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Chapter 5project Description

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Neart na Gaoithe Offshore Wind Farm Environmental Statement

Chapter 5 Project Description

5.1 Introduction
Longitude (degrees decimal Latitude (degrees decimal
1 This chapter describes the indicative design scenarios for the project and the methods likely to be adopted for the Easting UTM30N Northing UTM30N
minutes) minutes)
construction, operation and maintenance, and ultimately decommissioning of the proposed Neart na Gaoithe
offshore wind farm development. 543003 6233007 002° 18.370' W 056° 14.400' N
2 The fabrication of individual project components is not the focus of this Environmental Statement (ES) and is not
considered in this document. Delivery and transport of component parts are also not assessed, as these are 538912 6202174 002° 22.600' W 055° 57.800' N
considered to be the responsibility of the supplier, but are described as necessary.
3 The procurement process and appointment of contractors had not concluded at the time of submission of this 538783 6202143 002° 22.724' W 055° 57.784' N
application and therefore construction techniques and infrastructure design are based on current understanding
of existing projects and information provided by potential market suppliers. The actual method of construction 538522 6202080 002° 22.975' W 055° 57.751' N
may deviate from what is described; however, any deviation from that described will be within the parameters of
the Rochdale Envelope for the development (refer to Section 5.4 for a description of the Rochdale Envelope 537831 6201914 002° 23.641' W 055° 57.665' N
4 The onshore infrastructure comprising onshore buried cables and electrical substation development will be Table 5.2: Co-ordinates for centre line of cable corridor
consented under the Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1997 and is described in the forthcoming onshore
application and supporting ES. While details of the onshore works are not included within this document,
consideration of works at, and adjacent to, the landfall are considered as part of the cumulative assessment
where appropriate.

5.2 Project Location

5 Neart na Gaoithe is located approximately 15.5 km from Fife Ness and 16 km from the Isle of May. The
development site lies in the outer Firth of Forth and covers an area of 105 km . Water depths across the site
range from approximately 40 to 60 m below Lowest Astronomical Tide (LAT). The export cables are planned to
run southwest from the site making landfall at Thorntonloch beach to the south of Torness Power Station.
Figure 5.1 shows the location of the site. The boundary co-ordinates of the offshore site are given in Table 5.1.
Longitude (degrees decimal Latitude (degrees decimal
Easting UTM30N Northing UTM30N
minutes) minutes)
551736 6234720 002° 9.898' W 056° 15.271' N
552458 6229999 002° 9.255' W 056° 12.721' N
547554 6229998 002° 13.998' W 056° 12.752' N
545182 6229999 002° 16.293' W 056° 12.766' N
541685 6234997 002° 19.628' W 056° 15.479' N
541238 6235637 002° 20.055' W 056° 15.827' N
541026 6238611 002° 20.232' W 056° 17.430' N
543465 6242941 002° 17.826' W 056° 19.752' N
544801 6243993 002° 16.518' W 056° 20.312' N
546461 6243751 002° 14.910' W 056° 20.171' N

Table 5.1: Site co-ordinates

6 The exact route of the export cables has not been confirmed but co-ordinates for the centre line of the cable
corridor, in which the dual export cables are proposed to be located, are detailed in Table 5.2. Figure 5.1: Location of Neart na Gaoithe offshore wind farm

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Neart na Gaoithe Offshore Wind Farm Environmental Statement

5.3 General Project Programme 5.3.1 Safety Zones

7 The precise details of the construction programme and sequence are not yet confirmed. An indicative project 11 Neart na Gaoithe Offshore Wind Farm Limited (NnGOWL), hereafter known as ‘the developer’ will apply for a
installation schedule is shown in Table 5.3. This is based on project consent being achieved in the first quarter notice declaring safety zones around the wind turbines, foundations and offshore substation platform(s) during
(Q1) of 2013 which will then permit funding commitment for detailed investigations to be completed in summer construction and thereafter for maintenance works. The safety zone notice will be applied for under Section 95
2013. This in turn will allow the necessary follow-on design and fabrication activities to be programmed in of the Energy Act 2004 in accordance with Schedule 16 of the Energy Act 2004 and the Electricity (Offshore
advance of installation dates shown. If the geotechnical investigation is not completed in 2013, these dates are Generating Stations) (Safety Zones) (Application Procedures and Control of Access) Regulations 2007. The safety
likely to slip by about one year. In addition, it is important to note that the indicative durations detailed in Table zone will have a radius of 500 m from the outer edge of the proposed wind turbine. The safety zones will limit all
5.3 assume no weather or other unforeseen delays. Should it be necessary to suspend works for any reason the non-project vessels from entering the safety zones, as discussed in 5.10.1.
final completion dates cannot be guaranteed.
12 From time to time during the construction programme and in consultation with the regulators, the developer
Component installation Start date Duration Completion may issue Notices to Mariners (NtM) suggesting advisory safety zones in addition to that covered by the safety
zone notice to accommodate installation vessels with larger anchor spreads. NtM will also be issued suggesting
Foundations March 2015 16 months July 2016 advisory safety zones in respect of the cable installation works. This is to protect both the construction vessels
and other vessels using the surrounding area.
Export cable March 2015 9 months December 2015

Substation (s) March 2015 9 months December 2015 5.4 The Rochdale Envelope Approach
Turbines September 2015 12 months September 2016 13 Due to ongoing uncertainties as to the precise nature of the ground conditions and the commercial sensitivities
associated with the procurement process, it is not possible to finalise the exact layout, location and design of the
Inter-array cabling September 2015 12 months September 2016
offshore infrastructure prior to applying for consent.

Table 5.3: Indicative offshore construction schedule 14 Marine Scotland recognises the difficulty in defining the project in sufficient detail and has made provision to
accept a more flexible approach whereby the development details are described within the bounds of the
8 The main construction phases and likely sequence (with significant overlaps between phases) are as follows: ‘Rochdale Envelope’, which describes the minimum and maximum parameters of the development to allow an
 Site preparation for foundations, including levelling or pre-piling operations; evaluation to be carried out. A description of the Rochdale Envelope Approach is presented in Chapter 6: The
Approach to Environmental Impact Assessment.
 Installation of foundations; 1
15 In the October 2011 edition of the Marine Strategy Forum Quarterly Update it is stated that:
 Concurrent site preparation for inter-array cabling;
“Work is underway in consultation with the offshore wind industry and Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH) to produce
 Site preparation for offshore substation; a Scottish Government policy/guidance document on the Rochdale Envelope for developers in Scotland. The
‘Rochdale Envelope’ is an approach which tries to address some of the issues associated with large scale offshore
 Installation of substation; wind projects where, due to the scale, type, timescales, or other factors, there remain limitations in the amount of
 Installation of export cables (concurrent trenching and installation); detail that is available on the project at the time at which consent is being sought. This has been identified as
being of particular importance to offshore wind applications in Scottish Waters where a number of factors remain
 Installation of inter-array cables; to be resolved. This document is due for completion in the near future.”
 Installation of wind turbines; and 16 The final design description will not be confirmed until consent has been granted and the procurement process
has concluded. Further details on the Rochdale Envelope approach are detailed in Chapter 6: The Approach to
 Commissioning and energy export.
Environmental Impact Assessment.
9 Offshore works are planned to be carried out all year round with the majority of works likely to be performed in
the spring and summer months to take advantage of more benign offshore conditions. The overall construction
period of the wind farm is likely to be approximately two years.
10 The offshore construction strategy is likely to make use of the following vessel types:
 Dynamic positioning (DP) floating vessels;
 Jack-up barges; and
 Support vessels.


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Neart na Gaoithe Offshore Wind Farm Environmental Statement
17 The range of options considered for the Neart na Gaoithe offshore wind farm development is described in detail
in this chapter, but in summary comprise:
 Up to 125 wind turbine foundations, of either jacket or gravity base structure plus ancillary equipment
such as J-tubes and access facilities. There is the possibility that scour protection may be required
particularly if gravity based foundations are used (refer to Section 5.5.2);
 2
Up to 125 wind turbines between 3.6 MW and 7 MW capacity (refer to Section 5.6.1);
 Up to two offshore substations (including foundations) housing electrical infrastructure and potentially
facilities for operation and maintenance (refer to Section 5.7.1);
 Between 85 km and 140 km of inter-array cables (refer to Section 5.7.2);
 Scour protection on certain areas of the subsea cabling as required (refer to Section 5.7.2);
 Two export cables (refer to Section 5.7.3); and
 Ancillary equipment as necessary, including access facilities and J-tubes (refer to Section 5.8).
18 The chapter is structured in the above order with the infrastructure being described first, then the installation
techniques, likely maintenance requirements and finally, decommissioning options. The project design
parameters, the Rochdale Envelope, are presented in an overview table in Section 5.15: Neart na Gaoithe
Rochdale Envelope.
19 Terrestrial infrastructure will be consented separately and will include:
 Transition pit beyond the high water mark;
 Transmission cabling from the transition pits to the electrical substation; and
 Electrical substation.
20 Meteorological or anemometry masts (met masts) are installed on site to measure wind speed and direction over
a given period of time.
21 It is currently planned for an offshore meteorological mast to be installed in 2013 with potential for an additional Figure 5.2: Example met mast at Hornsea offshore wind farm (Source: SMart Wind)
two masts to be installed at a later date. The design parameters of the meteorological mast are detailed in this
chapter but are subject to a separate consent application which will be submitted prior to any construction works
22 The met masts are estimated to be between 103 m and 115 m high (with respect to LAT). There will be an
anemometer to measure wind speed and direction mounted on the top of each mast. Additional instrumentation
will include sensors to measure wave height and direction, sea temperature and salinity, and structural response
data. An example met mast is shown in Figure 5.2.
23 The foundation option for the met masts is not yet confirmed. Detailed site investigations are planned for 2012
and 2013 which will provide additional information on the localised area which will influence the foundation type
selection. All available information will be included in the met mast application documents in support of the
consent application.
24 Another option being considered for the project to supplement data obtained from a met mast is the Light
Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) technology, which can be used to measure wind speed and direction without the
need to erect a met mast. LiDAR units comprise a floating buoy on which meteorological instruments are
mounted to obtain wind speed and directional data. These instruments use infrared light beams to measure the
wind speed and direction at a determined height using the Doppler shift in the reflected signal. An illustration of
a typical floating LiDAR structure is given below in Figure 5.3.

The term ‘wind turbine’ as used in this document is defined to mean the complete tower, nacelle, hub and blades
Figure 5.3: Typical floating LiDAR structure with mounted meteorological recording instruments (Source: Subsea World
News 2011)

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Neart na Gaoithe Offshore Wind Farm Environmental Statement

5.5 Foundation Options 29 Preliminary site investigations indicate that gravity base foundations are widely applicable throughout the site.
Future geotechnical investigations conducted within the project area will help refine structural design parameters
25 Gravity base foundations and steel jacket foundations are considered to be the most appropriate foundation and may indicate some areas where small location changes (micrositing) are necessary.
designs for both the wind turbines and the substation(s) in the prevailing site conditions. Chapter 4: Site 30 Numerous examples of the use of gravity base foundations in deep waters are to be found in the oil and gas
Selection, Project Alternatives and Design Evolution describes other foundation concepts that were discounted. sector. Examples of gravity base foundation being used in the offshore wind sector include Thornton Bank
Offshore Wind Farm in Belgium and Vindeby Offshore Wind Farm in Denmark.
5.5.1 Foundation Installation
26 The general sequence of foundation installation is broadly similar for both gravity base and jacket foundations.
The installation sequence is shown in the flow chart in Figure 5.4. Ballast will not be necessary for jacket

Fabrication and Load out of Foundations

Seabed Preparation (if necessary)

Foundations Transported to Site


Ballast Installation (if necessary)

Application of Scour Protection (if necessary)

Figure 5.4: Flow chart illustrating generic foundation installation sequence

5.5.2 Gravity Base Foundations Figure 5.5: Circular hollow concrete gravity base (Source: Gravitas Offshore Ltd)

27 Gravity base foundations are constructed from reinforced concrete and are generally conical in shape. The Dimensions of the Gravity Base Foundations
foundation is held in place by both the weight distribution of the structure and by the downward force of gravity 31 The dimensions of the gravity base foundation are dependent on the size of turbine which is to be installed and
and as a result requires no drilling or piling to hold the foundation in place. the specific site conditions of the final location. It is likely that the dimensions of the gravity base foundations will
28 The concept can have various designs, including solid concrete, and hollow concrete caisson with a circular (refer vary throughout the project because of the variations in water depth and ground conditions at turbine locations.
to Figure 5.5 and Figure 5.7) or cruciform (cross) shaped base (refer to Figure 5.6). The perimeter of the base may Table 5.4 details the likely dimensions of a gravity base foundation on Neart na Gaoithe. Dimensions are
include “skirts” i.e., a perimeter wall which is designed to enhance the embedment of the gravity base foundation provided for both gravity base foundation with a circular footprint and a cruciform footprint. The dredging
by penetrating the seabed. Where the design includes a skirt, there may be less seabed preparation required, volumes shown assume that no skirt is used. The use of a skirt will be evaluated in detailed design and dredging
however internal grouting of the gap between the seabed and the underside of the base may be necessary. volumes are likely to reduce if adopted.

