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Selectric Typewriter Service Manual

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“a T BM Office Products Division

at Customer Engineering



"nt eg wae IBM “Selectric” Typewriter

: IBM “Selectric” || Typewriter
Copyright© By
International Business Machines Corporation
1970, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975
Printed in U.S.A.

Page Page
EON esis. és al oscaisd'w 6,acai, iv 0 ds ite) Ci facolteloltol att ed
ES) Ee ee 207
“Selectric” Il Typewriter — Dual Pitch 6 Dead Key Disconnect Mechanism ............ 209
Correcting “Selectric’’ Typewriter 8 DEAUIMEVINECIIAIUS) 04 gb sc 0 bw pos ee boo 217
Doubleindexing Device Fs) oF) Feb es oe oe 213
PEMMLMRUSHIOCNV rae’. city < cctie Gia k oie a oss ss 1 EXTENMA ODOM CONUO) . sss ret tas be ae > 215
Mahal \VEIOCIIY GONMMON hn. 5 4 wok on 6 2 2 0 2 217
MECHANISM OPERATION & ADJUSTMENTS falDR RCUORIATE een urte, Hw.s tiesay dene cxche yoo 2 2-40 2 219
Backspace Shift, Sensing Mechanisnis tii: eats ea Ss ee eo 223
ER PERSIEGGRSOAGE) 4c ae wale aie os. sé a0 0 « hi Fd SINE MOOUM IE aan nietina shs ted 10 si eer ne A oe 225
(STEER SIGE B21 eee oe Weitaty Ml ce tee al ela 113
NASA VALSCHOIAGE saath csook a ds 6 6 Ww co 105 PM ELRUN SERRE eC cefon Pee een oie ek es aedine As i
Single Pitch Backspace Cette Ce LC) Outre Oh Oni RCE sn An 101
AIT HELUIE Derek Br b.relhtis Mae NRE MAe ew e Ps 93 REMOVAL PROCEDURES
Character Selection eee eee a eee Mee) 1s. ee ose) elie, 43 Carrier and Rocker Assembly Removal ........ 226
PITECUIIG LCR eeeee Pe, 185 Carrier Return/Backspace Cable Drum
CLE EMET” ve cvcone A RRS ea ee 201 Assembly Removal — Dual Pitch .......... 230
Escapement — Single Pitch 67 Compensator Balls Replacement ............. 230
ERcapementi— DUA PHO orc iz sides ater ayerd ts @ 22 73 Comphenlacementicc teks wists Bethe. ss 229
TIDEANGHINENTIE aL Oke, OIG, Be 33 COVE REnIIValie Hate Se PEEL See ee a 226
WOER sca ee Sid Te OS TREE EN NB IS TS 145 Cycle Clutch and Cycle Shaft Removal ........ 226
LEM2OEG) a5 bed Goeear eRe ee eee 17 LDahice [PAMEUAYT1422 | (Re eae 226
Margins and Linelock 197 Escapement Rack Removal — Dual Pitch ....... 230
II OR AN OMATIVED tare ci,as laprantctue: Bey dates) sorati cya es 9 Escapement Pawl Removal ...........-..-.+-- 228
GperationaltGantral weet 26. L0F 8 79 Keyboard Interposer Removal .............. 227
Paperfeed and Index 145 Live ez Eli CURL. Gawenea ae OR a ie ee en 230
(ALRE oon a:oe? OGRLER ENE ERE 133 Margin Rack & Rail — Dual Pitch ............ 230
Ribbon Operational Shaft Removal ................- 228
ALIGTH IRORDy Wiese rssh rahas leer oem. be aricioass 167 PaperniFeed: (Avbiamejes oe. me bheiob. 2 2s. s- 229
FIMMIDUOMN os tome rnmre At Os, SOW AeL 2 157 PHINTESICEVEIRETMOVAP. © 7h 20 PRI Sew a ee 228
175 Rocker Assembly Removal ...........-.++-- 226
85 Rotate Selection Differential Removal ......... 227
Shift Sees wie ee) eye aie te) we wv @ ieee « «© s « 27 Rotate Spring Replacement ..........-..----. 227
Se ee wee wee) ee) ew me! ee ws wm ole) om ve 61 ROtaIE TaDESREDIACEMENE |. 2... se ee me ee 228
Tabulation — Single Pitch CHORE ee OSCE CeO I She tee Ce 719 SHILA ENIOVAL enGrieoe eo sale, eine een. we 227
Tabulation — Dual Pitch 127 Tilt Ring and Rotate Shaft Removal .......... 226
ULEAD REDIAGETTIERE cos. asm a x)a Sa a 228
27-Tooth Ratchet Assembly Removal ........-. 229
54-Tooth Ratchet Assembly Installation ....... 229
This manual was published to be used by customer engineers and other technically oriented
individuals as a reference source to aid in servicing the “Selectric,” “Selectric” II, and Correcting
“Selectric” typewriters. This manual covers Models 7X1, 7X3, 7X5 and 8X3-8X5 and was written
with the restraint that the persons using this manual will have already become familiar with the
machine from the operator’s viewpoint.

The Parts Catalog and the Pictorial Reference/Adjustment Manual are recommended to be used in
conjunction with this manual. There are three special tools that are also required. They are the
Hooverometer, platen gauge and hand cycling wheel. The use of the Hooverometer and platen
gauge are self-evident in the adjustments that require their use. The hand cycling wheel fits into
the right end of the operational shaft and is used to operate the machine by hand to view an
adjustment or the mechanism operation. The hand cycling wheel should be turned top-to-front.

The Introduction section of the manual includes the function of the machine, applications of the
product line and any unique features or functions of the equipment.

The Functional Check section is outlined in a sequence so that all major functions of the machine
are checked for proper performance. However, this check does not necessarily follow the sequence
of operational theory adjustments within the manual. The use of the functional check cannot be
stressed too strongly and should be.used after any service has been performed on the equipment.

The Mechanism sections of the manual are divided into two parts: Operational Theory and
Adjustment. The Operational Theory part of a section contains an explanation and illustrations in
detail of how that particular mechanism operates. When it is required, the view, the model of
machine, level of design and mode or condition of the equipment is noted under the illustration.
In the Adjustment part of the section, each adjustment is written and illustrated in the sequence
that the adjustments are to be made. When an adjustment is made, all adjustments that follow in
that mechanism must be checked to ensure the adjustment did not affect an adjustment later in
the sequence. The part to be adjusted, as well as the direction the part must be adjusted, are
printed in red. When required, the view, the model of machine, level of design and mode or
condition of the equipment is noted under the illustration. There may be instances where
adjustment sequences or tolerances vary from those set forth in other related publications,
however, the publication bearing the latest date should normally be considered the most current.

The Removal Procedures section is a numbered sequence of instructions for part removals when a
detailed part-by-part removal instruction is needed. Reassembly is accomplished by reversing the
removal steps. If a detailed breakdown of an assembly is needed, the illustrations in the Parts
Catalog should be used.

The IBM “Selectric”? Typewriter is available with film or The correcting mechanism allows the operator a choice of
fabric ribbon and features a small sphere-shaped typing two types of correcting supplies. Both types employ a
element that eliminates type clashing. The typing element is correcting type mounted on the carrier, adjacent to the
easily removed to permit changing the typestyle to best suit ribbon. If the typist chooses to use the “lift-off” correcting
the application. An impression control permits the operator tape, a unique IBM Correctable Film Ribbon must be used.
to vary the impression of the typing element. An automatic If the IBM Tech III “cover-up” correcting tape is used, an
velocity control changes the impression of the characters IBM Tech III ribbon should be used. Both types of
located in certain keyboard positions to a lighter impression correcting tapes are color coded for identification and can
regardless of the position of the impression control. A be easily installed by the operator.
stroke storage mechanism reduces typing errors by storing
the second of two rapidly typed characters until the first is
printed out. The paper mechanism remains stationary and
the element moves across the paper. The underscore,
backspace, spacebar, index key and carrier return are
typamatic keys.

The applications of the “Selectric” Typewriter include all

types of general correspondence, preparation of master
copy for most types of duplicating, carbon copies, stencil
writing and formswriting. The machine is also available with
minor changes in the element, keyboard and cardholder for
Optical Character Recognition applications.

The IBM “Selectric” II Typewriter adds a new dimension of

versatitlity to the IBM “Selectric” Typewriter product line.
In addition to its regular “‘Selectric’? Typewriter features of
single element printing and nonmoving carriage, the IBM
“Selectric” If Typewriter is available in either single pitch
or dual pitch escapement. It has a new appearance and also
includes such other major new features as: (1) selective
ribbon system, (2) express backspace and (3) half
backspace (dual pitch models only).

I. Dual Pitch — Allows the operator to select the

typstyle and spacing best suited to the application —
whether it is correspondence, manifolding, OCR
speech writing, legal, file indexes, or other.

2. Selective Ribbon System — Allows the use of film

ribbon or the new IBM Tech III ribbon, both
contained in cartridges for easier and fewer changes.
The IBM Tech III ribbon creates a high quality, more
uniform image on a wider range of surfaces with an
extremely high character yield.

3. Express Backspace — Moves the carrier to the left

' quickly, under complete control of the operator,
while remaining on the same writing line.

4. Half Backspace (Dual Pitch Only) — Permits typing

half-way between two characters or spaces allowing
the operator to “‘squeeze-in” a character.

The IBM Correcting “‘Selectric’? Typewriter provides the

operator with an efficient means of correcting original copy
without having to lift the hands from the keyboard.

A “correcting” keybutton has been placed on the right side

of the keyboard. If an error is made, the typist simply
depresses the “correcting” keybutton, restrikes the
incorrect character and resumes typing. All actions
necessary to position the carrier over the incorrect
character, place the correcting tape. in position and
maintain the proper carrier position following the
correction are accomplished by one stroke of the
“correcting” keybutton.


This functional check is a procedure that will tell you

whether or not an IBM “Selectric”? Typewriter has any
malfunctions. It includes checks of every function of the
machine, organized in an efficient sequence.

23 24 25 26 27 28 30


Film Ribbon Fabric Ribbon

1. Detent Release Lever 12. Hyphen/Underscore Key 23. Paper Guide

2. Page End Indicator 13. Spacebar 24. Copy Guide Scale
3. Platen Knob 14. Shift Lock 25. Impression Control Lever
4. Position Indicator (Carrier Pointer) 15. Tab Set & Clear 26. Paper Bail
5. Right Margin Stop 16. Tab Key 27. Platen
6. Backspace Key 17. Margin Release Lever 28. Line Space Lever
7. Index Key 18. Left Margin Stop 29. Paper Release Lever
8. On/Off Switch 19. Typing Element (Typehead) 30. Front Scale
9. Carrier Return Key 20. Clear View Cardholder 31. Ribbon Load Lever
10. Shift Key 21. Platen Variable 32. Ribbon Lift Lever
11. Multiple Character Key 22. Multiple Copy Control Lever 33. Stencil Control


uk Visual Inspection — Look at the machine carefully 1. Spacebar — Return the carrier to the left margin.
for any obviously loose, damaged or missing parts. Check the spacebar by first typing a series of lower
Also look for foreign material in the machine: case ‘‘n’s” separated by a space. Then, return to the
pencils, erasers, paper clips, etc. margin, roll back to the same writing line and
substitute a space for the “‘n’s”’ and the letter ‘*x”’ for
On-Off Switch — Operate the on-off switch (8) the space. You should have a line of alternate ‘‘n’s”’
several times. Switch action should be positive and and “‘x’s”’ evenly spaced.
the machine should reliably turn on and off.
Check to see that the spacebar repeats when slight
Turn the switch off. Try to depress all of the additional pressure is applied to the keybutton.
character keybuttons. All characters except the Starting at position zero, hold the spacebar in a
hyphen/underscore (12) should be locked. No repeat operation as you watch the carrier move to the
character should print when the machine is turned extreme right limit. The speed of the carrier should
back on. remain constant from position zero to position 130.

Turn the switch on and unplug the machine. Depress Backspace — Turn the paper in your machine
all functional keys: tab (16), shift (10), spacebar sideways; then, starting with the carrier at 115 on the
(13), backspace (6) and carrier return (9). Plug the front scale, type a row of “‘h’s” and ‘“‘n’s”’ alternately
machine in. The machine should start reliably under for a total of 10 characters. Now, backspace 10
this load. spaces and retype the same characters. The characters
should overlay each other.
8) Paper Insertion — Roll a single piece of paper into
your machine. It should not wrinkle or tear. Also, check the backspace in a similar manner with
the carrier positioned at 10 and 60 on the front scale.
Paper Release — Pull the paper bail (26) forward.
Notice that the feed rolls still hold the paper firmly. Check to see that the backspace mechanism repeats
Now, pull the paper release lever (29) forward. You when slight additional pressure is applied to the
should be able to easily position the paper left and key button.
Carrier Return — Operate the return key (9) with the
Cn Multiple Copy Control Lever — Operate the multiple carrier positioned two, three and four inches from the
copy control lever (22) while watching the platen left margin. Check for reliable single and double line
(27). The platen should noticeably move front and space during this operation. The carrier should not
rear. The lever should not bind at either extreme hesitate at the margin or appear sluggish.
position. Return the lever all the way forward.
Check to see that only the index portion of the
Detent Release — Push the detent release lever (1) carrier return operation is repeated when slight
down. The platen should rotate freely without any additional pressure is applied to the keybutton.
detenting action. Push the detent release lever up.
The platen should now be positively detented. Index — Operate the index key (7). Check for reliable
single and repeat operation. The carrier should not
Platen Variable — Push in on the left platen knob move during an index operation.
(21). The platen should turn freely. Be sure the
ratchet on the right side of the platen does not turn. Tab — Clear all tab stops (15). Now set tabs at 55, 56,
When the knob is released, it should restore reliably. 88 and 90. Operate the tab and check to see that the
carrier stops exactly at 55, 56, 88 and 90. Make this
Margin Set — Position the carrier at 30. Move the left check several times.
margin (18) to the right until it lines up with the
carrier pointer (4). Then, operate the carrier return. Now tab all the way to the right. Hold down the tab
The margin should remain at 30. Type over to the clear keybutton and operate the carrier return. All
right margin (5). The bell should ring 10-12 spaces the set tab stops should clear automatically without
before the carrier reaches the right margin. When the excessive noise.
carrier pointer reaches the right margin, the character
keys should lock.

Margin Release — Set the left margin at 25. Carrier

return to the left margin. Depress and release the
margin release lever (17). Operate the carrier return
again. The carrier should move to the extreme left.
Now type from zero to position 30. You should be
able to type through the left margin.
PRINT QUALITY Film Ribbon Operation ~ Look at the ribbon and.
typed samples. The pattern on the ribbon should lo«
d. Strikeup — Set the impression control lever (25) at similar to this.
three. Make a strikeup of all the characters on the
keyboard in the following manner: type one
character, then an “H;”’ another character and an
“H,” etc., until you have typed every character in HHHHHH
upper and lower case. Make this strikeup several
times. First, use a very slow and deliberate touch, HHHHHP
then a heavy, rapid touch, Remember, every operator
has a slightly different touch. You should meet the
following conditions, regardless of how you vary the There should be neither character overlap on the
touch. ribbon nor voids (white spaces) on the printed
characters. Depress the stencil control (33) and type a
A. All keys should have printed the correct few underscores. The ribbon should not feed and the
character. underscore should miss the ribbon. Return the stencil
control to its normal position.
B. All characters should have even color.
Fabric Ribbon Operation — Type a series of
C: No characters should be obviously out of underscores with the impression control lever set on
position. five and the ribbon lift lever (32) in the high lift
position. Look at the position the underscore printed
D. There should be even spacing between on the ribbon. It should be near the bottom and all
characters with no overlap. underscores should print on the ribbon. If a black and
red ribbon is used, all characters must print black
E. All keybuttons should move down easily and when the ribbon lift lever is in the low lift position.
the correct character should print before the All characters must print red when the lift lever is in
keybutton bottoms. the high lift position. When the lift lever is in the
stencil position, the underscore must not print on the
Repeat Characters — _ Lightly depress the top of the ribbon.
hyphen/underscore keybutton. The characters should
print once for a single depression. The character Remove the ribbon cartridge. Depress the repeat
should repeat when more pressure is applied. You underscore and note which ribbon feed ratchet is
should not be able to stall the repeat operation by rotating. Turn the other feed ratchet in the same
pushing down hard on the keybutton. direction while depressing the repeat underscore. The
ribbon mechanism must reverse and drive the
Impression Control — Type a letter character with the opposite spool. Repeat the procedure for the other
impression control lever at one and at five. You spool.
should hear a noticeable difference in the sound of
the typehead (19) hitting the paper. Return the
Reset the margins and tab stops as they were when you
impression control lever to three.
started. This concludes the detailed function check.
Line Spacing — Type several lines of underscores in
both line space lever (28) positions. The space
between the typed lines should be even for both line
space lever positions.

Scales — Type a line of upper case ‘“‘V’s.” The

horizontal line on the cardholder (20) should be
parallel to the line of “‘V’s.”’

The points of the “‘V’s” should line up with the

vertical lines on the cardholder.

Set the left margin as far to the left as it will go.

Operate the carrier return. The pointer should line up
with zero on the front scale (30).

Type alternate upper and lower case “Z’s.”’ The

characters should print properly with even spacing.

Slowly depress the shift lock (14). The button should

lock down just as or slightly after a shift occurs.

Lock the shift in upper case and type a full line of

underscores. The lock should not release by vibration.

The shift should unlock when either shift button is

lightly depressed.

This functional check is designed to check the additional

features found on the IBM “Selectric” II Typewriter. Refer
to the IBM “Selectric” Typewriter functional check for
other machine functions,

Ty i.


Selective Ribbon System

Switch Pitch Lever

Half Backspace Lever
Express Backspace Keybutton
Detent Release Lever
Stencil Lever
Si Ribbon Load Lever
OPERATOR CONTROLS 4. With the carrier at the extreme left and all tab sto
cleared, depress the tab, then carrier return. Th
i. Switch Pitch Lever — The switch pitch lever changes carrier return should immediately override the tab.
the pitch of the machine between the 10 pitch mode

Half Backspace Lever — The half backspace lever 1. Turn the paper in your machine sideways; then,
moves the carrier one half backspace to the left when starting with the carrier at the left, type a row of
the lever is held forward. “*h’s” and ‘‘n’s’” alternately for a total of 10
characters. Now, backspace 10 spaces and type over.
Express Backspace Keybutton — ‘The _ express The characters should overlay each other. Make the
backspace keybutton moves the carrier rapidly to the check in both pitches.
left as long as the keybutton is held depressed.
Also check the backspace in a similar manner with
Detent Release Lever — This control performs the the carrier positioned in the middle and toward the
same function as on the ‘“‘Selectric’’ Typewriter; just right of the writing line.
its location is changed.
Check to see that the backspace mechanism repeats
Stencil Lever — The stencil lever slides right-to-left when slight additional pressure is applied to the
and determines whether the ribbon mechanism is in key button.
the ribbon or stencil mode.
Depress the express backspace keybutton. The carrier
Ribbon Load Lever — The ribbon load lever raises the should move to the left as long as the keybutton is
ribbon lift guides and prepares the ribbon mechanism held depressed.
to permit changing the ribbon.
I Put a single sheet of bond paper in your machine.
Ue Place your switch pitch lever in the 10 pitch mode (to With the multiple copy control lever forward and the
the rear). With the margin set at zero, carrier return impression control lever on three, make a complete
and make a strikeup of letter “‘l’s” about two inches strikeup in upper and lower case.
Inspect the copy for character uniformity; that is,
Pull the switch pitch lever forward to the 12 pitch even color density throughout.
mode. Carrier return and make another strikeup
below the previous one. The machine changed pitch if Inspect the copy for ribbon flaking; that is,
the second row of characters does not align with the splattering of ribbon particles on the copy.
first row.
With a film ribbon installed on your machine, the lift
Return the machine to its 10 pitch mode and type a pattern should look like this example:
series of slashes (/). Backspace to the beginning of the
slashes; then pull the half backspace lever forward.

While holding the lever forward, type another series

of slashes. The characters must be centered between
the characters previously typed.

DUAL PITCH TAB/ESCAPEMENT Inspect the ribbon pattern on your machine. The
characters should not overlap one another and the
1: Install a sheet of paper. Clear all tab stops and reset characters should be positioned on the ribbon witha
tabs at several locations along the writing line. margin of safety at the top and bottom.
Operate the tab from the margin and type a character
at each stop. Repeat this procedure for three lines. With a Tech III ribbon installed on your machine,
The characters should line up in straight vertical inspect the ribbon pattern. The characters should
columns. overlap one another and there should be a margin of
safety at the top and bottom of the ribbon. Type
Clear the tab stops and change pitch. Make the same several lines of underscores. The typing must not
check again after changing pitches. fade.

Now, tab all the way to the right. Hold down the tab Inspect the ribbon throughout its path around the
clear keybutton and operate the carrier return. All various guides and rollers. There should be no creases
the set tab stops should clear automatically without in the ribbon.
excessive noise.
Finally, place the stencil control lever in the stencil
With the carrier at the extreme right, depress the position and type several characters. The ribbon
carrier return, then depress the tab. The tab operation should not feed or lift.
should immediately override the carrier return.

This functional check is designed to check the correcting Type another character. It should be in the same
mechanism on the IBM Correcting “Selectric” Typewriter. position as the original character and the carrier
should escape normally.
Refer to the IBM “Selectric”? Typewriter or “‘Selectric”’ II
Typewriter functional checks for other machine functions. Type several characters. Normal print and escapement
should resume.

Type several characters, then depress the correcting Perform steps one through four again. The correcting
key. The carrier should backspace once. tape should feed a sufficient amount that the
characters on the correcting tape do not overlap.
Restrike the last character that was typed. The image
must be completely removed from the paper or
covered up, depending on the type of correcting tape
used and the carrier must not escape.


Correcting Key
The drive mechanism (Figure 1) supplies power to drive the The motor is allowed to approach normal operating speed
cycle shaft and the operational shaft. The motion to oper- before the clutch engages the drive mechanism. The
ate the mechanisms within the “Selectric” Typewriter is momentum developed by the motor causes the machine to
obtained through the various cams and gears which are start even though several mechanisms may have been
driven by these two shafts. tripped with the machine “OFF.”

The shaded pole motor utilizes a centrifugal motor clutch CAPACITOR START MOTOR
to provide drive to a cogged drive belt The drive belt drives Early level machines were equipped with a capacitor start
the cycle clutch hub which in turn drives both the motor. The capacitor gives the motor starting direction and
operational shaft and the cycle shaft. torque. Refer to Early Level Drive this section.

Centrifugal Motor Clutch Pawls

Motor Clutch Hub £6 fip |

S) Switch


Drive Belt il

Cycle Shaft Check Pawl

Print Shaft

Cycle Clutch
Print Shaft Gear Latch
Cycle Shaft Cycle Clutch Hub
Upper Idler Gear
Filter Shaft
Lower Idler Gear
Cycle Shaft Gear
Filter Shaft Gear

Cycle Clutch Spring

Cycle Clutch Restoring Cam

Figure 1 — Drive Mechanism


MOTOR CLUTCH between the cycle clutch pulley hub and the operational —
Due to the low starting torque of the shaded pole motor, a shaft is made by two extensions of the pulley hub that fit
motor pulley clutch (Figure 2) is needed. This allows the into cutouts in the left side of the torque limiter hub, The
motor to attain operating speed before it engages the load. level 1 torque limiter hub had two nylon inserts that fit
into the cutouts of the torque limite’ hub, around the
A clutch pulley hub is setscrewed to the shaft of the motor extensions of the cycle clutch pulley hub, to provide a
just to the left of the motor pulley. Two clutch pawls pivot noiseless driving connection between the two hubs (Figure
on the clutch pulley hub (Figure 2). When the motor is 4).
“OFF,” the pawls are spring loaded against stop lugs on the
hub, When the motor is turned “ON,” centrifugal force Cycle Clutch Pulley Operational Cam Shaft
causes the clutch pawls to pivot on the hub so the tip of Motor Pulley
one of the two pawls will engage a tooth on the motor Power
rare e en Bearing
pulley, The pulley will then rotate with the hub and drive

the machine through the cycle clutch pulley.

Motor Clutch Motor
Pulley Pawls Pulley
Cycle tos
Pulley Hub ZO NJ


Torque Limiter Hub

Level 2 Level 1
Figure 4 — Operational Cam Shaft Drive Connection
Rest Operated
Stop Lugs

Figure 2 — Motor Clutch (Right Side View) The shaft to the left of the cycle clutch pulley hub is the
cycle shaft. The cycle shaft is driven by means of a spring
clutch and only turns whenever a letter keylever is
depressed. Its rotation is restricted to 180 deg. for each
A plastic bushing surrounds the motor shaft inside the
character cycle. After 180 deg. rotation, the spring clutch is
motor pulley (Figure 3). This bushing serves to keep the
disengaged allowing the shaft to remain stationary (Figure
motor pulley from “freezing” to the motor shaft and
causing the motor to fail to start.
Cycle Clutch

Motor Pulley

Plastic Bushing

Hub Assembly 69

\‘a we Cycle Clutch

Latch :
(Assembled View)

Cycle Clutch Pulley Hub |

Cycle Clutch |
Figure 3 — Motor Pulley
Restoring Cam |


The cycle clutch pulley is molded to a hub and is continu-
ously rotating within a bronze bearing in the center of the
power frame, Two shafts extend into, and are supported by
the hub on each side of the cycle clutch pulley. The shaft
Cycle Clutch
on the right called the operational cam shaft, is in constant
rotation with the cycle clutch hub, All powered functional Sleeve
operations are driven by this shaft. The driving connection

Figure 5 — Cycle Clutch (Exploded View)

CYCLE CLUTCH Starting and stopping the cycle shaft is dependent upon
The control for starting and stopping the cycle shaft is the controlling the expansion and contraction of the spring. As
eycle clutch which uses a “helical spring” type of drive. the shaft and clutch turn, top to front, one of the latch
surfaces on the cycle clutch sleeve contacts the cycle clutch
If the turned up ear on the right end of the spring (Figure latch. This will stop the cycle clutch sleeve and right end of
6) were held stationary, and the left end turned in the the cycle clutch spring completing 180 deg. of rotation
direction shown by the arrow, the spring would tend to (Figure 8),
unwind and the inside diameter would become larger. If the
left end of the spring was held in this position and the right
end turned loose, the spring would wind up under its own le Clutch
Cycle SI
Clutch Sleeve Cycle Shaft
tension and the inside diameter would become smaller.
Cycle Clutch Latch Bracket

The driving arbor of the cycle clutch pulley hub is slightly

larger than the inside diameter of the spring when the .
spring is in its relaxed state. With the spring held in its
unwound position, its inside diameter is large enough so the
driving arbor will fit inside and have clearance. If the right
end of the spring were released, the spring would wind up
on the driving arbor and be turned further in a winding
direction, in turn driving anything attached to the left end
of the spring. If the right end of the spring were stopped
and the left end continued to turn, the diameter of the
spring would increase and would no longer be driven by the
driving arbor.
Cycle Clutch Latch

Turned Up-Ear
Figure 8 — Cycle Clutch Latch (Right Side View)

Cycle Clutch Spring Ss)
The cycle shaft has inertia and tends to keep turning even
though the sleeve has stopped. The result is the spring
unwinds and is expanded to a point where the hub is no
longer driving the spring. A cycle clutch check pawl is
mounted at the extreme left end of the cycle shaft on the
inside of the left casting. The inertia of the shaft expands
the cycle clutch spring and at the same time allows the
Driving Arbor check pawl to drop into its latch surface. The left end of
the spring is now fixed so the cycle shaft cannot turn back-
Driving End
wards and allow the spring to engage on the hub.(Fig. 9)

When another cycle is desired, all that is needed is to pull

the cycle clutch latch free of the sleeve. This will allow the
Figure 6 — Cycle Clutch Spring right end of the cycle clutch spring to wind up, grab the
hub and go through another cycle. When the step on the
opposite side of the sleeve engages the cycle clutch latch,
The right end of the cycle clutch spring fits through a cycle the right end of the spring will be stopped and the cycle
clutch sleeve, The turned up ear fits into a notch on the shaft will overthrow and the check pawl will drop in. The
right side of the cycle clutch sleeve. If the cycle clutch cycle shaft is now in a latched position.
sleeve is stopped, the right end of the spring is stopped. The
left end of the cycle clutch spring fits over the cycle shaft
and is clamped securely to the cycle shaft by an adjustable
clamp (Figure 7). Cycle Clutch Check Ratchet
Cycle Clutch Check Pawl
Cycle Clutch Hub
Adjustable Clamp

Cycle Shaft Check


Level 1 Level 2
(Right Side View) (Front View)
Figure 7 — Cycle Clutch Mechanism Figure 9 — Cycle Clutch Check Pawl

The cycle shaft gear (Figure 10) which is setscrewed to the On grounded 3 wire machines grounding conductors must
end of the cycle shaft, drives the lower and upper idler be connected as shown. On capacitor motors, capacitor
gears. The idler gears in turn deliver motion to the filter shell must be insulated from machine frame. Older level
shaft and print shaft through their respective gears. These machines have single pole switch. (Figure 12).
shafts deliver motion to the keyboard and the carrier during
each print cycle.

The filter shaft operates the character selection mechanism,

the print escapement mechanism, the shift interlock and a
spacebar interlock. The print shaft operates the print mech-
anism, fine alignment mechanism, and the ribbon feed and
lift mechanisms.

Brite Belt Operational Cam Shaft Ground

Print Shaft
Cycle Clutch Pulley 3-Wire Shaded Pole Motor Diagram
Print Shaft


3-Wire Capacitor — Start Motor Diagram

Cycle Shaft

Cycle Shaft Gear

, Ras pee, Filter Shaft
Lower Idler Gear Filter Shaft Gear
Idler Gear

Figure 10 — Drive Mechanism

The motor used in the “Selectric” Typewriter is a 3”
shaded pole, induction type motor that normally requires
Double Insulated Shaded Pole Motor Diagram
i115 volts, 60 Hz (other voltages are available). The motor is
mounted at the left rear of the machine with the pulley
toward the right. It is attached to an adjustable bracket at
each end which encircle the rubber motor mounts. (Fig. 11)

Motor Mounting Bracket

2-Wire Double Insulated Shaded Pole Motor

Diagram (Single Pole Switch)
Optional Ground Wire

Figure 11 — Motor Assembly Figure 12 Wiring Diagrams

In the early production machines, a capacitor-start induc- MOTOR AND DRIVE ADJUSTMENTS
tion type motor is used. A three mfd. capacitor, in the
starting winding circuit, provides a starting torque for the
Cycle Shaft End Play — Adjust the collar on the shaft
to obtain .001”-.006” end play of the cycle shaft.
motor and controls the direction of rotation. The capacitor
also remains in the circuit while the motor is running. The
CAUTION: The slight end play of the cycle shaft
capacitor is mounted in a vertical position by a bracket at
ensures that it will rotate freely. Excessive play could
the rear corner of the machine. (Figure 13).
allow a coil of the cycle clutch spring to wedge
In ungrounded systems, the capacitor is isolated from the between the two hub members of the clutch causing a
power frame by a fiber insulator and nylon mounting machine lockup.
screws. The motor is insulated from the power frame by its
Cycle Shaft Collar
rubber mounting. To convert an ungrounded system to a
grounded one, three steps must be taken: (a) The two-wire

Check Check Ratchet
line cord must be replaced with a three-wire cord and the ~ Ratchet
ground lead must be attached to the power frame at the
| V4 Cycle Shaft |
cord clip; (b) A short jumper wire must be connected from
‘| Bearing
the motor to the power frame; (c) The capacitor must be

Add Or
grounded to the power frame by replacing the nylon Remove
mounting screws with metal ones and removing the insulat- Shim
ing material from between the capacitor and the frame of Cycle Shaft
the machine. .001°’-.006’’ .001"’-.006”
(0,03-0,15mm) (0,03-0,15mm)
(Level 1) (Level 2)

3” Capacitor — Start Motor al Elis Clete

| =
2 Gear Train Backlash — Adjust the upper and lower
f/ idler gears so minimum backlash is present between
mating gears. The mechanism must be free of binds
throughout 360 degrees rotation of the gears. Mini-
mum backlash is necessary to prevent erratic opera-
tion of the drive train and to ensure minimum oyer-
throw of the driven shafts. The lower idler gear must
be adjusted first because the upper idler gear is adjust-
ed to the final position of the lower gear.

Drive Belt NOTE: Filter shaft and print. Shaft timing must be
checked after making this adjustment.
Cycle Clutch Pulley

Prin+ Shaft

Switch Lever
/ Upper Idler

Idler Gear
Studs Lower Idler
——~ “Gi
my //~ co
Cycle Shaft ————»= ) 2 ((C)) 2
Gear myO): %‘ S = Filter Shaft
Se TEEY Gear

(Left Side View)

Print Shaft Gear pe only Lower
Upper aS Idler Gear
Idler Assembly
Gear 2!
Plug iH} Ground Stud
7 Switch W solderless Connector

Cycle Shaft a Filter

Gear ee : 7 2, Shaft

( y Gear

Figure 13 — Early Capacitor — Start Motor (Left Side View)

3. Cycle Clutch Latch Bracket — Adjust the bracket c When a zero tilt, negative five rotate character
vertically so the Hooverometer, set on the No. 3 is hand cycled, adjust the collar and spring rota-
scribe line, just spans the distance between the print tionally so the cycle clutch spring will begin to
shaft and the cycle clutch latch pivot pin. slip when the print shaft is 1/2 - 1 tooth from
its rest position.
NOTE: Recheck the cycle clutch latch restoring
adjustment after changing this adjustment.
Rotational . : Cycle Clutch Collar ;

(Level 3)
Print Shaft
Adj. Radially For
1/2 — 1 Tooth
Slippage Of Clu.
Cycle Clutch Latch Spring — T-0, R-5
Pivot Pin Rotate Sel.

Print Shaft Gear

(Right Side View) d, Position the overthrow stop so it will allow the
cycle shaft to overthrow its latched position by
4. Cycle Clutch — The cycle clutch must be adjusted to NOTE: This adjustment on Level 3 machines
satisfy the following conditions: must be made with the cycle clutch tripped;
a. The spring must clear the face of the cycle then checked with the machine at rest, to pre-
clutch pulley by .004’’-.012”. vent loss of the cycle clutch spring radial adjust-
Cycle Clutch Hub Cycle Shaft .007’’-.015" (0,18-0,38mm)
0,18-0,38mm Cycle Shaft


Cycle Clutch Over’ ‘row Stop

(Level 2)
Cycle Clutch Spring (0,10-0,30mm)

Check Pawl
b. Position the collar left-to-right so the sleeve will Detented
have .010”-.015” end play.

cen al Cycle Clutch Collar

C Cycle Shaft

———_»_ =
.010"-,015"" —=}
Check Pawl

(0,25-0,38mm) (0,18-0,38mm)
Levels 1 & 2 Level 3
(Level 3)
POWER ON ADJUSTMENT PROCEDURE This will give approximately 1/2 tooth of motion to
The cycle clutch adjustments must be obtained with the “unwrap” the spring in its rest position. Observe this
power on as outlined in the following procedure, motion at the print shaft gear by hand cycling a zero
tilt, negative five character with the power off.
The cycle shaft, filter shaft, and print shaft must be proper-
ly timed.
oy Drive Belt ~ Adjust the motor mounting brackets
The gear train backlash must be correct. front-to-rear to obtain a minimum amount of belt
noise. The belt must not be loose enough to allow the
The remainder of the machine must be functional. belt to jump cogs on the motor pulley. Check by
operating the carrier return mechanism and holding
a, Leave the right-hand dust shield in place while per- the carrier while simultaneously operating the shift
forming this “‘power on” adjustment. This will elimi- mechanism, This loads the motor to a point where
nate the danger of the bristo wrench being thrown failure will be most probable.
out of the machine due to the possibility of it con-
tacting the torque limiter hub, Rotation of the cycle Drive Belt
clutch pulley and drive belt does not constitute a
hazard as there are no exposed projections which
could propel the bristo wrench out of the machine,

b. Turn machine on, position the cycle clutch collar

screw up, then position the carrier into the RH mar-
gin to prevent cycling of the cycle shaft.

Ss Insert the ““L” shaped foot of the Hooverometer into

the cycle clutch latch link to prevent accidental Motor-Mounting Bracket
cycling of the machine while performing the “power
on” adjustment of the cycle clutch. PP As
Cycle Clutch Pulley
(Top View)

6. Motor Pulley — Adjust hub assembly and grip clip

left-to-right so the belt rides fully on both pulleys.
Maintain .008’’-.015”’ pulley end play with grip clip.

NOTE: Make certain the plastic bushing is installed

Cycle Clutch
to prevent the motor pulley from “freezing” to the
Latch Bracket

(O0SHe Ob
Insert Here (0;20-0 38mm) a

d. Loosen the cycle clutch clamp screw and advance

print shaft (top-to-rear). CAUTION: Do not trip the Grip Clip
cycle clutch with the bristo wrench in the clamp Motor Pulley (en View )

e. At this time, check the left-to-right position of the 7. Motor Clutch Pawl Stops — Form the lug on the
cycle clutch spring. Expand the cycle clutch spring by clutch hub to obtain a clearance of .010°-.020”
pushing the LH side of the spring with a spring hook. between the tip of a clutch pawl and the pulley
The lateral position of the spring can be changed by ratchet when the pulley is manually rotated.
pushing left or right for proper adjustment with the
cycle pulley.
— Motor Pulley Ratchet
ie Rotate the print shaft a complete cycle (top-to-rear)
until the cycle shaft check pawl drops in. Back the
.010''-.020" ae Clutch Pawl
cycle shaft up against the check pawl.
(0,25-0, ee
g. Position the collar left-to-right so the sleeve will have
.010”-.015” end play.
<a Pe sais Clutch Hub
Position the overthrow stop for .007”-.015” clear-
ance and tighten the clamp screw. (Right Side View)
Level 1 Only (Metal Hub)

The keyboard is a compact, detachable unit which controls keylevers at the front. Keylever tension is supplied by flat
the selection of the specific character that will print. This is leaf springs under the front of the keylevers. The forward
accomplished through the use of keylevers, interposers and end of each spring is cupped so that the spring will maintain
bails, which provide character selection and cycle clutch its position under the keylever. Different spring tension is
release (Figure 1). supplied to the four rows of character keylevers by
auxiliary leaf springs under the keylever springs. The
A keyboard lock mechanism, controlled by the on/off auxiliary leaf springs vary in length to offset the leverage
switch lever, is contained in the keyboard and will be difference between the four rows of keylevers. This
described in this section. variation in spring tension permits a uniform operating
force for all keylevers.
All functional keylevers are described in their specific
sections of this manual. Attached to each keylever by a shoulder rivet is a keylever
pawl. This pawl is spring loaded and is in a position to
The keylevers pivot on a fulcrum rod at the rear. A guide strike the top of an interposer.
comb stabilizes and limits the vertical travel of the

wa Shouldered Pivot
Compensator ee
Tube eee

Keyboard Lock oe Selector

Interposer Ne Latch

Bails Fulcrum Rod

Pawl Spring

Selector Latch.

