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S.No. Topic Page No.
Executive Summary 1
1.0 Chapter-1: Overview of the Sindh Province 3
1.1 Geography 3
1.2 Geology 4
1.3 History of climate of Sindh 5
1.4 Demography 5
1.5 Social scene 6
1.6 Economy 6
1.7 Shelter 7
1.8 Administrative System 8
2.0 Chapter-2: Monsoon Contingency Plan – General 9
Overview of Floods
2.1 Floods 9
2.1.1 Causes of Floods 10
2.2 Monsoon Hazards in Sindh 12
2.3 Map with Flow of River Indus Along Districts of Sindh 13
2.4 Changes in River Morphology 14
2.5 Performance of Water Regulatory Infrastructure 14
2.5.1 Water Flow Comparison 14
2.5.2 Flood Routing Model 15
2.6 Latent Vulnerabilities 16
2.7 Data of Historical Flood Events 17
2.8 Seasonal Forecast for Monsoon (July – September) 2015 17
2.9 Monsoon 2014 Failure 18
2.10 Monsoon 2015 Preparedness Consultations 18
3.0 Chapter-3: Divisional Monsoon Contingency Plans 19
3.1 Scenarios 19
3.1.1 Likely Scenarios 19
3.1.2 Worst Scenarios 19
3.2 Overview of Divisional Plans 20
3.2.1 Larkana Division 20
3.2.2 Sukkur Division 21
3.2.3 Hyderabad Division 22
3.2.4 Shaheed Benazirabad Division 23
3.2.5 Expected Caseload in Likely Scenario 24
3.3 Planning Parameters 24
3.4 Stocking Levels and Financial Requirements for Relief 25
3.4.1 Likely Scenario 25
3.5 Broad Contours of the Plan 26
4.0 Chapter-4: Coordination Mechanism 28
4.1 Mitigation 28
4.1.1 Ministry of Water & Power 28
4.1.2 Water & Power Development Authority (WAPDA) 28
4.1.3 IRSA 29
4.1.4 Irrigation Department Sindh 29
4.2 Early Warning 29
4.2.1 Pakistan Meteorological Department 29
4.2.2 Flood Forecasting Division 30
4.2.3 SUPARCO 30
4.3 Response Agencies (Federal Government) 30
4.3.1 NDMA 30
4.3.2 Armed Forces 31
4.3.3 Pakistan Coast Guards 31
4.3.4 Emergency Relief Cell (Cabinet Division 32
4.3.5 NHA 32
4.3.6 Pakistan Railways 32
4.3.7 Pakistan telecommunication Authority 32
4.4 Response Agencies (Provincial Government) 32
4.4.1 PDMA 32
4.4.2 DDMAs 34
4.4.3 Provincial Irrigation Department 35
4.4.4 Health Department 36
4.4.5 Local Government Department 37
4.4.6 Education Department 37
4.4.7 Agriculture Department 38
4.4.8 Fisheries & Livestock Department 39
4.4.9 Planning & Development Department 40
4.4.10 Revenue Department 41
4.4.11 Police Department 41
4.4.12 Civil Defence 42
4.4.13 Finance Department 43
4.5 Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) 44
4.5 Important Contact Numbers 49
Annex-A History of Past Flood Events
Annex-B Flood Stores Available with PDMA
Annex-C Flood Stores/Heavy Machinery/Dewatering pumps
available with DDMAs
Annex-D Prepositioning Of Relief Items At The Disposal Of District
Annex-E Estimated Population at Risk in Katch Areas
Annex-F Details of Relief Camps
Annex-G Daily Situation Report (Sample Proforma)
Annex-G1 Safe Evacuation Report (Sample Proforma)
Annex-H Flood Stores with HQ Corps 5
Annex-H1 Flood Relief Equipments Provided to Pakistan Navy and
Annex-I Important Contact Numbers
Draft Provincial Monsoon Contingency Plan 2015, PDMA Sindh


The nature and intensity of natural disasters has changed considerably over the
period of time. Disaster risk reduction (DRR) and management is an activity that
addresses the risks associated with potential hazards, and as such it becomes
an integral part of development. Consequently, it is oriented more towards the
processes and actions than the events themselves. DRR is based on a
continuous assessment of vulnerabilities, risks and it is greatly influenced by the
kind and extent of the role of multiple actors and stakeholders. In terms of such
unpredictable complexity, contingency planning essentially requires defining as
to what preparedness mechanisms will be used, when and where. Before a
response is required, contingency planning affords the agencies, governmental
and humanitarian, the opportunity to define when, where and why their
emergency response resources will be deployed, when emergency funds will be
used and what kind of responses, materials and types of personnel they will
need and to what extent.

The cascade of monsoon related events occurring from 2010 to 2013

tested the mettle of both the governmental agencies and humanitarian outlays.
The lessons learnt from unprecedented floods of 2010 followed by heavy
monsoon rainfalls of 2011 and flash flooding in 2012-13 call for preemption by
preparedness, quick and effective control of the situation and above all, saving
human lives. However, effective actions necessitate the prior existence of
practical and well tested contingency plans. The Sindh Monsoon Contingency
Plan embodies an integrated contingency planning based on the experience of
government agencies, districts administrations, armed forces, humanitarian
assistance organizations and other stakeholders. It calls for translating their
recommendations and collective wisdom into action; thereby ensuring
synergized and optimal utilization of resources by all in the field while
complementing each other with linkages and better coordination in support of
such actions.

Draft Provincial Monsoon Contingency Plan 2015, PDMA Sindh

PDMA continues to emphasize upon the Contingency Planning process

not only as a preparedness measure for emergency response to natural hazards
but also as a guide to the long-term strategy for meeting such eventuality. This
plan focuses on planning for the upcoming Monsoon – 2015 to identify hazards
and analyzing the related risks for their humanitarian impacts and the associated
adverse affects on the socio-economic infrastructure, and simultaneously
defining the roles and responsibilities of diverse stakeholders for preparedness
and response.

PDMA, keeping its vigil eye, carried out a series of joint sessions for
Sindh Monsoon Contingency Plan-2015 with district administrations, line
departments, the armed forces and other stakeholders to keep abreast and
anticipate the perceiving threat levels. While drawing conclusions from the inputs
through the technical expertise and concerned stakeholders, it also identifies the
gaps and challenges to effective emergency response. This Plan aims at
identifying and implementing a series of actions to increase response capacity
and reduce potential gaps. Unlike the traditional generic plans, this document
has used ‘scenarios’ as a basis for developing preparedness plans. The key
anticipated outcomes are:

 Awareness for Building Capacities for Response,

 Depicting the anticipated threat perception for earmarking required
 Building the Integrated Planning Capacities, and
 Defining the required gaps for ensuing Preparatory Measures.

Draft Provincial Monsoon Contingency Plan 2015, PDMA Sindh



The Province of Sindh is located in the South- Eastern part of the Country
(between Lat 23-35° and Lat 28-30° N)…bounded to the West by Balochistan, to
the North by Punjab, to the East by the Indian states of Gujerat and Rajhastan
and to the South by the Arabian Sea. It can be divided into four distinct ‘climatic’
zones Coastal, Desert, Mountainous and the Plains. Its gross geographical area
is 140,914 Sq. km which represents 18% of the total national area. The
geographical area is 14 million hectares out of which almost 8.0 million hectare
is cultivable, and the remaining area is not available for cultivation, mostly lying
in the northern hills of Khirthar Range, Eastern desert of Thar and Achharo Thar
and the Riverine area.

60% of the total land area of Sindh is arid. Annual average precipitation is
5 inches. The River Indus flows through the middle of the province. There are
seasonal streams which become active in the monsoon season; they emanate
from the Khirthar hill range from West of Province, and fallout in River Sindh
(Indus) and the Arabian Sea. Administratively Sindh Province is divided in to six
Divisions comprising 29 Districts.

The Province, third largest in Pakistan by size, has a predominantly

agricultural as well as a diverse industrialized economy. Cotton, rice, wheat,
sugarcane, dates, bananas and mangoes are the most important crops. Its
industrial base has Textiles, Chemicals, Cement, Steel and others. Lately its
vast natural resources are being exploited like Oil, Gas, Coal, Granite and Cut
Stone etc. These are adding substantially to the overall national produce. Bulk of
the industrial units is located in three Cities- Karachi, Kotri/ Hyderabad and
Sukkur. There are two modern sea ports: Karachi Port and Bin Qasim Port,
situated in Karachi on the Arabian Sea and serve the entire Country including

Draft Provincial Monsoon Contingency Plan 2015, PDMA Sindh


The Geology of Sindh is divisible in four regions as follows:

 the mountain ranges of Kirthar, Pab containing a chain of minor hills in
the West, and
 in East it is covered by the Thar Desert and part of Indian Platform
bounded by the Karonjhar mountains, which is famous for Nagar Parkar
 In the North Sindh is enquired by rocks of Laki range extending to
Suleiman range and
 its Southern most part is encircled by the Arabian Sea. The rocks
exposed in this area belong to upper Cretaceous which are of recent
geological age. The sub-surface rocks are about 20,000 feet thick and
belong to Cretaceous and Pre-Cretaceous periods.

Basin-wise Sindh lies in the lower Indus Basin and its main tectonic
features are the platform and fore deep areas. Thick sequences of Pab
sandstone of Upper Cretaceous, Ranikot Group (Khadro, Bara, Lakhra) of
Paleocene age, the Laki, Tiyon, and Khirthar of Eocene age, the Nari Formation
of Oligocene, the Gaj Formation of Lower to Middle Miocene, the Manchar of
Upper Miocene to Pliocene, and Dada Conglomerate of Pleistocene age are
present in various areas of Sindh.
Limestone and sandstones are the predominant sedimentary rocks in the
area. Structurally speaking, Sindh has many gently-folded anticlines trending in
North-South direction. The major active faults in Province are as under:

SURJANI FAULT: N-S Trending: Located West of Larkana. It cuts

Quaternary deposits. The maximum magnitude of the Earthquake associated
with the fault is of the order M=6.1 on Richter Scale.