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Neart na Gaoithe Offshore Wind Farm Environmental Statement

3.6 MW turbine 4.1 MW turbine 6 MW turbine 7 MW turbine 32 The approximate amount of material required for a concrete gravity base foundation is:
Foundation footprint
20 - 30 m 20 - 30 m 25 - 45 m 25 - 45 m
 3
Concrete: 2,000 to 5,000 m ;
diameter (m)
Foundation footprint cross
 3
Ballast (dense gravel/sand): 5,500 to 12,500 m ; and
dimensions (cruciform 20 - 30 by 5 - 7 m 20 - 30 by 5 - 7 m 30 - 40 by 5 - 7 m 30 - 40 by 5 - 7 m  3
Scour protection: 730 – 1,590 m .
option) (m)
Area of foundation 2 2 2 2
2 300 - 700 m 300 - 700 m 490 - 1600 m 490 - 1600 m
footprint (m )
Dredging in areas where loose sand or soft clay present at seabed plus gravel placement in area of
Seabed preparation
dredging to provide a stable platform for foundation.
3 3
Average of 1,500 m dredged per foundation. Average of 4,000 m dredged per foundation.
Quantity of material 3 3
Approximately 190,000 m of material dredged Approximately 320,000 m of material dredged over
over entire site. entire site.
Disposal of dredged
Dredged material will be disposed of at a licensed disposal area.
3 3
Gravel bed Minimum 530 m per foundation, Maximum 1850 m per foundation
The gravel beds will be an average of 1.5 m deep. In areas of very soft sediment gravel bed could be up to
Depth of gravel bed
4 m deep, this is expected to be the case in less than 5% of turbine locations.
Extension of gravel bed
beyond foundation 2–4m 2–4m 2–4m 2–4m
The gravity base structure will be reinforced concrete. This will be filled with a ballast of sand which has
Foundation material been dredged from the turbine location in seabed preparation and sand/gravel which has been sourced
from a licensed dredging area.
Foundation installation Dredging 4 - 7 days, gravel bed placement 4 - 7 days, foundation placement and filling 4 - 7 days scour
duration protection placement 7 - 14 days.
Scour protection and
Scour protection extends 5 - 8 m outside foundation perimeter.
footprint size (m)

Table 5.4: Gravity base foundation parameters

Figure 5.7: Components of a circular base gravity base foundation Installation of Gravity Base Foundation

33 Depending on weather and physical site conditions, the complete installation process could take between 19 and
35 days to install each gravity base foundation (refer to Table 5.5). A breakdown of the maximum anticipated
durations at each stage of the process is shown below. It should be noted that these stages utilise different
vessels as described below, and when one operation is completed at a given foundation location, the vessel will
Figure 5.6: Cruciform foundation with dimensions of 40 m by 7 m
move to the next location for commencement of the same operation there.

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Neart na Gaoithe Offshore Wind Farm Environmental Statement
37 All dredged material will be disposed of at a licensed disposal site(s).
Phase Anticipated duration
38 The process of dredging using a suction dredger is expected to involve the following procedure:
Dredging and gravel base placement 8 -14 days
 When arriving at the turbine foundation location, the speed of the suction dredger is reduced, the
Foundation placement and filling 4 -7 days draghead(s) is/are lowered to the sea bottom and dredging commences;
Scour protection placement 7 - 14 days  The suction dredger takes up a mixture of water and sediments through the draghead(s) and suction pipe
and pumps the mixture into the hopper well. The hopper well is an onboard chamber or reservoir which
Table 5.5: Maximum anticipated durations of each stage holds the dredged material;

Step 1: Fabrication and Load Out  The dredged sediment will then settle in the hopper, naturally separating from the water. The decanted
water is discharged through the adjustable overflow system. It should be noted that the water decanted
34 The gravity base foundations will be fabricated and constructed onshore, with temporary storage located
via the overflow may contain a fraction of fine material;
onshore or offshore depending upon logistical considerations. At the time of submission, the fabrication and load
out areas have not been confirmed. Onshore impacts associated with fabrication of the bases are not considered  When the draught of the vessel reaches the dredging loading mark (by instrumentation onboard) or when
within this ES. circumstances do not allow for further loading (i.e., depth limitations), dredging will stop and the suction
pipe hoisted on deck. Once the vessel is secured it transits to the discharge site;
Step 2: Seabed Preparation
35 Gravity base foundations generally require some degree of seabed preparation. The extent of works is  Upon arrival at the licensed disposal site, the suction dredger is able to maintain a fixed position if
dependent on seabed conditions at each location and the design of the gravity base foundation; those required using its onboard DP system;
foundations with skirts will require less seabed preparation. As a result, there will be varying degrees of seabed
 When the hopper is in position for discharge, the bottom valves/doors are opened. This technique allows
preparation across the site. The following sequence is broadly that which may be necessary for each foundation
for immediate discharge of the dredged sediment; and
36 Depending on the design adopted, the seabed may need to be levelled if the seabed slope is in excess of
 Upon completion of discharge, the hopper is cleaned and the bottom doors closed for departure to
continue the cycle.
approximately 1 degree. Any loose, soft or otherwise compressible sediment present at the surface may need to
be removed by dredging. Dredging of loose sand/soft clay can be achieved using industry standard suction 39 It may prove more efficient for the dredger to remain on site and transfer dredged material to a barge which will
dredgers (similar to that shown in Figure 5.8). More dense or stiff soils can be removed using grab excavation be used to transport it to the disposal site. A typical dredging and gravel bed laying operation will require up to
(refer to figure 5.9). Dredging vessels typically have a capacity to extract 20,000 to 30,000 tonnes per sailing. The six vessels; a primary dredging vessel plus up to two supporting vessels (one safety vessel and one support/survey
dredged material will be recovered to the surface, and stored on the dredging vessel or on a holding barge before vessel), and a primary gravel bed vessel plus up to two supporting vessels. It is likely that dredging and gravel bed
transfer to a licensed disposal area. laying operations will be undertaken concurrently at different foundation locations leading to a maximum of 12
vessels to be on site in total during these activities.

Figure 5.8: Dredging vessel – suction dredger (Source: DEME Group)

Figure 5.9: Seabed dredging by grab excavation for gravity base foundation (Source: Strabag Offshore Wind GmbH)

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Neart na Gaoithe Offshore Wind Farm Environmental Statement
40 Site preparation is concluded by installing a suitable load bearing base which typically is made up of graded
gravels. This base layer could extend up to 4 m beyond the perimeter of the gravity base foundation to aid
stability and placement. Indications suggest that between 1,100 and 2,200 m of gravel will be necessary per
foundation to create this base layer. Specialist rock placement vessels similar to that shown in Figure 5.12 for
scour protection placement will be used for gravel bed placement. In this phase of the operations, the gravel bed
placement vessel will be accompanied by up to two support vessels.
41 To prevent back fill of soft sediments prior to the placement of the graded base it is likely that dredging and base
layer placement activities will take place in immediate sequence.

Step 3: Transportation of Foundation to Site

42 The foundations will be transported individually to the installation site by a barge or transport vessel either
directly or via a staging port. Alternatively if the design allows, the foundations may be floated to their final site
43 A typical foundation transportation operation will require four vessels; a primary vessel plus three supporting
vessels/barges/tugs. It is likely that transportation barges will be operating concurrently on site along with
dredging and container vessels.

Step 4: Foundation Installation

44 Installation of individual gravity base foundations commences with the controlled sinking of the foundation to
settle on the pre-prepared base layer. A Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) is used for surveillance to ensure
proper placement. Lifting and lowering will be required if a sheerleg barge is used. A sheerleg barge is one which
uses a fixed crane, generally at the stern of the vessel. The sheerleg generally allows heavier lifts due to a
simplified crane mechanism (i.e., no rotation), in comparison to standard cranes. A typical sheerleg barge (in this
case lifting a substation topside) is shown in Figure 5.10. The sheerleg barge would be supported by up to three
additional vessels including tugs.
45 If the gravity base foundation is floated to site it will be filled with water when arriving at the installation location
to effect a controlled sinking onto the prepared bed. If installed from floating mode up to three vessels will be
used to maintain the gravity base positioning.
46 The gravity base placement process is expected to take up to 12 hours per foundation.
47 If the design includes a perimeter skirt, internal grouting of any gap between the seabed and the base may be
carried out as the final installation operation. A calcium silicate water mix will be used as the grout material and
Figure 5.10: Sheerleg barge Taklift transporting substation topside (Picture courtesy of CG. Copyright ®vanoordbv-
the volume used in this operation will depend on the seating on the seabed. The grout will be introduced via
pipes into an area completely sealed by the gravity base skirts and there is therefore no risk of release of grout
into the marine environment. This operation, if required, is expected to take up to 12 hours.

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Neart na Gaoithe Offshore Wind Farm Environmental Statement

Step 5: Ballast Installation 52 If unbound rock is used, placing of the scour protection can be performed by a fall pipe, wire crane with grab or
by rock-dumping. Figure 5.12 illustrates a fall pipe installing scour protection around a gravity base foundation.
48 The ballast, sand or gravel, to be used in the foundation will usually be mixed with water so that it is suitable for
Alternatively, a crane may be used to lower scour protection into position where bags of gravel, grout or concrete
hydraulic pumping. It will be pumped into the foundation using a vessel equipped with a filling tower for this
are deployed and where a fall pipe is not suitable.
purpose; Figure 5.11 illustrates a vessel with this capability. The ballast installation vessel will be supported by up
to two support vessels. 53 Scour protection installation is expected to take 7 - 14 days per location. The scour protection installation vessel
will be accompanied by up to two support vessels.

Fig 5.12: Installation of scour protection around cruciform shaped gravity base foundation (Source: Strabag Offshore Wind
Figure 5.11: Schematic of vessel used for filling gravity base foundation (Source: DEME Group)
Step 6: Scour Protection Noise Emissions during Gravity Base Foundation Installation
49 Depending on local conditions, gravity base foundations may require some scour protection. A layer of scour
protection between 1 to 1.5 m thick will be laid where necessary around the gravity base. This layer is likely to 54 The effects of noise impacts on biological receptors are discussed in Chapter 12: Ornithology, Chapter 13: Marine
extend from 5 to 8 m from the outer edge of the base plate perimeter. The scour protection will be placed as Mammals, Chapter 14: Benthic Ecology and Chapter 15: Fish and Shellfish Ecology. Installation of gravity base
soon as possible after placement of the gravity base foundation. foundations generates very little noise as no piling is required and the foundation sinks to the seabed under its
own weight.
50 There are several material types used to provide scour protection to foundations and cables which include:
 Durable crushed or original rock of defined size range; 5.5.3 Steel Jacket Foundations
 Artificial fronds or seaweed; 55 Steel jacket foundations are formed of a steel lattice construction comprising tubular steel members and welded
joints and are fixed to the seabed using piles below each leg of the jacket (refer to Figure 5.13). Typically piles are
 Concrete ‘mattresses’; and of hollow steel and are drilled or driven up to 50 m into the seabed sub-strata, relying on the frictional and end
 Bags (high strength nylon fibre) of gravel, hardened sand-cement grout or concrete (grout/concrete pre- bearing properties of the seabed for support. Examples of steel jackets being used in the offshore wind sector
filled and hardened onshore). The bag option may include a technique where the grout is introduced to include Beatrice Wind Farm Demonstrator Project, Ormonde Wind Farm in the Irish Sea and Alpha Ventus in the
the nylon fibre bag offshore through proprietary pipes (the bags being permeable to water but not to German sector of the North Sea.
grout). 56 In addition, jacket foundation structures may also have working and intermediate platforms, boat landing
51 The amount of scour protection to be confirmed in the final design is dependent on the mobility of the seabed. facilities and external J-tubes in which the export cables will be housed. Jacket style foundations are considered
Preliminary calculations have indicated that if unbound rock is used, the rock particle size is expected to have a to encompass both three and four legged conventional jackets and twisted jackets.
median diameter of 100 mm. The expected volume of scour protection is between 730 – 1,590 m per

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Neart na Gaoithe Offshore Wind Farm Environmental Statement Dimensions of Steel Jacket Foundations

57 The dimensions for the key design elements of the jacket foundations are presented in Table 5.6.

3.6 MW turbine 4.1 MW turbine 6 MW turbine 7 MW turbine

Jacket leg spacing at seabed
15x15 - 25x25 15x15 - 25x25 20x20 - 30x30 25x25 - 35x35
level (m x m)
A seabed template with up to 4 legs (max leg spacing 35 m by 35 m) will sit temporarily on the
Details of seabed preparation
seabed during pile installation.
Foundation diameter (m)
2.5-3.5 2.5-3.5 2.5-3.5 2.5-3.5
Number of piles per
3 or 4 3 or 4 3 or 4 3 or 4
Foundation bed penetration
15 - 40 15 - 40 20 - 50 20 - 50
depth (m) (piling)
Foundation installation Approximately 3% of piles will be driven only, 7% of piles will be drilled only. 90% of piles will be
method driven-drilled. Of these an average of 30% of the pile will be driven and 70% drilled.
Foundation installation
Piling (62-180 hours for 4 piles), jacket installation (12-24 hours). This includes time for setting up
duration (per foundation)
and changing equipment between piling locations.
Total seabed occupied by
jacket (piles, legs and scour Approximately 225 m
protection) (m )

Table 5.6: Dimensions for the key design elements of the jacket foundations supporting turbines
58 The typical amounts of material per jacket foundation are:
 Jacket: 200 to 1,000 tonnes (steel);
 Piles (3 or 4): 300 to 700 tonnes per pile (steel);
 3
High strength grout for fixing jacket to piles: 10 to 30 m per foundation; and
 3
Cementitious grout in annulus of drilled piles: 20 to 115 m per pile.
59 The grout used in the annulus of drilled piles and for fixing the jacket to the piles is expected to be high strength
anti-washout grout, such as GW80. This is a blend of ingredients including Ordinary Portland Cement, selected
pulverised fuel ash and a polymeric additive. The setting time of the grout is approximately 5 hours.

Figure 5.13: Typical jacket foundation

In this diagram, WTG refers to wind turbine generators

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Neart na Gaoithe Offshore Wind Farm Environmental Statement Steel Jacket Foundation Coating and Protection Installation of Jacket Foundations
60 It is likely that the jacket foundations will require cathodic protection to prevent corrosion. Step 1: Fabrication and Load Out
61 Usually this takes the form of galvanic anodes; these are usually affixed during the fabrication process to parts of 64 The jacket foundations will be fabricated at an as yet unidentified onshore base. Once fabricated the jackets with
the jacket that will be submerged when installed in the final location. A typical arrangement is shown on Figure transition pieces (refer to Section 5.8.3) attached will be transported to the project site aboard either a transport
5.14 below: barge or vessel, or on the installation vessel.

Step 2: Seabed Preparation

65 Seabed preparation necessary for piling and jacket placement is minimal and at worst will comprise removal of
problem debris or levelling by dredging.

Step 3: Transportation to Site

66 As discussed above, the fabricated jacket foundations will be transported from the onshore base to the wind farm
site. This may be carried out by means of a transport barge, in which case additional installation vessels will be
required for installation. Alternatively, this may potentially be carried out using a suitably equipped single vessel
capable of both transport and installation. In this case, it may be possible to transport multiple jacket
foundations using a single vessel. An illustration of such a vessel is provided in Figure 5.15 below. The precise
method of transportation to site has not been confirmed at the time of writing.

