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The key takeaways are that chess is fundamentally a game decided by mistakes, victories belong to the player who struggles best against mistakes, and even grandmaster level games involve constant struggles with mistakes.

The different types of mistakes discussed in the book include tactical errors, mistakes with pieces, calculation and miscalculation, positional errors, strategic errors, attitude mistakes, and practical mistakes with material.

According to the book, a mistake is any bad move, and chess depends heavily on the failings of one of the players. The game is a constant struggle against errors.

C a ta lo g

o f Chess
correct mistake
patterns of all kinds-
tactical, strategic, psy­
chological and more
Andrew Soltis International Chess Master
Author o f The A rt of Defense in Chess and Pawn Structure Chess

The Game of Mistakes 1

Tactical Errors 17

Mistakes with Pieces 42

Calculation and Miscalculation 72

Positional Errors 101

Strategic Errors 124

Your Attitude Is Your Error 153

Practical Mistakes 179

Errors with Material 201

T he Gam e o f Mistakes

Chess is a game of bad moves. It is, in fact, the game that most
depends on error. No game has a greater variety of ways of going
wrong or gives you as many opportunities— dozens on every move.
Other games depend heavily on chance or on the mastery of
some relatively limited skills. But a chess game is decided by the
failings of one of the players.
Yet we refuse to recognize this. We like to think the game is
a battle between good moves and better moves. When we win,
we tell ourselves— and anyone who will listen— that the critical
difference was our fine maneuvering, our positional cunning, or
our tactical ingenuity. When we lose, well, it was a stupid mis­
take— as if errors were an aberration, an extraordinary accident.
Mistakes can only be messy, ugly, and disruptive, we say.
Regardless of our own success, we like to think a chess game
should be won, not lost. (W e thereby ignore that most vital skill,
the ability to exploit enemy mistakes.) We try to elevate the
game to some level it can never achieve— at least not while it's
being played by humans.
The masters know better. They know that a well-played game
is not an error-free game. There are errors of varying magnitudes,
and each game is sure to hold some small mistakes. “Chess is the
struggle against error,” said Johannes Zukertort, one of the great­
est players of the last century. Victory belongs to the player who
struggles best— not just against an opponent, but against himself.
And the fact is that most games, even at the grandmaster level,
2 Catalog of Chess Mistakes

are constant struggles. Look at the 1972 world championship

match, the most talked-about chess contest ever. What were the
memorable moves when Fischer met Spassky?
The ones that stand out include: .Fischer’s strange loss of a
piece in the first game; Spassky’s double-barreled oversight in
the eighth game, losing the Exchange on the 15th move and a
pawn on the 19th move; the Russian’s sloppy opening and long
defense in the 13th game, which ended with suicidal collapse
on the 69th move; Spassky’s careless oversight in the following
game. Suffice it to say that the match ended with a mistake,
Spassky’s erroneous sealed move in the final game. Mistakes were
the match.
Unique? Hardly. There were more good moves than bad ones
in the 1972 match, but the bad ones counted more. The same can
be said of the 1978 world championship match and most other
contests that come to mind.

What Is a MistakeP
“Where did I make my mistake?” asked the loser, an Australian
master. “I didn't know what to say,” said the winner, a Russian
grandmaster. There wasn’t one move you could pin the blame on.
Yet by the 14th move White was already in grave trouble.

Hanks-Kotov, Melbourne 1963— 1. P-Q4 P-Q3 2. P-K4 P-KN3

3. N-Q B3 B-N 2 4. B -K 2 N -Q B3 S. B -K 3 N -B3 6. P-Q5 N-QN1
7. N -B 3 P-B4 8. P-KR 3 0 -0 9. N-Q 2 N -K l 10. 0 -0 N -B 2 11.
P-QR4 QN-B3 12. P -B4 N-NS 13. N -B4 P-B4! 14. P-KS P-N3!
IS. B -B 3 B-Q R3 16. P-QN3 BxN 17. PxB PxP 18. PxP BxP 19.
R -R 3 N -K l! 20. P-Q6 NxP! 21. BxR QxB 22. Q -K 2 BxN 23. RxB
N -KS 24. B-Q 2 P-K4! 25. B -R 6 NxR 26. QxP N -K 7ch 27. K -B 2
R -B 2 28. QxN Q -KS and B lack icon.
The Game of Mistakes 3

P osition a fte r 14. . . . P -N 3

White didn’t have to throw himself on a sword with 25. B—R6?l,

but he would have been quite lost after 25. R—QN3 NxP and 26.
. . . N-Q5. The search for a “losing move” must begin earlier.
White lost because of several almost miniscule failings. He
compromised his center early (6. P—Q5?!) and then lost time (8.
P-KR3? rather than 8. N-Q2I). He had to make further conces­
sions (11. P-QR4?!— to avoid . . . P-QN4 when he plays N-B4)
and then gave away the last hope of supporting his center (12.
P-B4?). By the 15th move he saw he was losing his QP or KP, and
everything followed from that.
None of these moves seems fatal. Yet added up, they destroyed
White before the second cup of coffee. Nor was Black free from
error. With 7. . . . P-B3! he could have begun the attack on the
White center even earlier.
We can recognize the truly bad moves when they are pun­
ished quickly. It is the other 98 xDercent of a chess game that leaves
us confused.
A typical move has good and bad qualities. On the simplest
level, a move— any move— attacks and protects certain squares
while withdrawing contact from others. A move may strengthen
our pawn structure, expand the scope of our bishops, and make a
major threat, all at once. But whether the move is good or bad
depends on an evaluation of its minuses as well as its pluses. That
same move may walk into a tactical pin. It may remove a piece
from a theater subject to imminent attack. It may reduce tension
when you want to heighten it. Or its biggest fault may simply be
that there is a superior move available.
Catalog of Chess Mistakes

Spassky-Fischer, Match 1972

B la ck to m ov e

A mistake is a mistake on its demerits, not on its merits— or

press notices. In this critical point in the 1972 match, Spassky, on
the verge of regaining the momentum after his costly blunders,
looks for counterplay in a poor ending. The position appears
quiet, but White threatens to sidetrack Black with R-KB4 and

1 .... R -R l

“Obvious and strong,” said Reuben Fine. “A fine reply,” said

C. H. O’D. Alexander. “If BxR RxB Black has all the play,” said
Svetozar Gligoric, and Samuel Reshevsky agreed. So did many
But Fischer’s close supporters in Iceland cursed 1. . . . R -R l?
The rook move, though spectacular in appearance, only con­
fused Black’s pieces after 2. B-B61 With the correct 1. . . . R—KN1!
Black could have transferred his pieces to their prime real estate
— the king to the queenside with . . . K -K l and later . . .
K -Q 2-B3, and the rooks to the kingside with . . . R -R 2 and . . .
The move played was an error, although its punishment was
disguised (the game became much longer as a result and should
have been drawn) and although some of the world’s best players
praised it. The good points of 1. . . . R -R l, such as stopping
R-KB4—R4, were smothered by its bad points.
The Game of Mistakes 5

Even when we know a mistake has been made— because pun­

ishment is swift in coming— we may not know what exactly
went wrong.
Levenfish-Flamberg, Vilna 1912— T. P-K 4 P-K4 2. N-KB3
N-Q B3 3. B~N5 P-QR3 4, B-R 4 N -B3 5. Q -K 2 P-QN4 6. B-N 3
B -B 4 7. P-QR4 R -Q N l 8, PxP PxP 9. N -B3 0 -0 10. P-Q3 P-Q3
11. B-N 5

Position a ft e r 1 1. B -N 5

In a position of rapidly shaipening play, Black continued:

1 1 .... B-KN5
12. N-Q5 N-Q5
13. NxN! BxQ
14. BxN! R -R l
15. KxB Q-N l
16. N-B6

White's minor pieces begin to swarm over the board, and after
16____Q-N2 17. N(5)-K7ch K~R1 18. B-N 5 RxR 19. RxR P-B3
20. B-K3 BxB 21. PxB P-N3 22. B-Q 5 Q-N3 23. P-Q N4 P-B4
24. P-N3 P~B5 25. NPxP PxP 26. P-Q41 PxP 27. KxP K-N2 28.
B-K6! Black could save his queen from the threat of B-Q 7 (fol­
lowed by N-Q5 and R-R7) only by giving up more material.
White eventually won.
It’s safe to say that Black lost the game early on, around moves
11 to 13. We may be able to inck out a single losing move. But
Catalog of Chess Mistakes

there are so many reasons for error and so many ways to err that
we can only guess at the nature of the decisive mistake.
For example, we might say Black lost because of a faulty atti­
tude. He could have equalized chances with the safe 1 1 . .. . B—K3
but sought the advantage instead: h e tried for too much. Or he
may have been overconfident because of his faith in book knowl­
edge. Only a few months before this game was played, another
game (Alapin-Leonhardt, Pistyan 1912) followed the same moves
but Black obtained the advantage— 13, BxN? R -R l! 14. Q -Q l
(or 14. BxQ RxRch 15. K-Q2 RxR with material loss) 14.. . . RxR
15. QxR NxBI 16. PxN PxB 17. P-N4 P-B3.
Or we could blame Black’s downfall on an oversight, a failure
to consider the queen sacrifice (13. NxN!). The term “oversight”
tends to be misleading. Nobody guesses every move his opponent
makes. At the master level players “overlook” their opponent’s
middlegame moves as much as 50 percent of the time. But most
of the time the failure to anticipate a move isn’t punished. Black
of course knew that 13. NxN was possible. His “oversight”— if it
was one— consisted of not evaluating the sacrifice sufficiently.
What he overlooked was not the move but its strength.
Perhaps Black did examine the sacrifice but miscalculated. He
could have erred by overlooking White’s order o f moves. (For
example, he may have counted on 14. N -B6 and satisfied himself
that Black was okay after 14. . . . R -R l! 15. KxB Q-Q2.)
Or he may have assumed incorrectly. (He may have played 12.
. . . N-Q5 thinking that after the queen sacrifice he could meet
14. BxN with 14. . . . Q-Q2 15. NxB P~B3 16. N-K7ch K -R l 17.
B-KR4 P-N4! 18. BxNP P-B3. But after 14. BxN he may have
suddenly realized that 14. . . . Q-Q2 could be met by 15. N-B5!;
e.g., 15. . . . B-R 4 16. QN-K7ch K -R l 17. BxP mate or 15. . . .
K R -K 1 16. KxB).
Or Black may have gone wrong in his calculations by missing
White’s quiet m ove, 15. KxB. That recapture doesn’t seem aggres­
sive enough until you see that 15. . . . RxR 16. RxR PxB 17. N -B6
traps Black’s queen (17. . . . Q-Q2 18. NxPch). Black may have
underestimated a move, 15. KxB, that doesn’t attack anything
and defends very little— yet it wins.
Finally, we could say the real error came earlier, at move 11,
when Black rushed into playing an apparently good move when
The Game of Mistakes 7

there was an even better move. His error had less to do with
tactics or calculation than with the practical process of choosing
a move. (With 11. . . . P -R 3 Black forces a favorable exchange on
his KB3 since 12. B -R 4 takes the sting out of White’s attack; e.g.,
1 2 . .. . B-KN5! 13. N-Q5 P-N4!.)
Any one of these errors— or a combination of them— may have
been the culprit. Only the loser knew for sure.

Bronstein-Botvinnik, Match 1951

White to move

The next position highlights one of the most spectacular

blunders in chess history. David Bronstein was leading in a match
for the world title when he threw away a certain draw in this
game. He eventually drew the match— letting the champion
retain the title— and never got close to the championship again.
Everyone, it seems, who played over the game knew for cer­
tain why Bronstein played 1. K -B 2??, the losing move. Obviously
he had calculated the variation 1. . . . K -B 6 2. N-K6 P-K7 3.
N-Q4ch followed by 4. NxP (with a draw) but overlooked 1. . . .
K-N6! which wins for Black (2. K~Q1 K -B7 3. N-K6 P-K7ch;
2. N-K6 P-K7 3. K-Q2 K-B7).
Everyone knew. But only Bronstein knew for certain. Twenty-
five years later he explained for the first time what went wrong.
He had seen 1. N-K6ch, the drawing move, and 2. N-Q4. But he
had been playing for a win since the middlegame, and with the
game’s end in sight, he relaxed: “Now that time pressure was
over and it was necessary only to give check N-K6, I began to
recall . . . the opening of the game, smiling at the refinement of
Catalog of Chess Mistakes

his eighth move for a whole 45 minutes, and then unexpectedly I

took hold of the king. It had to move ..
So the world championship may have been lost through day­
dreaming and a slip of the finger— not the miscalculation the
chess world assumed.

The Other Side: Helping Him Err

To play superior chess you need a realistic attitude toward
error. This involves something of a paradox: you should play as
if your opponent will make error-free moves. But you should give
him the opportunity to make errors.
There is a distinct temptation to make trappy moves, that is,
moves that are of questionable value but which set traps for the
enemy. This is a bad habit to get into, no matter how often it
succeeds. If you expect to improve in chess, you’ll eventually
reach the level of skill where trappy moves are recognized in­
stantly for what they are.
But there is another lesson for the improving player to learn.
Too many inexperienced players try to overwhelm the enemy.
They never miss an opportunity to make a threat or press an
attack. And when they face equally inexperienced opponents,
more often than not the threats and attacks will be poorly han­
dled. But when they meet more experienced players they find
that forcing the tempo of play actually eases the task of defense
by their opponents.
Why? Because players usually err when fa ced with a choice of
reasonable alternatives. If there is very little choice— if your
opponent can choose between meeting your threat or getting
mated in one move— there isn’t much room for mistake.
Anatoly Karpov, the current world champion, never fails to
give his opponents enough rope for their own hanging. He rarely
forces the action from an early point in the game on. Instead, he
prefers to overwhelm his foes with choices, knowing that only the
very best players will pass the test.
The Game of Mistakes 9

Position a fte r 1 3 . . . . B -N 2

Torre-Karpov, Bad Lauterberg 1977— 1. P-K4 P-QB4 2.

N-KB3 P-K3 3. P-Q4 PxP 4. NxP P-QR3 5. P-Q B4 Q -B2 6.
P-QR3 N-KB3 7. N-QB3 N -B3 8. B -K 3 B-K 2 9. R -B l N-K4!?
10. B -K 2 N-N3 11. 0 -0 P-N3 12. P-B4 0-0 13. P-QN4 B-N 2

Note Black’s opening play. He lets White put pieces pretty

much wherever he likes and makes little effort to find immediate
counterplay. Instead, Black maneuvers his pieces, especially his
QN, to take the sting out of White’s natural moves of aggression.
In many comparable positions White obtains a strong game
with P-K 5 or P-KB5, followed by attack in the center or king-
side. Here, however, Black has made sure that any such advance
would be an error. After P-KB5 Black drops his knight on K4
and puts White’s QBP and KP under enough pressure to defuse
any initiative. After 14. P-K5 N -K l White’s center is over­
extended and ready to be dissolved by . . . P-Q3, and then Black
is at least equal.
Karpov hasn’t actually prevented P-K5 or P-KB5. In fact, he
seems to be provoking those moves. He is giving White the
opportunity to go wrong with these pawn advances.
14. B-Q3 Q R -Bl
15. N-N3 P-Q3
White had been threatening 16. P-QB5, which would now
lead to another attractive but faulty liquidation in the center.
White recognizes that there will be no dramatic changes in the
center and that he must therefore find a plan on the wings.
10 Catalog of Chess Mistakes

His choice remains enormous. He can try the kingside with

R -B 3 followed by attacking KR7 with R -R3, P-KN 4-5, and
Q-R5. Black should be able to handle that idea comfortably with
. . . KR-K1 and . . . N -B l. However, White might be able to
shift his attack from KR7 to other points on the kingside with a
subsequent P-KB5.
Or White could attack on the queenside by aiming at the Black
pawns and preparing P-Q B5 or P-QR4-5. This is a properly safe
plan, and White’s next several moves advance it.
16. Q-K2 KR-K1
17. P-R3 N-Q2
18. Q-KB2 B -R l
19. R-B2 Q-N l
20. KR-B1
Blacks moves seem clumsy and ineffective. Yet he has skill­
fully anticipated the attack on his QNP and the P-Q B5 break
(21. P-QB5 NPxP 22. BxRP R -B 2 only favors Black after 23.
PxP QxN or 23. N-N5 R~~B3). Pie can sit and wait for something
to happen, knowing that his position is secure. Or he can give
White some more rope.
2 0 .... B-R5!
This can’t be any worse than the immediate 20. . . . B -Q l or
20. . , . B-K B3, the moves Black might have been expected to
play. But with 20. . . . B -R 5 Black also gives White a chance to
weaken his kingside.
21. P-N3?
Often a move so weakening as to be rejected under normal
circumstances is chosen when you can play it without loss of
time. Here P-KN3 is a free move for White, so to speak, since it
attacks Black bishop. But it is still a poor move, for it weakens
the kingside and the long diagonal (QR8-KR1).
2 1 .... B -Q l
22. N-Q2 B-KB3
23. P-KR4?!
The Game of Mistakes 11

By giving White more rope, Black provokes a kingside attacK

that should fail, White’s plan is consistent with his 21st move,
which he still believes to be good. This illustrates another point
about error: you are much more sensitive to the possibility of
making a mistake when you have a bad game; but when you are
optimistic about your position, your early warning system tends
to close down.
Notice that Black was threatening absolutely nothing.
2 3 . .. . P-B3
24 . P-R 5 N(3)~B1
25. P-N4?! N-B2!

P osition a ft e r 2 5 . . . . N—R 2

So far White has made some minor strategic mistakes and has
earned a dangerous-looking but risky position. Black’s last move
prepares a powerful stroke in the center, . . . P—K41. Without
White’s kingside demonstration,. . . P-K 4 would be a major posi­
tional concession, giving away the KB4 and Q4 squares to White
and making N-Q5! a winning idea. But under the new circum­
stances, Black will be able to develop a grip on the black king-
side squares if he plays 26. . . . P-K4; e.g., 27. P-KB5 B-N4! 28.
N-B3 BxB 29. QxB N(Q)-B3 30. N-KB2 N-N4 or 27. Q~N3 PxP
28. BxBP N-K4 29. N-Q5 BxN 30. KPxB N~N4 (or 30. BPxB RxB
31. BxB P-QN4 followed by . . . N~~N4 or . . . B-N4).
But what else can White do? With 26. N-B3 he stops 26. . . .
P-K4 but allows 26. . . . BxN 27. BxB N(Q)-B3 winning a pawn.
He certainly doesn’t like that, but he doesn’t want to go on the
12 Catalog of Chess Mistakes

defensive after . . . P-K4. Faced with yet another choice, this time
between pessimistic alternatives, White makes another error:
he goes for broke.
26. P-K5?! PxP
27. P-KN5
Now with 27___ RPxP 28. BxNch! KxB 29. PxNP White has a
winning game (29. . . . B-K2 30. QxP). But his panic after 25. . . .
N~R2 has provoked a miscalculation.
2 7 . .. . KPxP!
White's choices from here on are either bad or worse. Recap­
turing on KB4 is bad, but 28. PxB PxB 29. QxP QNxP (with a
deadly kingside attack coming up for Black) is worse.
28. BxBP B-K4
29. P-N6?! PxP
30. PxP BxB
31. PxNeh K -R l
32. K B1 R -B l
33. B-K4 N-K4!
Now Black’s threat of 34. . . . N-N5 or 34. . . . NxP ends the
contest quickly. White played 34. Q-N2, and after 34. . . . NxP
he resigned.

Taking Stock
Experience, as defined by Oscar Wilde, is what we call the
record of our past mistakes. Recognizing the inevitability of mis­
takes is a good first step to dealing with them. The next step is
understanding what kind of mistakes we make. Only after that
can we take action to eliminate them.
You can begin by collecting as many of your past game scores
as you can find. (If you don’t record your games, start now.) Try
to locate a large number. Most people keep only their wins, not
realizing that you learn much more from your losses.
Ideally, you should have a balanced assortment of at least forty
games— some wins, more losses; some games with the White
pieces, some with Black. It doesn’t matter whether the games are
The Game of Mistakes 13

played in club tournaments or on park benches. As long as you

were trying to find the best moves, you’ll have a solid docu­
mentary record to work with.
Examine each game with the scrutiny of your severest critic.
Even if you won a game there are sure to be some blind spots—
second-best moves, sloppy thinking— to be found among your
moves. Try to remember what your thoughts were as you played
each move. Did you consider several alternatives or just play the
first good-looking idea? Did you think you were winning all
along, or were you just trying to hang on?
This won’t require as much work as it may seem. In an average
game of forty moves, the first seven or so moves are part of your
opening arsenal. (Maybe more.) You don’t really think about and
evaluate these moves the way you would move 23. There are also
bound to be several automatic captures and recaptures, as well
as forced responses to enemy threats. You may find that only
twenty to twenty-five moves of the forty required real choice.
Play over each game a few times. This will take a lot of effort
but is well worth a few lost Sunday afternoons. Question any
move that looks suspicious— even if it wasn’t punished. Then
compare the questionable moves with this checklist.
(1) What kind of error is it? Positional? Tactical? Strategic?
Poor Attitude? Each of the following chapters will discuss a dif­
ferent kind of error.
(2) How serious would the error be if punished? Is it a minor
error or a game-losing blunder?
(3) When was the error made? Opening? Middlegame? End­
(4) What was the status of the game when you committed the
error? Did you think you were winning easily? Slightly superior?
Even? Dead lost?
(5) How were your errors spaced? Did you make two or three
bad moves in a row? One every ten moves?

Remember that there may be several reasons that a move is

bad. Each can be considered a separate error for the purposes of
this self-analysis. If possible, you should keep a record of how
much time you spent on each move. This helps in understand­
ing how a mistake came about. For example, if you blunder away
14 Catalog of Chess Mistakes

a rook after thinking only ten seconds, you may place the blame
on the poor attitude of carelessness or overconfidence. But if you
thought twenty minutes on the losing move, you will have to look
By examining the responses to this checklist you can develop a
fairly accurate Error Profile of yourself. You’ll know whether you
are prone to blunder or lose more often through an accumulation
of minor errors. You may learn, further, that you are most liable
to blunder in the ending than the middlegame, or that you make
more of your serious errors in unfavorable positions (Despair or
Pessimism?) than in favorable ones. You’ll know when to be on
guard against your natural tendencies to err (Just as your posi­
tion is improving? Just after a previous error?). You may find that
you made more errors in games you eventually won than in games
you lost.
Once you’ve developed this Error Profile you’ll know, in short,
what part of your game you need to work on away from the tour­
nament hall and what to watch out for when you are at the
board. Self-awareness is the name of the game.

“How Can I Lose?”

When you’re at the board, you look for good moves— either
good moves for you to play or dangerous to you if he plays them.
It may seem like toying with fire, but you should also be looking
for bad moves. A good sense of danger, of knowing how you can
go wrong in a particular position, can help enormously.

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Garcia-Ivkov, Havana 1965

B la ck to m ov e
The Game of Mistakes 15

Black has so great a material advantage he doesn’t have to

worry about losing a pawn or two. But he can’t stop worrying,
period. In fact, this is the perfect time to wonder about losing.
Perhaps, there is nothing you can do that will lose the game
quickly. But it doesn’t hurt to look. Black didn’t.
1 .... P-Q6??
2. B-B3 Resigns
Black lost simply because he did not look for a losing error. He
probably didn’t think losing was possible. You might say that he
made an oversight, perhaps thinking that he could count on his
knight to stop 3. Q—N7 mate (forgetting about 3. Q—R8 mate).
This may have been the case. But the root cause of this oversight
was carelessness bred by a poor attitude. Black didn’t look for
an error.
By asking yourself “How can I lose?” you can anticipate many
tactical surprises. If you play serious chess with a clock, you can
use the time while your opponent is thinking to search for pos­
sible traps.
This safeguard is useful in a number of situations, not just when
there is a specific tactical danger you should know about. Take
the following, an apparently innocent endgame from a Soviet
women’s championship.

Kakhabrishvilli-Zaitseva, Tiflis 1976

W h ite to m o v e

Black is the only player with serious winning chances, but vic­
tory depends on White’s cooperation. Even if White were to lose
16 Catalog of Chess Mistakes

both of her pawns, she could still draw by keeping her king at
KR1, Then Black could never drive the king out of the corner or
promote her own pawn. A draw would be inevitable.
Yet White managed to lose. She lost, in fact, because she
looked only for a way of drawing the position. By doing so, she
completely overlooked a losing method.
1. K -R4 B-B3ch
2. K-R5
White is in a hurry to force a draw by liquidating the board’s
last pawns. She want to play P—KR4 and P-N5, disdaining the
sure draw to be had by keeping her king around KR1. What she’s
overlooked is cute. But she would have seen it had she asked,
“How can I lose?”
2----- B-N4!
3 . P-R4 K-B5!!
It’s too late to ask. After 4. PxB PxP White has obtained ma­
terial equality but will lose the king-and-pawn endgame. Even if
she refuses to take the bishop, her king is too far away from
KR1 to stop Black’s KRP (4. K-N6 KxP 5. P-R 5 B-K 6 6. K~B6
KxP and .. . K-N5).
“The mistakes are there,” Savielly Tartakower said, “waiting
to be made.”
Tactical E rro rs

Separating tactical errors from the other ways of losing a chess

game seems, at first, an impossible task. When you first learn to
play the game all your major errors are tactical.
You lose because you permit a knight to fork your king and
queen, or you overlook a mate in one. After a while, you learn to
avoid these pitfalls, but your mistakes remain essentially tactical.
You walk into a pin or some kind of double attack by enemy
pieces and eventually have to surrender material. You have to
learn a good deal about the game before you even get the oppor­
tunity (!) to lose through positional or strategic errors.
After you’ve matured as a player and have learned the breadth
of possible chess mistakes, the distinction between tactical and
nontactical errors becomes blurred. This is because almost all
games, even at the highest of grandmaster ranks, are ultimately
decided by tactical means. A player may weaken his pawn struc­
ture— a positional error— at move 15, or he may choose a bad
plan— a strategic error— at move 20. But when h e is finally pun­
ished for his sins— on move 40 or 60 or even 90— it will be done
tactically. Eventually his position will deteriorate to the point
that enemy pieces penetrate and create the knight forks, mating
threats, and double attacks that can no longer be resisted.
What separates purely tactical errors from the others is the
immediacy of punishment and the carelessness that leads to their
commission. When you permit a knight fork you are penalized
right then and there with a loss of material. The cause of your
18 Catalog of Chess Mistakes

error is easy to understand: you overlooked the tactical trick that

exploited the error. When you lose you know very well why and
how you lost.

Allowing Mate
Of all the punishing strokes to overlook, the worst is mate. You
can lose a pawn or a piece and still continue the fight— perhaps
even win— depending on your opponent’s ability to play without
serious error. But when you walk into a mate, it’s time to set the
pieces up for the next game.

t m m m

9 £>
m m r n
5 ...i w
Masic-Mariotti, Sombor 1969
W h ite to m o v e

How can a good player overlook a mate? For the same reason
that he can permit a fork or a pin— or ruin his pawn structure or
lose a winning endgame: there is so much to look for in a chess
game that you can only focus on a limited number of considera­
tions. In many cases a master will make a bad error, which loses
the game immediately, because he is trying to avoid the many
minor mistakes that might cost him the game in the long run.
In the diagram Black is intent on breaking through on tire
queenside where his strength is massed. After 1. PxP PxP Black
will be able to pile up on the vulnerable White QRP after 2. . . .
P-N5 and 3. . . . N-N2. If White does nothing about the queen-
side, Black will penetrate with 1. . . . PxP; e.g., 2. PxP R-N7 3.
R -B 2 R(1)-QN1, or 2. NxP NxN 3. BxN N-N3 4. B-K 2 P -R 4 and
Tactical Errors 19

These considerations explain why after

1. R-B3
Black innocently played . . .
1 .... PxP??
And had to resign after
2. N-B5ch!
White will continue 2. . . . PxN 3. R-KN1 and mate with 4.
R-R3. There is no defense. Black lost because mate was the last
thing in the world to look for. He thought.

This, then, is the cardinal rule of chess. Don’t forget about

checkmate. The position on the board may be a quiet middle-
game or routine endgame. There are certain to be a great many
things to look for in the position. But don’t forget the error that
hurts the most.
It can happen before you’ve settled in your seat:

P osition a ft e r 1 1 . . . . P—QN3

This position derives from a relatively innocuous opening—

1. P-K4 P-QB3 2. P-Q4 P~Q4 3, N-QB3 PxP 4, NxP N-Q 2 5.
B-Q B4 KN -B3 6, N -N 5 P-K3 7. Q-K2 N-N3 8. B-Q 3 P-KR3
9. N(5)-B3 P -B4 10. PxP QN-Q2 11. P-QN4 P-QN31
White has won a pawn but cannot keep it (12. PxP BxPch and
. . . QxP). In fact, White seems to have seriously weakened his
position with 11. P-QN4, creating weaknesses all over his queen-
20 Catalog of Chess Mistakes

12. N-Q4!?
This tricky move seems pointless. After 12. . . . PxP Black’s ad­
vantage appears obvious after 13. PxP BxP or 13. N~B6 Q-B2.
Seeing this, Black might continue with
1 2 .... PxP??
13. N-B6 Q-B2
But he will be suddenly reminded that all the positional advan­
tages in the world won’t make up for . ..
14. QxPch! PxQ
15. B-N 6 mate.

Removal of Defender
When I was just beginning to learn the game, one thing always
struck me about the moves of more experienced players. During
the early stages of a game most of the pieces, White and Black,
were protected by friendly pieces.
This seemed astonishing at the time. In my early games it was
impossible to keep half my pieces safe from capture at any given
moment. I didn’t deliberately put my men on squares subject to
enemy attack. But inevitably they were captured through the
usual assortment of tactical ideas: skewers and forks and pins.
The only time my material was completely safe was when the
pieces were suffocating along the first and second ranks.
More experienced players know how to advance and keep their
pieces in mutual protection. It becomes so natural that Mikhail
Botvinnik surprised his colleagues when he praised his rival,
Tigran Petrosian, after losing the world championship to him.
Botvinnik could have cited the new champion’s positional depth
or endgame mastery or calculating ability. But what Botvinnik
cited above all was simpler: “Notice how his pieces are always
In its basic form, this is a game of weaknesses. Each player has
a set of weaknesses to defend— his king, perhaps, as well as some
pawns, key squares, and pieces— and some targets of the same
nature to attack. Eventually there is a tactical breakthrough be­
Tactical Errors 21

cause of an imbalance of attack and protection: there are more

pieces attacking a weakness than defending it.
The tactical device most often used to accomplish this imbal­
ance is the Removal of the Defender. Take this position.

Keres-Averbakh, Zurich 1953

W h ite to m ov e

White’s pawns at Q4 and QB4 are his chief weaknesses. The

QBP is defended twice and attacked once— a balance of protec­
tion. The White defenders cannot be pushed back, exchanged
off, or lured away. But the QP is attacked twice and defended
only once.
There are five ways to defend the QP. White can bring his
knight to KB3. But that defender can be removed by 1. N—B3
BxN. White can also play 1. QR—Q l, but the QBP could later
become a target. And since White doesn’t like to deprive his
knight of its pawn anchor, he rejects 1. P-Q5. That leaves the
KR as the defender, and it can take up its responsibility on Q l
or KB4. The ambitious White grandmaster wanted to keep the
possible play along the KB-file, so he played:
Black replied:
1 .... P-KN4!
And an embarrassed White saw that he must retreat his de­
fender and lose the pawn that solidifies his game. Black’s prog­
ress toward victory was rapid (2, R-KB2 QxQP 3. QxQ RxQ 4,
22 Catalog of Chess Mistakes

QR-KB1 R~Q3 5. P-KR 4 PxP 6. R -B 4 R -B 4 7. N -N 4 NxN 8.

RxNch K~B1 9. BxP B-R 3 10, R[1 ]-B 4 R -R 3), and he eventually

The number of variations on this theme is considerable, but

the key element is easy to recognize. A defending piece is taken
out of commission by some means— a threat of capture, or an
equal exchange of piece for piece, or a threat elsewhere which
requires the services of the defender.
This much can be understood by anyone who learns the moves
of the pieces. What makes the tactical struggles difficult is the
variety and complexity of several simultaneous battles— each
one made up of attacking and defending pieces.

'A t'A t

w a
t'J > 'M

Georgieva-Konarkovska-Sokolov, Belgrade 1977

B la ck to m ov e

Black has sacrificed a rook for two pawns and a strong attack,
whose current focal point is KR7 and other squares around the
White king. White must protect his KR2 from a possible . . .
Q~R7 mate. With this in mind, Black can play 1. . . . B-K6!. If
White responds 2. Q-QB2, threatening a strong check of his own
at QB8, Black has a choice among a promising ending with 2.
. . . QxBch, a continuation of the attack with 2. . . . R-R6ch, or
even a perpetual attack on the White Queen (2. . . . R-Q B6 3.
Q—K2 R-K6 4. Q—KN2 R-KN6). White can never play QxB be­
cause o f . . . Q-R7 mate.
1 .... R -R 6ch?
2. K-N l B-B4ch?
Tactical Errors 23

Black could have used the Removal of Defender device to win

back the rook immediately with 2. . . . Q-N6ch 3. Q-N2 B-B4ch
4. R -B 2 BxRch or 3. B-N 2 R-R8ch! 4. KxR Q-R7 mate.

3. R-B2

White would have lost material to another tactical device, the

skewer, after 3. K-N2 R-R7ch and 4. . . . RxQ. The move chosen,
3. R-B2, allows Black to win with 3. . . . BxRch because 4. KxB
R-R7ch 5. B-N 2— the only way to seal up the skewer—permits
5. . . . RxBch 6. KxR QxQch, another version of Removing the
Defender. (Of course, 4. QxB QxB cuts White’s losses, but his
two-pawn deficit should eventually cost him the game. Or, rather,
should cost her the game— it was a women’s tournament.)

3----- Q-N6ch??

Positions with opposite-colored bishops often suggest optical

illusions (see Visual Errors, P. 179), and here Black fell into one.
The move played appears decisive until you notice 4. K -B l!,
which would have turned the game around: (a) 4. . . . BxR 5.
QxB and the checks are over, leaving White a bishop ahead; (b)
4. . . . Q-R5— threatening 5. . . . R-R8ch 6. BxR QxB mate— is
met by 5. Q-N2ch P -B3 6. R -K l, permitting the White K to
escape by way of K2; and (c) the trappy 4. . . . R-R7!? (5. RxR??
Q-N8 mate!), which can be beaten by 5. Q—N2ch.
But White, also suffering from an optical illusion, thought that
the kingside pieces would mutually defend one another:

4. B-N2?? BxRch
5. QxB R-R8ch!

The pin on White’s bishop forces the removal of the defending

king— 6. KxR QxQ and White resigned.

Double Attack
Most beginning players have a recognizable style. They make
one threat after another until interrupted by an enemy threat
(which they sometimes just ignore). When, by some miracle, they
find themselves making two threats with the same move, it is
24 Catalog of Chess Mistakes

enough to decide the game. I remember making my first knight

fork, thinking it was the height of tactical thought.
But double attacks— forks, skewers, etc.— don’t just happen;
they are made possible by superior piece activity and— on the
other side of the board— by carelessness. The latter comes about
when you start putting your pieces on unprotected squares. Of
course, you can’t make any sort of advance with all your pieces
in mutual protection. But you can provide insurance against sur­
prises like the following.

Peretz-Saidy, Netanya 1969

B la ck to p lay

Black hasn’t completed his development and can’t play the

natural . . . P-QN4 and . . . B-N2 until his QR moves off the long
diagonal. Moreover, Black dislikes 1. . . . R -Q N l because of 2.
Q-Q6! QxQ 3. RxQ, after which his problems remain (3. . . .
B-Q 2 4. RxB is impossible, and 3. . . . P-QN4 runs into trouble
after 4. KR-Q1 followed by N-R5). So .. .
R -R 2

Black was probably counting on 2. Q-Q6 QxQ 3. RxQ P-QN4

followed by . . . B-Q2 (protected now by the R at QR2) or . . .
R-K 1-K2-B2.
2. Q-Q4ch
White wins a rook with the double attack.
Superior piece activity is another matter. Since both sides nor-
Tactical Errors 25

mally have weaknesses, the player with the most efficient and
coordinated force will be able to exploit its advantage tactically.

Keres-Mikenas, Moscow 1954

B la c k to m ov e

In the diagramed position, Black has obtained a fine game in

the opening (1. P -K 4 P-Q B4 2. N -K B3 N-Q B3 3. P-Q4 PxP 4.
NxP N~B3 5. N-Q B3 P-Q3 6, B-Q B4 P -K 3 7. 0 -0 B -K 2 8. B~N3
0-0 9. B-K 3 B -Q 2 10. P -B4 NxN 11. BxN B - B 3 12. Q-Q 3 P-QN4!
13. P-QR3 P -Q R 4 14. P-KS PxP 15. PxP N-Q2) using tactics such
as removal of the defender— 18. NxP NxP! 11. BxN QxQ 18. PxQ
BxN favors Black who has many weak pawns to attack. The dia­
gram was reached with 16. Q-K3 P-N 5 17. PxP PxP 18. N—K2.
1 8 .... R-R4!
Up to now the position has deceptively appeared to favor
White’s pieces, which seem more aggressively placed. But White,
one of the finest tacticians of the twentieth century, realized that
Black had more than equalized. He knew that the weakness of
his KP and the difference in scope of the two white-square
bishops gave Black the advantage.
But a red light should have lit up in his field of vision after 18.
.. . R-R4. That move seemed only to be a solid way of pressuring
the KP and preparing to take over the QR-file with 19. . . . Q -R l.
White failed to make the connection between Black’s increasing
piece activity and its tactical exploitation.
19. P-B3? BxP!
26 Catalog of Chess Mistakes

The White KN2 square didn't seem to be a target, but sud­

denly Black’s activity makes it one. Now 20. KxB Q -R lch and 21.
. . . RxR would have won quickly. White managed to j>lay on
with dignity for thirty moves after 20. PxP BxP 21, RxR BxR(8)!
22. R-N 5 BxN 23. RxB, but his position was already beyond

Faulty Tactics
Black’s last sequence is what we call a “little” combination,
although it takes a bit of hard calculation. One or two tactical
devices stand out, and die rest of it is “if he plays there, I play
there.” Masters make it look routine. Tactical play, however, is
a double-edged sword, no matter how familial- you are with forks,
skewers, and other tactical devices.

Euwe-Unzicker, Dusseldorf 1951— 1. P-Q4 N-KB3 2. P-QB4

P-K3 3. N-Q B3 B-N 5 4. Q~B2 P -B4 5. PxP 0 -0 6, P-QR3 BxBP
7, N~B3 N -B 3 8. P-K3 P-Q4 9. P-QN4 B-Q3 10. B-N 2 P-QR4
11. P-N5 N -K 4 12. PxP PxP 13. B -K 2 B -K 3 14. NxN BxN 15.
P -B4 B -Q 3 16. 0 -0 B -Q B 4 17. Q-Q3 B-KN5

Here it is Black, the player who seeks to exploit Whites weak­

nesses tactically, making the critical error. His last move clears
the K-file and prepares to take aim at K6. There is a threat to
build up slowly with 18. . . . R -K l. There is also a tactical trick
in Black’s mind. If White’s knight moves Black might play 18.. . .
BxPch 19. QxB R -K l with the familiar skewer along the file.
But one of the pitfalls to tactical play is the failure to notice
indirect means of defense. For example, how does 18. N-R4
defend against the skewer trick? Black doesn’t look for an answer.

18. N-R4 BxPch??

19. QxB R -K l
20. B-K51 Resigns

Another trap is thinking you are the only player who can use
Tactical Errors 27

Ozola-Fishman, Riga 1977— 1. P-K4 P-QB3 2. P-Q3 P-Q4 3.

N~Q2 P-KN3 4. P-KN3 B~N2 5. B-N 2 N -K B3 6. P-K5 N-N5
7. P-Q4 P-K B 4 8. P-KB3 N-KR3 9. N-N 3 B -B4 10. P-KB3
N-R3 11. P-N4 B-Q 2 12. B - B l Q-N3 13. B -K 2 P-QB4 14. QPxP
Q -B2 15. P-KB4 NxBP 16. QxP

Here Black could have gotten a reasonable position with 16. . . .

NxN and 17. . . . PxP. But he wanted to humiliate White’s pieces
now that the center was opened. Black played 16. . . . N -K 5 in
preparation for 17. . . . N-N6, The main point was “if 17. QxN then
17. . . . B-QB3 skewering queen and rook.” But White simply
played 17. QxN! B-Q B3 and forced resignation with 18. Q—B4!.
One faulty skewer deserves one good pin.
And die fragility of one’s piece placement can also unhinge
your tactical design.

m m t m t
iglffii Hi!
.. m m m
stm trn i

Byrne-Kavalek, Sousse 1967
W h ite to m ov e

White’s position has the cosmetic appearance of activity. Actu­

ally his rook is about to be exiled on QR4, and his queen is
threatened with . . . B -B 3 and . . . R—Ql. The desperate urge to
overcome a rapidly declining position must have contributed to
what now happens.
1. RxRP!? RxR
2. R-N7
Can White really be better? He certainly would be after 2. . . .
Q -B l 3. QxPch and probably would be after 2. . . . QxR 3. QxQ
28 Catalog of Chess Mistakes

RxP 4. N-K3 and 5. N-Q5. White’s clever skewer along die

seventh rank seems to have saved him.
2.,.. R-Q3!
But White’s pieces hang together so fragilely that any disrup­
tion is fatal. Black’s 2. . . . R-Q3 wins a rook safely (3. RxQ
RxQ 4. KPxR BxR), and thus gives White’s house-of-cards posi­
tion the final shove.

