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Final Appraisal Report 2020 Publication No.

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Flood Situation of river Narmada in Hoshangabad and Mandla

Flood Situation of river Musi in Hyderabad and River Mahanadi in Odisha



NEW DELHI - 110066 AUGUST, 2021

Central Water Commission
Sewa Bhawan, R. K. Puram


Central Water Commission had started Flood Forecasting & Warning services in
India in November, 1958 by setting up one forecasting station at Old Delhi Bridge, for
the national capital, on the river Yamuna. Its network of Flood Forecasting and Warning
Stations gradually extended throughout the country covering almost all the major inter-
state flood prone river basins.

During 2020, the flood forecasting services are expanded to 328 stations which
comprised of 198 level and 130 inflow forecast stations in 20 major river basins. It
covered 22 States besides Union Territories of NCT Delhi, Jammu & Kashmir and
Daman & Diu. The flood forecasting activities of the Commission are being performed
every year from May to December through its 29 field Divisions which issue flood
forecasts and warnings to the civil authorities of the states as well as to other
organizations of the Central & State Governments, as and when the river water level
touches or is expected to cross the warning level at the level flood forecasting stations.
During Flood Season 2020, level forecasts were issued for 129 stations out of 198
stations and inflow forecasts were issued for 88 reservoir/ dam/barrages out of 130
inflow stations. The inflow forecasts are formulated whenever the inflow into the
reservoirs exceeds the threshold value fixed by the respective project authorities for
reservoir regulation as well as flood moderation.

During the year 2020 flood season,7 Flood Forecast stations flowed in Extreme
Flood situation. Severe Flood situation was witnessed in 88 Flood Forecasting Stations
and 34 Flood forecast stations witnessed Above Normal Flood Situation. The major
flood events this year was the Extreme Floods witnessed in Assam ,Bihar, Chattisgarh,
Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Odisha, Andhra Pradesh,
Tamilnadu, Telangana and Karnataka state.

During the year 2020, 11721 forecasts were issued out of which 11198 forecasts
(95.54%) were found to be within the limits of accuracy. The number of level forecasts
issued during the year 2020 were 8243 out of which 8133 (98.67%) was within the limit
of accuracy of ± 0.15 m. The number of inflow forecasts issued were 3478 out of which
3065 (88.13%) was within limits of accuracy of ±20%. Daily Flood Situation Reports
cum Advisories (DFSITREPcA) based on 5-day rainfall warning of IMD were issued on
daily basis. Advisories about Extreme floods in Assam, Bihar, Chattisgarh, Uttar
Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Odisha, Andhra Pradesh,
Tamilnadu, Telangana and Karnataka were issued in DFSITREPcA for taking up relief
and rescue operations in advance which were well appreciated by the beneficiaries at
both National and State Levels.

Rainfall-Runoff advisories based on the satellite estimates of rainfall, AWS/ARG
data of IMD/CWC as well as the rainfall forecast products of Weather Research and
Forecast (WRF) model at a resolution of 0.25mx0.25m was continued in 2020 flood
season and was put in Uniform Resource Locator(URL) CWC
wishes to place its acknowledgements for the services provided by IMD through its
Hydromel & Numerical Weather Prediction and AWS Lab units in the Headquarters, Pune
as well as various FMOs of IMD.

The level of performance achieved, has been possible as a result of the dedicated
team work of the officers and staff manning the various activities of hydro-
meteorological observations & flood forecasting and monitoring of the field offices.

Flood Forecast Monitoring (FFM) Directorate plays an important role in compiling

the information received from various field offices at Headquarters and issues daily
bulletins which are sent to all stakeholders. I wish to place on record my deep
appreciations of the efforts put in by the officers and staff of FFM, FCA - 1 and FCA - 2
Directorates in carrying out the flood forecasting work with utmost devotion &
dedication. The staff of FFM Directorate, along with other supporting staff from other
Directorates/Wings during flood duties in the flood season of 2020 also deserves all
appreciation in keeping the control room fully functional on all the weekdays, including
holidays, Saturdays & Sundays. The control room was kept operational round the clock
throughout the flood season.

It is hoped that the momentum gained in expanding the flood forecasting

network, improving performance of the forecast and adopting various modernization
including in the field of dissemination techniques will be further accelerated to achieve
greater effectiveness of each and every forecast with the help of mathematical
modelling supported by real-time data from telemetry.

Suggestions/ comments of the users of this report with a view to further enhance
its usefulness are welcomed and will be in corporate in the next edition.

New Delhi (Ranjan Kumar Sinha)

August,2021 Member (RM)

EXECUTIVE 0.1 Meteorological Situation 1
SUMMARY 0.2 Flood Situation 2
0.3 Flood Forecasting Performance 2
Salient features of Flood Forecasting System 3
1.1 Flood forecasting services 4
1.2 Flood forecasting network in the country 4
1.3 Classifications of various flood situations 6
1.4 Standard Operating Procedure for Flood Forecasting 7
& Warning
1.5 Inflow Forecast 8
1.6 Data Communication System 8
1.7 Damage due to floods/ heavy rains between 1953 to 2020 9
1.8 Analysis of Performance of Flood Forecasting Network 10
1.9 Organisational set-up of Flood Forecasting Network 10


2.0 Role of IMD 15
2.1 Model based quantitative precipitation forecast 16
2.2 South-west monsoon 17
2.3 Highlights of south-west monsoon 18
2.4 Onset an Advance of south-west monsoon 2020 19
2.5 Chief Synoptic features 20
2.6 Withdrawal of Southwest Monsoon 24
2.7 High impact weather events 25
2.8 Rainfall distribution 26
2.9 Indian Northeast monsoon 26
2.10 Onset phase 27
2.11 Synoptic scale weather system during the NEM 2020 27
2.12 Other synoptic scale weather system 28
2.13 Summary 28
3.1 General 29
3.2 An Overview of Flood Events 29
3.3 Extreme flood situation (2018-2020) 31
4.1 Flood Forecasting evaluation-criteria & procedure 33
4.2 Evaluation Criteria for stage/ inflow forecasting 33
4.3 Flood forecasting activities 33
4.4 Riverwise Details Of Flood Forecasting Activities & 32
Accuracy Of Forecast
4.5 Statewise Flood forecasting performance 36
4.6 An overview of forecasting performance 44
5.1 General 46
5.2 Appreciation letters received during flood season 2020 46

No Title Page
Table 1.1 Year wise positions of number of forecasting sites in CWC 4
1.2 Number of flood forecasting sites in inter-state river systems 5
1.3 State/UT wise Flood Forecasting Network in CWC 6
1.4 Damages occurred during flood season 2018 to 2020 9
4.1 Site wise “Forecast Performance” of flood forecasting sites of CWC in Flood 45
season 2020
Fig. 1.0 Organisation chart of flood forecasting & warning setup of Central Water 14
Fig.1 Progress of south-west monsoon 2020 20
Fig.2 Track of severe cyclonic storms 21
Fig.3 Isochrones of withdrawal of southwest monsoon-2020 24
Fig.4 Areas and dates of high impact weather events during the 2020 southwest 25
Fig.3.1 Monthwise number of flood forecasting/monitoring stations witnessed 29
extreme floods during 2020
Fig.3.2 Statewise extreme flood situation during the years 2018-2020 32
Fig.4.1 Flood Forecast Performance from 2000 to 2020 45
Annex I Salient Features of Flood Forecasting Stations maintained by Central Water 48
II(A) Basinwise-Riverwise Flood Forecasting information in India during flood 71
season 2020 ( Level Forecast)
II(B) Basinwise-Riverwise Flood Forecasting information in India during flood 77
season 2020 ( Inflow Forecast)
III(A) Statewise Flood Forecasting information in India during flood season 81
2020 ( Level Forecast)
III(B) Statewise Flood Forecasting information in India during flood season 87
2020 (Inflow Forecast)
IV Performance of flood forecasting stations (Division wise) in India during 91
flood season 2020
V Performance of flood forecasting stations (Major basinwise) in India during 92
flood season 2020
VI Performance of flood forecasting stations (Statewise) in India During 93
flood season 2020
VII Flood forecasting performance from 2000 to 2020 94
VIII Extreme flood events during flood season 2020 95
IX Above Normal and Severe flood events during flood season 2020 - 96
Ganga & its tributaries
X Above Normal and Severe flood events during flood season 2020 - 102
Brahmaputra & its tributaries
XI Above Normal and Severe flood events during flood season 2020 - 109
Various River Systems (excluding Ganga and Brahmaputra)
Map-I Flood Forecasting Network in India 11

Map-II Flood situation in India during 2020 31



During 2020, the southwest monsoon performance was as given below.

The seasonal (June - September) rainfall over the country as a whole was 109% of its
Long Period Average (LPA) in 2020. It was the third highest after 112% of LPA in 1994
and 110 % of LPA in 2019.

 Seasonal rainfalls over Northwest India, Central India, South Peninsula and East &
Northeast (E & NE) India were 86%, 115%, 129% and 107% of their respective LPA.
 Out of 36 meteorological subdivisions, 2 subdivisions (5% of the total area of the
country) received large excess rainfall, 13 subdivisions (35% of the total area of the
country) received excess rainfall, 16 subdivisions (45% of the total area of the
country) received normal seasonal rainfall and 5 subdivisions (15% of the total area
of the country) received deficient season rainfall during the season.
 Monthly rainfall over the country as a whole was 117% of LPA in June, 90% of LPA
in July, 127% of LPA in August, and 105% of LPA in September.
 Southwest monsoon current reached south Andaman Sea and Nicobar Islands on
17th May, 2020 (5 days ahead of its normal date), but further advance was sluggish.
It set in over Kerala on 1st June coinciding with its normal date for onset over Kerala;
Monsoon covered the entire country on 26th June, 2020; 12 days before its normal
date (8th July).
 Monsoon started withdrawing from western parts of northwest India on 28 th
September, 2020 against the normal date of 17th September, 2020 with a delay of
around 11 days. The Southwest Monsoon withdrew from the entire country on 28 th
October, 2020.
 During the season, one Severe Cyclonic Storm “NISARGA” formed during 1 st to 4th
June. This year also witnessed absence of monsoon depression during the season.
 The forecast for monsoon onset over Kerala for this year was correct, which is the
fifteenth consecutive correct forecast for the event (except for the year 2015) since
issuing of forecast for the onset over Kerala started in 2005. The Forecasted date of
onset of monsoon over Kerala was 5th June with a model error of ±4 days and
realized date of onset of monsoon over Kerala was 1st June in this year.
 The forecasts for the rainfall over the country as a whole during the season,
forecasts for the seasonal rainfall over three broad homogeneous geographical
regions (Central India, Northeast India and South Peninsula) and forecast for August
rainfall and for rainfall of second half of the monsoon season for the country as a
whole were found to be underestimated with respect to the actual rainfall whereas
the forecasts for the rainfall for the country as a whole during July and forecast for
the seasonal rainfall for Northwest India were found to be overestimated as
compared to the actual rainfall.


Extreme flood situation was witnessed in 7 Flood Forecasting stations, Severe

Flood situation was witnessed in 88 Flood Forecasting Stations and 34 Flood forecast
stations witnessed Above Normal Flood Situation. No flood forecast were issued for 111
flood forecasting stations which include 69 level forecasting stations and 42 inflow
forecasting stations. Out of the 130 reservoirs in the network, inflow forecasts were
issued at 88 reservoirs and in 42 reservoirs the inflows did not exceed the criteria for
issuing inflow forecasts. The highlight of this year flood was the Extreme Floods
witnessed in Assam, Bihar, Chattisgarh, Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Madhya Pradesh,
Maharashtra, Odisha, Andhra Pradesh, Tamilnadu, Telangana and Karnataka state.


During the year 2020, 11721 forecasts were issued out of which 11198 forecasts
(95.54%) were found to be within the limits of accuracy. The number of level forecasts
issued during the year 2020 were 8243 out of which 8133 (98.67%) was within the
limit of accuracy of ±0.15 m. The number of inflow forecasts issued was 3478 out of
which 3065 (88.13%) were within limits of accuracy of ±20%. CWC issued Daily Flood
Situation Report cum Advisories (DFSITREPcA) during the monsoon season. This
contains the usual daily rainfall situation, rainfall forecast for the next 5 days, daily
flood bulletin for the day and the flood situation and advisories for the next few days,
GIS based Map indicating the districts alerted/affected by flood and reservoirs having
inflow forecasts. Further, the report was sent to all beneficiaries including State
Governments through e-mail on a daily basis.


The “Salient Features” of Flood Forecasting and Warning System of the Central
Water Commission are given in the table shown below:

1. Establishment of „First Scientific Flood Forecasting Unit‟ (F.F.U.) November,

at Delhi in India 1958

2. Date of issue of first scientific flood forecast 25th July, 1959

3. Name of first forecasting site and river Delhi Railway
Bridge (old) on
River Yamuna
4. Year of commencement of flood forecasting system on the 1969
inter-state rivers i.e. first national level expansion
5. No. of Chief Engineer‟s offices including one CE (Flood 15
Management) at CWC‟ headquarters
6. No. of Superintending Engineer‟s offices including one Flood 16
Forecast Monitoring Directorate at CWC headquarter
7. No. of present Flood Forecasting Divisions 29
8. No. of states including union territories covered under Flood 25
Forecasting Programme
9. No. of forecasting sites 328
10. No. of gauge and gauge & discharge sites 1569
11. No. of Telemetry Stations installed 934
13. No. of forecasts issued in flood season 2011 5991
14. No. of forecasts issued in flood season 2012 5031
15. No. of forecasts issued in flood season 2013 7060
16. No. of forecasts issued in flood season 2014 4772
17. No. of forecasts issued in flood season 2015 4072
18. No. of forecasts issued in flood season 2016 6239
19. No. of forecasts issued in flood season 2017 6297
20. No. of forecasts issued in flood season 2018 6851
21. No. of forecasts issued in flood season 2019 9754
22. No. of forecasts issued in flood season 2020 11721




Flood causes considerable damage to human lives and property almost every
year. About one third of total flood prone area (40 mHa assessed by the Rashtriya Barh
Ayog) of the country has been provided with reasonable protection against flood of a
low magnitude due to techno-economic constraints; but there is no protection from
floods of higher magnitude. Since adoption of National Flood Policy by Government of
India in 1954, it was realized that a total protection against flood by structural means
alone is not possible and that optimum solution would consist of a mixture of structural
and non-structural measures. Therefore, stress has been laid on non-structural
measures like flood forecasting and warning, which is most important among such
means to minimize the damage potential from floods. Accurate and timely flood
forecasts and advance warning have, therefore, to be aimed for providing valuable
time to the people and to civil authorities in taking preventive measures like
evacuation, relief and rehabilitation measures, preparedness for flood fighting by
engineering authorities, etc. and thus mitigating such loses from floods.


Flood Forecasting has been recognized as the most important and cost effective
non-structural measure for flood management. Recognizing the great importance of
this measure, flood forecasting of river Yamuna at Delhi was suggested by Reddy
Committee set up by the then Hon‟ble Prime Minister, Govt. of India to manage
flooding of Delhi. Accordingly in the year 1958, CWC commenced the flood forecasting
services in a small way by establishing flood forecasting unit for issuing water level
forecasts of the Yamuna for the National Capital, Delhi. On the recommendation of
various committees/ panels, a "Flood Forecast & Warning Organisation" was set up in
CWC in 1969 to establish forecasting sites on inter-state rivers at various flood prone
places in the country. 41 forecasting sites were added in 1969, making total number of
forecasting sites to 43. Extension of the services followed from time to time. The year-
wise positions of the number of flood forecasting sites till the flood season 2020 in the
network of Central Water Commission are shown in the Table - 1.1.

Table - 1.1: Year-wise expansion of forecasting sites in CWC

Year Cumulative No. of Flood Year Cumulative No. of Flood
Forecasting Sites Forecasting Sites
1958 01 2003 166
1965 02 2004 172
1969 43 2005 173
1977 77 2006 175
1980 84 2015 176
1985 145 2016 199
1987 147 2017 226

1990 157 2018 249
2001 159 2019 325
2002 161 2020 328

The „National Flood Forecasting and Warning Network‟ of Central Water

Commission, which comprised of 328 flood forecasting sites including 130 inflow
forecasting sites in flood season 2020 is shown in Map - 1. The number of flood
forecasting sites on each of the major inter-state river systems is in the Table - 1.2.

Table - 1.2: Number of flood forecasting sites in inter-state river systems

Sr. No. of FF stations
Major Interstate River Systems
No. Level Inflow Total
1 Indus and its tributaries 3 0 3
2 Ganga & its tributaries 95 39 134
3 Brahmaputra & its tributaries 39 5 44
4 Barak System 6 0 6
5 Subarnarekha (i/c Burhabalang) 4 3 7
6 Brahmani & Baitarni 3 2 5
7 East Flowing (Mahanadi to Pennar) 4 4 8
8 Narmada 4 6 10
9 Tapi 1 2 3
10 Mahi 1 4 5
11 Sabarmati 1 1 2
12 Mahanadi 3 3 6
13 Godavari 18 24 42
14 Krishna 5 17 22
15 West Flowing Rivers (Kutch & Saurashtra) 1 1 2
16 West Flowing Rivers (Tapi to Tadri) 2 1 3
17 Cauvery and its tributaries 3 9 12
18 Pennar 1 1 2
19 East Flowing Rivers (Pennar to Kanyakumari) 1 6 7
20 West Flowing River (Tadri to Kanyakumari) 3 2 5
Total 198 130 328

The above flood forecasting network covers the following 22 states & 3 Union
Territories (UTs). State/ UT wise distribution of flood forecasting stations is shown in
Table - 1.3.

Table - 1.3: State/ UT wise Flood Forecasting Network in CWC
Sl. Name of State/UT Number of flood Forecasting Stations
No. Level Inflow Total
1 Andhra Pradesh 10 10 20
2 Arunachal Pradesh 3 0 3
3 Assam 30 0 30
4 Bihar 40 3 43
5 Chhattisgarh 1 2 3
6 Gujarat 6 7 13
7 Haryana 1 1 2
8 Himachal Pradesh 1 0 1
9 Jharkhand 2 15 17
10 Karnataka 1 14 15
11 Kerela 3 2 5
12 Madhya Pradesh 2 10 12
13 Maharashtra 8 13 21
14 Odisha 12 7 19
15 Rajasthan 3 11 14
16 Sikkim 3 5 8
17 Tamil Nadu 4 11 15
18 Telangana 5 8 13
19 Tripura 2 0 2
20 Uttar Pradesh 39 5 44
21 Uttarakhand 4 2 6
22 West Bengal 12 4 16
23 Daman & Diu 1 0 1
24 NCT of Delhi 2 0 2
25 Jammu & Kashmir 3 0 3
Total 198 130 328

Central Water Commission through its twenty nine flood forecasting divisions
issued forecasts to the various user agencies, which includes various civil/ engineering
agencies of the States/ Central Governments such as Irrigation/ Revenue/ Railways/
public undertakings and Dam/ Barrage Authorities/ District Magistrates/ Sub Divisional
Officers besides the Defence Authorities involved in the flood loss mitigation work.
During the flood season, the Hon‟ble Minister of Jal Shakti, Government of India, the
Chairman and the Member (River Management) of Central Water Commission were
also being apprised of the latest flood situations in the above river basins in the


The Central Water Commission has categorized various flood situations, for
monitoring the floods in the country through its level flood forecasting network, into
the following three different categories, depending upon the severity of floods i.e.
based on floods magnitudes.


The river is said to be in ‘ABOVE NORMAL’ situation at any water level stations
when the water level of the river touches or crosses the warning level, but remains
below the danger level of the forecasting site.


If the water level of the river touches or crosses its danger level, but remains
below the Highest Flood Level of the site (commonly known as „HFL‟) then the flood
situation is called the „SEVERE FLOOD’ situation.


The flood situation is said to be ‘EXTREME FLOOD’ when the water level of the
river touches or crosses the „HIGHEST FLOOD LEVEL’ recorded at any water level
station so far.



The basic activity of data collection, its transmission and dissemination of flood
forecasts to the local administration is carried out by the field divisions of CWC. The
modelling centres and Divisional Flood Control Rooms (DFCR) are located in the
premises of the field divisions. The field divisions perform these activities as per
existing Manual on Flood Forecasting which contains the following critical activities as
the general SOPs:
1. Nomination of Nodal Officers of CWC for interaction with the Nodal Officers of
concerned State Governments before monsoon every year.
2. Gearing up of flood forecasting network before monsoon every year.
3. Operation of Divisional Flood Control Room (DFCR) during monsoon every year.
4. Operation of Central Flood Control Room (CFCR) during monsoon every year.
5. Issue of flood forecasts to designated officers of concerned State and
transmission thereof through FAX/ Telephone/ E-mail/ Special Messengers during
monsoon every year.
6. Sending flood alerts through SMS on Mobile Phones to the concerned officers of
State/ Central Government during severe (3 hourly updates) and extreme (1
hourly updates) flood situations and uploading of Flood Forecasts and hourly
water level data in CWC‟s Flood Forecasting Website as per Standard Operating
procedure (SOP) for issuing alerts and electronic messaging in the event of
disaster situations issued by Ministry of Home Affairs from time to time.

For the purpose of dissemination of alerts to PMO/ Cabinet Secretariat, a uniform

system has been devised by categorizing each type of alert in stages- Yellow, Orange
and Red.

Categories of alerts for flood in respect of level forecasts is as indicated below.

Category Description Stage
Above Normal Flood (Water level between Warning level and Yellow
Danger level)
II Severe Flood (Water level below HFL and above Danger Level) Orange
Extreme Flood (Water Level equal and above Highest Flood Red
Level - HFL)


Inflow Forecasts are issued for dams/ reservoirs/ barrages in various river basins
in the country. The project authorities have identified the threshold inflow limits for
issue of forecast considering various factors such as safety of the dam, status of
reservoir, downstream channel/ canal requirements. The inflow in volume during the
given duration indirectly indicates the possibility of accommodating the given volume or
otherwise in the reservoir. The outflow pattern is decided keeping in view of the safety
measures at the reservoir and the likely impact of the outflow from the reservoir to
cause damages/ difficulties in the downstream areas giving due attention to the
Emergency Action Plan (EAP) of the project. There is need for EAP for all reservoirs
covering normal operational releases and high releases during floods.

The salient features of all Flood Forecasting Sites, the details of all the sites
basin-wise as well as State-wise during the flood season 2020, is shown at Annex - I,
Annex – II(A&B) and Annex – III(A&B) respectively.


Central Water Commission maintains Wireless Stations for near real–time data
communication. These wireless sets work on pre-fixed schedules for receiving the vital
hydro-meteorological data immediately after its observation. In addition, telephone/
mobile phone, fax and internet are also used for dissemination of flood forecasts to
user agencies.

Now under modernization program, satellite based Telemetry System has been
installed at various stations for sensor based automatic data collection and satellite
based communication.

The installation of Telemetry System for automatic sensor based data collection
and satellite based data communication was initiated during IX Plan. At present, 934
telemetry stations have been installed.

In order to receive and analyses data collected by the telemetry stations, Earth
Receiving Stations and Modelling Centres have been installed in various parts of the
country during different Plan periods. There were 3 Earth Receiving Stations (ERS) in
the country at New Delhi, Jaipur and Burla. A total of 27 Modelling centres have been
installed in the country. The data reception is being monitored from Central Flood
Control Room at CWC Headquarter, New Delhi also.

The data received was used mainly by the divisions issuing forecast by MIKE-11.
Also, it is planned to transfer data observed through telemetry to WIMS software for
flood forecasting activities.


The damage due to floods for the entire country was Rs. 15863.526 Crore
during the flood season 2019. The average annual damages to crops, houses and
public utilities from the year 1953 to 2019 as reported by the States/ UTs are of the
order of Rs. 6208.366 Crore. The maximum annual damage reported is Rs. 57291.098
Crore during 2018.

A comparative details showing the details of damages occurred during the flood
season 2018 to 2020 on different accounts, based on the reports (tentative), received
from the revenue authorities of the State Governments is given in the Table - 1.4.

Table 1.4: Damages occurred during flood season 2018 to 2020

Sl. Items Flood Damages Flood Damages
No. (1953 - 2020)
2018 2019 2020* Average Maximum
(1953- Year Damage
1 Area 7.72 4.49 - 7.14 1978 17.5
2 Population 37.40 46.35 22.05 32.41 1978 70.450
3 Damage 2.52 10.69 2.04 4.02 2005 12.299
to Crops
4 Damaged 3708.19 10902.35 148.87 1878.15 2015 17043.948
to crops
(Rs. Crore)
5 Damage to 913414 656595 243977 1228179 2015 3959191
6 Damage to 2508.66 462.79 99.50 846.95 2009 10809.795
(Rs. Crore)
7 Cattle lost 60279 25852 41683 91574 1979 618248
8 Human 1839 2754 2107 1674 1977 11316
lives lost
9 Damage to 12132.92 4498.39 2541.36 3413.30 2013 38937.843

10 Total 21849.97 15863.53 2807.41 6208.37 2018 57291.098
to crops,
houses &
* Tentative


CWC carried out analysis and appraisal of the forecasting work, at the end of
monsoon season. Based on this, measures for improvements, if necessary, are
identified. A summary of the performance of the work carried out by the field Divisions
during the flood season 2020 has been presented in Chapter - 4. While the
performance of the flood forecasting system is satisfactory, yet there is constant
endeavor for improving the performance; especially for additional warning time as new
technology and more data are becoming available.


The present organizational set up of Flood-forecasting & Warning Establishment

of Central Water Commission under the Member (River Management) is spread over
regional offices of CWC each headed by a Chief Engineer. Sixteen Circle Offices and
twenty nine Divisions in its field formations carry out flood forecasting activities. Chief
Engineer (Flood Management) and Flood Forecast Monitoring Directorate monitor the
Flood Forecasting activities in the headquarters. It also issues flood bulletins at national

The organizational chart of Flood Forecasting and Warning set up of the Central
Water Commission is given at Figure - 1.0.

Map - 1: Flood Forecasting Network in India

List of Flood Forecast Stations
Rajahmundry (Rly
1 Sangam 56 Lucknow (Hanuman Setu) 111 Jainagar 166 Golokganj 221 Panam Dam 276
2 Rammunshibagh 57 Rae Bareilly 112 Jhanjarpur 167 Tufanganj 222 Wanakbori Weir 277 Dowlaiswaram Barrage
3 Safapura 58 Jaunpur 113 Sonebarsa 168 NH 31 (Jaldhaka) 223 Mandla 278 Atreyapuram
4 Srinagar 59 Ghazipur 114 Baltara 169 Hasimara 224 Barna Dam 279 Koyna Dam
5 Ganganagar 60 Buxar 115 Kursela 170 Ghugumari 225 Bargi Dam 280 Warna Dam
6 Rishikesh 61 Ballia 116 Sahibganj 171 Mathabanga 226 Tawa Dam 281 Arjunwad
7 Haridwar 62 Banbasa Barrage 117 Taibpur 172 Teesta III HEP 227 Hoshangabad 282 Hippargi Barrage
8 Dharmanagari Barrage 63 Katarniaghat Barrage 118 Dhengraghat 173 Rangit-III HEP Dam 228 Indira Sagar Dam 283 Hidkal Dam
9 Garhmukhteshwar 64 Elginbridge 119 Jhawa 174 Teesta V HEP 229 Omkareswar Dam 284 Almatti Dam
10 Narora Barrage 65 Ayodhya 120 Araria 175 Singtam 230 Sardar Sarovar Dam 285 Malaprabha Dam
11 Kachlabridge 66 Kakardhari 121 Farakka 176 Rongpo Dam 231 Garudeswar 286 Narayanpur Dam
12 Fatehgarh 67 Balrampur 122 Massanjore Dam 177 Rongli Dam 232 Bharuch 287 Vir Dam
13 Kalagarh Dam 68 Bansi 123 Tilpara Barrage 178 Melli Bazar 233 Hathnur Dam 288 Ujni Dam
14 Moradabad 69 Birdghat (Gorakhpur) 124 Narayanpur 179 Jorethang 234 Ukai Dam 289 Deongaon Bridge
15 Bareilly 70 Turtipar 125 Sikatia Barrage 180 Domohani Bridge 235 Surat 290 PD Jurala Project
16 Dabri 71 Darauli 126 Gheropara 181 Mekhliganj 236 Madhuban Dam 291 Upper Tunga
17 Kannauj 72 Gangpur Siswan 127 Tenughat Dam 182 AP Ghat (Silchar) 237 Vapi 292 Bhadra Dam
18 Ankinghat 73 Chhappra 128 Tilaiya Dam 183 Matizuri 238 Daman 293 Tungabhadra Dam
19 Kanpur 74 Bansagar Dam 129 Konar Dam 184 Badarpurghat 239 Nasik 294 Singatlur Barrage
20 Dalmau 75 Rihand Dam 130 Panchet Dam 185 Karimganj 240 N M D Weir 295 Mantralayam
21 Phaphamau 76 Annaraj Dam 131 Maithon Dam 186 Kailashahar 241 Kopergaon 296 Sunkesula Barrage
22 Paonta Sahib 77 Bhirawa Dam 132 Durgapur Barrage 187 Sonamura 242 Mula Dam 297 Kurnool
23 Hathnikund Barrage 78 Inderpuri Barrage 133 Sundar Dam 188 Getlasud Dam 243 Jaikwadi Dam 298 Srisailam Dam
24 Karnal Bridge 79 Inderpuri 134 Harinkhola 189 Chandil Dam 244 Manjlegaon Dam 299 Musi Dam
25 Mawi 80 Koelwar 135 Hinglow Dam 190 Galudih Barrage 245 Gangakhed 300 Dr KLRS Pulichintala Dam
26 Dhansa 81 Maner 136 Kangsabati Dam 191 Jamshedpur 246 Yeldari Barrage 301 Prakasam Barrage
27 Delhi Railway Bridge 82 Patna (Dighaghat) 137 Mohanpur 192 Rajghat 247 Nanded 302 Avanigadda
28 Mathura 83 Gandak Barrage 138 Yingkiang 193 Mathani Rd Bridge 248 Karanja Dam 303 Somasila Dam
Govindpur (NH5 Road
29 Agra 84 Khadda 139 Passighat 194 249 Singur Dam 304 Nellore
30 Etawah 85 Chatia 140 Dholla Bazar 195 Salandi Dam 250 Nizamsagar Dam 305 Poondi Reservoir
31 Gandhisagar Dam 86 Dumariaghat 141 Dibrugarh 196 Anandpur 251 Sriramsagar Dam 306
32 Rana Pratap Sagar Dam 87 Rewaghat 142 Namsai 197 Akhuapada 252 Kaddam Project 307 Sathanur Dam
Sripada Yellampally
33 Kota Barrage 88 Hajipur 143 Naharkatia 198 Rengali Dam 253 308 Gomukhi Dam
34 Kota City 89 Patna Gandhighat 144 Chenimari (Khowang) 199 Jenapur 254 U Wainganga Project 309 Wellington Dam
35 Bisalpur Dam 90 Amanat Dam 145 Nanglamoraghat 200 Ravi Shankar Dam 255 Totladoh Project 310 Harangi Dam
36 Kalisindh Dam 91 Batane Dam 146 Sibsagar 201 Bango Dam 256 Bhandara 311 Hemavathy Dam
37 Parwan Dam 92 Sripalpur 147 Neamatighat 202 Hirakud Dam 257 Gosikhurd Dam 312 Kabini Dam
38 Gambhiri Dam 93 Hathidah 148 Chouldhuaghat 203 Naraj 258 Pauni 313 K R Sagar Dam
39 Panchana Dam 94 Munger 149 NH Xing Ranganadi 204 Alipingal 259 U Wardha Prjoject 314 Mettur Dam
40 Gudha Dam 95 Lalbeghiaghat 150 Badatighat 205 Nimapara 260 315 Bhavanisagar Dam
41 Parwati Dam 96 Ahirwalia 151 Golaghat 206 Purushottampur 261 Balharsha 316 Savandapur
42 Dholpur 97 Sikandarpur (Muzzafarpur) 152 Numaligarh 207 Gunupur 262 Sirpur Town 317 Kodumudi
Jiabharali NT Road
43 Auraiya 98 Samastipur 153 208 Kashinagar 263 Kaleswaram 318 Kodaganar Dam
44 Kalpi 99 Rosera 154 Tezpur 209 Gotta Barrage 264 Laxmi Barrage 319 Musiri
45 Hamirpur 100 Khagaria 155 Kampur 210 Thottapalli reservoir 265 U Indravati Project 320 Upper Anicut
46 Rajghat Dam 101 Bhagalpur 156 Dharamtul 211 Madduvalasa Rsvr 266 Jagdalpur 321 Grand Anicut
47 Matatila Dam 102 Kahalgaon 157 Guwahati 212 Narayanpuram Anicut 267 Eturunagaram 322 Vaigai Dam
48 Mohana 103 Kosi Barrage 158 Puthimari NH Crossing 213 Srikakulam 268 Dummagudem 323 Madurai
49 Shahjina 104 Basua 159 Pagladiya NT RdCrossing 214 Dantiwada Dam 269 Bhadrachalam 324 Kumbidi
50 Banda 105 Dheng Bridge 160 Mathanguri 215 Abu Road 270 Kolab Project 325 Idduki Dam
51 Chillaghat 106 Runisaidpur 161 Beki Road Bridge 216 Dharoi Dam 271 Machkund Project 326 Idamalayar Dam
Shubhash Bridge
52 Naini 107 Benibad 162 Manas NH Crossing 217 272 Balimela Project 327 Neeleswaram
53 Chhatnag (Allahabad) 108 Kamtaul 163 Goalpara 218 Mahi Bajajsagar Dam 273 Chinturu 328 Malakkara
54 Mirzapur 109 Ekmighat 164 Kokrajhar 219 Som Kamla Amba Dam 274 Kunavaram
55 Varanasi 110 Hayaghat 165 Dhubri 220 Kadana Dam 275 Indirasagar

Director, FCA-1 Dte.

1 CE(FM) NEW DELHI Director, FFM Dte.

Director, FCA-2 Dte.

SHD, Shimla
Chenab Division JAMMU




PID, Faridabad

Director (M&A) Lucknow MGD-1, Lucknow

HGD, Dehradun
SE, HOC Dehradun
MGD-2, Lucknow



Director, (M&A) Patna
LGD-2, Patna

ERD, Bhubaneshwar


MD, Burla

UGD, Hyderabad
SE (GC) Hyderabad
LGD, Hyderabad
(RIVER SE(KCC) Hyderabad
MANAGEM LKD, Hyderabad
DELHI MD, Gandhinagar
TD, Surat

9 CE(NBO) BHOPAL SE( C) Bhopal ND, Bhopal

10 CE (Mon) NAGPUR SE( C) Nagpur WGD, Nagpur

HD, Chennai

11 CE (CSRO) Coimbatore SE (CSRC) Bengaluru SRD, Coimbatore

SWRD, Kochi

12 CE (MSO) BANGLORE SE (HO & CC) Bengaluru CD, Bengaluru

DD, Asansol
SE( C) Maithon
LGD-3, Behrampore
LBD, Jalpaiguri

SE (SIC) Gangtok SID, Gangtok

BID, Phuntosholing

UBD, Dibrugarh

14 CE (BBO) GUWAHATI SE (HOC) Guwahati MBD, Guwahati

NEID-III, Itanagar

MD, Silchar


NEID-II, Aizwal

MID, Shillong

NOTE:- Chief Office-15, Directorate-3, Circle Office-18, Division Office-38(29 involved in Flood Forecasting)



CWC is the nodal agency for issuing Flood Forecast and IMD is the nodal agency for
issuing Quantitative Precipitation Forecast (QPF). The meteorological support is provided in
terms of ‘Quantitative Precipitation Forecast (QPF)’ through Hydro-met Bulletins. QPF bulletin is
issued at 930hrs IST and Hydro-met Bulletin at 1230hrs IST with further modification by FMOs.
Forecast for a lead time of 7-days (forecast for 3 days and outlook for subsequent 4 days) are
issued daily during flood season. QPF bulletins are further modified in the evening, if situation
demands. QPF Bulletins including heavy rainfall warning are also issued by concerned FMOs
during cyclone period or when there is a chance of heavy rainfall which may lead to flood in non-
flood season also.

Input comprises in terms of Hydro-met Bulletin which contains the following:

a. Synoptic situations
b. Spatial and temporal distribution of rainfall
c. Sub-basin wise categorical QPF for day-1, day-2 and day-3 as follows:
i) 0mm (ii) 0.1-10mm (iii) 11-25mm (iv) 26-50mm (v) 51-100mm (vi) >100mm
d. Outlook for the subsequent four days
e. Station wise recorded significant rainfall
f. Heavy rainfall warnings
g. Sub-basin wise past 24hrs realized rainfall

IMD has established 14 Flood Meteorological Offices (FMOs) at different parts of flood
prone areas of the country which are located at Agra, Ahmedabad, Asansol, Bhubaneswar,
Guwahati, Hyderabad, Jalpaiguri, Lucknow, New Delhi, Srinagar, Chennai, Bengaluru and
Patna which caters to the river catchments of Yamuna, Narmada, Tapi, Ajoy, Mayuraksi and
Kangasbati, Mahanandi, Brahmani and Subernarekha, Brahmaputra, Dhansiri and Barak,
Godavari and Krishna, Cauvery, Teesta, Ganga and Sharada, and Sahibi, Kosi, Baghmati,
Gandak, etc. IMD also provides similar support to Damodar Valley Corporation (DVC) for the
river basins Barakar and Damodar. Flood Meteorological Offices (FMOs, 14 in all over India) of
India Meteorological Department provide Meteorological support to Flood Forecasting
Divisions (FFDs) of Central Water Commission (CWC) to help them issue ‘Flood
warnings/Flood alerts’. The performance of QPF is verified for the monsoon season annually.


Sub-basin wise Quantitative Precipitation Forecast (QPF) using dynamical model WRF
ARW (9Kmx9 Km) based on 00UTC and 12UTC for day-1 to day-3, GFS (12kmx12km) based
on 00UTC for day-1 to day-7, NCUM (12kmx12km) for day-1 to day-7, Multi model Ensemble
(25kmX25km) based on 00UTC for day-1 to day-5 are computed and uploaded on the IMD’s
F /index.html for 153 flood prone river sub-basins. An example is shown in Fig. given below:

NWP Model based gridded daily rainfall forecast (WRF & GFS) are provided operationally
to CWC for their flood forecasting model. A new initiative has been taken to improve accuracy of
QPF. Sub basin wise dynamical models viz. GEFS and NEPS based Probabilistic QPF are being
generated daily and uploaded on the IMD website, which has been found very useful for under
heavy rainfall situations by the forecasters. An example is shown in Figs. given below.


India gets about 75% of its Annual rainfall during the Southwest monsoon season from
June to September except over some portions of southeastern parts of Peninsular India where
the main rains occur during the period of Northeast monsoon from October to December, which
overlap with the receding stage of the Southwest monsoon in October. Occasionally, cyclonic
storms develop in the South Bay and move into the Peninsula producing heavy rains during
Northeast monsoon season.

Southwest monsoon onsets over Kerala in the beginning of June and then advances
further. During the season, spells of heavy, very heavy and extremely heavy rainfall occur across
the country especially along the west coast of the Peninsula and on the southern slopes of Khasi
and Jaintia hills in Northeast India.

In association with Depressions which occasionally form in the North Bay of Bengal and
move west-northwestwards, heavy rains occur in the central parts of the country, Orissa,
Gangetic West Bengal, Bihar, East and West Madhya Pradesh, East Rajasthan and Gujarat

A very important characteristic of southwest monsoon is the occurrence of "break". The

break situations arise when the monsoon trough shifts to the foothills of Himalayas and are very
important as these cause floods in the rivers rising from the Eastern Himalayas. Sometimes, the
phenomenon of break sets in immediately after a monsoon depression and occurrence of
associated intense rainfall activity takes place. These two causes occurring in succession serve to
intensify the floods.

The whole India has been divided into 36 meteorological subdivisions by India
Meteorological Department (IMD) for the purpose of description of rainfall/monsoon activities
and for forecasting purpose.

The performance of monsoon rainfall over the country is monitored by evaluating the
departures of area weighted total rainfall from the normal rainfall in respect of meteorological
districts, sub-divisions, State and Country as a whole. IMD has categorized the rainfall as Large
excess, Excess, Normal, Deficient and Large deficient according to the following criteria.

Large Excess: +60% or more of the normal

Excess : +20% to +59% of the normal
Normal: +19% to -19%of the normal
Deficient: -20% to - 59% of the normal
Large Deficient: -60% to -99% of the normal
No Rain (N.R.): -100% of the normal

Normal monsoon seasonal rainfall is defined as the Long Period Average say of 50
st th
years for the period from 1 June to 30 September. Presently, Long Period average for the

years 1961 to 2010 is being used to define normal. For the country as a whole the normal
st th
rainfall during the period from 1 June to 30 September is 88 cm.


 The seasonal (June-September) rainfall over the country as a whole was 109% of its Long
Period Average (LPA) in 2020. It was the third highest after 112% of LPA in 1994 and 110 %
of LPA in 2019.

 Seasonal rainfalls over Northwest India, Central India, South Peninsula and East & Northeast
(E & NE) India were 86%, 115%, 129% and 107% of their respective LPA.

 Out of 36 meteorological subdivisions, 2 subdivisions (5% of the total area of the country)
received large excess rainfall, 13 subdivisions (35% of the total area of the country) received
excess rainfall, 16 subdivisions (45% of the total area of the country) received normal
seasonal rainfall and 5 subdivisions (15% of the total area of the country) received deficient
season rainfall during the season.

 Monthly rainfall over the country as a whole was 117% of LPA in June, 90% of LPA in July,
127% of LPA in August and 105% of LPA in September.

 Southwest monsoon current reached south Andaman Sea and Nicobar Islands on 17th May
2020 (5 days ahead of its normal date), but further advance was sluggish. It set in over Kerala
on 1st June coinciding with its normal date for onset over Kerala; Monsoon covered the entire
country on 26th June 2020; 12 days before its normal date (8th July).

