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Biodegradation of Bioplastics in Natural Environments

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Waste Management 59 (2017) 526–536

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Biodegradation of bioplastics in natural environments

S. Mehdi Emadian, Turgut T. Onay ⇑, Burak Demirel
Institute of Environmental Sciences, Boğazici University, Bebek, Istanbul 34342, Turkey

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The extensive production of conventional plastics and their use in different commercial applications
Received 1 June 2016 poses a significant threat to both the fossil fuels sources and the environment. Alternatives called bioplas-
Revised 5 October 2016 tics evolved during development of renewable resources. Utilizing renewable resources like agricultural
Accepted 5 October 2016
wastes (instead of petroleum sources) and their biodegradability in different environments enabled these
Available online 11 October 2016
polymers to be more easily acceptable than the conventional plastics. The biodegradability of bioplastics
is highly affected by their physical and chemical structure. On the other hand, the environment in which
they are located, plays a crucial role in their biodegradation. This review highlights the recent findings
attributed to the biodegradation of bioplastics in various environments, environmental conditions,
Microbial activity degree of biodegradation, including the identified bioplastic-degrading microorganisms from different
Biocomposite microbial communities.
Ó 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 526
2. Biodegradation of bioplastics under different environmental conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 527
2.1. Compost . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 530
2.2. Soil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 530
2.3. Aquatic systems. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 531
3. Bioplastic-degrading microorganisms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 531
4. Conclusions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 534
Acknowledgement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 535
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 535

1. Introduction are generated each year throughout the world and 93% of them
are disposed of in landfills and oceans (Pathak et al., 2014).
Plastics are considered to be the most widely used polymers in Although some members of the European Union (EU) have banned
our daily life especially in packaging applications. The annual landfilling applications, approximately 50% of plastic wastes are
production of petroleum based plastics exceeded 300 million tons still disposed of in landfills. Countries such as Germany, Nether-
in 2015 (Mekonnen et al., 2013). This excessive production of lands, Sweden, Denmark and Austria were successful in achieving
petroleum-based plastics demands sustainable alternatives from 80–100% in recovery of the plastic wastes, however, they were able
renewable resources. In addition, the adverse environmental to recycle only 28% on average (EU, 2013). Although, the EU
impacts including carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions and their attempts to encounter the disposal of plastic wastes and improve
long-period accumulation in the environment due to their non- reusing and recycling applications, developing countries are still
biodegradability are the significant drawbacks of using the non- dependent on the conventional landfilling. The plastic consump-
biodegradable plastics (Tokiwa et al., 2009; Pathak et al., 2014; tion in developing countries has been reported to be more than
Jain and Tiwari, 2015). In fact, 34 million tons of plastic wastes that of the world average because of the higher rate of urbanization
and economic development (Muenmee and Chiemchaisri, 2016).
For instance, developing countries including China, Indonesia,
⇑ Corresponding author.
Philippines, Sri Lanka and Vietnam were reported to generate more
E-mail address: (T.T. Onay).
0956-053X/Ó 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
S.M. Emadian et al. / Waste Management 59 (2017) 526–536 527

Table 1 energy resources ( 50%) and therefore less greenhouse gas emis-
Classification of the most produced bioplastics (European Bioplastic, 2015). sions ( 60%) when compared to the polystyrene packaging
Source Name Abbreviation (Razza et al., 2015).
Bioplastics Petroleum Polybutylene succinate PBS In 2014, 1.7 million tons of bioplastics were produced through-
based Polylcaprolactone PCL out the world (European Bioplastic, 2015). The production of
Polyethylene succinate PES bioplastics is expected to reach 6.2 million tons in 2018 (Mostafa
Polybutyrate adipate PBAT et al., 2015) (Fig. 1). In 2012, PLA and starch-based were the most
Polyamide PA
utilized bioplastics by 47 and 41% of total consumption, respec-
Polyethylene PE tively (Mostafa et al., 2015). Moreover, Polyhydroxybutyrate
Poly(ethylene terephtalate) PET (PHB) bioplastics got the attention of the scientific community
Polypropylene PP due to their low CO2 emission (Mostafa et al., 2015).
Bio-based Poly(lactic acid) PLA
Although bioplastics are considered to be environmental
Polyhydroxyalkanoate PHA
Starch plastics – friendly materials, they also have some limitations such as high
Cellulose esters – production cost and poor mechanical properties. High production
Bio-polyethylene Bio-PE cost drawback can be managed by utilizing the low cost of renew-
Bio-poly(ethylene Bio-PET able resources such as agricultural wastes (Jain and Tiwari, 2015).
Among the bio-based plastics, Poly(lactic acid) (PLA) reveals opti-
Bio-polyamide Bio-PA
mum properties including high tensile strength and modulus. Poly
(hydroxyalkonates) (PHAs) are their commercial competitors
although they lack some optical and mechanical properties when
than 50% of global plastic pollution in marine environment (Li
compared to PLAs (Tabasi and Ajji, 2015).
et al., 2016). Although the technologies for recovering the plastics
Accumulation of plastic wastes in the environment forces
wastes have been improved, an increase in the world population to
industry to produce a sustainable and a biodegradable type of a
about 9 billion in 2050 requires a higher demand for plastic pro-
plastic (Pathak et al., 2014). The term biodegradation involves bio-
duction and eventually, an increase in the amount of plastic wastes
logical activity. The biodegradation of polymers consists of three
(EU, 2013). Incineration of plastic wastes were also particularly
important steps: (1) Biodeterioration, which is the modification
applied in European countries such as Denmark which had the
of mechanical, chemical, and physical properties of the polymer
highest rate of incineration (76%). Despite constructing incinera-
due to the growth of microorganisms on or inside the surface of
tion plants according the standard criteria, some environmental
the polymers. (2) Biofragmentation, which is the conversion of
drawbacks can be encountered during this process. Energy
polymers to oligomers and monomers by the action of microorgan-
recovery from plastic wastes may enhance the net CO2 emissions.
isms and (3) Assimilation where microorganisms are supplied by
Moreover, a huge amount of ash and slag containing hazardous
necessary carbon, energy and nutrient sources from the fragmenta-
and toxic compounds are required to be disposed of which can
tion of polymers and convert carbon of plastic to CO2, water and
cause other serious environmental problems (European
biomass (Lucas et al., 2008). The important factors that affect the
Commission, 2011). Thus, in order to create a sustainable environ-
plastic’s biodegradation in the environment are the chemical struc-
ment and prevent the possible disposal of recalcitrant plastic
ture, the polymer chain, crystallinity and the complexity of poly-
wastes in the environment, production of bioplastics gained a lot
mer formula. In fact, the specific functional groups are selected
of attention due to their biodegradability. Actually, the word
by enzymes and can be processed. Generally, polymers with a
bioplastic can refer either to bio-based plastics synthesized from
shorter chain, more amorphous part, and less complex formula
biomass and renewable resources such as Poly(lactic acid) (PLA)
are more susceptible to biodegradation by microorganisms.
and Polyhydroxyalkanoate (PHA) or plastics produced from fossil
Moreover, the environment, in which the polymers are placed or
fuel including aliphatic plastics like Polybutylene succinate (PBS),
disposed of, plays as a key factor for their biodegradation. The
which can also be utilized as a substrate by microorganisms
pH, temperature, moisture and the oxygen content are among
(Table 1) (Tokiwa et al., 2009; Mekonnen et al., 2013). For instance,
the most significant environmental factors that must be considered
utilizing starch as a renewable resource in production of packaging
in biodegradation of polymers (Massardier-Nageotte et al., 2006;
bioplastic resulted in a lower consumption of non-renewable
Kale et al., 2007b).
Previously, the non-biodegradability of synthetic plastics
resulted in the accumulation of millions of tons of plastic wastes
1.1% Other 12.2% PLA (Pathak et al., 2014). However, by developing bioplastics as a sub-
(biobased/non- 10%
Biodegradable stitute material for conventional plastics, certain applications have
starch blends become mandatory for the production of real biodegradable poly-
5.5% Bio-PA mers (Eubeler et al., 2009). Therefore, the main objectives of this
review paper are to summarize the biodegradation of bioplastics
7.1% PTT 13%
Total: in different environments and to discuss the activity of the
1.7 million polysters microorganisms that are responsible for their degradation.
11.8% Bio-PE

