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Ainable Architecture: Submitted By: Akshita Saklani 03 /16 Chahat Bassi 47 /16

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I N A By :
SUSTA i t t ed
Subm 03 /1
S ak lani 47 /1
Aksh t Bassi

What is sustainability?

Sustainable development is development that meets the needs of the

present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet
their own needs. (World Commission on Environment and Development, 1987,
Report “Our Common Future”)

Sustainable architecture is architecture that seeks to minimize the

negative environmental impact of buildings by efficiency and moderation in
the use of materials, energy, and development space and the ecosystem at

Green concepts and techniques in the building sector ,can help

address the national issues like water efficiency, energy efficiency, reduction in
fossil fuel use for commuting, handling of consumer waste and conserving
natural resources.
Green building (also known as green construction or
sustainable building)

It refers to both a structure and the application of processes that

are environmentally responsible and resource-efficient
throughout a building's life-cycle: from planning to design,
construction, operation, maintenance, renovation, and
demolition. This requires close cooperation of the contractor, the
architects, the engineers, and the client at all project stages. The

Green Building practice expands and complements the classical

building design concerns of economy, utility, durability, and
comfort. In doing so, the three dimensions of sustainability, i.e.,
planet, people and profit across the entire supply chain need to
be considered.

Green Building Rating Systems such as BREEAM

(United Kingdom), LEED (United States and Canada), DGNB
(Germany), CASBEE (Japan), and VERDE (Spain), GRIHA
(India) help consumers determine a structure's level of
environmental performance.
Aim of Green Building

● The aim of a green building design is to

minimize the demand on non-renewable
resources, maximize the utilization
efficiency of these resources when in use,
and maximize the reuse, recycling, and
utilization of renewable resources.
● It maximizes the use of efficient building
materials and construction practices;
optimizes the use of on-site sources and
sinks by bioclimatic architectural practices;
● uses minimum energy to power itself;
● uses efficient equipment to meet its lighting,
air conditioning, and other needs;
● maximizes the use of renewable sources of
● uses efficient waste and water
management practices
● provides comfortable and hygienic indoor
working conditions.
Green Building Rating system

● A green building rating system is an evaluation tool

that measures environmental performance of a
building through its life cycle.
● It usually comprises of a set of criteria covering
various parameters related to design, construction
and operation of a green building.
● Each criterion has pre-assigned points and sets
performance benchmarks and goals that are largely
● A project is awarded points once it fulfils the rating
● The points are added up and the final rating of a
project is decided.
● Rating systems call for independent third party
evaluation of a project and different processes are
put in place to ensure a fair evaluation.
● Globally, green building rating systems are largely
voluntary in nature and have been instrumental in
raising awareness and popularizing green building

1. Passive Sustainable Design. Passive strategies, such as considering sun orientation and climate and being
thoughtful about window placement and operation, are used to best manage daylighting and natural ventilation and go a
long way in reducing energy requirements for the building. In certain climates, thermal mass techniques can be used to
harness solar energy. In such cases, thick walls absorb heat from the sun during the day and release it into the building at

2. Active Sustainable Design. Architects consult with mechanical and electrical engineers to implement
high-efficiency electrical, plumbing, HVAC, and other systems, which are designed to have small environmental footprints.

3. Renewable Energy Systems. Renewable energy systems, including those that harness solar and wind energy, are
also great options for some buildings. These systems are often used in conjunction with passive design strategies.
4. Green Building Materials and Finishes. By making it a priority to purchase steel, lumber,
concrete, and finishing materials, such as carpet and furnishings, from companies that use environmentally
responsible manufacturing techniques or recycled materials, architects up the ante on sustainability.

5. Native Landscaping. Landscaping choices can make a big impact in civic building water consumption.
By using trees, plants, and grasses that are native to the area, architects can greatly reduce irrigation needs.
Landscaping can also be used as part of a passive energy strategy. By planting trees that shade the roof and
windows during the hottest time of the day, solar heat gain inside the building can be reduced.

