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Be All The ManNitric Oxide

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The document discusses how nitric oxide (NO) plays a key role in cellular communication and health, and how optimizing NO levels can provide benefits such as increased energy, focus, and physical performance.

The document states that NO is important for cellular communication and that optimal cellular health is necessary for body systems to function efficiently. Low NO can lead to declining physical and mental health.

The document mentions benefits such as increased energy, focus, motivation, physical performance, and recovery from exercise. It also suggests NO may help prevent conditions like diabetes and support cardiovascular and brain health.

Be All the Man

You Can Be
Discover the Secret of Optimum Cellular
Health and Maximum Male Vitality
Your Cellular Health
Handbook and
Definitive Guide to:
Nitric Oxide Assessment
and Supplementation
Lasting Solutions for
ED and Cardiovascular
NO and Improved
Athletic Performance

0| Be All the Man You Can Be with NO by Richard Cohen, M.D.

Hold Harmless Notice

The assessments and interpretations obtained through this program are intended only for
informational purposes as a hormonal health and/or general wellness screen. As such, any
results and interpretations are NOT intended for diagnosis, mitigation, treatment or prevention of
any disease. And because this is a wellness screen and not a medical service, the user
understands that he is fully responsible for all related costs and there is no insurance
The assessments obtained through this program are not a medical test kits or device. They are
only collection materials for assessments which will be performed by an independent clinical
laboratory. All responsibility for the sample and the lab evaluation is the lab itself.
We are not responsible for providing a diagnosis or recommending treatment for any results.
Since results outside of the normal hormonal reference range may indicate a condition that
requires medical attention, it is the users personal decision whether to pursue additional testing
or medical advice.
The information in this program is my own intellectual, private property. The viewer may for
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The user of this program assumes all risks of injury that may result, and do hereby hold
harmless and release, acquit, and forever discharge Richard Cohen, M.D., Palladium Health
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1| Be All the Man You Can Be with NO by Richard Cohen, M.D.

The Power of Cellular Health

How would you like to experience true VITALITY?
And I dont just mean sexual vitality. I mean the boundless energy to do ALL the things you
want to do. I mean the unlimited ability to act spontaneously, stay focused, motivated, and alert;
to enjoy peak physical performance and quicker, more complete recovery.
While these benefits sound strikingly similar to those that come from achieving and maintaining
a high, balanced level of testosterone, theres another piece to the male performance puzzle
that most menand their doctorsmiss.

That missing piece is optimum CELLULAR HEALTH.

Deep inside your body, there are trillions of
different cells carrying out more than 200
specialized functions. And in order for the
systems of your body to work efficiently, these
cells must be able to communicate with each
other well. If your cellular health is poor, your
physical (and mental) systems will decline
regardless of how high your testosterone level is.
Testosterone is an important hormone, but hormones are simply messengers that tell your cells
what to do. The beneficial effects you experience from testosterone are dependent upon the
health of your cells. And the health of your cells is dependent upon how well their basic,
biological needs are being met.

1. Your cells need support. Because they are constantly dividing and growing, your cells
need a steady supply of raw materials to work with. Just as you could not build a strong house
without adequate amounts of wood, concrete, and nails, you cannot build a healthy cell without
adequate amounts of essential amino and fatty acids, which must be derived from cholesterol
and saturated fats. Thats rightthe RIGHT kinds of fat are actually GOOD for you! Without
sufficient amounts of these critical building blocks, your cells will be weak, function poorly, and
make mistakes when attempting to communicate with each other.

2. Your cells need to be nourished with a wide spectrum of nutrients including vitamins
and minerals. If these are deficient, the functional capacity of each individual cell will suffer.
Just as you cannot fuel a car with water, you cannot fuel your cell with nutritionally-deficient

3. Your cells need to eliminate waste. The human body is approximately 70% water,
which is used as a transport mechanism by each and every cell. Drinking an adequate amount
of pure, clean water is essential as it will allow your cells to rid themselves of metabolic waste.

2| Be All the Man You Can Be with NO by Richard Cohen, M.D.

4. Your cells need to be protected. In order to protect themselves from the damaging
effects of free radical activity (the inevitable end result of any metabolic process), your cells
need antioxidants. If left unchecked and unaddressed, excessive free radical activity will result
in reduced cellular energy and pre-mature aging.

5. Your cells need to be kept clean. You wouldnt walk into your house wearing a pair of
shoes coated in mud or toxic waste, but many of us dont think twice about exposing our bodies
(and our cells) to toxins. While we all know that chemicals, metals, radiation, and medications
can be harmful to the body, its easy to forget that the toxic load we carry can include excessive
physical and mental stress; and a variety of commonly-ingested substances we mistakenly call
foodartificial sweeteners, chemical additives, processed fats, hybridized grains, refined
sugars, and genetically modified foods such as soy, corn, and canola.

6. Your cells need to be properly fueled. Even if everything else is in your physiological
house is in order, your cells must have the necessary energy to carry out their tasks. Their most
basic source of energy is oxygen. You can live without water for a week and without food for
more than a month, but you cannot live without oxygen for more than 15 minutes.

And this is where the big picture story of optimal cellular and maximum male
health both beginwith oxygen and a simple, yet relatively secret, gas molecule called Nitric
Oxide (NO). Nitric Oxide is the key player responsible for
delivering oxygen-rich blood to every cell, tissue, and organ
system in your body.
As you read on, you will discover how this male vitality secret
can greatly increase your health and performance by directing
more oxygen to every cell in your body.

Just a few of the functional benefits of NO supplementation include:

Better circulation
Improved lung capacity
A stronger, more powerful heart
More energy and greater endurance
Improved mental capacity
More youthful, on-demand sexual function.

3| Be All the Man You Can Be with NO by Richard Cohen, M.D.

Nitric Oxide: The Miracle of Life

In the 1970s, medical researchers made a Nobel Prize winning
discovery: the existence of a short-lived gas called Nitric Oxide (NO) that
acts as a powerful, messenger molecule inside the body. Because NO
diffuses rapidly across cellular membranes, it is involved in virtually all
physiological (and pathological) processes in the body. Learn more about
the 1998 Nobel Prize award here.
The idea that a short-lived gas (50% of NO disappears less than a
second after its released) plays such a pivotal role in virtually every
physiological function took the scientific community by surprise. And the realization that such a
molecule is being produced within our bodies, acting as a cell to cell communication agent, has
revolutionized scientific and medical reasoning.
Now, almost 15 years after the Nobel Prize award and more than 120,000 scientific papers
later, we are finally beginning to appreciate the foundational role NO plays in both health and
diseaseand the critical importance of having enough of this vital compound in your body.