2% PHA 2. Biodegradation of bioplastics under different environmental

35.4% Regenerated
BioPET30 0.3% Other cellulose Many studies were conducted to investigate the biodegradability
(biodegradable) of bioplastics under different environmental conditions, such as soil,
compost, marine and other aquatic environments. Among these
Biodegradable (39.1%) Non-biodegradable (60.9%)
environmental conditions, mostly soil and compost were taken into
Fig. 1. Global production of bioplastics 2014 (by material type) (European account due to their high microbial diversity (Anstey et al., 2014).
Bioplastic, 2015). Although most of the plastic wastes are disposed of in landfills, the
Table 2

Biodegradation of bioplastics in different environments.

Source of Name of bioplastic Type of environment Conditions Bio-degrad-ability/ Bio- Period of bio- Reference
bioplastic degradability method degrad- degrad-
ability ability (days)
Bio-based PLA- PLA Compost 58 °C Produced CO2 13 60 Ahn et al. (2011)
PLA Compost 58 °C, pH-8.5, 63% humidity Produced CO2 84 58 Kale et al. (2007a)
PLA Compost 70% moisture, 55 °C Produced CO2 70 28 Tabasi and Ajji
PLA Compost Aerobic, 58 °C, 60% humidity Weight loss 60 30 Mihai et al. (2014)
PLA Synthetic material containing Aerobic, 58 °C Weight loss 63.6 90 Sarasa et al. (2009)
PLA Synthetic material containing 58 °C Weight loss 100 28 Arrieta et al. (2014)
PLA Soil 30% moisture Weight loss 10 98 Wu (2012b)
PLA Inoculum from a municipal 30 °C, aerobic Weight loss 39 28 Massardier-Nageotte
wastewater treatment plant et al. (2006)
25 °C, 60% humidity