6. Stormwater Management. When rain falls on an untouched site, the water that doesn’t evaporate
absorbs back into the ground, replenishing the natural water table. However, when a building is placed
on the site, along with parking lots, sidewalks, access roads, and other hardscaping, rainfall behaves
differently. The water runs off these surfaces and into storm drains. By implementing stormwater
management strategies, such as pervious pavement that helps to reduce runoff and retention ponds that
capture runoff and slowly release water back into the ground, the negative environmental impact of buildings
can be reduced.
Universal Design - Ensure that the building design caters to
differently abled and senior citizens.

● Appropriately designed preferred car park spaces having an easy access

to the main entrance
or closer to the lift lobby.
(Provide at least one car park space for the first 100 car park spaces and
one additional for every
250 car park spaces thereafter or as defined by local byelaw).
● Easy access to the main entrance of the building.
● Non-slippery ramps with handrails on at least one side.
● Braille and audio assistance in lifts for visually impaired people.
● Seating area near lift lobbies.
● Uniformity in floor level for hindrance-free movement in common areas
& exterior areas.
● Restrooms (toilets) in common areas designed for differently abled
(Provide at least one restroom for the first 100 building occupants and
one additional
for every 250 occupants thereafter or as defined by local byelaw)
● Main walkways / pathways with adequate width in exterior areas.
● Visual warning signage in common areas & exterior areas.
IGBC ( Indian Green Building Code)
Integrated Design Approach
Sustainable Architecture and Design


● Site Contour:
Retain site contour to an extent of at least 50% of the site,
including building footprint.
● Water Bodies and Channels:
Retain 100% of water bodies and channels existing on
the site.
● Natural Rocks:
Retain at least 50% of natural rocks, excluding building
● Existing Topography / Landscape:
Retain at least 10% of the existing topography /
landscape, without any disturbance whatsoever.
● Existing Trees:
Design to integrate trees with new development, so as to
preserve 75% of existing trees.

● Climate-responsive concepts and design features Heat Island Reduction, Non-roof

(Eg: orientation, skylights, light wells, courtyard, shaded Provide one or combination of the following, for at least
corridors, shading devices, shading from trees & 50% of exposed non-roof impervious areas within the
adjacent buildings, pergolas, punched windows, project site:
extended louvers, horizontal and vertical landscaping) ● Shade from existing tree cover/ newly planted
● Passive cooling / heating technologies seedlings within 5 to 8 years of planting
(Eg: wind tower, earth tunnel, geothermal technologies) ● Open grid pavers or grass pavers
● Provide at least 75% of the parking under cover.
● Skylights: ● High Reflective Materials
At least 5% of roof area have skylights Use material with a high solar reflective index to cover at
least 75% of the exposed roof area,including covered
● Daylighting: parking.
50 % of the regularly occupied spaces with daylight Note:
illuminance levels for a minimum of 110 Lux (and a ● Material with high solar reflectance index (SRI) include
maximum of 1,100 Lux) in a clear sky condition on 21st white / light colored china mosaic
September at 12 noon, at working plane (through tiles or white cement tiles or other high reflective materials
simulation or measurement approach) / coatings.

● Passive Cooling / Heating Technologies:

(Eg: wind tower, earth tunnel, geothermal technologies)

● Any other passive measures

Landscape Design - Design landscape to ensure minimum water

● Limit use of turf on the site to conserve water and / or ensure that
landscaped area is planted with
drought tolerant / native / adaptive species.

Waste Water Treatment and Reuse -Treat waste water

generated on-site, so as to avoid polluting the receiving streams
by safe disposal.

● Use treated waste water, thereby reducing dependence on potable


● Wastewater Treatment:
Have an on-site treatment system to handle 100% of waste water
generated in the building, to the quality standards suitable for reuse
● Wastewater Reuse: Use treated wastewater for at least 25% of the
total water required for landscaping, flushing,
and cooling tower make-up water (if the project uses water-cooled
Sustainable Building Materials


Encourage the use of building materials to reduce dependence on materials that

have associated negative environmental impacts.