JHIMPIR FAULT: N-W Trending: A number of epicenters are located on

the fault. The fault has produced an earthquake of M=5.6 on Richter Scale.

Draft Provincial Monsoon Contingency Plan 2015, PDMA Sindh

PAB FAULT: NN-W Trending: Located in the Eastern part of Pab

range. The maximum magnitude of the earthquake associated with fault is of the
order M=7.0 on Richter Scale.

RANN OF KUTCH: E-W Trending: The fault has produced an earthquake

of the order M=7.6 on Richter Scale. Recent studies have revealed that this fault
traverses the Karachi Metropolitan Area.


 The monsoon and the Western Disturbance are the two main factors
which alter the weather over Sindh province; otherwise, continental air
prevails for rest of the year. Following factors by and large influence the
weather over Sindh.

 Dust storms occur during summer months with peak in May and June.
The dust storms during the early summer indicate the arrival of the
monsoons, while in the autumn these indicate the arrival of winter.

 Fog occurs during the winter season and remains for some weeks in
upper reaches of Sindh.

 Southwest Monsoon occurs in summer from the month of June till

September. Monsoon rains bring much awaited relief from the scorching
summer heat. These monsoon rains are sometimes heavy by nature and
can result in a flooding situation.


The 1998 Census of Pakistan showed Sindh as having a population of

30.4 million ie; 23% of the national count. Based on the compound growth
average of 2.80%, the current population of Sindh is estimated to be about 47.80
million (Sindh Bureau of Statistics). The provincial urban-rural divide of
population, as per Population Welfare Department, Government of Sindh is
about 52 to 48. The urbanites are mainly concentrated in the cities of Karachi,
Hyderabad, Sukkur, Mirpurkhas, Shaheed Benazirabad and Larkana.

Approximately 2.6 million people live in the ‘katcha area’. In terms of

gender ratio (male per 100 female), the Male population overwhelms the female

Draft Provincial Monsoon Contingency Plan 2015, PDMA Sindh

i.e; there are 112.24 males. The overall average provincial literacy rate is
45.29%- (Male 54.50% and Female 34.78%). In the rural areas it is 25.73% -
(Male 37.89% and female 12.23%) whereas in the urban areas it is 63.72% -
(Male 69.75% & Female 56.66%). Health cover is available to over 35% of the
population. Agriculture & Fisheries are the backbone of rural economy engaging
about 65.56% of the rural people.


Sindh is the most urbanized and industrialized province of Pakistan. The

society is largely a mix of the cosmopolitan with the traditionally based
indigenous landed classes. Beside Sindhi, the other languages spoken are Urdu,
Punjabi, Pashto, Siraiki, Balochi, Brahui, Rajasthani, and Gujarati. Historically
the Balochis came earlier while the Urdu-speaking are the recent immigrants
alongside the Pashtuns who are the latest dwellers of the urban Sindh. Balochi,
Sindhi and natives speak Sindhi language as their mother tongue. It is also the
official language of Sindh since the 19th century, now shared by Urdu in mostly
urban areas as well.

Sindh's population is predominantly Muslim ie; 91.3%. The remaining

comprises the minorities. Sindh is the 2nd most populous province after Punjab
and has a significantly higher population growth rate compared to Punjab. It has the
largest Hindu population of the country (about 93%) ie; 6.51% of the total
national population. There are other, smaller groups of other religious identities
like the Christians, Parsis- Zoroastrians, Ahmadis, Scheduled castes and others.

The society in general is harmonious, cordial and hospitable.

Nevertheless, some ethnic, sectarian and communal strife have occasionally
marred the peace of some specific parts of the Province.


Endowed with coastal access, Sindh is a major centre of economic activity in

Pakistan and has a diversified economy ranging from heavy industry and finance to
a substantial agricultural base along the Indus river. It has the 2nd largest economy
in Pakistan, with the manufacturing sector in the lead. Agricultural engages about

Draft Provincial Monsoon Contingency Plan 2015, PDMA Sindh

45% of the agricultural labour force. Most of the agriculture (+13 Million acres)
depends on artificial Irrigation through a network of canals (20,000-kms) and
barrages (03) and protective bunds (+2253-kms) on the Indus River. Three
irrigation barrages- Guddu Barrage at Kashmore; the Lloyd Barrage at Sukkur
and the Kotri barrage at Kotri service the irrigation and human needs. The
provincial road network connectivity is over 26,000 kms and 2,221 kms of railway

Staple crops are Wheat, Rice, Cotton, Oilseeds, Sugarcane, Millets

Vegetables and Fruits. In livestock the Sheep, Cattle, Camels are raised along
with Poultry. There is a competitive fishing industry as well. Manufacturing and
other industries (+1800 units) are concentrated in Karachi, Hyderabad,
Nooriabad, Kotri and Sukkur, providing jobs to a workforce of over 260,000. The
main industrial activity revolves around Textile, Cement, Cardboard, Chemicals,
Electric Power Supplies, Rail-Road Equipment, Machinery and Metal products,
and is serviced by the two southern ports; Karachi Port Trust and Port Qasim on
the Arabian Sea.


In 1998, there were 5.022 million households in Sindh, with average

household size at 6.0 persons with occupancy average of 3.3 persons per room.
The overall housing stock comprised 52 percent katcha (mud) houses mostly
devoid of any proper water supply, 48 percent semi-pakka (brick mortar) houses
mostly without planned sanitation or sewerage system. The majority of rural
housing is katcha (mud), with minimal water supply and sanitation or drainage
services. Half of the total urban population is living in slums and katchi abadis,
with inadequate housing and civic amenities.

Draft Provincial Monsoon Contingency Plan 2015, PDMA Sindh


 Administratively, Sindh Province comprises of the provincial government at

the apex and the Union Councils at the base of the administrative pyramid.
In-between there are administrative Divisions, District administration,
Taluka/Tehsil and the Union Councils. The provincial administrative / Line
Departments are headed by an Administrative Secretary.

 Division: 06 divisions headed by divisional Commissioners. The 6

Divisions are Karachi, Hyderabad, Mirpurkhas, Sukkur,
Larkana and Shaheed Benazirabad.

 District: 29 Districts headed by Deputy Commissioners.

 Talukas / Tehsils / Sub Divisions: 129

 Number of villages (settlements) 66,923 as per census of 1998
within 5871 dehs (Mauza).

Draft Provincial Monsoon Contingency Plan 2015, PDMA Sindh


When rivers overflow their banks they cause damage to property and
crops. Floods are the most common and the costliest of the Natural Disasters.

Floods are local, short-lived events that can happen suddenly, sometimes
with little or no warning. They are caused by intense storms that produce more
runoff than an area can store or a stream can carry within its normal channel.
Rivers can also flood when dams fail, when ice jams or landslides temporarily
block a channel, or when snow melts rapidly. Dry lands can be flooded by high
lake levels, by high tides, or by waves driven ashore by strong winds.

Small streams are subject to floods (very rapid increases in runoff), which
may last from a few minutes to a few hours. On larger streams, floods usually
last from several hours to a few days. A series of storms might keep a river
above flood stage (the water level at which a river overflows its banks) for
several weeks.

Weather patterns have a strong influence on when and where floods

happen. Cyclones, or Storms that bring moisture inland from the Ocean can
cause floods. Thunderstorms are relatively small, intense storms that can cause
floods in smaller streams. Frontal storms form at the front of large, moist air
masses moving across the Country and can cause floods. Hurricanes are
intense tropical storms that can cause floods.

The size and magnitude of a flood is described by a term called

‘Recurrence Interval’. By studying a long period of flow records for a stream, it is
possible to estimate the size of a flood that would, for example, have a 5-year
Recurrence Interval called a ‘5-year flood’ ie; it would occur, on the average,
once every 5 years. Although a 100-year flood is expected to happen only once

Draft Provincial Monsoon Contingency Plan 2015, PDMA Sindh

in a century, there is a 1% chance that a flood of that size could happen during
any year.

Flood plains are lands bordering on rivers and streams that normally are
dry but are covered with water during floods. Floods can damage buildings or
other structures placed in flood plains. They also can change the pattern of water
flow and increase flooding and flood damage on adjacent properties and

Major reasons that may cause or lead to flooding in Sindh are the
confluence of River Basins, the Canal Irrigation Networks and Interrupted
Drainage Systems and control of Head-works on three major rivers….part of
Indus River System with India.


Floods can be divided in to five major categories:-

(I) Monsoon Floods: Flooding along rivers is natural and inevitable. Some
floods occur seasonally when monsoon rains and melting snows fill river basins
with too much water too quickly. Torrential rains from decaying Hurricanes or
Tropical Systems can also cause river flooding.

Recent studies argue that El-Nino and La Nina factors have upset the
system of rains in India, Pakistan, Iran and Afghanistan. Incidentally El-Nino
events are a local manifestation of a global phenomenon, which begins with the
relaxation of the wind stress that drives warm water towards the West. In the
case of the monsoons, the atmospheric pressure at sea level at the South-West
of the Indian Peninsula, the ocean temperature in the Bay of Bengal and the
rainfall fluctuation across South Asia are inter-related critical factors.

(II) Flash Floods: An arroyo is a water-carved gully or a normally dry

creek found in arid or desert regions. When storms appear in these areas, the
rain water cuts into the dry dusty soil creating a small fast-moving river. Flash

Draft Provincial Monsoon Contingency Plan 2015, PDMA Sindh

flooding in an arroyo can occur in less than a minute, with enough power to wash
away sections of pavement. Because of its rapid nature, flash floods are difficult
to forecast and give people little time to escape or to take food and other
essentials with them.

(III) Floods due to Breaches: Floods due to the breaches of river

embankments and canal breaches are a frequent phenomenon in all the districts
of Pakistan.

(IV) Urban Floods: As undeveloped land is paved for construction, it loses its
ability to absorb rainfall. Rainwater cannot be absorbed into the ground and
becomes runoff, filling parking lots, making roads into rivers, and flooding
basements and businesses. An urban area can be flooded by an amount of
rainfall that would have had no impact in a rural area. But in the crowded towns
and cities, rainwater flows into storm sewers and drainage thus flooding them.

