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Roland Tri-Capture Manual de Usuario

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For the following languages, a PDF version of the Owner’s Manual can be found on the CD-ROM.

Deutsch, Français, Italiano, Español, Português, Nederlands

Flowchart for recording with the TRI-CAPTURE

Install the driver (p. 14).

Do you have a DAW?

Yes. No.
DAW (Digital Audio
Workstation) is the
generic term used for
music creation software,
such as SONAR, etc.

Windows Mac OS X

Install the included Prepare the DAW software,

SONAR LE. such as GarageBand, Logic,

Register SONAR LE.

Set the input/output audio device on the DAW (p. 21).

For details, refer Connect a guitar or microphone to the TRI-CAPTURE (p. 24).
to the installation
guide of the
SONAR LE. Set the REC MODE function to “GUITAR/MIC” (p. 24).

Before using this unit, carefully read the sections entitled: “USING THE UNIT SAFELY” and “IMPORTANT NOTES” (p. 3;
p. 5). These sections provide important information concerning proper operation of the unit. Additionally, in order
to feel assured that you have gained a good grasp of every feature provided by your new unit, the Owner’s Manual
should be read in its entirety. The manual should be saved and kept on hand as a convenient reference.

About WARNING and CAUTION Notices About the Symbols

The symbol alerts the user to important instructions or
Used for instructions intended to alert the warnings.The specific meaning of the symbol is
user to the risk of death or severe injury determined by the design contained within the triangle. In
should the unit be used improperly. the case of the symbol at left, it is used for general
cautions, warnings, or alerts to danger.
Used for instructions intended to alert the
user to the risk of injury or material The symbol alerts the user to items that must never be
damage should the unit be used carried out (are forbidden). The specific thing that must
improperly. not be done is indicated by the design contained within
the circle. In the case of the symbol at left, it means that
* Material damage refers to damage or the unit must never be disassembled.
other adverse effects caused with
respect to the home and all its The symbol alerts the user to things that must be
furnishings, as well to domestic animals carried out. The specific thing that must be done is
or pets. indicated by the design contained within the circle. In the
case of the symbol at left, it means that the power-cord
plug must be unplugged from the outlet.


Do not open or perform any internal Never install the unit in any of the following
modifications on the unit. locations.
• Subject to temperature extremes (e.g.,
direct sunlight in an enclosed vehicle, near
Do not attempt to repair the unit, or replace a heating duct, on top of heat-generating
parts within it (except when this manual equipment); or are
provides specific instructions directing you • Damp (e.g., baths, washrooms, on wet
to do so). Refer all servicing to your retailer, floors); or are
the nearest Roland Service Center, or an • Exposed to steam or smoke; or are
authorized Roland distributor, as listed on the
“Information” page. • Subject to salt exposure; or are
• Humid; or are
• Exposed to rain; or are
• Dusty or sandy; or are
• Subject to high levels of vibration and
Make sure you always have the unit placed
so it is level and sure to remain stable. Never
place it on stands that could wobble, or on
inclined surfaces.


This unit, either alone or in combination with Try to prevent cords and cables from
an amplifier and headphones or speakers, becoming entangled. Also, all cords and
may be capable of producing sound levels cables should be placed so they are out of the
that could cause permanent hearing loss. reach of children.
Do not operate for a long period of time
Never climb on top of, nor place heavy objects
at a high volume level, or at a level that
on the unit.
is uncomfortable. If you experience any
hearing loss or ringing in the ears, you should
immediately stop using the unit, and consult
an audiologist. Disconnect all cords coming from external
Do not place containers containing liquid on devices before moving the unit.
this product. Never allow foreign objects (e.g.,
flammable objects, coins, wires) or liquids
(e.g., water or juice) to enter this product.
Always turn the phantom power off when
Doing so may cause short circuits, faulty
connecting any device other than condenser
operation, or other malfunctions.
microphones that require phantom power.
You risk causing damage if you mistakenly
supply phantom power to dynamic
microphones, audio playback devices, or other
Immediately disconnect the USB cable,
devices that don’t require such power. Be sure
and request servicing by your retailer,
to check the specifications of any microphone
the nearest Roland Service Center, or an
you intend to use by referring to the manual
authorized Roland distributor, as listed on the
that came with it.
“Information” page when:
• Objects have fallen into, or liquid has been (This instrument’s phantom power: 48 V DC, 10 mA Max)
spilled onto the unit; or
• If smoke or unusual odor occurs
• The unit has been exposed to rain (or
otherwise has become wet); or
• The unit does not appear to operate
normally or exhibits a marked change in
In households with small children, an adult
should provide supervision until the child is
capable of following all the rules essential for
the safe operation of the unit.
Protect the unit from strong impact.
(Do not drop it!)

DO NOT play a CD-ROM disc on a conventional

audio CD player. The resulting sound may be
of a level that could cause permanent hearing
loss. Damage to speakers or other system
components may result.

Power Supply Maintenance
• Before connecting this unit to other devices, turn off the • For everyday cleaning wipe the unit with a soft, dry
power to all units. This will help prevent malfunctions cloth or one that has been slightly dampened with
and/or damage to speakers or other devices. water. To remove stubborn dirt, use a cloth impregnated
with a mild, non-abrasive detergent. Afterwards, be sure
Placement to wipe the unit thoroughly with a soft, dry cloth.
• Never use benzine, thinners, alcohol or solvents of any
• Using the unit near power amplifiers (or other
kind, to avoid the possibility of discoloration and/or
equipment containing large power transformers) may
induce hum. To alleviate the problem, change the
orientation of this unit; or move it farther away from the
source of interference. Additional Precautions
• This device may interfere with radio and television • Use a reasonable amount of care when using the unit’s
reception. Do not use this device in the vicinity of such buttons, sliders, or other controls; and when using
receivers. its jacks and connectors. Rough handling can lead to
• Noise may be produced if wireless communications malfunctions.
devices, such as cell phones, are operated in the vicinity • When connecting / disconnecting all cables, grasp the
of this unit. Such noise could occur when receiving connector itself—never pull on the cable. This way
or initiating a call, or while conversing. Should you you will avoid causing shorts, or damage to the cable’s
experience such problems, you should relocate such internal elements.
wireless devices so they are at a greater distance from • To avoid disturbing your neighbors, try to keep the
this unit, or switch them off. unit’s volume at reasonable levels. You may prefer to use
• Do not expose the unit to direct sunlight, place it near headphones, so you do not need to be concerned about
devices that radiate heat, leave it inside an enclosed those around you.
vehicle, or otherwise subject it to temperature extremes. • When you need to transport the unit, package it in the
Excessive heat can deform or discolor the unit. box (including padding) that it came in, if possible.
• When moved from one location to another where the Otherwise, you will need to use equivalent packaging
temperature and/or humidity is very different, water materials.
droplets (condensation) may form inside the unit. • Some connection cables contain resistors. Do not use
Damage or malfunction may result if you attempt to use cables that incorporate resistors for connecting to this
the unit in this condition. Therefore, before using the unit. The use of such cables can cause the sound level to
unit, you must allow it to stand for several hours, until be extremely low, or impossible to hear. For information
the condensation has completely evaporated. on cable specifications, contact the manufacturer of
• Depending on the material and temperature of the the cable.
surface on which you place the unit, its rubber feet may
discolor or mar the surface.
You can place a piece of felt or cloth under the rubber
Handling CDs
feet to prevent this from happening. If you do so, • Avoid touching or scratching the shiny underside
please make sure that the unit will not slip or move (encoded surface) of the disc. Damaged or dirty CD discs
accidentally. may not be read properly. Keep your discs clean using a
commercially available CD cleaner.
• Do not put anything that contains water (e.g., flower
vases) on this unit. Also, avoid the use of insecticides,
perfumes, alcohol, nail polish, spray cans, etc., near the
unit. Swiftly wipe away any liquid that spills on the unit
using a dry, soft cloth.

