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Care and Use: Hand File

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The document describes different types of files including hand files, flat files, mill files, and square files. It explains what shape and cut each type has and what they are generally used for.

Crossfiling and drawfiling are described as methods for using files. Crossfiling involves moving the file endwise across the work while drawfiling involves grasping the file at each end and moving it lengthwise along the work. Proper techniques are discussed.

Reamers, countersinks, and drills are described as tools for working with holes. Reamers are used to smooth and true holes and come in various styles like tapered, bottoming and expansion reamers. Countersinks are used to cut cone shaped depressions around screw and rivet holes. Drill sizes and equivalents are also shown.



Hand—taper width, parallel thickness

Heel Face Edge Point

Mill—taper width, parallel thickness

Figure 11-16. Hand file.

to as “overcut,” and the second row as “upcut;” the upcut is

Pillar—taper thickness, parallel width
somewhat finer than and not as deep as the overcut.

Care and Use

Files and rasps are catalogued in three ways: Warding—much taper width, parallel thickness
• Length—Measuring from the tip to the heel of the file.
The tang is never included in the length.
• Shape—Refers to the physical configuration of the Square, round, and three–square—taper
file (circular, rectangular, triangular, or a variation
• Cut—Refers to both the character of the teeth or the
coarseness—rough, coarse, and bastard for use on Half–round—taper
heavier classes of work and second cut, smooth, and
dead smooth for finishing work.

Most Commonly Used Files Knife—taper

Hand Files
These are parallel in width and tapered in thickness. They
have one safe edge (smooth edge) that permits filing in
corners and on other work where a safe edge is required. Vixen—parallel edges and sides
Hand files are double cut and used principally for finishing
flat surfaces and similar work. [Figure 11-17] Figure 11-17. Types of files.

Flat Files
Round or Rattail Files
These files are slightly tapered toward the point in both width
and thickness. They cut on both edges, as well as on the sides. These are circular in cross section and may be either tapered
They are the most common files in use. Flat files are double or blunt and single or double cut. They are used principally for
cut on both sides and single cut on both edges. [Figure 11-17] filing circular openings or concave surfaces. [Figure 11-17]

Triangular and Three Square Files

Mill Files
These files are triangular in cross section. Triangular files
These are usually tapered slightly in thickness and in width
are single cut and are used for filing the gullet between saw
for about one-third of their length. The teeth are ordinarily
teeth. Three square files, which are double cut, may be used
single cut. These files are used for draw filing and to some
for filing internal angles, clearing out corners, and filing taps
extent for filing soft metals. [Figure 11-17]
and cutters. [Figure 11-17]
Square Files
Half-Round Files
These files may be tapered or blunt and are double cut. They
These files cut on both the flat and round sides. They may
are used principally for filing slots and key seats and for
be single or double cut. Their shape permits them to be used
surface filing. [Figure 11-17]
where other files would be unsatisfactory. [Figure 11-17]