Ensure at least 50% (by area) of the structural and non-structural (interiors)
elements of the existing building are retained.

Points are awarded as below:


● Building reuse is applicable only to those projects which extend the life of building by retaining the structural and
non-structural (interiors) elements of the existing building after its life-span.
● Structural elements include, columns, beams, floor slabs, exterior walls, structural glazing, etc., • Non-structural
(interiors) elements include, interior walls, ceiling, flooring materials, doors,
windows, etc.,


Ensure at least 2.5% of the total building materials (by cost) used in
the building (as per owner /developer’s scope) are salvaged or reused
or refurbished.

● Salvaged or reused materials are buildings materials recovered from existing buildings or construction sites
and reused. Common salvaged materials include furniture, doors, cabinetry, brick and tiles.
● Refurbished materials are products that could have been disposed of as solid waste. These products have
completed their life cycle as consumer items and are then refurbished for reuse without substantial alteration
of their form.


Use materials with recycled content in the building (as per owner /
developer’s scope) such that the total recycled content constitutes at least
10% of the total cost of building materials.

Points are awarded as below:

• Recycled Content is the content in a material or product derived from recycled materials versus virgin materials.
Recycled content can be materials from recycling programs (post-consumer) or waste materials from the
production process or an industrial/agricultural source (pre-consumer or post-industrial).


Ensure at least 20% of the total building materials (by cost) used in the building (as per owner /

developer’s scope) are manufactured locally within a distance of 400 km.

Points are awarded as below:


• Local Materials are those which are manufactured within a distance of 400 km. Assembly of building materials shall
not be considered.

• Extraction and processing of raw materials need not be considered as part of this credit calculation.


Ensure at least 50% of all new wood based materials (by cost) used in the building (as per

owner / developer’s scope) are: Rapidly renewable (And / Or)

Wood certified by Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) or Programme for the Endorsement of Forest
Certification (PEFC) or equivalent.

● Rapidly renewable materials are agricultural products that take 10 years or less to harvest.
● Certified wood shall be compliant with Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) or Programme for the Endorsement of
Forest Certification (PEFC) or equivalent system. For a list of certified wood suppliers and product
manufacturers, visit the official website of respective certification bodies.
● Salvaged wood based materials shall not be considered under ‘Wood Based materials’ calculations.
● Wood based Materials that are certified by IGBC under Green Product Certification Programme or by a third
party agency approved by IGBC can be used by the project to show compliance.
Sustainable Building Materials

● Bamboo is one of the most used multipurpose and

durable materials used in construction.
● These trees grow faster irrespective of climatic
conditions. So, it makes it economical as well.
● They can be used to construct frames or supports,
walls, floors etc.
● They provide a good appearance to the structures.


● Structural insulated panels (SIPs) consist of two

sheets of oriented strand boards or flake board with a
foam layer between them.
● They are generally available in larger sizes and are
used as walls for the structure.
● Because of their large size, they need heavy
equipment to install however, they provide good
Straw Bale

● Straw bale is another green building material which can be

used as framing material for building because of good
insulating properties. They can also act as soundproof
● Non-load bearing walls of straw bale can be used as fill
material in between columns and, in beams framework is
● Since air cannot pass through them, straw bales also have
some resistance to fire.


● Thatch is nothing but dry straw, dry water reed, dried rushes
etc. These are the oldest roofing materials which are still in
use in some remote locations of the world and even in cities
for aesthetic attractions.
● It is cheaply available for roofing and a good insulator too.
Natural Clay

● Plastering of walls can be done using natural clay

rather than other gypsum-based plasters.
● Natural clay plaster with proper workmanship gives
a beautiful appearance to the interior.


