witnessing, inspection and
acceptance hold points by the NGA. The NGA reserves the right to review the
QP and to request for changes and/or amendments, before the QP is

Upon implementation of the QP, Owner shall timely invite the NGA for
witnessing the agreed hold points. It will be up to the NGA’s discretion to
witness these hold points.

The independent third party shall further check the quality of the work and the
effectiveness of Owner’s quality system on spot check basis. Owner shall carry
out all remedial actions as a result of such sampling.

Contractors, sub-contractors, suppliers, fabrication and installation contractors,

proposed by Owner for the pipeline work, shall be reputable, pre-qualified
entities. Owner shall, on request, supply the NGA information regarding the
proposed entities track record, reputation, pre-qualification criteria and
compliance with these, audit results. On request, Owner shall supply the list of
pre-qualified entities.

The QP plan shall further include for an inspection, test and audit plan.

2.14 Provision of As Built Documentation

The Owner shall supply the NGA with three hard copies and three electronic
copy of the As Built (ABD). The ABD shall encompass as- manufactured, as-
built and as-installed data of the completed pipeline system and all its parts.
This includes but is not limited to:
> All line pipe-manufacturing records, approved and signed by a recognised
and by the NGA accepted independent Certifying Authority. (CA) This

- 30 -
includes for the coating records.
> Inspection and acceptance certificates of all associated pipeline materials
such as flanges, elbows, anodes, etc, signed by a recognised and by the
NGA accepted independent Certifying Authority. (CA) and procured from
pre-qualified supplier/manufacturer.
> All welding and AUT records of the offshore pipeline girth welds and the
softwear to view these.
> All inspection and test reports of the offshore field joint coating.
> All other offshore construction reports pertinent to the pipeline.
> As laid co-ordinates of the pipeline with its routing in WGS 84
(latitude/longitude) and New Israel Grid co-ordinates, drawn onto maps of a
scale 1: 5,000. The maps shall provide following details: exact pipeline
length, waterdepth, bathymetric data, seabed and sub-bottom data over an
area of 100 meters either side the proposed pipeline centre line. Co-
ordinates shall be given for each pipe weld i.e. each 12- meter length
> As buried data of the buried pipeline sections with confirmed depth of bury,
soil cover, Bury data shall be given at each pipe weld i.e. each 12-meter
> Camera recorded details of all subsea structures inclusive pipeline and
cable crossings, sidetap connections, Tees, valves, etc.

2.15 Inspection and Maintenance Program

Owner shall develop and submit to the NGA a pipeline inspection and
maintenance program for the lifetime of the complete pipeline system
including ‘T’ sections. The inspection of the pipeline shall be internal and
The internal inspection shall confirm the internal pipe body integrity. The
pipeline internal integrity could be jeopardized as the result of corrosion,
pitting, and buckling resulting from internal or eternal accidental loads.
The external inspection shall confirm that the external pipeline body has not
suffered from accidental loads such as anchor drops, any type of wrecks or

- 31 -
buckled or spanning as the result of changes of the seabed due to scour, sand
waves and the like.

Suitable electronic pigs shall be used to accomplish internal inspection. External

inspection shall be conducted using a ROV equipped with suitable electronic
devices or other approved methods of inspection.

The frequency of the inspection shall be, as a minimum, once a year or more
often if quickly changing circumstances dictate so. Depending on assessment of
the results of the inspections, following conclusion might be drawn:

> More frequent inspection required

> Less frequent inspection required
> Remedial work required.
> Shutdown of the pipeline followed by repair

The NGA or its appointed representative shall be invited by Owner to witness

the inspection.
If the inspection results give reason for concern and the pipeline integrity is
considered to become a HSE concern, the NGA has the right and will request
Owner to shut-down the pipeline system and to make it safe without delay.

2.16 Emergency Response Manual

Owner shall develop an Emergency Response Plan (ERP). This plan shall
provide all possible emergencies related to the operating of a high- pressure
offshore gas pipeline. The ERP shall make reference to the TAMA, section D16,
Procedures for the Release of Gas, Conditions for operating the system, and
shall provide more detailed and specific information applicable to the offshore
high pressure gas pipeline, complementary to the requested information therein.

Owner shall identify and classify emergencies and their consequences on HSE.

- 32 -
For all cases Owner shall analyze the short term and long term effects of such
emergency and the response to the occurrence.

For each type of emergency, Owner shall have a pre-established response and
effect mitigation plan with the objective of avoiding or, at least, limiting the
negative effect on HSE. To accomplish this Owner must demonstrate to the
NGA that an effect mitigation /limitation philosophy is in place, that a personnel
rescue and evacuation procedures is in place, that associated spare/repair
materials are in stock, that specialist contracts are in place, that repair and
clean-up procedures are developed, etc.