Lead-Float Files of the rounded surface. If the surface is narrow or only
These are especially designed for use on soft metals. They are a portion of a surface is to be rounded, start the forward
single cut and are made in various lengths. [Figure 11-17] stroke of the file with the point of the file inclined
downward at approximately a 45° angle. Using a
Warding File rocking chair motion, finish the stroke with the heel
Rectangular in section and tapers to narrow point in width. of the file near the curved surface. This method allows
This file is used for narrow space filing where other files use of the full length of the file.
cannot be used. [Figure 11-17] 4. Removing burred or slivered edges. Practically every
cutting operation on sheet metal produces burrs or
Knife File slivers. These must be removed to avoid personal
Knife blade section. This file is used by tool and die makers injury and to prevent scratching and marring of parts
on work having acute angles. [Figure 11-17] to be assembled. Burrs and slivers prevent parts from
fitting properly and should always be removed from
Wood File the work as a matter of habit.
Same section as flat and half-round files. This file has
coarser teeth and is especially adaptable for use on wood. Lathe filing requires that the file be held against the work
[Figure 11-17] revolving in the lathe. The file should not be held rigid or
stationary but should be stroked constantly with a slight
Vixen (Curved-Tooth Files) gliding or lateral motion along the work. A standard mill file
may be used for this operation, but the long angle lathe file
Curved-tooth files are especially designed for rapid filing
provides a much cleaner shearing and self-clearing action.
and smooth finish on soft metals and wood. The regular cut
Use a file with “safe” edges to protect work with shoulders
is adapted for tough work on cast iron, soft steel, copper,
from being marred.
brass, aluminum, wood, slate, marble, fiber, rubber, and so
forth. The fine cut gives excellent results on steel, cast iron,
phosphor bronze, white brass, and all hard metals. The smooth Care of Files
cut is used where the amount of material to be removed is very There are several precautions that any good craftsman takes
slight, but where a superior finish is desired. [Figure 11-17] in caring for files.
1. Choose the right file for the material and work to be
The following methods are recommended for using files: performed.
1. Crossfiling. Before attempting to use a file, place 2. Keep all files racked and separated so they do not bear
a handle on the tang of the file. This is essential against each other.
for proper guiding and safe use. In moving the file
3. Keep the files in a dry place—rust corrodes the teeth
endwise across the work (commonly known as
points, dulling the file.
crossfiling), grasp the handle so that its end fits into
and against the fleshy part of the palm with the thumb 4. Keep files clean. Tap the end of the file against the
lying along the top of the handle in a lengthwise bench after every few strokes to loosen and clear the
direction. Grasp the end of the file between the thumb filings. Use the file card to keep files clean—a dirty
and first two fingers. To prevent undue wear of the file is a dull file. A dirty file can also contaminate
file, relieve the pressure during the return stroke. different metals when the same file is used on multiple
metal surfaces.
2. Drawfiling. A file is sometimes used by grasping it
at each end, crosswise to the work, then moving it
Particles of metal collect between the teeth of a file and may
lengthwise with the work. When done properly, work
make deep scratches in the material being filed. When these
may be finished somewhat finer than when cross filing
particles of metal are lodged too firmly between the teeth and
with the same file. In draw filing, the teeth of the file
cannot be removed by tapping the edge of the file, remove
produce a shearing effect. To accomplish this shearing
them with a file card or wire brush. Draw the brush across
effect, the angle at which the file is held with respect
the file so that the bristles pass down the gullet between the
to its line of movement varies with different files,
teeth. [Figure 11-18]
depending on the angle at which the teeth are cut.
Pressure should be relieved during the backstroke.
3. Rounding corners. The method used in filing a The four types of portable drills used in aviation for holding
rounded surface depends upon its width and the radius and turning twist drills are the hand drill, breast drill, electric

Lip or cutting edge
– 135


Lip clearance
Figure 11-18. File card.

power drill, and pneumatic power drill. Holes 1⁄4 inch in

diameter and under can be drilled using a hand drill. This Flute

drill is commonly called an “egg beater.” The breast drill is

designed to hold larger size twist drills than the hand drill.
Also, a breastplate is affixed at the upper end of the drill
to permit the use of body weight to increase the cutting
power of the drill. Electric and pneumatic power drills are

available in various shapes and sizes to satisfy almost any
requirement. Pneumatic drills are preferred for use around
flammable materials, since sparks from an electric drill are
a fire or explosion hazard.

Heel angle (12° – 15°)

Twist Drills
A twist drill is a pointed tool that is rotated to cut holes
in material. It is made of a cylindrical hardened steel bar Lip angle (normally 59°)
having spiral flutes, or grooves, running the length of the
body and a conical point with cutting edges formed by the

ends of the flutes. Lip or cutting edges

Twist drills are made of carbon steel or high-speed alloy steel.

Carbon steel twist drills are satisfactory for the general run Figure 11-19. Twist drill.
of work and are relatively inexpensive. The more expensive
high-speed twist drills are used for the tough materials,
such as stainless steels. Twist drills have from one to four Point Margin Flute
spiral flutes. Drills with two flutes are used for most drilling.
Whereas those with three or four flutes are used principally
to follow smaller drills or to enlarge holes.
Straight shank
The principal parts of a twist drill are the shank, the body, and
the heel. [Figure 11-19] The drill shank is the end that fits
into the chuck of a hand or power drill. The two shank shapes
most commonly used in hand drills are the straight shank and Size stamped here
the square or bit stock shank. The straight shank generally
is used in hand, breast, and portable electric or pneumatic
drills. The square shank is made to fit into a carpenter’s
brace. Tapered shanks generally are used in machine shop Taper shank
drill presses. [Figure 11-20]