Figure 5.14: Anodes affixed to jacket members (source: Keystone)

62 In addition to this protection, the area of the foundation between the splash zone and the wind turbine tower
may also be protected with the following coatings during fabrication:
 Zinc primer applied preferably as a thermal spray;
Figure 5.15: Transportation and installation vessel concept (Source: W3G Marine 2012)
 A silicon epoxy resin sealant;
 A coating of two-part liquid epoxy coating; and
 A final coat consisting of polyurethane, is applied by brush or spray, and is normally moisture curing and
drying if solvent free.
63 All coatings/paints used will be suitable for the marine environment and will conform to the provisions of
ISO 20340 and Norsok M-501 standards.

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Neart na Gaoithe Offshore Wind Farm Environmental Statement

Step 4: Foundation Installation Piling

67 Once at site the jackets will be lifted by crane barge, appropriately orientated and placed either on pre-installed 68 The jacket can be pinned to the seabed in one of two ways:
piles in the seabed or directly on to a prepared seabed in the case where piles are not pre-installed. A jack-up
platform or floating vessel will be used to install the piles and jacket. Jack-ups require a footing on the seabed.  Using pre-installed piles installed with the use of a seabed template (as shown in Figure 5.16); and
To increase the footing area, and hence reduce bearing pressure on the seabed surface, the jack-up may use spud
 Installation of piles after the jacket foundation placement by either:
cans. Spud cans are essentially conical shaped plates fixed to the bottom of the jack-up legs. The diameter of the
spud cans will vary depending on the jack-up barge and soil conditions, although a typical spud can diameter is - Installing piles through special footplates on each leg of the jacket; or
approximately 8 m. Depending on the pile spacing the jack-up may need to be relocated more than once to
- Installing the piles through the legs of the jacket.
complete the full foundation (piles + jacket) structure. Table 5.7 provides indicative details of such activity. The
installation barge will require up to three support vessels. If a jack-up barge is used it is likely that anchors will be 69 Owing to the nature of the seabed sediments at the site and the presence of shallow bedrock, there are three
used to maintain position; the maximum expected anchor spread of a jack-up is 1 km. It is possible that up to main installation methods that could be used for the piles at Neart na Gaoithe:
four jack-ups will operate on site at any one time.
 Driven only pile - driving with a hydraulic hammer;
Component Minimum Maximum
 Driven and drilled pile - the ‘drive–drill-drive’ method (as shown on Figure 5.18 below) where successive
1 (pile installation) 3 (pile installation) driving and drilling phases are used; and
Jack-up moves per foundation installation
1 (jacket installation) 1 (jacket installation)
 Drill only pile - drilling out the entire hole for the pile and subsequently grouting the pile in (as shown on
Leg spacing of jack-up (m) 50x50 100x100 Figure 5.19).

Number of spud cans 4 8 70 The ground conditions at each location will dictate the method that will be used for each foundation. Preliminary
geotechnical investigations of the seabed suggest that:
Spud can footing area (m ) (per spud can ) 1 (leg area without spud can) 106
 Approximately 3% of piles will be driven only (where bedrock depth below seabed is more than the
Number of anchors 0 (position on DP only) 8 designed pile length);

Anchor mooring length 200 m 1,200 m  7% of piles will be drilled only (where bedrock depth is very shallow); and
 90% will be driven - drilled (where bedrock is at an intermediate depth and/or the bedrock is highly
Table 5.7: Jack-up platform details fractured), of these an average of 30% of the pile will be driven and 70% drilled.
71 Future geotechnical investigations will refine these estimates.
72 The ‘driven only’ piles will be installed without generating any arisings or rock fragments. The ‘driven-drilled’
piles will generate rock fragments during the drilling element of this process. As these rock fragments are
generated, they will be mixed with seawater and drawn into the inlet of a hydraulic chute at the drillhead. This
will then be discharged from deck level on the supporting vessel and dispersed over the sea surface, as depicted
in Figure 5.17 below (Fugro Seacore 2012). It is anticipated that guar gum will be used in drilling. Guar gum is
used in drilling due to its ability to suspend solids; it regulates the viscosity of mud solution, and stabilises and
regulates the flow properties of the drilling muds. Guar gum is a natural product that is biodegradable, has no
bioaccumulation potential and is not a persistent, bioaccumulative, toxic (PBT) substance. Guar gum has little or
no environmental impact. As is normal practice, the suspension of guar gum, water and fine rock particles will be
discharged into the adjacent sea and the fine rock particles will settle out on the seabed.

Guar gum is an extract of the guar bean ground into a powder which forms a paste when mixed with water.
Figure 5.16: Jack-up barge installing seabed template (source: Fugro Seacore)

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Neart na Gaoithe Offshore Wind Farm Environmental Statement

Figure 5.18: Drive-drill-drive installation sequence for each pile (Source: Fugro Seacore 2012)

Figure 5.17: Rock fragment dispersal process (Source: Fugro Seacore 2012) Noise Emissions
73 The drill only piles will be installed by first drilling a socket (hole) into the bedrock that is of a slightly larger 74 Noise is generated during pile driving operations. The level of noise generated is dependent on the hammer size
diameter than the steel pile to be installed. As with the driven and drilled piles, the suspended material will be (expressed in maximum blow energy) needed to drive the piles to the design embedment depth, and on the blow
discharged into the adjacent sea, as described above. The volume of material to be discharged will be equal to regime adopted.
the internal volume of the each pile below sea floor level. This will depend on the final choice of pile diameter 75 For driven only and the drill and driven pile installations, preliminary estimations have been made of the pile size,
and the required embedment depth of each pile. Based on the figures in Table 5.6, the volume of discharged hammer size and on the blow regime that will be required to install the piles. Drill and drive and drive only
3 3
material will be between 130 m and 360 m per drilled pile. After drilling, the pile section is installed by inserting estimates that have been used in the noise modelling for the project (refer to Chapter 12: Ornithology, Chapter
the pile into the socket and grouting the structure in place (refer to Figure 5.19). This process entails the filling of 13: Marine Mammals, Chapter 14: Benthic Ecology, Chapter 15: Fish and Shellfish Ecology and Appendix 13.1
the annulus between the pile and the socket wall with a cementitious grout. This grout is injected through pipes Noise Model Technical Report) are included in Table 5.8 below.
that pass through to the pile base and emerge into the annulus through holes in the pile wall (estimated volume
indicated above). 76 The drill and drive parameters are based on an average soil profile for the site that assumes an 8 m thickness of
soil above the bedrock. The drive details show how the hammer energy level is increased in stages and driving
continued for the durations shown until the target penetration below sea floor is reached. The driving is
interrupted by the operation of changing the hammer with the drill, and after drilling completion, the final drive
to the embedment depth is completed.
77 The drive only parameters are based on the limited parts of the site where bedrock is very deep below seabed
and piles can be installed by driving methods without the need for drilling.

Page 5-12
Neart na Gaoithe Offshore Wind Farm Environmental Statement

Neart na Gaoithe most likely case – drill and drive (bedrock profile)

Pile diameter (mm) 2500

Wall thickness (mm) 100
Target penetration (m below sea floor (BSF)) 27.5
Max hammer energy transferred (kJ) 1200
Soft start duration (min) 20
Total drive duration (estimate) 120 min (virgin pile drive) + 100 min (drive after drill)
Duration (min) Energy (kJ)
20 240
100 995
Drive details
26.5 (hours) Change out hammer and drilling time
20 240
80 995
Strike rate – soft start (blow count per second (bc/s)) 0.5
Strike rate – soft start (bc/s) 0.5

Neart na Gaoithe worst (realistic) case – drive only (channel profile)

Figure 5.19: Grouted pile arrangement (Source: Fugro Seacore 2012)

Pile diameter (mm) 3500
Wall thickness (mm) 100 Step 5: Scour Protection
Target penetration (m BSF) 38.5 78 In detailed design the need for scour protection around jacket piles will be defined. Should scour protection be
required, the area of seabed protected will be in the range of 100 to 250 m . The volume of material to be placed
Max hammer energy transferred (kJ) 1635 3
on the seabed for the purpose of scour protection will be in the range of 100 to 375 m per jacket, and therefore
Soft start duration (min) 114 significantly less than the area/volume needed for a gravity base. The final determination as to the need or
Total drive duration (estimate) 216 otherwise for scour protection measures requires the completion of the detailed design process. This in turn
Time (min) Energy (kJ)
requires the completion of further planned geotechnical investigations which have not taken place at the time of
114 318
Drive details
85 925 5.6 Turbine Options
17 1383
Strike rate – soft start (bc/s) 0.5 79 The wind turbines to be installed at Neart na Gaoithe will be chosen on the basis of efficiency, reliability,
commercial availability and economics. Whilst it is likely that the wind farm will utilise a single design to take
Strike rate – soft start (bc/s) 0.5
advantage of bulk purchase arrangements and standardisation it is possible that more than one design option will
Table 5.8: Drill Drive and Drive only scenarios for piling driving noise assessments be used if circumstances dictate.
80 Each turbine will have the same three bladed design overall incorporating the following internal mechanics (refer
to Figure 5.20).
 The blades or rotor convert wind energy to low speed rotational energy. The blades are attached to the
 The nacelle (Figure 5.20 below) houses the electrical generator, the control electronics, and most likely a
gearbox for converting the low speed incoming rotation to electricity;
 The tower supports the nacelle; and
 The turbine transformer is located within the wind turbine tower, usually at platform level above the
foundation. The transformer is housed in a hermetically sealed unit and serves to step up the generator
voltage to the inter-array voltage.

Page 5-13
Neart na Gaoithe Offshore Wind Farm Environmental Statement

Rotor Diameter

Upper Blade Tip Height

Hub Height

All heights expressed relative to a sea level

at Lowest Astronomical Tide (LAT)

Figure 5.20: Components of a typical offshore wind turbine (Source: Siemens Wind Power)
Figure 5.21: Wind turbine dimensions, adapted from Renew (2011)
81 The turbine options being considered range in power output size from 3.6 MW to 7 MW. The turbine options
outlined in Table 5.9 are considered to represent the full range of upper and lower limits in each parameter. Turbine rated output
Figure 5.21 defines the terminology used to describe the dimensions of the wind turbine. Parameter
3.6 MW turbine 4.1 MW turbine 6 MW turbine 7 MW turbine
82 The 3.6 MW turbine under consideration will generally start to produce electricity when the wind speed at hub
height is 3 to 4 m/s. Wind speeds in the order of 14 to 15 m/s will produce the maximum capacity of 3.6 MW. Number at 450 MW capacity 125 109 75 64
Turbines are designed with a ’fail-safe’ which operates in the event of malfunction and excessive wind speeds.
Wind speeds greater than 25 m/s for an extended period will cause the turbines to shut down by feathering the Maximum rotor tip height (m) (LAT) 175 171.25 175.5 197
rotor blades. All turbines rotate in a clockwise direction when viewed from the windward direction. Rotor diameter (m) 120 112.5 121 164
83 The tallest turbine with the largest rotor diameter is the 7 MW design. A layout that uses the 3.6 MW has the Minimum / maximum hub height (m)
84 / 115 80.25 / 115 84.5 / 115 106 / 115
largest number of turbines at the highest density. The 4.1 MW and 6 MW turbine designs – both of which meet (LAT)
the technical specifications within the bounds outlined by the 3.6 MW and the 7 MW - were included as potential Air gap (m) clearance to blade tip
26 26 26 26
alternative options. It should be noted that the 4.1 MW design has a smaller rotor diameter than the 3.6 MW (minimum of) from LAT
model and therefore could have the smallest distance between turbines within the array. Revolutions per minute (rpm) 5 – 13 8 - 18 5 - 13 4.8 - 12.1

Speed at blade tip (m/s) 31.4 - 81.64 50.24 - 113.04 31 - 83 41-104

Height of platform (m) LAT 18 18 18 18

Max turbine spacing (m) (approximately) 1320 1240 1330 1805

Min turbine spacing (m) (approximately) 480 450 484 656

Position of turbines Indicative Layout A Indicative Layout B

Table 5.9: Turbine specifications

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Neart na Gaoithe Offshore Wind Farm Environmental Statement

5.6.1 Project Layout

84 Neart na Gaoithe has the potential to generate up to 450 MW. The exact number of turbines required to
generate this output will depend on the rated capacity of the turbines used. At the time of submission it is not
possible to confirm the type or the final number of turbines which will be installed on site. This is due to both the
variety of turbines currently available on the open market and also the degree of uncertainty with regard to
detailed site conditions. The final selection of turbine type will not progress until after consent has been granted
and detailed site investigations have been undertaken.
85 To enable the assessment process to continue, two indicative layouts have been developed, each with a
maximum number of the different turbine models. Indicative layout A (Figure 5.22) uses the 3.6 MW and 4.1 MW
turbines and indicative layout B (Figure 5.23) uses the 6 MW and 7 MW turbines. This is considered to provide a
realistic range of parameters within which the final development layout will lie. The indicative layouts allow for
flexibility in turbine choice provided that in any layout the energy output does not exceed 450 MW. Table 5.10
details the maximum number of turbines within each indicative layout.
3.6 MW turbine 4.1 MW turbine 6 MW turbine 7 MW turbine
Maximum number 125 109 75 64

Indicative layout scenarios Indicative layout A 128 turbines Indicative layout B 80 turbines

Table 5.10: Turbine rating against site capacity

86 Should a 3.6 MW turbine prove to be the most appropriate choice this will result in the highest density of turbine
and associated foundation placements. Figure 5.22 shows an indicative layout of 128 turbines and Figure 5.23
contains an indicative layout showing 80 turbines. The extra turbine positions are included above the site
capacity to allow a degree of flexibility in the final placement.
87 The exact locations of each turbine will depend on both the size of the turbine (larger turbines will require greater
inter-turbine spacing) and the ground conditions at each location. Micrositing of up to 500 m per turbine is
proposed to allow greatest layout flexibility.

