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A Master's Guide to the

UK Flag

5 October 2009


This guide for managers, masters and senior officers of United

Kingdom registered vessels. The purpose of the guide is to
provide easy to use information regarding United Kingdom Merchant
Shipping regulations and administrative procedures. UK regulations and
procedures may differ from those you may be familiar with in other
flag vessels and this guide will help you to comply with UK requirements.
Detailed requirements for operating UK ships can be found in UK Regulations,
Merchant Shipping Notices, Guidance to Surveyors and various
publication including the Code of Safe Working Practices, MCA SOLAS V
publication and Health and Safety leaflets; this detailed information is available
on the MCAs web site at:
Managers, masters, and seafarers serving in United Kingdom ships
are welcome to contact the Maritime and Coastguard Agency by phone,
fax or e mail for further advice and guidance. You may contact
your companys nominated MCA Customer Service Manager or contact
the MCA Infoline 24 hours a day on:
+ 44 (0) 870 6006 505
+ 44 (0) 178 2369 005
Mailing address:
Maritime and Coastguard Agency
Spring Place
105 Commercial Road
United Kingdom
SO15 1EG

The MCA would welcome any feedback and suggestions for improvements to
this document. Please forward suggestions to or
fax +44 (0) 191 496 9901.
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MANNING AND STCW REQUIREMENTS .............................................................................. 5

Manning on board.................................................................................................. 5
United Kingdom Certificates of Equivalent Competency....................................... 5
Watch Keeping Ratings ......................................................................................... 6
Medical Certificates ............................................................................................... 6
UK Discharge Books.............................................................................................. 6
HOURS OF WORK AND REST ............................................................................................. 6
Rest........................................................................................................................ 6
UMS ....................................................................................................................... 7
Hours of Rest Schedule......................................................................................... 7
Records.................................................................................................................. 7
Exceptions ............................................................................................................. 8
Leave ..................................................................................................................... 8
CREW AGREEMENTS AND LISTS OF CREW .......................................................................... 9
Forms..................................................................................................................... 9
ALC(NFD)1(d) ........................................................................................................................... 10
Lists of Crew - Forms ALC 1(a), (b) & (c). .............................................................................. 11
ALC 1(a) .................................................................................................................................... 12
ALC 1(b) .................................................................................................................................... 13
ALC 1(c) .................................................................................................................................... 13

Posting up a crew agreement.............................................................................. 13
Terminating a crew agreement............................................................................ 14
OFFICIAL LOG BOOKS .................................................................................................... 14
Page 1 - Front cover ........................................................................................................ 14
Pages 2 to 7 - Record of seamen employed in the ship .............................................. 15
Pages 8 and 9 - Births and deaths............................................................................... 16
Pages 10 to 14 - Record of musters, boat drills etc ..................................................... 16
Pages 15 to 18 - Record of test drills and inspections of steering gear .......................... 17
Pages 19 to 23 - Record of inspections of crew accommodation. .................................. 17
Pages 24 to 28 - Record of inspections of food and water .......................................... 18
Page 29
- Load line, depth of loading etc. ................................................................. 19
Pages 30 to 39 - Dates of departure from and arrival at each dock ............................ 19
Posting the FRE 13/ MSF 2004 Form ............................................................................. 19
Pages 40 to 76 - Narrative section............................................................................... 20
5. GMDSS LOG BOOK ....................................................................................................... 21
Radio tests required:........................................................................................................ 22
HEALTH AND SAFETY...................................................................................................... 23
Safety Officials and Committees ......................................................................... 23
Masters Responsibility ........................................................................................ 25
Risk Assessments ............................................................................................... 25
ACCIDENT REPORTING ................................................................................................... 25
MEDICAL STORES REQUIREMENTS .................................................................................. 26
Medical equipment............................................................................................... 26
Person in charge of medical care on board ship ................................................. 26
SURVEYS AND AUDITS .................................................................................................... 26
Surveys ................................................................................................................ 26
Authorised Survey Organisations ........................................................................ 27
DoC for Dangerous Goods .................................................................................. 27
Audits ................................................................................................................... 27
ISM Shipboard Audits ................................................................................................................ 27
Interim audits ............................................................................................................................. 27
Intermediate audits .................................................................................................................... 28
Renewal audits .......................................................................................................................... 28
ISPS Verification Audits ............................................................................................................. 28

ILO 178 inspections ............................................................................................. 28
STOWAWAYS AND REFUGEES ..................................................................................... 29
CONTINUOUS SYNOPSIS RECORD ............................................................................... 29
11.1 Making amendments to the CSR......................................................................... 29
11.2 Receiving an amended CSR ............................................................................... 30

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UK PUBLICATIONS REQUIRED TO BE ONBOARD ............................................................ 30
CADET TRAINING - OVERSEEING OF NVQ PORTFOLIOS ................................................ 31
ALCOHOL ................................................................................................................... 32
ANNEX 1 EXAMPLE OF COMPLETED RISK ASSESSMENT FORM.................................................. 33
ANNEX 2 MSF 4605 (RBD 1)................................................................................................. 34

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Manning and STCW Requirements

Manning on board

(See MSN 1767)

1.1.1 All merchant ships on the United Kingdom register over 500 GT must
have a Safe Manning Document issued by the MCA. Safe Manning
Documents are only issued after consultation with the Owner or Manager.
Class and other organisations are not permitted to issue Safe Manning
Documents for United Kingdom ships.
1.1.2 The Safe Manning Document will state the numbers and categories of
officers and crew members that are required to be on board. The crew
numbers on board must never be allowed to go below the minimum stated in
the Certificate.
1.1.3 If due to exceptional circumstances a seafarer has to be removed
from the vessel and a replacement cannot join the ship in time it may be
possible for the vessel to continue to operate, for a limited period, with one
seafarer less than specified on the Safe Manning Document. If a Master plans
to sail a vessel in non compliance with the Safe Manning Document he must
request the MCA to issue an Exemption Certificate; however the Master must
ensure that the remaining crew continue to comply with the Hours of Work

United Kingdom Certificates of Equivalent Competency

(See MGN 221 & MIN 340)

1.2.1 All officers who do not possess a UK Certificate of Competency must
hold a United Kingdom Certificate of Equivalent Competency issued by the
Maritime and Coastguard Agency.
1.2.2 The Master must ensure that all the officers who require a United
Kingdom Certificate of Equivalent Competency hold one and that they also
hold the original of their national certificate of competency. If an officer does
not hold a United Kingdom Certificate of Equivalent Competency when he
joins then you should check that an application for a Certificate of Equivalent
Competency has been applied for. Applications are usually made by the
owner/manager and if an application has been made a stamped Confirmation
of Receipt of Application from the Maritime and Coastguard Agency will be
available. These are sent to the manager or owner as soon as the application
is received by the Maritime and Coastguard Agency. A copy of the
Confirmation of Receipt of Application should be retained on board until such
time as the officers Certificate of Equivalent Competency arrives on board.
The officer can sail for a maximum period of 3 months without a full Certificate
of Equivalent Competency.