“And with a Little Pin”

. . bores through his castle-wall, and farewell king.” That’s
the way Shakespeare’s Richard II describes the fate of real mon-
archs. But the chess pin can have the same impact on wooden
kings— as well as on bishops, rooks, knights, and queens.
Beginners learn quickly to avoid the elementary pins, such as
leaving your queen at K2 in front of your king when your oppo­
nent can pin one to another with R -K l along the open file. But
pins, because of their number in a typical game, can be con­
fusing to anyone. You may see one pin developing, think you are
getting out of it easily, and then walk into a newly created one.

o w l

± i

Polugaevsky-Hort, Manila 1975

W h ite to m o v e

White has permitted a relatively harmless pin on his rook (I.

R -B l?? QxQ). He could get out of it with 1. R -Q 7 but that would
enable Black to defend (1. . . . R-K8ch 2. K-R2 QxQeh 3. RxQ
R-K3) or counterattack (3. .. . R-K7). Probably best here is “luft”
Tactical Errors 29

with 1. P—N3 (see First-rank Failure), which gives White’s king a

good flight square and deprives Black’s queen of the KB5 square
once the White pieces get off the QN8-KR2 diagonal.
1. Q-Q7??
This seems quite natural— getting out of the pin and threaten­
ing KB7.
1. ■.. R-K8ch!
2. K-R2 R-QB8
But there is suddenly a new pin— to the White king not to the
queen. White’s rook is attacked twice and cannot be protected
again. He resigned shortly.

There is no magical method of dealing with pins except to rec­

ognize and anticipate them. Recognition isn’t easy, as the last
example attests. In that case White had to foresee the lining up
of his king and rook along what appears to be a safely blocked
diagonal. In the next example Black loses material because of a
tricky pin that is virtually invisible.

Krogius-Geller, Leningrad I960

B la ck to m ov e

Where is the exploitable pin? Black didn’t see one and played
1. . . . K -N l, preparing to double rooks along the QB-file. All his
pieces and pawns are defended adequately, it seems.
White’s surprise was 2. NxP!, which not only wins a pawn but
destroys Black’s castled protection. The trick involves two tac­
30 Catalog of Chess Mistakes

tical devices. After 2. . . . QxN 3. R-QR3 the Black NP is pinned

to its queen. And the queen cannot retreat because of a skewer.
What is being skewered is not another unit of material but a
square— a mating square (3. . . . Q-N3 4. R~R8 mate).
The pin and skewer together led to Black’s collapse (2 . . .
KR-QB1 3. QxP RxP 4. P-QR3— luft!— K-~R2 5, R-QN3 K -R3
6. B-N 7ch Black resigns).
This kind of surprise pin can only be anticipated by a good
sense of danger. “Where are the potential pins?” “If I’m pinned
along that file (diagonal, rank), how easy is it to get out?” These
are the questions to ask yourself. And they would be enough—
if pins were the only thing to worry about during a game. But
let’s see how a pin is permitted by a good player.

Dely-Hort, Sarajevo 1964

B la c k to p lay

There’s an old baseball stoiy in which a veteran player asks his

colleague: “Suppose you’re pitching against Mickey Mantle with
the bases loaded, two out, and a count of two strikes and one
ball. What do you throw?” The colleague interrupts: “Hold on.
How did I get the two strikes and the ball?” In other words, what
I do now is a product of what I did before. My past successes and
failures indicate my future strategy.
There is a history to this position, too, and it had a strong influ­
ence on Black. White had begun a kingside attack by first closing
off the center (P-K5) and advancing his pawns (P-KR4 and
P-KN4). To obtain the necessaiy counteiplay, Black put a knight
Tactical Errors 31

on Q5, encouraged White to capture it, and then recapture with

a pawn on QB4. This opened the QB-file from Black’s side of
the board and made it difficult for White to shield himself with
Black’s whole strategy has been to assault the QB7 target. If
he can capture the White QBP, his rooks (and the bishop tempo­
rarily entombed at KR2) will spring to life. But should he play
1. . . . RxP?
It’s a good policy to think hard before making such a move,
the kind that wins material or otherwise changes the balance of
the position. Black sees that after 1. . . . RxP he will be tempo­
rarily pinned along the Q8-QR5 diagonal. Therefore he has to
satisfy himself first that the pin cannot be exploited.
Black’s thoughts probably went something like this: “He can
work on the pin with 2. N—Kl. But then I have 2. . . . RxR! 3.
QxQ RxNch 4. K-N2 N -B4 followed by 5. . . . NxQP with a tre­
mendous game. (In this case the pin doesn’t really pin.) Or, after
1. . . . RxP White could play 2. P-N3 (another way of exploiting
Black’s pieces: removal of the defender and fork, 2. . . . Q -B3 3.
NxP), but this is OK for me also: 2. P-N3 Q-B3 3. NxP RxB!;
e.g., 4. RxR QxR or 4. NxQ RxQch 5. RxR RxN. Finally, he could
just simplify down with 2. RxR QxR 3. QxQ RxQ 4. NxP, but
after 4. . . . R -B l he must lose either the KP or QP.”
Thus satisfied Black played 1. . . . RxP and threatened 2. . . .
BxP 3. QxB RxBch. But White turned the game around with 2.
Now Black’s predicament becomes clear, tie cannot get out of
the pin (2. . . . Q -B3 3. NxP) but must do something about such
threats as 3. N -K l and 3. P-N3. The pin could be exploited im­
mediately after 1. . . . RxP, but it wasn’t going to disappear. As
Hort said later, “Don’t hurry to stick your head into a noose.”
A final example of the insidiousness of pins is Menchik-
Alatortsev, Moscow 1935— 1. N—KB3 P-Q4 2. P—Q4 N-KB3 3.
P-B4 P-B3 4. PxP PxP 5. N -B3 N-B3 6. B -B 4 P-QR3 7. P~K3
B -B 4 8. R -B l R -B l 9. B-Q3 BxB 10. QxB P-K3 11. 0-0 B -K 2
12. P-KB3 0-0 13. KR-Q1?! N-QR4! 14. N -K 3 N -B 5 13. Q-K2
Q-R4 16. N-Q3 P-QN4! 17. N -B 3 BxN 18. PxB RxP 19. P-QN3
KR-B1 20. PxN RxP. Black has created pin # 1 on White’s QN.
32 Catalog of Chess Mistakes

Position a ft e r 20. . . . RxP

If there was no QRP White could defend with 21. N-R2, a

simple unpinning idea that occurs quite frequently. And if there
was no KP white could play 21. N -N l, since the QB on KB4
would defend die R on QB1. But as things are, White needs an
ingenious idea, or he will lose the material edge.
The right way to get out of the pin is 21. B-K5 so that on 21.
. . . N-Q2 White plays 22. NxQP! Then the pin turns out to be
insufficiently pinning (22. . . . RxR 23. N-K7ch K -B l 24. NxR
RxN 25. B-N 2 or 22. . . . PxN 23. Q-N4 NxB 24. QxRch!).
21. P-K4? RxN
22. B-Q2?
This was White’s trick, meeting pin # 1 with pin 2. (Actually
the best defense is 22. RxR RxR 23. PxP PxP 24. B-K5 R -B 5 25.
BxN. And the best winning try by Black after 22. RxR would be
22. . . . QxR 23. R-QB1 QxRch! 24. BxQ RxBch and 25, . . . NxP.)
2 .... QxP!
And here is pin $r3. White can’t unravel her pieces and has to
permit Black a two-pawn advantage. She resigned after 23. RxR
(23. R -R l Q -B 5 24. QxQ R[6]xQ) 23____RxR 24. PxP NxP 25.
Q-N 4 R -B 5 26. Q-N3 R -B l 27. B -K 3 Q-N6!

Overlooking or Overestimating Checks

Checks are the most common tactical device simply because
they are the most forcing of moves. A threat to your queen or a
Tactical Errors 33

capture of a piece may sometimes be ignored. But not a check.

And since checks are so much a part of the game they are often
taken for granted— and overlooked. Even by the best players:

Keene—Botvinnik, Hastings 1966/67

B la ck to m ov e

A former world champion is the victim of this time. As Black

he had mishandled what half a dozen moves before was an over­
whelming position. He would now like to play 1. . . . R -B 7 but
sees that White may draw with checks beginning with 2. Q—K6ch.
Having seen that danger, one would think Black would be well
aware of other checking dangers. But, discouraged by the change
in his fortunes, he played:
1 .... RxN??
2. Q-N4ch Resigns
Checks add force to any of the tactical tricks— such as a double
attack in this case— that we’ve already considered. The tricks may
be disguised, as in the following:

Bronstein-Taimanov, Baku 1961— 1. P-K 4 P-QB4 2. N-KB3

P-K3 3. P-Q4 PxP 4. NxP N-QB3 5. N-Q B3 Q -B 2 6. B -K 3
P-QR3 7. P-QR3 P-QN4 8. NxN QxN 9. B -K 2 B -B 4 10. B-Q4!
P~~B3? 11. BxNP! PxB 12. Q-R5ch P-N3 13. QxB and W hite won.

Black didn’t like 10. . . . N-B3 because of 11. P-K5!; e.g., 11.
. . . QxP 12. B -B 3 or 11. . .. BxB 12. QxB QxP 13. 0 -0-0. But in de­
ciding to play 1 0 .... P—B3 he should have considered the possible
34 Catalog of Chess Mistakes

dangers of opening up a checking line to his king. He could dis­

count 11. B-R5ch as a danger, but this false sense of security led
to the loss of a vital pawn.

The last example was a double attack using a check. Another

is the removal of the defender using a check. Here’s an ancient

Williams-Lowenthal, London 1851

W h ite to m o v e

In this, one of the earliest tournament games ever played,

White must choose a retreat square for his queen. The passive
retreat to KN2 is unattractive because it walks into . . . B-K 5 fol­
lowed by . . . R~B7. The more forcing 1. Q-N5 at least offers to
trade queens and reduce the Black attacking army.
After lengthy thought— and in those days, thought was usually
measured in hours, not minutes— White played 1. Q-N5?? and
collapsed after 1. . . . R-B8ch. White must either play 2. RxR,
leaving his queen unprotected, or permit mate, 2. K-K2 Q-B7

On the other hand, not all checks are good. In a typical game
of forty moves the opportunity to check arises more than fifty
times— sometimes more. But you rarely see more than ten checks
per game. Most of the available checks deserve the German name
wopatzerschach— “a check so bad that only a patzer would give
Tactical Errors 35

m m t m i
mm m m
t i
m m m m
ti ■ m m
Keres-Mikenas, Buenos Aires 1939
B la ck to m ov e

White, a pawn, behind, has excellent compensation in view of

his control of the king file and potential mating threats. If Black
retreats his queen to QB1, he is mated by QxBP and Q-N7. If
the queen grabs the QP, White mates with Q-K8ch.
1 .... Q-B4ch??
Well, why not give a check? You get the initiative (for a move)
and feel like the aggressor.
% K -R l
But the feeling is short-lived. Black has no followup to his
first check (2. . . . N-B7ch 3. BxN) and no inexpensive method
of answering White’s threat of 3. Q-K8ch RxQ 4. RxR mate.
Black had to play 2. . . . B—K4 to stay alive, but he could have
quietly resigned after 3. PxB.
Sometimes a move like 1. . . . Q-B4ch is described as a “spite
check,” a last burst of aggression before resigning. However,
there was no reason for such pessimism. With 1. . . . QxQ! 2. RxQ
B-Q 3 Black has excellent chances— not just to draw but to win.
After 3. R -K l B -B l! Black exchanges down to a safe pawn-
ahead ending. And after 3. R-Q7 R -K l! Black takes over the
open file with this own threat of mate on the last rank.

Checks are valuable if you recognize their true value. Over­

estimating your own checks or underestimating your opponent’s
36 Catalog o f Chess Mintakes

is another critical error. In the next example White over- and


■* //■ //■
■ ■ Wm. Ill
i A. ■ ■
■ U M B m
±M M ■ ii
m. m
Suttles-Minic, Palma 1970
W h ite to m ov e

White must defend, and that means giving up the Exchange for
one of the enemy bishops. The time is now— 1. RxB QxR, and
now 2. Q-B7ch or 2. Q-N5! with threats of perpetual check
should draw.
1. Q-B7ch K -R l
White can still draw by maintaining his checks— 2. Q-N8eh
K -R 2 3. Q-B7ch K-N3 4. Q-N3ch. Black may even lose by miss­
ing a double attack ( 3 . .. . K-R3?? 4. Q-B4ch).
2. RxB??
But White plays to win, thinking that after 2. . . . QxR he can
win the bishop with an all-important check (3. Q-N8ch! K-R2
4. QxBch). What he overlooks is that Black can play this game as
2. . . . Q-R8cht 3, K—B2 Q -B 6ch 4. K -K l QxNch 5. K -B l
Q -B 6ch 6. K -K l Q—K6ch 7. K -B l B-R3ch, and Black must win
the rook and keep his extra piece.

Special Cases: First-rank Failure

Some tactical situations based on recurring piece placements
deserve special attention. The simplest to foresee and easiest to
Tactical Errors 37

prevent is a mate by rook or queen on an unobstructed first rank.

And any player who claims he’s never been victimized by this
beginner’s nemesis is probably lying.
My first humiliating chess experience went like this: I was
twelve years old and had just read all the books on the game at
the local library. This convinced me I was a likely candidate for
imminent grandmasterhood. One day a thirteen-year-old neigh­
bor challenged me to a game, and I felt confident. He had played
more than I had but read less, and as the game progressed I could
tell I was the better player.
And I would have won, too. I grabbed a pawn and then a
knight, and after about twenty-five moves there must have been
a hundred ways to win— and only one to lose. As I began to
finish him off I dropped a rook to the seventh rank— “the abso­
lute seventh rank” that I had seen recommended in some book.
But the book didn’t mention much about first ranks. He played
R-QN8ch and my king, confined to the rank by pawns in front
of it, was mated.
Inexperienced players tend to go through a progression. After
a few games they learn that castling is a very important move.
But after castling in a few games they find their king getting
mated along an unprotected first rank. Then they try playing
P-KR3 or P-KN3 as soon as they castle— but this just leads to
kingside weaknesses and new mates. About this time in their
playing career they discover that chess isn’t as easy a game as it
first appears.

W h ite to m ov e
38 Catalog of Chess Mistakes

One of the hard lessons to leam is how to worry about a posi­

tion. In this game from the 1977 U.S. Open, White, who went by
the name of Sneaky Pete, had been winning for several moves.
He should take some extra precautions just to insure Iiis victory.
There was no reason to hurry. But he didn’t worry enough:

1. K R-Q I R -K l
2. QxP Q-K8ch
3. RxQ RxR mate

Was Sneaky Pete embarrassed? Not at all. He was a computer.

Make Luft, Not War

The two methods of avoiding first-rank failure are relatively
easy. If you have the time and means— as Sneaky Pete did—
simply play P-KR3 or P-KN3 gaining “luft,” German for “air.”
Your king now has an escape square. (P-KB3 often weakens
the castled position too much by exposing a diagonal to the
KN1 square.)
When this isn’t available— usually because you can’t spare a
move for luft— the remedy is simple awareness. When an aver­
age or better player is victimized by his first rank, you can blame
his or her failure to look out for the danger.
And even luft is insufficient if the King’s flight square is under
attack. Who would have guessed that two moves following the
next diagram White would be lost because of a first-rank fiasco?

Korchnoi-Levenfish, Moscow 1953

B la ck to m ov e
Tactical Errors 39

White will regain liis pawn on K4 and have winning chances

because of the weak enemy pawns on the queenside. Black might
try to give White a weak pawn too by playing 1. . . . P—K6 2. RxP
HxR. But White can answer 3. QxR! QxNP? 4. Q-K7!, and it is
Black’s first rank that decides the game.
1 .... B -B l
2. BxP B-R6J?
Black’s last is a trappy move. The White first rank is vulnerable
since the KN2 flight square is covered now by the bishop. This is
hardly fatal, but it places an onus of accuracy on White. With a
clear head he can win a pawn with 3. QxP! (3. . . . KR—N1 4.
Q -B3 RxP 5. QxQ PxQ 6. R-Q6, or 3___ QR-N1 4. B-N2!! RxQ
5. RxR mate; 4. . . . RxRch 5. RxR threatening 6. BxB and 6.
White has other good moves, such as 3. Q-KB3. Even the hum­
ble 3. B-N 2 keeps some of his advantage. But not 3. R-Q6, an
attractive alternative.
3. R-Q6?? RxB!
4. RxR QxR
This is the kind of complication White never expected. (He
may have seen 3. . . . RxB 4. RxQ RxR mate but assumed that
4. RxR would remove all dangers.) White’s sense of danger simply
wasn’t directed to the first rank.
Since 5. R-K8ch RxR 6. PxQ R -K 8 is still mate, White played
5. QxP, but after 5. . . . QxP! (rubbing it in) 6. Q -K l P-N3! he
had to resign. It turned out that White’s last hope was the vul­
nerability of Black’s first rank. Once that hope was dashed,
Black’s extra piece had to win.

Mishandling Long Diagonals

Although first-rank mates have haunted players since the Arab
traders brought the game to Europe, there is another common tac­
tical problem— built into typical middlegames— that is rela­
tively new. This occurs when a player weakens his long diagonal,
the lines that run from QR1 to KR8 and KR1 to QR8. They crop
up nowadays because many players fianchetto their bishops
40 Catalog of Chess Mistakes

(that is, develop them at N2). This development is an attempt to

exploit the diagonal, but it may also turn out to be a weakening
of the diagonal:

Kochiev-Ivanov, U.S.S.R. 1976— 1. N -K B3 N -K B3 2. P-KN3

P-Q4 3. B-N2 P-K3 4. 0 -0 B -K 2 5. P-Q3 P-QN3 6. QN-Q2
B-N 2 7. P-K4 PxP 8. PxP NxP?? 9. N-K5! Black resigns.

Black concedes because he will lose a piece. Probably he had

counted on 9. . . . N-B4 (or 9. . . . N-Q3) 10. BxB NxB. But his
long diagonal is still weak— 11. Q-B3! with a double attack at
KB7 and QN7. And if Black plays 9. . . . NxN instead, he will
lose a piece to 10. BxB.
This diagonal disaster came about because Black, though aware
of the dangers, calculated them poorly. In the next case Black
was completely unaware of them.

Averbakh-Ragozin, Moscow 1954

B la c k to m ov e

After White’s spirited opening play (1. P-Q B4 P-KB4 2. P-KN3

N-KB3 3. B-N 2 P -K 3 4. N -K B3 B -K 2 5. 0 -0 0 -0 6. P-Q4 P-Q3
7. N -B3 Q -K l 8. R~K1 N -K 5 9. Q -B2 Q-N3 10. B -K 3 NxN 11.
QxN N-Q2 12. P-B5! N -B 3 13. PxP PxP 14. Q-N31 N-Q 4 15.
B-Q2), Black has some queenside weaknesses and an immediate
problem of completing his development. He would like to bring
his QB out, but 15. .. . B-Q 2 16. QxP is unpleasant.
The natural method of protecting his QNP is 15. . . . P-N3,
since 15. . . . R -N l commits a rook to a clumsy square and may
Tactical Errors 41

leave the QRP hanging in the future. But 15. . . . P-N3 is a bad
1 5 .... P-N3?
16. B-N5!
White threatens to bring his long diagonal to life with 17. BxB
NxB 18. N~K5! PxN 19. BxR. Black may not have been blind to
the dangers along the diagonal but probably thought that his
blockading knight on Q4 would hold the line. Now, if he plays
16. . . . R -N l, White wins material with 17. BxB NxB 18. Q—R3!,
striking at QR7 and Q6.
1 6 .... BxB
17. NxB B-N2
Black didn’t like 17. . . . QxN because 18. BxN would cost a
pawn (18. . . . PxB 19. QxPch and QxR), and he had to do some­
thing about the threats of 18. BxN and 18. NxKP BxN 19. BxN.
Now, after 17. . . . B—N2, it seems that his diagonal has finally
been neutralized.
18. P-K4!
This, however, decides the game from a positional point of
view. Black ends up with two highly vulnerable center pawns:
18. . . . PxP 19. NxP(4) N~K2 (to meet the threat of 20. N-B3)
20. NxP BxB 21. QxPch! QxQ 22. RxQ B-R6 23. RxN Q R -Q l 24.
N -K 4 RxP 25. QR-K1 P-KR3 26. RxP R -B l 27. P-B3 R-B7? 28.
N-B6ch! Black resigns. It ends with a first-rank mate.
Mistakes with Pieces

“Whenever I move a piece, it’s a tactical error,” complained the

beginner. “And whenever I move a pawn, it’s a positional error.
What should I do?”
“Move something else,” said the master.
If only it was that simple. You have to move something: only
in contract bridge can you “pass.” But chess is hard enough with
the variety of faulty piece moves.
Mishandling your pieces is the fastest way to give your oppo­
nent tactical chances. At any given moment you may have as
many as a hundred different possible moves with your queen,
rooks, king, knights, and bishops. Only 10 percent of those possi­
bilities are likely to be good moves. The rest are either mediocre,
or just plain bad.

Faulty Development
Development is better than riches. With your pieces developed
you can take middlegame risks and engage in long-term planning.
Without development, you have to worry about getting out of the
opening alive.
Yes, there are many opening systems in use that sacrifice de­
velopment for strategic pawn moves or pawn-grabbing. But these
systems require extra care and may be intrinsically unsound even
in the hands of the best players.
Mistakes with Pieces 43

Geller-Petrosian, U.S.S.R. 1963—1. P -K 4 P-K3 2. P~Q4 P-Q 4 |

3. N-QB3 B-N 5 4. P-K5 P-QN3 5. N -B3 Q-Q 2 6. B-Q 2 B -B ll? 1
7. P-QR4 N-QB3 8. B -K 2 K N -K2 9 .0 -0 I

Position a fte r 9. 0—0

Black’s delay in development is risky but far from fatal. His

undeveloping 6th move is aimed at avoiding the exchange of his
good bishop (6. . . . P-QB4? 7. N-QN5). With the center closed
Black can afford such exotic ideas. B u t. . .
9. . . . P-B3?
10. R -K l PxP?
Black can’t afford to open the game up so early. He would be |
ready for the . . . P -B3 break only after 9. . . . B—N2, 10. . . . I
P—KR3, and 11. . . . 0-0-0. But in the current position he mis- |
takenly feels he is ensuring against danger by taking the initiative 1
in the center (11. PxP N-N3 12. B-KB1 B-N 2 followed by . . . 1
0-0 -0 or . . . B-K2 and . . . 0-0). .|
11. B-QN5! |
Surprises like this come naturally when you have several poten- if
tial weaknesses (the center, the KB2 square) and virtually no if
development. Now Black would be swallowed alive after 11. . . . if
P-K5 12. N-K5 Q~Q3 13. B-K B4 or 11___ PxP 12. RNxF Q-Q3 |
13. NxN NxN 14. B-K B4 Q-Q2 15. QxP!. |
1 1 .... N-N3
12. NxKP KNxN
13. RxN P-QR3
44 Catalog of Chess Mistakes

This concedes a pawn or two and eventually the game (14.

BxN QxB 15. NxP B-Q 2 16. B -N 5 B-Q 3 17. Q-R5ch! K -B l 18.
Q-B3ch K -N l 19. RxP), but Black is already too far behind (13.
. . . B-K 2 14. Q -B 3 B -B 3 15. NxP! BxB 16. N-B6ch!; 14. . . .
B-N 2 15. QR-K1; or 13. . . . B-Q 3 14. RxPch!).

Most players know how to develop once they’ve played their

first dozen games. But they still make development errors of a
great variety. For example, they delay development even in open
positions for sophisticated tactical or strategic reasons:

Portisch-Bronstein, Monaco 1969— 1. P-Q4 P-Q4 2. P-QB4

P-QB4 3. BPxP N-KB3 4. P-K41? NxKP 5. PxP NxP(4) 6. N-KB3
P-K3 7. N-B3

Ilere White provides for a slight initiative because of his re­

strictive pawn on Q5. Black can exchange that pawn off but at
the cost of developing his opponent’s game. The most promising
continuation is 7. . . . B-K2 8. B-K3 Q-R4 with . . . 0 -0 and later
. . . R -Q l.
But in this game Black played 7. . . . PxP?! 8. QxP!, and to
avoid the exchange of queens diat favors White (8 . . . N -B3 9.
QxQch NxQ 10. N-Q5) he chose the clumsy 8. . . . Q-K2ch? 9.
B-K 3 N -B3 10. B-QN5 B-Q 2 11. 0 -0 N-K3. This procedure not
only encourages White’s development (9. B-K3) but inhibits
Black’s by keeping his KB at home. Black couldn’t even castle
queenside (11. .. . 0 -0 -0 12. QBxN QxB 13. QxP).
As played, Black never got a chance to castle: 12. N-K-5! NxN
(12. . . . 0 -0 -0 13. BxN BxB 14. NxB!) 13. QxN BxB 14. NxB
P-QR3 15. QR-Q1! R -Q l 16. B~N6! RxR (16. . . . PxN 17. BxR
NxB 18. QxPch N-B3 19. KR-K1) 17. RxR P-B3 18. Q-KB5
P-N3 19. N -B7ch K -B 2 (19___ NxN 20. Q-B8cli and R-Q7) 20.
Q-Q 5 B lack resigns.

Only slightly better than no development is faulty develop­

ment. Simply bringing die pieces out from the first rank may per­
mit you to castle quickly and avoid a catastrophe like Black’s
above. But the opening eventually comes to an end and you have
to begin planning a middlegame strategy. The placement of your
pieces has a great deal to do with that planning.
Mistakes with Pieces 45

For example, this message has often been handed down to

beginners as if engraved on tablets from Mt. Sinai: “Develop your
knights before your bishops.” This is a simplistic way to put a
handy bit of wisdom. The reasoning goes something like this:
after the initial pawn moves you must first develop some minor
pieces. But the pawns have not been firmly set in the center at
this point. With a fluid center, you want knights out rather than
bishops because knights can be more flexibly adapted to changed
circumstances. Bishops, once developed, often get kicked around
by enemy center pawns. For illustration:
Korchnoi-Szabo, Bucharest 1954
1. P-QB4 P-K4
2. N-QB3 N-KB3
3. P-KN3 B-B4?

Had White already committed liimself in the center with P-K4,

or made P-K3 and P-Q4 difficult to enforce, this would be a
good square on which to post the bishop. After 3. . . . N -B3 4.
P-K4?! B -B4 for instance, Black has excellent piece play. But
watch how Black’s pieces, beginning with this bishop, get smoth­
ered now.

4 . B-N2 0-0
5. P-K3! R -K l
6. KN-K2 N-B3
7. 0-0 P-Q3
8. P-Q4 B-N3

P osition a fte r 8. . . . B -N 3
46 Catalog of Chess Mistakes

Black’s pieces only appear to be well oil. Now he continues

with classical development (posting knights on B3, bishops on
B4) and is overrun by more accurate play: 9. P—KR3 B-K B 4 10.
P-QS N -N l 11. P-KN4! B -Q 2 12. N-N3 P-KR 3 13. K -R 2 P-QR4
14. P-B4 PxP IS. PxP N-R2 16. P-NS! N-R3 (16. . . . PxP 17. PxP
NxP 18. Q-R5 P-KB3 19. BxN and 20. B~K4) 17. PxP Q-R5P! 18.
PxP N -B3 19. P-BS! B -K 6 20. QN-K4! NxN 21. NxN BxB 22.
RxB N -B4 (22. . . . RxN 23. BxR QxB 24. Q-R5 wins since White
avoids perpetual check with 24. . . . Q-K4ch 25. K -R l Q-K5ch
26. R-B3) 23. Q-N4! RxN 24. BxR QxQ 25. PxQ NxB 26. P-B6!
R -K l 27. QR-K1 N -B4 28. RxRch BxR 29. R -K l B -R 5 30. R -K 3
Black resigns.
Notice that Black’s KB came alive later in the game, but to the
detriment of his other pieces. White’s QB never seemed to be
doing much either, but it was well posted at Q Bl in support of
the kingside advance. That advance turned out remarkably.
R—KR3-R8 was the key final threat.

The Offsides Piece

Once the pieces are developed they can be undeveloped by
being sent off to a side of the board or to a theater of action from
which it’s difficult to extract them. Being offsides isn’t a hanging
offense per se. Often the knights are excellently posted on QR5
or KR4, for example. The queen’s exile to one corner of the board
may be more than compensated for by the inhibiting impact it
exerts on the enemy pieces.
But more often than not these are misplacements. A knight on
the R-file can control a maximum of four squares, compared with
eight if posted in the center. A rook may not only suffer from
diminished scope but semipermanent entombment on the board’s
rim. And a queen’s adventures may be triply damaging: (1) be­
cause its absence from a critical sector may create a vast imbal­
ance of forces there, (2) because the queen may be subject to
harassing attacks from lesser pieces that grant the enemy time for
other pursuits, and (3) because the queen may even get trapped.
The rook and bishop seem to be less prone to misplacement than
queen and knight. But any piece can be trapped anywhere, in­
cluding in the center of the board. Close attention is vital since
Mistakes with Pieces 47

a general rule (“Never put a piece on the side of the board”)

would be impossible to follow.

Vogt-Berndt, Berlin 1936

W h ite to m o v e

Is there any difference in mobility between the two rooks here?

Very little. Black’s is slightly better placed, but that is temporary
and has more to do with the Icings than the rooks. Black’s rook
prevents the White king from cooperating in the defense of his
kingside pawns. White would like to use his own rook to the same
effect, so . . .

1. R-R5??

Now on 1___ K-N3 2. R-K5 K -B3 3. R~R5 White is ready to

accept a draw through repetition of position. Black’s king cannot
advance and his rook has few immediate targets. But Black ends
the game with:

1 .... P-N3!
2. RxP

The only move to save a rook. However. ..

2 . . .. K-N2.

A rook is such a clumsy piece that it rarely gets an opportunity

to go roaming until the later stages of the game. The bishops
usually serve best from the wings of the board. They rarely
become trapped unless they are caught behind enemy lines.
48 Catalog of Chess Mistakes

Perhaps the most famous incident of this, the Bishop Murder

Case, occurred in the very first game of the Fischer-Spassky
match. The American captured the world champions pawn on
KR2 with his bishop. At the time there were only bishops, pawns,
and kings left on the board. Spassky played P--KN3 and the
bishop’s retreat along the line it had just used was now shut.
There was also a Spassky pawn on KB2 to prevent escape along
the other line (KN1-QR7). Fischer knew of the dangers in playing
this self-exiling bishop capture but had miscalculated his attempt
to extricate it. And Spassky led the match 1-0.
A more complicated example of this:

Timman—Najclorf, Reykjavik 1976

W h ite to m ov e

Black has a slight positional advantage, though it is

write home about. Yet the game is quickly decided by White’s
carelessness in the next two moves. It’s true White miscalculated,
but, like Fischer, the error lay just as much in the misplacement
of the bishop as in poor calculation.
1. B-R7ch K -R l
2. N-K4
This seems quite clever at first appearance. Black can’t take the
bishop because of 3. NxR double check (and mate next move).
Black can’t play the rook to a safe unoccupied square either.
That leaves 2. . . . RxP, which permits 3. NxQP with advantage
to White (3___ Q -B3 4. N-K4; 3____ Q -B l 4. B-N6!).
This brings up another kind of error, one of attitude. When­
Mistakes with Pieces 49

ever you see a forcing sequence (a combination) which seems to

alter the status of the game, sit oil your hands. Take another look
before moving. If the move you intend to play is really that good,
it won’t hurt your chances to make sure it’s everything it’s cracked
up to be. Too many players have destroyed a good position with
what they considered to be the winning move because they
played too quickly.
2 .... P-KN3!
In his rush to turn the tables White overlooked the fact that his
bishop was permanently trapped. His error was also a product
of faulty assumption, thinking that Black had to move the at­
tacked rook.
After 3. NxR QxN 4. BxP NxB White had theoretical equality
of material. But the minor pieces usually make a much faster
contribution to the course of the game than a rook and pawn.
As the game came to favor Black more and more, White became
desperate: 5. QR-K1 R-KN1 6. K -R l N-R5 7. P-N3 N -B4 8.
Q-Q3 Q -B2 9. R -B2 N-K2! 10. P-B4 N -B 4 11. R(B)-K2 P-QN4
12. Q-B3ch R-N 2 13. R-K6!? BxR 14. PxB Q-N2ch 15. K -N l
N -Q 5 16. K -B 2 PxP 17. P -B5 NxP 18. Q-B6 N-K2 W hite resigns.

One of the most graphic punishments of bishop-wandering was

Winter-Capablanca, Hastings 1919. After 1. P-K4 P-K4 2.
N -KB3 N-QB3 3. N -B 3 N -B3 4. B-N5 B-N 5 5. 0-0 0-0 6. BxN
QPxB 7. P-Q3 B-Q 3 8. B-N 5 P-R3! 9. B-R4P, White permitted
his bishop to be snowed under: 9. . . . P -B4 10. N-Q 5 P-KN4!
11. NxNch (11. NxNP NxN) QxN 12. B-N 3 B-KN 5 13. P-KR3
BxN 14. QxB QxQ 15. PxQ P-KB3. Although Black’s bishop was
no beauty, at least it could move. The threat of activating the
Black bishop on the queenside led to a quick downfall: 16. K-N 2
P-QR4 17. P-QR4 K -B 2 18. R -R l K -K 3 19. P-R4 K R -Q N l! 20.
PxP RPxP 21. P-N3 P -B3 22. R-QR2 P-N4 23. KR-R1 P-B5! 24.
RPxP (24. QPxP PxBP 25. PxP R-N5!) PxP(N6) 25. BPxP RxP 26.
R -R4 RxP 27. P-Q4 R-N 4 28. R -B4 R-N5! 29. RxBP RxQP
W hite resigns. The rook pawn just keeps running now.

A queen’s transgressions are most commonly exploited. The

advantage of a queen over other pieces is greatly misunderstood.
50 Catalog of Chess Mistakes

A queen is much stronger than a rook and bishop in most mid-

dlegames because of its mobility not its raw muscle. As a batter­
ing ram, two pieces may be more successful since they cannot
concentrate the force of two units against one target. But a queen,
which combines the bishop’s diagonal movement and the rook’s
horizontal-vertical movement, gets around much faster. Anyone
who has tried to bring a clumsy rook to the kingside for attack
in a typical middlegame, when it means levitating it to the third
or fourth rank and negotiating its way over rough terrain to the
castled position, knows why the queen is superior.
Yet the queen can be restricted as easily as a rook:

Portiscli-Petrosian, Tel Aviv 1964

W h ite to m ov e

Here’s a case of simple superiority of a rook over knight and

pawn. But White makes a two-fold mistake. He misunderstands
what it takes to win and tries for greater material advantage. To
accomplish that he decentralizes his queen— pardonable if tem­
porary, but it isn’t temporary.

1. QxP?

Black’s many weaknesses could be exploited simply and

directly with 1. Q-B3! followed by a penetration at QR8, QN7,
or QB6. For example, 1. . . . P-N3 2. Q-R8ch K-N2 3. R-Q8 wins
outright. Or 1. . . . Q -K l 2. Q-N7 N-K2 3. R-Q7.

1... . P-N3!
Mistakes with Pieces 51

Now the queen is bottled up for a while. It can’t be captured,

but its absence alone can dissolve White’s substantial advantage.
The best bet now would be to bring the rook to the KB-file so
as to threaten to win material and free the queen with QxNP.
Black would not be able to move his king without dropping
material, and it is virtually impossible to do anything with his
2. K - B l ? Q -B 2
3. K -N l Q -K 2
4. R -Q 6 ? P -R 4
5. Q -R 8 P -R 5
6 .K - K 2 Q -B 2
7. P -R 5 Q -B 7 !

The game is only a draw since White’s P-KR5 plan has made
his KNP vulnerable and created the opportunity for perpetual
check. After 8, R~Q8ch K-K2 9. QxN QxPch the checks will go
on forever.
Instead, White tried 8. K-N3, but after 8. . Q-B8! the future
course was clear: 9. R-Q 8ch K -K 2 10. QxN QxPch 11. K~R2
QxRPch 12. K -N 2 Q-N5ch 13. K -B l Q-BSch 14. K -K l Q-K5ch

Such adventures can occur in the opening as well as endgame.

For example, Calvo-Korchnoi, Havana 1966, went 1. P-K4
P-QB4 2. N -KB3 P -K3 3. P-Q4 PxP 4. NxP P-QR3 5. B~Q3 R-B4
6. N -N 3 B -R 2 7. P-QB4 N-QB3 8. 0 -0 Q-R5? 9. N (l)-Q 2
K N -K2 10. P-BS! N -K 4 11. B-K 2 P-QN3 12. P -B4 N(4)-B3 13.
N -B4! PxP 14. P-N3 Q-R3 (14. . . . Q-R6 15. B-N4) 15. P~B5
Q -B3 16. PxP QxKP 17. N-Q 6ch K -B l 18. B-Q B4 Black resigns.
White’s harassment of the queen put the steam into his attack.

Uncoordinated, Uncooperative
Once pieces are developed, even on good squares, they can
become useless if they cannot cooperate with one another. The
pieces may individually stand well, but as part of a team they
lack harmony.
52 Catalog of Chess Mistakes

This may come about because they are jumbled together in a

hodgepodge or strewn about across a wide swath of the board.
Even if they appear to harmonize, you may suddenly discover
that there are natural limits to what you can accomplish with

Paulsen-Anderssen, Match 1877

B la ck to m ov e

In this old game Black has banked on a mating combination to

offset his two-pawn deficit. What, he wonders, can White do
about 1. . . . N~N6eh 2. PxN R -B 3 followed by a rook check on
KR3? To stop a mate along the KR-file, it seems that White must
sacrifice heavily.
But White has a defense, and it has to do with the mutual
protection of pieces. Whites pieces don't seem to harmonize any
better than Black’s. But after l. .. . N-N6ch?? 2. PxN R -B 3 White
reveals that Black’s army is stretched too far. With 3. R-B2!, a
fairly simple move to find, Black remains a piece behind since 3.
. .. QxR permits 4. QxR and mates.
A contrasting form of uncoordination is illustrated by Karpov-
Unzicker, Milan 1975, which began with 1. P-K 4 P -K4 2. N-KB3
N-QB3 3. B-N 5 P-QR3 4. B-R 4 N -B3 5. 0 -0 B-K2 6. R -K l
P-QN4 7. B-N 3 P-Q3 8. P -B 3 0 -0 9. P-KR3 N-QR4 10. B -B2
P -B 4 11. P-Q4 Q-B2 12. QN-Q2 B-Q 2 13. N -B l KR-K1 14.
P-Q5 N-N2.
Black’s pieces are slightly passive on their current squares.
White’s also appear passive, but they have a better future. His
knights are headed for KN3 and KR2 to support P-KB4 and
Mistakes with Pieces 53

N-B5. Black’s pieces have a longer journey ahead before they

reach respectability. Play continued 15. N(3)-R2 P~~N3 16. N-N3
P - B 5 17. P -B4 PxP 18. BxP.
Black was ready to bring his QN to QB4 and redevelop his KB
at KN2. But his first concern was White’s initiative in the center,
which threatened to increase with 19. P-K5. With this in mind,
Black played 1 8 ....B -K B 1 .
Actually, Black’s pieces are so jumbled that he needed to sort
them out quickly with 18. . . . B-QB1 and 19. . . . N-Q2, followed
by . . . B - B l—N2 and . . . N—K4. White exploited Black’s slight
inaccuracy with 19. B—N5!.
After that move, Black discovered that his uncoordinated
pieces permitted no retreat for his attacked KN. After 19. . . .
B-N 2 20. R-KB1 Q -Q l White would pin and win a piece with
21. Q-B3.
Black tried to rescue his knight with 19. . . . B-K2, hoping for
20. R-KB1 Q-B4ch 21. K -R l NxQP 22. PxN BxB. But after 20.
Q-Q2! B -Q B l 21. R -K B l N-Q2 22. N-N 4 he resigned in view
of threats such as N-R6ch and Q-KB2.

Ryumin-Capablanca, Moscow 1935

B la c k to m ov e

Another example points up the need for piece coordination in

contrast to piece protection. Black’s pieces protect one another
but don’t coordinate. Still, with White’s QNP as a target, Black
can create counterplay in this inferior position.

L ... R -R 4 ?
54 Catalog of Chess Mistakes

A terrible move. Black is not threatening the NP because after

2. . . . NxP 3. NxN RxN White gets a winning position with 4.
QxR! BxQ 5. RxR K -B l 6. K R -Q l. The right way to bring the
Black pieces into harmony is 1. . . . QR-B1 or 1. . . . Q-N4 (e.g.,
1 ... . Q-N4 2. P-N8 Q-QB4I).
2. Q~Q4!
White points out immediately the haphazard arrangement of
Black’s heavy pieces. His minor pieces protect one another but
can be harassed. However, his rooks don’t have anything to do
with each other, and the queen is off in limbo. Now with 3. Q-N4
or 3, Q-N6 (followed by 4. RxN or 4. QxR) White threatens to
end the game immediately.
2___ Q-N4
Now at least the Q and KR are connected (so that on 3. Q-N4
Q R -R 14. RxN NxR 5. QxN Black has 2 9 . .. . BxP).
3. Q-N4 P-QN3?
Another awful move, which prevents his rooks from becoming
reconnected with . . . R(4)-R1. Black was in bad shape in any
event (3. . . . Q R -R l 4. P-B4! Q~K2 5. R-B2 or 5. P-K4).
4. R-Q2! BxP
Perhaps Black discounted 4. R-Q2, the quiet move, and wor­
ried only about 4. RxN. There was nothing else here (4. . . .
R-QB1 5. RxN; 4___ B~B1 5. K R -Q l R-R2 6. B-B6). Black lost
on time in this hopeless position.