5.6.2 Oils and Fluids

Figure 5.22: Indicative layout A which considers 3.6 MW and 4.1 MW turbines and 4 indicative substation locations (max of
88 Each wind turbine will contain components which require lubricants and hydraulic oils in order to operate. The 2 will be used)
turbine transformer may be oil filled or ’dry type’. The volume of oil is dependent on the size of the turbine and
typical maximum figures are shown in Table 5.11 below. The table presents the typical quantities of lubricating
and hydraulic oils likely to be present in the turbine. The nacelle, tower and rotor are designed and constructed
to retain any leaks from the outset reducing the risk of leakages to the wider environment.
Element Maximum
Grease 129 l
Hydraulic oil 460 l
Gear oil 825 l
Transformer silicon / ester oil 2200 kg

Table 5.11: Maximum estimated turbine oils and fluids volumes

Page 5-15
Neart na Gaoithe Offshore Wind Farm Environmental Statement General Sequence of Turbine Installation

90 The general sequence of wind turbine installation is shown in Figure 5.24.

Feeder barge transports

turbines to site

Turbines moved to
installation vessel or
holding vessel

Installation vessel installs

tower in (single, two or
three) sections

Installation vessel installs


Blades installed either as

full rotor (assembled in port
or on vessel) or in single lift
Figure 5.23: Indicative layout B which considers 6 MW and 7 MW turbines and 4 indicative substation locations (max of 2
Figure 5.24: General sequence of wind turbine installation
will be used)
91 A typical installation process detailing the base case wind turbine installation scenario is outlined below and in
5.6.3 Installation of Turbines Figure 5.24; however, this may be subject to change following the selection of the turbine supplier.

89 Turbine installation will follow on from the installation of the chosen foundation and transition solution and will  Turbine sub-assemblies (nacelle, rotor blades and towers) will be loaded on to either the installation vessel
preferably take place after commissioning of the associated inter-array cable. The choice of either gravity base or or on to a feeder vessel(s) and shipped to the installation site. Depending upon which vessel is used it is
steel jacket foundations will not materially affect turbine installation practices. likely that between 3 and 10 complete turbine sub-assemblies will be loaded at a time;
 At the installation location, the tower will be erected first, followed by the nacelle and blades. The blades
may be installed one at a time (single blade installation or pre-assembled as shown in Figure 5.25).
92 Regarding the vessels to be employed for this installation, this will be largely determined by the final choice of
turbine model and the availability of suitable vessels at the time of installation. In general terms, the installation
sequence depicted above is expected to be followed, whereby separate vessels are used for the transport and
installation of each turbine. This may, however, potentially be carried out using a single larger floating vessel,
should such be commercially available at the time of construction.

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Neart na Gaoithe Offshore Wind Farm Environmental Statement

5.7.1 Offshore Substation

96 The purpose of an offshore substation platform is to transform the electricity generated offshore from a medium
voltage) (up to 70 kV) to a higher voltage (220 kV). This increase in voltage allows the power to be transmitted
from the offshore to the onshore substation efficiently and with lower transmission losses. There will be a
maximum of two high voltage alternating current (HVAC) offshore substations installed at Neart na Gaoithe. Four
potential locations have been identified, as shown on Figures 5.22 and 5.23.
97 The following potential locations (refer to Table 5.12) have been identified. These should be considered as
indicative only: following detailed site investigations one or two positions will be selected.
Longitude (degrees Latitude (degrees
Location Easting UTM30N Northing UTM30N Geographic location
decimal minutes) decimal minutes)

Sub Station 1 545725 6230074 002° 15.766'W 056° 12.803'N Site periphery

Sub Station 2 546111 6235442 002° 15.337'W 056° 15.695'N Centre

Sub Station 3 544559 6234836 002° 16.846'W 056° 15.377'N Western valley

Sub Station 4 549981 6231390 002° 11.635'W 056° 13.487'N Southern valley

Table 5.12: Indicative substation locations

98 Each substation will consist of a foundation, substructure and topside facilities. The foundation design will be
Figure 5.25: Turbine installation (Source: Repower) primarily determined by the weight of the topside, depth of water and seabed conditions. The foundation types
being considered for the substations are either a jacket or gravity base foundation. Commissioning and Testing
99 The topside size and weight are determined by the equipment that is to be accommodated at the substation.
93 Turbine erection will preferably not commence until a power supply from the onshore grid connection is Due to the offshore conditions, the substations will be built to withstand corrosion and prevent equipment
available. Once each turbine has been installed and the cabling connected, a process of testing and damage, hence all electrical equipment is enclosed to protect it from the environment.
commissioning will be carried out prior to the turbine being put into service. Testing and commissioning of each
turbine is estimated to take approximately eight days. The turbine testing process consists of checking all of the Substation Design: Topside
control systems on the turbine, generator, switchgear, transformer gearbox, yaw control and meteorological
100 The topside structure will accommodate the substation electrical equipment and provide access and temporary
measurement functions, before running up the turbine through its normal design sequences. All interlocks and
accommodation for personnel as well as areas for cable marshalling and other services. The substation(s) will
safety systems are checked for functionality in both the static and running modes. Ancillary systems such as the
incorporate several decks. Each deck will contain different modules, enclosures or systems including, for
hydraulics also go through a pre-testing regime before the turbine is rotated. A standard checklist will be
prepared before the turbine is put into service. The last phase of the commissioning is energising the turbine via
the inter-array cables. In the event that the grid connection is not completed at the time of turbine installation, a  Transformers;
back-up plan involving a temporary power supply will be implemented.
 Transformer cooling system;
5.7 Offshore Electrical Infrastructure  Transformer dump tank;

94 Electricity generated by wind turbines offshore requires the following components to transmit power to the
 220 kV gas insulated switchgear room;
National Grid:  Medium voltage switchgear;
 Two export cables from the offshore substation to the landing point at Thorntonloch;  Heating, ventilation and air conditioning;
 Between 85 km and 140 km of inter-array cables from turbines to offshore substation(s); and  Fire suppression systems;
 Maximum of two offshore substations;  Emergency diesel generation system;
95 A range of different design options for the electrical system are being considered and the final decisions will be  Batteries, battery chargers and Uninterruptable Power System (UPS);
reliant on the final turbine and array choice.
 Control and protection room; and
 People facilities (possibly including temporary or emergency accommodation and lifeboats).
101 The main dimensions of the topside of the offshore substation are shown in Table 5.13.

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Neart na Gaoithe Offshore Wind Farm Environmental Statement

Parameter Unit Hazardous Substances Contained in the Offshore Substation

Level of topside (LAT) Approximately 18 m
Transformer Oil
Height to top of crane / helicopter pad (LAT) Approximately 60 m
107 Oil is used primarily as a cooling medium for power transformers. Each transformer(s) will be filled with
Length x width of topside (m) Approximately 30x30 m
approximately 150,000 litres of oil (Midel or equivalent) at the docks in advance of transportation offshore.
Total area of topside Approximately 2,500 m
Total weight of topside (tonnes) 2,000 to 2,500
108 An oil collection (bunding) system will be installed underneath the power transformers. This will consist of
collection pans which cover areas at risk from spillage, including the transformers. Oil-resistant and fire resistant
Table 5.13: Offshore substation parameters plastic or rubber liners may be installed on the floor or underneath/around catchment pans for added protection.
The collection pans will feed into an oil sump collection tank that will have a capacity of at least 110% of the
102 If only one substation is used there could be up to three transformers and associated equipment in the
stored volume of oil.
substation. If two substations are used, two transformers will be accommodated within each.
103 The major plant items likely to be present on an offshore substation are detailed in table 5.14. Sulphur Hexafluoride
109 Sulphur hexafluoride (SF6) is used in gas insulated switchgear as an arc quenching agent. It facilitates the design
Plant Item No. Notes of compact and highly reliable switchgear. SF6 is likely to be used in the MV and 220 kV switchgear and may be
Oil filled transformer complete with oil bunding designed to capture any leakages. The considered for use in the HVAC transformers. SF6 switchgear is long established and is a proven product used
bund capacity will be 110% of the volume of oil contained in the transformer. Each both onshore and offshore.
Transformer Up to 3
transformer will contain of the order of 150,000 litres of oil. Consideration will be given in
detailed design to a gas insulated transformer that contains SF6 gas instead of oil 110 Under operational conditions, including fault conditions, SF6 remains completely inert and is totally contained
Transformer cooler Up to 3 Contained within ventilated (louvres on external wall), perimeter enclosure within the switchgear. Normal risk mitigating measures include switchgear SF 6 pressure monitoring. The SF6
Approximately 20
components of gas insulated switchgear are designed to be maintenance free for their life, which exceeds
MV switchgear Modular, gas insulated switchgear (33 kV to 77 kV) 25 years.
per platform

220 kV breakers Up to 8 Modular, gas insulated unit. Number depending on final design of protection system Batteries
111 A direct current (DC) system consisting of dry type valve regulated lead acid (VRLA) batteries, battery chargers
Table 5.14: Summary of major plant items on offshore substation and a distribution board will all be housed in standalone floor mounted cabinets to cater for the substation
48 V DC supplies. The batteries will be mounted on terraced shelves covered with an acid resistant sheet behind
104 Each offshore substation(s) will be supported by a jacket or gravity base foundation. The characteristics of the
secure front opening doors. Telecommunications equipment may have dedicated batteries such as nickel
foundations will be similar to those already described in Section 5.5 and where necessary, similar seabed
cadmium. These battery cells typically have a design life of 10 to 12 years and will be recycled and properly
preparation will be undertaken.
disposed of at the end of their useable life.
105 Scour protection, if required, will be similar to the scour protection outlined in Section 5.5 and the quantity will
depend on the foundation type. If a gravity base foundation is used, the quantity of scour protection is expected Diesel Fuel
to be between 730 – 1,590 m ; this would extend between 5 and 8 m outside the foundation perimeter. If a 112 There will be a diesel generator, with integral fuel tank included at the offshore substation(s), which will be used
jacket foundation is used and scour protection is required, the area of seabed protected will be approximately to provide emergency electrical supplies for a period of time in the event of loss of connection to shore. The
2 2
225m , with a placed material volume of approximately 340m per jacket. amount of fuel needed will be based on the auxiliary load of the substation and the suggested runtime fuel
needed for emergencies. Based on existing wind farm experience, a diesel fuel volume of the order of 10,000
106 Table 5.15 presents the dimensions of the key design elements for the substation foundation for jackets, which is
litres (l)is anticipated. Standard offshore practice, using containerised bunded gensets, or gensets enclosed
the most likely candidate type.
within a purpose built enclosure will be used. The generator will run for test purposes, typically at 1 year
Element Dimension intervals. Fuel top-ups to replace volumes of fuel used in testing, will take place using a flexible retractable hose
Piles per jacket 4-8 from a licensed diesel supply vessel.
Diameter of piles Up to 3.5 m Fire Extinguishing Agents
Pile penetration depth 20 – 60 m 113 A fire detection and suppression system complying with relevant regulations will be installed during the
Weight of jacket (tonnes) 1,000 to 1,500 manufacturing of the substation. As a minimum this will comprise mains powered smoke detectors with
Diameter of main jacket tubulars 0.75 – 3 m rechargeable battery back-up. These detectors will be wired through to the site remote telecommunications
Jacket leg spacing at seabed level Up to 60 m supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) system and transmitted offsite to alert control operators of a
Total seabed occupied by substation (piles, legs and scour protection) (m )
Approximately 450m
2 fire at the substation. Suitable fire extinguishers shall be installed in all substation rooms. The fire suppression
system and manual fire extinguishers in the substation will be equipped with appropriate extinguishing agents.
Table 5.15: Offshore substation foundation parameters
Anti-Corrosion Coatings
114 The steelwork and other materials vulnerable to corrosion used in the construction of the topside will be either
hot dip galvanised or coated with other corrosion protection coating during fabrication. Electrical equipment
such as cooling radiators can be coated to provide resistance to scratches and impacts. Minor volumes of touch
up corrosion protection coating (anticipated less than 50 l) will be housed on the substation to deal with any
areas that require maintenance.

Page 5-18
Neart na Gaoithe Offshore Wind Farm Environmental Statement Installation of the Substation 117 For transportation of the structure it is possible that four journeys will be required. The vessels will be selected in
accordance with transportation requirements. Once the substation is in place, the subsea cables are brought into
the topside and final commissioning work is undertaken. Total installation is expected to take approximately
Substation topside and 30 days exclusive of weather downtime. Figure 5.27 shows a fully installed substation. For clarity, this image
Foundation fabricated onshore depicts a monopile foundation; this project is considering only jacket foundation or gravity base foundation.

Seabed preparation at substation


Foundation and substation topside

transported to site by barge

Foundation installed

Substation topside installed on


Subsea cables brought in to

substation via J-tubes

Figure 5.27: Installed substation (Pictures courtesy of CG. Copyright ®

118 In the event that two substations are used both will be connected to shore via independent 220 kV cables. If one
Scour protection installed of these cables goes out of service, a level of redundancy will be provided by a 220 kV cable connecting the
substations. Such interconnection improves export power flexibility and will be made using 220 kV cables similar
to that used for the export of power to shore. The installation and burial of this cable will be the same as that
Figure 5.26: General sequence of substation installation described in Section 5.7.3: Export Cables.

115 Installation of the substation(s) is expected to follow the general sequence shown on Figure 5.26 above. The 5.7.2 Offshore Inter-array Cables
complete topside will be manufactured onshore and all electrical and mechanical equipment will be installed and
pre-commissioned onshore before being transported offshore. Similarly, and independently, the foundation will 119 Cabling used to connect turbines within turbine arrays may be rated at up to 70 kV (medium voltage). The cables
be fabricated onshore and transported offshore. will be steel wire armoured and will have three electrical conductor cores varying in size up to 500 mm . The
116 Seabed preparation and installation of the foundation will occur as in the method described for turbine cables will have cross-linked polyethylene (XLPE) insulation. Optical data cables for SCADA, control and
foundations in Section 5.5.2: Gravity Base Foundations, and Section 5.5.3: Steel Jacket Foundations. The topside protection will be included within the cable bundle.
will be transported offshore on a barge or a heavy lift vessel. A heavy lift vessel will be used for lifting the topside 120 The inter-array cabling layout will be optimised to minimise losses and capital expenditure costs. There will be up
structure onto the foundation; it is likely the heavy lift vessel will be supported by up to four vessels including to 16 collector circuits, connecting up to ten turbines each, dependent on the turbine model; these will directly
tugs and fast response vessels. As the design of the substation has not been finalised it is not known whether the link to the substation. This connection will be made after the turbine foundation installation but before the
installation of the topside will be done by a jack-up or floating vessel. If a jack-up is used, it is likely that it will be turbine installation. Details of the cable design and cable burial parameters are given in Table 5.16.
supported on four legs.