 Monsoon started withdrawing from western parts of northwest India on 28 th September 2020
against the normal date of 17th September 2020 with a delay of around 11 days. The
Southwest Monsoon withdrew from the entire country on 28th October 2020.

 During the season, one Severe Cyclonic Storm ‘NISARGA’ formed during 1st to 4th June. This
year also witnessed absence of monsoon depression during the season.

 The forecast for monsoon onset over Kerala for this year was correct, which is the fifteenth
consecutive correct forecast for the event (except for the year 2015) since issuing of forecast
for the onset over Kerala started in 2005. The Forecasted date of onset of monsoon over
Kerala was 5th June with a model error of ±4 days and realized date of onset of monsoon over
Kerala was 1st June in this year.

 The forecasts for the rainfall over the country as a whole during the season, forecasts for the
seasonal rainfall over three broad homogeneous geographical regions (Central India,
Northeast India and South Peninsula) and forecast for August rainfall and for rainfall of second
half of the monsoon season for the country as a whole were found to be underestimated with
respect to the actual rainfall whereas the forecasts for the rainfall for the country as a whole
during July and forecast for the seasonal rainfall for Northwest India were found to be
overestimated as compared to the actual rainfall.


The South West Monsoon (SWM) arrived over Andaman Sea on 17th May 2020, 5 days
before its normal date of arrival, however its further advancement was hindered by the formation
and intensification of the Super Cyclonic Storm ‘Amphan’ over the Bay of Bengal. The SWM
arrived over Kerala on its normal date i.e. on 1st June. Further advancement over the country is
observed to be almost close to the normal date (with deviation of ±3-4 days) for most parts of
the central India. Advancement of the SWM over northwest India has taken place about 5-10
days earlier than the normal date. Monsoon covered entire country on 26th June against the
normal date of 08th July. Thus, monsoon set in over the entire country 12 days before its normal
date. Fig. 1 shows the isochrones of advance of monsoon 2020.

Fig. 1: Progress of Southwest Monsoon – 2020


During the monsoon season 2020, a total number of 12 Low Pressure System formed.
The first Low Pressure System formed over Arabian Sea on 31st May had intensified into Severe
Cyclonic Storm ‘NISARGA’ on 2nd June. However, none of the other low pressure systems
intensified into Monsoon Depression/Deep Depression categories during the monsoon season.

Month/System SCS Low Pressure Areas Well-marked low-pressure areas

June 1 01 0
July 0 01 01
August 0 01 04
September 0 02 01

The first Low Pressure System of the season; the Severe Cyclonic Storm ‘NISARGA’ originated
from a low pressure area which formed over Southeast and adjoining East Central Arabian Sea
and Lakshadweep area in the early morning of 31st May 2020. It concentrated into a Depression
over East central and adjoining Southeast Arabian Sea in the early morning of 1st June 2020. It
intensified further into a Deep Depression over East central Arabian Sea in the early morning and
into a Cyclonic Storm ‘NISARGA’ in the noon of 2nd June. It moved northwards till evening of 2nd
June and gradually recurved northeastwards and intensified into a Severe Cyclonic Storm in the
early morning of 3rd June. Continuing to move northeastwards, it crossed Maharashtra coast
close to south of Alibaug as a Severe Cyclonic Storm during the afternoon of 3 rd June.
Continuing to move northeastwards after landfall, it weakened into a Cyclonic Storm in the
evening over north Madhya Maharashtra and into a Deep Depression in the midnight of 3 rd June
over the same region. It further weakened into a Depression over western parts of Vidarbha and
neighbourhood in the early morning and into a Well-Marked Low pressure over central parts of
Madhya Pradesh in the evening of 4th June. It weakened further into a Low pressure area over
southeast Uttar Pradesh and adjoining Bihar in the afternoon of 5th June. Track of Severe
Cyclonic Storm ‘NISARGA’ formed during SW Monsoon season is given in Fig. 2.

Fig. 2: Track of the Severe Cyclonic Storm ‘NISARGA’ formed during Monsoon Season

During the month of June, apart from the above system, a low pressure area which
formed over West central Bay of Bengal (9-12 June) and its associated cyclonic circulation have
strengthened the monsoon flow. Cyclonic vortices at upper levels off both the coasts, over
central & north India, east-west shear zone across Peninsular India, an east-west trough at mean
sea level extending upto lower tropospheric levels with cyclonic circulations embedded in it were
also observed. All these systems caused fairly widespread to widespread rainfall activity over
most parts of the country and thus supported the advance of monsoon over the country.
Towards the end of the month, the monsoon trough shifted northwards with its eastern part
close to the foot hills of Himalayas (during 27 June-2 July).

During the month of July, many unfavorable features of monsoon appeared resulting in
deficient rainfall for the country. The weak monsoon in July was mainly due to absence of any
major monsoon disturbance over Bay of Bengal and due to the prevalence of a weak cross
equatorial flow in general. Absence of any major systems caused the monsoon trough also weak.
The monsoon trough lay to the north of the normal position or close to the foothills of the
Himalayas on many days during the month. It resulted in frequent and prolonged floods over
northeastern India, Bihar and adjoining areas of East Uttar Pradesh. At the same time, major
parts of central and northwest India received deficient rainfall.

However, in the first week of July, with the formation of two low pressure areas; one over
coastal Saurashtra and neighbourhood (5-12 July) and the other over Northwest Bay of Bengal
off Odisha-Gangetic West Bengal coast (5-6 July) and their associated cyclonic circulations tilting
southwards with height, monsoon trough was observed in its normal/south of its normal position
during 3-8 July. The low pressure area which formed over coastal Saurashtra and
neighbourhood, became well marked on 6th over Kutch and neighbourhood. In addition to this
low pressure area, an off- shore trough, a shear zone along 16° N and the monsoon trough to
the south of its normal position resulted in widespread rainfall activity over Gujarat State and
over coastal & interior parts of Maharashtra and the other low pressure area over Bay of Bengal
caused widespread rainfall activity over eastern parts of India.

During the subsequent three weeks of July, an off-shore trough along south Maharashtra
and Kerala coasts, cyclonic vortices over north Konkan coast and east-west shear zone across
peninsular India caused widespread/fairly widespread rainfall with heavy to very heavy rainfall
activity along the west coast and adjoining interior parts of peninsular India. In the same period,
the interactions of the eastern end of monsoon trough (which lay north/close to foot hills of
Himalayas) with the cyclonic circulations and convergence of strong south-westerly to southerly
winds from Bay of Bengal over east and northeast India triggered monsoon activity over
northeast and adjoining east India. The interaction of western end of monsoon trough with the
systems in westerlies, circulations in the lower tropospheric levels and moisture incursions from
the Arabian Sea caused widespread/fairly widespread rainfall with heavy rainfall over Western
Himalayan Region, plains of northwest India & adjoining central & west India during third and
fourth week of the month.

A coherent Madden Julian Oscillation (MJO) signal was not evident during June and on
most days of July. Only towards the end of July upto mid of August, the signal became active
and slight eastward propagation from Indian Ocean to the maritime continent was seen.

In association with absence of low pressure systems over the Bay of Bengal, shifting of
monsoon trough to the foothills on many days and unfavourable conditions like MJO, the
monsoon rainfall was deficient in July across central India. At the same time it caused flood over
northeastern States, Bihar and East Uttar Pradesh on a few occasions.

As the MJO moved eastwards over the Indian seas, the Arabian Sea and Bay of Bengal
became convectively active in August. The formation of five low pressure systems over the North
Bay of Bengal in succession out of which four of them became well marked (4-10 , 9-11, 13-18,
19-26 and 24-31 August) and their west-northwestward movement across central India upto
Gujarat and south Rajasthan, active MJO, active Monsoon trough mostly south of its normal
position and stronger winds reaching up to 50-60 kmph in lower levels over Arabian Sea during a
few days in the month led to active monsoon conditions over most parts of the country and
caused significantly higher than normal rainfall over central and western parts of India during the
month of August.

During the month, strengthening of the monsoon flow in the Arabian Sea, led to
convergence of strong low level westerlies along the west coast. Also, the presence of cyclonic
vortices, off-shore trough, east-west shear zone over peninsular India caused widespread
rainfall/thundershowers along the west coast, over parts of Peninsular India, Gujarat state,
Konkan & Goa and Madhya Maharashtra. System in westerlies and convergence of moist low
level winds from Arabian Sea, cyclonic circulations over northwest India and presence of strong
easterlies due to the presence of low pressure systems caused scattered to fairly widespread
rainfall/thunderstorms over Western Himalayan Region and adjoining parts of northwest India
during the month.

Due to active monsoon conditions, riverine floods occurred over Odisha, Telangana,
Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Gujarat and Rajasthan. The active monsoon conditions
consecutively for 4 weeks led to excess rainfall activity over the country.

Fairly widespread to widespread rainfall/thunderstorms over parts of Northeast and

adjoining parts of East India with heavy to very heavy rainfall was also observed during the first,
second and the last week of August due to the convergence of moist south-westerlies to
southerlies from the Bay of Bengal and presence of cyclonic vortices in the lower levels.

A weak MJO re-entered eastern Indian Ocean in late August and propagated eastwards
into maritime continent with weak amplitude by the end of monsoon season.

From the last week of August till the formation of a low pressure area off north Andhra
coast on 13 September, either the western or the eastern end of monsoon trough remained
north of its normal position or close to foot hills of Himalayas. Heat Low also started weakening.
The low pressure area which formed on 13th September subsequently became Well Marked Low
and dissipated over Telangana and adjoining south Chhattisgarh. It triggered monsoon activity
over Central and Peninsular India. After the dissipation of the low pressure area on 16 th, the
monsoon trough lay north of its normal position and regained it near-normal position with the
formation of another low pressure system on 20th over Northeast Bay of Bengal and
neighbourhood. This low pressure system dissipated over east Bihar and neighbourhood on 26 th.
East Uttar Pradesh, Bihar and Sub Himalayan West Bengal experienced widespread
rainfall/thunderstorms due to this system. The monsoon trough became disorganized on 28th
September. Apart from the above two low pressure systems in the month, another low-pressure
system (6-8 September) formed over Southeast and adjoining East central Arabian Sea and in
conjunction with an east-west shear zone over south peninsula caused widespread rainfall
activity over south Peninsular India, Lakshadweep area and coastal and interior parts of
Maharashtra during the first week of the month. Circulation features favoring convergence of
strong moist winds from the Bay of Bengal in the lower tropospheric levels and the alignment of
monsoon trough over northeast India and adjoining east India continued to trigger the monsoon
activity over the region during the month.


The formation of two low pressure areas in the month of September led to an active
monsoon trough which delayed the withdrawal of monsoon. The withdrawal of monsoon
commenced on 28th September from some parts of west Rajasthan and Punjab, against its
normal date of 17th September with the establishment of an anti- cyclonic circulation in the lower
tropospheric levels over western parts of northwest India and substantial reduction in moisture
content & rainfall. A further change in the low level wind pattern into north westerlies, reduction
in moisture content and cessation of rainfall over northwest India, led to the withdrawal of
southwest monsoon from some more parts of Rajasthan, remaining parts of Punjab, entire
Western Himalayan region & Haryana, Chandigarh & Delhi and some parts of Uttar Pradesh on
30th September. It then withdrew from most parts of Rajasthan, some more parts of Uttar
Pradesh and some parts of northwest Madhya Pradesh on 3rd October 2020 and from remaining
parts of Rajasthan, some more parts of Uttar Pradesh and Madhya Pradesh, most parts of
Gujarat state and some parts of North Arabian Sea on 6th October 2020. The Southwest Monsoon
withdrew from the entire country on 28th October 2020. Fig. 3 shows the isochrones of
withdrawal of monsoon 2020.

Fig. 3: Isochrones of withdrawal of southwest monsoon - 2020


Fig. 4 depicts the meteorological Sub-divisions or parts thereof, which experienced high
impact weather events like floods, landslides and Heat waves during the Southwest Monsoon
season (June - September) along with the dates. It also indicates areas that experienced isolated
extremely heavy rainfall (Rainfall amount ≥25 cm reported during the 24 hours ending at 0830
hrs IST) events during the season without any reference to the dates of these occurrences.

Incessant rainfall associated with the formation and movement of the monsoon low
pressure systems in the presence of strong cross equatorial flow often caused flood situations
over various areas during different parts of the season.

Fig. 4: Areas and dates of high impact weather events during the 2020 SW Monsoon


The realized 2020 southwest monsoon season (June to September) rainfall over the
country as a whole and four broad geographical regions are given in the table below along
with respective long period average (LPA) values. The rainfall during the 4 monsoon months
and the second half of the monsoon season (August & September) over the country as a
whole are also given.

Season (June to September) rainfall

Long Period Average Actual Rainfall for 2020
Region (LPA) (mm) Rainfall (mm) Rainfall (% of LPA)
All India 880.6 961.4 109
Northwest India 599.5 516.5 86
Central India 976.6 1122.4 115
East & Northeast India 1410.4 1509.0 107
South Peninsula 726.2 937.4 129
Monthly & second half of monsoon season rainfall (All India)
Month LPA (mm) Actual Rainfall for 2020
Rainfall (mm) Rainfall (% of LPA)
June 166.9 195.6 117
July 285.3 257.1 90
August 258.2 327.8 127
September 170.2 178.0 105
August +September 428.4 505.8 118

As seen in the table above, the 2020 season rainfall over the country as a whole
(109% of LPA) was more than the long period average (LPA). The 2020 seasonal rainfalls
over three of the four geographical regions of the country (except Northwest India) were
also more than the respective LPAs. The highest rainfall (129% of LPA) was received by
South Peninsula and lowest rainfall (86% of LPA) was received by Northwest India. Central
India and East & Northeast India received season rainfalls of 115% of LPA and 107% of LPA
respectively. The monthly rainfall over the country as a whole were more than LPA during
three months of the season (117% of LPA in June, 127% of LPA in August and 105% in
September) and were less than LPA during the months of the July (90% of LPA in July).

Country as a whole received rainfall of 109% of LPA during the first half (117% of LPA
in June and 90% of LPA in July), which was less than that during the second half (118% of
LPA) with 127% of LPA in August and 105% of LPA in September. Thus among the four
months, rainfall deficiency was highest during July and rainfall was excess in August.


The Indian southwest monsoon (SWM) season of June to September is the chief rainy
season for India and about 75% of the country’s annual rainfall is realised during this season.
Subsequent to the withdrawal of SWM, the northeast monsoon (NEM), a small scale monsoon
confined to parts of southern peninsular India comprising of the meteorological sub-divisions of
Tamil Nadu, Puducherry & Karaikal (TN), Kerala & Mahe (KER), Coastal Andhra Pradesh &
Yanam (CAP), Telangana, Rayalaseema (RYS) and South Interior Karnataka (SIK) occurs. For
the subdivision of TN, the normal SWM seasonal rainfall realised is only about 36% (336.1 mm)
of its annual rainfall (939.3 mm) as this subdivision comes under the rain-shadow region during
the SWM. The northeast monsoon (NEM) season of October to December (OND) is the chief
rainy season for this sub-division with approx 48% (449.7 mm) of its annual rainfall realised
during this season and hence its performance is a key factor for this regional agricultural

Further, the NEM season is also the primary cyclone season for the North Indian Ocean
(NIO) basin comprising of the Bay of Bengal (BOB) and the Arabian Sea (AS). Cyclonic
disturbances (CDs; low pressure systems (LPS) with maximum sustained surface wind speed
(MSW) of 17 knots or more forming over BOB and moving west/northwest wards affect the
coastal areas of southeastern peninsular India and also contributes significantly to NEM rainfall.
As such, the NEM season assumes importance from the agricultural and Water Management as
well as disaster management perspectives.

Prior to the commencement of NEM rains, after the withdrawal of SWM up to 15°N,
reversal of low level winds from southwesterly to northeasterly occurs. The normal date of
setting in of easterlies over the southeastern peninsular India is 14 th October. The normal
rainfall received over the five NEM sub-divisions during OND is TN- 449.7 mm, KER- 491.6 mm,
CAP- 338.1 mm, RYS- 223.3 mm, Telangana- 123.3 mm and SIK- 204.1 mm. However, the
NEM seasonal rainfall shows a high degree of variability with 27% co-efficient of variation.

The NEM rainfall is influenced by global climate parameters such as ENSO (El Nino/La Nina &
Southern Oscillation Index), Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD) and Madden-Julian Oscillation (MJO). El
Nino, positive IOD and MJO in phase 2-4 with amplitude greater than one are generally
associated with good NEM rainfall.


During October 2020, La Nina and positive SOI conditions prevailed over the equatorial Pacific
region; IOD was neutral and MJO was generally in phase 5-8. As such La Nina & positive SOI,
and MJO in the western hemisphere were not favourable for good NEM activity. Further, two low
pressure systems over the BOB- (i) a Deep Depression (DD) during 11th -14th October 2020 that
crossed north Andhra Pradesh coast near Kakinada and (ii) a Depression (D) during 22 nd - 24th
October 2020 that crossed West Bengal–Bangladesh coasts extended the southwest monsoon
activity upto the last week of October 2020.


Cyclones and Depressions over the Bay-of Bengal during October-December 2020,
six major low pressure systems (LPS) formed over the NIO – four over the BOB and two over the
AS. Of these the four LPS that formed over the BOB influenced the NEM activity. Brief life history
of these four LPS (based on the preliminary reports on these LPS of RSMC, IMD New Delhi) - (i)
Deep Depression over the BOB during 11th – 14th October 2020 (ii) Depression over the BOB
during 22nd – 24th October 2020 (iii) Very Severe Cyclonic Storm (VSCS) NIVAR over BOB during
22nd – 26th November 2020 and (iv) Cyclonic Storm (CS) BUREVI over the BOB during 30 th
November – 05th December 2020.


Aside from the cyclones and depressions that affected the performance of NEM 2020,
other major synoptic scale weather systems that influenced the NEM 2020 were the transient
easterly wave troughs across the peninsular India. During the period October-December 2020,
frequent easterly wave troughs that moved across peninsular India from east to west
contributed significantly to the NEM rainfall during the season. Analysis of Hovmoller plots of 6-
hrly meridional wind along 10°N latitude at 700 hPa for the period 1 st October–31st December
2020 indicated four easterly wave troughs that moved across the peninsular India– (i) 8th - 12th
November 2020, (ii) 12th - 16th November 2020, (iii) 12th - 16th December 2020 and (iv) 26th -
30th December 2020.


The onset of NEM 2020 over the southeastern parts of peninsular India took place on 28 th
October [delay of 8 days from the normal date of onset (20th October)]. Despite a late onset,
except Kerala, all other subdivisions benefited by the NEM (TN, CAP, RYS & SIK) received
normal to excess rainfall during the season (Oct-Dec 2020). Under the influence of extended
SWM, CAP, RYS & SIK received normal rainfall in October, but, TN & KER ended up deficient
during the month. In November, except KER, which came under deficient category, all other
subdivisions received normal/above normal rainfall with RYS recording +122% excess. In
December all the five subdivisions received normal/above normal rainfall with RYS and TN
recording +99% and +87% excess rainfall. Two cyclones– VSCS Nivar and CS Burevi as well as
passage of easterly wave trough across peninsular India contributed significantly towards NEM
activity during November and December. The NEM season extended into first half of January
2021 also and cessation of NEM rains over the peninsular India took place on 19th January




The Flood Forecasting Activity was expanded to 328 locations as explained in

previous Chapter. All the 328 flood forecasting sites including 130 inflow forecasting sites
are operational i.e. where desired hydro-meteorological data is observed/collected, during
the flood season 2020. Extreme floods, exceeding previous highest flood levels (HFL),
were observed in seven sites namely Sivasagar in Sivasagar district of Assam,
Dumariaghat in Gopalganj district, Rewaghat in Muzzafarpur district and Rosera in
Samastipur district of Bihar, Mathani Road Bridge in Balasore district of Odisha, Chinturu in
East Godavari district of Andhra Pradesh and Deongaon Bridge in Gulbarga district of
Karnataka during the year 2020.



Extreme flood situation were witnessed in 7 Flood Forecasting Stations in the State
of Assam, Bihar Odisha, Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka.

41 Flood Monitoring Stations flowed in Extreme Flood Situation in Assam, Bihar,

Chattisgarh, Odisha, Karnataka, Telangana, Tamilnadu, Andhra Pradesh, Maharashtra,
Madhya Pradesh, Uttarakhand and Uttar Pradesh state.

Month wise number of flood forecast and monitoring stations witnessed Extreme
Flood is shown in Fig. 3.1.



No. of Stations


2 2

June July Aug Month Sep Oct Nov
Fig. 3.1: Month wise number of flood forecasting/monitoring stations
witnessed extreme floods during 2020


Severe flood events were witnessed in 88 stations and above normal floods were
witnessed at 34 stations and inflow forecasts were issued in 88 Stations.

No flood forecasts were issued at 111 flood forecast stations (69 level and 42
inflow) as they did not cross warning level or flows were not above threshold in case of
inflow forecasts. Statement showing number of stations where level/inflow forecast were
issued is as follows:
State Level Inflow
Warning Danger Highest Below Dams/ Dams/
Level Level Flood Warning Barrages Barrages
exceeded exceeded exceeded Level exceeded not
threshold exceeded
limit threshold
Andhra 6 2 1 1 8 2
Arunachal 0 1 0 2 0 0
Assam 3 23 1 3 0 0
Bihar 4 28 3 5 2 1
Chhattisgarh 0 1 0 0 2 0
Gujarat 1 2 0 3 5 2
Haryana 0 0 0 1 0 1
Himachal 0 0 0 1 0 0
Jammu and 0 0 0 3 0 0
Jharkhand 0 1 0 1 6 9
Kerala 0 2 0 1 2 0
Karnataka 0 0 1 0 13 1
Madhya 0 2 0 0 10 0
Maharashtra 0 2 0 6 7 6
Odisha 4 7 1 0 2 5
Rajasthan 1 1 0 1 8 3
Sikkim 0 0 0 3 0 5
Tamilnadu 0 0 0 4 7 4
Telangana 2 2 0 1 7 1
Tripura 0 0 0 2 0 0
Uttar 9 8 0 22 5 0
Uttarakhand 2 1 0 1 1 1
West Bengal 2 5 0 5 3 1
Daman & Diu 0 0 0 1 0 0
Delhi 0 0 0 2 0 0
Total 34 88 7 69 88 42

Map 2 below shows the flood situation in the country during the year 2020.

Map 2: Flood situation in India during 2020


It is observed that during the last 3 years extreme floods were witnessed in non-
flood prone states such as Karnataka, Kerala, Maharashtra, Tamilnadu in addition to
existing flood prone states like Assam, Bihar, Odisha and Uttar Pradesh. Fig 3.2 shows
graph showing state wise extreme flood situation during the year 2018 to 2020. From the
graph it is seen that Karnataka witnessed extreme flood situation in 23 stations while
Kerala in 20 stations, Maharashtra in 10 stations and Tamilnadu in 10 stations.

No.of Stations flowed in Extreme Flood Situation


Andhra Pradesh





4 4


Kerala 0 0

Madhya Pradesh







Tamil Nadu



2 2


Uttar Pradesh



Fig. 3.2: State wise extreme flood situation during the years 2018 to 2020



A number of techniques are being utilised for formulation of river stage and inflow
forecasts by Central Water Commission. While inflow forecast is being provided for
assisting project authorities in reservoir regulation, the stage forecast is done for warning
the civil and engineering authorities about the predicted water level well ahead of its
occurrence. An accurate forecast is one where the forecast level and corresponding actual
observed level exactly synchronize or have such a small difference that it can be taken as
reasonably accurate. In an ideal situation, not only the forecast and the corresponding
observed value of river stage/inflow should be the same but also the time of such
occurrence should be the same as that predicted.


As per present practice, all the level and inflow forecasts are being judged by the
single criteria of accuracy i.e. the actual level attained is within ±15cm of forecasted value
for stage forecasts and the actual inflow/volume received in the dam/barrage is within
±20% of the forecasted value for inflow forecast.

The forecast of incoming flood gives the water level or inflow and ‘time’ of
occurrences. It is also observed that in many cases the levels attained were found within
permissible limit of accuracy but the time of occurrence was not the same.


The flood forecasting activities like data collection, forecast formulation and its
dissemination during 2020 covered various river basins and States. A total of 11721
forecast were issued during 2020. The performance of flood forecasting Division wise,
Major Basin wise, State wise and for the period 2000 to 2020 are given from Annex - IV
to VII.




During the flood season 2020, no forecast was issued for Jhelum basin.


During the flood season 2020, analysis of the flood forecasts issued reveals that
3289 forecasts (28.06% of 11721 forecast) were issued for 30 sites (30 level Forecast
Sites) located on the main Brahmaputra and tributaries. Out of these, 3249 forecasts
(98.78%) were found within permissible limit of accuracy.


During the flood season 2020, 200 forecasts (1.70% of 11721) were issued for 4 (4
level) Sites. All forecasts were found within permissible limit of accuracy.


One new Level Forecasting site Dholpur was added during 2020 flood season.
During the flood season 2020, 4897 forecasts (41.78 % of 11721) were issued for 85 sites
(59 level and 26 inflow), out of total 134 sites (95 level and 39 inflow Forecast) located on
the main Ganga and its tributaries. No forecast was issued for the remaining 49 sites. Out
of these, 4757 forecasts (97.14%) were found within permissible limit of accuracy.


Two new Inflow Forecasting sites namely Indirasagar (Polavaram) and Laxmi
Barrage were added during 2020 flood season. During the flood season 2020, 352
forecasts (3% of 11721) were issued for 24 (12 level and 12 inflow) of the 42 sites (18
level and 24 inflow) on Godavari Basin and 303 (86.08%) forecasts were found within
permissible limit of accuracy. No forecasts were issued for remaining 18 sites.


During the flood season 2020, 1407 forecasts (12.00% of 11721) were issued for
20 forecasting sites out of 22 sites. Out of 1407 forecasts issued, 1295 forecasts were
found to be within limit with an accuracy of 92.04%. No forecasts were issued for the
remaining 2 sites.


During the flood season 2020, 651 forecasts (5.55 % of 11721) were issued for 8
inflow forecasting sites and 562 forecasts (86.33%) were found within permissible limit of
accuracy. No level forecast was issued during 2020.


During the flood season 2020, 150 forecasts (1.28% of 11721) were issued for 4
forecasting sites (3 level and 1 inflow). Out of 150 forecast, 121 forecasts were found to
be within permissible limit of accuracy (80.67%). No forecasts were issued for remaining 3


During the flood season 2020, 31 forecasts (0.26% of 11721) were issued for 4 (3
level and 1 inflow) forecasting sites. Out of 31 forecast (22 level and 9 inflow) issued, 19

(15 level and 4 inflow) forecasts were found to be within permissible limit with 61.29% of


During the flood season 2020, 143 forecasts (1.22% of 11721) were issued for all
the 6 forecasting sites (3 level and 3 inflow). Out of 143 (30 level forecast and 113 inflow
forecast) forecast issued, 139 forecasts was found to be within limit with an accuracy of


During the flood season 2020, 42 forecasts (0.36% of 11721) were issued for 6
forecasting site (4 level and 2 inflow). Out of 42 (27 level and 15 inflow) forecast issued,
35 forecasts (23 level and 12 inflow) were found to be within limit with an accuracy of


During the flood season 2020, 66 forecasts (0.56% of 11721) were issued for both
the forecasting sites (1 level and 1 inflow). Out of 66 (2 level and 64 inflow) forecast
issued, 50 forecasts were found to be within limit with an accuracy of 75.76%.


During the flood season 2020, 22 forecasts (0.18% of 11721) were issued for 3
forecasting sites (3 inflow) out of 6 (6 inflow) sites. Out of 22 inflow forecasts issued, 9
forecasts were found to be within limit with an accuracy of 40.91%. No forecasts were
issued for the remaining site.


During the flood season 2020, 25 (0.21% of 11721) forecast were issued for 3 (1
level and 2 inflow) forecasting site. All forecasts were within permissible limit with 100%
accuracy. No forecasts were issued for the remaining sites.


During the flood season 2020, 6 inflow forecast (0.05% of 11721) were issued with
100% accuracy. No level forecast was issued.


During the flood season 2020, 274 forecasts (2.33% of 11721) were issued for 4
level forecast site and 6 inflow forecast stations. Out of 274 forecast issued, 272 forecasts
were found to be within limit with an accuracy of 99.27%.


During the flood season 2020, 129 forecasts (1.10% of 11721) were issued for 2
forecasting site (2 inflow) out of 3 (1 level and 2 inflow) sites. Out of 129 forecast issued,
127 forecasts were found to be within limit with an accuracy of 98.45%. No level forecast
was issued during season 2020 in the basin.


During the flood season 2020, 3 forecasts (0.02% of 11721) were issued for 1
forecasting site (1 inflow). All the 3 forecast were within permissible limit. No level
forecast was issued during season 2020 in the basin.


During the flood season 2020, no forecast was issued in this Basin.


During the flood season 2020, 34 forecasts (0.29% of 11721) were issued for 4
forecasting site (2 level and 2 inflow). Out of 34 forecasts (15 level and 19 inflow), 26 (15
level and 11 inflow) forecast were within the limit of accuracy with an accuracy of 76.47%.

The Basin/River wise flood forecasting information in India during flood season
2020 is given in Annex – II ( A & B).


There are 22 states and three Union Territories of the Daman and Diu, Jammu &
Kashmir and National Capital Territory of Delhi so far covered under the Flood Forecast
and Warning Network of the Central Water Commission. The State wise flood forecasting
information in India during the flood season 2020, is given in Annex –III ( A & B). Their
salient features are as under:


One new Flood Forecasting site Indirasagar (Polavaram) was added in Andhra
Pradesh during 2020 flood season. Now, there are total 20 (10 level and 10 inflow)
forecasting sites. Forecasts were issued for 17 (9 Level and 8 Inflow) forecasting sites. It
is revealed that 756 forecasts (97 level and 659 inflow) were issued out of which 689
forecasts (81 level and 608 inflow) were within limits (91.14%). No forecasts were issued
for 3 stations.
River Godavari at Chinturu flowed in Extreme Flood Situation from 15th August to
24th August during this monsoon period. Flood Monitoring Station on river Nagri at
Buggaagraharam flowed in Extreme Flood Situation on 26th November and river Cheyyeru
at Nandalur flowed in Extreme Flood Situation on 27th November during this monsoon

Flood water of Sabari River at Kunavaram in East Godavari District on 21st
August 2020


During 2020 flood season 130 level forecasts were issued for 1 level forecasting site
and 129 forecasts are within permissible limit with 99.23% accuracy. No forecast was
issued for remaining sites.

4.5.3 ASSAM

In Assam, there are 30 forecasting sites and all of them are level forecasting site.
Forecasts were issued for 27 sites. It is seen that during 2020 season, 3094 forecasts
were issued out of which 3081 forecasts (99.58%) were found within limit of accuracy.
River Dikhow at Sivasagar flowed in Extreme Flood Situation on 22nd June during
this monsoon period. Flood Monitoring Station on river Suklai at Suklai flowed in Extreme
flood situation on 25th June and 7th September during flood season 2020.

At Konwerpur Mouja in Sivasagr in Assam on 23rd June 2020

4.5.4 BIHAR

In Bihar, there are 40 level forecasting sites and 3 Inflow forecasting sites.
Forecasts were issued for 37 sites during the year 2020. Out of 3223 (3213 level and 10
inflow) forecasts issued during the flood season 2020, 3192 forecasts (99.04%) were
found within limit of accuracy. No forecast was issued for 6 (5 level and 1 inflow) sites.

River Gandak at Dumariaghat and Rewaghat flowed in Extreme Flood Situation

from 23rd July to 25th July during this monsoon period. River Burhi Gandak at Rosera
flowed in Extreme Flood Situation from 31st July to 5th August during this monsoon period.
Flood Monitoring Station on river Mahananda at Moujabadi flowed in Extreme flood

situation from 27th to 28th June during flood season 2020. Flood Monitoring Station on
river Bagmati at Belsand and river Kosi at Dharmaaraghat flowed in Extreme flood
situation on 12th July during flood season 2020. Flood Monitoring Station on river Gandak
at Lalganj flowed in Extreme flood situation from 24th to 25th July and on 28th September
during flood season 2020. Flood Monitoring Station on river Adhwara at Bishunpur flowed
in Extreme flood situation from 25th July to 31st August and from 5th to 6th August during
flood season 2020. Flood Monitoring Station on river Burhi Gandak at Sakra flowed in
Extreme flood situation from 28thJuly to 3rd August during flood season 2020.

River Burhi Gandak in Muzaffarpur district, Bihar Tuesday, July 21, 2020.


In Chattisgarh there are 3 (1 level and 2 inflow) forecasting sites. Forecasts were
issued for all the sites. Out of 17 (6 level 11 inflow) forecast issued 14 (5 level 9 inflow)
number is within permissible limit with 82.35% accuracy.

Flood Monitoring Station on river Mahanadi at Surajgarh, Kalma and Kurubhata

flowed in Extreme flood situation from 28th August to 31st August during flood season
2020. Flood Monitoring Station on river Kharun at Patardihi flowed in Extreme flood
situation from 28th August to 29th August during flood season 2020.

Flood situation in Jangir-Champa during 29 August 2020


There are 13 (6 level and 7 inflow) forecasting sites in the state of Gujarat.
However, forecasts were issued for only 8 (3 level and 5 inflow) sites. Out of 184 forecasts
issued (29 level and 155 inflow), 180 (29 level & 151 inflow) forecasts were found within
limits of accuracy (97.83%) during the flood season 2020. No forecasts were issued for 5
(3 level and 2 inflow) sites.


There are 2 (1 level and 1 inflow) forecasting sites in Haryana. No level forecast
was issued during 2020. Data from Hathnikund Barrage were collected. However, no
inflow forecasts were issued due to very little travel time available from base station.


There is one level flood forecasting site Paonta Sahib in Himachal Pradesh. No
forecast was issued for this site during 2020 flood season.


In Jammu and Kashmir, there are 3 level forecasting sites. No forecast was issued
during 2020 flood season.


In the state of Jharkhand, there are 15 inflow and 2 level flood forecasting sites.
Flood forecasts were issued for 7 sites (1 level and 6 inflow). During the flood season
2020, 364 (90 level and 274 inflow) forecasts were issued out of which 339 (90 level and
249 inflow) forecasts (93.13 %) were found within limit of accuracy.


There are 15 (1 Level and 14 Inflow) forecasting sites in the state of Karnataka.
During the flood season 2020, forecasts were issued for 14 forecast (1 level and 13 inflow)
sites. Out of 883 (13 level and 870 inflow) forecasts issued, 793 (10 level and 783 inflow)
forecasts (89.81%) were found within limit of accuracy.

River Bhima at Deongaon Bridge flowed in Extreme Flood Situation from 17 th to 19th
October 2020. Flood monitoring station on river Cauvery at Napoklu flowed in Extreme
Flood Situation from 7th to 8th August 2020. Flood monitoring station on river Swarna at
Yennehole, flowed in Extreme Flood Situation on 20th September 2020. River Kagna at
Malkhed, river Don at Talikot and river Bhima at Yadgirall flood monitoring stations flowed
in Extreme Flood Situation from 14th to 16th October 2020.

Kadabur village in Kalaburagi district was completely flooded in Bhima river during 18th
October 2020.

4.5.12 KERALA

There are 5 (3 level and 2 inflow) forecasting sites in the state of Kerala. Forecasts
were issued for 4 (2 level and 2 inflow) sites during 2020. Out of 34 (15 level and 19
inflow) forecast issued 26 (15 level and 11 inflow) forecasts were within limit with 76.47%


In the state of Madhya Pradesh, there are two level forecasting sites on the river
Narmada and 10 inflow forecast sites. During the flood season 2020, forecasts were issued
for all 12 sites. Out of 235 (52 level 183 inflow) forecasts issued, 190 (52 level 138 inflow)
forecasts were found within the limit of accuracy (80.85%).

River Wainganga at Keolari and Balaghat, river Shakkar at Gadarwara, river Parwati
at Astha and river Narmada at Handia all flood monitoring stations flowed in Extreme
Flood Situation from 29th to 30th August 2020.

Flooding in Madhya Pradesh, 30 August 2020


There are 21 (8 level and 13 inflow) forecasting site in the state of Maharashtra.
During the flood season 2020, forecasts were issued for 2 level and 7 inflow forecast sites.
Total 153 (25 level 128 inflow) forecasts were issued out of which 136 (25 level and 111
inflow) forecasts were within limit (88.89%). No forecasts were issued for remaining 12 (6
level and 6 inflow) stations.

Flood monitoring station on river Kanhan at Satrapur/K.R. Bridge flowed in Extreme

Flood Situation on 29th August 2020. River Nira at Sarati, river Bhīma at Takli and
Wadakbal, all flood monitoring stations flowed in Extreme Flood Situation during October

Flood situation in Bhandara district in Maharashtra during 31st August 2020.

4.5.15 ODISHA

In the state of Odisha, there are 19 (12 level and 7 inflow) forecasting site. During
the flood season 2020, 266 (155 level and 111 inflow) forecasts were issued for 14
forecast sites (12 Level and 2 Inflow), out of which 239 (135 level and 104 inflow) (89.85
%) were found within limit of accuracy. No forecasts were issued for remaining 5 flood
forecasting sites.
River Jalaka at Mathani Road Bridge flowed in Extreme Flood Situation from 26th to
27th August 2020. River Mahanadi at Mahulpali ,Padampur and Kanas all flood monitoring
stations flowed in Extreme Flood Situation from 27th to 29th August 2020.

River Jalaka in Balasore district in Odisha during 17th August 2020


Flood Forecasting activity was expanded to one additional level forecasting station
named Dholpur during 2020. In the state of Rajasthan there are 3 level and 11 inflow
forecast stations. During Flood Season 2020, 59 (10 level and 49 inflow) forecasts were
issued out of which 32 (9 level and 32 inflow) forecast were within permissible limit with
54.24% accuracy.

4.5.17 SIKKIM

There are 8 (3 level and 5 inflow) forecasting site in Sikkim. During the flood
season 2020 no Forecast was issued.


In the state of Tamilnadu there are 15 (4 level and 11 inflow) forecast stations.
During flood season 2020, 445 inflow forecasts were issued out of which 370 were within
limit of accuracy (83.15%). No level forecast was issued during 2020.
Flood Monitoring Stations on river Araniar at Puduvayal and river Palar at Arcot
flowed in Extreme Flood Situation from 26th to 29th November 2020. Flood Monitoring
Stations on river Periyaodai at Venganur flowed in Extreme Flood Situation from 3 rd to 5th
December 2020. Flood Monitoring Stations on river Kallar at Poyapakkam flowed in
Extreme Flood Situation from 9th to 11th December 2020.

Goundanyamahanadhi, tributary of Palarriverwhich runs across Gudiyattam town, in spate on 27
November 2020

One Inflow forecast site namely Laxmi Barrage was added in the state Telangana
during Flood Season 2020 .In the state of Telangana there are 13 forecast stations (5level
and 8 inflow) during Flood Season 2020. Forecasts wereissued for 11 (4level and 7inflow)
sites. Total 335 Forecasts (44 level and 291 inflow) were issued in the State of Telangana
during 2020. Out of which 310 (40 level and 270inflow) forecast were within limit of
accuracy (92.54%).
Flood Monitoring Stations on river Musi at Anantharam and river Kagna at
Jewagi flowed in Extreme Flood Situation on 14th October 2020.

Flooded streets and submerged houses after heavy rainfall, in Warangal district on 16th August 2020

4.5.20 TRIPURA

There are two level forecasting sites in the state of Tripura namely, Kailashahar on
river Manu and Sonamura on river Gumti. No forecast was issued during 2020.


There were total six forecast sites (4 level and 2 inflow) in the state of Uttarakhand.
Forecasts were issued for four stations (3 level and 1 inflow) in 2020. 22 forecasts (15
level and 7 inflow) were issued out of which 21 forecast (14 level and 7 inflow) were
within limit of accuracy (95.45%).

Flood Monitoring Station on river Sharda at Jouljubi flowed in Extreme Flood

Situation on 19th July 2020.


There are 44 (39 level and 5 inflow) flood forecasting sites in the state of Uttar
Pradesh. During the flood season 2020, forecasts were issued for 22 stations (17 level and
5 inflow). Out of 911 forecasts (803 level and 108 inflow), 880 forecasts (800 level and 80
inflow) (96.60%) were found within limit of accuracy. No forecasts were issued for 22

Flood Monitoring Stations flowed in Extreme flood situation on river Chandan at

Thoothibari from 28th to 29th June, river Suhali at New Motipur on 9th July, river Burhi
Rapti at Parsohanghat on 12th July and river Burhi Yamuna at Panchkuan on 31st July
during 2020.

River Rapti at Gorakhpur on 20th July 2020


There were 16 (12 level and 4 inflow) flood forecasting sites in West Bengal. During
the flood season 2020, forecasts were issued for 10 sites (7 level and 3 inflow stations).
Out of 610 forecasts (452 level and 158 inflow), 577 forecasts (426 level and 151 inflow)
(94.59%) were found within limit of accuracy. No forecasts were issued for 6 forecast

4.5.24 DAMAN & DIU

In the Union Territory of Daman & Diu, there is one flood forecasting site at Daman
on river Damanganga. No forecast was issued during flood season 2020.


There are two flood forecasting sites in the National Capital Territory of Delhi (NCT
of Delhi), namely, Delhi Railway Bridge on the Yamuna River and Dhansa Regulator at
Delhi and Haryana border on the Sahibi river, a tributary of Yamuna River which is
commonly known by name of Najafgarh drain within Delhi town. Both the sites are level
forecasting sites. During the flood season 2020, no forecast was issued.

The performance of flood forecasting Stations (Division wise) in India during flood
season 2020 is given in Annex - IV.

The Major Basin/State wise performance of flood forecasting stations in India

during flood season 2020 is given in Annex-V to VI.

