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GROW Model Guide PDF

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GROW Model

GROWing people, performance and purpose

GROW is Not Coaching!
It is important to remember that GROW is not coaching in itself. As Sir John
Whitmore warns, “even dictators can use GROW!” The model’s simplicity is
its strength as long as it is used in conjunction with coaching skills and
behaviours, as taught in Level 1 and Level 2 of Performance Consultants’
coaching training programme Coaching for Performance.

Coaching is unlocking people’s potential to maximize their own

performance. It is about raising awareness and responsibility – helping them
to learn rather than teaching them. The GROW Model is an elegantly simple
way of structuring an effective coaching conversation and, as such, has
become one of the best-loved models of coaching.

The Key to GROW

The key to using GROW successfully is first to spend sufficient time exploring
‘G’ until the coachee sets a goal which is both inspirational and stretching for
them, and then to move flexibly through the sequence, according to your
intuition, including revisiting the goal if needed.

Step 1 of the GROW Model – What are your Goals?

 Identifies and clarifies the type of goal through an understanding of Performance Consultants is at the forefront
ultimate goals, performance goals and progress goals along the way. of leadership development, coach training
 Provides understanding of principal aims and aspirations. and performance improvement for
 Clarifies the desired result from the session. individuals and organizations. We work
globally with leading multinational
Step 2 of the GROW Model – What is the Reality? corporations to establish coaching cultures
 Assesses the current situation in terms of the action taken so far. and leadership programmes.
 Clarifies the results and effects of previously taken actions.
 Provides understanding of internal obstacles and blocks currently Our Co-founder Sir John Whitmore was a
preventing or limiting progression. pre-eminent thinker in leadership and
organizational change and author of best-
Step 3 of the GROW Model – What are your Options? selling Coaching for Performance. Sir John and
 Identifies the possibilities and alternatives. colleagues created the GROW Model with
 Outlines and questions a variety of strategies for progression. colleagues in the 1980s, now deservedly one
of the most established and successful
Step 4 of the GROW Model – What Will you Do?
coaching models.
 Provides understanding of what has been learned and what can be
changed to achieve the initial goals.
 Creates a summary and plan of action for implementation of the Our flagship training programme Coaching
identified steps. for Performance is a 3-level programme for
 Outlines possible future obstacles. coaches who want to develop their executive
 Considers the continued achievement of the goals, and the support coaching skills and managers who want to
and development that may be required. develop a coaching-style of leadership for
 Estimates the certainty of commitment to the agreed actions. personal and professional excellence.
 Highlights how accountability and achievement of the goals will be
ensured. GOAL What do you want?
What more do you want?

Going Deeper
REALITY What is happening now?
Revisiting each step as necessary and in any sequence (see diagram Exactly what is happening now?
opposite) ensures that the coachee remains energized and motivated and
that their goal fits with the goal of the company whilst also aligning with
OPTIONS What could you do?
their individual purpose and personal values. What else could you do?

Managers can capitalize on employees knowing what they want for

WILL What will you do?
themselves by giving them increasing responsibility, trust and freedom. Precisely what will you do?

For more information about the GROW Model or our coaching programmes,
2018 © Performance Consultants International
GROW Model
GROWing people, performance and purpose
Example Questions for an Effective Coaching Conversation
Take Time to Explore the Goal
Goal What do you want? What is the aim for this discussion? Aim for a goal which is inspirational to the
How would you like it to be? coachee, positively framed and challenging – a
What does that look like? real stretch to achieve the best they can.
What will you be saying to yourself? Keep in mind the level of goal:
What will that enable you to do?
What will other people be saying to you? Dream Goal (Desired Future):
What’s the bigger picture?
What will you have that you don’t have now?
How does this fit with your organization’s goals?
Imagine 3 months from now, all obstacles are removed What are you building towards?
and you have achieved this: What will you see/hear/feel?
What do you see/hear/feel?
What new elements are in place? End Goal:
What is different? What are you aiming to achieve
(the concrete manifestation of the dream goal)?
Reality What is happening at the moment? What are your set targets?
How important is this to you? What impact will this have on your
On a scale of 1–10, if an ideal situation is 10, what number team/customers?
are you at now? Performance Goals:
What number would you like to be at? What will you deliver?
How do you feel about this? What are your milestones?
What impact is this having on you?
What’s on your shoulders? Process Goals:
What actions will you take? (SMART)
How does this impact other areas of your life?
What are you doing that takes you towards your goal?
What are you doing that is getting in the way of your goal? Stay Flexible
How much …? Move around the GROW sequence according to
How many …? your intuition. Revisit each step as necessary, in
Who else does it affect? any order, to ensure the coachee remains
energized and motivated and that their goal fits
Options What could you do? with the organization’s goal and also aligns with
What ideas do you have? their individual purpose and personal values.
What alternatives do you have?
Is there anything else?
Active Listening
If there were anything else, what would it be?
What has worked in the past? Listen with attention, curiosity and empathy
Listen for potential, not problems
What steps could you take?
Let go of filters and perceptions
Who could help you with this? Focus on the coachee and their goal
Where could you find out the information? Listen at a deeper level – beyond the words
How could you do that? Reflect, summarize, clarify, reframe

Will What will you do?

How will you do that? Powerful Questioning
When will you do it? Ask open and closed questions – start broad,
Who will you talk to? then narrow to generate focus
Where will you go? What? / Where? / Who? / How? / When?
Is there anything you need to put in place before that? Not leading or judgemental
How committed are you to taking that action? Create a feedback loop
What will it take for you to commit to that? Raise awareness and responsibility

For more information about the GROW Model or our coaching programmes,
2018 © Performance Consultants International

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