Leaf Spring Pawl

Leaf Spring

f a Keyboard Lock
On/Off Bail

Lock Link

Figure 1 — Keyboard Mechanism

Each: character keylever has an interposer located just To assure the interposer will remain depressed long enough
below it (Figure 2). The interposer is used to select the to operate the character selection mechanism, a spring latch
amount of tilt and rotate needed to bring the desired is employed. The interposer latch is a flat leaf spring
character on the typehead to the print position. The mounted to the rear keylever guide comb in a position to
interposer pivots about a large fulcrum rod through an snap forward, trapping the interposer down when it is
elongated slot at the front and is spring loaded up at the depressed (Figure 3). :
rear. The front and rear of the interposer is positioned
laterally by guide combs. The interposers are allowed to
move vertically in the rear guide comb as well as Selector Compensator
Interposer Tube

The interposers have several lugs extending from them see Interposer
(Figure 2). There are positions for eight lugs on the bottom. Latch
Seven of these lugs are used for selection. The absence or
presence of these lugs will determine which of the selector
bails will be operated. No two interposers are alike. The Selector Compensator
rear most lug is used for special applications of the Ball
machine. The wide lug in the middle is common to all
interposers. Its purpose is to release the cycle clutch A. Interposer At Rest
whenever a keylever is depressed. Mounted directly below
this lug is a cycle bail that pivots vertically. Downward
movement of the interposer forces the cycle bail to release Compensator
the cycle clutch latch pawl. Tube
Ball Interposer Latch


B. Interposer Latched Down

Figure 3 — Interposer Latch

(Right Side View)
I nterposer A compensator tube is used to prevent the latching of more
than one interposer down at a time. Each interposer has a
Pawl Spring
lug at the top of the interposer that intersects the
compensator tube. The compensator tube contains closely
spaced steel balls. When an interposer is down, the steel
balls shift in the compensator tube to block the downward
Pawl movement of any other interposer (Figure 4).

Keylever Selector
Compensator Ball Interposer Lug

A. Simultaneous Keylever Depression Blocked

Rear |nterposer
Guide Comb
Interposer - Interposer
Cycle Clutch
Latch Pawl Latched Blocked

Front |nterposer Interposer Lug

Guide Comb
a —_>
B. Second Keylever Depression Blocked

Figure 4 — Selector Compensator Action

Figure 2 — Interposer
An adjustable end plug, located at each end of the com- A filter shaft is mounted just to the rear of the interposers
pensator tube, keeps the steel balls centered between the (Figure 7). Once the interposer is in the latched position,
interposers. The balls are thus prevented from shifting too rotation of the filter shaft will drive the latched interposer
far to the left or right. If the balls were allowed to move forward. The interposer lugs will then operate its
too far under the interposer lugs, they would partially corresponding selector bail. The interposer motion is
block the depression of an interposer and result in a stiff sufficient to remove the interposer from beneath the
keyboard (Figure 5). interposer latch spring. This allows the interposer spring to
restore the interposer to its rest position.

End Plug
Keylever Pawl Deflected
Latch Spring


Steel Ball Compensator Interposer

Interposer aris
Interposer Filter Shaft
Figure 5 — Compensator Tube
(Right Side View)

Figure 7 — Interposer Operation


Located at the left end of the selector bails are six latch
interposers. Each latch interposer has a lug that extends up
directly in front of the selector bail. As the selector bail is
driven forward, the latch interposer is carried with it
(Figure 6).

An adjustable link connects each latch interposer to one of

the selector latches of the selection mechanism. When a
latch interposer is moved forward, the selector latch
connected to that interposer is also pulled forward to
prevent it from being operated downward by the latch bail.

Selector Latch

Selector Latch Link Interposer

S sss 5 Latch Spring

Selector CBSA
Ye x ;Oy ony
Latch Interposer

| Filter


be |
Bails / A | a\ :

Keylever Compensator

Cycle Bail

Keylever Pawl

Figure 6 — Keyboard Selection Mechanism

Although not a part of the keyboard, the cycle clutch latch engages the cycle clutch keeper to hold the cycle clutch
is directly related to the keyboard mechanism (Figure 8). latch under the step on the cycle clutch sleeve.
Depression of a keylever will allow the cycle clutch to
operate. When a keylever is depressed, the interposer beneath the
keylever forces the cycle bail downward (Figure 8). The
The cycle clutch latch pivots on a bracket mounted in front cycle bail moves the cycle clutch latch pawl down,
of the cycle clutch pulley. The cycle clutch latch is held in disengaging it from the keeper. An extension spring at the
a position to engage the cycle clutch sleeve by the cycle front of the link is allowed to snap the link and cycle clutch
clutch latch pawl and link assembly that extends forward latch forward, disengaging the latch from the cycle clutch
from the cycle clutch latch. The cycle clutch latch pawl sleeve. This allows the cycle clutch spring to tighten and
pivots on the cycle clutch link. The cycle clutch latch pawl begin a cycle operation.

Cycle Clutch Latch

Keylever Mounting Bracket

Ser Pivot BF oS

Cycle Clutch

7] iges\ie
Extension SF, [ P
KO Cycle
Spring = A Sleeve
Cycle Clutch
Cycle Clutch Cycle Cycle Clutch Latch
Latch Pawl Bail Link

Figure 8 — Cycle Clutch Latch Release (Right Side View — Released Position)


A nylon restoring cam attached to the cycle clutch clamp The restoring cam rotates toward its high point and forces
restores the cycle clutch latch (Figure 9). A horizontal the stud on the extension up, swinging the cycle clutch
extension at the top of the cycle clutch latch has a small latch to the rear into the path of the next step on the cycle
adjustable stud mounted on it which rides the restoring cam clutch sleeve. The latch is restored far enough to the rear to
during a restoring operation. When the machine is at rest, permit the cycle clutch latch pawl to reset on its keeper.
the low point of the restoring cam is directly below the
stud. When the cycle clutch latch swings forward, the stud
on the extension drops down onto the restoring cam.

Cycle Clutch
Latch Pawl

Restoring Stud
Cycle Clutch


Nylon Restoring
Cycle Clutch Cam
Cycle Clutch latch

Figure 9 — Cycle Clutch Latch Restoring (Right Side View)

A small lever, called the cycle bail damper, pivots at each
side of the keyboard just above the cycle bail (Figure 10).
The purpose of the dampers is to lightly retard the upward Filter Shaft — With the machine at rest and all gear
movement of the cycle bail to prevent the bail from train backlash removed in the forward direction, the
bouncing as it reaches the upward limit. Without the working surface of the filter shaft should clear the
dampers, the bail would have a tendency to bounce and rear of any latched interposer by .010’-.015”
cause an extra cycle of the cycle clutch. Loosen the filter shaft gear and adjust the filter shaft
rotationally to meet this condition. Be sure to
maintain .002’-.004” end play of the filter shaft
Bail Mounting Plate
within the left-hand filter shaft bearing.

This adjustment affects the timing of all the cams

Cycle Bail Damper
mounted on the filter shaft.

Insufficient clearance between the filter shaft and the

interposers could allow the filter shaft to stop just
under the rear of the interposers. The keyboard
would then be inoperative, because the interposers
could not be depressed.
Cycle Bail

Excessive clearance would delay the operation of the

interposers. The selector latches would not be pulled
forward until after having been pulled down slightly
by the latch bail. This would result in excessive wear
Figure 10 — Cycle Bail Damper (Level 1)
and a noisy operation as the latches were snapped
forward under the bail. This condition is referred to
KEYBOARD LOCK as ‘“‘popping latches.”
When the switch is in the off position, the keyboard must
be locked to prevent an unwanted print operation the next Backlash Removed
time the switch is turned on.
The switch lever operates the lockout bail into a position
below an extension of the cycle clutch latch pawl when the
switch lever is in the off position. To further assure against
an interposer from latching down, a linelock interposer at
the left side of the keyboard is rotated into the selector
compensator tube by the lockout bail. This forces the steel Interposer we Filter Shaft

balls to shift in the tube and block the downward move-

ment of all interposers. When the switch is in the on (Right Side View)
position, the linelock interposer is spring loaded out of the
selector compensator tube (Figure 11).

Selector Compensator Tube

Cycle Clutch
Latch Pawl

Filter Shaft
Cycle Clutch
Line Lock Latch Paw! Extension Filter Shaft Gear

Lockout Bail

Lockout Bail Under

Cycle Clutch
Latch Pawl Extension

Switch Lever

Figure 11 — Keyboard Lock Mechanism — Off Position

(Right Side View)
2. Rear Interposer Guide Comb — With the ‘‘n” 4. Keeper Bracket — With the machine at rest, the cycle
interposer latched down, pull any other interposer clutch latch should engage the sleeve by the thickness
down with a springhook. The second interposer of its metal. Adjust the keeper bracket front-to-rear
should clear the tip of the filter shaft by .010” as the to obtain this condition.
filter shaft rotates under it. Check this at several
points along the filter shaft. Loosen the four screws 3
; : : ; Thickness
on the guide comb and move it vertically to satisfy Of Metal
this condition.
Keeper Bracket
NOTE: The selector compensator tube is mounted to
the rear of the interposer guide comb by four clamps
and must move vertically with the guide comb when
the guide comb adjustment is made. Be sure to loosen
the guide comb mounting screws before attempting
to move the guide comb. DO NOT HAMMER THE Sleeve
vertical position of the tube on the guide comb is set
with respect to the stop strap riveted along the
bottom of the guide comb and should not be

Rear Interposer Guide Comb 5. Cycle Clutch Latch Restoring —

Loosen — Guide Comb
Level 1 — Machines equipped with a scissor type
Mounting Screws eg restoring mechanism operating from the filter shaft
must be adjusted so the latch link pawl overthrows
the keeper by .030”-.045”’.

Filter Shaft

o1o” —U ti oa ssi iNous O30" SOAS

(0,25mm) \ (0,76-1,14mm)
FORA 9 Keeper

(Right Side View)

3. Bail Mounting Plate — Position the left-hand bail

mounting plate to satisfy the following conditions.
The selector bails should be parallel front-to-rear with
Latch Link
the lugs on the interposers. At the same time, the
cycle bail must be parallel vertically with the lugs on Scissor Restoring
the interposers. Mechanism
es Interposers a
(Right Side View)

ae | Level 2 — Adjust the restoring stud vertically so, as

Blain the machine is hand cycled, the latch link pawl is
pulled .015’’-.025” to the rear of the keeper before it
restores. Check this clearance on both lobes of the
restoring cam and adjust the stud on the lobe pro-
viding the least amount of motion.
| Parallel Bails Front-To- |
Rear To Interposers Restoring Stud
(Bottom View)
Interposers a ra ee
; ASS Keeper

Bail | =
Plate LS
Parallel Bails Vertically
To Interposers
Restoring Cam
Cycle Bail Latch Link Pawl

(Front View) (Level 2 — Right Side View)

6. Interposer Latch Springs — Adjust the left and right Cycle Bail Upstop — Adjust the cycle clutch bail
bank of interposer latch springs so the end of the upstop vertically so the cycle clutch latch link pawl
latch springs are flush with the bottom of the engages the cycle clutch keeper by half its thickness
interposer. with the machine at rest. This can be gauged by
making the center of the scribe line on the latch link
pawl even with the bottom of the keeper. The bail
stop is mounted with two nuts and two screws, These
nuts and screws also control the position of the
character interrupter bail plate. In order to adjust the
Latch Spring cycle clutch bail stop, loosen both nuts and only the
front screw. Do not loosen the rear screw.

Insufficient bite will increase the possibility of a

repeat cycle because positive latching is not ensured.
Excessive bite will affect the touch of the keyboard

5) ie
because the latch pawl must be moved further in
order to trip the cycle clutch.

Interposer Half Thickness

Cycle Clutch Bail
(Right Side View)

Cycle Clutch Keeper — With any interposer latched Mounting Screw Location
down, adjust the keeper vertically to obtain
.000’-.002” clearance between the cycle clutch latch Latch Link Pawl
link pawl and the lower side of the keeper. Then,
check the clearance with various interposers latched (Right Side View)

The interposer latch spring adjustment may need to

be refined to maintain .000”-.002” clearance across
the keyboard.

NOTE: This clearance should be maintained on the

low side of the adjustments. Too much clearance can
cause an erroneous selection because of flicking Front Keylever Guide Comb — With the power on,
action on the keylevers, causing the cycle clutch to be depress and slowly release keybuttons on the right,
released without latching an interposer down. As a left and middle of the keyboard. There should be
result, the filter shaft will not drive an interposer .016”-.024”’ clearance between the keylever pawl and
forward and an undesired character will be printed. the interposer lug as the keylever pawl resets above
the interposer. Adjust the front keylever guide comb
Insufficient clearance does not ensure that the clutch vertically to satisfy this condition. Individual key-
will be released when an interposer is latched down. levers that do not conform to the majority may be
If an interposer is latched down without releasing the formed at the horseshoe bracket.
“cycle clutch, the keyboard will be locked because the
interposer will remain in the compensator tube.
Horseshoe Bracket

Front Keylever Guide Comb

I nterposer
Keylever Pawl

Keeper — O

Latch Link Pawl .016"-.024"

.000"-.002" (0,41-0,61mm) Interposer
(Right Side View)
(Right Side View)
10. Compensator Tube — Tilt machine on its back, loosen Level 1 — With the keylever at rest, form the horse-
shoe bracket to obtain a clearance of .015”-.020”
the right end plug and latch out position forty-three ’
between the keylever pawl and the interposer.
interposer. Pushing the end plug snugly against the
balls, depress the H keylever until position forty-three Keylever
interposer flexes slightly to the right and tighten the Paw! 01 5”-.020"

end plug. Repeat this procedure for the left side of Keylever At (0,38-0,51 mm)
the keyboard using position zero interposer and H

a , End Plug

Interposer (Right Side View)
(Level 1)
With the keylever fully depressed, form the extension
J Setscrew to obtain .005”’-.015” between the interposer and the
End Plug interposer latch spring.

Latch Spring
Keylever Fully



(Level 2)

Vee .005"’-.015"
Interposer ee bi (0,13-0,38mm)

\ /
Gakagee End Plug Seat. End Plug a

(Right Side View)

(Level 3) (Level 4)
Row 2, 3 & 4 — Form the keylever extension to
obtain a minimum clearance, without contact, be-
ae tween the keylever extension lug and the cycle clutch
release bail. The front lug of the keylever extension
should just contact the front guide comb support
while viewing this adjustment.
Interposer = End Plug Front Lug Extension
(Level 5)

11. Repeat Keylever

Level2 — Form the extension lug on the keylever Must Not Touch
so that the hyphen underscore will print one char-
Just Touching Keylever \ cycle Clutch
acter at a time when operated with normal pressure
Extension Release Bail
and will repeat with increased pressure. When the Lug
keybutton is bottomed, it must not choke off the
(Right Side View)
repeat operation.
Form the keylever extension top lug to hold the
Keylever Extension interposer latched to the front during a repeat opera-
Latch Spring tion.
Must Latch Interposer
Keylever To Front During Repeat
Keylever Bottomed

.005"-.015" C)
| (0,13-0,38mm)
Interposer (Right Side View)
(Right Side View)
12. Switch Link — Adjust the switch link clevis so the
on/off keybutton matches the slope of the keyboard
in the off position.


Adj. To Match
Slope Of

Keybutton Switch Link

(Right Side View)

13. Lockout Bail Link And Bellcrank — With the switch

in the off position, adjust the clevis to cover
approximately one-half the threads on the link.
Loosen the screw on the lockout bail bellcrank and
position the lockout bail under the cycle clutch latch
lug. Tighten the screw.

Clevis Covers
Approx. 1/2 Threads

Lockout Bail

(Right Side View) CC Latch Lug

14. Keyboard Lock Bellcrank Link — Machines equipped

with this link should be adjusted so the bellcrank is
fully bottomed in the selector compensator tube
- without choking off the action of the lockout bail.

Selector Compensator

Without Choking Off

Lockout Bail

Lockout Bail

Keyboard Lock Bellcrank Link

The purpose of the shift mechanism is to rotate the type- Motion of the shift bail is transferred through the shift
head 180 degrees in the counterclockwise direction, This release bellcrank and shift release link to operate the release
action places the upper case hemisphere of the typehead arm, The release arm controls the shift ratchet and clutch
near the platen for typing capital letters. Each upper case spring to allow the shift cam to rotate.
character is in the same tilt and rotate band as the lower
case counterpart, but 180 degrees from it. Depression of the shift keybutton causes the shift cam to
rotate, forcing the shift arm to move away from the power
The shift mechanism consists of a shift arm, shift cam, frame. This delivers sufficient pull on the rotate tape to
spring clutch, clutch control mechanism and interlocks. rotate the typehead 180 deg. to the upper case position.

Two keybuttons, one at each front corner of the keyboard, Releasing the shift keybutton allows the shift keylevers to
can be used to actuate the shift mechanism. A bail is used be returned to their rest position by the shift keylever
to tie the two keylevers together. The left-hand keylever spring and causes the shift cam to return home. The shift
has a lock mechanism attached to it to enable the operator arm moves toward the power frame and the spring tension
to lock the keybutton down in the upper case position. The on the rotate tape system returns the typehead to the lower
shift lock may be released by depressing and releasing either case position.
shift keybutton.
NOTE: The rotate tape and pulley system is covered under
The power to operate the shift mechanism is taken from the character selection section of this manual.
the right-hand end of the operational shaft (Figure 1).

Shift Cam
Rotate Tape

Plate 9 ~—___ Shift


Interlock !

Operational’ 1
Shaft Shift Cam 1

Shift Lock
n Shift Arm
Pie Pulley


Shift Bail ==>

a Shift
é te
Clutch =
Sa Re Spring

Keybuttons i ae eee Shift Release Arm

Shift Release Link

Keylever Shift Release Bellcrank

Figure 1 — Shift Mechanism

The right hand rotate pulley is fastened to the top of the The shift cam rotates only during a shift operation and is
shift arm. The shift arm pivots left to right about a pin at - controlled by a spring clutch. One end of the spring clutch
the bottom. Mid point on the shift arm is a roller that rides is anchored to the shift cam by an adjustable retainer plate.
the surface of the shift cam. In the lower case position, the The other end of the shift clutch spring is mounted to the
shift arm rests against the head of an adjustable stop screw shift ratchet (Figure 4).
on the side of the power frame (Figure 2).

The shift cam is a disc-shaped cam that has the lobe on the Shift Cam
right side of the cam rather than on its perimeter (Figure
2). Shift Retainer Plate
A button is pressed out on a section of the shift bearing
plate directly opposite the roller on the shift arm, and Shift Cam Stop
serves as a backup for the cam.

When the shift cam is operated, the high point of the cam is
Vem W Arbor

encountered and forces the shift arm away from the power Shift
Sas Beari
frame, rotating the typehead 180 degrees into the upper
case position.
Shift Clutch Spring
Adjustable, Adjustable
Stop Rotate Pulley Stop
Shift Ratchet

Shift Arm (ay

Figure 4 — Shift Clutch
Shift Arm


Backup Button
The shift ratchet has two lugs protruding to the left side
approximately 180 degrees apart (Figure 5). One lug is
Shift Arm nearer the center of the ratchet than the other lug. The
Roller shift clutch release arm, pivoted just in front of the cam,
blocks the lugs to stop the rotation of the ratchet. The
Pivot Pin
position of the shift release arm is positioned by a link
connected between the shift clutch release arm and the
Pe Shit Bearing Plate shift release bellcrank attached to the shift bail. When the
(Lower Case) (Upper Case) keylevers are at rest, the release arm is in a position to
contact the inner lug of the shift ratchet. Depression of the
(Rear View) keylever causes the clutch release arm to rise out of the
path of the inner lug into the path of the outer lug. This
Figure 2 — Shift Cam Backup Button allows the spring clutch to tighten around the shift arbor
and drive the shift cam until the outer lug of the shift
ratchet is encountered.

The overthrow of the shift cam is controlled by an

Early level machines are equipped with a backup roller
adjustable stop attached to the cam and operates against
mounted to the shift bearing plate (Figure 3). The backup the inner lug of the shift ratchet.
roller serves the same purpose as the pressed out button and
is covered further in the shift adjustment section. Inner
Shift Release Pivot Lug Stop
Bellcrank Point

Shift Clutch
Rotate Pulley {| [fp Release Arm

Adjusting Screw / CREST =

(Parts At Rest)
Shift Clutch
Shift Arm
Shift Release

Backup Roller Shift Clutch

Release Arm

Shift Arm Roller

Shift Cam
Shift Release Outer Lug
(Rear View)
Figure 3 — Shift Cam Backup Roller Figure 5 — Shift Chitch Mechanism (Right Side View)
Shift cam overthrow is a greater problem in returning the If the shift mechanism is tripped during a print character
machine to lower case than in shifting to upper case. This is cycle, the shift interlock prevents the shift from operating
due to the acceleration received from the pressure of the until the character cycle is completed. The shift interlock
shift arm roller against the receding surface of the shift operates from a cam mounted to the filter shaft. Each time
cam, To prevent excessive noise and possible parts break- the filter shaft turns, the shift interlock is positioned into
age, a raised braking surface on the shift cam contacts a the shift clutch ratchet to prevent a shift operation (Figure
shift cam brake arm. The brake arm flexes and acts as a 8).
heavy spring when returning to lower case and prevents
acceleration of the shift cam (Figure 6).

NOTE: Early level machines have a nylon shoe mounted Shift Interlock
on the shift cam brake where it contacts the shift cam. Shift Interlock Cam
Raised Braking

Shift Cam

Shift Cam VA A. Rest Position

Figure 6 — Shift Cam Brake — (Right Side View)


Pivoted on a stud in front of the shift cam is the shift Adjusting
detent arm. The shift detent arm detents the shift cam in Screw
position and operates the character interrupter mechanism.
Shift Interlock
The character interrupter mechanism prevents the opera-
tion of a character anytime the shift is in process. The
character interrupter pawl is rotated into the path of the
cycle clutch latch pawl and prevents the release of the cycle ( ee
clutch. This interlocking action does not prevent the
depression of a keylever or an interposer. The interposer is
latched down into storage. When the shift operation is or \
completed, the detent enters a recess in the cam removing \ Ratchet
the character interrupter pawl from in front of the cycle
clutch latch link (Figure 7).
Shift Cam Shift Interlock Cam
Just Bottoms

Cycle Clutch Latch Pawl

B. Active Position

Figure 8 — Shift Interlock

(Right Side View)

2 <b Character
Interrupter ™\Interrupter
Pawl Bail

Cycle Clutch Keeper Cycle

Clutch Latch

Interrupter (Flat View)

Figure 7 — Character Interrupter

(Right Side View)
SHIFT ADJUSTMENTS Shift Spring Clutch Retaining Plate — With the
machine off and the shift cam in the upper case rest
position, adjust the retaining plate rotationally so the
I. Shift Cam Backup Roller (Early Level Machines ratchet will rotate one and one-half to two teeth
Only) — Adjust the backup roller eccentric left to when released. Refine adjustment so that shift cam
right so .001”-.004” of the cam bearing extends detents reliably into upper case position.
beyond the cam. The eccentric should be kept in the
bottom half of its orbit.
NOTE: Machines equipped with metal shift cams
require one tooth rotation of the shift ratchet when
CAUTION: Any change in the rest position of the released.
backup roller, directly affects the typehead homing
and the shift arm motion adjustments. Be sure to
recheck these adjustments.
Retaining Plate

Shift Cam


Shift Cam

(Right Side View)

Roller Shift Overthrow Stop — With all parts at rest, adjust
.001"'-.004" the shift overthrow stop to obtain .010”-.030” clear-
(0,03-0,10mm) ance between the stop and the inner lug of the shift
ratchet. Shift to upper case. The clearance must be
(Rear View) the same.
oe (0,25-0, 76mm)

2. Shift Cam Bearing (Early Level Machines Only) —

Adjust the shift cam bearing left-to-right to obtain a
clearance of .000’-.003” between the shift cam and
the shift cam backup roller. Machines equipped with
“a washer between the shift cam and bearing plate
should be adjusted to observe a clearance of

Overthrow Stop
| Without Washer (Right Side View)
With Washer
Back-up Roller Shift Brake — Adjust the shift brake to obtain

.035”-.040” rise as the brake contacts the working
surface of the shift cam.
—~ .035"'-.040"

Shift Cam Bearing

Shift Cam
Shift Brake
(Top View)

NOTE: Machines above S/N 7X1-5805429;

7X3-5277541; 7X5-5623384 do not have adjust-
ments 1 & 2.
(Right Side View)
6. Shift Release — Position the shift bellcrank rota- Shift Interlock — The shift interlock must be adjusted
tionally on the shift bail to have the same over center to satisfy the following condition:
travel in both ‘directions. Adjust the shift release link With the interlock follower on the high point of the
so release occurs when the keylever is depressed two-
interlock cam, the tip of the interlock should just
thirds of the way down. As the keylever is allowed to
bottom between two teeth on the ratchet. Adjust the
restore from a fully depressed position, the shift
interlock by its adjusting screw on XX3-KXK5
should again operate when two-thirds travel of the
machines to satisfy this condition or form the
keylever has been reached. A balance between the
interlock on 7X1 machines.
two releasing points ensures proper adjustment.

Shift Release Arm

Just Bottoms

Shift Release Link

Just Bottoms

Ni Shift Clutch Ratchet

8X3-8X5 7x1

(Right Side View)

Shift Interlock Cam — With the cycle clutch latched

; J e Ay at rest and all backlash of the cycle shaft and filter
shaft removed in the operating direction, adjust the
-— NOX Release And Restores
cam until a clearance of .040”-.060” exists between
Shift Bail > With 2/3 Travel
the tip of the interlock and the top of the tooth on
the shift clutch ratchet.

CAUTION: Be sure the interlock cam is in the cor-

rect sector of its orbit. This can be checked by trip-
ping the cycle clutch and hand cycling a character.
Shift Bellcrank
The interlock must move toward the shift ratchet
Equal Over
Center Travel

Shift Lock — Adjust the shift lock bracket vertically
so the shift lock engages just as the shift operates or
slightly afterward. The lock should not engage before
the shift release occurs. The shift lock must be
released easily by depressing either shift keybutton.

Shift Lock Bracket ep ae:


7X3—7X5 7X1
Yi. §

Shift Lock
Adjust To Lock
Just As Shift
(Right Ride View ) Clutch Operates (Right Side View)

10. Character Interrupter — Adjust the character inter-
rupter to satisfy the following conditions:
a. Adjust the interrupter pawl radially on the
interrupter bail for minimum clearance between
the interrupter pawl and the cycle clutch latch
link when the cycle clutch latch link is in the
released position and the shift is at rest.

Cycle Clutch
Latch Link
a Character Interrupter Bail


Cycle Clutch
Latch Link
Forward u

(Right Side View)

b. Adjust the interrupter bracket front-to-rear to

obtain maximum clearance between the
interrupter pawl and the cycle clutch latch link
when the shift is partially operated. This clear-
ance should not be wide enough to allow the
cycle clutch to trip.

Character Interrupter
Cycle Clutch
Latch Link

Interrupter Bail

le Maximum Clearance
Without Releasing Cycle Clutch

(Right Side View)


Fine alignment is defined as locking and supporting the occurs, the tilt and rotate detents are withdrawn, allowing
typehead in place so that the desired character will print the selection mechanism to return the typehead to rest
clearly. In this section we will discuss how the typehead is (Figure 1).
detented and locked into position for printing. The desired
character is brought to the approximate print position in The carrier assembly is supported in front by the print
front of the platen by the selection mechanism. Just prior shaft. The print sleeve is keyed to the print shaft, causing it
to printing, the typehead must be detented in position both to turn when the print shaft rotates. The print sleeve turns
horizontally and vertically. After the print operation within two bearings in the carrier casting (Figure 1).

Rotate Detent





Print Shaft

Print Sleeve Bearing

Tilt Detent
Print Sleeve

Ribbon Feed
And Detent Cam

Detent Cam Detent Actuating

Follower Lever

Figure I — Tilt And Rotate Detents


REAR CARRIER SUPPORT Early level machines — the carrier has two shoes. The lower
The rear of the carrier is supported by the front edge of the shoe is a small block fastened to a plate and mounted on
escapement rack. A carrier shoe is mounted to the rear of the carrier. The’ upper carrier shoe is mounted by an
the carrier. The front of the escapement rack fits into three eccentric stud (Figure 4).
lugs extending from the carrier shoe (Figure 2). A load
spring, which is attached to the carrier shoe, maintains a Upper Carrier
Shoe Eccentric Stud
constant pressure on the escapement rack, minimizing any
vertical play at the rear of the carrier during a print Carrier

Upper Lugs Escapement Rack

Lower Carrier
Figure 4 — Rear Carrier Support (Level 1)
(No Load Spring)

Load Spring

Carrier Shoe

Carrier POWEa ag

Figure 2 — Rear Carrier Support (Level 3)

Level 2 machines — two carrier shoes are incorporated. A

load spring is used to maintain a constant pressure on the
upper carrier shoe and remove the play between the lower
shoe and the bottom of the escapement rack (Figure 3).

Eccentric Stud
Upper Carrier Shoe

Load Spring ‘i
Lower Shoe

Figure 3 — Rear Carrier Support (Level 2)

Located within the rear portion of the carrier is the rocker
(Figure 5). The rocker assembly pivots about the rocker
shaft at the rear of the carrier,
Tilt Ring
Attached solidly to the top of the rocker platform is the F ire Spacer
yoke (Figure 5). The yoke has two arms that extend up to
provide a mount for two pivot pins. The pivot pins are
adjusted to provide a tight pivot point for the tilt ring.
Mounted at the top of the tilt ring is the upper ball socket
> eee
5-2 Upper Ball
to which the typehead is attached. The upper ball socket Shim Socket
must be a tight fit with no binds. This is achieved by using
shims under the tilt ring spacer.

The level 2 tilt ring has an elongated hole to allow the “Tilt Ring
upper ball socket to be spring loaded to the front of the (Level 1)
machine. This keeps the tilt ring backup shoe in contact
with the inside of the element providing a more consistent
print impact.

On the level 1 tilt ring, the hole is not elongated to allow

front-to-rear motion.

Upper Ball


Socket |
Tilt Ring
(Level 2) Spacer \
ee \
~ I
=~ & g ; \
~ \
SS 1
Tilt Ring oe > \
I Rocker

Rocker Pivot


Figure 5 — Rocker Assembly

Motion to operate the detents is taken off the print sleeve
which is keyed to the print shaft and rotates 360 degrees
during each print cycle. This motion is coupled through the
detent cam, cam follower and detent actuating lever (Figure
6). The spring load on the detents causes the detent cam Rear Guide
follower to ride the surface of the detent cam. As the
detent cam follower encounters the low dwell of the cam,
the actuating lever moves to the right and allows the tilt
detent to enter a notch in the tilt ring and the rotate detent
to enter a notch in the typehead skirt. The side play in the
: Tae Front Q
tilt and rotate detents must be minimum to securely lock Guide
the typehead. This is accomplished by using detent guides ll
(Figure 6). As the print sleeve continues to rotate, the high XG
dwell of the cam is encountered. The cam follower and J
actuating lever are then driven to the left to remove the / Rotate Daten
detents from their notches. This permits the character iy
selection mechanism to return the typehead to rest. ¥

Rotate Detent A
Guide Spring oe AS

g 5
1 § Ww
Tilt { ( p

Detent Typehead-—— #A \\
Tilt Detent SHIT )
x 1)

Rotate Detent

< Gue
oe =

eee ( as \

oe a

Tilt Detent 7
Spring )

Detent Actuating ae
ver Print Shaft

Detent Cam

Ribbon Feed And

Print Sleeve Detent Cam

Figure 6 — Detent Operation

Vertical and horizontal alignment must be properly defined before any adjustments are attempted.

VERTICAL alignment problems exist when the letters are out of position this way. An example follows:


HORIZONTAL alignment problems exist when the letters are out of position this way.<—e
An example follows:
anbnendnen fn gnhnin jnkn Inmnnnonpngnrnsntnunvnwnxnynzn
GNMENT ADJUSTMENTS Print Sleeve End Play — The print sleeve must have
.002”’-.004”’ side play.
Level 1 Predual Impression — The setscrew in the
Carrier Shoe — ribbon lift cam should first be tightened into the
dimple and the print cam adjusted left-to-right to
Level 1 — Adjust the eccentric mounting stud to obtain the print sleeve end play.
obtain .001”-.004” vertical play between the carrier
shoes and the escapement rack. NOTE: Check radial adjustment of print cam after
making this adjustment.
NOTE: This amount of vertical play assures free
Print Cam
horizontal movement of the carrier, yet restricts
.002” - 004”
vertical movement to help prevent variation in the
vertical alignment of the type characters.

Eccentric Mounting Stud Escapement Rack

Print Sleeve ‘ ?

(Level 1 — Predual Impression) (Top View)

54 OL
Level 2 Dual Impression — The adjustment is ob-
tained by adjusting the ribbon lift cam left-to-right.
The print cam setscrew should first be tightened into
.001"'-.004" Carrier Shoes the dimple in the print sleeve.

(Level 1 — Rear View)

Ribbon Lift Cam Print Sleeve

Level 2 — Adjust the eccentric to obtain .002”’-.006”

vertical movement with the spring pressure removed.
Print Cam

Escapement Rack Eccentric Mounting Stud


(Level 2 — Dual Impression)

(Top View)

Carrier Shoes (0,05-0,15mm) Rocker End Play — Adjust the rocker shaft to obtain
With Spring Pressure Removed
.002”-.004” end play. The end play exists between a
C-clip around the shaft at the right of the rocker and
(Level 2 — Rear View) a thrust washer against the carrier casting at the left
Level 3 Parallel — Loosen mounting screw on carrier of the rocker. The rocker shaft is held in place by a
shoe. Press down firmly on rear of carrier, keeping setscréw at the left end of the rocker shaft in the
carrier shoe parallel with escapement rack, tighten carrier casting. This adjustment should be kept to the
screw. minimum side of the specification with no binds.
NOTE: On dual pitch machines ensure that the
escapement pawl is centered in the escapement rack Rocker Shaft Rocker
teeth. Mounting pag Escapement Rack

Anchor Screw


Carrier Carrier Shoe
Thrust Washer
(Level 3 — Rear View) (Top View)
Tilt Tube End Play (Machines Prior To Gearless Tilt) Rotate Shaft End Play — Adjust the rotate pulley
— Adjust the tilt pulley vertically on the tilt tube to vertically to obtain .002”-.004” vertical motion of
obtain .002”-.004” end play. The tilt pulley is the rotate shaft. The rotate pulley is secured to the
attached to the tilt tube by a setscrew and a key rotate shaft by a wedging block and a setscrew. The
against a flat surface on the tilt tube. The setscrew is pulley is accessible from the bottom of the machine
accessible through a hole in the left side of the with the carrier centered over the cycle shaft and the
carrier. Move the carrier to the right and remove the machine in upper case. DO NOT rotate the rotate
tilt pulley spring and the tilt detent spring. The tilt shaft when the pulley is loose as this affects homing.
detent spring stud can then be removed through the Recheck typehead homing after making this
hole in the carrier. The holes in the carrier and rocker adjustment.
will make the tilt pulley setscrew accessible with a six
fluted wrench. The height of the tilt sector gear is
established by shimming between the gear and the
top of the yoke. This height is set to obtain minimum
backlash with no binds between the tilt sector gear
and the tilt ring gear. .002'’-.004"’

Tilt Ring

Rotate Pulley

Rotate Shaft
.002"'-.004"" Minimum
(0,05-0,10mm) Backlash
Tilt Sector No Binds (Front View)
Tilt Tube Cie

(Front View) (Right Side View)


[i | nt Lee Ny
Remove Tilt Nee
Detent Spring


Lal .
Rotate Pulley
Six Fluted Wrench Setscrew

(Bottom View)

Six Fluted
Wrench Remove Tilt Detent
Spring Stud
Upper Ball Socket — Rotate Detent — Adjust the front and rear rotate
detent guides so the detent will operate vertically
a, Shim the tilt ring spacer so there is no vertical with no binds, but has no horizontal movement. This
play in the upper ball socket but it is still free adjustment should be checked by half cycling a three
to rotate. tilt zero rotate character and checking for rotational
movement of the typehead. Excessive play in the
NOTE: Vertical play in the upper ball socket will rotate detent will cause poor horizontal alignment
affect vertical alignment and impression because the because the detent will not positively position the
typehead will not maintain a definite position when typehead,
On machines equipped with level 1 detent guide, this
Minimum Play adjustment can be made with the tilt ring off of the
No Binds oe Upper Ball Socket
machine. Loosen the front guide nut approximately a
half turn to assure that it will not interfere while
Tilt Ring
adjusting the rear guide. Remove the rotate detent
Spacer spring and adjust the rear rotate detent guide until a
Shim very slight amount of friction exists as the rear tip of
the detent is moved up and down. It should be noted
that the rear guide is on an angle and the closer the
detent travels to the tilt ring, the tighter it will be
wedged. Reconnect the rotate detent spring and
adjust the front guide adjusting nut until it restricts
(Right Side View) the rotate detent from being pulled to its seated posi-
tion by the rotate detent spring, then loosen the nut
b. Level 1 — Position the tilt ring spacer until the detent snaps into place. If you removed the
front-to-rear and left-to-right so that the upper tilt ring, do not reinstall at this time.
ball socket is centered in the tilt ring spacer.

NOTE: A bind in the upper ball socket can result in Rear Guide
poor horizontal alignment if the rotate detent fails to ae First)
seat in the detent notch before print occurs. A bind
can also cause the nylon roller to drop, on Rotate Detent
compensator equipped machines, during a negative
selection. Binds in the carrier area can be detected by /
manually operating the shift arm in and out with the [
typehead installed. \ Minimum
Centered Front Guide Clearance
No Binds

(Level 1)

On machines equipped with the level 2 detent guide,

the tilt ring can remain in the machine while making
this adjustment. Loosen binding screw, then retighten
Upper Ball Tilt Ring until snug. Move the detent guide left or right until
Socket ; Spacer minimum side play and no binds exists between the
rotate detent and its guide. Retighten binding screw.
(Level 1 — Top View)
The front guide is adjusted in the same manner as the
Level 2 Spring Biased Tilt Ring — Position the level 1 detent guide.
tilt ring spacer front-to-rear and left-to-right so
that there is equal clearance between the upper
ball socket and the front and both sides of the —
|— Minimum Clearance

opening in the tilt ring spacer. Shouldered No Binds

NOTE: To prevent malselection, all type elements
used with this tilt ring must be lubricated with a light
film of No. 23 grease on the inner surface.