Owner shall, as a minimum, analyze following emergencies:

> Gas leak in buried shallow water section of the pipeline

> Gas leak in deep water section of the pipeline

This analysis shall include for detailed description of leak detection method,
appraisal of leak, assessment of cause, repair method and schedule, re-
prevention measures, effects on HSE,

2.17 Operating Manual

The Owner shall develop an Operating Manual (OPM) for normal and emergency operation
of the pipeline system.

The OPM shall make reference to the TAMA, section D16, Conditions for operating the
system, and shall provide more detailed and specific information applicable to the offshore
high pressure gas pipeline, complementary to the requested information therein

The OPM shall address the following topics:

> Steady flow operating conditions of the pipeline.

> Planned shut-down of the pipeline
> Unplanned shut-down of the pipeline
> Planned re-start-up of the pipeline

- 33 -
> Emergency shut-down and blow-down
> Inhibitation
> Hydrate management
> Corrosion management
> Inspection and maintenance.

For the above operations, Owner shall develop detailed procedures, inclusive of step-by-
step description of necessary actions, plans, drawings, signs, manpower requirements,
organisation, names and contacts.
If Owner has the intention to install an offshore high-pressure gas pipeline than
Owner shall obtain the necessary permits from the NGA. To acquire these
permits from the NGA, Owner shall adhere to the Partial National Outline Plan
for Natural Gas NOP 37/A/2 (TAMA), December 2002, and, in conjunction with
it, this OPDI Instructions provided in Section 2.
In order to allow the NGA to submit these permits without delay, the NGA
requires Owner’s commitment to provide all requested information and
documentation as stated in the OPDI and as per the following communications

3.2 Field Development Plan

The FDP inclusive a proposed schedule shall be issued to the NGA, latest 6
month before envisaged start of offshore installation. The NGA shall reply,
latest, two calendar months after receipt of the FDP. This reply shall include any
instructions to the Owner to be implemented in order to obtain NGA approval of
the proposed FDP.

3.3 Basis for Design

The BFD shall be issued, latest, 1 month after NGA’s approval of the FDP. The

- 34 -
NGA shall reply, latest, two calendar months after receipt of the BFD. This reply
shall include any instructions to the Owner to be implemented in order to obtain
NGA approval of the proposed BFD.
3.4 Detailed Design

The Detailed Design inclusive the risk assessment shall be issued, latest, 3
month after approval of the BFD. The NGA shall reply, latest, 2 calendar
months after receipt of the Detailed Design. This reply shall include any
instructions to the Owner to be implemented in order to obtain NGA approval of
the Detailed Design. The approval of the Detailed Design is required before
issuing the MS.

3.5 Manufacturing Specification (Line pipe, appurtenances, fabrication) and

Quality Plan

The line pipe manufacturing specification and specification of all line pipe
appurtenances to be manufactured/procured, inclusive specification of items to
be fabricated, shall be issued to the NGA, latest, 3 month before envisaged
start of manufacturing, procurement and fabrication. As QA/QC forms an
integrated part of all manufacturing, procurement and fabricating, the relevant
sections of the Quality Plan shall be issued with the MS. The NGA shall reply,
latest, two calendar months after receipt of the MS and Quality Plan. This reply
shall include any instructions to the Owner to be implemented in order to obtain
approval of the MS and relevant QA/QC sections. The approval of the MS and
QA/QC Plan is required before start of line pipe manufacturing, procurement of

- 35 -
line pipe related appurtenances and any fabrication of line pipe related items.

3.6 Welding and NDT procedure for girth welds

The Welding and NDT procedure qualifications shall be witnessed by the NGA.
The NGA shall be notified 1 month ahead of the physical start of the procedure
development, qualification and testing work. The proposed welding and NDT
specification shall be issued to the NGA 6 weeks ahead of the physical start.
Qualification of welders and production welding of
girth welds shall be executed in accordance with the NGA’s approved
Welding and NDT procedures.

3.7 Installation Plan

The Installation Plan (IP) shall be issued to the NGA latest 2 month before
envisaged start of offshore installation. The NGA shall reply, latest, one month
after receipt of the IP plan. This reply shall include any instructions to the Owner to
be implemented in order to obtain approval for the IP plan.

3.8 Testing and Commissioning Plan

The Testing and Commissioning (T&C) plan shall be issued to the NGA latest 2
month before envisaged start of the pipeline-testing program. The NGA shall reply,
latest, one month after receipt of the T&C plan. This reply shall include any
instructions to the Owner to be implemented in order to obtain approval for the
T&C plan.