* Microsoft, Windows and Windows Vista are either
registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft
* Windows® is known officially as: “Microsoft® Windows®
operating system.”
* The screen shots in this document are used in
compliance with the guidelines of the Microsoft
* Macintosh, Mac OS are either registered trademarks or
trademarks of Apple Inc.
* Cakewalk is a registered trademark of Cakewalk, Inc. in
the United States.
* SONAR LE is a trademark of Cakewalk, Inc.
* ASIO is a trademark of Steinberg Media Technologies
* Company names and product names appearing in this
document are registered trademarks or trademarks of
their respective owners.
* MMP (Moore Microprocessor Portfolio) refers to a
patent portfolio concerned with microprocessor
architecture, which was developed by Technology
Properties Limited (TPL). Roland has licensed this
technology from the TPL Group.


All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form without the written
Roland is a registered trademark of Roland Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.

USING THE UNIT SAFETY........................................................................................................................3

IMPORTANT NOTES..................................................................................................................................5

Contents of the Package.........................................................................................................................8

Panel Descriptions................................................................................................................................ 10
Top Panel...................................................................................................................................................................................... 10
Rear Panel..................................................................................................................................................................................... 12
Bottom Panel............................................................................................................................................................................... 13

Driver Installation................................................................................................................................. 14
Confirm that Sound can be Heard....................................................................................................................................... 19

How to Use............................................................................................................................................. 21
Input/Output Device Settings............................................................................................................................................... 21
Playing Back................................................................................................................................................................................. 22
Recording..................................................................................................................................................................................... 23
Recording Microphone or Guitar Sound (MIC/GUITAR)................................................................................. 24
Recording Microphone or Guitar Sound Along with Audio Device Sound (ALL INPUTS)................. 26
Record Microphone or Guitar Sound While Mixing it with Audio Data Played on a Computer
(LOOP BACK).................................................................................................................................................................. 28

Troubleshooting.................................................................................................................................... 30
Problems When Installing the Driver.................................................................................................................................. 30
Problems When Using the TRI-CAPTURE........................................................................................................................... 31
Changing Computer Settings to Avoid Problems......................................................................................................... 36
Driver Signing Options Setting (Windows XP).................................................................................................. 36
Power Management Settings.................................................................................................................................. 37
System “Performance” Settings (Windows)........................................................................................................ 38
Setting the System Volume...................................................................................................................................... 39
Voice Communication Software Settings (Windows 8/Windows 7)......................................................... 40
Monitoring Function Settings (Windows 8/Windows 7)............................................................................... 40
Reinstalling the Driver............................................................................................................................................................. 41
Deleting the Driver...................................................................................................................................................... 41
Advanced Driver Settings....................................................................................................................................................... 43

Main Specifications............................................................................................................................... 45

Index........................................................................................................................................................ 47

Block Diagrams for REC MODE........................................................................................................... 48

MIC/GUITAR................................................................................................................................................................................. 48
ALL INPUTS................................................................................................................................................................................... 48
LOOP BACK................................................................................................................................................................................... 49

Contents of the Package
After you open the package, please check that all items are present.
(If any accessories are missing, please contact the place of purchase.)

Owner’s Manual
This is the document you’re reading. Keep it at hand for reference when needed.


This CD-ROM contains the TRI-CAPTURE drivers and demo songs.

Cakewalk SONAR LE DVD-ROM (Windows)

DAW software allows you to record or play audio data on a computer.
For details on using SONAR LE, user registration, and obtaining a registration code, refer to the
installation guide (included on the DVD-ROM), or to the Help function of the software.
* Avoid touching or scratching the shiny underside (encoded surface) of a disc. Damaged or dirty
discs may not be read properly. Use a commercially available CD-ROM/DVD-ROM cleaner to keep
your disc clean.
* You need DAW software for Mac OS X.

USB cable
Use this cable to connect the TRI-CAPTURE to the USB connector of your computer.
* Please use only the included USB cable. If you require a replacement due to loss or damage,
please contact the nearest Roland Service center, or an authorized Roland distributor, as listed
on the “Information” page.

Contents of the Package

You’ll need to provide the following items

• External amplifier, speakers, headphones, etc., for listening to the sound that is output via the
• Microphone, guitar, etc., for inputting audio to the TRI-CAPTURE

Panel Descriptions
Do not connect the TRI-CAPTURE to the computer until the driver has been installed (p. 14).

Top Panel

2 8


6 7

1. [PHANTOM] button
Switches on or off the supply of phantom power to the XLR type jacks of the INPUT 1 (MIC) jack.

Connected equipment [PHANTOM] button

Condenser microphone 48V
Other equipment OFF
You must leave the [PHANTOM] button set to “OFF” unless condenser microphones requiring
phantom power are connected to the XLR type jacks. Supplying phantom power to a dynamic
microphone or to an audio playback device may cause malfunctions. For details on the requirements
of your microphone, refer to its owner’s manual.
TRI-CAPTURE’s phantom power supply: DC 48 V, 10 mA maximum
2. [Hi-Z] button
Switches the impedance of the INPUT 2 (GUITAR) jack. You can select high impedance (Hi-Z) or low
impedance (Lo-Z) as appropriate for the connected equipment.

Connected equipment [Hi-Z] button

Guitar or bass ON (High impedance)
Other equipment OFF (Lo impedance)

Panel Descriptions
3. PEAK indicators
Light up when level of the input signal is too high. Use the [INPUT 1 (MIC)], [INPUT 2 (GUITAR)], and
[INPUT 3 (AUX)] knobs to adjust the input level so that a PEAK indicator does not light.
4. SIG indicators
The corresponding indicator lights up when an audio signal is input via the INPUT 1 (MIC), INPUT 2
(GUITAR), or INPUT 3 (AUX) jack.
5. [INPUT 1 (MIC)] knob, [INPUT 2 (GUITAR)] knob, [INPUT 3 (AUX)] knob
Adjust the volume of the audio signal input via the INPUT 1 (MIC), INPUT 2 (GUITAR), or INPUT 3
(AUX) jack(s).
The input volume will not be set to zero even if the [INPUT 1 (MIC)] knob is turned fully to the left.
The input volume is set to zero if the [INPUT 2 (GUITAR)] or [INPUT 3 (AUX)] knob is turned fully to the
6. [REC MODE] button
The TRI-CAPTURE has three recording modes. You can change the recording mode by pressing this
button (p. 23).
7. [INPUT MONITOR] button
Sets whether to directly output the INPUT 1 (MIC)
input signal.
When the [INPUT MONITOR] button
is set to “ON,” you can listen to the
instrument’s output directly without INPUT 2 (GUITAR) OUTPUT
passing the audio signal through the + +
is set to “OFF,” the instrument’s audio
signal passes through the computer,
therefore the sound may be delayed. [INPUT MONITOR] button
When ASIO 2.0-compatible software is
used, the ASIO Direct Monitor setting
determines this setting.
8. [OUTPUT MUTE] button
Switches on or off output of the audio signal from the OUTPUT jack.
The audio signal is output from the PHONES jack regardless of the [OUTPUT MUTE] button setting.
9. Output level indicators
Indicate the output volume. The output level indicators work regardless of the [OUTPUT MUTE]
button’s setting.

Panel Descriptions
10. [PHONES] knob
Adjusts the volume of the audio signal that is output from the PHONES jack.
* The volume of the signals output from the OUTPUT jacks cannot be adjusted on the TRI-
CAPTURE itself.

