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December 2009 Volume 5 Issue 4

Natural Products
Trade Science Inc. An Indian Journal
Full Paper
NPAIJ, 5(4), 2009 [184-190]

Phyto-pharmacological review of Sesamum indicum Linn.

T.S.Mohamed Saleem*, C.Madhusudhana Chetty, A.Eswar Reddy, G.Bharathi, K.Bharani, P.Suma
Deepthi, P.Bhavani
Department of Pharmacology, Annamacharya College of Pharmacy, Rajampet-516126, AP, (INDIA)
Email :
Received: 6th October, 2009 ; Accepted: 16th October, 2009

Sesamum indicum L. (Family:Pedaliaceae), plays an important role in an- Sesamum indicum;
cient culture and modern system of medicine. It is commonly known as Antioxidant;
sesame or beniseed, is cultivated through out India, mainly for its seeds Sesamolin
and oil. The plant traditionally used in the treatment of hemorrhoids, dys- Anticancer activity
entery, constipation, cough, amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea and ulcers. it also Vitamin E.
produces antifungal, anticancer, antitumor, antiatherosclerotic activity. The
total alcoholic extracts of all residual aerial parts of this plant show antioxi-
dant, anticancer, antiaging and anticoagulant activities. In this review, we
have explored the phyto-pharmacological properties of S.indicum plant
and complied its vast pharmacological applications to comprehend and
synthesize the subject of its potential image of multipurpose medicinal
agent.  2009 Trade Science Inc. - INDIA

INTRODUCTION oil’. It is also called Gingelly in India[3]. Prior to 600

BC, the Assyrians used sesame oil as a food, salve and
Plants have always been a common source of me- medication, primarily by the rich, as the difficulty of
dicament either in the form of traditional preparations obtaining it made it expensive. Hindus use til oil in vo-
or pure active principles. In survey done by WHO it tive lamps, and consider the oil sacred. According to
has been estimated that 80% of more than 4,000 mil- Hindu belief, lighting lamp filled with til oil in front of
lion plants have been used in as traditional medicines Lord Hanuman removes obstacles and difficulties in
for their primary health care needs and also the extracts life[3]. Sesame seed may be the oldest condiment known
or the active principles of these plants are used in the to man and probably was the first crop grown for its
traditional therapy[1,2]. Even though the biological ac- edible oil, which is mainly responsible for its medicinal
tive compounds of some herbal drugs or their extracts and industrial products. Ayurvedic practitioners use seed
are unknown, they are prescribed widely because of and leaf extracts to treat various disorders[4].
their effectiveness, minimal side effects in clinical expe-
rience and relatively low costs[2]. DESCRIPTION
In India, the plant Sesamum indicum Linn.
(Pedialiaceae) is commonly called Sesame or Beniseed The plant sesame, Sesamum indicum L., is a pu-
in English, Teel in Hindi, Nuvvulu in Telugu and Nalla bescent annual herb, cultivated as weed in various parts
Ennai in Tamil, which literal translation in English is ‘good of India at sea level[5]. The stem grows upto 1-2m height.
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70 %, solid fatty acids 12 to 14 %[4].
Sesame seeds contain two unique substances,
sesamin and sesamolin occur during refinement the two
phenolic antioxidants, sesamol and sesaminol, are
formed. Both of these substances belong to a group of
special beneficial fibers called lignans, and have been
shown to possess cholesterol-lowering effect in humans,
and to prevent high blood pressure and increase vita-
min E supplies in animals. Sesame seeds are a very
good source of copper, and calcium. Just a quarter-
cup of sesame seeds supplies 74.0% of the daily value
for copper, 31.6% of the magnesium and 35.1% of the
daily value for calcium. It is also high in protein, phos-
phorous, iron and magnesium. Copper is known for
reducing pain and swelling of rheumatoid arthritis. Mag-
nesium supports Vascular and Respiratory health. Cal-
cium helps to prevent Colon Cancer and Osteoporo-
sis. The seeds also have a good amount of manganese,
iron, phosphorus, zinc, vitamin B1, tryptophan and di-
etary fibers[7].
