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Journal of Drug Discovery and Therapeutics

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ISSN: 2320 - 4230

Journal of Drug Discovery and Therapeutics ​1 (5) 2013,



Tyagi​1​, Patel Chirag J​2​, Mangukia Dhruv​3​, Mangukia Ishita​4​, Anil Kumar Gupta​5​, Mohammed Rageeb Mohammed Usman 6​​ ,
Bhupendra Nimbiwal​7​, Dr. Raaz K Maheshwari​8 ​1​President & Founder, Tyagi Pharmacy Association (TPA) & Scientific Writer

(Pharmacy), Chattarpur, New Delhi, India-110074. 2​ ​Editor-in-Chief, Tyagi Pharmacy Association (TPA) & Scientific Writer

(Pharmacy), Patan, Gujarat, India-384265. 3​ ​Department of Pharmaceutics, Maharishi Arvind Institute of Pharmacy, Mansarovar,

Jaipur, Rajasthan, India-302020. ​4​Department of Pharmaceutics, Parul Institute of Pharmacy, Vadodara, Gujarat, India-391760.

5​Jyoti Vidyapeeth women’s University, Jaipur, discipline of Pharmaceutical Science, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India-303007. ​6​Department

of Pharmacognosy, Smt. S. S. Patil College of Pharmacy, Chopda, Maharashtra, India-425107. 7​ ​Department of Quality

Assurance, Seth G. L. Bihani S. D. College of Technical Education, IPSDR, Sri Ganganagar, Rajasthan, India​–​335001.

8​Department of Chemistry, SBRMGC, Nagaur, Rajasthan, India-341001.

ABSTRACT ​Celery (​Apium graveolens​) is an alimentary herb as well as a special medicinal plant. Celery

leaves are used for spicing

​ up foods and drinks such as cocktails. It contains vitamins A, B1, B2, B6, C, E, K,
P and minerals such as iron, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium and zinc. Vitamin C contained by celery
strengthens the immunologic system and at the same time makes the body more resistant against new
diseases. Calcium, potassium and magnesium act towards the same goal, straightening the body. Along with
magnesium, iron is effective in alleviating the effects of anemia. Celery has the ideal quantities of iron and
magnesium to stop oncological diseases from progressing. The juice extracted from the petioles can be used
for edema, rheumatic tendencies, gout, flatulence, chronic pulmonary catarrh, tendencies toward overweight
and lack of appetite. It is a strong diuretic, and is used as a urinary antiseptic, mainly because of the volatile oil
apiol. Celery can be helpful in treating skin problems, when it is used raw, or prepared as tea. Celery seed
decoction is used for bronchitis, rheumatism, and as a sedative. Seeds are also used as a blood purifier, and
are very helpful in treating arthritis. Oil extracted from the root can restore sexual potency affected by illness.

KEY WORDS: ​Apium graveolens, ​Celery, Antioxidants,

Seeds, Liver
astal regions. Celery is widely cultivated in the
mperate zones as an important garden crop and the
INTRODUCTI ached leaf stalks are relished as a popular
ON: getable​1​. ​Apium graveolens ​is one of the
Apium graveolens ​L. (Apiaceae), redients in 8 of the 33 Indian polyherbal
celery, is a native of Eurasia and is grown mainly in mulations with reputed life protecting activity​2​. The
characteristic odor of celery essential oil is due to a contain antioxidant vitamins and pigments. Leafy
series of phthalide derivatives. Vegetables and fruits vegetables are also known for their therapeutic value.
are considered to be good sources of functional Many studies have shown that antioxidants, present in
ingredients. Leafy vegetables plants at high levels, are the compounds responsible
for these functionalities​3​. Antioxidants or molecules
with radical scavenging capacity are thought to exert a
potential protective effect against free radical damage.
These biomolecules contribute to prevention of
coronary and vascular diseases and of tumor
formation by inhibiting oxidative reactions​1, 4​.