The effects of Nitric Oxide are fleeting but powerful.

When created and released, this gas quickly and easily penetrates nearby membranes and
cells, initiating its myriad signals. Most notably, it relaxes the smooth muscle lining of the blood
vessels, promoting better blood flow (and therefore more oxygen) to the cells.
It also acts as powerful antioxidant by neutralizing the free radical superoxide and promoting the
formation of glutathione, a critical antioxidant. It facilitates the transmission of messages
between nerve cells contributing to improved memory and learning capacities, better sleep, and
a more positive mood. It supports the immune system by helping the body fight off infections
and the potential development of cancer cells.
And as bodybuilders have known for years, it contributes directly to glucose uptake, muscle
velocity, power output, gene expression, and muscle growth.

4| Be All the Man You Can Be with NO by Richard Cohen, M.D.

The Famous Three

NO was first discovered by Dr. Robert Furchgott in 1980 as a substance produced by the cells
lining our blood vessels, or endothelial cells, that allows our arteries to vasodialate (relax and
open). He first described the substance as an endothelium derived relaxing factor or EDRF.
Dr. Louis Ignarro later discovered that EDRF was actually a gas moleculeNitric Oxide. Doing
further research, Dr. Ferid Murad confirmed that the life-saving heart medication Nitroglycerin
actually works through the release of NO.

Nitroglycerin relieves chest pain via Nitric Oxide

In atherosclerosis, plaques that form
reduce blood flow in the arteries. This
reduced blood flow decreases oxygen
supply to the heart muscle causing chest
pain. For more than a century, we have
known that Nitroglycerine reduces this pain
by dilating the vessels and increasing
blood flow.
With the discovery of NO came the
knowledge that Nitroglycerin acts as Nitric
Oxide donor, causing the affected blood
vessels to dilate in nanoseconds.

5| Be All the Man You Can Be with NO by Richard Cohen, M.D.

Nitric Oxide: The Key to Unlocking Your Personal

Health Potential
Take control of your health and wellbeing. Assess and optimize your Nitric
Oxide level!
Nitric Oxide plays a vital role in the functional
health of virtually every cell, tissue, and organ
system in the human body. And because of this,
diminished NO levels will lead to a wide variety of
physical, mental, and sexual problems.
Its most powerful effects are on protecting and
strengthening your heart and vascular system.

To protect yourself from heart disease,

you need more Nitric Oxide. NO will:
Reduce and prevent high blood pressure
Keep your arteries young and flexible
Prevent or reverse artery-clogging plaque
Stop the formation of artery-clogging blood clots
Reduce internal inflammation

But the benefits of NO dont stop there. This life-enhancing substance will:
Improve penile erections and enhance both male and female sexual sensitivity
Reduce the risk of diabetes and diabetic complications.
Promote a healthy immune system as it attacks and kills unwanted bacteria
Improve your digestion
Limit the swelling and pain of arthritis
Calm the inflammation of asthma
Enhance wound healing
Protect your bones from osteoporosis
Allow for an easier adaption to low oxygen at high altitudes
Limit skin damage from over exposure to the sun
Promote deeper, more restful sleep
Improve your mood and memory
Act as a powerful antioxidant regenerator.

6| Be All the Man You Can Be with NO by Richard Cohen, M.D.

Nitric Oxide: The Proven Performance Edge

Increased NO levels have been scientifically shown to
enhance athletic performance and enduranceeven
among athletes who were already fit and healthy.
This makes sense given that Nitric Oxide contributes
directly to blood flow, oxygen delivery, glucose uptake,
muscle velocity, power output, and muscle growth; its
really only logical that increased NO levels will enhance
an athletes overall performance.

Studies on foods rich in nitrates (especially red beets and kale), which enable NO
production, have shown that Nitric Oxide can increase an athletes endurance
capacity by at least 16%. (Murphy M, et al. J Acad Nutr Diet. 2012;4:548-52)
Other studies have shown that the use of NO-enhancing supplements have
reduced the oxygen cost of moderate-intensity exercise and extended athletes
time to exhaustion during high-intensity exercise. (Bailey SJ, et al. J Appl Physiol.

Increases in Nitric Oxide also explain, at least in part, the

benefits in performance seen by endurance athletes living
and training in high altitudes.
Your Nitric Oxide level will increase in low oxygen content
locations in order to improve oxygen delivery to your cells. This
natural, physiological response is the reason why Tibetans
living at high altitudes have ten times the amount of NO in their
blood compared to those living at sea level.

7| Be All the Man You Can Be with NO by Richard Cohen, M.D.

Nitric Oxide: Production Pathways

Our bodies continuously produce NO from specific amino acids, oxygen, vitamins, various
enzymes, and certain foods. Although Nitric Oxide is manufactured by many cells in the body,
the greatest area of its production occurs in the single layer of cells lining your blood vessels
(the endothelium) and from the conversion of the nitrates found in certain foods.

There are two primary pathways the human body uses to produce NO.
In the classical eNOS pathway, NO is produced from
L-arginine (an amino acid) found in the healthy
endothelium (the tissue that forms a single layer of cells
lining various organs and cavities of the body) under the
direction of an enzyme called endothelial Nitric Oxide
Synthetase (eNOS).
Production of NO in the eNOS pathway declines with age,
and when the endothelial lining becomes damaged due to
cardiovascular disease. Moderate physical activity, regular
exposure to sunlight (or vitamin D3 support), antioxidants,
and an anti-inflammatory diet rich in omega 3 fats can be
very powerful in protecting the endothelium and raising
NO production. In addition, in many men, supplementation with an L-Arginine Cocktail
(described later) will also raise NO levels.
A second, more recently-discovered nitrate-NO pathway operates independently from eNOS.
This production pathway relies on the health bacteria in your mouth to convert the naturallypresent nitrates found in certain foods to Nitric Oxide. This pathway is now known to produce
the majority of NO found in the body. The nitrate-NO pathway confirms the importance of eating
foods rich in nitratesdark green vegetables, red beets, berries, wine, and dark or raw
Production of Nitric Oxide in the nitrate-NO pathway will decline for a number of reasons,
including poor oral and stomach health. In addition to improving your oral and gastro-intestinal
health, the consumption of vegetables rich in nitrates such as kale, chard, spinach, and arugula
and in polyphenol-rich foods such as red beets, pomegranates, blueberries, grapes, and
chocolate will help support this pathway. Supplementation with a natural, nitrate-rich NO
lozenge can also greatly enhance the conversion of nitrates to NO.