Details of Extreme flood events in the various river systems covered under the
Flood Forecasting & Warning Network are given in Annex – VIII for the year 2020.
Moderate and low flood events were observed as listed at Annex - IX to XI, for the year


During the flood season 2020, an average number of flood forecasts issued per
forecasting site were 35.73. The number of forecasting sites where the performance

accuracy of the issued forecasts was found to be above 95.54% (National average for
flood season 2020) was 128 sites (39.02%) which include 100 sites (30.48%) where flood
forecasting stations have 100% accurate forecasts.

The flood forecasting performance of the level forecasting as well as inflow

forecasting sites from 2000 to 2020 is given in Annex - VII and from 2000 to 2020 as
Fig. 4.1.


14000 100.00


Percentage Accuaracy of Forecast

No of Forecast issued/accurate

















4000 85.00
0 80.00




Fig. 4.1: Flood Forecast Performance from 2000 to 2020


Thus, in the twenty major river systems in the country where ‘Flood Forecasting &
Warning Network’ of Central Water Commission exists, and floods are being monitored;
the overall accuracy/performance was of the order of 95.54% for the country as a whole.
Site wise ‘Forecast Performance’ out of 328 operational sites in flood season 2020 is
shown in Table 4.1.

Table 4.1: Site wise ‘Forecast Performance’ of flood forecasting sites of CWC in
Flood Season, 2020

Sl. Details No. of %

No. Sites
1 Sites with performance accuracy between 0.0% to 25% 17 7.83%
2 Sites with performance accuracy between 25.1% to 7 3.23%
3 Sites with performance accuracy between 50.1% to 18 8.29%
4 Sites with performance accuracy between 75.1% to 75 34.57%
5 Sites with 100% performance accuracy 100 46.08%
6 Total sites where forecasts were issued 217 100%




Central Water Commission performs the Flood Forecasting and Warning job on
flood prone interstate river basins in the country. It issues the forecast to the users such
as various civil and engineering departments of the state and central governments
including, railway, defense, revenues authorities, public sector undertakings besides
National Disaster Management Cell in the Ministry of Home Affairs, who are responsible for
taking timely flood fighting measures, rescue operations including shifting of flood affected
people to safer places etc.

Though the various state government agencies in-charge of the flood management
and relief operations generally do not give their views in writing on usefulness of the flood
forecasting activities of CWC, yet some of them do write to the Central Water Commission
conveying their views on the usefulness of the flood forecasts received by them.


Abstract of some of the messages received by our field unit during the flood season
2020 are given below:

5.2.1 Office of the Superintending Engineer, Irrigation Circle, Vijayawada (Lr.

no: SE/IC/VJA/DB/JTO-I/411CE dt 23.12.2020)

On the above subject, it is submitted that the flood forecasts issued by Central
Water Commission authorities were very effectively utilized in operation and management
of flood during the season 2020 for releasing the floods from Prakasam Barrage into the
river and at Avanigadda, under the jurisdiction of this circle. Based on the forecast given,
we have taken decision in operation of gates and management of storages. We are very
much thankful for the cooperation rendered by the CWC Authorities.

5.2.2 Superintending Engineer, Krishna Bhagya Jala Nigam Limited,

Narayanapur (Lr No. KBJNL/O & MC-1/PB-1/2020-21/2755 dt 14.12.2020)

During 2020 flood season, the forecast data provided was useful and helped to
manage the flood effectively. The forecast data provided by CWC was in line with the
actual data realized. We further look forward to receive data in future for better water and
flood management.



Salient Features of Flood Forecasting Stations maintained by Central Water Commission

S.No Name of FF River/Basin Nearest Lat (N) Long (E) Base Station (TT in hrs) Div/Circle/ Met Sub WL (m) DL (m) HFL Mode of Methodology/ Remarks
Station/Type Town/Vill/District/State Orgn Division as per Data Model used for
IMD (m) Year Collection FF Formulation
1 Sangam Jhelum/ Indus Anantnag/Jammu and 33.84 75.08 CD, Jammu / Jammu & 1590.3 1591.2 1595.7 09-06-14
Kashmir Dir (M), Kashmir
Jammu/ IBO

2 Rammunshibagh Jhelum/ Indus Srinagar/Jammu and 34.06 74.86 1.1 Sangam CD, Jammu / Jammu & 1585.53 1586.45 1589.65 2014 Telephone/ Rainfall Runoff
(Srinagar) Kashmir 1.2 Khanabal Dir (M), Kashmir Mobile/ Model
1.3 Nunwan Jammu/ IBO Telemtry

3 Safapura Jhelum/ Indus Baramulla/Jammu and 34.29 74.63 CD, Jammu / Jammu & 1580 1580.5 1580.69 25-06-15
Kashmir Dir (M), Kashmir
Jammu/ IBO

4 Srinagar Alaknanda/Ganga Srinagar/Garhwal/ 30.22 78.78 2.1 Rudraprayag (06) HGD/HOCD/U Uttarakhand 539.00 540.00 536.85 1995 Wireless/ Conventional Forecast never
Uttarakhand GBO Telemetry issued because

5 Ganganagar Mandakini/Ganga Rudraprayag/Uttarakhand 30.04 79.04 HGD/HOC 803 804 80

6 Rishikesh Ganga/Ganga Rishikesh/Dehradun/Uttara 30.11 78.31 3.1 Deoprayag (08) HGD/HOCD/ Uttarakhand 339.50 340.50 341.72 1995 Wireless/ Conventional
khand 3.2 Marora (05) UGBO Telemetry

7 Hardwar Ganga/Ganga Hardwar/Hardwar/ 29.98 78.19 4.1 Deoprayag (09) HGD/HOCD/ Uttarakhand 293.00 294.00 296.30 2010 Wireless/ Conventional
Uttarakhand 4.2 Marora (06) UGBO Telemetry

8 Dharmanagari Ganga/Ganga Bijnor/UttarPradesh HGD/HOC

Barrage Dehradun/UGB
9 Garhmuktheswar Ganga/Ganga Gaziabad/UP 28.77 78.14 MGD- East Uttar 198.33 199.33 199.9 23-09-10
II/HOCDehradu Pradesh
n/UGBO Patna

10 Narora Barrage Ganga/Ganga Narora/ Bulanshahar/ Uttar 28.19 78.40 148.1 Haridwar (48) MGD2/HOCD/ West Uttar NA NA NA NA Wireless Conventional
Pradesh UGBO Pradesh
11 Kachlabridge Ganga/Ganga Budaun/UP 27.93 78.86 MGD- East Uttar 161 162 162.79 24-09-10
II/HOCDehradu Pradesh
n/UGBO Patna

12 Fatehgarh Ganga/Ganga Farrukhabad/UP 27.39 79.62 MGD- East Uttar 136.6 137.6 138.14 26-09-10
II/HOCDehradu Pradesh
n/UGBO Patna

13 Kalagarh Dam Ramganga/Ganga Pauri/Garhwal/Uttarakhand 29.49 78.76 MGD- FRL-365.3

n/UGBO Patna


S.No Name of FF River/Basin Nearest Lat (N) Long (E) Base Station (TT in hrs) Div/Circle/ Met Sub WL (m) DL (m) HFL Mode of Methodology/ Remarks
Station/Type Town/Vill/District/State Orgn Division as per Data Model used for
IMD (m) Year Collection FF Formulation
14 Moradabad Ramganga/Ganga Moradabad/Moradabad/Utt 28.83 78.80 5.1 Kalagarh (36) MGD2/HOCD/ West Uttar 189.60 190.60 192.88 2010 Wireless/ Conventional
ar Pradesh UGBO Prasdesh Telemetry

15 Bareilly Ramganga/Ganga Bareilly/Bareilly/ 28.30 79.37 6.1 Moradabad (28) MGD2/HOCD/ West Uttar 162.70 163.70 162.88 1978 Wireless/ Conventional
Uttar pradesh UGBO Prasdesh Telemetry

16 Dabri Ramganga/Ganga Jalalabar/Shahjahanpur/UP 27.49 79.37 MGD- East Uttar 136.3 137.3 139.69 28-09-83
II/HOCDehradu Pradesh
n/UGBO Patna

17 Kannauj Ganga/Ganga Kannauj/Kannauj/ 27.02 79.97 7.1 Narora (D/s) (48) MGD2/HOCD/ West Uttar 124.97 125.97 126.78 2010 Wireless Conventional
Uttar Pradesh UGBO Prasdesh

18 Ankinghat Ganga/Ganga Ankinghat/Kanpur/ Uttar 26.93 80.03 8.1 Narora (D/s) (48) MGD2/HOCD/ East Uttar 123.00 124.00 124.49 2010 Wireless/ Conventional
Pradesh 8.2 Bareilly (48) UGBO Prasdesh Telemetry
8.3 Fathegarh (12)
8.4 Dabri (12)
19 Kanpur Ganga/Ganga Kanpur/Kanpur/ Uttar 26.47 80.38 9.1 Fathegarh (24) MGD2/HOCD/ East Uttar 113.00 114.00 114.08 2010 Wireless/ Conventional
Pradesh 9.2 Dabri (24) UGBO Prasdesh Telemetry
9.3 Ankinghat (12)

20 Dalmau Ganga/Ganga Rae-barerilly/ Rae- 26.06 81.03 10.1 Ankninghat (28) MGD2/HOCD/ East Uttar 98.36 99.36 99.84 1973 Wireless/ Conventional
barerilly/ Uttar Pradesh 10.2 Kanpur (16) UGBO Prasdesh Telemetry

21 Phaphamau Ganga/Ganga Allahabad/ Allahabad/ 25.47 83.11 11.1 Kanpur (30) MGD3/HOCV/ East Uttar 83.73 84.73 87.98 1978 Wireless/ Conventional
Uttar Pradesh 11.2 Chillaghat (24) UGBO Prasdesh Telemetry

Poanta/Sirmaur/ Himachal Naugaon 2-10 hrs UYD/HOC/YBO Himachal Pradesh 383.5 384.5 384.6 05-09-95 3 days advisory
22 Paonta Sahib Yamuna/Ganga Pradesh 30.43 77.59 Haripur(02-08) hrs Forecast (CWC
Jateon Barrage (2-08)hrs BETA Model)
23 Tajewala Barrage Yamuna/Ganga Yamunanagar/ 30.31 77.58 149.1 Paonta (06) UYD/HOCN/ Haryana Wireless Inflow Forecast
(Hathnikund Yamunanagar/ Haryana YBO Chandigarh& Not in
Barrage ) Delhi Operation
24 Karnal Yamuna/Ganga Shergarh Tapu/ Karnal/ Kalanaur 4-28 hrs UYD/HOC/YBO Haryana Conventional
30.06 77.14
25 Mawi Yamuna/Ganga Panipat/ Muzzafarpur/ 29.38 77.07 12.1 Kalanur (18-30) UYD/HOCN/ West Uttar 230.00 230.85 232.45 1988 Wireless/ Conventional
Uttar Pradesh YBO Pradesh Telemetry

26 Dhansa Regulator Sahibi/Yamuna/ Delhi/Delhi/ NCT 28.53 76.87 14.1 Dadri (48) UYD/HOCN/ Haryana 211.44 212.44 213.58 1977 Wireless Conventional
Ganga Delhi 14.2 Masani (48) YBO Chandigarh&

27 Delhi Railway Yamuna/Ganga Delhi/Delhi/ NCT 28.66 77.25 13.1 Mawi (18-32) UYD/HOCN/ Haryana 204.00 204.83 207.49 1978 Wireless/ Conventional
Bridge Delhi YBO Chandigarh& Telemetry

28 Mathura Yamuna/Ganga Mathura/Mathura/ Uttar 27.51 77.69 15.1 Mohana (20-33) UYD/HOCN/ West Uttar 164.20 165.20 169.73 1978 Wireless/ Conventional
Pradesh YBO Pradesh Telemetry


S.No Name of FF River/Basin Nearest Lat (N) Long (E) Base Station (TT in hrs) Div/Circle/ Met Sub WL (m) DL (m) HFL Mode of Methodology/ Remarks
Station/Type Town/Vill/District/State Orgn Division as per Data Model used for
IMD (m) Year Collection FF Formulation
29 Agra Yamuna/Ganga Agra/Agra/ Uttar 27.19 78.03 16.1 Mathura (216-4) LYD/HOCN/ West Uttar 151.40 152.40 154.76 1978 Wireless/ Conventional
Pradesh YBO Pradesh Telemetry

30 Etawah Yamuna/Ganga Etawah/Etawah/ Uttar 26.75 78.99 17.1 Agra (20-45) LYD/HOCN/ West Uttar 120.92 121.92 126.13 1978 Wireless/ Conventional
Pradesh YBO Pradesh Telemetry

31 Gandhisagar Dam Chambal/Ganga Gandhisagar 24.65 75.61 150.1 Tal (12-21) CD/HOCN/ West Madhya 399.90 399.90 399.90 2011 Telemetry Mathematical
Dam/Mandasur/ Madhya 150.2 Mahidpur (12-20) YBO Pradesh
32 Rana Pratap Sagar Chambal/Ganga Chittorgarh/Rajasthan 24.91 75.58 CD Jaipur/HOC
Dam Noida/YBO ND

33 Kota Barrage Chambal/Ganga Kota/Rajasthan CD Jaipur/HOC

Noida/YBO ND

34 Kota City Chambal/Ganga Kota/Rajasthan 25.19 75.84 CD Jaipur/HOC 239 240

Noida/YBO ND

35 Bisalpur Dam Banas/Ganga Deoli/Tonk/Rajasthan 25.92 75.45 CD Jaipur/HOC East FRL-315.5 Rainfall Runoff
Noida/YBO ND Rajasthan Model

36 Kalisindh Dam Kalisindh/Ganga Khanpur/Jhalawar/Rajasth 24.48 76.22 CD Jaipur/HOC

an Noida/YBO ND

37 Parwan Dam Parwan/Ganga Baran/Jhalawar//Rajasthan 24.62 76.51 CD Jaipur/HOC

Noida/YBO ND

38 Gambhiri Dam Gambhiri/Ganga Chittorgarh/Rajasthan 24.7 74.73 CD Jaipur/HOC

Noida/YBO ND

39 Panchana Dam Chambal/Ganga Mandrail/Karauli/Rajasthan 26.55 77.00 CD Jaipur/HOC

Noida/YBO ND

40 Gudha Dam Mej/Ganga Bundi/Rajasthan 25.48 75.46 CD Jaipur/HOC FRL-305.86

Noida/YBO ND

41 Parwati Dam Parwati/Ganga Dholpur / Rajasthan CD Jaipur/HOC

Noida/YBO ND

42 Auraiya Yamuna/Ganga Auraiya/Auraiya/ Uttar 26.42 79.48 18.1 Etawah (21-24) LYD/HOCN/ West Uttar 112.00 113.00 118.19 1996 Wireless/ Conventional
Pradesh 18.2 Dhaulpur (15-36) YBO Pradesh Telemetry


S.No Name of FF River/Basin Nearest Lat (N) Long (E) Base Station (TT in hrs) Div/Circle/ Met Sub WL (m) DL (m) HFL Mode of Methodology/ Remarks
Station/Type Town/Vill/District/State Orgn Division as per Data Model used for
IMD (m) Year Collection FF Formulation
43 Kalpi Yamuna/Ganga Kalpi/Jalaun/ Uttar 26.13 79.76 19.1 Etawah (21-27) LYD/HOCN/ West Uttar 107.00 108.00 112.98 1996 Wireless/ Conventional
Pradesh 19.2 Dhaulpur (15-42) YBO Pradesh Telemetry

44 Hamirpur Yamuna/Ganga Hamirpur/Hamirpur/ Uttar 25.96 80.16 20.1 Auraiya (15) LYD/HOCN/ East Uttar 102.63 103.63 108.59 1983 Wireless/ Conventional
Pradesh YBO Prasdesh Telemetry

45 Rajghat Dam Betwa/Yamuna/ Chanderi/ Madhya Pradesh 24.76 78.23 LYD/HOCN/ 380.80
Ganga YBO

46 Matatila Dam Betwa/Yamuna/ Lalitpur/UttarPradesh 25.10 78.36 LYD/HOCN/ East Uttar 308.46 310.04
Ganga YBO Prasdesh

47 Mohana Betwa/Yamuna/ Jhansi/Jhansi/ Uttar 25.65 78.99 21.1 Garrouli (16-21) LYD/HOCN/ East Uttar 121.66 122.66 133.69 1983 Wireless/ Conventional
Ganga Pradesh 21.2 Nautghat (12-21) YBO Prasdesh Telemetry

48 Sahjiana Betwa/Yamuna/ Hamirpur/Hamirpur/ Uttar 25.95 80.15 22.1 Mohana (18-24) LYD/HOCN/ East Uttar 103.54 104.54 108.67 1983 Wireless/ Conventional
Ganga Pradesh YBO Prasdesh Telemetry

49 Banda Ken/Yamuna/ Ganga Banda/Banda/ Uttar 25.48 80.31 23.1 Madla (12-18) LYD/HOCN/ East Uttar 103.00 104.00 113.29 2005 Wireless/ Conventional
Pradesh 23.2 Kaimaha (9-15) YBO Prasdesh Telemetry

50 Chillaghat Yamuna/Ganga Banda/Banda/ Uttar 25.77 80.53 21.1 Hamirpur (12) LYD/HOCN/ East Uttar 99.00 100.00 105.16 1978 Wireless/ Conventional
Pradesh YBO Prasdesh Telemetry

51 Naini Yamuna/Ganga Allahabad/ Allahabad/ 25.42 81.84 24.1 Chillaghat (18-24) LYD/HOCN/ East Uttar 83.74 84.74 87.99 1978 Wireless/ Conventional
Uttar Pradesh YBO Prasdesh Telemetry

52 Allahabad Ganga/Ganga Allahabad/ Allahabad/ 25.41 81.91 25.1 Kanpur (30) MGD3/HOCV/ East Uttar 83.73 84.73 88.03 1978 Wireless/ Conventional
(Chatnag) Uttar Pradesh 25.2 Chillaghat (24) UGBO Prasdesh Telemetry

53 Mirzapur Ganga/Ganga Mirzapur/Mirzapur/ Uttar 25.15 82.53 26.1 Dalmau (28) MGD3/HOCV/ East Uttar 76.72 77.72 80.34 1978 Wireless/ Conventional
Pradesh 26.2 Chillaghat (34) UGBO Prasdesh Telemetry

54 Varanasi Ganga/Ganga Varanasi/Varanasi/ Uttar 25.33 83.04 27.1 Kanpur (48) MGD3/HOCV/ East Uttar 70.26 71.26 73.90 1978 Wireless/ Conventional
Pradesh 27.2 Hamirpur(48) UGBO Prasdesh Telemetry

55 Hanuman Setu Gomti/Ganga Lucknow/Lucknow/ Uttar 26.86 80.95 29.1 Bhatpurwaghat (48) MGD2/HOCD/ East Uttar 108.50 109.50 110.85 1971 Wireless Conventional
Pradesh UGBO Prasdesh


S.No Name of FF River/Basin Nearest Lat (N) Long (E) Base Station (TT in hrs) Div/Circle/ Met Sub WL (m) DL (m) HFL Mode of Methodology/ Remarks
Station/Type Town/Vill/District/State Orgn Division as per Data Model used for
IMD (m) Year Collection FF Formulation
56 Rae-Bareilly Sai/Gomti/Ganga Rae-bareilly/Rae- 26.20 81.25 28.1 Bani (48) MGD2/HOCD/ East Uttar 100.00 101.00 104.81 1982 Wireless/ Conventional
bareilly/Uttar Pradesh UGBO Prasdesh Telemetry

57 Jaunpur Gomti/Ganga Jaunpur/Jaunpur/ Uttar 25.75 82.69 30.1 Sultanpur (24) MGD3/HOCV/ East Uttar 73.07 74.07 77.74 1971 Wireless/ Conventional
Pradesh UGBO Prasdesh Telemetry

58 Ghazipur Ganga/Ganga Ghazipur/ Ghazipur/ Uttar 25.58 83.60 31.1 Allahabad (28) MGD3/HOCV/ East Uttar 62.11 63.11 65.22 1978 Wireless/ Conventional
Pradesh 31.2 Sultanpur (30) UGBO Prasdesh Telemetry

59 Buxar Ganga/Ganga Buxar/Buxar/Bihar 25.58 83.97 32.1 Allahabad (30) MGD5/HOCP/L Bihar 59.32 60.32 62.09 1948 Wireless/ Conventional
GBO Telemetry

60 Ballia Ganga/Ganga Ballia/ Ballia/ Uttar Pradesh 25.77 84.37 42.1 Varanasi (28) MGD3/HOCV/ East Uttar 56.62 57.62 60.25 2003 Wireless/ Conventional
42.2 Jaunpur (28) UGBO Prasdesh Telemetry

61 Banbasa Barrage Ghaghra/Ganga Champawat/Uttarakhand 28..99 80.1 MGD-I/HOC West UP 222.3 223.3 223.3 18-06-13
O Lucknow
62 Katarniaghat Ghaghra/Ganga Bahraich / UttarPradesh MGD-I/HOC West UP
Barrage Varanasi/UGB
O Lucknow
63 Elgin Bridge Ghaghra/Ganga Barabanki/Barabanki/ Uttar 27.09 81.49 33.1 Katernighat (30-36 ) MGD1/HOCV/ East Uttar 105.07 106.07 107.56 2009 Wireless/ Conventional
Pradesh 33.2 Shardanagar (30-36) UGBO Prasdesh Telemetry

64 Ayodhya Ghaghra/Ganga Ayodhya/Faizbad/ Uttara 26.81 82.21 34.1 Elgin Bridge (18-24) MGD1/HOCV/ East Uttar 91.73 92.73 94.01 2009 Wireless/ Conventional
Pradesh UGBO Prasdesh Telemetry

65 Kakardhari Rapti/Ghaghra/ Bahraich / UttarPradesh 27.83 81.80 MGD1/HOCV/ East Uttar 130.00 131.00
Ganga UGBO Prasdesh

66 Balrampur Rapti/Ghaghra/ Balrampur/ Balrampur/ 27.44 82.23 35.1 Kakardhari (18-24) MGD1/HOCV/ East Uttar 103.62 104.62 105.25 2000 Wireless/ Conventional
Ganga Uttar Pradesh UGBO Prasdesh Telemetry

67 Bansi Rapti/Ghaghra/ Bansi/ Siddarthnagar/ 27.18 82.93 36.1 Balrampur (18-24) MGD1/HOCV/ East Uttar 83.90 84.90 85.82 1998 Wireless/ Conventional
Ganga Uttar Pradesh UGBO Prasdesh Telemetry

68 Gorakhpur Rapti/Ghaghra/ Gorahpur/ Gorakhpur/ 26.73 83.35 37.1 Bansi (18-24) MGD1/HOCV/ East Uttar 73.98 74.98 77.54 1998 Wireless/ Conventional
(Birdghat) Ganga Uttar Pradesh UGBO Prasdesh Telemetry

69 Turtipar Ghaghra/Ganga Balthra/Ballia/ Uttar 26.14 83.88 38.1 Ayodhya (30-36) MGD1/HOCV/ East Uttar 63.01 64.01 66.00 1998 Wireless/ Conventional
Pradesh 38.2 Gorakhpur (Birdghat) UGBO Prasdesh Telemetry


S.No Name of FF River/Basin Nearest Lat (N) Long (E) Base Station (TT in hrs) Div/Circle/ Met Sub WL (m) DL (m) HFL Mode of Methodology/ Remarks
Station/Type Town/Vill/District/State Orgn Division as per Data Model used for
IMD (m) Year Collection FF Formulation
70 Darauli Ghaghra/Ganga Darauli/Siwan/Bihar 26.07 84.13 39.1 Elgin Bridge (54) LGDII/HOCP/L Bihar 59.82 60.82 61.74 1998 Wireless Conventional
39.2 Gorakhpur (Birdghat) GBO

71 Gangpur Siswan Ghaghra/Ganga Siwan/Siwan/Bihar 25.91 84.39 40.1 Turtipar (20) LGDII/HOCP/L Bihar 56.04 57.04 58.01 1983 Wireless Conventional

72 Chhapra Ghaghra/Ganga Chhapra/Saran/Bihar 25.76 84.79 41.1 Gangpur Siswan (16) LGDII/HOCP/L Bihar 52.68 53.68 54.59 1982 Wireless Conventional

73 Bansagar Dam Ganga/Ganga Beohari/Shahdol/Madhya 24.19 81.8 MGDIII/HOC East Madhya FRL-341.65 Rainfall Runoff
Pradesh Varanashi/UGB Pradesh Model
74 Rihand Dam Rihand/ Ganga Robertsganj/Sonbhadra/ 24.21 83.02 MGDIII/HOC East Uttar FRL-268.22 Rainfall Runoff
Uttar Pradesh Varanashi/UGB Pradesh Model
75 Annaraj Dam Khoranadi/Ganga Bhadua / 24.06 83.8 LGDII/HOCP/L FRL-252.44
Hazaribagh/Jharkhand GBO
76 Bhairawa Dam Goda Nala /Ganga Hazaribagh/Jharkhand 23.51 85.67 DD/HOCM/ FRL-356.70
77 Inderpuri Barrage Sone/Ganga Inderpuri/Garhwa/ Bihar 24.75 84.16 LGDII/HOCP/L Bihar FRL-173.00
78 Inderpuri Sone/Ganga Inderpuri/Rohtas/ Bihar 24.84 84.13 43.1 Chopan (12) LGDII/HOCP/L Bihar 107.20 108.20 108.85 1975 Wireless Conventional
43.2 Daltonganj (12) GBO

79 Koelwar Sone/Ganga Koelwar/Bhojpur/ Bihar 25.57 84.79 44.1 Inderpuri (10-15) LGDII/HOCP/L Bihar 54.52 55.52 58.88 1971 Wireless Conventional

80 Maner Sone/Ganga Maner/Patna/Bihar 25.70 84.86 45.1 Gandhighat (8) LGDII/HOCP/L Bihar 51.00 52.00 53.79 1976 Wireless Conventional

81 Patna (Dighaghat) Ganga/Ganga Patna/ Patna/ Bihar 25.64 85.10 47.1 Allahabad (50) LGDII/HOCP/L Bihar 49.45 50.45 52.52 1975 Wireless Conventional
47.2 Patna (Gandhighat) GBO

82 Gandak Barrage Gandak/Ganga West Champaran/Bihar 27.43 83.90 LGDI/HOCP/L Bihar 113.08

83 Khadda Gandak/Ganga Deoria/Kushinagar/ Uttar 27.19 83.95 51.1 Triveni (07) LGD- Bihar 95.00 96.00 97.50 2002 Wireless Conventional
Pradesh I/MC/LGBO

84 Chatia Gandak/Ganga Ariraj West Champaran/ 26.50 84.54 52.1 Triveni (24) LGD- Bihar 68.15 69.15 70.04 2002 Wireless Conventional
Motihari/ Bihar I/MC/LGBO


S.No Name of FF River/Basin Nearest Lat (N) Long (E) Base Station (TT in hrs) Div/Circle/ Met Sub WL (m) DL (m) HFL Mode of Methodology/ Remarks
Station/Type Town/Vill/District/State Orgn Division as per Data Model used for
IMD (m) Year Collection FF Formulation
85 Dumariaghat Gandak/Ganga Gopalganj/Bihar 26.35 84.76 LGD- Bihar 61.22 62.22 64.1 17-08-17
86 Rewaghat Gandak/Ganga Muzzafarpur/Muzzafarpur/B 25.99 85.05 53.1 Chatia (20) LGDII/HOCP/L Bihar 53.41 54.41 55.41 1986 Wireless Conventional
ihar GBO

87 Hazipur Gandak/Ganga Hazipur/Vaishali/ Bihar 25.69 85.20 54.1 Rewaghat (16) LGDII/HOCP/L Bihar 49.32 50.32 50.93 1948 Wireless Conventional

88 Patna (Gandhighat) Ganga/Ganga Patna/ Patna/ Bihar 25.62 85.17 48.1 Buxar (24) LGDII/HOCP/L Bihar 47.60 48.60 50.27 1994 Wireless/ Conventional
48.2 Darauli (24) GBO Telemetry
48.3 Japla (24)
. 48.4 Rewaghat (24)

89 Amanat Dam Baranadi/Ganga Hazaribagh/Jharkhand 24.32 84.30 LGDII/HOCP/L 274.39

90 Batane Dam Punpun/Ganga Chhatarpur/Palamu/Jharkh 24.42 84.26 LGDII/HOCP/L 232.85
and GBO
91 Sripalpur Punpun/Ganga Sripalpur/Patna/Bihar 25.50 85.11 46.1 Kinjer (24) LGDII/HOCP/L Bihar 49.60 50.60 53.91 1976 Wireless Conventional

92 Hathidah Ganga/Ganga Hathidah/Patna/Bihar 25.37 85.99 49.1 Gandhighat (16) LGDII/HOCP/L Bihar 40.76 41.76 43.15 1971 Wireless/ Conventional
GBO Telemetry

93 Munger Ganga/Ganga Munger/Munger/ Bihar 25.38 86.46 50.1 Gandhighat (24) LGDII/HOCP/L Bihar 38.33 39.33 40.99 1976 Wireless/ Conventional
GBO Telemetry

94 Lalbeghiaghat Burhi Gandak/ Ganga Dhaka/Motihari/Bihar 26.65 85.03 55.1 Chainpatia (24) LGDI/HOCP/L Bihar 62.20 63.20 67.09 1975 Wireless Conventional

95 Ahirwalia Burhi Gandak/ Ganga Chakia/Purba 26.36 85.14 LGD- Bihar 58.62 59.62 61.17 02-06-14
Champaren/Bihar I/MC/LGBO
96 Muzzafarpur Burhi Gandak/ Ganga Sikandarpur/Muzzafarpur/B 26.14 85.39 56.1 Ahirwala(S) (22) LGDI/HOCP/L Bihar 51.53 52.53 54.29 1987 Wireless Conventional
(Sikandarpur) ihar GBO

97 Samastipur Burhi Gandak/ Ganga Samastipur/Samastipur/Bih 25.86 85.79 57.1 Sikandarpur (20) LGDI/HOCP/L Bihar 45.02 46.02 49.38 1987 Wireless Conventional
ar GBO


S.No Name of FF River/Basin Nearest Lat (N) Long (E) Base Station (TT in hrs) Div/Circle/ Met Sub WL (m) DL (m) HFL Mode of Methodology/ Remarks
Station/Type Town/Vill/District/State Orgn Division as per Data Model used for
IMD (m) Year Collection FF Formulation
98 Rosera Burhi Gandak/ Ganga Rosera/Samastipur/ Bihar 25.74 86.02 58.1 Sikandarpur (28) LGDI/HOCP/L Bihar 41.63 42.63 46.35 1987 Wireless Conventional

99 Khagaria Burhi Gandak/ Ganga Khagaria/Khagaria/ Bihar 25.50 86.48 59.1 Sikandarpur (24) LGDI/HOCP/L Bihar 35.58 36.58 39.22 1976 Wireless Conventional
59.2 Gandhighat (24) GBO

100 Bhagalpur Ganga/Ganga Bhagalpur/Bhagalpur/Bihar 25.27 87.02 65.1 Gandhighat (32) LGDII/HOCP/L Bihar 32.68 33.68 34.20 2003 Wireless/ Conventional
GBO Telemetry

101 Colgong/Kahalgaon Ganga/Ganga Colgong/Bhagalpur/ Bihar 25.27 87.23 66.1 Gandhighat (38) LGDII/HOCP/L Bihar 30.09 31.09 32.87 2003 Wireless/ Conventional
GBO Telemetry

102 Kosi Barrage Kosi/Ganga Supaul/Supaul/Bihar 26.52 86.92 LGDI/HOCP/L


103 Basua Kosi/Ganga Supaul/Supaul/Bihar 26.13 86.58 67.1 Birpur (16) LGDI/HOCP/L Bihar 46.75 47.75 49.17 2010 Wireless Conventional

104 Dheng Bridge Bagmati/Ganga Sitamarhi/Bihar 26.72 85.32 LGDI/HOCP/L 69.10 70.10 73.00 2017

105 Runisaidpur Bagmati/Ganga Sitamarhi/Bihar 26.41 85.49 LGDI/HOCP/L 52.73 53.73 58.15 2017

106 Benibad Bagmati/Ganga Benibad/Muzzafarpur/ 26.20 85.67 60.1 Runisaidpur (24) LGDI/HOCP/L Bihar 47.68 48.68 50.01 2004 Wireless/ Conventional
Bihar GBO Telemetry

107 Kamtaul Adhwara Kamtaul 26.33 85.85 62.1 Sonebarsa (24) LGDI/HOCP/L Bihar 49.00 50.00 52.99 1987 Wireless/ Conventional
Group/Ganga Market/Darbhanga/ Bihar GBO Telemetry

108 Ekmighat Adhwara Laheria Seria/Darbhanga/ 26.12 85.88 63.1 Saulighat (24) LGDI/HOCP/L Bihar 45.94 46.94 49.52 2004 Wireless/ Conventional
Group/Ganga Bihar GBO Telemetry

109 Hayaghat Bagmati/Ganga Hayaghat 26.08 85.89 61.1 Benibad (24) LGDI/HOCP/L Bihar 44.72 45.72 48.96 1987 Wireless/ Conventional
Papermill/Darbhanga/ 61.2 Ekmighat (24) GBO Telemetry

110 Jainagar Kamlabalan/ Ganga Madhubani/ Bihar 26.59 86.13 LGDI/HOCP/L Bihar 66.75 67.75 71.35 1965


S.No Name of FF River/Basin Nearest Lat (N) Long (E) Base Station (TT in hrs) Div/Circle/ Met Sub WL (m) DL (m) HFL Mode of Methodology/ Remarks
Station/Type Town/Vill/District/State Orgn Division as per Data Model used for
IMD (m) Year Collection FF Formulation
111 Jhanjharpur Kamlabalan/ Ganga Jhanjharpur/Madhubani/ 26.27 86.27 64.1 Jainagar (8) LGDI/HOCP/L Bihar 49.00 50.00 53.01 2004 Wireless Conventional
Bihar GBO

112 Sonebarsa Adhwara Sitamarhi/Bihar 25.69 86.71 LGDI/HOCP/L 80.85 81.85 83.00 2006
Group/Ganga GBO

113 Balthara Kosi/Ganga Choutham/Khagaria/ Bihar 25.54 86.72 68.1 Basua (24) LGDI/HOCP/L Bihar 32.85 33.85 36.40 1987 Wireless Conventional
68.2 Hayaghat (24) GBO

114 Kursela Kosi/Ganga Kusela/Katihar/Bihar 25.42 87.23 69.1 Basua (24) LGDI/HOCP/L Bihar 29.00 30.00 32.04 1998 Wireless Conventional
69.2 Hathidah (24) GBO

115 Sahibganj Ganga/Ganga Sahibganj/Sahibganj/Jhark 25.25 87.64 70.1 Bhagalpur (22) LGDII/HOCP/L Jharkhand 26.25 27.25 30.91 1998 Wireless Conventional
hand GBO

116 Taibpur Mahananda/ Ganga Kishanganj/Bihar 26.36 88.17 LGDI/HOCP/L Bihar 65.00 66.00 67.22 1968

117 Dengraghat Mahananda/ Ganga Bayasi/Purnes/Bihar 25.85 87.81 71.1 Taibpur (24) LGDI/HOCP/L Bihar 34.65 35.65 38.09 1968 Wireless Conventional
71.2 Chargharia (24) GBO

118 Jhawa Mahananda/ Ganga Jhawa/Katihar/Bihar 25.43 87.76 72.1 Dhengraghat (16) LGDI/HOCP/L Bihar 30.40 31.40 33.51 1987 Wireless Conventional
72.2 Araria (16) GBO

119 Arraria Parwan/Ganga Arraria/Bihar 26.33 87.54 LGDI/HOCP/L Bihar 46.00 47.00 49.40 2017

120 Farakka Barrage Ganga/Ganga Farakka/Murshidabad/ 24.80 87.92 73.1 Bhagalpur (36) LGDI/HOCP/L Gangetic West 21.25 22.25 25.14 1998 Wireless Conventional
West Bengal GBO Bengal

121 Massanjore Dam Mayurakshi/Ganga Massanjore Dam/ Santhal 24.11 87.31 151.1 Maharo (24) DD/HOCM/ Jharkhand 121.31 122.87 1999 Wireless/ Conventional
Parganas/ Jharkhand 151.2 Kusiyari (24) LGBO Telemetry
151.3 Haripur (24)
122 Tilpara Barrage Mayurakshi/Ganga Tilpara Dam/Suri/ Birbhum/ 23.95 87.53 152.1 Massanjore Dam DD/HOCM/ Gangetic West 62.79 67.05 1978 Wireless/ Conventional
West Bengal (24) LGBO Bengal Telemetry
152.2 Tantoloi (24)
123 Narayanpur Mayurakshi/ Ganga Kandi/Murshidabad/ West 23.88 87.99 106.1 Tilpara Barrage (12- DD/HOCM/ Gangetic West 26.99 27.99 29.69 1995 Wireless Conventional
Bengal 18) LGBO Bengal

124 Sikatia Barrage Ajoy/Ganga Ausgram/Bardhaman/West 24.15 86.25 DD/HOCM/ 169.24 27-09-95
Bengal LGBO
125 Gheropara Ajoy/Ganga Khairasol/ Bhirbum/ West 23.62 87.71 107.1 Jamtara (8-24) DD/HOCM/ Gangetic West 38.42 39.42 43.94 1978 Wireless Conventional
Bengal 107.2 Sikata Barrage (8- LGBO Bengal

126 Tenughat Dam Damodar/Ganga Tenughat Dam 23.72 85.84 153.1 Hendgir (24) DD/HOCM/ Jharkhand 268.83 265.56 1985 Wireless/ Conventional
153.2 Ramgarh (24) LGBO Telemetry


S.No Name of FF River/Basin Nearest Lat (N) Long (E) Base Station (TT in hrs) Div/Circle/ Met Sub WL (m) DL (m) HFL Mode of Methodology/ Remarks
Station/Type Town/Vill/District/State Orgn Division as per Data Model used for
IMD (m) Year Collection FF Formulation
127 Tilaya Dam Barakar/ Ganga Koderma/Jharkhand 24.32 85.52 DD/HOCM/ 372.28 06-07-86
128 Konar Dam Konar/Ganga Hazaribag/Jharkhand 23.93 85.76 DD/HOCM/ 427.91 Oct-61
129 Panchet Dam Damodar/Ganga Panchet Dam/ Dhanbad/ 23.68 86.75 154.1 Pupunki (24) DD/HOCM/ Jharkhand 132.59 132.89 1959 Wireless/ Conventional
Jharkhand 154.2 Tenughat Dam (24) LGBO Telemetry
154.3 Konar Dam (24)

130 Maithon Dam Barakar/ Damodar Maithon Dam/ Dhanbad/ 23.78 86.81 156.1 Nandadih (24) DD/HOCM/ Jharkhand 150.88 151.79 1959 Wireless/ Conventional
Jharkhand 156.2 Tilaiya Dam (24) LGBO Telemetry
156.3 Barkisaraia (24)
131 Durgapur Barrage Damodar/Ganga Durgapur/ Burdwan/ West 23.48 87.31 155.1 Panchet Dam (24) DD/HOCM/ Gangetic West 64.47 64.47 2011 Wireless/ Conventional
Bengal 155.2 Maithon Dam (24) LGBO Bengal Telemetry
132 Sundar Dam Anjanwa/ Ganga Godda/Jharkhand 24.93 87.38 DD/HOCM/ 110.68
133 Harinkhola Mundeshwari/ West Arambagh/Hooghly/ West 22.88 87.78 108.1 Durgapur Barrage DD/HOCM/ Gangetic West 11.80 12.80 14.58 1978 Wireless/ Conventional
Benagl Bengal (20-26) LGBO Bengal Telemetry

134 Hinglow Dam Kangsabati Bankura/West Bengal 23.82 87.18 DD/HOCM/ Gangetic West 97.84
LGBO Bengal

135 Kangsabati Dam Kangsabati Kangsabati Dam/Bankura 22.96 86.75 157.1 Simulia (24) DD/HOCM/ Gangetic West 134.11 134.71 1978 Wireless Conventional
West Bengal 157.2 Purihalsa (24) LGBO Bengal
157.3 Tusuma (24)
157.4 Kharidwar (24)
157.5 Phulbaria (24)
136 Mohanpur Kangsabati/ Ganga Medhinipur/ Medhinipur/ 22.40 87.34 109.1 Kangsabati Dam DD/HOCM/ Gangetic West 24.73 25.73 29.87 1978 Wireless Conventional
West Bengal (24) LGBO Bengal
109.2 D P Ghat (24)

137 Yingkiang Siang/ Brahmaputra Upper Siang/Arunachal 28.62 95.03 UBD/HOCG/ Assam and 303.00 304.00
Pradesh BBBO Meghalaya

138 Passighat Siang/ Brahmaputra Passighat/ East Siang/ 28.06 95.33 74. 1 Tuting ( 9) UBD/HOCG/ Assam and 152.96 153.96 157.54 11-06-00 Wireless Conventional
Arunachal Pradesh BBBO Meghalaya

139 Dhollabazar Lohit/Brahmaputra Tinsukia/Assam 27.75 95.6 UBD/HOC/B&B Assam & 127.27 128.27 130.07 22-09-12
BO Meghalaya
140 Dibrugarh Brahmaputra/ Dibrugarh/Dibrugarh/Assa 27.49 94.91 74.1 Passighat (12) UBD/HOCG/ Assam and 104.70 105.70 106.48 1998 Wireless/ Conventional
Brahmaputra m 74.2 Tezu (12) BBBO Meghalaya Telemetry