S.M. Emadian et al. / Waste Management 59 (2017) 526–536

PLA (powdered) Soil Weight loss 13.8 28 Adhikari et al. (2016)
PLA/PFF/starch (80/5/15%)a Compost 58 °C Produced CO2 53 60 Ahn et al. (2011)
PLA/NPK (63.5/37.5%) Soil 30 °C, 80% humidity Weight loss 37.4 56 Harmaen et al. (2015)
PLA/NPK/EFB (25/37.5/37.5%) Soil 30 °C, 80% humidity Weight loss 43 56 Harmaen et al. (2015)
PLA/Soft wood (70/30%) Compost Aerobic, 58 °C, 60% humidity Weight loss 40 30 Mihai et al. (2014)
PLA/corn (90/10%) Synthetic material containing Aerobic, 58 °C Weight loss 79.7 90 Sarasa et al. (2009)
PLA/sisal fiber (SF) (60/40%) Soil 30% moisture Weight loss >60 98 Wu (2012b)
PLA/PHB (75/25%) Synthetic material containing 58 °C Weight loss 100 35 Arrieta et al. (2014)
PHA- PHB Soil – Weight loss 64.3 180 Jain and Tiwari
based (2015)
PHB Microbial culture from soil – Weight loss 18 18 Woolnough et al.
PHB Soil Real conditions, temperature and humidity Weight loss 98 300 Boyandin et al.
were measured regularly (2013)
PHA Soil 35 °C Weight loss 35 60 Wu (2014)
PHA Soil/compost (90/10%) 25 °C, 65% humidity Produced CO2 40–50 15 Arcos-Hernandez
et al. (2012)
PHA Soil 60% moisture, 20 °C Produced CO2 48.5 280 Gómez and Michel
PHB Compost 58 °C Produced CO2 79.9 110 Weng et al. (2011)
PHB Compost 70% moisture, 55 °C Produced CO2 80 28 Tabasi and Ajji
PHB Sea water 25 °C BOD bio- 80 14 Tachibana et al.
degradability (2013)
PHB Sea water Static incubation, 21 °C Weight loss 99 49 Thellen et al. (2008)
PHB Sea water Dynamic incubation, 12–22 °C, pH 7.9–8.1 Weight loss 30 90 Thellen et al. (2008)
PHBV Sea water Static incubation, 21 °C Weight loss 99 49 Thellen et al. (2008)
PHBV Sea water Dynamic incubation, 12–22 °C, pH 7.9–8.1 Weight loss 30 90 Thellen et al. (2008)
PHB River water Real condition 20 °C Weight loss 43.5 42 Volova et al. (2007)
PHB Brackish water sediment 32 °C, pH = 7.06 Weight loss 100 56 Sridewi et al. (2006)
PHB Marine water 28.75 °C (average temperature, pH = 7–7.5 Weight loss 58 160 Volova et al. (2010)
PHB/CAB (50/50%) Soil – Weight loss 31.5 180 Jain and Tiwari
Poly[(3-hydroxybutyrate)-co-(3- Microbial culture from soil – Weight loss 41 18 Woolnough et al.
hydroxyvalerate)] (2008)
PHA/Rice Husk (RH) (60/40%) Soil 35 °C Weight loss >90 60 Wu (2014)
Table 2 (continued)

Source of Name of bioplastic Type of environment Conditions Bio-degrad-ability/ Bio- Period of bio- Reference
bioplastic degradability method degrad- degrad-
ability ability (days)
Starch- Bioplastic (made from potato Compost Aerobic, 58 °C Weight loss 85 90 Javierre et al. (2015)
based almidon)
Starch-based Soil 60% moisture, 20 °C Produced CO2 14.2 110 Gómez and Michel
Mater-Bi bioplastic Marine water with sediment Room temperature BOD bio- 68.9 236 Tosin et al. (2012)
Mater-bi bioplastic (MB) (60% Compost 55% moisture, aerobic, 23 °C Weight loss 26.9 72 Mohee et al. (2008)
starch + 40% resin)
Cellulose- CA (Produced from fiber flax) Municipal solid waste mixture – Weight loss 44 14 Mostafa et al. (2015)
CA (Produced from cotton Municipal solid waste mixture – Weight loss 35 14 Mostafa et al. (2015)
Sponge cloth (cellulose-based) Synthetic material containing Aerobic, 58 °C Weight loss >80 154 Vaverková and
compost Adamcová (2015)

S.M. Emadian et al. / Waste Management 59 (2017) 526–536

PA-based Nylon 4 (Polyamides, Bio-based) Sea water 25 °C BOD bio- 80/30 25/21 Tachibana et al.
degradability/weight (2013)
Nylon 4 (Polyamides, Bio-based) Composted soil 25 °C, 80% humidity, ph = 7.5–7.6 Weight loss 100 120 Hashimoto et al.

Petroleum- PBS- PBS Compost Aerobic, pH 7–8, 58–65 °C, 50–55% moisture Produced CO2 90 160 Anstey et al. (2014)
based based
PBS (films) Soil 25 °C, 60% humidity Weight loss 1 28 Adhikari et al. (2016)
PBS (powdered) Soil 25 °C, 60% humidity Weight loss 16.8 28 Adhikari et al. (2016)
PBS/soy meal (75/25%) Compost Aerobic, pH 7–8, 58–65 °C, 50–55% moisture Produced CO2 90 100 Anstey et al. (2014)
PBS/Canola meal (75/25%) Compost Aerobic, pH 7–8, 58–65 °C, 50–55% moisture Produced CO2 90 100 Anstey et al. (2014)
PBS/Corn gluten meal (75/25%) Compost Aerobic, pH 7–8, 58–65 °C, 50–55% moisture Produced CO2 90 100 Anstey et al. (2014)
PBS/switch grass (75/25%) Compost Aerobic, pH 7–8, 58–65 °C, 50–55% moisture Produced CO2 90 170 Anstey et al. (2014)
PBS/Starch (films) Soil 25 °C, 60% humidity Weight loss 7 28 Adhikari et al. (2016)
PBS/Starch (powdered) Soil 25 °C, 60% humidity Weight loss 24.4 28 Adhikari et al. (2016)
PCL- PCL Inoculum from a municipal 30 °C, aerobic Weight loss 7.6 28 Massardier-Nageotte
based wastewater treatment plant et al. (2006)
Starch/PCL Inoculum from a municipal 30 °C, aerobic Weight loss 53 28 Massardier-Nageotte
wastewater treatment plant et al. (2006)
PCL Compost 55 °C Produced CO2 38 6 Nakasaki et al. (2006)

