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Medicinal Plants: of Malaysia

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of Malaysia
Dr Robin Mitra1, Professor John Orbell2 and Dr Morley Somasundaram Muralitharan3

ropical plants have served as an important repository of medicinal plants for
millennia. Today, many medical practitioners trained in pharmacology and/or
pharmacognosy are well aware of the number of modern therapeutic agents that
have been derived from the tropical species of Malaysia. For the past 50 years or so, there
has been a strong trend in seeking plants as sources of novel pharmaceutical agents.
Presently, both chemists and phytochemists involved in the development of natural
products have come to recognize the bewildering diversity of secondary metabolites
present in these plants and their potential in the pharmaceutical industry. Individual plant
species often contain over 1,000 unique chemical entities (or the enzymatic machinery
required to produce such compounds upon the proper stimulus). Perhaps, one of the
most compelling explanations that has been put forward for this vast array of chemical
diversity, that exists as a subset of biological diversity, is the chemical adaptation that such
tropical plants undergo through time.29 In this paper, we outline the medical properties
of a few representative Malaysian medicinal plants.
Areca catechu referred to as a common masticatory drug, is widely cultivated in
India as well as South East Asia and the Pacific Islands.27 Powdered leaves are used to
treat stomachache, whilst the leaves or roots are rolled with Mimusops sp. and used as
cigarettes to treat ulcerated nose. A decoction of the nuts is consumed to treat cestodialis
intestinalis, diarrhea, edema, lumbago, mucositis, bronchial catarrh and urinary disorders
and is also applied to treat wounds. An infusion of the bark is used as a wash to cleanse
various cutaneous eruption. The skin of the nut is heated, pressed between the toes and
used against itch. The essential oil of the leaves is used for the treatment of catarrhal
affections, inflammation of the throat and larynx, as an antiseptic, preparation of gargle
against diphtheria and as an inhalant. The significance of areca flavanol (tannin) and its
relation to oral submucous fibriosis and oral carcinogenesis has been reviewed.28

Lecturer in Biotechnology, Monash University Malaysia. School of Arts and Sciences 2 Jalan Kolej, Bandar Sunway, 46150 Petaling
Jaya PO Box 8975, 46780 Kelana Jaya Selangor Darul Ehsan Malaysia. Email:
School of Molecular Sciences, Victoria University, PO Box 14428, Melbourne VIC 8001, Australia. Email:
Associate Head (Development) and Senior Lecturer in Biotechnology, School of Life and Environmental Sciences, Deakin University,
Geelong, Victoria 3217, Australia. Email:

APBN • Vol. 11 • No. 2 • 2007 105 Agriculture

Andrographis paniculata is native to India, Indo-China and Southern parts of China,

Malaysia and Java. A decoction of the dried plant is consumed as a tonic to alleviate
hypertension, to treat tonsillitis, flu, chest pain, diarrhea, fever and as a pain killer against
snake bites and harmful insects. The dried plant is boiled with Orthosiphon grandiflorus
to treat diabetes.17 An infusion of sap from crushed leaves is applied to treat fever, prepare
poultice for swollen legs or feet and female conditions. Crushed leaves are applied to
treat skin eruptions. Studies on antibacterial activity carried out in A. paniculata along
with five other medicinal plants of Malaysia such as Vitex negundo, Morinda citrifolia,
Piper sarmentosum, and Centella asiatica revealed that, of the five plant extracts tested
for antibacterial activities against gram negative E. coli and K. pneumoniae, A. paniculata
and P. sarmentosum exhibited positive activity.41
Aquilaria malaccensis is a valuable tree because it serves as a source for ‘gaharu’,
a fragrant resinous wood that is ranked amongst the most highly valuable non- timber
products.4, 34, 40 Gaharu is applied as a cosmetic and used as a treatment for illness during
and after childbirthand as a remedy for rheumatism, smallpox, abdominal or other body
pains. An infusion of the root is administered to treat general dropsy and the leaves are
rubbed over the swollen hands and legs of a dropsical patient.
Cassia alata L.’s leaves are crushed and rubbed over the affected region to treat
skin diseases such as ringworm and discolouration; as well as for other parasite related
skin diseases. Antimicrobial activity using an ethanolic extract of Cassia alata leaves
has been investigated in Malaysia against several microorganisms including bacteria,
yeast and dermatophytic and non-dermatophytic fungi.19 In vitro studies19 revealed that
the extract was found to exhibit high activity against various species of dermatophytic
fungi and, conversely, low activity against non-dermatophytic fungi.
Centella asiatica is a creeping herb, widely distributed throughout the tropics, and
is common in Malaysia. The herb also known as “Gotu Kola” is a famous Ayurvedic
medicinal15 and is used to treat bronchitis, asthma, gastric, catarrh, dysentery, leucorrhoea,
kidney trouble, urethritis and dropsy. An infusion of the herb is consumed as a tonic as
well as a cooling drink. It is also used in liver complaints and for treating the passing
of blood in the urine. A decoction of the leaves is used to treat epilepsy and it has been
reported to have antiepileptic properties.14 It is also used to treat dizziness and for internal
administration for the treatment of haemorrhoids. The leaves themselves are used for
poulticing sores, for the treatment of inflammatory skin conditions8 or applied over the
whole body to treat fever, leprosy and rheumatism. The hot juice from the roots is used
to clean wounds. Interestingly, the leaves are eaten raw as a salad.
Cinnamomum iners’s root is used as a decoction and is usually used as juice to
treat stomach cramp. The juice of the leaves serves as a remedy against Antiaris sp.
(Ipoh tree) poisoning whilst poultices prepared from pounded leaves are used to treat
rheumatism. Cinnamomum zeylanicum’s boiled roots of the plant are prepared into a
drink for improved blood circulation, and to increase body temperature. The bark and its
essence are used as a stimulant for digestion, respiration and circulation. Documented
studies exist in which rats are also fed on Cinnamomum cassia bark or extracts from
Cinnamomum cassia and zeylanicum to evaluate blood glucose and plasma insulin
levels under various conditions.38
Sap from the crushed stem of Costus speciosus is taken to treat diarrhea, earache
(Katewa et al., 2004) and eye trouble. An infusion or a decoction of the leaves is used
as a soporific to treat fever. The fresh rhizome is taken with betel to treat coughs and
respiratory ailments like asthma (Katewa et al., 2004). For a more effective remedy it
can be used in baths, lotions or for the preparation of poultices.