Poor Piece Exchanges

Of the many bad moves to be made, the worst are the kind you
can’t take back. This means pawn advances (since pawns can’t
retreat) and exchanges of pieces. When you give up one of your
minor pieces for one of your opponent’s, you must be sure of
several things. First, you don’t want to exchange a good piece for
an inferior one. Second, you don’t want to exchange off pieces of
equal value— or even an inferior one for a superior one— if the

Mistakes with Pieces 55

exchange creates positional or strategic problems (such as leaving

your kingside weak or removing your best blockading piece).
Also, you don’t want to exchange off pieces, regardless of their
relative merit, when you need material on the board to sustain
an initiative, to create middlegame options, or take advantage of
the enemy’s cramped position. Similarly you don’t avoid ex­
changes when it unnecessarily costs you time, confuses your
pieces, or permits enemy pieces to remain on dominating squares.
A good example of a bad exchange arises out of 1. P-K4 P-K4
2. N -K B3 N-QB3 3. P-Q4 PxP 4. B-Q B4 B -B 4 5. 0-0 P-Q3 6.
P -B3 B-KN5!? 7. Q-N 3? BxN 8. BxPch K -B l

W h ite to m ov e

Black gave up a bishop for a knight at move 7 for a good

reason: to weaken the White kingside. But Black is several moves
away from taking advantage of this, and after 9. PxB N -B3 (9.
. . . N-R4 10. Q-K6) 10. B-Q5 Black has a very good but not won
Yet because of the apparent dangers in the position (Black’s
ability to harass White’s only developed pieces with . . . N-K4
or . . . N-R4), White might be coaxed into 9. BxN?? and then 9.
. . . RxB 10. PxB. Although 9. BxN frees White’s queen it is
doubly bad. It trades off a good developed piece for an undevel­
oped one (and also “develops” Black’s rook!). The exchange also
eliminates options for White’s pieces. For example, after 9. BxN
RxB 10. PxB Black has a very strong move in 10. . . . P-KN4!,
which prepares to bring the rook to bear with . . . P-N5 or . . .
56 Catalog of Chess Mistakes

R-N3-R3. If White played simply 9. PxB he could meet 9. . . .

P—N4 with 10. B—R5! threatening 11. Q -B7 mate.
The enormity of Blacks advantage after 9. BxN?? RxB 10. PxB
P-KN4! is shown by two nineteenth-century games. One of them,
Reiner-Steinitz, Vienna I860, went 11. Q-K6 N—K4 12. Q-B5ch
K-N2! 13. K -R l (13. BxP K -R l! 14. P-KB4 N-B6ch) 1 3 .... K -R l
14. R -N l P-N5! 15. P-KB4 (15. PxNP Q-R5) N-B6 16. RxP
Q-R5! 17. R—N2 QxPch 18. RxQ R-N8 mate. The other, Kolisch-
Anderssen, Paris I860, went 11. Q -Q l Q-Q2 12. P-N 4 B-N 3 13.
B-N2 P-Q6! 14. QxP N-K4 15. Q-K2 Q-R6 16. N-Q2 P-N5 and
White resigned (17. P-KB4 N-B6ch).

The case of an apparently beneficial exchange turning out

badly is illustrated by the following position.

Botvinnik-Tscherbakov, Moscow 1955

W h ite t o p lay

1. B-N5!

This stroke creates grave problems for Black since he has no

good response. It’s greatest strength, however, is that it forces
Black to make a choice. Remember, most mistakes are made
when a player is faced with a choice of reasonable alternatives.
Here Black sees that 1. . . . Q -B2 allows his KB to be buried by
2. P-B6. White would have a choice himself after 2. . . . B -R l.
But it would be a pleasant one, between 3. B—R6 winning ma­
terial and 3. R-B2, protecting his KBP and preparing to open the
KR-file with a subsequent P—KR4-5.
Mistakes with Pieces 57

Nor docs Black like the looks of 1. , , . P-B3, hemming in his

slightly “bad” bishop even more, or 1. . . . N-B3, which sets up a
bad pin to be exploited by doubling rooks on the KB-file. Never­
theless, one of these is preferable to:
1 .... B-B3?
2. BxB! NxB
3. NxN PxN
4. N-K2 Q-N3
5. PxP{5) RPxP
6. Q-R6!
In a positional sense, the exchange of black-square bishops
can only favor Black. The White bishop is “bad” and Black’s
knight is available to take up excellent position at K4. The only
problem? Black will be mated in a few moves.
The exchange of bishops has left Black with nothing to pro­
tect his kingside squares. After 6. . . . N-Q2 White plays 7, P -B 6
threatening 8. Q-N7 mate. And if 6. . . . B-Q 2, as played, White
wins with 7. P-N5 N -R4 (7 ... . N -K l 8. R -B 4 and 9. R-R4 mates)
8. N -B4 N-N 2 9. P-B6, and on 9__ N -K l 10. N-Q5! PxN 11.
R -B 4 and 12. R-R4.

Some players never like to exchange off pieces because it sim­

plifies the game. They usually end up going into contortions to
avoid trades. Then they find out, like White below, that their
opponent’s pieces are too strong. And that’s when the enemy
starts to decline exchanges.

Rukavina-Raicevic, Yugoslavia 1975— 1. P-KN 3 P-Q4 2. B-N 2

P-QB4 3. P-Q3 N-QB3 4. P-QB3 P-KN3 5. N -B3 B-N 2 6, 0-0
P-K4 7. P-K4 K N -K 2 8. QN-Q2 0 -0 9. R -K l P-K R 3 10, PxP
NxP 11. N -B 4 R -K l 12. P-QR4 N-N3
58 Catalog of Chess Mistakes

Position a ft e r 12. . , . N -N 3

Black offers to trade off bis centralized knight— the one that
just came from Q4— for Whites useful QB4 knight. That trade
would ease the pressure on Blacks KP and permit him to com­
plete his development. White, realizing this, begins to self-
13. N-K3?
This piece just gets in the way of White’s KR and QB here.
With 13. NxN QxN 14. N-Q2! and N-K4 or N -B4 White would
have an excellent game.
1 3 . .. . N-R4!
14. Q -B2 B-K3
Black now has a slight initiative because of his pressure against
the White queenside. He should have maintained it with 15. . . .
Q -B 2 and 16. . . . QR-Q1 with prospects of . . „P-QB5.
15. N-Q2 Q-Q2?!
16. R -Q l Q-B2
17. P-N3 QR-Q1
18. N (2)-B4 N-Q4!
There is nothing to gain from a capture on QB5 since White
will open up the QN-file (NFxN!) and secure an outpost square
at his Q5. Black would much prefer to exchange on his own Q4;
e.g,, 19. NxN(Q5) BxN 20. BxB RxB 21. NxN QxN, although
White would be able to equalize with 22. P-QB4! and 23. B-N2.
......H ill..... ..I llllllli UIIIIIHl IIIIIMMIIIMIMIMIIIIMMHIIIMIIIIIIMMIIIIMMII ttlllMlimilllllimilllllllMIIIIIIHIIIIIIM HIIIIIM m illllim inillim illllim illl

Mistakes with Pieces 59

White would then have a backward QP, but it could be suffi­

ciently protected while White takes aim at the Black KP.

19. B -Q 2?

But White seriously misunderstands the potential dangers of

a middlegame with several minor pieces. Now was the time to
trade. Once Black has eliminated the opening pressure against
his KP, he is ready to take over the initiative by pressuring the
White QP or advancing on the kingside. White’s pieces are stuck
in a traffic jam now and this permanently cedes the momentum
to Black.

1 9 .... N -Q B3!
20. R -K l N (4 )-K 2 !

Black correctly avoids giving White a second chance to trade

pieces. In the next stage Black simply repositioned his pieces
to prepare . . . P-K B4-5 (21. QR-Q1 K~R2 22. B-Q B1 P -B4 23.
N -B l N-Q 4 24. N (l)-K 3 N-B3! 25. N -B l P -B5 26. N (l)-Q 2
B-N 5 27. N~B3 N-Q4), whereas White sought in vain to ex­
change pieces. Such a positional advantage eventually created
winning tactical ideas.
28. B~N2 Q~B2 (threatening 29. . . . PxP and 30. . . . BxN) 29.
R-KB1 Q-B4! 30. R-Q 2 Q -R 4 31. Q -Q l? (sets up a losing pin,
but 31. N -K l R -K B l threatening . . . P-B6 and . . . B -R 6 was
too painful to bear) 31. . . . N-N3! 32. PxP NxN, and White re­
signed in view of 33. NPxN P-K5! winning a piece.

Premature and Postponed Queen Exchanges

The most significant of exchanges is that of queens. Exchang­
ing queens will break the impact of most kingside attacks and
blunt many strategic initiatives in the center and on the queen-
side. But exchanging queens also emphasizes the importance of
other pieces and turns relatively minor (middlegame) advantages
and weaknesses into endgame monuments. As such, the trade of
queens must be viewed suspiciously. It is rarely neutral. There
is usually some shift of fortunes.
60 Catalog of Chess Mistakes

Udovcic-Lilienthal, Moscow 1942— 1. P-K4 P-K4 2. N-KB3

N-QB3 3. B -N 5 P-QR3 4. B -R 4 N -B3 5. P-Q4 PxP 6. 0 -0 B -K 2
7. P-K5 N -K 5 8. NxP N -B 4 9. N -B5 0-0 10. Q-N4 P-KN3 11.
BxN QPxB 12. NxBch QxN

The exchanges of minor pieces have created a set of dangers

for both players. White becomes slightly behind in development
and obtains some weak white squares to worry about. Black,
however, has big problems on the black squares, specifically his
KB3 and KR3. White might exploit this in the middlegame or
ending, but he can exploit it best only with a queen on the board.
With 13. Q~N3! B -B 4 14. B-N5 Q-K3 15. N—Q2 he stands very
well (15. . . . BxP 16. QR-B1 Q -B4 17. B-K7 or 15. . . . N-K5 16.
NxN BxN 17. B -B 6 followed by Q-N5-R6).

13. Q-N5? R -K l
14. R -K l QxQ
15. BxQ B -B4

In the ending, Black’s only problem is his inability to put a

rook on Ql. tie can use his minor pieces and queenside pawns
very effectively while White tries to catch up in development.
And White’s KP, so useful in guiding an attack, becomes a target
and restricts White’s own bishop. The problems are evident after
16. P-QB3 N-Q6 or 16. R -K 2 N-Q2 17. P-KB4 P-B3.

16. N-R3 P-QN4

17. R-K2 N-R5!

jr.iiiiiim m ii;;:::"
Mistakes with Pieces 61

Black makes steady progress in his plan to create a passed

pawn: 18. P-QN3 N -B 6 19. R(2)-K1 P-QR4 20. B-Q 2 N -K 5 21.
B -B 4 N -B 4 22. QR-B1 P-R5! 23. P-QN4 N-R3 24. P-B3 QR-Q1
25. N -B 2 BxN' 26. RxB P-Q B4 27. P-Q R3 P-B5! 28. R -Q 2 RxR
29. BxR P-QB4.
The game ended thematically. 30. PxP NxP 31. R -N l N-N 6 32.
B -B 4 R -Q l 33. P-R4 R-Q 6 34. P-K6 PxP 35. B -K 5 P-N5H 36.
BPxP P -B6 37. B -B 4 P -B7 38. R-N 2 R-Q 8ch 39. K -R 2 P -B 8 = Q
40. BxQ RxB and W hite resigned.

Black’s strengths became more pronounced with the queen

exchange in that game. Sometimes the exchange of queens will
bring only equality. But when the alternative is a bad middle-
game, there is little choice.

Janowski-Tartakower, Semmerlng 1926

W h ite to m ov e

White’s two bishops may have a future, but White must first do
something about Black’s excellently centralized queen. The sim­
plest way of holding the two threatened White pawns (K5, QR2)
is 1. B-K4. But that permits 1. . . . QxQch, and White sees that
he has little after 2. KxQ KR-Q lch 3. K -B l N-R4 and even less
after 3. K-K2 N-Q5ch 4. K-K3 BxB 5. KxB N-B4! 6. B -B 2 ( 6 . . . .
R-Q5 mate was threatened) R-Q7.
1. Q -K 2?

This is a clever way of holding the pawns. White directly holds

the KP and indirectly prevents 1. . . . QxRP with 2. 0 -0 (threat­
62 Catalog of Chess Mistakes

ening 3. Q-K4 P-N3 4. RxN). After 2. 0-0 Black must worry

about possible snares of his queen and must also avoid 2. . . .
Q-Q4 3. B-K4 Q-B4ch 4. B -B 2 N-Q5 5. Q-Q l.
1.... N-Q5
2. Q-KB2 N-B4
Now Black keeps his small fire glowing. After 3. 0-0 QxRP he
at least has a solid pawn. And on 3. BxN PxB 4. P-QR3 B-R 3 he
catches the White king in the center. The best is 3. P-QR3, but
after 3. . . . Q R -B l 4. RxR RxR Black has a fine game and excel­
lent winning chances.
3. B-K4 QxRP!
Black wins material (4. BxB Q-N8ch 5. K-Q2 QxPch and 6. . . .
KR-Qlch) whatever happens. What did happen is that White
had to exchange queens (4. B—B4 BxB 5. BxB Q-N 8ch 6. B - B l
QxPch 7. Q-K2), two pawns and seven moves too late.

An exchange of queens is sometimes played automatically when

a player is ahead in material. When the material difference is
great, the exchange is almost always good. But when material
is nearly in balance, it takes some hard evaluation before sweep­
ing the board of heavy pieces.

Larsen-Petrosian, Havana 1966

W h ite to m o v e

The material advantage to White is significant only if White

also has some positional trumps (e.g., open lines for his rooks).

naiiiiiitiitiiiim ttttim iii;;;'

Mistakes icith Pieces 63

But here it is Black who has most of the tramps (such as his
passed QP), and it would be fair to consider the position in bal­
ance. If White wanted safety he could play 1. RxP BxR 2. QxB
with a liquidation that brings the game much closer to a draw.

1. Q-K6ch? Q-B2
2. QxQch KxQ

The advantage of White’s rooks has actually been lessened by

an exchange of queens. For instance, on 3. R—K5! Black turns out
to have better chances than White with 3. . . . R—QN1! 4. P—B3
(4. RxP? B-K5 followed by 5____BxR or 5____ R-N8ch) 4_____
R-N6 5. RxP RxP.

3. R-N2? P-B5
4. P -B3 P-Q5!

And now the White rooks become totally passive since they
can never allow the enemy pawns to advance (5. PxP P—B6). In
the finale Black was too far ahead: 5. R-QB1 K.-K3 6. K—B2
B -K 5 7. P-B4 R~K1 8. P-N4 B -B 3 9. R -K lc h K-Q 4 10. RxR
BxR 11. PxP P-B6 12. R-N 8 P-Q7 13. R-Q8ch K -B5 14. R-BSch
K-Q 6 W hite resigns.

The Temporary Invasion

Under positional errors well consider the evils of creating
pawn holes in your position. But trying to exploit such holes pre­
maturely is a different kind of mistake and is essentially a mis­
use of pieces.
The occupation of a hole may seem to be dynamically aggres­
sive, but it is often only symbolically so. You can give away many
meaningless squares during a game and still prosper. But pre­
maturely invading such a square left open by your opponent can
lead to embarrassment.

Gligoric-Smyslov, Zurich 1953— 1. P-QB4 N-KB3 2. N-QB3

P-K3 3. N -B 3 P-R4 4. P-KN3 P-QN3 5. B-N 2 B-N 2 6. 0-0
B -K 2 7. P-Q4 PxP 8. QxP 0-0 9. R -Q l N -B3 10. Q -B4 Q -N l 11.
QxQ QRxQ 12. B -B 4 Q R -B l 13. B-Q6?!

im lilll
64 Catalog of Chess Mistakes

Position a fte r 13. B—Q6

By occupying Q8 White keeps Black from gaining breathing

space for his pieces with . . . P—Q3 or , . . P-Q4, But this other­
wise painless occupation cannot be maintained for long. White
actually had better winning prospects— although they weren’t
substantial— with 13. N-K5.
1 3 .... B xB !
14. R xB N-K2
Black gets ready to oust the outsider with 15, . . . N—B4 or 15,
. , . R -B 2 and 16, , , , N -B l, He also uncovers an attack on the
enemy QBP, which White defends with another clumsy advance
into hostile territory.
15. N-K5? B xB
16. K xB N -B 4
17. R -Q 2 P -Q 3

White will not only be thrown completely back but will lose
his QBP in the process, A complete fiasco, prompted by the illu­
sion of progress by moves such as B -Q 6 and N-K5.

Another version of this involving the same square:

Lewi-Witkovski, Lublin 1969—1. P-QB4 N -K B3 2. P-KN3

P -B3 3. N-KB3 P-Q4 4. P-N3 P-K3 5. B-QN2 B -K 2 6. P-Q3
QN-Q2 7. B-N 2 0-0 8. 0-0 P-QN3 9. Q -B2 B-N 2 10. P-K4
N -B 4 11. N -B3 PxKP 12. PxP
Mistakes with Pieces 65

Position a fte r 12. PxP

Black has a solid though cramped game. He should play some­

thing like 12___ Q -B 2 or 12. . . . P-QR4; e.g., 12____ P-QR4 13.
QR-Q1 Q -B 2 14. P-QR3 KR-Q1 15. P-QN4 PxP 16. PxP N-R3
or 14. P-K5 KN-Q2 15. KR-K1 KR-Q1 and 16___ N -B l. White
can quickly find himself overextended in these positions with a
weak KP or QNP. Meanwhile Black would have no serious
1 2 .. .. Q-Q6?
This looks good since White has only one move to avoid the
queen exchange that eases Black’s game.
13. Q-B1!
But this, the only move, is quite playable. White threatens to
win the advanced queen with 14. R -Q l. Black’s only alternative
to the humble (but best) 13. . . . Q -Q l is a bad middlegame.
1 3 .. . . KNxP?
14. R -Q l NxN
15. BxN!
Perhaps Black counted on 15. RxQ N-K7ch and 16. . . . NxQ.
The new position, however, favors White’s bishops even if he
couldn’t win back a pawn. But he can: 15. . . . Q—B4 (15. . . .
Q-N3 16. N-K5) 16. N-Q 4 Q~N3 17. NxBP BxN (or 17. . . . B-B3
18. P-QN4!) 18. BxB QB.-B1 19. B-K N 2 KB.-Q1 20. Q-N2 Q-N5
21. Q -B2 Q-N3 22. QxQ BPxQ.
Black traded queens to avoid the steady middlegame squash
66 Catalog of Chess Mistakes

that would follow P-QN4. But this same fate awaits him in the
ending: 23. K -B l K -B l 24. K -K 2 B -B3 25. BxB PxB 26. RxRch
RxR 27. P-QN4! N -R 3 (27. . . . N-Q6? 28. R -Q l) 28. P-QR3
K -K 2 29. R-QB1 R-Q 2 30. B -K 4 R -B 2 31. P-B4 N -N l 32. K-K3
N-Q2 33. P-KR4 K-Q3 34. B-Q3 P-B4 35. K -Q 4 P-B3? 36.
P-R5I PxP 37. R-KR1 P-K4ch? 38. K -K 3 P-K 5 39. B -K 2 P-R4
40. RxP PxP 41. PxP K -K 3 42. P-N4!, and Slack resigned shortly.

Special Cases: Castling into It

The “it” you are castling into is an attack that wouldn’t mean
much without the presence of your king. And since castling is the
one routine developing move that players rarely question, it fre­
quently becomes a bad, if not losing move.
Many inexperienced players leam the hard way to get their
king to safety early in the game. But this advice remains unquali­
fied as they mature. It should be tempered by equally hard les­
sons, such as:

Pachman-Guimard, Prague 1946— 1. P-K4 P-K3 2. P-Q4

P-Q4 3. N-Q2 N-QB3 4. KN -B3 N -KB3 5. P-K5 N-Q2 6. P-KN3
B-K 2 7. B -B 3 P-KR4?! 8. 0-0??

Position a fte r 8. 0 - 0

White’s development makes good sense, tie prepares to meet

Black’s . . . P-KB3 plan, since that is the only immediate method
Black has of gaining counterplay. If and when Black plays . . .
Mistakes with Pieces 67

P-B3, White will have a bishop bearing down on the then weak
K6. White wasn’t worried about 8. . . . P—R5 because after 9.
B-N 2 P-R 6 10. B -R l the Black KRP will inevitably fall, and
after 9. . . . PxP 10. BPxP White’s attack is much better than
Black’s because he is better developed.
8___ P-KN4
This is the move— the winning move— White underestimated.
The situation is beyond help since . . . P—N5 will either fork two
pieces or (after 9. B-N 2 P-N5) win the White QP. The only way
of meeting . . . P-N5 is 9. P-KN4, but since White has castled
the aeration of his kingside is terminal.
9. . . . PxP 10. BxP P-B4! 11. PxP e.p. NxBP 12. P-KR3 NxB
13. PxN P -K 4114. NxP NxN 15. PxN B -K 3 16. N-N3 Q-Q2 17.
P-KB3 0 -0-0 18. K -N 2 P-Q5 19. B-Q 2 Q-Q4 20. B -K l BxP, and
White resigned shortly.

The point is clear: there is no major target in most positions

until the king is castled. This is especially true of closed and
seiniclosed center games. When the center is blocked, there is no
rush to castle because the king is naturally protected by the
pawn wall immediately in front of it. When you do castle in
a closed-center game it is more likely that you will be attacked
than if the center were open. (Wing attacks are best met by coun­
terattacks in the center. But if there is a blocked center, the coun­
terattack is lessened.)
In the next gam e Black could castle effectively on move 7—
not to bring his king to safety as much as to support 8. . . . P-B4!.
He does castle two moves later when he should have decided to
remain indefinitely in the center with 9. . . . P-KR4 10. Q -B4

Kaplan-Timman, Jerusalem 1967— 1. P-K4 P-K3 2. P-Q4

P-Q4 3. N-QB3 B-N 5 4. P-K5 P-QB4 5. Q-N4 N -K 2 6. PxP
QN-B3 7. B-Q 2 N -B 4 8. N -B3 BxP 9. B-Q 3 0-0? 10. B-KN 5
Q-N3 11. 0-0 Q-N 5 12. Q-R3 P-KR 3 (12. . . . QxP 13. N-QR4
Q-N5 14. NxB and 15. P-N4 pins and wins a piece) 13. P-R3
Q-N3 14. BxN KPxB (14___ RPxB 15. Q-R7 mate) 15. NxP QxP
16. N-B6ch! PxN 17. BxBP K -R 2 18. Q-R5 Black resigns.
Catalog of Chess Mistakes

Castling can be delayed until the pawn center and piece devel­
opment is clear enough to indicate where and how the middle-
game will be fought. These factors will determine where your
king belongs— not only castled or uncastled, but on which side.

Barczay—Udovcic, Zagreb 1969

Position a fte r 8 . . . . 0 -0

In the diagram White has a good game since Black’s pieces

are stifled by his backward QP. The inability to play . . . P-Q3
is a natural consequence of the opening (1. P-K4 P-Q B4 2.
N-KB3 N-KB3 3. P-K5 N-Q 4 4. N~B3 NccN 5. QPxNl N -B3 6,
B-Q B4 P-K3 7. B~B4 B~K2 8. Q-Q 2 0-0) and influences White’s
decision of where to put his king. Since he wants to stop . . .
P-Q3 permanently and also to keep the option of kingside attack
with P-KR4 and R—R3—N3, he played:

9.0 -0-0 ?? Q-R4

10. K-N l

Castling queenside had many good points, but a move can be

terrible no matter how numerous its benefits. The main thing
that 9. 0 -0 -0 does to the position is give Black a king to attack.
He was already threatening 10. . . . P-QN4 11. B-Q 3 QxRP or
11. B-Q N 3P-B5.

1 0 .... P -Q N 4
1 1 . B -Q 3 P-B5
12. B -K 4 R -N l
Mistakes with Pieces 69

Either here or earlier White might try P-QR3 to stop . . .

P-N5. But this only insures that . . . P-N5 will have greater
force when it is supported by . .. P—QR4. Right now Black doesn’t
even need preparation— 13. P-QR3 P-N5! 14. RPxP (or 14. BPxP)
BxP! 15. PxB NxNP with a deadly attack.
13. N-Q4 P-N5!
14. NxN
Neither 14. BxN PxP nor 14. PxP BxP 15. Q-K3 B -B 6 could
save White’s king.
1 4 .... PxN
15. PxP BxP
And White resigned, knowing that Black would drop the
bishop onto R6 or B6 after he moves his queen (16. Q -B l B-R6
or 16. P-QB3 BxP).

W rong Rook
Another special case involves tire last pieces to be positioned
for the middlegame. The rooks don’t seem to do much until the
later portions of the contest Yet their placement has a lot to do
with planning and long-term strategy; misplacing them will, at
minimum, cost time.
When there are two open files and you have two rooks, it
usually doesn’t take much thought to determine where your
heavy pieces belong (one on each file or doubled on one file). But
when you have three files, one open file and two half-open files
(open only from your end), or some other situation, the choices
become harder. The basic rule is to use the rooks where they can
be most flexible.
Sometimes this requires considerable foresight. For example,
after 1. P-K4 P-QB4 2. N-KB3 P-Q3 3. P-Q4 PxP 4, NxP N-KB3
5. N-QB3 P-QR3 6. B -K 2 P-K4 7. N -N 3 B -K 2 8. 0 -0 0 -0 9.
B-KN 5 B -K 3 10. BxN BxB 11. N -Q 5 N-Q 2 12. Q-Q 3 R -B l 13.
P-QB3 B-N 4, it’s time for White to develop his rooks. Tire nor­
mal squares are K1 and Ql. But on K1 the KR would not be
doing much— there isn’t likely to be much of an attack on the
White KP and not much chance of kingside attack with R-K3.
70 Catalog of Chess Mistakes

On the other hand, the best square for the QR is probably—

QR1! On that square he can support P-QR4 in case Black plays
. . . . P-QN4. And even if Black delays or avoids . . . P-QN4,
White can get a lot of mileage out of P-QR4-5, perhaps even
bringing the rook into play via QR4. In fact, in Averbakh-
Petrosian, Tiflis 1959, White began with 14. QR-Q1, and after 14.
. . . K -R l 15. B -B 3 P-KN3 16. N -K 3 R -B3 17. K.R-K1 N-B3 18.
Q-K2 P-N4 he conceded the error by playing 19. R—R l. The
loss of time, however, gave Black an excellent game after 19.
. . . Q-N3 20. N-Q2 P-QR4 followed by . . . K R -Q BI and
. . . P—N5. {See p. 116 for White’s final error.)
There is more than time to be lost from rook misplacement.
Here is an instructive example of how faulty rook placement can
even get you mated.
Tkachenko-Blazhko, Sumgait 1960— 1. P-Q4 N-KB3 2. P-QB4
P-KN3 3. N-QB3 B-N 2 4. P-K4 P-Q3 5. P -B3 0 -0 6. B-K3
P-K 4 7. P~Q5 P-B3 8. Q-Q 2 PxP 9. BPxP P-QR3 10. KN-K2
QN-Q2 11. N -B l N-B4 12. N-Q3 KN-Q2 13. P-QN4 NxNch
14. BxN P -B 4 15. 0-0 P -B 5 16. B -K B 2 P-KN4

Position a fte r 1 6 .. . . P -K N 4

The pawn structure focuses Black’s attention on the kingside,

White’s on the queenside. White has the advantage of more space
for his minor pieces and an open file for his rooks. But Black
has the enemy king on the kingside. Plow should White continue?
1. QR-B1? P-KR4
2. P-N5 P-N5
3. N-R4 R-B2!
Mistakes with Pieces 71

Black uses his KR excellently for both defense (on the second
rank in case of penetration at his QB2) and for attack (at KN2 to
support . . . P—N6). Had White correctly used his KR, not QR
on QB1, he could now play 4. PxP PxP 5. QR-N1 and occupy
QN6 shortly. This would take some of the sting out of Black’s
attack. Note that White’s KR is doing nothing on KB1, and it
would do little more on K1 or Ql.
4. Q-N4 B -B l
5. P-N6!? R-N2
Now Black has both . . . PxP and . . . P-N6 as line-opening
threats. White’s belated plan of R-QB7 won’t save his king. But
what would have helped was the vacancy of his KB1. If you put
White’s QR back on QR1 and move his KR to QB1 (as if he had
played 1. KR-QB1!), White could bring his king to safety with
6. K -B l! (followed possibly by K-K2).
6. K -R l P-N6
7. B -N l N-B4!
8. NxN PxN
9. RxP?!
This desperation sacrifice is preferable to 9. BxP Q-R5 10.
P-KR3 BxP but hardly good. There was no help anyway; e.g., 9.
Q-N2 P-R5 10. P-KR3 BxP.
9 .... B-R6!
10. Q-B4 BxPch
11. KxB PxPch
12. K-B2 BxRch
White resigns
Calculation and Miscalculation

There’s a kind of player familiar to anyone who has ever visited

a Eurojjean-style chess coffeehouse. In those dimly lit retreats
there will always be an oldtimer who sits at a board, mug in
hand, eyes glazed, muttering to himself: . . so he attacks me,
and I attack him, and he takes ine, and I take him, and then
he. .
We all calculate like this, although we may not recognize it
as calculation. Calculation sounds like something the grand­
masters do when processing twenty-two-move combinations
through their heads. But calculations can be and usually are much
shorter— only two or three moves in length.
The opportunities for error, however, are limitless. Sometimes
we make an error in the sequence of moves, counting on 1. BxP
PxB 2. N-B5 when the proper course is 1. N -B5 and then 2.
BxP, for example. Or we overlook a forcing move by our oppo­
nent that suddenly appears in the middle of our intended
sequence and alters its consequences. Or, perhaps, we don’t look
far enough into the future, or misevaluate the position at the end
i of the sequence.
I Here is a look at the basic pitfalls of calculation.
Faulty Assumption
“Never assume,” Spencer Tracy, a computer expert, tells Kath­
arine Hepburn in the 1955 movie D esk Set. He then poses a mys­
Calculation and Miscalculation 73

tery that nans something like this: Fred and Eloise are found dead
of suffocation on the floor of their apartment. Splinters of glass are
found near the bodies and the carpet is wet. How did their death
come about?
Katharine Hepburn muses a bit, repeats “Never assume, eh?”
and reaches a deduction that would have made Sherlock Holmes
proud. Fred and Eloise are goldfish who died when the bowl in
which they were swimming tipped over and smashed on the floor.
Without water they could not breath.
You shouldn’t have assumed Fred and Eloise were humans.
But chess players have to make assumptions in order to calcu­
late. You can’t progress from the first move of a combination to
your second move without some supposition about what the
enemy is doing in between.
Quiet moves overlooked and zwisclienzugs ignored are some
of the many cases of faulty assumption. Occasionally you can
look pretty silly because things didn’t happen the way you
assumed they would.

Rubinstein-Duras, San Sebastian 1912

W h ite to m o v e

1. RxR

Played with the assumption that Black would recapture with

his rook and accept an inferior endgame after 1. . . . RxR 2. QxQ
RxQ 3. R-K7. It is a perfectly correct line of thinking with a cor­
rect evaluation. White is better after 3. R-K7 because of his
superior rook; e.g., 3. . . . R-KB1 4. P-KN4 or 3. . . , NxNP 4.
74 Catalog of Chess Mistakes

NxBP BxN 5. RxB K -R l 6. R-R7 N-Q6 7. RxRP N -B4 8. R-Q6

and 9, N-Q2.
It is Black who lias a shortcircuited calculation now. He decides
to interpolate 1. . . . QxQ, assuming that 2. RxRch KxR 3. PxQ
NxR with a perfectly safe minor-piece ending will follow. The
conclusion is OK b u t. ..

1 .... QxQ??
2. PxQ!

How obvious. Yet Black, a veteran grandmaster, overlooked

the simple win of a piece. He resigned after 2. . . . NxR 3. RxN!
P-R3 4. N-R3 R -B l 5. N -B4 K-R2 6. P-R5.

Endgames involve far more calculation than it is generally

thought, and this leaves plenty of room for assumption error.
For examine, in one grandmaster game at the turn of the cen­
tury White had a rook on QR4 and a king on KB3. Black’s king
was on his KN3, his rook was at KB4, giving cheek, and the pawn
he hoped to win with stood at KB3. White could have drawn
using a time-honored technique of keeping his king in front of the
pawn, such as on his KB1, the pawn’s queening square. Black can
advance his pawn, shepherded by his king, up to the sixth rank.
But when the pawn reaches the sixth rank, White drops his rook
to Black’s side of the board and eventually gives a series of per­
petual checks. Black’s king can avoid the checks only by offering
a trade of rooks. He can no longer hide in front of the pawn.)
The exchange of rooks, however, leads to an elementary— and
quite drawn— endgame.
But White saw a different way of drawing. Rather than spend
several moves being pushed back, he decided to offer the trade
of rooks immediately with 1. R-KB4PP. He assumed that Black
would exchange into the simple ending (1. . . . RxRch 2. KxR
P-B4 3. K -B3 K-N4 4. K-N3 P-B5ch 5. K -B3 K -B4 6. K -B2
K-N5 7. K-N2 P-B6ch 8. K -B2 K -B5 9. K -B l! K-N6 10. K-N l!
P~B7ch 10. K -B l K -B6 stalemate).
However, Black upset this plan with 1. . . . K-N 4— the only
other playable move on the board. White never even considered
Calculation and Miscalculation 75

it, but it wins just as surely as 1. . . . RxRch, the assumed move,

would draw (2. RxRch KxR 3. K-N3 K-K5! 4. K-B2 K-B5! 5.
K~K2 K-N6 6, K -B l P -B 4 7. K~K2 P-B5 8, K -B l K-B8! 9. K-N l
K-K7 and. . . P -B 6 -7 -8 , touchdown).
It is possible to make a wrong assumption about any kind of
move, but the usual culprit is a capture or retreat. We assume
that when we are forcing the tempo of the game our opponents
will play logically and defend.

Van den Berg-Rajkovie, Orebro 1966

W h ite to m o v e

In this sharp attacking position White probably calculated this

way: “I could play 1. NPxRP en passant since he has just moved
. . . P-KR4. But after 1. . . . K-R2! he would close off the king-
side with one of my own pawns and begin to think about taking
the initiative on the queenside (. . . Q-N3-N5), in the center
(. , . P-Q4), or even on the kingside (. . . N-Q2xBP).”
Therefore, White reasons, “I will break into his castled posi­
tion with a sacrifice, 1. B-K 2 and 2. BxP. After 2. , . . PxB 3. QxRP
he will have no effective way of meeting my threats of P-N6 or
R -B3-R 3. And he must take the bishop when I sacrifice it be­
cause otherwise he is just a pawn behind and facing the same
danger of R -B3-R 3.”
With this in mind, White played:

1. B -K 2 K-R2!
2. BxP? R -K RI!
76 Catalog of Chess Mistakes

Belatedly White realizes that 2, . , , PxB was not at all forced

and that he has removed from the board a pawn that will ease
Black’s kingside attack. Black now threatens 3. . . . PxB or simply
3. .. . K -N l, and 3. BxPch KxB! gives White no attack for a piece.
The game reached a swift conclusion: 3. B-B 3ch K -N l 4.
Q-N 4 N-Q2 5. N-Q1P (5. R -B 2 BxN 6. PxB N~K4 was only
slightly better) 5. . . . BxPch 6. K -B 2 N-K4! 7. Q -N 2 RxPch 8.
B -K 2 Q—R l! 9. R -R l BxP W hite resigns,

Overlooking Attack-Defense
Most calculations are by nature concentrated on forcing moves.
We make a capture, our opponent recaptures. We threaten, he
defends. In calculating this way we cant examine every choice
at his disposal. Only the computers can do that— and they spend
minutes to do it even at their incredible rate of considering
When calculating out these sequences we sometimes fall into
a psychological hap. We feel that we are the aggressor, the one
who sets the tempo of play. But the trap is sprung when the
enemy responds with what well call the "Attack-Defense” move.
It’s a move we overlook or underestimate, and it has great impact
because it wrests the initiative from our hands. The opponent not
only meets our threat but also makes one of his own. Our pieces,
coordinated for attack, may be unprepared for the sudden role
of defense.

Porges-Blackbumc, Nuremburg 1896

B la c k to m ov e
Calculation and Miscalculation 77

White reached this lost position through several errors— a

greedy opening mistake, several mindless nondeveloping moves,
and the exile of a knight to the side of the board (1. P-K4 P-Q4
2. PxP N-KB3 3. P-QB4 P-B3 4. PxP? NxP 5. N-KB3 P-K 4 6.
P-Q3 B -K B 4 7. N-R4? B-K 3 8. B -K 2 B-Q B4 9. 0-0 Q-K2 10.
P-QR3? R -Q l 11. P-QN3? 0-0 12. B-N 2 P-K5 13. Q-B2? N-QS
14. BxN BxB 15. R-R2 P-KN 4 16. PxP PxN 17. K -R l K -R l 18.
N -B3 R -K N 1 19. N -Q 5 NxN? 20. KPxN).
Black, who incidentally was one of the keenest tactical minds
of the last century, has been forcing the tempo of play since the
10th move. He could have won smoothly with 19. . . . BxN 20.
KPxB Q-K5 or 20. . . . N-K5 but preferred the following:
2 0 . .. . Q-N4?
Black threatens mate at KN7 and begins a sequence he thinks
will permit him to use Iris extra piece for a quick win. On 21.
B -B3 P-R6! 22. P-N3 Black brings his bishop to bear with 22. . . .
B-KN5 or 2 2 .... B-KB4.
But White has another defense to the mate threat.
21. Q-K4!
Oops. In the tactics chapter we mentioned how easy it was for
the defender to overlook a double attack. Here it is the attacker
who makes an oversight, and what he overlooks is the dual pur­
pose of 21. Q-K4. It not only defends KN2 but threatens QxBch.
And the forcing nature of a threat to capture a piece with check
would buy time to play PxB. Since neither 21. . . . B-K B4 22.
QxBch R-N2 23. R -K N l nor 21. . . . B-Q B4 22. PxB offers more
than a slim chance of a draw, Black went in for one last trick:
2 1 .... RxPl?
22. PxR BxQP
23. QxBch P-B3
And now 24. P-B3 allows 24. . . . QxP mate, and 24. B -B 3 BxB
and 24. R-K N l BxPch also turn the game around again. But . . .
24. B-N4!
Black had to resign after 24. . . . B -B 3 25. P-B3 or play out
this dismal position a full rook down.
78 Catalog of Chess Mistakes

In a more positional vein we find. White led astray below by

overoptimism and another Attack-Defense move.

Barczay-Ivkov, Sousse 1967

W h ite to m ov e

Part of the blame for what happens can be laid to White’s

evaluation of the opening (1. P~~K4 P-KN 3 2. P-Q 4 R-N2 3.
N -K B3 P-Q3 4. B-Q B4 P-QR3!? 5. 0 -0 P-K3!? 6. B-KN 5 N -K 2
7. Q-Q2 P~R3 8. B -K 3 N -Q 2 9. N -B 3 P -N 3 10. KR-K1 B -N 2 11.
P-QR4 N-KB3! 12. P -K 5 N(3)-Q4 13. B -B 4 NxN 14. QxN 0-0).
White looks for a way of punishing his opponent’s extravagant
play. But there is actually nothing wrong with Black’s present
position. The time for punishment is past.
Instead of opting for a modest advantage in space with 15.
Q-N3 or 15. Q-Q2, hoping to provoke Black into restricting his
own pieces with 15___P—Q4?, White calculates a forcing line with
15. PxP (a capture) PxP 16. Q-R3 (a threat). He tries to use his
threat to capture the Black QP as a way of provoking it to
15. PxP?! PxP
16. Q-R3? N-B4!
It’s time for White to see that 16. . . . N-B4 not only defends
but threatens (17. . . . BxN 18, QxB NxP). White didn’t see
enough though. He saves his QP at a much greater cost to his
17. P-B3? BxN!
18. PxB P-K4
Calculation and Miscalculation 79

Here, after 19. PxP PxP 20. BxKP, Black would have his choice
between winning the Exchange (20. . . . BxB 21. RxB Q-N4ch
22. K-moves N-N6ch) or playing for mate (20. . . . N-R5).
White’s pieces are disastrously tangled on the kingside because
of his miscalculation at move 16. What happens next is no
19. B-KN3 P-KR4!
20. PxP PxP
21. K -R l Q-N4
White resigned here since 22. R -K N l P-R5 23. BxKP Q-R4!
would win a piece with the double attack on bishop and king (24.
BxB QxPch 25. R-N2 P-R6).

It must also be noted that a good Attack-Defense move can be

met by an equally good Attack-Defense move.

Korchnoi-Fischer, Curacao 1962

W h ite to m ov e

White clearly has all the big chips. He has an extra pawn and
controls the open queenside lines, so he will be able to make use
of that pawn in the middlegame. There are many consolidating
moves that suggest themselves, but White overfinessed.
1. B -B6
The threat of P-N5-N 6-N 7 forces Black to take the bishop.
White had probably concluded that 1. . . . NxB 2. R-QB1 Q-N3
3. PxN QxNP 4. Q-Q5 would end the game quickly. Even with
80 Catalog of Chess Mistakes

material equality Black would be lost trying to stop a dangerous

passed pawn and meet numerous kingside dangers. Or so it
1 .... NxB
2, R-QB1 Q-K2!
This trick, meeting the threat of capturing the knight with an
attack on the rival queen, is probably what White overlooked
when he calculated 1. B-B6.
I say “probably” because White may have foreseen tills posi­
tion and assumed he would win the piece back with an Attack-
Defense move of his own, a queen check that defends against 3.
. . . QxQ but also attacks the enemy king.
3. Q-N2ch QN-K4!
But this response ends the forcing sequence in Black’s favor.
It is another move with two purposes— stopping check and sav­
ing a knight— and leaves Black permanently a piece ahead.