● Stone is a naturally occurring and a long-lasting

building material. Some Stone structures built
hundreds of years ago are still in existence without
much abrasion.
● Stones are good against weathering hence they can
be used to construct exterior walls, steps, exterior
flooring etc.
Non-VOC paints

● Non-VOC(Volatile Organic Compounds) paint or

green paint is recommended over VOC containing
● Presence of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) in
paint reacts with sunlight and nitrogen oxide
resulting in the formation of ozone which can cause
severe health problems for the occupants.
● If non-VOC paint is not available then try the paint
with very low-VOC content in it.

● Bioplastics are products that are derived from plant, animal, fungal, and bacterial
sources — and some of these materials can now be used for construction
applications. Development of new technologies means these biocomposites are
becoming easier and easier to produce, and at a higher quality.
● When it comes to sustainable building, plant-based building materials are an
incredibly exciting prospect!


● Mushroom roots, or mycelium, can be used to make building materials that are
stronger than concrete, more insulation than fiberglass, and completely
● mycelium grows without light underground, meaning no external energy source is
needed for growth.
(Green Rating for Integrated Habitat
● Utilization of fly-ash in building structure
● Reduce volume and weight, and time of construction by adopting efficient technologies (for
example, pre-cast systems, and so on.)
● Use low-energy material in interiors
● Renewable energy utilization
● Renewable-energy-based hot water system
● Waste-water treatment
● Water recycle and reuse (including rainwater)
● Efficient waste segregation
● Storage and disposal of wastes
● Resource recovery from waste
● Minimize ozone depleting substances
● Acceptable outdoor and indoor noise levels
● Provide at least the minimum level of accessibility for persons with disabilities
● Building Design Optimization To Reduce Conventional Energy Demand
Alternative Energy Systems

Solar Panels

● Active solar devices such as photovoltaic solar panels help to provide sustainable electricity for
any use.
● Electrical output of a solar panel is dependent on orientation, efficiency, latitude, and climate—
solar gain varies even at same latitude.
● Typical efficiencies for commercially available PV panels range from 4% to 28%
● If true-south is not possible, solar panels can produce adequate energy if aligned within 30° of
south. However, at higher latitudes, winter energy yield will be significantly reduced for
non-south orientation.

Wind Turbines
● Wind turbine systems for homes are one of the more cost effective forms of generating
electricity from a renewable energy source if you have the right site.
● A small wind turbine can be installed on a roof. Installation issues then include the strength of
the roof, vibration, and the turbulence caused by the roof ledge.
● Small-scale rooftop wind turbines have been known to be able to generate power from 10% to
up to 25% of the electricity required of a regular domestic household dwelling.
● Turbines for residential scale use are available. They are usually approximately 7 feet (2 m) to
25 feet (8 m) in diameter and produce electricity at a rate of 900 watts to 10,000 watts at their

1. Environmental sustainability
The house is designed to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, save water and
energy and reduce waste during construction and the house’s lifetime.

2. Social sustainability / universal design

The house is designed to prevent injuries through built-in safety features. It has
security elements to reduce crime and improve the occupants’ sense of security.
Features are also used to provide flexibility and comfort for people of varying
abilities and at different life stages, including children and people with limited

3. Economic sustainability
The house is designed to save money during construction and over the lifetime of
the house. Careful planning avoids the need for major future renovations and
reduces costs associated with energy use, water use and maintenance.
Influences on Green Social Housing

Green measures for new social housing

Design of green housing, to fulfil
environmentally sustainable objectives,
requires careful socio technical
consideration of site, building form, material
selection, and technical services selection.

Energy demand, for example, is a dynamic

three way interaction between climate,
people and buildings.
Mutual shading analysis

‘Mutual shading’ is the

shading provided by the
adjacent building blocks.