(V) Coastal Floods - Hurricanes and Tropical storms can produce heavy
rains, or drive ocean water onto land. Beaches and coastal houses can be swept
away by the water. Coastal flooding can also be caused by sea waves called
Tsunamis, the giant tidal waves that are created by Volcanoes or Earthquakes in
the ocean.

Draft Provincial Monsoon Contingency Plan 2015, PDMA Sindh


The River Indus, lying 750 kms across Sindh, upon receiving water from
5-rivers’ system, causes floods in the Sindh Province. The upper regions of the
Sindh Province constitute the Districts of Kashmore, Shikarpur, Kamber
Shadadkot Jacobabad and Larkana on the Right Bank of River Indus and
Ghotki, Sukkur, Khairpur, Naushahro-feroze and Shaheed Benazirabad on the
Left Bank of River Indus. These Districts on the right and left of River Indus
always remain under threat due to the passage of River Indus. The districts in
the lower Sindh, prone to Riverine flooding includes Dadu, Jamshoro and Thatta
on the Right Bank of River Indus and Tando Muhammad Khan, Matiari and
Hyderabad on the Left Bank.
Districts of Jacobabad, Kambar-Shahdadkot, Dadu and Jamshoro are
vulnerable to hill torrents which cause flash flooding. As such, the possibility of
issuing an early warning is very minimal.

Sindh faces the Monsoon hazards as a result of heavy precipitation and

subsequent high floods at ‘Panjnad’ (confluence of 5-rivers located in Punjab) on
the Indus river and through flash flooding in numerous hill torrents along the
Southern part of the Province. Sindh is also vulnerable to precipitation generated
flash flooding and urban flooding because of the cloud bursts, primarily in the
cities of Karachi and Hyderabad. Historical evidence suggests that natural and
manmade disasters can cause a significant loss of human lives in Karachi alone.
Given the complexity, the simultaneous occurrence of riverine and flash floods,
the heavy precipitation and cloud bursts can worsen the impacts of monsoon
generated disasters in the province.

Draft Provincial Monsoon Contingency Plan 2015, PDMA Sindh



Fig.1 Flow of River Indus

Draft Provincial Monsoon Contingency Plan 2015, PDMA Sindh


The unprecedented nature of Floods-2010 caused occurrence of

unregulated river flow patterns resulting in widening spans and erosions at
various places. During Monsoons these trends are likely to render at risk the
populations residing close-by; undermining the effectiveness of the protective
arrangements; and risk the severance of bridges and communication
infrastructure. Therefore, river training or regulating the river flows to defined
channels is considered to be an essential task for flood impact mitigation.


The floods-2010, in addition to their colossal humanitarian impacts,

exposed the water regulatory infrastructure to tremendous pressures. The water
which flowed surpassed the earlier historical records by manifolds; a detailed
comparison is given in the table below. Moreover, the Schematic Model of flood
routing of River system shown below depicts that average travel time between
the three hydraulic structures (Guddu, Sukkur and Kotri) is 24 hours; thus
necessitating the imperative of putting in place an effective and prompt decision


Maximum Comparison with
Design Capacity 2010 Floods with Design
Barrage Recorded Year Earlier Record
(in cusecs) (in cusecs) Capacity
(in cusecs) (Ratio)

Guddu 1,200,000 1,199,000 1976 1,148,000 0.96 0.95

Sukkur 900,000 1,166,000 1976 1,130,000 1.295 1.25

Kotri 875,000 980,000 1956 964,000 0.98 1.10

Table 1: Water Flow Comparison

Draft Provincial Monsoon Contingency Plan 2015, PDMA Sindh


Fig. 2 Flood Routing Model

Draft Provincial Monsoon Contingency Plan 2015, PDMA Sindh


Some of the underlying vulnerabilities which increase the threat of

Monsoon hazards in Sindh are stated as under:

 2011 monsoon rain induced floods in Southern Sindh, which do not

directly fall in the monsoon zone, had exposed a large segment of
population to the devastation of life and property. This population was
traditionally considered to be safe from adverse effects of monsoon.

 Non traditional, new geographical areas of Eastern Baluchistan and

Northern Sindh were impacted by floods in 2010, 2011, and 2012,
consecutively, thereby showing the compounding of vulnerabilities.

 Population pressures have resulted in encroachments on river flood

plains, thereby enhancing the corresponding risks and vulnerabilities.

 Detailed flood-plans mapping covering entire Indus River System, its

Tributaries and Nallahs is yet to be done. It has been identified as a
priority area in the Provincial Disaster Management Plan on the basis of
which land use planning and demarcation of waterways would be done to
reduce risks from flood hazard.

 Widespread Environmental Degradation had reduced the flood water

absorption capacities of catchment regions and accentuated downstream

 Limited capacity in weather and flood forecasting, particularly for flash

floods, necessitate enhanced preparedness strategies to meet
unpredictable challenges.

 Insufficient surface storages/ reservoirs to manage heavy river flows

necessitate more extensive flood protection measures downstream.

Draft Provincial Monsoon Contingency Plan 2015, PDMA Sindh


The data of losses from floods in Sindh for the past 25 years have been
covered in the table attached at Annex-A


PMD has issued a seasonal Forecast for Monsoon 2015 on 25.06.2015
for Pakistan for July-September. Its salient features are given below:

The land, atmosphere and oceanic conditions are examined to assess their
contribution to the Asian Summer Monsoon and particularly Pakistan’s Monsoon.
Most of the Global Climate Models suggest that moderate El Nino conditions will
persist during July to September that normally suppresses the monsoon rainfall
in South Asia. There is also a probability of basin wide warming in the Indian
Ocean resulting Positive Indian Ocean Sipole ( in August / September) that
provides roots to some active monsoon system in South Asia, normally below
Most of the Global and Regional Climate Models indicate – “A Weak Monsoon
with some uncertainties, producing slightly less than normal rainfall during July
to September in Pakistan. However, due to interaction of easterly & westerly
systems, a few extreme rainfall events (exceeding 100 mm/day), may occur over
AJK, North-East Punjab and KP resulting into flooding”.
Outlook of July 2015: Monsoon will gradually pick up rythem during 2 nd and 3rd
week of July (2015), producing rainfall in most of the areas of AJK, Punjab and
KP, with one or two extreme rainfall events during 3 rd or last week of the month,
in second fortnight, monsoon currents will also penetrate in south-eastern parts
of the country, producing scattered rainfall in Sindh and eastern parts of
South Asian Climatic Outlook Forum (SASCOF-6)

The Outlook Suggests that below normal rainfall is most likely during the

Draft Provincial Monsoon Contingency Plan 2015, PDMA Sindh

2015 southwest monsoon season (June – September) over South Asia as a

whole. Below normal rainfall is likely over broad areas of western, central and
southwestern parts of South Asia and some areas in the northeastern most parts
of the region. It is noteworthy that except southern part of islands of the region
no other part of South Asia has above normal rainfall as the most likely category.


SASCOF-6 findings and PMD’s preliminary observations did not directly

indicate a dry spell for 2015 that may further trigger drought conditions in the
province. However, if Sindh Province on the whole, or its districts already facing
drought/ semi drought, continue showing similar trends then PDMA Sindh will roll
out its Drought Contingency Plan which would be a separate document covering
roles and responsibilities of Government Agencies, Line Departments and
Humanitarian Agencies for effective drought emergency, response and
rehabilitation for the affected district (s).


A number of consultation sessions and coordination meetings were

organized at all levels. These included PDMA meetings with Divisional
Commissioners, Line departments, Armed Forces, PMD, Civic Utility agencies
etc to review the levels of preparedness, consultation with relevant agencies on
contingency plans and resolving the outstanding issues. These meetings were
also conducted in Divisional Headquarters, chaired by Special Assistant to Chief
Minister Sindh for Rehabilitation along with Secretary Rehabilitation and Director
General, PDMA.

In order to further consolidate and coordinate Provincial preparedness for

upcoming Monsoon Season, a high level meeting was held on 19th May, 2015
under the chairmanship of Chief Secretary Sindh at Karachi. Chairman NDMA,
relevant Federal and Provincial agencies and Humanitarian Assistance
Organisations were invited and exchanged views and plans for evolving an
effective and efficient strategy towards mitigation, preparedness and response

Draft Provincial Monsoon Contingency Plan 2015, PDMA Sindh




The Scenarios have been considered for the purpose of calculating

caseloads for the Provincial Contingency Plan as under:


While the possibility of Riverine Floods cannot be ruled out keeping in

view the continuous heavy snowfall in the upper parts of Country and the
Advisory issued by Federal Flood Commission which states that „Monsoon
season appears to be more critical as the levels of reservoirs at present
are increasing’. The inflow is likely to increase due to snow melting and rainfall
in upper parts of Country, Moreover a monsoon weather system over the upper
catchment area of major rivers may create alarming situation. Keeping in view,
the unusually high temperature being experienced in pre-monsoon time, the
possibility of riverine floods is being anticipated by Sindh.

Therefore, the caseload is primarily based on anticipated migration from

Katcha area / flood plan.


The consecutive Monsoon Disasters in the last five years in Sindh set a
trend for future contingency planning. The historical evidence shows that
Monsoons have affected the whole Province, thus calling for the worst case
scenario to be based on a combination of very heavy rains in upper and lower
catchment areas, High releases of water from Dams coupled with cloud burst
over hills and cities. Such a scenario can never be ruled out and the population
affected could be 15 – 20% of the total population of the province, spanning
almost all the districts of Sindh.

Draft Provincial Monsoon Contingency Plan 2015, PDMA Sindh



Larkana Division is prone to both the

Riverine and the Flash floods, 2 out of its 5
Districts .i.e Jacobabad and Kamber
Shahdatkot are highly prone to Flash floods
due to water gushing from hill torrents of
Baluchistan, whereas Larkana, Kashmore
and Shikarpur are prone to Riverine floods.
Fig. 3 Map of Larkana
The plan anticipates the likely caseload
District Likely
based on the population to be possibly
Larkana 11,072
affected due to riverine flood. Population of
Kashmore 10,314
approximately 31,743 families
Shikarpur 10,357
(approximately 4,535 household) is
anticipated under threat in such case Total 31,743

scenario of Larkana Division.

