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Subject : English
Class : VIII
Time : 2x40 minutes

Listen carefully and choose a, b, c, or d for the correct answer!

The audio below for the question 1-6

1. What is Sangkuriang’s favorite The audio below for the question 7-17
a. Deer’s liver 7. What is the best title of the audio?
b. Sheep’s liver a. Snow White
c. Goat’s liver b. Cinderella
d. Chicken’s liver c. Ariel
d. Mulan
2. Why Dayang Sumbi asked
Sangkuriang to hunt a deer? 8. How Cinderella’s stepmother and
a. She want to cook deer’s stepsister was treated her?
liver a. A Princess
b. She want to keep the deer b. A beautiful girl
c. She like the deer c. A servant
d. She want to eat the deer d. A family

3. What is the name of Dayang 9. What is Cinderella’s mother words

Sumbi’s son? for her?
a. Tumang c. King a. Have a courage
b. Sangkuriang d. Deer b. Be nice girl
c. Be kind
4. Where did the story comes from? d. Have a courage and be kind
a. Bandung c. West Java
b. Java d. East Java 10. What is the Prince was looking for?
a. A girlfriend
5. What is the name Sangkuriang’s b. A Bestfriend
wife? c. A bride
a. Dayang Sumbi d. A servant
b. Sari
c. Wulan 11. Who is appeared when Cinderella
d. Wulan Sari crying?
a. Godmother
6. What is the main idea of the story? b. Godfather
a. Sangkuriang felt in love c. Grandmother
with beautiful woman d. Grandfather
b. Sangkuriang arived at a
village 12. How many fairy Godmother found
c. Sangkuriang would married the mice?
with Dayang Sumbi a. 4 c. 6
d. Dayang Sumbi knowed that b. 5 d. 7
she felt in love with her son
13. How many the mice into the white c. Two children saved their
horses? life from a witch
a. 1 c. 3 d. The children go to school
b. 2 d. 4
21. Why their stepmother want to
14. What time did the magic over? abandon Hansel and Gretel?
a. Midnight c. Noon a. She is hate the children
b. Night d. Morning b. She want the children go
15. What is the audio talking about? c. She do not have any food
a. A girl who live with fairy d. She is afraid to die of
Godmother starvation
b. A girl who live with her
father 22. What is Hansel filled in his pocket?
c. A girl who live with a. White pebble
stepmother and stepsisters b. Black pebble
d. A beautiful girl c. Green pebble
d. Yellow pebble
16. Who is invented to the party?
a. Everyone in the palace 23. How did Hansel find a way to go
b. Stepmother and stepsisters home?
c. Cinderella a. Dropped a pebble
d. Fairy Godmother b. Dropped a cheese
c. Dropped a stone
17. What can we infer from the audio? d. Dropped a bread
a. We should be nice person
b. We should try to patient 24. What is tha audio talking about
c. We should have the stepmother?
patience to produce good a. Cried everynight
things b. Planned to abandon the
d. We should love our family children
c. Begged a witch for money
The audio below for the question 18-33 d. Saved her children from a
18. What is the name of two children
in the audio? 25. What is the witch made for Hansel
a. Hansel and Gretel?
b. Cinderella a. Pancake
c. Gretel b. Maple syrup
d. Hansel and Gretel c. Milk
d. Pancake with maple syrup
19. What is their father job? and milk
a. Worker c. Fisherman
b. Woodcutter d. Servant 26. Where the witch locked Hansel?
a. In the house
20. What is the main idea of the audio? b. In the cage
a. A witch who is really kind c. In the room
b. Two children saved their d. In the warehouse
b. West Sumatera
27. Who is eat the crumbs during the c. South Sumatera
night? d. North Sumatera
a. Civet
b. Monkey 35. What Malin said to his mother
c. Snake before he went to the city?
d. Wild animal a. Malin never be leave
b. He promise to be back
28. How long the witch waited to cook c. He will forget his mother
Hansel? d. He will give his mother
a. 1 week c. 3 weeks money
b. 2 weeks d. 4 weeks
36. Who is the main character in the
29. How did the witch died? audio?
a. She was pushed against the a. Malin Kundang
wall b. Malin’s mother
b. She was trapped in the cage c. Malin’s wife
c. She was burnt in the oven d. Malin’s society
d. She was hit with a broom
37. What can we infer from the story?
30. What is the best title of this audio? a. Never be a cruel son or
a. Malin Kundang daughter
b. Sangkuriang b. Leave our old mother
c. Cinderella c. Leave our mother money
d. Hansel and Gretel d. Meet our mother

31. What can we infer from the stroy? 38. What Malin’s wife does to Malin’s
a. Have a courage and be kind mother?
b. Have a patience a. She care with Malin’s
c. Do not trust stranger mother
d. Never be a cruel child b. She love Malin’s mother
c. She did not care with
32. Where did Hansel and Gretel’s Malin’s mother
stepmother abandon them? d. She talk to Malin’s mother
a. In the forest
b. In the house 39. What Malin’s mother does to
c. In the island Malin?
d. In the palace a. Leave Malin alone
b. Accompany Malin until the
33. Where did the story happened? end of the time
a. In the palace c. Curse Malin into a rock
b. In the cage d. Apologize Malin
c. In the house, forest, witch’s
house 40. Who is cruel Malin into a rock?
d. In the house a. His wife
b. His friend
The audio below for the question 34-40 c. His mother
d. His family
34. Where did the story comes from?
a. Jakarta
Answer Key:

1. a 21. d
2. a 22. a
3. b 23. a
4. c 24. b
5. d 25. d
6. d 26. b
7. b 27. d
8. c 28. d
9. d 29. c
10. c 30. d
11. a 31. c
12. c 32. a
13. d 33. c
14. a 34. b
15. c 35. b
16. a 36. a
17. c 37. a
18. d 38. c
19. b 39. c
20. c 40. c

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