141 Namsai Nao Namsai/Lohit/Arunachal 27.66 95.83 UBD/HOC/B&B Arunachal 140.6 141.1 144.46 07-10-79
Dehing/Brahmaputra Pradesh BO Pradesh
142 Naharkatia Buridehing/ Naharkatia/ Dibrugarh/ 27.29 95.33 75.1 Margherita (10) UBD/HOCG/ Assam and 119.40 120.40 122.69 1973 Wireless Conventional
Brahmaputra Assam BBBO Meghalaya

143 Chenimari Buridehing/ Khowang/ Dibrugarh/ 27.31 94.88 76.1 Naharkatia (21) UBD/HOCG/ Assam and 101.11 102.11 103.92 1988 Wireless Conventional
(Khowang) Brahmaputra Assam BBBO Meghalaya


S.No Name of FF River/Basin Nearest Lat (N) Long (E) Base Station (TT in hrs) Div/Circle/ Met Sub WL (m) DL (m) HFL Mode of Methodology/ Remarks
Station/Type Town/Vill/District/State Orgn Division as per Data Model used for
IMD (m) Year Collection FF Formulation
144 Nanglamoraghat Desang/ Brahmaputra Sibsagar/Sibsagar/ Assam 26.99 94.78 77.1 Dillighat (18) UBD/HOCG/ Assam and 93.46 94.46 96.49 1998 Wireless Conventional
BBBO Meghalaya

145 Sibsagar Dikhow/ Brahmaputra Sibsagar/Sibsagar/ Assam 26.98 94.58 78.1 Bihubar (09) UBD/HOCG/ Assam and 91.40 92.40 95.62 1974 Wireless Conventional
BBBO Meghalaya

146 Neamatighat Brahmaputra/ Neamatighat/ Jorhat/ 26.86 94.25 80.1 Dibrugarh (24) UBD/HOCG/ Assam and 84.04 85.04 87.37 1991 Wireless/ Conventional
Brahmaputra Assam 80.2 Chenimari (24) BBBO Meghalaya Telemetry

147 Choldhowaghat Subansiri/ Dhakuakhana/Lakhimpur/A 27.44 94.25 UBD/HOC/B&B Assam & 99.02 100.02 101.31 27-07-72
Brahmaputra ssam BO Meghalaya
148 N.H.Xing Ranganadi/Brahmapu Bihuparia/ Lakhimpur/ 27.2 94.05 UBD/HOC/B&B Assam & 93.81 94.81 95.92 02-07-79
Ranganadi tra Assam BO Meghalaya
149 Badatighat Subansiri/ Bihuparia/ Lakhimpur/ 26.95 93.96 79.1 Chouldhowaghat (18) UBD/HOCG/ Assam and 81.53 82.53 86.84 1972 Wireless Conventional
Brahmaputra Assam BBBO Meghalaya

150 Golaghat Dhansisri (S)/ Golaghat/ Golaghat Assam 26.50 93.95 82.1 Bokajan (14) UBD/HOCG/ Assam and 88.50 89.50 91.30 1986 Wireless Conventional
Brahmaputra 82.2 Gelabil (14) BBBO Meghalaya

151 Numaligarh Dhansisri (S)/ Numaligarh/ Golaghat/ 26.63 93.73 83.1 Golaghat (10) UBD/HOCG/ Assam and 76.42 77.42 79.87 1985 Wireless Conventional
Brahmaputra Assam BBBO Meghalaya

152 N T Road Crossing Jia- Bharali/ Balipara/Sonitpur/ Assam 26.81 92.88 84.1 Seppa (9) UBD/HOCG/ Assam and 76.00 77.00 78.50 2007 Wireless Conventional
Brahmaputra BBBO Meghalaya

153 Tezpur Brahmaputra/ Tezpur/ Sonitpur/ Assam 26.62 92.80 81.1 Neamatighat (24) UBD/HOCG/ Assam and 64.23 65.23 66.59 1988 Wireless/ Conventional
Brahmaputra BBBO Meghalaya Telemetry

154 Kampur Kopili/ Brahmaputra Kampur/ Nagaon/ Assam 26.15 92.65 85.1 Kheronighat (24) UBD/HOCG/ Assam and 59.50 60.50 61.86 1973 Wireless Conventional
BBBO Meghalaya

155 Dharamtul Kopili/ Brahmaputra Dharamtul/Morigaon/Assa 26.17 92.36 86.1 Kampur (15) UBD/HOCG/ Assam and 55.00 56.00 58.09 2004 Wireless Conventional
m BBBO Meghalaya

156 Guwahati D C Brahmaputra/ Guwahati/Kamrup/ Assam 26.19 91.74 87.1 Tezpur (24) MBD/HOCG/ Assam and 48.68 49.68 51.46 2004 Wireless/ Conventional
Court Brahmaputra BBBO Meghalaya Telemetry

157 N H Crossing Puthimari/ Rangia/ kamrup/ Assam 26.44 91.56 88.1 DRF (13) MBD/HOCG/ Assam and 50.81 51.81 55.08 2008 Wireless/ Conventional
Brahmaputra BBBO Meghalaya Telemetry


S.No Name of FF River/Basin Nearest Lat (N) Long (E) Base Station (TT in hrs) Div/Circle/ Met Sub WL (m) DL (m) HFL Mode of Methodology/ Remarks
Station/Type Town/Vill/District/State Orgn Division as per Data Model used for
IMD (m) Year Collection FF Formulation
158 N T Road Crossing Pagladiya/ Nalbari/Nalbari/ Assam 26.45 91.46 89.1 Melabazar (12) MBD/HOCG/ Assam and 51.75 52.75 55.45 2004 Wireless/ Conventional
Brahmaputra BBBO Meghalaya Telemetry

159 Mathanguri Manas/ Brahmaputra Baska/Assam 26.78 90.95 MBD/HOCG/ Assam and 98.10 99.10 100.28 1973
BBBO Meghalaya

160 Road Bridge Beki/ Brahmaputra Sorbhog/ Barpeta/ Assam 26.49 90.91 90.1 Kurijampa (12) LBD/HOCG/ Assam and 44.10 45.10 46.20 2000 Wireless Conventional
(Bhutan) BBBO Meghalaya

161 N H Crossing Manas/ Brahmaputra Bijni/ Bongaigaon/ Assam 26.46 90.75 91.1 Panbari (6) LBD/HOCG/ Assam and 47.81 48.42 50.08 1984 Wireless Conventional
BBBO Meghalaya

162 Goalpara Brahmaputra/ Goalpara/ Goalpara/ 26.20 90.58 92.1 Guwahati (24) MBD/HOCG/ Assam and 35.27 36.27 37.43 1954 Wireless/ Conventional
Brahmaputra Assam BBBO Meghalaya Telemetry

163 Kokrajhar Gaurang/ Kokrajhar/ Assam 26.39 90.25 MBD/HOCG/ Assam & 41.85 42.85 43.6 20-08-15
Brahmaputra BBBO Meghalaya
164 Dhubri Brahmaputra/ Dhubri/Dhubri/ Assam 26.01 89.99 100.1 Goalpara (15) MBD/HOCG/ Assam and 27.62 28.62 30.36 1988 Wireless/ Conventional
Brahmaputra BBBO Meghalaya Telemetry

165 Golokganj Sankosh/ Golokganj/Dhubri/ Assam 26.11 89.82 93.1 Sankosh LRP (12) LBD/SICG/TB Assam and 28.94 29.94 30.95 2007 Wireless/ Conventional
Brahmaputra 93.2 Barabisa (12) O Meghalaya Telemetry

166 Tufangunj Raidak -I Tufangunj/ Coochbehar/ 26.31 89.68 97.1 Chepan (12) LBD/SICG/TB Sub 34.22 35.30 36.36 1993 Wireless Conventional
west Bengal O Himalayan
West Bengal &
167 N H 31 Jaldhaka/ Dhupguri/ Jalpaiguri/ West 26.57 88.94 94.1 Nagarakata (6) LBD/SICG/TB Sub 80.00 80.90 81.33 1972 Wireless Conventional
Brahmaputra Bengal 94.2 Diana (6) O Himalayan
94.3 Murti (6) West Bengal &
168 Hasimara Torsa Hasimara/Coochbehar/We 26.72 89.35 LBD/SICG/TB Sub 116.30 116.90 118.50 1996
st Bengal O Himalayan
West Bengal &
169 Ghughumari Torsa Coochbehar/Coochbehar/ 26.29 89.46 96.1 Hasimara (8) LBD/SICG/TB Sub 39.80 40.41 41.46 2000 Wireless Conventional
West Bengal O Himalayan
West Bengal &


S.No Name of FF River/Basin Nearest Lat (N) Long (E) Base Station (TT in hrs) Div/Circle/ Met Sub WL (m) DL (m) HFL Mode of Methodology/ Remarks
Station/Type Town/Vill/District/State Orgn Division as per Data Model used for
IMD (m) Year Collection FF Formulation
170 Mathabhanga Jaldhaka/ Mathabhanga/ 26.32 89.23 95.1 N H 31 (6) LBD/SICG/TB Sub 47.70 48.20 49.85 2007 Wireless Conventional
Brahmaputra Coochbehar/ West Bengal O Himalayan
West Bengal &
171 Domohani Road Teesta/Brahmaputra Jalpaiguri/ Jalpaiguri/ West 26.56 88.77 98.1 Tista Bazaar (8) LBD/SICG/TB Sub 85.65 85.95 89.30 1968 Wireless Conventional
Bridge Bengal 98.2 Ghista (4-6) O Himalayan
98.3 Chel (4-6) West Bengal &
98.4 Nebra (6) Sikkim
172 Mekhligunj Teesta/Brahmaputra Mekhligunj/ Coochbehar/ 26.33 88.85 99.1 Domohani Rd Brdige LBD/SICG/TB Sub 65.45 65.95 66.45 1996 Wireless Conventional
West Bengal (6) O Himalayan
West Bengal &
173 Teesta III HEP Teesta/Brahmaputra North Sikkim/Sikkim 27.53 88.53 SID/IC Sub 1585.00
Gangtak/TBO Himalayan
Kol West Bengal &
174 Rangit-III HEP Dam Teesta/Brahmaputra Gyalshing/West 27.29 88.29 SID/IC Sub
Sikkim/Sikkim Gangtak/TBO Himalayan
Kol West Bengal &
175 Teesta V HEP Teesta/Brahmaputra North Sikkim/Sikkim 27.25 88.45 SID/IC Sub 579
Gangtak/TBO Himalayan
Kol West Bengal &
176 Singtam Teesta/Brahmaputra East Sikkim/ Sikkim 27 88.49 SID/IC Sub 377.07 377.57 379.17
Gangtak/TBO Himalayan
Kol West Bengal &
177 Rangpo Dam Rongpo/Teesta/Brah East Sikkim/ Sikkim 27.23 88.7 SID/IC Sub
maputra Gangtak/TBO Himalayan
Kol West Bengal &
178 Rongli Dam Rongli/Teesta/Brahm East Sikkim/ Sikkim 27.2 88.71 SID/IC Sub
aputra Gangtak/TBO Himalayan
Kol West Bengal &
179 Melli Bazar Teesta/Brahmaputra South Sikkim/Sikkim 27.09 88.45 SID/IC Sub 223 224 225.25
Gangtak/TBO Himalayan
Kol West Bengal &
180 Jorethang Teesta/Brahmaputra South Sikkim/Sikkim 27.17 88.29 SID/IC Sub 350.6 351.6 353.2
Gangtak/TBO Himalayan
Kol West Bengal &
181 Annapurnaghat Barak/ Barak Silchar/Silchar/ Assam 24.83 92.80 101.1 Chottabekra (18) MBD/HOCG/ Assam and 18.83 19.83 21.84 1989 Wireless Conventional
(Silchar) BBBO Meghalaya

182 Matizuri Katakhal/Barak Hailakhandi/ Hailakhandi/ 24.85 92.61 102.1 Gharmura (12) MBD/HOCG/ Assam and 19.27 20.27 22.73 2007 Wireless Conventional
Assam BBBO Meghalaya

183 Badarpurghat Barak/Barak Silchar/Cachar/ Assam 24.86 92.52 102. 1 Annapurnaghat ( 9) MBD/HOCG/ Assam and 15.85 16.85 18.48 2007 Wireless Conventional
BBBO Meghalaya


S.No Name of FF River/Basin Nearest Lat (N) Long (E) Base Station (TT in hrs) Div/Circle/ Met Sub WL (m) DL (m) HFL Mode of Methodology/ Remarks
Station/Type Town/Vill/District/State Orgn Division as per Data Model used for
IMD (m) Year Collection FF Formulation
184 Karimgunj Kushiyara/Barak Karimgunj/Karimgunj/Assa 24.87 92.36 103.1 Annapurnaghat (12) MBD/HOCG/ Assam and 13.94 14.94 16.57 2010 Wireless Conventional
m BBBO Meghalaya

185 Kailashshar Manu Kailashshar/ North Tripura 24.32 91.99 104.1 Manughat (18-24) MBD/HOCG/ NMMT 24.34 25.34 25.79 1993 Wirless Conventional
Tripura BBBO

186 Sonamura Gumti Sonamura/ West Tripura/ 23.47 91.27 105.1 Amarpur (15-21) MBD/HOCG/ NMMT 11.50 12.50 14.42 1993 Wireless Conventional
Tripura BBBO

187 Getlasud Dam Subarnarekha/ Ranchi/Jharkhand 23.45 85.55 ERD/HOCB/ 590.24

Subarnarekha MERO

188 Chandil Dam Subarnarekha/ Musabani/Purba singbhum/ 22.97 86.05 ERD/HOCB/ Jharkhand FRL-192 Rainfall Runoff
Subarnarekha Jharkhand MERO Model
189 Galudih Barrage Subarnarekha/ SaraikelaKhara/Jharkhand 22.64 86.39 ERD/HOCB/ FRL-94.50
Subarnarekha MERO
190 Jamshedpur Subarnarekha/ East Chakulia/Purba singbhum/ 22.82 86.21 115. 1 Adtiyapur (6-8) ERD/HOCB/ Jharkhand 122.50 123.50 129.82 1973 Wireless/ Conventional
Flowing Rivers Jharkhand MERO Telemetry

191 Rajghat Subarnarekha/ East Jaleswar/Balasore/ Odisha 21.77 87.16 110.1 Jamsaloghat (18-20) ERD/HOCB/ Odisha 9.45 10.36 12.69 2008 Wireless/ Conventional
Flowing Rivers 110.2 Fekoghat (6-9) MERO Telemetry

192 Mathani Road Subarnarekha/ East Baleshwar/Odisha 21.66 87.06 ERD/HOCB/ Odisha 5.00 5.50 6.80
Bridge Flowing Rivers MERO

193 N H 5 Road Bridge Burhabalang/ East Govindpur/ Balasore/ 21.55 86.92 111.1 Baripada (18-20) ERD/HOCB/ Odisha 7.21 8.13 9.50 1973 Wireless Conventional
Flowing Rivers Odisha 111.2 Jayapur (16-18) MERO

194 Salandi Dam Baitarani/Brahmani- Kendujhar/Odisha 21.28 86.30 ERD/HOCB/ 82.30

Baitarani MERO

195 Anandpur Baitrani/East Flowing Anandpur/ Keonjargarh/ 21.22 86.11 112.1 Swampatna (6-7) ERD/HOCB/ Odisha 37.44 38.36 41.35 2011 Wireless/ Conventional/
Rivers Odisha MERO Telemetry Mathematical


S.No Name of FF River/Basin Nearest Lat (N) Long (E) Base Station (TT in hrs) Div/Circle/ Met Sub WL (m) DL (m) HFL Mode of Methodology/ Remarks
Station/Type Town/Vill/District/State Orgn Division as per Data Model used for
IMD (m) Year Collection FF Formulation
196 Akhuapada Baitrani/East Flowing Akhuapada/ Bhadrak/ 20.92 86.28 113.1 Anandpur (18-20) ERD/HOCB/ Odisha 17.83 17.83 21.56 1960 Wireless/ Conventional
Rivers Odisha MERO Telemetry

197 Rengali Dam Brahmani/Brahmani- Angul/Odisha 21.28 85.03 ERD/HOC/ME FRL-123.5

Baitarani RO

198 Jenapur Brahmani/East Jenapur/Jajpur/ odisha 20.88 86.01 114.1 Talcher (18-20) ERD/HOCB/ Odisha 22.00 23.00 24.78 1975 Wireless/ Conventional
Expressway Flowing Rivers MERO Telemetry

199 Ravi Shankar Dam Mahanadi/ Mahanadi Dhamtari/Chattisgarh 20.61 81.56 MD/HOCB/ME FRL-248.70

200 Bango Dam Hasdeo/ Mahanadi Korba/Chattisgarh 22.59 82.57 MD/HOCB/ME FRL-359.66

201 Hirakud Mahanadi/ Mahanadi Burla/ Sambalpur/ Odisha 21.52 83.85 158.1 Basantpur (24) MahanadiDiv/H Odisha 192.02 192.30 1978 Wireless/ Conventional/
158.2 Kurubata (24) OCB/MERO Telemetry Mathematical
158.3 Sundergarh (24)
158.4 Kelo (6-18)
158.5 Paramapur (4-18)
202 Naraj Mahanadi/ Mahanadi Cuttack/ Cuttack/Odisha 20.47 85.77 115.1 Tikarapara (18-20) ERD/HOCB/ Odisha 25.41 26.41 27.61 1982 Wireless Conventional/
MERO Mathematical

203 Alipingal Devi/Mahanadi Alipingal/Jagitsinghpur/ 20.07 86.17 116.1 Naraj (12) ERD/HOCB/ Odisha 10.85 11.76 13.11 2011 Wireless/ Conventional
Odisha MERO Telemetry

204 Nimapara Kushbhadra/ Nimapara/Puri/ Odisha 20.06 86.01 117.1 Naraj (12) ERD/HOCB/ Odisha 9.85 10.76 11.60 1982 Wireless/ Conventional
Mahanadi MERO Telemetry

205 Purushottampur Rishikulya/ East Purushottampur/ Ganjam/ 19.50 84.87 118.1 Sorada (18-20) ERD/HOCB/ Odisha 15.83 16.83 19.65 1990 Wireless/ Conventional
Flowing Rivers Odisha MERO Telemetry

206 Gunupur Vamshadara/East Gunupur/Koraput/ Odisha 19.08 83.81 119.1 Kutragada (03-06) ERD/HOCB/ Odisha 83.00 84.00 88.75 1980 Wireless/ Conventional
Flowing Rivers MERO Telemetry

207 Kashinagar Vamshadara/East Kashinagar/Ganjam/ 18.85 83.87 120.1 Kutragada (06-09) ERD/HOCB/ Odisha 53.60 54.60 58.93 1980 Wireless/ Conventional/
Flowing Rivers Odisha MERO Telemetry Mathematical


S.No Name of FF River/Basin Nearest Lat (N) Long (E) Base Station (TT in hrs) Div/Circle/ Met Sub WL (m) DL (m) HFL Mode of Methodology/ Remarks
Station/Type Town/Vill/District/State Orgn Division as per Data Model used for
IMD (m) Year Collection FF Formulation
208 Gotta Barrage Vamsadhara/ East Gotta Barrage/ Srikakulam/ 18.69 83.96 159.1 Kutragada (12) ERD/HOCB/ Coastal 34.84 39.92 1999 Wireless/ Conventional
Flowing Rivers Andhra Pradesh MERO Andhra Telemetry
209 Thotapalli Resvr Nagavali/ East Parvathipuram/Vizianagara 18.78 83.49 ERD/HOCB/ FRL-105.00 Rainfall Runoff
system Flowing River Basin m/ Andhra Pradesh MERO Model
210 Madduvalasa Nagavali/ East Vizianagaram/Andhra 18.63 83.22 ERD/HOC/ME Coastal FRL-65.00
Reservoir Flowing River Basin Pradesh RO Andhra
Bhubaneshwar Pradesh

211 Narayanpuram Nagavali/ East Srikakulam/ Andhra 18.48 83.8 ERD/HOC/ME Coastal FRL - 32.77
Anicut Flowing River Basin Pradesh RO Andhra
Bhubaneshwar Pradesh

212 Srikakulam Nagavali/ East Srikakulam/ Andhra 18.31 83.88 ERD/HOCB/ Coastal 10.17 10.8 14.53 12-05-90
Flowing River Basin Pradesh MERO Andhra
213 Dantiwada Dam Banas/ West Flowing Dantiwada dam/Palanpur/ 24.34 72.34 160.1 Sarotry (2-5) MD/HOCG/ Gujarat 182.88 185.06 186.04 1973 Wireless/ Conventional
Rivers Banaskanta/ Gujarat 160.2 Chitrasani (2-5) NTBO Telemetry

214 Abu Road Banas Sirohi/Rajasthan 24.49 72.79 MD 258.00 259.00 265.40 1973
215 Dharoi Dam Sabarmati/ West Dharoi Dam/ Mehsana/ 24.00 72.86 161.1 Kheroj (2-5) MD/HOCG/ Gujarat 187.45 192.25 189.63 1990 Wireless/ Conventional
Flowing Rivers Gujarat 161.2 Harnav Weir (2-5) NTBO Telemetry
216 Subash Bridge Sabarmati/ West Ahmedabad/Ahmedabad/ 23.06 72.59 125.1 Derol Bridge (04-06) MD/HOCG/ Gujarat 44.09 45.34 47.45 2006 Wireless/ Conventional
(Ahmedabad) Flowing Rivers Gujarat 125.2 Hatmati Weir (04- NTBO Telemetry

217 Mahi Bajajsagar Mahi/Mahi Banswara/Rajasthan 23.62 74.54 MD FRL-281.5

Dam Gandhinagar/H
218 Som Kamla Amba Som/Mahi Dungarpur/Rajasthan 23.97 74.03 MD FRL-212.5
Dam Gandhinagar/H
219 Kadana Dam Mahi/ West Flowing Kadana Dam/ 23.31 73.83 162.1 Paderdibadi ( 2-7) MD/HOCG/ Gujarat 126.19 127.71 127.74 1989 Wireless/ Conventional
Rivers Panchmahal/ Gujarat 162.2 Anas PH -II (2-7) NTBO Telemetry
220 Panam Dam Panam/Mahi Kalol/Panchmahal/Gujrat 23.05 73.71 MD FRL-121.41
221 Wanakbori Weir Mahi/ West Flowing Wanakbori/Kheda 22.74 72.69 126.1 Kadana Dam (06) MD/HOCG/ Gujarat 71.00 72.54 76.10 2006 Wireless/ Conventional
River 126.2 Panam Dam (06) NTBO Telemetry

222 Mandla Narmada/ Narmada Mandla/Mandla/ Madhya 23.77 85.56 121.1 Dindori (11) ND/SECB/ East Madhya 437.20 437.80 439.41 1974 Wireless Conventional
Pradesh 121.2 Mohgaon (04) NBO Pradesh
121.3 Mukki (12)

223 Barna Dam Narmada/ Narmada Raisen/Madhya Pradesh 23.05 78.06 ND/SECB/ 348.55

224 Bargi Dam Narmada/ Narmada Jabalpur/Madhya Pradesh 22.94 79.92 ND/SECB/ 422.76


S.No Name of FF River/Basin Nearest Lat (N) Long (E) Base Station (TT in hrs) Div/Circle/ Met Sub WL (m) DL (m) HFL Mode of Methodology/ Remarks
Station/Type Town/Vill/District/State Orgn Division as per Data Model used for
IMD (m) Year Collection FF Formulation
225 Tawa Dam Narmada/ Narmada Hoshangabad/ Madhya 22.56 77.97 ND/SECB/ 355.39
Pradesh NBO

226 Hoshangabad Narmada/ Narmada Hoshangabad/ 22.76 77.69 122.1 Barman(22) ND/SECB/ West Madhya 292.83 293.83 300.90 1973 Wireless Conventional
Hoshangabad/ Madhya 122.2 Tawanagar (08) NBO Pradesh

227 Indirasagar Dam Narmada/ Narmada Khandwa/Madhya Pradesh 22.28 76.47 ND/SECB/ 262.13

228 Omkareshwar Dam Narmada/ Narmada Khandwa/Madhya Pradesh 22.24 76.16 ND/SECB/ 201.16

229 Sardar Sarovar Narmada/ Narmada Ahmedabad/ Gujarat 21.82 73.74 TD/HOCG/ 138.38

230 Garudeshwar Narmada/ Narmada Garudeshwar/ 21.89 73.65 123.1 Sardar sarovar dam TD/HOCG/ Gujarat 30.48 31.09 41.65 1970 Wireless/ Conventional
Bharuch/Gujarat (12) NTBO Telemetry

231 Bharuch Narmada/ Narmada Bharuch/Bharuch/ Gujarat 21.70 73.00 124.1 Garudeshwar (12) TD/HOCG/ Gujarat 6.71 7.31 12.65 1970 Wireless/ Conventional
NTBO Telemetry

232 Hathnur Dam Tapi/ Tapi Hathnur Dam/ Jalgaon/ 21.07 75.95 163.1Burhanpur (12) TD/HOCG/ Marathwada 212.02 214.00 214.00 1989 Wireless/ Conventional
Maharashtra 163.2 Yerli (12) NTBO Telemetry
233 Ukai Dam Tapi/ Tapi Ukai Dam/ Surat/ Gujarat 21.25 73.59 164.1 Gidadhe (6) TD/HOCG/ Gujarat 102.41 105.16 105.51 1990 Wireless/ Conventional
164.2 Sarangkheda (6) NTBO Telemetry
234 Surat Tapi/ Tapi Surat/Surat/Gujarat 21.20 72.82 127.1 Hatnur Dam (24) TD/HOCG/ Gujarat 8.50 9.50 12.50 2006 Wireless/ Conventional
NTBO Telemetry

235 Madhuban Dam Damanganga/ West Madhuban Dam/ Valsad/ 20.19 73.06 165.1 Ozarkheda (6) TD/HOCG/ Gujarat 79.86 82.40 80.60 1993 Wireless/ Conventional
Flowing River Gujarat 165.2 Nanipalsan (6) NTBO Telemetry
236 Vapi Town Damanganga/ West Vapi Town/ Valsad/Gujarat 20.37 72.88 128.1 Madhuban Dam (03- TD/HOCG/ Gujarat 18.20 19.20 23.76 1976 Wireless/ Conventional
Flowing Rivers 06) NTBO Telemetry


S.No Name of FF River/Basin Nearest Lat (N) Long (E) Base Station (TT in hrs) Div/Circle/ Met Sub WL (m) DL (m) HFL Mode of Methodology/ Remarks
Station/Type Town/Vill/District/State Orgn Division as per Data Model used for
IMD (m) Year Collection FF Formulation
237 Daman Damanganga/ West Daman/Daman/Diu 20.41 72.84 129.1 Madhuban Dam (05- TD/HOCG/ Gujarat 2.60 3.40 4.00 2004 Wireless/ Conventional
Flowing Rivers 09) NTBO Telemetry

238 Nasik Godavari/ Godavari Nasik/Maharashtra 20.08 73.75 UGD/GC/KGB 558.10 559.60 563.01 2016

239 NMD Weir Godavari/ Godavari Nasik/Maharashtra 19.45 74.33 UGD/GC/KGB 533.50

240 Kopergaon Godavari/ Godavari Kopergaon/Ahmednagar/M 19.89 74.49 130.1 N M Weir (05-06) LGD/GC/ Marathwada 490.90 493.68 499.17 1969 Wireless/ Conventional
aharashtra KGBO Telemetry

241 Mula Dam Mula/Godavari Ahmadnagar/Maharashtra 19.35 74.60 UGD/GC/KGB 552.30


242 Jaikwadi Dam Godavari/Godavari Paithan/ Aurangabad/ 19.48 75.37 166.1 N M Weir (12) LGD/GC/ Marathwada 463.91 465.58 464.69 1990 Wireless Conventional
Maharashtra KGBO
243 Manjlegaon Dam Sindhpana/ Godavari Beed / Maharashtra 19.15 76.18 UGD/GC/KGB 431.80
244 Gangakhed Godavari/ Godavari Gangakhed/Parbhani/Maha 18.98 76.75 131.1 Dhalegaon (15-18) LGD/GC/ Marathwada 374.00 375.00 377.57 1947 Wireless/ Conventional
rashtra KGBO Telemetry

245 Yeldari Barrage Puma/Godavari Patbhani/Maharashtra 19.71 76.75 UGD/GC/KGB 461.77


246 Nanded Godavari/ Godavari Nanded/Nanded/ 19.15 77.31 132.1 Dhalegaon (24-27) LGD/GC/ Marathwada 353.00 354.00 357.10 2006 Wireless/ Conventional
Maharastra 132.2 Purna (03-06) KGBO Telemetry

247 Karanja Dam Karanja/Godavari Bidar/Karnataka 17.88 77.31 UGD/GC/KGB 584.15


248 Singur Dam Manjira/ Godavari Singur Dam/ Medak/ 17.75 77.93 167.1 Saigaon (24) LGD/GC/ Telangana 523.60 523.60 523.60 1999 Wireless Conventional
Andhra Pradesh KGBO
249 Nizamsagar Dam Manjira/ Godavari Nizamsagar dam/ 18.22 77.96 168.1 Singur Dam (24) LGD/GC/ Telangana 428.24 428.24 428.24 1999 Wireless Conventional
Nizamabad/ Andhra KGBO
250 Sriramsagar Godavari/Godavari Pochampad/ Nizamabad/ 18.97 78.34 169.1 Nanded (24) LGD/GC/ Telangana 332.54 333.15 332.72 1990 Wireless Conventional
Andhra Pradesh 169.2 Nizamsagar (24) KGBO
169.3 Degloor (24)
251 Kaddam Dam Godavari/Godavari Kaddam/Adilabad/Telenga 19.1 78.79 UGD/GC/KGB FRL-213.21 Rainfall Runoff
na O Model
252 Sripada Yellampalli Godavari/Godavari Karimnagar/ Telengana 18.84 79.36 UGD/GC/KGB FRL-148 Rainfall Runoff
project. O Model

253 Upper Wainganga Wainganga/ Godavari Balaghat/Madhya Pradesh 22.37 79.66 WD Nagpur/CC FRL-519.38
Project Nagpur/ MCO


S.No Name of FF River/Basin Nearest Lat (N) Long (E) Base Station (TT in hrs) Div/Circle/ Met Sub WL (m) DL (m) HFL Mode of Methodology/ Remarks
Station/Type Town/Vill/District/State Orgn Division as per Data Model used for
IMD (m) Year Collection FF Formulation
254 Totladoh Project Pench Nagpur/Madhya Pradesh 21.65 79.23 WD Nagpur/CC FRL-490.00
Nagpur/ MCO

255 Bhandara Wainganga/ Godavari Bhandara/Bhandara/Mahar 21.15 79.66 133.1 Balaghat (15-18) LGD/GC/ Vidharbha 244.00 244.50 250.90 2005 Wireless/ Conventional
ashtra 133.2 Rajegaon (15-18) KGBO Telemetry
133.3 Sitakesa (15-18)

256 Gosikhurd Dam Godavari/Godavari Pauni/Bhandara/ 20.87 79.6 WD Nagpur/CC Vidharbha FRL-245.50 Rainfall Runoff
Maharashtra Nagpur/ MCO Model

257 Pauni Wainganga/ Godavari Pauni/Bhandara/ 20.79 79.65 134.1 Bhandara (06-09) LGD/GC/ Vidharbha 226.73 227.73 232.35 1994 Wireless/ Conventional
Maharashtra 134.2 K R Bridge (06) KGBO Telemetry

258 Upper Wardha Wardha/Godavari Amaravati/Maharashtra 21.27 78.05 WD Nagpur/CC FRL-342.50

Project Nagpur/ MCO

259 Issapur/Upper Penganga Hingoli/Maharashtra 19.71 77.45 WD Nagpur/CC FRL-441.00

Penganga Nagpur/ MCO

260 Balharsha Wardha/Godavari Balharsha/Chandrapur/ 19.82 79.37 135.1 Hivra (24-30) LGD/GC/ Vidharbha 171.50 174.00 176.00 1986 Wireless/ Conventional
Maharashtra 135.2 Nandgaon (24) KGBO Telemetry
135.3 Ghugus (12)
135.4 P G Bridge (12-15)
261 Sirpur Town Godavari/Godavari Kumaram Bheem/ Maharashtra WD Nagpur/CC 159.95 160.95 161.95
Nagpur/ MCO
19.56 79.61

262 Kaleswaram Godavari/ Godavari Kaleswaram/Karimnagar/ 18.82 79.91 136.1 Ashti (12) LGD/GC/ Telangana 103.50 104.75 107.05 1986 Wireless/ Conventional
Andhra Pradesh 136.2 Balharsha (12-15) KGBO Telemetry
136.3 Mancherial (12)

263 Upper Indravati Indravathi/ Godavari Kalahandi/Odisha 19.27 82.82 LGD/GC/ FRL-642.00
Project KGBO


S.No Name of FF River/Basin Nearest Lat (N) Long (E) Base Station (TT in hrs) Div/Circle/ Met Sub WL (m) DL (m) HFL Mode of Methodology/ Remarks
Station/Type Town/Vill/District/State Orgn Division as per Data Model used for
IMD (m) Year Collection FF Formulation
264 Jagdalpur Indravathi/ Godavari Jagdalpur/ Bastar/ 19.09 82.03 137.1 Nowrangpur (06- LGD/GC/ Chhatisgarh 539.50 540.80 544.68 1973 Wireless/ Conventional
Chhatisgarh 24) KGBO Telemetry
137.2 Kosagumda (06-
265 Eturunagaram Godavari/ Godavari Eturunagaram/ Warangal/ 18.32 80.46 138.1 Kaleswaram (12) LGD/GC/ Telangana 73.29 75.79 77.66 1990 Wireless/ Conventional
Andhra Pradesh 138.2 Pathagudem (09) KGBO Telemetry
138.3 Perur (03)

266 Dummagudem Godavari/ Godavari Dummagudem/ 17.85 80.88 139.1 Perur (12-15) LGD/GC/ Telangana 53.00 55.00 60.25 1986 Wireless/ Conventional
Khammam/ Andhra 139.2 Taliperu dam (06) KGBO Telemetry

267 Bhadrachalam Godavari/ Godavari Bhadrachalam/ Khammam/ 17.67 80.88 140.1 Perur (15-18) LGD/GC/ Telangana 45.72 48.77 55.66 1986 Wireless/ Conventional
Andhra Pradesh 140.2 Taliperu dam (09) KGBO Telemetry

268 Kolab Project Kolab/Godavari Koraput/Odisha 18.78 82.60 LGD/GC/ FRL-858.00


269 Machkund Project Machkund Koraput/Odisha 18.45 82.54 LGD/GC/ FRL-838.20


270 Balimela Project Balimela Malkangiri/Odisha 18.30 82.25 LGD/GC/ FRL-462.07


271 Chinturu Sabri/Godavari East Godavari/Andhra 17.74 81.39 LGD/GC/ 41.50 43.50 40.45 2018
Pradesh KGBO

272 Kunavaram Godavari/ Godavari Kunavaram/ Khammam/ 17.57 81.25 141.1 Perur (24-27) LGD/GC/ Telangana 37.74 39.24 51.30 1986 Wireless Conventional
Andhra Pradesh 141.2 Taliperu (15-18) KGBO
141.3 Konta (06)

273 Rajahmundry GNV Godavari/ Godavari Rajahmundry/ East 17.01 81.77 142.1 Koida (12) LGD/GC/ Coastal 17.68 19.51 20.48 1986 Wireless/ Conventional
Railway Bridge Godavari/ Andhra Pradesh KGBO Andhra Telemetry

274 Dowlaiswaram Godavari/ Godavari Dowlaiswaram/ East 16.94 81.78 143.1 Koida (15) LGD/GC/ Coastal 14.25 16.08 18.36 1986 Wireless/ Conventional
Barrage Godavari/ Andhra Pradesh KGBO Andhra Telemetry

275 Atreyapuram Godavari/Godavari Atreyapuram/East 16.81 81.81 LGD Coastal 14 15.5 18.36 22-08-18
Godavari/Andhra Pradesh Hyd/GC/KGBO Andhra
276 Koyna Dam Koyna Satara/Maharashtra 17.4 73.75 UKD/KCC/KGB FRL-659.43
277 Warana Dam Warana Kolhapur/Maharashtra 17.13 73.85 UKD/KCC/KGB FRL-626.90
278 Arjunwad Krishna/Krishna Arjunwad/ Kolhapur/ 16.78 74.63 144.1 Karad (24) LKD/KCC/ Madhya 542.07 543.29 543.69 2005 Not in
Maharashtra 144.2 Samdoli (21) KGBO Maharashtra Operation.
Government is
not interested


S.No Name of FF River/Basin Nearest Lat (N) Long (E) Base Station (TT in hrs) Div/Circle/ Met Sub WL (m) DL (m) HFL Mode of Methodology/ Remarks
Station/Type Town/Vill/District/State Orgn Division as per Data Model used for
IMD (m) Year Collection FF Formulation
279 Hippargi Barrage Krishna/Krishna Bagalkot/Karnataka 16.55 75.16 UKD/KCC/KGB FRL-531.40

280 Hidkal Dam Ghatprabha/Krishna Belagavi/Karnataka 16.14 74.64 CD Bang/MSO FRL-662.94

281 Almatti Dam Krishna/ krishna Almatti Dam/Bijapur/ 16.33 75.88 170.1 Kurundwad (48) LKD/KCC/ North Interior 519.60 519.60 519.60 2002 Wireless Conventional
Karnataka 170.2 Sadalga (48) KGBO Karnataka
170.3 Gokak (27)
282 Malaprabha Dam Malaprabha Belgum/Karnataka 15.82 75.09 CD Bang/MSO FRL-633.83

283 Narayanpur Dam Krishna/ krishna Narayanpur Dam/ 16.20 76.36 171.1 Kurundwad (54) LKD/KCC/ North Interior 492.25 492.25 492.22 2008 Wireless Conventional
Gulbarga/ Karnataka 171.2 Sadalga (54) KGBO Karnataka
171.3 Gokak (35)
171.4 Almatti Dam (09)
284 Veer Dam Nira/Krishna Pune/Maharashtra 18.12 74.09 UKD/KCC/KGB FRL-579.85
285 Ujni Dam Bhima/ Krishna Solapur/Maharashtra 18.21 74.97 UKD/KCC/KGB FRL-497.33
286 Deongaon Bridge Bhima/ Krishna Afzalpur/ Gulbarga/ 17.17 76.33 145.1 Takli (18) LKD/KCC/ North Interior 402.00 404.50 407.34 2006 Wireless/ Conventional
Karnataka 145.2 Wadakbal (18) KGBO Karnataka Telemetry

287 Priyadharshini Krishna/ krishna Gadwal/ Mahbubnagar/ 16.33 77.70 172.1 Huvinhedgi (18) LKD/KCC/ Telangana 318.52 318.52 318.50 2012 Wireless Conventional
Jurala Project Andhra Pradesh 172.2 Yadgir (18) KGBO
172.3 Deosugur (06)
288 Upper Tunga Tungabhadra/ Krishna Shimoga/Krishna 13.84 75.52 CD South interior FRL-588.24
Bangluru/C&S Karnataka,
RC/ C&SRO Shimoga
289 Bhadra Dam Tungabhadra/ Krishna Tarikere/Chikmagalur/Karn 13.7 75.63 CD Coastal FRL-657.75
ataka Bangluru/C&S Karnataka,
RC/ C&SRO Lakkavalli
290 Tungabhadra Dam Tungabhadra/ Krishna Hospet/ Bellary/ Karnataka 15.26 76.34 173.1 Harlahalli (12) LKD/KCC/ South Interior 497.74 497.74 497.74 1994 Wireless Conventional
173.2 Marol (12) KGBO Karnataka
291 Singatlur Barrage Krishna/Krishna Gadag/Karnataka 15.03 75.83 LKD/KCC/ FRL-507.00
292 Mantralayam Tungabhadra Mantralayam/ Kurnool/ 15.94 77.42 146.1 Ollenur (18) LKD/KCC/ Rayalaseema 310.00 312.00 318.77 2009 Wireless/ Conventional
Andhra Pradesh 146.2 T Ramapuram (18) KGBO Telemetry

293 Sunkesula Barrage Krishna/Krishna C.Belagal/Kurnool/ Andhra 15.88 77.82 LKD/KCC/ Rayalaseema FRL-292.00 Rainfall Runoff
Pradesh KGBO Model
294 Kurnool Tungabhadra/ Krishna Kurnool/Kurnool/ Andhra 15.82 78.03 LKD/KCC/ 276 278 285.225 02.10.09
Pradesh KGBO
295 Srisailam Dam Krishna/ krishna Srisailam/ Kurnool/ Andhra 16.08 78.90 174.1 Mantralayam (18) LKD/KCC/ Rayalaseema 269.75 269.75 273.25 2009 Wireless Conventional
Pradesh 174.2 Krishna Agraharam KGBO
296 Musi Dam Musi/Krishna Nalgonda/Telengana 14.06 79.52 LKD/KCC/ FRL-196.60
297 Dr KLRS Krishna/Krishna Bellamkonda/Guntur/Andhr 16.75 80.05 LKD/KCC/ Coastal FRL-53.34 Rainfall Runoff
Pulichintala Dam a Pradesh KGBO Andhra Model


