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Navigation 8 - ECDIS

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The key takeaways are the general procedures, requirements and guidelines for using ECDIS for navigation including updating ENCs, route planning and monitoring, operation in non-ENC areas, handling failures and testing from emergency power.

The main procedures for updating ENCs include installing new ENCs, automatic updating of existing ENCs, using Admiralty Information Overlay (AIO), manual updating and data transfer.

In case of failure of one ECDIS, actions outlined in checklist 7 should be followed. In case of failure of both ECDIS, actions in checklist 8 or 9 depending on vessel specifics should be followed such as inter-switching ECDIS, taking snapshots and obtaining paper charts.


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ECDIS Date : 20/Jul/2018

S. Standard Forms Checklists Guidance/Work Instruction References

No. Procedures
8.1 General 1. Glossary of terms used with ECDIS 1. IMO Resolution A.817 -
Performance Standards for
Electronic Chart Display
and Information systems
2. IMO Resolution MSC. 232
(82) - Adoption of the
revised Performance
Standards for ECDIS
3. MSC.1/Circ 1503 – ECDIS
– Guidance for Good
4. NP 5012 - Admiralty Guide
for Symbols Use on ECDIS,
5. NP 231- Admiralty Guide to
the Practical Use of ENCs,
6. NP 232- Admiralty Guide to
ECDIS Implementation,
Policy and Procedures,
8.2 ECDIS and Paper 1. Risk Assessment 1. ECDIS - Requirements for paper
Charts charts (Received)
2. Company's Generic Risk Assessment
for When Using ECDIS as Primary
Means of Navigation (Changeover to
8.3 ECDIS Training 1. Bridge Checklist No.15 - 1. Limitations of ECDIS equipment
Requirements Familiarisation with ECDIS

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S. Standard Forms Checklists Guidance/Work Instruction References

No. Procedures
8.4 Updating ENCs 1. Installing new ENCs and updating
existing ENCs
2. Automatic updating of ENCs
3. Admiralty Information Overlay (AIO)
4. Manual updating
5. Data transfer
8.5 ECDIS T&P Notices 1. ECDIS - Caution using T&P notices
8.6 Route Planning 1. Bridge Checklist No.16 - 1. ENC/RNC - Procurement Process -
Appraisal & Planning when Flow Chart
using ECDIS 2. ENC Scales for Navigation Purposes
and Range Scale standard for
vessels having Radar overlay
3. Set-up (initial and route settings)
4. Route creation.
5. Markings and providing additional
information/ user overlays
6. Route checking/validation
7. Alternate route planning
8. Management and Setting of Alarms
9. ECDIS - GPS CCRP Setting
8.7 Route Monitoring 1. Bridge Checklist No.17 - 1. Settings for Route Monitoring
Passage Planning with 2. ECDIS - Route Monitoring - Safety
ECDIS Equipment - Contours - Limiting Danger Line
(Execution and Monitoring) 3. Voyage Recording/ Playback
8.8 Operation in Non-
Admiralty Vector
Chart Service
(AVCS) Areas
8.9 ECDIS CATZOC 1. Risk Assessment 1. Bridge Checklist No.19 - 1. CATZOC Table
UKC Calculation Form 2. Company’s UKC Policy - Minimum
UKC Requirement

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S. Standard Forms Checklists Guidance/Work Instruction References

No. Procedures
8.10 ECDIS Failure 1. Risk Assessment 1. Bridge Emergency 1. ECDIS Failure - Flow Chart
Checklist No.7 - Action in
case of failure of one
2. The Bridge Emergency
Checklist No.8 - Actions in
case of failure of both
ECDIS systems (Generic)
3. Bridge Emergency
Checklist No.9 - Actions in
case of failure of both
ECDIS systems (Ship
8.11 Testing of ECDIS
from Emergency
Power Source
8.12 ECDIS Anomalies 1. ICS Bridge Procedures
Guide – Section 4.1.4
2. Checking the IHO S-52
Presentation Library Edition
Number in the ECDIS
8.13 ECDIS – Anti-Virus