Tilt Ring Upper Ball Guide -

Spacer Socket
Binding Screw

(Bottom View)
(Level 2)

Equal Clearance

(Level 2 — Top View)

Tilt Detent — The tilt detent should pivot freely Tilt Ring — The tilt ring should be centered in the
about its pivot screw but have no side play. This can yoke with no side play. Adjust the pivot pins to
best be achieved by loosening both the pivot screw satisfy this condition. Once installed, there should be
and the guide screw and disconnecting the tilt spring. absolutely no side play to the tilt ring.
If you did not have to remove the tilt ring to perform
the rotate detent adjustment, disconnect the rotate NOTE: On machines prior to the gearless tilt
detent spring. mechanism, care should be taken to ensure that the
tilt sector gears are properly matched whenever the
Adjust the guide screw so that no side movement is tilt ring is installed. The rear tooth of the tube sector
allowed when the detent lever is operated past the gear should enter the second notch of the tilt ring
guide screw. Adjust the pivot screw until it produces sector gear.
a very slight amount of friction on the tilt detent
lever and tighten the locknut. Reconnect the tilt and
rotate detent lever springs. Equal

No End Play
Minimum Side Play Guide Screw No Binds
No Binds (Adj. First)

Pivot Screw
Tilt Detent

Gearless Tilt Mechanism

Tilt Ring

Tube Sector

Rear Tooth Of Tube Sector Gear

Enters Second Notch Of
Tilt Ring

Gear Tilt Mechanism (Right Side View)

11. Detent Skirt Clearance — To obtain detent skirt
10. Detent Cam Follower — The detent cam follower clearance, adjust the detent cam and the detent actu-
mounting bracket should be adjusted to satisfy the
ating lever to satisfy the following conditions:
following conditions:
a. With the detent cam follower on the low dwell
a. Front-to-rear for a clearance of .015” between of the cam, adjust the ribbon feed/detent cam
the print sleeve and the end of the pin on the left or right for .001”-.010” clearance between
cam follower.
the detent actuating lever and the detent cam
follower roller. Make sure that the tilt and
b. Vertically so the top of the cam follower is in rotate detents are fully seated.
line with the No. 1 scribe line on the
Hooverometer with the Hooverometer resting
on the shoulder of the detent cam.
Fully Detented

NOTE: Machines equipped with a roller on the

detent cam follower should be positioned so the
bottom surface of the pin is in line with the No. 1
scribe line.
Detent Cam
Follower Roller
015” Detent Cam Follower
(0 38mm) Bracket


(Levels 1 & 2) (Top View)

Fully Detented

Print Sleeve Detent Actuating

Front-To-Rear Adjustment (Right Side View)
Detent Cam

Ribbon Feed And

Detent Cam

Hooverometer ——————-> £ Detent Cam Follower

Shoulder Of Feed COLO TS ONNO ra
And Detent Cam (0,03-0,25 )
oe (Level 3) (Top View)

b. With the cycle shaft at rest and the typehead

manually held at the tilt two position, adjust
the detent actuating lever support screw up or
down for .020”-.035” clearance between the
rotate detent and the teeth on the typehead

NOTE: These two adjustments may affect each other

Vertical Adjustment (Left Side View) and should be adjusted alternately to obtain the
correct clearances.

Typehead In Tilt
2 Position
Detent Cam
Hooverometer - Follower

Print Sleeve
Detent Actuating

Detent Cam
Roller Detent Cam Follower (Left Side View)
(All Levels) (Left Side View)


The purpose of the character selection mechanism is to The character, selection mechanism consists of two
position the typehead in the desired character or symbol submechanisms: tilt selection and rotate selection. The tilt
position for printing (Figure 1). At rest, the position of the and rotate mechanisms transfer motion through their tape
typehead is such that the middle character of the upper systems to tilt and rotate the typehead. The keyboard (see
band is in position to strike the platen. If any other char- Keyboard Operational theory) initiates the selection for the
acter is desired, the typehead must be tilted and/or rotated. amount of tilt and rotate motion needed for each individual

The components of the character selection mechanism

covered in this section only tilt and rotate the typehead to
the approximate character position. This is referred to as
Rotate coarse alignment. Further positioning and locking of the
Tape typehead prior to printing is referred to as fine alignment
and is covered in the Fine Alignment Section of this

Carrier & Rocker


Rotate 3
Latches got tS

Figure 1 — Character Selection

CYCLE SHAFT & LATCH BAIL The negative latch bail differs from the positive latch bail in
Drive is transmitted to the tilt and rotate mechanisms that it rises when the cycle shaft rotates, but, only if the
through three double lobed cams on the cycle shaft, the negative 5 latch is pulled forward. This will be di
positive latch bail and the negative latch bail (Figure 2). further, later in this section. Re discussed
The two positive cams operate as a pair to control the
positive latch bail. The negative cam controls the negative The selector latches, which are components of the rotate
latch bail. and tilt mechanisms, determine how much rotate and tilt
motion the typehead will receive. The two latches to the
The positive latch bail is a box-shaped frame which pivots left are concerned with tilting the typehead, while the four
on the bail shaft at the front. Located at each side of the on the right deal with rotating the typehead.
latch bail is a cam follower roller. An extension spring, at
the rear of the latch bail, applies constant upward pressure If the tilt and positive rotate selector latches remain to the
to hold the follower rollers against the cycle shaft cams. rear, under the bail plate, they will be pulled down when
Each time the cycle shaft operates, it rotates 180 degrees the positive latch bail is operated. If any latch is held for-
dnd the bail is forced down at the rear- Attached across the ward, it will not be pulled down during an operation of the
rear of the latch bail is the bail plate. The tip of the tilt and latch bail. The method of pulling the various latches for-
positive rotate latches are held at rest under the bail plate Mies is discussed under the Keyboard Operational Theory
by extension springs. ection.

Selector _—-»£ Extension

Latch Spring


(Right Side View)

Balance Arm

Cam Follower Rollers

Tilt Latches

Cycle Shaft

Rotate Latches

Positive Latch Bail

Negative Latch
Bail Shaft BRsive
Cams Negative Cam

Figure 2 — Cycle Shaft And Latch Bail

The purpose of the tilt mechanism is to position the type- Two tilt latches are attached at each end of a short lever by
head vertically to any of the four character bands. This is ball shouldered rivets (Figure 3). The ball shape of the
accomplished by transferring motion from the latch bail shoulders allows the latches to pivot in all directions. The
through a latch assembly, tilt arm, tilt tape, tilt bellcrank lever is attached by a double vertical link to a bellcrank.
and a tilt ring to tilt the typehead. The bellcrank pivots on a stud at the top of the differential
bracket, The connection of the double vertical link is not in
the middle of the lever, but is offset so the leverage
developed by one tilt latch is twice that of the other.

A horizontal link connects the top of the bellcrank to the

tilt arm. Operation of the bellcrank forces the tilt arm to
the left to exert a pull on the tilt tape.

The left-hand tilt pulley is mounted to the tilt arm on a ball

shoulder pivot screw. This allows the pulley to remain
horizontal regardless of the position of the tilt arm. It must
remain horizontal to prevent the tilt tape from coming off
the pulley.
Left Tilt
Ball Ball Shouldered
Shoulder ee Rivet
Screw Selector agen

Tilt Arm

Bail Plate

(Right Side View)


Tilt Bellcrank

Vertical Right Tilt

Link Pulley

Tilt Latch


Figure 3 — Tilt Selection Mechanism

Mechanical motion of the tilt differential is transferred to The level 1 mechanism uses a pair of beveled sector gears, a
the typehead through the tilt tape (Figure 4). The tilt tape tube, and a pulley to control the tilt ring (Figure 4). As the
is connected to the tilt bellcrank on the rocker assembly, tape is pulled, it rotates the tilt pulley which in turn rotates
extends to the left around the tilt arm pulley, back to the the tube. A sector gear is mounted to the tube and is
right around the right hand tilt pulley, and is attached to engaged with the tilt ring sector gear. Therefore, when the
the right side of the carrier. This arrangement allows tube rotates the tilt ring tilts.
left-to-right movement of the carrier without disturbing the
tilt position of the typehead.
The right-hand tilt pulley is solidly mounted and is moved From the tilt tape and bellcrank, mechanical motion is
for adjustment only. The tilt arm pulley moves with the tilt transferred through a link to the tilt ring (Figure 4). The tilt
arm, Movement of the tilt arm to the left exerts a pull on ring pivots on two pins between the yoke arms, inside the
the tilt tape, thus rotating the tilt bellcrank and causing the hollow part of the typehead. A pull on the tilt tape causes
typehead to tilt. ue the tilt ring to pivot about its pins, thus tilting the type-
head. Because the typehead rests with the upper band of
characters in the print position, all tilt operations are
upward from the rest position. The tilt ring is restored to
rest by an extension spring which connects to the tilt bell-

NOTE: The tilt ring is discussed further in the Fine Align-

ment Section of this manual.

Upper Ball Socket

Tilt Ring
Pivot ext ;
Pins |

Extension Spring
a Yoke Arms
Tilt Arm
Pulley Yoke

Tilt Arm SH
\ NS : |

Rocker Me X % a
Assembly |NR <e at = oF
© vi
Me Z <) 4

os =,"
z N ba A

ee S) Tilt Bellcrank

“3 Gearless Tilt (Rear View)

Tilt Bellcrank
Extension Spring


Gear Tilt (Level 1)

Figure 4 — Tilt Tape System

The tilt arm is rotated by a pull on the tilt latches. When When both latches remain to the rear under the latch bail
the tilt 2 latch is held to the front while the tilt 1 latch (Figure 7), both are operated. This causes the double
remains to the rear, only the filt 1 latch is pulled down by vertical link to receive the same motion as the latches,
the positive latch bail (Figure 5). As the latch pulls down resulting in three character bands of tilt. The fourth band is
on the lever, the left end of the lever pivots against a stop then in the printing position.
pad formed out from the differential bracket. The vertical
link from the lever is then pulled to operate the tilt
mechanism, This causes the typehead to tilt a distance of
one band of characters, and places the second band from
the top in the printing position.


Figure 5 — Tilt 1 Operations Figure 7 — Tilt 3 Cperation

The same type of action occurs if the tilt 2 latch is pulled
down by the latch bail while the tilt 1 latch is held forward.

Operating only the tilt 2 latch (Figure 6) develops sufficient

movement to cause the typehead to tilt a distance of two
bands of characters. The third band is then in the printing

Latch Bail

Figure 6 — Tilt 2 Operation

The purpose of the rotate mechanism is to position the The rotate type operation is similar to the tilt tape opera-
typehead rotationally to any of the eleven rotational tion; however, the rotate tape transfers motion to rotate
positions. The rotate mechanism is similar to the tilt the typehead (Figure 8). The rotate tape is connected to
mechanism except more latches and levers are required. the rotate pulley in the rocker, guided through the left side
Motion is transferred through the latch assembly, balance of the carrier, extended to the left around the rotate arm
lever, rotate bellerank, rotate link, rotate arm, rotate tape, pulley, back to the right around the shift arm pulley, and
rotate pulley, rotate shaft and the dog bone to rotate the connected to the right side of the carrier,
upper ball socket (Figure 8). The typehead is keyed to the
upper ball socket and will rotate whenever the upper ball NOTE: The shift arm pulley moves only during a shift
socket rotates. operation; therefore, consider it stationary for the present.
(For more information on shift operation, refer to the Shift
Section of this manual.) m
Rotate selection is accomplished by four latches. Each latch When the rotate arm is moved away from the side frame, a
supplies a different leverage for different amounts of pull is exerted on the rotate tape to rotate the typehead in
rotation. Various combinations of these latches position the a counterclockwise direction. When the rotate arm is moved
typehead to one of the eleven rotational positions. The toward the side frame, the typehead is rotated in the clock-
latches have rotational incremental values assigned to them. wise direction by allowing the rotate tape to wind around
They are from left to right, R2ZA, Rl, R2 and negative 5. the rotate pulley under rotate spring tension.
Latch R2A is never used by itself and is only used for
rotational positions 4, 5 and negative 1. The rotate spring is located beneath the rotate pulley and is
enclosed in a stationary cage. The rotate spring cage is held
Rotation of up to five characters is required on either side stationary by a retainer attached to the rocker casting. The
of the typehead rest position. Latches R1, R2, and R2A outer end of the spring is attached to the cage and the inner
provide 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 increments of counterclockwise or end of the spring is connected to the rotate pulley hub. The
positive rotation, depending on the combination operated. rotate spring loads the rotate pulley in the clockwise direc-
Those latches not needed are pulled forward by the key- tion.
board selector interposers (not shown). The negative 5
rotate latch rotates the typehead five units in the clockwise
or negative direction. Lesser increments of negative rotation
are selected by including one or more positive increments
(latches) with the negative 5. The negative 5 latch, however,
must be pulled forward when negative rotation is required.

Upper Ball
Rotate Tape Shaft
Dog Bone
Rotate Arm
Lower Ball Socket

Rotate Pulley

Rotate Spring


Rotate Bellcrank

Shift Arm

— 2p

( BZ


R-2 Latch
Neg 5 Latch

Figure 8 — Rotate Mechanism

POSITIVE ROTATION The high point of the right-hand cam is 90 degress from the
Consider the positive rotation of the typehead first. The high point of the other two cams. This ensures that when
three selector latches involved in positive rotation are those the positive latch bail is driven DOWN to the active
farthest to the right under the positive latch bail. They are position, the negative latch bail can be UP in the active
from left to right, R2ZA, R1, and R2. position.

The R1 latch is used for one-character rotation and the R2 Rotate Tape
latch for two-character rotation. With the R1 and R2
latches combined, as shown in Figure 9, a positive 3 rotate
Balance Lever Rotate
character will be selected. The R2 and R2A latches are
operated for a four-character rotation. A five-character Stop Pads Bellcrank

rotation is obtained by pulling down the R1, R2, and R2A

latches. Rotate
Arm ell
An adjustable balance lever at the middle of the rotate
differential is connected to the horizontal arm of the rotate
bellcrank. It is referred to as the balance lever, because it
balances the amount of motion between positive and nega-
tive rotation, The right end of the balance lever is held
stationary during positive rotation. A downward pull at the
left end causes the rotate bellcrank to rotate counter-
clockwise. The rotate link connects the bottom of the
rotate bellcrank to the bottom of the rotate arm. Counter- Cycl
ycle Shaft
Rotate Link Right Cam pee ee
clockwise rotation of the bellcrank causes the rotate arm to ink
pivot about its fulcrum point and exert a pull on the rotate Cam Follower eer .
tape. Roller (©

Rotate Tape
This Point Stationary On
Rha All Positive Selections
Negative Latch Five
Balance Lever Rotate
Bail atc
o (RisiosdeView)
Figure 10 — Negative Latch Bail (At Rest)

The negative latch bail is prevented from rising during a

positive rotate operation by the negative five latch (Figure

The latch is mounted to the differential bracket and pivots

Rotate front-to-rear. In the rest position, the latch is positioned
above the head of an adjustable screw at the rear of the
negative latch bail. During a positive rotate operation, as
Positive Latch Bail the cycle shaft begins to rotate, the bail moves up slightly
and is stopped by the negative five latch. The slight amount
of upward movement is compensated for by the balance
Figure 9 — Positive Three Rotate Operation lever adjustment and does not affect the positive rotate
selection. This clearance between the negative five latch and
NEGATIVE ROTATION the bail adjusting screw at rest ensures resetting of the latch
If positive rotation of the typehead is achieved by operating at the completion of a negative rotate cycle.
the rotate bellcrank counterclockwise to create a pull on
the rotate tape, it follows then that operating the rotate Latch Prevents
bellcrank clockwise will allow the typehead to rotate in a Negative 5 Bail From
negative direction. Latch Rising
Negative Latch Bail
In order for the bellcrank to rotate clockwise, the right end
of the balance lever must be raised. The right end of the
‘O) )
balance lever has a flat link connection to the negative latch
bail (Figure 10). The negative latch bail is a single arm
located under the cycle shaft and pivots on the bail shaft. (CS ae
The bail has a cam follower roller located about mid-point
on the bail and at rest, is held down (inactive) by the high
point of the right-hand cam on the cycle shaft. When the Adjusting Screw
cycle shaft rotates and the negative latch bail is allowed to
rise, the right end of the balance lever rises to allow clock-
wise operation of the rotate bellcrank. (Right Side View)
Figure 11 — Negative Latch Bail During Positive
Rotate Cycle

When the latch is pulled forward, the bail is allowed to rise TYPEHEAD ROTATION
(Figure 12). The force which raises the bail is applied by The typehead clips securely to the upper ball socket and
the rotate pulley spring and the extension spring attached rests over a key which is pressed into the upper ball socket.
to the rotate arm. This arrangement ensures that the typehead will rotate
whenever the upper ball socket rotates.
Cycle Shaft
Right Hand The upper ball socket has a shoulder at the bottom which
Neg. 5 Latch
Cam fits into the tilt ring (Figure 14). The fit is very close yet
permits free rotary motion of the upper ball socket. The
upper ball socket is held in place by the tilt ring spacer. The
spacer is attached directly to the tilt ring and fits over a
flange of the upper ball socket. The tilt ring spacer is
shimmed to allow rotation of the upper ball socket yet
restricts up and down play. *

The underside of the upper ball socket is hollow and forms

Neg, Latch Bail the socket for a ball joint connection. A dog bone shaped
ball joint fits into the socket over a pin that extends
through the socket. The lower end fits over a pin in the
(Right Side View) lower ball socket. The lower ball socket is part of the rotate
Figure 12 — Five-Unit Bail During Negative shaft. The rotate shaft operates directly inside the center of
Rotate Cycle the yoke. Attached near the bottom of the shaft are the
rotate pulley and rotate spring.
Movement of the negative latch bail from the latched-home These two ball socket connections act as universal joints to
permit the typehead to be rotated and tilted at the same
point to the low point of the cam allows sufficient clock-
wise movement of the rotate bellcrank to permit a five-
character negative rotation of the typehead. If less than five Upper Ball
Socket ¢ ==,
units of negative rotation is desired, it is necessary to pull
down on the left end of the balance lever as the right end Dog Bone mcomeeeyier
goes up. This reduces the amount of clockwise movement
of the rotate bellcrank. Operating one or more positive Tilt Ring Lower Ball —— )
rotate latches down in conjunction with allowing the Socket (Reo
negative latch bail to rise, provides different amounts of
negative rotation. The positive R1 and negative 5 combine
to permit a negative four rotation. The positive R2 and
negative 5 combination gives a negative three rotation
(Figure 13). The positive Rl and R2 and a negative five
operation permits a negative two rotation. And the positive : Rotate
R2 and R2A plus a negative 5 combination gives a negative Pulley
one rotation. =i Key ee i

Ball Socket Rotate
Rotate Arm


| Rocker
se | soe Casting

i SF— 7) Rotate
& =—_ Spring
Rotate Spring
Con Retaining Plate

Figure 13 — Negative Three Rotate Operation

Figure 14 — Typehead Rotation
Any wear in the system will cause the typehead to drift in Wear potential in the rotate mechanism is defined as the
the negative direction. This is because of the rotate spring ability of the rotate mechanism to properly align the type-
applying a constant pressure to the rotate sytem in a neg- head after a measurable amount of wear is felt in the
ative direction. Because of this drift, coarse alignment and mechanism (Figure 17).
homing adjustments should be checked each time the
machine is visited (Figure 15).

Head Play a aa —
Removed In if |
The Negative ( | |

Direction a { )

Head Play
Removed In
The Positive

Drift (Due
To Wear)
Occurs In
This Direction

Figure 17 — Wear Potential (Rear View)

Figure 15 — Rotate System Drift
A portion of the typehead play provides the rotate system
with a substantial amount of wear potential. To explain
how this is accomplished let’s look at the relationship
Early level machines include a wear compensator on the between head play, homing and bandwidth.
rotate arm (Figure 16).. The wear compensator does not
prevent wear, but prevents most head drift due to wear in TYPEHEAD PLAY
the system. The wear compensator is composed of three Typehead play is the free motion in the typehead when the
basic parts: the rotate arm, the compensating arm, and a machine is at rest. It is due to the ball joint connection
nylon roller between them. For all rotate positions between between the upper ball socket and the lower ball socket.
+5 and -3, it works the same as the current solid arm. The play is .050”’-.060” measured at the typehead skirt or
slightly less than half the distance between teeth. The head
Between rotate position -3 and -5 a ratio change occurs and play is split between the positive and negative slopes of the
provides the compensating arm with more motion. At the typehead notch (Figure 18). The typehead is homed so that
negative 5 position a stud on the rotate arm contacts the the rotate detent contacts the notch slope, with the head
side frame and prevents further movement of the rotate play removed in the negative direction, approximately
arm. Wear in the system would cause the compensating arm .015” down the negative side of the notch.
to continue moving and allow the nylon roller to drop in its
V-shaped wedging slot between the rotate arm and compen- The purpose of this adjustment is to provide maximum
sating arm, thereby compensating for any system drift. wear potential to the system. Also, this adjustment tends to
allow more time to withdraw the detent before the type-
head restores in the positive direction. Breakage in the
system would occur if the detent did not withdraw prior to
typehead movement.
ee grt.
E _..010"-.020" Of The Head
Play Utilized
Nylon Head Play
Removed In
The Negative |
Wedging Slot I
Head Play
Removed In
The Positive

Compensating {
Arm Lf
Figure 16 — Basic Components Of The i
le Head Play
Wear Compensator
Figure 18 — Typehead Play And Homing (Rear View)
BANDWIDTH When the wear occurs in the system, the typehead drifts in
Next, let’s consider bandwidth. With the head play removed the negative direction with respect to the detent. This
in the negative direction, the greatest variation between causes the head play and bandwidth to drift in the negative
detenting of one typehead position (Figure 19A) and direction with respect to the detent. As long as this drift
another typehead position (Figure 19B) is called band- does not exceed the wear potential portion of head play,
width. It is caused by unequal adjustment of the rotate the detent will continue to fine align the typehead. Once
latch stop pads. You will note that we have now used up the wear potential is exceeded, the rotate selection that
almost 3/4 of the negative slope of the typehead notch. coarse aligns the most negative, with respect to the detent,
will fail to align the detent notch. The detent will then fail
to seat causing that character to print out of alignment
(Figure 20). From the preceding, one can see that for
optimum performance, reliability and wear potential,
bandwidth must be controlled to be as small as possible.

(ape Wear Potential

\ Rotate Selection
Head Play - That Detents The
Least Negative Head Play
Removed In
With Respect To Removed In =——
The Negative
The Positive |
Direction The Detent

> Head Play
\ Removed In |
| The Positive
a Direction Figure 20 — Wear Potential Exceeded (Rear View)
4 leat
i Wo If you have a vertical alignment failure, first remove the
Fig. 9: A amma (heel
ee UI feta} lb hY typehead from your machine. Check the detenting on the
“Z” and “J.’’ Make sure the tilt ring is detenting properly
when the play is removed in the negative direction. Also,
make sure you check the detenting by removing the play in
the positive direction. This will tell you if the “tilt ring
play”’ is correct and, more important, if the detent is
catching on the tip of the notch. If the detent catches on
the tip of the notch, the tilt detent will fail to seat and it
will restrict the rotate detent from seating in the typehead
tooth. This will look like a “fine alignment” problem

—+| |—<———Band Width although it is a coarse alignment problem. If the tilt detent
is not catching on the tip of a detent notch, but it still fails
Head Play
Removed In
to seat, you may have a “fine alignment”’ problem (Figure
3/4 Of Neg. Slope AW):
The Negative
Most problems in the tilt mechanism will show up as a
vertical alignment failure on the paper. However, the tilt
detent controls the rotate detent. If the tilt detent fails to
seat in the tilt ring, it is possible for the rotate detent to fail
Head Play
Removed In
to seat in the typehead. This could cause horizontal align-
The Positive ment failures on the paper.
. Direction

Rotate Selection
That Detents The
Most Negative
With Respect
To The Detent Taper:

Fig. B

Figure 19 — Bandwidth (Rear View) Play Removed In Play Removed In

The Negative Direction The Positive Direction

Figure 21 — Tilt Detent Entry

(Left Side View)

NOTE: Shift adjustments must be correct before attempt: 4. Positive Latch Bail Guide — Adjust the guide left and
ing to make coarse alignment adjustments. Remove the right so that the tilt and rotate latches hang vertically.
typehead before beginning adjustments.
Tilt Latches
1. Preliminary Timing — Loosen the print shaft gear and
rotate the print shaft so that its keyway is in line with
the screw on the left side of the carrier casting. This
coarse adjustment assures that the detents will oper-
ate at approximately the right time in the cycle.

Rotate Latches
Positive Latch
Print Shaft Bail Guide

EE: (Front View)

5. Interposer Stop Lugs (Levels 1 & 2 Only) — Form the
selector interposer stop lugs to obtain .0017-.005”
clearance between each latch interposer’s upright lug
and its respective selector bail. This adjustment
Print Shaft establishes a fixed position for the interposers and
will directly affect selector latch timing.

Preliminary Adjustment NOTE: This adjustment does not apply to late level
machines. Refer to adjustment 3.
(Left Side View)

os7 oe ios
2. Latch Bail Shaft — Adjust the bail shaft plate so that (0,03-0,13mm)
the bail shaft is parallel to the cycle shaft.

Bail Shaft

Selector Latch

Stop Lug

(Level 1 — Right Side View)

(Right Side View)

3. Rotate Differential Guides — Adjust the guides left
and right so that the vertical link hangs vertically.

a i
ian Fe
Stop Lug

(Level 2 — Right Side View)

(Right Side View)

6. Selector Latch Links — b. Early Level — With the machine at rest, adjust
the negative 5 latch link so that the negative 5
ai Level 3 — With the machine at rest, adjust the latch will overlap the stop screw head by
selector latch links so that the links just span .050”-.060.”
the distance between the selector latches and
the selector latch interposers. Then, lengthen
the link 1/2 turn.

c Minimum Clearance

CO ee =
Aaa / (1,27-1,52mm)
Selector Latch
Selector Latch Interposer (Right Side View)
(Right Side View)
Latch Stop Pads — Form the latch stop pads by
tapping them with a hammer and screwdriver. The
b. Levels 1 & 2 — With the machine at rest, adjust latches should reset under the bail at the same time
the selector latch links so that the tips of the the cycle clutch check pawl resets.
latches overlap the bail with .005”’-.010” over-
hang. More or less overhang can cause the When adjusting the stop pads and the negative 5 latch
latches to “pop” out from under the bail stop screw, it is helpful to place a finger on the pawl
causing malselection. while observing the latches reset and at the same time
feel when the check pawl drops in.

It is not necessary to get the check pawl and latches

EXACTLY together. If the resetting of the latches
Selector Latch slightly precedes the pawl, consider this okay. If the
Link latches lag the pawl, readjust their rest position.

— | Latch Stop Pads

Se =
— + ————— [Brel |

Selector Latch .005’’-.010"

“I (0,13-0,25mm)
(Right Side View)

7. Negative 5 Latch Link —

a. With the machine at rest, adjust the latch link

so the link just spans the distance between the Latch Bail
negative 5 latch and its interposer. Then
lengthen the link 1/2 turn.

ie ice Minimum

Check Pawl

aa O

—_— 4
Latch Flush
To Screw

Level 1 Level 2
(Right Side View)

(Right Side View)

9. Negative 5 Bail Stop Screw— Adjust the negative 5 12. Tilt Ring Homing — With a “Z” character half cycled
stop screw so that the negative five latch resets at the and the tilt ring play removed in the negative direc-
same time that the cycle clutch check pawl resets tion (restoring direction), adjust the right-hand tilt
when a negative 5 character is slowly hand cycled. pulley so the rear of the tilt ring will rise approxi-
mately .010” when the detent is manually allowed to
Negative 5 Latch seat in the detent notch, As a further check, remove
the tilt ring play in the positive direction and observe
the detent entry on the forward side of the notch.
The detent should enter far down the forward slope
of the detent notch, but not so far that it contacts
the tip of the tooth.

Negative 5 Bail Right Hand

Stop Screw
Aiport: Tilt Pulley

i) Ve Tilt Ring

Play ™
Removed } A 5
(Level 1) (Level 2) Negative

(Right Side View) Tilt Detent eta

10. Rotate Spring Tension — Shift the machine into

< r
lower case and half cycle an ‘“‘m.”’ Adjust the rotate
Removed 7A -)
spring cage until a | 7/8 - 2 lb. reading is obtained on Positive \9o
the spring scale just as the shift arm contacts the stop (Left Side View)
screw. This is a CRITICAL adjustment. Excessive
tension will cause increased wear in the system; Is: Rotate Arm Vertical (Solid Arm) — To ensure equal
insufficient tension will not provide the torque arcs of motion of the rotate arm for both negative
necessary for rapid lower case negative rotate opera- and positive characters, the rotate arm must be
tions. vertical. This is a preliminary adjustment and is made
by adjusting the turnbuckle on the rotate link. Adjust
Half Cycled the link so that the center of the top of the rotate
Lower Case ‘’M’’
arm is in line with the No. 1 scribe line of the
Typehead Removed
Hooverometer when the Hooverometer is against the
Stop Screw
side frame.

No, 1 Scribe Line

1-7/8 — 2 \bs.
850 — 900 Grams

(Rear View)
Rotate Spring Cage
Rotate Arm

11. Tilt Arm Motion — Adjust the link up or down on the

tilt arm so that the tilt ring will coarse align the same
fora o2e as it does tora 1,7’

Tilt Ring

Tilt Link
Rotate Arm

(Level 1 — Front View)

Check Z Check J
Equal Detent

(Left Side View) NOTE: The remaining adjustments must be made

with the machine in upper case. Reinstall the
14. Rotate Pulley — Half cycle a “*T” and check to ensure Level 1 — The correct position of the stud is deter-
that the detent enters the proper tooth, If it does not, mined by alternately observing the detenting of the
loosen the rotate pulley setscrew and slip the type- +5 and -3 characters while changing the stud’s posi-
head around until the detent enters the correct tooth. tion. When the detenting is equal, the stud is cor-
Set the detenting in this tooth to approximately 1/3 rectly positioned,
down the negative slope of the typehead notch, with
the head play removed in the negative direction,
before tightening the setscrew.

It is not necessary to slip the typehead if the detent

enters the correct tooth.

Upper Case eI ONS


Rotate Detent


(Rear View) lee Rotate Link (Solid Arm) — Adjust the rotate
the rotate detent contacts the negative slope of the
typehead .005”-.020” from the center of the notch
Balance Arm — The balance arm is adjusted to obtain when the home character is half cycled.
proper balance between positive and negative selec-
tions. Make this adjustment by first half cycling a NOTE: On machines using the solid arm, homing
““T” and observing its detent entry. Next, half cycle a should be checked on every call.
““B” while manually withholding the negative 5 latch.
This will yield a “‘cancelled B”’ resulting in the “T” 11 .005"’-.020"
being selected. Now, adjust the balance arm left or (0,13-0,51mm)
right until the detenting of the ‘“‘cancelled B’’ matches
the detenting of the ““T’’ previously observed.

Rotate Detent

Rotate Link

| Balance Arm

(Rear View)
NOTE: Adjustments 18-22 apply to Level 1
machines only.

18. Damper Spring Stop — (Level 1 Only) (Upper Case) —

Move the damper spring stop to the bottom of the
16. Rotate Arm Motion (Solid Arm) — To provide the damper spring. This is a preliminary adjustment to
proper motion in each direction of typehead rotation, prevent the damper spring from interferring with the
the stud at the bottom of the rotate arm must be following adjustments.
vertically positioned in its slot. The correct position
of the stud is determined by alternately observing the

detenting of the “M” and ““W” while changing the Damper
stud’s position. When the detenting is equal, the stud Spring
is correctly positioned.

+5—5 ae Damper
Spring Stop

(Front View)
Rotate Arm Eccentric Stud — (Level 1 Only) (Upper 21. Damper Spring Stop (Level 1 Only) (Upper Case) ~
Case) — Half cycle -5 character and raise the nylon Adjust the damper spring stop vertically so the
roller in its slot to ensure it is not restricting the damper spring will just collapse against the power
rotate arm, Adjust the eccentric stud rotationally so frame with a -5 character half cycled and the type-
the rotate detent contacts the negative slope of the head removed.
typehead .010”-.020” from the center of the notch.
This adjustment allows the greatest amount of wear
potential available before a failure can occur.
Spring Collapsed
Damper Spring

Rotate (0,25-0,51mm) (Typehead Removed)
Arm Upper Case
Eccentric Half Cycled
Stud -5 Character

Damper Spring

Rotate (Front View)

Nylon Detent
(Rear View)
22. Ration Change — (Level 1 Only) (Upper Case) —
Form the paddle on the wear compensator assembly
so the -3 character detents the same as the -5 char-
acter. Each time the paddle is formed, the machine
must be recycled (raise the roller and cycle a -5
character) to allow the mechanism parts to seat
properly before the adjustment is checked.
(Front View Upper Case -5 Character Half-Cycled)

20. Rotate Link — (Level I Only) (Upper Case) — Adjust

the rotate link so, with a -5 character half cycled, the
nylon roller will drop .060” from the top of the slot.
This permits maximum adjustment life of the wear

-3 Detent = -5 Detent
(Front View)

23. Shift Motion — Now, shift the machine into lower

case so that the shift arm contacts its stop screw.
Adjust the stop screw so that a lower case “m”
detents EXACTLY the same as an upper case “M.”

Stop Screw
Rotate Link

Lower Case To Match

Upper Case

(Front View Upper Case -5 Character Half-Cycled/}

(Rear View)
24. Final Timing — Loosen the print shaft gear and 25. Rotate Pulley Guard — Adjust the rotate pulley guard
advance or retard the print shaft so that the detent rotationally at 45 degrees left of vertical. The guard
lightly scrubs the tip of the typehead tooth as it must clear the rotate tape by .005” with the rotate
withdraws. Be sure to maintain .002’’-.004” end play arm in the negative 5 position,
in the print shaft.

Print Shaft


Rotate Pulley Guard

Print Shaft Gear (Front View) (Side View)


Final Check — After completing the foregoing

On level 1 machines (with wear compensator) the adjustments, a final check should be made to see if
detent should withdraw with .002”-.004” clearance. any refinements are necessary. Compare the detenting
for the following character positions: +5 rotate, zero
rotate, -1 rotate and -5 rotate.

Without Impression If an excessive bandwidth exists (in excess of .015”’), it will

Control be greatest among these characters.

Excessive bandwidth between is caused by:
Zero rotate and -1 rotate, Incorrect balance
Plus 5 rotate and -5 rotate, Rotate arm motion
-5, plus 5 and zero rotate Latch stop pads and

a % Neg 5 stop screw

If the bandwidth appears to be all right but the align-

.002'’-.004"’ .002"'-.015" ment is not satisfactory, check the following items:
(0,05-0,10mm) (0,05-0,38mm)
Excessive play in the carrier or rocker. .
Play or binds in the tilt or rotate detent.
Loose fitting upper ball socket.
(Level I] — Rear View) Binds in the rocker parts.

This completes the coarse alignment adjustments. The

following chart may be used to determine the rotate and
tilt locations of characters on typehead:
If difficulty is encountered in obtaining the correct
detent timing, check the following items: STANDARD U.S. TYPE ELEMENTS

a. Detent skirt clearance — favor the high side of BEPPE Pests)

the tolerance (Fine Alignment Section).
b. Typehead homing — favor the high side of the

@. Bandwidth — make sure that it is not excessive.

d. Head play — should be .050’-.060” measured

at the typehead skirt. If excessive head play is Elle ionRN
suspected the dog bone should be replaced and a{s|7[e[e] =[2[s|s]olo] 1)
the typehead homing adjustment refined.
efefe fells [otefe[s]eo]ra
CAUTION: Excessively advanced or retarded timing mfofe Jefe] eff [i]s fo]v2)
ofed: [ffi fefefofy|| rs)
can cause parts damage as well as poor horizontal
alignment or improper selection. This could happen if
the detent entered the wrong notch or remained in
the notch too long.

If difficulty is encountered in adjustment or operation of

the compensator rotate arm, the following procedure can
be used to convert it to a solid arm:

ik Break off the lug on the bottom of the eccentric

rotate arm assembly,

Eccentric Rotate
Arm Assembly

Break Off
This Lug

Front View

Place the wear compensator wedge at the top of the


Disconnect the spring from the rotate arm and

connect it to the middle compensator arm assembly.

Replace This


Replace the eccentric stud with the pulley stud for

the solid arm, and adjust the system the same as you
would adjust a solid rotate arm mechanism,

The purpose of the switch pitch mechanism is to perform approximately the same position in the machine as the
the necessary switching operations within the escapement single pitch escapement and margin rack teeth. Both the
and margin mechanisms to allow the dual pitch “Selectric” margin and escapement mechanisms function in the same
Il Typewriter to function properly in either 10 or 12 pitch. manner as the single pitch “‘Selectric’” Typewriter. There-
Both the escapement rack and margin rack are rods with fore, in order to switch pitch it is only necessary to rotate
teeth cut into two sides. Ten pitch teeth and 12 pitch teeth the racks until either the 10 pitch teeth or 12 pitch teeth
are cut into opposing sides of the racks. The racks are face the rear of the machine and engage the escapement
retained in cutouts in the escapement and margin rails. This pawl and margin slider (Figure 1).
puts the escapement rack teeth and the margin rack teeth in

rane Switch Pitch Lever

Escapement Rack Gear SS Za

Switch Pitch Sector Gear

Margin Pitch Link

Margin Rack Gear

Escapement Rail


re 10 Pitch
aN S Teeth
Kind Jos
gq ie


12 Pitch

Margin Slider

Figure 1 — Switch Pitch

ESCAPEMENT RACK ROTATION The escapement rack gear stop lug controls the two rest
The escapement rail is screwed to the power frame in the positions of the escapement rack. In the 10 pitch mode, the
same manner as the single pitch ‘Selectric’? Typewriter stop lug is spring loaded against the half backspace lever
escapement rack. The horizontal rest position of the escape- mounting stud by the escapement rack gear toggle spring.
ment rack is controlled by a pin that is pressed into the When the gear is switched to the 12 pitch mode, it toggles
right end of the escapement rail. The left end of the escape- over and the stop lug is spring loaded against a lug on the
ment rack extends through the escapement rack bearing escapement rack bearing plate (Figure 4).
plate which is mounted to the left side of the power frame
(Figure 2).
et 12 Pitch

Escapement Rail Escapement Rack

Gear Stop Lug
Escapement Rack
10 Pitch Half Backspace Lever
Mounting Stud

Switch Pitch

Switch Pitch Sector Gear

Power Frame
Escapement Rack Gear py Escapement Rack
Toggle Spring Bearing Plate

Escapement Rack Bearing Plate

Figure 4 — Escapement Rack Rotation

Figure 2 — Escapement Rack Mounting
(Left Side View)
(Left Rear View)


The rotation of the escapement rack is accomplished by the The left end of the margin rack is mounted in a bushing
switch pitch lever, switch pitch sector gear and escapement that is retained in a hole in the power frame. The right end
rack gear. The switch pitch lever is mounted to the switch of the margin rack is mounted in the overbank guide
pitch sector gear and the assembly pivots on an extension bracket. The margin rack supports the margin rail. The
of the multiple copy control shaft. The teeth of the sector margin release bracket is mounted to the margin rail. A lug
gear engage the teeth of the escapement rack gear which is on the margin release bracket engages a notch in the margin
setscrewed to the left end of the escapement rack. As the rack causing the rack and the rail to move left-to-right as a
switch pitch lever is operated, the sector gear moves up or unit. The left-to-right position of the margin rack/rail and
down rotating the escapement rack gear (Figure 3). overbank motion are controlled by the overbank guide
(Figure 5).