S.No Name of FF River/Basin Nearest Lat (N) Long (E) Base Station (TT in hrs) Div/Circle/ Met Sub WL (m) DL (m) HFL Mode of Methodology/ Remarks
Station/Type Town/Vill/District/State Orgn Division as per Data Model used for
IMD (m) Year Collection FF Formulation
298 Prakasam Barrage Krishna/ krishna Vijayawada/ Krishna/ 16.50 80.60 175.1 Wadenapalli (16) LKD/KCC/ Coastal 18.30 21.50 1903 Wireless Conventional
Andhra Pradesh 175.2 Madhira (12) KGBO Andhra
175.3 Polampally (12) Pradesh
175.4 Paleru Bridge (12)
175.5 Keesara (12)
299 Avanigadda Krishna/ krishna Krishna/Andhra Pradesh 16.02 80.91 LKD/KCC/ 9.00 11.00 11.87 2009
300 Somasila Dam Pennar/Pennar Ozili//Nellore/ Andhra 14.48 79.3 HD/ C&SRC Coastal FRL-100.58 Rainfall Runoff
Pradesh Bangalore/ C & Andhra Model
SRO Pradesh
301 Nellore Anicut North Pennar Nellore/ Nellore/ Andhra 14.47 79.99 147.1 Chennur (18) HD/SR Coastal 15.91 17.28 18.70 1882 Wireless Conventional
Pradesh 147.2 Nandipally (18) Andhra
147.3 Somasila Project Pradesh
302 Poondi Kosasthalaiyar/ EFRB Thiruvallur/ Tamilnadu 13.18 79.86 HD / C & SRC / Tamilnadu & FRL-42.67 Rainfall Runoff
Satyamurthy Dam Pennar-Cauvery C & SRO Puducherry Model

303 Chembarampakkam Adyar/EFRB Pennar Chenglepet/Kancheepuram 13.01 80.08 HD Tamilnadu &

Cauvery /Tamilnadu Chennai/C&SR Puducherry
C Bangaluru/C

304 Sathnur Dam Ponnaiyar/ EFRB Chengam/Thiruvannamalai 12.2 78.59 HD Tamilnadu & FRL-222.2
Pennar-Cauvery /Tamilnadu Chennai/C&SR Puducherry
C Bangaluru/C

305 Gomukhi Vellar/EFRB Pennar Kallakurichi/Villupuram/Ta 11.8 78.81 HD

Cauvery milnadu Chennai/C&SR
C Bangaluru/C

306 Wellington Dam Vellar/EFRB Pennar Thittakudi/Cuddalore/Tamil 11.4 79.09 HD FRL-72.54

Cauvery nadu Chennai/C&SR
C Bangaluru/C

307 Harangi Dam Cauvery/Cauvery Somwarpet/ Kodagu/ 12.49 75.9 CD Banglore / Coastal FRL-871.42 Rainfall Runoff
Karnataka C&SRC Andhra Model
Bangalore/ C & Pradesh
308 Hemavathy Dam Cauvery/Cauvery Channaryapatra/Hassan/K 12.82 76.05 CD Banglore / Coastal FRL-890.63 Rainfall Runoff
arnataka C&SRC Andhra Model
Bangalore/ C & Pradesh
309 Kabini Dam Cauvery/Cauvery Heggadevanakote/Mysore/ 11.84 76.33 CD Banglore / South Interior FRL-696.16 Rainfall Runoff
Karnataka C&SRC Karnataka Model
Bangalore/ C &

S.No Name of FF River/Basin Nearest Lat (N) Long (E) Base Station (TT in hrs) Div/Circle/ Met Sub WL (m) DL (m) HFL Mode of Methodology/ Remarks
Station/Type Town/Vill/District/State Orgn Division as per Data Model used for
IMD (m) Year Collection FF Formulation
310 Krishnaraj sagar Cauvery/Cauvery Srirangapatna/Mandya/Kar 12.45 76.57 CD Banglore / South Interior FRL-752.49 Rainfall Runoff
nataka C&SRC Karnataka Model
Bangalore/ C &
311 Mettur Dam Cauvery/Cauvery Mettur/Salem/Tamilnadu 11.8 77.8 SRD/C & SRC Tamilnadu & FRL- Rainfall Runoff
/ C & SRO Puducherry Model

312 Bhawanisagar Dam Bhavani/Cauvery Sathyamangalam/Erode/Ta 11.47 77.1 SRD/C & SRC Tamilnadu & FRL-280.42 Rainfall Runoff
milnadu / C & SRO Puducherry Model

313 Savandapur Bhavani/Cauvery Gobichettipalayam/Tamilna 11.52 77.51 SRD 184.5 185.5 186.88 05-11-78
du Coim/C&SRC
Bang/C & SRO
314 Kodumudi Cauvery/Cauvery Erode/Erode/Tamilnadu SRD Tamilnadu and
Coim/C&SRC Puducherry
11.08 77.89 125.5 126.5 127.83 25-10-05
Bang/C & SRO
315 Kodaganar Dam Kodaganar/Cauvery Dindugul/Tamilnadu SRD Tamilnadu and FRL-200.25
Coim/C&SRC Puducherry
10.59 77.97
Bang/C & SRO
316 Musiri Cauvery/Cauvery Musiri/Tiruchirapalli/Tamiln 10.93 78.43 SRD Tamilnadu and 82.11 83.11 86.18 13-11-77
adu Coim/C&SRC Puducherry
Bang/C & SRO
317 Upper Anicut Cauvery/Cauvery Thiruchirapalli/ Tamilnadu 10.88 78.57 SRD FRL-75.05
Bang/C & SRO
318 Grand Annicut Cauvery/Cauvery Thanjavur/ Tamilnadu 10.83 78.81 SRD/C & SRC Tamilnadu & FRL-240.80 Rainfall Runoff
/ C & SRO Puducherry Model

319 Vaigai Dam Vaigai/EFR South of Andipatti/ Theni/ Tamilnadu 10.5 77.33 SRD/C & SRC Tamilnadu & FRL-279.2 Rainfall Runoff
Cauvery / C & SRO Puducherry Model

320 Madurai Vaigai/EFR South of Madurai/Tamilnadu 9.93 78.11 SRD/C & SRC Tamilnadu & 131.5 132.5 134.76 1997
Cauvery / C & SRO Puducherry

321 Kumbidi Bharathapuzha/WFR Palakkad/Kerala 10.85 76.02 SWRD/CSRO 8 9 9.76 2018

Tapi to Tadri
322 Idduki Dam Periyar/WFR Tadri to Idduki/Kerala 9.84 76.97 SWRD/CSRO FRL-732.62
323 Edamalayar Dam Edamalayar/WFR Ernakulam/Kerala 10.22 76.7 SWRD/CSRO FRL-169.00
Tadri to Kanyakumari
324 Neeleswaram Periyar/WFR Tadri to Ernakulam/Kerala 10.18 76.49 SWRD/CSRO 9 10 12.4 2018
325 Malakkara Pamba/WFR Tadri to Pathanamthitta 9.43 76.65 SWRD/CSRO 6 7 9.31 2018
326 Polavaram Godavari/Godavari West Godavari/ Andhra 17.25 81.64 LGD
Pradesh Hyd/GC/KGBO

327 Laxmi Barrage Godavari/Godavari Bhupalpally/Telangana UGD/GC/KGB 10000

18.7 80.08 O
328 Dholpur Chambal/Ganga Dholpur / Rajasthan LYD Agra/YBO 129.79 130.79 145.54 23-08-96
26.65 77.9
(A Annex II(A)

Basinwise -Riverwise- Flood Forecasting Information in India during Flood Season 2020
Sl.No. Name of the Name of FF site Name of State Warning Danger Highest Flood Level Maximum Level -2020
river Level (m) level (m) Level Date/ Month/ Level (m) Date and Time No.of No.of Percent-
(m) Year DD/MM/YY) Forecasts Forecasts age of
issued within accuracy
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13.00

1. Indus Basin
1 Jhelum Sangam Jammu & Kashmir 1590.30 1592.00 1595.00 06-09-14 1590.02 28/08/2020 07 0 0 -
2 Jhelum Rammunshibagh Jammu & Kashmir 1585.53 1586.45 1588.99 08-09-14 1585.02 28/08/2020 16 0 0 -
3 Jhelum Safapora Jammu & Kashmir 1580.00 1580.80 1582.10 09-09-14 1579..61 29/08/2020 03 0 0 -
2 a. Ganga Basin

4 Alaknanda Srinagar Uttarakhand 535.00 536.00 537.90 17-06-13 536.1 11/08/2020 06 7 6 85.71
5 Mandakini Ganganagar Uttarakhand 803.00 804.00 801.92 2015 801.1 11/08/2020 06 0 0 -
6 Ganga Rishikesh Uttarakhand 339.50 340.50 341.72 05-09-95 339.7 11/08/2020 14 1 1 100.00
7 Ganga Haridwar Uttarakhand 293.00 294.00 296.30 19-09-10 293.72 11/08/2020 15 7 7 100.00
8 Ganga Garhmuktheswar Uttar Pradesh 198.30 199.30 199.90 23-09-10 198.89 21/08/2020 03 31 31 100.00
9 Ganga Kachla Bridge Uttar Pradesh 161.00 162.00 162.79 24-09-10 162.71 16/08/2020 03 93 92 98.92
10 Ganga Fathegarh Uttar Pradesh 136.60 137.60 138.14 26-09-10 137.56 27/08/2020 01 34 34 100.00
11 Ramganga Moradabad Uttar Pradesh 189.60 190.60 192.88 21-09-10 190.45 24/08/2020 18 28 27 96.43
12 Ramganga Bareilly Uttar Pradesh 162.07 163.07 162.88 06-08-78 159.98 29/08/2020 04 0 0 -
13 Ganga Dabri Uttar Pradesh 136.30 137.30 139.70 28-09-83 136.7 31/08/2020 08 11 11 100.00
14 Ganga Kannauj Uttar Pradesh 124.97 125.97 126.78 27-09-10 125.05 21/08/2020 03 3 3 100.00
15 Ganga Ankinghat Uttar Pradesh 123.00 124.00 124.49 28-09-10 123.45 21/08/2020 13 17 17 100.00
16 Ganga Kanpur Uttar Pradesh 112.00 113.00 114.08 29-09-10 112.12 22/08/2020 14 4 4 100.00
17 Ganga Dalmau Uttar Pradesh 98.36 99.36 99.84 03-08-73 98.13 23/08/2020 20 0 0 -
18 Ganga Phphamau Uttar Pradesh 83.73 84.73 87.98 08-09-78 81.55 04/09/2020 09 0 0 -
19 Yamuna Paonta Sahib Himachal Pradesh 383.50 384.50 384.60 05-09-95 380.9 11/08/2020 01 0 0 -
20 Yamuna Karnal Bridge Haryana 248.80 249.50 250.07 17-06-13 247.42 26/08/2020 12 0 0 -
21 Yamuna Mawi Uttar Pradesh 230.00 230.85 232.75 18-06-13 229.9 27/08/2020 23 0 0 -
22 Sahibi Dhansa NCT Delhi 211.44 212.44 213.58 06-08-77 210.7 21/08/2020 08 0 0 -
23 Yamuna Delhi Rly Bridge NCT Delhi 204.50 205.33 207.49 06-09-78 204.41 28/08/2020 16 0 0 -
24 Yamuna Mathura Uttar Pradesh 165.20 166.00 169.73 08-09-78 164.94 30/08/2020 23 0 0 -
25 Yamuna Agra Uttar Pradesh 151.40 152.40 154.76 09-09-78 149.18 22/08/2020 21 0 0 -
26 Yamuna Etawa Uttar Pradesh 120.92 121.92 126.13 11-09-78 118.68 25/08/2020 00 0 0 -
27 Chambal Dholpur Rajasthan 129.79 130.79 145.54 23-08-96 134.35 01/09/2020 11 8 7 87.50
28 Chambal Kota City Rajasthan 239.00 240.00 240.2 31/08/2020 00 2 2 100.00
29 Yamuna Auraiya Uttar Pradesh 112.00 113.00 118.19 25-08-96 110.33 02/09/2020 14 0 0 -
30 Yamuna Kalpi Uttar Pradesh 107.00 108.00 112.98 25-08-96 105.09 03/09/2020 04 0 0 -
31 Yamuna Hamirpur Uttar Pradesh 102.63 103.63 108.59 12-09-83 100.33 03/09/2020 02 0 0 -
32 Betwa Mohana Uttar Pradesh 121.66 122.66 133.35 11-09-83 119.44 30/08/2020 20 0 0 -
33 Betwa Sahjina Uttar Pradesh 103.54 104.54 108.67 12-09-83 99.74 03/09/2020 03 0 0 -
34 Ken Banda Uttar Pradesh 103.00 104.00 113.29 07-07-05 101.21 30/08/2020 13 0 0 -
35 Yamuna Chilaghat Uttar Pradesh 99.00 100.00 105.16 06-09-78 95.64 03/09/2020 12 0 0 -
36 Yamuna Naini Uttar Pradesh 83.74 84.74 87.99 08-09-78 81.4 04/09/2020 09 0 0 -
37 Ganga Allahabad Chhatnag Uttar Pradesh 83.73 84.73 88.03 08-09-78 80.69 04/09/2020 09 0 0 -
38 Ganga Mirzapur Uttar Pradesh 76.72 77.72 80.34 09-09-78 74.18 04/09/2020 16 0 0 -
39 Ganga Varanasi Uttar Pradesh 70.26 71.26 73.90 09-09-78 68.69 04/09/2020 23 0 0 -
(A Annex II(A)

Basinwise -Riverwise- Flood Forecasting Information in India during Flood Season 2020
Sl.No. Name of the Name of FF site Name of State Warning Danger Highest Flood Level Maximum Level -2020
river Level (m) level (m) Level Date/ Month/ Level (m) Date and Time No.of No.of Percent-
(m) Year DD/MM/YY) Forecasts Forecasts age of
issued within accuracy
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13.00
40 Gomati Lucknow Uttar Pradesh 108.50 109.50 110.85 10-09-71 105.9 13/08/2020 14 0 0 -
41 SAI Raibareli Uttar Pradesh 100.00 101.00 104.81 17-09-82 98.94 07/07/2020 06 0 0 -
42 Gomati Jaunpur Uttar Pradesh 73.07 74.07 77.74 22-09-71 69.98 19/08/2020 01 0 0 -
43 Ganga Ghazipur Uttar Pradesh 62.10 63.10 65.22 09-09-78 62.15 05/09/2020 04 2 2 100.00
44 Ganga Buxar Bihar 59.32 60.32 62.09 1948 59.1 05/09/2020 07 0 0 -
45 Ganga Ballia Uttar Pradesh 56.62 57.62 60.39 25-08-16 58.15 05/09/2020 08 14 14 100.00
46 Ghaghra Elgin Bridge Uttar Pradesh 105.07 106.07 107.62 18-08-18 107.15 01/08/2020 08 86 86 100.00
47 Ghaghra Ayodhya Uttar Pradesh 91.73 92.73 94.01 11-10-09 93.51 03/08/2020 08 77 77 100.00
48 Rapti Kakardhari Uttar Pradesh 130.00 131.00 132.37 15-08-14 129.92 22/07/2020 03 0 0 -
49 Rapti Balrampur Uttar Pradesh 103.62 104.62 105.54 15-08-17 104.81 11/07/2020 18 42 41 97.62
50 Rapti Bansi Uttar Pradesh 83.90 84.90 85.88 20-08-17 84.85 15/07/2020 15 30 30 100.00
51 Rapti Gorakpur_Birdghat Uttar Pradesh 73.98 74.98 77.54 23-08-98 76.09 26/07/2020 10 51 51 100.00
52 Ghaghra Turtipar Uttar Pradesh 63.01 64.01 66.00 28-08-98 65.27 05/08/2020 06 96 96 100.00
53 Ghaghra Darauli Bihar 59.82 60.82 61.74 29-08-98 61.51 05/08/2020 10 77 77 100.00
54 Ghaghra Gangpur Siswan Bihar 56.04 57.04 58.01 18-09-83 57.9 06/08/2020 04 61 61 100.00
55 Ghaghra Chhapra Bihar 52.68 53.68 54.59 03-09-82 51.14 06/08/2020 06 0 0 -
56 Sone Inderpuri Bihar 107.20 108.20 109.60 23-08-75 104.45 21/08/2020 06 0 0 -
57 Sone Koelwar Bihar 54.52 55.52 58.88 20-07-71 52.7 22/08/2020 05 0 0 -
58 Sone Maner Bihar 51.00 52.00 53.79 10-09-76 51.64 02/09/2020 16 26 26 100.00
59 Ganga Patna Dighaghat Bihar 49.45 50.45 52.52 23-08-75 50.05 22/08/2020 17 26 26 100.00
60 Gandak Khadda Uttar Pradesh 95.00 96.00 97.50 23-07-02 96.48 25/09/2020 06 184 184 100.00
61 Gandak Chatia Bihar 68.15 69.15 70.04 26-07-02 69.38 27/09/2020 05 4 4 100.00
62 Gandak Dumariaghat Bihar 61.22 62.22 64.10 17-08-17 64.36 24/07/2020 06 121 120 99.17
63 Gandak Rewaghat Bihar 53.41 54.41 55.41 17-09-86 55.46 24/07/2020 23 64 64 100.00
64 Gandak Hazipur Bihar 49.32 50.32 50.93 1948 49.14 23/08/2020 04 0 0 -
65 Ganga Patna Gandhighat Bihar 47.60 48.60 50.52 20-08-16 48.86 22/08/2020 12 58 58 100.00
66 PunPun Sripalpur Bihar 49.60 50.60 53.91 18-09-76 51.85 16/08/2020 00 38 38 100.00
67 Ganga Hathidah Bihar 40.76 41.76 43.17 21-08-16 42.13 03/09/2020 06 61 61 100.00
68 Ganga Munger Bihar 38.33 39.33 40.99 19-09-76 38.69 24/08/2020 07 22 22 100.00
69 Burhi Gandak Lalbeghiaghat Bihar 62.20 63.20 67.09 30-07-75 64.42 26/07/2020 04 44 44 100.00
70 Burhigandak Ahirwalia Bihar 58.62 59.62 61.17 1975 60.25 27/07/2020 06 24 24 100.00
71 Burhi Gandak Muzaffarpur Bihar 51.53 52.53 54.29 15-08-87 53.91 30/07/2020 05 55 55 100.00
72 Burhi Gandak Samastipur Bihar 45.02 46.02 49.38 15-08-87 48.68 31/07/2020 08 55 55 100.00
73 Burhi Gandak Rosera Bihar 41.63 42.63 46.35 16-08-87 46.56 02/08/2020 22 68 65 95.59
74 Burhi Gandak Khagaria Bihar 35.58 36.58 39.22 1976 37.88 06/08/2020 01 85 85 100.00
75 Ganga Bhagalpur Bihar 32.68 33.68 34.72 26-08-16 33.4 24/08/2020 07 36 36 100.00
76 Ganga Kahalgaon Bihar 30.09 31.09 32.87 17-09-03 31.45 22/08/2020 01 90 90 100.00
77 Kosi Basua Bihar 46.75 47.75 49.24 13-08-17 47.89 12/07/2020 05 188 188 100.00
78 Bagmati Dheng Bridge Bihar 69.10 70.10 73.00 13-08-17 71.62 25/09/2020 13 130 129 99.23
79 Bagmati Runisaidpur Bihar 52.73 53.73 58.15 14-08-17 57.32 13/07/2020 06 133 133 100.00
80 Bagmati Benibad Bihar 47.68 48.68 50.01 12-07-04 49.89 24/07/2020 12 125 125 100.00
81 Adhwara Group Kamtaul Bihar 49.00 50.00 52.99 12-08-87 51.88 01/10/2020 21 66 66 100.00
82 Adhwara Group Ekmighat Bihar 45.94 46.94 49.52 12-07-04 49.05 08/08/2020 03 81 80 98.77
83 Bagmati Hayaghat Bihar 44.72 45.72 48.96 14-08-87 48.11 08/08/2020 05 73 73 100.00 72
(A Annex II(A)

Basinwise -Riverwise- Flood Forecasting Information in India during Flood Season 2020
Sl.No. Name of the Name of FF site Name of State Warning Danger Highest Flood Level Maximum Level -2020
river Level (m) level (m) Level Date/ Month/ Level (m) Date and Time No.of No.of Percent-
(m) Year DD/MM/YY) Forecasts Forecasts age of
issued within accuracy
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13.00
84 Kamla Balan Jainagar Bihar 66.75 67.75 71.35 1965 68.82 11/07/2020 20 385 378 98.18
85 Kamla Balan Jhanjharpur Bihar 49.00 50.00 53.11 14-07-19 52.09 13/07/2020 14 241 240 99.59
86 Adhwara Sonebarsha Bihar 80.85 81.85 83.20 03-07-99 81.52 20/07/2020 23 3 3 100.00
87 Kosi Baltara Bihar 32.85 33.85 36.40 15-08-87 35.93 26/07/2020 23 122 122 100.00
88 Kosi Kursela Bihar 29.00 30.00 32.10 07-09-82 30.49 20/08/2020 06 90 90 100.00
89 Ganga Sahibgunj Jharkhand 26.25 27.25 30.91 1998 28.37 24/08/2020 05 90 90 100.00
90 Mahananda Taibpur Bihar 65.00 66.00 67.22 1968 66.94 21/07/2020 05 123 119 96.75
91 Mahananda Dhengraghat Bihar 34.65 35.65 38.20 14-08-17 36.93 14/07/2020 03 89 88 98.88
92 Mahananda Jhawa Bihar 30.40 31.40 34.07 14-08-17 32.63 28/09/2020 12 164 163 99.39
93 Parwan Araria Bihar 46.00 47.00 49.40 14-08-17 48.37 28/09/2020 05 185 184 99.46
94 Ganga Farakka West Bengal 21.25 22.25 25.14 07-09-98 22.89 22/08/2020 13 187 187 100.00
95 Mayurakshi Narayanpur West Bengal 26.99 27.99 29.69 27-09-95 25.25 30/07/2020 00 0 0 -
96 Ajoy Gheropara West Bengal 38.42 39.42 43.94 27-09-78 36.32 24/09/2020 12 0 0 -
97 Mundeshwari Harinkhola West Bengal 11.80 12.80 14.60 28-07-17 8.58 07/08/2020 18 0 0 -
98 Kangsabati Mohanpur West Bengal 24.73 25.73 29.87 02-09-78 22 22/08/2020 06 0 0 -
2 b Brahmaputra Basin
99 Siang Yingkiang Arunachal Pradesh 303.00 304.00 273.9 22/07/2020 11 0 0 -
100 siang Passighat Arunachal Pradesh 152.96 153.96 157.54 11-06-00 154.29 12/07/2020 03 130 129 99.23
101 Lohit Dholla Bazaar Assam 127.27 128.27 130.07 22-09-12 128.02 11/07/2020 00 29 29 100.00
102 Brahmaputra Dibrugrah Assam 104.70 105.70 106.48 03-09-98 106.11 11/07/2020 21 118 118 100.00
103 Noa-Dehing Namsai Arunachal Pradesh 144.80 145.80 146.60 31-08-74 144.73 27/09/2020 15 0 0 -
104 Burhidihing Naharkatia Assam 119.40 120.40 122.69 17-06-73 118.82 25/06/2020 21 0 0 -
105 Burhidihing Khwong Assam 101.11 102.11 104.16 02-09-15 103.19 27/06/2020 04 47 47 100.00
106 Desang Nanglamoraghat Assam 93.46 94.46 96.49 06-09-98 95.44 10/07/02020 01 96 96 100.00
107 Dikhow Shivsagar Assam 91.40 92.40 94.23 01-08-18 94.24 22/06/2020 08 102 102 100.00
108 Brahmaputra Neamatighat Assam 84.54 85.54 87.37 11-07-91 87.35 12/07/2020 11 144 144 100.00
109 Subansiri Choldhowaghat Assam 99.43 100.43 101.31 27-07-72 96.9 30/07/2020 16 0 0 -
110 Ranganadi N H Crossing RanganadiAssam 93.81 94.81 95.92 02-07-79 94.38 22/05/2020 15 63 63 100.00
111 Subansiri Badatighat Assam 81.53 82.53 86.21 28-07-72 82.72 13/07/2020 01 35 35 100.00
112 Dhansiri (S) Golaghat Assam 88.50 89.50 92.45 11-10-86 88.77 30/07/2020 06 5 5 100.00
113 Dhansiri (S) Numaligarh Assam 77.42 78.42 80.16 02-08-18 78.78 22/06/2020 03 185 185 100.00
114 Jiabharali Jiabharali_NTX Assam 76.00 77.00 78.50 26-07-07 78.14 31/07/2020 11 474 472 99.58
115 Brahmaputra Tezpur Assam 64.23 65.23 66.59 27-08-88 66.56 13/07/2020 16 118 118 100.00
116 Kopilli Kampur Assam 59.50 60.50 61.79 20-07-04 61.75 28/05/2020 09 50 50 100.00
117 Kopilli Dharmatul Assam 55.00 56.00 58.09 21-07-04 57.28 24/07/2020 12 171 170 99.42
118 Brahmaputra Guwahati Assam 48.68 49.68 51.46 21-07-04 50.77 14/07/2020 12 71 71 100.00
119 Puthimari Puthimari _NHX Assam 50.81 51.81 55.08 31-08-08 54.58 12/07/2020 04 108 107 99.07
120 Pagladiya Pagladia_NTX Assam 51.75 52.75 55.45 08-07-04 53.4 31/07/2020 02 127 123 96.85
121 Manas Mathanguri Assam 98.10 99.10 100.28 13-10-73 96.65 11/07/2020 23 0 0 -
122 Beki Beki NHX Assam 44.10 45.10 46.20 04-08-00 45.96 12/07/2020 07 258 258 100.00
123 Manas Manas NHX Assam 47.81 48.42 50.08 15-09-84 49.26 08/09/2020 15 115 113 98.26
124 Brahmaputra Goalpara Assam 35.27 36.27 37.43 31-07-54 37.25 15/07/2020 03 81 81 100.00
125 Gaurang Kokrajhar Assam 41.85 42.85 43.60 20-08-15 43.26 31/07/2020 15 95 93 97.89
(A Annex II(A)

Basinwise -Riverwise- Flood Forecasting Information in India during Flood Season 2020
Sl.No. Name of the Name of FF site Name of State Warning Danger Highest Flood Level Maximum Level -2020
river Level (m) level (m) Level Date/ Month/ Level (m) Date and Time No.of No.of Percent-
(m) Year DD/MM/YY) Forecasts Forecasts age of
issued within accuracy
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13.00
126 Brahmaputra Dhubri Assam 27.62 28.62 30.37 18-07-19 30.19 15/07/2020 12 240 240 100.00
127 Sankosh Golakganj Assam 28.94 29.94 30.95 08-09-07 30.5 12/07/2020 08 162 161 99.38
128 Raidak-I Tufanganj West Bengal 34.22 35.30 36.50 12-08-17 35.76 13/07/2020 12 62 56 90.32
129 Jaldhaka NH-31 West Bengal 80.00 80.90 81.33 28-08-72 80.27 11/07/2020 10 31 30 96.77
130 Torsa Hasimara West Bengal 116.30 116.90 118.50 13-07-96 116.2 11/07/2020 16 0 0 -
131 Torsa Ghughumari West Bengal 39.80 40.41 41.46 03-08-00 40.35 12/07/2020 00 53 50 94.34
132 Jaldhaka Mathabhanga West Bengal 47.70 48.20 49.85 07-09-07 48.57 22/07/2020 14 26 22 84.62
133 Tista Domohani West Bengal 85.65 85.95 89.30 14-10-68 86.23 12/07/2020 12 65 58 89.23
134 Tista Mekhliganj West Bengal 65.45 65.95 66.45 13-07-96 66.07 12/07/2020 19 28 23 82.14
135 Teesta Malli Bazaar Sikkim 223.00 224.00 225.25 218.32 11/07/2020 06 0 0 -
136 Teesta Joretahang(Rothak) Sikkim 350.60 351.60 353.20 349.29 06/08/2020 06 0 0 -
137 Teesta Singtam Sikkim 377.07 377.57 379.17 375.13 02/07/2020 14 0 0 -
2 c Barak & Others -
138 Barak APGhat Assam 18.83 19.83 21.84 01-08-89 20.14 16/07/2020 09 19 19 100.00
139 Katakhal Matizuri Assam 19.27 20.27 22.73 10-09-07 20.9 07/10/2020 04 18 18 100.00
140 Barak Badarpurghat Assam 15.85 16.85 18.48 11-09-07 17.07 16/07/2020 16 36 36 100.00
141 Kushiyara Karimganj Assam 13.94 14.94 16.57 10-06-10 16.07 16/07/2020 21 127 127 100.00
142 Manu Kailashar Tripura 24.34 25.34 25.95 13-06-18 23.93 28/05/2020 10 0 0 -
143 Gumti Sonamura Tripura 11.50 12.50 14.42 23-07-93 10.79 13/07/2020 21 0 0 -
3. Godavari Basin -
144 Godavari Nasik Maharashtra 558.10 559.60 563.51 04-08-19 556.21 12/06/2020 19 0 0 -
145 Godavari Kopergaon Maharashtra 490.90 493.68 499.17 1969 489.8 20/09/2020 20 0 0 -
146 Godavari Gangakhed Maharashtra 374.00 375.00 377.57 1947 372.19 27/09/2020 16 0 0 -
147 Godavari Nanded Maharashtra 353.00 354.00 357.10 06-08-06 348.9 28/09/2020 03 0 0 -
148 Wainganga Bhandara Maharashtra 245.50 245.70 250.90 16-09-05 250.61 30/08/2020 19 12 12 100.00
149 Wainganga Pauni Maharashtra 226.73 227.73 237.12 07-09-94 232.75 31/08/2020 01 13 13 100.00
150 Wardha Balharsha Maharashtra 171.50 174.00 176.45 14-08-86 166.51 31/08/2020 01 0 0 -
151 Wardha Sirpur Town Telangana 159.95 160.95 161.34 18-08-18 157.8 31/08/2020 08 0 0 -
152 Godavari Kaleswaram Telangana 103.50 104.75 107.05 15-08-86 103.58 02/09/2020 12 2 2 100.00
153 Indravati Jagdalpur Chhatisgarh 539.50 540.80 544.68 09-07-73 542.5 21/08/2020 22 6 5 83.33
154 Godavari Eturunagaram Telangana 73.32 75.82 77.66 24-08-90 75.44 17/08/2020 05 12 10 83.33
155 Godavari Dummagudam Telangana 53.00 55.00 60.25 15-08-86 57 17/08/2020 13 12 11 91.67
156 Godavari Bhadrachalam Telangana 45.72 48.77 55.66 16-08-86 51.38 17/08/2020 18 18 17 94.44
157 Sabari Chinturu Andhra Pradesh 41.50 43.00 40.45 20-08-18 44.91 18/08/2020 05 14 12 85.71
158 Godavari Kunavaram Andhra Pradesh 37.74 39.24 51.30 16-08-86 44.79 18/08/2020 04 20 18 90.00
159 Godavari Rajamundry Andhra Pradesh 17.68 19.51 20.48 16-08-86 18.82 18/08/2020 10 11 7 63.64
160 Godavari Dowalaiswaram Andhra Pradesh 14.25 16.08 18.36 16-08-86 16.74 18/08/2020 12 20 18 90.00
161 Godavari Atreyapuram Andhra Pradesh 14.00 15.50 18.36 22-08-18 14.16 18/08/2020 14 3 3 100.00

(A Annex II(A)

Basinwise -Riverwise- Flood Forecasting Information in India during Flood Season 2020
Sl.No. Name of the Name of FF site Name of State Warning Danger Highest Flood Level Maximum Level -2020
river Level (m) level (m) Level Date/ Month/ Level (m) Date and Time No.of No.of Percent-
(m) Year DD/MM/YY) Forecasts Forecasts age of
issued within accuracy
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13.00
4. Krishna Basin
162 Krishna Arjunwad Maharashtra 542.07 543.29 544.28 09-08-19 538.99 19/08/2020 07 0 0 -
163 Bhima Deongaon Karnataka 402.00 404.50 407.34 13-08-06 409 18/10/2020 00 13 10 76.92
164 Tungabhadra Mantralayam Andhra Pradesh 310.00 312.00 318.77 02-10-09 310.87 22/09/2020 06 9 5 55.56
165 Tungabhadra Kurnool Andhra Pradesh 273.00 274.00 281.22 02-10-09 272.4 20/08/2020 16 0 0 -
166 Krishna Avanigadda Andhra Pradesh 9.00 11.00 11.57 05-10-09 10.41 15/10/2020 12 13 11 84.62
5. Cauvery Basin
167 Bhavani Savandapur Tamilnadu 184.50 185.50 187.75 17-08-18 181.65 10/09/2020 00 0 0 -
168 Cauvery Kodumudi Tamilnadu 125.50 126.50 128.14 17-08-18 124.37 19/09/2020 23 0 0 -
169 Cauvery Musiri Tamilnadu 82.11 83.11 86.98 25-11-05 82 21/10/2020 10 0 0 -
6. Subarnarekha
170 Subernarekna Jamshedpur Jharkhand 122.50 123.50 129.82 12-10-73 122.5 27/08/2020 03 0 0 -
171 Subernarekna Rajghat Odisha 9.45 10.36 12.69 19-06-08 10.96 28/08/2020 03 3 2 66.67
172 Jalaka Mathani Road Bridge Odisha 5.50 5.50 6.80 7.05 27/08/2020 02 74 67 90.54
173 Burhabalang NH_5 _Road Bridge Odisha 7.21 8.13 9.50 12-10-73 8.4 27/08/2020 12 4 3 75.00
7. Brahmani and Baitarani
174 Baitarni Anandpur Odisha 37.44 38.36 41.35 23-09-11 40.9 27/08/2020 06 9 5 55.56
175 Baitarni Akhuapada Odisha 17.83 17.83 21.95 16-08-60 20.06 27/08/2020 17 9 7 77.78
176 Brahmani Jenapur Odisha 22.00 23.00 24.78 20-08-75 23.46 28/08/2020 17 4 3 75.00
8. Mahanadi Basin
177 Mahanadi Naraj Odisha 25.41 26.41 27.61 31-08-82 26.96 31/08/2020 17 17 17 100.00
178 Mahanadi Alipingal Devi Odisha 10.85 11.76 13.11 11-09-11 11.33 31/08/2020 15 7 7 100.00
179 Mahanadi Nimapara Odisha 9.85 10.76 11.60 31-08-82 10.14 31/08/2020 22 6 6 100.00
9. Pennar Basin
180 Pennar Nellore Andhra Pradesh 15.91 17.28 18.70 30-11-1882 16.15 27/11/2020 16 2 2 100.00
10. Mahi Basin
181 Mahi Wanakbori Gujarat 71.93 74.98 76.10 12-08-06 72.93 31/08/2020 00 3 3 100.00
11. Sabarmati Basin
182 Sabarmati Ahmedabad Gujarat 44.09 45.34 47.45 19-08-06 42.3 14/09/2020 15 0 0 -
12. Narmada BasinShubhash Bridge
183 Naramada Mandla Madhya Pradesh 437.20 437.80 439.40 15-07-74 439.04 19/08/2020 00 24 24 100.00
184 Naramada Hoshangabad Madhya Pradesh 292.80 293.80 301.33 27-08-72 299.6 29/08/2020 23 28 28 100.00
185 Naramada Garudeswar Gujarat 30.48 31.09 41.65 06-09-70 33.1 01/09/2020 15 10 10 100.00
186 Naramada Bharuch Gujarat 6.71 7.31 12.65 07-09-70 10.72 01/09/2020 22 16 16 100.00
13. Tapi Basin
187 Tapi Surat Gujarat 8.50 9.50 12.50 09-08-06 6.4 24/08/2020 20 0 0 -
14. West Flowing rivers from Tapi to Tadri
188 Damanganga Vapi Town Gujarat 18.20 19.20 23.76 03-08-04 17 05/08/2020 04 0 0 -
189 Damanganga Daman Daman & Diu 2.60 3.40 4.00 03-08-04 2.2 07/06/2020 15 0 0 -

(A Annex II(A)

Basinwise -Riverwise- Flood Forecasting Information in India during Flood Season 2020
Sl.No. Name of the Name of FF site Name of State Warning Danger Highest Flood Level Maximum Level -2020
river Level (m) level (m) Level Date/ Month/ Level (m) Date and Time No.of No.of Percent-
(m) Year DD/MM/YY) Forecasts Forecasts age of
issued within accuracy
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13.00
16. East flowing rivers between Mahanadi and Pennar
190 Rushikuluya Purushottampur Odisha 15.83 16.83 19.65 04-11-90 16.36 14/10/2020 08 3 2 66.67
191 Vamsadhara Gunupur Odisha 83.00 84.00 88.75 17-09-80 83.02 14/10/2020 19 1 0 0.00
192 Vamsadhara Kashinagar Odisha 54.10 54.60 58.93 18-09-80 54.88 14/10/2020 13 18 16 88.89
193 Nagavali Srikakulam Andhra Pradesh 10.17 10.80 14.53 12-05-90 10.43 15/10/2020 14 5 5 100.00
17 East flowing rivers between Pennar and Kanyakumari
194 Vaigai Madurai Tamilnadu 131.50 132.50 134.76 17-11-97 131.29 02/10/2020 13 0 0 -
18. West flowing rivers of Kutch and Saurashtra including Luni
195 Banas Abu Road Rajasthan 258.00 259.00 265.40 31-08-73 256.76 23/08/2020 07 0 0 -
19. West Flowing River Tadri to Kanyakumari
196 Bharathapuzha Kumbidi Kerala 8.20 9.20 11.27 17-08-18 9.27 07/08/2020 23 4 4 100.00
197 Periyar Neeleswaram Kerala 9.00 10.00 12.40 15-08-18 7.59 07/08/2020 04 0 0 -
198 Pamba Malakkara Kerala 6.00 7.00 9.58 16-08-18 7.27 08/08/2020 03 11 11 100.00
Total Level Forecasts 8243 8133 98.67
Total Inflow Forecasts 3478 3065 88.13
Total Forecasts 11721 11198 95.54


Basinwise -Riverwise- Flood Forecasting Information in India during Flood Season 2020
Sl.No. Name of the Name of FF Name of State FRL/PL (m) Maximum
river site Level -2020 No.of No.of Percent-age of
Forecasts Forecasts accuracy
issued within limits
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

1. Indus Basin
2 a. Ganga Basin

1 Ganga Dharmanagri Barrage

Uttar Pradesh 221.80 219.7 2 0 0.00
2 Ganga Narora Barrage Uttar Pradesh 180.61 179.07 30 26 86.67
3 Ramganga Kalagarh Dam Uttarakhand 366.20 495.12 0 0 -
4 Yamuna Tajewala Weir Haryana 323.70 334.32 0 0 -
5 Chambal Gandhisagar DamMadhya Pradesh 399.90 399.56 9 4 44.44
6 Chambal Rana Pratap Sagar
Rajasthan 352.80 352.38 1 0 0.00
7 Chambal Kota Barrage Rajasthan 260.30 260.45 1 0 0.00
8 Banas Bisalpur Dam Rajasthan 315.50 313.51 0 0 -
9 Kalisindh Kalisindh Dam Rajasthan 316.00 315.99 28 14 50.00
10 Parwan Parwan Dam Rajasthan 288.34 292.67 4 0 0.00
11 Gambhiri Gambhiri Dam Rajasthan 431.90 426.58 1 0 0.00
12 Gambhiri Panchana Dam Rajasthan 258.62 258 4 0 0.00
13 Mej Gudha Dam Rajasthan 305.87 304.25 0 0 -
14 Parwati Parwati Dam Rajasthan 311.05 1 0 0.00
15 Betwa Rajghat Dam Madhya Pradesh 380.80 371 15 2 13.33
16 Betwa Matatilia Dam Uttar Pradesh 308.46 308.46 15 1 6.67
17 Sharda Banbasa Uttarakhand 222.96 222.9 7 7 100.00
18 Ghaghra Katerniaghat DamUttar Pradesh 138.00 138 45 45 100.00
19 Sone Bansagar Dam Madhya 341.65 341.52 25.93
Pradesh 27 7
20 Rihand Rihand Dam Uttar Pradesh 268.22 264.57 16 8 50.00
21 Khoranadi Annaraj Dam Jharkhand 252.44 NA 0 0 -
22 Goda Nala Bhairwa Dam Jharkhand 356.70 NA 0 0 -
23 Sone Indrapuri BarrageBihar 173.00 NA 0 0 -
24 Gandak Gandak Barrage Bihar 113.08 109.88 5 0 0.00
25 Baranadi Amanat Barage Jharkhand 274.39 NA 0 0 -
26 Jamunia Batane Dam Jharkhand 232.85 NA 0 0 -
27 Kosi Kosi Barrage Bihar 77.74 106.68 5 0 0.00
28 Mayurakshi Massanjore DamJharkhand 121.31 119.3 20 20 100.00
29 Mayurakshi Tilpara Barrage West Bengal 62.79 62.76 34 30 88.24
30 Ashra nadi Sikatia Barrage Jharkhand 170.10 161.95 0 0 -
31 Damodar Tenughat Dam Jharkhand 268.83 260.62 36 36 100.00