This is a function of the

following parameters:
(a) latitude,
(b) location with respect
to the other building,
(c) height of the context
buildings, and
(d) distance between the
Observation :

1: Orient the buildings to minimise solar

exposure on vertical surfaces
Orient the buildings to minimise solar
exposure on vertical surfaces (e.g., the
larger façade faces
north and south).

2: Select the building shape to minimise

solar exposure on vertical surfaces
Proper choice of building shape for a
particular orientation can reduce the solar
radiation exposure
If there is the flexibility of orienting the
building correctly
(i.e., larger façade in a north and south
direction), then
The preference of typologies in
terms of reduced solar radiation
exposure is
Preference 1: Linear double-loaded
corridor typology
Preference 2: Linear typology
Preference 3: Tower typology

Recommendation 3: Try to arrange

building blocks so as to benefit from
mutual shading to
minimise solar exposure on vertical
surfaces during summer months
Building Envelope

The main building envelope features that influence the cooling thermal energy demand and thermal
comfort in a residential unit are listed below.

● Size and location of window openings n Shading system for windows

● Window properties n Insulation properties of wall
● Insulation properties of roof n Colour and finish of exterior surfaces (walls and roofs)
● Natural ventilation
● Building air-tightness The main building envelope features that influence daylighting in a
residential unit are listed below.
● Size and location of window openings n Shading system for windows
● Window glazing light transmission properties
● Colour and finish of nearby surfaces n Colour of internal surfaces

1: Take suitable passive design measures for
walls and windows to reduce the cooling
thermal energy demand and improve thermal

2 Use of light colours on wall and window

shades with extended overhangs to intercept
direct solar radiation on the window +
insulated walls
1 Incorporate energy- efficiency features in the
design of lighting of common areas

2 Design for daylighting of corridors, staircases, parking areas

3 Minimise the use of basement that would require artificial lighting
4 Choose energy-efficient artificial lighting
5 Indoor spaces: Use light emitting diodes (LEDs), compact fluorescent lamps
(CFLs), and higher BEE star-rated tubular
fluorescent lamps (TFLs)

Outdoor spaces:
- Use LEDs and metal halide lamps
● Composite and hot-dry regions of India receive high intensity
solar radiation.
● Most of the urban centres located in these regions receive annual
global solar irradiation >1700 kWh/m2.year.

● The available solar radiation can be used for either heating water
(solar water heating technology) or for generating electricity (solar
photovoltaic [PV] technology).
● Though solar panels can be installed on the building façade, roof
is the best
place for installation of solar systems.
● In multi-storey residential buildings, the available roof area for
harnessing solar energy per flat decreases from about 13–18 m2
roof area per flat for a 4-storey building to 2–3 m2 roof area
per flat for a 24-storey building.
Solar water heating
● In the composite and hot-dry climates, the demand for hot water is usually
limited for 6 months in a year (October to March), with peak demand occurring in
the month of December and January.
● The average daily demand for hot water per flat is around 300 litres at 40 °C.
● Solar water heater systems can be of two configurations, smaller individual
systems for each flat or larger community system, which supplies hot water
through a common pipe network to a group of flats.

Solar photovoltaic
A solar PV system can be installed on the roof, or on any other available shadow-free
space within the residential complex, to generate electricity that can be used either to
meet the electricity demands of the building or to export to the grid.

Listed below are the three main configurations that are possible for rooftop solar PV.
● Stand-alone (off-grid) solar PV system with dedicated loads
● Grid-connected solar PV system with net metering
● Hybrid system (system with grid back-up power)
Useful tips for solar water heaters

● For 12-storey buildings, there is usually sufficient roof space to install a solar
water heating system that can meet around 75% of the annual energy required for
heating water in the composite and hot-dry climate regions.
● For buildings that are more than 12 storeys, the amount of hot water generated
through solar energy decreases, and for a 24-storey building 40%–50% of the
annual hot water requirement could be met. There are diminishing returns due to
increased complexity in distribution and heat losses.