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1.2.3 These procedures are important and must be followed to show any
Port State Control Inspector that the Company has followed the correct
procedures for the application for a United Kingdom Certificate of Equivalent
Competency. This should eliminate the possibility of the ship being detained.

Watch Keeping Ratings

(See MGN 97)

1.3.1 The Safe Manning Document will state the grades of Deck Ratings
required refer to MGN 97 for information as to the training required for the
different grades.
1.3.2 All Deck and Engine Room Ratings assigned to watch keeping duties
must be in possession of Watch Rating Certificates appropriate to their duties.
Watch Rating certificates issued by countries other than the United Kingdom
are quite acceptable in United Kingdom ships provided they are issued by
countries which are parties to the STCW Convention.

Medical Certificates

(See MSN 1815)

MSN 1815 has a list of countries whose medical certificates are accepted as
equivalent to a UK medical certificate.

UK Discharge Books

(See MGN 134)

All officers and crew on a UK ships can apply for a UK Discharge Book.
Vessels have had problems with Port State Control where officers and crew
did not hold UK Discharge Books.

Hours of Work and Rest

(See MSN 1767)

The applicable United Kingdom regulations are the Merchant Shipping (Hours
of Work) Regulations 2002 (SI 2002 No. 2125)


2.1.1 Every seafarer must be provided with not less than 10 hours rest in
total in any 24 hour period, provided that:

The 10 hour period may be divided into not more than two periods
one of which shall be not less than 6 hours; and

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The interval between consecutive periods of rest shall not exceed 14

hours; and

The minimum hours of rest shall not be less than 77 hours in any 7
day period.

2.1.2 Situations when a seafarer is on call but is free to sleep may be

counted as rest, but if at any time the normal period of rest is disturbed by
call-outs to work the Master, or a person authorised by him, has to ensure that
the seafarer is provided with an adequate compensatory period of rest.


The time when the designated duty engineer officer in a ship with a UMS
class notation is free to sleep may also be counted as rest. However, any
time that the officer is called to answer an alarm condition has to be
considered as work and as a break in that rest and when that happens the
amount of rest due to him has to be recalculated.

Hours of Rest Schedule

2.3.1 Your ship should have an Hours of Rest Schedule. This is a

document, or a computer display, that has been drawn up by the owner or
manager (whoever is responsible for operating the ship) in conjunction with
the Master. It has to show the maximum watch periods and minimum rest
periods to be observed by all crew members.
2.3.1 The operator cannot change this document without consulting with
yourself as Master. The operator has a duty to ensure that sufficient personnel
are provided so that the rest periods can be complied with. The hours of rest
schedule or an accurate print out of it if it is kept as a computer file, must be
posted up in a prominent place on board accessible to all the crew. Port State
Control Officers, and United Kingdom Surveyors, will expect to see this when
they come on board and will record a deficiency if it is not available and
posted up.


2.4.1 Accurate records of hours of rest should be maintained one copy

should be held by the Master and a copy given to the seafarer.
2.4.2 Any deviations from the hours of rest in the schedule must be
recorded with an explanation of why the deviation occurred. These records
must be available for inspection on board at any time. You can decide where
the deviations are recorded and you can use any method that is effective
provided that the records are available.

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'Properly rested'

The regulations place a duty on the Master to ensure that all crew involved in
watch keeping are properly rested and that arrangements are adequate to
maintain a safe watch at all times. You are required to ensure that your ship
does not sail from any port unless the officers in charge of the watch
immediately after sailing have received sufficient rest to allow them to
maintain a safe watch.

There will obviously be times such as:
- Emergencies and situations likely to become emergencies unless
action is taken,
- Musters and drills,
- Essential work on board which cannot be delayed for safety or
environmental protection reasons; and
- Factors beyond the control of the Master or the operator other
than commercial needs.

2.6.2 When these things occur it is often necessary for crew members who
are involved to miss out on their minimum rest as stated in the schedule. You
have the authority as Master to permit this but you must record the fact and
the reason for them, for missing out on the minimum rest for those men
2.6.3 In deciding what factors might come within factors outside the control
of the Master or the operator other than commercial needs you will need to
take into account the circumstances. The definition was written to take
account of situations such as when a Port Authority demands that the ship
vacate the berth when you had planned to stay longer, or when a shift of berth
is demanded unexpectedly. On the other hand a request by the charterer to
sail earlier so that he may minimise port dues is not a valid factor under this
definition and counts as a commercial need.


The regulations state that a seafarer is entitled to paid annual leave of at least
four weeks, or a proportion of four weeks in respect of a period of employment
of less than one year. This may be taken in instalments but may not be
replaced by a payment in lieu, except where the seafarer's employment is

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Crew agreements and lists of crew

(See MGN 148)



3.1.1 The Merchant Shipping Act 1995, requires that every United Kingdom
ship shall have an agreement in writing between each person employed and
the person employing him. For United Kingdom ships these are known as
crew agreements and they are required to be in writing and in a form
approved by the Maritime and Coastguard Agency. These official crew
agreements are additional to and separate from any company contract or
similar document.
3.1.2 Note that UK regulations do not allow a person to be signed on ships
articles for more than 11 months at any one time.
3.1.3 There is a standard form of approved crew agreement supplied by the
Maritime and Coastguard Agency for each ship in conjunction with the Official
Log Book. The crew agreement and the official log book are closely related
3.1.4 The crew agreement is a requirement of both the Merchant Shipping
Act and an ILO Convention, it must be used and its correct use is of
importance. Failure to keep an approved crew agreement constitutes an
3.1.5 This guidance sets out the main requirements for opening,
maintaining, and subsequently closing a crew agreement, for the guidance of
Masters and others who may be involved in this task and who may be
unfamiliar with these requirements.
3.1.6 Crew agreements are delivered to ships as a white standard folder,
identified as Crew Agreement and List of Crew ALC1 containing all the
necessary sections for completion. It must be noted that this form of crew
agreement must be used whether or not there is in place any other contract or
agreement with the ships crew.
3.1.7 Note that although the MCA provides crew agreement documentation
there is no objections to companies downloading copies from MGN 148, or
making their own documentation so long as all the required information is
3.1.8 The front page of the main folder has sections to be completed with
details of the ship and her owners. All the necessary information can be found
in the ships Certificate of Registry, and the details should be entered exactly
as found in that document. Also recorded are the date and place of
commencement and termination of the agreement