32 Barakar Tilaiya Dam Jharkhand 372.46 369.72 1 0 0.00

33 Konar Konar Dam Jharkhand 427.93 426.14 0 0 -
34 Damodar Panchet Dam Jharkhand 132.59 128.42 89 88 98.88
35 Barakar Maithon Dam Jharkhand 150.88 149.61 59 56 94.92
36 Damodar Durgapur BarrageW est Bengal 64.47 86.91 95 95 100.00
37 Anjanwa Sundar Dam Jharkhand 110.68 110.95 0 0 -
38 Kangsabati Hinglow Dam West Bengal 97.84 97.29 0 0 -
39 Kangsabati Kangsabati DamWest Bengal 134.11 131.63 29 26 89.66
2 b Brahmaputra Basin
40 Teesta Teesta-III HEP Dam
Chungtang 1585.00 1584.6 0 0 -
41 Teesta Teesta V HEP DamSikkim
Singtam 579.00 574.5 0 0 -
42 Rongpo Rongpo Dam Sikkim 909.00 911.58 0 0 -
43 Rongli Rongli Dam Sikkim 909.00 910.48 0 0 -
44 Rangit Rangit-III HEP Dam
Sikkim 639.00 638.98 0 0 -
2 c Barak & Others -
3. Godavari Basin -
45 Godavari N M D Weir Maharashtra 533.50 533.74 0 0 -
46 Mula Mula Dam Maharashtra 552.30 552.30 0 0 -
47 Godavari Jaikwadi Dam Maharashtra 463.91 463.91 6 6 100.00
48 Sindhpana Manjlegaon Maharashtra 431.80 431.80 0 0 -
49 Puma Yeldari Dam Maharashtra 461.77 461.96 0 0 -
50 Karanja Karanja Dam Karnataka 584.15 584.15 0 0 -
51 Manjira Singur Dam Telangana 523.60 523.99 4 2 50.00
52 Manjira Nizamsagar DamTelangana 428.24 428.24 5 5 100.00
53 Godavari Sriram Sagar Telangana 332.54 332.54 27 24 88.89
54 Kaddamvagu Kaddam Dam Telangana 213.36 213.36 0 0 -
55 Godavari Sripada Yellampally
Dam 148.00 147.99 21 18 85.71
56 Wainganga Upper Wainganga Madhya
ProjectPradesh 519.38 519.38 5 1 20.00
57 Pench Totladoh Project Madhya Pradesh 490.00 491.86 4 1 25.00
58 Wainganga Goshikhurd DamMaharashtra 245.50 244.46 20 12 60.00
59 Wardha Upper Wardha Project
Maharashtra 342.50 342.5 0 0 -
60 Penganga Issapur/Upper Penganga
Project 441.00 441.03 0 0 -
61 Godavari Laxmi Barrage Telangana 1000.00 99.6 56 51 91.07
62 Indravathi Upper Indravathi Odisha
Project 642.00 638.38 0 0 -
63 Kolab Kolab Project Odisha 858.00 852.7 0 0 -
64 Machhkund Machhkund ProjectOdisha 838.20 838.20 0 0 -
65 Balimela Balimela Project Odisha 462.07 458.42 0 0 -
66 Godavari Andhra Pradesh
Indirasagar( Polavaram) 26.65 42 42 100.00
67 Koyna Koyna Dam Maharashtra 659.43 659.95 14 9 64.29
68 Warana Warana Dam Maharashtra 626.90 626.9 5 4 80.00
4. Krishna Basin


69 Krishna Hippargi Dam Karnataka 531.40 525.05 38 35 92.11

70 Ghataprabha Hidkal Dam Karnataka 662.94 662.94 69 56 81.16
71 Krishna Alamati Dam Karnataka 519.60 519.6 46 41 89.13
72 Malaprabha Malaprabha DamKarnataka 633.83 633.832 50 42 84.00
73 Krishna Narayanpur DamKarnataka 492.25 492.25 89 83 93.26
74 Nira Veer Dam Maharashtra 579.85 579.85 10 8 80.00
75 Bhima Ujjani Dam Maharashtra 497.33 496.86 4 3 75.00
76 Krishna Priyadarshini Telangana 318.51 318.56 156 154 98.72
77 Tunga Upper Tunga Karnataka 588.24 588.24 101 94 93.07
78 Bhadra Bhadra Dam Karnataka 657.75 657.75 48 40 83.33
79 Tungabhadra Tungabhadra Dam
Karnataka 497.74 506.88 101 91 90.10
80 Krishna Singatalur Barrage
Karnataka 507.00 956.59 100 100 100.00
81 Tungabhadra Sunkesula Barrage
Andhra Pradesh 292.00 291.99 102 97 95.10
82 Krishna Srisailam Dam Andhra Pradesh 269.75 269.74 163 161 98.77
83 Musi Musi Project Telangana 196.60 196.74 22 16 72.73
84 Krishna Dr K L R S Pulichintala
Pradesh 53.34 54.85 124 109 87.90
85 Krishna Prakasham Barrage
Andhra Pradesh 18.30 19.16 149 139 93.29
5. Cauvery Basin
86 Harangi Harangi Dam Karnataka 871.42 871.39 20 16 80.00
87 Hemavathy Hemavathy DamKarnataka 890.63 890.7 58 50 86.21
88 Kabini Kabini Dam Karnataka 696.16 696.31 50 44 88.00
89 Cauvery KrishnarajasagarKarnataka 752.49 752.49 100 91 91.00
90 Cauvery Mettur Dam Tamilnadu 240.79 236.76 94 84 89.36
91 Bhavani Bhavanisagar DamTamilnadu 280.42 279.49 17 9 52.94
92 Kodaganar Kodaganar Dam Tamilnadu 200.25 195.81 0 0 -
93 Cauvery Grand Anicut Tamilnadu 59.21 59.21 155 132 85.16
94 Cauvery Upper Anicut Tamilnadu 75.05 74.4 157 136 86.62
6. Subarnarekha
95 Subarnarekha Getlasud Dam Jharkhand 590.24 588.81 0 0 -
96 Subernarekna Chandil Dam Jharkhand 192.00 181.05 0 0 -
97 Subarnarekha Galudih Barrage Jharkhand 94.50 588.66 69 49 71.01
7. Brahmani and Baitarani
98 Salandi Salandi Dam Odisha 82.30 79.7 0 0 -
99 Brahmani Rengali Dam Odisha 123.50 123.97 9 4 44.44
8. Mahanadi Basin
100 Mahanadi Ravishankar DamChattisgarh 248.70 348.76 4 3 75.00
101 Hasdeo Bango Dam Chattisgarh 359.66 358.43 7 6 85.71
102 Mahanadi Hirakud Dam Odisha 192.02 192.02 102 100 98.04
9. Pennar Basin
103 North Pennar Somasila Dam Andhra Pradesh 100.58 100.58 64 48 75.00
10. Mahi Basin


104 Mahi Mahi Bajajsagar Dam

Rajasthan 281.50 281.5 9 9 100.00
105 Som Kamla Som Kamla Amba Rajasthan
Dam 212.50 213.5 0 0-
106 Mahi Kadana Dam Gujarat 126.19 127.71 13 13 100.00
107 Panam Panam Dam Gujarat 121.41 125.8 0 0-
11. Sabarmati Basin
108 Sabarmati Dharoi Dam Gujarat 187.45 189.59 6 6 100.00
12. Narmada Basin
109 Narmada Barna Dam Madhya Pradesh 348.55 348.65 6 6 100.00
110 Narmada Bargi Dam Madhya Pradesh 422.76 423 29 29 100.00
111 Narmada Tawa Dam Madhya Pradesh 355.39 355.54 11 11 100.00
112 Narmada Indira Sagar DamMadhya Pradesh 262.13 262.13 39 39 100.00
113 Narmada Omkareshwar Dam Madhya Pradesh 201.16 196.6 38 38 100.00
114 Narmada Sardar Sarovar Dam
Gujarat 138.38 138.68 73 71 97.26
13. Tapi Basin
115 Tapi Hatnur Dam Maharashtra 212.02 214.12 69 69 100.00
116 Tapi Ukai Dam Gujarat 102.41 105.16 60 58 96.67
14. West Flowing rivers from Tapi to Tadri
117 Damanganga Madhuban Dam Gujarat 79.86 79.86 3 3 100.00
16. East flowing rivers between Mahanadi and Pennar
118 Vamsadhara Gotta Barrage Andhra Pradesh 34.84 38.1 3 3 100.00
119 Nagavali Thottapalli Reservoir
Pradesh 105.00 104.99 0 0 -
120 Suwarnamukhi Madduvalasa Reservoir
Andhra Pradesh 65.00 64.96 0 0 -
121 Nagavali Narayanapuram Anicut
Andhra Pradesh 32.77 30.4 12 9 75.00
17 East flowing rivers between Pennar and Kanyakumari
122 Kosasthaliyar Poondi Satyamurthy Tamilnadu
reservoir 42.67 42.67 8 2 25.00
123 Adyar Chembarampakkam Tamilnadu 26.03 25.68 4 0 0.00
124 South Pennar Sathnur Dam Tamilnadu 222.20 216.53 0 0 -
125 Gomukhinadi Gomukhi Dam Tamilnadu 183.18 183.12 0 0 -
126 Periyar Odai Wellington Dam Tamilnadu 72.54 70.46 0 0 -
127 Vaigai Vaigai Dam Tamilnadu 279.20 276.79 10 7 70.00
18. West flowing rivers of Kutch and Saurashtra including Luni
128 Banas Dantiwada Dam Gujarat 182.88 180.12 0 0 -
19. West Flowing River Tadri to Kanyakumari
129 Periyar Idduki Dam Kerala 732.62 729.7 10 7 70.00
130 Edamalayar Idamalayar Kerala 169.00 164.74 9 4 44.44
Total Inflow Forecasts 3478 3065 88.13
Total Level Forecasts 8243 8133 98.67
Total Forecasts 11721 11198 95.54

Annex III(A)
Statewise Flood Forecasting Information In India during Flood Season 2020
Sl. Name of the Name of FF site Warning Danger level Highest Flood Level Maximum Level -2020
No. river Level (m) (m) Level (m) Date/ Month/ Level (m) Date and Time No.of No.of Percent-age of
Year DD/MM/YY) Forecasts Forecasts accuracy
issued within
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Andhra Pradesh
1 Sabari Chinturu 41.50 43.00 40.45 20-08-18 44.91 18/08/2020 05 14 12 85.71
2 Godavari Kunavaram 37.74 39.24 51.30 16-08-86 44.79 18/08/2020 04 20 18 90.00
3 Godavari Rajahmundry 17.68 19.51 20.48 16-08-86 18.82 18/08/2020 10 11 7 63.64
4 Godavari Dowlaiswaram 14.25 16.08 18.36 16-08-86 16.74 18/08/2020 12 20 18 90.00
5 Tungabhadra Mantralayam 310.00 312.00 318.77 02-10-09 310.87 22/09/2020 06 9 5 55.56
6 Pennar Nellore Anicut 15.91 17.28 18.70 30-11-1882 16.15 27/11/2020 16 2 2 100.00
7 Godavari Atreyapuram 14.00 15.50 18.36 22-08-18 14.16 18/08/2020 14 3 3 100.00
8 Tungabhadra Kurnool Town 273.00 274.00 281.22 02-10-09 272.4 20/08/2020 16 0 0 -
9 Krishna Avanigadda 9.00 11.00 11.57 05-10-09 10.41 15/10/2020 12 13 11 84.62
10 Nagavali Srikakulam 10.17 10.80 14.53 12-05-90 10.43 15/10/2020 14 5 5 100.00
11 Brahmaputra Dibrugarh 104.70 105.70 106.48 03-09-98 106.11 11/07/2020 21 118 118 100.00
12 Brahmaputra Neamatighat 84.54 85.54 87.37 11-07-91 87.35 12/07/2020 11 144 144 100.00
13 Brahmaputra Tezpur 64.23 65.23 66.59 27-08-88 66.56 13/07/2020 16 118 118 100.00
14 Brahmaputra Guwahati 48.68 49.68 51.46 21-07-04 50.77 14/07/2020 12 71 71 100.00
15 Brahmaputra Goalpara 35.27 36.27 37.43 31-07-54 37.25 15/07/2020 03 81 81 100.00
16 Brahmaputra Dhubri 27.62 28.62 30.37 18-07-19 30.19 15/07/2020 12 240 240 100.00
17 Buridehing Naharkatia 119.40 120.40 122.69 17-06-73 118.82 25/06/2020 21 0 0 -
18 Buridehing Khowang 101.11 102.11 104.16 02-09-15 103.19 27/06/2020 04 47 47 100.00
19 Desang Nanglamoraghat 93.46 94.46 96.49 06-09-98 95.44 10/07/02020 01 96 96 100.00
20 Dikhow Shivsagar 91.40 92.40 94.23 01-08-18 94.24 22/06/2020 08 102 102 100.00
21 Subansiri Badatighat 81.53 82.53 86.21 28-07-72 82.72 13/07/2020 01 35 35 100.00
22 Dhansiri (S) Golaghat 88.50 89.50 92.45 11-10-86 88.77 30/07/2020 06 5 5 100.00
23 Dhansiri (S) Numaligarh 77.42 78.42 80.16 02-08-18 78.78 22/06/2020 03 185 185 100.00
24 Jiabharali Jia-Bharali NT Road Crossing 76.00 77.00 78.50 26-07-07 78.14 31/07/2020 11 474 472 99.58
25 Kopili Kampur 59.50 60.50 61.79 20-07-04 61.75 28/05/2020 09 50 50 100.00
26 Kopili Dharamtul 55.00 56.00 58.09 21-07-04 57.28 24/07/2020 12 171 170 99.42
27 Puthimari Puthimari NH Crossing 50.81 51.81 55.08 31-08-08 54.58 12/07/2020 04 108 107 99.07
28 Pagladiya Pagladiya NT Road Crossing 51.75 52.75 55.45 08-07-04 53.4 31/07/2020 02 127 123 96.85
29 Beki Beki NH Crossing 44.10 45.10 46.20 04-08-00 45.96 12/07/2020 07 258 258 100.00
30 Manas Manas NH Crossing 47.81 48.42 50.08 15-09-84 49.26 08/09/2020 15 115 113 98.26
31 Manas Mathanguri 98.10 99.10 100.28 13-10-73 96.65 11/07/2020 23 0 0 -
32 Sankosh Golokganj 28.94 29.94 30.95 08-09-07 30.5 12/07/2020 08 162 161 99.38
33 Barak AP Ghat 18.83 19.83 21.84 01-08-89 20.14 16/07/2020 09 19 19 100.00
34 Katakhal Matizuri 19.27 20.27 22.73 10-09-07 20.9 07/10/2020 04 18 18 100.00
35 Kushiyara Karimganj 13.94 14.94 16.57 10-06-10 16.07 16/07/2020 21 127 127 100.00
36 Barak Badarpurghat 15.85 16.85 18.48 11-09-07 17.07 16/07/2020 16 36 36 100.00
37 Subansiri Choldhowaghat 99.43 100.43 101.31 27-07-72 96.9 30/07/2020 16 0 0 -
38 Ranganadi N H Crossing Ranganadi 93.81 94.81 95.92 02-07-79 94.38 22/05/2020 15 63 63 100.00
39 Lohit Dholla Bazaar 127.27 128.27 130.07 22-09-12 128.02 11/07/2020 00 29 29 100.00
40 Gaurang Kokrajhar 41.85 42.85 43.60 20-08-15 43.26 31/07/2020 15 95 93 97.89
Arunachal Pradesh
41 Noa-Dehing Namsai 144.80 145.80 146.60 31-08-74 144.73 27/09/2020 15 0 0 -
42 Siang Yingkiang 303.00 304.00 NA NA 0 0 -

Statewise Flood Forecasting Information In India during Flood Season 2020 Annex III(A)
Sl. Name of the Name of FF site Warning Danger level Highest Flood Level Maximum Level -2020
No. river Level (m) (m) Level (m) Date/ Month/ Level (m) Date and Time No.of No.of Percent-age of
Year DD/MM/YY) Forecasts Forecasts accuracy
issued within
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
43 Siang Passighat 152.96 153.96 157.54 11-06-00 154.29 12/07/2020 03 130 129 99.23
44 Ganga Buxar 59.32 60.32 62.09 1948 59.1 05/09/2020 07 -
0 0
45 Ganga Patna Dighaghat 49.45 50.45 52.52 23-08-75 50.05 22/08/2020 17 100.00
26 26
46 Ganga Patna Gandhighat 47.60 48.60 50.52 20-08-16 48.86 22/08/2020 12 58 58 100.00
47 Ganga Hathidah 40.76 41.76 43.17 21-08-16 42.13 03/09/2020 06 61 61 100.00
48 Ganga Munger 38.33 39.33 40.99 19-09-76 38.69 24/08/2020 07 22 22 100.00
49 Ganga Bhagalpur 32.68 33.68 34.72 26-08-16 33.4 24/08/2020 07 36 36 100.00
50 Ganga Kahalgaon 30.09 31.09 32.87 17-09-03 31.45 22/08/2020 01 90 90 100.00
51 Ghaghra Darauli 59.82 60.82 61.74 29-08-98 61.51 05/08/2020 10 77 77 100.00
52 Ghaghra Gangpur Siswan 56.04 57.04 58.01 18-09-83 57.9 06/08/2020 04 61 61 100.00
53 Ghaghra Chhappra 52.68 53.68 54.59 03-09-82 51.14 06/08/2020 06 0 0 -
54 Gandak Chatia 68.15 69.15 70.04 26-07-02 69.38 27/09/2020 05 4 4 100.00
55 Gandak Rewaghat 53.41 54.41 55.41 17-09-86 55.46 24/07/2020 23 64 64 100.00
56 Gandak Hazipur 49.32 50.32 50.93 1948 49.14 23/08/2020 04 0 0 -
57 Burhi Gandak Lalbeghiaghat 62.20 63.20 67.09 30-07-75 64.42 26/07/2020 04 44 44 100.00
58 Burhi Gandak Muzzafarpur Sikandarpur 51.53 52.53 54.29 15-08-87 53.91 30/07/2020 05 55 55 100.00
59 Burhi Gandak Samastipur 45.02 46.02 49.38 15-08-87 48.68 31/07/2020 08 55 55 100.00
60 Burhi Gandak Rosera 41.63 42.63 46.35 16-08-87 46.56 02/08/2020 22 68 65 95.59
61 Burhi Gandak Khagaria 35.58 36.58 39.22 1976 37.88 06/08/2020 01 85 85 100.00
62 Bagmati Benibad 47.68 48.68 50.01 12-07-04 49.89 24/07/2020 12 125 125 100.00
63 Bagmati Hayaghat 44.72 45.72 48.96 14-08-87 48.11 08/08/2020 05 73 73 100.00
64 Bagmati Dheng Bridge 69.10 70.10 73.00 13-08-17 25/09/2020 13 99.23
71.62 130 129
65 Adhwara Group Kamtaul 49.00 50.00 52.99 12-08-87 51.88 01/10/2020 21 66 66 100.00
66 Adhwara Group Ekmighat 45.94 46.94 49.52 12-07-04 49.05 08/08/2020 03 81 80 98.77
67 Adhwara Sonebarsha 80.85 81.85 83.20 03-07-99 81.52 20/07/2020 23 3 3 100.00
68 Kamla Balan Jainagar 66.75 67.75 71.35 1965 68.82 11/07/2020 20 385 378 98.18
69 Bagmati Runisaidpur 52.73 53.73 58.15 14-08-17 57.32 13/07/2020 06 133 133 100.00
70 Parwan Araria 46.00 47.00 49.40 14-08-17 48.37 28/09/2020 05 185 184 99.46
71 Kamla Balan Jhanjarpur 49.00 50.00 53.11 14-07-19 52.09 13/07/2020 14 241 240 99.59
72 Kosi Basua 46.75 47.75 49.24 13-08-17 47.89 12/07/2020 05 188 188 100.00
73 Kosi Baltara 32.85 33.85 36.40 15-08-87 35.93 26/07/2020 23 122 122 100.00
74 Kosi Kursela 29.00 30.00 32.10 07-09-82 30.49 20/08/2020 06 90 90 100.00
75 Mahananda Dhengraghat 34.65 35.65 38.20 14-08-17 36.93 14/07/2020 03 89 88 98.88
76 Mahananda Jhawa 30.40 31.40 34.07 14-08-17 32.63 28/09/2020 12 164 163 99.39
77 Mahananda Taibpur 65.00 66.00 67.22 1968 66.94 21/07/2020 05 123 119 96.75
78 Gandak Dumariaghat 61.22 62.22 64.10 17-08-17 64.36 24/07/2020 06 121 120 99.17
79 Burhigandak Ahirwalia 58.62 59.62 61.17 1975 27/07/2020 06 100.00
60.25 24 24

Statewise Flood Forecasting Information In India during Flood Season 2020 Annex III(A)
Sl. Name of the Name of FF site Warning Danger level Highest Flood Level Maximum Level -2020
No. river Level (m) (m) Level (m) Date/ Month/ Level (m) Date and Time No.of No.of Percent-age of
Year DD/MM/YY) Forecasts Forecasts accuracy
issued within
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
80 Sone Inderpuri 107.20 108.20 109.60 23-08-75 21/08/2020 06 -
104.45 0 0
81 Sone Koelwar 54.52 55.52 58.88 20-07-71 52.7 22/08/2020 05 0 0 -
82 Sone Maner 51.00 52.00 53.79 10-09-76 02/09/2020 16 100.00
51.64 26 26
83 PunPun Sripalpur 49.60 50.60 53.91 18-09-76 51.85 16/08/2020 00 38 38 100.00
84 Indravathi Jagdalpur 539.50 540.80 544.68 09-07-73 542.5 21/08/2020 22 6 5 83.33
Daman & Diu
85 Damanganga Daman 2.60 3.40 4.00 03-08-04 2.2 07/06/2020 15 0 0 -
86 Sabarmati Ahmedabad Shubhash 44.09 45.34 47.45 19-08-06 42.3 14/09/2020 15 0 0 -
87 Mahi Bridge
Wanakbori 71.93 74.98 76.10 12-08-06 72.93 31/08/2020 00 3 3 100.00
88 Narmada Garudeswar 30.48 31.09 41.65 06-09-70 33.1 01/09/2020 15 10 10 100.00
89 Narmada Bharuch 6.71 7.31 12.65 07-09-70 10.72 01/09/2020 22 16 16 100.00
90 Tapi Surat 8.50 9.50 12.50 09-08-06 6.4 24/08/2020 20 0 0 -
91 Damanganga Vapi Town 18.20 19.20 23.76 03-08-04 17 05/08/2020 04 0 0 -
92 Yamuna Karnal Bridge 248.80 249.50 250.07 17-06-13 247.42 26/08/2020 12 0 0 -
Himachal Pradesh
93 Yamuna Paonta Sahib 383.50 384.50 384.60 05-09-95 11/08/2020 01 -
380.9 0 0
Jammu & Kashmir
94 Jhelum Rammunshibagh 1585.53 1586.45 1588.99 08-09-14 1585.02 28/08/2020 16 0 0 -
95 Jhelum Sangam 1590.30 1592.00 1595.00 06-09-14 1590.02 28/08/2020 07 0 0 -
96 Jhelum Safapora 1580.00 1580.80 1582.10 09-09-14 1579..61 29/08/2020 03 0 0 -
Jharkhand -
97 Ganga Sahibganj 26.25 27.25 30.91 1998 28.37 24/08/2020 05 90 90 100.00
98 Subarnarekha Jamshedpur 122.50 123.50 129.82 12-10-73 122.5 27/08/2020 03 0 0 -
99 Bhima Deongaon 402.00 404.50 407.34 13-08-06 409 18/10/2020 00 13 10 76.92
100 Periyar Neeleswaram 9.00 10.00 12.40 15-08-18 7.59 07/08/2020 04 0 0 -
101 Bharathapuzha Kumbidi 8.20 9.20 11.27 17-08-18 9.27 07/08/2020 23 4 4 100.00
102 Pamba Malakkara 6.00 7.00 9.58 16-08-18 7.27 08/08/2020 03 11 11 100.00
Madhya Pradesh
103 Narmada Mandla 437.20 437.80 439.40 15-07-74 439.04 19/08/2020 00 24 24 100.00
104 Narmada Hoshangabad 292.80 293.80 301.33 27-08-72 299.6 29/08/2020 23 28 28 100.00
105 Godavari Kopergaon 490.90 493.68 499.17 1969 489.8 20/09/2020 20 0 0 -
106 Godavari Gangakhed 374.00 375.00 377.57 1947 372.19 27/09/2020 16 0 0 -
107 Godavari Nanded 353.00 354.00 357.10 06-08-06 348.9 28/09/2020 03 0 0 -
108 Wainganga Bhandara 245.50 245.70 250.90 16-09-05 250.61 30/08/2020 19 12 12 100.00
109 Wainganga Pauni 226.73 227.73 237.12 07-09-94 232.75 31/08/2020 01 13 13 100.00
110 Wardha Balharsha 171.50 174.00 176.45 14-08-86 166.51 31/08/2020 01 0 0 -
111 Krishna Arjunwad 542.07 543.29 544.28 09-08-19 538.99 19/08/2020 07 0 0 -
112 Godavari Nasik 558.10 559.60 563.51 04-08-19 556.21 12/06/2020 19 0 0 -
Statewise Flood Forecasting Information In India during Flood Season 2020 Annex III(A)
Sl. Name of the Name of FF site Warning Danger level Highest Flood Level Maximum Level -2020
No. river Level (m) (m) Level (m) Date/ Month/ Level (m) Date and Time No.of No.of Percent-age of
Year DD/MM/YY) Forecasts Forecasts accuracy
issued within
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
NCT Delhi
113 Yamuna Delhi Rly Bridge 204.50 205.33 207.49 06-09-78 204.41 28/08/2020 16 0 0 -
114 Sahibi Dhansa 211.44 212.44 213.58 06-08-77 210.7 21/08/2020 08 0 0 -
115 Subarnarekha Rajghat 9.45 10.36 12.69 19-06-08 10.96 28/08/2020 03 3 2 66.67
116 Burhabalang NH_5 _Road Bridge 7.21 8.13 9.50 12-10-73 8.4 27/08/2020 12 4 3 75.00
117 Baitarni Anandpur 37.44 38.36 41.35 23-09-11 40.9 27/08/2020 06 9 5 55.56
118 Baitarni Akhuapada 17.83 17.83 21.95 16-08-60 20.06 27/08/2020 17 9 7 77.78
119 Brahmani Jenapur 22.00 23.00 24.78 20-08-75 23.46 28/08/2020 17 4 3 75.00
120 Rishikulya Purushottampur 15.83 16.83 19.65 04-11-90 16.36 14/10/2020 08 3 2 66.67
121 Vamsadhara Gunupur 83.00 84.00 88.75 17-09-80 83.02 14/10/2020 19 1 0 0.00
122 Vamsadhara Kashinagar 54.10 54.60 58.93 18-09-80 54.88 14/10/2020 13 18 16 88.89
123 Mahanadi Naraj 25.41 26.41 27.61 31-08-82 26.96 31/08/2020 17 17 17 100.00
124 Mahanadi Alipingal Devi 10.85 11.76 13.11 11-09-11 11.33 31/08/2020 15 7 7 100.00
125 Mahanadi Nimapara 9.85 10.76 11.60 31-08-82 10.14 31/08/2020 22 6 6 100.00
126 Jalaka Mathani Road Bridge 5.50 5.50 6.80 7.05 27/08/2020 02 74 67 90.54
127 Banas Abu Road 258.00 259.00 265.40 31-08-73 256.76 23/08/2020 07 0 0 -
128 Chambal Dholpur 129.79 130.79 145.54 23-08-96 134.35 01/09/2020 11 8 7 87.50
129 Chambal Kota City 239.00 240.00 240.2 31/08/2020 00 2 2 100.00
130 Teesta Malli Bazaar 223.00 224.00 225.25 218.32 11/07/2020 06 0 0 -
131 Teesta Joretahang(Rothak) 350.60 351.60 353.20 349.29 06/08/2020 06 0 0 -
132 Teesta Singtam 377.07 377.57 379.17 375.13 02/07/2020 14 0 0 -
Tamilnadu -
133 Cauvery Musiri(Srirangam) 82.11 83.11 86.98 25-11-05 82 21/10/2020 10 0 0 -
134 Cauvery Kodumudi (Erode) 125.50 126.50 128.14 17-08-18 124.37 19/09/2020 23 0 0 -
135 Bhavani Savandapur(Bhavani) 184.50 185.50 187.75 17-08-18 181.65 10/09/2020 00 0 0 -
136 Vaigai Madurai 131.50 132.50 134.76 17-11-97 131.29 02/10/2020 13 0 0 -
Telangana -
137 Godavari Kaleswaram 103.50 104.75 107.05 15-08-86 103.58 02/09/2020 12 2 2 100.00
138 Godavari Eturunagaram 73.32 75.82 77.66 24-08-90 75.44 17/08/2020 05 12 10 83.33
139 Godavari Dummagudem 53.00 55.00 60.25 15-08-86 57 17/08/2020 13 12 11 91.67
140 Godavari Bhadrachalam 45.72 48.77 55.66 16-08-86 51.38 17/08/2020 18 18 17 94.44
141 Wardha Sirpur Town 159.95 160.95 161.34 18-08-18 157.8 31/08/2020 08 0 0 -
Tripura -
142 Manu Kailashahar 24.34 25.34 25.95 13-06-18 23.93 28/05/2020 10 0 0 -
143 Gumti Sonamura 11.50 12.50 14.42 23-07-93 10.79 13/07/2020 21 0 0 -
Uttar Pradesh -
144 Ganga Kannauj 124.97 125.97 126.78 27-09-10 125.05 21/08/2020 03 3 3 100.00
145 Ganga Ankinghat 123.00 124.00 124.49 28-09-10 123.45 21/08/2020 13 17 17 100.00
146 Ganga Kanpur 112.00 113.00 114.08 29-09-10 112.12 22/08/2020 14 4 4 100.00
147 Ganga Dalmau 98.36 99.36 99.84 03-08-73 98.13 23/08/2020 20 0 0 -
148 Ganga Phaphamau 83.73 84.73 87.98 08-09-78 81.55 04/09/2020 09 0 0 -
149 Ganga Allahabad Chhatnag 83.73 84.73 88.03 08-09-78 80.69 04/09/2020 09 0 0 -

Statewise Flood Forecasting Information In India during Flood Season 2020 Annex III(A)
Sl. Name of the Name of FF site Warning Danger level Highest Flood Level Maximum Level -2020
No. river Level (m) (m) Level (m) Date/ Month/ Level (m) Date and Time No.of No.of Percent-age of
Year DD/MM/YY) Forecasts Forecasts accuracy
issued within
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
150 Ganga Mirzapur 76.72 77.72 80.34 09-09-78 74.18 04/09/2020 16 0 0 -
151 Ganga Varanasi 70.26 71.26 73.90 09-09-78 68.69 04/09/2020 23 0 0 -
152 Ganga Ghazipur 62.10 63.10 65.22 09-09-78 62.15 05/09/2020 04 2 2 100.00
153 Ganga Ballia 56.62 57.62 60.39 25-08-16 58.15 05/09/2020 08 14 14 100.00
154 Ramganga Moradabad 189.60 190.60 192.88 21-09-10 190.45 24/08/2020 18 28 27 96.43
155 Ramganga Bareilly 162.07 163.07 162.88 06-08-78 159.98 29/08/2020 04 0 0 -
156 Yamuna Mawi 230.00 230.85 232.75 18-06-13 229.9 27/08/2020 23 0 0 -
157 Yamuna Mathura 165.20 166.00 169.73 08-09-78 164.94 30/08/2020 23 0 0 -
158 Yamuna Agra 151.40 152.40 154.76 09-09-78 149.18 22/08/2020 21 0 0 -
159 Yamuna Etawah 120.92 121.92 126.13 11-09-78 118.68 25/08/2020 00 0 0 -
160 Yamuna Auraiya 112.00 113.00 118.19 25-08-96 110.33 02/09/2020 14 0 0 -
161 Yamuna Kalpi 107.00 108.00 112.98 25-08-96 105.09 03/09/2020 04 0 0 -
162 Yamuna Hamirpur 102.63 103.63 108.59 12-09-83 100.33 03/09/2020 02 0 0 -
163 Yamuna Chillaghat 99.00 100.00 105.16 06-09-78 95.64 03/09/2020 12 0 0 -
164 Yamuna Naini 83.74 84.74 87.99 08-09-78 81.4 04/09/2020 09 0 0 -
165 Betwa Mohana 121.66 122.66 133.35 11-09-83 119.44 30/08/2020 20 0 0 -
166 Ken Banda 103.00 104.00 113.29 07/0720/05 101.21 30/08/2020 13 0 0 -
167 Gomati Lucknow HanumanSetu 108.50 109.50 110.85 10-09-71 105.9 13/08/2020 14 0 0 -
168 Gomati Jaunpur 73.07 74.07 77.74 22-09-71 69.98 19/08/2020 01 0 0 -
169 SAI Rae-Bareli 100.00 101.00 104.81 17-09-82 98.94 07/07/2020 06 0 0 -
170 Ghaghra Elgin Bridge 105.07 106.07 107.62 18-08-18 107.15 01/08/2020 08 86 86 100.00
171 Ghaghra Ayodhya 91.73 92.73 94.01 11-10-09 93.51 03/08/2020 08 77 77 100.00
172 Ghaghra Turtipar 63.01 64.01 66.00 28-08-98 65.27 05/08/2020 06 96 96 100.00
173 Rapti Balrampur 103.62 104.62 105.54 15-08-17 104.81 11/07/2020 18 42 41 97.62
174 Rapti Bansi 83.90 84.90 85.88 20-08-17 84.85 15/07/2020 15 30 30 100.00
175 Rapti Gorakhpur Birdghat 73.98 74.98 77.54 23-08-98 76.09 26/07/2020 10 51 51 100.00
176 Rapti Kakardhari 130.00 131.00 132.37 15-08-14 129.92 22/07/2020 03 0 0 -
177 Gandak Khadda 95.00 96.00 97.50 23-07-02 96.48 25/09/2020 06 184 184 100.00
178 Ganga Fathegarh 136.60 137.60 138.14 26-09-10 137.56 27/08/2020 01 34 34 100.00
179 Ganga Dabri 136.30 137.30 139.70 28-09-83 136.7 31/08/2020 08 11 11 100.00
180 Ganga Garhmuktheswar 198.30 199.30 199.90 23-09-10 198.89 21/08/2020 03 31 31 100.00
181 Ganga Kachla Bridge 161.00 162.00 162.79 24-09-10 162.71 16/08/2020 03 93 92 98.92
182 Betwa Shahjina 103.54 104.54 108.67 12-09-83 99.74 03/09/2020 03 0 0 -
Uttarakhand -
183 Mandakini Ganganagar 803.00 804.00 801.92 2015 801.1 11/08/2020 06 0 0 -
184 Alaknanda Srinagar 535.00 536.00 537.90 17-06-13 536.1 11/08/2020 06 7 6 85.71
185 Ganga Rishikesh 339.50 340.50 341.72 05-09-95 339.7 11/08/2020 14 1 1 100.00
186 Ganga Haridwar 293.00 294.00 296.30 19-09-10 293.72 11/08/2020 15 7 7 100.00
West Bengal
187 Ganga Farakka 21.25 22.25 25.14 07-09-98 22.89 22/08/2020 13 187 187 100.00
188 Mayurakshi Narayanpur 26.99 27.99 29.69 27-09-95 25.25 30/07/2020 00 0 0 -
189 Ajoy Gheropara 38.42 39.42 43.94 27-09-78 36.32 24/09/2020 12 0 0 -
190 Mundeswari Harinkhola 11.80 12.80 14.60 28-07-17 8.58 07/08/2020 18 0 0 -
191 Kangsabati Mohanpur 24.73 25.73 29.87 02-09-78 22 22/08/2020 06 0 0 -
192 Raidak-I Tufanganj 34.22 35.30 36.50 12-08-17 35.76 13/07/2020 12 62 56 90.32

Statewise Flood Forecasting Information In India during Flood Season 2020 Annex III(A)
Sl. Name of the Name of FF site Warning Danger level Highest Flood Level Maximum Level -2020
No. river Level (m) (m) Level (m) Date/ Month/ Level (m) Date and Time No.of No.of Percent-age of
Year DD/MM/YY) Forecasts Forecasts accuracy
issued within
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
193 Torsa Hasimara 116.30 116.90 118.50 13-07-96 116.2 11/07/2020 16 0 0 -
194 Torsa Ghugumari 39.80 40.41 41.46 03-08-00 40.35 12/07/2020 00 53 50 94.34
195 Jaldhaka NH-31 80.00 80.90 81.33 28-08-72 80.27 11/07/2020 10 31 30 96.77
196 Jaldhaka Mathabanga 47.70 48.20 49.85 07-09-07 48.57 22/07/2020 14 26 22 84.62
197 Tista Domohani 85.65 85.95 89.30 14-10-68 86.23 12/07/2020 12 65 58 89.23
198 Tista Mekhliganj 65.45 65.95 66.45 13-07-96 66.07 12/07/2020 19 28 23 82.14
Total Level Forecasts 8243 8133
Total Inflow Forecast 3478 3065
Total Forecast 11721 11198 95.54


Statewise Flood Forecasting Information In India during Flood Season 2020

Sl. Name of the Name of FF site FRL/PL (m) Maximum No.of No.of Percent-age of
No. river Level (m) Forecasts Forecasts accuracy
issued within limits

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Andhra Pradesh
1 Godavari Indirasagar( Polavaram) 26.65 42 42 100.00
2 Tungabhadra Sunkesula Barrage 292.00 291.99 102 97 95.10
3 Krishna Srisailam Dam 269.75 269.74 163 161 98.77
4 Krishna Dr K L R S Pulichintala Dam 53.34 54.85 124 109 87.90
5 Krishna Prakasham Barrage 18.30 19.16 149 139 93.29
6 North Pennar Somasila Dam 100.58 100.58 64 48 75.00
7 Vamsadhara Gotta Barrage 34.84 38.1 3 3 100.00
8 Nagavali Thottapalli Reservoir Scheme 105.00 104.99 0 0 -
9 Suwarnamukhi Madduvalasa Reservoir 65.00 64.96 0 0 -
10 Nagavali Narayanapuram Anicut 32.77 30.4 12 9 75.00
Arunachal Pradesh
11 Sone Indrapuri Barrage 173.00 NA 0 0 -
12 Gandak Gandak Barrage 113.08 109.88 5 0 0.00
13 Kosi Kosi Barrage 77.74 106.68 5 0 0.00
14 Mahanadi Ravishankar Dam 248.70 348.76 4 3 75.00
15 Hasdeo Bango Dam 359.66 358.43 7 6 85.71
Daman & Diu
16 Mahi Kadana Dam 126.19 127.71 13 13 100.00
17 Panam Panam Dam 121.41 125.8 0 0-
18 Sabarmati Dharoi Dam 187.45 189.59 6 6 100.00
19 Narmada Sardar Sarovar Dam 138.38 138.68 73 71 97.26
20 Tapi Ukai Dam 102.41 105.16 60 58 96.67
21 Damanganga Madhuban Dam 79.86 79.86 3 3 100.00
22 Banas Dantiwada Dam 182.88 180.12 0 0 -
23 Yamuna Tajewala Weir 323.70 334.32 0 0 -
Himachal Pradesh
Jammu & Kashmir
24 Khoranadi Annaraj Dam 252.44 NA 0 0 -


25 Goda Nala Bhairwa Dam 356.70 NA 0 0 -

26 Baranadi Amanat Barage 274.39 NA 0 0 -
27 Jamunia Batane Dam 232.85 NA 0 0 -
28 Mayurakshi Massanjore Dam 121.31 119.3 20 20 100.00
29 Ashra nadi Sikatia Barrage 170.10 161.95 0 0 -
30 Damodar Tenughat Dam 268.83 260.62 36 36 100.00
31 Barakar Tilaiya Dam 372.46 369.72 1 0 0.00
32 Konar Konar Dam 427.93 426.14 0 0 -
33 Damodar Panchet Dam 132.59 128.42 89 88 98.88
34 Barakar Maithon Dam 150.88 149.61 59 56 94.92
35 Anjanwa Sundar Dam 110.68 110.95 0 0 -
36 Subarnarekha Getlasud Dam 590.24 588.81 0 0 -
37 Subernarekna Chandil Dam 192.00 181.05 0 0 -
38 Subarnarekha Galudih Barrage 94.50 588.66 69 49 71.01
39 Karanja Karanja Dam 584.15 584.15 0 0 -
40 Krishna Hippargi Dam 531.40 525.05 38 35 92.11
41 Ghataprabha Hidkal Dam 662.94 662.94 69 56 81.16
42 Krishna Alamati Dam 519.60 519.6 46 41 89.13
43 Malaprabha Malaprabha Dam 633.83 633.832 50 42 84.00
44 Krishna Narayanpur Dam 492.25 492.25 89 83 93.26
45 Tunga Upper Tunga 588.24 588.24 101 94 93.07
46 Bhadra Bhadra Dam 657.75 657.75 48 40 83.33
47 Tungabhadra Tungabhadra Dam 497.74 506.88 101 91 90.10
48 Krishna Singatalur Barrage 507.00 956.59 100 100 100.00
49 Harangi Harangi Dam 871.42 871.39 20 16 80.00
50 Hemavathy Hemavathy Dam 890.63 890.7 58 50 86.21
51 Kabini Kabini Dam 696.16 696.31 50 44 88.00
52 Cauvery Krishnarajasagar 752.49 752.49 100 91 91.00
53 Periyar Idduki Dam 732.62 729.7 10 7 70.00
54 Edamalayar Idamalayar 169.00 164.74 9 4 44.44
Madhya Pradesh
55 Chambal Gandhisagar Dam 399.90 399.56 9 4 44.44
56 Betwa Rajghat Dam 380.80 371 15 2 13.33
57 Sone Bansagar Dam 341.65 341.52 27 7 25.93
58 Wainganga Upper Wainganga Project 519.38 519.38 5 1 20.00
59 Pench Totladoh Project 490.00 491.86 4 1 25.00
60 Narmada Barna Dam 348.55 348.65 6 6 100.00
61 Narmada Bargi Dam 422.76 423 29 29 100.00
62 Narmada Tawa Dam 355.39 355.54 11 11 100.00