Switch Pitch Lever Overbank Guide Bracket

E scapem ent Rack
Multiple Copy Control
Margin Rail
Escapement Rack Gear
SX Margin Rack

Margin Rack

Switch Pitch Sector Gear

Figure 3 — Escapement Rack Gear And Switch Pitch Figure 5 — Margin Rack Mounting
Sector Gear (Left Rear View) (Left Rear View)

The margin rack is rotated by the margin pitch link and the
margin rack gear. The teeth of the margin pitch link engage SWITCH PITCH ADJUSTMENTS
the teeth of the margin rack gear which is setscrewed to the
left end of the margin rack. The rear end of the margin
1. Switch Pitch Lever — Adjust the retainer for
pitch link is mounted to the escapement rack gear. As the .001”-.005” end play of the switch pitch lever.
escapement rack gear is rotated, the margin’ pitch link
moves front-to-rear rotating the margin rack gear (Figure

“Margin Rack Gear

Switch Pitch Lever
Margin Rack

Switch Pitch Lever Retainer

| (0,03-0,13mm)

(Rear View)

2. Escapement Rack Gear — With the escapement rack

gear stop lug against the half backspace lever mount-
ing stud, the 10 pitch escapement rack teeth must be
vertical. A clearance of .005’-.010” must be main-
tained between the escapement rack gear and the
Figure 6 — Margin Pitch Link And Margin Rack Gear escapement rack bearing plate when tightening the
(Left Rear View) setscrews.

The two rest positions of the margin rack gear are con-
Half Backspace Lever
trolled by two stops on the margin pitch link guide bracket.
Mounting Stud
A lug on the margin rack gear is toggled and spring loaded
against the stops in the same manner as the escapement
rack gear (Figure 7). 10 Pitch Teeth

Se << Rack Gear

Stop Lug

Gear Stop Lug
Escapement Rack

le Escapement Rack
Bearing Plate

Rear View)
Figure 7 — Margin Rack Rotation
(Left Front View)
Escapement Rack Gear Lower Stop — Form the 5. Margin Rail Horizontal — Form the margin release
escapement rack gear lower stop so the 12 pitch bracket so the margin rail rests on a horizontal plane.
escapement rack teeth are vertical when the escape-
ment rack gear stop lug is against the stop.
Margin Release Bracket
12 Pitch Teeth

Margin Rail

Rear Stop

Margin Rack
Gear Stop Lug

Escapement Rack
Gear Stop Lug
6. Overbank — With carrier at the left margin, position
the overbank guide left or right for .001”-.005” be-
tween the carrier stop latch and the left margin stop
in the 12 pitch mode. In the 10 pitch mode, the
clearance must not exceed .015”’.
Escapement Rack
Gear Lower Stop

(Left Side View) 12 Pitch Mode C)Sane

.001""-.005” ; sie eh Were
Switch Pitch Sector Gear — (0,03-0,13mm) [_] ae
Level 1 — With the escapement rack gear stop lug = (0,38mm)
against the lower stop, mesh the switch pitch sector
gear with the escapement rack gear so the upper two
teeth do not mesh. Adjust for minimum backlash
with no binds. The switch pitch lever should be posi-
tioned to be parallel to the multiple copy control Overbank Guide
lever in the “‘B” position. LH Margin Stop
Level 2 — With the escapement
against the lower stop, mesh the top tooth
rack gear stop lug
of the
sector gear with the escapement rack gear.
(Top View)
Multiple Copy
Control 7. Clutch Unlatching Link — Adjust the carrier return
In Position ‘’B” clutch unlatching link for .0017-.010” between the
latch and keeper with the carrier in the full overbank
Switch Pitch
© Lever Clutch Latch Keeper
12 Pitch Mode la)
Minimum Backlash (Top View)
No Binds
Unlatching Link
Margin Rack

8, 4 Rack Gear

Switch Pitch
Sector Gear ——

(Left Side View) Clutch Unlatching

Escapement Rack Bellcran k 001-010"
Gear Stop Lug
Margin Rack Held (0,03-0,25mm)
To The Left
(Right Side View)
Margin Pitch Link Guide Bracket — With the machine 10. Front Margin Rack Gear Stop Form the front
in the 12 pitch mode, mesh the first tooth of the margin rack stop lug so the 10 pitch margin rack
margin pitch link with the first tooth of the margin teeth are vertical in the 10 pitch mode.
rack gear, Adjust the margin pitch link guide bracket
up or down for .005”-.010” clearance between the
guide bracket lug and the top edge of the margin 10 Pitch Teeth
pitch link. This allows the margin pitch link to have Vertical
minimum backlash and not bind with the margin rack

12 Pitch Mode .005"-.010"


Margin Pitch Link

Front Stop Lug
Margin Rack Gear
Margin Pitch Link Guide Bracket
(Left Side View)

Margin Rack Gear — With the margin rack gear

against the rear stop, rotate the margin rack until the
12 pitch teeth are vertical. Maintain .0017-.005”
clearance between the margin rack gear and the
bushing when tightening the setscrews.

12 Pitch Teeth
Vertical | Margin Rack
pe N

__SGy_ SS ~

Margin Rack
Gear Stop Lug

Rear Stop


Margin Rack Gear

| |ee OO 005t
(Front View)


The purpose of the escapement mechanism is to control the Power to operate the escapement mechanism is taken from
single space movement of the carrier during each print cycle a double lobed escapement cam mounted on the filter shaft
(Figure 1). just inside the right-hand power frame (Figure 1). Bach
time a cycle occurs, the filter shaft rotates the cam 180
The carrier is under constant mainspring tension. At rest, degrees.
the escapement pawl, which is mounted on the carrier,
engages the escapement rack and prevents the mainspring The escapement cam follower pivots on a shaft just to the
from pulling the carrier to the right. During an escapement rear of the escapement cam. A trip link extends to the rear,
operation, the pawl is temporarily removed from the rack from the cam follower to the trigger lever.
and the carrier moves to the right under mainspring tension
until the pawl engages the next tooth on the escapement Each time the filter shaft turns, the escapement cam fol-
rack. lower will pivot, pulling on the trip link, causing the trigger
lever to rotate about its mounting shafts.

Backspace Paw!

Escapement Pawl

Backspace Rack
Torque Bar
Carrier Return Backspace Pawl

Escapement Torgue Bar Backstop

ua (Rear View)
Torque Bar Backup Stud Ze

Trip Link

oe “a
> Z Trigger Lever

- my &
“ |
i G
Carrier <4 (< Ss See
il aie

~ : ies , lorque Bar

Escapement/Tab ; ae .
0 hy


Filter Shaft

Escapement Cam

Figure 1 — Escapement Mechanism

An escapement trigger is mounted on the trigger lever
(Figure 2). The trigger has hooked-shaped lugs that rest
above a lug on the right end of the torque bar. During each
escapement operation, the rotation of the trigger lever Escapement Torque Bar
causes the trigger to move downward. This downward
movement of the trigger causes the torque bar to rotate.

The torque bar pivots between the sides of the power

frame, just to the rear of the escapement rack. Mh Trigger

The pivot point of the torque bar is near its bottom edge.
The escapement pawl and the backspace pawl each have a
lug that extends down just behind the torque bar. As the
top of the torque bar pivots to the rear, it will force the Trigger Lever
lugs of the pawls to the rear causing the tips of the pawls to
clear their respective racks.
Trigger Knockoff Screw

(Right Side View)

Escapement Rack


Backspace Paw!

Escapement Pawl


Escapement Rack

Escapement Torque Bar

Trigger Lever

Figure 2 — Trigger Operation

OPERATING SEQUENCE In Figure 5, the torque bar is returning to its rest position
An escapement operation is obtained by forcing the escape- and the pawls are dropping into the next tooth of their
ment pawl to the rear, out of engagement with the rack racks. The carrier has not moved.
tooth. Due to the slotted mounting hole, as soon as the
pawl clears the escapement rack tooth it is snapped to the Torque Backspace Escapement
right by the pawl spring. The escapement pawl is allowed to Bar Pawl Pawl
move to the front into engagement with the next tooth.
The carrier then moves to the right until it comes to rest
against the escapement pawl.

Figure 3 shows the escapement and backspace pawls and

their associated racks. The pivot stud is attached to the
bracket mounted on the carrier.

~ Backspace Paw! Escapement Pawl

Figure 5 — Pawls Returning To Rest (Top View)

Slotted Mounting Escapement
Hole Torque Bar

In Figure 6, the carrier has moved to the right and the

pawls have stopped the pivot stud, and again the carrier is
‘@ ! a Paw! Spring at rest after spacing once.

Pivot Backspace
Stud Paw!

Pivot Stud Backspace Rack

Escapement Rack

Figure 3 — Pawl At Rest (Top View)

Figure 6 — End Of Operation (Top View)

The carrier is always being pulled to the right, and the pivot
stud is against the right edge of the elongated slot in the NOTE: The carrier and escapement pawl must be moved to
pawls. the left for a backspace operation. Because the backspace
pawl is mounted to the escapement bracket, movement of
Figure 4 shows the torque bar operated. The pawls have the backspace pawl to the left forces the carrier and escape-
been pulled free of their racks and the spring tension has ment pawl to the left. The backspace pawl is mounted just
pulled the pawls to the right before the carrier has started above the escapement pawl, but its tooth extends below the
to move. escapement pawl and is held engaged with the backspace
track by a small extension spring.
Backspace E (
scapemen The backspace rack is mounted to the rear of the power
Pivot: Pawl Paw i Torque Bar
frame by shouldered screws through elongated holes in the
rack. This mounting arrangement allows lateral movement
of the rack. Movement of the rack towards the left forces
the backspace pawl to the left to cause a backspace opera-

The backspace operation is pointed out here due to its close

association with the escapement mechanism. The backspace
pawl is engaged with the rack when in the rest position.
This means that both the backspace and escapement pawls
must be removed from their racks in order for the carrier to
move to the right.

Figure 4 — Torque Bar Operated (Top View)

ESCAPEMENT TORQUE BAR On XX3 and XX5 machines an additional support is given
Because of the force required to trip the pawls out of their to the escapement torque bar to prevent it from bowing to
racks, the torque bar tends to bow towards the front the rear. A backstop mounted to a stud in the machine
instead of pushing the pawls to the rear. This is eliminated power frame provides the backing.
by the use of a backup stud mounted to the center power
frame. NOTE: On long carriage machines an additional backup
stud can be mounted on the left side of the power frame to
On level 1 machines the pawl pivot stud extending down give the escapement torque bar additional support.
from the escapement bracket directly in front of the
escapement torque bar eliminates this bowing.

Paw! Pivot Stud

Torque Bar Backstop

Escapement Bracket Additional Backup Stud

(XX3-XX5) Left-Hand
Escapement Pawl
- Pawl

Torque Bar Backstop

Backup Stud

Seo ae Escapement Torque Bar

Trigger Lever
ef SS


Torque Bar
Escapement Cam Restoring Spring

Figure 7 — Escapement Torque Bar

Rotation of the escapement torque bar is instantaneous and
supplies just enough motion to remove the pawls from their
Torque Bar
racks. The torque bar is immediately rotated back to the
rest position by a restoring spring located at the right-hand
end. This allows the pawls to re-enter their racks to limit Knockoff
the carrier movement to one space (Figure 8). Eccentric Stud
There is a timing consideration in this type of escapement.
The torque bar must return to rest before the carrier has
moved enough to skip a tooth on the racks.

The trigger lever is operated by motion transmitted from

the escapement cam, therefore, it can only restore as fast as
the cam can rotate from the high point to the low point. To
prevent the escapement pawl from skipping, the torque bar
must be allowed to restore more quickly.

An adjustable knockoff screw causes the trigger to cam off

of the torque bar lug just after the pawls have been re-
moved from the rack. The torque bar can then restore (Level 1 Rest Position — Right Side View)
without waiting for restoration of the trigger and the trigger

Level 1 machines are equipped with an adjustable knockoff

eccentric stud (Figure 9). The stud serves the same purpose
as the trigger knockoff screw and will be covered further in Torque Bar
the escapement adjustment summary.

Escapement Torque Bar

Restoring Spring ~ i aa

Cam Follower Lever

Eeeapamenear Trigger Knockoff Screw

(Level 1 Active Position — Right Side View)

(Rest Position—Right Side View)

Figure 9 — Trigger Knockoff (Level 1)

Cam Follower ;
Trigger Knockoff Screw Forces
Top Of Trigger To Rear
Escapement Cam

(Active Position—Right Side View)

Figure 8 — Trigger Knockoff

CARRIER MOVEMENT The carrier return cord is wound in the opposite direction
The mainspring is mounted near the back of the machine around the carrier return cord drum, passes around two
and engages the escapement shaft (Figure 10). pulleys and connects to the left side of the carrier.

The escapement shaft extends forward through a backplate Mainspring tension is applied to the carrier through the
and the power frame. Located on this shaft are two drums. escapement tab cord to move the carrier to the right during
The escapement/tab cord is wound several turns around the an escapement operation. As the escapement cord drum
escapement cord drum, then to the right over a guide roller takes up cord, the carrier return cord drum plays out cord.
just prior to passing through the right side of the machine. This allows the tension pulley to maintain constant tension
The cord passes around a tension pulley and back through on the carrier and also allows the mainspring to be rewound
the power frame and connects to the right-hand side of the during a carrier return operation.

Carrier Return


Guide Roller





Escapement Cord
Tension Pulley

Carrier Return
Cord Drum

Escapement Shaft

Figure 10 — Mainspring Tension


In the dual pitch escapement mechanism, the vertical Dual pitch escapement functions in the same manner as
position of the escapement pawl is critical. The pawl must single pitch escapement. The only differences are the
be centered in the escapement rack within the opening in escapement rack (covered in the Switch Pitch Section), the
the escapement rail. An escapement pawl guide bracket is escapement pawl and its mounting, and some adjustments.
mounted above the escapement pawl. The escapement pawl
guide lug extends down from the bracket and is formed Dual pitch machines use a steel cable in place of the nylon
under the escapement pawl to control its vertical move- carrier return cord. Early level dual pitch machines use a
ment. The escapement pawl vertical position is controlled steel cable for both the carrier return cord and the escape-
by the vertical position of the carrier, which is adjustable. ment cord.
This is accomplished by a diagonal elongated mounting slot
in the rear carrier shoe. As the carrier shoe is adjusted left Escapement Rail
or right, the rear of the carrier is raised or lowered (Figure
1). Elongated Slot Escapement

Carrier Shoe

Carrier —_f

Carrier Return
) Le
o-—_— Escapement
J Pawl

Escapement Pawl Guide Lug

Guide Bracket

_- figure 8 — Escapement Pawl And Carrier Shoe Mounting

(Rear View)


Trigger Lever

Escapement Bh
Carrier Torque Bar a


Filter Shaft

Cam Follower

Power Frame
Escapement Cam

= : Trip Link
Figure 1 — Escapement Mechanism

NOTE: Before any adjustments are performed in this 3. Escapement Pawl Guide Lug (Dual Pitch Only) —
section, switch pitch adjustments must be correct. Form the escapement pawl guide lug for .001”’-.004”’
clearance between the lug and escapement pawl.
I. Escapement Rack (Single Pitch) — With the print
shaft rotated so the keyway is down, position the Escapement Pawl
platen gauge to rest on the print shaft and the escape-
ment rack. The preliminary position of the escape-
ment rack is the distance spanned by the gauge plus
.030” (use pusher end of springhook). Adjust the
escapement rack to this dimension and parallel to the
print shaft. Readjust if necessary to ensure that the
backspace pawl clears the backspace rack by a greater
.001‘’-.004" :
(0:03-0,10mm) | SeePementPaw! Guide Eup
amount than the escapement pawl clears the |
escapement rack during pawl release functions.

Platen Gauge
ee Escapement Rack
Carrier Shoe (Dual Pitch Only) — Adjust the carrier
shoe left or right to center the escapement pawl in
Do 3
\. the opening of the escapement rail.
Print Shaft
<—_ emae OOM), NOTE: After making this adjustment, check carrier
movement along the full writing line. The carrier shoe
(Right Side View) <=> could cock when tightening the mounting screw and
cause the carrier to bind.
If the platen gauge is not available, the escapement
rack position may be set from the No. 1 scribe line on ~ Escapement Pawl
the Hooverometer. It should just span the distance Centered Carrier Shoe
from the print shaft.

Hooverometer No. 1 Scribe Line

Print Shaft : <a

(Right Side View)

2. Escapement Rail (Dual Pitch Only) — With the print

shaft rotated so the keyway is down, position the (Rear View)
platen gauge to rest on the print shaft and the escape-
ment rail. The correct position of the escapement rail
is the distance spanned by the gauge plus .030.”
Adjust the escapement rail to this dimension and Carrier Buffer (Early Level Dual Pitch Only) — Adjust
parallel to the print shaft. Readjust if necessary to the carrier buffer front-to-rear to obtain .001”’-.002”
ensure tab adjustments can be made properly. between the carrier buffer and the escapement rail.

[+ (0,03mm)
At Closest
,030" Point
(0,76mm) (Dual Pitch Only)
(Right Side View) (Right Side View)
6. Escapement Bracket (Single Pitch) — Position the 7. Escapement Torque Bar (Level 1, Single Pitch) —
escapement bracket to parallel the tab torque bar Adjust the escapement torque bar .005’’-.010” end
with .011°-.017” clearance. Be sure this clearance is play with the escapement trigger centered on the
not observed at the boss on the escapement bracket. escapement bar lug,

NOTE: This adjustment affects the tab adjustments. —_ .005’’-.010"

(0,13-0,25mm) ——™ ||
Escapement Torque Bar
.011"-.017" Equal cal |a
Tab Torque Bar

Trigger ad
(Top View) Side Frame

& Escapement Torque Bar Stop — Adjust the escape-

ment torque bar stop to obtain .008”-.010” clearance
between the rear of the torque bar and the lug on the
escapement pawl with all parts at rest.

(Level 1 Top View) Machines equipped with a formable lug on the left-
hand end of the escapement torque bar should be
Tab Torque Bar adjusted for .002’’-.006” clearance between the rear
of the torque bar and the lug on the escapement pawl
with all parts at rest.

Lug Torque Bar Stop

And Parallel

(Level 2 Top View)

Escapement Bracket (Dual Pitch) — Position the

escapement bracket front-to-rear so the front left side
of the escapement pawl clears an escapement rack
tooth by .043”-.047.” The bracket must be parallel
to the tab torque bar within .005.” (Level 1)

Escapement Pawl Escapement Rack

.043"'-.047" 008'-.010"" ——>| |<—
(1,09-1,19mm) Tab Torque Bar (0,20-0,25mm) a

Escapement T orque Bar

(Level 2)

Escapement Pawl
Parallel Within .005”

Escapement Bracket

Escapement Torque Bar

(Top View)
(Level 3)
9. Pawl Mounting Stud (Single Pitch) — Adjust the pawl 11. Torque Bar Backstop - Adjust the backstop front-to-
mounting stud rotationally to obtain .001” clearance rear to obtain .001’-.005” clearance between the
between the mounting stud and the front of the stop and the rear of the torque bar.
escapement torque bar. Keep the eccentric in the left
half of its orbit.

a= Escapement Torque Bar

001.005" \
a ee (0,03-0,13mm) 7 ie)
a ee ees
(0,03mm) Paw! Mounting Stud

eS (Level 1 Bottom View)

Pawl Mounting Stud (Dual Pitch) — Keep the eccen-

tric in the right half of its orbit. The nut is a left-hand
thread. Copper coloring is an industry standard for
designation of a left-hand thread. 7X3—7X5 (Level 1)
Paw! Mounting Stud ff (Rear View)
Escapement Torque Bar

seems aS ey = = ee Escapement Torque Bar

.001’’-.005"’ (og
001" | (0,03-0,13mm)
(0,03mm) ( Level 1 Bottom View)

10. Escapement Torque Bar Backup Stud —

Adjust the torque bar backstop and backup

stud away from the torque bar.
Move the carrier to the extreme left or right 7X3—7X5 (Level 2)
position, whichever provides the least torque
(Rear View)
bar to escapement pawl lug clearance.
Adjust the escapement torque bar rest position
for .008-.010.” Refer to Escapement Torque
Bar Stop adjustment.
Move the carrier to the center. 12. Pivot Pin Eccentric (Early Level Machine Only) —
Adjust either the backstop or the backup stud The eccentric collar should be adjusted with the high
to again obtain .008”-.010.” This adjustment point up so that it touches the operational latch
actually straightens the torque bar. On 7X1 bracket. This prevents the pivot pin from bowing
machines, move the backstop stud toward the during a print escapement operation. On long carriage
rear of the machine to obtain this condition, or machines, the eccentric should also be adjusted
just touch the torque bar. laterally on the pivot pin of .002”-.005.”
Adjust either the backstop or the backup stud
that was not adjusted above to obtain a mini- NOTE: The eccentric may require readjustment if
mum clearance with the torque bar. the rest position of the pivot pin is changed during
carrier return adjustments.
ama) Pawl Tail oS
ts Escapement Ean
Torque Bar Pivot Pin Eccentric

Maintain—=| =
Across Touches

(Rear View)

NOTE: On machines equipped with an additional Operational Latch Bracket

backup stud (XX3—XXS) adjust the additional
backup stud to just touch the escapement (Left Side View)
torque bar at rest.
13. Escapement Cam — With the machine at rest, adjust Level 2 — Adjust the eccentric to obtain .010”-.015”
the cam radially on the filter shaft so the cam fol- clearance.
lower roller is resting at the start of the low dwell,

On machines equipped with the old-style spacebar

lockout mechanism, the lockout cam adjustment
must be checked each time the escapement cam
adjustment is changed. Advancing or retarding the
escapement cam, could allow the lockout cam to
disable the spacebar mechanism.

( Level 2 Right Side View)

Cam Follower
Level 3 — Adjust the knockoff adjusting screw to
obtain .010’’-.015” clearance.

Escapement Torque Bar

iLow Point
Machine At Rest
Escapement Cam Trigger
(Right Side View )
NOTE: Escapement should occur just after print. Screw

( Level 3 Right Side View)

14. Escapement Trip Link — With the machine latched at

rest, adjust the escapement trip link to obtain
16. Trigger Lever Upstop — With all parts at rest, adjust
.007”-.010"" clearance between the hook on the
the trigger lever upstop vertically to obtain
trigger and the extension on the escapement torque
.001”-.005”’ clearance between the upstop and the
bar. Be sure the trigger lever upstop is not restricting
trigger lever.
the trigger.
(0,18-0,25mm) Trigger Lever Upstop
Escapement Torque oe

Escapement Trip Link dg

—} Trigger Lever

Loosen Nut
And Turn Link .001''-.005”"
(0,03-0,13mm) (Rear View)
Low Point (Right Side View)
Machine At Rest

17. Mainspring Hub (Dual Pitch Only) — Adjust the

15. Trigger Knockoff — Adjust so the escapement trigger
mainspring hub for .001’-.004 end play of the
will cam off the torque bar lug when the escapement
escapement shaft in the rear escapement bearing. This
pawl clears the rack by .010”-.015.”’
adjustment should be made with the escapement
shaft collar loose.
Level 1 — Adjust trigger knockoff stop to obtain
.010”-.015”’ clearance. a

¥4—@ Escapement Shaft

Escapement Shaft Collar
Escapement Rack

Escapement Shaft Bearing


Escapement Pawl Mainspring Hub ; .001**-.004"

(Top View) (0,03-0,10mm!)

(Level 1Rear View) (Rear View)

18. Escapement Shaft Collar (Dual Pitch Only) — Adjust The position of the pulley ensures that it will not
the escapement shaft collar for .001”-.004” end play contact the cover as it compensates for the cord
of the carrier return/backspace cable drum on the stretch.
escapement shaft.
CAUTION: Be sure to remove all end play from the
escapement shaft before tightening the carrier return
cord drum. End play is removed by holding the
escapement shaft forward while the cord drum is
Carrier Return/Backspace moved to the rear against the rear bearing. Hand or
Cable Drum power cycle, then recheck adjustment with the carrier
at the extreme right-hand margin.

Carrier Return -
(0,03-0,10mm) Cord Drum


(Top View)

19. Mainspring — Adjust the mainspring for 1/2 to 3/4 of

a pound of tension as the carrier tabs through the
right-hand margin.

Manually latch the carrier return mechanism and

rotate the turning wheel (while counting the revolu-
tions of the escapement shaft) until the mainspring is
wound the proper number of turns. Must Hold Escapement
Shaft During Adjustment
Silver Retainer Tab
Black Retainer Tab Cord Tension Pulley

Long Ears Outer Edge Lined Up With Scribe Line

Short Ears NOTE: On machines equipped with a steel cable in

place of the carrier return nylon cord, the same
This Spring Should Be
adjustment applies.
This Spring Should Be
Wound 7 Turns (Rear View) Wound 5 Turns

22. Transport Cable Tension (Level 1 Dual Pitch Only) —

20. Idler Pulley Eccentric — The eccentric mounting stud Adjust the right-hand cable pulley left or right so the
for the front idler pulley should be set so that the pin cable tension arm clears the stop stud on the
is above center on the eccentric. The pin should be backspace ratchet by .040”’-.050”’.
angled toward the left slightly.
NOTE: If the right-hand cable pulley reaches either
Eccentric Mounting Stud extreme of its adjustment slot, the tab/escapement
cable drum must be repositioned rotationally on the
escapement shaft.

Pin Horizontal
And Above Center Ae

Cable Pulley
21. Cord Tension — With the cords properly threaded,
adjust the carrier return cord drum so that the outer
| .040°'-.050"
edge of the nylon pulley bracket lines up with the Stop Stud (1,02-1,27mm)
scribe line on the mounting bracket.
(Top View)

The operational control mechanism contains all of the parts machine components so that only the desired operation will
necessary to initiate the spacebar, backspace, carrier return take place and to release one of the two cams so that power
and index operations. will be supplied to that mechanism.

The operational theory for each of the four operations The two operational cams are located on the right side of
outlined above is covered in detail in their respective the operational shaft just inside the power frame. The
sections of this manual. The operational theory and left-hand cam is a double lobed cam which turns 180
adjustments in this section will apply to all of the degrees during each cycle. Its purpose is to power the
operational control mechanisms. The operational control spacebar and backspace mechanisms. The right-hand cam is
mechanism consists primarily of four interposers and an a single lobed cam which rotates 360 degrees during each
operational cam assembly (Figure 1). Each interposer cycle. It powers the carrier return and index mechanisms.
performs the same basic function — to condition the


Carrier Return/
Index Cam

Cam Pawl




Power Frame


Figure 1 — Operational Control Mechanism


INTERPOSER RELEASE allowing the cam wheel to be released. When the
An operation is initiated by depressing one of the clutch release arm releases the cam wheel, the cam
operational keylevers (Figure 2): wheel will rotate, allowing the cam pawl to engage
the operational clutch ratchet. The operational clutch
When an operational keylever is depressed, a lug on the ratchet is setscrewed to the operational shaft and
keylever pawl contacts the interposer, forcing it down to rotates whenever the machine is on. The operational
release the interposer latch from the interposer latch plate cams are mounted on shoulders of the operational
(Figure 2). clutch ratchet. The operational cams remain
stationary on these shoulders until the cam pawl
engages the ratchet. When the cam pawl engages the
INTERPOSER FUNCTIONS operational clutch ratchet, the cam turns with the
As soon as the interposer latch has cleared the latch plate
5 : : i : tional shaft and ratchet.
(Figure 2), the interposer is pulled to the rear by its spring. pee fo a te
vee ie POuSagTeses UREN S|ve) ele iaiaiie iippertariapuye 2. An extension at the rear of the operational interposer
HnOUONS positions an operational latch under its cam follower.
il A lug on the bottom of the interposer contacts the
clutch release arm, rotating it down at the front,

Keylever Interposer Latch Plate
Operational Operational
Clutch |nterposer
X Shaft
Release Extension
Key lever
Pawl Cam Follower


eS Wencauns oe |nterposer
I nterposer Lug Spring

Figure 2 — Operational Control Mechanism (At Rest) (Right Side View)

The rotation of the operational cam assembly performs two detailed description of each operational function,
functions (Figure 3). starting at the operational latch, can be found in its
respective section of this manual.
i; The cam follower follows the camming surface of the
operational cam from the low point to the high point. The operational cam follower also contacts the
This causes the cam follower to pivot around its interposer restoring lever and causes it to restore the
mounting shaft, pulling down on the operational operational interposer forward, allowing the
latch. (The power to operate each of the operational interposer latch to relatch on the interposer latch
functions is taken from an operational latch. A plate.

Interposer Latch Plate

Cam Follower

Cam Pawl
Operational Latch


I nterposer
Latch Interposer Lever

Figure 3 — Cam And Interposer Function (Right Side View)

As the operational cam completes its rotation, the cam
wheel contacts the clutch release arm, which pivots the cam Keylever
pawl out of the operational ratchet (Figure 4), Continued Paw!
rotation of the cam allows the check pawl to engage a
notch in the check ring which is mounted on the opposite
side of the cam (Figure 5). The check pawl holds the cam in
its rest position, ensuring that the cam pawl does not
reengage the operational ratchet until the next operation.
Cam Wheel

Clutch Release
Release Point Of Single Operation

Keylever Pawl
Uae (aes Deflected Forward

Check Pawl
Operational Spacebar/
Ratchet Backspace Cam

Figure 4 — Cam Wheel (Right Side View) e

Check Ring

Check Paw!

I nterposer

Figure 5 — Check Ring (Left Side View)

Repeat operation of an operational mechanism can be Repeat Operation
accomplished by preventing the interposer from relatching
against the interposer latch plate (Figure 6). A second lug,
called the repeat lug, on the keylever pawl is used to
prevent the relatching of the interposer when a keylever is Figure 6 — Keylever Pawl Operation
depressed in the repeat zone. In the case of carrier return, (Right Side View)
the repeat lug on the keylever pawl is formed to the right
above the index interposer. Depression of the carrier return
keylever into the repeat zone causes the index interposer to
be released, resulting in additional linespacing.


Parts At Rest

3. Carrier Return Pinion Backlash — Adjust the
escapement cord drum gear front-to-rear to obtain
.002”-.004” backlash between the carrier return
1. Operational Shaft Support — Adjust the operational pinion and the escapement cord drum gear.
shaft support front-to-rear to support the operational
shaft with no binds. NOTE: Recheck adjustment No. 1 after making this
NOTE: Bearing centered on support.
Bearing Escapement
Cord Drum


2. Operational Shaft Position And End Play — Position 4. Carrier Return Pinion Side Play — Adjust the torque
the operational shaft laterally so the crown surfaces limiter hub left or right so there is .002’-.004”
of the escapement cord drum and the carrier return clearance between the carrier return pinion and the
pinion are even while maintaining .002’-.004” end torque limiter arbor.
play of the operational shaft. On the Model 7X1, this
adjustment is controlled by the operational cam Torque Limiter Hub
ratchet and the shift clutch arbor. On longer
machines, the position is controlled by a collar
screwed to the operational shaft and the shift clutch

Teeth Matched

Cord Drum

Carrier Return Pinion

Return .002"'-.004"
Pinion ‘ (0,05-0,10mm)

5. Tab Pinion Backlash — Adjust the tab governor

assembly left or right to obtain .002”-.004” backlash
between the tab pinion and the escapement cord
drum gear. The pinion should have a minimum of end
7X1 play between the tab governor hub and collar, yet
still rotate freely.
‘ LOO 2EEs
OD Ares eae Sa
Cam Ratchet (0,05-0,10mm) Escapement Cord Drum Gear


.002"'-.004"’ ge

Tab Governor Assembly

6. Keylever Pawl Overlap — Adjust each keylever pawl Level 1 — Adjust the spacebar keylever with the
guide so the keylever pawls overlap their respective eccentric for a clearance of .005’-.015”
interposers by .0357’-.045” with both parts at rest. between the keylever pawl and the interposer.
The index keylever pawl guide should be adjusted for
.040°-.060" overlap. This overlap ensures proper Eccentric renal
? os Se pacebar
nana salIne
repeat/nonrepeat operation.

Keylever Pawl 005''-.015” Interposer

Keylever ve ic
Paw! Guide is

(Level 1 — Right Side View)

Level 2 — Adjust the spacebar keylever

adjusting slot for .005”-.015” clearance
between the keylever pawl and the spacebar
Geeeiuar ” ”
.035"-.045 Eee ;
Carne Renica (0,89-1,14mm) evel 1 & 2 — Adjust the keylever slots for a
clearance of .020”-.030” between the
Index — .040''-.060" backspace and carrier return keylever pawls and
(1,02-1,52mm) their interposers.
(Level 1) (Right Side View) Keylever Slots Form

“i Keylever Pawl

Spacebar .005"-.015”
I nterposer
All Others .020’’-.030’

(Level 1 & 2 — Right Side View)

BS a iaen 8 Operational Cam Check Ring — Adjust the

SB ae ea We ) operational cam check ring eccentric so that
CR Psa! ghey .010’-.030” exists between the tip of the cam pawl
and the teeth of the operational cam ratchet with the
.040"’-.060” : oye
Index — (1.02-1.52mm) cam latched in the rest position.

(Level 2) (Right Side View) NOTE: Both the check ring mounting studs must be
loosened before making this adjustment.
Check Ring
th Keylever Pawl To Interposer Clearance — Eccentric

Level 1 & 2 — Adjust the interposer latch plate

for .030”-.035” between the index keylever
pawl and its interposer.

Interposer Latch


(Level 2 — Right Side View)

Clutch Release Arm Bite — Form the adjustable stop Interposer Restoring Bail — Form the lug at each side
lugs on the operational control bracket so each clutch of the restoring bail so the interposers will be restored
release arm engages its clutch wheel by .030”-.040”. forward .010”-.030” past their latching point when
This adjustment may be observed by measuring the either cam is operated. The lugs should be formed
amount of clearance that exists between the stop lugs front-to-rear to obtain this adjustment. Forming the
and the lower extension of each clutch release arm lugs forward increases the throw of the interposers.
when the release arm has released the clutch wheel This adjustment ensures positive relatching of the
and is resting against the high portion of the clutch interposers without excessive overthrow.
wheel tooth.
010”- 030"
NOTE: Interposer should remain latched to check (0,25-0,76mm)
this adjustment.
Clutch Adjustable Stop Lug

Clutch Release

Restoring Bail
(Right Side View)

-030"'-.040" t
Interposer Adjusting Screws — Adjust the three
(Right Side View)
interposer adjusting screws so a front-to-rear
clearance of .005”-.015” exists between all the
The operational cam assembly should be positioned operational latches and their respective cam
left-to-right so that the clutch release arm for both followers. Adjust the index interposer adjusting screw
the single and double lobed cams will take an equal to match the approximate position of the other
lateral bite on its respective clutch wheel. adjusting screws.

This adjustment may be checked by operating the

operational cams enough to move the cam followers
down slightly at the rear. With the machine on its
back, the latches can be pushed against the cam
followers to estimate the clearance.

Operational Latch
Cam Follower

(Bottom View)

10. Clutch Release Arms — With the operational

interposers and operational cams in their rest
position, form the lug at the bottom of each clutch 4 ea = "Zegae a
<2z Ze U
release arm so it clears the operational interposer lugs ¥)

by .030’-.040”. This adjustment ensures the proper 005""-.015"

timing of the operational cam in relationship to the Adjusting Screws (0,13-0,38mm)
rest of the mechanism.
(Right Side View)
NOTE: On Dual Pitch machines only, the spacebar
interposer adjusting screw should be adjusted equal to the
backspace screw.

(Right Side View)

The purpose of the spacebar mechanism is to provide a the spacebar keylever. As the spacebar is depressed, a lower
means of moving the carrier to the right one space at a time lug of the keylever pawl contacts the operational
without printing. The spacebar is mounted at the front of interposer,
the keyboard on a pivot shaft (Figure 1). Depression of the
spacebar causes the pivot shaft to rotate and in turn rotates When the operational interposer is released, it releases the
spacebar/backspace cam and positions the spacebar latch
under the rear of the cam follower. The theory of operation
for the entire operational control mechanism is covered in
that section of this manual.

Cam Follower

Spacebar Latch




Pivot Shaft Spacebar Keylever Pawl Operational

Keylever Interposer

Figure 1 — Spacebar Mechanism

Movement of the cam follower pulls the spacebar latch
down, which causes the spacebar latch lever to pivot
(Figure 2). An adjusting screw on the latch lever contacts
the trigger lever, causing the trigger lever to rotate about its
pivot pin. This causes the trigger on the trigger lever to
rotate the escapement torque bar and allow the carrier to Pivot Shaft
complete an escapement operation in the same manner as a (Pin)
character print escapement.
Escapement Torque Bar Adjusting

Latch Lever

Tae <<

Spacebar Latch


Escapement (Rear View)

Torque Bar


or >

Trigger Lever

Spacebar Latch
Spacebar Cam

Spacebar Cam Follower

Figure 2 — Spacebar Operation

PRINT-TO-SPACE INTERLOCK On level 1 machines, spacebar storage is accomplished
Both spacebar escapement and print escapement operate by differently (Figure 4). A lockout cam is spring loaded
actuating the escapement trigger lever to cause an toward the right against the escapement cam. In the rest
escapement operation. Because of the interrelationship of position, the lockout cam is held to the left by the lateral
these two mechanisms, operating both of them rapidly or camming surfaces of the two cams. In this position, the
together causes only one space of escapement to occur. spacebar interposer is free to operate without interference.
This could happen when an operator strikes the spacebar
too soon after a character print operation.

To ensure the spacebar will actuate an escapement Hh oy

operation following a print cycle, it is necessary to place
M Spacebar
the spacebar mechanism into storage until the print cycle is
1, Spacebar \ Load Lockout Cam
completed (Figure 3). | Interposer \ :
. Spring is
Lateral Clearance \
Spacebar storage is accomplished by blocking the With Filter Shaft Se |
movement of the spacebar interposer to the rear. As the At Rest
filter shaft rotates during a print operation, the interlock ae a r

interposer follows the contour of the spacebar interlock \y M4 Escapement

cam and pivots top to the front. As the interlock interposer = Cam
drops off of the high point of the cam, its rear extension
moves up and blocks the movement of the spacebar | *
interposer to the rear. This stops the spacebar operation Shaft
and holds the interposer in “‘storage”’ until the print cycle is Spacebar
completed. Interposer
Adjusting Spacebar Escapement Cam Guide
Screw Latch Lever Torque Bar
Pivot | (Rear View)
Pin /
SSL b Figure 4 — Spacebar Interlock (Level 1 — At Rest)
Spaceb P&
ESS S ‘ie
oy 4
Cam Follower } pers During a character cycle, rotation of the filter shaft allows
the lockout cam to move toward the right because the high
points of the lateral camming surfaces are no longer in
contact (Figure 5). The lockout cam is prevented from
rotating with the filter shaft by a guide bracket that fits in a
slot in the front of the cam. As the lockout cam slides to
the right, an extension at the bottom of the cam moves into
the path of a lug on the spacebar interposer. As the filter
shaft approaches its rest position, the lockout cam is forced
back to the left by the escapement cam. The spacebar
interposer is then released and normal spacebar operations
_|-Escapement can occur. :
Lockout Escapement
Trigger Lever
\ Interlock Interposer Blocks

\ Movement Of Spacebar Interposer

(Active Position)

\ Spacebar
Lockout Cam
\ Interlock Cam
Blocks Path
Of Interposer
With Filter
Shaft Actuated
(Right Side Filter
View) Shaft i
Interlock Interposer
I nterposer
(Rear View)
Interlack= =. >
Figure 5 — Spacebar Interlock (Level 1 — Lockout Actuated)
Adjustable Spacebar Interposer
The interlocks described above are called print-to-space
Stop (Rear View) interlocks, This is because the print cycles supersede the
spacebar cycles. This type of interlock is necessary in case
Figure 3 — Spacebar Operation & Print-To-Space Interlock the operator initiates a spacebar cycle too soon after a
character print cycle.