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3.1.9 Inside the front cover should be attached the approved contractual
clauses. Only approved clauses may be used in a crew agreement. The
appropriate approved clause is an ALC(NFD)1(d)
3.1.10 Owners may submit agreements other than the pre printed one, or
modifications to the pre-printed one to the Maritime and Coastguard Agency
for approval.
3.1.11 If such modified agreements are approved the owner should arrange
to incorporate the approved version with the set of crew agreement
documents when they are sent out to the vessel.
3.1.12 The master, on opening a crew agreement for the first time, should
insert at the top of the ALC(NFD)1(d) in the first section, the name of the
employer and his address. Each seaman who then signs on the list of crew
becomes a party to this agreement between himself and the employer.
An example is:
THIS AGREEMENT is made between (here insert name and address
of the employer)
Honest Shipping Company Ltd,
123 London Road, Southampton, United Kingdom SO 14 3HL
(herein called the employer) and each of the seamen whose name is
included in the list of crew incorporated in this Agreement
3.1.13 At sub-section (ii) within the contractual clauses there is a space for
geographical limits. (normally 75 N/S) and the agreement is not to last more
than 6 months from the date of the first person signing the agreement. The
country of the final port of destination should be inserted (insert United
An example is:
(ii) this Agreement shall be for a voyage or voyages within (geographical
limits to be stated, e.g. near coastal, unlimited or by reference to
latitude and longitude)
75 degrees North and South
and is not to extend beyond the expiration of six months from the date
of the first signature to this Agreement or the time at which the ship
first arrives at the port of final destination (country to be stated, e.g.
United Kingdom)
United Kingdom
after that period or the discharge of cargo consequent on that return;
3.1.14 At sub-section (iii) there is a line at which the notice period for
termination of employment on arrival at a port should be entered. A figure

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should be entered here. It should be the same notice period as any other
notice period contained in any other contract of employment that applies. If
there is no notice period specified in any other contract of employment then a
reasonable figure should be entered, not normally more than 14 days. The
country of the port should be entered (insert UK)
An example is:
(iii) after either
(a) one voyage has been completed by a seaman under this
Agreement or
(b) seven days have elapsed since a seamans employment under
this Agreement commenced;
either the seaman or the employer may give to the other notice (in
writing or orally before a witness) to terminate the seamans
employment under this Agreement such notice to take effect at a Port
United Kingdom
(state country) and to be given
not less than
14 days*
(exclusive of Saturdays Sundays and Public Holidays) either before
the ship is due to arrive at that port or if the employment is to
terminate at the port where the ship is when the notice is given before
it is due to sail.
3.1.15 Section (vi) should be left blank unless the owner has had
agreements approved by the Maritime and Coastguard Agency.
3.1.16 At the end of this page is a space for the signature of the Master, or
the employer. In almost all cases this will be signed by the master as the
person opening the agreement and dated as the day on which the agreement
is opened.
3.1.17 Once an agreement is opened the appropriate entry should be made
in the official log book.
Lists of Crew - Forms ALC 1(a), (b) & (c).
3.1.18 Also supplied with the crew agreement are a supply of forms ALC1(a),
ALC1(b) and ALC1(c)
3.1.19 Form ALC1(a) is used to record the details of every member of the
crew when they join the ship. Details of the Master and any non crew
members such as superintendents, or riding crews should not be entered on
Form ALC1(a), this form is only for crew members other than the master.

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ALC 1(a)
3.1.20 The individual entries on this form are completed as follows;
Reference Number
This is simply a consecutive number starting with 1 and with a new
number assigned to each person as they sign the agreement. It will
be the same number as that which appears against the same crew
member in list of crew in the official log book.
Name of Seaman (Block Letters)
Discharge Book No. (if any) or Date and Place of Birth.
In this box should be entered the crew members discharge book
number if he has one. If he holds a non UK or United Kingdom
discharge book the number of that book can be entered but it should
be accompanied by a note in brackets specifying the issuing country.
Name of ship in which last employed.
Address of Seaman
Name and Relationship of next of kin and address if different from above
Rate of wages
This box should contain the agreed rate of wages expressed as rate/
month or rate/ week as appropriate. It must be entered as a currency
or alternatively the box may be filled in as as per scale. When this
entry is used a list of the rate of wages for all crew members must be
attached to the ALC1 form. The agreement is not valid if the rate of
wages is not specified in either form.
If discharged the reason for discharge
This box will only be filled in when the crew member leaves the ship.
The entry will normally be leave but it may also be, for example,
dismissed hospitalised or deserted. An entry of mutual consent
can be used when the crew member gives notice and leaves in
accordance with the terms of employment , or an entry of agreement
terminated when a crew agreement is ended and the crew member
signs on again on a new agreement or an other appropriate reason
should other circumstances apply.
Date of commencement of employment on board
Date and Place of leaving the ship

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3.1.21 The final column is for the signature of the crew member on joining
the ship and signing the crew agreement (a). Parts (b) and (c) of the final
column which are shaded should only be filled in when the seaman leaves the
ship. On leaving the crew member signs (b) and the master signs (c).
3.1.22 If the crew member is not available to sign off the agreement, through
desertion or through being hospitalised, for example, or if he dies then the
reason is entered in (b) and the master should sign (c).
3.1.23 On each occasion that a crew member signs off in this column a
suitable entry must be made in the official log book as well. It is not necessary
to make an entry in the official log book when a crew member signs-on, only
his name added in the list of crew at the front.
3.1.24 The lower section of the ALC1(a) form is to be filled in with details of
the certificates of competency held by each officer. In the 4th Column along
details of any tanker endorsements or other appropriate qualifications required
for the ship in which they are engaged.
ALC 1(b)
3.1.25 This form is for the use of Masters and other persons on board other
than members of the crew. Superintendents, riding squads, contract staff, etc.
The entries are similar to those on the form ALC1(a) except that each
reference number is preceded by an E.
3.1.26 In the case of the Master it will normally be the relieving Master who
will sign section (b) in the final column in respect of the Master he is relieving.
ALC 1(c)
3.1.27 This form is required to be completed whenever there are any
persons aged under 18 employed in the ship. Entries on this form are in
addition to those for the same persons on the ALC1(a) form and the reference
number on the ALC1(c) will be the same as the reference number assigned
on the ALC1(a) form.

Posting up a crew agreement

Once the crew agreement is opened there is a requirement to post up a copy

of it in a conspicuous place; a sheet (ALC 6) is provided for this purpose with
a second copy of Form ALC1(d) which should be completed and attached to
the right hand side of the copy where it states Attach here the contractual

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Terminating a crew agreement

3.3.1 At the end of the crew agreement it must be closed and all persons on
it who have not already done so must sign off in section (b) of the final column
while the master should ensure that all the other shaded boxes are
completed. The entry for Date and Place of leaving the ship should be left
blank if the crew member is to sign on another crew agreement immediately
and is not therefore leaving the ship and, as noted above, the reason for
discharge in this case will be agreement terminated.
3.3.2 As soon as a crew agreement is closed and another one opened, the
old one complete with all its parts and including:

Form ALC 1 - the cover.