Early warning system has been specified and safe evacuation sites have
been identified along with evacuation plans for vulnerable districts in
accordance with their vulnerability. Moreover, an elaborated coordination
mechanism has been worked out in which the roles and responsibilities of
government departments/ offices have been sharply identified at length. A
number of committees have also been constituted at each district level.

Preparations are based on the worst case scenario in the light of the trend,
experiences and lessons learnt from unprecedented floods and rains witnessed
in the recent past, and which cannot be anticipated a’ prior.

Draft Provincial Monsoon Contingency Plan 2015, PDMA Sindh


The entire Sukkur Division is prone to Riverine

Floods. All three Districts of the Division are
highly prone to Riverine floods.

The plan anticipates the likely caseload based

on the population to be possibly affected due to
riverine flood. Population of approximately
42,770 families (approximately 7128 household)
is anticipated in the likely case scenario of
Sukkur Division Fig. 4 Map of Sukkur


Early warning system has been specified and safe evacuation sites have been
identified along with evacuation plans for District Likely
vulnerable Districts in accordance with Sukkur 15,263
their vulnerability scale. An elaborate Khairpur 14,236
coordination mechanism has been put in Ghotki 13,271
place and the roles and responsibilities of Total 42,770
Government Departments/ Offices have been identified in detail. Various
committees have also been constituted at the District level.

Preparations are based on the basis of the worst case scenario in the light of
experiences and lessons learnt from the Floods and Rains witnessed in the past,
and which cannot be anticipated a’ prior.

Draft Provincial Monsoon Contingency Plan 2015, PDMA Sindh


The Hyderabad Division is prone to multiple

monsoon hazards i.e riverine, flash, urban and
the LBOD floods.

The plan anticipates the likely caseload based

on the population to be possibly affected due
to riverine flood. A total of approximately
84,497 families (approximately 14083
household) is anticipated to be affected in the
likely case scenario of Hyderabad Division

Early warning system has been specified and

safe evacuation sites have been identified;
evacuation plans for vulnerable districts have District Likely
been drawn in accordance with their Hyderabad 7,571
Dadu 8,409
vulnerability levels. Moreover, an elaborate Jamshoro 16,325
coordination mechanism has been laid out in Matiari 15,362
Thatta 17,806
which roles and responsibilities of the
T.M Khan 5,249
Government Departments/ Offices have been
Sujjawal 13,776
identified in detail. A number of pertinent Total 84,497
committees have also been constituted at each district level.

Preparations are based on the worst case scenario in the light of experiences
and lessons learnt from the Floods and heavy monsoon rainfalls witnessed in the
recent past and which cannot be anticipated prior.

Draft Provincial Monsoon Contingency Plan 2015, PDMA Sindh


The Shaheed Benazirabad is a newly

established administrative division. It
comprises of three districts i.e Shaheed
Benazirabad, Sanghar and Naushehro Feroze

Shaheed Benazirabad and Naushehro Feroze

districts are prone to riverine flooding, while
the Sanghar district is prone to LBOD Flooding.

The plan anticipates the likely caseload based on the population to be possibly
affected due to riverine flood. Population of
District Likely
approximately 26,309 families
(approximately 4,385 household) is 10,209
anticipated in the likely case scenario of N. Feroze 16,100
Shaheed Benazirabad Division.
Total 26,309

Early warning system has been specified and safe evacuation sites have been
identified along with evacuation plans for vulnerable districts in accordance with
the scale and extent of their vulnerability. Moreover, an elaborate coordination
mechanism has been worked out in which roles and responsibilities of
concerned Government Departments/ Offices have been identified in detail.
Various committees have also been constituted at each District level.

Preparations are based on the worst case scenario and in the light of
experiences and lessons learnt from floods and Heavy Monsoon Rainfalls during
the last few years.

Draft Provincial Monsoon Contingency Plan 2015, PDMA Sindh


Fig. 9 Caseload in Likely Scenario


Preparedness measures have been made/ carried out in the light of

following observations:-
 Possibility of rain induced emergencies, especially due to hill torrents from
Koh-e-Suleman and Khithar range cannot be ruled out.
 Level of preparedness of flood protection structure, as indicated by
Irrigation Department has improved manifolds.
 Level of preparedness of Disaster Management Authorities, especially of
Districts that are vulnerable to floods, have been enhanced through
capacity building programs.
 Division / Districts are expected to meet the needs of their respective
caseloads for the likely scenario from within their own resources. PDMA
and other agencies will augment generating additional resources in case
the magnitude of disasters exceeds the local capacities / capabilities.

Draft Provincial Monsoon Contingency Plan 2015, PDMA Sindh

 The contingency planning will cater for the humanitarian needs of the
affected population for four weeks i.e; the time required for mobilizing
additional resources, if needed.
 The preparatory measures on DRR undertaken so far are likely to
considerably reduce / mitigate the likelihood of floods and their adverse


The gap for Relief has been calculated on the basis of Relief Stores
available with PDMA on the onset of Monsoon 2015. Following relief stores will
be available with PDMA.


Caseload: 30,886 (Households, 7 % of Total caseload)

Items Available Need Gap

Shelters/ Tents (with Relief
Department 3750)
Total: 29090 30886 1796

2 Plastic Sheets 8,000

3 Mosquito Nets 123,464 3664
(with Relief
4 Blankets 123,464 37634
Department 20000)
Total: 85830
5 30,000 30866 866

6 Solar LEDs 20,102 30866 10,764

For one family (one tent, one kitchen, one water purifier , one mosquito
replant , four blankets, four mosquito nets, (for winter)

Table 9 Need & Gap in Likely Caseload Scenario

Draft Provincial Monsoon Contingency Plan 2015, PDMA Sindh

Inventory of stocks available with PDMA and the other relief items / heavy
machinery, earth moving equipment held by Districts Administrations are at
Annex- B and C respectively. PDMA Sindh has already prepositioned the flood
relief equipments at the disposal of District Administration, the details of which
are attached at Annex-D


Respective DDMAs, backed by PDMA would be the first responders in case of a

flood situation.

 Early warning of approaching weather system will be provided by PMD/

FFD and communicated to all concerned by DDMAs. DDMAs are
expected to translate weather forecasts and flood warnings into usable
early warning for vulnerable communities and ensure its timely
dissemination to all concerned.

 In case there is continuous rise in river water level, the people residing in
Katcha Areas will be evacuated to the safer places, which is estimated to
be 2.6 million. The details are at Annex – E.

 Population under threat will be evacuated by DDMAs as per prepared


 DDMAs would be responsible for provision of search and rescue, medical

and emergency responses.

 Camps will be established at pre-selected sites by DDMAs.

 All Divisions / Districts will, and must, be ready to handle the initial
caseloads within their own mechanism and resources.

 DDMAs will be responsible for effective and transparent relief distribution

including relief provided by PDMA, NDMA and other Humanitarian

 All stakeholders will take necessary actions to facilitate early recovery and
rehabilitation of affected population.

 In case the districts fall short of meeting the humanitarian needs, PDMA
will assist by making available the required stocks. In case the disaster
stretches beyond the capacities of the provincial government, NDMA will

Draft Provincial Monsoon Contingency Plan 2015, PDMA Sindh

be requested to make available the additional stocks from the national

reserves prepositioned across the Country.

 If and when required, the Armed Forces may be requested for assistance
by PDMA Sindh, particularly for rescue, evacuation and emergency relief
phases. To start this roll-out, the concerned DDMAs will have to submit
the request to PDMA for assistance of the armed forces in aid of civil

 Special requirements of the Aviation / Naval support by any agency will be

coordinated by PDMA.

 Resources of Government Departments and Agencies such as, Pakistan

Red Crescent Society and domestic philanthropic outlays will be
requisitioned, if the intensity of the situation so entails for prompt and
effective response.

 Facilitation for the Armed Forces by pre-identifying the living quarters for
the troops and provision of their transportation within district.

Draft Provincial Monsoon Contingency Plan 2015, PDMA Sindh



PDMA will coordinate with key National Stakeholders including PMD,

FFC, Armed Forces, Federal Agencies, DDMAs and Line Departments for
management of the entire spectrum of Provincial Disaster Response. System of
coordination of PDMA is depicted below:-



The ministry is responsible for the overall flood management and impact
mitigation efforts through its attached departments (FFC, WAPDA, PCIW and
IRSA). The Ministry deals with monitoring of preventive and preparedness
measures as well as resource allocation for the protection works.

Federal Flood Commission implements all the Flood Risk Mitigation Projects
which include flood protection works and flood forecasting/ warning system
improvements. As part of preparedness measures for Monsoon Season 2015,
FFC has undertaken the following:-

o Countrywide monitoring of flood works.

o Comprehensive Flood Management Plan for 10 years initiated.
o In case of Exceptionally High Floods, parts of the discharges are
managed by breaching the bunds on the pre-determined sites for
safety of the main Hydraulic Structures (Bridges & Barrages) and
main cities.


WAPDA reinforces floods impact mitigation through operational

management of major water reservoirs i.e; Tarbela Dam, Mangla Dam and

Draft Provincial Monsoon Contingency Plan 2015, PDMA Sindh

Chashma Barrage. It strengthens national flood early warning system through

deployment of flood telemetry system.


IRSA defines the dam/water storage and release policy as part of its
mandate during the Rabi and Kharif season.


It undertakes implementation of flood protection works, monitors the flow

in flood prone rivers and water channels, reinforces floods early warning and
executes technical responses, O&M of existing flood protection infrastructure
besides restoration and repair of damaged flood protection works.



PMD has a broad mandate of supporting agro-based economic activities,

air and maritime traffic safety, disaster mitigation efforts and disseminating
weather forecast to numerous end users. PMD will ensure the following during
monsoon season:

 Inform public on the weather forecast and issue warning in case of

potential threat.

 Collect rain data on a regular basis, consolidate and share it with all

 Disseminate flood information to the NDMA/ PDMA on a daily basis

during flood season.

 Share weather forecasts and early warning information with NDMA, F/G/S
PDMAs, and the Media on a regular basis in the monsoon period.