Three anthraquinones, named anthrasesamones A,
B and C, were isolated from the roots of Sesamum
indicum, and their respective structures were deter-
Figure 1 : Whole plant of Sesamum indicum Linn.
mined to be 1-hydroxy-2-(4-methylpent-3-enyl) an-
The herb contains 2 types of hairs; long articulate and thraquinone, 1,4-dihydroxy-2-(4-methylpent-3-enyl)
short 4-lobed mucilaginous. The leaves are trifoliolate anthraquinone and 2-chloro-1,4-dihydroxy-3-(4-
or pinnatisect, upper ones simple, ovate-oblong to lan- methylpent-3-enyl) anthraquinone on the basis of spec-
ceolate, 4-20cm long to 15cm wide with petioles 2-
troscopic evidence. Other two known anthraquinones
15cm long. The flowers are single or sometimes paired
are isolated from the roots of S. indicum and charac-
in axils, very shortly pedicellate, calyx is pubescent,
terized as 2-(4-methylpent-3-enyl) anthraquinone and
green, about 6mm long, lobes are sharply acute; co-
(E) 2-(4-methylpent-1,3-dienyl) anthraquinone[4,8].
rolla is pinkish-purple (rarely white), about 3.6cm long,
Some workers has isolated an antimicrobial com-
stamens included. The capsule are erect, oblong,
pound from the hairy roots of Sesamum indicum and
rounded, 4-grooved, pubescent, about 2.5cm long, 2-
identified as 2-isopropenylnaphthazarin-2,3-epoxide,
valved. The seeds are black, brown or white, 2.5-3mm
which is actually a homonaphthazarin derivative[9,10].
long, smooth or minutely reticulate[6].
Some workers isolated a chlorinated red naphtho-
Phytoconstituents from Sesamum indicum quinone pigment possessing antifungal activity, named
The sesame seeds by expression yield a fixed oil chlorosesamone (2-chloro-5, 8-dihydroxy-3-3methyl-
consisting essentially of the glycerides of oleic and li- 2-butenyl)-1, 4 naphthoquinone), was reported from
noleic acids with small preparations of stearin, palmitin the roots of Sesamum indicum[7,11]. Anthrasesamone
and mystirin. The oil is bland in taste and almost is a rare chlorinated anthraquinone in higher plants[4].
odourless. Sesamin, another constituent of the oil, may The total phytosterol content (400-413mg per
be obtained in long crystalline needles melting at 118oF, 100grams) in sesame seeds in comparison to English
insoluble in water, light petroleum, ether alkaloids and walnuts and Brazil nuts (113mg/100gm and 95mg/
mineral acids, easily soluble in chloroform, benzene and 100gm) were also reported[12].
glacial acetic acid. Liquid fatty acids are present to about Several lignans are isolated from Sesamum sp.
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contain an unusual oxygen insertion between their furano tation of sesame oil cake (SOC,defatted residue yielded
and aromatic rings. As part of ongoing studies to clarify from sesame seed oil production). Two major strong
the biosynthetic pathway to the sesame lignans, the oxidants from fermented SOC were purified and iden-
furanoketone, (+)-episesaminone, was isolated and fully tified as known sesaminol triglucoside and sesaminol
characterized in part via hemisynthesis from (+)- diglucoside[20].
sesamolin[13]. From water extract of whole plant, two Antifungal activity
new phenylethanoid glycosides, and three new
triglycosides which had the same sugar sequence were A red napthaquinone, named hydroxylsesamone,
isolated[14]. was isolated from the roots of S. indicum together with
A new lignan glucoside was isolated from defat- a known yellow naphthoxirene derivative, 2,3-epoxy-
ted sesame seed flour as sesamolinol diglucoside by 2,3-dihydro-5,8-dihydroxy-2-(3-methyl-2-butenyl)-
mass and nuclear magnetic resonancespectroscopy[15]. 1,4-naphthaquinone, named 2,3-epoxysesamone. The
A quantitative analysis of 65 sesame seed samples structure of napthoquinone was characterized on the
showed that sesamolinol diglucoside ranged from 5 to basis of spectral evidence. Chlorosesamone,
232mg per 100g of seeds with no difference in white hydroxysesamone and 2,3-epoxysesamone shows anti-
and black seeds[16]. fungal activity towards Cladosporium fulvum, which was
established in a study by Hasan[21].