8| Be All the Man You Can Be with NO by Richard Cohen, M.D.

The Nitrogen Cycles

Nitrogen is used in many ways by life on our planet. In order for the nitrogen cycle to work
properly, both the Earth and its inhabitants convert nitrogen into many different organic forms
that are then used and recycled on a continuous and repetitive basis.

The Environmental Nitrogen Cycle

Our atmosphere consists of over 75%
nitrogen gas (primarily N2). It is this gaseous
nitrogen that serves as the precious
resource all life on Earth depends upon.
Through a multi-step process that involves
precipitation, lightening, solid waste, and soil
bacteria, nitrogen is naturally recycled into
formats that plants can use and incorporate
into their own, living matter. It is this form of
nitrogen that fuels the NO production

The Human Nitrogen Cycle

Through a multi-step process that involves
healthy bacteria in your mouth, salivary
glands, stomach acid, and gastrointestinal
absorption, dietary nitrates from plants are
first converted to nitrites, then to NO which
directly supports all cellular health and
This short-lived gas (which is produced either
from dietary nitrates or from L-arginine in the
cell lining) is physiologically converted back
to nitrate, which either re-enters the
circulatory system or is excreted in the urine.

9| Be All the Man You Can Be with NO by Richard Cohen, M.D.

Nitric Oxide Production: Age is the Enemy

Do you frequently feel fatigued? Find yourself falling asleep in the afternoon? Losing your car
keys or your interest in sex? Do you want to have a stronger, more resilient immune system?
Are you concerned about the health of your heart, blood pressure, or blood sugar?
Then you are probably getting olderboth chronologically and biologically. And the older
you are, the more difficult it becomes for your body to produce adequate amounts of NO.
An adequate amount of oxygen is an essential requirement for optimum physiological health;
powered by Nitric Oxide, your arteries are responsible for transporting it. When you are young,
your body produces large amounts of NO in the endothelial lining of your internal organs which
keep your arteries supple and expandable (to accommodate variable blood flow requirements).
While NO levels decline for a variety of reasons including endothelial damage, a lack of dietary
nitrates, low stomach acid, imbalanced mouth bacteria, insufficient physical activity, and
excessive physical and mental stress, the greatest threat to your NO level is your age. As your
NO production begins to decline after the age of 40, your cardiovascular health and health risks
exponentially increase.

The aging process interferes with the bodys

ability to make enough Nitric Oxide.
By the age 40, your body will produce half the NO it did at
the age of 20. By the time you reach 70, it will be capable
of producing only 25% of the Nitric Oxide it needs. That
means your NO level will be at its lowest right when you
need it the most!

Reduction in blood flow and nitrate levels in younger

versus older athletes, after the same exercise stimulus.
The amount of nitrite found in your body following physical
exercise is a reliable predictor of your overall fitness capacity.
With age, the amount of NO your body can generate after exercise
is reduced. This is why older athletes lose their responsiveness to
training; they have to work harder in order to derive the same
training-related benefits.

10| Be All the Man You Can Be with NO by Richard Cohen, M.D.

Nitric Oxide and Cardiovascular Health

Over the past two decades, it has become evident that decreased levels of bioavailable,
endothelial NO (produced from endothelial NO synthase or eNOS) play a large role in the
development and progression of atherosclerosis. Medical science now recognizes that the
dysfunctional eNOS pathway as one of the most important cellular imbalances and a powerful
indicator of future cardiovascular disease and many other health disorders.

Endothelial dysfunction is a disruption of the

normal biochemical processes carried out by the
endotheliumthe cells that line the inner
surface of the bodys internal organs including
the heart, arteries, and veins.

Experimental and clinical studies provide evidence that endothelial dysfunction is linked
to every major cardiovascular risk factor. It is now considered a reliable predictor of
both atherosclerotic disease and its progression. (Schachinger, Britten et al. 2000; Halcox,
Schenke et al. 2002; Bugiardini, Manfrini et al. 2004; Lerman and Zeiher 2005)
Loss of NO-related endothelial function is associated with a number of cardiovascular
disorders including atherosclerosis, resulting from decreased NO production and/or
utilization. (Davignon and Ganz 2004)

NO Concentrations and Endothelial dysfunction:

The average plasma nitrate and subsequent NO
response is directly related to conventional, vascular
disease risk factors including high lipid levels, high
blood pressure, and age.

11| Be All the Man You Can Be with NO by Richard Cohen, M.D.

Optimizing your NO level will protect your endothelial lining and dramatically
reduce your risk of cardiovascular disease.
While there are many factors that contribute to the onset of cardiovascular disease, the health of
your entire vascular system depends upon healthy endothelial function and an adequate NO
supply. Nitric oxide deficiency will lead to reduced blood flow and tissue oxygenation and lead
to increased inflammation and free radical activity which will injure the cells, damage the
endothelium and further reduce Nitric Oxide production.

Over time, the effects of internal

inflammation (caused by stress and poor
dietary and lifestyle choices) injure the inner,
arterial walls. This damage is the underlying
cause of atherosclerosis.
Despite what you might have read or been
told, cholesterol is only an innocent bystander; it does not cause heart disease.

If your approach to cardiovascular health has been cholesterol-centered and

does not address your endothelial health and Nitric Oxide status, you will lose the
Instead, you must adopt an anti-inflammatory dietprimarily, grass-fed meats, fresh
vegetables, and HEALTHY FATS including those that come from wild fish, olive, coconut,
avocado, and grass-fed dairy products. You must also reduce or eliminate your intake of most
grains, processed sugars and fats; make more positive lifestyle and fitness choices; and
supplement your diet with food-based micronutrients and antioxidants. Finally, you must
optimize your NO, vitamin D3 and omega 3 fatty acid levels.

12| Be All the Man You Can Be with NO by Richard Cohen, M.D.

Nitric Oxide and Sexual Health

Erections are naturally triggered by the bodys release of NO.
When you are sexually stimulated, Nitric Oxide is produced in the
penis to signal the blood vessels in the corpus cavernosum to dilate
in order to accommodate an increase in blood flow. It is this
increased blood flow that causes engorgement and a sustained
erection. Without sufficient NO production, there is poor circulation
which results in either no erection or a poor erection that cannot be
sustained. The same applies to women. Without proper blood flow
to the clitoris, women cannot have orgasms or experience
enhanced sexual sensitivity.