Draft Provincial Monsoon Contingency Plan 2015, PDMA Sindh

 Coordinate with FFC, FWC, WPADA, PCIW, FFD, and SUPARCO in the
Monsoon period to generate flood warning where wanted.


FFD is an affiliated organization of PMD. It disseminates flood early

warning and river flow updates to relevant National, Provincial and District
Governments and National Response Agencies, especially in the context of
Monsoon Season.



SUPARCO deploys its satellite imagery capacities for disaster impact

mitigation and also for early warning of disaster occurrence and trends
monitoring. SUPARCO will play the following role during monsoon season:-

o Provide remote sensing and satellite maps before and during disasters in
order to show their impact.

o Provide remote sensing and satellite maps for hazard risk zones to enable
relevant agencies to take measures for minimizing damage to population
and property.

o Assist post-disaster damage assessment.



 National Emergency Operation Center (NEOC) is activated in NDMA,

Islamabad for monitoring of the situation and coordination of possible
response during monsoon season 2015 on 24/7 basis. The NEOC will be
manned round-the-clock by a Duty Officer who functions under the overall
supervision of Director (Response), NDMA.

 Coordinates emergency response of the Federal Government in the event

of a National level Disaster through the NEOC.

Draft Provincial Monsoon Contingency Plan 2015, PDMA Sindh

 Require any Government Department or Agency to make available such

staff or resource that are available for the purpose of emergency
response, rescue and relief.

 Organize initial and subsequent assessment of disaster affected areas

and determine the extent of loss/damage and volume of relief required.

 Coordinate and inform all concerned Department to get prepared for

emergency response.

 Coordinate with Armed Forces, INGOs, UN Bodies and Philanthropist

Organizations for resource mobilization.

 Mobilize and deploy resources e.g. search and rescue medical teams in
the affected areas.

 Supply of food, water, medical supplies and NFIs to the affected


 Prepare a transition plan from relief to recovery program.


The Armed Forces mobilize and deploy resources when called upon by
District / Provincial / National DMAs and provide assistance in Search and
Rescue, Evacuation, Camps Establishment and Management, provision and
distribution of relief to the affected populations and provision of emergency
medical services. The flood control centers have been be established at
Pakistan from 15th June, 2015. Army, Pakistan Navy and Pakistan Air Force,
which will also share information on resource deployment and flood
management with respective PDMAs/ NDMA on daily basis. The summary of
flood relief equipment of Government of Sindh available with HQ Corps 5,
Pakistan Navy and COMCOAST is at Annex- H and H1 respectively.


Pakistan Coast Guards augment coastal search & rescue and relief
operations on required basis.

Draft Provincial Monsoon Contingency Plan 2015, PDMA Sindh


ERC maintains stocks of emergency relief stores and is mandated to

compliment National efforts in the area of relief besides coordinating
disbursement of compensation for losses on such occasions at federal level.
ERC has the 6th Aviation Squadron for rescue and relief operations.


NHA is responsible for building and maintaining highways and motorways

in Pakistan. It ensures road access during monsoon season.


Pakistan Railways is an important organ which ensures access during

monsoon season. To deal with a possible flood Situation, Flood Emergency
Centers will be established as usual in seven (7) operating Divisions of Pakistan
Railways (Peshawar, Rawalpindi, Lahore, Multan, Sukkur, Quetta and Karachi).


PTA will ensure coordination between PDMA and Mobile Service
providers for dissemination of early warring SMS for vulnerable community.




 DG PDMA in consultation with Chief Secretary Sindh will be responsible
for response & relief operations. Director General PDMA on his behalf will
head a Composite Team (comprising representatives of Lead Agencies/

Draft Provincial Monsoon Contingency Plan 2015, PDMA Sindh

Departments and focal persons of support organizations) to coordinate

response & relief operations.
 Provincial Emergency Operation Centre has been made operational
during the 2nd week of July 2015,(from 15th July 2015), so as, to make all
arrangements for receiving forecast data from PMD and its dissemination.
 The PEOC will be functional till the termination of monsoon season /
 The PEOC shall receive and transmit flood/ water level information thrice
in flood season and on hourly basis during emergency.
 Identification of available resources i.e. machinery, tents etc., and Gaps.
 Contingency planning as to identify role of each stakeholder during
 Ensuring coordination between line departments & other stakeholders for
any emergency, through workshops, trainings tec.
 Assisting DDMAs in provisions of adequate required resources for
monsoon season.
 An inventory of NGOs working in these areas will be prepared prior to the
crisis, in order to mobilize them quickly in case of emergency.


 The coordination and collection of information and resources to support

disaster/emergency incident management activities.
 The PEOC will be a central coordination, command and control facility
responsible for carrying out emergency preparedness and emergency
management functions at a strategic level in an emergency situation, and
ensuring the continuity of response operations.
 Boats , Tents, kitchen sets and rescue equipments is being procured.
 The PDMA will arrange the transportation of food and other relief items to
the Flood Displaced Persons (FDP) for further distribution. District
Administration will be requested to distribute the relief goods.

Draft Provincial Monsoon Contingency Plan 2015, PDMA Sindh

 PDMA shall undertake need based coordination with all UN agencies and
other humanitarian partners to fill in the response and relief gaps before,
during and after floods.
 PDMA has coordination with all UN agencies and humanitarian partners
to maintain a stock (food and NFI including shelter).
 Prepare daily situation reports and circulate to all concerned as per
Annex- G and G1 respectively.


 The PDMA in collaboration with partners will have to closely monitor the
situation on regular basis. Logistic arrangement should be done in
advance keeping in view the positions available in the case of crises. An
initial rapid assessment will be carried out to identify the areas and
targeted beneficiaries.
 Continue with relief and early recovery operation till affected people are
settled back to their original abode and economic activity is resumed.


 DDMAs shall activate District Emergency Operation Centers (DEOCs)

 In the event of a disaster, organize emergency response through the
District Emergency Operation Center (DEOc)
 Setup early warning mechanisms and dissemination of proper information
to public, prepare district level response, plans and guidelines, establish
stockpiles of relief and rescue material; provide information to PDMA on
different aspects of Disaster Management.
 Inform / update PDMA regarding the overall situation.
 Organize evacuation on priority basis.
 Conduct initial and subsequent assessment of disaster affected areas and
determine the extent of loss and damage.
 Collect information on damage status and promptly plan for the resources
requirement for relief operation and share it with the PDMA.

Draft Provincial Monsoon Contingency Plan 2015, PDMA Sindh

 Provide food, drinking water, medical supplies and NFIs to the affected
 Preferably set up tent cities/ relief camps on open land and provide relief
to the affectees in camps (Annex-F).
 Coordinate with PDMAs to deploy resources for emergency response.
 Mobilize community volunteer groups and civil defence for emergency
 Forward timely situation reports (SITREP) on daily basis to PDMA for its
timely dissemination to concerned quarters.
 Ensure registration of all relocated population in the camps and overall
affected population on gender segregated basis.
 Prioritize vulnerable segments of society in their relief operations.
 Facilitate early return of relocated population and help in restoring their




 Establishment of Flood Control Centers.

 Liaison with armed forces and civil administration.

 Clearance of bunds and normal maintenance etc.

 Soaking arrangement along bunds is made by pumping water from river

into wetting channels.

 Stock piling of Abkalani Materials along bunds.

 Stock piling of stone boulders at erosion sites.

 Construction of Katcha Landhis along bunds for patrolling staff.

 Engagement of patrolling staff.

 Round the clock patrolling by staff to check occurrence of leak etc.

Draft Provincial Monsoon Contingency Plan 2015, PDMA Sindh

 Deployment of heavy machinery viz. dozers, excavators etc. at

vulnerable sites.

 Making wireless communication arrangements (Departmental).

 Lighting arrangements at vulnerable sites.

 Arrangement of transportation for department’s officers and supervisory


 Irrigation department may furnish the certificate that all zamindari bunds
have been removed.

 Pre-Identification of the breaching points.

 Collaboration with relevant organizations/partner NGOs.
 Immediate activation of machinery and equipment.
 Mobilize the human resource and material for intervention.

Post Disaster
 Rehabilitation of bunds.
 Assessment of damages of affected infrastructure of Bunds , culverts etc.



 Provide specific information required regarding precautions for epidemics

 Establish a health mobile team in district & town headquarter hospital
 Setup an Information Center to collect and share information amongst
relevant stakeholders.
 Collaboration with relevant organizations/partner NGOs.
 Stocking of life saving drugs and vaccines.

Draft Provincial Monsoon Contingency Plan 2015, PDMA Sindh


 Providing emergency treatment to the affected

 Provision of First-aid & water testing kits, chloramines and anti-snake
venom serum & other emergency support
 Deployment of mobile medical teams & health staff
 Collaboration with all relevant stake holders
Post Disaster

 Establishment of medical camps, vaccination, ensuring safe food & water

in camps
 Conduct impact assessment on health, intervene to stop outbreak of
 Rehabilitation of health infrastructure


 Prepare vulnerability and risk analysis of rural population at Union Council

level prepare contingency plan for protection of rural population.
 Local Government Department to ensure the cleaning of the chocked
water drainage system and de-silting of nallas.


 Mobilize Man power to protect life and property of affected population and
support to PDMA and other agencies involved in search, rescue and
rehabilitation efforts.
 Mobilize the human resource and machinery for intervention.
Post Disaster

 Support PDMA and other agencies involved in relief measures.

Draft Provincial Monsoon Contingency Plan 2015, PDMA Sindh



 Providing the necessary information, training to teachers & students

regarding disasters with tips to save their families & themselves during
 In collaboration with Civil Defence and Boy Scouts / Girl Guides
Associations, to gear up the volunteers force.
 Educate students about Health care Precautions


 Mobilize the human resources for intervention during disaster

 Arrangement for evacuees to setup relief & temporary shelter camps
 Deployment of volunteers for camp management & emergency support


 Assessment of damages & needs of affected educational institutes

 Rehabilitation of affected educational institutes
 Continuing Education of children at camps and helping them to recover
from shock by providing toys etc.