NOTE: All operational control adjustments must be Spacebar Link (Dual Pitch) — With the escapement
correct before attempting to make any spacebar trip link properly adjusted, adjust the spacebar link
adjustments. for .001” - .012” between the clevis pin and the
bottom of the slot in the trigger lever.
1. Operational Latch Height — Adjust the latch
adjusting screw so the spacebar latch will pass under Trigger Lever Slot
the cam follower with a clearance of .001”-.015”’.

This clearance can be observed by pulling the latch to

the rear with a springhook while the machine is at

Latch Adjusting Screw .001"-.012”"


ae Spacebar Link

(Left Side View)

(Right Side View)

Spacebar Guide — Form the spacebar guide
front-to-rear for free up and down travel of the
NOTE: Recheck interposer adjusting screws
adjustment — Operational Control Adjustment
spacebar keybutton and for 1/16’-1/32” between the
Section. rear edge of the spacebar keybutton and the front
edge of the fourth row character keybuttons.

2. Spacebar Latch Lever Screw — Adjust the screw so (1,59-0,79mm)
that .007”-.010” clearance exists between the
escapement trigger and the escapement torque bar.
Disconnect the escapement trip link before making
this adjustment. The trigger upstop should be moved
up out of the way when making this adjustment.
After completing the adjustment, the upstop should
be readjusted so it clears the trigger level by

Escapement Torque Bar . Screw

Spacebar Guide

.007*'-.010" Form the spacebar guide up or down to obtain

(0,18-0,25mm) .005”-.010”’ clearance between the pivot shaft on the
guide and the spacebar stem at the time the spacebar
keylever is bottomed.

' - peak
4 Escapement Trigger = Sea
. RS oy.

.001°’-.005" .005''-.010"
(0,03-0,13mm) (0,13-0,25mm)

; Trigger
Upsto uarud 27
Sogae a SP) 2 Upstop (Level 3)
Escapement Trigger Left Si 5
(Right Side View)
(Rear View) [Pest ide Ty)

Spacebar Guide (Levels 1 & 2) — Adjust the spacebar 6. Spacebar Repeat Stop — The additional load of the
guide for free travel. repeat stop should be applied to the spacebar just
after a single operation occurs. Adjust in the
following manner:

Level 1 — Adjust the repeat stop rotationally for a

1/16"-1/32" clearance of .001’’-.005” between the arm on the
(1,59-0,79mm) spacebar shaft and the repeat arm as a single
operation just occurs.

Arm ——__ ~~

Adjust For Free Travel

Arm iS
(Level 1) (Level 2)

: Stop

5. Spacebar Return Spring —

Level 1 — The spring should be formed up or (Level I — Left Side View)

down so that a weight of 2-1/2 ounces will just
fail to trip the spacebar interposer. The medium Level 2 — Adjust the repeat stop screw for a clearance
screwdriver, which weighs 2-1/2 ounces, can be of .001’’-.005” between the repeat stop screw and the
used for this check. repeat spring as the single operation just occurs.


VU Repeat
{2 Spring

Stop Screw

(Level 1) (Right Side View)

Level 3 — Form the right lug so the carrier return and

Level 2 — Position the spring on one of the backspace keylevers contact the stop just after a
three lugs on the carrier return/backspace single operation occurs. Form the spacébar lug so the
repeat bail so that the spacebar can be tripped spacebar keylever contacts the stop just after a single
by a three ounce load. Operation occurs.

Carrier Return &

Backspace Keylever

“> _ -— 3 Ounces
|. 85 Grams

(Right Side View)


(Bottom View)
- Repeat Stop

Just Touches After

Single Function

Spacebar Keylever

(Right Side View)

7. Spacebar Final Stop — Adjust the spacebar final stop 10. Interlock Stop — With the machine half cycled and
to obtain .005’’-.010” clearance between the stop and the spacebar interposer latched at rest, adjust the
the spacebar stem at the time a repeat operation spacebar interposer interlock stop so there is
occurs. .020”-.025” between the interlock stop and the
spacebar interlock interposer.
Final Stop at a Spacebar
Spacebar Interlock Interposer
.005'"-.010" ha

ala 005-010" Machine Half-Cycle

Ne 4 (0,13-0,25mm) Interposer Latched


(Level 1 — Right Side View) (Level 2 — Left Side View) .020"-.025" Interlock Stop
(Right Side View)

8 Spacebar Interlock Cam — Adjust the spacebar

interlock cam radially on the filter shaft so that when
the machine is at rest, the spacebar intérlock 11. Lockout Cam (Level 1) — With the lockout cam on
interposer is on the high point of the cam. the high point of the escapement cam, adjust the
escapement cam laterally so the lockout cam will
have .050’-.060” remaining movement available
Spacebar Interlock Cam toward the left.

NOTE: Be sure to maintain the proper radial

Filter Shaft
adjustment of the escapement cam.
Adjust For High Lateral
Point — Machine Motion
At Rest


Spacebar Interlock
(Rear View)

9. Spacebar Interlock Bracket — With the machine at

rest and the spacebar interposer released, adjust the
interlock bracket front-to-rear to obtain a clearance 12. Lockout Cam Guide (Level 1) — With a character half
of .040”-.050” between the interlock interposer and cycled, adjust the lockout cam guide up or down so
the adjustable stop on the spacebar interposer. the spacebar interposer will move to the rear
.015’-.020” when it is unlatched.

Machine At Rest
Interlock Bracket Interposer Released
.040"'-.050” Lockout Cam
(1,02-1,27mm) Guide
Spacebar | nterposer Spacebar

Adjustable Stop
Interlock Bracket

(Right Side View)

13. Spacebar Interposer Guide (Level 1) — With the filter
shaft at rest and the spacebar interposer released,
adjust the interposer guide left or right to obtain
.015”-.025” clearance between the interposer and the
lockout cam lug.
Shaft Lockout Cam Lug
At Rest .

" NB. % fh 1 .015"-.025"

ee Ren
Guide Ne | NN : Scilie? Z (0,38-0,64mm)
QQ Spacebar
' Released

(Rear View)

14. Space-To-Print Interlock — This adjustment only

applies to machines equipped with a field installed
space-to-print interlock.

a. With the machine tilted up, position the

retaining clip so the space-to-print interlock
extension is vertical.

b. Form the space-to-print interlock extension to

clear the character interrupter bail by
.001”-.010” with all parts at rest.


The purpose of the carrier return mechanism is to return During a carrier return operation, several things occur: The
the carrier to the left margin (Figure 1). The index mechan- escapement torque bar is rotated to remove the escapement
ism is activated during each carrier return operation to line and backspace pawls from their respective racks. The carrier
space the paper. The carrier return and index operations return spring clutch is activated to drive the carrier to the
leave the carrier in position for printing at the beginning of left margin. The carrier return mechanism is latched in its
the next line. active state to ensure the carrier is driven to the left margin.
When the carrier reaches the left margin, the mechanism is
NOTE: The index mechanism is discussed in the Paper unlatched.
Feed and Index Section of this manual.

Backspace Pawl

Escapement Pawl

Torque Bar

Carrier Return
Carrier Return
Cord Drum


Margin Stop

Margin Stop

Carrier Return
Spring Clutch
ads Carrier Return
Latch Keeper

Unlatching Link

Figure 1 — Carrier Return Mechanism


The power to turn the escapement shaft is taken directly When the carrier return operational latch is pulled down by
from the operational shaft. The escapement cord drum has ‘the cam follower, the latch pulls the carrier return lever
a beveled gear molded on its front which meshes with a down. As the carrier return lever moves down, it pivots the
carrier return pinion gear that turns freely on the opera- clutch latch shaft. Attached to the right-hand end of the
tional shaft. A spring clutch is employed to cause the clutch latch shaft is the carrier return clutch latch. As the
carrier return pinion gear to rotate with the operational carrier return clutch latch moves downward, it rotates the
shaft. The pinion gear drives the escapement cord drum ina latch actuating arm which will pivot the escapement pawl
clockwise direction causing the carrier return cord to be from the escapement rack. The clutch latch and latch
wound onto its drum (Figure 2). actuating arm are latched in their operated position (Figure
The left-hand end of the carrier return pinion forms the
arbor for the carrier return spring clutch. A second hub, the The left-hand operational pivot pin is set screwed to the
carrier return clutch arbor, is just to the left of the carrier carrier return lever and pivots about its mounting hole as
return pinion. This hub is in constant rotation with the the carrier return lever moves downward. Located on the
operational shaft and the carrier return clutch spring is left end of the left-hand operational pivot pin is the carrier
anchored to this hub by a spring clip. The operational shaft return clutch arm. As the carrier return clutch arm moves
turns in the tightening direction of the spring, however, no upward, the carrier return shoe actuating arm pivots and
drive occurs because the pinion hub is smaller than the forces the carrier return shoe into the spring clutch. The
inside diameter of the spring clutch. When the loose end of carrier return clutch latch causes the carrier return mechan-
the carrier return clutch spring is pressed against the pinion ism to be latched in this active position until the carrier
hub, the spring clutch will tighten around the hub and drive reaches the left-hand margin. At that time, the clutch is
the pinion. The tension of the spring clutch resists any unlatched and the escapement pawl is allowed to restore
change in size and will snap back to its normal size when into the rack (Figure 2).
the external pressure is released.
Backspace Paw!
The external pressure required to cause the carrier return
spring clutch to drive is applied by a nylon shoe. The power
to operate the nylon shoe against the clutch spring is taken Escapment
from a single lobed operational cam. Torque Bar
Carrier Return
Corner Pulleys Cord

Guide Roller

Carrier Return
Clutch Arm Left Operational Carrier Return
Pivot Pin Latched Position
Carrier Return
Cord Drum Clutch Latch
; Escapement
Carrier Return =Torque Bar

Shoe Actuating

Escapement Cord Drum

Carrier caee
Clutch Arbor arrier Return
Spring Clutch
Carrier Return Carrier Return ZO cas
Clutch Shoe Pinion Gear
a <\ | a y
Carrier Return
Clutch Latch

: Carrier
“BS | : Latch Actuating Arm
iN Ca Return
’ (Ge Actuator Escapement
at Arm Shaft Carrier Return
imiter we Pini Carrier Return Operational Latch
Spri f inion
pring Spring Gear Operational Cam
Cam Follower
Carrier Return —~ Escapement
Clutch Spring Cord Drum
Carrier Return
Clutch Arm
Stud & Spring Opeational

Figure 2 — Carrier Return Clutch Operation

CARRIER RETURN UNLATCHING When the carrier is away from the left margin, a compres-
When the carrier reaches the left margin, the carrier return sion spring, located at the left end of the margin rack, loads
clutch must be unlatched and the pawls returned to their the rack to the right. As the carrier is returned to the left
racks, ready for the next operation. This is accomplished margin, the line lock bracket strikes the left margin stop,
through the line lock bracket which transfers motion from forcing the margin rack to the left. Motion is then trans-
the carrier through the margin rack to unlatch the carrier ferred through the overbank guide, a bellerank and an
return arm assembly (Figure 3). unlatching link to pull the latch keeper forward, unlatching
the carrier return arm assembly. As the carrier return arm
: Carrier unlatches, the escapement torque bar will return to rest
Compression allowing the pawls to return to their racks and the nylon
shoe will return to rest disengaging the carrier return clutch.

Margin Rack Carrier Return

Left Escapement Arm Assembly

Margin Stop Torque Bar


\ Carrier Return
Latch Keeper
Overbank Guide \
Unlatching Link


Figure 3 — Carrier Return Unlatching

TORQUE LIMITER between this loop and an eccentric stud on the torque
If the carrier is already resting at the left margin when a limiter hub. The extension spring increases the force
carrier return operation is initiated, the carrier return required to unwind the torque limiter spring so that no
mechanism must be allowed to slip in order to reduce strain slippage occurs during normal carrier return. The torque
and prevent parts breakage. To accomplish this, rotational limiter spring slips when the carrier cannot move to the left.
motion of the operational shaft is supplied to the carrier It also slips at the beginning of a carrier return operation to
return clutch arbor through a torque limiter (Figure 4). The allow smooth acceleration and prevent an erratic start.
torque limiter is a spring clutch which imparts a controlled
amount of torque to the carrier return clutch arbor.

The torque limiter consists of the torque limiter hub, which Torque Limiter Hub Eccentric Stud
is setscrewed to the operational shaft and the torque limiter
spring. The left end of the torque limiter spring is anchored
to the torque limiter hub by an adjustable clamp. The right
Torque Limiter Spring
half of the torque limiter spring fits over the large shoulder
of the carrier return clutch arbor.

The operational shaft turns in the unwinding direction of

the torque limiter spring. This tends to expand it and allow Carrier Return Ciutch Arbor?
Operational Shaft
it to slip. The spring, however, is heavy and considerably
smaller in diameter than the carrier return clutch arbor,
over which it fits. The friction present between the arbor
and the spring tends to drive the arbor even though it is in
Figure 4 — Torque Limiter
the unwinding direction of the spring, but insufficient
driving force is obtained from this arrangement. The right (Level 1)
end of the torque limiter spring has a loop formed to accept
an extension spring. The extension spring is connected
To prevent the operator from beating the carrier return, an
interlock is used to prevent the cycle clutch from releasing
any time the carrier return mechanism is operated. A link is NOTE: All operational control adjustments must be cor-
connected between the carrier return actuating arm and the rect before attempting to make carrier return adjustments.
character interrupter shaft. When the actuating arm is in the
operated position, the character interrupter shaft is rotated 1. Carrier Return Latch Actuating Arm — Form the lug
to position the character interrupter pawl in the path of the on the carrier return latch actuating arm so its upright
cycle clutch link. This prevents the cycle clutch from re- lug clears the lug on the escapement torque bar by
leasing (Figure 5). .001°’-.005”’ at rest.

Level 1 machines can be identified by the presence of .

the clutch latch eccentric in the carrier return clutch
latch. Level 3 machines can be identified by a 90
Actuating Arm degree bend in the left-hand end of the clutch latch
shaft. All others are level 2.

Escapement Torque Bar

Cycle Clutch Link
(0,03-0,13mm)" a
Side Frame

Carrier Return
Latch Actuating
Connecting Link Arm

Character Interrupter Shaft

Figure 5 — Carrier Return/Print Interlock (Right Side View)

2. Pawl Clearance —

a. Level 1 — Adjust the clutch latch eccentric so

the escapement pawl will clear the rack teeth
by .005”-.015”> when the latch is being held
down by the keeper.

CAUTION: Do not form the tip of the carrier

return clutch latch.

=— 005"-.015”

Sa! Escapement Pawl

ite { Va a gyae

Clutch Latch Eccentric

Latch Keeper

(Level 1)
b. Level 2 and 3 — Form the tip of the carrier
3. Carrier Return Latch Height — Adjust the carrier
return clutch latch to obtain .005’-.015”
return latch adjusting screw to obtain .0017-.015”
between the escapement pawl and the escape-
clearance between the latch and the cam follower
ment rack during a carrier return and that the
lever. This adjustment should be made to the low side
pawl will be allowed to re-enter the rack
of the spec to ensure a minimum of lost motion.
quickly at the completion of a carrier return
operation. Carrier Return Latch Adjusting Screw

Carrier Return Latch
Escapement Pawl ——s .001"-.015””
Clutch Latch

Cam Follower Lever

Carrier Return Latch Adjusting Screw

Latch Keeper lb

Carrier Return Latch ~—- J ; \

Cam Follower Lever — |
(Level 2 & 3)

Carrier Return Latch
Adjusting Screw
Level 4 — With the carrier return latched, form
the clutch latch for .010’-.020” escapement
pawl clearance. Ensure that the torque bar latch
is under the lug on the carrier return clutch Carrier Return
latch. Latch \

NOTE: “Selectric” II single pitch only.

Cam Follower EN Ot

.0107'-.020” -0017'-.015"
(0,25-0,51mm) (0,03-0,38mm)

Carrier Return
Clutch Latch
(Right Side View)

Torque Bar Latch

Clutch Latch Overthrow — Level 4 — With the carrier return/index cam on the
high point and the platen, deflector and feed rolls in
Levels 1 and 2 — With the carrier return/index cam the machine, rotate the clutch latch on the clutch
on the high point, adjust the adjusting screw in the latch actuating shaft to obtain .020”-.030” clearance
carrier return latch arm to obtain .030’-.040” over- between the carrier return clutch latch and clutch
throw between the tip of the carrier return clutch latch keeper. Single pitch ‘‘Selectric”’ II only.
latch and the clutch latch keeper.

Be sure the setscrew that locks the carrier return lever

to the pivot shaft is tight as this will cause insufficient
carrier return latch overthrow. (0,51-0,76mm)
Carrier Return
NOTE: This adjustment should be made with the
Clutch Latch
platen, deflector and feed rolls in the machine. After Keeper
making this adjustment, be sure to recheck the carrier
return latch height adjustment. This can be found in Carrier Return
the operational control and spacebar section. (Right Side View) Clutch Latch

Latch Arm 5. Carrier Return Shoe Overlap — Adjust the carrier

Adjusting Screw return actuating arm bracket left or right so the
{ carrier return shoe overlaps the last three coils on the
right-hand end of the carrier return clutch spring.
This ensures that all coils of the clutch spring will be
used in the clutch operation.

Actuating Arm Bracket

Model 7X1
Latch Arm Adjusting
Screw \e ee Latch Keeper Clutch Latch

3 Coils
(Top View)

6. Carrier Return Shoe Clearance (Level I and 2) —

Adjust the actuating arm spring screw vertically to
obtain .015’-.020” clearance between the carrier
return shoe and the carrier return clutch spring with
all parts at rest.
Model 7X3—7X5 CO. | .015'’-.020"
\ Om
/ —*||*—~ (0,38-0,51mm)
Level 3 — With the carrier return/index cam on the Clutch Spring
high point and the platen, deflector and feed rolls in
the machine, rotate the clutch latch on the clutch
latch actuating shaft to obtain .030”-.040” clearance
between the carrier return clutch latch and clutch
latch keeper.

Actuating Arm Screw

.015°-.020': i i,

Cam On High Point
Clutch a gal

Carrier Return Shoe
Clutch Latch mal
(Level 2— Right Side View)
(Right Side View)
7. Overbank— 8. Clutch Unlatching —

Level 1 — With the carrier at the left-hand Level 1 — With the power on, hold the clutch
margin, adjust the margin rack eccentric to latch down, The carrier return latch keeper
obtain .001°’-.005” clearance between the left should clear the tip of the carrier return latch
hand margin stop and the carrier stop latch. by .005’’-.015” at the unlatching point.
Next, adjust the bushing at the left-hand end of Lengthen or shorten the carrier return un-
the margin rack to obtain .025”-.030” between latching link to obtain this clearance.
the bushing and the nylon washer.
NOTE: On machines equipped with the early
NOTE: Any change in overbank on machines style margin rack, check the margin rack
equipped with this old-style margin rack eccentric adjustment if the clutch fails to latch
assembly will directly affect the clutch un- properly. The eccentric may be holding the
latching adjustment. rack too far to the left restricting the margin
rack motion and reducing the amount of bite
that the keeper may take on the latch.
GTR Carrier Stop Latch y
.001"’-.005” Clutch Latch Keeper
Clutch Latch
(0,03-0,13mm) ae .005’’-.015""
(0,64-0,76mm)" Margin Rack Margin Rack (0,13-0,64mm)

Loosen:Margin Rack Eccentric

Nylon Unlatching Link
Bushing Washer Left Margin Stop

(Top View)

Level 2 — With the margin rack held to the left,

Level 2 — With the carrier resting at the left- adjust the clutch unlatching link for
hand margin, adjust the overbank guide left-to- .005”-.015”’ between the carrier return clutch
right to obtain .001”-.005” clearance between latch and the torque bar latch.
the left-hand margin stop and the carrier stop
latch. The floating action of the stop latch must -005"’-.015"" —»/|—<—
be removed by pulling the latch to the right (0,13-0,38mm) |
with a spring hook before this clearance can be

The adjustment of the overbank guide on the = wre .
margin rack determines the rest position of the
margin rack. This adjustment ensures that the
left-hand margin stop will set accurately when
the stop is moved to the right against the car-
rier. The adjustment of the overbank guide,
Torque Bar Latch
= Carrier Return
plus the amount of lateral motion that the
guide permits, automatically provides the : : Clutch;Latch
carrier with the overbank required for proper (Right Side View)
escapement pawl re-entry at the completion of
a carrier return operation. 9. Torque Bar Latch — Form the lug on the torque bar
latch so the carrier return clutch latch will have at
NOTE: Dual pitch machines must be checked bite of .020’-.025” on the carrier return clutch latch
in 12 pitch. keeper when carrier return is latched.

Carrier Stop Latch

.001"'-.005” (0,51-0,64mm)

Overbank Guide

Torque Bar Latch Carrier Return

(Top View) (Right Side View) Clutch Latch
10. Torque Limiter — 11. Carrier Return Interlocks —

Level 1 — Adjust the eccentric stud on the Level 1 — Form the carrier return print inter-
torque limiter hub to provide one to two lock link to satisfy the following conditions.
pounds pull on the carrier as the carrier is With the carrier return clutch latched, the
unlatching the clutch at the left-hand margin. If character interrupter pawl should fully engage
sufficient adjustment is not available at the in front of the cycle clutch link. With the
eccentric, the torque limiter spring may be carrier return mechanism at rest, the interlock
shifted on the torque limiter hub by reposi- link must not restrict the character interrupter
tioning the torque limiter spring clamp. shaft from returning to rest.

If no spring scale is available, the torque may be

estimated by holding the carrier while the
clutch is engaged. The torque limiter should slip
readily yet return the carrier positively without
any hesitation when the carrier is released. Cycle Clutch Link

Fully Engaged
Torque Limiter Spring
Eccentric Stud
Print Interlock Link

Adjust For |
Positive Carrier ¥/ Character Interrupter
Return Near Shaft
Left Margin

Spring Clamp

(Level 1) (Level 1)

Level 2 — Form the extension lug on the clamp Level 2 — Adjust the clip front-to-rear on the
to provide one to two pounds pull on the carrier return print interlock link to satisfy the
carrier as the carrier unlatches the clutch at the following conditions. With the carrier return
left margin. clutch latched, the character interrupter pawl
should fully engage in front of the cycle clutch
If more adjustment is needed, the clamp can be link. With the carrier return mechanism at rest,
repositioned into another notch. the interlock link must not restrict the char-
acter interrupter shaft from returning to rest.
CAUTION: The spring lug extension may hit
the carrier return shoe arm or the print inter-
lock link when in full overthrow position. Form
the tip of the spring lug down over the loop of
the spring.


Print Interlock Link

Character nterrupter
Inter Shaft
Extension Lug Paw!

(Level 2)


The purpose of the backspace mechanism is to move the BACKSPACE OPERATION

carrier to the left one space at a time. When the backspace When the backspace cam is rotated, motion is transferred
mechanism is operated, cam motion is transferred through a through the cam follower to operate the backspace latch.
cam follower, latch assembly, intermediate lever, backspace
rack, and backspace pawl to move the carrier to the left As the backspace latch is pulled down by the cam follower,
(Figure 1). the latch assembly pivots around its mounting stud, rotat-
ing the intermediate backspace lever clockwise on its
The complete operational theory of the operational control mounting stud. The front of the intermediate backspace
mechanism can be found in the operational control section lever moves the backspace rack to the left.
of this manual.
The backspace pawl is mounted to the escapement bracket
directly above the escapement pawl. Movement of the back-
space pawl to the left also moves the carrier and the escape-
ment pawl to the left.

Backspace Paw!

Escapement Bracket Escapement


Backspace Rack

Intermediate Backspace Lever

Adjustable Stud


Backspace Latch

Cam Follower

Spacebar/Backspace Cam


Figure 1 — Backspace Mechanism

The escapement pawl has a small upright stud on its upper
surface which extends through an elongated slot in the
backspace pawl (Figure 2). The stud allows the pawls to
move front-to-rear independently and at the same time it
ensures that they move left-to-right together. By maintain-
ing the lateral relationship of the pawls, the escapement
pawl will cam to the rear and fall into the previous tooth of
the escapement rack as the backspace rack moves the back-
space pawl and carrier to the left.

Upright Lug
Escapement Rack Escapement
Torque Bar


; Pawl
(Rear View)

Backspace Rack
Forces Carrier
Baal To The LeIiu
Escapement Pawl
SHU = 22 So eee =
Backspace Pawl

Upright Stud Maintains iach
Lateral Position Of
Escapement Pawl Escapement Rack

Figure 2 — Pawl Movement — Operating (Top View)

The backspace rack is spring loaded to the right. When the

backspace operation is completed, the backspace rack
returns to its rest position. The carrier is held by the
escapement pawl. The upright stud maintains the lateral
position of the backspace pawl allowing it to drop into the
next tooth of the backspace rack as the rack restores
(Figure 3).

Backspace Rack
Restores To
The Right Backspace Paw! Moves
To Next Rack Tooth

Backspace Rack

= Escapement
Lateral Position Of Escapement Pawl
Backspace Paw! Holds Carrier Position

Figure 3 — Pawl Movement — Restoring (Top View)

NOTE: All operational control adjustments must be cor- Level 2 — Form the stop front and rear for a clear-
rect before attempting to make backspace adjustments. ance of .005”-.010” between the vertical lug on the
escapement pawl lever and the backspace pawl when
1. Backspace Latch Height — Adjust the backspace latch the pawl is bottomed in its rack.
adjusting screw for .001’’-.015” clearance between
the latch and the cam follower lever, This adjustment
should be made to the low side of the spec to ensure
a minimum of lost motion.

Backspace Latch
Adjusting Screw
Pawl Lever
Lug Tab Lever

(Held To Rear)

Backspace Pawl .005’’-.010"

Cam Follower Lever .001"-.015" —+—— (0,13-0,25mm)
(Top View — Level 2)

34, Backspace Rack — With the machine at rest, adjust

the backspace bellcrank screw in or out to obtain
.005”-.015” clearance between the working surface
(Right Side View) of a rack tooth and the backspace pawl. Check at
both ends of the writing line,

This adjustment minimizes lost motion and ensures

that the backspace pawl will positively reset in the
2. Tab Lever Stop — next rack tooth at the completion of a backspace
Level 1 — Form the stop front and rear for a clear-.
ance of .001’-.003”’ between the vertical lug on the No clearance can cause escapement problems as well
tab lever and the backspace pawl when the pawl is as backspace problems by allowing the backspace
bottomed in its rack. pawl, instead of the escapement pawl, to hold the
NOTE: Make sure all escapement bracket and print Backspace
escapement adjustments are correct before forming -005"’-.015” Bellcrank
this stop. Screw


Escapement Pawl
; Rack
Escapement Rack (Zop View — Level 1)
Tab Lever
EROS Backspace
.005"-.015" Bellcrank

Backspace Paw!
.001'"-.003" [:
0, my
(Right Side View) Backspace Rack
7 1 I

(Level 1)

Escapement Pawl
Backspace Motion — This adjustment is obtained by
adjusting the intermediate lever front-to-rear. Any
time this adjustment is changed, the backspace rack
adjustment should be checked and readjusted if Backspace Adjusting Screw
Cam On
necessary. Moving the lever to the rear increases back-
High Point
space rack motion. Just Fails To Drop In

Level 1 — With the backspace cam manually operated

to the high point, the escapement pawl should drop
into the preceding rack tooth and overthrow by Escapement
.005’-.010.”’ Adjust the intermediate lever front-to-
rear to obtain this adjustment.

Escapement Rack
Intermediate Lever

(Top View — Level 3) Cam On High Point

Escapement Pawl

.005"’-.010" Escapement
(0,13-0,25mm) Rack

(Top View — Level 1)\ Cam On High Point

Levels 2 & 3 — Adjust the intermediate lever on level

2 and the backspace adjusting screw on Level 3 so
that a backspace operation just fails under hand
operation. During a powered backspace operation,
the carrier develops enough momentum for a positive
operation. Too much motion will cause double or
space-and-a-half backspacing.

Cam On
High Point
Escapement Pawl Just Fails
To Drop In


Escapement Rack

Escapement Pawl

Escapement Rack

(Top View — Level 2) Cam On High Point


The rotary backspace mechanism pulls the carrier return/ cord. The carrier return/backspace cable is anchored at the
backspace cable to move the carrier to the left one space at carrier to an arm on the cable anchor bracket that is free to
a time. This mechanism functions in either the 10 or 12 pivot. This arm is heavily spring loaded to the right against
pitch mode. a stop lug. The purpose of the pivot arm and spring is to act
as a shock absorber when the carrier is pulled to the left by
Because of this different method of backspacing, the carrier the cable. The other end of the cable is attached to the
transport system in the “Selectric” II] and Correcting carrier return/backspace cable drum. The carrier return/
“Selectric” typewriters is somewhat different than the backspace cable drum and backspace ratchet are one piece
“Selectric”? Typewriter. The major difference in the trans- and operate as a unit (Figure 1).
port system is the use of steel cables that are stretch
resistant and stronger, in place of nylon cords. The tab/
escapement cable/or cord is anchored in approximately the
same manner as the “‘Selectric’”’ Typewriter tab/escapement

Carrier Return/Backspace Cable

Backspace Driver

Backspace Bellcrank

Backspace Ratchet

Mainspring Backplate

Carrier Return/Backspace Cable Drum

dap) Sys
Index Transfer

Pivot Arm

Stop Lug

Shock Absorber Spring

Cable Anchor Bracket

Tab/Escapement Cord Drum

Tab/Escapement Cord/Cable
Cord Tension Pulley

Backspace Latch

Figure 1 — Rotary Backspace Mechanism (Right Front View)


For proper operation it is necessary to maintain a constant Rotary backspace operates from the same single lobed cam
tension on the transport cables or cords. This tension is and cam follower as carrier return and index. On the dual
accomplished by winding the cables or cords in opposite pitch “Selectric” II and the Correcting ‘Selectric’ type-
directions. The tab/escapement cord drum is setscrewed to writers, spacebar is the only function operated by the
the front of the escapement shaft and winds the cord in a double lobed cam.
counterclockwise direction. The carrier return/backspace
cable drum assembly is setscrewed to the back of the The operation of the backspace mechanism from the key-
escapement shaft and winds the cable in a clockwise direc- button to the backspace latch is covered in the Operational
tion. The right-hand transport pulley is spring loaded to the Control Section of this manual,
right and maintains a constant pressure on the transport
cable and cord (Figure 2). It was mentioned earlier that the backspace ratchet and the
carrier return/backspace cable drum are one piece. If the
backspace ratchet rotates clockwise (as viewed from the
front), the cable drum will rotate pulling the carrier return/
backspace cable. This is accomplished by the backspace
latch, backspace bellcrank, backspace links and backspace
driver. The bellcrank and driver are mounted on studs on
the mainspring backplate. The driver mounting hole is an
elongated slot (Figure 4).

Backspace Bellcrank
Cord Drum
Mounting Stud

b y,
Mainspring Backplate
wee Backspace Bellcrank

Carrier Return/Backspace Backspace

Tab/Escapement Cord Cable Drum Assembly Latch

Figure 2 — Level 2 Cable Tension System

On level 1 machines, the tab/escapement cable drum is
setscrewed to the front of the escapement shaft, but the
carrier return/backspace cable drum is free to rotate on the
escapement shaft independently of the tab/escapement
A constant pressure is applied to the carrier return/ Backspace Ratchet And Carrier
Driver Links
backspace cable drum through the cable tension arm and Return/Backspace Cable Drum
cable tension spring. The cable tension arm has a ““D”
shaped mounting hole which fits over a flat on the escape-
ment shaft making it a permanent fit to the shaft and turns
with the shaft. The cable tension spring is attached to a lug Figure 4 — Rotary Backspace At Rest (Front View)
on the cable tension arm and a stud on the backspace
ratchet which is permanently attached to the carrier
return/backspace cable drum. This spring keeps the trans-
port cables taut.

Cable Tension Spring Cable Tension Spring

Anchor Stud

Carrier Return/Backspace Cable Flat Surface

Escapement Shaft

Cable Drum

Tension Arm

“D" Shaped Hole

Carrier Return/Backspace
Cable Drum Assembly
Tab/Escapement Cable

Figure 3 — Level 1 Cable Tension System

As the latch is pulled downward by the cam follower, it The amount of pull on the carrier return/backspace cable
pulls downward on the right end of the bellerank causing must be controlled to enable the rotary backspace to
the left end to move upward. The bellcrank is connected to operate reliably in either 10 or 12 pitch, This is accom-
the driver by the driver links and spring. As the left end of plished by a pitch cam which is mounted on the backspace
the bellcrank moves up, it pulls up on the driver links. The driver mounting stud. A stud on the driver rests on top of
manner in which the driver spring and driver links are the camming surface of the pitch cam. The driver stud
connected to the driver cause it to initially pivot or rotate resting on the low dwell or high dwell of the pitch cam
on its mounting stud until it contacts the backspace ratchet controls the rest position (initial pivot point) of the driver.
(Figure 5). This determines at what point the driver engages the back-
space ratchet. In the 10 pitch mode, the driver engages the
ratchet at a lower point giving more rotary motion to the
Mounting Stud Pivot ratchet. In the 12 pitch mode, its pivot point is higher,
Point therefore, engaging the ratchet at a higher point giving less
motion. The position of the pitch cam is controlled by a
Driver Spring
Bellcrank cable connected to the switch pitch lever (Figure 7).

Pitch Cable

©) yeti: 3 = 12 Pitch Mode Pitch Cam

\\ \ f Backspace Driver
Mounting Stud

10 Pitch Mode
0 iv

Ratchet ee) |
Driver Links Ratchet Backspace Latch
Higher Point

Lower Point
Figure 5 — Initial Driver And Bellcrank Motion Figure 7 — Rotary Backspace Switch Pitch Operation
(Front View) (Rear View)

When the backspace driver teeth have seated in the teeth of

the backspace ratchet, the driver no longer pivots but starts
Since the rotary backspace mechanism uses the same cam
to drive upward in its elongated slot, rotating the backspace
and cam follower as carrier return and index, it is necessary
ratchet (Figure 6)..
to interlock the index mechanism during a backspace opera-
tion. The lower index link is connected at the bottom to
the index multiplying lever. It is connected at the top by a
Backspace stud in a slot in the index transfer bellcrank. The top of the
Driver link is spring loaded toward the front, therefore, its rest
position is in the front of the slot. When carrier return or
index is operated, the top of the link maintains its rest
Backspace Bellcrank position in the slot and operates the index transfer bell-
crank (Figure 8).
Switch Mounting Bracket

aw Index Transfer
2 Bellcrank


Nx Yr 2S |
(Rest Position) j=~ a TK Z

Index Multiplying st Wu
TH) f SS
LEZ. Lever Z <a


Figure 6 — Rotary Backspace Operated Position Lower Index Link

(Front View) Carrier Return/Index/Backspace

Cam Follower

Figure 8 — Index Interlock Normal Index Operation

(Right Front View)

The rearward motion of the backspace latch is used to
operate the index interlock. An index interlock link con-
nects the backspace latch to the index interlock bellcrank.
The index interlock bellcrank is setscrewed to the index 1. Mainspring Hub — Adjust the mainspring hub for
interlock shaft which pivots in the switch mounting .001°’-.004” end play of the escapement shaft in the
bracket, The end of the index interlock shaft is positioned rear escapement bearing. This adjustment should be
directly in front of the lower index link. When the back- made with the escapement shaft collar loose.
space latch moves to the rear, the interlock bellcrank moves
the top of the lower index link to the rear of the slot. When
the backspace is operated, the index multiplying lever is
still operated, but the lower index link will move downward
in the slot and the index transfer bellcrank will reamin at
rest (Figure 9).
Escapement Shaft
Switch Mounting Bracket
Index Interlock Bellcrank

Index Transfer Escapement Shaft Bearing


Mainspring Hub .001'’-,004"


(Top View)
Shaft 2. Escapement Shaft Collar — Adjust the escapement
shaft collar for .001’’-.004” end play of the carrier
O Lower Index Link return/backspace cable drum on the escapement
Index Multiplying Lever
Escapement Shaft Escapement Shaft Collar
Figure 9 — Index Interlock Backspace Operation
(Right Front View) (Level 2)
Carrier Return/Backspace
Cable Drum 001"-.004”

Level 1 machines have a paddle on the end of the index (0,03-0,10mm)

shaft and is positioned directly in front of the stud on the
top of the lower index link (Figure 10).

Index Interlock Bellcrank Switch Mounting Bracket

Slot (Level 1) (Top View)
Level 2 — With the escapement shaft end play
Index Transfer removed toward the front of the machine, adjust the
Bellcrank carrier return/backspace cable drum on the shaft for
I .014” end play.

Escapement Shaft (0,36mm)

Carrier Return/
le oJ

Cable Drum

Lower Index Link

Index Multiplying Lever (Level2) (Top View)

Figure 10 — Index Interlock Backspace Operation

(Right Front View) (Level 1)

3. Transport Cable Tension — Adjust the right-hand 5, Pitch Cam — In the 12 pitch mode, hand cycle the
cable pulley left or right so the cable tension arm backspace until the driver just seats in the ratchet.
clears the stop stud on the backspace ratchet by Adjust the pitch cam cable sheath on the left carriage
.040”-.050.” end plate so the scribe line on the pitch cam lines up
with the center of the stud on top of the backspace
NOTE: If the right-hand cable pulley reaches either driver. Observe this condition through the hole in the
extreme of its adjustment slot, the tab/escapement backplate,
cable drum must be repositioned rotationally on the
Pitch Cam Cable Sheath
escapement shaft. Clamp


Scribe Line Bs
Wes ¥, as)

Right Hand
Cable Pulley

Left Carriage End Plate

(Left Side View)
Backspace Ratchet

.040"-.050” ek eS
Stop Stud (1,02-1,27mm) Backspace Driver Mainspring Backplate
(Level 1) (Top View) (Rear View)
Level 2 — On dual transport equipped machines
(nylon tab/escapement cord), adjust the carrier 6. Backspace Motion, Level 1 — Place the machine in
return/backspace cable drum so the nylon pulley the 10 pitch mode and position the carrier approxi-
bracket aligns with the scribe line on the mounting mately in the center of the writing line. Hand cycle 5
bracket. consecutive backspaces. Adjust the nut on top of the
Nylon Tab/ Carrier Return/ backspace latch so that all 5 backspaces travel an
Escapement Backspace eae a additional .015”-.045” after the escapement pawl
Cord drops into the next rack tooth. This must be checked
Cable Drum
for 5 backspaces because the motion at the carrier
can vary as much as .020.” You may need to
manually place the latch beneath the cam follower to
check this adjustment.