530 S.M. Emadian et al. / Waste Management 59 (2017) 526–536

biodegradation of bioplastics in landfills have not been studied worsened its biodegradation since the polymer became more
much yet. Therefore, the biodegradation of bioplastics in compost, hydrophobic (Jain and Tiwari, 2015).
soil and aquatic environments are particularly discussed here. Blending of PLA or PHB bioplastics with poly (butylene adipate-
co-terephtalate) (PBAT) showed a lower degree of biodegradation
2.1. Compost than those of the pure PLA or PHB. Fourier Transform Infrared
(FTIR) results elucidated that the changes in these blend’s compo-
A huge amount of plastic wastes is disposed of in landfills which sition during the composting process led to the commencement of
eventually leads to generation of greenhouse gases and leachate. biodegradation from the PLA or PHB part of the blend. Interest-
Therefore, other solid waste management methods including com- ingly, forming a PBAT rich 3D network led to a lower disintegration
posting or recycling are considered to be more preferable for the of the blend (Tabasi and Ajji, 2015). In another study, the biodegra-
recovery of plastics. Composting is a process in which the organic dation of PHAs films with different structures was reported. The
matter is converted to CO2 and a soil-like material (humus) by order of biodegradation was Poly(hydroxybutyrate-co-40 mol%
activity of a mixed group of microorganisms (Kale et al., 2007b). hydroxyvalerate) (PHBV-40)  Poly(3-hydroxybutyrate-co-40 mol%
As defined by the American Society for Testing and Materials 4-hydroxybutyrate) P(3HB-co-40 mol% 4HB) > Poly (hydroxybutyrate-
(ASTM), compostable plastic is ‘‘a plastic that undergoes degradation co-20 mol%-hydroxyvalerate) (PHBV-20) > Poly (hydroxybutyrate-
by biological processes during composting to yield carbon dioxide, co-3 mol% hydroxyvalerate) (PHBV-3) > PHB suggesting that
water, inorganic compounds, and biomass at a rate consistent with involvement of Hydroxyvalerate (HV) and Hydroxybutyrate
other known compostable materials and leaves no visually distin- (4HB) in polymer structure reduce its crystallinity and improve
guishable or toxic residues” (ASTM D6400-04, 2004). Therefore, a the bioplastic biodegradability (Weng et al., 2011).
compostable plastic is biodegradable whereas a biodegradable As stated previously, renewable resources can be employed to
plastic is not always compostable (Kale et al., 2007a,b). Using com- produce bioplastics. For instance, cellulose acetate (CA) bioplastics
post as a microbial community for the biodegradation of different can be produced from agricultural wastes. In a relatively recent
bioplastics was extensively studied during the past decade work, it was reported that the biodegradation of CA bioplastics
(Table 2). Both bio-based and petroleum-based bioplastics includ- from low cost fiber flax and cotton linters was 44 and 35%, respec-
ing PLA, PHA, starch-based, PBS, PES and PCL are susceptible to tively, after 14 days of composting (Mostafa et al., 2015).
biodegradation by compost under specific environmental condi- Some bioplastics in markets are labeled as 100% biodegradable.
tions (such as temperature, pH and moisture content). However, their potential for composting has not been verified. In a
The conditions differences between home and industrial com- relevant study, the biodegradability of two different samples of
posting may lead to a significant difference in biodegradation of sponge cloth bioplastics (sample A and B), which were widely used
bioplastics. Studying the biodegradation of PLA bioplastic under for cleaning the surfaces, were composted. The results showed that
home composting conditions during 11 months showed a very the sample B had a biodegradability of more than 80%, whereas
slow biodegradation. This could be attributed to the lower temper- sample A slightly biodegraded indicating that the biodegradability
ature than that of the industrial scale trial which could be per- of bioplastics could strongly be attributed to the type of the envi-
formed at a higher temperature range (Thermophilic) (Rudnik ronment and also to the chemical structure of the polymer
and Briassoulis, 2011). (Vaverková and Adamcová, 2015).
Some studies were conducted to improve the biodegradability
of bioplastics in a compost environment. For instance, increasing 2.2. Soil
the content of soluble sugar in the biocomposites through the addi-
tion of materials containing high protein content enhanced the Since plastic wastes are also widely disposed of in soil environ-
biodegradability of bioplastics. In order to increase the biodegrad- ments, investigating their changes and influences in this particular
ability of PBS containing bioplastics, biofuel byproducts were environment should also be discussed. Mainly, soil environments
involved in their mixture as composite bioplastics. It was seen that contain a vast biodiversity of microorganisms, which enable the
the presence of a meal-based filler enhances the rate of biodegra- plastic biodegradation to be more feasible with respect to other
dation compared to pure PBS bioplastic, which was attributed to environments, such as water or air. In the literature, many studies
the high concentration of soluble sugars in meal-based fillers investigated the biodegradability of PHA and PLA bioplastics and
(Anstey et al., 2014). The presence of corn in PLA/corn bioplastic this topic seemed to be more popular than the biodegradability
seemed to enhance the biodegradation in compost since corn of other bio or petroleum based bioplastics as shown in Table 2.
was a highly biodegradable material. Thus, microorganisms In a recent work, in order to improve the biodegradability of bio-
degraded the material and the PLA fraction more efficiently plastics, the blending of other biodegradable materials was investi-
(Sarasa et al., 2009). The PLA pots in association with poultry gated. It was reported that, the biodegradation of PHB/PPW-FR
feather fibers (PFF) showed a higher rate of deterioration than (potato peel waste fermentation residue) biocomposite was more
those of the pure PLA which might be related to the other compo- efficient than the sole PHB since PPW-FR fibers reduced the crys-
nents used in molding and extrusion processes of the PLA pot pro- tallinity of PHB biocomposite (Wei et al., 2015). In another study,
duction that inhibited the biodegradation (Ahn et al., 2011). adding the empty fruit bunch (EFB) fibers increased the rate of PLA
Biodegradation of acrylic acid-grafted Polyhydroxyalkanoate/Rice biocomposite biodegradation (Harmaen et al., 2015). The biodegra-
Husk (PHA-g-AA/RH) and Polyhydroxyalkanoate/Rice Husk (PHA/ dation of PLA bioplastics in a real soil environment under Mediter-
RH) biocomposites has a direct relationship to its RH content. In ranean real field conditions was studied throughout an 11 months
fact, the presence of these compounds in a PHA matrix increased period. The biodegradation process was very slow although the cel-
the biocomposite properties including the tensile strength. lulose which was utilized as the positive control was completely
Although the tensile strength of PHA-g-AA/RH was more than that degraded. This might be correlated to the lower temperature of
of PHA/RH, its biodegradation was slightly lower, which was due to the systems under real conditions and duration of the experiment.
the resistance of the former composites to water absorption (Wu, In fact, these bioplastics require higher temperature and longer time
2014). Moreover, Sisal Fibers (SF) were dispersed in the PLA matrix to be effectively degraded (Rudnik and Briassoulis, 2011).
which resulted in more than 50% higher weight loss after soil bur- Depending on the soil environment, the biodegradation of bio-
ial of 14 weeks (Wu, 2012b). On the other hand, the addition of plastic can differ. For instance, more than 98% of PHA films were
Cellulose Acetate Butyrate (CAB) as a blending agent to PLA matrix degraded in the soil environment at Hoa Lac, Vietnam whereas
S.M. Emadian et al. / Waste Management 59 (2017) 526–536 531