To be effective, the design of solar water heating systems should be done carefully to
incorporate suitable provisions to deal with equal distribution of hot water, back-up
heating, and instant supply of hot water on lower floors.
Energy-efficiency in lifts
Electricity consumption in lifts
The electricity consumption in lifts can be classified under two heads:
1. Running electricity consumption, which is mainly the electricity consumption in the motors for lift operation
2. Standby electricity consumption, which is the electricity consumption for lighting inside lifts, operation of control
panels, displays, fans, etc.
Useful tips for the design of lifts
● While selecting a lift, the designer should consider both the electricity consumption for running the lift, as
well as for the time it spends in standby mode.
● Energy efficiency in standby mode:
● Use energy-efficient lighting fixtures having higher lumens/watt (e.g. CFLs or LEDs).
● Use occupancy sensors with auto switch-off option.
● Avoid dark surface materials and textures in the lift car interior.
● Use high‐efficiency motors for ventilation, along with an auto switch-off option or a manual switch, which
can help in reducing electricity consumption for ventilation.
● Energy efficiency in running of the lift system:
● Choose an energy-efficient drive option. Usually gearless lifts have the lowest electricity consumption.
● Use VFDs on electric motors.
● Check whether there is a possibility of incorporating a regenerative system.
Emerging technologies (DC-to-home)
Presently, all the houses are supplied with AC power.
However, there are many appliances (e.g., laptops, mobile
chargers) that require DC and need an adapter to convert AC
to DC to power these appliances. The conversion loss could
be as high as 30%, which means for all the DC appliances,
one has to pay 30% more energy bills. Therefore, parallel
supply of AC and DC power can help in energy saving.

Also, there are many DC-based appliances (e.g., lights, fans,

pumps) available in the market that can substitute for similar
AC-powered appliances.
These DC-based appliances are more energy efficient than
AC-powered appliances and the price difference is small:
● 30 W DC fan: Rs 1500 (a 70 W AC fan is Rs 1300)
● 18 W, 1.2 m LED lighting equivalent to 36 W
fluorescent: Rs 1100
Energy-efficient design of water pumping

Pumped gravity water distribution system

● Typically, in a multi-storey building, water is received from the
municipal water supply to a ground-level reservoir (GLR) and is
then pumped to an overhead reservoir (OHR) located on the
● The water is then distributed to individual flats. Measurement in
some residential building complexes
● shows that the overall pumping system efficiency could be as
low as 25%–30%, whereas the rated efficiencies of the pumps
are much higher.
● If the design of a pumping system is done carefully then the
energy used can be minimised.
Useful tips for design of pumping system

Pumped gravity system

● Pump selection should be such that the head and flow parameter for the duty point matches that
of the BEP of the pump. Energy audits of residential complexes show that the pumps are often
oversized, thus oversizing of the pumps should be avoided.

● The aim of the piping design should be to reduce frictional losses by - maximising pipe diameter,
- optimising pipe layout to minimise pressure loss, ‐ minimising pressure losses through valves
and fittings, and - selecting the piping having a low friction factor.
● Use VFDs on pump motors. ƒ Hydro-pneumatic system
● Proper design (pressure tanks, pumps, and controls) and operation of a hydropneumatic
pumping system is essential in order to be energy efficient.
● It is strongly recommended to install VFDs for all pumps in a hydro-pneumatic pumping system.
Green Roofs as a modern concept of green building and its
benefits to environment

Green roofs are new technology of green

building represented by the vegetative layer
of the roof. They consist of several layers:
the protective felt layer, a drainage-storage
foil, filtration felt layer, a substrate for green
roofs and a final layer of vegetation.
Living Roof
Living roofs, or green roofs, are defined by the
General Services Administration (GSA) as
vegetated roofs consisting of “a waterproofing
membrane, growing medium (soil) and vegetation
(plants) overlying a traditional roof.” It’s a bit of a
stiff definition, but these are anything but boring.