You need both testosterone and NO.

As men and women age, their sexual performance and enjoyment often suffers. It is important
to understand that it is only through the combination of testosterone and NO signaling working
together that the natural vasodilation required for erections and sexual sensitivity will occur.
So if your eNOS and/or nitrate-NO pathways are impaired, even if you have adequate hormonal
and dopamine triggers, you will not have a strong erectile response. On the other hand, you can
still have a good erectile response, even if your testosterone levels are declined if your NO
pathways are healthy.
Note: Your testosterone and dopamine levels (the brain chemical responsible for drive and
passion) will be at the highest upon waking, which is what causes your morning erections. Both
testosterone and dopamine influence the release of Nitric Oxide.

New research shows that, for many men, erectile dysfunction (ED) is an early
warning sign of cardiovascular disease (CVD), cancer, Alzheimers disease,
diabetes, and other chronic illnesses.
Over 50% of those who suffer a heart attack have no
traditional risk factors for heart disease. Quite often, their first
sign of heart disease is a heart attack!
If you are suffering from ED, be forewarned: Sexual
dysfunction is linked to an NO insufficiency, which
contributes to the onset of heart disease. In a 10-year study,
men who had ED at the beginning of the study were 80
percent more likely to develop CVD by its end.

13| Be All the Man You Can Be with NO by Richard Cohen, M.D.

The Age of Viagra

ED drugs such as Viagra, Levitra, and Cialis capitalize on NO function to increase
blood flow and enhance erections in men and sexual responsiveness in women.
Interestingly, Viagra was initially designed to be a heart medication. But instead of having its
strongest effect on the heart, researchers discovered that it
improved blood flow more dramatically in other areas of the body.
Viagra and other ED drugs improve blood flow by binding to an
enzyme called PDE-5 that is involved in the breakdown of NO in
the body. By blocking this enzyme, NO is metabolized much less
rapidly, causing its levels to accumulate more slowlyeven when
Nitric Oxide production is low do to an unhealthy endothelium.
As with any medication that functions by inhibiting an intricate natural function in the body, the
PDE-5 inhibitors are ineffective for some and can create serious problems for others.
Lets look at why PDE-5 inhibitors are NOT your long-term solution to Erectile Dysfunction:
1. They are ineffective in many people whose NO levels are too low.
2. Their effects diminish over time; they become ineffective for over 50% of all users after
three years.
3. There are a number of side effects associated with their use. These can range from
minor (light-headed, headaches, and back pain) to troublesome (chest pain, vision, and hearing
problems) to dangerous (increased risk of heart attacks and blood clots). Too much NO is the
main cause of these side effects! Excessive Nitric Oxide is converted into a free radical called
peroxynitrate, which causes circulatory and other systemic damage.
4. They are a temporary band-aid that does nothing to improve NO production and/or blood

A better solution to sexual dysfunction is the restoration of

healthful Nitric Oxide production. By taking the proper
steps, your endothelial cells can naturally and consistently
produce more NO!

14| Be All the Man You Can Be with NO by Richard Cohen, M.D.

Are your NO Levels Low?

Take inventory of your current health status.
If you answer yes to two or more of the questions below, your NO levels are probably less
than optimal.
Are you over the age of 40?
Do you eat very few green vegetables and/or red beets?
Do you lead a sedentary lifestyle?
Do you suffer from erectile dysfunction?
Are your testosterone levels low?
Do you have circulation problems and/or fluid retention issues?
Do you suffer from heart disease or high-blood pressure?
Are you hypoglycemic, diabetic, or pre-diabetic?
Do you suffer from memory lapses and/or mild cognition disorders?
Do you suffer from internal inflammation, abnormally high CRP, or an autoimmune dysfunction?
Do you suffer from frequent infections, viral, fungal, or bacterial?
Do you suffer from hair loss?
Have you been diagnosed with asthma, bronchitis, or a lung disease?
Do you have any kidney problems?

Find out for sure: Assess your Nitric Oxide level!

Until very recently, there was no way to easily assess your
NO level. Testing required costly blood work or a
complicated procedure called Flow Mediated Dilation,
which indirectly predicted NO levels by measuring the rate
of blood flow in the arm after the application of pressure.

Fortunately, recent advances in laboratory testing technology now

make it possible for you to easily measure and regularly monitor
your NO levels in the comfort and convenience of your own home
with nothing but a simple test strip and a drop of saliva.

15| Be All the Man You Can Be with NO by Richard Cohen, M.D.

Assessing your Salivary Nitric Oxide

Despite its deceptive simplicity, a salivary assessment is a powerful tool that will allow you to
measure and monitor how your NO level change with your diet, lifestyle, training, stress, and the
use of supportive supplements. By assessing your NO level the first thing in the morning, after
consuming nitrate-rich foods and/or taking supportive supplements, Nitric Oxide assessment
strips can be used to quantify your bodys ability to produce and maintain an optimal amount of
Important: While it is helpful to maintain an awareness of any improvements in your NO-related
symptoms, the salivary test strips should be the objective foundation for determining
improvements in your NO level.

How do the NO strips work?

The reagent on the strip will react with the nitrates present in
your saliva and change color based on its amount. This change
is a very good indicator of your bodys Nitric Oxide supply,
derived from both the eNOS pathway (that which is created by
the endothelium by NOS) and nitrate-NO pathway (that which
comes from your dietary intake of nitrate rich foods).

The NO assessment strips are easy to use.

Simply place a drop of saliva on the end of the strip and compare the resulting color to the chart
on the package. If the strip turns dark pink, your NO levels are strong. If the test strip only turns
a pale pink or is entirely without color, you need more Nitric Oxide.
You should initially assess your NO level at least twice a week (the first thing in the morning) so
that you will be able to note how fluctuations or definitive changes in your activity, lifestyle,
and/or diet affect your results. Once a consistently-optimal Nitric Oxide level is achieved, you
can assess your saliva every one to two weeks.

16| Be All the Man You Can Be with NO by Richard Cohen, M.D.

