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Iso 11035 Analisis Sensorial

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First edition

Sensory analysis - Identification and

selection of descriptors for establishing a
sensory Profile by a multidimensional

Analyse sensorielle - Recherche et selection de descripteurs pour

Maboration d’un Profil sensoriel, par approche multidimensionnelle
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Reference number
PS0 11035: 1994(E) Copyright ISO

ISO 11035:1994(E)


ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide

federation of national Standards bodies (ISO member bodies). The work
of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through ISO
technical committees. Esch member body interested in a subject for
which a technical committee has been established has the right to be
represented on that committee. International organizations, governmental
and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. ISO
collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission
(IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization.

Draft International Standards adopted by the technical committees are

circulated to the member bodies for voting. Publication as an International
Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the member bodies casting
a vote.

International Standard ISO 11035 was prepared by Technical Committee

lSO/TC 34, Agricultural food products, Subcommittee SC 12, Sensory

Annexes A, B and C of this International Standard are for information only.

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0 ISO 1994
All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this publication may be reproduced
or utilized in any form or by any means, electronie or mechanical, including photocopying and
microfilm, without Permission in writing from the publisher.
International Organization for Standardization
Case Postale 56 l CH-1 211 Geneve 20 l Switzerland
Printed in Switzerland Copyright ISO

0 ISO ISO 11035:1994(E)

An Overall sensory Profile describes the sensoty attributes of a product.

A “product” is characterized by several Parameters. Some of these have

a Single dimension (e.g. the diameter of a ball, the weight of a sachet, etc.)
and others have several dimensions (e.g. the shape of a product, the tex-
ture of meat, etc.); a sensory Profile requires monodimensional quantities
to lead to a measurement of intensity.

Consequently, the evaluation of a complex sensory quantity needs meth-

odology which is founded on identification of appropriate descriptors. This
work is given to a trained Panel who describe their perceptions both
qualitatively (nature of the Stimulus) and quantitatively (intensity of each

If the aim is to appreciate all the attributes, an “Overall sensory Profile” is

built; if it concerns the evaluation of only flavour, odour, texture or ap-
pearance, a “partial Sensor-y Profile” is then elaborated.

In both cases, the choice of descriptors is the preliminary Phase which

determines the quality of the sensory Profile.

There are several ways to establish a list of descriptors, for example:

a) leave each assessor to choose and use, for the final Profile, his/her
own descriptors (free-choice Profile);

b) use descriptors common to all the members of the Panel, either

1) by suggesting existing descriptors, on condition that the relevante
of the descriptors for the product has been checked and that the
assessors have been trained on these descriptors (generally with
This is a free 6 page sample. Access the full version online.

the help of reference products), or

2) by the creation of descriptors by all the membe rs of the Panel after

individual or COIlective work.

This tan be done by a consensus method (See, for example, ISO 6564)
or by the method described in this International Standard, which is char-
acterized by the elaboration of a list of descriptors convenient for the
product studied and which guarantees, as far as possible, the exhaustivity
of this list, and allows verification of the relevante and independence of
each descriptor, and if they are monodimensional.

1 Drawing up a Sensor-y Profile of a product is a complex procedure and the user

of this international Standard needs to know that although this method gives sat-
isfactory results, it requires a large investment in preparation time, calculation and
number of training Sessions. Copyright ISO

ISO 11035:1994(E) 0 ISO

2 This International Standard requires a basic knowledge of multidimensional

analysis [in particular, a minimal knowledge of Principal Components Analysis
(PCA) and Hierarchie Ascending Classification (HAC)].
This is a free 6 page sample. Access the full version online. Copyright ISO


Sensory analysis - Identification and selection of

descriptors for establishing a sensory Profile by a
multidimensional approach

1 Scope tell the nature of the differentes in terms of sen-

sory perception.
This International Standard describes a method for
identifying and selecting descriptors which tan then
be used for drawing up the sensory Profile of a prod- 2 Normative references
The following Standards contain provisions which,
lt describes the different stages in the process for through reference in this text, constitute provisions
setting up tests through which a complete description of this International Standard. At the time of publi-
of the sensory attributes of a product tan be obtained: cation, the editions indicated were valid. All Standards
are subject to revision, and Parties to agreements
- from a qualitative Point of view, by defining by based on this International Standard are encouraged
means of descriptors all the perceptions for dis- to investigate the possibility of applying the most re-
tinguishing one product from others of the same cent editions of the Standards indicated below.
type; Members of IEC and ISO maintain registers of cur-
rently valid International Standards.
- from a quantitative Point of view, by evaluating the
intensity of each descriptor (stronger or weaker ISO 4121:1987, Sensory analysis - Methodology -
impression analysed by an assessor on one el- Evaluation of food products by methods using
This is a free 6 page sample. Access the full version online.

ement of the Overall perception). scales.

The so-called “Sensor-y Profile” method tan be used: ISO 5492:1992, Sensor-y analysis - Vocabulary.

- to define a production Standard; identification of ISO 6564:1985, Sensory analysis - Methodology -

the nature of the differentes makes it easier to Flavour Profile methods.
grasp the issue;
ISO 6658: 1985, Sensor-y analysis - Methodology -
- to improve or develop products; General guidance.

- to study the influence of the ageing of products ISO 8586-1 :1993, Sensory analysis - General guid-
and also of the conditions of storage and preser- ante for the selection, training and monitoring of
vation; it is thus possible to determine those assessors - Part 1: Selected assessors.
characteristics which vary and to what extent;
ISO 8586-2: 1994, Sensor-y analysis - Genera/ guid-
- to compare a product with those of the Same type ante for the selection, training and monitoring of
already on the market; it is therefore possible to assessors - Part 2: Experts. Copyright ISO

ISO 11035:1994(E) 0 ISO

ISO 8589: 1988, Sensor-y analysis - General guidance Examples: flavour Profile, texture Profile, appearance
for the design of test rooms. Profile and odour Profile.

3 Definitions 4 Principle
For the purposes of this International Standard, the
Identification and selection of a set of relevant de-
definitions given in ISO 5492, and the following defi-
scriptors giving maximum information on the Sensor-y
nitions apply.
attributes of the product under analysis, in Order to
establish a Sensor-y Profile.
3.1 descriptor: A term referring the assessor to an
element of the perception of the product. The prop- The various stages in the methodology are given be-
erties of the descriptor (relevante of the product, low (see figure 1):
monodimensional) shall be such that it tan be used
to produce an evaluation on a scale of intensity (sweet - training of the Panel,
flavour of sucrose, for example).
- preparation of a list of descriptive terms,
3.2 Overall sensory Profile: The use of descriptive
terms in evaluating the Sensor-y attributes of a Sample - reduction of the list of terms,
and the intensity of each attribute.
- choice of reference products,
3.3 partial sensory Profile: The use of descriptive
terms in evaluating the sensory attributes of a Sample - training,
and the intensity of each attribute by one or by several
sensory inputs. - use of the Profile.

Meeting of a Panel - Choice of samples

Identification of descriptive terms


List of descriptive

Choice of referencek)
by descriptor
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Repeatability tests

Figure 1 - Stages in the identification and selection of descriptors for establishing a sensory Profile Copyright ISO

ISO 11035:1994 Sensory analysis - Identification and selection
of descriptors for establishing a sensory profile by a
multidimensional approach
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