Overlooked Zwischenzug
The German language has given us some glorious words for
chess mistakes, including wopatzerschach and harikarizug (a
move that commits Oriental-style suicide). It has also left us
zwischenzug or in-between move, die uninvited guest that steps
into your calculations and pushes everybody out of the way. A
zwischenzug can cause chaos because it is more forceful— being
usually a check, threat of mate, or attack on a valuable piece—
than the other moves in the intended sequence. Not all such
violent interpolations are good. But they must be considered.
Calculation and Miscalculation 81

Steinitz-Anderssen, Vienna 1873

B la ck to m ov e

This position is strikingly modern although it occurred more

than a century ago between the two best players of the day. (It
derived from 1. P-Q4 P-Q4 2. P-QB4 P-K3 3. N-QB3 N -K B3 4.
B-N 5 B -K 2 5. P-K3 0-0 6. N -B3 P-QN3 7. B-Q 3 B-N 2 8. 0-0
QN-Q2 9. PxP PxP 10. R -B l P-B4 11. PxP PxP 12. Q-R4.)
Black’s position is under some pressure because of the vulner­
ability of his two central “hanging” pawns. The best way of de­
fending the pawns is for Black to coordinate his heavy pieces
with 12. . . . Q-N3 followed by . . . KR-Q1 and . . . QR-B1. But
he chose another way of liquidating pressure and set off a torrent
of zwischenzug possibilities which ultimately backfired.
1 2 . .. . N-K5?
The knight move is based on calculations involving the White
bishop on KN5. If that bishop were on KB4 White would now
pocket a pawn with 13. NxN. But as the pieces stand, Black is OK
after 13. NxN PxN 14. BxP because of 14. . . . QBxB!. In this
variation White would lose a piece after 15. BxB QxB because
the Black bishop on K5 is suddenly protected. White could
recoup his material with 15. QxB BxB and now the zwischenzug
16. KR-Q1. But even then Black would have accomplished what
he had set out to do: relieve pressure (16. . . . B -B 3 17. Q-B5
Q-R4 18. RxN QxP).
After 12. . . . N-K5 there is a trio of zwischenzug traps for
Black to fall into. After 13. NxN PxN 14. BxP he could try for a
winning advantage with 14. . . . N-N3I?, removing a piece from
82 Catalog of Chess Mistakes

danger and attacking the White queen (15. QBxB QxB or 15. Q -B2
QBxB 16. QxB BxB 17. KR-Q1 Q-K2 with an extra piece). How­
ever, 14. . . . N—N3 is a blunder because of the counterzwischen-
zug 15. BxPch! (15. . . . KxB 16. Q-R4ch K -N l 17. BxB or 15.. . .
K -R l 16. Q-R4).
The other two traps also involve counterzwischenzugs: (a) 12.
.. . N-K5 13. NxN N-N3? (hoping for 14. BxB QxB 15. Q -B2 PxN
or 15. Q -B2 PxN) 14. N-B6ch! BxB 15. Q-R4 P-R3 16. BxB, and
(h) 12. . . . N-K5 13. BxB NxN? 14. Q-R4!. What an unusually
rich collection of captures and threats!
13. BxN! PxB
Clearly Black cannot take the other bishop (13. . . . BxB 14.
BxQP). He had probably calculated 12. . . . N-K5 13. BxN PxB
14. BxB QxB 15. N-Q2 and come to the conclusion that Black’s
position was acceptable after 15. . . . N -B3 because the weak­
ness of his QBP is offset by White’s weaknesses on the kingside
and at his Q3.

Position a fte r 1 3 . . . . PxB

14. KR-Q1!
This is the shot Black overlooked or underestimated. White
will meet 14. . . . PxB or 14. . . . BxB with 15. RxN, which gains
time for a second capture by attacking the Black queen. Black
may have seen this far but assumed that 14. KR-Q1 could be
handled by 14. . . . BxB 15. RxN Q -B l! threatening 16. . . .
B-QB3 as well as 16. . . . PxN and 1 6 .... B-KB3.

. h i .............m m iiiim ililtl m um Hlllttf im tm iT flllliltf II111i 1111 li ll!

Calculation and Miscalculation 83

1 4 .... B xB
15. NxB! QxN
16. RxN
Both sides have nan out of things to capture, and we can now
appreciate White’s superiority. He will win at least one of the
many weak pawns (e.g., 16. . . . B - B l 17. R -B 7 B-R 6 18. QxKP
or simply 17. R-Q5I; 16. .. . Q R-N l QxRP).
White finished off with a fine example of tactical winning
technique: 16. . . . KR-N1 17. Q—N3! (a double attack and much
better than 17. NxP Q-N3 when it is Black who has twin threats
of 18___ QxN and 18____ B-B3) 17____ B~B3 18. QxPch K -R l
19. P-KR4! Q-NS 20. RxP RxR 21. QxR RxP 22. QxP Q-K3 23.
R -Q l (first-rank threat) P-R3 24. R-Q 6 (fork) Q -B2 25. N -Q l!
(attack— of the rook— and defense— of KB2) R -K 7 26. K -R l!
Black resigns. Something must fall.

In this last example Black lost because he didn’t count on Iris

opponent’s zwischenzug. But failing to find your own interpola­
tions can be just as costly.

Belyavsky-Stean, Moscow 1975

W h ite to m ov e

This is the kind of critical moment that frequently occurs when

a sacrificial attack has failed to smash an opponent. White has
enough material for his sacrificed rook— two minor pieces and
two pawns— but he appears to be losing the initiative to a power­
ful Black counterattack. Instead of consolidating his position and
84 Catalog of Chess Mistakes

preparing for defense, he looked for a brilliant way of continuing

the attack. It’s all veiy clever and consistent And bad.

1. RxP!??

The cleverness lies in 1 . . . . QxR 2, QxBch followed by B—R5(ch)

and 1. . . . KxR 2. R -B lc h K-K3 3. QxN, in both cases with new
life for the attack. The new sacrifice is sufficiently forcing (1. . . .
BxQ 2. RxQ or 1. . . . Q-Q3 2. RxNch QxR 3. QxBch), so Black
looks for a zwischenzug.

1 .... B xPch
2. K -R l Q xR

With the aid of the in-between . . . BxPch/K-Rl, Black can

take the rook under what seems to be safer circumstances than
1 . . . . QxR 2. QxB.

3. R-KB1!

But this ruptures Black’s defense. He cannot permit 4. B-R5ch

or 4. RxNch but must do something with his queen. The best try
is to sacrifice it, but in the ensuing position it only takes a few
slight inaccuracies to end the game: 3. . . . QxRch 4. BxQ B-Q 3
5. Q-Q4 K~Q2 6. B -K 2 R -N l? (6__ K-B2) 7. B-N 4ch N~K3?
(7. . . . K-B2 8. BxB RxB 9. Q-R4 loses a valuable RP but is
better than this) 8. Q-B6! Black resigns.
After the game the loser noted that when “there is one and only
one playable variation; there is no excuse for not seeing it.” Of
course, you have to know that such a variation exists to make
such a search. But had Black looked hard enough he would have
found a saving— and perhaps winning— line: 1. . . . KxR 2.
R—B lch B -B 4!i.
This other zwischenzug returns a piece while gaining valuable
time after 3. RxBch K-K3. With his first rank clear and a knight
protecting the rook, White’s two main attacking pieces are in
danger. There are a number of escape tries (3. B-R5ch K-K2; 3.
B-B4ch K-K2), but the best chance is 3. RxBch K-K3 4. Q-NSch!
KxR 5. Q-N4ch K -B3 6. Q-B3ch K-N2 7. QxR even though 7.
. . . BxPch 8. K -B l P-QR4! favors Black.
Calculation and Miscalculation 85

Finally, zwischenzugs play an important role positionally as

well as tactically. A slight interpolation may not mean much in
material won or mates threatened, but it can do wonders for the
overall strategic chances.

Bronstein-Aronin, Moscow 1955

B la c k to m ov e

Here Black has defended rather riskily in the center and faces
a readymade kingside attack. (The game began 1. P-K4 P-QB4
2. N -K B3 N-Q B3 3. B-N 5 Q -B2 4. 0 -0 P-K3 5. P-B3 N -B3 6.
Q -K 2 P-Q4 7. P-K5 N-Q 2 8. P-Q4 B-K 2 9. PxP NxBP 10.
P-QN4 N -K 5P I11. N-Q4! P-KR3 12. P -B 3 N-N 4 13. B -K 3 0 -0
14. N-Q 2 P -B 4 15. P-KB4 N-K5 16. QNxN.)
Suppose Black recaptures on K5 with his QP. White would
then have good prospects on the queenside with 17. NxNl PxN
18. B -B 4 followed by Q-KB2, KR-Q1, B-B5xB, and Q -B5 or
R-Q6 to exploit Black’s weak Q3 square and isolated QBP. Black
could anticipate all this with 18. . . . P~B4, but then 19. P-N5!
followed by P-QR4, Q-R2, KR-N1, and P-R5 gives White an­
other good plan.
Black could also recapture on K5 with his BP, although this
exposes his KP and kingside to danger after 17. BxN PxB 18.
Q-N4. Still, this is the best chance since the pawn on Black’s K5
interferes with much of White’s kingside play by preventing
R -K B3-R 3 and closing off the QN1-KR7 diagonal.
Nevertheless, Black played a logical zwischenzug:
1 6 . .. . NxN
86 Catalog of Chess Mistakes

This interpolation enables him to recapture on K5 next move

without worrying about a capture on his own QB3.
17. N-B8ch!
But this counterzwischenzug upsets the balance. It keeps a
Black pawn off K5, thereby aiding a White attack, and it gains
a tempo for that attack after 17. . . . BxN or 17. . . , RxN because
Black would have to retreat a piece on his 18th move (17. . . .
PxN?? 18. BxN would insure the opening of the center and king-
side and is even worse for Black than what happens).
What happened was 17, . . . RxN 18. BxN R -B l 19. P-N4!
B-Q 2 20. B-Q3J P-KN3 (20____PxP 21. QxP and 22. Q-N6) 21.
K -R l K -R 2 22. R -K N l P-R3 23. P-QR4 R -K N l 24. R-N 3
QR-KB1 25. R-K R3 B -K l 26, R -K N l? (26. P-R51) BxP 27. PxP
KPxP 28. Q -N 2 B - K l 29. RxPch? KxR 30. Q-R3ch K -N 2 31.
P-K 6ch B-B3?? (31.. . . R -B3 32. QxP? K -B l wins for Black) 32.
QxP! BxB 33, RxPch BxR 34. QxBch Black resigns (34. . . . K -R l
35. Q-R6ch). Despite the mutual errors after 17. N-B6ch, White’s
victory was a natural result.

Overlooking a Quiet Move

Of all the moves to overlook when calculating, the most sur­
prising is the quiet response in a position when “loud” moves are
expected. Instead of a check, a capture, or a threat in a position
rife with possibilities, we are faced with a nonviolent answer.
Such quiet moves often are just bad moves, accomplishing noth­
ing. But sometimes they are the perfectly unsettling response.
Calculation and Miscalculation 87

Mazzoni-O’Kelly, Paris 1963

W h ite to m o v e

Black is briskly attacking on the queenside (1. K-Q3 PxP 2.

PxP R-B5) and staunchly defending on the kingside (1. P-R6
P-N3!) here. Appreciating this, White went into a deep huddle.
He considered doubling rooks along the KN-file with 1. R-K N l
and 2. R(3)-N3. That would threaten 3. QxPch! NxQ 4. RxN
mate. Black, of course, could play 2. . . . NxRcli, eliminating one
of the attackers. But after 3. RxN Black would have lost one of
his defenders of KN2 as well. Clearly, Black could not afford to
defend that point with 3. . . . P-N3. So, White reasoned, Black
would have to cover the square with a rook.
All this seems to leave Black safe, but White’s calculations
uncovered a brilliant resource. Whether Black takes the Exchange
with . . . NxRch or not, once he puts a rook at KN1 White will
have the brilliant Q-N6ch!!. After . . . PxQ, White plays PxPch
and then checks along the KR-file. The only flight square, KN1,
has now been occupied by a Black rook and it is mate, White
thought. Q.E.D. So . . .
1. R-KNl?! PxP
2. R (3)-N 3 KR-N1
3. Q-N6ch?? K -R l!
White assumed that Black would know enough to take a queen
when offered one. But this assumption is the big hole in his com­
bination. He may have been victimized also by a visual error—
failing to see that Black’s KR1 would become vacant— when he
began his long think at the previous diagram.
88 Catalog of Chess Mistakes

In any event, everything is hanging thanks to Black’s delight­

fully quiet response. He threatens to win pawns and an Exchange.
But most of all he threatens 4. . . . PxQ (5, PxP NxRch 6. RxN
KR-Q1 7. R-R3ch K -N l). White’s doom was sealed, and Black
took his time to guarantee victory: 4. Q-N5 Q -Q l 5. Q~N4 (5.
QxQ permits the zwischenzug 5. . . . NxRch) Q -B 2 6. P-R6 (6.
PxP Q~B5ch is another speedy loss) QxPch 7. K -Q l NxR 8. RxN
NPxP 9. Q -R 4 RxR 10. PxR Q -B4 11. QxRPch K -N l 12. PxP
QxPch 13. K -K l Q-N3 14. Q -B4 Q -K 5ch W hite resigns.

Only in the most docile positions can you guess with total
assurance of what your opponent will do. Yet even in such a
situation, there is room for self-deception.

Najdorf-Opocensky, Prague 1946

B la ck to m ov e

In this example Black is victimized by several kinds of errors.

First, he sees himself reduced to passivity, with his king and
rook tied in tire defense of his KBP (1. . . . K-B3?? 2. N~Q7ch).
Pie thinks he needs an active defense to hold the draw.
Had he asked “How can I lose?” he would have realized that
the only ways would b e (a) the penetration of the White king
to a Black target, (b) being reduced to zugzwang, or (c) the crea­
tion of a decisive White breakthrough with P-KB5. But pene­
tration is impossible, the pawn break on KB5 is not enough to
win for White, and the attempt at zugzwang should not work
after, say, 1. . . . N-B3 2. K-B2 N-R2 3. K-K3 N-B3 4. K -B4
Calculation and Miscalculation 89

N -R2 5. P-N4 PxP 6. PxP N -B3 7. P-N5 N-R4ch 8. K-N4 K -N l

since Black can play. .. K-N1-N2 forever.
The final contributing error is Black’s failure to see a quiet
1.... P -N 4 ? ?

Black figures that 2. PxP NxP will stop White’s idea of

P-KN 4-5 and will also keep the White king at bay since 3. K—R3
is illegal.
2. K-R3!
But Black didn’t consider this quiet resiDonse to the ‘loud” 1.
. . . P-N4. Now the White king reaches KR4 and wins the KRP,
after which P-KN 4-5 will be a decisive plan. The end came
shortly: 2___ K -N l 3. PxP NxPch 4. K -R 4 N-R2 5. KxP K-N 2
6. P-N4! N -B3ch 7. K -R 4 K -N l 8. P-NS N-R2 9. N-N4 K-N2,
and after adjournment Black resigned in face of 10. K -R5 R-KR1
11. N-R6!; e.g., 11. . . . R-K B1 12. P-K5 (zugzwang) or 11. . . .
NxP 12. KxN RxN 13. RxPch (removal of defender).

The Wild West gives us a name for this easily overlooked

Schlechter-Spielmann, San Sebastian 1912

W h ite to m o v e
90 Catalog of Chess Mistakes

Black has an isolated QP which in some games proves to be a

liability. Here it gives Black a fine position in the center. Seeing
this, White tries to complicate with a small sequence he hopes
will expose the QP to danger.
1. Q-R5? N-B3
White had seen this natural response, a move that both defends
(KR2) and attacks. But he had counted on:
2. N-K4?
Now on 2. . . . NxN 3. BxN White has traded off a principal
defender of Blacks QP and kingside by using the pin along the
fifth rank (3. . . . PxB??? 4. QxQ). The exchange also emphasizes
the superiority of White’s bishop over Black’s. Meanwhile, if
Black prefers 2. . . . NxQ 3. NxQ, White has a slight edge in the
ending where isolated center pawns may be vulnerable targets.
What White didn’t consider was:
2___ QxPch!
Responding to an opponent’s threatening move with your own
threatening move is a mistake when the enemy has a more force­
ful reply. Here White must capture the queen and remain a
pawn behind. (In the game White was so unnerved that he blun­
dered again a few moves later— 3. KxQ NxQ 4, N-N 5 P-KR3 S.
N -B3 N-BS 6. N~Q4 KR-K1 7. K~R3 P-KN4 8. R~~K5?? NxB,
and White resigned in view of 9. PxN B-N5ch 10. PxB RxR.)
This is a form of Desperado, an appropriately named burst of
violence from unsuspected quarters. It usually involves a forced
sequence in which each player has an attacked piece. Since your
piece is subject to imminent capture, you grab some material for
it. If your opponent then captures your doomed piece, you take
his and you’ve gained some material, as Black did with 2. . . .
QxPch! above. Or he can use his doomed piece to capture some
material of yours. “And he takes me, and I take him, and he takes
me ..
Falling into a Desperado can turn even the quietest position
into a miniature slaughter, as the following illustrates (it began
1. N-KB3 N-KR3 2. P-Q4 P~K3 3. P-R 4 P-QN3 4. P-KN3 B-N2
Calculation and Miscalculation 91

5. B-N 2 B-N 5ch 6. B-Q 2 BxBch 7. QNxB P-Q 3 8. 0-0 0-0 9.

R -K l Q N -Q 210. Q-B2).

Euwe-Colle, Karlsbad 1929

B la c k to m ov e

1 0 .... P -K 4 ?

Black was not calculating when he played this. He was simply

making what he deemed to be a sound positional move. He wants
to fix White’s center pawns on white squares so that the presence
of white-square bishops will benefit Black. But it is faulty because
of tactics.
11. N xP ! B xB
12. NxN

Black had always assumed that when White moved his KN

from KB3 he could play . . . BxB and force the response KxB. But
White’s “desperate” KN has gone down in true Desperado fashion,
eating a pawn along the way. After 11. . . . PxN 12. BxB R -N l
Black might have been able to save that pawn if White had con­
tinued 13. B—N2 PxP. But White could have then inserted a dif­
ferent sequence, 13. PxP! RxB 14. PxN, to keep his booty. And if
Black had played 11. . . . NxN 12. BxB R -N l, he would have lost
a full piece by way of 13. PxN!
Black’s best idea now is to cut his losses with 12. . . . QxN 13.
KxB, but he permits the Desperado knight to wreak more havoc:
1 2 .... B -R 6 ? ?
13. NxR Resigns
92 Catalog of Chess Mistakes

Even when you realize that you’re entering a Desperado derby,

it takes a clear head to make sure that you can match your cap­
tures with your opponent’s at each point in the sequence. For
example, in the following game Black suddenly finds he can’t
match White’s 16. B -K 2 with 16. . . . B-K 2 17. RxP RxP because
of 18- RxR.
Tartakower-Rosselli del Turco, Semmering 1926— I. P-Q4
P~~Q4 2. P-QB4 P-QB3 3. N -K B3 N -B3 4. P-K3 P-K3 S. QN-Q2
QN-Q2 6. B-Q 3 B-Q3 7. 0 -0 0 -0 8. P-K4 P-K4? 9. KPxP BPxP 10.
BPxP PxP 11. N-K4! N -K 4 12. B-KNS B-KNS 13. BxN BxN 14.
BxQ BxQ IS. QRxB QRxB 16. B -K 2! B -N l 17. RxP N -B 3 18.
R(4)-Q l, and White won the endgame.

A Desperado need not win material. It frequently does because

the player who is running second in the race to capture may be
tripped up by the complications. Yet there is also a danger of
permitting a Desperado that scores positional points.

Smejkal-Langeweg, Wijk aan Zee 1975

B la ck to m o v e

Here Black has an uninspiring but solid position. White can’t

do much immediate damage either since his massed strength on
the QB-file is blunted by the protection of the Black bishop on
Q3. So, assuming there was no tactical danger— that is, nothing
to calculate— Black made sure his only undefended piece got
some protection.
Q -B 4 ?
Calculation and Miscalculation 93

Black must have known his queen could be attacked in this

manner. But earlier he had dismissed N—KR4 because of . .. NxN,
crippling the White kingside. Now, however, White has a Desper­
ado working. Black can’t play 2. . . . NxN 3. BxB Q-N4 without
losing a full piece (4. PxN QxP 5. P-R3 and 6. N-N2). Perhaps he
was counting on 2. .. . BxB 3. QxB NxN.
2 .. .. BxB
3. NxQ! BxQ
4. NxB
Each White capture makes new threats (4. . . . B—R4? 5. NxR),
and Black must ride the Desperado out until the forcing sequence
4 .... PxN
5. RxB
Now no more captures are likely, and as the dust clears, White’s
advantage becomes evident. His rooks will dominate the only
open file, and when Black exchanges rooks, White will exploit
the weak enemy pawns. This is precisely what happened.
5. . . . R(K)-QB1 6. R(1)-B1 N -K 2 7. R -B 7 K -B l 8. N~Q3
K -K l 9. N -B 4 K -Q l 10. RxRch RxR 11. RxRch KxR 12. N-R5!
P-N3 13. N -B 6 P-QN4 14. K -B l K -B 2 15. P-N 4 K -B 3 16.
P-KR4 K-N 3 17. K -K l P-QR4 18. K -Q l PxP 19. PxP K -B 3 20.
K -K 2 K -B 2 21. K -B 3 K -B 3 22. P-R5! PxP 23. PxP K -B 2 24. K -B 4
K -B 3 25. N-N 4 N—N l 26. NxP!, and Black resigned in face of a
lost king-and-pawn ending: 26. . . . NxN 27. K-N5 N -N l 28.
P-R 6 NxP 29. KxN K-Q2 30. K-N7 K-K3 31. P -B 4 K-K2 32.

One Move Short

There comes a time when your calculated sequence must end.
You look two moves ahead and conclude that you will win a
piece. So you stop looking. That should send up danger signals
all over: is there more life in the position after two moves— that
is, more forcing play? Does he have a surprise move, a check, a
capture, or an overpowering threat that turns around your evalu­
ation of the sequence? Did you stop calculating too early?
94 Catalog of Chess Mistakes

Taimanov-Aronin, Moscow 1951

B la c k to m o v e

This Sicilian Defense position contains some danger for Black.

His opponent has maneuvered a bishop around to strike at the
Black QP (1. P -K 4 P-QB4 2. N -K B3 P-Q3 3. P-Q4 PxP 4. NxP
N -K B3 5. N-QB3 N -B3 6, B-KN S P-K3 7. Q-Q2 P-QR3 8.
0 -0 -0 P-R3 9. B-KB4 B-Q 2 10. B-N3). When White moves his
knight from Q4 the QP will be exposed. Neither 10. . . . P-K4,
creating a bad hole at Q4, nor 10. . . . N—K4, inviting P-KB4—5,
is palatable defense of the QP.
But Black determines that there is no immediate threat to the
pawn since 11. NxN BxN 12. BxP BxB 13. QxB QxQ 14. RxQ
could be met by 14. . . . BxP (but not 14. . . . NxP?? 15. RxB re­
moving the defender). So Black prepares threats against the
White center pawns ( . . . P-QN4—5).
10.... P -Q N 4 ?
11. NxN BxN
12. B xQ P B xB
13. Q xB QxQ
14. B xQ B xP
15. N xB! NxN

What is this? Is Black, who forks a rook and the KBP, all of a
sudden winning? Black may have thought so. His calculations
stopped here, and he looked no further when he played 10. . . .
16. R xR P !
Calculation and Miscalculation 95

No, Black’s position is in ruins (16. . . . RxR 17. BxPch K-K2

18. BxR NxP 19. R -K l or 16. . . . 0 -0 17. BxP). White will not
only have an extra pawn but will enjoy three connected passed
Before 16. RxRP the position seemed very calm, and Black
may be forgiven for failing to look that one move more. But in
a live position, one with tactical ideas all over the place, there is
no excuse for not hunting down the surprise that will turn your
combination to pipesmoke.

In the next example Black surely looked for surprises three

moves after 21. . . . PxN. He may be excused because 24. B—N6
is a truly spectacular shot. (The game began 1. P—Q4 N—KB3 2.
P-Q B4 P-KN3 3. N-QB3 B-N 2 4. P-K4 P-Q3 5. P-B3 0 -0 6.
B-K 3 P-K4 7. P-Q5 N -K l 8. Q-Q 2 P -K B 4 9. 0 -0 -0 P -B 5 10.
B -B 2 N-Q 2 11. K N -K2 N-N3?! 12. Q-Q3 P-N4 13. K -N l B-Q 2
14. N -B l P-B4? 15. PxP e.p. PxP 16. P-B5! N -B l 17. PxP KNxP
18. B -B 5 R -B3 19. B -K 2 Q -B 2 20. N-N3 B -K l.)

Tal-Visockiss, Leningrad 1954

W h ite to m ov e

Black has permitted an interesting combination beginning with

21. N-Q5. He believes it is a clever trap (21. . . . PxN 22. QxPch
N -B2 23. QxR B—B3!) that will swallow up the White queen.
After he had calculated as far as 23. . . . B-B3, he probably
searched for a shot from White. But where is it?
White’s pieces seem active enough but they need the help of
96 Catalog of Chess Mistakes

the queen to dance. So Black stopped at 23.. .. B -B 3 and thought

he was safe.
21. N-Q5! PxN
22. QxPch N-B2
23. QxR B-B3
24.B-N 6!!

Safe no longer. On 24. . . . QxB White escapes with his booty

by 25. QxNch. The Black queen has no safe move so Black has
to play 24. . . . PxB. But after 25. R-QB1 White saves his queen
and actually has a winning ending because of his superior minor
pieces. The game went 25. R—QB1 BxQ 26. RxQ R -B3 27.
KR-QB1 RxR 28. RxR QN-Q3 29. N-Q2 B -B l 30. B~B4 P~N4
31. B-K 6 K -N 2 32. P-QR4!, and White eventually won (32. . . .
PxP 33. N-B4!),

Misjudging the Bottom Line

Even if Black had foreseen everything above, including 24.
B-N6, he might still have permitted 21. N-Q5 because he mis-
evaluated the position after 26. RxQ. It’s possible he thought that
he was better in the endgame since two minor pieces are often
far superior to a rook and pawn. His calculation was OK; his
evaluation of the final position was wrong.
This is another common problem, even for computers. Like
humans, the machines have a sense of what constitutes a winning
position. They have to calculate several side variations in a
combination, and they stop considering them once they conclude
that the quiet after the storm is a good quiet.
Calculation and Miscalculation 97

Tchigorin-Walbrodt, Nuremberg 1896

W h ite to m ov e

The grandmaster who held the White pieces here was quite
a fine calculator. But he went astray the way many lesser players
do. He got far enough into his calculations to determine that he
was winning. After all, he might have said to himself, after 5.
Q-N5ch and 6. RxQ, I’ve won his queen.
1. N-B6!?
This is a clever way of using the White bishops and rooks
before one of them is silenced by 1. . . . P—B5. But 1. N—N6 is
actually much better (1. . . . Q~B2 2. BxB PxB 3. B-R 5 with a
positional advantage because of the weak KP).
L ... PxN
2. BxPch NxB
3. QxNch K -N l
4. R-K5??
This is tlie only way of continuing the attack for a win. At
first 4. RxB(K) looks good (4. „ . . PxR 5. BxPch). But then it
looks bad because of 4. . . . BxPch 5. KxR QxR. And finally it
looks OK since after 5. . . . QxR White can draw with 6. Q-N5ch
K~R1 7. Q—B6ch. But only draw.

4 .... BxR
5. Q-N5ch B-N2
6. RxQ RxR
98 Catalog of Chess Mistakes

Now let’s count up. White has won a queen. But Black has two
rooks and a bishop for it— a gross imbalance. The only danger
to Black now is overconfidence.
Within a dozen moves the weight of Black’s material crushed
White: 27. P-B3 BxB 28. PxB P -B4 29. Q-K3 R-Q 8ch 30. K -B 2
P-KB5 31. Q -K 4 R-Q 7ch 35. K -N l RxQNP 33. P-KR4 K -R l 34.
Q-Q 5 BxP 35. QxBP B-N 2 36. P-QN4 R -K N l 37. K -R l RxKNP!
38. P-R5 R -Q 7 39. P—R6 R—Q8ch (White’s last traps were 39. . . .
BxP 40. Q-B3ch and 39. . . . B-Q 5 40. Q-K5ch!! forcing stale­
mate) 40. K -R 2 BxP 41. Q -K5ch B-N 2 42. QxBP R -K 8 43. Q-Q2
R -K 3 and W hite resigned.

Mistaken Sequence
Finally, there are mistakes to be made with the order of moves.
You may see all the tactical ideas in a combinational position,
but if you don’t get them in the right order, the combination falls

Tartakower-Yates, Karlsbad 1929

W h ite to m o v e

Forceful play has weakened Black’s kingside and given White

excellent centralized piece play as compensation for the Ex­
change. But if the attack stalls, Black stands better. Therefore,
White looks for the knockout punch.
If there is one here it is sure to involve some of White’s trumps:
his bishop’s attack on KB7, his knight’s ability to check on KR6,
and his queen’s range. One can imagine N-R6ch, BxPch, and,
Calculation and Miscalculation 99

after . . . K -B l, Q-R8ch or Q -B6 as the tactical components of

the knockout.
1. N-R6ch? K-R2!
2. NxP
But after
2 .... Q-B4!
White must sue for peace and play 3. N-N5ch K -R 3 4. N-B7ch
K -R2 5. N-N5ch. Once White’s queen is exchanged off or retreats
from Q4, Black can play to win.
However, there was a win for White in the diagram: 1. BxPch!
(1____QxB 2. N-R6ch; 1. . . . KxB 2. N-R6ch K-K3 3. P-B5ch
or 2. . . . K -B l 3. Q-R8ch). These same tactical tools that made
up the faulty 1. N-R6ch? would have won for White if used in the
correct sequence.
Reordering the sequence is one of the most easily omitted aids
in calculation. In this instance, White’s order of moves wasn’t
sufficiently forcing. There was no decisive followup after 2. . . .
Q-B4. But sometimes a sequence can be too forcing. A different
order of moves would leave the enemy helpless, but the one
chosen gives him counterchances.

Zita-Golombek, Prague 1946

W h ite to m ov e

White has sacrificed a pawn to mount an attack on the king-

side, specifically at KN7. Black just has enough time to cover
that square and the other vital one at KB3. He is preparing to
100 Catalog of Chess Mistakes

relieve the pressure and protect his KN2 with . . . P-N3L White,
therefore, looks for a method of exploiting the moment. He can’t
force Black’s KB away, but he can do something about the queen.
1. N-B6? Q-B2!
The flaw in White’s combination was his failure to see 2. QxN
QxR!, which removes his queen’s defender. The idea of driving
off the queen and capturing on KB6 was a good one, but once
again the idea was improperly presented. With 1. B-N5! Black
would have been quite lost (1. . . . K -R l 2. BxN PxB and now 3.
N-B6!; or 1___ K -R l 2. BxN QxB 3. QxQ PxQ 4. NxP mate).
The new position on the board presents a second crisis for
White. He could retreat the attacked knight to K5 or look for a
consistent followup to his attack. White’s last move, as faulty as
it is, creates new tactical possibilities involving R-K5 and R(K)-
KN5 or BxP. But again there is a good order of ideas and a bad
2. R-K5?
Though this threatens both 3. BxP BxB 4. R(K)-N5 and 3. QxN
(now that Black can’t take the rook on KN6 with his queen), it is
far inferior to the right order: 2. BxP! BxB 3. R-K5 K -B l! 4,
R(K)—N5 with chances.
2----- P-N3!
Now we see that 2. R-K5 wasn’t forceful enough. The attack
on KN7 is all over, and Black’s counterattack soon proved deci­
sive: 3. BxB RxB 4. QxN QxN 5. P -R 4 KR-Q1 6. R -K l R-Q41
7. R -K B3 Q-Q 2 8. P-N3 R-QB1.
Positional E rro rs

Often a player will explain his choice between two lines of play
with: “I decided to make the game tactical because I was get­
ting a bad game positionally,” or “I wanted to play that move but
it just looked too antipositional,” or “Tactically this was a good
idea, but I was afraid that it would compromise my position.”
These common post-mortem comments suggest there are two
separate kinds of moves, positional and tactical.
In fact, the distinction is much more subtle. A good game in
positional terms will create its own tactical ideas. A poor game
positionally may have some short-term tactical benefits but won’t
be able to generate the vital threats that are needed to win in
the long run against a worthy opponent.
A few years ago I won a pleasing game, which was then pub­
lished in a number of chess magazines. What surprised me was
the reaction of friends who played it over. They saw the queen
sacrifice that ended the game and congratulated me for outplay­
ing my opponent tactically. In truth, there was only one tactical
phase of the game, the very last move.

Stoyko-Soltis, National Chess League 1977— 1. P-QB4 N-KB3

2. N-QB3 P-KN3 3. P-K4 P-Q3 4. P-Q4 B-N 2 5. B -K 2 0 -0 G.
N -B 3 P-B3 7. 0-0 P-QR3 8. P-QR4 P-QR4 9. P-R3 P -K 4 10.
B-K 3 QN-Q2 11. Q-Q2 Q-K2 12. P-Q 5 N -K l 13. N -K l P-QB4
14. P-KN 4 P-B4 15. P-B3 P-R4 16. B-N 5 N(2)-B3 17. KPxP
NPxP 18. PxRP Q -K B2 19. P-RG B -R l 20. P-B4 N -R 4 21. BxN
102 Catalog of Chess Mistakes

QxB 22. Q-N 2 K -R 2 23. N -N 5 R -K N l 24. K -R l B-Q 2 25. R-R3

BxN 26. RPxB N -B 3 27. Q-QB2 N -K 5 28. N-N 2 QR-KB1 29.
P-R4 NxB 30. PxN RxP 31. RxRP R(1)-KN1 32. R -K N l P-K5
33. R -R 7 QxPch W hite forfeited on time.

After 34. NxQ RxRch 35. K -R2 B-K4ch Black mates in two
more moves. It is a pretty finish. But the game had been decided
from a positional point of view by move 18 because of White’s
repeated positional concessions. Let’s look at the critical errors.
8 P-QR4: White sought to stop 8. . . . P-QN4 followed by 9.
. . . PxP, a flanking thrust that would have given Black a majority
of pawns in the center. But after 8. P-QR4? P-QR4! Black had
tricked his opponent into creating a hole at White’s QN4. White
then had no pawns that control this square and this was a sig­
nificant concession. Why? Because the nature of the center pawn
structure often requires White to drum up queenside play with
P-QN4-5 or P-QN4 and P-QB5. After 8. P-QR4? P-QR4! Black
can meet a subsequent P-QN4 with . . . RPxP, isolating White’s
QRP and creating a new semi-hole, at White’s QB5. White’s
queenside play is dead.
12. P-Q5 and 13. N -K l: After 11___ Q~K2 White had to pro­
tect his KP from the threat of 12. . . . PxP 13. NxP (13. QxP N—N5)
NxP. With 12. P-Q5, however, White created another hole at his
QB5, which Black might have been able to exploit later with . . .
N-B4. White also gave up all chance of opening the Q-file with
QPxKP after he advanced his QP. True, he could have continued
Positional Errors 103

13. QPxBP, but that would have granted Black excellent queen-
side play against White’s backward QNP along the QN-file. Note
that after 13. QPxBP White would have gotten a good positional
game with P-QN 4-5 (securing Q5 as an outpost square) if the
moves P-QR4/ . . . P-QR4 had not been played earlier. Thus,
small positional errors add up to big concessions.
14, P-KN4?: After Black closed the queenside permanently,
the only sector of the board to be opened was near the kings.
Black had a natural advantage there because . . . P-KB4 was
good for him, whereas P-KB4 would have been double-edged for
White (since after . . . KPxBP Black could have set up an excel­
lent outpost on his vacant K4 square). For this reason White
played 14. P-KN4 with a view to establishing a solid bridge of
pawns on K4, KB3, KN4, and KR3. But since Black could play
. . . P-KR4 as well as . . . P—KB4, White’s natural inferiority on
the kingside had to be exposed. Again, had it not been for his
earlier queenside errors, White might have been able to ignore
the kingside and seize the initiative on the other side of the board.
17. KPxP? and 18. PxRP: This was positional surrender since
afterwards Black dominated the center and built up at will on
the kingside. After this White had little counterplay in the center
or on the queenside and could only await disaster on the KN-
and KR-files, Black’s positional edge made the final tactics
Positional errors, as demonstrated above, are crimes against
the pawn structure, the only static aspect of chess. Since pawns
cannot move backwards, their advances have a great bearing on
the performance of the other pieces— a bearing that is difficult
to alter at a later stage. Pawn moves turn bishops from good
pieces into spectators, weaken king positions, open dangerous
lines for enemy pieces, create permanent weaknesses, and estab­
lish endgame advantages.
It can’t be denied that sometimes a move is tactically good but
positionally bad. Whether it is ultimately a good move or a bad
one depends on the size and immediacy of the tactical advan­
tages it confers. If it creates insurmountable threats, the move is
good. But the attack may fail and the positional defects prove
costly in the long run.
104 Catalog of Chess Mistakes

Position after 1 1 . , NxB

Albin-Sehiffers, Nuremberg 1896— 1. N-KB3 P-Q4 2. P-QN3

P-K3 3. B-N 2 N -K B3 4. P -K 3 P -B 4 5. P-Q4 N -B3 6. QN-Q2
PxP 7. PxP B-Q 3 8. N~~K5 0 -0 9. B~Q3 Q-B2! 10. P-KB4 N-QN5!
11. 0-0 NxB

Accurate play has permitted Black to exchange a knight for

White's better bishop. After 12. NxN P-QN3 or 12. . . . P-QN4
Black has excellent middlegame prospects because his two
bishops have a much brighter future than White’s knights.
12. PxN??
In the short run, there is a lot to be said for this move. White
will gain control of the board’s only open file with R-QB1. He
will also be able to drive Black’s knight away from kingside
defense with P-KN4-5, now that . . . N-K5 is prohibited.
But the QB-file cannot be a permanent possession of White’s.
Nor should his kingside attack succeed against even a second-
best defense. Once the short-run advantages are neutralized,
Black should make the weak White pawns a decisive factor.
12 .. . . .
ia B-Q2
13. P-KN4 B-N4!
14. P-N5 N-Q2
15. R -B l Q -Q l
16. QN-B3 P-B3!
This breaks the back of the attack and thus focuses attention
on the weak pawns. The game ended relatively quickly.
Positional Errors 105

17. PxP PxP 18. NxN QxN 19. P-QR4 B -R 3 20. Q-Q2 Q-N2ch
21. K -R l Q-R3 22. R -N lch K -R l 23. R-N 4 Q-R6! 24. R-N3
Q-B4! 25. R -Q l BxBP 26. N-R4 Q-R4 27. QxB (desperation)
QxRch 28. R -N l Q-R4 29. R-N 4 BxP 30. B-R3 B-KSch 31. K -N l
QxRch W hite resigns (32. QxQ R-KNl).

Bad Bishops
Since the two players begin with two bishops each, any pawn
move will affect one pair of bishops. But if bishops are traded
off, for each other or for knights, the advance of pawns to
squares controlled by the remaining bishops can be of major
significance. If both sides have white-square bishops, for example,
you should consider very carefully any advance that puts a pawn
on a white square. Such an advance is doubly disadvantageous
since it limits the scope of your bishop and creates a target for
the enemy bishop.
Here is stark example of this common clerical crime.

Colm-Spielmann, Karlsbad 1911— 7. P-K4 P-K3 2. P-Q4 P-Q4

3. N-QB3 N-KB3 4. PxP PxP 5. B-KN 5 B -K 2 6. B-Q3 N-QB3
7. KN-K2? N-QN5! 8. 0-0 0-0 9. N-N3 NxB 10. QxN P-B3 11.
QR-K1 P-KR3 12. B-Q 2 B~Q313. N -Q l Q-B2

P osition a fte r 13. . . . Q -B 2

White’s slight error at move 7 permitted Black to exchange off

White’s “good” bishop. It is good— while White’s QB is “bad”—
because there is a fixed White pawn on Q4, a black square.
106 Catalog of Chess Mistakes

White’s remaining bishop, to be sure, is only slightly “bad”

because only one White pawn, the QP, is stuck on a black square
for the foreseeable future. But this changes with White’s next

14. P-KB4? B-Q2

15. Q-KB3 Q R-K l
16. P-B3 B-KN5!

Black clearly understands the difference between good and

bad bishops. He gets rid of his own bad bishop— bad because
Black’s fixed pawn is on a white square, Q4. He knows that in
the later stages of the game White will be weak on the white
squares and jumbled on the black ones. To ease the pressure
White sought exchanges, but the trades only made the disadvan­
tage of his bishop more evident.
17. Q -B2 BxN! 18. RxB N -K 5 19. NxN RxN 20. Q R -K l KR-K1
21. P-KN 3 (another black-square pawn, but White needed to
support his KNP) Q-R4 22. RxR RxR 23. P-QR3 Q-N4! 24. B-K3
Q-Q6 25. R -K l P-KB4 28. Q-Q2 QxQ 27. BxQ K -B 2 28. K -B2
K -B 3 29. K -B 3 P-KN4! 30. R -K 2 K-N 3
White can’t do much but sit and defend since RxR would give
Black a powerful passed pawn. Meanwhile, Black is preparing
31____K -R 4 followed by 32. . . . RxR 33. KxR PxP and 34. . . .
K-N5, winning a pawn and the game.
31. P-R3 P-N5ch! 32. PxP PxPch 33. K -B 2 K -B 4 34. B-K3
P-KR 4 35. B-Q2 P-R5 36. RxR PxR 37. B -K 3 P-QN4 (Now
Black threatens to play . . . P-R6 and . . . K-K 3-Q 4-B5-N 6
raiding the queenside against a hopeless bishop. On 38. PxP BxP
39. BxB KxB the king-and-pawn ending is easily won,- e.g., 40.
P—R5 K-N4 or 40. P-N3 P~~N6ch 41. K-N2 P-K6.) 38. P-Q5
PxPch 39. KxP PxP 40. B-Q 2 P~R4 41. P-QN4 P -R 5 W hite

Creating Holes
Another reason that 14. P-K B4 is bad in the game above is
that it abandons pawn control of White’s K4. After that pawn
Positional Errors 107

move Black could occupy the K5 square with a rook and pressure
White into more weaknesses. He had a valuable hole for his
There are any number of excuses for creating pawn holes. “It
was the only way to make my pieces active,” or “I couldn’t per­
mit him to occupy the other square so I gave him this one,” and
so on. Sometimes you get drawn into a very bad, hole-ruined
position by making natural-looking moves. This is what hap­
pened to Black below:

Petrosian-Larsen, Beverwijk I960— 1. P-Q B4 P-Q3 2. P-Q4

P -K 4 3. N -K B3 N-Q 2 4. N -B 3 KN -B3 5. P-K4 B -K 2 6. B-K 2
0 -0 7. 0-0 P-B3 8. P-QS

P osition a fte r 8. P—Q 5

Compare this position with the opening of Stoyko-Soltis at the

start of this chapter. Here it is Black who must begin making dif­
ficult choices. White’s P-Q5 is quite good here since he can con­
tinue with P-QN4 followed by QPxP and P-N5. That would
eliminate Black’s pawn control of his Q4 square and create a
beautiful hole for White’s pieces. It would also make Black’s QP
a permanent target along the Q-file.
Black may stop this plan with 8. . . . P-B4, but that has the
drawback of encouraging P-QR3 and P-QN4 and the opening
of a queenside file before Black is ready to contest it.