Problems with your Nitric Oxide Pathways

As you have learned, a low NO assessment
reading indicates a deficiency in your Nitric
Oxide level. But it does not tell you whether
the problem is caused by a faulty eNOS
pathway problem, a nitrate-NO problem, or
Fortunately, by using some simple deduction
and an assessment, you can determine
where your problem lies.

eNOS problems: If you answered yes to a number of the questions on the NO health status
(especially if you have cardiovascular, diabetes, high blood pressure, erectile or cognitive
problems and/or are over 40 year old), you can be certain thatat a minimumyour eNOS
pathway is not very productive.

Nitrate-NO problems: If you are under the age of 40 and have NO-related or GI issues, you
almost certainly have a nitrate-NO problem.

You can use these two simple challenges to assess your nitrate-NO pathway.
If your nitrate-NO pathway is strong and healthy, you should see a significant darkening of color
on the NO test strip. If it does not increase, then you most likely have a nitrate-NO pathway
disturbance. On the next page, we will discuss the most common causes of this problem.
1: Assess your NO level and then eat a meal of roasted beets and a kale salad with
pomegranates. Wait 90 minutes, then re-assess your NO level. Do not drink for at least 30
minutes prior to performing this challenge.
2: Wake up in the morning and assess your NO level. Then drink 16 ounces of beet juice. Reassess your NO level again after waiting 90 minutes. Do not drink for at least 30 minutes prior to
this challenge.

17| Be All the Man You Can Be with NO by Richard Cohen, M.D.

Nitrate-NO Pathway Problems

As you now know, the nitrate-NO pathway produces the largest amount of NO found in your
body. As such, a healthy nitrate-NO pathway is critical for optimal cellular health and functional,
physical performance.
Even if you are satisfied with your current
levels of health and fitness, and your
endothelium is producing adequate amounts
of Nitric Oxide, a low NO test strip result
confirms that the nitrate-NOS pathway has
been compromised due to an oral bacteria
deficiency and/or a gastrointestinal imbalance.
This low reading should be taken as an early
warning sign of an ineffective nitrate-NO
pathway that will eventually result in
inadequate NO reserves and subsequent health problems.
Note: This problem is particularly common among endurance athletes.

There are seven main causes of nitrate-NO pathway defect:

1. Your diet is lacking in the nitrate-rich foods that fuel the nitrate-NO pathway.
2. Your levels of beneficial, oral bacteria are too low.
3. Your saliva levels are deficient.
4. Your stomach acid levels are low, or you have a bacterial infection of H-Pylori.
5. Your gut lining is unhealthy and interfering with your bodys ability to absorb nitrates.
6. You suffer from high levels of oxidative stress and/or free radical activity.
7. Your body is struggling to recycle its eNOS-produced Nitric Oxide back into the saliva.

Doctors have known for a decade that people with periodontal

diseases, oral bacterial imbalances, and H-pylori infections
carry a much greater risk of cardiovascular disease. With the
new knowledge of the nitrate-NO pathway, we now understand
the seemingly-unrelated connection.

18| Be All the Man You Can Be with NO by Richard Cohen, M.D.

Nitric Oxide Restoration Strategies

Your male health and vitality require an adequate supply of NO. By using a
combination of strategies to optimize both the eNOS and nitrate-NO pathways, you can enjoy a
youthful level of NO and all the benefits it providesgreater energy, improved athletic
performance, increased endurance, a more enjoyable sex life, and a drastically-reduced risk of
heart disease.

Implement and adhere to the necessary lifestyle and dietary modifications. In

short, you must identify and eliminate any nitrate-NO roadblocks, regularly eat foods that are
rich in NO-producing nitrates and nitrites (red beets and leafy greens), and adopt both a lifestyle
and supplement regimen that will reduce the endothelial-damaging effects of internal
You must also take steps to eliminate the consumption of inflammatory foods such as
processed seed and vegetable oils, sugars and grains (especially wheat); adopt an NOenhancing exercise regimen; and make lifestyle choices that preserve and promote the
production of Nitric Oxide. That means getting enough sleep, minimizing your exposure to
physical and emotional stress, and supporting your cells with supplemental amounts of
micronutrients, antioxidants, vitamin D3 and omega 3 fatty acids.

Have patience. While you should begin to notice immediate benefits in health and
performance from the short-term elevation of your NO levels, the more long-term gains
associated with the complete, systemic restoration of NO (that takes place throughout your body
in the endothelial lining) can often take six to twelve months to achieve.
A more detailed overview of both the eNOS and Nitrate-NO pathways have been outlined
below. It is important to note that BOTH are necessary and work IN CONJUNCTION to promote
optimum cellular health and maximum male vitality.

Nitrate-NO Restorative Strategies

Restore your oral and gastrointestinal health.
Low NO readings, especially among those who are under
the age of 40, are an indicator of poor oral and
gastrointestinal health. In addition to taking basic steps
toward improving your overall cellular health, there are
some specific strategies that you can implement right
away to restore your oral and gastrointestinal health
and improve the productivity of your nitrate-NO pathway:

19| Be All the Man You Can Be with NO by Richard Cohen, M.D.

Avoid the use of antiseptic mouthwashes and antibiotics.

Use good oral hygiene with regular water flossing; clean your teeth with baking soda.

Use the ancient art of oil pulling to eliminate unhealthy oral bacteria.

Stay hydrated to optimize your saliva levels. Drink enough filtered water daily so that
your urine is light yellow. Find alternatives to medications that cause reduced saliva flow.

Use a highly-effective probiotic supplement such as ProbioMax DF (which offers four,

healthy bacterial strains including the extensively-studied HN019 of Bifidobacterium
Lactis) or Sustenex (which contains the highly-effective Ganeden Bc30 strain).

Eat fermented foods such as sauerkraut, kimchi, kefir, and kombucha every day.

Eliminate the use of antacids and proton-pump inhibiting medications such as Pepcid.
Instead, use natural formulas that contain digestive enzymes and Betaine HCL. Commit
to completely eliminating processed sugars, grains, and dairy from your diet for at least
30 days.

If problems persist, assess your GI health for the bacteria H-pylori, gluten sensitivity,
and/or malabsorption due to a leaky gut. These assessments are available through
specialty labs. They include Metametrixs GI Effects Panel and BioHealth Labs
Intestinal Barrier Function and Secretory IgA/Gliadin IgA Screens.