Escapement Pawl

oo {ot 5”-.045”
(Level 2) (Top View) hea. // (0,38-1,14mm)

4. Pitch Cam Cable Sheath — The pitch cam cable

sheath should extend 1/8 to 1/4 inch beyond the Escapement Rack
clamp on the mainspring backplate.
(Top View)
Adjusting Nut

1/8''-1 /4"

Cable Sheath


Mainspring Backplate

Backspace Latch

(Level 1 ) (Rear View)

Backspace Motion, Level 2 — 8. Switch Bracket — Adjust the switch bracket left or
right to ensure that the lower index link does not
NOTE: The pitch cam adjustment must be properly bind in the slot in the index transfer bellcrank.
adjusted in the 12 pitch mode before making this
ae With the machine in the 10 pitch mode, adjust
the downstop for a .030’-.040” clearance
between the driver and ratchet.

CAUTION: Be sure the bellcrank does not slip

behind the downstop as it restores to rest.
Index Transfer Lower Index Link
Form stop if necessary.
b. Adjust the backspace latch for reliable back-
spacing under power with a slight finger

pressure on top of the carrier.

CAUTION: If latch does not go under the bail, Switch Bracket

refine the adjustment.

9. Index Interlock Link — Adjust the index interlock
Bellcrank link so the index interlock bellcrank arm is vertical.

Backspace iii ical ae


Index Interlock

Index Interlock Link

(Right Side View)

Down Stop .030’’-.040”
Backspace Driver 10. Index Interlock Shaft, Level 1 ) Adjust the index
interlock shaft left or right so the paddle clears the
seer Nut lower index link spring by .0017-.010.” Check for
interference with the escapement trigger upstop.
Maintain minimum end play with no binds.
Backspace With Slight Lower Index Link Spring
Latch Finger Pressure
On Carrier

Index Interlock Shaft

(Level 2) (Rear View)

7. Backspace Latch Height — Form the backspace bell-

Index Interlock
crank stop lug on the mainspring backplate for
.001”-.015” backspace latch clearance under the bail.
After making this adjustment, check for some clear-
ance between the backspace driver and the backspace
Minimum End
ratchet with all parts at rest. If no clearance exists,
refine the backspace motion and the backspace latch
height adjustments.
Backspace Bellcrank Stop Lug
Backspace Bellcrank

Backspace Latch

es Mainspring Backplate

(Right Side View! (Level 2)
11. Index Interlock Paddle, Level 1 — Loosen the set- 13. Spacebar Link — With the escapement trip link
screw on the index interlock bellcrank. Adjust the properly adjusted, adjust the spacebar link for
paddle front-to-rear for .020”’-.040” clearance to the .001”-.012”’ between the clevis pin and the bottom of
stud on the lower index link. Position the bellcrank the slot in the trigger lever.
left or right to ensure the interlock link does not bind
in the backspace latch or at the clevis. Trigger Lever Slot

.020"-.040" . (0,03-0,30mm)

Stud Fl. ___— Spacebar Link

Index Interlock

Index Interlock
(Left Side View)

(Level 1)
14. Backspace Interposer Spring — The backspace inter-
(Right Side View) poser spring must be in the center hole in the

Stud Index Interlock Backspace Interposer Backspace Interposer


Index Interlock
Shaft (Right Side View)
(Level AS
(Right Side View)

12. Index Transfer Bellcrank Stop Lug — Form the index

transfer bellcrank stop lug for .001”-.010” clearance
between the stud on the lower index link and the
lower horizontal edge of the slot in the index transfer
bellcrank. This will ensure that the lower index link
stud reliably restores to the front of the slot after a
backspace operation.

001-010” Index Transfer

(0,03-0,25mm) \ Bellcrank

Stop Lug


Lower Index Link

(Right Side View)


The half backspace mechanism enables the typist to operate backspace cam when the half backspace lever is operated it
a lever which moves the carrier one half space to the left. pulls up on the operating link, which rotates the cam lever
As long as the half backspace lever is held forward, the forcing it to the left out of its seated position with the half
carrier remains one half space to the left and the typewriter backspace cam. The cam lever then contacts the
will type between the normal escapement positions, This is escapement rack gear, which is setscrewed to the
accomplished by moving the escapement rack one half escapement rack. This camming action moves the escape-
space to the left (Figure 1), ment rack to the left, moving the escapement pawl and
carrier to accomplish a half backspace operation (Figure 1).
The movement of the escapement rack is accomplished by
the half backspace lever, operating link, cam lever and half

ree Half Backspace Lever

Cam Lever

Link E ie Backspace Cam

Rack Gear


SS WS Sie Escapement
GD > Se Pawl

Figure 1 — Half Backspace Mechanism


On level 1 machines, the movement of the escapement rack HALF BACKSPACE ADJUSTMENTS
is accomplished by the half backspace lever, intermediate
lever and half backspace bellcrank. When the half backspace ils Lower Half Backspace Link (Level 1) — Place the
lever is operated, it operates the intermediate bellcrank, machine in the 10 pitch mode. Adjust the lower half
which operates the intermediate lever and pulls down on backspace link to center characters typed when half
the half backspace bellcrank (Figure 2). backspace is operated between characters typed
normally. ;

Half Backspace Lever IMM

Characters Typed Between Characters


Half Backspace

Intermediate Lever
(Rear View)

Figure 2 — Half Backspace Mechanism

(Level 1)
D Half Backspace Collar (Level2 Only)— With the
escapement rack in 12 pitch, position the escapement
rack to ensure the teeth are vertical. Adjust escape-
ESCAPEMENT RACK MOVEMENT ment rack gear for minimum clearance between the
A lug on the half backspace bellcrank is seated in a notch in gear and cam lever.
the escapement rack. As the bellcrank is operated, the lug
moves to the left camming the escapement rack to the left. Adjust the half backspace collar so it contacts the top
A compression spring restores the bellcrank and the escape- protrusion on the escapement rack bracket after
ment rack to their normal position. The working edge of approximately .045” movement of the escapement
the escapement rack notch has a step in it to compensate rack. Refine adjustment to center characters typed
for the different motion requirements for the two pitches when the half backspace is operated between charac-
(Figure 3).
ters typed normally.

NOTE: Setscrew should be toward the front of the

machine in the 12 pitch mode.


Characters Typed Between Characters

045" <= __ Protrusion

Compression Spring (1,14mm)

Escapement Rack

Escapement Rack
Half Backspace Collar

Half Backspace Bellcrank

Figure 3 — Escapement Rack Movement (Rear View)

3. Half Backspace Rest Position (Level 1) — On 4. Half Backspace Lever (Level 1) — Adjust the upper
machines prior to “A frame” paper feed, disconnect half backspace link so the front edge of the half back-
the lower half backspace link. Hold the rear of the space lever is in line with the rear edge of the platen
half backspace intermediate lever up lightly. Form bearing.
the upper lug on the half backspace intermediate bell-
crank so the pin in the clevis just matches the hole in After the machine is placed in the covers, refine the
the intermediate lever. This ensures that the escape- link so that the lever clears the end of the cover slot
ment rack will rest against the pin in the escapement by about 1/16” when it is in the operated position.
rail when the half backspace mechanism is at rest.
On level 2 machines adjust the operating link to
obtain this condition.
Half Backspace
Intermediate Bellcrank ~~m.

Match Clevis
Pin To Hole (Left Side View)

Intermediate Lever
Hold Up Lightly

1/16 Inch
pet Top Cover
(Rear View)

Half Backspace Rest Position (Level 1) — On level 1 i ee Upper Half Backspace Link
machines equipped with “A frame” paper feed, form
the lower stop lug on the half backspace bellcrank
control bracket so the pin in the clevis just matches
the hole in the intermediate lever.

Lower L
Half Backspace
Intermediate Bellcrank

(Level 1)

Lower Half Backspace Link

Half Backspace Lever

Match Clevis 7
Pin-T o-Hole |

Operating Link

(Rear View)

On the single pictch “Selectric” 11 Typewriter, there would
be a possibility of the carrier holding on the backspace pawl
The purpose of the express backspace mechanism is to
when the express backspace keybutton is released and the
enable the operator to move the carrier rapidly to the left
carrier stops. Anadditional part, called the express back-
from the keyboard. When the operator depresses the
space latch, prevents this from happening by causing a
express backspace keybutton the carrier will move to the
backspace operation when the EXP keybutton is released.
leff at the same speed as carrier return with the escapement The express backspace latch is mounted on the operational
pawl dragging. The carrier movement stops when the key- keylever pawl guide. When the EXP key is depressed the
button is released or the left margin is reached. * express backspace keylever pawl rotates the express back-
space latch which trips the backspace interposer. At the
The express backspace bellcrank pivots on an extension of
same time another extension of the latch moves behind a
the operational cam check pawl shaft. The express back-
latching surface on the interposer and prevents it from
space shoe is mounted on the left leg of the bellcrank which traveling far enough to the rear to release the operational
is positioned directly under the carrier return clutch spring. cam. When the EXP key is released, it allows the express
When the EXP keybutton is depressed. the keylever pawl backspace latch to restore upward, allowing the interposer
moves downward and pushes on the right leg of the bell to continue to the rear tripping a backspace operation
crank. This causes the left leg to pivot upward and press the (Figure 2).
express backspace shoe against the carrier return clutch
spring. The carrier return clutch spring drives the carrier
return pinion moving the carrier to the left (Figure 1).
Operational Keylever Backspace
Pawl Guide Interposer

Carrier Return Clutch

Spring a

K y 2
Carrier Return ) 4

Latching Surface

Express Backspace
Express Backspace

Figure 2 — Express Backspace (Single Pitch)

Express Backspace

Risy Operational Cam

ad Checkpawl
yas Shaft
Express Backspace
1. Express Backspace Shoe Overlap — Form the left arm
of the express backspace bellcrank so he express
backspace shoe overlaps three coils of the carrier
return clutch spring.
Keylever Pawl \
oe Reybuncan Express Backspace
a Latch 3 Coils

Figure 1 — Express Backspace

Express Backspace Shoe

Express Backspace Bellcrank

(Top View)


ry Keylever Pawl Guide — Form the keylever pawl guide Keylever Pawl (Single Pitch Only) — Form the lug on
finger so the tip of the express backspace keylever the express backspace keylever pawl so there is
pawl clears the guide plate by .040”-.080.” .010”-.020” between the express backspace latch and
the backspace interposer latch.

Keylever Pawl

Keylever Pawl Guide

Keylever Pawl

(1,02-2,03mm) —__ ws |=—
Express Backspace Latch
Backspace Interposer Latch

(Right Side View) (Front View)

3. Express Backspace Shoe Clearance — Form the right

lug on the express backspace bellcrank so the express
backspace shoe engages the carrier return clutch
spring when the keylever is .035”-.050” from the Express Backspace Latch (Single Pitch Only) — Form
bottom of its guide comb slot. the express backspace latch front-to-rear so the back-
space interposer moves .001”-.010” to the rear when
Carrier Return Clutch Spring tripped by the latch.

‘001"2010" =
Express Backspace Shoe (0,03-0,25mm)


| Backspace Interposer

<@ Express Backspace

} ex P Guide Comb. Slot


Express Backspace Latch


The purpose of the tab mechanism is to rapidly move the

carrier to the right to a predetermined point on the writing
line. This is accomplished by removing the escapement and
backspace pawls from their respective racks and allowing
the carrier to be pulled to the right under mainspring
tension (Figure 1). When the carrier reaches a preset tab
stop, the pawls are returned to their racks and the carrier is
held in the new position.


Tab Torque
Tab Rack

Tab Stops

Tab Lever


Set/Clear Escapement
Lever Rack





Tab Governor


Figure 1 — Tab Mechanism

The tab set/clear button is located at the left side of the The set tab stop may be cleared by depressing the rear of
keyboard (Figure 2). A set & clear link extends towards the the tab set/clear keybutton, thus rotating the tab rack in
rear from the set/clear keybutton and is connected to the the opposite direction (Figure 4). As the tab rack is rotated,
tab set/clear arm. The tab set/clear arm is mounted on a the ‘“‘set’’ tab stop will contact the gang clear finger and be
bracket in such a way that it will toggle front or rear at the rotated within the rack to its “‘cleared”’ position.
top. The tab set/clear bellcrank is mounted on the left end
of the tab rack and its lower projection fits into a notch in Tab stops may be cleared individually or “‘gang cleared.” To
the top of the tab set/clear arm. gang clear, the carrier is positioned to the extreme right of
the writing line, the tab clear keybutton is held depressed,
When the set/clear keybutton is depressed, motion is trans- and a carrier return operation is initiated. The set tab stops
ferred through the set & clear link, the tab set/clear arm, are cammed back to their rest position by the gang clear
and the set/clear bellcrank to rotate the tab rack. finger as the carrier is returned to the left-hand margin.
Gang Clear Cleared
The tab rack is located parallel to and just to the rear of the i Tab Stop
escapement rack (Figure 2). Tab stops operate in slots in the
tab rack with one stop for each escapement position. By
rotating the tab rack, an individual tab stop is forced into
contact with either the escapement bracket projection or
the gang clear bracket. This motion rotates the tab stop
Gang Clear
within the rack to the set or clear position.
Gang Clear
Escapement Bracket
Projection : Bracket C. Clear Operation D. Clear Position
Tab Stop — aa =~ Figure 4 — Tab Clear Operation (Left Side View)
The tab mechanism is activated by depressing the tab
keybutton located at the upper left corner of the keyboard.
J As the keylever pivots on its fulcrum rod, the lower exten-
sion of the keylever moves to the rear (Figure 5). This
i extension is connected to the tab bellcrank by the tab key-
vNet el|| Tab
Set & Clear ~~
lever link. The tab bellcrank is connected to an arm on the
tab torque bar by the tab torque bar link. The tab torque
Ss bar is mounted parallel to the print shaft at the rear of the
carrier. Depressing the keylever will cause the bottom of
the tab torque bar to pivot to the rear. The torque bar will

Brae remain pivoted to the rear until the keylever is released.

Tab Torque Bar

Tab Set & Clear
Arm Tab Set & Clear Tab Trigger
Set & Clear Keybutton

Figure 2 — Tab Set & Clear Mechanism

As the tab rack is rotated in the set direction (Figure 3), a
tab stop corresponding to the carrier position contacts the
projection on the escapement bracket and the tab stop is
rotated within the tab rack.
Tab Torque
When the tab set button is released, the tab rack restores to Bar
its rest position. The working surface of that tab stop will
now be lower than the other ‘ab stops, or in the “set”
Tab Torque Bar Link
Gang Clear
Set Tab Stop Finger
Gang Clear

(Rear View) Tab Bellcrank

A, Set Operation B. Set Position

Figure 5 — Tab Actuating
Figure 3 — Tab Set Operation (Left Side View)

Pawl removal is initiated by the torque bar pushing against As the pawls move to the right, they are also moved further
the tab trigger. The lower lug of the tab lever trigger pushes to the rear by the tab lever. The tab lever will continue to
the tab lever to the rear (Figure 6). be moved by the trigger until the trigger is restricted by the
tab overthrow stop. When the keybutton is released, the tab
lever will be held to the rear by the tab lever latch (Figure

Me peat Tab Torque Bar

Tab Torque Bar Tab Lever
Tab Lever Trigger
Tab Lever Latch A pp i Tab Lever
Lower Lug
Tab Overthrow Stop
Pin Backspace
Rack Tab Lever Latch KI
Pawl Escapement
Rack Figure 9 — Tab Overthrow Stop

Figure 6 — Tab Lever Operation (Right Front View) TAB GOVERNOR

The carrier speed during a tab operation is controlled to
As the tab lever is moved to the rear, its lower lug contacts prevent parts breakage or rebounding to the wrong posi-
the backspace and escapement pawls and moves them to tion. The tab governor controls the carrier speed by limiting
the rear out of their racks (Figure 7). When the escapement the speed at which the mainspring tension can turn the
pawl just clears its rack, it is pulled to the right by the pawl escapement cord drum to wind up the tab/escapement cord
spring. The backspace pawl will move to the right an equal (Figure 10).
amount because of the upright stud connection between
the escapement pawl and backspace pawl. The beveled gear of the escapement cord drum meshes with
the tab governor pinion gear. The governor pinion gear
mounts on the operational shaft between two collars that
are setscrewed to the operational shaft. The left collar and
Tab Lever the pinion gear have hubs that are connected by a clutch
Pawl spring. The clutch spring is wound so that it slips when the
pinion gear is held stationary and the operational shaft is
Escapement aS : ZB turning (Figure 10).
Pawl aX Y Esca pement
= * Mainspring
Rack : scapemen Tension R
6 Saige Collar Turns With ension Rotates
Cord Drum Cora: Bria
Tab Lever SS f f Operational Shaft
Lower Lug =)

Figure 7 — Tab Lever Operation (Left Front View)

As soon as the escapement and backspace pawls are re-
moved from their racks, the carrier will be allowed to move Tab Governor
to the right under mainspring tension. Pinion Gear

As the tab lever continues to move to the rear, the tab lever
latch engages a notch in the tab lever to latch the mech- Collars ER Operational
anism in its operated position and to prevent the tab lever Shaft
from overthrowing into the tab rack. With the tab lever Figure 10 — Tab Governor Mechanism
latched, the tab pawl (mounted on the tab lever) is now ina
position to contact the next set tab stop as the carrier During a tab operation, the escapement cord drum rotates
moves to the right (Figure 8). the tab pinion gear in the same direction as the operational
shaft. As soon as the rotational speed of the pinion gear
Set attempts to exceed that of the operational shaft, the clutch
Tab spring tightens around the two hubs locking the pinion gear
Stop and the collar together. Since the collar is setscrewed to the
operational shaft, the speed of the escapement cord drum
will be limited to the speed of the operational shaft.

Tab Trigger Tab Lever Pawl

Figure 8 — Tab Latching Operation (Top View)

As the carrier moves to the right, the tab lever pawl con- The function of the tab trigger is to allow the tab lever to
tacts a set tab stop and the tab lever stops moving. restore at the end of a tab operation if THE TAB KEY-
However, the carrier and pawls will continue moving to the BUTTON IS STILL HELD DEPRESSED BY THE
right because of the elongated mounting hole in the tab OPERATOR. The tab lever and tab trigger are designed so
lever. Continued movement of the carrier and pawls past that when the tab lever is moved to the left after contacting
the stopped tab lever will cause the escapement pawl to a set tab stop it will slide off the trigger lug which was
slide off the lug on the escapement lever. The escapement holding it to the rear. With the trigger no longer holding the
pawl will then be free to restore back into the rack under tab lever out, it is free to restore in the normal manner.
its spring load. The backspace pawl does not have a cut out When the tab keybutton is released, the tab trigger will
notch so it will remain held by the escapement lever lug restore to its rest position. At this time, the tab lever will be
(Figure 11). snapped to the right by its spring, resetting the tab lever
behind the tab trigger lug. In addition, the tab lever moving
Further movement of the carrier in relation to the stopped to the right will also reset its lug in front of the escapement
tab lever will cause the tab lever to slip off its latch. When pawl in a position to move it out of the rack on the next
the tab lever restores, it will allow the backspace pawl to tab operation (Figure 12).
re-enter its rack. Although all parts have been unlatched
and restored to their respective racks or rest positions, the Tab Torque Bar Holds
carrier has not stopped. When the escapement pawl was Trigger To The Rear
released from its rack, its spring tension held the escape-
ment pawl fully extended to the right in its elongated
mounting hole and against the left side of the pawl
mounting stud. After the escapement pawl enters the rack
its movement to the right is stopped by a rack tooth. The
carrier continues to move to the right until the pawl Tab Trigger Falls In
mounting stud contacts the right side of the elongated slot e_Notch In Tab Lever
in the escapement pawl and stops. Tab
Set Tab Stop
Escapement ‘ f

ee Tab Lever ©) Trigger Enters Notch

Latch Of Tab Lever Allowing
Tab Lever To Restore

Pawl Pag of Tab Forward
Tab LOE Lever
Lever ak Qye— Pawl Figure 12 — Tab Lever Trigger Operation
Backspace \e——————- Rack TAB INTERLOCK
The tab interlock prevents the tab lever from being latched
to the rear during a carrier return operation. If the tab lever
were allowed to latch, the tab lever pawl could strike the
right side of a set tab stop during a carrier return operation
and lock the carrier. To prevent this from happening, the
tab lever latch has a lower lug extending behind the escape-
ment torque bar. When the escapement torque bar is
pivoted, the tab lever latch will be rotated out of its
latching position, thus preventing the tab lever from being
latched out. The escapement torque bar pivots during a
carrier return operation, spacebar operation, or print
escapement operation (Figure 13).

Tab Lever Pawl Contacts Tab Stop


Tab Latch

Carrier Stopped By Escapement Pawl Escapement

Torque Bar
Figure 11 — Tab Unlatching Operation
(Top View)
~ (Rear View)
Figure 13 — Tab Interlock
CARRIER RETURN/TAB INTERLOCK Tab Lever Stop — Form the stop front-to-rear for a
The carrier return tab interlock allows a tab operation to clearance of .001’’-.003” between the vertical lug on
supersede or unlatch a carrier return operation once the the tab lever and the backspace pawl when the pawl is
carrier return operation has begun. Pressing the tab key- bottomed in its rack.
button during a carrier return operation will pivot the tab
torque bar to the rear so that a lug on its right end will NOTE: Make sure all escapement bracket and print
pivot the carrier return/tab interlock extension of the escapement adjustments are correct before forming
carrier return latch keeper. When the carrier return/tab this stop.
interlock lever is pivoted by the torque bar, the extension
will unlatch the carrier return (Figure 14).

CR/Tab Interlock


CR Latch Keeper .001"’-.003”


Tab Lever
Figure 14 — Carrier Return/Tab Interlock Stop
(Right Front View)


I. Tab Rack Radially — Push all tab stops to the rear of Tab Lever Pawl — Adjust the tab lever pawl front-to-
their slots. With the tab lever latched to the rear, the rear for .035”’-.045” clearance between the tip of the
top surface of the tab lever pawl should be tab lever pawl at rest and the set tab stops. The
adjustment of the tab lever pawl has an effect on the
.030”-.040” below the lower edge of the tab stop.
amount of overlap between the tab stop and the pawl
Loosen the screw on the tab set and clear bellcrank
tip in the active position.
and rotate the tab rack to make this adjustment.

: Tab Set Lug

Tab Stop At [p=
Rear Of Slot —————*% ee
Iai esa
XG .030’"-.040"
Tab Set And Clear
Tab Lever Pawl


Tab Lever Pawl

(Left Side View) (Top View)

4. Pawil Clearance — Form the upright lug on the tab 6. Tab Torque Bar Link — Adjust the tab torque bar
latch for a clearance of .005’’-.015”” between the tip link for a clearance of .001’’-.006”’ between the tab
of the escapement pawl and escapement rack teeth torque bar and the tab lever trigger at rest.
with the tab lever latched to the rear. This adjustment Tabshonane Bar
ensures that the ¢scapement pawl will re-enter the

rack as quickly as possible to minimize the chances of
Tab Trigger
entering the wrong tooth.

The upright lug of the tab latch may be formed with

the three-inch screwdriver by using it as a lever
through the hole in the escapement bracket.

Tab Torque Bar Link

Escapement \
(Rear View)

7. Tab Lever Overthrow Stop (Level 1) — Adjust the tab

lever overthrow stop front or rear so that .005”-.015”
clearance exists between the lug of the tab lever
trigger and the overthrow stop when the tab lever is
latched to the rear.

Tab T P 005”-.015”
ote 8 gE |e eae)
Escapement AES.

Rack Th
.005"-.015” is
(0,13-038mm) Overthrow Stop

5. Keylever Link — Adjust the link on the tab keylever

extension so that the rear arm of the tab bellcrank
rests approximately 1/8”? above the bottom frame. (Front View)

(Latched Position)
Tab Keylever
&. Tab Rack Left-to-Right — Adjust the tab rack left-to-
right for .005’’-.020”’ clearance between the tip of the
tab lever pawl and the left side of a set tab stop.

To make this adjustment, clear all the tab stops. Set

one tab stop, backspace once and then turn the
machine off. The tip of the tab lever pawl should be
just to the left of the tab stop. Hold the carrier to
prevent it from moving and observe the tab lever paw]
as you slowly depress the tab keybutton. The tip of
the tab lever pawl should clear the left side of the tab
stop by .005”-.020.”

Tab Rack

Tab Bellcrank
Rear Arm

(Left Rear View)

Tab L Paul -- Set Tab Stop
ab Lever Paw (Top View)

9. Tab Interlock — With the carrier return clutch
latched, the escapement torque bar should rotate the
tab latch away from the tab lever by .005”’-.025.”

This adjustment is obtained by forming the lug on the

tab latch that extends down behind the escapement
torque bar. The adjustment ensures that the carrier
return and tab cannot both be latched out simultane- Form For
ously. If both were allowed to latch, the tab lever Positive
pawl would lock against a set tab stop during the
carrier return operation.

CR Latch Keeper

Level 2

Il. Tab Set Lug — Form the stop lug on the tab set and
clear bracket so that when a tab stop is set, the tab
lever pawl will contact the center of a set tab stop
ne(0) Ose
Tab Latch
If the tab stops, located on either side of the tab stop
that is being set, contact the underside of the tab
Torque Bar
clear bracket before the proper set position is ob-
tained, the tab set finger at the rear of the escape-
ment bracket should be formed down.
(Left Rear View)

10. Carrier Return/Tab Interlock — Form the lug of the

interlock to obtain the following conditions:

a. With the carrier return mechanism latched, the

interlock should pull the carrier return latch
keeper forward just enough to release the latch
when the tab keylever is fully depressed.
Tab Set And
b. With the carrier return mechanism at rest, full ,Clear Bracket
depression of the tab keylever should not cause
the carrier return keeper to move away from Centered
Within .020”
the latch.

Tab Set And Clear Arm

(Left Side View)

Form For CR/Tab Interlock
Interlock 12. Gang Clear Bracket — The gang clear bracket should
be adjusted front-to-rear for .010°-.020” clearance
with the clear lug of a set tab stop. The clear bracket
should be formed up or down for .010°-.020” clear-
ance with the tab rack.

Bang Clear Bracket

CR Latch Keeper
oo .010"-.020"
Upper Lug (0,25-0,51mm)

Level 1

(Left Side View)

13. Tab Clear Lug — With the tab stops at the rear of
their slots, form the stop lug so that the gang clear
bracket will clear the upper lug on the tab stop by
.001’’-.010” when the tab clear is operated.

ae Guceeeal
0) aaa

Tab Set And

IN Clear Bracket

Tab Stop At
Rear Of Slot

Tab Set And Clear Arm

(Left Side View)

14. Tab Set And Clear Link — Adjust the tab set and
clear link so the tab set and clear keybutton matches
the slope of the keyboard.

Match Slope Of
The Keyboard

aS Tab Set And Clear


Tab Set & Clear Link

(Left Side View)

15. Tab Pinion Backlash — Adjust the tab governor

assembly left or right to obtain .002”’-.004” backlash
between the tab pinion and the escapement cord
drum gear. The pinion should have a minimum of end
play between the tab governor hub and collar yet still
rotate freely.

Escapement Cord Drum Gear aeeange



“*———— Tab Pinion

Tab Governor Assembly

(Top View)

The dual pitch tab mechanism can operate in either 10 or 2. Before switching pitch, all tab stops should be cleared
12 pitch without any mechanical switching. This is and necessary tab stops reset after the pitch is
accomplished by a universal tab rack. The tab stops are changed.
spaced in such a way that the escapement pawl will reenter
the proper rack tooth correctly in either pitch (Figure 1).

Dual pitch tab provides the operator with the same features
as single pitch tab, but with two additional instructions:

a The machine will not reliably tab from within one

space of a set tab stop.

Arm ete

Tab Torque

Tab Rack


Tab Lever








Tab Governor


Figure 1 — Dual Pitch Tab


TAB SET AND CLEAR The tab lever pawl is mounted to the tab lever by a
The tab rack is rotated to set or clear a tab stop in the same shoulder screw. It pivots on the tab lever front-to-rear and
manner as the single pitch ‘Selectric’ Typewriter. is spring loaded toward the rear. This allows the tab lever to
However, the tab stops are both set and cleared by a lug on continue its rearward movement even though the tab lever
the tab set and clear bracket. In the 10 pitch mode, the tab pawl contacts the end of a set tab stop. This will occur
set and clear lug will set or clear the two closely spaced tab occasionally because of the universal tab stop spacing. A
stops at the same time. In the 12 pitch mode, it will set or tab lever pawl adjusting plate is mounted to the tab lever,
clear them individually (Figure 2). controlling the amount of tab lever pawl bite on a set tab
stop (Figure 5).
Tab Set And Clear Bracket Closely Spaced Stops Shoulder Screw

Tab Stops

Tab Lever

Universal Tab Rack

Figure 2 — Tab Set And Clear

The tab torque bar is pivoted to the rear in the same
manner as a single pitch ‘‘Selectric’’ Typewriter. The tab
torque bar contacts the tab lever trigger, moving it to the
rear. The tab lever trigger lug contacts the upper lug on the
tab lever. As the tab lever moves to the rear, its lower lug (Right Front View)
contacts the escapement pawl, removing it from the
escapement rack (Figure 3). Figure 5 — Tab Lever Pawl Mounting
Tab Lever Trigger

ee Upper Lug
When the tab lever is latched out, the escapement pawl is
Tab Lever removed from the escapement rack and the carrier moves to
the right. The tab lever pawl contacts a set tab stop, causing
Bar the tab lever to stop as the carrier continues to move to the
right. After .020” of additional movement of the carrier,
the escapement pawl drops from the lower lug on the tab
Lower Lug A Escapement Pawl lever and, under its spring tension, restores back into the
escapement rack. Further movement of the carrier causes
Escapement the tab lever to unlatch and restore to its rest position. The
Rack escapement pawl against the escapement rack tooth stops
the carrier (Figure 6).

Figure 3 — Tab Actuating And Escpament Pawl Removal Tab Lever Pawl
Tab Lever Set Tab Stop
The tab lever is latched by the latch lug of the tab latch
rotating into the latching notch. The rear edge of the notch
acts as a latching surface for the tab lever. The front of the
notch contacts the latch lug and acts as an overthrow stop
for the tab lever. The interlock lug on the tab latch rests
behind the escapement torque bar and will cause the tab to
be unlatched any time the escapement torque bar is
operated (Figure 4).

Tab Latch

Tab Lever —_____> Interlock Lug

Escapement Lower Lug Escapement Rack

Latching Notch Torque Bar
Escapement Pawl

Latch Lug (Top View — Latched Position)

Figure 4 — Tab Lever Latching Figure 6 — Tab Operation

The tab stops are spaced on the universal tab rack to DUAL PITCH TAB ADJUSTMENTS
‘accommodate both 10 and 12 pitch escapement racks.
Figure 7 shows the tab lever pawl contacting a tab stop, if it
1. Tab Rack Radially — Position all the tab stops to the
were set, and approximately where the escapement pawl
rear of their slots. Latch out the tab lever. Adjust the
starts to enter the escapement rack tooth for that stop.
tab rack radially within the tab set and clear bellcrank
Every 1/2 inch (5 teeth in 10 pitch and 6 teeth in 12 pitch)
for .030’’-.040” between the tab stops and the tab
an escapement rack tooth is common for both pitches;
lever pawl.
therefore, the tab stop spacing is repeated every 1/2 inch
_ (Figure 7).
Tab Rack

This is shown for illustrative purposes only. Keep in mind

that the machine will not tab reliably from within one .030''-.040”
' space of a set tab stop. Tab Set And Clear (0,76-1,02mm)
Tab Stops 3 And 4 Will Both Bellcrank Tab Lever Pawl
Be Set In The 10 Pitch Mode
1 2 3 4 5 6
Tab Stops we

Tab Lever Paw! me

Escapement Pawl ih ay
bate |

! 10 Pitch
la &|£| 4 || Escapement
j 0 arack Teeth
ji fs EN NS es
(Left Side View)
12 Pitch
Tooth KI2/A|G) 44) Escapement
\ ewexivle Rack Teeth 2. Tab Lever Stop — Form the tab lever stop on the
escapement bracket so the lower tab lever lug clears
the escapement pawl by .010’’-.015”’ at rest.
(010".015” Escapement Pawl
Figure 7 — Universal Tab Stop Spacing (0,25-0,38mm) Bracket


In the dual pitch escapement mechanism, the vertical
position of the escapement pawl is critical. The pawl must
be centered in the escapement rack within the opening in
the escapement rail. An escapement pawl guide bracket is
mounted above the escapement pawl. The escapement pawl
Lower Tab
guide lug extends down from the bracket and is formed Tab Lever Stop
Lever Lug
under the escapement pawl to control its vertical
movement. The escapement pawl vertical position is
controlled by the vertical position of the rear of the carrier, (Top View)
which is adjustable. This is accomplished by a diagonal
elongated mounting slot in the rear carrier shoe. As the
carrier shoe is adjusted left or right, the rear of the carrier is 3. Tab Lever Pawl Bite — With the tab lever latched out,
raised or lowered (Figure 8). adjust the tab lever pawl adjusting plate so the tab
lever pawl engages a set tab stop by .030”-.040”’.
Escapement Rail
Elongated Slot
Set Tab Stop



Tab Lever Paw!

! 2

~\ | Escapement Pawl Guide Lug

Guide Bracket Tab Lever Paw! Adjusting Plate

Figure 8 — Escapement Pawl And Carrier Shoe Mounting (Top View)

(Right Rear View)

4. Tab Latch Bite — With the tab lever latched out, 7. Tab Torque Bar Link (Level 1) — Adjust the torque
adjust the escapement pawl guide bracket bar link so the tab torque bar rest position is vertical.
front-to-rear so the left edge of the tab latch lug
clears the bottom of the latching slot in the tab lever
QI Torque Bar
by .001°-.010”’.
ot} 1 Vertical
Tab Lever Escapement Paw!
Guide Bracket Sra

1001: O10 ae
Bar Link

(Top View) Tab Torque Bar Link (Level 2) — Disconnect the tab
keylever link. Adjust the tab torque bar link so the
torque bar arm clears the tab rack compression spring
5. Escapement Pawl Clearance — With the tab lever by .001”’-.030” at rest.
Torque Bar Arm
latched out, form the tab latch lug so the escapement
pawl clears the escapement rack by .005”-.010”’. ae Se
Tab Lever Escapement Pawl
Compression .001°’-.030"
Spring (0,03-0,76mm)

(Level 2) (Right Side View)

.005"'-.010" Escapement Rack
(Top View) 8. Tab Torque Bar Backup Lug — Form the tab torque
bar backup lug for .001”’ clearance from the tab
torque bar at the closest point.
6. Tab Keylever Link — Adjust the tab keylever link so
that when the tab keylever is bottomed, the tab lever .001* At Closest Point
overthrows the tab latch by .005’’-.010”’. (0,03mm)
Po] _@ 4
Tab Keylever

Torque Bar 0

Keylever Link

Tab Torque Bar Backup Lug

(Top View)

Tab Lever 9. Tab Trigger — Form the front lug on the tab trigger
so it clears the tab torque bar by .001”’-.005”’.

t '

Tab Latch (0,13-0,25mm) .001**-.005”’ |

(Top View) ’ (Top View)

10. Tab Keylever Down Stop — With the tab keylever 12. Tab Interlock — With the carrier return clutch
bottomed, adjust the tab keylever down stop so there latched, the escapement torque bar should rotate the
is .005"-.010” clearance between the tab latch lug tab latch away from the tab lever by .005”’-.025.”
and the rear surface of the tab lever latching notch.
This adjustment is obtained by forming the lug on the
tab latch that extends down behind the escapement
torque bar. The adjustment ensures that the carrier
return and tab cannot both be latched out simultane-
ously. If both were allowed to latch, the tab lever
pawl would lock against a set tab stop during the
carrier return operation.
.005”-.025’"__,] |
Tab Latch
Interlock Lug
Down Stop 005’'-.010"
(Level 1) (0,13-0,25mm) Tab Lever
Tab Latch
Tab Lever
aay: i” Latching Notch

Lath hc Tab Latch

Torque Bar

Latching Notch

(Top View)
13. Carrier Return/Tab Interlock — Form the lug of the
On level 2 machines with the tab keylever bottomed, interlock to obtain the following conditions:
adjust the tab keylever link to obtain .005’-.010”
clearance between the tab latch lug and the rear a. With the carrier return mechanism latched, the
surface of the tab lever latching notch. interlock should pull the carrier return latch
keeper forward just enough to release the latch
when the tab lever is fully depressed.

b. With the carrier return mechanism at rest, full

depression of the tab keylever should not cause
the carrier return keeper to move away from
the latch.
Link Form For
vv (Level 2) Interlock

11. Tab Rack Left-To-Right — Place the machine in the

10 pitch mode. Set the first tab stop and position the
carrier at the extreme left (first escapement rack
tooth). As the tab lever is moved to the rear, adjust
the tab rack left-to-right so the tab lever pawl clears
the set tab stop by .000’-.002”’.
-000"-.002” First Tab Stop

C/R Tab
Tab Rack
A i
Tab Lever Pawl

First Escapement Rack Tooth

(Top View) (Right Side a aoe (Level 2)

14. Tab Set And Clear Bracket — Adjust the tab set and 15. Tab Set Stop Lug — Form the set stop lug on the tab
clear bracket for the following conditions: set and clear arm bracket so the tab lever pawl
engages the center of a tab stop when set.
a. Adjust the .tab set and clear bracket
front-to-rear for .010”-.020” clearance between Tab Stop Tab Lever Pawl
the contour of the clear finger and the contour
of the tab rack. Adjust left-to-right so that the
set finger will reliably set and clear each tab
stop individually when the machine is in the 12
pitch mode and will set and clear the two stops
that are spaced close together simultaneously
when the machine is in the 10 pitch mode.
Paw! Engages Center
Of Set Stop

(0,25-0,51mm) Tab Stop
(Match Contours) Tab Rack Set Stop L
Desig Set And Clear Arm
(Left Side View)
Two Closely Spaced Stops (Left Side View)

16. Tab Clear Lug — With the tab stops positioned at the
extreme rear of their slots, form the clear stop lug of
the tab set and clear arm bracket so the tab stops are
.001’-.010” from the tab clear finger when the tab
set and clear arm is against the lug. This ensures
minimum noise during gang clear.