108 Catalog of Chess Mistakes

This is double-edged since Black will be able to preserve his

knight on QB4 only until it is driven out by P—QN4. Worse,
Black's move encourages P-QN4 and makes . . . P-Q B4 im­
9. N-Q2 P-QR4
10. P-QN3 PxP?
“From such a strong grandmaster it is impossible to expect
such an antipositional move,” annotator Salo Flohr said. Why
antipositional? Because it completes the surrender of the queen­
side. To stop 10. P-QN4, Black played 9. . . . P-QR4. The only
pawn left to protect Black’s QN4 after . . . P—QR4 is the BP. But
now after 10.. . . PxP that pawn is gone.
From Black’s point of view it wasn’t that simple. He didn’t
have an easy way of meeting 11. P-QR3 12. R—N1 and 13.
P-QN4, so he played 10. . . . PxP in the hope of using the QB-file
for counterplay. But watch what happens.
11. BPxP B-Q2
12. P-QR4!
This stops 12. . . . P-QN4 and thereby ensures that both QN5
and QB4 will be outpost holes for White. If White puts a knight
on QB4 he will threaten both the Black QP and QRP. And if
Black protects the RP with . . . P-QN3, he creates a new hole at
his QB3. Holes beget holes.
The White superiority is disguised here, but it becomes evident
after 12. . . . Q-N 3 13. B -R 3 KR-B1 14. R -N l Q-R2 15. R -B l
R -B 2 16. B-N5! B-N 5 (Black knows about good and bad bishops)
17. Q -K l! N -R 3 18. P-R3 B-R 4 19. BxN! QxB 20. N-B4.
Here White’s strategy has succeeded completely: Black’s pieces
are out of play and his QB-file is neatly plugged up. If he sits and
waits, White wins; e.g., 20. . . . N -K l 21. N-N5 R(2)-B1 22.
NxKP! or 20. . . . R-Q2 21. N-N5 B~B1 22. Q-K3 followed by
N-N6 or just the doubling of rooks on the QB-file. This pessi­
mistic future explains 20. . . . RxN, but Black never has enough
compensation and loses eventually after 21. PxR QxP 22. P-B3
N -K l 23. Q-K2 Q-Q5ch 24. K -R l B-N 4 25. K R -Q l Q-N3 26.
R-QN1 Q-B2 27. N-N5.
Positional Errors 109

Holes need not be unoccupied squares such as Black’s QN4

and QB5 in the last game. Sometimes you discover that a square
which seems to be strong because you have a pawn on it is really
vulnerable because it can’t be controlled permanently by other
pawns and pieces. In the following game it turns out that White’s
QB4 is a hole in disguise. White’s biggest error is the failure to
protect the masked hole with pieces.

Landau-AIekhine, Kemeri 1937— 7. P-Q4 P~K3 2. P-QB4

B-N 5ch 3. N -B 3 P -K B 4 4. Q-N3 Q -K 2 5. P-QR3 BxNch 6. QxB
N -KB3 7. N-B3 N -B3 8. P-QN4?! P-QN3 9. B -N 2 B-N 2 10.
P-N3? N -K 5 11. Q-N3 P-QR4! 12. P-N5 P-R5! 13. Q -B 2 N-R4!

Position a fte r 13. ... N -R.4

White may not appreciate it yet but he has a big problem

brewing on his QB4. Sometimes you will read the comment “It’s
not only the pawn that is weak but the square.” That sounds mys­
terious, since squares alone don’t win chess games. But here we
see White being punished for the surrender of pawn control of
QB4 (8. P-QN4 gave up the chance of a subsequent P-QN3) and
the development of his KB on a diagonal that fails to meet the
problem of QB4. White may not lose the QBP since he can
advance it. But he will certainly lose the QB4 square.
Now he can’t play 14. P-K 3 because of 14. . . . N-N4. Prob­
ably best is 14. QxP N-Q3! 15. P-B5, although Black wins back
his pawn at will (plus a continuing positional advantage) after
1 5 .... N(3)-B5.
110 Caialog of Chess Mistakes

14. B-N2? N-Q3

15. P-B5 N (3)-B 5!
This is better than 15.. . . NxP since Black can grab a pawn at
a later point while maintaining an iron grip on B5. Black’s pieces
would become a little uncoordinated after 15. . . . NxP. Now they
cripple the queenside.

16. PxP PxP 17. 0 -0 QR-B1! 18. B -B 3 (the threat was 18. . . .
N-K6) N-N 6 19. B-N 4 (or 19. R -R 2 NxRP) P-Q3 20. QR-B1
(else 20___ N-K6) 0 -0 21. Q-R2 NxR 22. RxN N-K4, and Black
simplified into a won endgame.

Accepting Backward Pawns

Backward pawns are pawns that cannot advance because of
imminent capture by an enemy pawn and cannot be protected
by friendly pawns. Technically we only consider a pawn to be
backward when it can be attacked along the file in front of it.
For example, if Black has pawns on Q3 and K4, facing pawns at
White’s K4 and QB4, the Black QP is backward. (If there were a
White pawn at his Q5, the Black QP would not be subject to
attack along the Q-file and wouldn’t be “backward.”)
Such a pawn subjects the defender to a burdensome task of
protection and interferes with his piece coordination. Nobody
likes that, but there are times when it is justified. The problem is
to determine what constitutes sufficient justification.

Duras-Chajes, Karlsbad 1911— 1. P-Q4 P-Q4 2. N -K B3 P-K3

3, P-B4 N-KB3 4. P -K 3 P-B3 5. B-Q3 QN-Q2 6. 0 -0 B-Q 3 7.
N-B3 0 -0 8. P~K4 PxKP 9. NxP NxN 10. BxN P-KB4?
Positional Errors 111

Position a fte r 10. . . . P—K B 4

Black’s last move is extremely weakening because it concedes

all pawn control of his K4 (a hole) and makes the KP a perma­
nent backward target until he can play . . . P-K4. White has
three middlegame themes to work with: (a) occupation of K5; (b)
attack against the KP; and (c) preparation for P-Q5, which would
open lines leading to the Black king now that . . . P-KB4 has
loosened the king’s pawn protection. All that Black gets out of
10. . . . P-B4 is a one-move retreat of White's bishop from K4.
11. B -B 2 N-B3
12. Q-K2 P-QN3
13. P-QN3!
White develops his bishop on a square that (a) restrains . . .
P-K4, the move Black needs to “repair” his backward KP, and
(b) aims at die kingsidein case White’sQP gets to advance.
1 3 .. .. P-QR4
14. B-N2 Q-B2
15. QR-Q1 R -K l
16. KR-K1 B-N2
17. P-B5!
White might have prepared for a different attack, such as
P-KR3 and N-N5. But 17. P-B5 breaks the game open; e.g., 17.
. . . PxP 18. PxP BxP19.Q-B4!, winning at least a pawn.
1 7 .. .. B-KB1
18. N-N5 B -B l
19. BxP!
112 Catalog of Chess Mistakes

This bishop can’t be taken because of 20. Q-B4ch K -R l (20.

. . . N-Q4 21. RxR) 21. N-B7ch K -N l 22. RxR NxR 23. N-R6ch
with mate. It’s fitting now that Black loses both his backward KP
and the pawn that made its brother backward. The game went
42 moves, but Black was doomed after 19. . P-R3 20. BxPch
BxB 21. NxB.

There are times when it is necessary to create a backward

pawn in order to obtain freedom for your pieces. But then you
have to keep alert for the opportunity' to liquidate the weak pawn.
If you don’t, your dearly purchased freedom may be short-lived,
and you will spend the rest of tire game protecting that weakling.

Averbakh-Petrosian, Leningrad 1960— 1. P-Q4 N -K B3 2.

P-QB4 P-KN3 3. P-KN 3 B-N 2 4. B-N 2 0-0 5. N -K B3 P-Q3 6.
0 -0 P-QR3 7. N -B 3 N -B3 8. P-Q5 N-QR4 9. N-Q2 P-B4 10.
Q -B2 P-K4!? 11. PxP e.p. BxP 12. P-N3

You can’t blame Black’s subsequent loss on 10. . . . P-K4. His

bid for activity in the center was justified by White’s slow
maneuvering (Q -B2 and N-Q2). That maneuvering would be
appropriate with a closed center, but with a slightly opened
center Black should at least be able to equalize.
Note that 11. . . . BxP is better than 11. . . . PxP since Black
activates his pieces much faster with the bishop capture and
is able to dissolve his pawn weakness. (But after 11. . . . PxP and
Positional Errors 113

a subsequent . . . P-Q4 Black would still have a weak KP to

worry about.)
1 2 .... N-B3?!
This is a reasonable move, but Black’s temporary initiative
should have been used to repair his weakness with 12. .. . P-Q4I.
Black’s lead in development enables him to trade off his weak
QP; e.g., 13. PxP NxQP 14. NxN BxN 15. BxB? BxR or 14. B-N2
13. B-N2 N-QN5?
Again Black misses his chance for 13. . . . P-Q4! (e.g., 14. PxP
NxP 15. NxN BxB 16. QxB BxN or 15. QN-K4 N-Q5).
14. Q -B l Q-K2?!
This was the last moment for . . . P-Q4. On 14. . . . P-Q4 15.
P-QR3 N-B3 16. PxP NxP 17. QN-K4! N-Q5 IS. R -K l White
retains a slight edge but it is nothing to write home about.
15. QN-K4!
With this White puts an end to . . . P-Q4 because Blacks
QBP would become too weak after QPxP. This is how one bad
pawn spreads gloom over the rest of the board.
There is a great deal of play left in the game, but its basic
tenor is already set by the 15th move. White will be able to
occupy the Q5 hole and attack the backward QP now that he has
equalized development. By piling up against the QP, White dis­
tracts Black from other potential targets and eventually breaks
through on the kingside.
15 . . . NxN 16. NxN KR-Q1 17. R -Q l QR-N1 18. R-Q2 R-Q2
19. BxB KxB 20. Q-N 2ch P-B3 21. QR-Q1 QR-Q1 21. N-B3!
N -B 3 23. N-Q5 BxN (the bad pawn forces Black to concede
White a better minor piece since he couldn’t meet 23. . . . Q-B2
24. N-N6) 24. RxB Q -K 3 25. P-K3 P-QN4 26. Q -K 2 N -K 2 27.
R(5)-Q2 R-QN1 28. B-Q 5 Q-R6 29. Q-B3! PxP 30. BxP R-N3
31. Q-R8! (threatening Q-K8) Q -B4 32. P-K4 Q-N5 33. Q-K8
P-Q4 (twenty moves too late) 34. BxP NxB 35. PxN QR-Q3 36.
R -K l K -R 3 37. R-K4 Q -B6 38. R -R4ch K-N 4 (38___ K-N2 39.
114 Catalog of Chess Mistakes

R -K 2 R-K B2 40. RxPch!) 39. Q-KB8 P -B4 40. R -K B4 Q -B6 41.

P-R4ch K -R 4 42. RxPch K-N5 43. P-B3ch and Black resigned
in view of 4 3 . .. . KxP 44. R-N5ch.

Opening Lines far Enem y Pieces

Even when pawns move without compromising your pieces or
weakening themselves or other pawns, these advances can help
the enemy. They may give him a vital open line for pieces that
previously had little future.

Schiechter-Tchigorin, Ostende 1907— 2. P-K4 P-K4 2. N-KB3

N-Q B3 3. B-N 5 P-QR3 4. B -R 4 N -B 3 5. 0 -0 B-K2 6, R -K l
P-QN4 7. B-N 3 P-Q3 8. P-B3 0 -0 9. P-KR3 N-QR4 10. B~B2
P -B4 11. P-Q4 Q -B 2 12. QN-Q2 BPxP 13. PxP B-Q 2 14. N -B l
N -B 3 15. B-K 3 N-QN5 16. B -N l KR-B1 17. Q~Q2!

Position a fte r 17. Q -Q 2

This is typical of the kind of position that arises from the popular
Ruy Lopez opening. Whether you play this opening or not, you
can appreciate the nature of the middlegame battle. With a some­
what closed center Black’s slight edge in development isn’t sig­
nificant. White parries Black's threats (17. . . . N-Z37? 18. R -B l)
and is ready to take over the initiative after N-N3, P-QR3, B-Q3,
and QR-B1.
All of this suggests that Black should open some lines for his
pieces. But this would be bad thinking. His pieces are not par­
ticularly well centralized and would not profit from an opening
Positional Errors 115

of the center. White’s pieces, especially his knights and white-

square bishop, would. This explains Black’s rapid downfall.
1 7 ... . P-Q4?
18. N-N3 KPxP?
19. BxP PxP
20. BxN! BxB
21. NxP
With the liquidation of the center Black’s game falls apart.
He might have been able to compete if he had placed his rooks
at Q l and K1 and posted his QB at QN2. But here Black has little
strength mustered in the center and nothing with which to
defend his kingside.
2 1 . .. . B-K2
22. N (4)-N 5
Now Black might try 22. . . . BxN 23. NxB P-KR3 but then 24.
NxP KxN 25. QxN would leave him helpless and a pawn down
to boot. Black’s collapse was swift now since both K2 and KR2
were vulnerable to White’s suddenly active pieces.
22. . . . N -B3 23. BxPch K -B l 24. QR-Q1 R -Q l 25. NxP!
B-K B 4 (25. . . . KxN 26. Q-Q5ch and 26. . . . K -B l 27. Q-N8
mate or 26. . . . K -B3 27. N-N5) 26. NxR RxN 27. QxRch! NxQ
28. BxB Q-N3 29. N-K5 K -N l 30. N -Q 7 Q-R3 31. RxB Q-N 4
32. N-B6ch Black resigns.

You can open lines for the enemy without offering exchanges
of pawns. The advance of a pawn will in itself close certain lines
and open others. In the following example we see Black with a
substantial positional advantage because of his superior minor
pieces, his control of the open QR-file, and the possible weakness
of White’s QP. But there is no clear way for Black to enlarge his
116 Catalog of Chess Mistakes

Averbakh-Petrosian, Tiflis 1959

W h ite to m o v e

Just as one pawn weaknesss often leads to others, one open

line can generate control of another. Here Black is ready to take
control of the eighth rank with 1. . . . R—R8, but that alone won’t
win the game for him. With 1. P-KN3 and a subsequent K-N2
White can take the sting out of his concession of his first rank.
1. P-QN3??
The tactical point of this grave concession is to play R—QR4 at
some point, exchanging off rooks and neutralizing most of Black’s
advantage. But White fails to see . . .
1 .... R-R7!
Now White’s position is ruined because he must go into con­
tortions to protect his newly opened second rank. On 2. B-K2
Black starts off with 2 .. . . NxP 3. QxN RxB.
2.Q-K1 Q-R4!
This establishes a murderous pin and prepares to exploit it
with 3. . . . B-Q7L White must try to escape by means of tactics.
3. Q-N l R-R8
4. R-N5
A queen move would permit 4. . . . QxR, and the attractive 4.
R-R4 walks into the 4 . .. . QxR desperado.
4.... Q-B6!
Positional Errors 117

White’s queen is mated, a direct result of his concession of the

vital second rank.

Failure to Blockade or Restrain

Suppose you refuse to open any good lines for the enemy’s
pieces. That doesn’t ensure against your opponent’s making a
pawn break that will open lines. It is a rare game in which a
player, especially with White, is prevented from making any
pawn break. But if you play accurately you can usually restrain
the ones that will enable your opponent to dominate the key ave­
nues of the board.
A typical method of restraint is the use of a blockader. By post­
ing a piece, ideally a knight or bishop, in front of an enemy pawn
you can mechanically stop the pawn from advancing. This is
a typical situation.

Langeweb-Sosonko, Wijk aan Zee 1975

B la ck to m ov e

White’s piece placement is fairly unambitious. His QB is doing

sentry duty on K3 rather than sitting on an aggressive square such
as KN5. But his position is solid, and no attack on White’s iso­
lated pawn is likely to succeed. Black should not ignore that
pawn, however. Even if it can’t be captured it deserves attention
because it can advance. At some later point P-Q5 would open up
several central lines for White’s pieces.
Therefore something like 1. . . . KR-Q1 is called for, followed
by . . . B-KB1 and perhaps . . . N-K2-Q4. The last maneuver
118 Catalog of Chess Mistakes

mentioned would bring Black’s QN to an excellent post from

which it stops P-Q5 and surveys such important squares as K6,
QB6, and KB5.

L... QR-B1?!
2 . Q-K2 N-KN5?
3. QR-Q1 NxB
4. QxN

Black might be content here since he has no apparent weak­

nesses and has gained the advantage of a bishop over a knight.
But he has given White time to centralize his heavy pieces and
prepare for the break that can’t be stopped. Since P-Q5 is com­
ing, Black hastens to get out of the way. Too late.

4----- Q-N l
5. P-Q5! B -B4

After 5. . . . PxP 6. NxP KR-K1 7. N-N5! Black has too many

problems on the kingside because of White’s open lines; e.g., 7.
. . . B -B l 8. Q-Q3 P-N3 9. N-B6ch or 7. . . . P-KR3 8. NxBP
KxN 9. discovered check.

6. Q-Q3 PxP
7. NxP KR-K1

On 7. . . . P-KR3 White would win with 8. N-B6ch PxN 9.

Q~N6ch using the diagonal pin. After 7. . . . KR-K1 White could
win with 8. N-N5 but he took a little longer: 8. RxRch RxR 9.
B-N 1 P -B4 10. QxP P-N3 11. Q-B6! R-KB1 12. Q -B3 N -K 4 13.
B-R2, and Black gave up in short order.

Advancing Kingside Pawns

A special case of pawn errors that don’t (a) create pawn targets
or (h) compromise your pieces and yet are among the most dam­
aging of positional mistakes is the careless advance of your king-
side pawns. A slight weakness on a queenside square may not be
worth worrying about. But a thoughtless P-KN4 or P-KB3 can
quickly bring down your whole position. The reason should be
obvious: the kings are usually found on the kingside.
Positional Errors 119

Yet such moves as P-KN4, what Siegbert Tarrasch called “the

hari-kari move,” are played all the time, even by the best of play­
ers. Sometimes we hope to open up the enemy pawn structure
with exchanges and checkmate before our own king weakness
becomes apparent Or we play such a move to restrict enemy
pieces or to obtain some other positional advantage. There are
many reasons.

Ragozln-Botvinnik, Match 1941— 1. P-K4 P~K3 2. P-Q4 P-Q4

3. N-Q 2 P-Q B4 4. K N -B3 N-Q B3 5. KPxP KPxP 6. B~N5 PxP
7. 0-0 B~Q3 8, N-N3 K N -K 2 9. QNxP P-KR3 10. B -K 3 0 -0 11.
Q-Q 2 B-KN 5 12. B -K 2 R -B l 13. QR-Q1 B -N l 14. P-KR 3 B -R4

Position a fte r 1 4 . . . . B—R 4

White’s downfall in this game comes from a purely voluntary

weakening of his kingside. He has completed his development
and looks for a plan. Suppose I play 15. NxN, he asks himself.
Then if he recaptures with a knight he loses his QP, and if he
takes with his rook I can play N—Q4 with good pressure against
the enemy QP. On the third possibility, 15. NxN PxN, I can
harass his queenside with B-Q R6 and batter his center with
15. NxN PxN
16. P-KN4?
White thinks he needs tins because on 16. B-Q R6 Black can
ruin the kingside with 16. . . . BxN. But White’s kingside is also
weakened by the text move since the QN8-KR2 diagonal can
120 Catalog of Chess Mistakes

never be blocked by P-KN3. The more modest 16. B -B 5 and

P-QB4 was called for.
1 6 .... B-N3
17. B -R 6 Q-Q 3!
Exactly. White cannot get away with such a cavalier attitude
toward his kingside. On 18. BxR B-K5 White is helpless against
19. . . . BxN and 20. . . . Q-R7ch.
18. KR-K1 B-K5!
19. Q-K2 N-N3
There was no immediate win with 19. . . . BxN 20. QxB Q-R7ch
21. K -B l, but now 20. . . . N-R5 is threatened and . . . P-KB4 is
always available. White collapsed with:
20. K -B l Q R -K l 21. N -N l P-KB4! 22. PxP N-RS! 23. Q-N4
NxP 24. P-KB3, and he resigned before Black could play 24. . . .
BxKBP 25. NxB NxBch.

A frequent delusion that lures players into weakening their

kingside is the belief that they have a monopoly on the attack.
Everyone is brave when he holds the initiative.

Golombek-Kottnauer, Prague 1946

B la ck to m ov e

Although a pawn behind Black had missed the coup de grace

earlier. Now he wants to finish the game off quickly. The correct
way is 1. . . . Q-KN8 followed by capturing the KRP and pro­
Positional Errors 121

moting Black’s advanced pawn. On 1. . . . Q-KN8 2. K-B3 Black

can play the aggressive 2. . . . P-N4, not just to open lines but to
play 3 . . . . P-N5ch.

1.... P-N4??

Tliis seems just as good as 1. . . . Q-KN8 since White dare not

take this pawn (2. PxP Q-KN8!).

2. P-Q4!

But now White’s king can escape, and it turns out that . . .
P—KN4 has made the Black king a more vulnerable target.
2. . . . Q-R8 3. K -Q 3 Q -B6ch 4. R -K 3 QxP 5. Q -K 2 R -Q l
(here 5. . . . Q -B7 6. QxQI RxQ 7. KxP P-N5 8. P-Q5 would
prove White’s pawn was faster) 6. R -K 4 Q-BS 7. Q-N4! Q-Q7ch
8. K -B 4 (and now 8, . . . P -B 7 would lose to 9. Q-K6ch K-N2 10.
Q-K7ch and 11. R-K6ch, another illustration of the evil of 1. . . .
P-N4??) 8 . . . . R-KB1 9. R -K 5 P-B7 10. RxPch Black resigns.

Another form of this error arises when a defender believes it

necessary to advance a kingside pawn to strengthen his fortress.
But each advance creates the opportunity for a new pawn break.
In the following case Black sees the threat to his KN2 after
13. R-N3. But with 13. . . . KR-Q1 and 14, . . . B -B l! Black would
establish a rock-solid kingside without compromising his pawns.
Instead, 13. . . . P-KN3 makes the P—KR5 break possible.

Schlechter-Teichmann, Nuremberg 1896— 1. P-K4 P-Q4 2.

PxP QxP 3. N-QB3 Q-QR4 4. P-Q4 P-QB3 5. N -B3 B-N 5 6.
B -K 2 N -B3 7. 0-0 P-K3 8. N -K 5 BxB 9. QxB B -K 2 10. B-N 5
0 -0 11. QR-Q1 Q -B 2 12. R-Q3 QN-Q2 13. R-N 3 P-KN3? 14.
P-KR4! K -N 2 15. P-R5 NxN (15. . . . NxP 16. QxN! PxQ 17.
BxBch K -R l 18. NxN or 17. . . . K-R3 18. B~N5ch) 16. PxN
N -N l 17. B-K3! QR-Q1 18. P-B4! N-R3 19. R -R3 N -B 4 20.
B -B 2 Q-R4 21. P-KN4! N-R3 22. K -R l R-Q 2 23. B-K3 B -B4
24. B - B l N -N l 25. Q-R2! KR-Q1 26. PxP BPxP (26. . . . RPxP
27. R-R8!) 27. RxPch K -B l 28. P-B5 Q-R3 29. R -K l Black
122 Catalog of Chess Mistakes

Permitting Pawn Majorities and Passed Pawns

About once a game the choice between two pawn recaptures
occurs. Most of the time there is one clearly superior method. If,
for example, you can capture material on your KN3 with either
your pawn at KR2 or your pawn at KB2, it is usually best to
choose the RP. In this way you move your pawn mass toward
the center where it will count more heavily.
But there are many exceptions to the capture-toward-the-
center rule. The two most important exceptions arise when you
are helping the enemy establish a passed pawn or creating a
pawn majority for him.

Tarrasch-Michel, Semmering 1926

B la ck to m ov e

White has just played 1. BxN(Q5) in order to reduce the posi­

tion to good knight vs. bad bishop. Black may not be happy
about 1. . . . KPxB 2. N—B5 which gives White control over the
K-file. But 1. . . . BPxBPP is much worse. White would have no
clear method of winning after 1. . . . KPxB. But the other capture,
although “toward the center,” creates a majority of White pawns
on the queenside. White then wins by using his passed pawn as
a threat:
2. P-QN4 R -Q l 3. R-QB1 PxP 4. NPxP Q -R 4 5. Q-B3! QxQ
6, RxQ R -B 2 7. R-N 3 B -B 3 8. P -B4 (to stop . . . P-K4) K -B l 9.
KR-N1 K -K 2 10. K -B 2 P-KR 4 11. R-N8! R(2)-Q2 12. K -N 3
Positional Errors 123

P - B 3 13. R-B8! RxR 14. NxRch K -B 2 15. R-N 3 R -B 2 16. N-Q6ch

K -N 3 17. R -K3 B-Q 2 18. P-B5ch! PxP 19. R~K7! P -B 5ch 20.
KxP, and Black resigned because the passed pawn (21. P-B6!)
will win a piece.
Strategic E rro rs

Someone once defined tactics as “wliat to do when there’s some­

thing to do.” Strategy, on the other hand, is “what to do when
there’s nothing to do.” For a good part of an average chess game
there is very little to do, at least tactically. Strategic play may
seem to be even rarer, but it forms the spine for the body of
middlegame play.
Choosing the right strategic plan is a vital chore. Too often we
take planning for granted, choosing a particular policy— attack
on the kingside, thrust in the center, etc.— because we’ve played
that way in this kind of position before. It’s when we choose a
bad plan that we take notice.
And we must choose a plan. Waiting tactics are generally to
be avoided. Few opening systems permit you to survive just by
exchanging material or “passing.”

Chukaev-Averbakh, U.S.S.R. 1959— 1. P-Q4 N-KB3 2. P-QB4

P-K3 3. N-KB3 P-Q4 4. PxP PxP 5. B-N 5 P-B3 6. Q-B2 B -K 2
7. P-K3 N -K 5 8. BxB QxB 9. N -B3 B - B 4 10. B-Q 3 N-Q2 11. 0-0
0 -0 12. N-Q2? NxN(7) 13. QxN BxB 14. QxB P-KB4! 15. N-K2
N-N3 16. Q-B3 P-N41 17. K R -K l Q R -K l 18. N-N3 N -B5 19.
N -B l Q-B3 20. P-QN3 N-Q3 21. QR-Q1 R -K 3 22. N-Q2
R(1)-K1 23. N-B3 N-B2 24. £>-@3 P-N5! 25. N-Q2 P-B5! 26.
N -B l N-N 4 27. N-Q2 P -B6 28. Q -B l Q -B 4 29. R -B l PxP 30.
QxP N-R6ch 31. K -B l RxP! and W hite resigned.
Strategic Errors 125

White didn’t seem to do anything wrong but he lost. Actually

he lost because he didn’t seem to do anything period. At move 12
he could have chosen a queenside attack with QR—N1 and
P-QN4-5, central play in preparation for P—K4, or something
else. He might have tried the queenside idea a few moves later
despite the loss of time. But by move 21 Black was winning,
slowly but surely. Black had a good plan— kingside attack—
whereas White had none.

Neglect of Center
Before you begin planning you must be secure in the center.
This is the bare minimum of strategic decision-making.
You don’t need a model center, with two or three healthy
pawns on center squares. You may not need any pawns at all in
the middle of the board. What you need is assurance that your
opponent won’t be able to dominate the center. If the center is
closed by a mass of immobile pawns you are free to indulge in
the lengthiest of maneuvers on the wings (such as on p. 178). But
if the center is partially open and you have little control over its
squares, there is no time for wing strategies.
After the opening moves 1. P-Q4 N-KB3 2. P-QB4 P-KN3 3.
N-QB3 B -N 2 4. P-K4 P-Q3 5. N-B3 0 -0 6. B-B4, White has an
ostensible superiority in the center because he has three pawns
there whereas Black has none. But Black has the potential to
fight back in the center. For example, with 6. . . . B-N5 7. B-K2
N-B3 he is ready to neutralize the center with 8. . . . BxN 9. BxB
If Black neglects the center, however, he turns the most valu­
able real estate on the board over to White; e.g., 6. . . . P-KR3?
7. Q-Q2 K -R 2 8. P-KR3 QN-Q2 9. 0 -0 -0 P-N3? 10. P-K5!
126 Catalog of Chess Mistakes

Position a fte r 10. P—K 5

White is not ready to break through in the center decisively

since a general exchange of pawns there would give Black’s
pieces back their scope. But with the assurance that he faces no
counterplay in the center, White can prepare for attack, say on
the kingside, with complete confidence.
Siegbert Tarrasch was a tum-of-the-century German master
whose teachings revolutionized chess strategy. Yet Tarrasch once
held this position as Black (vs. Bogolyubov, Karlsbad 1923) and
lost miserably after 10. . . . N-KN1 11. B-Q 3 B-N 2 12. B-K4!
BxB 13. NxB Q -B l 14. Q -B2 Q-R3 15. K -N l K~R1 16. P-KR4
QR-Q1 17. P~R5 QPxP 18. QPxP P-QN4 19. BPxP QxP 20. PxP
PxP 21. N-R4! NxP (21. . . . RxB 22. NxPch K -R2 23. N-N5 mate)
22. BxN BxB 23. NxPch K -N 2 24. NxR RxN 25. R -R 3 N -B 3 26.
R-QN3 Q-R3 27. N -B 5 Q-B3 28. R -K l Black resigns.
Tarrasch, more than anyone of his generation, knew that a
wing attack (14. . . . Q-R3, 18. . . . P-QN4) could not succeed
with an inferior center. But, having lost the battle of the center
by the 10th move, there were no good plans for him.
That game was played at a time of great controversy over the
value of pawn centers. One school of thought, the Hypermod­
erns, held that advanced pawns, even in the center, only provided
the enemy with targets. The Classicists argued that a secure
center was a source of strength, not weakness. (Tarrasch, ironi­
cally, was the foremost Classicist.)
Today we know that the vital element in the center countro-
versy is the scope of pieces. If your pawn center gives you plenty
Strategic Errors 127

of piece play, it is an advantage. If there is no pawn center to

speak of, your highest priority is controlling the pawnless squares.
For example, after 1. P-Q4 N-KB3 2. P-QB4 P-KN3 3. N-QB3
B-N 2 4. P-K4 P-Q3 S. N -B3 0-0 6. B -K 2 P-K4 7. 0 -0 N -B3 8.
B—K3 R -K l! 9. P-QS N-QS! 10. NxN PxN 11. BxP NxKP 12. BxB
KxB 13. NxN RxN, a superficial look may lead to the conclusion
that White is better.

P osition a fte r 13. . . . RxN

“After all,” White might say, “I can kick the Black rook back­
wards and then choose between attack on the weakened king-
side and advance on the queenside with P-B5.”
“Not at all,” Black would reply. “Your pieces are inferior to
mine in terms of center control, and your wing attacks therefore
won’t work. I can put my bishop on B4 and queen on B3. What
can your pieces do?”
Black is right. The position favors him slightly, whether in the
middlegame or ending (e.g., 14. B-Q 3 R -K l 15. Q~B3 Q -B3 16.
QxQch KxQ 17. KR-K1 B-Q 2 18. P-QN3? RxRch 19. RxR R -K l
20. RxR BxR 21. K -B l K-K4 22. K-K2 K-Q5 with a graphic
example of central domination extending into tire endgame).
A good example of what may happen in the middlegame if
White neglects the center is Ilivitsky-Suetin, Kiev 1954, which
went 14. R -B l? Q-B3 IS. B -B 3 R-Q5! 16. Q-N3 P-N3 17. Q-R4?
(17. KR-Q1 is best to neutralize the center) B -B 4 18. P-QN4
P -Q R 419. P-QR3 R-Q6.
Black already has a winning threat of 20. . . . RxB 21. PxR
128 Catalog of Chess Mistakes

B-R6. The finish was remarkably quick— though not that remark­
able considering Black’s tremendous centralized power.
20, B—K2 R—Q7 21. B -B 3 (21. Q -B 6 RxB! 22. QxR B~K5 and
. . . Q-N4) 2 1 . , . . Q-N 7 22, P~B5 RxBP! 23. Q -B 6 RxB! 24. QxR
R -K 6 (threatens 25 . . . R-K7 and . . . B-K5) 25. Q-Q8 R -K 7
26. Q-N 5 P-R3 27. Q-N 3 B -K 5 W hite resigns.

Playing on the W rong Side

The first decision in planning is a choice of the area of the
board on which to concentrate one’s pieces and attention. Some
rare positions offer good prospects whether you attack on the
kingside, queenside, or in the center. But in most cases there is a
good way and a bad way to play.

Taimanov-Averbakh, Moscow 1958— 1. P-Q 4 N -K B3 2.

P-Q B4 P—K3 3. N-QB3 B-N 5 4. P-B3 P-Q4 5. P-QR3 BxNch
6, PxB 0 -0 7. PxP PxP 8. P-K3 N-R4 9, N -K 2 P-K B 4 10. P-Q B4
P -B 3 11. Q-N 3 K -R l 12. K -B 2 PxP 13. QxBP N-Q 2 14. N -B3
N-N3 15. Q -B 5 B -K 3 16. R-QN1 N -B3 17. B-K 2 KN-Q4 18.
NxN BxN 19, R -Q l

Position after 19. R—Q l

White’s unusual method of bringing his king to safety has

worked out fairly well, and both sides are about to complete
their development. White will have a choice between two plans;
playing on the queenside with P -Q R 4-5 and thrusting in the
center with P-K4. But what about Black?
Strategic Errors 129

He has no effective pawn break since . . . P-KB5 will be met

by P-K4 and . . . P-Q B4 will require too much preparation.
Therefore Black will have to work with his pieces against the
pawn structure he faces right now. With that in mind it seems
unlikely he will be able to achieve anything immediate in the
center. But 19. . . . Q-Q2 followed by 20. . . . Q R -K l is still a
reasonable method of continuing.
Another possible plan is 19. . . . Q-R5ch! 20. K-N l Q R -K l
followed by . . . R -B3-R 3. Anytime you choose a kingside attack
you must determine whether you can be upset by a central coun­
terattack. But with a Black queen on KR5 and a rook on Kl,
White will not have enough power to make P-K4 effective.
The third plan, and the least effective, was:

1 9 ... . N-R5?
20. Q-B2 P-QN4
21. K - N l N-N3

Black has opted to restrain White from queenside play and to

create his own pressure there with . . . N-B5, . . . Q-K2, and
perhaps .. . P-QR4 and . . . P-N5.

22. P-K4!

But Black didn’t take this counterstroke sufficiently into con­

sideration. Black’s choice of target areas— the queenside— leads
to a massive White advance in the center.
22. . . . B -B 5 23. P-Q5! BxB 24. QxB PxKP 25. BPxP N-B5
26. B-K3! Q-K2 (Black must lose material after 26. . . . NxB 27.
QxN PxP 28. RxNP) 27. B-Q41 PxP 28. BxP KR-Q1 (or 28. . . .
Q-KP 29. QxQ PxQ 30. R-N7 R-K N l 31. B -B 3 and 32. R(l)-Q7)
29. R -K l QxKP? 30. Q-KB2!, and Black resigned because of
White’s impending doubling of rooks on the seventh rank.

Having found a good plan on the right side you can still go
wrong by concentrating entirely on it to the detriment of the
other sectors of the board. There is a dangerous tendency to
130 Catalog of Chess Mistakes

mentally divide the board into “my side” and “his side,” ignoring
developments on the opposite wing while you devote your ener­
gies to following through with the plan on “your” side.

Keene-Stein, Hastings 1967/68— 1. N-KB3 P-Q3. 2. P-B4

N -KB3 3. P-KN 3 P-KN3 4. B-N 2 B-N 2 5. 0-0 0-0 6. N-B3
P-K4 7. P-Q3 N -B 3 8. R -N l P-KR3 9. P-QN4 B -K 3 10. P-N5
N-K2 11. Q-B2?! Q-Q2

Position a fte r 11. . . . Q—Q2

White follows a policy from here on of directing his attention

to his left. He makes his first and last significant kingside step
now with 12. R -K l? preparing to meet 12. . . . B -R 6 with 13.
B -R l. White wants to keep his white-square bishop because it
is part of his antiqueenside artillery and because it protects so
many key squares around his king. Had he given more considera­
tion to Black’s side of the board, the kingside, he would have
accomplished the same goal of bishop preservation with 12.
R -Q l! and also retained the prospect of meeting a flank attack
on the king wing with P-Q4L
Yet White— “naively” as the loser put it— assumed that the
outcome of the game depended on which attack created the
greatest and quickest damage, White’s on the queenside or
Black’s on the kingside. There followed 12. . . . B—R6 13. B -R l
N-N5 14. N-Q 2 Q R -N 115. N-Q5 NxN 16. PxN.
White could also recapture on the Q5 square with a bishop,
but then Black could demonstrate that both players have a stake
on the queenside by playing 16. BxN P-Q B3 17. PxP PxP. Instead,
Strategic Errors 131

White stops . . . P-Q B3 and prepares to pound at QB7 along the

After 16. . . . P-KB4, however, Black can cover his QB2 target
with a rook and then turn all his attention to the kingside. Once
Black has established a secure queenside— taking the even-
handed approach to the middlegame that White disdained— he
can take his time on the kingside (such as with . . . P-KN4 and
. . . Q-B2-R4) or in the center (. .. P-K5).
White, a bit discouraged at this point, made some belated
efforts to watch both wings of the board (17. R-N 4 Q R -K l 18.
N -B3 N -B 3 19. P-K4— to stop 19. . . . P-K5) but ended up los­
ing because of weaknesses throughout the position: 19. . . . P-B5
20. B-QN2 N-N 5 21. R -B 4 R -K 2 22. P-R4 R(2)-B2 23. Q-K2
Q -Q l 24. R -B 2 P-KR4 25. B -B l B-R3 26. B-QN2 PxP 27. RPxP
P-R5 28. B - B l PxP 29. PxP BxB 30. R (l)xB P-R3! 31. N-R2—
the threat was . . . Q—R l-R 2ch!— NxN 32. KxN Q—N4! 33. KxB
R -R2ch 34. K -N 2 Q -R3 and W hite resigned.

Another defect of the onesided approach to planning is that

only a few pawn structures permit a player to assume proprietary
control over a wing. In most middlegames both players have at
least some chances on each side of the board and in the center.
There is competition in all sectors.