3.8 Health Safety and Environment Plan

The Health Safety and Environment (HSE) plan shall be issued to the NGA latest

- 36 -
2 month before envisaged start of any physical work. A separate HSE Plan for
front-end work, such as manufacturing, and back end work, such as offshore
installation, would be acceptable. The NGA shall reply, latest, one month after
receipt of the HSE plan. This reply shall include any instructions to the Owner to
be implemented in order to obtain approval of the proposed HSE plan. The HSE
Plan shall include for an Audit, HAZOP and HAZID schedule, for each of which the
NGA shall be invited. Such invitation shall be with the NGA, as a minimum 2
weeks before conducting an Audit, HAZOP or HAZID.
The QA/QC plan shall be issued to the NGA latest 2 month before envisaged
start of offshore installation. The NGA shall reply, latest, one month after receipt
of the QA/QC plan. This reply shall include any instructions to the Owner to be
implemented in order to obtain approval of the proposed QA/QC plan. The
QA/QC plan encompassing the line pipe manufacturing, coating, pipe bending,
and procurement of line pipe materials and permanent materials, shall be issued
two months before manufacturing, procuring and/or fabricating line pipe and

3.10 As Built Document

The As Built Document shall be issued to the NGA latest 1 month after
completion of the pipeline installation and testing. The NGA shall reply, latest, 1
month after receipt of the ABD plan. This reply shall include any instructions to
the Owner to be implemented in order to obtain approval for the ABD plan.

3.11 Inspection and Maintenance Plan

The Inspection and Maintenance plan shall be issued to the NGA latest 4 month
after completion of the pipeline commissioning or 2 months before taking the
pipeline into operation. The NGA shall reply, latest, 1 month after receipt of the
Inspection and Maintenance plan. This reply shall include any instructions to the
Owner to be implemented in order to obtain approval for the Inspection and
Maintenance plan.

- 37 -
3.12Emergency Response Manual

The Emergency Response Manual (ERM) shall be issued to the NGA latest 4
month after completion of the pipeline commissioning or 2 months before taking
the pipeline into operation. The NGA shall reply, latest, 1 month after receipt of
the Emergency Response Manual plan. This reply shall include any instructions
to the Owner to be implemented in order to obtain approval for the Emergency
Response Manual.

3.13 Operating Manual (OPM)

The Operating Manual (OPM) shall be issued to the NGA latest 2 months before
taking the pipeline into operation. The NGA shall reply, latest, 1 month after
receipt of the Operating Manual. This reply shall include any instructions to the
Owner to be implemented in order to obtain approval for the Operating Manual.
Without a written and signed permit from the NGA, as discussed in Section
1.7, it is prohibited to install and operate an offshore pipeline. There are two
separate permits required i.e. for installation (Installation Permit - "Heter
Bniya”) and for operation (Operating Permit - "Ishur Hashlama”) of the

4.2 Installation Permit

Before installation of the offshore pipelines for the transport of natural gas,
Owner shall adhere to and complete all requirements set forth in this document.
At which stage the NGA will forward a letter of certification to the relevant
planning Authorities according to Section 24 of the Natural Gas Law. Obtaining
this permit consists tow distinct stages:

- 38 -
4.2.1 TAMA

A TAMA shall be in place, this being the responsibility of the


4.2.2 Engineering and Installation Planning phase

A complete set of Detailed Engineering Design Documents together with

Detailed Installation Specifications must be signed off by the Owner and
submitted to the NGA for review. Only when the NGA has reviewed these
documents and they are deemed to be satisfactory will the NGA forward a
letter of certification to the relevant Planning Authorities.

- 39 -
4.2.3 Project preparation phase

The project preparation phase shall include procurement of materials,

obtaining contracts for installation and fabrication works, etc

NGA approval of the MS, welding and NDT procedure, QA plan and part
of the HSE plan is required.

4.3 Operations Permit

Before taking the offshore pipelines for the transport of natural gas into
operation, Owner shall obtain from the NGA an Operations Permit ("Ishur
The installation of the offshore pipelines for the transport of natural gas shall
be considered complete if the following conditions have been satisfied:

> All pipeline joints used in the pipeline are confirmed to be certified joints
with full track record available and traceability and certification verified by
an Independent Party, acting on behalf of the NGA.

> The welding and NDT of all girth welds (100%) has been executed using
Independent Third Party approved procedures and operators and weld
quality and integrity shall be confirmed to be in compliance with code
requirements and Independent Third Party approved acceptance criteria.
None of the welds shall be outwit the maximum allowable defect criteria.

> An underwater survey has confirmed the pipeline in situ to be in

compliance with its intended configuration and with the technical
specification. This survey shall confirm the pipeline configuration to be safe
for its testing and commissioning.

- 40 -
> A gauge plate with specified dimensions approved by the NGA, shall have passed
through the complete pipeline system without experiencing any damage, thus confirming
the pipeline to be without unacceptable ovality, deformation of the pipe body, excessive
penetrating welds or any other (unidentified) obstructions.