63 Narmada Indira Sagar Dam 262.13 262.13 39 39 100.00

64 Narmada Omkareshwar Dam 201.16 196.6 38 38 100.00
65 Godavari N M D Weir 533.50 533.74 0 0 -
66 Mula Mula Dam 552.30 552.30 0 0 -
67 Godavari Jaikwadi Dam 463.91 463.91 6 6 100.00
68 Sindhpana Manjlegaon 431.80 431.80 0 0 -
69 Puma Yeldari Dam 461.77 461.96 0 0 -
70 Wainganga Goshikhurd Dam 245.50 244.46 20 12 60.00
71 Wardha Upper Wardha Project 342.50 342.5 0 0 -
72 Penganga Issapur/Upper Penganga Project 441.00 441.03 0 0 -
73 Koyna Koyna Dam 659.43 659.95 14 9 64.29
74 Warana Warana Dam 626.90 626.9 5 4 80.00
75 Nira Veer Dam 579.85 579.85 10 8 80.00
76 Bhima Ujjani Dam 497.33 496.86 4 3 75.00
77 Tapi Hatnur Dam 212.02 214.12 69 69 100.00
NCT Delhi
78 Indravathi Upper Indravathi Project 642.00 638.38 0 0 -
79 Kolab Kolab Project 858.00 852.7 0 0 -
80 Machhkund Machhkund Project 838.20 838.20 0 0 -
81 Balimela Balimela Project 462.07 458.42 0 0 -
82 Salandi Salandi Dam 82.30 79.7 0 0 -
83 Brahmani Rengali Dam 123.50 123.97 9 4 44.44
84 Mahanadi Hirakud Dam 192.02 192.02 98.04
102 100
85 Chambal Rana Pratap Sagar 352.80 352.38 1 0 0.00
86 Chambal Kota Barrage 260.30 260.45 1 0 0.00
87 Banas Bisalpur Dam 315.50 313.51 0 0 -
88 Kalisindh Kalisindh Dam 316.00 315.99 28 14 50.00
89 Parwan Parwan Dam 288.34 292.67 4 0 0.00
90 Gambhiri Gambhiri Dam 431.90 426.58 1 0 0.00
91 Gambhiri Panchana Dam 258.62 258 4 0 0.00
92 Mej Gudha Dam 305.87 304.25 0 0 -
93 Parwati Parwati Dam 311.05 1 0 0.00
94 Mahi Mahi Bajajsagar Dam 281.50 281.5 9 9 100.00
95 Som Kamla Som Kamla Amba Dam 212.50 213.5 0 0-
96 Teesta Teesta-III HEP Dam Chungtang 1585.00 1584.6 0 0 -
97 Teesta Teesta V HEP Dam Singtam 579.00 574.5 0 0 -


98 Rongpo Rongpo Dam 909.00 911.58 0 0 -

99 Rongli Rongli Dam 909.00 910.48 0 0 -
100 Rangit Rangit-III HEP Dam 639.00 638.98 0 0 -
101 Cauvery Mettur Dam 240.79 236.76 94 84 89.36
102 Bhavani Bhavanisagar Dam 280.42 279.49 17 9 52.94
103 Kodaganar Kodaganar Dam 200.25 195.81 0 0 -
104 Cauvery Grand Anicut 59.21 59.21 155 132 85.16
105 Cauvery Upper Anicut 75.05 74.4 157 136 86.62
106 Kosasthaliyar Poondi Satyamurthy reservoir 42.67 42.67 8 2 25.00
107 Adyar Chembarampakkam 26.03 25.68 4 0 0.00
108 South Pennar Sathnur Dam 222.20 216.53 0 0 -
109 Gomukhinadi Gomukhi Dam 183.18 183.12 0 0 -
110 Periyar Odai Wellington Dam 72.54 70.46 0 0 -
111 Vaigai Vaigai Dam 279.20 276.79 10 7 70.00
112 Manjira Singur Dam 523.60 523.99 4 2 50.00
113 Manjira Nizamsagar Dam 428.24 428.24 5 5 100.00
114 Godavari Sriram Sagar 332.54 332.54 27 24 88.89
115 Kaddamvagu Kaddam Dam 213.36 213.36 0 0 -
116 Godavari Sripada Yellampally Dam 148.00 147.99 21 18 85.71
117 Godavari Laxmi Barrage 1000.00 99.6 56 51 91.07
118 Krishna Priyadarshini 318.51 318.56 156 154 98.72
119 Musi Musi Project 196.60 196.74 22 16 72.73
Uttar Pradesh
120 Ganga Dharmanagri Barrage 221.80 219.7 2 0 0.00
121 Ganga Narora Barrage 180.61 179.07 30 26 86.67
122 Betwa Matatilia Dam 308.46 308.46 15 1 6.67
123 Ghaghra Katerniaghat Dam 138.00 138 45 45 100.00
124 Rihand Rihand Dam 268.22 264.57 16 8 50.00
125 Ramganga Kalagarh Dam 366.20 495.12 0 0 -
126 Sharda Banbasa 222.96 222.9 7 7 100.00
West Bengal
127 Mayurakshi Tilpara Barrage 62.79 62.76 34 30 88.24
128 Damodar Durgapur Barrage 64.47 86.91 95 95 100.00
129 Kangsabati Hinglow Dam 97.84 97.29 0 0 -
130 Kangsabati Kangsabati Dam 134.11 131.63 29 26 89.66
Total Inflow Forecast 3478 3065 88.13
Total Level Forecast 8243 8133 98.67
Total Forecast 11721 11198 95.54

Annex IV
Performance of Flood Forecasting Stations (Divisionwise) in India during Flood Season 2020
Sl. Division Level Forecasts only Inflow Forecasts only Total Forecast Stations
No Stns. F/c Total Within Accuracy Stns. F/c Total Within Accuracy Stns. F/c Total Within Accuracy
issued Limit issue Limit issued Limit
for d for for
1 Himalayan Ganga Divn, 4 1 15 14 93.33 1 0 2 0 0.00 5 1 17 14 82.35
2 Middle Ganga Division 1, 7 1 382 381 99.74 2 0 52 52 100.00 9 1 434 433 99.77
3 Middle Ganga Division 2, 12 4 221 219 99.10 2 1 30 26 86.67 14 5 251 245 97.61
4 Middle Ganga Division 3, 7 5 16 16 100.00 2 0 43 15 34.88 9 5 59 31 52.54
5 Lower Ganga Division I, 25 0 2838 2817 99.26 2 0 10 0 0.00 27 0 2848 2817 98.91
6 Lower Ganga Division 2, 18 5 836 836 100.00 4 4 0 0 - 22 9 836 836 100.00
7 Upper Yamuna Divn, Delhi 6 6 0 0 - 1 1 0 0 - 7 7 0 0 -
8 Chambal Division, Jaipur 1 0 2 2 100.00 10 2 49 18 36.73 11 2 51 20 39.22
9 Lower Yamuna Divn, Agra 11 10 8 7 87.50 2 0 30 3 10.00 13 10 38 10 26.32
10 Damodar Divn, Asansol 4 4 0 0 - 13 5 363 351 96.69 17 9 363 351 96.69
11 Upper Brahmaputra Divn, 19 4 1767 1763 99.77 0 0 0 0 - 19 4 1767 1763 99.77
12 Middle Brahmaputra Divn, 15 3 1295 1286 99.31 0 0 0 0 - 15 3 1295 1286 99.31
13 Lower Brahmaputra Divn, 8 1 427 400 93.68 0 0 0 0 - 8 1 427 400 93.68
14 Eastern Rivers Divn, 11 1 130 110 84.62 9 5 93 65 69.89 20 6 223 175 78.48
15 Mahanadi Divn, Burla 3 30 30 100.00 3 113 109 96.46 6 0 143 139 97.20
16 Lower Godavari Divn, 8 0 104 91 87.50 5 4 42 42 100.00 13 4 146 133 91.10
17 Upper Godavari Division 6 4 14 12 85.71 12 6 119 106 89.08 18 10 133 118 88.72

18 Lower Krishna Divn, 74.29

4 1 35 26 11 0 1090 1026 94.13 15 1 1125 1052 93.51
19 Mahi Divn, Gandhinagar 3 2 3 3 100.00 6 3 28 28 100.00 9 5 31 31 100.00
20 Tapi Divn,Surat 5 3 26 26 100.00 4 0 205 201 98.05 9 3 231 227 98.27
21 Narmada Divn, Bhopal 2 52 52 100.00 5 123 123 100.00 7 0 175 175 100.00
22 Chenab Divn. Jammu 3 3 0 0 - 0 0 0 0 - 3 3 0 0 -
23 Southern River Divn. Coimbtr. 4 4 0 0 - 6 1 433 368 84.99 10 5 433 368 84.99
24 Hydrology Divn. Chennai 1 0 2 2 100.00 6 3 76 50 65.79 7 3 78 52 66.67
25 Cauvery Divn. Bangalore 0 0 0 - 8 496 433 87.30 8 0 496 433 87.30
26 UKD Pune 1 1 0 0 - 4 0 33 24 72.73 5 1 33 24 72.73
27 WGD Nagpur 4 2 25 25 100.00 5 2 29 14 48.28 9 4 54 39 72.22
28 SWRD, Kochi 3 1 15 15 100.00 2 0 19 11 57.89 5 1 34 26 76.47
29 SID Gangtak 3 3 0 0 - 5 5 0 0 - 8 0 0 0 -
Total 198 69 8243 8133 98.67 130 42 3478 3065 88.13 328 111 11721 11198 95.54

Annex V
Performance of Flood Forecasting Stations (Major Basinwise) in India during Flood Season 2020
Sl. Name of the Total no.of FF sites No.of FF sites where no Level Forecasts Inflow Forecasts Overall Forecasts
No Major River forecast was issued
Total Level Inflow Total Level Inflow Total Within % of Accu- Total Within % of Accu- Total Within % of Accu-
no FF FF sites no FF FF No. limits racy No. limits racy No. limits racy
sites sites sites
1 Indus and its 3 3 0 3 3 0 0 0 - 0 0 - 0 0 -
2 Ganga & tributaries 134 95 39 49 36 13 4318 4292 99.40 579 465 80.31 4897 4757 97.14

3 Brahmaputra 44 39 5 14 9 5 3289 3249 98.78 0 0 - 3289 3249 98.78

4 Barak and others 6 6 0 2 2 0 200 200 100.00 0 0 - 200 200 100.00
5 Godavari 42 18 24 18 6 12 143 128 89.51 209 175 83.73 352 303 86.08
6 Krishna 22 5 17 2 2 0 35 26 74.29 1372 1269 92.49 1407 1295 92.04
7 Cauvery and 12 3 9 4 3 1 0 0 - 651 562 86.33 651 562 86.33
8 Subarnarekha 7 4 3 3 1 2 81 72 88.89 69 49 71.01 150 121 80.67
9 Brahmani and 5 3 2 1 0 1 22 15 68.18 9 4 44.44 31 19 61.29
10 Mahanadi 6 3 3 0 0 0 30 30 100.00 113 109 96.46 143 139 97.20
11 Pennr 2 1 1 0 0 0 2 2 100.00 64 48 75.00 66 50 75.76
12 Mahi 5 1 4 2 0 2 3 3 100.00 22 22 100.00 25 25 100.00
13 Sabarmati 2 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 - 6 6 100.00 6 6 100.00
14 Narmada 10 4 6 0 0 0 78 78 100.00 196 194 98.98 274 272 99.27
15 Tapi 3 1 2 1 1 0 0 0 - 129 127 98.45 129 127 98.45
16 West Flowing rivers 3 2 1 2 2 0 0 0 - 3 3 100.00 3 3 100.00
from Tapi to Tadri

17 East flowing rivers 8 4 4 2 0 2 27 23 85.19 15 12 80.00 42 35 83.33

between Mahanadi
and Pennar

18 East flowing rivers 7 1 6 4 1 3 0 0 - 22 9 40.91 22 9 40.91

between Pennar and
19 West flowing rivers 2 1 1 2 1 1 0 0 - 0 0 - 0 0 -
of Kutch and
saurashtra including
20 West Flowing river 5 3 2 1 1 0 15 15 100.00 19 11 57.89 34 26 76.47
Tadri to

Total 328 198 130 111 69 42 8243 8133 98.67 3478 3065 88.13 11721 11198 95.54
Performance of Flood Forecasting Stations (Statewise) in India during Flood Season 2020 Annex VI
Sl. Name of the Major Total no.of FF sites No.of FF sites where no Level Forecasts Inflow Forecasts Overall Forecasts
No River basin forecast was issued
Total Level Inflow Total Level Inflow Total Within Accuracy Total Within Accuracy Total Within Accuracy
no FF FF no FF FF sites No. limits (%) No. limits (%) No. limits (%)
sites sites sites
1 Andhra Pradesh 20 10 10 3 1 2 97 81 83.51 659 608 92.26 756 689 91.14
2 Arunachal Pradesh 3 3 0 2 2 0 130 129 99.23 0 0 - 130 129 99.23
3 Assam 30 30 0 3 3 0 3094 3081 99.58 0 0 - 3094 3081 99.58
4 Bihar 43 40 3 6 5 1 3213 3192 99.35 10 0 0.00 3223 3192 99.04
5 Chattisgarh 3 1 2 0 0 0 6 5 83.33 11 9 81.82 17 14 82.35
6 Daman n Diu 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 - 0 0 - 0 0 -
7 Gujarat 13 6 7 5 3 2 29 29 100.00 155 151 97.42 184 180 97.83
8 Haryana 2 1 1 2 1 1 0 0 - 0 0 - 0 0 -
9 Himachal Pradesh 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 - 0 0 - 0 0 -
10 Jammu & Kashmir 3 3 0 3 3 0 0 0 - 0 0 - 0 0 -
11 Jharkhand 17 2 15 10 1 9 90 90 100.00 274 249 90.88 364 339 93.13
12 Karnataka 15 1 14 1 0 1 13 10 76.92 870 783 90.00 883 793 89.81
13 Kerala 5 3 2 1 1 0 15 15 100.00 19 11 57.89 34 26 76.47
14 Madhya Pradesh 12 2 10 0 0 0 52 52 100.00 183 138 75.41 235 190 80.85
15 Maharashtra 21 8 13 12 6 6 25 25 100.00 128 111 86.72 153 136 88.89
16 NCT, DELHI 2 2 0 2 2 0 0 0 - 0 0 - 0 0 -
17 Odisha 19 12 7 5 0 5 155 135 87.10 111 104 93.69 266 239 89.85
18 Rajasthan 14 3 11 4 1 3 10 9 90.00 49 23 46.94 59 32 54.24
19 Sikkim 8 3 5 8 3 5 0 0 - 0 0 - 0 0 -
20 Tamilnadu 15 4 11 8 4 4 0 0 - 445 370 83.15 445 370 83.15
21 Telangana 13 5 8 2 1 1 44 40 90.91 291 270 92.78 335 310 92.54
22 Tripura 2 2 0 2 2 0 0 0 - 0 0 - 0 0 -
23 Uttar Pradesh 44 39 5 22 22 0 803 800 99.63 108 80 74.07 911 880 96.60
24 Uttarakhand 6 4 2 2 1 1 15 14 93.33 7 7 100.00 22 21 95.45
25 West Bengal 16 12 4 6 5 1 452 426 94.25 158 151 95.57 610 577 94.59
Total 328 198 130 111 69 42 8243 8133 98.67 3478 3065 88.13 11721 11198 95.54

Annex VII


Year No.of Level Forecasts issued No.of Inflow Forecasts issued Total No.of Forecasts issued
Total Within +/-15 Accuracy Total Within +/- Accuracy Total Within +/- Accuracy
cm of (%) 20% cumec (%) 15 cm or +/- (%)
deviation of 20% cumec
from actual deviation of deviation
from actual from actual

2000 5622 5504 97.90 821 747 90.99 6443 6251 97.02
2001 4606 4533 98.42 857 809 94.40 5463 5342 97.79
2002 3618 3549 98.09 623 602 96.63 4241 4151 97.88
2003 5989 5789 96.66 611 586 95.91 6600 6375 96.59
2004 4184 4042 96.61 705 654 92.77 4889 4696 96.05
2005 4323 4162 96.28 1295 1261 97.37 5618 5423 96.53
2006 5070 4827 95.21 1593 1550 97.30 6663 6377 95.71
2007 6516 6339 97.28 1707 1651 96.72 8223 7990 97.17
2008 5670 5551 97.90 1021 1003 98.24 6691 6554 97.95
2009 3343 3298 98.65 667 629 94.30 4010 3927 97.93
2010 6491 6390 98.44 1028 988 96.11 7519 7378 98.12
2011 4848 4795 98.91 1143 1109 97.03 5991 5904 98.55
2012 4200 4136 98.47 831 803 96.63 5031 4939 98.17
2013 5741 5471 95.30 1319 1289 97.73 7060 6760 95.75
2014 3884 3804 97.94 888 863 97.18 4772 4667 97.80
2015 3500 3429 97.97 572 562 98.25 4072 3991 98.01
2016 4969 4891 98.43 1270 1057 83.23 6239 5948 95.34
2017 5085 4975 97.84 1212 926 76.40 6297 5901 93.71
2018 4969 4871 98.03 1882 1624 86.29 6851 6495 94.80
2019 6004 5773 96.15 3750 2678 71.41 9754 8451 86.64
2020 8243 8133 98.67 3478 3065 88.13 11721 11198 95.54
Average 5089 4965 97.56 1299 1165 89.68 6388 6129 95.95 94
Annex VIII

Extreme flood events in India under CWC FF & W Network - 2020 flood season
Sl. River Station State Danger Existing Highest Flood New HFL Duration
No level in Level (HFL)
metres Level in Date of Level Date and Time of From To
metres occurrence Occurrence
1 Dikhow Sivasagar Assam 92.40 94.23 01-08-18 94.24 22/06/2020 0800 22/06/2020 07 22/06/2020 12

2 Gandak Dumariaghat Bihar 62.22 64.10 17-08-17 64.36 24/07/2020 0600 23/07/2020 16 25/07/2020 06

3 Gandak Rewaghat Bihar 54.41 55.41 17-09-86 55.46 24/07/2020 2300 24/07/2020 18 25/07/2020 08

4 Burhi Gandak Rosera Bihar 42.63 46.35 16-08-87 46.65 02/08/2020 2200 31/07/2020 06 05/08/2020 11

5 Jalaka Mathani Road Bridge 5.50 6.8 7.05 27/08/2020 0200 26/08/2020 22 27/08/2020 22

6 Godavari Chinturu Andhra Pradesh 43.00 40.45 20-08-18 44.91 18/08/2020 0500 15/08/2020 18 24/08/2020 01

7 Bhima Deongaon Bridge Karnataka 404.50 407.34 13-08-06 409 18/10/2020 00 17/10/2020 02 19/10/2020 07

Annex IX
Above Normal and Severe flood events on main Ganga and its tributaries- 2020 flood season
Sl. River Station State Warning Danger Peak level in 2020 Flood period above warning level Flood period above danger level
No. level in level in
metres metres Level in Date/Time From To No.of From To No.of
metres days days

10/08/2020 05 10/08/2020 05 1 11/08/2020 06 11/08/2020 06 1

11/08/2020 04 11/08/2020 12 1 - - -
1 Alaknanda Srinagar Uttarakhand 535.00 536.00 536.1 11/08/2020 06
13/08/2020 06 13/08/2020 06 1 - - -
19/08/2020 08 19/09/2020 09 1 - - -
2 Ganga Rishikesh Uttarakhand 339.50 340.50 339.7 11/08/2020 14 11/08/2020 13 11/08/2020 18 1 - - -
10/08/2020 13 10/08/2020 19 1 - - -
11/08/2020 13 11/08/2020 21 1 - - -
12/08/2020 04 12/08/2020 05 1 - - -
3 Ganga Haridwar Uttarakhand 293.00 294.00 293.72 11/08/2020 15
12/08/2020 17 12/08/2020 18 - - -
19/08/2020 10 19/08/2020 16 1 - - -
20/08/2020 02 20/08/2020 07 1 - - -
4 Mandakini Ganganagar Uttarakhand 803.00 804.00 801.1 11/08/2020 06 - - -
5 Ganga Kannauj Uttar Pradesh 124.97 125.97 125.05 21/08/2020 03 20/08/2020 07 23/08/2020 05 4 - - -
6 Ganga Ankinghat Uttar Pradesh 123.00 124.00 123.45 21/08/2020 13 19/08/2020 08 04/09/2020 11 17 - - -
7 Ganga Kanpur Uttar Pradesh 112.00 113.00 112.12 22/08/2020 14 21/08/2020 14 24/08/2020 14 4 - - -
8 Ganga Dalmau Uttar Pradesh 98.36 99.36 98.13 23/08/2020 20 - - - - - -
9 Ganga Phphamau Uttar Pradesh 83.73 84.73 81.55 04/09/2020 09 - - - - - -
10 Ganga Allahabad Chhatnag Uttar Pradesh 83.73 84.73 80.69 04/09/2020 09 - - - - - -
11 Ganga Mirzapur Uttar Pradesh 76.72 77.72 74.18 04/09/2020 16 - - - - - -
12 Ganga Varanasi Uttar Pradesh 70.26 71.26 68.69 04/09/2020 23 - - - - - -
13 Ganga Ghazipur Uttar Pradesh 62.10 63.10 62.15 05/09/2020 04 05/09/2020 01 05/09/2020 13 1 - - -
14 Ganga Buxar Bihar 59.32 60.32 59.1 05/09/2020 07 - - - - - -
15 Ganga Ballia Uttar Pradesh 56.62 57.62 58.15 05/09/2020 08 27/08/2020 06 09/09/2020 16 14 30/08/2020 23 07/09/2020 10 9
16 Ganga Patna Dighaghat Bihar 49.45 50.45 50.05 22/08/2020 17 15/08/2020 18 08/09/2020 08 25 - - -
24/07/2020 02 29/07/2020 13 6 17/08/2020 03 07/09/2020 05 22
17 Ganga Patna Gandhighat Bihar 47.60 48.60 48.86 22/08/2020 12 01/08/2020 06 12/09/2020 20 43 - - -
26/09/2020 16 01/10/2020 10 6 - - -
16/07/2020 21 19/07/2020 05 4 17/08/2020 00 08/09/2020 17 23
18 Ganga Hathidah Bihar 40.76 41.76 42.13 03/09/2020 06 23/07/2020 14 13/09/2020 11 22 - - -
27/09/2020 00 02/10/2020 20 6 - - -
19 Ganga Munger Bihar 38.33 39.33 38.69 24/08/2020 07 17/08/2020 20 08/09/2020 03 23 - - -
06/08/2020 12 12/08/2020 03 7 - - -
20 Ganga Bhagalpur Bihar 32.68 33.68 33.4 24/08/2020 07 16/08/2020 11 10/09/2020 06 26 - - -
29/09/2020 23 02/10/2020 08 4 - - -
13/07/2020 23 21/09/2020 19 71 26/07/2020 12 30/07/2020 20 5
27/09/2020 01 12/10/2020 04 16 05/08/2020 01 12/08/2020 05 8
21 Ganga Colgong/ Kahalgaon Bihar 30.09 31.09 31.45 22/08/2020 01
- - - 17/08/2020 23 10/09/2020 02 25
- - - 29/09/2020 10 03/10/2020 22 5
14/07/2020 13 12/10/2020 03 91 26/07/2020 17 30/07/2020 22 5
22 Ganga Sahibganj Jharkhand 26.25 27.25 28.37 24/08/2020 05 - - - 03/08/2020 01 14/09/2020 23 43
- - - 28/09/2020 05 04/10/2020 05 7
13/07/2020 07 10/10/2020 13 59 17/07/2020 00 10/09/2020 13 25
23 Ganga Farakka West Bengal 21.25 22.25 22.89 22/08/2020 13
29/09/2020 01 03/10/2020 10 5
24 Ramganga Moradabad Uttar Pradesh 189.60 190.60 190.45 24/08/2020 18 20/08/2020 23 03/09/2020 10 15 - - -
25 Ramganga Bareilly Uttar Pradesh 162.07 163.07 159.98 29/08/2020 04 - - - - - -
26 Yamuna Mawi Uttar Pradesh 230.00 230.85 229.9 27/08/2020 23 - - - - - -
27 Yamuna Delhi Rly Bridge NCT Delhi 204.50 205.33 204.41 28/08/2020 16 - - - - - -

Annex IX
Above Normal and Severe flood events on main Ganga and its tributaries- 2020 flood season
Sl. River Station State Warning Danger Peak level in 2020 Flood period above warning level Flood period above danger level
No. level in level in
metres metres Level in Date/Time From To No.of From To No.of
metres days days

28 Yamuna Mathura Uttar Pradesh 165.20 166.00 164.94 30/08/2020 23 - - - - - -

29 Yamuna Agra Uttar Pradesh 151.40 152.40 149.18 22/08/2020 21 - - - - - -
30 Alaknanda
Yamuna Srinagar
Etawa Uttarakhand
Uttar Pradesh 535.00
120.92 536.00
121.92 536.1
118.68 11/08/2020
25/08/20200600 - - - - - -
31 Yamuna Auraiya Uttar Pradesh 112.00 113.00 110.33 02/09/2020 14 - - - - - -
32 Yamuna Kalpi Uttar Pradesh 107.00 108.00 105.09 03/09/2020 04 - - - - - -
33 Yamuna Hamirpur Uttar Pradesh 102.63 103.63 100.33 03/09/2020 02 - - - - - -
34 Yamuna Chilaghat Uttar Pradesh 99.00 100.00 95.64 03/09/2020 12 - - - - - -
35 Yamuna Naini Uttar Pradesh 83.74 84.74 81.4 04/09/2020 09 - - - - - -
36 Sahibi Dhansa NCT Delhi 211.44 212.44 210.7 21/08/2020 08 - - - - - -
37 Betwa Mohana Uttar Pradesh 121.66 122.66 119.44 30/08/2020 20 - - - - - -
38 Betwa Sahjina Uttar Pradesh 103.54 104.54 99.74 03/09/2020 03 - - - - - -
39 Ken Banda Uttar Pradesh 103.00 104.00 101.21 30/08/2020 13 - - - - - -
40 Gomati Lucknow Uttar Pradesh 108.50 109.50 105.9 13/08/2020 14 - - - - - -

41 Gomati Jaunpur Uttar Pradesh 73.07 74.07 69.98 19/08/2020 01 - - - - - -

42 SAI Raibareli Uttar Pradesh 100.00 101.00 98.94 07/07/2020 06 - - - - - -
21/06/2020 09 10/09/2020 09 82 06/07/2020 13 15/07/2020 08 10
11/09/2020 22 13/09/2020 03 3 19/07/2020 10 25/07/2020 09 7
25/09/2020 09 27/09/2020 22 3 27/07/2020 07 27/07/2020 20 1
43 Ghaghra Elginbridge Uttar Pradesh 105.07 106.07 107.15 01/08/2020 08
- - - 29/07/2020 08 08/08/2020 18 11
- - - 10/08/2020 14 26/08/2020 01 17
- - - 27/08/2020 13 30/08/2020 15 4
22/06/2020 10 06/09/2020 22 77 08/07/2020 12 09/07/2020 14 2
- - - 11/07/2020 12 15/07/2020 07 5
- - - 20/07/2020 22 25/07/2020 06 6
44 Ghaghra Ayodhya Uttar Pradesh 91.73 92.73 93.51 03/08/2020 08
- - - 30/07/2020 14 08/08/2020 10 10
- - - 11/08/2020 05 26/08/2020 18 16
- - - 28/08/2020 03 03/08/2020 04 7
25/06/2020 19 26/06/2020 06 2 10/07/2020 13 17/07/2020 08 8
29/06/2020 07 16/09/2020 04 80 20/07/2020 08 02/09/2020 05 45
45 Ghaghra Turtipar Uttar Pradesh 63.01 64.01 65.27 05/08/2020 06
18/09/2020 09 19/09/2020 11 2 27/09/2020 17 30/09/2020 22 4
23/09/2020 20 08/10/2020 02 16
29/06/2020 23 04/07/2020 04 6 11/07/2020 10 17/07/2020 06 7
06/07/2020 01 06/09/2020 05 62 23/07/2020 03 27/07/2020 08 5
46 Ghaghra Darauli Bihar 59.82 60.82 61.51 05/08/2020 10
24/09/2020 17 06/10/2020 03 13 31/07/2020 23 10/08/2020 21 11
- - - 12/08/2020 15 27/08/2020 08 16
09/07/2020 16 04/09/2020 18 58 24/07/2020 23 27/07/2020 11 4
47 Ghaghra Gangpur Siswan Bihar 56.04 57.04 57.9 06/08/2020 04 28/09/2020 13 01/10/2020 23 4 02/08/2020 03 10/08/2020 17 9
- - - 14/08/2020 10 27/08/2020 13 14

48 Ghaghra Chhapra Bihar 52.68 53.68 51.14 06/08/2020 06 - - - - - -

22/06/2020 08 23/06/2020 08 2 11/07/2020 13 13/07/2020 09 3

28/06/2020 08 01/07/2020 23 4 - - -
08/07/2020 15 15/07/2020 09 8 - - -
19/07/2020 14 25/07/2020 12 7 - - -
49 Rapti Balrampur Uttar Pradesh 103.62 104.62 104.81 11/07/2020 18 29/07/2020 22 05/08/2020 08 8 - - -
11/08/2020 13 18/08/2020 08 8 - - -

Annex IX
Above Normal and Severe flood events on main Ganga and its tributaries- 2020 flood season
Sl. River Station State Warning Danger Peak level in 2020 Flood period above warning level Flood period above danger level
No. level in level in
metres metres Level in Date/Time From To No.of From To No.of
49 Rapti Balrampur Uttar Pradesh 103.62 104.62 104.81
metres 11/07/2020 18 days days

19/08/2020 20 25/08/2020 07 7 - - -
27/08/2020 16 28/08/2020 17 2 - - -
1 Alaknanda Srinagar Uttarakhand 535.00 536.00 536.1 11/08/2020 06 24/09/2020 18 28/09/2020 00 5 - - -
10/07/2020 06 18/07/2020 05 9 - - -
20/07/2020 00 28/07/2020 04 9 - - -
29/07/2020 21 06/08/2020 12 9 - - -
50 Rapti Bansi Uttar Pradesh 83.90 84.90 84.85 15/07/2020 15
25/08/2020 01 25/08/2020 06 1 - - -
25/09/2020 15 30/09/2020 06 6 - - -
- - -
11/07/2020 12 19/08/2020 21 40 14/07/2020 18 10/08/2020 06 28
51 Rapti Birdghat Uttar Pradesh 73.98 74.98 76.09 26/07/2020 10
25/09/2020 00 06/10/2020 08 12 26/09/2020 13 04/10/2020 05 9
52 Sone Inderpuri Bihar 107.20 108.20 104.45 21/08/2020 06 - - - - - -
53 Sone Koelwar Bihar 54.52 55.52 52.7 22/08/2020 05 - - - - - -
54 Sone Maner Bihar 51.00 52.00 51.64 02/09/2020 16 16/08/2020 05 08/09/2020 05 24 - - -
22/07/2020 00 27/07/2020 08 6 22/07/2020 15 24/07/2020 05 3
13/08/2020 07 19/08/2020 17 7 14/08/2020 01 17/08/2020 18 4
55 PunPun Sripalpur Bihar 49.60 50.60 51.85 16/08/2020 00
26/08/2020 18 02/09/2020 17 8 27/08/2020 20 31/08/2020 18 5
23/09/2020 17 01/10/2020 05 9 24/09/2020 19 29/09/2020 12 6
56 Yamuna Karnal Bridge Haryana 248.80 249.50 247.42 26/08/2020 12 - - - - - -
57 Yamuna Paonta Sahib Himachal Pradesh 383.50 384.50 380.9 11/08/2020 01 - - - - - -
19/06/2020 15 24/06/2020 13 6 21/07/2020 10 22/07/2020 13 2
27/06/2020 10 27/06/2020 21 1 24/09/2020 13 25/09/2020 23 2
28/06/2020 08 01/07/2020 07 4 - - -
07/07/2020 21 08/07/2020 21 2 - - -
10/07/2020 07 16/07/2020 07 7 - - -
58 Gandak Khadda Uttar Pradesh 95.00 96.00 96.48 25/09/2020 06 19/07/2020 09 26/07/2020 12 8 - - -
27/07/2020 08 23/08/2020 18 28 - - -
09/09/2020 15 12/09/2020 20 4 - - -
15/09/2020 15 17/09/2020 13 3 - - -
18/09/2020 07 19/09/2020 14 2 - - -
23/09/2020 22 28/09/2020 14 6 - - -
02/08/2020 13 11/08/2020 07 10 - - -
59 Ganga Fathegarh Uttar Pradesh 136.60 137.60 137.56 27/08/2020 01
13/08/2020 01 05/09/2020 23 24 - - -
20/08/2020 07 20/08/2020 11 1 - - -
60 Ganga Dabri Uttar Pradesh 136.30 137.30 136.7 31/08/2020 08
27/08/2020 08 06/09/2020 01 11 - - -
30/07/2020 06 05/08/2020 14 7 - - -
61 Ganga Garhmuktheswar Uttar Pradesh 198.33 199.33 198.89 21/08/2020 03 06/08/2020 05 06/08/2020 21 1 - - -
10/08/2020 14 01/09/2020 21 23 - - -
01/06/2020 18 02/06/2020 00 2 31/07/2020 23 07/08/2020 01 8
03/06/2020 07 04/06/2020 06 2 12/08/2020 13 02/09/2020 00 22
05/06/2020 09 02/07/2020 18 28 - - -
62 Ganga Kachla Bridge Uttar Pradesh 161.00 162.00 162.71 16/08/2020 03 03/07/2020 12 10/07/2020 23 8 - - -
11/07/2020 18 16/07/2020 12 6 - - -
21/07/2020 17 26/07/2020 16 6 - - -
29/07/2020 11 10/09/2020 09 44 - - -
63 Gandak Chatia Bihar 68.15 69.15 69.38 27/09/2020 05 26/09/2020 16 30/09/2020 04 5 27/09/2020 01 28/09/2020 04 2
22/06/2020 10 24/06/2020 11 3 15/07/2020 20 18/07/2020 22 4
11/07/2020 13 25/08/2020 13 46 23/07/2020 00 28/07/2020 21 6
64 Gandak Rewaghat Bihar 53.41 54.41 55.46 24/07/2020 23 13/09/2020 14 14/09/2020 07 2 31/07/2020 03 02/08/2020 09 3
17/09/2020 11 22/09/2020 12 6 26/09/2020 23 29/09/2020 22 4
25/09/2020 12 01/10/2020 14 7 - - -

Annex IX
Above Normal and Severe flood events on main Ganga and its tributaries- 2020 flood season
Sl. River Station State Warning Danger Peak level in 2020 Flood period above warning level Flood period above danger level
No. level in level in
metres metres Level in Date/Time From To No.of From To No.of
metres days days

65 Gandak Hazipur Bihar 49.32 50.32 49.14 23/08/2020 04 - - - - - -

14/07/2020 05 19/07/2020 08 6 21/07/2020 14 05/08/2020 16 16
1 Alaknanda Srinagar Uttarakhand 535.00 536.00 536.1 11/08/2020 06 22
20/07/2020 12 10/08/2020 08 29/09/2020 09 03/10/2020 11 5
66 Burhi Gandak Lalbeghiaghat Bihar 62.20 63.20 64.42 26/07/2020 04 13/08/2020 18 14/08/2020 18 2 - - -
16/08/2020 14 20/08/2020 15 5 - - -
26/09/2020 07 06/10/2020 12 11 - - -
16/07/2020 05 24/08/2020 14 40 22/07/2020 02 11/08/2020 19 21
67 Burhi Gandak Muzaffarpur (Sikandarpur) Bihar 51.53 52.53 53.91 30/07/2020 05
26/09/2020 03 10/10/2020 10 15 01/10/2020 09 07/10/2020 03 7
18/07/2020 02 26/08/2020 22 40 22/07/2020 06 24/08/2020 08 34
68 Burhi Gandak Samastipur Bihar 45.02 46.02 48.68 31/07/2020 08
27/09/2020 18 12/10/2020 21 16 01/10/2020 06 11/10/2020 04 11
15/07/2020 19 31/08/2020 00 48 18/07/2020 15 27/08/2020 22 10
69 Burhi Gandak Rosera Bihar 41.63 42.63 46.56 02/08/2020 22
24/09/2020 01 15/10/2020 12 22 27/09/2020 23 13/10/2020 21 17
15/07/2020 11 18/09/2020 04 66 24/07/2020 20 10/09/2020 06 49
70 Burhi Gandak Khagaria Bihar 35.58 36.58 37.88 06/08/2020 01
25/09/2020 09 14/10/2020 17 20 28/09/2020 12 08/10/2020 23 11
17/06/2020 15 19/10/2020 10 125 17/06/2020 19 18/06/2020 04 2
- - - 19/06/2020 09 21/06/2020 03 3
- - - 23/06/2020 17 24/06/2020 04 2
- - - 26/06/2020 15 26/06/2020 20 1
71 Bagmati Benibad Bihar 47.68 48.68 49.89 24/07/2020 12
- - - 28/06/2020 20 01/07/2020 13 4
- - - 08/07/2020 11 09/07/2020 02 2
- - - 10/07/2020 05 30/08/2020 09 51
- - - 09/09/2020 10 08/10/2020 21 30
14/07/2020 12 03/09/2020 09 52 16/07/2020 05 30/08/2020 08 46
72 Bagmati Hayaghat Bihar 44.72 45.72 48.11 08/08/2020 05
23/09/2020 03 14/10/2020 05 22 28/09/2020 08 08/10/2020 01 11
11/07/2020 19 19/08/2020 16 40 13/07/2020 17 12/08/2020 18 31
73 Adhwara Group Kamtaul Bihar 49.00 50.00 51.88 01/10/2020 21 17/09/2020 12 12/10/2020 16 26 19/09/2020 21 24/09/2020 18 6
25/09/2020 12 08/10/2020 10 14
13/07/2020 08 03/09/2020 23 53 15/07/2020 13 29/08/2020 23 46
74 Adhwara Group Ekmighat Bihar 45.94 46.94 49.05 08/08/2020 03
19/09/2020 03 15/10/2020 09 27 27/09/2020 12 10/10/2020 07 14
26/06/2020 08 26/06/2020 20 1 28/06/2020 11 30/06/2020 05 3
28/06/2020 08 17/08/2020 03 51 09/07/2020 18 26/07/2020 05 18
24/08/2020 21 25/08/2020 04 2 28/07/2020 10 09/08/2020 04 13
75 Kamla Balan Jhanjharpur Bihar 49.00 50.00 52.09 13/07/2020 14 01/09/2020 15 03/09/2020 03 3 08/09/2020 11 12/09/2020 16 5
07/09/2020 19 23/09/2020 06 17 13/09/2020 14 18/09/2020 10 6
24/09/2020 07 04/10/2020 14 11 24/09/2020 14 01/10/2020 05 8
06/10/2020 15 07/10/2020 09 2
16/06/2020 06 01/07/2020 20 16 11/07/2020 19 12/07/2020 15 2
03/07/2020 19 29/08/2020 12 58 13/07/2020 14 14/07/2020 09 2
05/09/2020 00 05/09/2020 07 1 - - -
76 Kosi Basua Bihar 46.75 47.75 47.89 12/07/2020 05
07/09/2020 12 21/09/2020 19 15 - - -
22/09/2020 19 23/09/2020 04 2 - - -
24/09/2020 16 28/09/2020 17 5 - - -
77 Kosi Baltara Bihar 32.85 33.85 35.93 26/07/2020 23 18/06/2020 05 18/10/2020 18 123 27/06/2020 19 12/10/2020 11 108
13/07/2020 14 11/10/2020 05 91 26/07/2020 06 10/09/2020 19 47
78 Kosi Kursela Bihar 29.00 30.00 30.49 20/08/2020 06
29/09/2020 02 02/10/2020 20 4
18/06/2020 09 19/06/2020 04 2 24/06/2020 14 02/07/2020 10 9
20/06/2020 13 21/06/2020 04 2 05/07/2020 10 07/07/2020 00 3
23/06/2020 11 07/08/2020 04 46 11/07/2020 16 27/07/2020 09 17
09/08/2020 10 10/08/2020 16 2 28/07/2020 11 04/08/2020 12 8
79 Mahananda Dhengraghat Bihar 34.65 35.65 36.93 14/07/2020 03
11/08/2020 09 19/08/2020 18 9 14/08/2020 03 16/08/2020 12 3
02/09/2020 07 04/09/2020 02 3 09/09/2020 13 11/09/2020 18 3
08/09/2020 13 07/10/2020 04 30 16/09/2020 05 20/09/2020 15 5
24/09/2020 00 01/10/2020 18 8
24/06/2020 22 08/08/2020 13 46 28/06/2020 06 02/07/2020 13 5
09/08/2020 14 10/08/2020 09 2 12/07/2020 05 05/08/2020 13 25

80 Mahananda Jhawa Bihar 30.40 31.40 32.63 28/09/2020 12 99

Annex IX
Above Normal and Severe flood events on main Ganga and its tributaries- 2020 flood season
Sl. River Station State Warning Danger Peak level in 2020 Flood period above warning level Flood period above danger level
No. level in level in
metres metres Level in Date/Time From To No.of From To No.of
metres days days