Pharmacological studies of Sesamum indicum
Anti-cancer activity
Antioxidant activity
Sesame seeds and their lignans have been studied,
Sesame and its components serve as viable natural both directly and indirectly, for possible anticancer ef-
sources of antioxidants for food and non-food applica- fects. Research has shown that the sesamin lignan can
tions[7]. Feeding sesame lignans to rats have shown to be converted by intestinal microflora in humans to the
reduce Fe2+ induced oxidative stress. Compared with mammalian lignans, enterolactone and enterodiol, which
those fed groundnut oil, sesame oil-fed rats had lower may have protective effects against hormone-related
levels of hepatic thiobarbituric acid-reactive substances, diseases such as breast cancer[22,23]. In one study, the
serum glutamate oxaloacetate transaminase (SGOT) sesamol lignan was found to stop the growth and in-
activities and serum glutamate pyruvate transaminase duce apoptosis (programmed cell death) of cancer
(SGPT) activities, indicating protection against Fe-in- cells[24]. A further study in 220 premenopausal women
duced oxidative stress i.e. antioxidant action[17,18]. The reported that the risk of breast cancer fell with increas-
antioxidant action of aqueous and ethanolic seed ex- ing enterolactone concentrations[25]. A possible mecha-
tracts from S. indicum using various in vitro reactive nism by which sesame lignans may arrest cancer growth
oxygen/nitrogen species (ROS/RNS) generated chemi- came to light in a recent study. It was shown that sesamin
cal and biological models. Results demonstrated that arrested cell growth in the early phase of the cell cycle
the graded-dose (25-1000mg/ml) of aqueous and called G1, by down-regulating a protein called cyclin
ethanolic extracts markedly scavenged the nitric oxide, D1, which promotes cancer cell growth[26]. Sesame al-
superoxide, hydroxyl, 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl coholic extract of flower possess antineoplastic (tumor
and 2,2-azinobis-(3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulfonic inhibiting) effect. The effects of alcohol extract from
acid) radicals and, showed metal chelating ability as Sesamum indicum flower on tumor growth in tumori-
well as reducing capacity in Fe3+/ferricyanide complex genic mouse, and on weight of immune organs showed
and ferric reducing antioxidant power assays. The IC50 inhibiting effect on tumor growth and had not distinct
values of both extracts were compared with respective effect on weight of thymus and spleen in mice[27].
antioxidant standards. Overall, ethanolic extract of S.
indicum possess strong antioxidant capacity and of- Allergenic activity
fering effective protection against LDL oxidation sus- Sesame seed and sesame seed oil have been thought
ceptibility[19]. Bacillus circulans strain YUS-2 was iso- as rare causes of food allergy,representing less than 1%
lated as the strongest antioxidant-producer in fermen- of all food allergy cases. It is reported nine caes of IgE-
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dependent allergy to sesame seed and sesame seed oil, (10M) and glibenclamide (10M). Influence of SIPE
six of which were diagnosed in 1995 alone[28]. Allergy on phenylephrine-induced contractions in aortic
to sesame seeds often occurs in patients with a simulta- preparations in absence of functional endothelium and
neous sensitization to nuts and flour. Previously cross on pre-incubating the tissue with L-NAME (300M)
reactions are verified by RAST inhibition. In this study or methylene blue (10M) was also studied. SIPE at
the nature of this cross-reactivity is further characterized 180g/ml concentration could elicit partial relaxation
by Sodium dodecyl sulfate-olyacrylamide gel electro- in presence of L-NAME or methylene blue to the ex-
phoresis and IgE immunoblotting[29]. Allergic reactions tent of 34.26+/-6.13 and 25.66+/-10.95% respec-
induced by ingestion of foods containing sesame seeds, tively. However, in absence of functional endothelium,
are a well recognized cause of severe food-induced ana- SIPE exhibited little relaxation to the extent of 6.70+/
phylaxis. Sodium dodecyl sulfate–polyacrylamide gel -4.87%. These studies revealed that the vasorelaxant
electrophoresis and IgE immunoblotting were performed activity of SIPE was chiefly mediated through endot-
on sera of 10 patients selected for severe and docu- helium-dependent pathway[33].