Rear Panel

11 12 13 14 15 16

11. PHONES jack

Used to connect headphones. The audio signal is output from the PHONES jack regardless of the
[OUTPUT MUTE] button’s setting.
12. OUTPUT jack (combined balanced TRS/unbalanced TS)
Outputs the analog audio signal.
* Wiring diagrams for the balanced TRS type jack are GND (SLEEVE)
shown in the illustration. Make connections only after
first checking the pin outs of the other equipment you HOT (TIP)
intend to connect.
An unbalanced TS type jack can also be connected. GND (SLEEVE)


13. USB connector

Used to connect to a computer.
Before connecting, you must install the driver (p. 14).
14. INPUT 3 (AUX) jacks
Used to connect an audio device.
Adjust the volume of the audio input signal by using the [INPUT 3 (AUX)] knob.
15. INPUT 2 (GUITAR) jack
Used to connect a guitar or bass.
Adjust the volume of the audio input signal by using the [INPUT 2 (GUITAR)] knob.

Panel Descriptions
16. INPUT 1 (MIC) jack
This is an analog audio input jack. Rated input level: -60– -30 dBu
This jack can provide 48 V phantom power, allowing you to connect a phantom-powered condenser
microphone. In this case, set the [PHANTOM] button to “48V.”
* This instrument is equipped with balanced (XLR, TRS) type
jacks. Wiring diagrams for these jacks are shown in the 2: HOT 1: GND
illustration.Make connections after first checking the wiring
diagrams of other equipment you intend to connect.


Bottom Panel
* When turning the unit upside-down, get a bunch of newspapers or magazines, and place them
under the four corners or at both ends to prevent damage to the buttons and controls. Also, you
should try to orient the unit so no buttons or controls get damaged.

17 18

17. [SAMPLE RATE] switch

Sets the sampling rate for the audio signal to be recorded or played.
When you switch the sampling rate, disconnect the USB cable that connects the TRI-CAPTURE and
computer, then reconnect it.
18. [MODE] switch
Selects recording mode or playback mode when the [SAMPLE RATE] switch is set to “96k.”
When the [SAMPLE RATE] switch is set to “96k,” the TRI-CAPTURE cannot record and play audio data
simultaneously. For recording, set the [MODE] switch to “REC,” and for playback, set the [MODE]
switch to “PLAY.”

Driver Installation
Windows Mac OS X
Do not connect the TRI-CAPTURE to the computer until you are directed to do so.
A “driver” is software that transfers data between the TRI-CAPTURE and application software
running on your computer when your computer and the TRI-CAPTURE are connected.
1. Start up the computer without the TRI-CAPTURE connected.
Disconnect all USB cables other than those for a USB keyboard and/or USB mouse (if used).

Log on to the computer with a user account that has administrator privileges.

Windows 8
Switch to the “Desktop.”
2. Exit all applications that are running.
3. Insert the included CD-ROM into the CD-ROM drive.
4. Of the following, double-click the relevant file on the included CD-ROM to start
the installer.
Operating System File
Windows [Setup] in the [WinDriver] folder
Mac OS X [TriCapture_USBDriver] in the [MacDriver] folder

Refer to the Roland website for the latest USB drivers and information about compatibility
with the latest operating system versions.

 Windows users: continue to p. 15

 Mac OS X users: continue to p. 18

Driver Installation

5. When a confirmation screen regarding user account control appears, click [Yes]
or [Continue].
6. When “The TRI-CAPTURE Driver will be installed on your computer.” appears,
click [Next].
7. Click [Next] again.
Windows 8/Windows 7/Windows Vista
If a dialog box regarding Windows security appears, click [Install].

Windows XP
If the “Software Installation” dialog box appears, click [Continue] to proceed with the
If you cannot proceed, click [OK] to cancel the installation. Change the settings as
described in “Driver Signing Options Setting (Windows XP)” (p. 36) and try installing again.
8. When “Ready to install the driver.” appears,
connect the TRI-CAPTURE to the computer
using the USB cable.
* Turn down the volume on any peripheral devices
before connecting the USB cable.
* This unit is equipped with a protection circuit. A
brief interval (a few seconds) after power up is
required before the unit will operate normally.
* Before switching the power on/off, always be sure to
turn the volume down. Even with the volume turned
down, you might hear some sound when switching the power on/off. However, this is
normal and does not indicate a malfunction.
* It may take several minutes for the driver to be installed.

Windows 8/Windows 7/Windows Vista

If other messages appear, follow the instructions on the screen. The driver will be installed

Windows XP
“Found new hardware” will appear in the lower-right corner of the screen.

Windows 8/Windows 7/Windows Vista users: continue to p. 16

Windows XP users: continue to p. 17

Driver Installation

Windows 8/Windows 7/Windows Vista

9. When “Installation has been completed.” appears, click [Close].
If the “System Settings Change” dialog box appears, click [Yes] to restart Windows.
10. Open the “Control Panel,” click [Hardware and Sound], and then click [Sound].
If you have selected Icon view or Classic view, double-click [Sound].
11. Click the [Playback] tab, select the TRI-CAPTURE’s [OUT], and then click [Set
12. Click [OK].

Proceed to p. 19

If you cannot select the TRI-CAPTURE, refer to “Problems When Using the TRI-CAPTURE” (p. 31).
If the TRI-CAPTURE is selected as the output device, the computer’s audio alerts will be played
using the TRI-CAPTURE; they will not be heard from the computer’s speakers.

To open the Control Panel Windows 8

1. On the Start screen, click the Desktop.
2. Move the mouse pointer to the upper right or lower right corner of the screen
to display the charms.
* On touch-enabled PCs, swipe from the right side of the screen to display the charms.

3. Click [Settings] and display the “Settings charms.”

4. In “Settings charms,” click [Control Panel] to open the “Control Panel.”

Driver Installation

Windows XP
9. If a dialog box that asks whether you want
to connect to Windows Update appears,
select [No, not this time] and click [Next].
10. Select [Install the software automatically
(Recommended)] and click [Next].

11. If the “Hardware Installation” dialog box appears,

click [Continue Anyway] to proceed with the
12. When “Completing the Found New Hardware
Wizard” appears, click [Finish].
13. When “Installation has been completed.” appears,
click [Close].
If the “Change System Settings” dialog box appears, click [Yes] to restart Windows.
14. Open the “Control Panel,” click [Sounds, Speech, and Audio Devices], and
then click [Sounds and Audio Devices].
If you have selected Classic view, double-click [Sounds and Audio Devices].
15. Click the [Audio] tab and select [OUT (TRI-CAPTURE)].
16. Click [OK].

Proceed to p. 19

If you cannot select the TRI-CAPTURE, refer to “Problems When Using the TRI-CAPTURE” (p. 31).
If the TRI-CAPTURE is selected as the output device, the computer’s audio alerts will be
played using the TRI-CAPTURE; they will not be heard from the computer’s speakers.

Driver Installation

Mac OS X
If a dialog box requesting a password appears during installation, enter a computer
administrator’s user name and password and click the [Install Software] button or [OK]
5. When “Welcome to the TRI-CAPTURE Driver installer” appears, click [Continue].
6. If the screen for selecting the installation destination appears, select the startup
disk and click [Continue].
7. When the installation type appears, click [Install] or [Upgrade].
8. Click [Continue Installation].
9. When installation has finished, click [Restart] to restart the computer.
It may take some time for the computer to restart.
10. After the computer restarts, connect the
TRI-CAPTURE to the computer using the USB
* Turn down the volume on any peripheral devices
before connecting the USB cable.
* This unit is equipped with a protection circuit. A
brief interval (a few seconds) after power up is
required before the unit will operate normally.
* Before switching the power on/off, always be sure to turn the volume down. Even with
the volume turned down, you might hear some sound when switching the power on/off.
However, this is normal and does not indicate a malfunction.