106 APBN • Vol. 11 • No. 2 • 2007 Agriculture

Curcuma domestica tumeric locally known as kunyit is mostly used in India and
various parts of Southeast Asia both as a spice, a coloring agent in cooking1 as well as
for producing yellow dye.11 The rhizome serves as a carminative and anti-spasmodic
in diarrhea or dysentery and as a folk remedy for other ailments such as disorders of the
urinary tract, headaches, stiffness of the joints etc..11 Studies have been carried out in
Malaysia on guinea pigs to determine the effects of C. domestica on lipid composition
in the serum and aorta1 which showed that inclusion of C. domestica in the diet reduced
lipid composition levels in the aorta, triglyceride levels in serum and cholesterol
deposition in the aorta of high cholesterol diet animals.1
Cymbopogon citratus’s leaves are used to make an aromatic bath to reduce
swelling, prevent body odour, to purify blood5, as an antiseptic to treat body eruptions,
cuts, wounds, anemia11 and leprosy. An infusion of the leaves is used as a treatment
for digestive problems16, as a preparation of gargles for toothache and swollen gums29,
as a tonic for post partum protective medicine and as a mild diuretic.16 The volatile oil
is applied to relieve rheumatism, sprain etc. A decoction of the whole plant is used to
treat coughs, colds5, spitting of blood and in clearing the voice. The essential oil from
the culms (sheaths and stems) and leaves are used as an ingredient in foods, drinks and
Datura metel’s leaves are smoked as a remedy for asthma and respiratory tract related
diseases.26 However, in serious cases of intoxication, discontinuation is advised. The
flowers and seeds are used externally to wash swollen feet, for prolapse of the rectum
and to treat colds and nervous disorders. Datura metel has also been reported to possess
analgesic activity.18 A preparation of equal parts of Datura metel and Cannabis sativa in
wine provide a narcotic anesthetic, usually used during the course of small operations
and cauterizations to mitigate pain.
Elephantopus scaber plant is used as a traditional medicine in many countries of
Southeast Asia, Latin America and Africa. Methanolic extracts of E. scaber are reported
to exhibit anti-tumor activity.9 The roots of the plants are scraped, mixed in the betel
quid and chewed to arrest vomiting. A decoction of the leaves is consumed to treat
venereal disease in women. A decoction of the whole plant is used as a drink to treat
hepatitis, bronchitis and to relieve pain in the chest.3 The pounded or boiled root is
used to treat leucorrhoea and anaemia in women and children. The heated leaves are
rubbed on the throat to relieve a bad cough. A decoction of the stem and leaves is
drunk to treat menstrual disorders.
Powdered cloves of Eugenia aromatica are rubbed on the abdomen after confinement
and used to treat toothache. The essential oil is used as an anesthetic35, and to treat
rheumatism, the limbs of beri-beri patients and abdominal pain. The fruit is considered
as an aphrodisiac as well as an appetizer. The fruit is also used to treat flatulence and
colic. The flower buds are reported to have the following properties: carminative,
stomachi, antimetic, antinauseant, febrifuge and vermifuge. It is also used in treating
disease of the arteries, as a general stimulant and excitant of digestive functions, to
cleanse foul breath and to treat diarrhea, colic, pallid complexion, swollen abdomen,
vomiting after meals and cholera.
Eurycoma longifolia locally known as Tongkat Ali is regarded as a potent aphrodisiac
for men29. Since it is reported to increase male virility, research has been carried out to
investigate this property using sexually experienced male rats2. Roots and bark are also
consumed to treat diarrhea, fever, glandular swelling, bleeding gums, dropsy, persistent
cough, hypertension, impotence, to relieve pain in the bones, as an aphrodisiac, antidote,
febrifuge and post partum tonic. Over the years, the plant has been claimed to possess
antimalarial, cytotoxic, anti-ulcer and anti-pyretic properties.10
APBN • Vol. 11 • No. 2 • 2007 107 Agriculture