Form ALC(NFD)1(d) - the contractual clauses with any attached wage
Forms ALC1(a), (b), and (c) - the lists of crew.
The completed Official Log Book, and
Radio log books covering the period of the agreement.

Should be sent to your Customer Service Manager at the MCA.

By signing the crew agreement the crew member is agreeing to be bound by
the 'Code of Conduct for the Merchant Navy'.

Official Log Books

Cargo ships only 4.1

The Merchant Shipping (Official Log Book) Regulations 1981 make it
a requirement for all United Kingdom ships (except fishing vessels, ships less
than 25 tons, and pleasure vessels) to carry and keep an Official Log Book.
The Official Log Book (OLB) has guidance notes on the front cover
that should be read along with these guidance notes. It is essential that all the
relevant entries are fully completed. For example the absence of proper
entries could prejudice the position of the Master in the event of an accident. It
is an offence to fail to keep the Official Log Book or to make incorrect entries.
Page 1 - Front cover
The first entries are simply the details of the ship, name, port of
registry, official number, gross tonnage, and net tonnage. The details should
be taken from the ships certificate of registry, noting that the official number is
a unique British ship number; it is NOT the IMO number.
The second section is for the names of successive Masters of the
ship. The Master opening the Official Log Book should enter his name and
certificate details on the first line, successive Masters should add their details
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when they take over command. If a Master has been on the ship before and
returns while the log book is still in use, he does not need to add his name a
second time.
The third section is for the details and address of the registered
owner, or the managing owner, manager etc.
The final section on page 1 is for the date and place at which the log
book is opened, because the OLB is connected closely with the requirement
to keep a crew agreement, the OLB will always be opened on the same day
that a new crew agreement is opened. The closing date for the OLB will be
the date on which the crew agreement is closed.

All the entries in the boxes on page 1 must be made by the Master.

Note that the 'superintendent' referred to at the bottom of the page is an

official at the Registry.
Pages 2 to 7 - Record of seamen employed in the ship
This section records all the crew members. The first column
Reference number in list of crew is for the consecutive number given to each
entry in the crew list (ALC1(a)), which is part of the articles. When each crew
member signs the articles, the number opposite to his entry in the articles is
entered in this first column, his name is in the second column and the capacity
in which employed is in the third. These three parts should be filled in at the
same time that the crew member signs the crew agreement.
If a crew member leaves the ship and then returns while the log book
is still in use, he should be entered again with his new number from the list of
crew. It may happen that the same crew member will have several entries in
this section of the OLB.
Column 4 If entry made in narrative section give relevant page.
forms an index. If any entry in respect of a crew member is made in the
narrative section of the log book (pages 40 onwards) then the narrative
section page number is entered at the same time in column 4. If there are a
number of entries then the page number of each is added, separated by a
An example of the completed section will look like:
Number in
list of crew


Name of Seaman
(Use capital letters please)

Capacity in
which employed


Chief Officer
Second Officer

If entry made in
narrative section
give relevant page

42, 43, 46

All entries in this section should be made by the Master.

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Pages 8 and 9 - Births and deaths

Instructions for completion are at the top of the section. It should be
noted that in the section for births, the signature of the mother is required
while in the section for deaths, the signature of the master AND the signature
of a member of the crew are both required. The crew member may be any
crew member.
It is essential that the mothers signature is given in the case of a birth
and essential that the entries in respect of deaths are signed by the master
and by a crew member. A failure to sign and witness these entries can
invalidate them and can cause serious legal problems.
The form MSF 4605 (formerly RBD.1) referred to is available at Annex
2, from the Registry of Shipping and Seamen or any Marine Office.
Pages 10 to 14 - Record of musters, boat drills etc
This section must be completed at the time of every drill. Attention is
drawn to MGN 71 'Muster, drills, on-board training and instructions and
Decision Support Systems'. This sets out the current requirements for the
frequency of drills and content.
A typical entry will look like:
Date of
muster, drill,



Nature of muster drill, training, instruction or

inspection. (including the condition in which
the life-saving and fire appliances were
found), and a record of the occasions on
which the lifeboats were swung out and
General alarm sounded, all crew mustered on
Boat Deck for paint locker fire, fire pumps,
breathing apparatus and paint locker sprinkler
tested. Crew mustered for Abandon Ship
stations. Davit launch liferaft training carried out.
All equipment satisfactory

Date of


Signatures of
master and
member of

P Hatch
S Tanashchuk
Chief Officer

General alarm sounded Crew mustered for

Abandon Ship stations. Freefall lifeboat launched
and recovered
All equipment satisfactory


Weekly inspection of lifesaving appliances

General alarm tested, freefall lifeboat and rescue
boat engine run.
All equipment satisfactory


P Hatch
S Tanashchuk
Chief Officer
P Hatch
S Tanashchuk
Chief Officer

Every entry MUST be signed by the master and by one other crew
member. If it is not signed by BOTH, the entry is invalid and will not be
accepted as proof that the drills have been carried out.

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If for any reason a muster or drill is not held then a statement as to
the reason why should be entered in column 2. Valid reasons might include
"vessel rolling and pitching heavily, unsafe to carry out drills".
If a drill is postponed or cancelled then it should take place at the next
suitable opportunity.
An additional UK requirement is for Entry into Dangerous Spaces
Drills. The master of:
(a) any tanker or gas carrier of 500 tons and over, and
(b) any other ship of 1000 tons and over
must ensure that drills simulating the rescue of a crew member from a
dangerous space are held at intervals not exceeding two months, and that a
record of such drills is entered in the Official Log Book.
Pages 15 to 18 - Record of test drills and inspections of steering gear
This section is self explanatory. The regulations require steering gear
to be tested within 12 hours before sailing (or once per week for ships making
one voyage or more per week from the same port) and emergency steering
systems to be tested every 3 months.
Typical entries might appear as:
Date, time and
place of test
drill, inspection
or pre-sea
02/03/05 1700 LT
Riverside Quay
South Shields

15/05/05 1100 LT
54 50 N
01 00 E

Nature of Inspection, test

drill or check of Steering

Steering gear tested

Satisfactorily in all modes

Date of


Emergency steering gear

tested, control from steering
gear compartment and
communications all


Signatures of master and


P Hatch
S Tanashchuk
Chief Officer
P Hatch
S Tanashchuk
Chief Officer

As with most sections of the OLB all entries MUST be signed by the
master and an officer to be valid.
Pages 19 to 23 - Record of inspections of crew accommodation.
This section is for records of mandatory inspections of crew
accommodation. The regulations require that an inspection of the crew
accommodation, to ensure that it is being kept clean and that all the
requirements of the crew accommodation regulations are being followed, is
carried out every 7 days. The inspection must be carried out by the master