The metal column forming the core of the drill is the body. Square shank ˜used in brace°
The body clearance area lies just back of the margin. It is
slightly smaller in diameter than the margin to reduce the
friction between the drill and the sides of the hole. The angle Figure 11-20. Drill types.

at which the drill point is ground is the lip clearance angle. A hole that is to be reamed to exact size must be drilled about
On standard drills used to cut steel and cast iron, the angle 0.003 to 0.007 inch undersize. A cut that removes more than
should be 59° from the axis of the drill. For faster drilling of 0.007 inch places too much load on the reamer and should
soft materials, sharper angles are used. not be attempted.

The diameter of a twist drill may be given in one of three Reamers are made of either carbon tool steel or high-speed
ways: by fractions, letters, or numbers. Fractionally, they are steel. The cutting blades of a high-speed steel reamer lose
classified by sixteenths of an inch (from 1⁄16 to 31⁄2 inches), by their original keenness sooner than those of a carbon steel
thirty-secondths (from 1⁄32 to 21⁄2 inches), or by sixty-fourths reamer; however, after the first super keenness is gone, they
(from 1⁄64 to 11⁄4 inches). For a more exact measurement, a are still serviceable. The high-speed reamer usually lasts
letter system is used with decimal equivalents: A (0.234 much longer than the carbon steel type.
inch) to Z (0.413 inch). The number system of classification
is most accurate: No. 80 (0.0314 inch) to No. 1 (0.228 Reamer blades are hardened to the point of being brittle and
inch). Drill sizes and their decimal equivalents are shown must be handled carefully to avoid chipping them. When
in Figure 11-21. reaming a hole, rotate the reamer in the cutting direction only.
Do not back a reamer out of a hole by rotating it opposite
The twist drill should be sharpened at the first sign of the cutting direction. Turn the reamer steadily and evenly to
dullness. For most drilling, a twist drill with a cutting angle prevent chattering, or marking and scoring of the hole walls.
of 118° (59° on either side of center) is sufficient. However,
when drilling soft metals, a cutting angle of 90° may be Reamers are available in any standard size. The straight fluted
more efficient. reamer is less expensive than the spiral fluted reamer, but
the spiral type has less tendency to chatter. Both types are
Typical procedures for sharpening drills are as follows: tapered for a short distance back of the end to aid in starting.
[Figure 11-22] Bottoming reamers have no taper and are used to complete
1. Adjust the grinder tool rest to a convenient height for the reaming of blind holes.
resting the back of the hand while grinding.
For general use, an expansion reamer is the most practical.
2. Hold the drill between the thumb and index finger of This type is furnished in standard sizes from 1⁄4 inch to 1 inch,
the right or left hand. Grasp the body of the drill near increasing in diameter by 1⁄32-inch increments.
the shank with the other hand.
3. Place the hand on the tool rest with the centerline of Taper reamers, both hand and machine operated, are used to
the drill making a 59° angle with the cutting face of smooth and true taper holes and recesses.
the grinding wheel. Lower the shank end of the drill
slightly. Countersink
A countersink is a tool that cuts a cone-shaped depression
4. Slowly place the cutting edge of the drill against the
around the hole to allow a rivet or screw to set flush with the
grinding wheel. Gradually lower the shank of the drill
surface of the material. Countersinks are made with various
as you twist the drill in a clockwise direction. Maintain
angles to correspond to the various angles of the countersunk
pressure against the grinding surface only until you
rivet and screw heads. The angle of the standard countersink
reach the heel of the drill.
shown in Figure 11-24 is 100°.
5. Check the results of grinding with a gauge to determine
whether or not the lips are the same length and at a Special stop countersinks are available. Stop countersinks
59° angle. are adjustable to any desired depth, and the cutters are
interchangeable so that holes of various countersunk angles
Alternatively, there are commercially available twist drill may be made. Some stop countersinks have a micrometer set
grinders available, as well as attachments for bench grinders arrangement (in increments of 0.001 inch) for adjusting the
that ensure consistent, even sharpening of twist drills. cutting depths. [Figure 11-24]

Reamers are used to smooth and enlarge holes to exact size.
Hand reamers have square end shanks so that they can be
turned with a tap wrench or similar handle. The various types
of reamers are illustrated in Figure 11-23.
