Whether you hire a pro like LiveRoof or go for

DIY, they’re beautiful! The image below shows
the green roof on The Goodson House (a living
green demonstration building).


Benefits of Green Living Roofs

DURABILITY – Properly installed green roofs more than double the number of years typically needed before a
roof must be replaced when compared to traditionally-installed roofs. A conservative analysis by the GSA puts
the average life expectancy of a living roof at about 40 years, as compared to an average expectancy of 17 for
a conventional roof.

ENERGY EFFICIENCY – A study published by the National Research Council of Canada showed that in the
summer months, a green roof will reduce cool air loss by 70-90%, greatly reducing the demand for air
conditioning. The GSA found similar efficiency figures, stating that green roofs can act as an insulating layer
and reduce heat flux (transfer of heat through a building’s roof) by up to 72%. Using the Green Roof Energy
Calculator, co-developed by GRHC with the University of Toronto and Portland State University with funding
from the US Green Building Council, you can compare the yearly energy performance of your home as is to
your home’s potential performance with a green roof installation.

IMPROVED AIR QUALITY – The plants living on green roofs, especially leafy plants and flowers, can capture
air pollution and filter toxic gases from the air. The energy efficiency factor of green roofs also reduces demand
for power, thereby decreasing the amount of CO2 being released into the atmosphere.
Benefits of Green Living Roofs

NOISE REDUCTION – Peck & Associates analysis of green roof benefits showed that green living roofs have
superb noise insulation, especially for low frequencies. Green roofs can reduce outside sound penetration by
40-60 decibels.

INCREASED HOME VALUE – Increased efficiency means an increase in property value. In addition, green roofs
are a marker of the popular green building movement. For this reason, a living roof can help with home sales,
lease-outs, and lower tenant turnover.

WATER RETENTION – On a green roof, rainwater is retained in order to sustain the plants rather than flowing to
storm sewers. Living roofs can retain 70-90% of precipitation in the summer and 24-40% in the winter.

LEED – According to Green Roof Technology, installing a green roof can add as much as 15 LEED credits to
your home, adding resale value in the future.

CURB APPEAL – A green roof means added biodiversity, aesthetic appeal, and more green space for relaxing,
stress relief, and even gardening (if your roof slant allows it).
Other Benefits

● Economic benefits through the reduction of energy costs – saving money for energy that is consumed
in cooling systems in summer and winter heating systems
● Economic benefits that are manifested through reduced costs for the evacuation of rainwater
● Increased value of the property
● Creating of a new natural habitat for flora and fauna
● Reduced amount of rainwater returning to the process of water circulation in nature
● Reduced impact of extreme temperature values and urban heat islands
● Absorbing negative radiation which improves of the microclimate
● Absorbing the harmful effects of pollutants
● Use of solar energy in the most rational way
● New areas for rest, relaxation and interaction of residents
● Improving the quality of life
● Display of Green Roof Layers in the intersections
Example of Green Roof Installation
Example of Green Roof Installation
Green Walls

The term green walls encompasses all forms of vegetated wall surfaces. However, there are three major system categories that
fall under this term: green facades, living walls, and retaining living walls.

Green Facades
Green facades are systems in which vines and climbing plants or cascading ground
covers grow into supporting structures that are purposely designed for their
location. Plants growing on green facades are generally rooted in soil beds at the
base of the structure, in elevated planters at intermediate levels, or on rooftops.
Depending on climate, choice of species, depth of soil bed, orientation, nutrition,
and irrigation regime, green facades may take several seasons before achieving
maturity. Green facades can be attached to existing walls or built as freestanding
structures. They are used to shade glazed facades, walkways, and are built as
arbors, trellis structures, baffles, or fences.
Green Walls