 Assessment of high risk prone areas and estimation of possible damage
 Create community Seed Bank at UC level
 Regular surveillance of Irrigation water supplies
 Close coordination with Meteorological Department & other stakeholders
for weather information.

Draft Provincial Monsoon Contingency Plan 2015, PDMA Sindh

 Testing, functioning and pre-positioning the available machinery.


 Immediate mass awareness and update of situation

 Arrangements for relief & temporary shelter camps in canal rest houses
 Vigilance for protection of Agriculture crops.
 Immediate activation of machinery and equipment.


 Assessment of damages & needs of affected crop area and submit to

 Assistance in repair & rehabilitation of Irrigation Systems.
 Timely compensation to affected farmers
 Mass awareness campaigns regarding epidemics & diseases to crops
 Inform the affected population regarding the land use and crop
management on damaged / devastated areas.



 Estimation of possible damage

 Mass Awareness regarding precautions
 Close coordination with Agriculture, Irrigation, Meteorological Department
& other stakeholders.
 Vaccination of livestock.
 Stocking of fodder and vaccines.

Draft Provincial Monsoon Contingency Plan 2015, PDMA Sindh


 Update local communities of ongoing situation.

 Provide livestock vaccination
 Arrangements for relief & transportation of livestock.
 Provision of fodder for livestock in affected area.


 Assessment & submission of damages & need of affected livestock to

 Timely compensation to affected livestock owners
 Mass awareness campaign regarding epidemics & diseases to livestock



 Gathering statistical data regarding possible damages & recovery needs

from all relevant departments
 Plan & identify potential resources
 Facilitation to other department in planning


 Prepare materials and equipments for emergency response

 Deployment teams to distribute fuels to the affected areas


 Gathering statistical data regarding actual damaged & recovery needs

from all relevant departments

Draft Provincial Monsoon Contingency Plan 2015, PDMA Sindh

 Plan & Identify potential resources

 Facilitation other departments in planning and execution of rehabilitation
in cost effective manner
 Coordinate with all line departments



 Assessment of high risk prone areas and estimation of possible damage

and needs for recovery.
 Arrangement of financial resources.
 Identification of high grounds for establishment of tent cities.

 Establish relief distribution centers and accept relief donation/ relief

 Request assistance from DEOC and coordinating in timely release of
funds and submitting financial reports of DEOC


 Assessment of damages of Industrial/ Business, Crops and Livestock and

Settlement of applicable taxes accordingly
 Support PDMA in conduct of authentic damage assessment and
compensation need.



 Information dissemination through "15 helpline Service" to local residents

Draft Provincial Monsoon Contingency Plan 2015, PDMA Sindh

 Prepare Contingency Plan, Teams & their training for emergency

 Deploying and giving security cover to government agencies which are
working / preparing for the monsoon season in areas where Law and
Order situations may emerge.


 Rescuing affected, shifting, to hospitals and corpse disposal

 Providing easy access & security to rescue & relief teams.
 Maintain law & order and divert traffic on alternative safe routes as and
when necessary.
 Maintaining Law and Order and provide security to relief stock piles and

 Ensure security to workers of NGOs/INGOs
 Provide security in Un-safe areas
 Facilitation to institutions/NGOs/INGOs which focus on rehabilitation



 Information sharing regarding technical and personnel expertise with

 Conduct training for volunteers in first aid & other activities
 Effectively train & mobilize volunteers and initiate mass awareness
regarding necessary first aid-rescue activities


 Deployment of volunteers at the disposal of DDMA for Rescue,

Evacuation and initiated basic first aid.

Draft Provincial Monsoon Contingency Plan 2015, PDMA Sindh

 Communicate to DEO any additional resources required for performing

Rescue and Evacuation Activities
 Taking precautionary measures to stop Fire-incidents in camps and
perform Fire fighting in emergency.
 Management of relief camps where required.


 Identify gaps, make future plan to overcome weaknesses

 Assisting District Administration and other Line Departments in
Rehabilitation works



 Review past experiences and arrange for fund availability to be placed at

the disposal of PDMA, DDMAs and other concerned agencies.


 Review the need of provision of fund and make timely releases.


 Review the situation and arrange fund for early recovery, rehabilitation
and reconstruction

Draft Provincial Monsoon Contingency Plan 2015, PDMA Sindh


 All the departments shall immediately prepare a comprehensive and up-to-

date Contingency Plan for combating expected heavy rains and carrying out
the Rescue and Relief work including the details of available staff, vehicles,
machinery equipments and other resource in close coordination with PDMA,
These all must be kept ready to mobilize / use to combat any emergency
during the Monsoon season 2015.

 The Deputy Commissioners shall keep close liaison with all departments like
Local Government, Health, Agriculture, Civil Defence, Irrigation, Works &
Services, Education & Literacy, Police & other Law enforcement Agencies.

 The Deputy Commissioners shall hold Meetings on regular basis with

concerned departments and minutes shall be shared with other Divisional
Commissioners and the PDMA.

 If there is likelihood of heavy rains and flood emergency would be declared in

the District and all Government functionaries and NGOs would be kept on
high alert.

 Control Rooms would be established at District and Taluka level in the offices
of the Deputy Commissioners. Assistant Commissioner, Mukhtiarkars
(Revenue) and line departments during the Rain/Flood emergency. These
Control rooms shall function round the Clock.

 The Deputy Commissioners shall ensure activation of Central District Control

Rooms and already established control rooms at each Mukhtiarkar
(Revenue) Offices, under the supervision of Assistant Commissioner

 The Executive Engineers Irrigation will establish round the clock control
rooms in their offices for liaison with all concerned and activate the
contingency Plan of the department.

Draft Provincial Monsoon Contingency Plan 2015, PDMA Sindh

 The Executive Engineers Irrigation to identify the vulnerable points of the

LBOD Sim-Nalahs / and other irrigation canals and intimate PDMA before
30th June. They will be in touch with PDMA and the Meteorological
Department and inform the concerned
agencies about any developing emergency scenario.

 The Executive Engineers Irrigation to make special arrangements for

watch-&-ward and patrolling of vulnerable points and ensure that
embankments remain in stable condition.

 Immediate arrangements for all requisite machinery, sand bags and other
material to be used for strengthening of embankments of canals and plugging
breach shall be ensured and availability of communication network must be
made at all vulnerable points.

 The Executive Engineers Irrigation / LBOD shall ensure regular, timely and
proper de-silting of all canals, distributaries, drains, sub-drains and submit
a certificate to the effect to his higher authorities with an information copy
to PDMA.

 The Deputy Commissioners shall ensure preparedness at proposed relief

camps and also ensure immediate evacuation of people residing in low-lying
areas to safer place/ relief camps, if and when so required. They shall also
make immediate arrangements for the availability of sufficient quantity of
relief Material like food, blankets, tents- plastic sheets etc.

 The Deputy Commissioners shall constitute Supervisory Committees for

relief works at district level.

 The Deputy Commissioner must ensure that special attention is given to the
disabled / vulnerable people and women and children and extra ordinary
measures are taken for such purpose.

Draft Provincial Monsoon Contingency Plan 2015, PDMA Sindh

 The Deputy Commissioner shall nominate the Assistant Commissioner as

focal persons to coordinate with the Taluka and Town level local councils for
drainage of accumulated rain water during monsoon season-2015.

 ln case of the highest degree of emergency, Pakistan Army may be

requested for helping the district Administration in rescue and relief

 The Deputy Commissioners shall ensure mobilization of the NGOs and

business community in the rescue and relief activities in case of emergency
and shall depute volunteers on different emergency tasks.

 The Assistant Commissioners of the sub-division/ Taluka shall be focal

persons in Talukas for the entire operations of rescue and relief.

 The Assistant Commissioners must ensure the respective arrangements for

tractor trolleys and manpower in coordination with Civil Defence, Boy Scouts
Association and Police Department if needed and mobilize the village staff in
the pre-and-post emergency work.

 The Assistant Commissioners shall ensure proper distribution of relief

material among the actual needy persons.

 The Executive Engineer Drainage Division (LBOD), Irrigation Department

shall ensure availability of bulldozers, excavators and earthmoving machines
in sufficient number .and in proper working and ready to use condition in
case of emergency.

 The Director Agriculture shall make arrangement for protection of standing

crops from damages and diseases that may be caused from the stagnant
rainwater in the fields.

Draft Provincial Monsoon Contingency Plan 2015, PDMA Sindh

 The Director Agriculture shall manage required machinery from mechanical

wing and must have the inventory of such machinery and equipment.

 The District Officer, Animal Husbandry Livestock and his staff shall ensure
safety of livestock from flood diseases and losses and Veterinary
Officers shall ensure regular and timely vaccination of cattle in the districts.

 The District Officer shall make all necessary arrangements for fodder for the
livestock to be shifted from marooned areas.

 The Deputy Controller, Civil Defence shall ensure the enrolment of

volunteers as early as possible in order to avoid any chaotic situation during

 The Deputy Controller, Civil Defence remain continuously updated on

weather forecast reports with Meteorological departments and will make
arrangements for warnings in emergency situation through sirens,
loudspeakers and the media at Taluka and village level.

 The Deputy Controller, Civil Defence shall ensure presence of the Razakars /
volunteers and scouts for rain relief and rescue activities in case of any

 The Deputy Director Food shall ensure availability of sufficient

stock of wheat and other grains and shall coordinate with Deputy
Commissioners for supply of ration/ food grains from local Food Grains
dealers in case of need.

 The Deputy Director Food will also ensure that no stocks of government
wheat, placed at depots, are damaged due to water accumulation, fire or

 The Executive Engineer K-Electric / HESCO / SEPCO, shall ensure that no

Draft Provincial Monsoon Contingency Plan 2015, PDMA Sindh

case of electrocution occurs due to negligence of their respective

departments and no loose wires are suspended from the electric poles.

 In case of any breaking of live electric wires immediate steps shall be taken
for repair and regular inspection of transformers shall be ensured.

 The Divisional Engineer Telephone shall ensure full function-ability of

telephones all over the district and provide assistance to all departments on
demand at the, time of need.

