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Step-Up 2008 Lesson Plan: Unit: Electricity and Magnetism Time: 8 Weeks

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GRADES: 11 & 12




! "ow is energy stored in a battery0

! 1hat conditions make it advantageous to connect lights on a parallel
configuration instead of a series configuration0
! "ow does the electric energy generated in a power plant reach your
! 1hy do some materials make good magnets and others do not0

The unit starts with a study of static electricity and quickly moves towards the
understanding of charge and current. The energy conservation theorem is used to help
explain the behavior of current and voltage in parallel and series circuits. At the same
time, an elemental discussion of how matter responds to the presence of a current is
given with the introduction of the concept of resistance.
The next step is understanding the connections between electricity and magnetism.
First the student will study the macroscopic effects that magnets have on each other and
on magnetic materials. Second, the student will study the connection between a moving
charged particle and the presence of a magnetic field.

There are two culminating activities in this unit. Firstly, the student is asked to apply
the main concepts developed throughout the unit and to explain the techniques used to
make discoveries through a series of controlled, laboratory experiments. The second
culminating activity is the presentation of a research paper that describes how the
fundamental understandings acquired throughout the unit impact the technology that
surround us.



SP5: Students will evaluate relationships between electrical and magnetic forces.
SP3: Students will evaluate the forms and transformation of energy.
! Students will analyze and measure power.


SP3: Students will evaluate the forms and transformations of energy.


SCSh1: Students will evaluate the importance of curiosity, honesty, openness, and
skepticism in science.

SCSh2: Students will use standard safety practices for all classroom laboratory and
field investigations.
SCSh3: Students will identify and investigate problems scientifically.
SCSh4: Students will use tools and instruments for observing, measuring, and
manipulating scientific equipment and materials.
SCSh5: Students will demonstrate the computation and estimation skills necessary for
analyzing data and developing reasonable scientific explanations.
SCSh6: Students will communicate scientific investigations and information clearly.


SCSh7: Students will analyze how scientific knowledge is developed.

SCSh8: Students will understand important features of the process of scientific inquiry.

SCShO: Students will enhance reading in all curriculum areas by:
! Reading in all curriculum areas
Read technical texts related to various subject areas.
! Building vocabulary language knowledge.
! Establishing context.
1 The electric force exerted by a charged particle on another is proportional to
the product of their charges and inversely proportional to the square of the
distance between them.
2 The higher the potential difference between two points in a circuit the
greater the amount of current passing through it as long as the resistance is
kept constant.
3 Electric potential difference is the difference in electric potential between
two different locations within an electric field.
4 In a parallel circuit the voltage across the parallel elements is the same and
the current passing through each one is inversely proportional to the ratio of
their resistances.
5 In a series circuit the current passing through all the elements is the same.
6 In a series circuit the total resistance of the circuit is equal to the sum of the
resistances of the individual elements of the circuit.
7 The sum of voltage dropped on a closed loop of a circuit is zero.
8 Magnetic fields are created by electric currents and can be macroscopic like
the current through a wire or microscopic like the one created by the moving
of electrons in their atomic orbits.
O A magnetic field affects the trajectory of a charged particle moving through
10 A variable magnetic field will induce an electric current and a variable
current will induce a magnetic field.
11 Transformers are used to change the voltage in a circuit by stepping it up or down.

An electromagnet must have an iron core.
! Warger magnets are stronger than smaller ones.
! Magnets can be used to separate metals from non metals.
! Batteries are a source of charge.
! Electricity is a form of energy.
! Current is a type of electrical energy.
! An electromagnet is a wire coiled around a cylinder. It may or may not have
an iron core.
! The strength of a magnetic force generated by a magnet depends oupon the
number of turns, current, and core material.
! Some metallic materials are not magnetic. Therefore, magnets cannot always
be used to separate metals from non metals.
! A battery creates a potential differenceX it does not produce a charge.
! Electricity is the effect of the apparent motion by an electric current.
Current is produced by the apparent motion of electrons along a conductor.

By the conclusion of this unit, students should be able to demonstrate the following

Culminating Activity:

E"ectric )ie"d
"o to%

&ith this sim+lation/ yo+ can investigate several topics dealing with
electric fields created by point charges.

<ere are some things to consider.

a. "ow does the pattern change as you increase the magnitude of the charge0
More field lines. 7 pts

b. "ow does it change when you keep the magnitude the same and reverse the
Field lines change 180? 7 pts

2. Yote how the field lines get further apart the further away from the charge they
are. 1hat does this tell you about how the magnitude of the electric field
changes with distance from a charge0
Field strength decreases as distance from charge increases. 7 pts

3. Add a second charge by sliding the Charge 2 button left or right. Click on the
Zshow net electric field[ box. Adjust the charges so that, net electric field is
1here is the electric field equal to zero0
At the origin, 0,0 7 pts

4. Set one charge to +4 !C and the other to +1 !C.

a. 1here on the line joining the two charges is the net field equal to zero0
Along the x-axis closer to the 1?C charge. 7 pts

b. If one charge is +4!C and the other is ]1!C, where on the line joining the two
charges is the net field equal to zero0
Nowhere 7 pts

Do electric field lines start or end at a positive charge0 1hat about a negative
Start at positive end at negative 7 pts

2. 1hen there are two charges, the charges exert forces on one another.

a. Under what conditions do the charges attract one another0

When the charges are opposite 7 pts

b. Under what conditions do the charges repel0

When the charges are the same 7 pts

c. "ow does the force on a charge depend on the magnitude of the charge0
As charge increases, force increases 7 pts

1ith two charges, if one charge has a larger magnitude than the other, which
charge experiences more force0
Both experience the same force. 7 pts


Investigate the properties of permanent magnets.