the same films lost 47% of their weight in the soil environment of researchers. However, no information was encountered in current
Dam Bai, Vietnam. This significant reduction in PHA films degrada- literature about the release and/or fate of bioplastics through the
tion in Dam Bai region might be related to the relatively low pH of wastewater discharges.
5.48 which probably deteriorated the microbial activity (Boyandin
et al., 2013).
3. Bioplastic-degrading microorganisms
2.3. Aquatic systems
More than 90 types of microorganisms including: aerobes,
The plastic wastes were found to be largely accumulated evenly anaerobes, photosynthetic bacteria, archaebacterial and lower
in deep marine environment. Due to their semi-permanent stabil- eukaryotic are responsible for the biodegradation and catabolism
ity in a marine ecosystem, the plastic wastes potentially result in of bioplastics. These microorganisms can be found extensively in
marine pollution, which can have impacts on marine animals soil or compost materials (Lee et al., 2005; Kumaravel et al.,
(Volova et al., 2010; Sekiguchi et al., 2011). Therefore, bioplastics 2010; Accinelli et al., 2012). The degradation of bioplastics by
which are considered as biodegradable polymers in the environ- bacteria or fungal species is recognized through the appearance
ment, can also be used to develop a sustainable environment even of a clear zone surrounding the growth in a plate containing the
in marine and aquatic systems. The researchers suggested that in bioplastic as the only carbon source, followed by the consideration
order to understand the biodegradation of bioplastics in marine of the diameter for the biodegradation extension (Tezuka et al.,
habitats, the test methodology should include six different habitats 2004; Lee et al., 2005; Ishii et al., 2008; Kumaravel et al., 2010).
(supralittoral, eulittoral, sublittoral benthic, deep sea benthic, Scanning electron microscopic (SEM) observations were widely
pelagic and buried in the sediments). It was found out that the used by researches in order to determine the change of polymer
degradation in pelagic habitat was more efficient with respect to structure due to the biological activity. For example, instability of
eutrophic habitat. In addition, the authors also suggested that the PHA bioplastic was observed by utilizing the SEM method verifying
highest biodegradation could be achieved at the interface of the PHA biodegradation (Tezuka et al., 2004; Wu, 2009, 2011;
water-sediment since the environmental conditions at the inter- Phukon et al., 2012; Tachibana et al., 2013). Moreover, Fourier
face supported the activity of plastic-degrading microorganisms Transform Infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy was also employed to
(Tosin et al., 2012). In another work, in order to compare the detect the change in bond intensity, which was caused by micro-
biodegradability of bioplastics under laboratory and real condi- bial degradation (Wu, 2009, 2011, 2014; Phukon et al., 2012.
tions, the biodegradation of PHB and PHBV bioplastics in sea water Enzymes which can be either intracellular or extracellular, are
under both static and dynamic conditions was studied. The labora- responsible for enzymatic degradation of bioplastics. Depoly-
tory (static) incubation was conducted in batch flasks containing merases which can be obtained from bioplastic-degrading
natural seawater at 21 °C while the dynamic incubation was microorganisms were investigated as enzymes play a significant
performed in an open system with continuous seawater flow at rule in bioplastics biodegradation. (Tokiwa and Calabia, 2004;
temperature between 12 and 22 °C and pH ranged from 7.9 to Chua et al., 2013). Many studies have been conducted on depoly-
8.1. For both bioplastics, the weight loss percent was the same merase purification from bioplastic-degrading microorganisms.
under both static and dynamic conditions although the weight loss Intercellular depolymerase from Rhodospirillum rubrum were
was less under dynamic conditions rather than the static one. This investigated as PHB-degrading enzymes (Tokiwa and Calabia,
might be attributed to the fact that the dynamic condition was 2004). The depolymerase enzyme responsible for PCL degradation
more realistic, which provided nutrient supply limitation and the was isolated from Streptomyces thermoviolaceus subsp. Thermovio-
temperature change of sea water. In addition, addition of sedi- laceus 76T-2 (Chua et al., 2013). Other enzymes such as lipase from
ments was studies to understand its effects on biodegradation. It Alcaligenes faecalis, estrase from Comomonas acidivorans and serine
was investigated that the sediments could have a favorable effect from Pestalotiopsis microspora were also produced that involved in
on biodegradation, however, no definite correlation could be deter- bioplastic biodegradation (Trivedi et al., 2016).
mined (Thellen et al., 2008). According to the literature, the biodiversity of bioplastic-
The water temperature can also have a significant influence on degrading microorganisms was not the same under different envi-
biodegradation of bioplastics. It was reported that the rate of PHA ronmental conditions. Although bio-based plastics such as PLA
films biodegradation was different in various periods of the year produced from renewable resources can be degraded in different
1999 and 2000 due to the changes in weather temperature microbial environments, the biodegradation of petroleum-based
(Volova et al., 2007). In addition, different sea waters might have bioplastics such as PES depends on the resource (source of water)
played a substantial role in biodegradation, depending on the on which it is located (Tezuka et al., 2004). Also, the distribution of
existing bioplastic-degrading microorganisms. The degradation of PBS bioplastic-degrading microorganisms in soil environments is
PCL, PBS and PHB biopolymers in three different sea water types not comparable to other bioplastics including PCL (Abe et al.,
was investigated by measuring their strength retention. The find- 2010). In another study, 31 isolates capable of degrading PES,
ings showed that the strength retention changed in different sea PHB and PCL were obtained from different environments. In fact,
water environment, which might be attributed to the different this study showed that a larger number of isolates, able to degrad-
bioplastic-degrading microorganisms available in these three par- ing these three bioplastics, were obtained from the soil rather than
ticular sea waters types (Sekiguchi et al., 2011). compost and sediment (Tseng et al., 2007).
Another parameter, which can alter the degree of biodegrada- Soil and compost environments were intensively investigated
tion in marine water is the shape of the polymer. It was stated that and it was observed that they both contained a high numbers of
the PHA films were degraded faster than PHA pellets because of bioplastic-degrading microorganisms because of the higher micro-
their larger surface area. Furthermore, a larger polymer/water bial biodiversity than that of found in other environments such as
interface also facilitated the attachment of microorganisms to the marine waters. It was reported that the fungal species in soil or
surface of the polymer (Volova et al., 2010). This pattern was also compost had a more tendency to degrade Mater-Bi (MB) starch
observed for PHA films in tropical soil environments in another based bioplastics (Accinelli et al., 2012). In a relatively previous
work as well (Boyandin et al., 2013). study, the PHB-degrading fungal strains were isolated from soil
Recently, the entrance of microscale plastics to marine environ- compost, garden soil, hay compost, farm hay, cotton boll fallen leaf,
ment through wastewater discharges is a topic of broad interest for living leaf, plant root, ceiling pipe, pond, shower stall and air.
Table 3
Isolated bioplastics-degrading microorganisms from different environments.