 The Zonal Manager Sui-Southern Gas Company shall ensure continuous

supply of gas and proper safety of gas lines throughout its network in the
districts of his division. He shall ensure immediate repair work in case of any
damage to the gas lines.

 The Regional Director, Information shall keep close liaison with all control
rooms of the division to provide correct and exact information to media
regarding emergency.

 The Regional Director, shall also arrange briefings about the latest situation
in case of emergency.

 The Red Crescent Society and other welfare associations and NGOs of the
district shall provide food packets and other required material to the affected
persons in relief camps in case of emergency.

 The Executive Engineer, Provincial. Highways department shall make proper

arrangement for lifting of trees fallen due to heavy rain and gusty winds from
the main Highways / Roads.
 The in-charge Utility Stores Corporation shall ensure the availability of
sufficient stock of edible items in case of need as and wherein required.

 The Revenue Department shall also conduct the survey of any loss of life
houses, cattle, standing crops and other infrastructure after the

Draft Provincial Monsoon Contingency Plan 2015, PDMA Sindh

rains / floods-2015.


The list of important contact numbers is annexed at I.

DDMA District Disaster Management Authority
DRR Disaster Risk Reduction
DEOC District Emergency Operation Center
DMA Disaster Management Authority
ERC Emergency Relief Cell
FDP Flood Displaced Person
FFC Federal Flood Commission
FFD Flood Forecasting Division
FFT Flood Forecasting Telemetry System.
GHQ Army General Headquarters
HH Households
INGO International Non-Governmental Organization
LBOD Left Bank Outfall Drain
MIRA Multi Cluster Initial Rapid Assessment
NDMA National Disaster Management Authority
NGO Non-Governmental Organization
NHA National Highways Authority
NHEPRN National Health Emergency Preparedness and Response Network
OCHA UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
O&M Operations and Maintenance
PDMA Provincial Disaster Management Authority
PEOC Provincial Emergency Operations Center
PMD Pakistan Meteorological Department
PRCS Pakistan Red Crescent Society
RBOD Right Bank Outfall Drain
SASCOF South Asian Climate Outlook Forum
SITREP Situation Report
SUPARCO Space and Upper Atmosphere Research Commission
SOPs Standard Operating Procedures
UN United Nations
UNICEF UN Children’s Fund
USAR Urban Search and Rescue Team
Wash Water, Sanitation and Hygiene
WHO World Health Organization
WMO World Meteorological Organization
Annex – A

Houses Houses People Villages

Year Deaths Injured
Destroyed Damaged Affected
Cattle Lost

2013 47 43 14095 21400 534834 88 3068

2012 280 3687 116849 247851 3088970 849 12915

2011 462 756 608579 694519 8634995 104277 36008

2010 475 837 372089 245872 8065846 398769 13649

2008 40 29 3583 13026 0 219 0

2006 162 0 0 113475 1570881 5 95

2003 407 235 0 246464 831157 3618 3243

1995 114 0 21189 0 504455 1397 823

1994 264 0 129387 355554 690035 6090 7894

1992 232 0 239238 269085 0 66512 0

1988 8 0 0 16445 175000 25 1


De- Solar Rescue Life LSEs Generators

Mosquito Plastic Jerry Water
Tents Blanket watering LED Boats Jacket Set
Nets Sheets Can Tank

Held 25,340 119,800 8,000 65,830 9,000 46 73 20,102 95 90 -- --

Projected 2000
-- -- -- -- -- 200 25 5,000 75 -- 10

Water Water Kitchen Sleeping Spray Exercise Bed Sheets Mosquito Portable Hygiene Kits
Filter Purifying Sets Bag Pumps Books Repellent Latrines
Unit filters

Held 01 25000 178 24 Ctn 08 27 Ctn 55 ctn 30000 -- --

Projected 25,000
-- -- 25,000 -- -- -- -- -- 200


Division Vehicles/
Bulldozers/ De-Watering Fire Engine/ Tractors
Dumpers Excavator Boats Ambulances Buses/
Dozer Pumps Tender Trolleys
Trucks /Vans
Sukkur 24 6 9 99 11 9 19 (+40 38 73
Larkana 29 Nil 5 30 52 (52Private) 109 33
07 1 0 285 28 59 23 37 13
Mirpurkhas 02 0 0 107 28 35 6 33 103
Hyderabad 26 20 24 418 33 69 23 (+25 126 222

0 9 0 204 03 03 0 02 33
Clifton, Khi
0 0 0 04 0 01 0 01 02
Faisal, Khi
Irrigation 19 20 82 - - - - - -
W&S - 02 - - - - - - -
Agriculture 92 - - - - - - - -

Total 199 58 120 1117 133 228 188 346 479




Sr. District Tents Mosquito Mosquito Boats

(Nos.) Nets Repellent(Ctn)
01. Kashmore 1,000 4,000 25 Ctn (1x40) 02
02. Ghotki 1,000 4,000 25 Ctn (1x40) 02
03. Shikarpur 1,000 4,000 25 Ctn (1x40) 02
04. Sukkur 1,000 4,000 25 Ctn (1x40) 02
05. Khairpur 1,000 4,000 25 Ctn (1x40) 02
06. Larkana 1,000 4,000 25 Ctn (1x40) 02
07. NaushehroFeroze 1,000 4,000 25 Ctn (1x40) 02
08. Dadu 1,000 4,000 25 Ctn (1x40) 02
Shaheed 02
09. 1,000 4,000 25 Ctn (1x40)
10. Matiari 1,000 4,000 25 Ctn (1x40) 02
11. Hyderabad 1,000 4,000 25 Ctn (1x40) 02
12. T.M. Khan 1,000 4,000 25 Ctn (1x40) 02
13. Thatta 1,000 4,000 25 Ctn (1x40) 02
14. Jamshoro 1,000 4,000 25 Ctn (1x40) 02
15 Sujawal 1,000 4,000 25 Ctn (1x40) 02
16 Jacobabad 500 4,000 15 Ctn (1x40) 02

Kamber@ 02
17 500 4,000 15 Ctn (1x40)
18 Jamshoro 500 2,000 15 Ctn (1x40)

Total: 16500 68,000 420 Ctn 34

* District Thatta, Sujawal and Hyderabad, tents shall be provided by relief department.
Estimated Population at Risk in Katcha Areas of Sindh; Sep 9, 2014

District At Risk Pop

Kashmore 147,340
Ghotki 189,586
Sukkur 218,049
Shikarpur 147,964
Khairpur 203,366
Larkana 158,174
Dadu 120,126
Jamshoro 233,212
Tando Muhammad Khan 74,985
ShaheedBenazirabad 145,843
NaushahroFeroze 229,998
Matiari 219,456
Thatta 254,365
Sujawal 196,800
Hyderabad 108,155

Total 2,647,419
S.No District Taluka Vulnerable Union Councils At-Risk Population in Katcha Areas

1. Kashmore Kandhkot Dari (Ghouspur) 17404

147,340 Haibat 18963
Kashmore Gublo 16440
Badani 18494
Gihalpur 20167
Sodhi 20383
Kashmore Colony-1 20239
Khewali 15250

2. Ghotki Ghotki HussainBeli 18775

189,586 Kadirpur 26993
Bagodeho 21246
Ruk 17346
Ubauro Ranwat 30791
Langho 23534
WastiJiwan Shah 25364
Khambra 25537

3. Sukkur New Sukkur Bagerji 15551

218,049 Arain 15431
Tamachani 12,240
PanoAqil Sadhuja 18014
Nauraja 19215
Sangi 21364
Hingoro 15875
Rohri Ali Wahan 16115
Arore 18620
Panhwar 24009
LoungBhatti 22567
Patni 19048

4. Shikarpur Khanpur GarhiThegho 19930

147,964 MehmoodaBagh 19742
Lakhi Sehwani 18759
Chak 17746
Lakhi 16117
Jehan Khan 11056
GarhiYasin Mirzapur 15850
Amrote 16447
JindoDero 12317
S.No District Taluka Vulnerable Union Councils At-Risk Population in Katcha Areas

5. Khairpur Sobodhero Sagyoon 21580

203,366 Pir Hayat Shah 19438
Gambat Agra 21479
Ripri 15289
Beharlo 19045
Khemat 14138
Kingri Hadal Shah 21649
Priyalo 24358
Kot Mir Muha 21956
Khairpur Baberilo 24434

6. Larkana Ratodero Bahman 23196

158,174 Banguldero 24106
Larkana Akil 22178
Phul 23098
Bakrani Purano Abad 20956
Dokri Bagi 24093
Karani 20547

7. Dadu Dadu Pat 22354

120,126 Allahabad 19278
Phulji Station 19153
Monder 19877
Sial 20749
Mehar Nao Goth 18715

8. Jamshoro Sehwan Talti 22684

233,212 Channa 19607
Sehwan 19638
Sehwan 1 18702
Manjhand Amri 18329
Sann 18098
Lakh 17547
Manjhand 24951
Kotri Allah BachayoShoro 20954
Jamshoro 20042
Unerpur (Petaro Proposed) 13618
Kotri 19042
S.No District Taluka Vulnerable Union Councils At-Risk Population in Katcha Areas

9. Tando Muhammad Khan Bulri Shah Karim Saeedpur 22004

74,985 MullanKatira 27292
JahanSoomro 25689

10. ShaheedBenazirabad Kazi Ahmed ShahpurJahania 19312

145,843 Dulatpur 20956
Said Kando 18043
That 19965
Sakrand Gohram Mari 12134
Bhura 8129
Mahrabpur 24740
Mariv 22564

11. NaushahroFeroze Kandiaro MohabatDero 22076

229,998 Kamaldero 21412
Abad 21460
Dabhro 24844
Bhorti 19604
NaushahroFeroze Mithiani 22453
Moro Depareja 20942
Lalia 27351
FatooBalal 22814
Gachero 27042

12. Matiari Saeed Abad Saeed Abad 28991

219,456 Hala Bhanoth 25572
Karam Khan Nizamani 26676
Hala Old 26472
Hala-2 23537
Matiari Sekhat 30531
Matiari 26797
Shah Alam Shah 30880
S.No District Taluka Vulnerable Union Councils At-Risk Population in Katcha Areas