Eat five to seven servings of nitrate-rich vegetables daily. Foods rich in dietary nitrate
are converted into NO in your body. Make sure to chew your food well and consume liquids
slowly in order to keep them in your mouth where healthy, naturally-occurring bacteria will
activate the NO production process.
The foods highest in nitrate include beet roots and leafy greens such kale,
arugula, chard, and spinach. Others are parsley, Chinese cabbage, leeks,
celery, radishes, and turnips. In order to increase your intake of these
nitrate-rich vegetables, you can make vegetable juices, add steamed or
roasted beets to a blended protein drink, or simply add a powdered fruit and
vegetable concentrate to your daily supplement routine.

Eat foods that are rich in polyphenols. Foods rich in polyphenols and flavonoids activate
the endothelial cells in your arteries to produce more NO. These foods include red wine, dark
chocolate, berries, cherries, and pomegranates.

Eat fresh foods that are rich in vitamins C and E. Foods rich in naturally-occurring
vitamin C and E can help preserve and maintain your NO level. These include citrus fruits,
broccoli, blueberries, sunflower seeds, almonds, tomatoes, and green, leafy vegetables.

20| Be All the Man You Can Be with NO by Richard Cohen, M.D.

e-NOS Restorative Strategies

Get 20-30 minutes of some form of exercise daily. Exercise boosts Nitric Oxide levels
by increasing NO synthase. A high-intensity, low-duration workout is an easy way to get NO
flowing throughout your blood stream. Many high-intensity interval training programs require
just 10-20 minutes of activity per day.
But keep in mind that exercising regularly at a moderate level of intensely for more than 45
minutes will reduce your bodys NO level. In longer, sustained endurance activities, Nitric Oxide
becomes depleted because it is used to dilate the arteries and support tissue oxygenation.

Get adequate rest and recovery. Dont overlook the powerful, restorative effects of getting
eight hours of sleep at night for healthy NO production and maintenance.
Take time out for yourself each day. Listen to calming music, watch
a comedy show, read a book, go for a walk, play. If youre spiritual,
dedicate a portion of each day to practicing your faith. Just five to
ten minutes of silence a day can make you significantly more stress

Optimize your omega 3 to omega 6 ratio. Eat plenty of omega 3 essential fatty acids
(found in wild, cold-water fish; grass-fed meats; macadamia nuts, pumpkin, hemp, and chia
seeds) on a regular basis. Strictly avoid the inflammatory omega-6 fats found in soy, corn,
safflower, canola, and sesame oils; and the artificial trans-fats found in margarines and other
processed foods.

Get at least 20 minutes of exposure to sunlight three to four times weekly.

Sunlight also triggers production in the skin of vitamin D3, a key nutrient in the body which in
turn stimulates eNOS and reduces cellular inflammation. It is important to assess your vitamin
D3 level and supplement your diet accordingly in order to achieve a serum level of 45 to
60ng/dl. Because full-body sun exposure is often impractical due to time limitations and
weather conditions, the use of a high-quality vitamin D3 supplement will be a necessity for at
least a portion of the year.

Optimize your testosterone level. An adequate supply of testosterone

will help to support your bodys NO production capacity. If you have not
already read the Be All the Man You Can Be Testosterone program, put it
at the top of your to do list. This e-book will provide you with additional
information on how to improve your cellular and hormonal healthboth of
which are necessary for strong NO production and utilization.

21| Be All the Man You Can Be with NO by Richard Cohen, M.D.

The Hidden Power of Beets

Numerous research studies have proven that beet roots (red beets) are one of the best natural
sources of NO support. In fact, the blood-red elixir of the beet was the hottest thing during the
2012 London Summer Olympics among athletes seeking an all-natural and perfectly-legal
performance boost.

Red beets improve blood flow to the brain.

Wake Forest University scientists not only proved that beets boosted NO, they documented
significant and positive changes in the brains of their juice-drinking subjects.
After drinking a serving of beet juice in the morning, the
researchers took blood samples and MRIs of their study
participants brains. They compared these results to those from a
control group that did not drink any beet juice. The blood samples
taken from beet juice drinkers were significantly higher in Nitric
Oxide. And the MRI results showed that the brains of juice
drinkers were being supplied with a healthy, generous supply of
blood. Moreover, the specific areas of the brain most affected
were those associated with poor (age-related) cognition.

Red beets improve athletic performance in fit men and women.

In a double-blind, placebo-controlled study, 11 fit men and women were evaluated during two
5K treadmill time trials. 75 minutes prior to one trial, the subjects ingested 200 grams of roasted
beet root with 500mg of nitrate. Prior to another trial, the subjects ingested cranberry relish as a
The investigators noted the mean running velocity during the 5K run to be faster after beet root
consumption as compared to the placebo. During the last 1.1 miles of the timed trial, running
velocity was five percent faster in the beet root trial with no change in velocity seen during the
earlier portion of the trial. Subject feedback at 1.8K into the beet root trial also indicated a lower
perceived rate of exertion as compared to the placebo.

Red beets improve adaptation to altitude.

If youre planning a trip to a high altitude location, then it would be wise to consider upping your
Nitric Oxide level. Studies prove that the consumption of red beets can ease the transition from
low to high altitudes, preventing respiratory problems by improving lung function.

22| Be All the Man You Can Be with NO by Richard Cohen, M.D.

Supplements that Boost Cell Health and NO

The three most important supplements for a NO-supportive regimen are an organic whole-food
concentrate, an absorbable form of vitamin D3 and a high-quality, omega 3 fish oil.

A powdered, whole-food concentrate blend. If youre like most people, you simply may
not be able to eat enough nitrate and antioxidant-rich foods. Supplementing
your diet with 10 to 20 grams of a low-temperature-processed, concentrated,
whole-food powder rich in greens, beet roots, and berries can be a simple, yet
POWERFUL way to improve your cellular health. Most importantly, the use of
a micronutrient and antioxidant-rich powder will supply your body with the
nitrates it needs for stronger NO production and utilization.

A highly-absorbable form of vitamin D3: Achieving and maintaining an optimal level of

vitamin D3 is one of the most important things you can do to heighten your overall health and
well-being. Vitamin D3 is a powerful activator of cellular health that controls more than 3,000
different physiological processes. Because full-body sun exposure is often impractical due to
time limitations and weather conditions, the use of a high-quality vitamin D3 supplement will be
a necessity for at least a portion of the year.
To insure that your body is properly absorbing
a vitamin D3 supplement, you must assess
your blood level, which can now be done easily
and accurately at home. Your vitamin D3 level
should be between 50 and 60 ng/ml.

