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Reinforcing Steel

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Construction of 32 Residential Villas with Services Blocks

at Plot No. TW-EU-E09 - Heart of Europe, The World





A. Extent of work: The extent of reinforcement for concrete is shown on the

drawings, and includes provision, fabrication and placement of reinforcement
for cast-in-place concrete, including bars, welded wire fabric, ties and


A. Codes and Standards: Comply with the following codes and standards unless
otherwise specified:

1. ASTM American Society for Testing and Materials

A185 Specification for Steel Welded Wire Fabric, Plain, for

Concrete Reinforcement.

A497 Specification for Welded Deformed Steel Wire Fabric

for Concrete Reinforcement.

A615 Specification for Deformed and Plain Billet-Steel Bars

for Concrete Reinforcement.

2. BS British Standards.

729 Specification for Hot-Dip Galvanised Coatings on Iron

and Steel Articles.

4449 Specification for Carbon Steel Bars for The

Reinforcement of Concrete.

4466 Specification for Bending Dimensions and Scheduling

of Reinforcement of Concrete.

4482 Specification for Cold Reduced Steel Wire for the

Reinforcement of Concrete.

4483 Specification of Steel Fabric for The Reinforcement of


4870 Approval Testing of Welding Procedures.

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Construction of 32 Residential Villas with Services Blocks
at Plot No. TW-EU-E09 - Heart of Europe, The World

4871 Approval Testing of Welders Working to Approved

Welding Procedures.

5135 Specification for ARC Welding of Carbon and Carbon

Manganese Steels.

3. UBC Uniform Building Code.

B. Acceptable Manufacturer: Manufacturer regularly engaged in manufacture of

steel bar and welded wire fabric reinforcement.


A. Mill Certificates: Submit steel producer's certificates of mill tests for

reinforcing steel.

B. Shop Drawings: Submit shop drawings for fabrication, bending, and

placement of concrete reinforcement. Unless otherwise specified, comply with
BS 4466 to show bar schedules, stirrup spacing, diagrams of bent bars,
arrangements and assemblies, as required for fabrication and placement.
Include special reinforcement required at openings through concrete structures.


A. Deliver reinforcement to the project site bundled, tagged and marked.

Use metal tags indicating bar size, lengths and other information
corresponding to markings shown on placement diagrams.

B. Store concrete reinforcement materials at the site off the ground and in
covered storage sheds to prevent damage, rust and accumulation of dirt or
deleterious material and take extra precautions to prevent contamination of
reinforcement by chlorides in the atmosphere, by condensation and humidity.



A. Reinforcing Bars: Provide Grade 460/425 to BS 4449 or Grade 60 to ASTM

A615 deformed bars, unless otherwise indicated on drawings or specified.

B. Steel Wire: Hard drawn steel wire shall comply with the requirements of BS

C. Welded Wire Fabric: To BS 4483 or to ASTM A497 or ASTM A185.

D. Supports for Reinforcement: Bolsters, chairs, spacers and other devices for
spacing, supporting and fastening reinforcement in place:

1. Use wire bar type or precast concrete type supports, unless otherwise
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Construction of 32 Residential Villas with Services Blocks
at Plot No. TW-EU-E09 - Heart of Europe, The World

indicated. Do not use wood, brick, and other unacceptable materials.

2. For slabs on grade and underground concrete members use corrosion

resistant supports to BS 729. Where wetted base materials will not
support legs use corrosion resistant horizontal runners.

3. For exposed concrete surfaces where legs of supports are in contact

with forms, provide supports with legs which are hot-dip galvanized,
or plastic protected, or stainless steel supports.

4. Over approved waterproofing membranes without blinding layer on

top, if any, use precast concrete block bar supports to prevent
penetration of the membrane.

5. All reinforcement should comply, in respect of chemical and physical

properties with the appropriate British Standard.


A. General: Shop-fabricate reinforcing bars to conform to required shapes and

dimensions, with fabrication tolerances complying with BS 4466. In case of
fabricating errors, do not re-bend or straighten reinforcement in a manner that
will injure or weaken the material.

B. Unacceptable Materials: Reinforcement with any of the following defects will

not be permitted in the work:

1. Bar lengths, depths and bends exceeding specified fabrication


2. Bend or kinks not indicated on drawings or approved shop drawings.

3. Bars with reduced cross-section due to excessive rusting or other


4. Bars with surfaces having rust, rust scale or loose mill scale or
contaminated with dirt, earth, paints, oils or other deleterious cause.