11. Open “System Preferences” and click [Sound].

12. Click the [Output] tab and select [TRI-CAPTURE].
13. When you have finished making these settings, quit “System Preferences.”

Proceed to p. 19

If you cannot select the TRI-CAPTURE, refer to “Problems When Using the TRI-CAPTURE” (p. 31).
If the TRI-CAPTURE is selected as the output device, the computer’s audio alerts will be
played using the TRI-CAPTURE; they will not be heard from the computer’s speakers.

Driver Installation

Confirm that Sound can be Heard

Windows Mac OS X
1. Connect the headphones or amplified speakers as shown in the figure.
Headphones Amplified speakers

* To prevent malfunction and/or damage to speakers or other devices, always turn down the
volume, and disconnect the USB cable on all devices before making any connections.

2. Open the folder named [Sample] on the included CD-ROM, and copy the file
“TTears” (.mp3) to the desktop.
3. Double-click the file “TTears” (.mp3) that has been copied to the desktop.
Windows Media Player starts.

Mac OS X
iTunes starts.
Click the playback button to play the sample file.
The software that starts and is used to play the sample file may vary depending on your
computer environment. If different software starts, play the sample file as described in the
owner’s manual for the software you are using.

* The copyright of content in this product (the sound waveform data, style data,
accompaniment patterns, phrase data, audio loops and image data) is reserved by Roland
Corporation and/or Atelier Vision Corporation.

Driver Installation

4. Adjust the volume.

Use the TRI-CAPTURE’s [PHONES] knob to adjust the volume.
* The volume of the signals output from the OUTPUT jacks cannot be adjusted on the

If the sample file can be heard, the computer and TRI-CAPTURE are connected properly and the
driver has been successfully installed.
If you cannot hear the sample file, refer to “Problems When Using the TRI-CAPTURE” (p. 31).

How to Use
This section explains the basic connections and settings for the TRI-CAPTURE.
Refer also to the block diagrams (p. 48).

Precautions Concerning the Use of Software

Before using any software, please note the following points.
• Connect the TRI-CAPTURE to the computer before starting the software.
• Do not disconnect the TRI-CAPTURE from the computer while the software is running. After
exiting the software, disconnect the TRI-CAPTURE.
• Select the TRI-CAPTURE for your software’s audio device setting.
• Match the sampling rate of the software to the setting of the [SAMPLE RATE] switch on the
bottom panel.
• The TRI-CAPTURE will not operate in the Mac OS X Classic environment. Use the TRI-CAPTURE
when the Classic environment is not running.

Input/Output Device Settings

To play and record audio data on your software, select the TRI-CAPTURE as the audio input/output
device. For details about settings, refer to the documentation for your software.

Audio Output Device

Device name MME, WDM/KS ASIO Core Audio

Audio Input Device

Device name MME, WDM/KS ASIO Core Audio

How to Use

Playing Back
Connect the TRI-CAPTURE to a computer using the USB cable. Audio data is transferred in both
directions between the TRI-CAPTURE and computer via the USB cable.
By connecting headphones or amplified speakers as shown in the illustration, you can monitor
playback from your DAW software or the sound from an instrument or audio device connected to
Headphones Amplified speakers
Audio output device of
software: TRI-CAPTURE


Rear panel

Front panel

Set the [OUTPUT

MUTE] button
to ”ON” to
not output
sound from the Use the
speakers. [PHONES] knob
to adjust the
volume of the

* To carry out playback at a sampling rate of 96 kHz, set the [SAMPLE RATE] switch on the bottom
panel to “96k,” and set the [MODE] switch on the bottom panel to “PLAY.”

How to Use

Using your software, you can record sound input via the INPUT 1–3 jacks. You can also record sound
input to the TRI-CAPTURE while combining it with audio data played on the computer.
The TRI-CAPTURE has three recording modes. Select the mode that is appropriate for the purpose
you have in mind.
Front panel

Record microphone or guitar
sound (p. 24).

Record microphone or guitar
sound along with audio device
sound (p. 26).

Record microphone or guitar
sound while mixing it with audio
data played on the computer
(p. 28).

Precautions Concerning the Use of an External Audio Device

• To play an input audio signal without latency (a short period of delay between the
performance and the playback), set the [INPUT MONITOR] button to ”ON.”
• Howling could be produced depending on the location of microphones relative to speakers.
This can be remedied by:
1. Changing the orientation of the microphone(s).
2. Relocating microphone(s) at a greater distance from speakers.
3. Lowering the volume levels.
4. S etting the [OUTPUT MUTE] button to “ON.”
Mute the sound output from the speakers. Use headphones.

* To record at a sampling rate of 96 kHz, set the [SAMPLE RATE] switch on the bottom panel to
“96k,” and set the [MODE] switch on the bottom panel to “REC.”

How to Use

Recording Microphone or Guitar Sound (MIC/GUITAR)

When you set the recording mode to “MIC/GUITAR,” you can record microphone and guitar sounds
on each track individually.

Set the input port for the track in the software.

When using SONAR, set as follows:
When recording the microphone sound: Left IN
Headphones Amplified speakers (TRI-CAPTURE)
When recording the guitar sound: Right IN (TRI-


Rear panel
When connecting
a condenser
microphone, set the
[PHANTOM] button to

When connecting a guitar or

bass, set the [Hi-Z] button to
“ON” (p. 10).

Make sure that the

[PHANTOM] button
is set to “OFF” when
connecting a dynamic
microphone that does
not require phantom
power (p. 10).

Use the [INPUT 1 (MIC)] and [INPUT 2 (GUITAR)] knobs to adjust the input level so that the PEAK
indicator does not light.

How to Use

Features of the “MIC/GUITAR” Mode

• You can separately edit audio data recorded from a microphone and guitar.
By setting the input port of the track to monaural in the software, the microphone sound will be
recorded on the left channel (L), and the guitar sound will be recorded on the right channel (R).
• You cannot record or monitor sound input via the INPUT 3 (AUX) jacks.
When recording sound input via the INPUT 3 (AUX) jacks, set the [REC MODE] button to “ALL INPUTS”
• In “MIC/GUITAR” mode, you cannot record audio data played on the computer.
To record audio data played on the computer, set the [REC MODE] button to “LOOP BACK.”

Examples of How to Use the ”MIC/GUITAR” Mode

• Recording microphone and guitar sound simultaneously on the DAW software, and editing
the recorded audio data separately

How to Use

Recording Microphone or Guitar Sound Along with Audio

Device Sound (ALL INPUTS)
When you set the recording mode to “ALL INPUT,” you can record microphone and/or guitar sound in
combination with the stereo sound of an audio device.
Select the “ALL INPUT” mode when recording microphone or guitar sound with the stereo playback
of the audio device.
Headphones Amplified speakers
Set the input port for the track in the software.
When using SONAR, set to “Stereo IN (TRI-CAPTURE).”


Rear panel
When connecting
a condenser
microphone, set the
[PHANTOM] button to

Audio device

Make sure that the

[PHANTOM] button
is set to “OFF” when
connecting a dynamic
microphone that does
not require phantom
power (p. 10).

connecting a
guitar or bass, set
the [Hi-Z] button
to “ON” (p. 10).

How to Use
Use the corresponding knob ([INPUT 1 (MIC)], [INPUT 2 (GUITAR)], or [INPUT 3 (AUX)]) to adjust the
volume of the microphone, guitar, or audio device so its PEAK indicator does not light.

Features of the “ALL INPUT” Mode

• Microphone or guitar sound is localized at the center.
• If you record audio device sound only, do not connect any equipment to the INPUT 1 (MIC) or INPUT
2 (GUITAR) jack, and turn the [INPUT 1 (MIC)] and [INPUT 2 (GUITAR)] knobs fully to the left.
• In “ALL INPUT” mode, you cannot record audio data played on the computer.
To record audio data played on the computer, set the [REC MODE] button to “LOOP BACK.”
• When recording, sound from the microphone, guitar, and audio device is mixed together. You
cannot edit the recorded audio data separately.