A pure, high-quality fish oil: Essential fatty acids provide the cardiovascular system with a
variety of proven benefits. Perhaps most notably, optimal and balanced
levels of omega 3 fats will reduce inflammation, which can seriously
damage the endothelial lining of your blood vessels inhibiting the
production of Nitric Oxide.
The most recent research confirms that an optimal omega 3 level will directly promote NO
production. Our in-house research confirms that most adults will need to supplement their diets
with 2400 mg of EPA/DHA from a pure fish oil source daily in order to achieve an optimal
omega 3 level.
To insure that your body is properly absorbing
your omega 3 fatty acid supplement formula,
you must assess your blood levels, which can
now be done easily and accurately at home.
Your omega 3 to omega 6 index should be
between 10 and 13%.
23| Be All the Man You Can Be with NO by Richard Cohen, M.D.

Supplements that Directly Boost NO

By following the NO restoration strategies and taking the supplements described above, many
men will be able to restore their NO to an optimal level over a three to nine month period. But if
you are over the age of 40 or would like to speed up your restorative process, you should
consider taking nutritional supplements that directly support NO production.
As we previously discussed, there are two NO pathways in the body. One utilizes the eNOS
enzyme and the amino acid L-arginine to produce NO in the endothelial lining. While the nitrateNO pathway creates NO in our mouth and stomach from nitrates found in certain foods. There
are supplement solutions that can be used to support both the eNOS and nitrate-NO pathways.

The eNOS Pathway

Most NO supplements address this pathway and feature the amino acid L-arginine as their
primary, active ingredient. L-arginine feeds the metabolic pathway in the body controlled by
eNOS to enhance the production of NO.
But L-arginine is not the complete solution. The
problem is that while L-arginine can be very effective
when used by young adults with healthy endothelial
function, its less effective for aging menand for
those whose endothelial lining is already
compromised. This is because the problems with the
eNOS pathway are not due to insufficient amounts of
L- arginine, but faulty L-arginine conversion.
Eight different pathways are needed in the endothelium to efficiently convert L-arginine to NO. If
any one of these is defective, conversion rates will suffer. In addition, because of these
conversion deficits, the use of large amounts of L-arginine (over a few grams daily) can result in
an excess of L-arginine that is NOT converted into Nitric Oxide, but into tissue-damaging free
A better answer. eNOS conversion issues can be solved by using an Arginine Cocktail which
includes a special form of L-arginine called A-AKG, the amino acid L-citrulline, Pycnogenol (pine
bark extract) and pomegranate powder. This will greatly enhance the effectiveness of L-arginine
conversion in the NOS pathway, and eliminate any associated free radical risks.

24| Be All the Man You Can Be with NO by Richard Cohen, M.D.

Your e-NOS Cocktail is Served!

Directions: Scoop out the desired amount of each ingredient and put them into a large glass.
Add at least 8 ounces of water and stir vigorously. As the ingredients begin to
blend, add the pomegranate powder or juice to taste. For best results, your NO
Cocktail should consist of about 12 ounces of liquid.
Drink the Cocktail twice daily, beginning at the lower end of the dosage range. To
insure optimal absorption, take the Cocktail on an empty stomach and wait at least 30 minutes
before eating. Take one dose upon waking and a second dose later in the afternoon or at some
point prior to bed.

Arginine alpha-ketoglutarate (A-AKG): 1 to 3 grams

While many men experience positive benefits from the use of the base form of Larginine in this cocktail, you should consider the use of a more bio-available form
called arginine alpha-ketoglutarate (A-AKG). A-AKG has been shown to be faster
acting with more extended effects and timed release results.

L-citrulline: 1 to 3 grams
Many men can increase their L-arginine levels by using its precursor, L-citrulline. Lcitulline is more easily converted and absorbed than L-arginine when taken orally. In
addition, the bodys ability to convert L-citrulline into NO actually increases with age.
Lastly, L-citrulline doesnt cause nausea, diarrhea, or digestive difficulties.

Pycnogenol (or pine bark extract): 100 to 200 milligrams

Pycnogenol is a polyphenol derived from pine bark. It acts as a powerful antioxidant
protecting the endothelial cells. It directly promotes the production of NO and
literally helps to recycle L-arginine in the body. This last effect is critical as it helps
to keep L-arginine working actively in the blood stream.

Organic pomegranate powder (optional): 1 to 2 teaspoons

Like Pycnogenol, pomegranate is a polyphenol that protects the endothelial cells.
Pomegranates are also an excellent source of nitrates that can be used in the
nitrate-NO pathway to support NO production. Pomegranate powder, mixed with a
few drops of liquid stevia or a few ounces of pomegranate juice, will also improve
the flavor and taste of your NO Cocktail.

25| Be All the Man You Can Be with NO by Richard Cohen, M.D.

The Nitrate-NO Lozenge

While the eNOS-Arginine Cocktail can be effective for many men, those over the age of 40,
those who have a likely eNOS conversion defect (as evidenced by an erectile, hormonal,
cardiovascular or cognitive problem) or those who simply want a more convenient restoration
strategy should consider the use of an NO lozenge.
Each great-tasting NO lozenge contains a rich source of beet concentrates that will dissolve
slowly in your mouth where saliva and beneficial bacteria will initiate the production of Nitric
Oxide. In fact, these lozenges have been shown to improve
the uptake of nitrates in the body by as much as 10 times!
The lozenge formula can also improve your bodys ability to
create NO from nitrates in vegetables. This means that once
your NO level becomes optimized, you will be able to reduce
your dosage over time. So while some men may require up to
two lozenges daily for the first few months, dosing can be
reduced over time to just one lozenge a few times weekly. In
addition to being a fast and convenient source of NO support,
the benefits received from the lozenges are not dependent
upon age or endothelial health.

NO lozenges are rapid-acting and very effective.

This graph compares the use of an NO lozenge to Larginine supplementation. After just 60 minutes, there is
a ten-fold increase in the amount of Nitric Oxide
produced with the lozenge as compared to that from Larginine.

NO lozenges have been shown consistently

effective at optimizing NO levels over a two
to six month period.
This graph shows the 30-day effect of the NO
lozenge on plasma nitrate levels.

26| Be All the Man You Can Be with NO by Richard Cohen, M.D.