​ atyanand Tyagi ​| Email:
Corresponding author: S
apart from being a good source of minerals also








Figure 2: Apium graveolens dry
gestion, stimulates the uterus and is
COMMON NAME: ​Wild Celery, Ajmod, i-inflammatory. ​2. ​Celery is also used as an
Ajwain-kapatta​7 ​SYNONYMS: ​Apium celleri, ective remedy for various ailments such as
Apium decumbens, Celeria​7 nchitis, liver and spleen disease, arthritic pain and
s natural holistic approach to health is becoming
PHYSICAL re and more popular now a days. ​3. ​The herb
CHARACTERISTICS: ould not be prescribed for pregnant
Apium graveolens is a biennial growing women
to 0.6 m (2ft) by 0.3 m (1ft in). It is hardy to zone 6 .
and is not frost tender. It is in flower from January to 4. ​Wild celery is said to be useful in cases of hysteria,
August, and the seeds ripen from August to promoting restfulness and sleep and diffusing through
September. The flowers are hermaphrodite (have both the system a mild sustaining influence. ​5. ​An essential
male and female organs). The plant is self-fertile. It oil obtained from the plant has a calming effect on the
can grow in semi-shade (light woodland). Suitable for: central nervous system. Some of its constituents have
Light (sandy), medium (loamy) and heavy (clay) soils. antispasmodic, sedative and anticonvulsant actions.
It prefers moist soil. Suitable pH: Acid, neutral and 6. ​A homeopathic remedy is made from the herb. It is
basic (alkaline) soils and can grow in saline soils​7​. used in treating rheumatism and kidney complaints. ​7.
It has been shown to be of value in treating high blood
CHEMICAL pressure. ​8. C
​ elery seeds are used in India to
CONSTITUENTS: treat bronchitis,
The major bioactive compounds in the asthma, liver, and spleen diseases. ​9. ​The ripe
celery include a class of phenolic compounds called seeds, herb and root are aperient, carminative,
furanocoumarins. The main linear furanocoumarins in diuretic, emmenagogue, galactogogue, nervine,
celery include the three phototoxic furanocoumarins, stimulant and tonic. ​10. ​Several components from
Psoralen, xanthotoxin and bergapten​1, 7​. celery seeds were also
reported for their anticarcinogenic activity. ​11.
MEDICAL USES: 1. ​Wild celery is an aromatic bitter Celery seeds possess a characteristic aroma and
tonic herb that reduces blood pressure, relieves pungent taste and are used as a condiment in the
flavoring of food products​1, 7, 9-11​. g

DS: e​
If the plant is infected with the fungus
Sclerotinia sclerotiorum, skin contact with the sap can
cause dermatitis in sensitive people. This is more
likely to happen to Caucasians. Allergic responses
include anaphylaxis in sensitive individuals. Cross a
allergenicity between celery, cucumber, carrot,
watermelon and possibly apples. Avoid during g
pregnancy as emmenagogue, abortifacient and
uterine stimulant activity reported​7​.
​ ., celery, is a
Apium graveolens L
hepaxanthic herb grown as a biennial and under
certain conditions, as an
Satyanand Tyagi et al. / Journal of Drug Discovery and Therapeutics 1 (5)
2013, 36-38

Figure 1: Apium
Vol.1 Issue 5.
Satyanand Tyagi et al. / Journal of Drug Discovery and Therapeutics 1 (5) 2013, 36-38
annual. The root is harvested in the autumn and can be
5. ​ used fresh or dried. The whole plant is
harvested when
secalinum.html. fruiting and is usually liquidized to extract the juice. Wild
6. ​ celery has a long history of medicinal and food
bark/herbs/baldwins-celery-seed-apium-graveolens ​7. ​REFERENCES:
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Phototoxicity as a defense against insects. In: Heitz JK, Praveen N. ​In vitro ​antioxidant activity,
total phenolics
Downum KR, (Eds.), Lightactivated pesticides. American and flavonoids from celery (​Apium
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Vol.1 Issue 5. May-2013


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