Helminithotachys zeylanica‘s root is used by the aboriginals of Nicobar Islands6

as drink to treat “men’s complaints” fever and jaundice.30 A decoction of the plant is
applied to treat boils, heat hives, as a febrifuge37 and as a stomachic for babies. The
plant is used as an aperient, intoxicant, anodyne and to treat sciatica, boils, ulcers and
as a treatment for malaria.37 The tribal people of Malappuram district in Kerala uses
the rhizome to treat snake bites.7 Suja et al. (2002) have reported on the aphrodisiac
properties of the plant as well as the hepatoprotective properties of the rhizome of
Helminithotachys zeylanica (L.).37
Kaempferia galanga is native to Southern China, Indochina, Malaysia and India22.
The leaves of this plant are crushed or pounded and used as a poultice or lotion to treat
swellings and to relieve several kinds of aliments. The rhizomes of the plant, which
contains essential oils, have been used in a decoction or powder for indigestion, cold,
pectoral and abdominal pains, headache and toothache.22 The Chinese use the rhizome
as an aromatic stomachic and as an ingredient in an incense preparation22 whilst its
alcoholic maceration has been used as a liniment for rheumatism.23
Mimusops elengi L. is locally known as Bunga tanjung. The leaves are pounded with
Nigella seeds and applied as a hot compress or burned and smoke inhaled to alleviate
the discomfort of an ulcerated nose. The bark of Mimusops elengi is known to possess
cardio tonic, alexipharmic, stomachic, anthelmentic (check this word) and astringent
activity.24 Parkia speciosa (Hassk) seeds are consumed raw or cooked as a condiment
in food for its flavor and texture and is believed by the locals to control diabetes.20 The
plant has been used in folk medicine for its antibacterial activity on kidney, urethra and
urinary bladder infections. The therapeutic effect has been attributed to the presence of
several cyclic polysulphides.12
Piper betle plant is widely cultivated in India, Sri Lanka and Burma.32 Juice form
the leaves is swallowed to treat gonorrhea and dropped into ears to treat wounds. The
shoots are used in lotions and applied to swellings, ulcers and wounds. The heated
leaves are applied on the chest to relieve cough and asthma, and to the breasts to arrest
the secretion of milk. The protective effect of Piper betle, a commonly used masticatory,
has been examined in the brain of ethanol-administered Wistar rats.31 Brain of ethanol-
treated rats exhibited increased levels of lipids, lipid peroxidation, and disturbances in
antioxidant defense. P. betle co-administration resulted in significant reduction of lipid
levels (free fatty acids, cholesterol, and phospholipids) and lipid peroxidation markers
such as thiobarbituric acid reactive substances and hydroperoxides. Further, antioxidants
such as reduced glutathione, vitamin C, vitamin E, superoxide dismutase, catalase, and
glutathione peroxidase, were increased in P. betle-co-administered rats.31 The in vitro
antimicrobial activity of four varieties of Piper betle (Linn) leaf stalk extracts has been
studied against human pathogenic bacteria and phytopathogenic fungi and the results
has been compared against standard microbial susceptibility testing biodiscs (Shitut et
al., 1999). From the results, it was apparent that ethyl acetate and ethanol extracts of
all the four varieties exhibited significant activity against the bacteria Vibrio cholerae
ogawa, Staphylococcus aureus, Diplococcus pneumoniae and Klebsiella aerogenes
(Shitut et al., 1999).
In conclusion, it is evident that Malaysian medicinal plants have the potential to
deliver natural product leads for various human diseases. However, more research is
required to substantiate the existing medicinal claims and to identify credible leads for
the development of therapeutic agents.

108 APBN • Vol. 11 • No. 2 • 2007 Agriculture

The authors compiled this article based on the information provided in the published
literature. The authors accept no liability or no responsibility whatsoever for any loss
to any person resulting from reliance upon the materials contained in this article. The
contents of this article are not meant to constitute professional, health or other advice
and readers should seek their own competent professional, health and other advice.

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