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8.1. General
 ECDIS is a navigational aid and does not relieve the Masters or OOWs of any of their
responsibilities for conducting safe navigation.
 ECDIS is a computer based navigation system that complies with IMO regulations.
 Subject to compliance with requirements, it can be used as an alternative to paper
 It integrates a variety of real-time information.
 It is an automated decision aid, capable of continuously determining the vessel’s
position in relation to land, charted objects, navigation hazards and unseen hazards.
 ECDIS provides a number of functions and features to make navigation safe and
efficient. It has the capability to make navigation easier and reduce the burden on the
ship’s officers.
 There is however a potential for errors to creep in, which are likely to be of a different
nature compared to paper charts. This includes the tendency to put too much trust on
the display without fully understanding the scope and limitations of the functions.
 Training in the use and operation of ECDIS is both essential and mandatory. An
untrained operator can induce errors into the system which, if left undetected, can lead
to disastrous consequences.

1. Glossary of terms used with ECDIS (Received)

1. IMO Resolution A.817 - Performance Standards for Electronic Chart Display and
Information systems (ECDIS)
2. IMO Resolution MSC. 232 (82) - Adoption of the revised Performance Standards for
3. MSC.1/Circ 1503 – ECDIS – Guidance for Good Practice
4. NP 5012 - Admiralty Guide for Symbols Use on ECDIS, 02Ed2015
5. NP 231- Admiralty Guide to the Practical Use of ENCs, 02Ed2016
6. NP 232- Admiralty Guide to ECDIS Implementation, Policy and Procedures, 02Ed2016

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8.2. ECDIS and Paper Charts

 A vessel can sail without paper charts provided that:
o The ECDIS is type approved.
o A second type-approved ECDIS is provided as a back-up and connected to an
independent source of power supply.
o Both the ECDIS systems are loaded with a full complement of ENCs for the intended
o The officers using the ECDIS system are suitably trained in operation of the system.
o The flag state permits use of ECDIS as a primary navigation system.
o The flag state permits use of ECDIS with an independent power source as a back-up
navigation arrangement.
 If ECDIS installed on board does not meet any of the requirements specified above,
then the equipment must be clearly marked “for training purpose only” and not used for
 However, warnings and cautions intended to alert the OOW to deviations from the
planned track or that the vessel was approaching danger should be activated.
 The system must be set up to provide the OOWs with all the information required for
safe navigation but the paper charts would remain the primary means of navigation. In
this case, ECDIS must not be listed in the ship’s ‘Record of Equipment’ form.

Forms and Checklist:

1. Risk Assessment Form

1. ECDIS - Requirements for paper charts
2. Company’s Generic Risk Assessment When Using ECDIS as Primary Means of

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8.3. ECDIS Training Requirements

 Deck officers using ECDIS as a primary means of navigation must undergo an approved
generic ECDIS training course.
 Masters should verify that all officers in charge of a navigation watch are competent in
the safe and effective use of the ship’s ECDIS.
 ECDIS equipment familiarisation training may be provided by one or more of the
following methods;
o Shore-based manufacturer training followed by installation-specific familiarisation
o Independent training on specific systems followed by installation specific
o Computer Based Training (CBT), followed by installation-specific familiarisation
o Onboard training by appropriately trained crew or training personnel;
o Manufacturer provided training mode on the ECDIS, followed by installation-specific
familiarisation onboard;
o Company bridge procedures and operation manuals.

 In all cases, the Bridge Checklist No.15 - Familiarisation with ECDIS Equipment must be
used and completed in order to demonstrate the correct familiarisation and operation of
the ECDIS equipment.

All Masters and officers using ECDIS must be aware of the limitations of the equipment. In
particular, the use of ECDIS must not be to the detriment of maintaining a safe-lookout and
other methods of safe navigation.

Forms and Checklists:

1. Bridge Checklist No.15 - Familiarisation with ECDIS Equipment

1. Limitations of ECDIS equipment

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8.4. Updating ENCs

It is the responsibility of the ship’s Navigating Officer to ensure that updates to electronic
charts provided to the vessel are uploaded and accepted by the system.
 For regular updates, vessels are updated via a remote updating service from the chart
 Alternatively, the company may provide a CD-ROM containing updates.

1. Installing new ENCs and updating existing ENCs
2. Automatic updating of ENCs
3. Admiralty Information Overlay (AIO)
4. Manual updating
5. Data transfer

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8.5. ECDIS T&P Notices

 Caution must be exercised when navigating solely with ECDIS as some ENC or RNC
data may not take account of temporary or preliminary notices as not all ENC producers
include T&P notices in their ENCs.
 On vessels that are unable to use information overlay, each T&P correction must be
manually applied.