Living Walls (Ex. - Biowalls, ‘MUR’ Vegetal, Vertical

gardens, OR Modular green walls

Living wall systems are composed of pre-vegetated panels, modules, planted

blankets or bags that are affixed to a structural wall or free-standing frame.
These modules can be made of plastic, expanded polystyrene, synthetic fabric,
clay, and concrete and support a greater diversity and density of plant species
(e.g. a lush mixture of ground covers, ferns, low shrubs, perennial flowers, and
edible plants) than green facades. To date, many living wall installations can be
found in both tropical and temperate locations. Living walls can perform well
in full sun, shade, and interior building applications.
Green Walls

Retaining Living Walls

Retaining living walls are engineered living structures that are
designed to stabilize a slope, while supporting vegetation
contained in their structure. They provide the structural strength to
resist the lateral forces exerted by angles greater than the natural
angle of repose of soil and protects slopes against erosion.

They are often modular for ease of installation, and made of

geo-textile bags in conjunction with interlocking units, metal,
concrete, plastic cellular confinement mats or woven willow plants.
Some systems can perform on slopes up to 88 degrees and many
have the capacity for variable slope angles as flat as 45 degrees.
Passive solar design features adopted in

Orientation: The TERI SRC building,

Bangalore has been selected to show how
Orientation also plays an important role in
“solar architecture”. The building is located in
a long and narrow site, where the southern
side has an open drain.

The primary winds blow from south to north.

The building was oriented along the
east-west axis so as to have maximum
exposure along north and south which is the
most recommended orientation in solar
passive architecture.

The building opens towards the northern

Site Plan of TERI SRC showing longer sides side, taking advantage of glare- free light.
facing North-South The wall towards the south is made into a
blank wall, allowing the breeze to flow over
the building, which in turn, creates negative
pressure and starts pulling fresh air from the
north into the building.
Section of TERI SRC building showing wind movement

Shading: The design criteria in the moderate zone are to reduce heat gain by providing shading to the building envelope.

Roof Insulation: Roof insulation can be provided by applying some techniques such as filler slabs and roof gardens.

On the roof top of TERI SRC insulation is provided in the form of terrace gardens. The ground covered roof provides good
insulation and moderates fluctuations in temperature. (source: Energy-efficient buildings in India, Mili Majumdar, TERI & MNRE,
TERI SRC roof garden section
Daylight integration: In TERI SRC there was a detailed study and the fenestrations have been designed so that
requirement of artificial lighting is minimal during day time. By creating atrium spaces with skylights, the section of the
building is designed in such a way that natural daylight enters into the building, considerably reducing the dependence
on artificial lighting. (source: Energy-efficient buildings in India, Mili Majumdar, TERI & MNRE, 2001)
Solar chimney: in TERI SRC building the south
wall was treated as in independent system linking
the rear walls of the building over a cavity. This
cavity creates a negative pressure setting up the
conventional currents. The entire system works
very effectively in generating the desired reverse
wind circulation. The blank wall carries a clad with
black cudappa. The colour black was deliberately
chosen because of its heat absorptive power
which is the highest among all colours.

Details of the solar chimney in the building

The working of the system is very simple. The sun’s rays heat the black south wall increasing the temperature of immediate
environment around. This causes the air in the cavity to rise upwards through conventional means. These conventional currents
are pulled up by the natural winds blowing south to north. This creates a vaccum at the top core of the structure. To fill this vaccum,
air from inside is drawn up which is again pulled up by moving conventional currents. This system of the hot air rising up and
drawing of the cool fresh air is a continuous process. Hence, reverse wind circulation is established by bringing in the fresh air from
the north open face of the building and drawing it through the entire section of the structure and removing it by conventional means
up through solar wind vents. (source: GRIHA Manual Vol.1).

Courtyards and verandahs: the verandah and the garden court of Mary Mathew’s house form focal points around which
interior spaces revolve. The garden court is formally defined by the water tank pivotal position at its corner. The south- west
wall flanks the verandah, which in differing densities encloses the service spaces and shields the garden court from the sun.
(source: Energy-efficient buildings in India, Mili Majumdar, TERI & MNRE, 2001
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