Examples of How to Use the ”ALL INPUT” Mode

• Recording the guitar sound while playing a Minus One CD
• Singing with the karaoke sound of an audio device, and recording the vocal and karaoke
• Recording vocal or guitar sound with a synthesizer
• Recording voice-over for a TV or video game, using a microphone

How to Use

Record Microphone or Guitar Sound While Mixing it with Audio

Data Played on a Computer (LOOP BACK)
When you set the recording mode to “LOOP BACK,” you can record microphone, guitar, and/or audio
device sound on another software by combining audio data played on the computer.

Headphones Amplified speakers Set the input port in the software.

When using SONAR, set to “Stereo IN (TRI-CAPTURE),”
and set “Driver mode” to [MME] or [ASIO].


Rear panel
When connecting
a condenser
microphone, set the
[PHANTOM] button to

Audio device

Make sure that the

[PHANTOM] button
is set to “OFF” when
connecting a dynamic
microphone that does
not require phantom
power (p. 10).

connecting a
guitar or bass, set
the [Hi-Z] button
to “ON” (p. 10).

How to Use
Use the corresponding knob ([INPUT 1 (MIC)], [INPUT 2 (GUITAR)], or [INPUT 3 (AUX)]) to adjust the
volume of the microphone, guitar, or audio device so its PEAK indicator does not light.

Features of the “LOOP BACK” Mode

• Microphone or guitar sound is localized at the center.
• If you want to record only the sound played by your computer, do not connect any equipment to
the INPUT 1 (MIC), INPUT 2 (GUITAR), and INPUT 3 (AUX) jacks, and turn the [INPUT 1 (MIC)], [INPUT 2
(GUITAR)], and [INPUT 3 (AUX)] knobs fully to the left.
• If you set the [SAMPLE RATE] switch to “96k,” you cannot set the [REC MODE] button to “LOOP BACK.”
Set the [SAMPLE RATE] switch to “44.1k” or “48k.”
• When recording, sound played by the computer and sound from the microphone, guitar, and audio
device are mixed together. You cannot edit the recorded audio data separately.

Usage Examples for the ”LOOP BACK” Mode

• Singing with the karaoke sound that is played on a web browser or Windows Media Player,
and recording the vocal and karaoke sound on the DAW software
• Inputting personal computer game sound into your software for streaming media delivery
• Using some other software package to record an Internet radio program you are listening to
using a web browser

If you experience problems, read this chapter first. It contains tips for solving most problems. If this
chapter cannot help you solve a problem, please refer to the support section of our website. If the
problem is not resolved, refer to the contact information listed at the end of this document.

Problems When Installing the Driver

Problem Confirmation Resolution
Installer does not Are you attempting to install from a You cannot install from a networked DVD-ROM
start networked DVD-ROM drive? drive.
Log on to the computer with a user account that
Are you logged on with a user account has administrator privileges.
that does not have administrator
privileges? For details, consult the administrator for your
computer system.
Cannot install
Is the “Driver Signing Options” setting set
Change the “Driver Signing Options” setting (p. 36).
to [Block]? (Windows XP)
Are other programs or resident programs Be sure to exit all other programs before
(such as antivirus programs) running? installation.
Warning or error
In the “Device Manager,” do you see
appears during
“Other device,” “Unknown device,” or a Reinstall the TRI-CAPTURE driver (p. 41).
device for which “?,” “!,” or “x” is displayed?
Is your computer running on battery
Connect the power cord to the computer.
Make sure that there are no USB devices connected
Other than a mouse and keyboard, are
Installer does not to the computer (other than a mouse and
any USB devices connected?
exit keyboard) during installation.
Is the TRI-CAPTURE connected to a USB
hub that is not connected to a power Use a USB hub that connects to a power supply.
“Found New If you change the USB connector to which the TRI-
Hardware Wizard” CAPTURE is connected, the “Found New Hardware
Did you connect the TRI-CAPTURE to a Wizard” may appear again even if the driver has
appears again
different USB connector than the one already been installed on the computer.
after driver
you used when installing the driver?
was installed Follow step 9 of the driver installation procedure (p.
(Windows XP) 17) and install the driver.
If you connect the TRI-CAPTURE to a different USB
connector than the one you used when installing
Numeral such as the driver, a numeral may appear with the device
“2-” appears at Did you connect the TRI-CAPTURE to a name.
the beginning of different USB connector than the one
a device name you used when installing the driver? To have the device name appear without the
(Windows) numeral, connect the TRI-CAPTURE to the same
USB connector used during installation, or reinstall
the driver (p. 41).


Problems When Using the TRI-CAPTURE

Problem Confirmation Resolution
Is the driver installed? Install the driver (p. 14).
Make sure that the TRI-CAPTURE is connected to
the computer correctly.
Is the REC MODE indicator off?
If the problem is not resolved, reinstall the driver
(p. 41).
Exit all programs that are using the TRI-CAPTURE,
disconnect the TRI-CAPTURE’s USB cable, and then
Is the TRI-CAPTURE’s device name reconnect it.
If the problem is not resolved, reinstall the driver
(p. 41).
Exit all programs that are using the TRI-CAPTURE,
disconnect the TRI-CAPTURE’s USB cable, and then
Is another program using the reconnect it.
Cannot select or TRI-CAPTURE?
If the problem is not resolved, reinstall the driver
(p. 41).
Did the computer enter standby Exit all programs that are using the TRI-CAPTURE,
(suspend) mode, hibernate mode, or disconnect the TRI-CAPTURE’s USB cable, and then
sleep mode while the TRI-CAPTURE was reconnect it.
connected? If the problem is not resolved, restart the computer.
Exit all programs that are using the TRI-CAPTURE,
Did you disconnect and reconnect the disconnect the TRI-CAPTURE’s USB cable, and then
USB cable while using the TRI-CAPTURE? reconnect it.
If the problem is not resolved, restart the computer.
Connect the TRI-CAPTURE after the computer has
Was the TRI-CAPTURE connected to started up.
the computer while the computer was With some computers, the TRI-CAPTURE cannot be
starting up? used if it is connected to the computer while the
computer is starting up.
Cannot change
driver settings Is the monitoring function of Windows
Disable the monitoring function (p. 40).
(Windows 8/ enabled?
Windows 7)
Cannot select Set the [SAMPLE RATE] switch to “44.1k” or “48k.”
“LOOP BACK” by When the [SAMPLE RATE] switch is set to “96k,” you
Is the [SAMPLE RATE] switch set to “96k”?
pressing the [REC cannot select “LOOP BACK” by pressing the [REC
MODE] button MODE] button.
When using the TRI-CAPTURE, no sound is heard
No sound from from the computer’s speakers.
computer’s This is not a malfunction.
speakers Connect headphones or audio playback system
(external monitors) to the TRI-CAPTURE.
No sound from
the speakers Is the [OUTPUT MUTE] button set to
Set the [OUTPUT MUTE] button to “OFF.”
connected to the “ON”?

Problem Confirmation Resolution
If you can hear sound through headphones
connected to the PHONES jack, check that you have
correctly connected your audio playback system
Can you hear sound by connecting (external monitors), and adjust the volume of your
headphones? equipment.
If the sound in your headphones is inaudible or too
soft, check the other troubleshooting items.
Sound played by
your computer is Is the [PHONES] knob of the TRI- Use the TRI-CAPTURE’s [PHONES] knob to adjust
inaudible or too CAPTURE turned down? the volume.
Is the computer’s volume setting turned
Adjust the computer’s volume setting (p. 39).