C. The Contractor shall prepare and submit in duplicate to the Engineer at least
two weeks in advance of placement bar schedules showing cutting and
bending details of the reinforcement shown on the drawings. Submission to
and approval of the bending schedule by the Engineer shall not relieve the
Contractor of his responsibility for dimensional accuracy.



The Contractor shall examine the substrate and the conditions under which
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Construction of 32 Residential Villas with Services Blocks
at Plot No. TW-EU-E09 - Heart of Europe, The World

reinforcement for concrete shall be performed and correct any unsatisfactory

conditions. Do not proceed with the work until unsatisfactory conditions have
been corrected in a manner acceptable to the Engineer.


A. For details and methods of reinforcement placement and supports, comply

with the specified codes and standards.

B. Clean reinforcement to remove rust, rust scale and loose mill scale, dirt, earth,
paints, oils or other deleterious material.

C. Reinforcing bars in storage and at all times and prior to concreting shall be
protected by polyethylene sheets or other satisfactory protection methods.

D. Accurately position, support, and secure reinforcement against displacement

by formwork construction, or concrete placement operations. Locate and
support reinforcing by chairs, runners, bolsters, spacers and hangers, as

E. Place reinforcement to obtain the minimum coverages for concrete protection.

Arrange, space, and securely tie bars and bar supports together with 16 gage
(1.6 mm) annealed wire to hold reinforcement accurately in position during
concrete placement operations. Set wire ties so that ends are directed away
from exposed concrete surfaces.

F. Install welded wire fabric in as long lengths as practicable. Lap adjoining

pieces as indicated but at least 300 mm including one full mesh for deformed
wire fabric, and two full meshes with 50 mm overlap for plain wire fabric, and
lace splices with 16 gage (1.6 mm) annealed wire. Offset end laps in adjacent
widths to prevent continuous laps.

G. Provide sufficient numbers of supports and of strength to carry reinforcement.

Do not place reinforcing bars more than 50 mm beyond the last leg of any
continuous bar support. Do not use supports as bases for runways for concrete
conveying equipment and similar construction loads.

H. Splices: Provide reinforcement splices by lapping ends, placing bars in

contact, and tightly wire tying.

I. Protect reinforcement when not being worked and until placement of concrete
by covering with polythene or similar impermeable sheeting.

J. Do not bend reinforcing bars and fabric which are embedded into hardened
concrete at construction joints, without the approval of the Engineer.

K. Reinforcement shall be securely fixed in position within a dimensional

tolerance of 20mm in any direction parallel to a concrete face and within a
tolerance of 5mm at right angles to a face, provided that cover is not thereby
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Construction of 32 Residential Villas with Services Blocks
at Plot No. TW-EU-E09 - Heart of Europe, The World

decreased below the minimum specified or otherwise shown on the drawings.

L. Reinforcement shall not be welded except where required by the drawings or

agreed by the Engineer. If welding is employed, the procedures shall be as set
out in BS 693 for gas welding or BS 5135 for metal arc welding. Full strength
butt welds shall only be used for steel complying with BS 4449, and if used on
high yield deformed bars complying with BS 4449 the permissible stresses in
the vicinity of the weld shall be reduced to those applicable to plain bars
complying with that specification.


A. Measurement - Reinforcing steel bars incorporated in the concrete shall unless

otherwise indicated, be measured in kilograms or in metric tonnes as applicable
stating the type/grade of reinforcement (High Tensile steel bar (deformed) based
on the total computed weight for the sizes and lengths of bars, as shown on the
Drawings or authorized by the Engineer.

For computing the weight of reinforcing steel bars for payment, the theoretical
weights shall be used.

No allowance will be made for clips, wire, separators, wire-chairs and other
material used in fastening the reinforcing steel in place. If bars are substituted
upon the Contractor's request and as a result more steel is used than specified,
only the amount specified shall be included.

For long bars the measurement will allow one lap at 10 metre centres unless the
position of the lap is shown differently on the Drawings. When laps are made for
splices, other than those shown on the Drawings the extra steel shall not be

B. Payment - The accepted quantities of reinforcing steel bars, determined as

provided above, shall be paid for at the rates included in the Bill of quantities,
which rates shall be full compensation for all labour, materials, equipment and
incidentals required for proper installation and completion of the work.

Where reinforcing steel bars to be incorporated in concrete work involving

reinforced concrete for which all inclusive items are prescribed in the Bill of
Quantities for such work, the reinforcing steel bars shall not be measured nor paid
for separately.


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