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Neart na Gaoithe Offshore Wind Farm Environmental Statement

Turbine rated output 126 Due to the relatively small diameter, greater inherent flexibility and shorter route lengths involved in inter-array
Parameter cable installation different approaches can be adopted:
3.6 MW turbine 4.1 MW turbine 6 MW turbine 7 MW turbine
 Cables can be cut to length prior to the offshore installation phase;
Number of cables Up to 16 circuits with a total of 85 to 140 km of cable.
 Uncut cable can be loaded into a vessel cable tank or carousel (with capacity up to 80 km of cable); or
Max 10 turbines per Max 9 turbines per Max 6 turbines per Max 6 turbines per
Design of array
collector circuit collector circuit collector circuit collector circuit  Shorter lengths can be spooled on to an installation reel or reels, which can then be lifted onto the
Specification of cables
XLPE AC cable up to 70 kV Size ranges from 50 mm to 500 mm
2 installation vessel.
Burial method / scour
Likely ploughing/cutting/jetting or rock cover. Exact options finalised when layout is confirmed. Method of Burial of Inter-array Cables
127 It is expected that the inter-array cables will be buried to depths up to 1.5 m using cable ploughs - refer to
Width of seabed affected
2 m direct impact width, up to 8 m width of zone of minor disturbance (10 m in total). Figure 5.28 - and/or mechanical cutters as necessary. The cable plough uses a remotely operated adjustable steel
(per cable)
cutting tool to achieve the required trench depth. In harder soils a mechanical cutter can be used that adopts a
Width of cable corridor 30 to 100 m hydraulically operated chain cutter. A trenching plan that will identify specific areas for plough and mechanical
Burial depth (m) Likely to vary across site up to 1.5 m. cutter will be prepared following the detailed geotechnical investigation. This installation is likely to achieve an
installation rate of 2 to 3 km per day depending on weather conditions. The use of water jetting is considered
Table 5.16: Inter-array cable burial and design parameters unlikely to be viable, due to the hard soils anticipated and the potential for very shallow rock outcropping,
however it may be used in some areas of the site. It is likely that scour protection will be required over
121 The total length of inter-array cabling will be between 85 and 140 km depending upon final turbine layout choice, approximately 20% of the inter-array cable length where desired burial depths are difficult to achieve; such
ground conditions encountered and certain potential mechanical risks arising from fishing and shipping activity. instances would occur where bedrock outcrops at seabed level or in zones where thin sediment exists over the
122 Inter-array cables will be buried where practicable and protected by other means where burial is not possible. bedrock. The installation may be done by either a single vessel or twin vessels as detailed below.
There are several materials used to provide scour protection to cables which include: 128 Cable layout designs will seek to ensure that cable crossing is avoided; however, should this prove impractical
 Durable crushed or original rock of defined size range; protection measures will be necessary. No non-project related cabling or pipelines have been identified within
the site boundary. However, should a cable or pipeline crossing be required the protection would consist of one
 Artificial fronds or seaweed; or more of the scour protection materials identified in Section 5.7.2.
 Concrete ‘mattresses’; and
 Bags (high strength nylon fibre) of gravel, hardened sand-cement grout, or concrete (grout/concrete pre-
filled and hardened onshore). The bag option may include a technique where the grout is introduced to
the nylon fibre bag offshore through proprietary pipes (the bags being permeable to water but not to
123 The amount of scour protection is dependent on the mobility of the seabed in the vicinity of the cables.
Preliminary calculations have indicated that the scour protection grain size is expected to have a median diameter
of 100 mm. The width of scour protection above the cable where necessary is expected to be about 2 m and
thickness of the scour protection is expected to be of the order of 0.5 m.
124 Placing scour protection can be performed by a fall pipe, wire crane with grab or by rock-dumping. Inter-array Cable Installation

125 Inter-array cables will be buried and protected as appropriate in order to:
 Prevent movement or exposure of cables over the lifetime of the wind farm due to seabed movement;
 Protect the cables from other activities such as fishing or anchor placement;
 Protect against the small risk of dropped objects; and
 Limit the potential effects on environmental receptors from the effects of heat and or induced magnetic
fields caused by the cables.

Figure 5.28: Cable plough (Source: Prysmian Group)

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Neart na Gaoithe Offshore Wind Farm Environmental Statement

Single Vessel Installation Process 134 An example of a typical 220 kV 3-core HVAC cable cross section is shown in Figure 5.29. The cable typically
comprises three copper conductors insulated by cross linked polyethylene and an integral optical fibre cable
129 The most typical installation method is using a single vessel to both lay and bury the cable simultaneously.
(24 single mode fibres). Individual cables have an insulation screen, a lead alloy sheath and a polyethylene over
Support vessels will be used to manage the safety zone (refer to Section 5.10.1). The process is as follows:
sheath. The three core assembly is encased with a single layer steel wire armour covering and a final outer
 The cable laying vessel approaches the first structure and the cable end is over-boarded, transited to the polypropylene sheath.
structure probably by ROV, carefully pulled into the first J-tube and hung off;
 The installation vessel then over-boards the plough or trenching unit, and cable loading takes place either
on the vessel back deck or subsea;
 There is simultaneous lay and burial of the cable using the cable burial equipment;
 At the end of the cable where the next turbine is approached, the plough or trenching unit cutting action
would be stopped and the vessel would transit past the turbine foundation leaving a length of cable
exposed on the seabed;
 Following recovery of the plough, an ROV would be used to recover the cable end which is ultimately
pulled up through the J-tube; and
 The length of cable - approximately 100 m - left unburied at the approach to each turbine has to be
protected. This can be done by any of the scour protection measures identified above or alternatively an
ROV can mechanically cut a trench to accomplish burial of the cable in this area.

Twin Vessel Installation Process

130 This method involves two vessels, one to lay the cable and the other to bury it. In this scenario, the lay and bury
activities occur in much the same way as described above but cable burial takes place from a separate trenching
vessel either simultaneously or immediately after installation and cable hang off. Post-lay trenching is likely to be
less well suited for ploughing operations and better suited to a mechanical trencher. It is possible that multiple
vessels may install the cables simultaneously.

Post Burial
131 Following the completion of burial activities, a further scour protection phase may be required to protect the
cable transitions and any areas of cable exposure around the J-tubes. This burial protection will be installed using
one of the processes outlined for foundation scour protection (see Section 5.5). The final decision concerning
optimal burial methodologies will be made at a later date when further geotechnical investigations have been
carried out and market availability of particular cable laying technologies tested.
132 Contingency plans will be developed to ensure that appropriate actions are taken should any of the cables
become exposed.
Figure 5.29: Typical 220 kV 3-core subsea cable (Source: Prysmian Group)
5.7.3 Export Cables
135 The final design of the subsea export cable system will be determined by a combination of results from
geophysical and geotechnical surveys and electrical losses considerations. Consideration will be given to Cable Characteristics minimising the number of cable joints, of both factory and offshore types. The general export cable specification
133 Cable characteristics vary depending upon cable manufacturer. Typical 220 kV HVAC 3-core cable characteristics is shown in Table 5.18.
fall within the ranges conveyed within Table 5.17. Currently, it is assumed that Neart na Gaoithe will use subsea
cables with 500 mm copper conductors and galvanized steel wire armouring to protect the cables. The total Export cables
length of installed export cable is estimated to be approximately 66 km (two cables at 33 km each). Number of cables 2
Three-core 220 kV export cable Length (m) 33 km
Conductor (mm ) Cable diameter (mm) Mass in air (kg/m) Specification of cables 220 kV (Um 245 kV) 3-phase AC XLPE insulated
500 219 81 Spacing between cables (m) Minimum 70 m/maximum 500 m (3x water depth but no less than 70 m)
630 224 87
Cable corridor width (m) 300 m (i.e., 150 m either side of cable route centre line)
800 234 95
Burial depth (m) Up to 3 m
Table 5.17: Physical specifications of 3-core 220 kV export cable
Table 5.18: Export cable specification

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Neart na Gaoithe Offshore Wind Farm Environmental Statement Installation of Offshore Export Cable Element Maximum Comments

136 Two export cables will be used to transmit power back to the shore from the offshore substation. Each will Burial depth Up to 3 m Dependent on risk assessment, including ground conditions.
consist of XLPE 3-core cables (three conductors per cable) with a maximum continuous rated voltage of 245 kV. 2 m direct impact width in the centre of an up to 10 m wide zone of minor
Width of seabed affected (per cable) Up to 10 m
The operating voltage will be 220 kV. Fibre optic data cables will be included within the cable bundle SCADA. disturbance from the plough skids.
Max cable spacing 300 m Dependent on ground conditions and will be finalised after detailed survey.
137 The cable route will be a balance of the shortest route possible between the offshore substation and the onshore
landing point, suitable seabed conditions, and environmental considerations. A cable corridor has been Table 5.19: Offshore HVAC cable installation dimensions
determined and surveyed, but the exact location of the cable will be microsited based on a pre-cable lay survey. Export Cable Installation Process
138 Subsea export cables are thicker and heavier than inter-array cables and land cables, commonly in the region of
100 kg per metre length. Larger vessels are, therefore, required for installation. Figure 5.30 shows a photograph 141 It is likely there will be one primary vessel and up to three support vessels in use per cable installation. Cable lay
of such a vessel which could be used for the installation of subsea export cables. The vessel has a mechanised vessels can typically install between 2 km/day and 20 km/day depending on ground conditions and the need for
cable turntable on deck which is used to wind the cable onboard and to wind it off again. This vessel uses supplementary cable protection. The cable installation methods to be adopted will be dependent on the ground
dynamic positioning and other navigational aids to maintain accurate cable laying. All operations need to be conditions along the route. Final decisions will be made following detailed geotechnical investigations.
strictly controlled to respect design requirements for cable bending radii, stresses and strains. Installation methods under consideration for the installation of the export cables include:
 Use of high pressure pump/jets to cut trenches where sandy conditions exist. Having laid the cable, the
trenches will close naturally without backfilling;
 Use of mechanical cutters or cable ploughs as described above for the inter-array cables; and
 Laying of cable on the seabed and covering with scour protection, either with a rock mattress or by
overplacement with unbound graded rock (where bedrock outcrops at seabed level or thin sediment layer
is present over the bedrock).
142 Given the length of the proposed cable route corridor a combination of methodologies may be required to bury
the cable in different sections of the route. Seabed conditions or protection issues may require the cable to be
protected by scour protection instead of, or in addition to, burying. It is estimated that 15% of the export cable
route will require scour protection.
143 There are three common vessel arrangements used to install long distance cables:
 Lay and protect the cable from a single cable installation vessel (2 to 3 km/day);
 Lay the cable using a cable installation vessel and protect the cable using a separate vessel, but with both
vessels travelling together and working as a single unit to achieve an expected installation rate of 2 to 3 km
per day; and
 Lay the cable using a cable installation vessel with a separate ship protecting the cable and both ships
travelling independently. The cable installation ship could in this case travel much faster (15 to
20 km/day).
144 The export cable will require installation in varying water depths from the offshore substation to the beach
landing point or to the intertidal zone. Based upon the water depths and nature of the seabed along the route, a
Figure 5.30: Cable lay vessel Giulio Verne (Source: Prysmian Group) dynamically positioned vessel is likely to offer the optimal operational flexibility across the range of operations
necessary. Based upon the length and assumed weight of the cable, it is likely that each export cable would be
139 The extent to which the cables will be buried will be dependent on the result of a detailed seabed survey of the laid in a single length without the requirement for a midline joint.
final cable route and associated burial risk assessment process. Intertidal Zone
140 The intention is to bury the cable as far as is practicable along the entire cable route (refer to Table 5.18 and
Table 5.19). In suitable seabed conditions cables could be buried to 3 m. Export cables will be separated by a 145 At the time of writing the ES, a detailed intertidal geotechnical survey has not yet been undertaken. For this
minimum spacing at sea of 70 m extending to 300 m in some areas. reason, details as to exact locations of cable laying and associated infrastructure have not yet been confirmed and
the following text is indicative of the possible process.
146 Cable landfall will be at Thorntonloch beach, to the south of Torness Power Station. At landfall, the two offshore
export cables will be brought from the offshore cable laying vessel, up the intertidal zone, to two adjacent
transition pits located above the high water mark – where the onshore and offshore cables will be connected.
147 The exact, final location of the cable landfall will depend on the final offshore cable route. Figure 5.31 shows the
proposed envelope of potential intertidal cable routes.

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Neart na Gaoithe Offshore Wind Farm Environmental Statement
151 For this project, the rig site will be located above the high water mark of Thorntonloch beach and will contain a
receiving pit for the electrical cable. This will be similar to a conventional manhole and approximately 2.5 m long
by 1 m wide by 1 m deep. The pipe site is likely to be located at a point seaward of mean low water springs
(MLWS) on Thorntonloch beach. Confirmation of the precise location of the pipe site requires the completion of
a planned geotechnical survey of the intertidal area. Thus, the pipe site location will be confirmed prior to the
commencement of works.
152 The rig site will comprise a construction area of approximately 30 m long by 40 m wide and will contain a drill rig,
an electrical generator, a water tanker, a mud recycling unit and a temporary site office. Drilling mud containing
bentonite will be used to aid the drilling process and will use the output from the mud recycling unit mixed with
water for this purpose.
153 The pipe site will comprise an area of approximately 20 m long by 20 m wide. A jack-up platform equipped with
an excavator will be used to carry out the works at this location. A circular/rectangular steel casing will be
installed into the seabed to facilitate the excavation of a dry area within which a second receiving pit will be
constructed. Here, the cable will emerge from the channel and be joined with the export cable. The cable will
then be buried, the disturbed area reinstated and the casing removed.
154 In simple terms, the drilling/installation process will comprise four stages:
 A small diameter pilot hole will be drilled from the rig site to the pipe site, for the purpose of defining the
path of the channel into which the cable is to be installed;
 A steel reamer will then be pulled back through the pilot hole from the pipe site to the rig site, enlarging
the diameter of the hole as it progresses. This may need to be repeated a number of times, depending on
the nature of the soil through which it passes, in order to enlarge the channel diameter sufficiently as to
accommodate the electrical cable;
 The electrical cable and the ducting within which it rests will then be attached to the reamer and pulled
through the channel from the pipe site to the rig site, at which point it will be secured in place by means of
precast concrete thrust blocks within the transition pit; and
 At the pipe site, the jack-up platform will then be removed. The cable end will then be connected to the
remainder of the offshore cable and buried into the seabed.
Figure 5.31: Proposed beach landfall location
155 At the pipe site, the cable will be supplied by a cable installation vessel such that it can be drawn through the
148 The two subsea cables will be separated by a minimum spacing of approximately 50 m offshore, at the location
channel behind the reamer. This vessel will be required to remain a minimum distance from shore to ensure
where the cable laying vessel is positioned. The cable separation will be reduced to a minimum of 10 m as the
adequate water depth for operation. This distance is estimated as 1 km approximately, however this will be
cables approach the landfall and the connection with the onshore cables. The 10 m spacing is required for cable
confirmed following the completion of the above mentioned geotechnical survey.
thermal rating purposes where depths of approximately 8 m are required, however the spacing will reduce as the
cable depth reduces and as the cable approaches the joint transition pits. The landfall cables will be housed in
high density polyethylene ducts installed under the beach and under any onshore constraints.
149 The method of installation for intertidal works will be dependent on the ground and seabed conditions along the
cable route. Two potential options are being considered for installation, both are described below.