The gauging procedure shall have been previously accepted by the NGA as part of the T&C
plan. The NGA or its representative shall firstly witness the initial insertion of the gauge plate
into the pipeline and, secondly, recovery of the plate from the pipeline after the gauge pig run.
The NGA shall be first witness of its examination and final acceptance of the gauging shall be
the Independent Third Party’s responsibility.

> The pipeline system shall have been successfully subjected to a hydro test.

The hydro test procedure shall have been previously submitted to the NGA as part of
the T&C plan. The Independent Third Party shall be witness the hydro testing and final
acceptance of the test shall be the Independent Third Party responsibility

The pipeline is considered to be ready for operation and an Operations Permit will be granted
if the following conditions have been satisfied:

> Its installation, gauging and hydro test has been accepted by the Independent Third Party
and the Installation (completion) Permit is in place.

> The commissioning procedure shall have been previously accepted by the NGA as part of
the T&C plan. Commissioning of the pipeline system shall have been completed
successfully in line with this agreed commissioning procedure. Upon completion of the
commissioning the pipeline shall be in a safe condition and ready to receive the gas.
> The Operating Maintenance and Emergancy Manual (OM&E), approved by the NGA,
shall be in place.
Israel law

Natural Gas Bill, 5762-2001

Natural Gas Safety Law for High Pressure

- 41 -
Planning and Building Law 5725-1965, Partial National Outline Plan for Natural
Gas NOP 37/A/2, National Gas Transportation System- Marine System, Plan
provisions, December 2002.


NEN 3650-2 NEN

3653 BS 4515 EN

- 42 -

NEN 3650


NEN 3650 Requirements for Steel Pipeline Transportation Systems.

ASTM E709 Practice for Magnetic Particle Examination

BS 4515 Specification for welding of steel pipelines on land and offshore

EN 10045-1 Metallic Materials - Charpy Impact Test Part 1 Te

EN Gas supplies systems-Welding Steel pipe work - Functional

re uirements
12732:2000 q .

EN 462-4 Radiographic Image Quality Indicators.

EN-473 Qualification and Certification of Personnel for nondestructive


ISO 2504 Radiography of Welds and Viewing Conditions.

ISO 6507/1 Method for Vickers Hardness of Metallic Materials.

ISO 9002 Model for quality assurance in production and installation

NEN 3653 Methods for the determination of NDE

acceptance criteria for defects in pipeline girth welds.

- 43 -
Fabrication and Construction

NEN 3650


- 44 -
ISO 9-series
SECTION 6 Minimum Design Requirements
Note: It is important to note that each package submitted will be unique in location and as such may
differ from the list below. This list is for reference and guide lines only and must not be considered as

1. Purpose of the document

• Legislative compliances

- 45 -
• Health, Safety and Environmental considerations / compliances
2. Technical description
• Design basis (Minimum functional specification, Conceptual /detailed design)
• Primary Design codes
3. Surveys
• Geophysical and topographical surveys
4. Design
• Process engineering
• Composition of inventory to be conveyed
• Design Life /pressures /temperatures
/ safe operating limits
• Design Flowrates /pressure losses /
• Mechanical (including as a minimum)
• Limits of the pressure systems (Limits and Isolations)
• Design risks and mitigation strategy
• Corrosion analysis
• Minimum wall thickness calculations
• Test pressure calculations
• Fatigue calculations
• Cathodic Protection strategy
• Impact protection strategy
• Stress analyses reports, (justification and application of load cases)
• Condition monitoring (Written scheme of examination)
5. Pipeline Specifications
• Submerged arc-welded line pipe
• Pipeline coatings
• Fusion bond epoxy
• Concrete weight
5. Specifications, Procedures and Codes of Practice
• Pipe, valve and fitting specifications (bends, tees, reducers, flanges, etc)
• Welding and NDT specifications and welder qualification procedure
• Mechanical Equipment specifications
• Condition Monitoring and Inspection (Operations and Maintenance) strategy
• Emergency response strategy
6. Drawings and Plans
• Route plans
• Long section (profile)
• General arrangements
• Process flow diagrams
• P & I D’s
• Special crossings

- 46 -
• Structural details
• Pipe and Equipment details
• Hazardous area details
• Stress analysis nodes / load cases
• Isometrics
• Material take offs
• Testing details
7. Construction specifications piping & equipment
• Specification - pipeline installation
• Specification - external coating protection
• Specification - work plan
• Technical specification for pipeline materials
• Technical specification for fittings
• Technical specification for plug and ball valves
• Technical specification for insulation joints
• Engineering plans- Route plans
• Engineering plans-Details and cross section plans
8. Construction Records
• Project record requirements
• Document handover procedures

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