12 Pitch 10 Pitch i

Set And Clear Bracket

‘ Set
(Top View) Finger

b. With the tab rack rotated in the clear position,

Tab Stops
form the set finger so that it clears the upper
lug of a tab stop by .005”-.015” and the tip
clears the rack by .001”-.010”’. Set And

ie sae


Set And Clear Arm ————» Clear Stop Lug

(Left Side View)

Tab Rack raHeld
Clear Position
17 =Tab Set And Clear Link — Adjust the tab set and
clear link so the tab set and clear keybutton matches
.001"'-.010" the slope of the keyboard.
Tab Set And Clear:
AVoutio) ——————
O Match Slope Of
The Keyboard
Tab Set And
Clear Link

(Left Side View)


The purpose of the print mechanism is to power the There are two basic conditions necessary for a correct print
typehead toward the platen. This is accomplished through a operation. They are: correct velocity of the typehead as it
print cam located in the carrier assembly (Figure 1), When strikes the paper and proper platen position.
the printer is cycled for a character selection/print
operation, motion is transferred by the print shaft through Two levels of velocity may be selected on machines having
the print cam, a cam follower and the rocker assembly to the dual velocity feature. Alphanumeric characters receive
power the typehead toward the platen. the highest velocity while smaller characters such as
punctuation and symbols receive a lower velocity.

Copy Control



Control Lever

Ss Eg
~ Le Rocker

Print Cam
Print Cam

Carrier Assembly ||

Low Velocity

fi YS Ky

Key lever =e

Low Velocity
Cam Follower

Low Velocity (

Low Velocity

Figure 1 — Print Mechanism

PRINT = -133
The typehead is supported in front of the paper by a frame Drive to operate the print cam mechanism is supplied
called the carrier (Figure 2). Its purpose is to transport the through the print shaft (Figure 3). The print shaft extends
typehead and related mechanism along the writing line. The the width of the frame and is supported in a bearing at each
carrier assembly is supported in front by the print shaft and end. A gear at the left end of the print shaft meshes with an
a print sleeve. The print sleeve is keyed to the print shaft idler gear of the character selection mechanism. When the
and therefore turns whenever the print shaft is rotated. character selection mechanism is cycled, motion is trans-
Motion for a print operation is taken off the print sleeve. ferred through the idler gear and the print shaft gear to
rotate the print shaft top-to-rear. The print shaft is rotated
Due to print shaft flex, the front of the carrier needs addi- 360 degrees each cycle.
tional support. An anvil is located under the front of the
carrier (Figure 2). On level 2 (XX3 and XX5) machines, a The print cam is setscrewed to the print sleeve, which in
carrier pad contacts this anvil when flexing of the print turn is keyed to the print shaft. bi
shaft occurs. On level 1 machines, a buffer screw and a
buffer plate serve the same function. (Rear carrier support When the print shaft is rotated, motion is transferred
is covered in the Fine Alignment Section of this manual.) through the print sleeve to rotate the print cam. Print cam
motion is then’ transferred through the cam follower and
the impression control lever to pivot the rocker assembly
Print Shaft about the rocker shaft and power the typehead toward the

On level 2 print mechanisms, the print cam follower roller

may be positioned opposite either lobe of the print cam.
On machines without dual velocity, the print cam follower
roller will always be positioned opposite the high velocity
/ Carrier /
ae /:
Escapement cl

Rack s & Typehead

AG Impression

Print Sleeve
Anvil Bearing Rocker

Pad f
Print Shaft

Rocker Pivot
(Level 2) Shaft

Print Shaft
Escapement Rack

Print Cam

/ 5
Carrier / Print Cam
Follower Roller

(Level 2)

XC a

YY s hi Ci Print
Casting — : X \|/ 4a lf Shaft
Print Cam Cam
Buffer Screw or Buffer Follower
Anvil Plate
(Level 1)
(Level 1)
Figure 3 — Print Operation

Figure 2 — Front Carrier Support

The impression made by the typehead is determined by the Level 1 machines did not have the automatic velocity
velocity of the typehead upon impact with the paper. By control mechanism. The impression was a preset adjustment
increasing or decreasing the velocity of the typehead with and could not be changed by the operator (Figure 5).
the impression control lever, the impression for all
characters can be changed equally. The print cam is a double cam. Its function is to power the
typehead toward the platen and restore it to rest. A small
The impression control lever may be positioned by the camming surface on the right is the print cam and moves
operator to one of five different impression settings (Figure the typehead toward the platen. A larger camming surface
4). Changing the position of the impression control lever on the left is called the restoring cam. It restores the
causes a pin in the lower part of the lever to move to the typehead to rest and prevents it from rebounding.
front or to the rear of the print cam follower arm. The
front-to-rear position of the pin determines the amount of The camming surface of the print cam is designed so the
powered travel the typehead receives from the print cam typehead is powered within a few thousandths of an inch of
follower. This, plus the amount of free flight, determines the platen. Because the typehead is powered nearly all the
the velocity of the typehead upon impact with the paper. way to the platen, all the characters are forced to emboss
the paper slightly, even those with a large surface area, To
Powered flight is the distance the typehead is driven by the restrict the amount of free flight of the typehead so
print cam. Free flight is the amount of typehead movement embossing will be the same for all characters, a heavy arm
from the high point of the print cam to the platen. called the anvil striker is attached to the bottom of the
carrier and acts as a stop for the rocker. Just under the
front of the carrier and extending between the side frames
is an anvil. It is an angle-shaped bar with the lip extending
to the rear. As the typehead embosses the paper to the
Detent Plate correct depth, the striker hits the bottom of the anvil and
prevents further travel of the rocker and typehead. This
means that the impression for each character will be
Impression consistent with little variation between characters.
Control Lever
Typehead ;


Print Cam

Print Cam

= Pinin Sh Shown
Chee In Medium
Striker ‘\ Print Cam
Print Cam Follower
Stop Screw

Anvil can
Figure 4 — Impression Control Lever
(Level 2) (Right Side View)
Figure 5 — Print Mechanism (Level 1)

The quality of typed impression is determined to a large
extent by the condition of the platen. Platen rubber may be
adversely affected by numerous factors such as light, heat,
chemicals, etc. An old or worn platen may also vary slightly
in diameter.

The platen is supported by the carriage guide brackets and

held in position by the platen latches (Figure 6).

The platen may be removed by pressing the rear of the

latches down and lifting the platen out. It may be
reinstalled by snapping it into position without depressing
the latches; however, care must be taken-to prevent bending
the platen shaft. Also, releasing the feed roll tension will aid
in the reinstallation of the platen.


The copy control mechanism positions the platen
front-to-rear for different thicknesses of typing material.
The copy control mechanism is operated by a lever located
at the left end of the carriage (Figure 6). The lever is
attached to a shaft that extends through the sides of the
power frame. An eccentric collar attached to each end of
the shaft operates between platen adjusting plates attached
to the carriage end plate. As the lever is moved to the rear,
the shaft rotates, causing the eccentric collars to force the
carriage end plates to the rear. The platen and entire paper
feed mechanism moves with the carriage end plates. When
the copy control lever is pulled foward, the eccentric collars
contact the platen adjusting plates and force the carriage
forward into the normal position. The copy control lever
can be set in five different positions. A spring detent
attached to the power frame acts against a knob on the
copy control lever to hold it in place.

Lever —<—S Platen

a Latch

Guide Bracket

End Plate
Adjusting Eccentric
Plate Collar


Figure 6 — Platen & Copy Control Lever (Left Side View)

DUAL VELOCITY SELECTION If a high velocity character is selected at the keyboard, the
On machines with dual velocity, when a low velocity low velocity latch will remain at rest in the operating path
character is selected, a pull on the velocity control cable is of the stop on the cam follower. The cam follower is
produced to shift the roller to the low velocity lobe on the restricted from following the contour of the cam and no
print cam (Figure 7). A low velocity vane is mounted in the pull is felt on the velocity control cable. The print cam
keyboard in a position to be contacted by the selector follower roller remains to the right under the high velocity
interposer as it is driven forward by the filter shaft. lobe of the print cam and a high velocity print operation
Attached to the right end of the low velocity vane is the results.
low velocity vane bellcrank. Rotation of the vane and
bellcrank creates a pull on the link, causing the low velocity
latch to rotate counterclockwise about its mounting stud.
Low Velocity
As the latch rotates, it pivots out of the operating path of
the adjustable stop attached to the low velocity cam Low Velocity Cam
Cam Follower
follower. The low velocity cam follower is spring loaded
against the low velocity cam. With the low velocity latch
removed from its operating path, the cam follower will Latch Restoring
travel to the low dwell of the low velocity cam and create a Spring
pull on the velocity control cable.

Low Velocity
Latch 5

Low Velocity Operation

(Right Side View)

Low Velocity S>

Lobe as

Low Velocity
Selector Cam

7 Low Velocity
Cam Follower

Low Velocity
Vane |
Sa Velocity Control Cable


Low Velocity
Low Velocity
Vane Bellcrank

Figure 7 — Low Velocity Sequence

This is accomplished by using a print cam that has two PRINT CAM FOLLOWER STOP SCREW
different camming surfaces (Figure 8). The low and high On the level 2 print mechanism, the print cam follower and
points of both camming surfaces are identical. The only roller are held disengaged from the print cam by an
difference is in the contour between their low and high adjustable stop screw until the roller has shifted (Figure 9).
points. The contour of one camming surface has a more This prevents the print cam from interfering with the print
gradual rise and provides the typehead with a lower impact cam roller as it shifts from one lobe to the other.
velocity than the other. The difference in typehead
velocities produced by the two camming surfaces remains
proportional between all settings of the impression control Impression
lever. Control Lever

The print cam follower has a roller mounted on a pin and is

free to slide left-to-right to select the desired velocity lobe.
The camming surface or lobe on the print cam that
produces the greatest impact velocity is called the high
Print Cam
velocity lobe. This is the right-hand lobe on the print cam.
The left-hand lobe, producing less impact velocity, is called
the low velocity lobe.

The roller is positioned left-to-right under the desired cam

lobe by a roller yoke that straddles the roller. A lever,
called the yoke actuating lever, controls the lateral position
of the yoke and roller. It mounts on the tab cord anchor
bracket by a shouldered rivet. The yoke actuating lever is Cam
spring loaded at the rear and maintains the rest position of Follower Stop
the roller directly beneath the high velocity lobe of the Screw
print cam. Figure 9 — Print Cam Follower Stop Screw
(Right Side View)
A sheathed cable called the velocity control cable fastens to
the yoke actuating lever. Whenever a pull is produced on
the velocity control cable, the yoke actuating lever and
roller yoke will shift the print cam follower roller from the
high velocity lobe to the low velocity lobe of the print cam.
When the pull on the velocity control cable is relaxed, the
yoke actuating lever spring shifts the roller back to its
position beneath the high velocity lobe of the print cam. PRINT ADJUSTMENTS

Print yd Velocity
1. Copy Control Lever — With the multiple copy lever
Cam eae detented in the forward position, the high point of
Y Ana eR ~
the eccentric should be up. Loosen the multiple copy
f Print Cam
lever setscrews and rotate the shaft to satisfy this
Low Follower condition. The stop ears on the copy control detent
Velocity a spring should be formed to provide positive detenting
Lobe in the extreme front and rear positions of the lever.

Print Cam Forward

Follower Roller
Print Cam And Follower Roller Multiple Copy Lever Position
(Front View,)
: Roller Yoke Tab Cord
a or nchor
Yoke Actuating Lever Bracket
Multiple Copy
Lever Setscrews
Stop Ears

Copy Control

Yoke Actuating Eccentric Vertical

Velocity Lever Spring
Control a G)
Cable (Left Front View)
Print Cam
Follower Roller

Figure 8 — Yoke Actuating Lever And Spring

(Bottom View)
2. Platen Adjusting Plates — Adjust the eccentric Platen Position — To properly adjust the print
retaining plates front-to-rear on level 1 machines or mechanism, the correct position of the platen must
the copy control eccentric left-to-right on level 2 be established first and then the print adjustments
machines so there is no front-to-rear motion and no made relative to the platen position. With the copy
binds exist between the eccentric and the platen control lever forward and the print shaft keyway
adjusting plates on each side of the machine. down, loosen the platen eccentrics and move the
platen to the extreme rear and as low as possible.
Insert the platen gauge on the print shaft and
Retaining Plate
escapement rack at one extreme end of the machine.

a. Adjust the platen front-to-rear until the platen

just touches the platen gauge.

b. Adjust the platen height so that the platen

clears the gauge by .030.”’ Move the gauge to
the opposite end of the machine and repeat the
procedure. Check for a parallel condition by
sliding the gauge back to the beginning end.
With the gauge removed, the platen height
adjustment should now be refined to provide
even top and bottom color of printed char-
CAUTION: Any change in the front-to-rear
position of the platen necessitates a readjust-
ment of the velocity control plate and anvil on
early level machines. Also, any change in the
platen position may alter the paper feed adjust-
ments. All paper feed adjustments should be
checked and readjusted if necessary.

NOTE: On single pitch machines the rear of

the platen gauge must be held up against the
bottom of the escapement rack. On dual pitch
machines the platen gauge must be held down
against the escapement rail while making this

Touching Vertical

(Left Front View)

3. Platen Latches — Adjust the platen latch eccentrics,

with the high lobe down, so the platen is held firmly
in position vertically and horizontally. The latches
should latch and unlatch freely with the feed rolls Eccentric : 4
(Left Side View)

Touching With
Multiple Copy
Platen Latch
Control In Pos.


Platen Latch Eccentric Gauge Held Up Against

Gauge Held Down
Bottom Edge Of Escapement
(Left Side View) Rack
Against Escapement Rail
(Single Pitch) (Dual Pitch)
(Right Side View)

NOTE: Adjustments 5 through 8 are for level 1 machines 6. Anvil (Level 1) — Adjust the eccentric at each end of
only. the anvil to properly restrict the free flight of the
typehead. With one sheet of paper installed in the
5. Velocity Control Plate (Level 1) — The velocity machine, the period should just fail to print with the
control plate must be adjusted to satisfy the copy lever all the way back. With the copy lever
following two conditions. pulled forward one notch (second position), the
period should print lightly.
a. With the cam follower held lightly against the
low point of the print cam, the center of the NOTE: The restoring cam follower eccentric should
home character should clear the platen by be adjusted all the way up while the anvil is being set.
.260”’-.270”’. On 7X5 machines, the carrier buffers must also be
moved up out of the way of the anvil.
NOTE: The adjustments should be checked
with the ribbon removed. The .260”’-.270” can
be gauged with two or three tab cards plus the
No Period Copy Lever — 1
foot of the Hooverometer handle. Light Period Or Copy Lever — 2

Tab Cards

yh Platen
7X1 (7X3-7X5)

(Right Side View)

Restoring Cam
Eccentric Up
Follower Eccentric
Before Making |

(6,61-6,86mm) Print €am
(Hooverometer Follower
Velocity + 2 Or 3 Tab Cards)
Control Plate
(Right Side View)
(Right Side View)

b. With the cam follower held lightly against the

high point of the print cam, the home character
should clear the platen by .020’’-.030’’. Be sure 7. Carrier Buffers (Level 1 Only) (7X3-7X5) — The
the anvil does not restrict the rocker motion. buffer plate attached to the right side of the carrier
and an adjusting screw under the left side of the
carrier strike the top of the anvil to prevent the print
shaft from flexing downward. Each should have
.002”-.004” clearance with the top of the anvil.
Carrier Carrier & Buffer
Buffer Plate Adjusting Screw

Eccentric Up
Before Making
Slight Drag eae
On 3 Tab Cards
re Anvil Tay i
(7X3-7X5 ) (7X3-7X5) |
.002"'-.004"" .002"-.004"
(0,05-0,10mm) (0,05-0,10mm)

(Right Side View) (Right Side View) (Left Side View)

8. Print Cam Follower (Level 1) — The print cam 9. Yoke — Position the yoke rotationally under its
follower must be adjusted to satisfy the following mounting screws so the density of the left and right
conditions: sides of a printed character is uniform.

a. Print Cam Follower Stud — Adjust the pivot This adjustment will affect the tilt ring homing
stud left-to-right so the rubber roller on the adjustment, the typehead homing adjustment and
follower is centered on the surface of the skirt clearance. Be sure to check these adjustments
restoring cam. The stud is held in place in the after changing the position of the yoke.
carrier casting by a setscrew that is accessible
from the bottom of the machine.

Print Cam Sare

Yoke Even Print
Follower Pivot
“Side-T 0-Side”’



(Front View)

(Top View)
10. Carrier Shoe — Adjust the level 1 carrier shoe
eccentric mounting stud to obtain .001’-.004”
vertical play between the carrier shoes and the
b. Restoring Cam Follower Eccentric — With the escapement rack. The level 2 carriers equipped with
print cam follower at the high point of the cam the spring loaded carrier shoe should be adjusted for
and the platen removed, hold the typehead .001”-.005” of vertical movement with the spring
toward the rear until it is restricted by the anvil pressure removed. This adjustment should be checked
and striker. The roller should just touch the at several points along the escapement rack.
restoring cam. Adjust the eccentric, keeping the
high point forward, to satisfy this condition.
Mounting Stud
NOTE: If the roller is too close to the restoring Rack
cam, it may bind against the cam during print
shaft rotation. If too much clearance exists, the
typehead may not be restored as quickly as is
necessary and blurred characters may result. .001°"’-.004”
(0,03-0,10mm) Carrier Shoe
(Level 1 — Rear View)

Restoring Cam
Follower Eccentric Escapement

Carrier Shoe With Spring
Pressure Removed
(Level 2 — Rear View)
Level 3 Parallel — Loosen mounting screw on carrier
Print Cam
shoe. Press down firmly on rear of carrier, keeping
carrier shoe parallel with escapement rack, tighten
Aivil Striker Mounting , —_ \ Escapement Rack
Screw //
MMU UL aes Por |||/ —

(Right Side View)

Sy se He Carrier Shoe
(Level 3 — Rear View)
NOTE: On dual pitch machines ensure that the
escapement pawl is centered in the escapement rack
NOTE: Adjustments 11 through 21 are for dual impression If the roller track begins after point “‘A,”’ the roller
machines only. rests too far away from the low dwell of the print
cam and a loss of typehead velocity may result.
Il. Carrier Support — Adjust both ends of the carrier
support vertically to obtain
.001’’-.004” clearance
with the bottom of the carrier pad along the entire LON td

length of the writing line. The support is secured to

the machine power frame by a binding screw at each 2nd — Low Dwell

se Oy t
Grease 1st — Low Dwell

= | sn @ Point “"A”’
Roller Track
Carrier Pad Should Begin
.001""-.004"” Here
Carrier Support (0,03-0,10mm)

(Left Side View)

12. Print Cam Follower Stop Screw — Adjust the print

cam follower stop screw so the print cam follower
roller clears the print cam by .020” when the
machine is at rest. This clearance allows the roller to
shift from one lobe to the other without rubbing on
Stop Screw
the cam.
(Right Side View)
Print Cam
Follower Roller

Print Cam Follower

13. Velocity Control Cable Clamp — Adjust the cable
sheath left-to-right under the carrier clamp until the
Print end of the sheath is flush to .010” recessed with the
right-hand edge of the cable clamp. This adjustment
prevents the yoke actuating lever from choking off
against the cable sheath.

. .020"
Print Cam Follower
(0,51mm) .000"'-.010" ——+»}|——
Machine Stop Screw
At Rest
(Right Side View)
This adjustment may be checked by applying a light
film of grease on the print cam and then observing
the track that the roller makes in the grease when the
machine is hand cycled. If the stop screw has been
adjusted properly, the roller track in the grease
should begin at point “‘A”’ on the print cam. This is
just before the beginning of the rise on the print cam.

If the roller track begins before point ‘‘A,” the roller

is adjusted too close to the print cam when the Velocity Control |
machine is at rest. Improper roller-to-cam clearance Cable
may cause the roller to drag on the print cam as it
shifts during a low velocity selection. Thus, the roller
may fail to shift or shift improperly. Also, if the
Cable Clamp
roller is adjusted too close to the cam at rest, it may
receive a ski-jump effect from the print cam as it (Bottom View)
attempts to follow the print cam. This will create
excessive noise and wear along with an adverse effect
on typehead impact velocity.

14. Carrier Cable Deflector — Form the deflector to the 16. Velocity Control Keyboard Cable Clamp — Adjust
rear as far as possible without touching the power the cable sheath front-to-rear under the clamp so the
frame. print cam follower roller will shift onto the low
velocity lobe of the print cam by the width of the
roller plus .030’-.040” when a low velocity character
is half cycled. Moving the cable sheath to the rear will
produce more motion to the roller.

This adjustment should be checked by observing the

track of the roller in the grease on the print cam.

Print Cam Follower Roller (0,76-1,02mm)

Print Cam

Cable Deflector

Carrier Cable

Power Frame

(Left Side View) (Top View)

Keyboard Cable Clamp

15. Center Cable Clamp — Position the cable sheath

left-to-right within the center cable clamp so the bend
in the cable will just touch the machine left-hand side (Bottom View,
frame when the carrier is resting two spaces from the
extreme left-hand margin. This adjustment allows the
carrier to operate freely along the entire writing line
and allows the velocity control cable to operate with 17. Low Velocity Latch Link — With the machine at rest,
a minimum of flexing. the low velocity latch link should be adjusted to just
span the distance between the low velocity vane and
the low velocity latch. This adjustment ensures the
latch will take a full bite on the follower and there
Center Cable Clamp will be no lost motion in the system.
Just Touches

Align Pin & Hole

Low Velocity Latch Link

Carrier 2
Spaces From
Left Limit
Low Velocity
Vane Low Velocity
Carrier Low Velocity Cam
Side Frame

(Top View) (Right Side View)

18. Low Velocity Cam — When a low velocity character is 20. Powered Flight — With the machine latched at rest
slowly hand cycled, the low velocity latch should and the impression control lever set at position 4,
clear the adjusting stop on the cam follower by loosen the binding screw and move the detent plate
.008”-.01 2” just as the cam follower scribe mark lines front-to-rear until a clearance of .250” is obtained
up with the second scribe mark on the low velocity between the center of the letter ‘‘z” and the platen.
cam. Advance or retard the cam to satisfy this The foot of the Hooverometer may be used to
condition. measure the clearance.
CAUTION: The copy control lever must be
This adjustment can easily be made in the following positioned all the way forward when making
manner: adjustment No. 20 and No. 21.

a. With the machine at rest, loosen the low

velocity cam. Align the second scribe mark with Typehead Hooverometer
the scribe mark on the cam follower.

b. While holding the cam in position, hand cycle a Stick 4 Position

low velocity character until the latch clears the “O" Rotate, Rest
stop by .008’-.012”. Tighten the cam and Position
recheck this adjustment. Detent Plate

Low Velocity Character Second Scribe Mark

On High Point Cam

Impression Control Lever Binding Screw

(Right Side View)

Low Velocity

21. Free Flight — With the impression control lever set at

4, hand cycle the letter “‘z’’ until the machine is
resting on the high point of the print cam. Adjust the
-Low Velocity
eccentric on the impression control lever for .035”
Cam Follower
between the typehead and platen. Keep the high part
of the eccentric forward. The pusher end of a spring-
-008"'-.012”' hook may be used to measure this clearance.
(0,20-0,30mm) NOTE: Adjustment No. 20 and No. 21 directly
affect each other and must be adjusted alternately
(Right Side View) until both are correct.

19. Low Velocity Cam Follower Stop — With the cycle Platen
shaft latched at rest, adjust the low velocity cam
follower stop for .008”-.012” clearance with the low Impression Control Lever
velocity latch. Loosen the binding screw and rotate
the low velocity cam follower stop to satisfy this

Binding Screw

Low Velocity

Print Cam
(0,20-0,30mm) >,
ate Cycle Shaft Latched Impression Control
Low Velocity Cam Lever Eccentric
Follower Stop
(Right Side View)
(Right Side View)


The purpose of the paper feed and index mechanism is to The feed rolls mount in the front and rear feed roll arm
hold the paper firmly against the platen so that it will move assemblies. Each feed roll arm assembly pivots on a pivot
with the platen as it is indexed vertically. stud at the rear of the “‘A frame.” Heavy extension springs,
connected between the “A frame” and feed roll arm
The paper feed mechanism uses an “A frame” for support assemblies, supply constant tension on the feed rolls. There
and contains all the parts necessary to control paper feed. are several notches cut into the feed roll arm assemblies to
provide a means of adjusting the feed roll pressure.
The paper is held against the platen by the front and rear
feed roll assemblies located beneath the platen. Each feed
roll assembly contains three or four rubber rollers equally
spaced along the feed roll shaft and molded to the shaft.


Paper Bail

\ Page End




Feed Rolls °

Cardholder K

Feed Roll S 3
Arm SS
SS ae
pe J

Carrier Return I 3/) Line Position

Index Cam —————_>| |, Reset Lever

Cam Follower

Figure 1 — Paper Feed And Index


LEVEL 1 PAPER FEED Feed Roll Extension
On level 1 paper feed assemblies, a carriage tie rod supports Tension Arm Spring Paper Feed
the paper feed mechanism. The paper feed mounting arms Carriage
Mounting Arm
attached to the carriage tie rod support the feed roll arm Tie Rod Feed Roll
Release Lever
assemblies and the feed roll actuating shaft. The feed rolls
mount in the front and rear feed roll arm assemblies. The
front feed roll arms pivot on the feed roll actuating shaft.
Also pivoting on the feed roll actuating shaft is a feed roll
tension arm. There are several holes in the upper extension
of the feed roll tension arm. Heavy extension springs are Feed Rolls oes
connected between the carriage tie rod and one of the holes
to provide a means of adjusting the feed roll pressure
) @
(Figure 2).
Front Feed
Roll Arm Rear Feed fe
Roll Arm Feed Roll
Actuating Shaft Feed Roll
‘Release Arm

Figure 2 — Paper Feed (Level 1)

(Released Position)
As the paper is inserted into the machine, an adjustable the horizontal line indicates the bottom of the writing line.
paper guide, mounted on the center cover at the rear of the A single mark, located at the top of the cardholder, indi-
platen, serves to position the paper for its left margin cates the middle of the next character to be typed.
position (Figure 3). The paper deflector guides the paper
between the rear feed roll and the platen. As the platen is Above the writing line the paper is engaged by three rubber
turned, the paper is forced to move with the platen. The rollers mounted on the paper bail (Figure 3). These rollers
deflector guides the paper around the platen into position hold the paper against the platen above the writing line to
between the front feed roll and the platen. As the paper is reduce the possibility of overprinting on the paper. The
fed farther, the end of the paper is guided upward by the rollers are also used to feed the paper vertically after the
cardholder attached to the rear of the carrier. bottom of the paper has left the front feed rolls.

The cardholder assists in holding the typing material against The paper bail is supported by a lever at each end and
the platen in the printing area. A scale on each side of the pivots front-to-rear. A hairpin spring attached to each bail
cardholder aids the typist in reinserting material into the lever serves as a toggle to hold the bail rolls either to the
machine to a specific printing point. The vertical marks on rear against the platen or forward in the release position.
the scale indicate the middle of the character space and
Paper Guide
Bail Roller Cover


Paper Bail
Lever * Platen


“\ IS


Feed Rolls

Figure 3 — Paper Feed =

The pressure of the feed rolls can be released from the The index mechanism operates to line space the paper
platen to allow the operator to position the paper more vertically. An index operation can be obtained by
accurately and to allow easier insertion and removal of the depressing either the carrier return keylever or the index
paper (Figure 4). Paper release is accomplished by pulling keylever. Depressing the carrier return keylever also causes
forward on the paper release lever located at the right end the carrier to move to the left margin, whereas depressing
of the machine. The front of the paper release lever cams the index keylever causes only an index operation. The
the feed roll release arm forward to rotate the feed roll index selector lever may be positioned so the mechanism
actuating shaft. The feed roll release levers are clamped to will line space either one or two lines during each
the feed roll actuating shaft and has a lug resting on each operation. With the lever in the forward position, single line
feed roll tension arm. As the shaft rotates, the feed roll spacing will occur. The mechanism will double line space if
release levers rotate the feed roll tension arms, moving the the lever is to the rear. Indexing is achieved by a pawl
feed rolls away from the platen. When the paper release which engages and rotates a ratchet on the right end of the
lever has been pulled all the way forward, the end of the platen (Figure 6). The ratchet is locked to the platen so the
feed roll release arm detents to hold the feed roll release platen will rotate also.
lever in the released position.
Motion to operate the index mechanism is supplied through
Feed Roll the carrier return/index cam. Motion is then transferred
Release Lever through the cam follower.

From the cam follower, motion is tranferred through the

multiplying lever and the index link. The rear of the
multiplying lever is always in contact with the multiplying
lever stop which is attached to the power frame. The index
link will receive the same amount of motion each time the
cam operates, regardless of the position of the index
selector lever.

Feed Roll
Actuating Shaft
Feed Roll Here Index
Release Arm
Figure 4 — Paper Release Mechanism Carrier Selector
(Released Position) Platen
Paper release is accomplished by pulling forward on the Selector
paper release lever located at the right end of the machine Platen
(Figure 5). The front of the paper release lever cams the
feed roll release arm forward to rotate the feed roll
actuating shaft. The feed roll release levers are clamped to
the feed roll actuating shaft and rest behind a lug on each
Platen wii A
feed roll tension arm. As the shaft rotates, the feed ,roll Ratchet Detent
release levers rotate the feed roll tension arms and the front
feed roll arms down, away from the platen. Due to the
interconnection between the front feed roll arm and the
rear feed roll arm, the rear feed roll arms are forced away
from the platen. When the paper release lever has been
pulled all the way forward, the end of the feed roll release Cam Follower
arm detents to hold the feed roll release lever in the
released position.
Feed Roll
Tension Arm

Feed Roll
Release Lever
Paper Release Lever Sto
Lever Carrier Return Pp
Index Cam Multiplying
,ih, Was Lethe
Dy Detent Index Lever

Feed Rolls NY ~ S ky“a

| Notch Link

Ge -
y> 3 a

Rear Feed =e LSS cc y @

Roll Arm NG Feet 6 cS Figure 6 — Index Operation
ft SS

Front Feed Feed Roll

Roll Arm Feed Roll Release Arm
Actuating Shaft

Figure 5 — Paper Release

(Released Position)
The index pawl entry into the platen ratchet is controlled The index pawl is designed with an elongated pivot hole so
by the selector cam located on the index lever (Figure 7). that it “floats” forward during a portion of the index
The selector cam has two steps at the forward end, in a stroke (Figure 9). As the index mechanism operates, the
position to contact the rear of the index pawl. The index pawl engages the ratchet tooth. There is a slight delay until
pawl is spring loaded toward the ratchet. the pawl carrier reaches the end of the elongated slot in the
index pawl. Because the pawl carrier is operated so sharply,
The selector cam is held in the single or double space the platen is caused to move ahead of the index stroke.
position by a toggle hairpin spring. The selector cam Without the elongated hole in the index pawl, the platen
movement is restricted by two extensions at the bottom of ratchet would reach the final position ahead of the index
the lever that contact the hairpin spring mounting stud. pawl. This is prevented by the pawl moving with it and
reaching the overthrow stop at the same time the platen
In the double line space position, the index pawl is allowed reaches the final position. The pawl is then able to wedge
to enter the platen ratchet immediately. The index pawl into the ratchet and block any further rotation caused by
then rotates the ratchet two spaces until the pawl contacts the momentum of the platen.
the platen overthrow stop. The platen overthrow stop
wedges the pawl into the ratchet tooth to prevent further
Pawl Carrier Platen
rotation of the platen. The platen detent roller is spring Ratchet
loaded into the ratchet teeth. During an index operation, Selector
the platen detent roller is cammed into the next tooth of Cam
the platen ratchet to maintain platen position.

Index Selector
Index Pawl
nee Selector Platen
Hairpin ee Ratchet
Spring \ |
Stud Platen
Detent Elongated Overthrow Stop
Hole Index Pawl

Figure 9 — Index Pawl Operation (Left Side View)

(Double Space Position)
Extension - Mounting Pail Platen Overthrow
Stud Stop
Figure 7 — Index Selection Mechanism The 54-tooth index mechanism operates basically the same
(Double Space Position — Left Side View) as the mechanism just described. However, there are three
positions for the index lever (Figure 10). The selector cam
has an elongated hole with three detent positions on the
lower side. An adjustable stud mounted on the index
If only a single space operation is desired, the index pawl
bracket detents the selector cam to control index pawl
must be prevented from entering the ratchet until it has
entry into the platen ratchet. This permits feeding two,
passed one tooth of the ratchet.
three or four ratchet teeth to index the platen a space,
With the index selector lever forward, the index pawl space and a half and two spaces.
maintains contact with the linespace cam lever longer,
which delays the entry of the pawl into the platen ratchet
(Figure 8). The remaining travel after the index pawl enters Stud
the ratchet is only sufficient to cause one tooth of rotation Index
Platen even
to the platen. Ratchet eo
Index Selector Platen
Was Ratchet
index Pawl
Platen {) |
\ @) vO ae row
Oe |


fee CEPA er Platen


= 0 = . Overthrow Stop
Index Bracket
Index Pawl

Selector Hairpin Index Pawl

Cam Spring

Figure 8 — Index Selection Mechanism

(Single Space Position — Left Side View) Figure 10 — Half Line Spacing (Right Side View)
(One And A Half Space Position)

PLATEN VARIABLE The left side of the platen ratchet contains two pins that fit
The platen variable mechanism provides the operator with a into holes in the platen driver. The platen driver operates
means of rotating the platen to a position other than the left-to-right and always turns with the ratchet. A
normal writing line (Figure 11). The platen variable is used compression spring between the ratchet and the driver loads
for typing permanently above or below the writing line or the driver to the left so the serrations on the outer surface
locating the writing line after reinserting the paper. The of the driver mesh with matching serrations inside the
platen ratchet must remain stationary when selecting a new platen end plug. The meshing of the serrations causes the
writing line so that the detent roller will be seated between platen, the driver and the ratchet to be locked together and
the two teeth of the ratchet at the new position. A clutch turn as a unit.
mechanism connects the ratchet to the platen so that it can
be engaged for line spacing and disengaged by pushing the
left-hand platen knob toward the right. As long as the PAGE END INDICATOR
platen knob is held to the right, the platen can be rotated The page end indicator (Figure 11) located on the
freely while the ratchet remains stationary. When the knob right-hand platen knob allows the operator to judge the
is released, the clutch is automatically reengaged by spring typed distance down the page. It is calibrated in half inches.
tension, The operator must align the top edge of the paper with the
writing line on the cardholder. For a standard size sheet of
When the driver is disengaged from the platen end plug, the paper, the operator must rotate the indicator until position
platen can be turned to the desired position. The driver can 2 is in line with the horizontal mark on the top of the
then engage different serrations and lock the platen in the typewriter adjacent to the right platen knob. When using
new position. The left-hand platen knob is mounted to a other than standard 11” paper, the operator may locate the
shaft that slides left-to-right inside the platen. A light indicator setting from the page indicator chart in her
compression spring holds the shaft toward the right to operator manual.
prevent free play. The shaft pushes against the platen
driver. Movement of the platen knob toward the right is
transferred to the driver to disengage it from the platen end

Page End Indicator

Platen Knob

Compression Spring

Platen (‘Selectric 2)

Platen End Plug

~ 4

Driver (Serrations)



Page End Indicator

Figure 11 — Platen Variable And Page End Indicator

(‘‘Selectric” II)
LINE POSITION RESET LEVER 2. Feed Roll Tension (Tie Rod Only) — Place the feed
The line position reset lever mechanism (Figure 12) located roll tension springs in the hole of the feed roll arms
on the right end of the platen permits the operator to leave that will provide proper tension measured at the front
a typewritten line and return again. When the lever is feed roll pivot points. The 7X1 machines should be
moved forward, the ratchet detent is cammed away from adjusted for 3 pounds of tension and the 7X3-7X5
engagement with the platen ratchet. The platen is then free machines should be adjusted for 2-2 1/2 pounds
to turn without. being detented. Once the operator has tension.
made the insertion or correction, she must return the platen
to the approximate typing line and return the lever to its
Feed Roll
home position. This relocates the typing line by allowing
the ratchet detent to engage the platen ratchet.
Feed Roll

Line Position

Platen Ratchet

48 Oz. 7X1 (3 Ib.) ai “¢

32-40 Oz. 7X5 (2-2 1/2. |b.)
(907 ,20-1134,00 Gram)

(Right Side View)

i Feed Roll Tension (“A Frame’’) — Place the feed roll
Platen tension springs in the notch that will provide 2-2-1/2
pounds tension when measured at the front feed roll

Scale 32-40 oz. (2-2'1/2 Ib.)

Figure 12 — Line Position Reset Lever 1134,00 gram
“Selectric” IT


NOTE: The platen position must be correct before any

paper feed adjustments are attempted (see Print Section).
Front Feed Roll Pivots
1. Paper Feed Support (Tie Rod Only) — With the feed
roll tension springs disconnected, the center support (Right Side View)
bracket should be positioned so that the forward lug
just touches the underside of the feed roll actuating
shaft while the rear lug just touches the top of the Feed Roll End Play (Tie Rod Only) — The right front
carriage tie rod. The center support bracket should feed roll arm assembly on the 7X1 and the left and
not bow the copy control shaft. right front feed roll arm assemblies on the 7X5
should be adjusted by moving the grip clips on the
feed roll actuating shaft to permit the feed rollers to
Carri Touches
ee Feed Roll Shaft have .010”-.015” side play.


ox.GS =

Front Feed Roll

Arm Assembly

Tension Spring
Center Support
Bracket Front Feed .010"-.015”
Roll =a =. (0;25-0:'38mm)

(Left Rear View) (Top View)

4. Feed Roll Arms (Level 1 & 2) — 5. Paper Release — Adjust the feed roll release levers
front-to-rear to obtain .055’’-.065” clearance between
a Adjust the feed roll arms to obtain .008”’-.012” the rear feed rollers and the platen when the feed
clearance between the front feed rolls and the rollers are released.
platen when three tab cards are inserted
between the rear feed rolls and the platen. Excessive clearance can cause interference between
the front feed roll and the carrier, whereas
3 IBM Cards insufficient clearance will not permit straightening of
thick paper packs.
055""-,065" ye
(1,40-1,65mm) —”
RS] ; (0,20-0,30mm)

(Level 1 — Left Side View)

Feed Roll
b. Adjust the front feed roll arms vertically to
Rear Feed Roll Release Lever
obtain a slight clearance between the rear feed
rollers and the platen when two tab cards are
(Tie Rod — Left Side View)
between the front feed rollers and the platen.
With one tab card between the front feed pistsn .055"-.065”
rollers and the platen, the rear feed rollers (1,40-1,65mm)
should have a slight drag on the platen. \ 4
An easy method to make this adjustment is as
follows: Remove the paper deflector and insert Rear Feed
> + SAO
three tab cards between the rear feed rollers
and the platen. Loosen the adjusting screw. a TaN
While pressing the front feed roll arm toward : —- CTS: ©
the platen, tighten the adjusting screw. Do the
same for the opposite end. Then check for the Feed Roll Release Lever
above adjustment. The. feed roll release arms
must not restrict the feed roll arms. (“A Frame” — Right Side View)
2 Cards Clearance
1 Card Touch 6. Deflector — Form the deflector supporting tabs on
the front and rear feed roll arms to obtain a clearance
of .010’-.020” between the deflector and the platen.
Three tab cards inserted between the platen and the
deflector, at the front and rear, should provide a
slight drag. No drag should be felt when one tab card
is inserted.
is send .010"-.020""
Co mm)
Feed Roll
Release Arm Front Feed Roll Arm
Adjusting Screw

(Level 2 — Left Side View)

Feed Roll Arms (“A Frame” Only) — Adjust the feed

roll arms front-to-rear so a clearance of .001”’-.003”’ Deflector
exists between the rear feed roll and the platen with
Supporting Tabs~
five tab cards (.035’’-.037’’) between the platen and
all the front feed rolls. With the cards removed, there (Level 1 — Right Side View)
should be no clearance.
5 Tab Cards -001""-.003"
f (0,03-0,08mm) (0,25-0,51mm)


Front Feed Roll Platen Supporting Tabs

(Level 3 — Right Side View) (Level 2)

(“A Frame” — Right Side View)
7. Paper Bail — Adjust the grip clip on the paper bail Removable Print Shield — \f installed, form the shield
pivot shaft to obtain .002’-.006” end play of th actuating lever to satisfy the following conditions:
paper bail arm. .
a. So the shield is against the platen when the
lever is in the rear, latched position.

b. The print shield should rest against the element

with the shield actuating lever in the forward or
typing position. Crease the shield at the bottom
if necessary to obtain this condition.
Paper Bail Arm
When the load lever of the film ribbon mechanism is
activated, the shield will automatically be positioned
to the rear. The ribbon must be installed between the
shield and the typehead.