Horizontal Directional Drilling

150 Horizontal Directional Drilling (HDD) is a method of underground cable installation being considered at the land-
sea interface for the project. The principle of HDD is to drill a channel underground between two points, into
which an electrical cable can be installed, without needing to excavate an open trench along the channel route
(refer to Figure 5.32). To achieve this, an onshore drill rig commences drilling at the start of the underground
channel (known as the Rig Site), toward the end point of the channel (known as the Pipe Site). Using this
methodology it estimated that the entire duration of cable installation works between the rig site and the pipe
site will be approximately 4 months.

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Neart na Gaoithe Offshore Wind Farm Environmental Statement

Figure 5.33: Beach excavations – tracked excavators and barge mounted excavators (Source ETA Ltd)
Figure 5.32: Illustration of directional drilling process Construction of Transition Pits
Open Cut Trenching 161 The transition pits will consist of an underground structure and will house the joints that link the multi-core
offshore cables with the single core onshore export cables. Each circuit may have its own transition pit; located
156 Open cut trenching may be used as an alternative to HDD to route the subsea cables through the intertidal zone.
adjacent to each other with approximately 5 m separation. Alternatively, both circuits could be accommodated in
The cables will be laid in PVC ducts (a tube which facilitates the passage of the cable and offers some protection).
a single pit.
The required burial depth will be determined in detailed design and is anticipated to be in the order of 1 m.
Figure 5.33 depicts a typical open trenching scenario. 162 The transition pit(s) will be located behind any sea defences at the approximate location as detailed in Table 5.20.
157 Preparatory works along the intertidal zone will depend on the underlying geology. Excavators will be used to dig Longitude (degrees Latitude (degrees
Parameter Easting UTM30N Northing UTM30N
the necessary trenches. Should the sediment depth be insufficient, rock breakers or other mechanical cutting decimal minutes) decimal minutes)
methods may be required to achieve the designed burial depth. Cable ducts will be installed in the trenches from Transition pit(s) 537608 6201786 02°23.857 W 55° 57.597 N
the transition pit and a temporary winch will be installed above high water mark for cable pull in.
Table 5.20: Co-ordinates of transition pits location
158 Once the preparatory works are complete, the cable will be winched to shore from the cable laying vessel.
163 Each transition pit will be within a below ground excavated trench with reinforced concrete sides and base. The
159 For installing cable ducts, navigational safety areas around the works could be required for up to 3 months dimensions are likely to be approximately 10 m length by 4 m width by 3 m depth. A concrete cover will be
depending on the extent of clay/bedrock excavation required with an additional minor exclusion period placed over the top of the pit for protection and land above will be reinstated to its previous condition.
(estimated at 1 day) during the cable pull in.
164 The transition pits will be excavated by a mechanical excavator after which a concrete chamber will be installed.
160 Excavation will be achieved using an excavator mounted on a barge or jack-up platform in water depths up to The concrete chamber will either be constructed on site or will be brought in prefabricated. A small container will
approximately 5 m below LAT. In the deeper water beyond this point, cable burial into the bedrock can be be temporarily placed on top of the transition pit to allow a clean, secure and weatherproof working environment
handled by rock cutting or trenching using an ROV. during cable jointing. A generator will be required to provide power supplies during jointing operations. A
temporary security fence and lighting will be constructed to enclose and secure the transition pits during
165 An access track will need to be made to the transition pit location during construction. It is anticipated that
access will be made via the onshore cable corridor haul road, requiring the use of a temporary bridge across
Thornton Burn.
166 Once the transition pit has been established, the offshore cables will be winched into place as part of the offshore
cable installation process. A joint is then made at this point to join the subsea cables to the terrestrial cables.
167 On completion of the transition joint the excavation will be reinstated to the original ground level with excess
material removed from site.

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Neart na Gaoithe Offshore Wind Farm Environmental Statement

5.8 Ancillary Equipment 5.9 Commissioning Process

5.8.1 J-Tubes 177 Commissioning of individual turbines will typically take up to 8 days. The process will involve mechanical
completion followed by all internal electrical connections. Following this, turbines will be electrically energised
168 A J-tube is the conduit for cables to travel from the seabed to the work platform on the wind turbines and at the and a series of tests will be undertaken to ensure that all connections are made correctly - e.g., phase rotation for
substation(s). J-tubes will be attached to the jacket or gravity base foundation as part of the overall onshore wiring. Once this is complete, safety checks and operational checks of all subsystems will be undertaken.
fabrication works. The inter-array cables within the J-tubes have to be protected where they emerge at the base Following completion of all these tests the turbine will be put into service.
of the foundation structure. Where necessary, scour protection in the form of durable mattresses pre-filled with
stone will be used to protect the cable between the base of the foundation and the point of burial. Further 178 Duration of commissioning will be dependent on how much of the commissioning can be carried out onshore;
details are provided on such protective measures later in this section. this is dependent on turbine and foundation selection.

5.8.2 Access Facilities 5.10 Operation and Maintenance

169 A boat landing, ladders, hoists and fenders will be located on the foundation structures to allow safe access to the
turbine/substation(s) for maintenance and operation. These facilities will be constructed and installed on the
5.10.1 Safety Zones
structure during the fabrication of the foundation in the fabrication yard.
179 The developer’s safety zone application will include safety zones around the wind turbines, foundations and
offshore substation platform(s) during major maintenance works. In addition, the developer may issue NtM
5.8.3 Transition Piece suggesting advisory safety zones to accommodate vessels with larger anchor spreads and major maintenance
works to cables. Details of the safety zones typically expected at each phase are presented in Table 5.21.
170 Dependent upon the nature of the foundation, a means of connecting turbine towers to the foundation is
required. The aim is to enable the use of towers which are to a large extent standardised by individual Offshore project – turbines, collector station/collector
Export cable route
manufacturers. Hence a transition piece which has standard tower attachments, typically bolted flanges on one stations, inter-array cables
end and a foundation specific arrangement on the other, is used. Vessel type O&M phase
Build O&M phase O&M phase (works O&M phase (works
Build phase (no works
phase (no works underway) underway) underway)
5.8.4 Colour Scheme and Navigational Markings underway)
No formal safety zone Roaming safety zone Safety zone Safety zone
171 The turbines and associated support structures will be marked according to the requirements of the Northern Fishing Phased but avoidance of of 500 m around within 500 m within 500 m Safety zone with
Lighthouse Board (NLB) and Civil Aviation Authority (CAA). Consultation is ongoing but the colour of the turbine (mobile safety areas with cabling maintenance vessels. buffer either buffer either 500 m buffer either
tower, nacelle and blades is likely to be light grey RAL 7035. The transition piece and tower will be yellow above gear) zones with certain fishing NtM to be issued in side of cable side of cable side of cable route.
LAT to an agreed height above highest astronomical tide (HAT). gear encouraged. advance of works. route. route.
No formal safety zone Roaming safety zone Safety zone Rolling safety zone of
172 As with the turbines the offshore collector substations will be marked according to the requirements of the NLB Fishing
Phased but avoidance of of 500 m around within 500 m 500 m around
and CAA. Navigation markings may be allocated solely to a number of wind turbines in the field. (static gear), N/A
safety areas with cabling maintenance vessels. buffer either maintenance vessels.
zones with certain fishing NtM to be issued in side of cable NtM to be issued in
5.8.5 Lighting gear encouraged. advance of works. route. advance of works.

173 Three types of lighting are mandatory on wind turbines: medium intensity red lights, low intensity green lights, Table 5.21: Safety zones
and low intensity red lights. In addition, low intensity infrared (i.e., invisible to the eye) lighting may be Noise and Vibration of Operating Turbines
180 Noise from wind turbines can be divided into two categories; aerodynamic and mechanical. Aerodynamic noise is
174 The legal requirement for offshore wind turbine lighting is stipulated in Article 220 of the Air Navigation Order created by the wind passing around the blades and mechanical noise arises from the normal operation of the
2009 (reproduced in CAP393 Air Navigation: The Order and the Regulations), with other documents providing engineering components of the turbine such as the gear box, if present, and generator.
further policy information and guidance.
181 Aerodynamic noise is strongly influenced by incident conditions, i.e., wind speed and turbulence intensity. As a
175 It is noted that the Air Navigation Order only requires lighting to be fitted to turbines on the periphery of a group result aerodynamic noise is wind speed dependent, and the sound power output from a turbine must be
of turbines (refer to Appendix 18.2: Aviation Lighting and Marking Requirements); it is implicit that situating a measured and quoted relative to wind speed.
light on the periphery every 3 to 4 km should be adequate as a maximum separation.
182 Unlike aerodynamic noise, mechanical noise tends to be tonal in nature, i.e., it is concentrated at a few discrete
176 A lighting scheme is proposed and included in Appendix 18.2: Aviation Lighting and Marking Requirements. frequencies. This form of noise can be more intrusive than broader band noise. Mechanical noise can be
successfully controlled at the design stage of the turbine, using advanced gearbox design and anti-vibration
techniques. The present generation turbines considered for the proposed development incorporate design
features which ensure that such tonal noise emissions are not considered significant.

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Neart na Gaoithe Offshore Wind Farm Environmental Statement

5.10.2 Operational Summary Maintenance of Turbines

187 Maintenance can be categorised into different levels. ‘Local resets’ are frequent events where a maintenance
183 Neart na Gaoithe will be designed to operate with minimum day to day local intervention over the life of the wind
crew does a local visual inspection. It is estimated that these will require 5 to 10 visits per turbine per year.
farm. Individual turbines will be monitored and controlled in the first instance using onboard microprocessor
controls. Turbine faults will be diagnosed at each turbine and a turbine will shut down automatically as is 188 The ‘First Line’ routine scheduled maintenance visits include changing out consumables and worn parts as part of
necessary. The SCADA system will transmit signals and commands to and from the field to an onshore control a preventative maintenance regime. It is anticipated that two visits per year per turbine will be required.
room, to provide oversight and control. Lubricants, hydraulic oils and any other hazardous liquids and materials will be disposed of through licensed
recycling contractors onshore.
184 Each turbine and the offshore substation control system will be linked to the onshore monitoring facilities via
optical cables contained within the inter-array and export cabling. 189 ‘Second Line’ maintenance is to replace parts that have failed, where access is achieved using conventional
185 Provision will be made to control the wind farm from a number of locations, which will be determined as part of
the final project design, but are likely to include: 190 ‘Third Line’ maintenance is to replace major components, requiring the use of a jack-up on site. These major
visits are infrequent and have a likelihood of occurrence of between 1 and 3 times per annum across the full wind
 Onshore operations base - possibly staffed 24/7;
farm. The main activities would involve disassembly and replacement of components, such as blades, gearboxes
 Operation and maintenance (O&M) offshore facility – e.g., Service Operations Vessel (SOV); and etc.

 All turbines and the offshore substation will have an internal emergency shutdown capability, which would Maintenance of Offshore Substation(s)
automatically be triggered in the event of certain key component or system malfunctions.
191 The substation(s) will be subject to regular inspections and planned maintenance regimes. Emergency systems,
circuit breakers and transformers will be checked regularly. Dissolved gas analysis and protection testing will be
5.10.3 Wind Farm Maintenance Requirements carried out on the transformers Maintenance of Wind Turbine Foundations 192 Control and protection equipment tends to have an operational life of between 15 and 20 years and may
therefore require replacement within the lifetime of the wind farm. Transformers typically have useful life spans
186 Each foundation will be subject to routine inspections that will check the structural integrity of the foundation, in excess of 20 to 25 years.
ancillary equipment such as access ways and J-tubes, and the effectiveness of anti-corrosion measures in place.
Marine growth may be removed in certain circumstances particularly if in the vicinity of access points, or if its 193 The foundation structure will be maintained in accordance with the procedures outlined in the previous section
loading effect on the foundation is considered to be excessive. Current indications suggest that two such on wind turbines.
inspection visits will be necessary per year per foundation. Alternative approaches to prevention and removal of Maintenance of Subsea Cables
marine growth are also being considered at present, including using semi-submersible scrubbers, powered by
waves (refer to Figure 5.34). In the event that marine growth is necessary to be removed, conventional power 194 The inter-array and export cables will be inspected regularly by use of ROV. The frequency of such inspections
washing using a high speed water spray will be used. Subsea investigations and remedial works will be carried will be determined on a risk basis. Such operations will seek to check the integrity of the cable, cable burial and
out by ROV or by divers as is necessary. cable protection around J-tubes.
195 Such inspections will probably be carried out in summer months.
196 Should remedial action become necessary, a variety of measures may be viable; including additional rock
dumping, mattressing, or the use of cable laying vessels with remote cable burial ROV to rebury the cable. Any
works additional to those described in detail within this ES will require consent from Marine Scotland.

5.10.4 Resourcing the Maintenance Requirements

197 Careful consideration is being given to the nature of operations and maintenance for the project. There are two
options currently being considered: an onshore operational base and an offshore operations hub.
198 The onshore operations base would ideally be situated within 30 to 40 km of the Neart na Gaoithe offshore site.
This is feasible, but selection of this approach would result in a slower response time to address equipment
199 A preferred solution has not been selected at this time. Both solutions and the vessel movements associated
with each are therefore described in Section

Figure 5.34: Marine growth prevention solutions (Source: FoundOcean Ltd)

Page 5-26
Neart na Gaoithe Offshore Wind Farm Environmental Statement Offshore Operations Hub 204 A typical operational crew roster would probably contain the following disciplines:

200 This hub would be used to provide:  Turbine maintenance technicians;

 Operations control centre;  Marine traffic and works controllers;

 Accommodation quarters;  HVAC engineers and technicians;

 Storage facility for spare parts;  Offshore supervisory staff;

 Workshop facilities;  Offshore technical staff; and

 Medical centre; and  Ship and work boat crew.