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and he must be accompanied by one other member of the crew. All entries
must be signed by the master and a member of the crew, who will normally be
the same person who accompanies the master on the inspection.
It is acceptable in large ships for the inspections to cover areas of the
accommodation on each occasion so long as the whole of the accommodation
is inspected in sequence.
Typical entries might appear as:
Time and
date of

Names and
ranks of
persons making
the inspections

1700 LT

P Hatch

1030 LT

S Tanashchuk
Chief Officer
P Hatch

Particulars of any
respects in which crew
accommodation, or any
part of it is found not to
comply with the
Accommodation inspected
all areas satisfactory

Crew mess room lighting

defective - repaired

Date of



A Grypachov
Second Officer

Signatures of
master and
member of

P Hatch
S Tanashchuk
Chief Officer
P Hatch
A Grypachov
Second Officer

Pages 24 to 28 - Record of inspections of food and water

Guidelines for food hygiene and fresh water systems are contained in
MGN 397.
There are no minimum requirements as to the minimum amount of
food. The Regulations state:"4. It shall be the duty of the employer and master of every ship to ensure
that there shall be provided on their ship provisions and water which
(a) are suitable in respect of quantity, nutritive value, quality and
variety having regard to the size of the crew and the character
and nature of the voyage;
(b) do not contain anything which is likely to cause sickness or
injury to health or which renders any provision or water
unpalatable; and
(c) are otherwise fit for consumption."
The records of inspections in this section are similar to those in the
previous section. The Convention and the United Kingdom Regulation
requires that inspections are carried out at intervals not more than 7 days.
The inspections in this section must be made by the Master and any
member of the crew. In practice it will usually be possible to inspect
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provisions, store rooms, galleys etc. with a member of the catering

department during the course of the accommodation inspection.
4.28 Entries in this section must be signed by the Master and by the
member of the crew making the inspection.
Typical entries might appear as:
Date of



Names and
ranks of
making the
P Hatch
W Academia
P Hatch

Result of inspection of
supplies of food and fresh

Food and fresh water


Food and fresh water


W Academia

Date of



Signatures of
making the
P Hatch
W Academia
P Hatch
W Academia

Page 29 - Load line, depth of loading etc.

This section is self explanatory. The information must be completed
and the necessary data can be found on the ships load line certificate. The
section should be completed by the Master at the same time as the log book
is opened.
Pages 30 to 39 - Dates of departure from and arrival at each dock
This section records the date of sailing and the draughts and
freeboards of the ship on departure for each voyage and the dates of arrival at
the next port. It must be completed at departure.
Posting the FRE 13/ MSF 2004 Form
Column (15) refers to the date and time of posting the notice FRE13/
MSF 2004 which is a copy of the data in this section and which must be
posted up in a conspicuous place accessible to the crew at sailing.
If the actual mean freeboard is greater than the appropriate salt water
freeboard Columns 8, 9,10,11, 12, 13 & 14 need not be filled in.
Copies of FRE13/ MSF 2004 are available in MSN 1752 page 75 or
from Marine Offices.
Normally it will be convenient for the person completing Form FRE13/
MSF 2004 to enter the details in the OLB at the same time for the masters

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signature as a final check. Normally the officer completing the data for the
FRE13/ MSF 2004 will be the second signatory for this section.
Pages 40 to 76 - Narrative section
This section is for explanatory entries. A complete list of the
categories of entry to be made is contained in the Official Log Book
Regulations. In general terms this section should contain entries relating to:

changes of master
the annexing of other documents to the OLB.
disciplinary matters
discharge of crew members, i.e. when they sign off the articles ( note
there is no need to make an entry when crew members sign on to the
articles, this is covered above).
details of crew left behind
promotions and demotions
criminal convictions during a voyage
appointments of safety officers, representatives and committees.
meetings of safety committees.
wages disputes
closing of articles and OLB.

If it is not practicable due to its length, or for any other reason for an
entry to be contained in the narrative section, it shall be contained in a
separate document annexed to the OLB and referred to in an entry in the
narrative section.
Some fictional examples, designed to illustrate the type of entries that
might commonly be made, are below. Every entry MUST be signed by the
Master and by a member of the crew.
Date and
hour of

1200 UTC

Place of the
occurrence, or
situation by latitude
and longitude at
South Shields

version 3 - 5/10/09

Date of

Entries required to be made under

Section 77 of the Merchant Shipping
Act 1995


On this day I have opened crew articles

and signed on crew members Nos 1 15
in the List of Crew.
P Hatch Master
S Tanashchuk Chief Officer


0900 UTC

South Shields


1630 LT



0900 LT



1730 LT

At sea
55 10 N
01 01 E


0642 LT



1300 LT



A Grypachov Second Officer appointed as

Safety Officer. Safety Representative J
Pamis elected
P Hatch Master
S Tanashchuk Chief Officer
On this day signed off Nos 2, 4 & 10 in list
of crew to proceed on leave
P Hatch Master
S Tanashchuk Chief Officer
On this day P Hatch was replaced by
G Johnson as Master. All documents
handed over in good order
P Hatch G Johnson
Dangerous Space drill carried out. All
equipment satisfactory
G Johnson Master
S Tanashchuk Chief Officer
Whilst vessel alongside M.V. Jen IMO No
9122222 suffered engine failure and
contacted port quarter. No damage noted.
IRF form faxed to MAIB
G Johnson Master
S Tanashchuk Chief Officer
Crew agreement and official log book
G Johnson Master
S Tanashchuk Chief Officer

The page number for every entry in the narrative section which refers
to a crew member should be entered in column 4 of the list of crew section.
In the event that an OLB becomes full while the articles are still open,
another OLB should be started. An entry should be made in the narrative
section of the second or subsequent book should reflect that this is a
continuation book. All the books should be returned with the completed
articles at the end of the voyage.