0.1 0.0039 — 0.0410 59 2.2 0.0866 — 0.1470 26
0.15 0.0059 1.05 0.0413 2.25 0.0885 3.75 0.1476
0.2 0.0079 — 0.0420 58 — 0.0890 43 — 0.1495 25
0.25 0.0098 — 0.0430 57 2.3 0.0905 3.8 0.1496
0.3 0.0118 1.1 0.0433 2.35 0.0925 — 0.1520 24
— 0.0135 80 1.15 0.0452 — 0.0935 42 3.9 0.1535
0.35 0.0138 — 0.0465 56 2.38 0.0937 ˜⁄˛˝ — — 0.1540 23
— 0.0145 79 1.19 0.0469 ˜⁄˙ˆ — 2.4 0.0945 3.97 0.1562 ˇ⁄˛˝ —
0.39 0.0156 ˘⁄˙ˆ — 1.2 0.0472 — 0.0960 41 — 0.1570 22
0.4 0.0157 1.25 0.0492 2.45 0.0964 4.0 0.1575
— 0.0160 78 1.3 0.0512 — 0.0980 40 — 0.1590 21
0.45 0.0177 — 0.0520 55 2.5 0.0984 — 0.1610 20
— 0.0180 77 1.35 0.0531 — 0.0995 39 4.1 0.1614
0.5 0.0197 — 0.0550 54 — 0.1015 38 4.2 0.1654
— 0.0200 76 1.4 0.0551 2.6 0.1024 — 0.1660 19
— 0.0210 75 1.45 0.0570 — 0.1040 37 4.25 0.1673
0.55 0.0217 1.5 0.0591 2.7 0.1063 4.3 0.1693
— 0.0225 74 — 0.0595 53 — 0.1065 36 — 0.1695 18
0.6 0.0236 1.55 0.0610 2.75 0.1082 4.37 0.1719 ˘˘⁄˙ˆ —
— 0.0240 73 1.59 0.0625 ˘⁄˙ — 2.78 0.1094 ⁄˙ˆ — — 0.1730 17
— 0.0250 72 1.6 0.0629 — 0.1100 35 4.4 0.1732
0.65 0.0256 — 0.0635 52 2.8 0.1102 — 0.1770 16
— 0.0260 71 1.65 0.0649 — 0.1110 34 4.5 0.1771
— 0.0280 70 1.7 0.0669 — 0.1130 33 — 0.1800 15
0.7 0.0276 — 0.0670 51 2.9 0.1141 4.6 0.1811
— 0.0292 69 1.75 0.0689 — 0.1160 32 — 0.1820 14
0.75 0.0295 — 0.7000 50 3.0 0.1181 4.7 0.1850 13
— 0.0310 68 1.8 0.0709 — 0.1200 31 4.75 0.1870
0.79 0.0312 ˘⁄˛˝ — 1.85 0.0728 3.1 0.1220 4.76 0.1875 ˜⁄˙ —
0.8 0.0315 — 0.0730 49 3.18 0.1250 ˘⁄ — 4.8 0.1890 12
— 0.0320 67 1.9 0.0748 3.2 0.1260 — 0.1910 11
— 0.0330 66 — 0.0760 48 3.25 0.1279 4.9 0.1929
0.85 0.0335 1.95 0.0767 — 0.1285 30 — 0.1935 10
— 0.0350 65 1.98 0.0781 ˇ⁄˙ˆ — 3.3 0.1299 — 0.1960 9
0.9 0.0354 — 0.0785 47 3.4 0.1338 5.0 0.1968
— 0.0360 64 2.0 0.0787 — 0.1360 29 — 0.1990 8
— 0.0370 63 2.05 0.0807 3.5 0.1378 5.1 0.2008
0.95 0.0374 — 0.0810 46 — 0.1405 28 — 0.2010 7
— 0.0380 62 — 0.0820 45 3.57 0.1406 ⁄˙ˆ 5.16 0.2031 ˘˜⁄˙ˆ —
— 0.0390 61 2.1 0.0827 3.6 0.1417 — 0.2040 6
1.0 0.0394 2.15 0.0846 — 0.1440 27 5.2 0.2047
— 0.0400 60 — 0.0860 44 3.7 0.1457 — — 0.2055 5

Figure 11-21. Drill sizes.


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