 Work boats to convey maintenance crews within the wind farm site. 205 Workboats associated with the SOV vessel would probably be 18 to 20 m catamaran type vessels. The davit
arrangements proposed would be capable of launching or recovering vessels and crew from the water on the lee
201 A number of options both fixed and floating have been considered: side of the SOV even during relatively severe weather, due to the shelter afforded by the SOV.
 The use of purpose built jack-up platforms; 206 The intention, however, would be for the majority of turbine transfers to take place directly from SOV to turbine.
 Fixed platform options; Additionally, crew transfers and provisioning, and spare parts replenishment would take place on a fortnightly
basis at port, further minimising risk to personnel during the transfer process.
 Floating ship based accommodation (Flotel); and
207 Regular maintenance up to second line maintenance level can be facilitated using such a vessel. Third line
 SOV. maintenance, carried out from a jack-up vessel is common to both strategies, and is discussed later.
202 A flotel vessel may hold station at given positions within the field and would require dedicated anchorage points Shore Based Vessel Approach
within the field for prolonged periods. An SOV would move around the site to transfer personnel. It would have
specialised transfer systems and position keeping systems. A number of vessel designs are being promoted for 208 The alternative to an offshore based operations and maintenance approach is the use of a local port or harbour.
such applications - Figure 5.35 shows an example of an SOV. 209 In this scenario, a number of catamaran type vessels would be dispatched from a harbour to transport personnel
to carry out local resets and first line maintenance. A proportion of second line maintenance would also be
possible, using smaller vessels with the foredeck space and handling capabilities to transfer components to
turbines requiring component replacement.
210 A harbour facility, with capability for mooring up to five catamarans would be necessary. Local offices, together
with storage facilities for spare parts and portside light duty craneage would also be necessary. In addition, it
would be advantageous if the location had facilities for craft maintenance.
211 Methods for transfer of personnel from such vessels to wind turbines offshore are continually being developed.
It is likely that by the date of operation, effective systems will be commercially available. This factor may also
have a significant impact on the O&M strategy selected by the developer.
212 The workboats will be capable of making the transit to shore as and when necessary in all but the most extreme
conditions. Workboats will be dual hull for added stability and have purpose built access platforms to assist
transits to and from offshore structures (refer to Figure 5.36 for a typical example). The Det Norske Veritas
certified vessels will be around 22 m in length with an operational speed of 20 to 27 knots and be licensed to
carry up to 14 persons (12 technicians, plus crew).

Figure 5.35: Zephyrus – offshore support vessel (Source: SeaEnergy Plc)

203 Maintenance crews would either be deployed directly from the operations vessel or by smaller purpose work
boats which can be recovered to the operations vessel using onboard cranes/davits.

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Neart na Gaoithe Offshore Wind Farm Environmental Statement
214 The following information in Table 5.23 is based onshore based vessel approach:
Activity Annual frequency Vessel used Comment
3 vessel departures per day,
Staff transportation Circa 20 metre catamarans Fuel Usage 0.25 t per hour
average, 320 days per year.
Balance of plant (BOP)
10-20 two week campaigns. Conventional maintenance vessel
Scheduled maintenance Included above Catamaran / trimaran Commonly used offshore .
2 line maintenance Included abov. Catamaran / other larger vessel
3rd line maintenance Average 2 events Jack-up barge Failures higher initially
400-600 events – included
Local resets Catamaran

Table 5.23: Shore based operations

215 Under this scenario, each catamaran round trip would probably be for 12 hours. Fuel usage would therefore
likely be circa 3,000 tonnes per annum. Fuel usage for jack-up barges will be entirely dependent on where they
are dispatched from.
216 In respect of the above arrangements, helicopter transfers have not been considered. However, if helicopters are
used, there would be up to 80 round trips for a small helicopter per annum to site. Such an approach may prove
feasible in the event that a number of projects are located in the area.

5.11 Decommissioning
Figure 5.36: Example of offshore workboat (Source: Windcat Workboats) Summary of Vessel 5.11.1 Decommissioning and Removal of Foundations

213 A summary of the type of vessel activities on site is given in Table 5.22 for each of the options described in the
preceding sections. Gravity Base Foundations
217 The decommissioning process will adhere to all necessary requirements and regulations in force at the time. At
Activity Annual frequency Vessel used Comment
present it is anticipated that gravity base foundation decommissioning will be the reverse of installation as
Staff transportation 20 - 30 transfers (round trip from These trips would probably take place follows:
to and from site a local port). fortnightly.
Balance of plant Conventional  An initial inspection to establish gravity base structural integrity will be carried out using ROV;
10-20 two week campaigns. None
maintenance maintenance vessel
st  Suction dredging vessels will remove ballast from within the foundation structure. Removed material will
Scheduled 1 line Built into SOV operations within Catamaran /
Commonly used offshore be transported to and disposed of in suitable licensed disposal sites either onshore but ideally offshore;
maintenance the site. trimaran.
2 line maintenance Built into SOV operations on site. Catamaran /Hi Speed None  ROV will be used to repair lifting attachments (if necessary) and carry out a pre lift inspection; and
3rd line maintenance Average 2 events per annum. Jack-up barge Failures higher initially  A heavy lift vessel will lift the foundations from the seabed and land them onboard a suitable
Where possible, transfers would take place from transportation vessel or barge for onward transportation to a suitable onshore recycling site.
Local reset activities 400-600 events. SOV / catamaran SOV. Catamaran support as required for peak Alternatively, if the foundations were floated to site they may be floated back to shore.
smoothing. Jacket Foundations
Table 5.22: Option 1 - Use of an SOV based strategy
218 Best practice will be followed at the time of decommissioning. Current practice for offshore jacket installations is
to cut piled foundations below seabed level using either an abrasive water jet or diamond wire cutter. The jacket
superstructure is then raised to the surface and removed to a suitable onshore site for recycling. Removal of the
entire embedded pile is considered impractical and is likely to lead to unnecessary environmental impacts.
219 The following sequence of operations is likely to be followed during decommissioning:
 Underwater inspection using ROV;
 Heavy lift anchoring points will be established and made good;
 Removal of any marine growth and or debris with the potential to impact later cutting activities;
‘Local resets’ are frequent events where a maintenance crew does a local visual inspection.  Establish lifting points for decommissioning vessel ;

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Neart na Gaoithe Offshore Wind Farm Environmental Statement
 Cut piles at required depth; 227 Any cables that are cut during removal of the wind turbines will be removed and reused, recycled and/or
disposed of appropriately.
 Raise jacket to the surface for removal from site; and Export Cable
 Seabed inspection and final clearance.
228 Export cables will be removed if necessary in a similar manner to that described for the inter-array cabling (refer
220 It should be noted that as the decommissioning procedures are not fully known at this time, decommissioning is to section
not assessed in detail in this ES. A decommissioning plan will be submitted to the Department of Energy and
Climate Change (DECC) prior to construction commencing. Transition Pit(s)
229 Similar to the remainder of the onshore cable system, it is likely that the transition pit(s) will be left in situ as
5.11.2 Decommissioning and Removal of Turbines
removal will result in significant disturbance to the local environment. Contingency plans will be developed to
221 Removal of turbines, either for replacement or final decommissioning, is likely to be the reverse of the installation ensure that appropriate actions are taken should the transition pit be disturbed or exposed.
procedure. The sequence of activity is expected to be:
5.12 Repowering
 Conduct inspection to identify any safety or operational hazards;
 Disconnect turbine from electrical and control networks; 230 Although The Crown Estate (TCE) lease is for 50 years, the turbines have a design lifetime of up to 25 years. Any
application for repowering will be the subject of a separate environmental impact assessment.
 Removal and appropriate disposal of any hazardous liquids or materials;
 Mobilise decommissioning vessel or barge to site; 5.13 Additional Projects Included for Specific Assessments
 Remove rotor blades, nacelle and tower section in that order; and 231 As discussed in Chapter 1: Introduction, TCE granted lease agreements to nine other offshore wind farm
 Transport components to designated recycling site onshore. developers operating within Scottish territorial waters (STW) . Collaboration with offshore wind farms in the
immediate and wider region is necessary to fully assess the potential impacts on a given receptor.
5.11.3 Decommissioning of Electrical Infrastructure 232 The Forth and Tay Offshore Wind Developers Group (FTOWDG) was formed to facilitate collaboration between
the neighbouring developments of Inch Cape and Firth of Forth Round 3 Zone 2 developments and is discussed in Offshore Substation more detail in Chapter 1: Introduction. The extent of the collaboration is discussed in Chapter 7: Engagement and
222 The offshore substation(s) will be removed and processed for decommissioning after the operational lifetime of Commitments. Figure 5.37 provides a map of the area and shows the sites, both in relation to each other and the
the wind farm. The following steps will be taken: Scottish coastline.
233 In addition to the group collaboration, FTOWDG is collaborating with the developers in the Moray Firth region
 De-energise and isolate the wind farm from the grid system;
(Moray Firth Offshore Wind Farm Developers – MFOWDG) to develop a series of common mitigation strategies
 Marshal the appropriate lift vessels to the wind farm location; which can be presented to the fishing industry for discussion. A consistent approach to industry wide mitigation
will mean greater transparency and fairness for all involved. FTOWDG is also collaborating with the MFOWDG in
 Cut or disconnect and remove cables from the substation; joint consultation initiatives, again with the fishing industry to reduce the demands on industry wide
 Removal and proper processing of all hazardous substances and fluids such as oil from reservoirs; representatives.

 Transport the substation to shore, intact if possible. Otherwise, it may be necessary to deconstruct the 234 In some cases it has been necessary to include additional wind farm sites when a potential interaction was
substation into smaller modules to be transported; and highlighted during the course of the impact assessment process. Additional sites for consideration are detailed in
the individual chapters.
 Once onshore, the substation will be deconstructed. All components will be taken to the appropriate
facility for processing for either reuse, recycling, or disposal.
223 Where possible, components will be removed from the offshore site intact and disassembly will take place
onshore at an appropriate facility to minimise risks of spillage and to optimise safety.
224 Foundations will be removed in keeping with the procedures outlined in Section 5.11.1 covering wind turbine
foundation removal and decommissioning Inter-array Cables

225 Inter-array cables will normally be left in situ as is the current industry standard. Similar to turbine foundations,
best practice will be followed at the time of decommissioning. Current practice for cables is to cut to below
seabed level and remove the cut ends.
226 If cable removal is required this will be done using a water jetting or grapnel tool. The cable will be lifted at both
ends and spooled onto a cable drum. Typically the cable can be recycled after recovery.

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Neart na Gaoithe Offshore Wind Farm Environmental Statement
Seton Sands. Additional offshore infrastructure is expected to include 1 to 5 substation platforms, 1 to 3 met
masts, approximately 353 km of inter-array cable and up to four export cables. The Rochdale Envelope provided
by Inch Cape is detailed in Table 5.24.

Parameter Value
Number of wind turbine generators 213
Rotor diameter range 172 m
Blade tip height range 152 – 215 m
Hub height range 92 – 129 m
Minimum: 7 rotor diameter (D) x 5 D
Turbine separation (downwind x crosswind)
Maximum: 10 D x 10 D
Rotor clearance 22 m (above Mean High Water Springs (MHWS))
Operating rotor speed range 5 - 13 rpm
Gravity base structure
Substructure type
Jacket (including tripod)
Driven piles 1.8 m - 3.0 m diameter
Suction piles 17 m diameter
Foundation type
Drilled piles 1.8 m - 3.0 m diameter
Gravity base foundation 44 m - 72 m diameter
Driven piles up to 28 m
Footprint Suction piles up to 910 m

(area of the foundation component which is in direct contact 2

with the seabed) Drilled piles up to 28 m
Gravity base foundation up to 4,295 m
Driven piles not required
Figure 5.37: FTOWDG sites Suction piles up to 6,000 m
Scour protection
Drilled piles not required
5.13.1 The Approach to Assessment Gravity base foundation up to 7,300 m

235 In order to assess the potential cumulative impacts arising from multiple projects in close proximity it is necessary Maximum hammer blow energy (piling) 1200 kilojoules (kJ) - 2300 kJ
to have clarity on the parameters of the potential developments. Due to differing project timelines the given Number of simultaneous piling events on site 2
Rochdale Envelopes are indicative outer limits of what is currently considered to be feasible at the time of the Number of permanent met masts 1
assessment. As time progresses, developments will have increased certainty over project details and the
Met mast height 129 m - 215 m
Rochdale Envelope for a particular project is likely to increase in certainty and therefore reduce the scope for
assessment. Met mast foundation and substructure type Same as wind turbine foundations
Number of offshore substation platforms 1-5
236 It is likely that when the Inch Cape and Firth of Forth Round 3 Zone 2 developments reach the consent application HVAC OSP - 40 m L x 40 m W x 30 m H
stage the Rochdale Envelope for their projects will have been significantly refined compared to that which has Offshore substation platform dimensions HVDC OSP - 115 m L x 55 m W x 42 m H
been used as a basis for the impact assessment in this ES. As such, the cumulative assessment can be considered Combined HVAC/HVDC OSP - 115 m L- 72 m W - 42 m H
conservative. 2 2
Jacket - 14 m (AC OSP) to 65 m (DC OSP)
Offshore substation platform dimensions footprint 2 2
gravity base - 1,963 m (AC OSP) to 10,100 m (DC OSP)
5.13.2 Inch Cape 2
Scour protection up to 45,000 m
237 Inch Cape Offshore Wind Farm site is approximately 150 km in area and lies approximately 15-22 km east of the
Inter-array cabling voltage 33 kV - 66 kV
Angus coast (refer to Figure 5.37 and Figure 5.38). The site capacity is approximately 1,000 MW which is
currently anticipated to be achieved through the installation of up to 213 turbines. It is important to note that Maximum Inter-array cable trench (WxD) 3 m x 1.5 m
since the assessment was completed the values for the Inch Cape offshore wind farm Rochdale Envelope were
Total export cable length 50 km-75 km
refined, the revised values are presented in Table 5.24. As the Rochdale Envelope details were refined following
the completion of the assessment process, the original values are presented in individual ES chapters. Table 5.24: Inch Cape Rochdale Envelope (information provided by Inch Cape)
238 The export cable will be either high voltage direct current (HVDC) or HVAC. The export cable route and landing
point are currently not confirmed. The assessment corridor indicates a landing point between Cockenzie and