All UK ships are required to carry a GMDSS log book, see MGN 395,
eg. The log book is to keep records
of communications relating to distress, urgency and safety radio traffic,
regular positions of the ship and results of tests on radio equipment.
Instructions for completing the log book are contained in the
book. GMDSS Log Books should be returned to the MCA with the Official Log
Book and Crew Agreements when these are closed.
It is not compulsory to carry an MCA GMDSS Log books however the
following tests, listed in the front of the UK GMDSS Log, must be carried out
and recorded in some form:

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Radio tests required:

(a) The proper functioning of the DSC facilities shall be tested at least
once each day, without radiation of signals, by use of the means
provided on the equipment.
(b) Batteries providing a source of energy for any part of the radio
installations shall be tested daily, and where necessary, brought up to
the fully charged condition.
(c) Printer(s) shall be checked daily to ensure there is an adequate
supply of paper.
(a) The proper operation of the DSC facilities shall be tested at least once
a week by means of a test call when within communication range of a
coast station fitted with DSC equipment. Where a ship has been out
of communication range of a coast station fitted with DSC equipment
for a period of longer than one week, a test call shall be made on the
first opportunity that the ship is within communication range such as a
coast station.
(b) Where the reserve source of energy is not a battery (for example, a
motor generator), the reserve source of energy shall be tested
(a) Each EPIRB and satellite EPIRB shall be tested at least once a month
to determine its capability to operate properly using the means
provided on the device and without using the satellite system.
(b) Each search and rescue radar transponder shall be checked at least
once a month using the in-built test facility and checked for security
and signs of damage.
(c) A check shall be made at least once a month on the security and
condition of all batteries providing a source of energy for any part of a
radio installation. The battery connections and compartment shall also
be checked.
(d) A check shall be made at least once a month on the conditions of all
aerials and insulators.
(e) Each survival craft two-way VHF equipment shall be tested at least
once a month on a frequency other than 156.8 MHz (VHF Channel

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Health and Safety


Safety Officials and Committees

(See Code of Safe Working Practices Chapter 3)

6.1.1 Every person on board a ship has a responsibility for safety. Merchant
Shipping regulations places specific responsibilities on those personnel,
"safety officials", with designated duties to ensure the safety of those on the
ship. A ships safety culture is dependent upon the strong support and
encouragement from the ships senior management. In every ship in which
five or more persons are employed the owner or the manager is required to
appoint a Safety Officer.
Safety Officials
6.1.2 The Master is required to record this appointment of a Safety Official
in the official log book. The Safety Officer should have suitable training, be
familiar with the statutory responsibilities for health and safety and with the
principles and practice of risk assessment.
6.1.3 Amongst the duties of the Safety Official it is the responsibility to
ensure that:

The provisions of the Code of Safe Working Practices and the

Companys/Operators occupational health and safety policies are
complied with.
Carry out occupational health and safety inspections of each
accessible part of the ship in which the crew may be required to work
at least once every three months or more frequently if there have been
changes in the working conditions.
Stop any work which he reasonably believes may cause an accident
and inform the Master who shall be responsible for deciding when
work can safely be resumed.
Ensure the minutes of each safety committee meeting are accessible
to all the crew.

6.1.4 On every ship in which five or more persons are employed the
Company/Operator is required to make rules and arrangements for the
officers and ratings to elect safety representatives.
Safety Representative
6.1.5 A safety representative must be someone who has at least 2 years
sea service since he was 18. If the ship is a tanker he also needs at least 6
months service in tankers (oil, gas, or chemicals as appropriate).
6.1.6 The Master is required to record the election of safety representatives
to a safety committee in the Official Log Book, in the narrative section. There

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are rules covering the number of representatives that have to be elected

depending on the total crew size. In general:

If the ship carries less than 16 crew, one safety representative elected
by the officers and ratings together,
If the ship carries 16 or more crew; one safety representative elected
by the officers and one elected by the ratings,
If the ship carries more than 30 ratings one safety representative
elected by the ratings from each of the deck engine and catering

6.1.7 Those who are elected as safety representatives do not have to stay
in that role for the whole voyage, others can be elected to take over. You
should ensure that any safety representative is briefed on his duties and
responsibilities. They can:

Participate in any investigations or inspections carried out by the

Safety Official subject to his agreement, or after notification to the
Master, undertake similar investigations or inspections himself,
whether or not they have been carried out by the Safety Officer,
Consult with the Master and Safety Official on behalf of the crew on
matters affecting occupational health and safety of crew members,
Request through the safety committee an investigation by the Safety
Official of any such safety matter,
Inspect any of the records required to be kept by the Safety Official.

Safety Committee
6.1.8 Once the safety officials have been appointed or elected the Master is
required to appoint a Safety Committee which includes the Safety Official and
each safety representative. The Master is also on the Safety Committee as
Chairman and the creation of this committee must be recorded in the Official
Log Book. The safety committee should meet whenever it chooses as long as
the intervals between meetings are not greater than 6 weeks.

A Safety Committee has to:

Ensure that the provisions of the Code of Safe Working Practices,
relevant legislation, Marine Guidance Notices and Merchant Shipping
Notices are complied with to improve the standard of safety
consciousness among the crew,
Make representations and recommendations on behalf of the crew to
the Company/Operator on matters relating to occupational health and
safety of the crew,
Ensure the Companys/Operators occupational health and safety
policies are observed and to make recommendations for their

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Inspect any of the records required to be kept by the Safety Official

and ensure that any conclusions reached on matters of safety are
followed up.

6.1.10 There is a legal duty on the company to help the Safety Committee to
work and the company has to:


Provide access to any necessary safety information, documents,

Merchant Shipping Notices, Marine Guidance Notices and relevant
Inform the Safety Official, safety representatives and safety committee
of any hazards on board the ship known to them, which may endanger
the ship or her crew,
Permit occupational health and safety inspections of any accessible
part of the ship where crew members may be required to work.

It is very important that the Master takes a close interest in the work of
the safety officials, checking that the Safety Official is fulfilling his
responsibilities effectively, while giving support and encouragement. The
Master is the best person to ensure that the safety committee works
successfully by encouraging all crew members to participate in the ships safety



6.3.1 Master should ensure that a risk assessment has been carried out to
cover all work activities on board where there is a realistic risk of
harm to personnel. Refer to the Code of Safe Working Practices Chapter 1.
6.3.2 The aim of risk assessments is to minimise accidents and ill health on
board. Masters should ensure that not only are risk assessments
prepared, but work activities are carried out in accordance with the risk
Many accidents and fatalities could have been prevented if
crew members had followed the precautions highlighted in a risk
assessment. An investigation into a recent fatality involving an
accident during cargo operations found that had the seaman followed the
precaution of standing at least one container away from the container being
worked, the fatality would not have happened.

An example of a completed risk assessment is given at Annex 1.

Accident Reporting

(See MGN 289)

While it is appreciated that your Safety Management System has a
procedure covering accidents and injuries on board, there is also a

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requirement for the Master or Operator to report Accidents and Major Injuries
by the quickest means possible and as soon as possible after the occurrence
to the Marine Accident Investigation Branch. Serious Injuries
should be reported within 14 days and whilst there is no
requirement to report a Hazardous Incident it is recommended that a
report is sent.
The definitions of Accidents and Major Injuries and Serious
Injuries are contained in MGN 289.
Accidents should be reported to the Marine Accident
Investigation Branch on form IRF and you should have copies of this form on
board. It can also be downloaded from the Marine Accident Investigation
Branch website:


Medical Stores Requirements

Medical equipment

A full list of medical equipment that must be carried is contained in MSN 1768

Person in charge of medical care on board ship

Any person designated to take charge of medical care on board ship, must
have successfully completed an approved Medical Care training programme
meeting the standards laid down in STCW Code A-VI/4-2 within the preceding
5 years.


