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A. Economic, Traffic, and Technical Data

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Economic, Traffic, and Technical Data

The government will provide the consultants promptly as needed with all
available data on:

1. The present organization and functions of government ministries or other

agencies responsible for transport:
2. The organization and functions of sub-units of government, local government
or other agencies concerned with highways or highway transport:
3. The economic development plans of the Philippines, both national and
regional, including population, agriculture mining and industry;
4. Traffic data for all modes of transport;
5. Maps of the country and its transport network, including existing inventory
6. Cost experience on recent construction projects;
7. Transport cost and revenues, including national and local taxes;
8. The operations and accounting systems of government agencies and local
authorities responsible for highway transport maintenance and
9. Previous studies sponsored by the government on transportation and on
development that will have an impact on transport requirements; and
10.Copies (2 sets of prints) and enlargements (2 sets of prints and 1 set of
negatives) of existing aerial photograph of areas covering the highways
included in the study.
B. Cooperation of Government Agencies and Counterparts

In connection with work by the consultants which requires the cooperation of

the national government, local governments, or other public agencies, the
government will provide liaison ensure that the consultants have access to all
information required for the completion of the services.

The government will provide a staff to assist in the traffic counts, field
investigations, and the preparations of highway inventory.

It will assign qualified counterparts (one senior engineer, one traffic engineer,
three economist, one soils engineer and one surveyor), to work with the key
personnel of the consultants. The counterparts are to be assigned on a full time
basis, for the purpose of liaison training, and review of the findings and
recommendations of the consultants.

C. Facilities and Supporting Staff of the Consultants

The government will provide the following facilities and staff to help
the consultants in performing the services in the Philippines;
1. Suitably furnished office accommodation of about 500 m 2, including
utilities telephone, and office equipment and supplies;
2. Administrative and clerical personnel as follows:
Four typist (about 25 man-months)
Two clerks (about 14 man-months)
3. Professional, technical and support personnel as follows:
a. For traffic surveys (about 50 man-months).
b. For soils and materials surveys, four soils investigating parties,
fully equipped and mobile, each party comprising one of soils
and materials technician, one foreman, and three assistants
(about 8 party months).
c. For topographic surveys, five survey parties, fully equipped and
mobile each party comprising of one surveyor, one chairman,
two assistant and local helpers, as required (about 12 party
d. For engineering, four junior highway engineers (about 24 man-
e. For drafting, 5-10 draftsmen, fully equipped (about 50 man-
f. Nine drivers (about 65 man-months).
g. Workers and helpers (as required).
4. Soils laboratory services
5. Fuel and maintenance for the vehicles purchased by the consultants
for the services; and
6. Cost of transportation within the Philippines.
The government will assist the consultants in satisfactory and
appropriate hotels or other living accommodations for the personnel
of the consultants.

3. economic analyses

The economic analyses of alternative alignments, design standards,

and phasing of stages of recommended improvement and construction program
shall include the following:

a. Estimates the future transport cost with and without the proposed
improvement (using unit cost, excluding taxes, of owning and operating
typical vehicles on existing roads and estimated future cost of highway
operations existing and on improved types of roads).
b. Estimates of other economic benefits, if any, such as reductions in highway
maintenance cost and increases in the net value of industrial and agricultural
output resulting from the proposed improvements; where factors other than
the road improvements are required to produce additional outputs, an
assessment should be made of the inputs required, their probability, sources
of financing and probable time scale;
c. A comparison of the expected cost of construction, maintenance and
administration (excluding taxes) with the benefits estimated in (a) and (b)
above, indicating first year benefit/cost ratios and internal economic return
over the economic life of the highways and sections thereof; and
d. Evaluation of the sensitivity of the first year benefit/cost ratios and rates of
return to possible variations in the main factors used in the economic

D. Time Schedule for Consulting Services and Reports

The consultants shall prepare the following reports (In English)
1. An inception report, within two months of the starting date, (10 copies
for the government, 10 copies for the bank and one copy for the UNDP
Resident Represintative), summarizing the initial findings of the
2. Interim reports, within five months of the starting date, (10 copies for
the government, 10 copies for the bank and one copy for the UNDP
Resident Represintative), covering the alternative solutions considered,
and summarizing the findings and recommendations for the
consultants after completing the work outlined in section III B (1). The
first interim report covering at least 50 per cent of the roads given in
annex A, including the Manila North Expressway and related roads,
shall be submitted within four months;
3. By July 31 and January 31 of each year, a statistical supplement
showing personnel employed, equipment ordered and delivered, and
subcontracts entered into for the preceding periods of January 1 to
June 30 and July 1 to December 31, respectively, (five copies for the
bank and one copy for the UNDP Resident Representative );
4. A draft final report on each of the roads, within seven months of the
starting date, (20 copies for the government and 10 copies for the
bank), summarizing all work performed, the findings and
recommendations of the consultant, and giving maps , plans, and
diagram of the proposed construction works; and
5. A final report on each of the roads within 60 days upon receipt of
comments on the draft final report from the government and the bank
(number of copies to ba determined by the government and the bank),
incorporating all revisions deemed appropriate by the consultants.
The reports mentioned in (1), (2), (4), and (5) above shall contain a
concise first chapter summarizing all major findings and
recommendations of the consultants. The estimates of cost and
benefits and all economic analyses which support the consultants
conclusions shall be presented in sufficient detail to permit checking of
all calculations or allow recalculations with modification of major
assumptions with supplementary data. The draft final report (4) shall
be carefully edited and complete, so that the production of final report
(5) can proceed without delay.

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