Are you using voice communication

Disable automatic volume adjustment (p. 40).
software? (Windows 8/Windows 7)

Is the driver’s audio buffer size too small? Increase the buffer size (p. 43).

Is the [REC MODE] button set to “LOOP Set the [REC MODE] button to “MIC/GUITAR” or “ALL
playback sound is
Connect your microphone with an XLR type plug to
Are you using the correct connector?
the XLR type connector (INPUT 1 (MIC) jack) (p. 13)

Insufficient Does the sensitivity of the microphone The TRI-CAPTURE’s microphone nominal input level
volume from your match the nominal input level of the is -60 dBu. If the sensitivity of the microphone is
microphone TRI-CAPTURE? low, the level will be low.
Also check the contents of “The volume
level of the instrument connected to
input connector is too low.” (p. 32)
Connect your guitar to the INPUT 2 (GUITAR) jack
Are you using the correct connector?
(p. 12).

Is the [Hi-Z] button set to “OFF”? Set the [Hi-Z] button to “ON” (p. 10).

Insufficient Use the [INPUT 2 (GUITAR)] knob to adjust the input

volume from your Is the input level too low?
level (p. 11).
Could you be using a connection cable Use a connection cable that does not contain a
that contains a resistor? resistor.
Also check the contents of “The volume
level of the instrument connected to
input connector is too low.” (p. 32).

The volume level Turn the [INPUT 1 (MIC)], [INPUT 2 (GUITAR)], or

of the instrument Is the input level too low? [INPUT 3 (AUX)] knob toward the right to increase
connected to the input level (p. 11)
input connector is Could you be using a connection cable Use a connection cable that does not contain a
too low that contains a resistor? resistor.

Problem Confirmation Resolution
Distorted sound
Turn the [INPUT 1 (MIC)], [INPUT 2 (GUITAR)], or
from a device
Is the PEAK indicator lighting up? [INPUT 3 (AUX)] knob toward the left to reduce the
connected to the
input level (p. 11).
input jack
Playback of
an instrument Set the [INPUT MONITOR] button to “OFF.”
connected to the Is the [INPUT MONITOR] button set to
input jack of the “ON”? Or, set the direct monitor function of the software
TRI-CAPTURE is to off.
Relocate the microphone away from the speakers.

Howling occurs Is the microphone near the speakers? If howling still occurs, set the [OUTPUT MUTE]
button to “OFF,” and listen to the sound by using the

Are multiple programs running? Exit programs that are not in use.

If the software allows you to adjust the audio buffer

Is the software’s audio buffer size set size, change the buffer size.
Refer to the documentation for your software.
Is the driver’s audio buffer size set
Increase the driver’s audio buffer size (p. 43).
If audio drops out or if noise is heard even if you
Is the “Recording Margin” setting
have adjusted the audio buffer size, increase the
appropriate? (Mac OS X)
“Recording Margin” setting (p. 44).
Run Windows Update or Microsoft Update and
Is the system software up to date?
make sure the system software is up to date.

Have you used Mac OS X Software Run Software Update and make sure the system
Sound is Update? software is up to date.
interrupted Are the drivers for the computer’s
during playback internal chipset and graphics card up Update to the latest drivers, as necessary.
or recording, to date?
sound drops out
Are the drivers for the computer’s LAN Install the latest LAN hardware drivers.
hardware (wired and wireless) up to
date? If the problem is not resolved, disable the LAN.

Is the computer’s power management Check the power management setting and make
setting set to economy mode? the appropriate setting (p. 37).

Is the system’s “Performance” setting

Change the system’s “Performance” settings (p. 38).
correct? (Windows)

Is the TRI-CAPTURE connected to a USB Connect the TRI-CAPTURE directly to one of the
hub? computer’s USB connectors.
You must use the included USB cable.
Some commercially available USB cables do not
Are you using the included USB cable? meet the requirements of the USB standard, and
this may prevent the TRI-CAPTURE from operating

Problem Confirmation Resolution

Sound is Is the monitoring function of Windows

Disable the monitoring function (p. 40).
interrupted enabled? (Windows 8/Windows 7)
during playback Did you try to play back or record
or recording, Wait a while before attempting playback or
immediately after the computer started
sound drops out recording.
up or after it woke up from sleep mode?
Move as far away from the computer as possible.
If the noise decreases when you lower your guitar’s
Is a guitar connected? volume, it may be that your guitar’s pickups are
being affected by noise from your computer or
Disconnect the unused microphone, guitar, or
Could you have left an unused
audio device, and then turn the corresponding
microphone, guitar, or audio device
knob ([INPUT 1 (MIC)], [INPUT 2 (GUITAR)], or [INPUT
Noise or 3 (AUX)]) to the left fully.
distortion occurs Do you have a MIDI sound module and
elsewhere than in the TRI-CAPTURE connected to your
the playback from Connect the MIDI sound module and the
computer with the USB cables, and have
your computer TRI-CAPTURE to a self-powered USB hub (a USB hub
the output of the MIDI sound module
that uses an AC plug).
connected to the input jack of the
You may be able to solve the problem by
grounding a metal component of your computer or
Have you connected the ground the ground pin of your computer’s AC adaptor.
terminal? Also check whether there might be a device nearby
that is emitting a strong electromagnetic field, such
as a television or microwave oven.
Use the [INPUT 1 (MIC)], [INPUT 2 (GUITAR)], or
[INPUT 3 (AUX)] knob to adjust the input level. If
Is the input level appropriate?
Recorded sound your software has an input level adjustment, check
is too loud or too the input level setting.
soft Does the sensitivity of the microphone The TRI-CAPTURE’s microphone input level is -60
match the input level of the dBu. If the sensitivity of the microphone is low, the
TRI-CAPTURE? level will be low.

Is the driver installed? Install the driver (p. 14).

Are the software’s input device and Select the TRI-CAPTURE as the input and output
Cannot play back output device configured? device (p. 21).
or record
Make sure that the TRI-CAPTURE is connected to
Is the TRI-CAPTURE’s REC MODE the computer correctly.
indicator off? If the problem is not resolved, reinstall the driver
(p. 41).

Problem Confirmation Resolution
When the [SAMPLE RATE] switch is set to “96k,”
the TRI-CAPTURE cannot record and play audio
data simultaneously. For playback, set the [MODE]
Is the [SAMPLE RATE] switch set to “96k”? switch to “PLAY,” and for recording, set the [MODE]
switch to “REC.”
Or, set the [SAMPLE RATE] switch to “44.1k” or “48k.”
Exit all programs that are using the TRI-CAPTURE,
disconnect the TRI-CAPTURE’s USB cable, and then
Is there another program using the reconnect it.
If the problem is not resolved, reinstall the driver
(p. 41).
Did the computer enter standby Exit all programs that are using the TRI-CAPTURE,
(suspend) mode, hibernate mode, or disconnect the TRI-CAPTURE’s USB cable, and then
sleep mode while the TRI-CAPTURE was reconnect it.
connected? If the problem is not resolved, restart the computer.
Exit all programs that are using the TRI-CAPTURE,
Did you disconnect and reconnect the disconnect the TRI-CAPTURE’s USB cable, and then
Cannot play back USB cable while using the TRI-CAPTURE? reconnect it.
or record If the problem is not resolved, restart the computer.
Is the computer’s volume setting turned
Adjust the computer’s volume setting (p. 39).

Are you using voice communication

Disable automatic volume adjustment (p. 40).
software? (Windows 8/Windows 7)
Connect the TRI-CAPTURE after the computer has
Was the TRI-CAPTURE connected to started up.
the computer while the computer was With some computers, the TRI-CAPTURE cannot be
starting up? used if it is connected to the computer while the
computer is starting up.

Is the driver’s audio buffer size too small? Increase the buffer size (p. 43).