Soltis-Anderson, Phoenix 1978— 1. P-K4 P-QB4 2. N-KB3

N-QB3 3. P-Q4 PxP 4. NxP N -B3 5. N-QB3 P-K4 6. KN-N5
P-Q3 7. N-Q 5 NxN 8. PxN N -N l 9. P-QB4 P-QR3 10. N-B3
B -K 2 11. B-Q3 0-0 12. 0 -0 P-B4 13. P-B3 N-Q 2 14. B-K3

Position a fte r 14. B - K 3

132 Catalog of Chess Mistakes

This is the starting point for strategy since both players are
nearly finished with their development. White prefers to play on
the queenside, where he has a numerical majority of pawns and
an effective pawn break with P-QB5. Black's choice is more
difficult If he continues routinely (14. , . . N—B3 15. P—QN4
B-Q2 16. Q—N3 K—R1 17. QR-B1 R -B l) White will accomplish
his goal (P-B5) before Black can even hint at counterplay.
Just from hearing a description of White’s strategy you should
know that Black’s interests are likely to lie in the center and on
the kingside. He could generate some activity with 14. . . . B-N4!,
for example. That would seek an exchange of Black’s bad bishop
— a positional idea— and also advance a strategic goal (by gain­
ing space on the kingside, by weakening K6, and by permitting
Black to seize the initiative on the queenside with . . . Q-N3 once
the bishops are exchanged). Of course, White can— and should
— retreat the bishop, 15. B-KB2, but Black would have gained
space for himself with 14. . . . B-N4. He can seek kingside weak­
nesses for a later attack (15. . . . B -R 5 16. P-KN3 B--N4) or pre­
pare for play in the center with the pawn sacrifice of 15. . . .
P-K5 16. PxP P-B5! followed by . . . N-K4 and . . . B-N 5 or
. . . P-B6.
1 4 .... Q -K l? !
15. P-QN4 P-B5?
16. B -K B 2 Q -R 4
Black has chosen a bad plan. He is right to look toward the
kingside but wrong to compromise his center (giving away K5
to White’s minor pieces) and pieces (making his KB worse) in
order to threaten 17. . . . R -B 3 and 18.. .. R-R3.
His decision was prompted by a simple practical concern: he
didn’t see how W rite could possibly defend his kingside now.
White cannot cover his KR2 sufficiently (17. K -R l R -B3 18.
B-KN1 R -R 3 19. N-K4 B-R5! and 20. . . . N -B3 followed by
. . . B-N6) and cannot survive a bishop sacrifice on KR3 if he
tries to shield his king by advancing his KRP. Also, on 17. N-K4
Black can play 17. . . . N -B3 18. P -B 5 NxN 19. BxN R -B 3 with
2 0 ... . R -R 3 coming up.
17. P-B5 R -B 3
18. P-N4!
Strategic Errors 133

Black never considered such a defense, and yet it demolishes

his attack in a few moves. Black ruled it out of consideration
because he believed the kingside was his turf. Having determined
that his attack would come before White’s queenside push, Black
blinded himself to possible competition on the kingside.
18___ PxP e.p.
On 18. . . . Q-R6 White can choose between solid defense (19.
K -R l R -R3 20. B-KN1 holds now that White can defend along
his second rank) or throwing Black’s pieces into confusion (19.
P-N5 R -B 2 20. N-K4).
19. BxNP
White has purchased some room on the kingside for defense
at the cost of a slight weakening. Black’s strategy of mate on KR7
cannot succeed now (19. . . . R-R3 20. PxP B-R 5 21. Q -K l), and
his weakness in the center plus the lack of developed queenside
pieces costs him the game.
1 9 . . . . PxP 20. N -K 4 R -R3 21. P-Q6 B -R 5 (21. . . . BxP 22. NxB
RxN 23. B-B4cli) 22. B -B 4ch K -R l 23. Q-Q5! (counterattack in
the center) Q -K l 24. BxB RxB 25. PxP N -B 3 26. NxN PxN 27.
Q -B7 QxQ 28. BxQ B-Q 2 29. B-Q 5 B-B 3 30. BxB PxB 31.
QR-N1 R-QB5 32. KR-B1 RxRch 33. RxR K -N 2 34. R -N l K-N3
35. R-N 6 R-QB1P 36. RxBP! Black resigns.

Unjustified Attack
Black went in for a poor attack in this last example knowing
that it was suspicious but not being able to foresee how White
could defend himself. Most decisions to attack are made with
different attitudes. Players decide to attack— be it on the kingside
or queenside or in the center— when they feel their position war­
rants it. An experienced player will go further: “I didn’t even like
the idea of attacking. I wanted to play a quiet game today. But
the position dem anded that I attack.”
When an attack is unjustified it is usually because of (a) inade­
quate development, (b) the availability of enemy counterattack,
and (c) the absence of vulnerable targets. We’ve touched on the
first two before. The last item is tricky and goes to the heart of
134 Catalog of Chess Mistakes

aggressive play. You can’t attack if there is nothing to serve as

a target.

Drimer-Bronstein, Budapest 1961

W h ite to m ov e

Black’s king looks a trifle awkward but his pieces are otherwise
well posted. What should White do? He can complete his devel­
opment with B-K3 and R -Q l and await events. But Black would
then be able to call the tune with . . . P-QR4 and . . . P—N5.
White could organize his men for play in the center (Q-K2,
R-Q3, B-K3, and QR-Q1). This would be a better idea than
waiting but is still relatively passive. There simply isn’t any
aggressive play in the center since all the possible targets (Q6,
K5, K6) are well protected.
So White must look for a target or begin to think about going
on the defensive. An ideal way of meeting Black’s . . . P-QN5
plan is 1. P-QN4I. Although this concedes the fine QB4 square
to Black’s pieces, it threatens a queenside attack of White’s own
with P-QR4.
1. P-KR4?
But there wasn’t enough reason for continuing a kingside
attack. You might blame what now happens on the absence of
White’s QR and QB from the kingside. Or you could say White’s
collapse is due to Black’s rapid seizure of open lines for counter­
play. But the main reason for the result of this game is White’s
misjudgment of the Black king’s status. The king is actually quite
Strategic Errors 135

safe on KB2 with or without a pawn on KN4. It is not a true

Q R -K N 1

Meanwhile the White king turns out to be a target on KN1.

Black takes over the KN-fUe and quickly restricts White to his
second rank.
3. RxP P-KR 4 4. Q -K 2 R-N3 5. P -B3 R(1)-KN1 6. R-KR2
P—Q4 7. B~Q2 P-R5 8. RxP? (8. PxP PxP 9. QxP B-Q3 loses but
9. R -K l would have put up some fight) 8. . . . RxPch 9. QxR
RxQch 10. KxR P-Q5!, and White resigned shortly since if the
knight moves Black wans a piece vuth. . . QxP.

Under- and Over-Restraint

Deterring the enemy from completing his strategic plan is a
typical illustration of restraint in chess. A few deft moves can
often throw his pieces into confusion and gain you enough time
to pursue your plan uninhibited. Missing the opportunity for
restraint can doom you to wearisome defense.

Bobotsov-Gligoric, Skopje 1972

B la ck to p lay

The first task, naturally, is to identify what the enemy plan is.
Only then can you determine whether it’s worth the time or piece
energy to slow the enemy strategy down. In the diagram, Black
136 Catalog of Chess Mistakes

can be fairly certain that White— if he does anything— will

attack on the queenside. This may seem odd since his own king
is on the queenside whereas the Black king is safely placed on
the other side of the closed center. But White has a natural ad­
vantage in space on the queenside and this enables him to take
certain liberties.

1 .... Q-B2?

Black’s choice of a quiet, developing move turns out to be a

major error. It is now that he must throw a monkey wrench into
White’s queenside plans— or never. With 1. . . . P-QR4 he can
stop P-QN4 and force White to change plans. White could try
to exploit the holes at Black QN4 and QB5 as in the game on
p, 107. But Black is better prepared in this position to meet
queenside threats and can turn his attention quickly to the king-
side. ( On p. 107 Black never got the chance.)
And what would happen on the kingside? Black would do the
same thing White gets to do in the game: advance his pawns to
gain space; e.g., 1. . . . P-QR4 2. N-Q3 P-N3 3. R -Q B l K -R l
4. P-QR4 P-KN4 followed by . . . R -K N l and . . . P-N5.

2. P-QN41 N-Q2
3. N-N3

White now has a very fine game on the queenside despite any
apparent mating dangers. He will play R -Q B l and B-Q 3 before
opening lines with P-N5. If Black plays . . . P-QN4 now or later
White can occupy the holes at QR5 and QB6 with knights. The
game continued thematically.
3. . . . N-N 3 4. B-Q 3 N -B 5 5. BxN QxB 6. N -R 4 Q -B2 7.
R -Q B l Q -Q l 8. N -N 6 (notice how quickly White’s queenside
advantage becomes apparent) R -N l 9. B -B 2 BxB 19. QxB N -B3
11. F-Q R4 B-Q2 12. R -B 3 B-N 4 13. KR-QB1 B - K l 14. K-N2
N-Q 2 15. P -R 5 N -B3 16. N -B8! (a pretty move— threatening a
deadly Q-R7) P-N3 17. NxNP B-N 4 18. R -B 7 N -K l 19. R -B8
RxR 29. NxR P-N5 21. N-R7 B-Q 2 22. N -B 6 Q-N 4 23. P-N5!
RPxP 24. P -R 6 N -B3 25. P-R7 R -R l 26. R -B 2 Q-N2 27. Q-N6
N -K l 28. N(3)-R5 Black resigns.
Strategic Errors 137

The opposite side of the coin is shown in the next example.

Here White makes several errors with one move. He loses time
that is needed for the kingside attack, he puts a pawn on a
square where it can be captured, and he stops something that
didn’t need to be stopped.

Simagin-Taimanov, Moscow 1952— 1. P-QN3 P-Q4 2. B-N 2

P-QB4 3. P-K3 N-QB3 4. N-KB3 N -B3 5. B-N 5 B-Q 2 6. 0-0
P-QR3 7. BxN BxB S. P-Q3 P-K3 9. N-K5 R -B l 10. N-Q 2 B-K2
11. P-KB4 0-0

White’s pieces and pawns coordinate superbly. The time has

come to formulate a plan. White readily sees that there are no
targets on the queenside. He can choose between action in the
center (P-K4 or P-B4) and attack on the kingside (P-KN4-5 or
R—B3-R3). But he has something else to consider: Black’s plan.
Black has no immediately aggressive kingside play but can try
to neutralize pressure there with . . . N-Q2, . . . P-KB4, and . . .
B-B3. In the center Black’s only thrust would be . . . P—Q5?, a
move that makes his bishops inferior since White would lock the
area up with P-K4. For the best chance of counterplay Black
could consider . . . P-QN4 followed by . . . P-B5. This would
open lines for Black’s QR and at least one bishop. Therefore,
Black focuses on the queenside.
12. P-QR4?! B -K l
13. P-R5?
138 Catalog of Chess Mistakes

White focuses there also. But an examination of the position

shows that . . . P-QN4 is not dangerous. White has two knights
to stop . . . P-QB5, and it is hard for Black to challenge them.
If White continued 12. R -B 3 P-QN4 13. R -R 3 B -K l 14. P-KN4
or 13. R-N3 and 14. N-N4 his attack would be very strong.
White’s effort to restrain— in effect to cripple— Black’s queen­
side pawns lost time. But the damage goes beyond that,
1 3 .... K -R l
14. Q-K2 N-Q2
15. P-B4 N -N l!

White’s QRP becomes a target long before anything of Black’s.

To meet the threat of . . . P -B3 and . . . N-B3xP, White must
take drastic action. His kingside attack is too slow (15. R -B3
P-B3) and lacks punch now that Black can protect his KN2 and
KR2 with . . . P -B3 and . . . B-N3. Moreover, White can’t ignore
the loss of the QRP because he has no compensating play except
in the center. Thus:
16. PxP PxP 17. P-K4! P~~B3 IS. N(5)-B3 N-B3 19. N-R4 PxP
20. PxP N-Q5! (better than 20. . . . NxP 21. N-B5) 21. Q-N4
Q-Q2 22. P-B5 N -B 7 23. N -B4 (23. QR-B1 N-K6) NxR 24. BxN
R -Q l 25. N-N6 Q-Q6 26. N-Q 5 RxN! 27. PxB. QxQP 28. R -K l
B -Q l 29. Q-R3 K -N l 30. B -B3 (the QRP is still weak) QxNP
31. Q-K3 Q-Q4 and Black won.

Reducing T ension
When pieces come into conflict and when pawn exchanges are
possible, a degree of tension exists on the board. This tension
may benefit both players or only one of them, But once estab­
lished it won’t easily go away. To reduce tension by liquidating
the pieces that can capture one another and/or by trading off the
pawns that are in contact, you eliminate some of your options
and may do away with whatever counterplay is available.
Take the following position, reached by mutually aggressive
opening play (1. P-K4 P-QB4 2. N-QB3 N-QB3 3. P-KN3
P-KN3 4. B-N 2 B-N 2 5. N-R3 P-K3 6. 0 -0 KN-K2 7. P-Q3 0-0
8. B -K 3 P-N3 9. Q-Q2 P -Q 4 10. B-R6).
Strategic Errors 139

Taimanov—Stein, Tiflis 1966

P osition a fte r 10. B—R6

10.... P-Q5!
Black reduces the central tension with an advance rather than
a capture, but the effect is similar. Prompted by the threat of a
White attack on his king, Black establishes a solid center that
will benefit his white-squared bishop. He can assume White will
trade off Black’s bad KB. Then if Black survives the kingside
attack, he will have a good game positionally.
11. BxB KxB
12. N-K2 P-K4
13. P-KB4
White needs an open line for Ills attack and so creates a new
point of pawn tension. The advance of his KBP gives him two
middlegame options— opening up the KB-file, presumably after
R -B 2 and QR-KB1 with BPxKP, and staging an overall pawn
march with P-B5. In the current position he may be intending
an immediate 14. P—B5 so that on 14. . . . P-B3 (14. . . . B—N2??
15. P-B6ch; 14. . . . PxP 15. PxP BxP 16. RxB NxR 17. BxN) he
can continue with 15. P-KN4 and break with P-KN5 or, if 15. . ..
P-KN4, with 16. N-B2 and P-KR4.
1 3 .... P-B3
14. PxP??
But this is very bad. White gives up the option of P-KB5 and
makes an attack along the KB-file doubtful because of Black’s
140 Catalog of Chess Mistakes

ability now to cover every key square (KB3 and KB2 chiefly) that
may be attacked. The reduction in tension is mysterious. White
had no reason to fear an exchange by Black (. . . KPxBP) because
White would then recapture with his KNP and have all sorts
of play later with P-B5 or P-K5,
1 4 . .. . NxP
Black gets an excellent square for his knight and prepares to
find another with 15. . . . N—N5 and 16. . , . N-K6. This threat
gives Black time to keep White from playing N-KB4 and thereby
reduces White to his only remaining middlegame plan— opening
up the queenside with P-QN4. That this is insufficient is demon­
strated by:
15. N -B2 P-KN4! 16. P-QN4 PxP 17. QxP N(2)-B3 18. Q-N2
Q-Q3 19. QR-B1 B-K 3 20. P-B3 QR-Q1 21. K R -Q l R~B2 22.
R~~B2 PxP 23. QxBP N-Q5! 24. NxN QxN 25. QxQ RxQ 26.
K -B l P-B4! (now Black can afford to make pawn breaks because
his pieces hold the initiative from here on) 27. PxP BxBP 28.
K -K 2 N-N 5 29. R -N 2 NxP 30. K -K 3 R-QR5 31. B -K 4 BxB 32.
NxB N-N 5ch 33. K -Q 2 N~B7 34. NxN RxNch 35. K.-B3 R~R6ch
36. R-N3 R(6)xP 37. R~N5 K-N 3 38. R-Q5 R -B 4 39. R-Q6ch
R -B3 40. R -Q 7 R -KN 7 41. P-Q4 RxPch and W hite resigned.

In this instance White held a slight initiative in the opening

but erred by cutting down the options he needed to fuel the
initiative. Reducing tension is an error if you need that tension
for counterplay. Also it is bad when a simplified pawn structure
gives the enemy a winning plan. In the following example Black’s
premature resolution of the queenside tension gives White the
upper hand on that side of the board, He in turn converts his
queenside edge into a win when Black seeks new tension there.

Govedaiica-Nemet, Yugoslavia 1977— 1. P—K4 P-QB4 2.

N-KB3 P-Q3 3. P-Q4 PxP 4. QxP B~Q2 5. P-B4 N-QB3 6. Q-Q2
N-B3 7. N -B3 P-KN3 8. P-QN3 B-N 2 9. B-N 2 0 -0 10. P-KR3
Q -R 4 11. B-Q 3 P -Q R 3 12. 0 -0
Strategic Errors 141

Position a fte r 12. 0—0

12.... P -Q N 4

Black realizes that if he sits and waits, White will have a choice
between general queenside expansion (P-QR3 and P-QN4 fol­
lowed by N-Q5) and a central push (QR-Q1, KR-K1, and N-Q5).
Black’s move is justified tactically by 13. PxP PxP 14. BxP NxP
15. NxN QxB or 14. NxP QxQ 15. NxQ N-QN5.
13. K R -Q 1 PxP?

This may seem like a logical followup to 12. . . . P-QN4 but it

severely compromises Black’s game. He gains very little from
the exchange of pawns, whereas White gets an excellent square
for his bishop and makes his queenside pawns into an aggressive
force. Instead, Black should have maintained the tension with
13. . . . K R -B l 14. QR—B1 QR—N1 with reasonable prospects.
White would then have to look hard for a good way of increasing
his slight edge (15. N-Q5 NxN 16. KPxN QxQ 17. RxQ N-R4
with real pressure on QB5; 15. Q-K2 N-QN5 16. B -N l PxP; 15.
P-QR3 P-N5).
14. B x P K R -B l
15. Q R -B 1 B -K 3
16. B -Q 5 !

White maintains a sizable edge after this since a subsequent

capture (16. . . . BxB 17. PxB) would drive Black’s QN to a bad
square. The reduction of the queenside tension also permits him
to expand there (16. . . . Q R -N l 17. P~R3! Q -Q l 18. P-QN4), and
when Black later tries to create new tension it only lets White
m u...... .......... .

142 Catalog of Chess Mistakes

expand further (IS. . . . Q -B l 19. Q -K 2 B -R 3 20. R -B2 P-R4P

With a won game on the queenside White is also prepared to
strike in the center. That decides the game.
21___ N-R2 22. P-QR4 B-Q 2 23. B-N 3 N -R 4 24. N~Q5 RxR
25. QxR R -B l 26. Q-Q3 B-N 2 27. P -K 5! R -B 4 28. B-Q 4 B -B4
29. Q-K3 P-K3 (desperation) 30. RxR PxB 31. N-N6 B -R 3 32.
N-N 5 Q-K2 33. P-R4 P-BS 34. BxP Q-NS 35. NxKPl and Black
resigned in view of 36. R-Q8ch or 36. QxB.

Stifling Counterplay
This leads to the problems of counterplay. When your oppo­
nent has the initiative, you must find counterplay or doom your­
self to passivity and waiting tactics. While passivity is not always
an error, it deprives you of the activity you need to worry an
opponent. Eventually he will find a winning plan and a crucial
breakthrough— if you don’t distract him with counteiplay.
The key errors involving counteiplay are (1) shutting off your
own, (2) failing to stop the enemy’s, and (3) trying to contain
counteiplay that can’t be contained. Here is a characteristic exam­
ple of a misplayed middlegame featuring counterplay errors.

Sultan Khan—Flohr, Prague 1933— 1. P-Q4 N -KB3 2. N-KB3

P-KN 3 3. P-B4 B-N 2 4. N-B3 P-Q3 5. P-K4 0 -0 6. B~K3 QN-Q2
7. N-Q2 P-K4 8. P-Q 5 N -K l ,9. B -K 2 P-KB4 10. P-B3

Position a fte r 10. P -B 3

Strategic Errors 143

Black correctly sees his best chance for piece activity on the
kingside. But since White hasn't castled yet there is nothing to
attack. So it is time to take stock of the various paths. One is to
press on with kingside play, 10. . . . P-B5, and this is what Black
selected. A better idea is to preserve the kingside options with
10. . . . N(2)-B3, possibly followed by . . . N-R4^B5. The third
option is restraint on the queenside, the area White is most likely
to attack. 10. . . . P -B 4 is a good idea since it makes P-QN4 more
difficult for White to achieve, stops P-QB5 permanently, and
gives Black his own queenside chances with . . . P-QR3 and . . .
P-QN4. Finally, there is the trick of 10. . . . B-R3, a positional
move (intending to trade off the bad bishop) based on tactics (11.
BxB Q-R5ch and 12.. . . QxB).
1 0 . .. . P-B5?
Black commits himself to one specific kingside plan, the ad­
vance of his kingside pawns with . . . P-KN4-5, possibly sup­
ported by . . . P-KR4. Here it is too slow because there is nothing
yet to attack, Had he preserved his options— and counteiplay—
with 10. . . . QN-B3 he could meet 11. 0-0 with a now appro­
priate 11___ P-B5 (12. B -B 2 P-KN4 13. R -B l R -B2 14. P-QN4
B - B l 15. P-B5 R-N2 16. N-B4 P-N5!).
11. B -B 2 P-QR4
Black suddenly turns to the queenside to stop White’s coun­
terplay. He has probably realized by now that his kingside assault
was premature; e.g., 11. . . . P-KN4 12. P-KN4 P-KR4 13. PxP
N(2)-B3 14. P-KR4 or 12. . . . PxP e.p. 13. PxP N(2)~B3 14.
P-KN4 followed by N-KB1-N3-B51.
12. P-QR3 N (l)-B 3
13. P-QN4 P-N3?
Here’s another error involving counterplay. Black wants to stop
P-QB5, the pawn break critical to White’s queenside strategy.
But it is easy to see that White will be able to outgun Black for
control of the key square since White can prepare P-B5 with
N-N3 and R-QB1 whereas Black can only direct one more piece
(. . . Q-K2) against it.
144 Catalog of Chess Mistakes

But 13. . . . P-QN3 is worse than futile. It ensures that the in­
evitable P—B5 will open two queenside files rather than just one
because of the added pawn tension.
14. N -R 4 R -K l 15. P~B5! (now 15. . . . B - B l would give White
time to play 16. BPxNP BPxNP 17. 0 -0 followed by B-N 5-B6,
N-B4, and the addition of heavy pieces to the queenside files) 15.
. . . NPxP 16. PxBP NxBP 17. NxN PxN 18. BxP N-Q 2 19. B -B2
B-QR3 20. BxB RxB 21. Q -B2 R -R l 22. 0-0! (now it’s safe) B~B1
23. KR-B1 B-Q 3 24. N -B 4 Q-K2 25. NxB PxN 26. QR-N1 N -B l
(26. . . . KR-B1 27. QxRch RxQ 28. RxRch K -B2 29. R-N7 also
wins for White) 27. Q-B6 QR-N1 28. R-N6! RxR 29. QxR Q-Q2
30. R-B6 R -B l 31. B -K lt Black resigns.

Poor Timing
Chess is as much a matter of timing as it is of logic, calcula­
tion, or imagination. You might conclude that N-B5 is a winning
idea in a position. But that judgment may apply only to that
position now. A minute ago the position was slightly different,
and then N-B5 could have been a losing move. And it may be a
losing move again at a later point in the game.
Haste is as much a crime as slowness, especially when mak­
ing a substantial change in the status of the game. When you are
about to win material or exchange queens or make a dynamic
pawn break, it’s worth a minute’s thought to determine whether
there is any rush. If your opponent can’t do anything but shift a
knight back and forth "on the other side of the board, your game
could afford an extra tempo of preparation. Your threat (or cap­
ture or pawn-break or material gain) won’t run away.
Strategic Errors 145

Taimanov-Geller, Moscow 1955

W h ite to m ov e

Black has strong pressure on the QBP since he can meet 1.

P-N3 with 1. . . . P-Q4!. White appreciated the difficulty he was
getting into and played a seemingly random move:
1. P-KR4
On inspection it turns out that White has a real threat: 2. P-R5
and 3. P-R6! with great play for White’s QB. How does this
threat affect Black’s threat of . . . BxP? Very little. The QBP is
not going to run away. Therefore 1. . . . P—R3! would preserve
Black’s advantage; e.g., 2. P-R5 N-K2 3. P-N3 P-Q4 or 3. BxN
PxB 4. Q-N4ch K-R2 5. 0-0 Q-B4ch 6. R -B 2 Q-Q5 with strong
1 .... BxP?
Black is not being greedy: he deserves that pawn. But he is
being hasty.
2. NxB QxN
3. P-R5 QxQch
4. KxQ N-K2
5. P-R6!
Now Black has all the time in the world to meet the threat of
6. PxP KxP 7. P-KN4, but he’s no longer happy. On 5. . . . N -K l
6. QR-Q1 Black becomes tied in knots. Black actually played to
simplify with 5. . . . P—Q4 but lost eventually after 6. RPxP KxP
7. PxP NxP 8. BxN PxB 9. P-KN 4 K R -K lch 10. K -B 3 P-R3 (hop­
146 Catalog of Chess Mistakes

ing for 11. P-N5 PxP 12. PxP RxBch 13. PxR N-K5 with drawing
chances) 11. Q R -Q B l K -N 3 12. P-BSch K-N 2 13. B-Q 4 RxR 14.
RxR R -K 5 IS. R -Q l P-N4 16. P-N3 P-RS 17. P~N4 R~K1 18.
B-N 2 R-QN1 (18.. .. R -Q l 19. R -Q B l) 19. RxP.
The key element is the immediacy of threats. If you have time
to take precautions, by all means take them. If the position is
relatively quiet, if it is more “positional” than “tactical,” if there
are no tactical flashpoints between the players’, you can afford
to be cautious. But if the position is on the verge of becoming
sharp, each tempo takes on extra value.

Spassky-Lombardy, Leningrad 1960— 1. P-K4 P-QB4 2.

N -KB3 P-Q3 3. P-Q4 PxP 4. NxP N-KB3 5. N-QB3 P-QR3 6.
B-KN 5 QN-Q2 7. B-Q B4 Q-R4 8. Q-Q2 P-K3 9. 0 -0 B-K 2

Position a fte r 9 . . . . B - K 2

You couldn't say the game has been sharply played or tactical
so far. It’s still very early in the game. But both sides are begin­
ning to create threats. Black, for example, has the idea of . . .
P-N 4-5 to win the White KP or push enemy pieces backward in
defense of the pawn. He also has prospects of playing . . . P-R3!
so that the bishop cannot retreat to KR4 (. . . NxKPl) or KB4
(. . . P-K4) and must go to K3 where it will be exchanged off by
. . . N-N5.
White has his own tricks to work with. He can play 10.
QR—Q11, protecting his queen for instance. Then he can meet
10____P-R 3 11. B-R 4 NxP with 12. NxN QxQ 13. RxQ BxB 14.
NxPch K-K2 15. N(4)-B5ch! winning a pawn. And by protecting
Strategic Errors 147

his queen White also prepares to answer 10. . . . 0-0 with 11.
N-Q5! (11. . . . QxQ 12. NxBch and 13. RxQ). White might also
select 11. Q R -K l or 11. KR-K1 with tactical play in mind.
10. P-QR3?
Although this meets the threat of . . . P-N4r-N5, it wasn’t im­
mediately necessary (10. Q R -Q l P-N4 11. N-B6!). The move
misuses the natural initiative White gets by making the first
move of the game.
1 0 . .. . P-R3!
Now, since White cannot retreat to KR4 (11. B—R4 NxP 12.
NxN QxQ 13. NxQ BxB), Black takes over the initiative: 11.
B -K 3 N -K 4 12. B-R 2 Q -B 2 13. Q -K 2 (to stop 13. . . . N-B5)
Having made one slightly wasteful and overcautious move in
the opening, White now obtains a clearly inferior position by
making a hasty move. Here he sees that Black cannot play 12. . . .
N-B5 because of 13. QNxP! PxN 14. NxNP Q-B3 15. BxN. There­
fore, White decides to take advantage of the placement of Black’s
centralized knight with 14. P-B4? instead of preparing it with 15.
P-R3. The difference is 14. . . . N(4)-N5, a dangerous move be­
cause it forces the exchange of the bishop that now protects
White on the weakened black squares. (White can’t preserve the
bishop: 15. B-Q 2 Q-R2 16. Q-Q3 P-K4!).
The absence of protection on the black squares ultimately costs
White the game (15 P-R3 NxB 16. QxN 0-0 17. Q R -K l P-K4!
18. N -B5 BxN 19. PxB P-Q4— threatening to exploit the weak
squares with 20. . . . B -B4— 20. QxP B-Q3 21. Q -K 2 BxP! 22.
N -Q l Q R -K l 23. Q -B3 B-B 4ch 24. K -R l RxR 25. RxR Q-R4
26. N -B3 P-N5! 27. NxP QxB 28. NxNch PxN 29. Q -B6 Q-B5
W hite resigns), but it was his twin errors of overcaution and haste
that brought him most of the way to defeat.

Passivity, the practice of sitting on a position and waiting for
something to happen, is justified only when you are content to
draw and are worried about losing if you try to play forcefully.
148 Catalog of Chess Mistakes

The best rule of thumb is to determine the likelihood of success

of your counterplay and measure it against the severity of your
weaknesses. If you have good prospects of piece activity from
counterplay— or if your position is so life with exploitable weak­
nesses that waiting tactics are tantamount to surrender— you
must try for the initiative. If your chances for taking the initiative
are slim— especially if you are risking the creation of major new
weaknesses to get your pieces moving— then sit tight.

Kotov-Kan, Moscow 1955

B la ck to m ov e

Let’s use this rule on the position above. White has a clear
advantage in operating space but no obvious weaknesses to ex­
ploit. Given enough time White can prepare for a breakthrough
in the center (doubling rooks on the Q-file and P-Q5) or on the
queenside (doubling rooks on the QN-file followed by N -Q 2-
K4—B3 in preparation for P-QR4 and P-N5).
Black can choose between a waiting game, mixed with minor
harassment of White’s pieces, or some sort of countereffort. While
a waiting game isn’t necessarily fatal, here it is inferior since
Black can get a good game with . . . P-QR4. For example, 1. . . .
P-QR4 immediately would either force White into a premature
advance—2. PxP QxP(4) 3. KR-N1 P-N3 or 2. P~N5? QxBP—
or a loss of the initiative— 2. KR-N1 R -R l threatening 3. . . .
PxP 4. PxP QxR.
1.... P-QN3?!
2. QR-NI Q-B7?
Strategic Errors 149

Black apparently looked only for 2. .. . P-QB4 and decided that

3. QPxP PxP 4. P-N5 was too promising for White. But now was
the perfect time for 2. . . . P-QR4! since White would have to
relocate his forces to stop Black’s efforts (3. Q-N3 QxQ 4. RxQ
PxP 5. PxP R -R l controlling the only open file; 3. Q-B3 B -B3—
threatens 4. . . . P-B4— 4. Q -B l P-K4!).
Instead, Black brought his queen back to the center to antici­
pate a White breakthrough with P-Q5. But after 3. QR-B1 Q-B4
4. K R -Q l he saw that White would make steady progress unless
arrested (4. . . . N-B3 5. N-K5 K R -Q l 6. Q-K2 P-KR3 7. B-R 2
B - B l 8. R -B3 and 9. R-K3 or 9. R -B 3 with prospects of kingside
attack or a return to the queenside). Stopping P-Q5 was not
enough for equality.
Belatedly, Black played 4. . . . P-QR4 5. Q-N3 PxP 6. PxP
R -R l, and it should have been enough to keep White off balance.
Yet after 7. R—R l Black rejected the aggressive 7. . . . B—B3
(which threatens 8. . . . RxR 9. RxR P -B 4 or 8. . . . P-K4) in favor
of the passive 7. .. . N—B3?.
After 8. N—K5 Black had to concede the open file in order to
protect his QBP and quickly went downhill: 8. . . . RxR 9. RxR
Q-K5 (9. . . . R-QB1 10. R-R7) 10. Q-QB3 R-QB1 11. K -R2
Q -K 7 12. R -R 7 N -K 5 13. Q-R3 N-Q 7 14. R~R8! RxR 15. QxRch
B - B l 16. N-Q 7 P~R3 17. QxBch K -R 2 18. QxP Black resigns.

Giving Him aW inning Plan

The greatest danger of making a bid for counterplay is realized
when your opponent uses the open lines you establish to create a
winning plan. Sometimes a static position requires static play.
In merely protecting your weak points and letting your opponent
do his worst, you must be sure his worst will not be too bad. But
if the position is defensible and counteiplay is scarce, don’t upset
the standoff.
150 Catalog of Chess Mistakes

Steinitz—Tchigorin, Match 1892

W h ite to m ov e

White has a substantial edge in space and has protected his

only weak point, his QRP. Yet it is not at all clear how White will
make his advantage felt. With 1. B-R4, taking aim at the QBP,
Black can play 1. . . . RxR 2. QxR and then “pass” with a noncom­
mittal move like 2. . . . K-K2. If White plays 3. N-N4 Black can
cover his targets with 3 .. . . N -N l.
1, R-NG!
This is a fine way of maximizing White’s advantage. He uses
his rook on the best available square and prepares to attack the
QBP with two minor pieces.
1 .... NxR?
In a bad position, grabbing material has a great attraction.
Here, however, the exchange gives White the path to victory he
needs. Without a knight Black’s position cannot withstand the
threat of a penetration by White pieces or the advance of the
passed pawn just created. On the other hand, 1. . . . B—N2! would
have put the onus back on White, who would then have to find
a new winning idea without permitting . . . NxR at a later point
when it might be effective.
2, BPxN
Now on 2. . , . Q-K2 3. N-K5ch K -K I White brings his pieces
to bear with 4. B-N 4 Q~N2 5. B-R5ch P-N3 6. NxNP PxN 7.
BxPch K™Q2 8. B-B8!, a pretty position. And on 3. . . . K -N l
Strategic Errors 151

White can enter a winning ending with 4. QxQ BxQ 5. NxP

R-N2 6. B-K2 R-Q2 7. N-N8.
Black tried 2 .. . . Q-N2 3. N-KSch K -N l but was overwhelmed
by 4. B -R 4 Q-K2 (4. . .. B-Q2 5. Q-Q6!) 5. B-N 4 Q-B3 6. Q-B3I
P-R3 7. B-QG (7.. .. R -R l 8. QxP).
Your Attitude Is Your E r r o r

Ask an average player why he (or she) lost their last game and
the answer will probably be something like: “Well, because after
24. . . . BxR he had 25. P—B7ch” or “ Because I lost a piece after
14. P-N4 RxB,” and so on. In other words they see their loss in
basically tactical terms and express it by citing specific moves.
While each game is different in a tactical sense, some players
make the same mistakes— errors of attitude— over and Over. They
are addicted to a damaging state of mind when they get to a
critical stage in the game, and this poisons their play. When
asked to explain their loss, they see only the (tactical) trees not
the overall forest. How would you as a chess pathologist explain
Black’s demise in this game?

D. Brown-Kramer, Philadelphia 1976—1. P-KB3!? P~K4 2.

K-B2I? B~~B4ch 3. P-K 3 P-Q 4 4. P-KR 4 P-Q 5 5, B -K 2 N -KB3
6, P-QR3 N -B3 7. P-QN4 B-N 3 8. P-N 5 N~K2 9. P-R4 P-K5
10. P-KB4 Q-Q3 11. P-KN3 N(3)-Q4 12. N-QR3 N -B4

Your Attitude Is Your Error 153

P osition a fte r 1 2 . . . .N—B 4

13. N -B4 Q -KR3 14. NxB QxN 15. P-QR5 Q -K B3 16. QR-R3
0 -0 17. P-N 4 N -Q 3 18. K -N 3 B-Q 2 19. B-N 2 Q -K 2 20. Q -R l
N -B 3 21. BxQP N(B)-K1 22. P-R5 P-KR3 23. P -B4 Q -K 3 24.
Q -B3 QR-B1 25. P -K B 5 Q -K 2 26. BxRP NxBPch 27. PxN
Q-N4ch 28. K -B 2 QxBPch 29. K -K l Q-N 4 30. N~R3 BxN 31.
RxB Q-N7 32. B -B l Q-N 5 33. B-Q 4 P-KB4 34. B -K 5 P -B 5 25.
PxP R~B2 36. P-B5 R -B 4 37. R-KN3 Q-R5 38. B-R 3 Black for­
feited on time.

You could say simply that Black lost because he failed to make
the required number of moves in his alloted time. Or you could
point out strategic errors (failing to restrain White with 6. . . .
P-QR4 or 11. . . . P-KR4) or tactical mistakes (walking into a
pin after 18. . . . B-Q2, failing to liquidate die tension with 20.
. . . NxP). But one can’t avoid the feeling that Black lost because
he never took the game seriously.
How can you worry about a game in which your opponent’s
first moves are 1. P-KB3, 2. K-B2, 3. P~~K3, and 4. P-KR4? One
can readily imagine Black’s self-assurance and his confidence that
his position would win by itself. Yet White’s moves, while weak­
ening, are very difficult to exploit when the center remains closed.
(The first pawn to leave the board is the QP Black lost at move
21!) Of course, White never stood well in the opening stages of
the game. But Black never appreciated that his opponent still
had to be beaten.
This fatal sense of security is one of several dangerous errors
of attitude. Few players are objective enough to realize that the
154 Catalog of Chess Mistakes

key to their failure in a particular game was something as in­

tangible as an attitude. They would rather blame a specific move
overlooked or variation miscalculated.
Besides over-optimism, the most important mistakes of attitude
are trying for too much, inability to adjust to a change of for­
tunes, letting down, credulousness, vacillation (and its opposite,
monomania), dogmatism, and drawmindedness.

Trying For Too Much

One of the important lessons of chess is very simple yet con­
stantly forgotten: you can’t get more out of a position than the
position offers. If an objective analysis of the placement of pieces
suggests that you have only a slight advantage, don’t expect to
win in a few moves. If the position is dead even, you can’t avoid
all the drawish continuations without risking a loss. And if you
have an inferior position with little chance of successful coun­
terattack, it doesn’t pay to go all out for dynamic piece play.
Of course, if you don’t even attempt an objective analysis—
as Black probably didn’t in the early part of the previous game—
you have nothing to anchor your optimism on. Without constant
evaluation of your chances, you’ll always be looking for the
home run when only a single is justified.

Matanovic-Petrosian, Kiev 1959— 1. P-K4 P-QB3 2. N-QB3

P-Q4 3, P-Q4 PxP 4. NxP N-Q2 5. N-KB3 KN-B3 6. NxNch
NxN 7. B-Q B4 B -B 4 8. Q -K 2 P-K3 9. B-K N 5 B -K 3 10. 0 -0 -0
B-KN 5 11. P-KR3 BxN 12. QxB N-Q4 13. BxB QxB 14. KR-K1
0-0 15. K -N l Q R -Q l 16. B-N 3 Q-B3
Your Attitude Is Your Error 155

P osition a fte r 16. . . . Q -B 3

White has reason to be slightly optimistic about his chances

here. It’s true he has a lead in development, the more active
rooks, and the advantage of a bishop over a knight. But White
has no real targets and has a potential weakness of his own, his
QP. To win in the middlegame would require considerable help
from Black. Objectively, then, White has no reason to expect a
significant advantage for many moves and should content himself
to play solidly in order perhaps to win in the endgame.

17. Q-K2?! R-Q2

18. P-QB3 P-QN4
19. P-N3 KR-Q1
20. P-KB4? P-N5!

To avoid the drawish prospects of the endgame, White has

thrown himself into a dubious adventure. Black’s attack on the
QP forced White’s P-QB3, a move that walks into . . „P-QN4-5.
Now on 21. P -B4 Black would retreat his knight to K2 or B2
with strong pressure in the center (22. Q-Q2 P-B4).
Tliis should be a hint to White: he needs to reexamine his
future prospects. If Black can force open the position around
the White king, something is wrong about White’s middlegame
strategy. Therefore, White should conclude, it’s time to bail out
of die middlegame with 21. BxN! and 22. PxP, leading to a draw­
ish ending.

21. Q-B3? PxP

22. PxP P-B4!
156 Catalog of Chess Mistakes

Now it is too late to secure a drawish game (23. BxN RxB 24.
PxP R-N lch! 25. K -R l RxP puts White’s king in jeopardy). In
the remaining stage of the game White paid the price for his
earlier overoptimism.
23. R~K5 PxP 24. BxN RxB 25. RxR PxR! 26. RxP P-KR3! 27.
P-N4 (27. RxP R -N lch 28. K-B2 Q-QN3I) 27. . . . Q-K2 28.
Q -B2 R -N lch 29. K -R I Q-R6 30. Q -B2 R -K l 31. R-N 4 P-Q5!
32. RxP R~K8ch 33. R -Q l RxRch 34. QxR QxBPch 35. K -N l QxP
36. P-R4 P-KR4! 37. PxP Q -B4ch 38. K -N 2 QxBP 39. K-N 3
Q -B4 40. K -B 4 K -R 2 and White sealed 41. Q-Q2 but resigned in
view of Black’s quickly advancing extra kingside pawns.

When you have a superior or simply more aggressive (but not

necessarily superior) game, there is just as much need to evalu­
ate rigorously.

Sydor-Gipslis, Lublin 1969— 1. P-K4 P-Q B4 2. N-KB3 P-K3

3. P-Q4 PxP 4. NxP P-QR3 5. N-Q 2 N -K B3 6. P-K5 N-Q4 7.
B-Q3 Q -B 2 8. 0-0!? QxKP 9. N-B5! Q -B2 10. R -K l N-K2! 11.
Q -B3 NxN 12. BxN N -B3 13. B-Q 3 B -K 2 14. N -K 4 0 -0 15.
B -K B 4 Q -Q l 16. N-Q6 P-B4

Position a fte r 16. . . . P—B 4

White’s gambit of a center pawn has given him promising

compensation in terms of a temporary lead in development and a
long-range restriction of Black’s pieces. As long as White’s knight
remains on Q6, Black’s queenside pieces will be spectators. And
Your Attitude Is Your Error 157

if Black plays . . . BxN, he gives White terrific play on the weak­

ened black squares.
But the nature of White’s compensation is gradual pressure
not the opportunity of a quick knockout. With 17. QR-Q1! it’s
easy to see his play (17___ P-QN4 18. P-Q B4 or 17____ N-N5
18. BxBP! PxB 19. Q-N3ch). But White mistakenly concludes
that his compensation is so temporary— or that his opponent’s
confinement is so permanent— that he should play for a mate in
the middlegame.
17. P-KN4? N-N5!
White’s last thrust had some good points (17. . . . PxP would
permit 18. QxP R -B3 19. Q R -Q l Q -B l 20. B-N3 with strong
pressure). But it is out of harmony with White’s positional
strengths in the center. There should be some way for Black to
exploit this, and he does it by taking the initiative on the king-
side. Now on 18. PxP NxB 19. QxN BxN 20. BxB RxP Black has
a nice advantage until 21. . . . P-QN4, 21. . . . R-Q4, or 21. . . .
18. BxP
White justifies this sham sacrifice with 18. . . . PxB 19. Q-N3ch.
But with P-KN4 White’s kingside turns out to be weaker than
1 8 . .. . N-Q4!
19. B-K5! P-KN3
20. Q-N2 B-B3!
Not 20___ KPxB 21. QxNch or 20____ NPxB 21. PxPch B-N4
22. P-KR4. Black’s accurate play permits him to post a spectacu­
lar knight on KB5 and begin a powerful attack along the KB-file.
The game already appears to be turning into Black’s favor, and
this was confirmed by.
21. B-Q 3 BxB 22. BxB N -B 5 23. Q -K 4 Q-N3! 24. NxB (24.
N -B4 N-R6ch) QRxN 25. R-KB1 QxNP 26. P-QR4 R -K B2 27.
Q -K l QR-B1 28. R-K3 Q-Q5 29. B-K 4 QxP 30. BxQNP P-Q4
31. R-QN3 P-QR4 32. Q -K 5 Q -B5 33. R -K l QxP 34. QR-K3 RxB
and Black toon.
158 Catalog of Chess Mistakes

Change of Fortunes
Chessplayers like to think their better games have a consistent
or singleminded “flow”: there are no sharp changes in the initia­
tive. The player on the attack tends to remain that way for most
of the struggle.
But most games don’t have this “flow.” The advantage or
initiative changes hands once, twice, or more. When the status
quo is upset like this, both players must reevaluate their prospects
and alter their attitudes to keep in tune with the position.