Source of Name of bioplastic Type of Microorganism Source Reference

bioplastic microorganism
Bio-based PLA- PLA Bacteria Amycolatopsis sp., Amycolatopsis thailandensis, Thermomactinomyces sp., Laceyella sp., Soil Teeraphatpornchai et al. (2003), Sukkhum et al.
based Nonomuraea sp, Bacillus licheniformis, Actinomadura keratinilytica, Micromonospora sp., (2009), Kim and Park (2010), Chomchoei et al.
Streptomyces sp., Bortetella petrii, Paenibacillus amylolyticus, Paenibacillus sp. (2011), Penkhrue et al. (2015)
PLA Bacteria Amycolatopsis sp. – Jarerat et al. (2002)
PLA Bacteria Saccharaothrix sp. – Jarerat et al. (2002)
PLA Bacteria Lentzea sp. – Jarerat et al. (2002)
PLA Bacteria Kibdelosporangium sp. – Jarerat et al. (2002)
PLA Bacteria Streptoalloteichus sp. – Jarerat et al. (2002)
PLA Bacteria Burkholderia capacia – Wu (2009)
PLA Fungi Thermomyces lanuginosus, Aspergillus fumigatus, Mortierella sp., Doratomyces microsporus Soil/ Karamanlioglu et al. (2014)
PLA Fungi Fennellomyces linderi, Fusarium solani, Purpureocillium sp., Cladosporium sp. Soil Karamanlioglu et al. (2014), Penkhrue et al. (2015)
PLA Fungi Verticillium sp., Lecanicillium saksenae, Cladosporium sp. Compost Karamanlioglu et al. (2014)
PLA Fungi Aspergillus ustus, Penicillium verrucosum, Aspergillus fumigatus, Aspergillus Sydowii, Composted Szumigaj et al. (2008)
Paecilomyces lilacinus soil

S.M. Emadian et al. / Waste Management 59 (2017) 526–536

PLLA + Starch- Bacteria Laceyella sacchari Soil Lomthong et al. (2015)
PDLA Bacteria Bacillus stearthermophilus Soil Tomita et al. (2003)
PLA/NPK Fungi Trametes versicolor – Harmaen et al. (2015)
PLA/(green Bacteria Burkholderia capacia – Wu (2009)
coconut fiber
(GFC)) (90/10%)a
PHA- PHB Bacteria Streptomyces sp., Burkholderia capacia, Bacillus sp., Cupriavidus sp. Mycobacterium sp., River Hoang et al. (2006), Boyandin et al. (2013)
based Nocardiopsis sp. sediment
PHB Bacteria Streptomyces bangladeshensis Soil Hsu et al. (2012)
PHA Bacteria Pseudomonas aerogusina, Bacillus subtilis Soil Phukon et al. (2012)
PHA Bacteria Pseudomonas putida, Leptothrix sp., Variovorax sp. River water Volova et al. (2007)
PHA Bacteria Pseudomonas fluorescens, Pseudomonas putida, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Pseudomonas sp. Soil Colak and Güner (2004), Bhatt et al. (2008)
PHA Fungi Candida albicans, Fusarium oxysporum Soil Phukon et al. (2012)
PHB Bacteria Pseudomonas lemoignei Soil Kumaravel et al. (2010)
PHB Fungi Aspergillus niger Soil Kumaravel et al. (2010)
PHB Fungi Penicillium sp., Aspergillus sp. Compost/soil Lee et al. (2005)
PHB Bacteria Entrobacter sp., Bacillus sp., Gracilibacillus sp. Marine Volova et al. (2010)
PHB Fungi Penicillium sp., Trichoderma pseudokoningii, Paecilomyces lilacinus, Cogronella sp., Soil Boyandin et al. (2013)
Acremonium recifei
PHBV Bacteria Actinomadura sp. Soil Shah et al. (2010)
PHBV Bacteria Microcossus sp., Bacillus sp. Active Shah et al. (2007)
Starch- Starch-based Fungi Aspergillus sp. Compost/soil Accinelli et al. (2012)
Starch-based Fungi Aspergillus niger – Li et al. (2015)
Starch-based Bacteria Clostridium acetobutylicum Soil Yoshida et al. (2013)
PLLA + Starch- Bacteria Laceyella sacchari Soil Lomthong et al. (2015)
PA- Nylon 4 (PA) Bacteria Stenotrophomonas Composted Tachibana et al. (2010)
based soil
Nylon 4 (PA) Fungi Fusarium sp., Fusarium solani, Fusarium oxysporum, Clonostachys rosea Composted Hashimoto et al. (2002), Tachibana et al. (2010)
Table 3 (continued)

