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Fcs Performance

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2 FCS Performance

FCS Performance
If the maximum number of function blocks allowed for the selected template is created or if many
function blocks are run at a faster scanning period than the basic, the performance of the FCS
may be degraded. In the worst case, you may have to divide it into several FCSs or delete some
of the functions. To avoid this, you must estimate and study the FCS performance. The following
section describes the factors that affect the FCS performance and how to calculate the FCS
performance to prevent performance problems.

Idle Time of FCS’s CPU

The CPU load in an FCS varies due to transient causes such as communication with HIS or
supervisory computer, online maintenance, and all program copy (APC) for an FCS with
redundant CPUs. Sufficient idle time must also be reserved to allow for possible load increases by
future expansions in addition to these transient increases.

 Definition of CPU Idle Time

The time when CPU does not process any tasks scheduled + Time-sharing SEBOL
processing time + User-C processing time
CPU idle time can be monitored on the FCS Status Display window. The data on the window is a
moving-average value in a minute (100% Idle time = 60 seconds). Ensure that the CPU Idle Time
must be more than following guideline for the unscheduled maintenance operation such as APC,
tuning parameter saving and online load. These data are described in IM ―CS3000 Electronic
Manual Addendum‖ (IM 33Q01A50-01E), ―CENTUM VP Electronic Manual Addendum‖ (IM
33M01A50-40E), and ―CENTUM VP Release Information‖ (IM 33K01A50-50E).
 FFCS-S, FFCS, and FFCS-L : 20 seconds
 Other FCS models : 10 seconds
During normal operation, FFCS-S, FFCS, and FFCS-L have performance equivalent to that of
KFCS2; however, during execution of APC, their CPU load could increase 20% (equal to 12
seconds) in worst case.

 Definition of CPU Load Time

∑( CPU time required to finish all the tasks as scheduled)
= 1000 - CPU Idle Time / 60 *1000 (msec) (100% Load = 1000 msec)
CPU Load time must be less than following guide line.
 FFCS-S, FFCS, and FFCS-L : 650 msec
 Other FCS models : 830 msec
Two types of values are used in this document. One is CPU idle time value, the other is CPU
Load value. The relation between these values;
100% CPU Idle Time (60 seconds) = 0% CPU Load (0 msec)
0% CPU Idle Time (0 seconds) = 100% CPU Load (1000 msec)

[Important Note]
650ms or 830ms is the maximum allowance for Control, Data Access, Message Sending
and Other Tasks. Therefore, if 20% spare must be kept for future expansion, consider
650ms*0.8 = 536ms is the higher limit which can be used in engineering phase, in case of
AFF50D. (NOT 1000ms*08=800ms)
Below shows the image of CPU idle time and CPU load time

ESS-CDWG-S601-020202E, Rev. 6 1 of 24
CS 3000/VP ENGINEERING GUIDE 2.2.2 FCS Performance

Basic-scan Processing

(Incl. Basic-scan I/O Processing)

Mid-scan Processing

High-scan Processing
CPU Load Time
(Incl. High-scan I/O Processing)

Data Access
1000 msec

Message Sending

Other Tasks

Time–sharing SEBOL Processing

CPU Idle Time can be shown
User-C on FCS Status Display window.
CPU Idle Time
Time when CPU is not
processing any tasks

Figure 1; Image of CPU idle time and CPU load time

Behavior of FCS under Heavy Load

An FCS carries out the specified processes at the basic scanning period of 1 second. Even if an
FCS cannot finish the specified processes within a 1-second scanning period because there are
too many function blocks or too many high-speed scanning blocks, the FCS carries out the
remaining processes. As the result, scanning period will become longer than 1 second. The
remaining processes are not skipped.
For example, if it takes 1.5 seconds to carry out all the specified processes, the control loops that
should be scanned every second are actually scanned every 1.5 seconds. This disturbs the real-
time control. If execution of a process assigned to the basic scan (1-second intervals) exceeds
four seconds, a system alarm is generated to warn of the excessive load and the corresponding
I/O module may execute Fail-back process in the FIO. To avoid this, carefully estimate and study
the performance using the FCS CPU Loading Estimation Sheet when the inputs and outputs have
been roughly decided and when the application is approximately determined.
The load of an FCS while it is running can be checked by the CPU Idle Time indication in the FCS
status display called up from the System Status Overview window.