13. Thatta Thatta Jhurruck 17755

254,365 Jimpir 20614
Sonda 17897
Chuto Chand 21264
KalanKot 1867
Thatta 1 20002
Domani 19657
KetiBander KetiBander 25700
Kharochan Kharo Chan 25666
Ghorabari Khan 22008
Kotri Allah Rakhio Shah 19309
Mahar 21490
Udassi 21136

14 Sujawal MirpurBathoro BachalGugo 17996

196,800 Bano 19032
Liakpur 18592
Shah Bander JongoJalbani 20207
DoulatPur 19267
Goongani 20362
Jati MureedKhoso 20101
Sujawal Bijora 20504
Belo 22272
Ali Bahar 18467

15. Hyderabad Hyderabad MasuBhurgari 24362

108,155 Hatri 29719
Qasimabad Qasimabad 4 25159
Latifabad Latifabad 5 28915

Total 2,647,419


S. No. Division District Number of Relief Camps

1 Hyderabad 64
2 Shaheed Benazirabad 36
3 Dadu 89
4 Hyderabad T.M Khan 30
5 Tando Allahyar 94
6 Matiari 23
7 Jamshoro 43
8 Mirpurkhas 263
9 Umerkot 45
10 Sanghar 154
11 Tharparkar 93
12 Sukkur 16
13 Khairpur 10
14 Ghotki 20
15 Naushehro Feroze 17
16 Larkana 17
17 Shikarpur 12
18 Larkana Kamber 07
19 Kashmore 11
20 Jacobabad 19
21 Sajawal 40
22 Bhambhore Thatta 29
23 Badin 13
24 South 17
25 Malir 09
26 West 42
27 Korangi 39
28 East 15
29 Central 15
Annex - G
Date ______ at ----------hours

Area Sown (Acres)

Persons Affected Houses Damaged Persons Died Persons Injured Persons in Relief Camps

Damaged (Acres)

Relief Camps
Crops Area

Cattle Head


IDPs Hosted















1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27

1 - - - - -

2 - - - - -

3 - - - - -

GRAND TOTAL: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



1. Fiber Glass Boats 130 40 *

2. OBM 15 HP 50 -

3. OBM 25 HP 161 - 161

4. OBM 30 HP 12 15 27

OBM 48HP - 25 25

5. Life Jackets (All Types) 2021 - 2021

6. Search Light 45 - 45

De-watering Pumping Set
8. 131 15
(All Types)

9. Anchors 122 - 122

10. Rubber Boat 10 -

11. Life Ring 748 - 748

* 23 feet = 25 and 14 feet = 15


S.No. Equipment Navy COMCOAST Total

1 Combo (Fish Finders / GPS Gram 421S) 02 -- 02
-- 01
2 Camera – COOLPIX AW110) 01

3 Goggles / Black Color 07 -- 07

-- 07
4 Fins (Pairs) 07
-- 04
5 Under Water Flash Lights 04

6 Air Cylinder (Diving Cylinder 15 litres) 04 -- 04

-- 04
7 Regular (Diving Regular P-Synchro) 04
Pressure Gauge (Pressure Gauge -- 04
8 04
Console 2)
9 Wet Suit (Body Fit) 04 -- 04

-- 02
10 Budy Lines 02
-- 04
11 Jacket Master 04

12 Weight Belt with pockets 04 -- 04

13 Diver Weight (soft weights) 04 -- 04

-- 04
14 Diver Hood (Standard) 04
-- 04
15 Diver Gloves 04

16 Diver Boots 04 -- 04

-- 120 ft.
17 Diving Rope (Nyclone) 120 Ft.

18 Fiber Glass Boats (14 feet) -- 10 10

OBM 30 HP -- 10 10

De-Watering Machines -- 05 05

21 Generator -- 02 02
Provincial Disaster Management Authority , Sindh ANNEX-I
Telephone Directory for Flood-2015
Division District Name Designation Mob No# Numbers Fax EOC No#
KARACHI Mr Shoaib Ahmed Siddiqui Commissioner 0313-3668455 021-99205607-10 021-99205652 021-99205634

021-99231214 021-99230994 021-

Karachi (East) Mr. Agha Perveez Naz Deputy Commissioner 333-3068919 021-99230918
021-99231215 99230918
Karachi (West) Mr. Sayed Muhmmad Ali Shah Deputy Commissioner 0333-8243333 021-32596601 021-3256691-2
021-99260037 021-
Karachi Karachi (Central) S.M Afzal Zahdi Deputy Commissioner 0321-9779776 021-99260035 021-99260049
Karachi (Malir) Mr. Qazi jan Muhmmad Deputy Commissioner 0300-8288652 021-35001301 021-35001306
021-99205625 021-99202296 021-
Karachi (South) Mr. Saleem Rajpot Deputy Commissioner 0300-2349200 021-99211429
021-99202296-7 99205632

Karachi (Korangi) Mr. Asif Jan Siddiqui Deputy Commissioner 0307-3607602 021-99264402 021-99264420 021-99264402

0233-9290059 0233-
Mirpur khas Mr. Shafiq Ahmad Mehsar Commissioner 0300-2551877 0233-9290052-3 0233-9290052
0233-9290069 0233-
Mirpur khas Mr. Rashid Ahmad Zardari Deputy Commissioner 300-9372704 0233-9290069-79 0233-9290269
Mirpur khas
Umer kot Makhdum Aqeel ul Zaman Deputy Commissioner 0321-2917144 0238-570700 0238-571474 0238-571442

Tharparkar Mr. Asif Jamil Deputy Commissioner 0333-3103020 0232-261818 0232-261667

Larkano Dr. Ghulam Akber Lahghari Commissioner 0300-8378956 0749-410354 074-9410293 074-9410244-254
0749-410337 074-941060
Larkano Mr. Javaid Jagirani Deputy Commissioner 0342-9100111 074-9410337
0749-410241 074-9410334
0744-211594 0744-112127 0744-
Kamber Shadadkot Capt. . Anwar Deputy Commissioner 0333-2087044 074-9410294
0744-210074 211574
Shikarpur Mr. hyder Bux Zardari Deputy Commissioner 0300-3086652 0726-920200 0726-920202 0726-920212

0722-652020 0722-653711 0722-

Jacobabad Mr. Raja Shahzaman Khan Deputy Commissioner 0333-3647400 0722-652020
0722-653999 653666
Kashmore Dr Hafeez Ahmad Siyal Deputy Commissioner 0300-8379253 0722-570902 0722-570903
Sukkur Mr. Abbas Baloch Commissioner 0300-2282356 071-9310617 071-9310835
Sukkur Mr Shahzad Fazal Abbasi Deputy Commissioner 0321-2017728 071-9310601 071-9310601
Khairpur Mr. Munawar Ali Mithani Deputy Commissioner 0300-3415399 0243-9280200-1 0243-9280202 0243-9280200-1

0723-652016 0723-
Ghotki Mr. Tahir Watto Deputy Commissioner 0321-4663070 0723-651628
0723-652175 652016,652175
Hyderabad Mr.Asif Hyder Shah Commissioner 0333-2144880 022-9200112-6 022-9200112
0298-920069 0298-
Mr. Nadeem ur Rehman 0298-920061
Thatta Deputy Commissioner 0300-8377697 920058 0298- 0298-920061
Memon 0298-770359
Sujawal Mr. Zubair Chana Deputy Commissioner 0345-4444660 029-8510359 0298-510358
0297- 861001 0297- 86100-
Badin Mr. Muhmmad Rafiq Qurishi Deputy Commissioner 0333-3000700 0297-861996
0297-862365 862365
Hyderabad Mr. Fayyaz Ahmad Jatoi Deputy Commissioner 0332-4500777 022-9200976 022- 022-9200571
Hyderabad 022-3340292
Tando M Khan Mr. Agha Abdul Rahim Deputy Commissioner 0300-3244010 022-3341009 022-3340637 022-3341009
Tando Allahyar Syed Mehdi Ali Shah Deputy Commissioner 0333-2363353 022-3890501 022-3892910
Matiari Mr. Faiyaz Hussain Abbasi Deputy Commissioner 0300-3602941 022-760017 022- 022-2760033
Jamshoro Mr. Sohail bachani Deputy Commissioner 0300-8372922 0223-870135 0223-871199 0223-870135

Dadu Mr. Nasir Abbas Soomro Deputy Commissioner 0333-2118255 0259-200250-1 0 025-9200252-55 0259-200250-1

Division District Name Designation Mob No# Numbers Fax EOC No#
S. Banazirabad Mr. Ghulam Mustafa Phul Commissioner 0333-2111791 0244-9370333 0244-9370392 0244-937393

0244-9370334 0244-
S. Banazirabad Mr. Tahir Hussain sangi Deputy Commissioner 0300-8237086 0244-9370338 0244-9370332
Shaeed 9370337
Banazirabad 0235-541844
Sangar Mr. Sikandar Ali Khushk Deputy Commissioner 0300-8262877 0235-541601 0235-8879224

Naushero Feroze Mr. Agha Nasir Deputy Commissioner 0300-2186243 0242-448348 0242-448881 0242-448348

Departments Phone Numbers

NDMA………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 051-9214295

Federal Flood Commission)……………………………………………………………………………… 051-9206589

SMBoR Revenue……………………………………………………………………………………………… 022-9200553

PMD, Karachi…………………………………………………………………………………………………. 021-99261404-7

Rain Emergency Cell CM Secretariat, Karachi……………………………………………….. 021-99202007, 021-99202029

PDMA PEOC 021-99239524 Office
Civil Defence Sindh………………………………………………………………………………………… 021-99215667 No# 021-99251458-59. Fax No#
Irrigation Department………………………………………………………………………………….... 021-99211445-1

Agriculture Department……………………………………………………………………………..…. 021-99211805

Health Department…………………………………………………………………………..………….. 021-99222837

Food Department………………………………..……………………………………………………….. 021-99222986

Administrator Karachi………………………..………………………………………………………… 021-99232401-6

Civil Defence Sindh…………………………………..…………………………………………………. 021-99215667

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