Source of Name of bioplastic Type of Microorganism Source Reference

bioplastic microorganism
Petroleum- PCL- PCL Bacteria Amycolatopsis sp., Streptomyces sp., Streptomyces thermovioaceus, Paenibacillus sp. Soil Chua et al. (2013), Penkhrue et al. (2015)
based based
PCL Bacteria Streptomyces thermonitrificans Compost Nakasaki et al. (2006)
PCL Bacteria Streptomyces sp. River Hoang et al. (2006)
PCL Bacteria Bacillus pumilus Fresh water Tezuka et al. (2004)
PCL Bacteria Leptothrix sp. Soil/fresh Nakajima-Kambe et al. (2009)
PCL Bacteria Pseudomonas sp., Tenacibaculum sp., Alcanivorax sp. Sea water Sekiguchi et al. (2011)
PCL Bacteria Psychrobacter sp., Pseudomonas sp., Moritella sp., Shewanella sp. Sea Sekiguchi et al. (2010)
PCL Bacteria Paenibacillus amylolyticus Soil Teeraphatpornchai et al. (2003)
PCL Fungi Purpureocillium sp., Cladosporium sp. Soil Penkhrue et al. (2015)
PBS- PBS Bacteria Amycolatopsis sp., Streptomyces sp, Paenibacillus sp., Paenibacillus amylolyticus Soil Teeraphatpornchai et al. (2003), Penkhrue et al.
based (2015)
PBS Fungi Purpureocillium sp., Cladosporium sp., Aspergillus fumigatus, Aspergillus niger, Fusarium Soil Ishii et al. (2008), Abe et al. (2010), Li et al. (2011),

S.M. Emadian et al. / Waste Management 59 (2017) 526–536

solani Penkhrue et al. (2015)
PBS Fungi Aspergillus oryzae – Maeda et al. (2005)
PBSA Bacteria Azospirillum brasilense – Wu (2012a)
PBSA Bacteria Paenibacillus amylolyticus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Burkholderia capacia, Bacillus pumilus Soil Teeraphatpornchai et al. (2003), Hayase et al.
(2004), Tezuka et al. (2004), Lee and Kim (2010)
PBSA Bacteria Leptothrix sp. Soil/fresh Nakajima-Kambe et al. (2009)
PBSA Bacteria Pseudomonas aeruginosa Activated Lee and Kim (2010)
sludge soil
PBSA Fungi Rhizopus Oryzae – Wu (2011)
PBSA Fungi Aspergillus oryzae – Maeda et al. (2005)
PBSA/SCB (60/ Fungi Rhizopus Oryzae – Wu (2011)
PBSA/Rice Husk Bacteria Azospirillum brasilense – Wu (2012a)
(RH) (60/40%)
PES- PES Bacteria Streptomyces sp. River Hoang et al. (2006)
based sediment
PES Bacteria Bacillus pumilus Fresh water Tezuka et al. (2004)
PES Bacteria Paenibacillus amylolyticus Soil Teeraphatpornchai et al. (2003), Tezuka et al.
PES Bacteria Leptothrix sp. Soil/fresh Nakajima-Kambe et al. (2009)
PES Fungi Aspergillus clavatus Soil Ishii et al. (2007)