Below are the some important points on the behavior of FCS when CPU load become high:
1. With the CPU load high to an extent that there is not enough CPU time to execute all
required functions in time, completion of the lower-priority tasks is delayed or not
a. High CPU load will make time-sharing SEBOL execution delayed first.
b. Higher CPU load will make the time-sharing SEBOL not executed at all and the basic-
scan processing delayed next.
c. Further higher CPU load will make the basic-scan processing not executed at all and
the medium-scan processing delayed next.
d. Much further higher CPU load will make the medium-scan processing not executed at
all and the high-scan processing delayed next.

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CS 3000/VP ENGINEERING GUIDE 2.2.2 FCS Performance

2. With the CPU load high to an extent that the Basic-scan processing is not complete
within four seconds,
a. In this case the I/O value will be its default fall-back value. (Only FIO system. This
situation is equivalent to loss of process control functions.)
b. The System alarm ―FCS Too Heavy Load‖ will be reported.

CPU Load under Maintenance

During maintenance operation, such as All Program Copy (APC), tuning parameter saving, and
online maintenance, more CPU time is consumed.
In case of an FCS has sufficient CPU idle time, additional loading can be absorbed by idle time,
and all the control functions are executed as expected.
With insufficient CPU idle time, lower-priority control functions such as time-sharing SEBOL are
not executed as expected.
If the CPU load reaches 100% with high-scan processing, the CPU cannot execute maintenance
Below shows the image of CPU under the maintenance operation is in progress with sufficient
and insufficient CPU idle time

Under normal operation Under maintenance

Time-sharing SEBOL Processing Time-sharing SEBOL Processing

Control Function

Basic-scan Processing Basic-scan Processing

Control Function
(Incl. Basic-scan IO processing) (Incl. Basic-scan IO processing)

Mid-scan Processing Maintenance Processing

Mid-scan Processing
High-scan Processing
Maintenance Processing
(Incl. Basic-scan IO processing)
1000 msec

High-scan Processing
Data Access
(Incl. Basic-scan IO processing)
Message Sending
Maintenance Processing

Other Tasks Data Access

User-C Message Sending

Time when CPU is not Other Tasks

processing any tasks

Time when CPU is not processing any tasks

Figure 2; Image of CPU under the maintenance operation is in progress with sufficient CPU idle time

ESS-CDWG-S601-020202E, Rev. 6 3 of 24
CS 3000/VP ENGINEERING GUIDE 2.2.2 FCS Performance

Under normal operation Under maintenance

Time-sharing SEBOL Processing Basic-scan Processing

(Incl. Basic-scan IO processing)

Basic-scan Processing

Control Function
(Incl. Basic-scan IO processing)

Control Function
Maintenance Processing

Mid-scan Processing

1000 + X msec
Mid-scan Processing
1000 msec

High-scan Processing Maintenance Processing

(Incl. High-scan IO processing) High-scan Processing

Data Access (Incl. High-scan IO processing)

Maintenance Processing

Message Sending Data Access

Other Tasks

User-C Message Sending

Time when CPU is not processing any tasks

Other Tasks

Figure 3; Image of CPU under the maintenance operation is in progress with insufficient CPU idle time

 Actual CPU Load time required to execute the maintenance work:

1. APC (All Program Copy):
APC executes 2 processes sequentially. One is Boot APC processing, the other is Kernel
APC processing. Kernel processing consumes much CPU Load time. The actual CPU Load
time required depends on the database size, Cache-mishit rate and so on.
It will take maximum 30 msec per each basic scan period for KFCS, LFCS, and FFCS-V.
It will take maximum 200 msec per each basic scan period for FFCS-S, FFCS, and FFCS-L.
APC averagely continues for approximately as follows.

・LFSC2, KFCS2, FFCS, FFCS-S, and FFCS-L (32 MB main memory): 20 minutes
・LFCS and KFCS (16 MB main memory): 12 minutes
・FFCS-V (128 MB main memory): 5 minutes

2. Tuning Parameter Saving:

The actual CPU Load time required depends on the database size.
It will take maximum 100 msec per each basic scan period for saving tuning parameter (with
the exception of FFCS-V).
It will take maximum 52 msec for FFCS-V.
The tuning parameter saving averagely continues for approximately 1 minute.

3. Online Load:
The actual CPU Load time required depends on the download volume.
The Online load finishes within 1 second.

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