mented allergic reaction after eating food containing Anti-hyperglycemic activity
sesame. The major allergen was purified by gel filtration
and characterized by isoelectric point (pI), glycosylation The total alcoholic, petroleum ether and n-bu-
and amino acid sequencing. But the results are found to tanol extracts of aerial residual parts showed a re-
be all the patients had positive IgE antibodies and skin ductive effect on the blood glucose level of diabetic
prick tests (SPTs) to sesame. The major, clinically most rats. The total alcoholic extract showed a more pow-
important allergen was a protein with molecular mass of erful effect than its fractions. The potency of the to-
about 9000. It was not glycosylated, the amino acid se- tal alcoholic extract is 77.4%. Blood sugar reduc-
quence showed it was a 2S albumin with a pI of 7.3; the tion may be due to possible inhibition of free radicals
small and the large subunits, forming the whole protein, and subsequent inhibition of tissue damage induced
showed pI values of 6.5 and 6.0. Later two new sesame by alloxan. -Sitosterol[30] and ferulic acid[25] were
seed allergens, Ses i 6 and Ses i 7 was identified[30,31]. reported to possess hypoglycaemic activity. There-
fore, they may be responsible at least partly for the
Anti-aging activity hypoglycaemic activity of the alcoholic extract. Taken
Furthermore, another study revealed that sesamin together, these findings suggest that the alcoholic
prevents the breakdown of gamma tocopherol in the extract may be useful in alleviating oxidative stress
body, resulting in higher bioavailability of this critical and attenuating the hyperglycemic response associ-
nutrient. In this study, a single dose of sesame oil, contain- ated with diabetes.
ing 136mg of sesame lignans coadministered with
Anti-coagulant activity
gamma tocopherol reduced the urinary excretion of
gamma tocopherol and increases both alpha and gamma The total alcoholic extract as well as both of its
forms in the body, which is responsible for the anti- petroleum ether and n-butanol fractions (dose of
aging property[32]. 100mg/kg body weight) possesses a significant anti-
coagulant effect. The three extracts increased the time
Vasorelaxant activity
required for coagulation of blood. The total alcoholic
The petroleum ether soluble fraction (SIPE) of the extract produces more potential effect. The pro-
root extract of S. indicum was evaluated for the nounced activity of each extract leads us to spot light
vasorelaxant activity using isolated rat aorta. SIPE up on a new anticoagulant effect of this plant[34].
to g/ml concentration significantly inhibited phe-
Hypolipidaemic activity
nylephrine- and KCl-induced contraction to the ex-
tent of 98.13+/-6.37 and 70.19+/3.43% respectively Flavonoids isolated from S.indicum was analysed
in isolated rat aorta in a concentration dependent man- for its biological activities. Flavonoids from S. indicum
ner. The vasorelaxant activity was not blocked by pro- have hypolipidaemic and hypoglycemic activities as
pranolol (), atropine (1M) indomethacin well[35]. These flavonoids were effective in raising the
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hemoglobin levels in rats[36]. components such as lignans have major effects on the
Alters lipid peroxidation atherosclerotic process. Sesame oil could inhibit ath-
erosclerosis lesion formation effectively, Because of the
The dietary sesamin and sesaminol, major lignans synergistic actions of fatty acid antioxidants and
if sesame seed, elevate the á-tocopherol concentra- nonsaponifiable components[42]. In biological models,
tion and decrease the thiobarbituric acid reactive sub- both aqueous & ethanolic extracts were found to in-
stance (TBARS) concentration, which is the measure hibit metal-induced lipid peroxidation in mitochondrial
of extent of lipid peroxidation. TBARS was lower in fractions, human serum and LDL oxidation models. In
the liver and serum of rabbits fed docosahexaenoic acid lipoprotein kinetics study, both extracts significantly
(DSF) plus cholesterol than in rabbits fed the choles- (P<0.05) increased lag phase time along with reduced
terol diet. Although wedid not detect sesaminol gluco- oxidation rate and conjugated dienes production.
sides in peripheral tissues, we observed abundant quan- Ethanolic extract of S. indicum showed higher amounts
tities of sesaminol in rabbits fed DSF, the principal of total polyphenol and flavonoid content as compared
metabolite. So these sesame lignans decreases the lipid to their counterpart. The IC(50) values of both extracts
peroxidation as a result of elevated concentrations of were compared with respective antioxidant standards.