Stop playback or recording, and then try playing

Did the computer perform a processor- back or recording again.
intensive task while you were using the If the problem is not resolved, exit all programs
TRI-CAPTURE? that are using the TRI-CAPTURE, disconnect the
TRI-CAPTURE’s USB cable, and then reconnect it.
Does your software support 24-bit audio Check whether your software supports playback
Cannot play or data? and recording of 24-bit audio data.
record 24-bit
audio data Make sure that your software is set to play and
Is the software set correctly?
record 24-bit audio data.


Changing Computer Settings to Avoid Problems

Changing these computer settings can help you avoid the problems described in “Problems When
Installing the Driver” (p. 30) and “Problems When Using the TRI-CAPTURE” (p. 31).

Driver Signing Options Setting (Windows XP)

If the “Driver Signing Options” setting is set to [Block], you cannot install the driver. Configure as
1. Open the “Control Panel,” click [Performance and Maintenance], and then click the
[System] icon.
If you have selected Classic view, double-click [System].
2. Click the [Hardware] tab, and then click [Driver Signing].
The “Driver Signing Options” dialog box will open.
3. In the “Driver Signing Options” dialog box, select [Warn] or [Ignore], and then click
4. Click [OK] to close the “System Properties” dialog box.
5. Install the driver as described in “Driver Installation” (p. 14).
When you have completed the installation, return the “Driver Signing Options” setting to its original


Power Management Settings

If the sound is interrupted during a performance or if sounds are missing, you may be able to resolve
the problem by changing the computer’s power management settings.

Windows 8/Windows 7/Windows Vista

1. Open the “Control Panel,” click [System and Security] or [System and Maintenance],
and then click [Power Options].
• If you have selected Icon view in Windows 8/Windows 7, double-click the [Power Options] icon.
• If you have selected Classic view in Windows Vista, double-click the [Power Options] icon.
2. When “Select a power plan” appears, select [High performance].
3. Click [Change plan settings] next to [High performance].
If “High performance” is not displayed in Windows 8/Windows 7, click [Show additional plans].
4. Click [Change advanced power settings].
5. In the [Advanced settings] tab of the “Power Options” control panel, click the [+] mark
next to “Hard disk,” and then click the [+] mark next to “Turn off hard disk after.”
6. Click [Setting], click the down arrow, and then select [Never].
7. Click [OK] to close the “Power Options” window.
8. Close the “Edit plan settings” screen.

Windows XP
1. Open the “Control Panel,” click [Performance and Maintenance], and then click [Power
If you have selected Classic view, double-click [Power Options].
2. Click the [Power Schemes] tab, and set “Power schemes” to [Always On].
3. Click [OK] to close “Power Options Properties.”

Mac OS X
This setting is not available on certain versions of Mac OS X.
1. Open “System Preferences” and click [Energy Saver].
2. Click [Options].
3. Set “Processor Performance” to [Highest].


System “Performance” Settings (Windows)

If the sound is interrupted during a performance or if sounds are missing, you may be able to solve
the problem by changing the “Performance” setting of the system as described below.

Windows 8/Windows 7/Windows Vista

1. Open the “Control Panel,” click [System and Security] or [System and Maintenance],
and then click [System].
• If you have selected Icon view in Windows 8/Windows 7, double-click the [System] icon.
• If you have selected Classic view in Windows Vista, double-click the [System] icon.
2. Click [Advanced system settings] at the left.
3. When a User Account Control dialog box appears, click [Yes] or [Continue].
If you’re asked to enter an administrator password, log on to the computer with a user account that
has administrator privileges, and make the setting again.
4. Click [Settings] in “Performance,” and click the [Advanced] tab.
5. Select [Background services] and click [OK].
6. Click [OK] to close “System Properties.”

Windows XP
1. Open the “Control Panel,” click [Performance and Maintenance], and click [System].
If you have selected Classic view, double-click [System].
2. Click the [Advanced] tab, and click [Settings] in “Performance.”
3. Click the [Advanced] tab.
4. Select [Background services], and click [OK].
5. Click [OK] to close “System Properties.”


Setting the System Volume

If the playback volume is too loud or too quiet, try adjusting the system volume.

Windows 8/Windows 7
1. Open the “Control Panel” and set the display mode to “Category.”
2. Click [Hardware and Sound], and then click [Adjust system volume].
3. After the volume mixer appears, select the TRI-CAPTURE’s [OUT] from the “Device”
pull-down menu and adjust the volume.

Windows Vista
1. Open the “Control Panel” and click [Hardware and Sound].
If you have selected Classic view, click [Control Panel Home] to exit Classic view.
2. Click [Adjust system volume] in “Sound.”
3. After the volume mixer appears, select the TRI-CAPTURE’s [OUT] from the “Device”
menu and adjust the volume.
If [Mute] is set to “On,” click [Mute] to set it to “Off.”

Windows XP
1. Open the “Control Panel,” click [Sounds, Speech, and Audio Devices], and then click
[Sounds and Audio Devices].
If you have selected Classic view, double-click [Sounds and Audio Devices].
2. Click the [Audio] tab.
3. In the “Sound playback” area, make sure that [OUT (TRI-CAPTURE)] is selected as the
“Default device,” and click [Volume].
4. When the volume control appears, adjust the “Wave” volume.
If the mute check box is selected, clear the check box.

Mac OS X

1. Open “System Preferences” and click [Sound].

2. Click the [Output] tab.
3. In the “Select a device for sound output” area, make sure that [TRI-CAPTURE] is
selected and use the “Output volume” slider to adjust the volume.
If the mute check box is selected, clear the check box.


Voice Communication Software Settings

(Windows 8/Windows 7)
If you are using voice communication software, the volume of the audio device can be adjusted
automatically to suit the conversation.
Use the following procedure to disable automatic volume adjustment.
1. Open the “Control Panel,” click [Hardware and Sound], and then click [Sound].
If you have selected Icon view, click [Sound].
2. In the [Communications] tab, set “When Windows detects communications activity” to
[Do nothing].
3. Click [OK] to close “Sound.”

Monitoring Function Settings (Windows 8/Windows 7)

If the monitoring function of Windows is enabled, the input sound may be doubled (each sound is
echoed) or feedback may be heard.
Use the following procedure to disable the monitoring function of Windows.
1. Open the “Control Panel,” click [Hardware and Sound], and then click [Sound].
If you have selected Icon view, click [Sound].
2. In the “Recording” area, click the TRI-CAPTURE’s [IN], and then click [Properties].
3. Click the “Listen” tab and clear the [Listen to this device] check box.
4. Click [OK] to close “Properties.”
5. Click [OK] to close “Sound.”


Reinstalling the Driver

If you experience problems installing the driver, use the following procedure and reinstall the driver.
1. Delete the TRI-CAPTURE’s driver.
2. Install the driver again as described in “Driver Installation” (p. 14).

Deleting the Driver

If the computer does not detect the TRI-CAPTURE correctly, use the following procedure to delete
the driver, and then install the driver again as described in “Driver Installation” (p. 14).

1. Start up the computer without the TRI-CAPTURE connected.
Disconnect all USB cables other than those for a USB keyboard and/or USB mouse (if used).
2. Log on to the computer with a user account that has administrator privileges.
3. Insert the included CD-ROM into the computer’s DVD-ROM drive.
4. Double-click the [Uninstal] icon in the [WinDriver] folder on the included CD-ROM.
5. When a confirmation screen regarding user account control appears, click [Yes] or
6. When “The installed TRI-CAPTURE driver will be uninstalled.” appears, click [OK].
If other messages appear, follow the instructions on the screen.
7. When “Uninstallation was completed.” appears, click [OK] to restart the computer.