534 S.M. Emadian et al. / Waste Management 59 (2017) 526–536

However, the largest number of PHB-degraders were isolated from study, increasing the Green Coconut Fibers (GFCs) content in PLA/
the soil compost, soils and farm hay among the total 26 PHB- GFC biocomposite significantly enhanced its biodegradation by Bur-
degraders (Lee et al., 2005). kholderia capacia BCRC 14253 (Wu, 2009). Wu (2011) also reported
Bacteria species able to biodegrade different biopolymers such that the Sugarcane Baggasse (SCB) in Polybutylene Succinate-co-
as, Stenotrophomonas, fungi species like Penicillium, Aspergillus, Adipate (PBSA) matrix decreased its intrinsic viscosity and this
Thermomyces, Fusarium, Clonostachys, Verticillium, Lecanicillium, led to a higher biodegradation of PBSA/SCB biocomposite (Wu,
cladosporium, Mortierella and Doratomyces and actinobacteria 2011). The same trend also took place for biodegradation of PBSA
species including Streptomyces were all isolated from compost biocomposite with and without agricultural residues Rice Husk
environments as summarized in Table 3. (RH) by Azospirillum brasilense BCRC 12270 (Wu, 2012a).
Various microorganisms isolated from soil environments uti-
lized bioplastics as the carbon source. Actinobacteria species such
as Amycolatopsis, Thermomactimyces, Actinomadura, Nonomuraea, 4. Conclusions
Laceyella and Streptomyces species were obtained from soil among
which Amycolatopsis and Streptomyces were the most common spe- The depletion of fossil fuel sources and the adverse environ-
cies. Paenibacillus, Pseudomonas, Bacillus and Bulkholderia species mental impacts resulting from the poor degradability of conven-
were mainly isolated from different soil environments and they tional plastics led the researchers to search for and to develop
were capable of degrading the bioplastics. Among the soil- new and alternative materials to substitute plastics. In addition
isolated fungi species responsible for bioplastics biodegradation, to consumption of our limited resources, global disposal of plastic
Aspergillus, Fusarium and Penicillium were mainly encountered wastes in an uncontrolled manner significantly contributes to
(Table 3). generation of gaseous and liquid pollutants in the environment
Agricultural soils were investigated as a suitable source for PLA- posing threat to public health and nature. Since the new generation
degrading microorganisms because of their high organic content. bio-based plastics are produced from renewable resources such as
16 out of 79 soil isolated microorganisms were capable of degrad- crops and agricultural wastes, their utilization is considered to be
ing all PLA, PCL and PBS bioplastics according to clear zone method beneficial but there is a need to address any potential negative
and among them Actinomyces accounted for the highest number. environmental impacts. In the last two decades, many studies were
Amycolatopsis sp. Strain SCM_MK2_4 represented the highest conducted in order to determine and discuss the biodegradation of
enzyme activity toward the PLA and PCL bioplastics (Penkhrue bioplastics in different environments. The biodegradation of PLA
et al., 2015). In another study, 20 filamentous fungal strains isolated and PHA bioplastics was studied more than the other biopolymers
from different soil and fresh water samples capable of producing such as PCL and PES due to their bio-based and specific mechanical
clear zones on minimal agar plates containing PES. These fungal properties.
strains were also able to generate clear zones on plates containing Environmental conditions such as medium pH, moisture and
Poly(3-hydroxybutyrate) (P3HB) (Ishii et al., 2007). oxygen contents, and temperature play a significant role in the
Bacteria species were the main microorganisms obtained from degree of the biodegradation of bioplastics. Moreover, the struc-
aquatic systems including marine and river water that were able ture and the composition of biopolymer or biocomposite extremely
to degrade bioplastics. Bioplastic-degrading bacteria such as Pseu- affect the biodegradation process which can be considered during
domonas, Bacillus, Alvanivorax, Tenacibaculum, Lepthotrix, Entrobac- their production stages. Modifying the composition of biopolymer,
ter, Variovorax and Gracilibacillus species were isolated from these including the addition of material with a high soluble sugar
environments as reported in several studies. Actinomyces species content, may enhance the bioplastic biodegradability. Although
including Streptomyces able to utilize the bioplastics were also iso- biocomposite production from bioplastics may have some
lated from the sea and river sediments (Table 3). improved mechanical properties such as high tensile strength, still
The PCL-degrading bacteria were isolated from deep sea sedi- the biodegradation process may not be favorable under certain
ments. These strains did not degrade the other bioplastics including circumstances or become interrupted at same stage. Therefore,
PLA, PHB, PBS and PBSA. Therefore, studying the aforementioned the optimization of the biocomposite mixture can lead to a more
bioplastics-degrading microorganisms is necessary since the condi- applicable and biodegradable product.
tions in deep sea environments are different than the land environ- As explained previously, microorganisms are responsible for the
ments due to the low temperature and high pressure (Sekiguchi biodegradation of bioplastics in different ecosystems. In fact,
et al., 2010). microorganisms catalyze the biodegradation of biopolymers
Co-culture of different microorganisms may enhance the through responsible enzymes. Fungal and bacterial species were
biodegradation of bioplastics. In fact, the other microorganism isolated from soil, compost, marine water, river water and other
may help the biodegradation by utilizing the intermediates of bio- environments, which were capable of utilizing the bioplastics to
plastic biodegradation by the main microorganism. It was reported end products. Among the actinomyces or actinobacteria,
that the mixture of Fusarium solani WF-6 with Stenotrophomonas Amycolatopsis and Streptomyces species, bacterial species such as
maltophilia YB-6 increased the biodegradation of PBS bioplastic Paenibacillus, Pseudomonas, Bacillus and Bulkholderia species and
although strain YB-6 was unable to solely degrade the PBS (Abe Aspergillus, Fusarium and Penicillium species as fungal species were
et al., 2010). It was also stated that the co-culturing of Sphino- the most commonly isolated microorganisms from different
gomonas paucimobilis sp. with hydrolyzates degrading strains environments.
strongly improved the biodegradation of poly(p-dioxanone) As discussed in this paper, the biodegradation of bioplastics was
(Nishida et al., 2000). In another study, higher PCL biodegradation extensively investigated in soil and compost environments. Bio-
by Streptomyces thermonitrificans PDS-1 was detected when co- plastics mainly showed high degradability in these environments.
cultured with Bacillus licheniformis HA1 (Nakasaki et al., 2006). However, a large amount of these plastics do find their ways to
Biocomposite which contains some other chemicals or materials the water bodies and to marine systems. Subsequently, they may
in bioplastics matrix can have an impact on its biodegradability by eventually cause unavoidable impacts on fresh water and marine
microorganisms. The addition of soft wood fibers to PLA enhanced ecosystems, affecting different species of plant and animals
its tensile and elastic modulus whereas the biodegradation of the adversely. It is well known that a huge amount of plastic waste
biocomposite was less than the virgin PLA since the wood fibers is available in the marine environment either by direct disposing
were biodegraded at a slower rate (Mihai et al., 2014). In another of solid wastes into oceans or by wastewater discharge. Therefore,
S.M. Emadian et al. / Waste Management 59 (2017) 526–536 535

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