Tracking Your Progress

Use the NO test strips twice a weekfirst thing in the morningto monitor your
After six weeks of following your chosen NO supplement, your NO test strip should show some
signs of improvement (significant darkening). If not, then increase your dose of either the NO
troche or eNOS Cocktail by 50%.
If you have noticed some improvement (some darkening of the strip), maintain your new dose
and continue to monitor your saliva NO for another six weeks, then re-evaluate. After 12 weeks,
you should be seeing some obvious improvements in your NO test strip results.

There is no magic solution.

Regardless of quickly your test strip results begin to improve, the effects and benefits of a
higher Nitric Oxide level will be greater when you also take steps to improve your bodys basic,
cellular health. If you have not done so already, adopt the previously-suggested lifestyle and
dietary strategies. You should also be supplementing your diet with 2 grams of high-quality fish
oil, 5000iu of vitamin D3, and at least 10 grams of a nitrate-rich, powdered food concentrate
each and every day.

Significant results can take 12 weeks or more.

Be patient. The exact amount of time it will take your body to respond to the lifestyle, dietary and
nutrient interventions you implement will depend on a number of factors including your age,
endothelial health, and cellular nutrient status.
Even so you should be seeing some measurable and subjective signs of improvement by this
time. If you have not seen visible progress after 12 weeks, you can consider combining the use
of an NO troche with the eNOS Arginine Cocktail and make a more concerted effort to improve
your dietary, lifestyle, and nutritional supplement strategies.
Please review the restorative strategies in this booklet as well as the Be All the Man You Can
Be Testosterone program for additional information and details.

27| Be All the Man You Can Be with NO by Richard Cohen, M.D.

Nitric Oxide Research

Since the Nobel Prize was awarded, there has been an explosion of research on Nitric Oxide
and its effect on the myriad health problems associated with aging. To date, there have been
more than a hundred thousand scientific studies published. The proven benefits of NO include
the following:
Improved Memory
Do you ever forget where you parked your car? Walk into a room and suddenly draw a blank as
to why you're there? Forget someone's name right after youve met them? Or worse, run into
an old friend and stammer as you try to remember his or her name? Well, here's some good
news! Studies show that Nitric Oxide improves memory, slow response, and confused thinking
in three ways:
1. It helps store memories as they are being created.
2. It helps retrieve memories at a later date.
3. It helps brain cells send and receive signals more quickly and efficiently.
Indeed, the brain-boosting effects of NO have been proven in before and after MRIs of the
brain. Researchers at Wake Forest University studied volunteers over the age of 70, modifying
their normal diets to include daily servings of beet juice and high-nitrate vegetables. The
subjects were found to have increased blood flow to their brains, potentially protecting them
against the harmful effects of dementia.
Better Bone Health
In a study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, it was shown that NO
helps build strong bones. In the study, one group of women used a supplement to increase their
NO levels. Another group took a placebo. At the end of the study, researchers compared before
and after scans, which measured changes in bone density. They found that the women who
boosted their NO increased their bone density significantly. In comparison, the women who took
the placebo actually lost bone density in their hips.
The Alleviation of Sleep Apnea
In Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA), youre aroused to semi-consciousness repeatedly during the
night because sagging soft tissue at the back of the throat plugs your airway. Sleep Apnea
afflicts an estimated 30 million Americans; many of them overweight men. And it dramatically
increases the risk for heart disease and stroke. French researchers studied 62 people with OSA
and found that many had reduced NO production and impaired endothelial function. They
theorized that low NO might be the cause of the arterial disease so common in people with

28| Be All the Man You Can Be with NO by Richard Cohen, M.D.

More Restful Sleep

Sleep quality declines with age. Studies show that more than 50 percent of all adults over the
age of 60 having difficulty sleeping at least a few nights a week. Studies show that NO levels do
not increase in the brain as we age thereby impairing the mechanism through which NO induces
Reduced Arthritic Pain
In a study published by the Clinical Journal of Pain, researchers from the physical therapy
program at the University of Colorado at Denver found that NO is a key factor in the reduction of
arthritis pain. They hypothesized that NO is decreased in joints stressed by chronic, loadinduced stress (such as knee arthritis in people who are overweight) and biochemical changeinduced stress (such as the oxidative damage in bones caused by diets high in saturated fat
and low in antioxidant-rich vegetables and fruits). Based on the fact that NO is decreased in
arthritis, the researchers speculated that NO-based interventions may produce substantial pain
relief by increasing circulation, decreasing nerve irritation, and decreasing inflammation in joints.
Healthier Skin
It has become clear that this extraordinary molecular messenger [NO] plays a vital role in the
skin, orchestrating normal regulatory processes, noted a team of French researchers in the
medical journal Nitric Oxide. The researchers listed the many benefits NO provides to the skin
1. Its role strengthening and maintaining the barrier function, the all-important role of the
skin in keeping out unwanted germs and toxins.
2. Its ability to protect the keratinocytes (external skin cells) from the damaging effects of
the suns UV rays.

A Cure for Diabetes and Alzheimers?

25 million North Americans suffer from Type 2 diabetes due to obesity and 57 million others
have borderline diabetes. High blood sugar gradually destroys the circulatory system resulting in
heart attack, stroke, kidney failure, blindness, and limb amputation. And it doubles the risk of
Alzheimers disease. Its believed that decreased amounts of NO may play a major role in the
development of Type 2 diabetes. Low levels of NO result in insulin resistance, making it difficult
for insulin to enter cells to maintain a normal blood sugar level. Italian researchers found that
diabetes patients who also had kidney disease had NO levels 37 percent lower than those of
healthy people.
More technical information on Nitric Oxide can be found here and here.

29| Be All the Man You Can Be with NO by Richard Cohen, M.D.

30| Be All the Man You Can Be with NO by Richard Cohen, M.D.

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11. Baluchnejadmojarad T, Roghani, M. Chronic epigallocatechin-3-gallate ameliorates learning
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12. Rytknen KM et al. Nitric Oxide mediated sleep is attenuated with aging. Neurobiology of
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13. Priou P et al. Endothelial Dysfunction and Circulating Microparticles from Patients with
Obstructive Sleep Apnea. American Journal of Pathology 2010; 177(2):974-983.
14. Hancock C, Riegger-Krugh, C. Modulation of Pain in Osteoarthritis: The Role of Nitric Oxide.
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31| Be All the Man You Can Be with NO by Richard Cohen, M.D.

15. Cals-Grierson MM. Nitric Oxide Function in the Skin 2004;Nitric Oxide Jun;10(4): 179-193.
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32| Be All the Man You Can Be with NO by Richard Cohen, M.D.

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