Kholmov-Gurgendize, Moscow 1957

B la c k to m ov e

Here, for example, White has been pressing his positional

advantage on the queenside for several moves. He foresees no
impediment to steady progress— continuing the “flow”— in the
next half dozen moves. The game continued;

1. R-R4

But the game has taken a sharp turn as Black begins an attack
on White’s KR2. White was ready to meet 4. . . . Q-R5 with 5.
P-KR3, but after 4. . . . P-K4 he should figure out how much
danger he is in.
Your Attitude Is Your Error 159

The position calls for concrete defensive thinking now— quite

different from the optimistic positional play White was prepar­
ing a short while ago. Black can meet P-KR3 at some future point
with a bishop sacrifice on KR6. How then will White defend the
kingside? A tough reappraisal would show White that 5. R-Q6
is best; e.g., 5. . . . Q-R5 6. R-KN6 (attack and defense) QxPch
7. K-B2.
5. R-Q5? Q-R5
White probably took the Black attack so lightly that he felt
it could be blunted by 6. P-KR3. But that loses to 6. . . . BxP 7.
R(5)xP B -B 4 (7. .. . BxP 8. RxR!) 8. R-K8 and now 8. .. . Q-R8ch
9. K-B2 R—R7! 10. RxRch K-R2H Again, we could blame this
turn of events on White’s failure to notice a tactical flaw (the
rook sacrifice with 10. . . . K-R2). This isn’t the only flaw. White
is also guilty of “believing” his opponent. On 6. P-KR3 BxP 7.
PxB! there is no mate and White wins. But this sloppy calculation
had a broader reason: White didn’t understand how serious the
situation had become since the last diagram, and he didn’t look
hard enough.
6. R (2) xP QxPch
7. K -B l Q-R8ch
8. K-B2 R-R7
9. R-KN5!?
This is desperation pure and simple. At the cost of a rook
White beats off the attack and gets to threaten mate in one. Once
again the attack changes hands— this time from Black to White.
But this time it should be easily squelched— provided Black is
mentally prepared for the new change in chances.
9----- PxR
10. RxP RxPch??
But Black is unprepared. Were he to return to the defense with
10. . . . R—R2 (meeting 11. QxP mate and threatening 11. . . .
Q-R5ch), White could safely resign, But influenced partly by
time and pressure and partly by the momentum (“flow”) of the
last few moves, he looks for and plays an attacking move.
160 Catalog of Chess Mistakes

11. RxR Q-R5ch

Here Black realized he had no more than a jjeipetual check

and he agreed to a draw.

Letting Down
A similar change in attitude often occurs during a hard-fought
skirmish. After several moves requiring exact calculation, bold­
ness, and imagination, the tension is eased. The new position
may require a different style of play— defensive rather than ag­
gressive, or technical rather than speculative.
The drama is temporarily over at this point, but difficult moves
remain to be found. The cardinal error is to relax. Relaxing is
fine if your opponent is reduced to total passivity. But such posi­
tions rarely occur. You must remain alert.

Korchnoi-Karpov, Match 1978

B la ck to play

In tliis promising position from the world championship match,

White foresees a strong central attack with P-KB4 or R-K2 and
QR-K1. Both ideas prepare for P-K5, a move Black should worry

1 .... P-QB3!

This strange move seems to open up the center for White. Yet
it gives Black good counterplay once White’s threats are neutral­
ized. For the next few moves White’s threats are the center of
Y our Attitude Is Your Error 161

attention, and because of this, White feels himself in command

of the board.

2. P-K5 BPxP
3. BxQP QR-Q1!
4. Q-B4! Q -B l!
5. Q-B3?!

With this move White begins to run out of steam. He lets down
slightly, perhaps thinking that he still has the upper hand.

5 .... PxP
6. BxKP B-KN5!
7. QxB QRxB
8. B-B3 KR-Q1
9. K-N2 B-Q5!

Earlier White could have anticipated all the coming trouble

with 5. QR-Q1. He appears to be still waiting for something to
happen on the kingside, where he once held prospects of attack.

10. QR-B1 P-KN3

11. Q-K2?

After this White is headed for a loss. Again he could have

anticipated danger with 11. KR-Q1, which forces a series of
exchanges that should ensure a draw. After 11. . . . Q-Q3! Black
monopolized the Q-file with heavy pieces and eventually forced
a winning endgame with 12. BxB RxB 13. Q-N5?! R-Q N 5 14.
R -K 8ch K -N 2 15. RxR QxR 16. Q -K 2 Q-Q4ch. White never
revived from his middlegame, postcrisis letdown.

A more spectacular example of the Letdown spoiled one of the

brilliancies of the turn of the century. In this case the fault can't
be placed on White’s failure to reassess the position after the
initial fireworks were over. He correctly continued at that point
to play for a win. The fault was White’s failure to look for more

Janowski-Pillsbury, Nuremberg 1S96— 1. P -K 4 P-K 4 2. N-KB3

N-QB3 3. B-N 5 N -B3 4. 0-0 NxP 5. R~K1 N-Q3 6. NxP B -K 2
162 Catalog of Chess Mistakes

7. B-Q 3 N-N5? 8. B - B l 0 -0 9. N-QB3 N -B 4 10. P-QR3 N-B3

11. N-QS B -B 4 12. N-Q3 B-Q 3 13. Q-N 4 KN-QS 14. P-QN41
P -B 4 15. Q-R5H NxBP 16. B-N 2 NxQR 17. BxN N -K 2 18.
N(3)-B4 P -B3 19. RxN! QxR (19___ BxR 20. B-B4!) 20. NxQch

P osition a fte r 2 0 . , . . BxN

White has a substantial material advantage thanks to an

imaginative attack, and it takes several second- and third-best
moves to permit Black to draw. Often the Letdown comes when
a player fails to crown his tactical success with technical or
strategic accuracy. Here White relaxes in a different way. He
begins by failing to find the tactical win with 21. B-B4ch P-Q4
(21. . . . K -R l 22. N-N6 mate) 22. NxP PxN 23. BxPch K -R l 24.
B-B7! followed by B-N6.
The game proceeded: 21. Q-R3P P-Q4 22. N-R5 P-KN 3 23.
Q-Q B3 K -B2! 24. Q-N 7ch K~K1. White got a second chance to
deliver the tactical coup de grace, this time with 25. B-B6!; e.g.,
25. . . . R -B 2 26. Q~N8ch R -B l 27. N-N7ch K -Q l 28. QxRch
or 25. . . . B-Q 3 26. B-K2! followed by scooping up the king-
side pawns with his queen.
White chose another forcing line, 25. N -B6ch? BxN 26. BxB,
but after 26. .. . R—B2 27. Q—N8ch R—B l he could escape a repe­
tition of moves (Black’s rook constantly attacking White’s queen
as it shifts from KN7 to KN8) with 28. QxRP RxB. It took a few
more errors by White, but eventually the game ended with a
Y out Attitude Is Y our Error 163

“Believing Him.”
A virtual prerequisite to effective calculation is a degree of
confidence in your own ability. Say you count out a sequence
and come to the conclusion that the final position is in your favor.
You can still undo all this mental effort by second-guessing your­
self and playing a different line because you don’t trust your own
mind. Even the most hard-headed of players are guilty of this
fault from time to time.
But there is something worse than excessively questioning your
own play— not questioning your opponent’s. “Nobody bluffs in
chess,” you might assume. “Therefore, there must be a reason for
that last move of his. It looks bad, but he mast have something
there.” So you end up believing him and disdaining the effort to
refute his last move. (Usually you find out painfully in the post­
mortem analysis how wrong you were. “What would you have
done if I had played . . . ?” you ask, only to discover that his own
analysis was all wrong and that your line of play would have put
the game out of reach.)

Saidy-Commons, Eagle Rock 1974

Black to move

In this situation White’s king is a bit uncomfortable but very

hard to embarrass. Actually it is quite safe around the center
pawn phalanx, and White’s other pieces have just as much oppor­
tunity as Black’s. For example, I. . . . R -B 3 2. Q-Q7 R(1)-KB1
can be met effectively by 3. R-N7. Meanwhile, White is prepar­
ing to play R~N7, P-B4, or R-Q RI.
164 Catalog of Chess Mistakes

For no other reason than desperation and a mutual shortage

of time, Black played:

1.... R x P !? ?

Black might be bluffing. Or he could have miscalculated. Or

he might simply be trying the best practical chance in a lost
position. White can’t be sure what is behind 1. . . . RxP. But he
should make the effort. Had he done so, he surely would have
seized the rook and won since 2. KxR! QxP, for example, can be
met by 3. R-N8, 3. P~Q4, 3. N-N6ch K-R2 4. K-N3, or some
other safe line. But White had more faith in his opponent than in
his own position or his own calculations.

2. P -B 4 ? ? R -B 3

And now White is really in trouble. There might follow 3.

Q -B7 RxNch 4. QxR R-K3, for example. The game actually
went 3. Q -B 7 RxNch 4. K -Q 4 RxKP 5. R-N 8ch K -R 2 6. R -K N l
R -KN 7 7. RxR QxR 8. PxB PxP, but the future was already cer­
tain. Black won.

For another case, take Landau-Ozols, Kemeri 1937, which

began with 1. P-Q4 N -K B3 2. P-QB4 P-K3 3, N-Q B3 B-N 5 4.
P-K3 P~~B4 5, K N -K 2 N -B 3 6. P-QR3 BxNch 7. NxB PxP 8. PxP
P-Q4 9. P -B5 0 -0 10. B -K 2 P-K4! 11. PxP NxP 12. B-KN5P
P-Q5! 13. N -K 4 Q-Q4! 14. NxNch? PxN 15. BxP QxNP 16. QxP.
White’s last move is the most dangerous try in a rapidly declining
position. But is the sacrifice of two rooks sound?
Black evidently thought so. His next move was a double mis­
take. The first and most important error was failing to grab while
the grabbing was good: 16. . . . QxRchl 17. K-Q2 QxR, and Black
would prosper after 18. QxN Q-KN8! (meeting the 19. Q-N5
mate threat) 19. B-Q 3 QxPch 20. K -B3 P-KR3 (meeting the 21.
BxPch KxB 22. Q-R5ch threat) 21. B -R 8 Q-N7. Even a neutral
defensive move like 16. . . . N-N3 would have been a very bad
mistake. But it was doubly bad because the move chosen, 16. . . .
N-B3P?, walked into a favorable liquidation: 17. Q-Q5! Q-N3
(17. . . . QxQ 18. R -N lch mates) 18. Q-N5, and White won be­
cause of his extra pawn and Black’s weakened kingside.
Your Attitude Is Your Error 165

Finally, there is an even more embarrassing kind of error. In­

stead of believing their opponent (and not trusting themselves)
players believe third parties. I’ve known players to resign in
drawable positions or offer draws in superior games because of
the looks on the faces of spectators watching their games(!). And
this remarkable position once decided a British woman’s cham­

Black sealed 1. . . . Q—B4ch and prepared to see at her home

analysis board whether there was any hope of a win. But the
spectators scoffed at this, thinking that the position was dead
drawn. The weight of authority in favor of a draw was too much
for Black, who agreed to a half point without continuing.
Yet the position is dead icon: 2. K -R 6 Q~R6ch 3. K -N 7
Q-N 5ch 4. K -R 6 Q -R 5ch 5. K -N 7 Q-N4ch 6. K -R 7 K-B2!, and
Black must move her queen away permitting a mate. Moral:
Trust yourself.

Vacillation and Monomania

Anyone who, as a child, was confused by contradictory maxims
(“Haste makes waste” and “Look before you leap5’ versus “He
who hesitates is lost”) would be equally baffled by many bits of
chess advice. For every rule, admonition, and guideline there
seems to be a contrary rule. For every evil to be avoided there is
an opposite evil.
Don’t grab pawns says one authoritative adage. But don’t pass
166 Catalog of Chess Mistakes

up free material says another. Counterplay is vital, according to

one bit of advice. But breaking out of passivity to gain counter­
play is frequently folly. And so on.
Tn terms of the logical order of chess thought there is another
twin set of dangers; monomania— concentrating oil one idea to
the detriment of others— and vacillation— straying back and forth
from one plan to another. We’ve already said that you must
recognize changes in fortune and alter your plans and tactical
ideas. But mindless changes in planning, attitude, or tactics are
also fatal.
An example of monomania is the Magnificent Obsession. Often
a grand idea takes hold of a players imagination as if it had
burrowed into the brain like a gopher. Nothing will root it out.
You might convince yourself that a particular line of tactical play
fails at this moment. But for the rest of the game it keeps popping
up in your thoughts. Mikhail Tal blamed such a monomaniacal
gopher for his loss to Alexei Suetin in the 1977 tournament at the
Black Sea resort of Sochi (It began with 1. P-K 4 P-K4 2. N-KB3
N -K B3 3. NxP P-Q3 4. N -K B3 NxP 5. P-Q4 P-Q4 6, B-Q3 B-K2
7, 0 -0 N-QB3 8. P-B4 N -B3 9. N -B3 0 -0 10. R -K l PxP 11. BxP
B-KN 5 12. B -K 3 N-Q R4 13. B-Q 3 R -K l 14. P-KR3 B-R4 15.
P-R3 P-QR3 16. P-Q5 P-B4! 17, B-KN 5 P-N4.)

Position a fte r 1 7 . . , . P -N 4

“Farther back I had thought that 17. . . . P—N4 was impossi­

ble,” Tal explained, “and I was all set to play 18. P-Q6 QxP 19.
BxN, and now Black would lose if he captured with either the
Your Attitude Is Your Error 167

queen (19. . . . QxB 20. N-Q5 Q-Q3 21. NxBch RxN 22. BxPch! |
KxB 23. QxQ) or tlie bishop (19. . . . BxB 20. BxPch). |
“But after 19. . . . PxB! I would have nothing to show. For |
about forty minutes I twisted this position around in my mind and 1
tried 19. N-K4 (after IS. P-Q 6 QxP), but nothing came of that f
either.” 1
Meanwhile White’s time was being exhausted, and he had to 1
come to terms with the attack on his QP. Tal continued his search f
for a tactical method of advancing the pawn. I

18. R-K5 B-N3 1

19. BxB 1

“The planned advance of the QP was an obsession, and instead

of continuing 19. N-KR4 White sacrificed a pawn,” Tal recalled. 1
The variations might have run something like 19. N-KR4 BxB
20. QxB N-B5 21. R -K 2 NxQP 22. Q R -K l! N-B5! 23. QxQ
NxRch 24. RxN QRxQ 25. BxB R-Q7 with a roughly balanced
ending. Tal wanted more.

1 9 . .. . RPxB
20. P-Q6? QxP

Not 20. . . . BxP 21. RxRcli winning a piece. Tabs idea behind
P-Q6 was to create a pin on the K-file. But if he had played the
immediate 20. Q-K2 Black could have liquidated the pressure
with 20. . .. B-Q 3 and stood well.

21. Q-K2 N-B5!

22. N-K4 Q -Q l
23. R -Q l NxR!

This permits Black to demonstrate why two rooks are often

superior to a queen: 24. RxQ NxNch 25. QxN QRxR 26. BxN BxB
27. NxBch PxN 28. QxP R-Q 7! 29. QxRP RxNP 30. Q-QB6
R -K8ch 31. K -R 2 R (K)-K7 32. P-N 4 (or 32. QxBP RxP 33. Q-Q5
RxPcli with a won king-and-pawn ending) 32. . . . P -B5 33. K-N 3
R-N6ch 34. K -R 4 RxBP 35. K -N 5 RrKRP 36. P-R4 P-B6! (the
last trap was 36. . . . PxP 37. Q-K8ch K-N2 38. QxPch! with a
stalemate) 37. PxP P -B7 and W hite resigned.
168 Catalog of Chess M is ta k e s

The computers are the only chessplayers who don’t have to

worry about monomania. Every time a chess-programmed ma­
chine looks at a position it is as if it were the first time. The
pieces have no memories— and neither does the computer that
moves them. The “thoughts” a machine was weighing when con­
sidering its last move are now ancient history. One result can be

This position, cited by David Levy in his excellent work, Chess

and Computers, illustrates the hazard of spontaneous thought. It
occurred in a computers-only event, and the program playing
White was obviously winning. White could have mated in one
move with either 1. B -B 4 or 1. Q-N2. Or he (“it”) could have
mated in two moves with any number of noncommittal first
moves. But this particular program could not place a higher value
on a one-move mate than on a two-move mate. All mates were
created equal, it thought. So:

1. K -B l?

This is no worse than any other move (aside from 1. B -B 4 or 1.

Q-N2 mate) since White retains the possibility of mate next

1 . . . . P-KB4
2. K-B2?
Your Attitude Is Your Error 169

Again, not a bad move in the sense that mate is still available
next time around. But you can already get the picture. Play con­
2,... P -B 5
3. K - B l? P -N 5
4. K - B 2 ? P -B 6
5. K..lil PxP
6. K - B 2 ? ? P x B —Q
7. K - B l ? ? ?
Each time the computer played a king move it had “forgotten”
the available mate and had chosen a neutral move which pre­
served a mate on the following move. (This was just as good as
an immediate mate in this computer s thinking.) But here it makes
an incredible error, overlooking a check.
7.... QxBch
And Black eventually won.

Humans show a different set of vacillation problems. They

might seem to forget their previous moves and thinking when
considering a tactical idea.

Polugaevsky-Averbakh, Moscow 1956

W h ite to m ov e

White has a spirited attack brewing but he must be careful. On

1. BxP?? for example, Black wins with 1. . . . R-B7!. White found
an ingenious winning alternative.
170 Catalog of Chess Mistakes

1. P-B6!
Now on 1. . . . R -B 7 White wins witli 2. P-B7ch, Furthermore,
he can meet 1. . . . PxP with 2. N-B5; e.g., 2. . . . R -B 7 3, RxB
RxB 4. Q-N3ch or 2. . . . R-KN5 3. RxB RxR 4. QxRch QxQ 5.
L ... NxP
2, BxP??
It’s as if White, like the computer, never saw this position or a
similar one before. The thinking beliind 1. P—B6 had to be the
evacuation of KB5 for a knight. White would have capped a
neat victory had he continued 2. N—B5; for example, (a) 2. . . .
Q-Q2 3. BxP R -B 7 4, RxB NxN 5. N-R6ch! PxN 6. Q-N3ch; (h)
2. . . . R—B7 3. Q—N3 (so that 3. . . . RxPeh 4. QxR BxQ is met by
5. RxQch) 3__R -B 2 4. BxP R-Q2 5. BxN QxB 6. N-R6ch! QxN
7. Q-N8ch; or (c) 2 . . . . R-KN5 3. N-K3H R-Q5I 4. NxB R(Q)xN
5. B~R3 R -R 4 6. B-N 4 (analysis by Aronin).
White might not have foreseen all possibilities when he
played 1. P-B6, but surely he must have planned to play 2. N-B5
when he pushed the KBP. What happens now is hideous.
2.... R~B7!
The only difference between this position and the one follow­
ing 1. BxP R -B7 in the last diagram is White’s opportunity to
play 3. BxN here, hoping for 3. , . . PxB 4. N-K4!. But Black was
3. BxN RxPeh 4. K -R l R~Q7ch! (so that White can’t capture the
bishop with a rook or play 5. K -N l BxQ 6. BxQ BxR) 5. N-K4
RxR 6. RxR Q -K ll 7. Q-N3 QxNch 8. K -R l Q -R8ch, and White
conceded in view of 9. K -B2 R-B7ch 10. K-K3 Q-K5 mate.

This was tactical vacillation. Strategic vacillation is no better.

It may not be punished as quickly but it costs vital time..
Your Attitude Is Your Error 171

Schmidt—Mariotti, Nice 1974

W h ite to m ov e

White has a pleasant position in view of his opponent’s lag­

gard development and bad bishop. But such advantages are
difficult to exploit in a blocked position. White must choose a
It isn’t as easy as it looks. He could try 1. P -B 5 and force open
the queenside with P-Q B3 and P-QN4xP or P-QN4-5xP. The
drawback to this plan is Black’s ability to play . . . P—K4 quickly,
freeing his game. White would still have a good game, but per­
haps 1. P-QR3 and 2. P-QN4 is better preparation for P-B5
since Black would not enjoy the defense of an isolated QP after
1. . . . P-K4 2. QPxKP followed by BPxQP. Or £>erhaps 1. P-K3,
a good waiting move that takes the sting out of . . . P-KB5, is
best. Then White can decide on a plan next move.
1. QR-Q1? P-QN3
2. Q-Q2?!
But there is no logic behind this essentially defensive group­
ing of White’s pieces. After 1. . . . P-QN3 it was time to choose
a plan such as 2. PxP BPxP 3. Q-B7! and 4. R -Q B I, admitting
that 1. QR-Q1 was silly.
2.... B-R3
3. R -B I
Now it becomes apparent that White can’t decide on a plan,
perhaps thinking that the closed center gives him the luxury of
lingering over a choice. He seems to have abandoned whatever
iiiiiiiiiiim itiiiim iiiiiiia it iii

172 Catalog of Chess Mistakes

action lie planned with 1. QR-Q1 and 2. Q-Q2 (could it have

been preparation for P-KB3 and P-K4?) and now plans to open
the QB-file with BPxP.
3.... QR-B1
4. P-B5?
And finally White commits himself, but to a bad plan at this
point. With 4. Q-K3 and N-B4 he would still have a quite
reasonable, but no longer so favorable, game. Or he could con­
tinue 4. PxP and exchange rooks on the QB-file to enable White’s
pieces to penetrate in the ending. That, at least, would be con­
sistent with his last move, although not with his first two.
6. PxP
White’s idea was to isolate the Black QRP and develop strong
pressure (as after 6.. . . NxP 7. N-Q4, for instance).
6.... P-K4!
7. KR-K1?
A final error. The only consistent move was 7. QxP, but that
would give Black a strong queenside initiative after 7. . . . R -R l
8. Q-Q2 R-R6! followed by . . . KR-R1 or . . . R-N1-N4. Having
forsaken consistency earlier. White remains erratic:
7. . . . Q -Q l 8. R -K 2 P-N3 9. P-KR 4 (trying for kingside action
of all things with B-R 3 and P-KN4) R-~N1 10. B -R 3 R-N5! 11.
N~N5 NxN 12. PxN P-K5! 13. PxP N-K4! 14. Q -B3 P-Q5 15.
Q -R l N -B6ch 16. K -N 2 NxP! 17. R -Q l NxB 18. P-R3 P-B5!
19. KxN (19. PxR P-B6ch 20. K-R2 PxR 21. RxP QxR!) 19. . . .
Q-N4 and W hite resigned.

Most of the common errors played today can be described as
violations of basic principles. These principles, discovered by
trial and error and then formulated by the great masters at the
end of the last century, separate the haphazard chess of the 1870s
from the more purposeful plan of the 1970s. At least the players
Your Attitude Is Your Error 173

of today should know better when they do something like delay

development or cripple their pawns.
But adherence to these general principles can be an error of a
different kind, the error of dogmatism. General principles are
precisely that— general. They can’t apply to all cases. The only
way to be sure that the general principles should be adhered to
in a particular game is to analyze concrete variations. If you dis­
cover that the natural move in a given position is bad, look for
antipositional moves and subject them to the same analysis.

Euwe-Keres, Match 1939-40

W h ite to m ov e

Where should White move his attacked knight? The natural

moves are (a) to direct it toward the center, N—K5; (h) to elimi­
nate the obnoxious Black knight, N-Q2; or (c) to defend the key
squares around the king, N -K l. But each of these moves poses
new problems, as analysis reveals.
On 1. N-K5, for example, Black plays 1. . . . NxB 2. RPxN
B-B4! and the threat of 3. . . . P-B3 is too strong. Here it seems
ironic that moving the attacked piece to the center puts it on one
of the few squares on which it can be trapped. Also, on 1. N-Q2
White walks into a pin with 1. . . . R -Q l 2. R -B 2 B—B4 3. B-R4
R-Q2 (after which Black has the diabolical threat of 4. . . . P-N6!
5. BxP NxB 6. RPxN BxRch or 5. BPxP N-B7ch). Finally, on 1.
N -K l Black can give an embarrassing rook check on the Q-file
and follow with 2 . . . . R-Q7ch.
White’s choice, then, is limited to the unnatural moves, 1. N -N l
and 1. N-R4. In the game, White chose the former, perhaps be­

174 Catalog of Chess Mistakes

cause putting the knight on KR4 looked silly. There is a general

principle (“A knight on the rim brings shame,” as a German
aphorism puts it) warning against such decentralization. Besides,
the knight is stalemated on KR4.
Yet after 1. N-R4 Black has no decisive stroke, since 1. . . .
R-Q lch 2. K—K l R-Q7 can be met by 3. P—B3!, removing the
defender on K4. Concrete analysis would have shown White why
1. N -K l was bad— 1. . . . R -Q lch 2. K -K l R-Q7 3. P-B3
RxKNP! (4. PxN RxNch or 4. K—B1 PxP). That’s what happened
in the game, and White lost.

To most beginning chessplayers, a draw is a relatively rare
result. Their games are usually decided by bad moves— often
very bad moves— which make losing inevitable for the guilty
party. But the improving player learns to reduce the frequency
of his outright blunders and discovers that sometimes, despite all
his ingenuity, good moves alone cannot force a victoiy. The
result is a draw. All winning chances are exhausted.
At the higher ranks of chess, the most common result of a game
is, in fact, a draw. The masters have a better idea of what it takes
to lose a game, and their avoidance of the losing errors keeps the
position within the “draw radius.”
But the player who is eager to draw is frequently surprised
at how difficult a split point is to achieve. This is because there
are few automatic methods of forcing a draw. One is to reduce
the board’s material to nothingness. Another is to check the
enemy king perpetually. But otheiwise you have to work hard to
Your Attitude Is Your Error 175

Sarapu-Gipslis, Sousse 1967

W h ite to m ov e

White is the player eager to shake hands in this position. Black

has considerable queenside pressure and— despite the apparent
weakness of his kingside— faces nothing in the way of serious
counterplay. It’s not certain how Black will be able to make prog­
ress, however. White prepares for a possible liquidation of forces
into an ending.
1. K-B2!? K-N2
2. K-K2 P-QR4
With this advance Black announces his intention to play . . .
P-R5. Even at the optimum moment this break would promise
only slim chances of a win since White has an excellent defen­
sive position, however passive it may be. Moreover, White can
liquidate the heavy pieces immediately with 3. PxP! RxR 4. RxR
RxR 5. BxR BxPch 6. B-Q 3 or 5 . . . . QxRP 6. B-Q3.
3. N-Nl? Q-N5
4. P-R3??
White wants a draw so badly that he rushes into a combination
that he thinks will lead to a perpetual attack on the enemy queen.
The drawing idea has a small hole: White overlooks an escape
square and as a result his position dissolves.
But it would be wrong simply to blame his calculation. His
biggest mistake was one of misjudgment. Rather than play the
natural drawing idea of 3. PxP— which is not an automatic draw
and requires hard work— he jumped at the easy way out. (Note
176 Catalog of Chess Mistakes

that now 4. PxP is not so good as before— 4. . . . RxR 5. RxR RxR

6. RxR BxPch 7. B-Q 3 NxP or 7, K -B2 B -B 3— but still improves
on White’s 4. P-R3.)
White had counted on 6. . . . QxN 7. R -B l Q-N7ch 8. R (l)-B 2
Q-R8 9. R -B l with a perpetual attack on the queen. After 6. .. .
Q-R8! White played 7. N-Q 2 PxP 8, NxP Q-R8! 9. R - B l, and
after 9 . . . . Q—N7ch he resigned.

Another drawing method with a strong appeal is to seal up the

board to prevent a breakthrough. It works only when there is
absolutely no open line available for enemy breakthrough or
when you can control the few open lines that are available.
This method of drawing can be infuriating to the opponent.
For example, in one grandmaster game— Kavalek-Bronstein,
Amsterdam 1968— Black’s pawn fortress after twenty-five moves
was so solid that it drove White to an unsound sacrifice. (The
game went 1. P-K4 P-K3 2. P-Q4 P-Q4 3. N-Q B3 B-N 5 4. P-K5
P-QN3 5. P-QR3 B - B l 6. P -B4 N -K 2 7, N -B 3 Q-Q2 8, B -K 3
QN-B3 9. B -B 2 B-N 2 10. B-Q 3 0 -0 -0 11. P-QN4 P-B3 12.
N -K 2 K -N l 13. P-B3 P-KR 3 14. P-KR4 P-KR4 15. N~B1 N-B4
16. N—N3 N-R3 17. P-R4 N -N 5 18. P-R5 N -K 2 19. Q-Q 2 N -B l
20. 0 -0 P-KB4 21. KR-N1 P-QN4! 22. P-R6 B -B 3 23. N -B5
Q -K l 24. N-N5 B-Q 225. R -R 5 P-B3 26. P-B4.PQPxP 27. BxQBP
PxB 28. N-N 7 NxB 29. QxN B-K 2 30. P-N5 PxP 31. NxP BxP!
32. QxB BxN 33. NxR QxN 34. QRxPch N-N3 35. QxQch RxQ
36. RxNch PxR 37. RxPeh K -R 2 38. RxB R -Q B l! 39. R-KTch KxP
40. R—K6ch K-N 4 W hite resigns.)
But it usually takes the skills of a grandmaster to foresee how
solid such a pawn fortress will be. For lesser mortals— and even
for grandmasters in some positions— the way to the draw is much
Your Attitude 1$ Your Error 177

Chekhover-Capablanca, Moscow 1935

W h ite to m ov e

White’s greatest error in this game was his lack of ambition.

He is, in fact, slightly better situated than his opponent. His ad­
vantage is not large enough to justify anything violent (1. P—K5?
PxP 2. PxP N-N5 only weakens the KP). But with judicious
regrouping (1. P-N3 and 2. Q-N2 or Q -B l) White will be ready
to build a breakthrough in the center or on the queenside.

1. P-Q5? P-K4

White knew that Black would play 1. . . . P—K4 because the

other moves would only enlarge White’s small edge (1. . . . PxP
2. KPxP gives White a good file and anything else permits 2. PxP
PxP 3. P-K5!). White has thus closed the center at the cost of
worsening his bishop and denying himself the breakthrough he
needs in the center. His drawish intentions were evident from
the next several moves.

2. P-N3 N -B l
3. Q -B l B -B l
4. P-KR3 P-R3

Black positions his pieces and pawn for a kingside break

(. . . K-R2, . . . N -N l, . . . P-N3, and . . . P-B4). With the center
closed, he can take his time with preparatory moves. White, hav­
ing committed himself earlier, now sees that his counterplay
possibilities (P-QR3 and P-QN4/P-KB4) are few.
178 Catalog of Chess Mistakes

5. N-R4 P-KN4
6. N-B5 BxN
7. PxB Q-Q2
8. P-KN4?! K-N2
9. P-QR4?
With this cementing of the queenside, White has nearly com­
pleted his pawn fortress. But as long as there is one possible
point of breakthrough, he is in trouble. That breakthrough will
come along the KR-file, and it is impossible for White to stop it.
For this reason, White should have retained the glimmer of
queenside counterplay contained in P-QR3 and P-N4.
This didn’t necessarily doom White— it only made his defensive
task unrelievedly tedious. The game proceeded with great ma­
neuvering and preparation.
9___ N (l)-R 2 10. P-B3 R-KR1 11. K -B 2 Q R -K N l 12. R -R l
P-R4 13. QR-K1 K -B l 14. Q -B2 K -K 2 15. Q-N2 Q -Q l 16.
N-N5 Q - N l17. Q -R l N-Q 2 18. Q -B l N(Q)-B3 19. Q -R l K-Q2
20. N-B3 K -B l 21. R -K 2 N -B l 22. R(2)-K1 N (l)-Q 2 23. Q -N l
Black still has a long way to go since whenever he plays . . .
PxP White will recapture with the BP and deny him an open
file. Therefore Black must prepare further so that after the ex­
change of pawns he can break through with . , . P-K5 or with a
sacrifice on KR6.
However, White eased his task immeasurably with his next-to-
last error, 24. N-K4?. This was bad because after 24. . . . NxN
he couldn’t avoid a serious line-opening (25. RxN N -B3 26. R-K2
P-IC5! 27. BPxP PxP). That led to the finale.
25. PxN N -B3 26. B -B 3 R-N2 27. R(K)-N1 Q -N l 28. Q-QB1
K -B 2 29. Q-K3 PxP 30. PxP R(2)-R2 31, Q -B l R -R5 32. RxR
RxR 33. R-N2 Q-N2! 34. K -K 2 Q-R3 35. K-Q 3 R -R 8 36. Q-Q2
Q -R 6 37. Q-K2 R-QN8, and after 38. K-B3? R-K8! W hite re­
signed (39. QxR QxBch or 39. Q-Q3 RxP! wins decisive material).
P ractical Mistakes

People make mistakes when faced with choices. So far we’ve

considered mistakes made out of poor attitudes, misunderstand­
ing or ignorance of the game’s basic elements (tactical, posi­
tional, and strategic), and sloppy thinking. But there is another,
albeit ill-defined, categoiy of error that goes to the heart of the
choosing process.
These practical mistakes occur because of a breakdown in the
process. The breakdown may occur because of a faulty vision—
what some players magnify by calling a “hallucination.” They
see things (on the board) that aren’t there. Or they don’t see
things they should.
Or they are hypnotized by attractive but second-best moves.
They get fancy. They overfinesse. They despair. For whatever
reason, they don’t look for the best move.

The most bizarre form of visual error occurs when you seem­
ingly forget how the pieces move. This isn’t supposed to happen
to experienced players, you say? Only to beginners?

180 Catalog of Chess Mistakes

Grinfeld—Pankina, Kirov 1974

W h ite to m o v e

This example, from a high-level team tournament, is a fine

specimen of hallucination. White is two pawns ahead and enjoys
good winning chances.
1. Q-N3ch??? KxQ
And White, who suddenly realized that the pawn on KR4 did
not protect the queen, was forced to resign. A chess nightmare.

Such mistakes are relatively rare. But even the best players
occasionally make comparable errors in their mind when looking
a few moves ahead. Consider the misfortune of young Mikhail
Tal, several years before he became world champion.
Tal was already a strong player at the time and was playing
his first match against a master. He fended off a brutal attack in
one critical game and was ready to consolidate a material advan­
tage into victory. But suddenly he calculated a beautiful winning
idea. Both kings came under attack and eveiy tempo was vital.
Then, Tal recalled, “I discovered that the whole point of my com­
bination lay in the move Bishop (from KB8) to KN5.”
The move was, of course, impossible, and Tal lost. Somewhere
in his calculations he had “moved” the bishop mentally to KR6
or K7, permitting it to land on KN5 at the decisive moment.
These errors are the easiest to explain and hardest to anticipate
of all the blunders you can make. When you begin to play chess
you are concerned about the capabilities of the pieces, e.g., “Can
he take me if I play Q-B4?” But as you progress in playing abil­
Practical Mistakes 18 1

ity, your concern turns to more sophisticated levels. When evalu­

ating a move you measure it against a foundation of dos and
don ts— “Don’t weaken your pawns without reason,” for instance.
But you abandon the early warning system that ensures against
visual errors as you mature in chess skill. The warning system
becomes unwieldy. If Tal had stopped at each point in his
thought process and asked, “Can my rook really move three
squares laterally?”, “Is my bishop able to go to KN5?”, the inter­
ruption would stifle his thinking. In order to calculate a single
move ahead the thought process must be smoother and more
These instances of hallucination or chess blindness are more
than oversights. Good players have been known to shift their
bishops from white squares to black ones during calculation.
Yefim Geller, the prominent Soviet grandmaster, once lost to
Bobby Fischer because in a critical variation he calculated the
capture of a rook by a king that was four squares away. And
Geller was the beneficiary of another hallucination:

Boleslavsky-Geller, Zurich 1953

W h ite to m ov e

White played 1. P-R3, preparing a blunder. He had seen 1.

. . . PxPch 2. KxP NxBP! 3. NxN R -B 6ch coming. He realized
that his king and knight would be under double attack. But he
thought he could play 4. R-Q3(!) protecting both attacked pieces.
Since 4. R-Q3 is quite illegal, White was forced to move his
king. Eventually he was smothered under an avalanche of Black
pawns on the kingside.
liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim in n i

182 Catalog of Chess Mistakes

It’s a Big Board

No one can concentrate on sixty-four squares at once. We focus
on one theater of action— perhaps ten to fifteen squares in size—
and then on another. Usually we don’t have to worry about the
rest of the board since queenside pieces tend to have little impact
on the kingside. And that’s how we forget about the rest of the
board. Om* horizon is framed in our mind. We simply don’t see
pieces beyond the horizon.

Reshevsky-Savon, Petropolis 1973

W h ite to m ov e

With more time White surely would have found the forced
mate with 1. R-R8ch K-N4 2. P-R4ch KxP 3. RxPeh PxR 4. QxP
or some other winning line. But he didn’t have enough time and
got careless.'

1. QxPch??? BxQ
White resigns

White was committing a second error (failing to look care­

fully when you are about to play what seems to be the decisive
move). But his horrible blunder was mainly due to the horizon
effect. The bishop had moved down to QN8 six moves before.
White had just forgotten about it.
Even with plenty of time, as in a skittles game or in a typical
middlegame position in tournament chess, pieces suddenly be­
come lost. You can forget about them remarkably quickly. A piece
may be part of the action in a particular sector, pass out of con-
Practical Mistakes 183

sideration since it goes off into a second sector, and then emerge
with humiliating impact in a third, and vital, sector.

Hecht-Polugaevsky, Belgrade 1970

W h ite to m ov e

White had had a murderous attack for several moves before

the diagramed position was reached. Now he looks for the killer.
There may be a mate with 26. BxP PxB 27. RxP and 28. Q-R2,
but White wasn’t convinced. Instead, he toyed with the idea of
checking the Black king into the corner at KR1. If lie could do
that, then RxPeh!/ . . . PxR/ P-N7ch would win out of hand. So,
he found this sequence:
1. N-B6 BxB
On 1. . . . BxN 2. BxB QxB Wliite accomplishes his goal with
3. QxPch K -R l 4. RxPeh! PxR 5. P-N7ch K -R2 6. PxR(N)ch!.
2. N-K7ch K -R l
3. RxPeh
Everything appears to have worked out for White . . .
3.... BxR!
. . . with the exception of the bishop that wasn’t supposed to
reappear on the kingside.

There is no insurance against visual errors like these, but some

safeguards offer protection. The first safeguard is to recheck
calculated sequences in your mind before you play them. At the
184 Catalog of Chess Mistakes

critical point in the sequence ask yourself, “Where are my pieces

and where are his?” In the above example White could have
saved himself an embarrassing surprise by searching his mind for
the location of Black’s black-squared bishop when he prepared
for 3, RxPeh.
A second safeguard, proposed for tournament play by Donald
Byrne, is also a good cure for missed opportunities (p. 191). Byrne
suggested getting a different perspective by arising from the
board and concentrating on the position mentally. This remark­
able method sometimes permits you to “see" things with your
mind that you didn’t with your eyes. W ien you look directly at
the board you may mentally block out certain possibilities. Away
from the board, you can all of a sudden realize, “Oh, my bishop
is threatening a fork at Q6.” Surprisingly, this exercise has helped
many players of all playing strengths.

Pretty Moves
One of the great joys of chess is playing beautiful moves, moves
that put material en prise, defy general principles and logic, or
simply create remarkable positions. But there is a greater joy
formany players: winning.
You don’t have to forsake pretty moves to win, as many of
these games show. But the highest priority in choosing a move
must be its usefulness to you. Art in a museum doesn’t have to do
anything. But artistic chess'moves must pass a test of utility.

Scott-Sanchez, Phoenix 1978

W h ite to m ov e
Practical Mistakes 185

Here White has achieved a powerfully centralized position

against a much stronger opponent. (Black was rated 700 points
above White according to the Elo rating system, meaning that
he should win nearly every game die two players have with each
other.) White now looks for a way to exploit his great control of
the board’s center.

1. B-N6?

It’s not often a weaker player gets to tease an opponent with

such a move. The bishop cannot be taken, of course, nor can the
Black king move out of the pin (1. . . . K -R l 2. BxP). But the
trouble with 1. B-N 6 is that it’s value is entirely pictorial. The
move simply doesn’t accomplish anything. There is no way White
can bring additional pressure to bear on KB7.
A much better, although less spectacular, way of continuing
was the preparatory 1. P-QR3 and 2. P-KR4. With those moves
White keeps Black from breaking out of his confinement since
. . . N-N5 and . . . R-N4ch (followed by . . . N-K2) are stopped.
Those pawn moves would permit White to turn his attention to
a real target, such as KR7; e.g., 1. P-QR3 R -R2 2. P-KR4 Q -B2
3. B-Q3! and 4. Q-K4.

i1.. . . . R-R2
2. B-B5?! B-N4ch!
3. K-N l N-K2

Black turned the momentum around with this gain of time. His
bishops eventually decided the game White relied on another
pretty but faulty move: 4. Q-K4 NxB 5. QxN P-Q4! 6. Q-Q3
P—Q5 7. Q-K4P (this should be the knight’s square) R—K l 8.
P-KR 4 B -K 2 9. Q -B 4 B -K 3 10. N -K 4 P-QR4! 11. N-N3 Q-Q4
12. P-N3 P-R5 13. P -B4 Q -Q 1 J14. N-R5 PxP 15. PxP Q -R l 16.
N-Q 2 R -Q l 17. K -B l R -R8ch 18. N -N l Q-R7 19. Q-K4 P-Q6
and after 20. N~B6ch BxN W hite resigned.