Surveys and Audits


(See MSN 1751)

Statutory surveys (Loadline, Safety Construction, MARPOL, Safety
Equipment, Safety Radio etc.) should be arranged in plenty of time. Annual
and periodical/ intermediate surveys must be completed within the 6 month
window occurring three months before and after the Anniversary Date of the
certificate. The Anniversary Date is the day and month of the expiry date of
the full term certificate. If a periodical or an annual survey is not carried out
within the window then the certificate must be renewed after a renewal
survey. This takes longer and often costs more than an annual or a periodical
survey. A certificate that has not been validated by an annual or a periodical
survey within the window becomes invalid and the ship risks detention.
Renewal surveys must be carried out in the three month window prior to the
expiry of the certificate.

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Authorised Survey Organisations

9.2.1 Ships on the ACS program, see MGN 345, can arrange all surveys
directly with their Classification Society, except for ISM and ISSC audits and
ILO inspections.
9.2.2 On non ACS ships surveys for Load Line, Safety Radio, Safety
Construction, and MARPOL have been fully delegated to your classification
society and can be arranged directly with Class.

Where ships are not classed contact the MCA for surveys.

9.2.4 Surveys for Safety Equipment should be arranged through MCA

Customer Service manager or through MCA HQ e mail:
Tel + 44 (0) 2380 329 224.
The MCA will normally authorise Class to carry out the survey however the
MCA will conduct surveys themselves


in the UK
at 1 survey in 5
where the MCA feel the need to inspect the ship eg. after a detention
DoC for Dangerous Goods

Annual survey for arrangements for Document of Compliance for Carriage of

Dangerous Goods is considered by the MCA to be included in the Safety
Equipment Survey.


9.4.1 ISM SMC, ISPS audits and ILO 178 inspections should be carried out
at the same visit and this may need to be planned to ensure that this will be at
a port where enough time is available.
ISM Shipboard Audits
9.4.2 All shipboard audits for the International Safety Management (ISM)
Code will be carried out by MCA surveyors. ISM shipboard audits should be
arranged in plenty of time with the MCA Customer Service Manager via your
Designated Person Ashore (DPA).
Interim audits
9.4.3 Required at delivery of new buildings or where ships change their ISM
Management Company. The DPA should contact the MCA to arrange this

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Intermediate audits
9.4.4 A 12 month 'window' exists (between the 2nd and 3rd Anniversary
Dates of the certificate) in which to arrange intermediate audits. We
recommend you begin arranging this audit as soon as the 'window' opens to
avoid problems later on when the time available is less and availability of
auditors may affect the ability to carry out the audit in the most convenient
Renewal audits
9.4.5 To be completed in the three months prior to the expiry of the Safety
Management Certificate. Again, arrange these early to ensure the certificate
does not expire this would almost certainly result in a major non-conformity.
ISPS Verification Audits
9.4.6 All verification audits for the International Ship and Port Facility
Security (ISPS Code) will be carried out by surveyors from the MCA, normally
at the same time as the ISM audit. ISPS audits should be arranged as above.

ILO 178 inspections

(see MSN 1769)

9.5.1 The ILO Convention 178 and Recommendation 185 require the MCA
to inspect seafarers working and living conditions within specified time
intervals. The requirements apply to United Kingdom registered sea-going
vessels of 500 gt and over including sea-going tugs.
9.5.2 UK registered vessels will be inspected initially at first ISM audit
(following registration) and at intervals not exceeding 3 years afterwards. This
will usually be carried out during an ISM or ISPS audit to minimise the
inconvenience to ship-owners and Masters or in conjunction with other
surveys where ISM compliance is not covered. The MCA is also required to
investigate if a complaint is received or there is evidence that a ship does not
conform to existing legislation in respect of seafarers working and living
9.5.3 After the inspection the surveyor will issue a Report of Inspection of
Seafarers Working and Living Conditions. The Ships Notice Board Copy
must be posted up in a suitable position in the accommodation where it can
be seen and read by all crew members. The Masters Copy will be left with
the Master. If any deficiencies are found these will be reported to the Master
for rectifying within an agreed time frame.

The ILO 178 inspection will generally cover areas such as:
Standards of maintenance and cleanliness of the ships living and
working areas.

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Minimum age of seafarers.

Articles of Agreement (crew agreements).
Food, catering and the standards and cleanliness of food and
provisions arrangements.
Crew accommodation arrangements.
Manning, medical examination of seafarers, medical provisions on
board and the qualifications and training of crew members.
Hours of work and rest periods and the records kept.
Arrangements on board for the prevention of occupational accidents
and for reporting and investigation of accidents, and
Articles of Agreement, contracts of employment and/or any collective
bargaining agreements in place relating to the terms and conditions of
employment on board.

Stowaways and Refugees

See MGN 70.


Continuous Synopsis Record

11.0.1 Every ship is now provided with a document called a Continuous

Synopsis Record (CSR). This is a form of log book that stays with the ship for
its whole life and records all changes of owner, flag, name, Class, ISM etc.
Whenever a change occurs a new section or a new document is issued and
then each has a consecutive number. The numbers should show a complete
record. If a ship is sold this document must stay with the ship.
11.0.2 The Master is responsible for the proper upkeep of the CSR on board
UK ships. When you first receive a new CSR, or first join the ship, you should
check that the details are correct. There is a process for amending details
which you can use and it is important that the details are always correct. Port
State Control will check the CSR as a matter of routine at inspections.

Making amendments to the CSR

When any data entry in the current CSR requires an amendment you must act
as quickly as possible. To do this you should fill in the changes on the Form 2
and send this to the Registry of Shipping and Seamen. The Registry of
Shipping and Seamen will enter the new changes in the ships master record
and issue a new CSR sheet with the next consecutive number to be attached
to the record on board. After this is done you must ensure that the Index of
Amendments (Form 3) is kept up to date and also attached to the current CSR
in date order.

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Receiving an amended CSR

11.2.1 When you receive a new CSR or an amendment sheet, you should
check its sequential number to make sure it is the correct next one, review the
data entries to make sure they are correct and they cover all amendments in
the Index of Amendments.
11.2.2 If you find that there are amendments that are not included in the
CSR you should:

Complete a new Amendment Form 2 relating to each outstanding

amendment and attach it to the latest CSR. List the amendments in
the Index of Amendments (Form 3) attached to the latest CSR; and
Forward copies of the original Amendment Form(s) to the Registry of
Shipping and Seamen

11.2.3 If, for any reason, the ships CSR records are lost or damaged it is
essential that they are restored as quickly as possible in order to avoid
potential delays to the ships voyage. You should contact the Registry of
Shipping and Seamen as quickly as possible who will provide signed and
stamped duplicates.