11/08/2020 15 19/08/2020 10 9 15/08/2020 14 16/08/2020 13 2

80 Mahananda Jhawa Bihar 30.40 31.40 32.63 28/09/2020 12 09/09/2020 10 08/10/2020 01 30 10/09/2020 22 11/09/2020 07 2
1 Alaknanda Srinagar Uttarakhand 535.00 536.00 536.1 11/08/2020 06 - - - 16/09/2020 21 19/09/2020 11 4
- - - 21/09/2020 01 21/09/2020 08 1
- - - 24/09/2020 12 03/10/2020 18 10
16/06/2020 06 14/10/2020 15 121 21/06/2020 23 26/06/2020 09 6
- - - 29/06/2020 22 30/06/2020 07 2
- - - 01/07/2020 04 02/07/2020 02 2
81 Gandak Dumariaghat Bihar 61.22 62.22 64.36 24/07/2020 06
- - - 08/07/2020 11 29/08/2020 18 53
- - - 09/09/2020 22 22/09/2020 08 14
- - - 24/09/2020 09 03/10/2020 13 10
22/07/2020 20 08/08/2020 18 18 24/07/2020 21 03/08/2020 12 11
82 Burhigandak Ahirwalia Bihar 58.62 59.62 60.25 27/07/2020 06
30/09/2020 09 05/10/2020 20 6 - - -
83 Mayurakshi Narayanpur West Bengal 26.99 27.99 25.25 30/07/2020 00 - - - - - -
84 Ajoy Gheropara West Bengal 38.42 39.42 36.32 24/09/2020 12 - - - - - -
85 Mundeshwari Harinkhola West Bengal 11.80 12.80 8.58 07/08/2020 18 - - - - - -
86 Kangsabati Mohanpur West Bengal 24.73 25.73 22 22/08/2020 06 - - - - - -
02/06/2020 08 03/069/2020 06 2 16/06/2020 16 16/06/2020 23 1
14/06/2020 21 29/10/2020 17 138 17/06/2020 12 17/06/2020 21 1
- - - 18/06/2020 14 21/06/2020 07 4
- - - 23/06/2020 09 24/06/2020 03 2
- - - 25/06/2020 13 26/06/2020 09 2
- - - 27/06/2020 12 30/06/2020 06 4
- - - 01/07/2020 01 01/07/2020 06 1
- - - 07/07/2020 15 08/07/2020 02 2
87 Bagmati Dheng Bridge Bihar 69.10 70.10 71.62 25/09/2020 13 - - - 09/07/2020 16 15/07/2020 08 7
- - - 19/07/2020 11 16/08/2020 23 29
- - - 19/08/2020 10 22/08/2020 07 4
- - - 24/08/2020 11 25/08/2020 20 2
- - - 08/09/2020 12 10/09/2020 02 3
- - - 11/09/2020 15 12/09/2020 14 2
- - - 13/09/2020 07 16/09/2020 06 4
- - - 17/09/2020 22 21/09/2020 06 5
- - - 23/09/2020 08 30/09/2020 17 8
11/07/2020 07 11/07/2020 23 1 - - -
88 Adhwara Sonebarsha Bihar 80.85 81.85 81.52 20/07/2020 23 12/07/2020 15 12/07/2020 20 1 - - -
20/07/2020 08 21/07/2020 04 2 - - -
15/06/2020 11 27/10/2020 02 135 16/06/2020 19 16/06/2020 21 1
28/10/2020 01 31/10/2020 23 4 28/06/2020 10 29/06/2020 08 2
- - - 02/07/2020 18 03/07/2020 00 2
- - - 09/07/2020 08 16/07/2020 14 8
- - - 20/07/2020 07 25/07/2020 19 6
- - - 26/07/2020 19 09/08/2020 01 15
89 Kamla Balan Jainagar Bihar 66.75 67.75 68.82 11/07/2020 20
- - - 24/08/2020 18 25/08/2020 00 2
- - - 01/09/2020 08 01/09/2020 16 1
- - - 08/09/2020 07 12/09/2020 16 5
- - - 13/09/2020 07 17/09/2020 23 5
- - - 24/09/2020 08 30/09/2020 23 7
- - - 05/10/2020 09 05/10/2020 17 1
01/06/2020 01 05/06/2020 03 5 17/06/2020 09 23/06/2020 19 7
90 Bagmati Runisaidpur Bihar 52.73 53.73 57.32 13/07/2020 06 14/06/2020 22 30/10/2020 17 139 27/06/2020 22 30/08/2020 01 65

Annex IX
Above Normal and Severe flood events on main Ganga and its tributaries- 2020 flood season
Sl. River Station State Warning Danger Peak level in 2020 Flood period above warning level Flood period above danger level
No. level in level in
metres metres Level in Date/Time From To No.of From To No.of
metres days days
90 Bagmati Runisaidpur Bihar 52.73 53.73 57.32 13/07/2020 06
- - - 08/09/2020 06 06/10/2020 22 29
18/06/2020 07 19/06/2020 12 2 25/06/2020 14 07/07/2020 22 13
1 Alaknanda Srinagar Uttarakhand 535.00 536.00 536.1 11/08/2020 06 22/06/2020 03 23/06/2020 09 2 11/07/2020 14 27/07/2020 07 17
91 Parwan Araria Bihar 46.00 47.00 48.37 28/09/2020 05 24/06/2020 05 19/08/2020 21 57 28/07/2020 12 04/08/2020 20 8
08/09/2020 08 11/10/2020 14 34 11/08/2020 18 17/08/2020 04 7
- - - 15/09/2020 21 03/10/2020 11 19
23/06/2020 09 30/06/2020 18 8 27/06/2020 10 28/06/2020 00 2
02/07/2020 15 03/07/2020 09 2 10/07/2020 23 13/07/2020 15 4
04/07/2020 00 26/07/2020 05 23 15/07/2020 23 16/07/2020 08 2
27/07/2020 15 03/08/2020 12 8 20/07/2020 11 21/07/2020 10 2
10/08/2020 15 12/08/2020 10 3 22/07/2020 08 23/07/2020 02 2
92 Mahananda Taibpur Bihar 65.00 66.00 66.94 21/07/2020 05 13/08/2020 15 15/08/2020 15 3 28/07/2020 09 29/07/2020 07 2
31/08/2020 10 02/09/2020 12 3 01/08/2020 10 02/08/2020 08 2
07/09/2020 16 13/09/2020 03 7 09/09/2020 11 10/09/2020 07 2
15/09/2020 09 19/09/2020 22 5 23/09/2020 11 24/09/2020 17 2
23/09/2020 08 29/09/2020 03 7 25/09/2020 19 26/09/2020 10 2
- - - 27/09/2020 03 27/09/2020 12 1
93 Chambal Kota City Rajasthan 239.00 240.00 240.2 31/08/2020 00 31/08/2020 00 31/08/2020 14 1 31/08/2020 00 31/08/2020 03 1
94 Rapti Kakardhari Uttar Pradesh 130.00 131.00 129.92 22/07/2020 03 - - - - - -
24/08/2020 14 25/08/2020 22 2 24/08/2020 17 25/08/2020 16 2
95 Chambal Dholpur Rajasthan 129.79 130.79 134.35 01/09/2020 11
31/08/2020 17 02/09/2020 14 3 31/08/2020 19 02/09/2020 10 3

Annex X

Above Normal and Severe flood events on main Brahamaputra and its tributaries- 2020 flood season

Sl. River Station State Warning Danger Peak level in 2020 Flood period above warning level Flood period above danger level
No. level in level in
metres metres
Level in From From To No.of From To No.of
metres days days

1 Siang Yingkiang Arunachal Pradesh 303.00 304.00 - - - - - -

273.9 22/07/2020 11
17/06/2020 12 17/06/2020 18 1 10/07/2020 20 12/07/2020 20 3

19/06/2020 02 19/06/2020 19 1 20/07/2020 05 23/07/2020 07 4

21/06/2020 08 25/06/2020 02 5

26/06/2020 03 30/06/2020 05 5
2 Siang Passighat Arunachal Pradesh 152.96 153.96 154.29 12/07/2020 03
09/07/2020 06 27/07/2020 00 19

29/07/2020 10 01/08/2020 18 4
09/08/2020 20 21/08/2020 03 13
26/09/2020 08 27/09/2020 11 2

3 Noa-Dehing Namsai Arunachal Pradesh 144.80 145.80 144.73 27/09/2020 15

25/05/2020 01 27/05/2020 17 3 10/07/2020 11 13/07/2020 02 4
18/06/2020 06 01/07/2020 01 14 20/07/2020 04 22/07/2020 17 3
06/07/2020 20 27/07/2020 08 22
29/07/2020 16 01/08/2020 20 4
4 Brahmaputra Dibrugarh Assam 104.70 105.70 106.11 11/07/2020 21
10/08/2020 06 20/08/2020 06 11
16/09/2020 15 18/09/2020 16 3
24/09/2020 21 29/09/2020 16 6
07/10/2020 10 08/10/2020 04 2
24/05/2020 07 30/05/2020 07 7 26/05/2020 03 28/05/2020 06 3
03/06/2020 20 03/09/2020 20 92 08/06/2020 20 09/06/2020 11 2
06/09/2020 02 11/09/2020 00 6 18/06/2020 00 03/08/2020 05 47
5 Brahmaputra Neamatighat Assam 84.04 85.04 87.35 12/07/2020 11 12/09/2020 11 11/10/2020 18 30 10/08/2020 09 22/08/2020 14 13
16/09/2020 16 19/06/2020 21 4
25/09/2020 17 30/09/2020 20 6
06/10/2020 23 09/10/2020 12 4
26/05/2020 20 29/05/2020 15 4 23/06/2020 21 02/07/2020 05 10
09/06/2020 06 11/06/2020 11 3 10/07/2020 06 03/08/2020 08 25
15/06/2020 19 28/08/2020 13 75 13/08/2020 11 21/08/2020 17 9
6 Brahmaputra Tezpur Assam 64.23 65.23 66.56 13/07/2020 16
31/08/2020 01 02/09/2020 19 3 18/09/2020 21 20/09/2020 05 3
08/09/2020 10 08/09/2020 17 1 27/09/2020 07 30/09/2020 22 4
13/09/2020 06 11/10/2020 22 29
28/05/2020 04 29/05/2020 18 2 26/06/2020 11 01/07/2020 14 6
20/06/2020 07 06/07/2020 05 17 12/07/2020 05 17/07/2020 06 6
07/07/2020 06 04/08/2020 05 29 22/07/2020 09 26/07/2020 06 5
7 Brahmaputra Guwahati Assam 48.68 49.68 50.77 14/07/2020 12 13/08/2020 06 23/08/2020 05 11 29/09/2020 02 01/10/2020 02 3
18/09/2020 08 22/09/2020 01 5
27/09/2020 10 03/10/2020 08 7
08/10/2020 09 11/10/2020 13 4
29/05/2020 05 30/05/2020 03 2 26/06/2020 22 03/07/2020 00 8
19/06/2020 10 07/08/2020 23 19 12/07/2020 05 28/07/2020 13 17
12/08/2020 17 25/08/2020 14 14
8 Brahmaputra Goalpara Assam 35.27 36.27 37.25 15/07/2020 03
17/09/2020 15 23/09/2020 04 7
28/09/2020 00 04/10/2020 02 7
09/10/2020 16 12/10/2020 02 4

Annex X

Above Normal and Severe flood events on main Brahamaputra and its tributaries- 2020 flood season

Sl. River Station State Warning Danger Peak level in 2020 Flood period above warning level Flood period above danger level
No. level in level in
metres metres
Level in From From To No.of From To No.of
metres days days

28/05/2020 09 31/05/2020 22 4 23/06/2020 00 06/08/2020 17 45

11/06/2020 08 14/06/2020 00 4 16/08/2020 17 19/08/2020 07 4
17/06/2020 14 30/08/2020 04 75 21/08/2020 15 22/08/2020 20 2
01/09/2020 01 04/09/2020 05 4 29/09/2020 12 03/10/2020 17 5
9 Brahmaputra Dhubri Assam 27.62 28.62 30.19 15/07/2020 12
08/09/2020 07 13/09/2020 03 6
14/09/2020 13 14/10/2020 17 31

10 Buridehing Naharkatia Assam 119.40 120.40 118.82 25/06/2020 21

08/06/2020 04 08/06/2020 14 1 25/06/2020 18 30/06/2020 12 6
19/06/2020 17 22/06/2020 19 4 11/07/2020 07 15/07/2020 06 5
24/06/2020 23 02/07/2020 20 9
08/07/2020 17 26/07/2020 03 19
11 Buridehing Chenimari/Khwong Assam 101.11 102.11 103.19 27/06/2020 04 16/08/2020 07 16/108/2020 12 1
18/08/2020 03 23/08/2020 20 6
16/09/2020 08 20/09/2020 00 5
28/09/2020 10 30/09/2020 20 3

25/06/2020 10 26/06/2020 14 2 12/07/2020 01 13/07/2020 16 2

28/06/2020 02 30/06/2020 09 3
11/07/2020 02 16/07/2020 16 6
12 Subansiri Badatighat Assam 81.53 82.53 82.72 13/07/2020 01
20/07/2020 01 26/07/2020 00 7
31/07/2020 08 02/08/2020 00 3

16/06/2020 14 26/06/2020 06 11 18/06/2020 12 20/06/2020 03

27/06/2020 20 29/06/2020 06 3 21/06/2020 07 24/06/2020 11
05/07/2020 11 13/07/2020 21 9 07/07/2020 17 08/07/2020 04
09/08/2020 15 11/08/2020 17 3 10/08/2020 00 10/08/2020 18
13 Dikhow Sivasagar Assam 91.40 92.40 94.24 22/06/2020 08
14/08/2020 08 20/08/2020 19 7 14/08/2020 15 19/08/2020 14
21/08/2020 16 22/08/2020 19 2
05/10/2020 19 08/10/2020 12 4

17/06/2020 15 27/06/2020 21 11 18/06/2020 20 25/06/2020 16 8

29/06/2020 04 15/07/2020 17 17 05/07/2020 21 11/07/2020 23 7
24/07/2020 15 29/07/2020 19 6 19/08/2020 09 20/08/2020 09 2
30/07/2020 09 02/08/2020 17 4
14 Desang Nanglamoraghat Assam 93.46 94.46 95.44 10/07/02020 01
10/08/2020 07 11/08/2020 23 2
15/08/2020 07 23/08/2020 18 9
16/09/2020 20 19/09/2020 17 4

21/06/2020 15 22/06/2020 13 2
15 Dhansiri(S) Golaghat Assam 88.50 89.50 88.77 30/07/2020 06 29/07/2020 22 30/07/2020 12 2

18/06/2020 10 03/07/2020 02 17 21/06/2020 12 23/06/2020 07 3

07/07/2020 02 03/08/2020 19 27 12/07/2020 09 14/07/2020 02 3
15/08/2020 10 24/08/2020 01 10 16/07/2020 19 18/07/2020 01 3
26/08/2020 15 27/08/2020 13 2 25/07/2020 10 26/07/2020 04 2
16 Dhansiri(S) Numaligarh Assam 76.42 77.42 78.78 22/06/2020 03 02/09/2020 15 03/09/2020 17 2 30/07/2020 02 31/07/2020 01 2
17/09/2020 13 18/09/2020 01 2
26/09/2020 09 30/09/2020 05 5
06/10/2020 16 09/10/2020 07 4
24/10/2020 00 28/10/2020 03 5

Annex X

Above Normal and Severe flood events on main Brahamaputra and its tributaries- 2020 flood season

Sl. River Station State Warning Danger Peak level in 2020 Flood period above warning level Flood period above danger level
No. level in level in
metres metres
Level in From From To No.of From To No.of
metres days days

26/05/2020 09 09/06/2020 21 15 26/05/2020 21 31/05/2020 09 6

27/06/2020 09 05/07/2020 01 9 04/06/2020 20 05/06/2020 09 12
11/07/2020 08 19/07/2020 04 9 11/07/2020 13 17/07/2020 06 7
17 Kopili Kampur Assam 59.50 60.50 61.75 28/05/2020 09 21/07/2020 13 27/07/2020 17 7 21/07/2020 21 25/07/2020 14 5
25/09/2020 23 04/108/2020 11 10 26/09/2020 04 30/09/2020 08 5
25/10/2020 02 27/10/2020 14 3

27/05/2020 05 13/06/2020 18 18 29/05/2020 21 31/05/2020 18 3

27/06/2020 15 07/08/2020 22 42 29/06/2020 07 06/07/2020 22 8
18 Kopili Dharamtul Assam 55.00 56.00 57.28 24/07/2020 12 25/09/2020 04 15/10/2020 04 21 11/07/2020 20 04/08/2020 09 25
25/10/2020 00 30/10/2020 23 6 26/09/2020 08 10/10/2020 05 15

08/05/2020 15 09/05/2020 21 2 22/05/2020 02 28/05/2020 07 7

13/05/2020 23 15/05/2020 21 3 06/06/2020 11 06/06/2020 20 1
16/05/2020 18 20/05/2020 23 5 07/06/2020 09 09/06/2020 02 3
21/05/2020 11 19/10/2020 08 151 13/06/2020 11 04/08/2020 18 53
24/10/2020 11 28/10/2020 11 5 09/08/2020 10 19/08/2020 22 11
29/08/2020 13 01/09/2020 15 4
19 Jiabharali NT.Rd.X-ing Assam 76.00 77.00 78.14 31/07/2020 11
05/09/2020 08 05/09/2020 18 1
06/09/2020 04 29/09/2020 22 24
02/10/2020 12 02/10/2020 21 1
04/10/2020 07 09/10/2020 16 6

20 Subansiri Choldhowaghat Assam 99.43 100.43 96.9 30/07/2020 16

22/05/2020 08 27/05/2020 11 6
18/06/2020 05 19/06/2020 07 2
20/06/2020 05 20/06/2020 17 1
27/06/2020 02 28/06/2020 11 2
09/07/2020 04 13/07/2020 12 5
22/07/2020 02 22/07/2020 14 1
21 Ranganadi N H Crossing Ranganadi Assam 93.81 94.81 94.38 22/05/2020 15 28/07/2020 04 01/08/2020 13 5
14/08/2020 09 15/08/2020 04 2
16/08/2020 06 16/08/2020 11 1
25/09/2020 07 25/09/2020 19 1
05/10/2020 09 05/10/2020 11 1
06/10/2020 16 07/10/2020 13 2

25/05/2020 17 27/05/2020 04 3
26/06/2020 10 28/06/2020 10 3
10/07/2020 00 12/07/2020 12 3
22 Lohit Dholla Bazaar Assam 127.27 128.27 128.02 11/07/2020 00
19/07/2020 20 22/07/2020 03 4
26/09/2020 17 27/09/2020 06 2

22/05/2020 08 30/05/2020 04 9 22/05/2020 09 24/05/2020 06 3

06/06/2020 13 07/06/2020 16 2 24/05/2020 18 25/05/2020 15 1
18/06/2020 13 22/06/2020 14 5 26/05/2020 11 28/05/2020 03 3
25/06/2020 06 17/07/2020 17 23 19/06/2020 12 20/06/2020 03 2
20/07/2020 18 26/07/2020 21 7 26/06/2020 02 30/06/2020 11 5
23 Puthimari Puthimari _NHX Assam 50.81 51.81 54.58 12/07/2020 04
29/07/2020 09 04/08/2020 02 7 02/07/2020 23 03/07/2020 07 2

Annex X

Above Normal and Severe flood events on main Brahamaputra and its tributaries- 2020 flood season

Sl. River Station State Warning Danger Peak level in 2020 Flood period above warning level Flood period above danger level
No. level in level in
metres metres
Level in From From To No.of From To No.of
metres days days
23 Puthimari Puthimari _NHX Assam 50.81 51.81 54.58 12/07/2020 04

06/09/2020 14 09/09/2020 16 4 10/07/2020 11 14/07/2020 03 5

30/07/2020 22 01/08/2020 05 3
07/09/2020 16 08/09/2020 02 2

23/05/2020 08 28/05/2020 02 6 26/06/2020 05 26/06/2020 08 1

18/06/2020 08 20/06/2020 13 3 27/06/2020 10 28/06/2020 21 2
24/06/2020 17 04/07/2020 04 11 10/07/2020 22 13/07/2020 13 4
07/07/2020 10 07/07/2020 22 1 30/07/2020 20 01/08/2020 14 3
09/07/2020 11 16/07/2020 12 8
18/07/2020 14 06/08/2020 02 20
24 Pagladia Pagladia_NTX Assam 51.75 52.75 53.4 31/07/2020 02
19/08/2020 09 22/08/2020b 05 4
25/08/2020 09 25/08/2020 16 1
06/09/2020 11 11/09/2020 23 6
15/09/2020 13 19/09/2020 12 5
22/09/2020 22 28/09/2020 05 7

12/07/2020 22 19/07/2020 08 8 15/07/2020 18 17/07/2020 10 3

24/07/2020 07 26/07/2020 11 3
25 Barak APGhat Assam 18.83 19.83 20.14 16/07/2020 09

12/07/2020 14 15/07/2020 05 4 13/07/2020 07 14/07/2020 00 2

26 Katakhal Matizuri Assam 19.27 20.27 20.9 07/10/2020 04 03/08/2020 02 04/08/2020 17 2 06/10/2020 19 07/10/2020 22 2
05/10/2020 03 08/10/2020 12 4
12/07/2020 06 27/07/2020 04 16 15/07/2020 23 17/07/2020 14 3
30/07/2020 19 01/08/2020 02 3
27 Barak Badarpurghat Assam 15.85 16.85 17.07 16/07/2020 16
07/10/2020 03 07/10/2020 23 1

03/06/2020 07 09/06/2020 00 7 28/06/2020 19 29/06/2020 09 2

19/06/2020 08 20/06/2020 14 2 12/07/2020 10 26/07/2020 23 15
28 Kushiyara Karimganj Assam 13.94 14.94 16.07 16/07/2020 21 25/06/2020 15 05/08/2020 23 42 30/07/2020 15 01/08/2020 11 3
11/08/2020 13 18/08/2020 05 8 06/10/2020 15 09/10/2020 00 4
05/10/2020 06 10/10/2020 20 6
29 Manu Kailashar Tripura 24.34 25.34 23.93 28/05/2020 10
30 Gumti Sonamura Tripura 11.50 12.50 10.79 13/07/2020 21
31 Manas Mathanguri Assam 98.10 99.10 96.65 11/07/2020 23
27/05/2020 02 27/05/2020 15 1 26/06/2020 00 28/06/2020 14 3
25/06/2020 12 29/06/2020 05 5 11/07/2020 10 14/07/2020 05 4
01/07/2020 18 04/07/2020 06 4 19/07/2020 11 20/07/2020 01 2
09/07/2020 18 10/07/2020 13 2 31/07/2020 13 02/08/2020 00 3
11/07/2020 00 14/07/2020 18 4 07/09/2020 22 09/09/2020 16 3
18/07/2020 18 22/07/2020 04 5 15/09/2020 19 18/09/2020 04 4
32 Manas Manas NH- Crossing Assam 47.81 48.42 49.26 08/09/2020 15
24/07/2020 14 25/07/2020 03 2
30/07/2020 18 02/08/2020 14 4

Annex X

Above Normal and Severe flood events on main Brahamaputra and its tributaries- 2020 flood season

Sl. River Station State Warning Danger Peak level in 2020 Flood period above warning level Flood period above danger level
No. level in level in
metres metres
Level in From From To No.of From To No.of
32 Manas Manas NH- Crossing Assam 47.81 48.42 49.26 08/09/2020 15
metres days days

31/08/2020 12 31/08/2020 22 1
06/09/2020 12 10/09/2020 05 5
14/09/2020 20 18/09/2020 21 5
25/09/2020 23 26/09/2020 14 2
21/05/2020 15 29/05/2020 05 9 22/05/2020 13 23/05/2020 03 2
01/06/2020 18 29/08/2020 01 90 18/06/2020 13 20/06/2020 17 3
30/08/2020 06 01/09/2020 01 3 25/06/2020 09 29/06/2020 19 5
02/09/2020 13 04/09/2020 01 3 02/07/2020 19 03/07/2020 10 2
05/09/2020 09 30/09/2020 03 26 07/07/2020 11 08/07/2020 01 2
33 Beki Beki Rd. Bridge Assam 44.10 45.10 45.96 12/07/2020 07
02/10/2020 18 02/10/2020 22 1 09/07/2020 08 27/07/2020 16 19
05/10/2020 13 08/10/2020 01 4 29/07/2020 10 02/08/2020 11 5
11/08/2020 18 12/08/2020 16 2
08/09/2020 04 08/09/2020 11 1

19/06/2020 19 20/06/2020 05 2 11/07/2020 04 11/07/2020 12 1

24/06/2020 08 30/06/2020 08 7 21/07/2020 03 22/07/2020 23 2
01/07/2020 12 04/07/2020 15 4 30/07/2020 14 01/08/2020 04 3
09/07/2020 09 14/07/2020 11 6 15/09/2020 11 16/09/2020 00 2
14/07/2020 14 25/07/2020 17 12
26/07/2020 13 26/07/2020 23 1
27/07/2020 10 27/07/2020 21 1
29/07/2020 13 03/08/2020 03 6
34 Gaurang Kokrajhar Assam 41.85 42.85 43.26 31/07/2020 15
10/08/2020 13 12/08/2020 02 3
31/08/2020 07 01/09/2020 01 1
06/09/2020 18 09/09/2020 16 4
11/09/2020 08 11/09/2020 16 1
12/09/2020 18 18/09/2020 17 7
23/09/2020 13 24/09/2020 15 2
25/09/2020 21 27/09/2020 04 3

17/06/2020 14 21/08/2020 23 5 26/06/2020 06 26/06/2020 12 1

23/08/2020 17 25/08/2020 09 3 27/06/2020 19 28/06/2020 13 2
08/09/2020 18 09/09/2020 19 2 11/07/2020 00 16/07/2020 07 6
35 Sankosh Golokganj Assam 28.94 29.94 30.5 12/07/2020 08 14/09/2020 06 19/09/2020 11 6 18/07/2020 13 20/07/2020 04 3
24/09/2020 03 29/09/2020 15 6 21/07/2020 03 26/07/2020 06 6
31/07/2020 04 02/08/2020 11 3

18/06/2020 10 18/06/2020 21 1 10/07/2020 08 10/07/2020 09 1

19/06/2020 08 20/06/2020 03 2 11/07/2020 11 11/07/2020 14 1
25/06/2020 14 28/06/2020 18 4 12/07/2020 05 12/07/2020 22 1


36 Teesta Domohani W.B. 85.65 85.95 86.23 12/07/2020 12

Annex X

Above Normal and Severe flood events on main Brahamaputra and its tributaries- 2020 flood season

Sl. River Station State Warning Danger Peak level in 2020 Flood period above warning level Flood period above danger level
No. level in level in
metres metres
Level in From From To No.of From To No.of
metres days days

03/07/2020 10 03/07/2020 23 1 22/07/2020 04 22/07/2020 06 1

07/07/2020 08 07/07/2020 15 1
08/07/2020 08 08/07/2020 13 1
09/07/2020 23 13/07/2020 21 5
14/07/2020 07 14/07/2020 12 1
15/07/2020 14 15/07/2020 18 1
16/07/2020 20 16/07/2020 23 1
36 Teesta Domohani W.B. 85.65 85.95 86.23 12/07/2020 12 17/07/2020 11 17/07/2020 17 1
20/07/2020 12 21/07/2020 06 2
21/07/2020 21 22/07/2020 18 1
28/07/2020 06 28/07/2020 21 1
30/07/2020 09 31/07/2020 15 2
01/08/2020 08 01/08/2020 21 1
06/08/2020 06 06/08/2020 16 1
07/09/2020 06 08/09/2020 18 2
09/09/2020 06 09/09/2020 15 1
23/09/2020 04 24/09/2020 06 2

12/07/2020 12 13/07/2020 09 2 12/07/2020 17 13/07/2020 01 2

22/07/2020 07 22/07/2020 21 1
31/07/2020 12 31/07/2020 15 1
01/08/2020 22 02/08/2020 01 2
06/08/2020 16 07/08/2020 01 2
37 Teesta Mekhliganj W.B. 65.45 65.95 66.07 12/07/2020 19
10/08/2020 07 12/08/2020 14 3
07/09/2020 17 07/09/2020 21 1
09/09/2020 14 09/09/2020 23 1
23/09/2020 17 24/09/2020 09 2

02/07/2020 12 02/07/2020 20 1
03/07/2020 18 04/07/2020 03 2
10/07/2020 11 13/07/2020 05 4
20/07/2020 18 21/07/2020 13 2
38 Jaldhaka N H 31 W.B. 80.00 80.90 80.27 11/07/2020 10
22/07/2020 07 22/07/2020 21 1
23/09/2020 11 24/09/2020 05 2
25/09/2020 23 26/09/2020 05 2

02/07/2020 21 03/07/2020 07 2 11/07/2020 20 12/07/2020 22 2

11/07/2020 01 13/07/2020 09 3 22/07/2020 09 22/07/2020 18 1
21/07/2020 04 21/07/2020 09 1
39 Jaldhaka Mathabhanga W.B. 47.70 48.20 48.57 22/07/2020 14 22/07/2020 07 23/07/2020 03 2
15/09/2020 01 16/09/2020 06 2
23/09/2020 22 24/09/2020 13 2

Annex X

Above Normal and Severe flood events on main Brahamaputra and its tributaries- 2020 flood season

Sl. River Station State Warning Danger Peak level in 2020 Flood period above warning level Flood period above danger level
No. level in level in
metres metres
Level in From From To No.of From To No.of
39 Jaldhaka Mathabhanga W.B. 47.70 48.20 48.57
metres 22/07/2020 14 days days

16/06/2020 16 17/06/2020 06 2
24/06/2020 20 28/06/2020 16 5
02/07/2020 06 04/07/2020 09 3
10/07/2020 13 13/07/2020 18 4
20/07/2020 19 22/07/2020 22 3
40 Torsa Ghughumari W. B. 39.80 40.41 40.35 12/07/2020 00
12/09/2020 14 12/09/2020 19 1
14/09/2020 18 18/09/2020 06 5
23/09/2020 14 24/09/2020 06 2
27/09/2020 07 27/09/2020 18 1

25/06/2020 15 30/06/2020 21 6 03/07/2020 13 03/07/2020 16 1

02/07/2020 16 05/07/2020 11 4 12/07/2020 18 14/07/2020 16 3
11/07/2020 11 16/07/2020 13 6 15/09/2020 18 16/09/2020 23 2
18/07/2020 16 20/07/2020 10 3
41 Radak-I Tufanganj W. B. 34.22 35.30 35.76 13/07/2020 12 21/07/2020 17 23/07/2020 12 3
31/07/2020 05 02/08/2020 10 3
14/09/2020 20 19/09/2020 03 6
24/109/2020 01 29/09/2020 00 6

42 Teesta Malli Bazaar Sikkim 223.00 224.00 218.32 11/07/2020 06

43 Teesta Joretahang(Rothak) Sikkim 350.60 351.60 349.29 06/08/2020 06
44 Teesta Singtam Sikkim 377.07 377.57 375.13 02/07/2020 14
45 Torsa Hasimara West Bengal 116.30 116.90 116.2 11/07/2020 16

Above Normal and Severe flood events on various river systems (excluding Ganga and Brahmaputra basins)- 2020 flood season Annex XI
Sl. River Station State Warning Danger Peak level in 2020 Flood period above warning level Flood period above danger level
No. level in level in
metres metres Level in Time From To No. of From To No. of
days days
1 Jhelum Rammunshibagh Jammu & Kashmir 1585.53 1586.45 1585.02 28/08/2020 16 - - - - - -
2 Jhelum Sangam Jammu & Kashmir 1590.30 1592.00 1590.02 28/08/2020 07 - - - - - -
3 Jhelum Safapora Jammu & Kashmir 1580.00 1580.80 1579..61 29/08/2020 03 - - - - -
4 Subernarekna Jamshedpur Jharkhand 122.50 123.50 122.5 27/08/2020 03 27/08/2020 03 27/08/2020 05 1 - - -
5 Subernarekna Rajghat Odisha 9.45 10.36 10.96 28/08/2020 03 27/08/2020 12 29/08/2020 18 3 28/08/2020 01 29/08/2020 08 2
6 Burhabalang NH_5 _Road Bridge Odisha 7.21 8.13 8.4 27/08/2020 12 26/08/2020 14 29/08/2020 01 4 27/08/2020 08 28/08/2020 05 2
7 Baitarni Anandpur Odisha 37.44 38.36 40.9 27/08/2020 06 26/08/2020 07 28/08/2020 14 3 26/08/2020 08 28/08/2020 06 3

20/08/2020 23 22/08/2020 09 3 20/08/2020 23 22/08/2020 09 3

8 Baitarni Akhuapada Odisha
17.83 17.83 20.06 27/08/2020 17 26/08/2020 11 29/08/2020 15 4 26/08/2020 11 29/08/2020 15 4
9 Brahmani Jenapur Odisha 22.00 23.00 23.46 28/08/2020 17 27/08/2020 08 30/08/2020 04 4 28/08/2020 00 29/08/2020 02 2
10 Rushikuluya Purushottampur Odisha 15.83 16.83 16.36 14/10/2020 08 14/10/2020 01 15/10/2020 02 1 - - -
11 Vamsadhara Gunupur Odisha 83.00 84.00 83.02 14/10/2020 19 14/10/2020 18 14/10/2020 20 1 - - -
21/09/2020 23 22/09/2020 12 2 13/10/2020 23 15/10/2020 08 3
12 Vamsadhara Kashinagar Odisha 13/10/2020 19 17/10/2020 15 5 - - -
54.10 54.60 54.88 14/10/2020 13 18/10/2020 00 18/10/2020 15 1 - - -
22/08/2020 19 23/08/2020 07 2 29/08/2020 03 02/09/2020 03 5
13 Mahanadi Naraj Odisha
25.41 26.41 26.96 31/08/2020 17 27/08/2020 03 04/09/2020 04 9 - - -
14 Mahanadi Alipingal Devi Odisha 10.85 11.76 11.33 31/08/2020 15 29/08/2020 21 02/09/2020 04 5 - - -
15 Mahanadi Nimapara Odisha 9.85 10.76 10.14 31/08/2020 22 30/08/2020 14 02/09/2020 08 4 - - -
16 Godavari Atreyapuram Andhra Pradesh 14.00 15.50 14.16 18/08/2020 14 18/08/2020 06 19/08/2020 03 2 - - -
17 Godavari Kopergaon Maharashtra 490.90 493.68 489.8 20/09/2020 20 - - - - - -
18 Godavari Gangakhed Maharashtra 374.00 375.00 372.19 27/09/2020 16 - - - - - -
19 Godavari Nanded Maharashtra 353.00 354.00 348.9 28/09/2020 03 - - - - - -
20 Godavari Kaleswaram Telangana 103.50 104.75 103.58 02/09/2020 12 02/09/2020 03 02/09/2020 15 1 - - -
15/08/2020 23 18/08/2020 14 4 - - -
21 Godavari Eturunagaram Telangana 20/08/2020 09 23/08/2020 02 4 - - -
73.32 75.82 75.44 17/08/2020 05 02/09/2020 16 03/09/2020 04 2 - - -
16/08/2020 04 18/08/2020 21 3 16/08/2020 13 18/08/2020 05 3
22 Godavari Dummagudam Telangana
53.00 55.00 57 17/08/2020 13 20/08/2020 13 23/08/2020 06 4 21/08/2020 07 21/08/2020 22 1
15/08/2020 05 24/08/2020 05 10 16/08/2020 15 18/08/2020 15 3
23 Godavari Bhadrachalam Telangana
45.72 48.77 51.38 17/08/2020 18 - - - 21/08/2020 01 22/08/2020 09 2
24 Wardha Sirpur Town Telangana 159.95 160.95 157.8 31/08/2020 08 - - - - - -
25 Godavari Kunavaram Andhra Pradesh 37.74 39.24 44.79 18/08/2020 04 15/08/2020 08 24/08/2020 20 10 15/08/2020 22 24/08/2020 09 10
14/08/2020 17 17/08/2020 16 4 - - -
26 Godavari Rajamundry Andhra Pradesh
17.68 19.51 18.82 18/08/2020 10 19/08/2020 00 21/08/2020 15 3 - - -
15/08/2020 13 25/08/2020 10 11 17/08/2020 15 19/08/2020 15 3
27 Godavari Dowalaiswaram Andhra Pradesh
14.25 16.08 16.74 18/08/2020 12 - - 21/08/2020 21 23/08/2020 10 3 109
Above Normal and Severe flood events on various river systems (excluding Ganga and Brahmaputra basins)- 2020 flood season Annex XI
Sl. River Station State Warning Danger Peak level in 2020 Flood period above warning level Flood period above danger level
No. level in level in
metres metres Level in Time From To No. of From To No. of
days days
28 Wainganga Bhandara Maharashtra 245.50 245.70 250.61 30/08/2020 19 29/08/2020 03 01/09/2020 06 4 29/08/2020 04 01/09/2020 05 4
29 Wainganga Pauni Maharashtra 226.73 227.73 232.75 31/08/2020 01 29/08/2020 06 01/09/2020 03 4 29/08/2020 10 01/09/2020 02 4
30 Wardha Balharsha Maharashtra 171.50 174.00 166.51 31/08/2020 01 - - - - - -
31 Indravati Jagdalpur Chhatisgarh 539.50 540.80 542.5 21/08/2020 22 20/08/2020 04 23/08/2020 03 4 20/08/2020 10 22/08/2020 21 3
32 Krishna Arjunwad Maharashtra 542.07 543.29 538.99 19/08/2020 07 - - - - - -

20/09/2020 10 21/09/2020 08 2 15/10/2020 13 20/10/2020 01 6

33 Bhima Deongaon Karnataka
402.00 404.50 409 18/10/2020 00 15/10/2020 06 21/10/2020 14 7 - - -
19/08/2020 21 20/08/2020 16 2 - - -
11/09/2020 04 11/09/2020 08 1 - - -
22/09/2020 00 22/09/2020 22 1 - - -
34 Tungabhadra Mantralayam Andhra Pradesh
23/09/2020 12 24/09/2020 05 2 - - -
27/09/2020 06 28/09/2020 01 2 - - -

310.00 312.00 310.87 22/09/2020 06 22/10/2020 09 22/10/2020 17 1 - - -

35 Tungabhadra Kurnool Andhra Pradesh 273.00 274.00 272.4 20/08/2020 16 - - - - - -
14/10/2020 07 14/10/2020 21 1 - - -
36 Nagavali Srikakulam Andhra Pradesh
10.17 10.80 10.43 15/10/2020 14 15/10/2020 08 16/10/2020 06 2 - - -
27/11/2020 13 27/11/2020 17 1 - - -
37 Pennar Nellore Andhra Pradesh
15.91 17.28 16.15 27/11/2020 16 29/11/2020 06 29/11/2020 06 1 - - -
38 Sabarmati Gujarat 44.09 45.34 - - - - - -
Shubhash Bridge 42.3 14/09/2020 15
39 Mahi Wanakbori Gujarat 71.93 74.98 72.93 31/08/2020 00 30/08/2020 17 31/08/2020 10 2
17/08/2020n 10 18/08/2020 05 2 18/08/2020 16 19/08/2020 09 2
40 Naramada Mandla Madhya Pradesh 18/08/2020 14 19/08/2020 12 1 28/08/2020 23 29/08/2020 14 2

437.20 437.80 439.04 19/08/2020 00 28/08/2020 18 29/08/2020 21 2 - - -

22/08/2020 12 22/08/2020 16 1 29/08/2020 01 01/09/2020 06 4
41 Naramada Hoshangabad Madhya Pradesh 28/08/2020 23 01/09/2020 11 5 - - -
292.80 293.80 299.6 29/08/2020 23 - - -
42 Naramada Garudeswar Gujarat 30.48 31.09 33.1 01/09/2020 15 30/08/2020 20 02/09/2020 00 4 30/08/2020 21 01/09/2020 23 3
43 Naramada Bharuch Gujarat 6.71 7.31 10.72 01/09/2020 22 30/08/2020 06 03/09/2020 00 5 30/08/2020 08 02/09/2020 22 4
44 Tapi Surat Gujarat 8.50 9.50 6.4 24/08/2020 20 - - - - - -
45 Damanganga Vapi Town Gujarat 18.20 19.20 17 05/08/2020 04 - - - - - -
46 Damanganga Daman Dadra & Nagar Haveli 2.60 3.40 2.2 07/06/2020 15 - - - - - -
47 Cauvery Musiri Tamilnadu 82.11 83.11 82 21/10/2020 10 - - - - - -
48 Cauvery Kodumudi Tamilnadu 125.50 126.50 124.37 19/09/2020 23 - - - - - -
49 Bhavani Savandapur Tamilnadu 184.50 185.50 181.65 10/09/2020 00 - - - - - - 110
Above Normal and Severe flood events on various river systems (excluding Ganga and Brahmaputra basins)- 2020 flood season Annex XI
Sl. River Station State Warning Danger Peak level in 2020 Flood period above warning level Flood period above danger level
No. level in level in
metres metres Level in Time From To No. of From To No. of
days days
50 Sabari Chinturu Andhra Pradesh 41.50 43.50 44.91 18/08/2020 05 16/08/2020 10 19/08/2020 18 4 21/08/2020 06 23/08/2020 01 3
28/09/2020 17 29/09/2020 18 2 - - -
51 Krishna Avanigadda Andhra Pradesh
9.00 11.00 10.41 15/10/2020 12 15/10/2020 01 20/10/2020 07 6 - - -
52 Periyar Neeleswaram Kerala 9.00 10.00 7.59 07/08/2020 04 - - - - - -
53 Bharathapuzha Kumbidi Kerala 8.20 9.20 9.27 07/08/2020 23 07/08/2020 07 09/08/2020 05 3 07/08/2020 19 08/08/2020 06 2
54 Pamba Malakkara Kerala 6.00 7.00 7.27 08/08/2020 03 07/08/2020 16 10/08/2020 12 4 07/08/2020 21 08/08/2020 09 2
55 Godavari Nasik Maharashtra 558.10 559.60 556.21 12/06/2020 19 - - - - - -
16/06/2020 08 17/06/2020 00 2 16/06/2020 08 17/06/2020 00 2
29/06/2020 10 30/06/2020 00 2 29/06/2020 10 30/06/2020 00 2
07/07/2020 12 07/07/2020 23 1 07/07/2020 12 07/07/2020 23 1
24/07/2020 15 25/07/2020 00 2 24/07/2020 15 25/07/2020 00 2
16/08/2020 03 18/08/2020 03 3 16/08/2020 03 18/08/2020 03 3
56 Jalaka Mathani Road Bridge Odisha
19/08/2020 08 31/08/2020 09 13 19/08/2020 08 31/08/2020 09 13
02/09/2020 14 03/09/2020 03 2 02/09/2020 14 03/09/2020 03 2
22/09/2020 04 23/09/2020 02 2 22/09/2020 04 23/09/2020 02 2
27/09/2020 11 28/09/2020 05 2 27/09/2020 11 28/09/2020 05 2
5.50 5.50 7.05 27/08/2020 02 03/10/2020 07 09/10/2020 12 7 03/10/2020 07 09/10/2020 12 7
57 Banas Abu Road Rajasthan 258.00 259.00 256.76 23/08/2020 07 - - - - - -
58 Vaigai Madurai Tamilnadu 131.50 132.50 131.29 02/10/2020 13 - - - - - -

Publication No. CWC/2021/76

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