Getting Fancy
When you have a choice between two equally effective moves,
one routine, the other pretty, most players become Paul Morphy.
m iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiililii

186 Catalog of Chess Mistakes

We play chess to win but winning isn’t enough. We like to think

we can also create positions of beauty.
The flaw in this is partly psychological. If there really are two
equally effective methods of gaining the advantage, your choice
is open. But too often a player will be swayed by the urge to
“Morphyize” a position. In an effort to play brilliant chess like
the great nineteenth-century champion, they blind themselves
without knowing it.

Samisch-Vidmar, Karlsbad 1929

W h ite to m ov e

1. PxP! RxN
2. PxB QxP(3)
White’s little combination completes a skillfully played mid­
dlegame. Black could not permit 3. B-K 6 and so had to allow
White to take a decisive material edge with 3. RxN R-Q8ch 4.
B -B L
But White wants to crown his success with an even prettier
winning idea. It seems even more effective— as well as being
more attractive— than 3. RxN because Black doesn’t even get a
3. QxN??! QxR
4. B-K6ch K -R l
5. B-Q5!
This remarkable move, similar to that of a famous game by
Richard Reti, seems to win immediately. Black cannot protect his
Practical Mistakes 187

first rank and his rook at the same time. After 5. . . . R-KN1 6.
BxR KxB 7. Q-K8 it is mate anyway.

5___ P-R4??

Both players are so impressed with White’s combination that

they overlook 5. . . . R-KN1! 6. BxR R-Q7! 7. Q-R4 (else mate on
the second rank) 7. . . . Q-B4ch and 8. . . . KxB, which gives
Black winning chances to think about.

6. QxRch K-R2
7. B-K4ch??

Another hangover effect of White’s “brilliant” combination.

He is so carried away by his success that he commits a final
blunder. With a check on KN8 it would have been all over.

7.... QxB!

This desperadolike shot actually tips the advantage to Black

after 8. RxQ RxQ 9. R-K6 R-Q8ch 10. K-N2 R-QR8. But the
two players weren't ready for any more blunders— or brilliance
— and they drew here.

Sloppy errors can be committed in the name of art, as in this

example. Or they can be attributed to a different muse, that of
efficiency. But an overfinesse is an overfinesse.

Levenfish-Chekhover, Moscow 1935

W h ite to m ov e
188 Catalog of Chess Mistakes

After a spirited middlegame White is on the verge of liquidat­

ing into a won endgame. He can exchange pieces on KN7 now
or wait a move, he thinks. Given that he puts off the liquidation
for a move, you might assume he wasn’t sure whether the king-
and-pawn ending after 1. RxNch RxR 2. QxRch QxQ 3. BxQ KxB
was a win. But in truth White had calculated as far as 4. K—N3
K -B3 5. K -B4 P-K4ch 6. K-K4 K-K3 7. P-R5! KxP 8. K-B5,
after which White wins.
What happened was curious but not unusual. White may have
calculated the winning liquidation but wasn’t entirely certain
his calculation was correct. So he took a tempo to make sure that
it was a dead won ending.

1.P-N 4??

Now after 2. RxNch and the wholesale liquidation, White’s

endgame task will be easier than the line already cited since he
will be able to protect his QP with P-QB5.

1.... F-K4!

White completely overlooked this trick. He cannot protect his

vital pawns at KR4 and KB2 (2. QxKP QxP mates; 2. Q-N4 RxPeh
3. R-N2 RxReh 4. KxR Q-Q7ch) any more. After 2. RxNch QxR
he played on a few moves and then resigned. “Those whom the
gods wish to destroy, they make mad,” he said later.

Laskers Law
Playing a good move is such an enjoyable experience that few
players have the will power to restrain themselves. Enter any
chess club or visit an open-air chess center at a park, and you will
see players quickly— and usually loudly— making their choices
known. But the best lesson to be learned about choosing a good
move is how to sit on your hands.
When you see a good move, said Emanuel Lasker, don’t play it.
look for a better move. This advice from the great world cham­
pion is more important than anything you are likely to glean
from an openings manual or endgame text.
Practical Mistakes 189

Miagmasuren-Martens, Leningrad 1960— 1. P-K4 P-QB4 2.

N-KB3 P-K3 3. P-Q4 PxP 4. NxP N-KB3 5. N-QB3 P-Q3 6.
B-N 5 B -K 2 7. Q -B3 QN-Q2 8. 0 -0 -0 P-QR3 9. K -N l Q -B 2 10.
Q-N3 N-N3P! 11. P-B4 P-R3 12. BxN BxB 13. N(4)-N5!P PxN
14. NxP Q -N l 15. P-K5! PxP 16. N-Q 6ch K -B l 17. PxP Q-R2
18. P-QR3 B - K 2 19. B -K 2 N-Q4 20. KR-B1 BxN

Position a fte r 2 0 . . . . BxN

21. RxPeh!?

Temporarily two pieces down White suddenly sacrifices a rook.

This decision shouldn’t have been too great a surprise. White’s
pieces are all trained toward the Black king after 20. KR—B l.
He sees that 21. PxB, the natural move, permits Black to con­
solidate with 21. . . . N-B3 (since 22. RxN PxR 23. P-Q7 can be
handled by 23____BxP 24. RxB R -R 2 or 24. Q-Q6ch K-N2 25.
Q-N3ch K-R2).
Therefore, White knows that his attack must begin showing
results quickly and that the natural moves won’t work. He looks
for a sacrifice, and this kind of thinking is correct. His error is
not looking long enough.
With 21. RxNI it’s quickly apparent that White’s attack is over­
whelming. For example, 21. . . . PxR 22. Q-N6 P-QN4 23. B-R5!
wins outright (23. . . . B-K 3 24. QxB). The variations are so rela­
tively easy to calculate and so clear-cut in their conclusions—
unlike 21. RxPeh— that White must have decided on the other
sacrifice without considering 21. RxN.
190 Catalog of Chess Mistakes

K-N l
23. R-KB1
This promising, but unclear, position is what White foresaw
when he sacrificed the rook He threatens 24. B-B7ch K -B l 25.
BxPch, which pulls the Black king to the center for a quick mate.
Black concluded that his position was critical since 23. . . .
N -B3 24. RxN and 23. .. . BxP 24. QxB only encourage the attack
and 23____P-QN4 permits 24. Q-N61 threatening 25. R -B 7 (24.
. . . B - B l 25. RxBch KxR 26. Q-K8 mate; 24. . , . N-K2 25.
R-B8chl; 24. . . . Q-K2 25. PxB Q-N4 26. R-B8ch, etc,). What
he didn’t look for was the possibility of bringing Iris queen to
the defense of the kingside with 23. . . . P-KN4! 24. Q-Q3
23.... N-B6ch?
If you’ve decided that you’re lost, it doesn’t hurt to set a few
traps (24. PxN QxP, and White doesn’t have enough checks to
stop his own king from being mated). On 24. K -B l? N-K7ch or
24. K -R l BxRP Black gets the last laugh.
24. QxN R -R2
25. Q-B3?
The right order of moves is 25. PxB B-Q 2 26. B—N6!, after
which White’s threats of 27. R -B 7 and 27. Q -B 3 are too much.
For example, 26___ B -K l 27. P-Q7! BxB 28. Q-B8ch or 26____
B-N 4 27. P-Q7 BxP 28. Q -B 3 B -B 3 29. Q-B7ch K -R l 30.
25.... P-KN4?
26. PxB B-Q2
Notice that if Black had played 25___ P-KN3! 26. PxB B-Q2
White would have nothing more than a draw now since 27. BxP
would be met by 27. . . . R-N2 (28. B-B7ch K -R l 29. Q-R3
27. B-B7ch K -R l
28. Q~B6ch R-N2
29. QxPch R -R2
Practical Mistakes 191

30. Q-B6ch R-N2

31. P-KR4! Q-R5
32. R -R l Resigns

Black finally conceded because 32. . . . P-N5, while it keeps

the deadly file closed for a few moves, permits 33. P~R5! and 34.

Now let’s recap.

(a) White was thinking well when he looked for a combination
back at the diagram. His mistake was playing the first good-
looking sacrifice he saw. 21. RxN would have won outright.
(b) Black made the reverse error. He became discouraged after
23. R-KB1 and played the desperate 23. . . . N-B6ch. His mis­
take was partly a failure to see the defense 23. . . . P-KN4. But
we can also say that he failed to find the correct defense because
he didn’t look hard enough for it. He thought he was going to lose
. . . and he lost.
(c) White made what we might call a sequence error at move
25. But it was more than a calculation slip. He erred because he
saw how strong 25. Q—B3 was and stopped short of seeing how
much stronger 25. PxB! was.
(cl) Black finally put the game out of reach with an automatic
25. . . . P—KN4, gaining an escape square for the king. Of course,
if Black knew that 25. . . . P-KN4 provided air for the king, he
knew that 25. . . . P-KN3 did too. But Black didn’t look to see
whether there was a difference or whether the difference mat­
tered. Both sides erred, but it is the final mistake that always

Missed Opportunity
Why do we play second-best moves? Sometimes it’s because
we wouldn’t know what the right move was if it stared us in the
face. We simply don’t consider that move, the correct move, to
be favorable in our system of values.
But most of the time we must blame ourselves for simply not
looking for the best move. Seek and ye shall find is as time on the
chessboard as elsewhere.
192 Catalog of Chess Mistakes

“Why don’t we look?” is another good question. Lasker’s law

offers one explanation: we stop looking once we’ve found a good
move. The pitfall is especially dangerous when we’re pursuing
a strategic plan that is bearing fruit.

Pachman-FoltySj Prague 1946

W h ite to m ov e

1. Q -B 4

White has achieved his thematic breakthrough at KB5. He

can already visualize a winning finish. Once White brings a rook
to KB1, Black wall castle, and get mated after Q-R6 followed by
P -B 6 or K-B3-K3.

1 .... NPxP?
2. NPxP?!

The move played was adequate and enticed Black into a

desperate counterattack (2. . . . P-Q5?! 3. NxP B~N2ch 4. B-B 3
BxBch 5. NxB Q-Q4 6. R -N 2 B -K 2 7. R -K B1 QxQP? 8. N~Q4
Q~R3 9. PxP PxP 10. Q~B7ch K -Q 2 U . R -Q l QR-K1 12. R-QB2
N -B 6 and Black resigned).
But wouldn’t it have been even easier had White played 2.
P-N5? That move might not have been thematic, but it would
have won a clear piece. Yet White never looked for it.

An overriding attitude can have this blinding effect on a

player who might otherwise be tempted to keep looking. He
Practical Mistakes 193

stops because he’s found the move that approaches his strategic
goal, adds to his tactical chances, or secures a solid position. He
doesn’t expect to find more no matter how long he looks.
This is amply demonstrated by the following position from a
Soviet junior event.

Alburt-Georgadze, Vilna 1971

B la ck to m ov e

Black, with the aid of a grandmaster trainer, subjected the

above position and the ones that led to it to intensive analysis
while tlie game was adjourned overnight. The two men looked
long and hard and finally found that after forcing this position,
they could save the game with this sequence:
L ... Q-N8
Now on 2. Q-K2 Q-R7 Black keeps the White king in a web of
perpetual threats and checks (3. Q—K3 QxP or 3. Q~N4 Q-N8).
2. K-N4 Q-K8
3. P-R 4
White had to do something about 3. . . . N-B3 mate.
3 .... N-B3ch
4. K-R3 Q-R8ch
5. K-N3 N-K5ch
6. K-N4 N-B3ch
7. K-N3 N-K5ch
194 Catalog of Chess Mistakes

Here the game was agreed drawn. Black was happy until some­
one pointed out 8. K—N4 Q-R7!, a move that wins immediately.
Black had calculated everything out with his grandmaster
aide. They had seen all the moves leading up to the final position.
What they didn’t see was the correct evaluation of the position.
They were just looking for a draw.

Finally, we don’t look for the best moves because we don’t

realize the scope of our pieces. In the position after 23. R -K B I
on p. 188, Black didn't look for the right defense because it never
occurred to him that his queen, remote on QR2, could defend the
king on KN1. The queen didn’t seem to have the capacity to affect
events on the other side of the world at KN2.

Malevinsky-Gefenas, Vilna 1978

B la ck to m ov e

Here is a similar case of missed opportunity. Black would give

anything to avoid the exchange of queens. But he cannot afford
to let White play QxRch or B-Q6ch. For example, 1. . . . QxR
2. B-Q6ch K -R2 3. R -R lch and 4. QxR leaves White with a
devastating attack.

After 2. RxQ White kept the attack and eventually won. The
remarkable feature is that, considering how much effort Black
must have spent to avoid the exchange of queens, he didn’t find
the forced mate he can play in the diagram. If you can’t, it’s
because you aren’t considering the range of the Black queen.
Practical Mistakes 195

Yes, 1. . . . RxPeh and 2. . . . Q-B7ch wins because the queen

can come back to KR2.

Bad Moves in Bad Positions

In bad positions the margin of error shrinks. You can afford
second-best moves in advantageous positions. Sometimes it takes
half a dozen inferior moves to dissipate an advantage. But when
you have an inferior game, one slight inaccuracy can be terminal.
The first task of the defender is to recognize that he stands
worse and change his outlook. Only then can he appreciate the
opportunities to cut his losses.

Petrosian-Spassky, Leningrad 1960

B la c k to m ov e

In the preceding few moves Black had seized the initiative

by advancing his queenside pawns. In return he granted White
the powerful knight on QN5 and pawn on QB7. An almost imper­
ceptible slip marred his risk-taking, and now Black should realize
how much trouble he is in. His original plan o f . . . P -K B 4-5 made
sense when White had a bishop on his KN3. Now the advance
lacks punch.

I .... P-B4?

An accurate evaluation of the position would reveal that White

stood a bit better because of his passed QBP. This factor had less
significance a few moves ago when Black’s attack was brewing

196 Catalog of Chess Mistakes

on the kingside. Now the attack is slow in getting started, and

Black should consider cutting his queenside losses.
Two ways of cleaning up the queenside problem are (1) 1. . . .
R -R3 followed by 2. . . . B-Q 2 and 3. . . . BxN to win the BP
(1. . . . B-Q 2 immediately permits 2. NxQP QxN?? 3. B-R7ch)
and (2) the direct 1. . . . QR-B1 and 2. . . . RxP. The first line
kisses off any lingering hope of kingside attack since Black’s
white-square bishop is vital to that end. After 1. . . . R-R3 2.
B -B 2 B-Q2 3. N-Q2 for instance, Black’s weakness on the white
squares is apparent after 3. . . . BxN? 4. PxB R-N3 5. N -B4 or 3.
. . . P—B4 4. P-N4!. But Black has good chances after 3. . . . P—Q4.
The exchange sacrifice 1. . . . QR—B1 2. B—B2 RxP!? is also
promising since 3. NxR QxN gives Black excellent piece play.
Black could return to kingside attack with . . . P—B4—5 knowing
that his queenside was much more solid.
2. B -B2 P-B5
White didn’t have to worry about 2. . . . P-K5 because of 3.
Q-Q5ch and 4. KN-Q4. By pushing the other pawn Black con­
cedes the K5 square to White.
3. PxP NPxP
4. R -K l R-R3
Black is a little late with this rook maneuver. He hasn’t decided
whether to liquidate the queenside situation yet and so stops to
protect his QP.
5. B-K4 P-R4?
This was the last chance to do something about the queenside.
With 5. . . . B-Q 2 followed by 6. . . . BxN and 7. . . . R-N3 Black
would be agreeing to play the lesser side of a middlegame with
bishops of opposite colors. He is unwilling to lower his sights and
presses on with the hope of attack. Notice that 5. . . . NxB 6. RxN
B—B4 is a better way of pressing the attack, even though White
is still better after 7. R-K2; e.g., 7. . . . P-K5 8. Q-Q5ch K -R l
9. KN-Q4.
6. Q -B2 Q-B3
7. N-Q2!
Practical Mistakes 197

White can defend solidly now that he controls the vital white
squares. The game drew to a quick close: 7. . . . P-KR 5 8. P-B3
B -B J 9. B-Q 5ch K -R l 10. N -K 4 Q-R3 11. R-K2! P-R6 12. PxP
R -B 4 13. R -R 2 P -R 5 14. P-R4! P-N 6 15. PxP PxP 16. Q -Q l RxR
17. QxR Black resigns. Once the kingside attack was stilled,
Black could not compete on the queenside.

The decision required is partly one of recognition— seeing the

change of fortunes (p. 158)— and partly one of visualization. The
latter consists of knowing what it takes to lose and what it takes
to draw. The distinction between the two is very hard to pinpoint
and mastery of it comes only through experience.
But we can identify some of the basic outlines of this dis­
tinction. For example, it is easier to lose a sharp, unbalanced but
materially equal position than it is to lose a static, but pawn-
down ending.
Hort-Portisch, Skopje, 1968— l P-K 4 P-K4 2. N-KB3 N-QB3
3. B ~ m P-QR3 4. BxN QPxB 5. 0-0 P-B3 6. P-Q4 PxP 7. NxP
N-K2 8. N-QB3 N-N 3 9. P~B4?! P-QB4 10. N -B 3 QxQ 11. RxQ
B-KN5 12. K-B2? B-Q 3 13. N -Q 5 0 -0 -0 14. P -B5 N -K 4 15.
B -B4 K R -K 1 16. P-KR 3 B -R 417. R -K l B -B2

Position a fte r 1 7 . . . . B - B 2

White s premature advance of his KBP has given Black terrific

piece play in the center. It is a long way from a win, but one can
see the beginning of a substantial Black advantage already. To
meet the threat of 18. . . . BxN 19. PxB NxN which would win a
pawn, White could simplify with 18. NxN BxN(K) 19. BxB RxB,
198 Catalog of Chess Mistakes

But then Black's advantage is pronounced. The exchanges have

only served to remove some of White’s best defensive pieces and
fatten the ratio of remaining well-developed pieces in Black’s
favor. For example, 20. P—B4 P -B 3 or 20. N—B3 P-QN4 would
put White in a big hole.
It is time to cut White’s losses down to manageable propor­
tions. White surely doesn’t like to make such a decision. He
would probably be suiprised by the urgency of the matter, since
it seems he hasn’t made any grave errors so far. He certainly
doesn’t want to give up all chance of winning and play a boring
defensive game for another thirty or forty moves.
Yet that is what is needed. With 18. Q R -Q l! Black would have
to cash in on his initiative immediately or lose all advantage. Play
would then continue with 18. . . . NxN 19. KxN BxN 20. PxB (not
20. RxB BxB 21. RxRch RxR 22. KxB R-Q7!) 20___ BxB 21. KxB
RxR 22. RxR RxP 23. R~K7. White would be a clear pawn behind,
but his active rook and king promise good drawing chances.
18. N-B3?
This doesn’t cost any material and prevents dangerous enemy
incursions ( 1 8 .... NxN 19. KxN BxB 20. KxB R-Q7 21. R -K 2 and
K-K3). It does make another concession, however, besides the
obvious one of retreating a developed piece.
1 8 .... N-Q6ch!
19. PxN BxB
White’s loss in this game could be blamed on his surrender of
the two bishops or on the weakening of his pawn structure— his
QP is now a bad liability. But these are clinical explanations that
ignore the true nature of White’s collapse. It is comparable to
saying a man died because his heart stopped pumping. That
explanation says nothing about the causes of heart failure— his
failure to restrict his diet, give up smoking, reduce stress, etc.
The final, terminal stages went like this: 20. Q R -Q l R-Q 2 21.
P-QN3 P-QN4 22. N -K 2 B -Q 3 23. K -K 3 P-B5! 24. N-B 1 (or 24.
NPxP PxP 25. P-Q4 QR-K2 26. N-B3 B-N5) 24. . . . Q R-K2 2$.
NPxP PxP 26. R—K2 B-Q4! 27. N-Q2 PxP 28. KxP B -B 3 29.
N (l)-N 3 B-N 4ch 30. N~~B4 R -Q ll 31. N-Q2 B-NSch 32. K -B 2
KBxN W hite resigns in face of 33. R(2)xB B-R5ch.

Practical Mistakes 199

Desperation and Surrender

The other extreme is premature surrender, or a last-ditch vio­
lent bid for salvation when the end is far from near. The causes
of this malady are largely matters of attitude. You believe you’re
going to lose. You feel you deserve to lose because of your pre­
vious play. So . . . you lose.
In practical terms, we would say this is another misunder­
standing of the distinction between losing and drawing. You can
have an absolutely horrible position, lifeless and shot full of
weaknesses. But if there is no way of exploiting those targets,
there is no way of losing (aside from rare occasions such as
zugzwang). In other words, you should never resign— or become
desperate— unless absolutely certain of your opponent’s winning

Tal-Matanovic, Bled 1961

B la ck to m ov e

By all rights, Black should be dead lost. White has a substan­

tial material edge in real terms— a queen and a strong passed
KRP against rook, knight, and two pawns. The game should end
veiy quickly and it did.

i1.. . . . N-B3??
2. BxR NxBch
3. K -K l N-B3
4. Q-RS P-R4 and resigns
200 Catalog of Chess Mistakes

Black had gone through with the formality of sealing his last
move and resigning the following day rather than continue the
adjourned game. However, he could have made it a very lively
adjournment had lie played 1. . . . R-N5!. White would have had
to sacrifice his queen (2. Q-R8 R-N7ch 3. B -K 2 N~B3 followed
by 4. , . . B-N5 or 4. . . . R -N l) with 2. BxB RxQ 3. PxR in order
to win.
Black assumed that such a position would have been just as
hopeless as the one he resigned in. Black must lose his knight for
a pawn after 3. . . . N~B3 4. B~R7! (4. . . . NxB 5. P -N 8 -Q )
and play the rest of the game a piece behind. Yet the game is
not at all clear. After 3. . . . N-B3 4. B-R 7 N -N l (the most
accurate since it gives Black’s king time to roam) 5. BxN K -B3
6. B-R 7 KxP 7. B -B 5 K~B3 8. B~B8 P-N3, White’s winning plan
is obscure. Black can keep the White king from advancing and
play . . . P-R 3 and . . . P-N4 at an appropriate moment.
But White never needed to work for the win. Black’s pre­
mature surrender with 1. . . . N-B3, made the task academic.
This kind of fatalism can occur at any point in the game, not
just the late ending. For example, in Milner-Barry v.s. Alexander,
London 1939, play went 1. P-K 4 P -K4 2. N-QB3 N-QB3 3. B -B 4
B -B 4 4. Q-N4 K -B l 5. Q-N3 P-Q3 6, P-Q3 N-QS 7. B-N 3
B-K3 8. B-N 5 Q-Q2 9. K -Q 2 P-KR3 10. B -K 3 N-KB3 11.
KN-K2PP NxBch and White suddenly resigned (!). The decision
was justified in part by Black’s forced win of the queen with 12.
. . . N-R4!. White can only obtain two minor pieces in compensa­
tion, so he resigned before the hammer fell.
But actually White can obtain a solid, although inferior, posi­
tion after 12. RPxN N-R4 13. Q~R4 P-KN4 14, QxN B-N 5 15.
QxB! QxQ 16. BxB and 17. N-N3. With a strong knight on KB5
White can make it exceptionally difficult for Black to break
E rro rs with M aterial

Materialism is no mistake in chess. The game is essentially bal­

anced from the first move: you start with the same number of
pieces as your opponent and you never get to move twice in a
row. Without some unbalancing, the game will end in a draw.
Therefore, giving or taking material is the most radical effort to
alter the balance. Sacrifices or material gains are rarely neutral
moves— they are either good or bad. Here are the major material

Not all material grabbing is greed, of course. In most games
at all levels of skill it is the player who is ahead materially after
thirty moves who eventually wins. Greed is “extreme or voracious
desire," that is, wanting more than you need or deserve.

Kan-Botvinnik, Moscow 1935—1. P-K4 P-K4 2. N-QB3

N-KB3 3. P-B4 P-Q4 4. BPxP NxP 5. N -B 3 N-QB3 6. Q-K2
B -K B 4 7. Q-N5?! N -B4 8. P-Q4 P-QR3 9. Q-K2 N -KS 10.
Q-K3 NxN 11. PxN BxP! 12. Q -B2 B -K B 4 13. N -R 4 B -K 3 14.
B-Q 3 Q-Q2 15. 0-0 N -R 4 16. N -B5 0-0-0! 17. Q-K2 Q -B3 18.
R -N l P-R3 19. B-Q 2 N -B 520. N-K3

202 Catalog of Chess Mistakes

Position a fte r 20. N -K 3

Black correctly grabbed a queenside pawn at move 11 and took

steps to hold the pawn with a concentration of pieces on that
side of the board. His well-placed knight blocked W rite’s best
attacking diagonal (K2—QR6) and neutralized dangers along the
QN-file (21. R-N3 and 22. K R -N l would be met by 22. . . .
N-R4). White realized this and sought to rid the board of the
defender, but 20. . . . B-K2 or 20. . . . K~N1 would give Black
excellent winning chances. For example, 20. . . . B-K2 21. NxN
PxN 22. B-K 4 B-Q 4 23. BxB QxB 24. Q-N4eh K -N l 25. QxP??
KR-N1 with a skewer along the KN-file.
2 0 . .. . NxN?
21. BxN!
Perhaps Black counted on 21. QxN B-K 2 with a useful gain of
time (. . . B-N4) coming up. He misread the position, thinking
that White couldn’t give away another pawn. It was still time for
21.. .. B-K2.

2 1 . .. . QxP??
There is no real reason for this. Of all the pawns to win, this
is the most dangerous because it opens up another attacking file
and gives White too many tempos to continue the assault. The
extra pawn, it’s true, will increase Black’s chances in the ending.
But one pawn is enough to play for a win.
22. KR-B1 Q-R4
23. Q-B2 P-QB3
Errors with Material 203

24. B-Q2 Q-B2

25. Q-R4

There is no longer any defense. White threatens both 26. B-R 5

and 26. BxQRP. Compare White’s domination of the queenside
with the previous diagram. Botvinnik played 25. . . . R-Q 2 and
resigned after 26. BxQRP.

Negative Sacrifice
A sacrifice can be an offer of material to acquire a tangible
positional asset (i.e., weakening the enemy pawns, getting the
better minor pieces, etc.). But in this case we mean the reverse:
sacrificing the positional soundness of your game to win ma­
terial. Often this means grabbing a pawn unwisely. It is not
greed per se, since greed is usually a lust for material when you
don’t need any more than you already have. This error is rather
a matter of strategic desperation, as in the following:

Dely-Simagin, Moscow 1962— 1. P-K4 P-Q B4 2. N -K B3 P-Q3

3. P-Q4 PxP 4. NxP N -K B3 5. N-QB3 P-QR3 6. B-Q B4 P -K3 7.
B-N 3 B -K 2 8. P -B4 0 -0 9. P -B5 P-K4?! 10. N(4)-K2 Q N -Q 211.
N-N3 P-QN4 12. B-N 5 B-N 2 13. BxN NxB 14. N-R5! NxN 15.
QxN R -B l 16. B~Q5

P osition a fte r 16. B -Q 5

White has deftly obtained a strategic edge through his con­

quest of the Q5 square. Once the white-square bishops are ex­
204 Catalog of Chess Mistakes

changed, he will be able to post a knight on that key observation

point, whereas Black’s remaining bishop will look anemic on the
black squares.
Black should realize that strong measures are required. For
example, 16. . . . P-N5!?. After 17. N-K2 BxB 18. PxB Black
doesn’t need to fear the Q4 outpost any longer and can safely
play 18. . . . RxP. The critical line is 17. BxB PxN 18. BxR PxP 19.
R -Q l Q-R4ch, after which Black obtains good play for a minimal
amount of material sacrificed.
1 6 .... BxB?
But this kind of negative positional sacrifice leaves White in
command of the board within a few moves.
17. NxB! RxP
18.0-0 B-N4
Aside from 19. P—B6 White also threatens 19. QR-B1! with a
huge bind. Black’s pieces would quickly run out of moves. As
played, Black keeps his pieces alive— but not his king.
19. P-R6 P-R3 (19. . . . BxP 20. RxBl PxR 21. R-KB1 wins
quickly) 20. R -85! (threatens 21. RxB PxR 22. N-K7ch) R -B8ch
21. RxR RxR 22. Q -Q l! BxP 23. Q-Q 2 B-Q 5ch 24. K -R l R~K1
(24. . . . K -R2 25. R -R 5 R -R l 26. Q-N5 R -N l 27. N-K7!) 25.
R-N5! P-N3 26. R-R5! Black resigns.

Holding Onto Material That C ant Be Held

A realistic attitude toward the material balance is vital. If
it’s clear that you are going to lose something or that trying to
hold the balance will compromise your game irrevocably, you
must start looking around for a way to get compensation.
Chess is a constant shift of varying strengths and weaknesses.
So when one of your weaknesses is doomed to exploitation, it’s
time to pay attention to your strengths.
Errors ivith Material 205

Geller-Jansa, Budapest 1970

B la ck to m ov e

It’s no secret that Black’s QP is in great danger. It can’t be pro­

tected again on Q5, and it is unlikely that it will be any stronger
on Q6. A true appreciation of this would lead Black to search for
counterplay. Had he done so he would probably have found 1.
. . . Q-N4! 2. P—N3 Q—B3L That maneuver threatens to protect
the QP with 3. . . . R -Q l but also to mate with 3. . . . Q-B6.
After 3. NxP R -Q l 4. Q -B3 Black can simply sit on the position
with 4. . . . P—N3 and 5. . . . B—N2, having two excellent bishops
to make up for his pawn.
What he did, however, was focus on the QP and make over­
sights that ended the game quickly.
1 .... P-Q6?
2. Q-K3! R -B l?
3. RxP Q-B3
4. R-Q7! and wins.

Forcing the Mechanical Sacrifice

Most successful sacrifices stem from poor previous play by
the defending player. By the time a sacrifice is offered the de­
fender has already made the mistakes that will doom him. When
Adolf Anderssen, the nineteenth-century world champion,
crowned his games with sacrifices, it was only after outplaying
his opponents in the early struggle. But when his fans asked why
206 Catalog of Chess Mistakes

he hadn’t been able to sacrifice brilliantly against Paul Morphy,

Anderssen explained: “Morphy wouldn’t let me.”
Probably the most common error involving sacrifices is the
permission— often the encouragement— of a standard or mechan­
ical sacrifice. It may be called mechanical because it is so fre­
quently seen and so easily followed up that it can be considered a
routine matter.

Nikitin-Kankoj Leningrad 1957

B la ck to m ov e

Here is a typical sacrifice-prone position in that most tactical

of openings, the Sicilian Defense. In this and many similar posi­
tions White can consider sacrifices such as NxKP, BxNP, N-B5,
or N-Q5. In the first two cases White will gain two pawns for a
piece and keep the enemy king in the center for a while. In the
latter two, White may only get one x>awn, but he will also ox?en
up a key file (e.g., N~Q5/ . . . PxN/KPxP) and obtain vital
squares for his assault army. Of the four likely sacrifices, N-Q5 is
White’s soundest in the x>osition above.
But the move' is Black’s. He can anticipate most of the sacri­
ficial possibilities with 1. . . . 0-0. But that would be another case
of “castling into it” (2. P-K5 PxP 3. BxN NxB 4. P-K5 threaten­
ing PxN and QxRP mate). 1. . . . 0 -0 -0 is better, although this
invites BxNP at some future point. But that is certainly preferable

1 .... P-N5?
2. N-Q5!
Errors with Material 207

Black not only ignored this dangerous “sac,” he virtually forced

it. White, if he had any doubts about the soundness of his offer,
would have been persuaded by considering the alternative, 2.
N(4)-K2 R -Q B J, which gives Black an excellent game and stops
virtually all of White’s attacking plans. Now Black has little
choice since 2. . . . NxN 3. PxN BxB 4. PxB gives White an equally
good attack for only a pawn.
2.... PxN
3. PxP K -B l
The threats were 4. N-B5 and 4. RxBch (e.g., 3. . . . K -Q l 4.
RxB KxR 5. N-B5ch K -B l 6. NxNP! KxN 7. B-R6ch or 5. . . .
K -Q l 6. NxNP followed by N-R5). Now White can play 4. RxB
just as well, but his preference is also good.
4. N-B5 B -Q l
5. B-R6!
This destroys all defense since 5. . . . PxB 6. QxPch is a quick
mate. White ended the game by getting all his material back with
5 . . . R-KN1 G. BxPch RxB 7. Q-R6 N -R 4 8. P-N4! B -K B 3 9.
PxN Q-R4 10. NxR BxN 11. QxQPch K -N l 12. R -N l QxRP 13.
RxBch KxR 14. R -N lch K -R l 15. Q-R6 Black resigns.

Failing to Sacrifice W hen Necessary

There are times when a “sac” is not only desirable but vital.
Here it is not a question of giving up something that will be lost
inevitably. It is rather a question of parting with material because
of the danger of being swamped positionally or of being mated
if the enemy is left alone. The sacrifice, often a countersacrifice
to a previous offer by the opponent, is necessaiy to gain time to
beat off the opponent’s attack.
208 Catalog of Chess Mistakes

Geiler-Kotov, Moscow 1952

B la ck to m ov e

White has a vigorous initiative brewing but has given up a

pawn and exchanged a bishop for a knight. This latter factor
creates the possibility of a countersacrifice to beat off the impend­
ing Q-R5 and N-B5.

L... R-K2?

True, this defends KB2 against 2. Q—R5 and saves the attacked
rook as well, but a deeper look into the position would have
convinced Black of the seriousness of his plight. He could have
squelched all immediate attacking threats against him with 1.
. . . RxN! 2. RxR NxP and retained good winning chances with
two pawns for the exchange.

2. Q-R5 P-R3
3. N-B5! RxRch
4. RxR PxN
5. R-K3

This is the followup Black underestimated or overlooked when

he played 1. .. . R-K2 and 2 .. .. P—R3. If Black permits 6. R-R3 it
is all over. And on 5. . . . P-N5 White has a neat finish with 6.
N-R6ch PxN 7. QxNPch K-R2 8. Q-B5ch K -N l 9. R-N3ch.
Finally, 5. . . . P-B3, creating a flight square at KB2, is punished
by 8. Q-N6L
The game ended abruptly anyway.
Errors with Material 209

5.... B -B l
6. BxP! BxB
7. R-K8eh Resigns

The Panic Sacrifice

The reverse of Failing to Sacrifice When Necessary is the spas­
modic “sac” of the player who overreacts to threats by going in
for a desperate attacking try. Instead of defense, lie is suddenly
in control of the game, surprising his opponent with the initia­
tive. But usually it fails.
Why? Well, as we indicated before, a sound sacrifice usually
means that your position is strong enough to permit one. If you
are in fact worse, it stands to reason that you can’t afford to part
with material. Such desperation sacs are playable only as a prac­
tical response to a certain loss.

Tshcherbakov-Furman, Moscow 1952

W h ite to m ov e

White has been outplayed consistently since the opening and

should worry about defense. Specifically, he must do something
about 1. . . . N-N5. Rather than the solid but uninspiring 1.
B -Q l, he heads for adventure.

1. R-K6?!

Now on 1. . . . N-N5 White has 2. RxPeh! winning.

210 Catalog of Chess Mistakes

l . ... PxR
2. QxPch B-N2
3. N-K4 R-KB1
Black easily covers the threatened 4. NxNch which would be
met by 4. . . . RxN 5. BxR QxB keeping an extra piece. White can
now try to open more lines with 4. PxP, but after 4. . . . BxP 5.
NxNch RxN 8. Q-~K8ch Black defends easily with 8. . . . B -B l.
There is one other try, but Black’s extra material and natural
positional edge permit him to refute it with elegance:
4. P-N3 QxN!
And White resigned shortly after noticing that his queen would
be trapped with 5. . .. B -K l.

Misunderstanding What Constitutes

When you give up material you must expect something solid in
return— other material, dangerous threats, positional strengths,
or some combination of these. Even if you regain a theoretical
equality of material, an imbalance may still remain on the board.
For instance, two j>awns and a knight obtained as compensation
for your sacrificed rook may be no match for the rook in the next
stage of the game. Theoretically, it’s enough. Practically, it isn’t.
Compensation is a very hard quantity to evaluate because you
must be able to judge the activity of pieces in the near future.
When the fireworks ignited by your sacrifice have subsided, who
will hold the initiative and for how long?

Westerinen-Ivkov, Geneva 1977— 1. P-Q3 P-KN 3 2. N -KB3

B-N 2 3. P-KN3 P-Q B4 4. B~~N2 N-Q B3 5. 0-0 P-K4 6, N-B3
KN-K2 7. P-K 4 P-Q3 8. N -KR4 0 -0 9, P -B4 PxP 10. BxP B-K3
11, Q-Q 2 P~Q4 12. B~R6 P-Q 5 13. N-Q 5 P-B3 14. BxB KxB
Errors with Material 211

P osition a fte r 1 4 . . . . KxB

White’s opening gave him a promising game from both a posi­

tional and attacking point of view. His pawn offer was quite
sound (13. . . . NxN 14. PxN BxP 15. KBxB QxB 16. N-B5! PxN 17.
BxB KxB 18. Q-N5ch K -R l 19. Q-B6ch K -N l 20. RxP and 21.
R-N5ch). But now he has to choose between trying to mate or
trying to win positionally. Exchanging his black-square bishop
was a poor move positionally although it increased his short-range
attacking chances. Still, 15. N~~B4 followed by N-B3 and R -B 2 is
the best plan.
15. NxBP??
This is all wrong. White will get the technical compensation
of three pawns, all passed, for the knight. And for a few moves
the Black king will be kicked around and forced to seek refuge
on the queenside.
But what is crucial in evaluating such a sac is the position four
or five moves from now. After White gets his pawns he will be
left with a queen, a bad bishop, and a rook to compete against
Black’s coordinated force. The pawns will be able to advance
only in an ending— and only then with great care. The late
middlegame belongs entirely to Black’s knight.
15.... RxN
16. RxR RxR
17. Q-R6 K-B2!
This is the only critical move for Black in the game. The king
heads off to safety at Q2 after which Black will enjoy the initia-
212 Catalog of Chess Mistakes

five until White’s resignation. The remainder went IS. QxRPch

K—K l 19. NxP NxN 20. QxNch K -Q 2 21. P -B3 Q -R l! (This is
the position White misjudged. Black’s threats of . . . PxP and
. . . R-KN1 are too much.) 22. Q-NS PxP! 23. QxP PxP 24. R -N l
P-N3 25. Q-R3 Q-Q5ch 26. K -R l N-N 5 27. Q -R 4ch K -K 2 28.
Q-R3 R-QB1 29. P-R3 P-R4 30. QxNP QxQ 31. RxQ R -B 7 32.
R -N l BxQRP 33. R -Q l B-N 8 W hite resigns.

Overlooking the Countersacrifice

When you give up material there is a tendency to lose track of
how much. If the final reward of your sacrifice is a mating attack,
it won’t matter how much. But if your attack can be broken by a
countersacrifice— a return of material by the enemy— the ques­
tion becomes, How much is too much?

LiKenthal-Nezhmetdinov, Moscow 1954

W h ite to m ov e

This is an exceptionally difficult position to evaluate. White

“has tire attack” in the sense that Black’s king is subject to more
immediate harassment from enemy pieces than 'White’s king. But
Black has sacrificed a pawn to obtain excellent positional com­
pensation— chiefly in tire form of his center pawns and active
The temporary initiative enjoyed by White should be used
carefully, such as with 1. R -K l and 2. B -B 3— moves aimed at
consolidating and neutralizing a potentially explosive position.
1. BxP?!
Errors with Material 213

You can’t fault White for cleverness. With this sacrifice he

turns his kingside pieces into attackers: 1. . . . NxB (1. . . . BxN
2. RxB) 2. N-R5ch K -B2 3. R-B3ch regaining the piece at a

1.... NxB
2. N-R5ch K-R3
3. R-R3

White had examined the position this far when he calculated

1. BxP. His rook will deliver a murderous discovered check if
Black doesn’t have a good reply. In calculating this far, White
couldn’t consider every possible reply by his opponent— there
are simply too many of them. But by focusing on the possible
refutations of the sacrifice, he can be reasonably certain that he
has sacrificed well.
Here the chief attempts at refutation are 3. . . . K-N4 and 3.
. . . QxR, the two moves that take the sting out of White’s
threatened discovered check. White probably dismissed the king
move after seeing that he could bring his queen into action after
3. . . . K-N4 4. Q-Q2ch K -B4 (4. . . . B -B 5 5. NxB NxN 6. P-KN3)
5. Q-Q3ch. And he may have dismissed the queen sacrifice on
the grounds that Black got insufficient material.

3. QxR!
But Black has more than ample compensation if you remember
the original piece he captured (1. . . . NxB). Now, with two minor
pieces and a rook facing a disrupted White kingside, it turns out
that the White king is the most vulnerable. A queen counter­
sacrifice ended the game abruptly.

5. QxP R-B6!
6. N-Q4 RxKRP
7. N-K2 N-B5
8. NxN BxN
9. K-N2 R-QB1!

White resigned since Black will mate with 10. . . . R -N lch 11.
KxR B - B l once the White queen leaves QB5.
$ 5 .9 5


For the benefit of the improving player, Andrew

Soltis—Neiv York Post chess columnist and author
of Pawn Structure Chess andother books—review's
the major types of chess errors. Using typical
gamesituationsdrawnfromMaster plat, thebook
concentrates on teaching recognition patterns for
the major mistakes—and howto avoid those mis­

Cover design by Gene Siegel

F or a complete list
of David McKay and Pitman
books on chess, write to:

Department A
David M cKay Company, Inc.
2 Park Avenue
New York. N .Y . 10016

ISBN 0 - b 7 ' l - m i 5 1 - 0

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