-tocopherol[37,38]. Overall, ethanolic extract of S. indicum possess strong
Induces protective mechanism antioxidant capacity and offering effective protection
The effects of ethanolic extract of sesame coat against LDL oxidation susceptibility[43].
(EESC) on oxidation of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) Wound healing activity
and production of nitric oxide in macrophages were The seeds of S. indicum are used traditionally in
investigated. The results showed that EESC in the range the folklore for the treatment of various kinds of wound.
of 0.01-0.8mg per ml markedly inhibited copper-in- Kiran & Asad recently studied the wound healing prop-
duced LDL oxidation and H2O2-induced cell damage erty of sesame seed and oil in albino rats. Seeds and oil
which implies that EESC could exhibit a protective ac- of S. indicum possess good wound healing activity
tion on biomolecules and generation of inflammatory when applied locally or administered orally. The low
mediators in vitro[39]. dose of both seeds and oil are more effective when
Hypocholesteromic activity applied locally and the high dose of seeds and oil showed
The effect of globulin fraction with a lysine: arginine greater effect in dead space wound when administered
ratio 0.67, isolated from sesame seeds on cholesterol orally[44].
(CHT) metabolism was studied in rats fed CHT free Neuroprotective effect
and CHT containing diet and compare with casein. This Pandit et al studied the neuroprotective Effect of
suggests that the globulin decreases the CHT level and Defatted Sesame Seeds Extract (DSE) against in vitro
lowers the lysine: arginine ratios and exert and in vivo Ischemic Neuronal Damage. For IN VITRO
hypocholesteromic effects[40]. ischemia, oxygen-glucose deprivation followed by
Hepatic lipid lowering effect reoxygenation (OGD-R, 4 hours OGD followed by 24
Sesamin, a sesame seed lignan, has an effect on hours reoxygenation) in HT22 cells was used to inves-
hepatic fatty acid metabolism by altering the gene ex- tigate the protective effects on cell death and the inhibi-
tory effects on lipid peroxidation. For IN VIVO is-
pression of the enzyme responsible for it, peroxisomal
chemia, the middle cerebral artery occlusion (MCAo,
acyl-CoA oxidase and it decreases the hepatic activity
2 h of MCAo followed by 22 h of reperfusion) rat model
and abundance of fatty acid synthase enzyme. By
was used. Twenty-two h after occlusion the rats were
alterating the fatty acid metabolism it produces lipid-
assessed for neurobehavioral deficit and infarct volume.
lowering effect[41].
DSE (0.1-10g/mL) significantly reduced the cell death
Anti-atherosclerotic activity and inhibited lipid peroxidation induced by OGD-R.
Fatty acid composition, antioxidants, and other DSE (30, 100 and 300mg/kg, P.O.) given twice at 0 h
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and 2 h after onset of ischemia reduced brain infarct entery, cholera. The leave decoction blackens hair and
volume dose-dependently and improved sensory-mo- promotes hair growth. The oil is also used for massag-
tor function. The therapeutic time window of DSE ing purposes[4].
(300mg/kg, P.O.) was 2 h after MCAo in rats. The
results of this study show that DSE may be effective in CONCLUSION
ischemia models by an antioxidative mechanism[45].
Analgesic activity The sesame, S. indicum was carried out an utmost
importance from the ancient time to cure mankind
Recently the analgesic activity of ethanol extract against various disease conditions. These studies play
of seeds of S. indicum has been studied. It was ob- the drug as a novel candidate for bioprospection and
served that the extract showed a significant inhibition drug development for treatment of diseases as cancer,
on the writhing response produced by induction of diabetes, atherosclerosis, branchial asthma and various
acetic acid. The intensity of writhing inhibition of the disorders. The medicinal applications of this plant are
extract was increased with the increase of dose. The countless and investigations still remain carries out in
extract produced about 48.19 and 75.46% writhing relatively newer areas of its function. By the isolation of
inhibition at the doses of 250 and 500mgkg-1, respec- various phytochemicals and minerals, it enables to ex-
tively, which was comparable to the standard drug ploit its therapeutic use and plays an important role in
ibuprofen where the inhibition was about 71.82% at modern system of medicine.
the dose of 25mg kg-1[46].
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