1. ECDIS - Caution using T&P notices

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8.6. Route Planning

 Route planning on ECDIS shall be considered as one of the elements of passage
planning and not as an entire process of passage planning. All procedures as required
by the Company’s passage planning procedures shall be complied with when carrying
out route planning using an ECDIS.
 Accordingly, the instructions included in this section are to be considered as additional
measures and practices to be followed when route planning is done using ECDIS.
 “Bridge Checklist No.16 - Appraisal and planning when using ECDIS” is to be complied
 Officers using ECDIS for passage planning should be fully conversant in the use of
ECDIS, with specific emphasis on risk assessing the route for possible dangers,
commonly referred to as ‘validating’ the route.
 The route planning function in ECDIS forms a part of appraisal and planning. This is
completed by the following steps.
o ENC/RNC – Procurement Process – Flow Chart
o ENC Scales for Navigation Purposes and Range Scale standard for vessels having
Radar overlay
o Set-up (initial and route settings)
o Route creation.
o Markings and providing additional information/ user overlays
o Route checking/validation
o Alternate route planning
o Management and Setting of Alarms
o ECDIS - GPS CCRP Setting Discrepancy

Forms & Checklists:

1. Bridge Checklist No.16 - Appraisal & Planning when using ECDIS

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8.7. Route Monitoring

After planning and validation of route is completed, route should be monitored using ECDIS
for the purpose of safe navigation based on the input of Route Parameters and Safe water

“Bridge Checklist No.17 - Passage Planning with ECDIS Equipment - (Execution and
Monitoring)” is to be used for execution and monitoring of the passage plan when using
 Route monitoring shall be done on both ECDIS units (for vessels fitted with Back-up
 Over reliance on the automatic route monitoring should not be exercised during real
time navigation and basic watch keeping practices and procedures must be complied
 No route to be changed over to “Monitoring Mode” unless checked, validated and
manually verified by the Master.
 In order to monitor limiting danger lines/ Markings on the ENCs these should be
additionally activated for the purpose of alarms/alerts during route monitoring. Failure to
do this will not trigger alarm if vessel is running into areas / lines marked that requires
OOW’s attention.

In brief, route monitoring involves:

 Settings for Route Monitoring.
 Activating the Route Plan – Putting the Route on “Monitoring Mode”
 Navigation on Monitored Route (Execution of Voyage)
 Voyage Recording/ Playback

Forms & Checklists:

1. Bridge Checklist No.17 - Passage Planning with ECDIS Equipment - (Execution and

1. Settings for Route Monitoring
2. ECDIS - Route Monitoring - Safety Contours - Limiting Danger Line
3. Voyage Recording/ Playback

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8.8. Operation in Non-Admiralty Vector Chart Service (AVCS) Areas

For vessels on paperless navigation or using ECDIS as a primary means of navigation, the
following route planning and monitoring procedures apply in areas where there is no ENC
 The Master shall order paper charts of the largest scale. These charts shall be fully
corrected and updated.
 The passage plan shall be drawn on the paper charts and courses shall be laid all the
way to the berth including details such as frequency of position fixing, abort points, no
go areas and other pertinent information.
 A vessel operating in such an area shall take all measures as would a vessel using
paper charts.

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ENCs do not have source diagrams compared to paper charts. Instead they include
provision for the population of data fields with information about the reliability of "objects".
The object "Category of Zone of Confidence" (CATZOC) in ENCs gives an estimate of the
reliability of source data related to five quality categories for assessed data (ZOC A1, A2, B,
C and D), with a sixth category for data which has not been assessed (ZOC U).

It is therefore important that the user knows the ZOC for the area covered for the voyage as
it clearly affects the voyage planning and voyage monitoring. Hence the officer when
planning a passage needs to have the ZOC layer switched to “ON”.

CATZOC tables to be referred for different zone accuracies, survey characteristics and
symbols used.

Reference to be made to Procedure for calculating UKC when using Catzoc.

Master would review risk assessment and discuss with pilot during Master- Pilot information
exchange and carry out the transit.

Click here to view Under Keel Clearance Section for detailed information.

