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Puerto Princesa City National Science High School

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The story is about a young girl named Coraline who discovers a secret door in her new home leading to an alternate reality inhabited by her 'other mother'.

Coraline discovers a secret passageway in her new home leading to an alternate reality inhabited by her 'other mother'. She faces danger and must solve puzzles to escape back to the real world.

Coraline faces danger from her 'other mother' who wants to trap her soul in the alternate reality. She must solve puzzles and find courage to escape back to the real world.


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Instructions: Choose the letter of your answer. Use the answer sheet provided. Use ballpen.

I. Coraline

1. What did Coraline discover in the house?

a. A hidden door
b. A hidden attic
c. A weird monster
d. A boy
2. What was the man with the big mustache training?
a. A mouse circus
b. A cat circus
c. A frog circus
d. An Andres ballet
3. What was behind the door when Coraline's mother opened it?
a. A brick wall
b. The kitchen
c. The bathroom
d. A concrete wall
4. "...her hair was wriggling like lazy snakes on a warm day" is an example of what device?
a. metaphor
b. simile
c. imagery
d. hyperbole
5. What did Coraline offer the other mother for winning the game?
a. to stay with her and let her sew buttons into her eyes
b. the cat
c. the protective stone
d. to stay with her until her 30th birthday
6. Why did the other mother 'smile triumphantly' when she agreed to Coraline's game terms?
a. because it would take her less than five minutes to win the game
b. because her parents were already dead
c. because she was going to cheat
d. because she thought it would be impossible for her to win
7. True or false: The other mother killed her own mother.
a. True
b. False
8. What was the purpose of using the simile below to describe the other mother?
"and the tap-tap-tapping of the fingernail against her eye was as steady and relentless as the drip of water
droplets from the sink"
a. to highlight how the other mother will never stop for a moment pursuing Coraline's soul
b. to create nice imagery for the reader to imagine something familiar
c. to create a comparison between the eye and the tap for dramatic effect
d. none of the above
9. How did Coraline find the souls?
a. the cat told her where they were
b. she used the stone
c. she pulled apart her bedroom and found them in an envelope
d. a special song played giving her a special clue to their location
10. What does beldam mean?
a. a lunatic
b. the master of beds
c. a person who does not sleep
d. a malicious or loathsome old woman
11. "She had never been so scared, but still she walked forward" best relates to which theme?
a. independence
b. family
c. courage
d. destiny
12. Coraline compares the other mother's love for her to " how a miser loves money or how a dragon
loves its gold". Why does she do this?
a. To show how she loves her for money
b. To show how her love is superficial and more about ownership than love
c. To show how she is desperate to love and protect Coraline from the harm of the real world
d. To foreshadow how the other mother is a dragon
P.O Box 345, Puerto Princesa City
Tel. No. (048) 434-0977, Email:

13. Why does the other mother punish the other father?
a. because he won't hurt Coraline
b. because she is sick of him
c. because he tried to run away
d. because he was kind to Coraline
14. How did Coraline escape the other mother?
a. She threw the cat at her
b. She broke her button eyes
c. She threw the stone at her which shattered her into a thousand pieces
d. She threw a piece of wood at her
15. What do the mirrors Coraline encounters in the real world and the other world reflect?
a. The other mother trusts mirrors
b. Mirrors in both worlds reflect happiness
c. Mirrors in both worlds reflect illusion of the opposite worlds
d. The mirrors reflect illusion because things in them don't always appear the way they're supposed
16. How does Coraline's life change when she returns to the real world with her parents?
a. Coraline learns to dance
b. Coraline appreciates her parents more even though they haven't changed
c. Coraline moves in with Ms. Spink and Ms. Forcible
d. Coraline ignores her parents when they ask her questions

II. The Kite Runner

17. What is a kite runner?

a. Someone who competes in the kite-fighting tournament
b. Someone who makes and sells kites
c. Someone who retrieves the losing kite of a kite battle
d. Someone who is exceptionally skilled at flying kites
18. How did Ali come into Baba’s family?
a. Ali’s parents were killed and Baba’s father, who judged the murder trial, took him in
b. He was born to the Hazara servant of Baba’s father
c. He killed a sheep belonging to Baba’s family and was forced to become their servant as
d. Baba and Ali had the same father
19. What is it that worries Baba about Amir?
a. He isn’t certain who Amir’s mother was
b. A boy who can’t stand up for himself becomes a man who can’t stand up to anything
c. Boys at school bully Amir
d. Amir could disappoint him by losing the kite-fighting tournament
20. Why does Amir think Baba doesn’t love him fully?
a. Baba holds him responsible for the death of his wife (Amir’s mother), who died giving birth to
b. Because Amir never did well in the kite-fighting tournament
c. Baba questions whether Amir is his biological son
d. Baba prefers to fly kites with Hassan
21. Why doesn’t Amir stop Hassan’s rape?
a. He believes Hassan, who is a Hazara, deserves to learn a lesson
b. He thinks Hassan wouldn’t have helped him if the roles were reversed
c. He and Hassan make eye-contact and Hassan silently tells Amir to run
d. He is afraid and also wants the blue kite, which he can only get by not interfering
22. What does Amir put under Hassan’s mattress to frame him?
a. His favorite book and the watch Baba gave him
b. The kite Baba bought him that he used to win the kite-fighting tournament
c. Money he received for his birthday and the watch Baba gave him
d. A ski mask, a length of rope, and a handful of gold coins
23. Why do Baba and Amir leave Kabul?
a. One of Baba’s old enemies has found Baba and wants to take revenge
b. The new president created a totalitarian dictatorship when he took power
c. The Taliban threaten to kill Baba
d. The invasion by the Russians has turned the country into a dangerous war zone
24. When Baba and Amir flee Kabul, what does Baba say to the Russian guard who tries to rape the
woman in the truck with them?
a. He tells the guard that rape is a sin against God
b. He calls the guard a coward who couldn’t get a woman without a gun
c. He says decency is even more important in times of war
d. He threatens to kill the guard if the guard touches the woman
P.O Box 345, Puerto Princesa City
Tel. No. (048) 434-0977, Email:

25. Where does Amir meet Soraya?

a. The local mosque
b. A gathering of Afghans in the park
c. At school
d. The flea market
26. Which accurately describes the traditional Afghan way of proposing marriage, which we see in the
a. The man proposes to the woman in front of her family
b. The man asks for consent from the woman’s father
c. The man’s father asks consent from the woman’s father
d. The man tells the woman’s mother his intentions, then proposes to the woman
27. What do Amir and Soraya want to do but are not able to?
a. Move back to Kabul
b. Buy a house
c. Leave Afghanistan behind and live as Americans
d. Have a baby
28. What does Rahim Khan say to Amir to convince Amir to go to Pakistan
a. There is a way to be good again
b. The past is gone and buried
c. Hassan wants to see you
d. I have money that is yours
29. Who is Hassan’s real father?
a. Rahim Khan
b. Ali
c. Baba
d. General Taheri
30. Why is it significant that Sohrab shoots out Assef’s eye with his slingshot?
a. Amir and Hassan used to hunt birds with a slingshot as children
b. Hassan once saved Amir from Assef with a slingshot
c. Assef used to threaten Amir and Hassan with a slingshot
d. Amir taught Hassan how to shoot a slingshot when they were children
31. What is one reason Amir doesn't stand up for himself more as a child?
a. Hassan is always there to defend him.
b. Baba taught him that assertiveness is bad.
c. He feels hurt by an early failed attempt at being assertive.
d. He says it is against his religion.
32. What are two of Hassan's defining characteristics?
a. He is selfish and cowardly.
b. He is understanding and loyal.
c. He is pious and strict.
d. He is complacent and insensitive.
33. What important lesson does Baba teach Amir?
a. You must find your own way to happiness.
b. You must put God above all other concerns.
c. You must honor your parents and elders.
d. You must do what is right no matter the cost.
34. Which character trait does Rahim Khan reveal about Baba?
a. He is incapable of feeling affection.
b. He has a strong sense of duty to God.
c. He feels deeply divided by a secret.
d. He believes the worst about other people.
35. How does Amir grow as a character?
a. He moves from skepticism to faith.
b. He moves from aggressiveness to passivity.
c. He moves from selfishness to selflessness.
d. He moves from self-doubt to self-confidence.

III. Like Water For Chocolate

36. When Gertrudis returns, she is

a. the mother of two children.
b. a general in the army.
c. the madam of a brothel.
d. a nun.
37. When Rosaura's milk is dry, Esperanza is fed with
a. goat milk.
b. water.
c. tea.
d. Tita's breast milk.
P.O Box 345, Puerto Princesa City
Tel. No. (048) 434-0977, Email:

38. At Rosaura's wedding, the guests are struck by fits of

a. flatulence.
b. ecstasy.
c. fever.
d. vomiting.
39. As a token of his love, Pedro offers Tita
a. a ring.
b. his promise to divorce Rosaura.
c. a rose.
d. a horse.
40. Tita begins her bedspread
a. when Pedro and Rosaura are engaged.
b. when Roberto dies.
c. when she and Pedro talk of marriage.
d. when Gertrudis leaves.
41. Where does Tita recover from her breakdown?
a. In an asylum
b. In San Antonio
c. At John Brown's house
d. In a convent
42. The mix of which two things informs the potent visual imagery and heightened natural elements of
Like Water for Chocolate?
a. Mathematics, Mexican geology
b. Aztec myth, Protestantism
c. Mathematics, Catholicism
d. Aztec myth, Catholicism
43. The novel is set against the backdrop of ___.
a. The Industrial Revolution
b. The Russian Revolution
c. The Cultural Revolution
d. The Mexican Revolution
44. According to family tradition, who must Tita take care of instead of marrying and leaving home?
a. Her father
b. Her nephew
c. Her sister
d. Her mother
45. Which character escapes the ranch after reacting mysteriously to one of Tita’s dishes?
a. Nacha
b. Rosaura
c. Gertrudis
d. Pedro

IV. The Diary of Anne Frank

46. What does Albert Dussel do for a living before he goes into hiding?
a. He is a doctor
b. He is a dentist
c. He writes books
d. He sells pharmaceuticals
47. What does Anne receive for her thirteenth birthday?
a. A pony
b. A fountain pen
c. A bicycle
d. A diary
48. What group are the Franks hiding from?
a. The Nazis
b. The Belgian Army
c. The Allies
d. The French
49. What is the Gestapo?
a. The German secret police
b. The Dutch Army
c. A concentration camp
d. A law preventing the Jews from holding jobs
50. Who eventually publishes Anne’s diary?
a. Bep
b. Her father
c. Miep
d. Peter

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