 Mac OS X

1. Start up the computer without the TRI-CAPTURE connected.

Disconnect all USB cables other than those for a USB keyboard and/or USB mouse (if used).
2. Insert the included CD-ROM into the computer’s DVD-ROM drive.
3. Double-click [Uninstaller] in the [MacDriver] folder on the included CD-ROM.
4. When “This uninstalls TRI-CAPTURE driver from this Macintosh.” appears, click
If other messages appear, follow the instructions on the screen.
5. When “Are you sure you want to uninstall the driver?” appears, click [OK].
The authentication dialog box or the message “Uninstaller requires that you type your password” will
6. Enter the password and click [OK].
7. When “Uninstallation is completed.” appears, click [Restart] to restart the computer.
It may take some time for the computer to restart.


Advanced Driver Settings

You can set the input and output audio buffer size and ASIO-related settings.

When using Windows 8/Windows 7, driver settings cannot be changed while the monitoring
function of Windows is enabled. Disable the monitoring function (p. 40).
1. Exit all programs that are using the TRI-CAPTURE.
2. Open the “Control Panel” and set the display mode as follows.
• Windows 8/Windows 7: Icon view
• Windows Vista/Windows XP: Classic view
3. Double-click the [TRI-CAPTURE] icon.
4. From the “Driver” menu, select [Driver Settings].
The “TRI-CAPTURE Driver Settings” dialog box will appear.

Setting Description
You can adjust the input and output audio buffer size.
Decrease the buffer size to decrease latency. Increase the buffer size if audio drops out.
Audio Buffer Size * After adjusting the buffer size, make sure to restart all programs that are using the
TRI-CAPTURE. If using software that has an “audio device test” function, run the test
[Use ASIO Direct To use the ASIO Direct Monitor function of ASIO-compatible software, select this check
Monitor] check box box.
[Show “README”] You can display the online manual for the driver.

Mac OS X

1. Open “System Preferences” and click “TRI-CAPTURE.”

The “Driver Settings” panel appears.

Setting Description
You can adjust the driver’s input and output audio buffer size.
Decrease the buffer size to decrease latency. Increase the buffer size if audio drops out.
Audio Buffer Size * After adjusting the buffer size, make sure to restart all programs that are using the
TRI-CAPTURE. If using software that has an “audio device test” function, run the test
If audio drops out or if noise is heard, even if you have adjusted the buffer size setting
Recording Margin in the software and adjusted the “Audio Buffer Size” as explained above, increase the
recording margin setting.
Adjust this setting if the recorded audio data is not in time.

Recording Timing * If the audio software is running, the new setting will not be applied immediately
when [Apply] is clicked. Quit all audio software; The new setting will be applied the
next time you start the software.

Main Specifications
USB Audio Interface: Roland TRI-CAPTURE UA-33
1 pair of stereo
Record * All inputs are mixed to 1 pair stereo on ALL
Number of Audio Record/ INPUTS and LOOP BACK mode.
Playback Channels
1 pair of stereo
Full duplex (Except 96 kHz)
Signal Processing 24 bits (linear)
Sampling Frequency 96 kHz, 48 kHz, 44.1 kHz
INPUT1 (MIC) jack -60 to -30 dBu
Nominal Input Level INPUT2 (GUITAR) jack -25 dBu
INPUT3 (AUX) jacks -10 dBu
Nominal Output Level OUTPUT jacks +4 dBu (Balance)
-93 dBu typ.
Residual Noise Level
(input terminated with 1 k ohms, Input Monitor: OFF, IHF-A, typ.)
Dynamic Range 100 dB typ.
Interface USB
LOOP BACK (Except 96 kHz)
[INPUT1 (MIC)], [INPUT2 (GUITAR)], [INPUT3 (AUX)] knob
[PHONES] knob
[PHANTOM] button
[Hi-Z] button
Controller [REC MODE] button
[OUTPUT MUTE] button
[SAMPLE RATE] switch
[MODE] switch
PEAK indicators
SIG indicators
INPUT1 (MIC) Jack (XLR type, balanced, phantom power DC 48 V, 10 mA)
* 1/4-inch phone type and plug-in powered microphone cannot connected
INPUT2 (GUITAR) jack (1/4-inch phone type)
Connectors INPUT3 (AUX) jacks(L, R) (RCA phono type)
OUTPUT jacks (L, R) (1/4-inch TRS phone type (balanced))
PHONES jack (stereo 1/4-inch phone type)
USB connector (USB Type B)
Power Supply Supplied from the computer via USB
Current Draw 450 mA

Main Specifications

171 (W) x 134 (D) x 40 (H) mm

6-3/4 (W) x 5-5/16 (D) x 1-5/8 (H) inches
Weight 320 g / 12 oz. (TRI-CAPTURE unit only)
Owner’s Manual
USB cable
Cakewalk SONAR LE DVD-ROM (for Windows)

(0 dBu = 0.775 Vrms)

* In the interest of product improvement, the specifications, and/or appearance of this unit are
subject to change without prior notice.

ALL INPUTS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26, 48 REC MODE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Audio input device. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 ALL INPUTS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26, 48
Audio output device. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 LOOP BACK. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28, 49
MIC/GUITAR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24, 48
B [REC MODE] button. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Bass. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Recording
Audio device . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26, 28
C Computer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
Cakewalk SONAR LE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Microphone or guitar. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24, 26, 28
Condenser microphone. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10, 24, 26, 28 S
D [SAMPLE RATE] switch. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Driver SIG indicators. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Advanced settings. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 U
Delete. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
Install. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 USB connector. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Reinstall. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
Dynamic microphone. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10, 24, 26, 28

Guitar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

[Hi-Z] button. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

INPUT 1 (MIC) jack . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
[INPUT 1 (MIC)] knob. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
INPUT 2 (GUITAR) jack. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
[INPUT 2 (GUITAR)] knob . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
INPUT 3 (AUX) jacks. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
[INPUT 3 (AUX)] knob. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
[INPUT MONITOR] button . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Input/output device . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Driver . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

LOOP BACK. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28, 49

MIC/GUITAR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24, 48
[MODE] switch. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

OUTPUT jack. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Output level indicators. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
[OUTPUT MUTE] button. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

PEAK indicators. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
[PHANTOM] button. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Phantom power. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10, 13
PHONES jack. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
[PHONES] knob. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Playing Back. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22

Block Diagrams for REC MODE
For details about the REC MODE function, refer to “Recording” (p. 23).







A/D + IN OUT + D/A


Block Diagrams for REC MODE



A/D + + IN OUT + D/A


For EU Countries

For China

For the USA

Compliance Information Statement
Model Name : UA-33
Type of Equipment : USB Audio Interface
Responsible Party : Roland Corporation U.S.
Address : 5100 S. Eastern Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90040-2938
Telephone : (323) 890-3700

For EU Countries

This product complies with the requirements of EMC Directive 2004/108/EC.

Model Name : UA-5
Type of Equipment : USB Audio Interface For the USA
Responsible Party : Edirol Corporation North America
Address : 425 Sequoia Drive, Suite 114, Bellingham, WA 98226
Telephone : (360) 594-4276
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the
FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential
installation. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in
accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee
that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or
television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the
interference by one or more of the following measures:
– Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
– Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
– Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.
– Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.

This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions:
(1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and
(2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.

Unauthorized changes or modification to this system can void the users authority to operate this equipment.
This equipment requires shielded interface cables in order to meet FCC class B Limit.

For Canada

This Class B digital apparatus meets all requirements of the Canadian Interference-Causing Equipment Regulations.

Cet appareil numérique de la classe B respecte toutes les exigences du Règlement sur le matériel brouilleur du Canada.

For C.A. US (Proposition 65)

This product contains chemicals known to cause cancer, birth defects and other reproductive harm, including lead.

* 5 1 0 0 0 1 9 2 0 5 - 0 5 *

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