Forms & Checklists:

1. Risk Assessment
2. Bridge Checklist No.19 - UKC Calculation Form

1. CATZOC Table
2. Company’s UKC Policy - Minimum UKC Requirements
3. Procedure for calculating UKC

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8.10. ECDIS Failure

In order to respond to ECDIS failures or malfunctions, Masters are to be guided by one or
more of the following to avoid any immediate impact to the safe navigation in case of
sudden ECDIS abnormalities, malfunctions or failures:
 Doing mapping on Radars
 Input of waypoints and cross track limits in GPS.
 Carriage of suitable number of small scale charts or arrangement for immediate supply
of scanned charts (for emergency use only) such that vessel can be navigated to a safe
place (e.g. anchoring / arranging for repairs etc.)
 Having ECDIS software installed on laptop with long battery life (and/or spare batteries
or even having a hand operated dynamo serving as additional power source).
 The Risk Assessment to be carried out in case of ECDIS failure and submitted to the
fleet Cell.

Any vessel having ECDIS failure must inform the office to obtain an exemption from the
Flag State, the Port State to be duly notified. Vessel to comply with requirements as per the
Flag State and Port State in addition to the relevant checklists and control measures
identified in the risk assessment

Refer the “ECDIS Failure - Flow Chart”

Action in case of failure of one ECDIS

The “Bridge Emergency Checklist No.7 - Action in case of failure of one ECDIS” is to be
complied with in such cases.

Action in case of failure of both ECDIS

“The Bridge Emergency Checklist No.8 - Actions in case of failure of both ECDIS systems
(Generic)” and “Bridge Emergency Checklist No.9 - Actions in case of failure of both ECDIS
systems (Ship Specific)” is to be complied with.

ECDIS Failure due other Emergencies

In cases where failure of ECDIS equipment is due to other machinery problems (e.g. black-
out), bridge team members should make the best use of resources to ensure that ECDIS
remains available for the maximum possible period. The following should be considered as
appropriate to the circumstances in consultation with the Company.
 Inter-switching one ECDIS on UPS and keeping the other Off/Standby and then
switching over to the other ECDIS subsequently.
 Taking snapshots of ENCs (and printout) for reference in case needed later.
 Obtaining scanned copies of charts for immediate use from the Company.

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Forms and Checklists:

1. Risk Assessment
2. ECDIS Failure Flowchart
3. Bridge Emergency Checklist No.7 - Action in case of failure of one ECDIS
4. The Bridge Emergency Checklist No.8 - Actions in case of failure of both ECDIS
systems (Generic)
5. Bridge Emergency Checklist No.9 - Actions in case of failure of both ECDIS systems
(Ship Specific)

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8.11. Testing of ECDIS from Emergency Power Source

 It should be possible to operate ECDIS and all equipment for its normal functioning
when supplied by an emergency source of electrical power.
 Changing from one source of power supply to another or any interruption of the supply
for a period of 45 seconds should not require the equipment to be manually re-
 The ECDIS equipment should be tested to confirm the above. For safety reasons, it is
recommended to plan and carry out the test when the vessel is alongside berth or whilst
at anchorage.

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8.12. ECDIS Anomalies

 The International Hydrographic Organization (IHO) has produced ECDIS Data
Presentation and Performance Checks that are designed to alert watchkeeping officers
to the possibility that the installed ECDIS software may require an update from the
 ECDIS data presentation and performance checks are conducted following a software
update, ECDIS upgrade or at any time when the Master or watchkeeping officers have
concerns over the performance of the ECDIS on board.
 Any occurrence of apparently new or known, but insufficiently addressed, anomalies is
reported directly to Fleet Cell for further follow up with relevant manufacture & the IHO.
 The ECDIS anomalies noted to be conspicuously posed adjacent to the ECDIS for
reference and Bridge Team to be aware of same.

1. ICS Bridge Procedures Guide – Section 4.1.4
2. Checking the IHO S-52 Presentation Library Edition Number in the ECDIS

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8.13. ECDIS – Anti-Virus Protection

 Anti-virus protection for ECDIS is very important. WIS (IT Division of Wallem) provides
the anti-virus program and the updates. These are to be loaded on all computers on
 The USB for transferring data from the E-Mail computer to the ECDIS must be a
dedicated USB and not used for any other purpose. It must be marked accordingly and
kept in the custody of the Navigation Officer.

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