Magnetic compass, 2 nails, 2 bar magnets, iron filings, plastic sleeve with sheet of paper,
wires, battery, paper clips

A. Compass and Magnet Check
1. Check the compass by holding the south end of the bar magnet near the compass. The
north end of the compass needle should point towards the bar magnet.

B. Induced Magnetism
1. Rub a nail against the bar magnet.
2. Bring the nail near the compass.
3. Check the nail to see if it has both, a north and a south pole.

C. Magnetic Field - one magnet

1. Place a bar magnet inside the plastic sleeve on top of the sheet of paper.
2. Sprinkle iron filings on the sleeve.
3. Gently tap the paper with your finger.
4. Make a drawing below of any pattern that appears:


5. Explore the magnetic field by following the pattern lines with the compass.
6. Draw the orientation of the compass needle in six different places around the bar magnet.

D. Magnetic Fields - north to north

1. Repeat part C with both magnets under the sleeve. Place the magnets so the north poles
are facing each other.
2. Make a drawing below of any pattern that appears:
E. Magnetic Fields - north to south
1. Repeat part C with both magnets under the sleeve. Place the magnets so the north pole is
facing the south pole.
2. Make a drawing below of any pattern that appears:

F. Electromagnet
1. Wrap as many turns of wire around the nail. Connect the ends of the wire to the battery.

How many paper clips can you pick up ? _________________

2. Remove the paper clips and bring a compass near the electromagnet. What happens to
the compass?

1. Was magnetism induced in the nail when it was rubbed on a magnet? Explain what
happened to the domains of the nail.

2. How many poles were induced in the nail?

3. Where, around a magnet, are the magnetic field lines most concentrated?

4. What does a wire become when current moves through it?

Purpose: Compare series and parallel circuits
Define series circuit:

Click on ZPop upsb to turn them on. Click on ZVisualizeb so you can see the current flow.

Click on the hand and select Building a series circuit. Click Oe.
Click on clear. Yow, build your own circuit with six light bulbs in series.
Draw a schematic diagram of the circuit using the symbols from your notes.

If one light bulb is removed, what will happen to the current0 Test your answer.

1hy does this happen (hint: look at the text to the left of the circuit)0

Place the hand over the battery. 1hat is the potential difference in the battery0

Place the hand over the light bulbs. 1hat is the resistance of the light bulbs0
Define parallel circuit:

Click on the hand and select Building a parallel circuit. Click Oe.
Click on clear. Yow, build your own circuit with four light bulbs in parallel.
Draw a schematic diagram of the circuit using the symbols from your notes.

If one light bulb is removed, what will happen to the current0 Test your answer.

1hy does this happen (hint: look at the text to the left of the circuit)0

Place the hand over the battery. 1hat is the potential difference in the battery0

Place the hand over the light bulbs. 1hat is the resistance of the light bulbs0

Clear the board, click on the hand and select ZOhm[s Waw.b Press ZOe.b Wook at the voltmeter.
1hat is the potential difference across the light bulb0

Wook at the ammeter. 1hat is the current going through the light bulb0

1rite the formula for resistance.

Solve for the resistance of the light bulb.

Electric Field
"o to%

&ith this sim+lation/ yo+ can investigate several topics dealing with
electric fields created by point charges.
<ere are some things to consider.

1 The default settings, with one charge set to zero and the field vectors off, allow
. you to focus on the electric field from a single point charge. Observe the field
line pattern as you change the magnitude and sign of charge 1. (change the
magnitude and sign by sliding the charge 1 button left and right)
a "ow does the pattern change as you increase the magnitude of the charge0

"ow does it change when you keep the magnitude the same and reverse the

2. Yote how the field lines get further apart the further away from the charge they
are. 1hat does this tell you about how the magnitude of the electric field
changes with distance from a charge0

3 Add a second charge by sliding the Charge 2 button left or right. Click on the
. Zshow net electric field[ box. Adjust the charges so that, net electric field is
1here is the electric field equal to zero0

4. Set one charge to +4 !C and the other to +1 !C.

a. 1here on the line joining the two charges is the net field equal to zero0

b. If one charge is +4!C and the other is ]1!C, where on the line joining the two
charges is the net field equal to zero0
By the end of the unit the students should be able to complete the given task and
submit their research work.

Research one of these scenarios related to the usefulness of magnetic fields and
electrical energy. Prepare a report on your research.
a. A huge debate raged in the 1880[s and 18O0[s between proponents of alternating
current and those who advocated direct current to provide the electricity to the
"ow were Thomas Edison and George 1estinghouse involved in this
1hat advantages and disadvantages did each side claim0 1hat uses of electricity
were anticipated0 1hat did all of this have to do with Yiagara Falls0 If you had
been asked to decide the debate, which alternative would you have favored0
b. Research the history of telecommunication. 1ho invented the telegraph0 "ow
it work0 1hat was its significance both historically and economically0 1ho
patented it in England0 1ho patented it in the U.S.0 Research the contributions
Charles 1heatstone, Joseph "enry, and Samuel Morse. "ow did each of these
deal with issues of fame, wealth, and credit to other people ideas0 1hat effects
patents and copyrights had on modern technology0

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