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Neart na Gaoithe Offshore Wind Farm Environmental Statement

Figure 5.38: Inch Cape Indicative layout map

Figure 5.39: Firth of Forth Round 3 Zone 2
5.13.3 Firth of Forth Round 3 Zone 2
239 The Firth of Forth Round 3 Zone 2 development is located outside of the STW limit, approximately 25 km east of Most likely scenario
2 Aspect Wind farm design parameter Phase 1 Rochdale Envelope
Fife and covers an area of 2,852 km in the outer Firth of Forth (see Figure 5.37 and Figure 5.39). The Zone has a phases 1,2 and 3
potential installed capacity of circa 3.5 GW. The Firth of Forth Round 3 Zone 2 development is currently separated 2 2
into three phases which are scheduled for submission of consent applications as follows: Phase 1 Summer 2012, Phase 1 maximum area 390 km 390 km
Site characteristics
Phase 2 Autumn 2014, and Phase 3 Winter 2016. Water depth 40 m - 60 m (LAT) 40 m - 60 m (LAT)
240 The export cables will be either HVDC or HVAC. The export cable route and landing point for Phase 1 of the Turbine specification 3.5 MW - 7.0 MW 6 MW
Zone’s development is currently not confirmed and Seagreen has examined two potential landfall locations (at
Phase 1 = 180, Phase 2 =
Carnoustie and Arbroath). It is Seagreen’s intention to select a preferred location prior to submission of their Number of turbines 154 - 299
304 and Phase 3 132
consent application. The two assessment corridors share a common route from the wind farm until they split
close to the landing points, as seen in Figure 5.39. For Phases 2 and 3 only an indicative export cable route Turbine maximum separation (8 rotor diameter Downwind - 96 m - 1,360 m Downwind - 1,008 m
corridor has been identified along the East Lothian coast. Additional offshore infrastructure for the Zone is x 6 rotor diameter) Crosswind - 720 m - 990 m Crosswind – 726 m
expected to include 1 to 5 substation platforms, 1 to 9 met masts, inter-array cabling and a minimum of 2 export Wind turbine Rotor diameter 120 m - 165 m 126 m (LAT)
Blade maximum tip height 154 m - 199 m (LAT) 160 m (LAT)
241 The Rochdale Envelope information detailed in Table 5.25 was provided by Seagreen on 5 December 2011. It
Maximum hub height 94 m - 116.5 m (LAT) 97 m (LAT)
contains full information on parameters for Phase 1. In addition, it provides likely numbers of turbines and met
masts for Phases 2 and 3. Minimum rotor clearance 25.4 m (LAT) 25.4 m
242 Depending on the receptor and specific potential areas of interaction, different aspects of the Rochdale Envelope Operating rotor speed 4.8 rpm - 13 rpm 4.8 rpm - 13 rpm
were used. The cumulative Rochdale is defined on an individual receptor basis in each chapter as appropriate. Jacket Jacket
Substructure type
Foundations and Gravity base Gravity base
substructures Jacket - pile diameter 2.1 m - Jacket pile diameter 2.1 m
3.0 m gravity base footing -

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Neart na Gaoithe Offshore Wind Farm Environmental Statement

Most likely scenario

Aspect Wind farm design parameter Phase 1 Rochdale Envelope
phases 1,2 and 3
5.14 Benefits to the Collaborative Approach
Jacket suction cassion concrete slab diameter 243 Agreeing survey methodologies and committing to sharing survey data ensure that a greater understanding of the
diameter 7 m 37 m baseline environment is gained and the potential resulting impacts can be more accurately assessed. The
Gravity base footing - concrete conclusions of the cumulative assessment are strengthened by this collaboration, both in terms of data input but
slab diameter 44 m - 72 m
also by way of information and experience sharing.
jacket piled - 14 m2 - 28 m 2
2 jacket piled - 14 m
Footprint (area of the foundation component Jacket suction cassion -616 m
Octagonal gravity base -
which is in direct contact with the seabed) Octagonal gravity base – 2
2 2 4,295 m
1604 m - 4295 m
Jacket - not required
Suction casssion - 3,949 m -
2 Jacket - not required
Scour protection 6,223 m 2
2 gravity base - 10,923 m
gravity base - 6,030 m - 7,281
Number of permanent met masts 1 to 3 3 in each phase
Met mast height 154 m to 199 m (LAT) 160 m
Met masts Jacket/gravity base as per Jacket/gravity base as per
Met mast foundation/substructure type
turbines turbines
Phase 1 Rochdale Envelope Most likely scenario Phase
Transmission asset design parameter
range 1
HVAC offshore platforms – 2
Number of offshore platforms HVDC offshore platforms - 2 2
to 3
HVAC OSP 40 m L x 40 m W x
30 m H
2 no. HVAC OSP - 40 m L x
HVDC OSP 115 m L x 55 m W x
40 m W x 30 m H
Maximum offshore platform size 42 m H
1 no. HVDC OSP - 115 m L x
Combined HVAC and HVDC
55 m W x 42 m H
Offshore substation OSP - 115 m L x 72 m W , 42 m
Jacket 14 m2 (AC OSP) to 65
m2 (DC OSP)
Offshore substation foundation footprint 2 Currently unknown
gravity base - 1,963 m (AC
OSP) to 10,100 m (DC OSP)
Jacket - not required
Scour protection gravity base - 12,115 m to tbc
45,100 m
Inter-array cabling voltage 33 kV AC 33 kV AC
Maximum inter-array cable trench 3 m W x 1.5 m D 3 m W x 1.5 m D
Phase 1; Arbroath or
Export cable route landfall Arbroath or Carnoustie
Cables Phases 2/3: Corridor along
East Lothian coast
Total export cable length 75 km to 208 km 104 km
Interconnecting cable between areas Alpha and
16 km 16 km

Table 5.25: Seagreen Rochdale Envelope (information provided by Seagreen)

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Neart na Gaoithe Offshore Wind Farm Environmental Statement

5.15 Neart na Gaoithe Rochdale Envelope

Project design
Parameter 3.6 MW 4.1 MW 6 MW 7 MW

Number at 450 MW capacity 125 109 75 64

Maximum rotor tip height (m) (LAT) 175 171.25 175.5 197

Rotor diameter (m) 120 112.5 121 164

Minimum hub height (m) (LAT) 84 80.25 84.5 106

Maximum hub height (m) (LAT) 115 115 115 115

Air gap (m) clearance to blade tip (minimum of) from LAT 26 26 26 26

Rev. per min. (rpm) 5 - 13 rpm 8-18 rpm 5-13 rpm 4.8-12.1 rpm
Speed at blade tip (m/s) 31.4 - 81.64 m/s 50.24 - 113.04 m/s 31 - 83 m/s 41-104 m/s

Height of platform (m) LAT 18 18 18 18

Max turbine spacing (m) (approximately) 1320 1240 1330 1805

Min turbine spacing (m) (approximately) 480 450 484 656

Position of turbines Indicative layout A (Figure 5.22) Indicative layout B (Figure 5.23)

Colour scheme / lighting Light Grey RAL 7035 Light Grey RAL 7035 Light Grey RAL 7035 Light Grey RAL 7035

No. of concurrent turbine installations Maximum 2 at a time Maximum 2 at a time Maximum 2 at a time Maximum 2 at a time

Other infrastructure

Number of offshore substations 1 or 2 1 or 2 1 or 2 1 or 2

Position of collector stations On layout diagram (Figure 5.22 and 5.23)

Platform height estimated 18 m above LAT

Height of structures (m) LAT
Highest structure estimated 60 m above LAT
4-8 piles per jacket at up to 3.5 m diameter (each).
Pre-install piles in template and fit jacket onto piles / or post pile through jacket sleeves after placing jacket.
Foundation of substation
Offshore If piles in valley piles will be embedded up to 60 m below seabed, if in bedrock up to 20 m embedment below rockhead level.
Substation Bedrock - drilled piles.
Chemicals and oils Sulphur hexaflouride usually inside gas insulated switchgear. Oil as cooling medium for transformers, back-up generator - with diesel tanks.

Size of structures (m) Deck area approximately 30 x 30. Jacket leg spacing at seabed up to 60 x 60.

Substation likely to include transformer rooms (and coolers), switchgear rooms (220 kV and 33 kV), stores, working areas, WC and shower, emergency accommodation, control and
Design details
protection room and space for cable marshaling and transformer oil sump. Potential to have offshore mother ship or daily transits from local ports.

Colour scheme / lighting Yellow up to underside of platform then grey.

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Neart na Gaoithe Offshore Wind Farm Environmental Statement

Project design
Parameter 3.6 MW 4.1 MW 6 MW 7 MW
jacket foundations

Jacket leg spacing at seabed level (m x m) 15x15 - 25x25 15x15 - 25x25 20x20 - 30x30 25x25 - 35x35

A seabed template with up to 4 legs (max A seabed template with up to 4 legs (max
A seabed template with up to 4 legs (max leg spacing 30 m x 30 m) will sit temporarily on
Details of seabed preparation leg spacing 35 m x 35 m) will sit temporarily leg spacing 40 m x 40 m) will sit temporarily
the seabed during pile installation.
on the seabed during pile installation. on the seabed during pile installation.

Foundation diameter (m) (piles) 2.5-3.5 2.5-3.5 2.5-3.5 2.5-3.5

Number of piles per foundation 3 or 4 3 or 4 3 or 4 3 or 4

Foundation material Steel Steel Steel Steel

Foundation bed penetration depth (m) (piling) 15-40 15-40 20-50 20-50

Foundation installation method Approximately 3% of piles will be driven only, 7% of piles will be drilled only. 90% of piles will be driven-drilled. Of these an average of 30% of the pile will be driven and 70% drilled.

Turbine Foundation installation duration (per foundation) (Hours) Piling (62-180 hours for 4 piles), Jacket installation (12-24 hours). This includes time for setting up and changing equipment between piling locations.

Foundation installation frequency (No. of days per foundation) if using

one vessel

Jack-up number of moves per foundation installation 1-3 1-3 1-3 1-3

Foot print from jack-up (leg spacing) 50x50 – 100x100 50x50 – 100x100 50x50 – 100x100 50x50 – 100x100

Number of spud cans 4-8 4-8 4-8 4-8

2 2 2
Spud can footing area (m ) (per spud can ) 1 m (leg area without spud can) to 106 m

2 2
Turbine foundation scour protection and footprint size (m ) 100 – 250 m

Collector station foundation Likely to be jacket on piles Likely to be jacket on piles Likely to be jacket on piles Likely to be jacket on piles

Gravity base foundations

Area of foundation footprint (m ) 300-700 300-700 490-1600 490-1600

Foundation footprint diameter (m) 20 - 30 m 20 - 30 m 25 - 45 m 25 - 45 m

Foundation footprint cross dimensions (cruciform option) (m) 20 - 30 by 5 - 7 m 20 - 30 by 5 - 7 m 30 - 40 by 5 - 7 m 30 - 40 by 5 - 7 m

Seabed preparation Dredging in areas where loose sand or soft clay present at seabed plus gravel placement in area of dredging to provide a stable platform for foundation.
Turbine 3 3 3 3
Foundations Average of 1500 m dredged per foundation. Approximately 190,000 m of material Average of 4,000 m dredged per foundation. Approximately 320,000 m of material
Quantity of material dredged
dredged over entire site. dredged over entire site.

Disposal of dredged material Dredged material will be disposed of at a licensed disposal area.

3 3
Minimum 530 m per foundation, Maximum 1850 m per foundation
Gravel bed
Depth of gravel bed The gravel beds will be an average of 1.5 m deep. In areas of very soft sediment gravel bed could be up to 4 m deep, this is expected to be the case in less than 5% of turbine locations.

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Neart na Gaoithe Offshore Wind Farm Environmental Statement

Project design
Parameter 3.6 MW 4.1 MW 6 MW 7 MW
Extension of gravel bed beyond foundation perimeter 2–4m 2–4m 2–4m 2–4m

The gravity base structure will be reinforced concrete. This will be filled with a ballast of sand which has been dredged from the turbine location in seabed preparation and sand/gravel
Foundation material
which has been sourced from a licenced dredging area.

Foundation installation duration (hours) Dredging 4-7 days, foundation placement and filling 4 - 7 days , scour protection placement 7 - 14 days.

Scour protection and footprint size (m) Scour protection extends 5 - 8 m outside foundation perimeter.


Number of cables Up to 16 circuits with a total of 85 to 140 km of cable.

Design of array Max 10 Turbines per collector circuit Max 9 turbines per collector circuit Max 6 turbines per collector circuit Max 6 turbines per collector circuit

AC Cable
Specification of cables
Up to 70 kV
Size ranges from 50 mm2 to 500 mm2
Inter-array cables
Burial method / scour protection Currently unconfirmed, but likely plough/cutting/jetting or rock cover.

Width of seabed affected (per cable) 2 m direct impact width, up to 8 m width of zone of minor disturbance (10 m in total).

Burial depth (m) Currently unconfirmed, varies across the site likely to be 1-1.5 m.

Width of cable corridor 30 to 100 m

Number of cables (No.) 2

Route / length (m) 33 km

Specification of cables 220 kV (Um 245 kV) 3-phase AC XLPE insulated

Export cables Spacing between cables (m) Minimum 70 m/ max 300 m. 3x water depth but no less than 70 m.

Width of cable corridor (m) 300 m (150 m on either side of cable route centre line)

Burial depth (m) 1-3 m

Burial method / scour protection Currently unconfirmed, but likely plough/cutting/jetting or rock cover.

Landing point Thorntonloch

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Neart na Gaoithe Offshore Wind Farm Environmental Statement

5.16 References
Subsea World News, 2011. FLIDAR Completes Successful Tests off Belgian Coast. Available online from: [Accessed Apr 2012].
Royal Haskoning, 2010. Scottish Offshore Wind Farms – East Coast Discussion Document (2) – Approach to Cumulative
Effects Assessment. Forth and Tay Offshore Wind Farm Group.

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