UK Publications required to be onboard

The following UK publications are required to be carried:

Official Log Book (MCA)

Crew Agreement forms (MCA)
Code of Safe Working Practices (MCA) - The following numbers are
required to be carried:
- 5 crew or less - 1 copy
- More than 5 crew but less than 20 - 4 copies
- More than 20 crew - 6 plus

International Code of Signals (IMO)

Mariners' Handbook (UKHO)
Merchant Shipping Notices, Marine Guidance Notes and Marine
Information Notes (MCA) [Only (M) and (M+F) designated notices are
required for Merchant ships]
Notices to Mariners (UKHO)
Notices to Mariners Annual Summary (UKHO)
Lists of Radio Signals (UKHO)
Lists of Lights (UKHO)
Sailing Directions (UKHO)
Nautical Almanac (UKHO)
Navigational Tables
Tide Tables
Tidal Stream Atlases

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Operating and Maintenance Instructions for Navigational Aids Carried

by the Ship
Ship Captains Medical Guide (MCA)

Cadet Training - Overseeing of NVQ portfolios

(Refer also to the MNTB guidelines for training at sea, the introduction to
Vocational Qualifications at the beginning of the NVQ Portfolio and MSN
As soon as possible after the candidate first joins the ship, it is the
Masters duty to ensure that the necessary opportunities are presented to
enable the candidate to complete the Priority Familiarisation and Safety
The tasks completed thereafter should be inspected and signed upon
joining the vessel, each month thereafter and at the end of the voyage.
For deck cadets - a steering certificate should be completed and
signed when the candidate has obtained the necessary experience and
reaches the required standard. It is extremely important that the candidate is
given adequate supervised bridge watchkeeping experience after the first sea
phase. The MCA require that all deck candidates for a first certificate of
competency must spend six of their final 12 months qualifying sea time
engaged in bridge watchkeeping duties under the supervision of a deck
officer. This requirement means that the balance of emphasis in terms of
training during the latter sea phases should be directed towards
In the event that some tasks are not able to he completed, then a
suitable alternative task to a similar standard may be completed and recorded
in the relevant section of additional tasks provided for each unit. This space
may also he used for any additional tasks not specified and so provide further
evidence that such training and experience has been acquired.
Officers who act as witnesses to the tasks should sign and date the
appropriate tasks and enter his/her name in the Record of Authenticating
Officers list. Any task should only be signed as complete when the demands
of the task have been met. The signature will attest to the Authentication
statement shown in each task and where more than one activity is detailed
within a task, this statement must be true for all activities.
The number of tasks specified has no bearing on how many times the
candidate must complete the task, it may take several attempts. However, for
each attempt not reaching full competence, the officer must give clear
information on the areas that are lacking so that the candidate may address
these deficiencies. This is particularly important at the end of the voyage,
where the candidate may he joining another vessel where the officers will
have limited indications of his/her progress. In this respect, notes may he

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attached to the Cumulative Evidence Summary to explain the level of

competence indicated.
13.7 Masters and Officers need to know that the standards expected of the
candidate (when competence is reached) is that of a person about to take up
the job for which the award is made. Cadets are expected at the end of their
training to be competent to start to undertake the job of watchkeeping officer,
but they will clearly be lacking in experience.



14.1 The alcohol limits set out below apply to masters and seamen at all
times. The limits reflect the UK drinking and driving regulations.
(a) In the case of breath, 35 microgrammes of alcohol in 100 millilitres
(b) In the case of blood, 80 millilitres of alcohol in 100 millilitres

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Annex 1 Example of Completed Risk Assessment Form

Company Document Control Number RA02/Rev12/05

Section 2
Assessment of Risk Factor
Severity of Harm


Likelihood of

Ship name_________MV Example_________________________________

Record Number_______Example / Risk Assessment / File 01-001____
Current assessment date:

12/ 05

Work activity being assessed:

12/ 04

Last assessment date:


Existing Control Measures to Protect Personnel from Harm

Working aloft

(a) Permit to-Work issued for work while aloft

(b) Permit-to-Work procedure followed
(a) Use appropriate safety harness
(b) Supply appropriate PPE
(c) Obey guidance from local safety sign
(d) Endorsement of working aloft procedures and training
(a) Safety harness secured
(b) Endorsement of working aloft procedures and training
(a) Isolate whistle
(b) Place Man Aloft signs on all whistle controls
(a) Isolate radar to stop rotation
(b) Place Man Aloft sign on radars
(a) Isolate radar
(b) Isolate all aerials
(c) Place appropriate safety notices on mast
(a) Isolate electrical equipment as appropriate
(b) Place appropriate safety notices on isolators
(a) Adequate training of support staff below
(b) Supply appropriate PPE
(a) Arrange work in daylight conditions
(b) Arrange work in dry conditions
(c) Arrange work in calm weather
(d) Arrange work to be carried out in port or calm seas

Falling off ladder while


Falling from heights whilst

Ships whistle being sounded
whilst aloft
Being hit by a rotating radar
Radiation hazard from radar
and radio aerials

Electrocution hazard

Object falling from

Weather and Sea hazard













Very Likely




Working aloft on the Main Mast

Description of Identified


Very Unlikely

Section 1
Hazard Analysis of the Intended Work Activity



Very Unlikely

Likelihood of


Severity of

Very Low







Very Unlikely


Very Low

Very Unlikely


Very Low

Very Unlikely


Very Low

Very Unlikely


Very Low




Very Unlikely


Very Low


To assess the risk factor arising from the hazard:

Select the expression for likelihood which most applies to the hazard;
Select the expression for severity of harm which most applies to the hazard;
Cross reference using the above table to determine the level of risk.
If the Risk Factor is MEDIUM or above (Yellow, Orange or Red) additional control measures should be implemented
and recorded in Section 3.

Section 3
Additional Control Measures to Reduce the Risk of Harm
Hazard no.

Further Risk Control Measures

Remedial Action Date

Review Date

Can work be delayed to enable other means of

Can work be delayed to enable other means of

As of job date

Next annual review

As of job date

Next annual review

Secure all tools appropriately

Monitor local conditions

As of job date
As of job date

Next annual review

Additional comments:

Remedial action will be addressed at the next assessment review date

Assessment review date ____December 2006_________________________________________

version 3 - 5/10/09



Annex 2 MSF 4605 (RBD 1)

version 3 - 5/10/09


version 3 - 5/10/09


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