When the cardholder is adjusted for proper

registration, the shield will be in the correct position.
As an adjustment check, type an upper case ‘“‘T,”
backspace and type an underscore. The ‘“‘T”’ should
pee 002"'-.006” be in the center and the underscore approximately
—>||<——__——- (0,05-0,15mm) .020” from the bottom of the hole.

NOTE: All operational control adjustments must be

correct before attempting to make the following
index adjustments.
Se) Cardholder — Adjust the cardholder brackets
front-to-rear to obtain .005”-.015” clearance with the
platen. The vertical adjustment should be such that
the horizontal line is parallel and .002”-.005” below
the feet of the typed characters when viewed from
the operator’s position. Adjust the cardholder
left-to-right so the point of the letter ‘“‘v” will align
with the vertical lines on the cardholder. Print Shield

Xx oe 5"

Shield Actuating Lever

Lever Forward

Platen (Left Side View)

(Right Side View)


10. Switch Bracket — Adjust the switch bracket left or right 13. Index Selector Cam 27-Tooth Ratchet ~ With the
to ensure that the lower index link does not bind in the index lever in the double space position, press down
slot in the index transfer bellcrank. on the index link until the index pawl is just
bottomed in a ratchet tooth. Adjust the index
selector cam so a clearance of .010’-.040” can be
observed between the working surface of the selector
cam and the rear tip of the index pawl.
With the index lever in the single space position,
adjust the selector cam vertically so the index pawl is
Lower Index Link centered on the cam surface.

Index Transfer These adjustments must be considered together and

Bellcrank refined until both are correct.
Cam At Rest
Double Space Position
Index Pawl Manually Activated

Switch Bracket 010’-.040”

(Right Side View) eee (025-1 82mm}

11. Multiplying Lever Stop — Adjust the multiplying

lever stop front-to-rear to produce 3/8’ motion to
the index link when the carrier return index cam is
operated to its high point (platen removed).
Just Bottomed
3/8"’ Motion 2 a

oe males
Index Selector Cam Index Pawl

(Left Side View)

Cam At Rest
Single Space Position

Index Link

Multiplying Lever Stop

Ss ndex Pawl

Paw! Centered

(Right Side View) (Left Side View)

12. Index Transfer Bellcrank Stop Lug (Rotary Index Selector Cam 54-Tooth Ratchet — With the
Backspace Only) — Form the index transfer bellcrank index lever in double space, press down on the index
stop lug for a .001”-.010” clearance between the stud link until the index pawl is just bottomed in a ratchet
on the lower index link and the lower horizontal edge tooth. Adjust the index selector cam so a clearance of
of the slot in the index transfer bellcrank. This will .005”-.030” can be observed between the working
ensure that the lower index link stud reliably restores surface of the selector cam and the rear tip of the
to the front of the slot after a backspace operation. index pawl.
.001""-.010" Sid
Index Transfer
Bellcrank .005"’-.030”


Lower Index Link

Just Bottomed
(Right Side View)
(Left Side View)
14. Index Link — As a preliminary step, loosen the platen NOTE: The following adjustments are for early level
overthrow stop and move it to the front of the machines only.
machine. With the platen installed and the feed rolls
engaged, hold the detent roller disengaged from the 16. Index Link And Index Stud (Level 1) — As a
platen ratchet. Manually cycle a double line space preliminary setting, position the index link stud in
operation. At the end of the cycle, allow the detent the middle of the slot in the pawl carrier. Subsequent
roller to reenter the platen ratchet. If the index link is adjustments may require that the position be altered
properly adjusted, the detent roller will seat between slightly. With the index selection lever in the single
the two ratchet teeth without causing any rotational line space position and the carrier return/index cam
movement to the platen. Adjust the index link clevis latched at rest, insert four tab cards between the
to obtain this condition. carrier return cam and the cam follower. Adjust the
index link so the index pawl isbottomed in the
ratchet against the tooth.
Ratchet Adjust For 2T
Motion Of Platen With the carrier return index cam on the high point,
adjust the index stud front-to-rear to obtain one full
tooth of motion from the index pawl after it starts to
Overthrow Stop drive the platen. The upper index pawl stop must
allow the index pawl to bottom in the ratchet.

NOTE: Adjustment of the index link and index link

stud must be considered together. Make these
adjustments alternately until both are correct.

Detent Roller Index Link

(Right Side View)

Just In
A Tooth

LD; Platen Overthrow Stop — Adjust the platen

overthrow stop front-to-rear to obtain a clearance of
005” between the index pawl and the platen
overthrow stop with the index cam rotated to its high

Ratchet Cam On High

Carrier Return/Index Cam
Index Link

Index Pawl

Index Link Stud

Adjust For 1T
Motion Of Platen

(Right Side View) (Right Side View)

17. Upper Index Pawl Stop (Level 1) — With the index 19. Platen Overthrow Stop (Level 1) — Adjust the platen
cam latched at rest, adjust the upper index pawl stop overthrow stop front-to-rear to obtain a clearance of
to obtain .015”-.030” clearance between the index .005” between the index pawl and the platen
pawl and the platen ratchet. overthrow stop with the index cam rotated to its high
Upper Index Paw! Stop
Overthrow Index Paw

Index Link Stud


Index Pawl
(Left Side View)

(Right Side View)

18. Multiplying Control Lever (Level 1) — Position the
multiplying control lever stop front-to-rear so the
elongated hole is centered on its mounting stud. This
is a preliminary adjustment and may need to be
changed slightly.

Adjust the multiplying control lever vertically to just

clear the bottom edge of the multiplying lever with 20. Index Selection Lever — Adjust the index selection
the carrier return index cam at rest. Keep the high lever link so that the index selection lever aligns with
point of the eccentric toward the front of the the double mark on the case when the lever is in
machine. double space space position.

Adjust the multiplying control lever stop front-to-rear

to obtain two full teeth of motion from the index Marks On Case
pawl after it begins to drive the platen. Be sure that
the index motion is not choked off with the platen
overthrow stop.

Index Pawl

Overthrow Stop

Index Selection Lever

Multiplying Control Lever Stop

Just Clears — Changing

1-To-2 Position — Cam At Rest

@ Multiplying Lever

Index Selection Lever Link

Carrier Return/Index Cam Multiplying

Control! Lever
(Right Side View)
(Right Side View)
A ribbon feed roller is mounted to the top of the feed and To maintain a stable ribbon tracking characteristic from the
lift wheel and is held secure by a left-hand threaded screw supply spool to the feed and pressure rollers, the ribbon
(Figure 4), The feed roller rotates clockwise each time the must be kept slightly taut throughout the ribbon path, Any
feed and lift wheel is rotated. The used ribbon passes slack in the system will affect the tracking of the ribbon.
around the feed roller just prior to winding onto the take- The ribbon is kept taut by means of a shock spring and
up spool, A pressure roller holds the ribbon against the detent. As the ribbon is pulled through by the feed roller,
feed roller so that the amount of rotation of the feed roller the supply spool detent, located on the front of the shock
will govern how much ribbon is fed on each cycle. spring, releases the supply spool to allow the ribbon to feed
(Figure 6).
Ribbon Feed Roller Supply Spool
Pressure Roller Detent
Shock Spring

Figure 6 — Shock Spring And Detent

Ribbon Feed And LH Thread
Lift Wheel Screw
To obtain the desired number of characters per spool of
ribbon, a 9/16” wide ribbon is used. By varying the ribbon
Figure 4 — Ribbon Feed Roller lift position for each character, a greater number of charac-
ters can be typed on a given length of ribbon.

RIBBON TAKE-UP The ribbon lift Mechanism consists of a ribbon lift cam, a
Once the ribbon leaves the feed roller, the used ribbon is
cam follower, a control mechanism, and the ribbon lift
wound onto the transparent take-up spool. The take-up
guide assembly. The lift mechanism is mounted to the
spool receives its motion from the feed mechanism by a
carrier and moves with it. The ribbon lift cam is a single
friction type spring drive system (Figure 5).
lobe cam that is setscrewed to the left-hand side of the
print sleeve. Each time a print cycle occurs the cam makes
A drive pulley located directly below the feed roller rotates
one complete revolution (Figure 7).
with the feed roller during a ribbon feed operation. This
drive pulley supplies the motion to the take-up pulley The ribbon lift cam follower pivots on the carrier assembly
through a drive spring. The take-up pulley, driven by the above and to the rear of the cam, Each revolution of the
drive spring, rotates about the take-up spool pivot stud and cam raises the cam follower. The end of the ribbon lift
is held in place by a ‘“‘C” clip. The shape of the belt groove control link fits into an elongated slot in the cam follower.
in the take-up pulley is designed slightly different from that The ribbon lift guide rests on the control link and pivots at
of the drive pulley. This is to permit all of the necessary the front of the carrier casting. As the cam follower is
slippage of the drive spring to occur at the take-up pulley raised, the control link forces the ribbon lift guide assembly
and not at the drive pulley. This slippage is necessary to to pivot at the front and raise the rear of the assembly. A
ensure the take-up spool will wind all of the ribbon. Two flat link from each side of the ribbon lift guide attaches to
hooked lugs on the top face of the take-up pulley project two pins at the front of the carrier to maintain the ribbon
into corresponding slots in the bottom of the transparent lift guide in a vertical position (Figure 7).
take-up spool. These lugs provide a locking connection
between the take-up pulley and the disposable take-up
spool. Cam Follower a 2
Pivot Lift Guides
Supply Shock Drive
Spool Spring Pulley
Ue aimas
= ‘GS; Take-Up Spool Lift Cam
Supply Spool FA ys < Pivot Stud Follower
Detent oo
/ q :


Ne ”

Lift . \
Control 3 Ne Guide
Link ‘y eg rms
Ribbon Feed e Flat Link
Roller oR me
Drive Hooked Ribboniluinicamt | Lift Guide Pivots
Spring Lugs
Figure 7 — Ribbon Lift Mechanism
Figure 5 — Take-Up Spool Drive

The four lift positions obtained by moving the control link Lift Control Link ir ieee Gtr ee
are designated by “A”, “B”, “C” and “‘D” (Figure 8A),

Positions “A” and “C”’ are low lift positions while “B” and bet ae Guide Assembly
“Dp” are high lift positions, These four lift positions occur i!

in a definite order during a typing operation, It takes four },

print operations to complete a lift cycle, which is from “A”

to “B” to “C” to “D.” On the fifth print operation, the lift
cycle begins all over again with lift position ‘‘A.’’ Changing
the location of the lift control link in the slot of the cam
follower produces these lift positions.

Cam Follower AS
Lift Cam

Figure 8C — Ribbon Lift Positions

(Right Side View)


The motion produced by the camming lobes on the ribbon

feed and lift wheel is transmitted to the lift control link by
| the ribbon lift control lever. The lift control lever is mount-
ed to the front of the carrier by a shouldered screw and is
| yee.
Lift Guide
spring loaded against the camming lobes of the feed and lift
wheel. During the early portion of a print cycle, the feed
and lift wheel tends to rotate backwards with the feed
pawl. This happens because the feed pawl is cammed out of
the feed window as it travels toward the rear of the ma-
chine. To prevent the feed and lift wheel froin rotating
backwards, the ribbon lift control lever serves to detent the
Figure 8A — Typed Sample feed and lift wheel. This is accomplished by a detent notch
cut on the high lobes of the ribbon feed and lift wheel
(Figure 9).

The selected ribbon lift position for each print operation is

always established by the ribbon feed operation from the
previous print cycle. This is because the rotation of the feed
and lift wheel does not occur until after the typehead has
The different lift positions are determined by the ribbon
feed and lift wheel. The camming lobes on the perimeter of
the wheel govern the position of the lift control link during Feed & Lift Feed
each ribbon feed operation. These lobes which correspond Wheel Pawl
to each feed window produce the four lift positions in a
consecutive order as the wheel rotates 1/16 of a turn for Lift Cam Follower
each ribbon feed operation (Figures 8B & 8C).
soe ~

Low Lift A Detent

a Notch

Medium High


Medium Low
Lift C
Lift Control Lift Control
: Feed Windows Link Lever
High Lift D

Figure 9 — Lift Control Lever

Figure 8B — Ribbon Feed And Lift Wheel

(Top View)

Whenever the machine is used for typing stencils, the rib- When the operator desires to change the ribbon, she begins
bon feed and lift operation must be locked out. This is by pushing the load lever to the rear into its load position.
accomplished by pushing the stencil lever, located on the This causes the ribbon lift guide assembly to rise above the
front on the carrier, to the rear (Figure 10). typehead so the ribbon may be easily threaded through the
guides. Latching the load lever in its load position causes
The lockout of the feed mechanism is achieved through a the lower extension of the load lever to contact an exten-
lug on the stencil lever. In the stencil position, the lug sion on the lift guide assembly and cam it upward. At the
pivots to the right into the path of the upright lug of the same-time, an extension on the pressure roller lever is con-
feed pawl. Ribbon feed is interrupted because the feed pawl tacted by the upper portion of the load lever and pivots the
is not allowed to move to the rear and drop into the next pressure roller away from the feed roller, The operator may
feed window. now install a ribbon with no obstructions (Figure 11).

Lockout of the lift operation is achieved by a camming

surface on the left end of the stencil lever. As the lever is Lift Guide
pushed into the stencil position, the lift control is cammed Assembly
away from the feed and lift wheel. This causes the control
link to move to the rear of the slot in the cam follower Feed
where no lift motion will be produced to the ribbon lift Roller
guide assembly. The stencil lever must be pulled forward to
restore ribbon feed and lift. Fulerum
Pressure Wire i

Camming Ribbon Lift Lift Cam

Surface Control Link Follower

Pressure s
Roller Ri
Stencil ibbon Load
Lever Lever
Stencil Lever Figure 11 — Ribbon Load Position
Lift Control Lug
Feed NOTE: Lower extension of right-hand ribbon plate mount-
Pawl Window
ing screw is used to lock load lever latched in load position.

Figure 10 — Stencil Lockout

The Level | film ribbon mechanism differs slightly from the
mechanism just described. A supply drag lever is in contact
with the ribbon supply spool (Figure 12).

Shock Spring
Feed Plate

Supply Spool

Supply Drag Lever

Figure 12 — Supply Drag (Level 1)

During a feed operation the supply spool brake is mechani- In the stencil position, the feed pawl shield is rotated
cally disengaged by the ribbon lift mechanism (Figure 13). beneath the feed pawl to prevent the feed pawl from oper-
The upper extension of the lift guide plate contacts the ating in the feed windows (Figure 15), Lockout of the lift
brake actuating lever when the lift guide is in the raised mechanism is achieved in the same manner as the present
position, As the brake actuating lever pivots about its pivot mechanism, However, the parts design is slightly different.
point, it cams the supply spool brake out of engagement
with the supply spool.
Feed Pawl

Cam Follower

Control Link

Supply Spool Supply Spool Brake

Lift Control

Feed Pawl Shield

Stencil Lever
(Stencil Position)
Feed Windows

Lift Guide Plate Figure 15 — Stencil Lockout (Level 1)


Brake Actuating Lever

Figure 13 — Ribbon Shock Spring And The ribbon load operation is initiated by a ribbon load bail
(Figure 16). A link is connected between the ribbon load
Brake Actuating Lever (Level 1)
bail and the load lever. The load lever raises the lift guide
assembly in the same manner as the current load lever.

To prevent the ribbon feed and lift wheel from rotating

backward during a feed operation, a detent spring rides in Load Lever
the feed windows of the ribbon feed and lift wheel (Figure

Feed Window Lift Guide Assembly

Detent Spring

Ribbon Load Bail

(Load Position)

Feed and Lift Wheel


Figure 14 — Feed & Lift Wheel Detent Spring (Level 1) Figure 16 — Ribbon Load Operation (Level 1)

An adjustable pressure roller release arm is attached to the By Ribbon Feed Cam Follower Bracket — With the
load lever to release the pressure roller in the load position nylon carrier pad against the carrier casting, the rib-
(Figure 17). The pressure roller release arm pushes against bon feed cam follower bracket should be centered
the pressure roller lever, As the pressure roller lever pivots left to right in its mounting hole. Keep the bottom of
away from the feed roller, it also cams the supply drag lever the bracket parallel to the carrier pad.
away from the supply spool. Thus, all obstructions are
removed to permit the operator to install a new ribbon,

Pressure Roller Lever Supply


Supply Drag LEVET pe ee ae Roller

iA Release Arm

Ribbon Feed
Cam Follower

Nylon Carrier Pad

{ Rear View)

Load Lever

Figure 17 — Pressure Roller Release (Level 1)

(Right Side View)
3. Ribbon Plate — Adjust the ribbon plate left to right
so the ribbon feed pawl is centered in the operating
slot. The ribbon feed pawl must move freely front to
rear in its slot.

Ribbon Feed Pawl



1. Ribbon Lift Cam — Adjust the ribbon lift cam so the

slot on the print sleeve lines up with the dimple on
the ribbon lift cam.

Ribbon Plate


Ribbon Lift Cam Print Sleeve

(Right Side View)

4 Ribbon Feed Cam Follower Stud (Level 2) — Hand Sp Ribbon Feed and Lift Wheel Detent Spring (Level ]
cycle the machine and observe the lift control lever Only) — Hand cycle the machine and observe the
stud as it moves from the low point to the high point ribbon feed and lift wheel detent spring as the ribbon
on the ribbon feed and lift wheel. Adjust the ribbon lift control lever roller moves from the low point to
feed cam follower eccentric stud so the ribbon lift the high point on the ribbon feed and lift wheel. The
control lever stud overthrows the detent notch in the ribbon feed and lift wheel should travel .015” after
ribbon feed and lift wheel by .005”’-.015,” the detent spring drops into a feed window.

(Level 1) — Machines not equipped with the detented

positions on the ribbon feed and lift wheel should be
adjusted so the lift control lever roller is centered on
the high dwell of the ribbon feed and lift wheel,

Ribbon Feed Cam Follower Stud

Cam On High Point

Ribbon Lift
Control Lever Stud Ribbon
Feed Pawl

SUD (038mm)| he
| &
.005"-.015” oD
(0,13-0,38mm) New wy
Beyond Detent Position As RQ fayov 6. Brake Actuating Lever (Level 1 Machines Only) —
Cam On High Point \ ac Form the lug on the brake actuating lever so the
supply spool brake is allowed to just bottom in the
ratchet teeth of the supply spool when the machine is
e Ribbon Feed and Lift Wheel at rest.

(Level 2 — Top View)


J) Supply Spool Brake

Brake Actuating Lever

Ribbon Feed
Paw! yf Ribbon Lift
& / Control Lever
: / . Roller

a 1/16 Turn =
1 Feed Operation

Ribbon Feed And Lift Wheel

(Level 1 — Top View)

Ribbon Lift Guide Plate — With the ribbon lift cam Lift Control Link — Adjust the clevis on the ribbon
follower on the low point of the ribbon lift cam, lift control link so the lowest underscore prints
position the lift guide plate on the arm of the lift .035”-.065” from the bottom edge of the ribbon. The
guide assembly to satisfy the following conditions: ‘““degree”’ character should be at lease .030” from the
top of the ribbon,
ae Position the lift guide plate vertically so the
rear of the lift guide assembly rests .030” above NOTE: The adjustment of the ribbon lift control
the carrier casting when the stencil lever is not link positions the lift pattern on the ribbon and does
in the stencil position. not have any effect on the distance or spread between
each of the four lift positions in the pattern.
The verticalness of the lift guide plate may be
checked by observing the lift guide assembly
while manually pushing the control link all the
way to the rear into its stencil position, The
guide assembly should drop .030” at the rear if
the adjustment is correct. !
b. Position the lift guide plate horizontally so its
bottom surface is parallel to the slot in the cam .030"
follower, (0,76mm)

The parallel adjustment of the lift guide plate .035"-.065”’

may be checked in the following manner. With <a> 0.89.1, 65mm)
the cam follower resting on the low point of
the lift cam, disconnect the control link and
manually slide the link front to rear through
the four lift positions. If the plate is parallel, no
movement will be produced to the ribbon lift Ribbon Lift
guide assembly while sliding the link back and Control Link - <>
forth. Do not slide the link into the stencil posi-
tion while making this check.

(Right Side View)

Ribbon Lift Guide Plate
Parallel |

“I (ene .030"" Adjustments 9 through 15 are for level 1 mechanisms only.

= | (0,76mm)

Ze Z ae
| D Load Lever Link (Level 1 Only) — Adjust the load
lever link to raise the ribbon lift guide assembly as
Ly en
high as possible without binding off on either the
ribbon feed plate or the take-up spool when the load
bail is in the load position.
Ribbon Lift = Ee) 7
Control Link Ribbon Lift Guide Assembly
(Right Side View) Lift Guide Assembly






Ribbon Lift Guide Assernbly

(Load Position)
10. Pressure Roller Release Arm (Level 1) — Adjust the 12. Shock Spring (Level 1) — Position the shock spring so
pressure roller release arm beneath its binding screw, it is approximately .040” to the right and parallel to
located on the left end of the load lever, so the the edge of the ribbon feed plate. The shock spring
supply drag lever will be pushed forward by the should be formed to make the roller on the shock
pressure roller to just clear the front edge of the spring lean 10 deg, to the left.
supply spool.
a Las 10 Deg.

aby Shock Spring

A : 7
040" © el Pa le
Pressure Roller (102mm) Ve — WANT
Supply Spool fi |n |
Load Lever

Pressure Roller f y R }
| Ee ja 2S
Release Arm

Ribbon Feed Plate

(Level 1 — Front View)

(Level 1)
13. Drag Lever (Level 1) — The supply spool drag lever
must contact the outer wrap of the ribbon on the
supply spool at the center or slightly above. Form the
lever to obtain this condition. Do not form it front to
Il. Supply Spool Drag Spring (Level 1) — Adjust the rear.
supply spool drag spring to satisfy the following con-
ditions: NOTE: After forming the lever make sure that it
does not bind on its pivot screw. If the supply spool
a. Position the drag spring parallel to the front drag lever contacts the ribbon below center, the outer
edge of the ribbon feed plate. wraps of the ribbon spool will tend to creep up which
may cause ribbon spillage.
b. With the “C” clip removed, the drag spring
should raise the supply spool so half of the
angled surface on top of the pivot stud is pro-
truding above the top face of the spool. Form
the drag spring up or down to obtain this con-

Ribbon Feed Plate

Pr ts Supply Spool

| 1/2 Angled
Supply Spool Drag Spring Surface Drag Lever
Centered Or

(Level 1 — Front View)

(Level 1 — Front View)

14, Tracking Post (Level 1) — Position the tracking post 16. Pressure Roller (Level 2 Only) — Machines with the
under its mounting screw so it clears the flanges of adjustable geared pressure roller should be adjusted so
the transparent take-up spool by .030.” Form the the lower end of the pivot screw clears the take-up
tracking post atthe bottom so the tracking post is drive pulley by .065.”
vertical to the feed plate. If the tracking post is verti-
cal, the ribbon will be centered as it passes between
the two flanges of the transparent take-up spool. It Pivot Screw
should also track on the center of the feed roller and
Pressure Roller
evenly between the two flanges of the tracking post
without touching either flange.
Take-Up Spool
Take-Up Drive Pulley

(Left Side View)

17. Shock Spring (Level 2 Only) — Form the shock spring

to satisfy the following conditions:

a. When viewed from the front of the machine,

the shock spring should be formed to make the
roller on the shock spring lean 5 deg. to the
Tracking Post right.

Tracking Post

Shock Spring

fina 5
(Level 1 — Front View)

(Front View)

1S. Pressure Roller (Level 1) — Adjust the pressure roller

vertically on its mounting stud so it engages the
center crown on the feed roller, The pressure roller b. When viewed from the side, the shock spring
mounting stud should be parallel to the previously should be formed so the roller leans to the
aligned tracking post. front 10 deg.

Centered ;

10 Deg. —> |

Shock Spring
Pressure Roller Feed Roller

(Level 1 — Front View) (Left Side View)


The fabric ribbon mechanism can be divided into two Located to the right of the pointer on the carrier assembly
separate mechanisms. They are the ribbon lift mechanism is the ribbon load lever. When this lever is pushed to the
and the ribbon feed mechanism. The ribbon lift raises the right, it forces the ribbon lift guide into an extreme lift
ribbon to the printing position before the typehead prints position for convenience of changing the ribbon. This load
and then restores the ribbon to allow a visible writing line. lever is detented to hold the ribbon lift in the high lift
The ribbon feed moves the ribbon laterally past the printing position. The cartridge is then removed from the ribbon
point to provide an unused portion for the next typing feed plate and the ribbon can be easily removed from the
operation. Included in the ribbon feed mechanism is the guide without touching the ribbon.
ribbon reversing mechanism which changes the feeding
direction when either end of the ribbon is reached. A new ribbon can be installed by reversing the above
procedure. Tapered lugs on the sides of the ribbon feed
The ribbon is a 9/16” fabric ribbon enclosed in a disposable ratchets automatically guide the ribbon spools into the
cartridge unit for clean handling. The cartridge unit correct position. Guide lugs at each side of the feed plate
contains two spools on which the ribbon is wound. The maintain the lateral position of the cartridge. Retainer
ribbon is constantly fed from one spool to the other and springs attached to the guide lugs hold the cartridge down
back again. Once the ink supply has been depleted, the to prevent vibration. After the ribbon is installed, the load
cartridge is simply snapped off, discarded and a new lever is moved back to the left to allow the ribbon to
cartridge is installed (Figure 1). restore to its normal position for a typing operation.

Ribbon Lift
Guide Assembly

Ee Lug


Ribbon Feed



Ribbon Load
Detent Release

Figure 1 — Carrier Assembly (Fabric Ribbon Installed)

RIBBON LIFT The fabric ribbon mechanism has four lift positions. A lift
The ribbon lift mechanism consists of a lift cam, a ribbon position is selected by manually positioning the ribbon lift
lift cam follower, a control mechanism and the ribbon lift lever for stencil, low, medium or high lift position. The
guide assembly (Figure 2). The lift mechanism is mounted height to which the ribbon will be raised is determined by
to the carrier and moves with it. The ribbon lift cam is a the position of the ribbon lift control link in the elongated
single lobe cam that is setscrewed to the left side of the slot of the cam follower. When the control link is to the
print sleeve. Each time a print cycle occurs, the cam makes rear of the slot, no motion is transferred to the lift guide
one complete revolution. assembly. When the control link is to the front of the slot,
maximum motion is imparted to the lift guide assembly
The ribbon lift cam follower pivots on the carrier assembly (Figure 3).
above and to the rear of the cam. Each revolution of the
cam raises the cam follower. The end of the ribbon lift
control link fits into an elongated slot in the cam follower.
The ribbon lift guide rests on the control link and pivots at
the front of the carrier casting. As the cam follower is
raised, the control link forces the ribbon lift guide assembly
to pivot at the front and raise the rear of the assembly. A
flat link from each side of the ribbon lift guide attaches to
~_Lift Guide
two pins at the front of the carrier to maintain the ribbon
lift guide in a vertical position.
Ribbon Lift
Control Link : ;
The ribbon lift guide assembly is spring loaded into the rest Medium Low Stencil }
position to ensure that it will restore rapidly and to prevent Lift
overthrow of the ribbon due to the momentum of the lift
mechanism (Figure 2).

Ribbon Lift
Ribbon Lift Cam "&) Cam Follower

Ribbon Lift Figure 3 — Ribbon Lift Positions And Print Pattern

Cam Follower (Right Side View)
Guide Assembly The ribbon feed and reverse mechanism is mounted at the
Ribbon Lift
Control Link eee top of the carrier just in front of the typehead. The *
cna Flat mechanism is detachable as a unit for repair or replacement

Ribbon The ribbon feed plate is made up of the following items:

Lift two ribbon feed ratchets, the ribbon feed lever, the ratchet
Control detent lever, the ribbon feed and reverse plate and a bracket
that is used to attach the ribbon feed lever. The feed and
reverse plate has the ribbon feed pawl mounted to it with a
shouldered stud so that it can pivot freely. The ribbon feed
lever protrudes through an elongated slot in the feed and
reverse plate so it can transfer the rotary motion of the feed
cam to front-to-rear motion of the feed pawl. The
front-to-rear motion of the feed pawl is used to move a
ribbon feed ratchet two teeth to the rear on each feed
stroke. The ratchet to be fed is determined by the position
Ribbon Lift \_ ts of the ratchet detent lever (Figure 4).
Return Spring Wp ~ j :
<= “I. Carrier
Ribbon ec Feed And Ribbon Feed
Load Reverse Plate Ratchet
Lever Ratchet
Print Detent Lever
Upper Lug

Ribbon Feed Lever

Ribbon Feed a
Mounting Bracket
Cam ene a
Figure 2 — Ribbon Lift Guide Ribbon Feed
Lower Lug

Figure 4 = Ribbon Feed Cam

(Left Side View)
The ribbon feed ratchet assemblies rotate freely around Ribbon Feed
their respective feed ratchet spindles. The ribbon feed eae ~~ Ratchet Assembly
ratchet is designed to center the ribbon supply hub within Reverse g | :ele
the ribbon cartridge and lock it in place radially so that Trigger : |

when the ribbon feed pawl moves a ratchet, the supply


spool will also move. Two flat retainer springs are mounted
on the ribbon feed plate at the rear so that they rest against }
the ribbon feed ratchets. The slight drag applied by the Ps. Reverse Trigger
Feed Plate_ j ai :|
springs prevents the jerk of the ribbon feed operation from =<3 Spring
spinning the supply spool and spilling off excessive ribbon —_——,

(Figure 5). Reverse Trigger

Ribbon Feed Ratchet

Ribbon Feed Lever

Stalled: Ribbon Feed
Plate Mounting
Re Point Of
Retainer /

Ribbon Feed Plate

Mounting Screw

Feed Pawl
Lug Engages
Retainer Spring

Ribbon Feed
Ribbon Feed

ddl ax

pi cole dae
| (e€

Ratchet Teeth
Ribbon Feed

Figure 5 — Ribbon Feed Operation ial Feed & Reverse Plate

(Top View) At Beginning Of Restoring
Each feed ratchet contains a small bellcrank called the Figure 6 — Ribbon Reverse
ribbon reverse trigger (Figure 6). This trigger is spring
loaded down by a small flat reverse trigger spring. The
reverse trigger is held within the ribbon feed ratchet in the
inactive position as long as ribbon is around the spool. Since the reversing action makes the “full” take-up spool
During the last revolution of the supply spool, the reverse become the supply spool and the “empty” supply spool
trigger is released into the active position. This causes the become the take-up spool, it is necessary to disengage the
lower extension of the reverse trigger to drop into the path ratchet detent lever from one feed ratchet and engage it
of a notch in the feed and reverse plate. with the other. This is done in step with the reversing
operation. As the front of the feed and reverse plate swings,
On the forward or restoring stroke of the plate, the reverse causing the feed pawl to engage with the opposite feed
trigger restricts one side of the plate from sliding forward. ratchet, it pivots the ratchet detent lever to the opposite
The other side continues to slide forward, thereby causing a spool. A stud riveted to the lever protrudes up through a
pivoting action to the entire plate about the point of slot in the feed and reversing plate linking the two together.
restriction. This makes the front of the plate pivot toward A hairpin spring, fastened to this stud and anchored to the
the opposite side, positioning the feed pawl in line with the feed plate, provides a toggling action to both the feed and
ratchet teeth of the ribbon feed ratchet containing the reverse plate and the ratchet detent lever. In addition, the
empty ribbon spool. On the next feed stroke, the feed pawl hairpin spring keeps the ratchet detent lever constantly
will engage the ratchet teeth of the empty spool, causing it spring loaded against the teeth of the feeding ratchet
to begin to take on ribbon (Figure 6). (Figure 7).

, Hairpin Spring

Ratchet Detent Lever

Figure 7 — Ratchet Detent

(Bottom View)
STENCIL LOCKOUT Ribbon lift is also interrupted during the stencil mode of
Ribbon feed is interrupted during the stencil mode of operation. When the ribbon lift lever is in the stencil
operation. This is accomplished by centering the feed pawl position, the ribbon lift control link is allowed to move to
between the ratchet spools so it can move freely the rear of the elongated slot in the lift cam follower
front-to-rear without engaging a ratchet tooth. The feed (Figure 10). This places the end of the lift control link
pawl is caused to operate in this manner by the ribbon lift directly above the lift cam follower pivot point. As the lift
lever when it is in the no lift or stencil position (Figure 8). cam rotates, the end of the lift control link simply rotates
around the cam follower pivot point and no motion is
Feed & Reverse Plate | transferred to the lift guide assembly. This prevents the
ribbon from lifting into the path of the typehead during a
stencil operation.
Assembly Lift Control Link

Feed Pawl
Ratchet Detent Clears Both
Lever Stud Ratchets

Figure 8 — Stencil Lockout

(Top View)
Lift Cam
Two lugs on the ribbon lift lever form a ““V”’ which traps a Follower
lug on the ratchet detent lever. As the ribbon lift lever is
placed in the stencil position, one or the other of the lugs, Figure 10 — Ribbon Lift Guide (Stencil Position)
depending upon which spool is being driven, will contact
(Right Side View)
the lug on the ratchet detent lever and cam it to the center
of the “V.” At this point, the ribbon lift lever will be ina LEVEL 1 FEED
detented position and the ratchet detent lever will be
The old level ribbon mechanism contains a few more parts
centered. With the ratchet detent lever in this position, the
than the current mechanism, however, the operation is
feed pawl will be guided between the ratchet spools (Figure
similar. The position of the feed pawl determines which
9). ratchet is fed as the pawl moves to the rear. The feed pawl
pivots on a pin beneath the ribbon feed plate and extends
up through a hole in the plate. Mounting of the pawl
Lug Trapped
Ratchet In—V permits left-to-right as well as front-to-rear movement. A
Detent Lever restoring spring is attached to the pawl to ensure
restoration to the rest position each time it operates. The
spring also holds the pawl left or right into engagement
with the correct ribbon feed ratchet depending upon the
direction of the pull of the spring. The forward end of the
spring is attached to a lever called the ribbon feed detent
lever. The detent lever pivots on the ribbon feed plate.
When the lever is moved to the right, the feed pawl is
pivoted into engagement with the right feed ratchet. When
the detent lever is moved to the left, the feed pawl engages
to feed the left ratchet (Figure 11).
Ribbon Lift
Lever \ Reverse
Trigger Ribbon Feed
Ribbon Feed
\ \
\ a Pawl Pivot

Lug To Right . :\ ‘\ x Lugug T Trapped

Position < Mian ee oe

Ribbon Feed
Detent Lever
: : Lug To Left Restoring |
Lever Sprig Ribbon Feed
Ribbon Feed Cam Follower
Figure 9 — Ratchet Detent Centered i Bellerank

Figure 11 — Ribbon Feed Mechanism

The ribbon feed pawl is powered to the rear by the action LEVEL 1 REVERSE
of the ribbon feed cam. A sliding cam follower transfers the To reverse the ribbon, a portion of the reverse trigger pivots
motion of the cam to the ribbon feed bellerank which
down through a hole in the ratchet into position below the
pivots and actuates the feed pawl to the rear, Sufficient
ratchet as it does in the current mechanism (Figure 14y,
motion is available from the cam to cause two teeth to feed
The empty spool rotates slightly farther, causing the reverse
on the ratchet. trigger to contact and actuate the reverse lever which pivots
just below the ratchet. The reverse lever is connected by
means of a flat link, to an arm of the reverse yoke beneath
Ribbon Feed the ribbon feed plate. The yoke is pivoted by operation of
the reverse lever. A stud on the yoke at the rear of the pivot
point extends up through the feed plate into a slot in the
Ribbon Feed reverse interposer. Movement of the yoke positions the
front of the reverse interposer left or right depending upon
which ribbon spool is being emptied.

Trigger . ; Zi, Ratchet
Ribbon Reverse ( /
Restoring oa I nterposer - \
Ribbon Feed
Spring 7% Cam Follower

Ribbon Centering Spring

Feed Cam (Cut Away View)
Ribbon Feed
Bellcrank Ribbon Reversing
Ribbon Reverse . LQ =
Stud ;

Figure 12 — Ribbon Feed Cam Motion

(Right Side View)
Ribbon Reverse
Yoke Flat Link
ee SS Ribbon Feed
As the feed pawl restores to the front, it slides along the Detent Lever
teeth of the ratchet into the rest position (Figure 13). The
Figure 14 — Ribbon Reverse Mechanism (Top View)
drag of the pawl along the teeth tends to rotate the ratchet
backwards and unwind the ribbon. To prevent any
Two things occur when the reverse interposer is positioned.
backward rotation, a detent pawl is spring loaded into the
A hook at the front of the interposer hooks around a lug on
teeth of the ratchet to allow feed in one direction only.
the ribbon feed detent lever (Figure 16). The interposer
lever, mounted on the interposer, is positioned into the
path of the ribbon feed pawl. The next operation of the
Centering Ribbon Reverse
Spring Interposer ribbon feed cam causes the feed pawl to drive the reverse
interposer to the rear. The hook at the front of the
Ribbon Reversing interposer pulls the lug of the detent lever to the rear
evar Ribbon Reverse
: Yoke Stud causing the detent lever to pivot to the opposite position.

As the feed pawl restores, its spring pivots it over into

engagement with the opposite ratchet.
Pin Projects Through
Interposer Lever
Slot In Interposer
Ribbon Feed

Flat Link

Ribbon Reverse Ribbon Feed

Yoke Ratchet
i -
Ribbon Feed Ribbon Feed LL. /
Detent Lever Detent Pawl Ribbon Feed
Pawl Pivot Pin For
Ribbon Ribbon Reverse Yoke
Feed Pawl
Ribbon Feed Gy
Detent Lever Ribbon Reverse Interposer
Figure 13 — Ribbon Feed Pawl (Rest Position — Top View)
Figure 15 — Ribbon Reverse Mechanism
(Active Position — Top View)
3. Ribbon Feed Plate (Level 1 Only) — With the ribbon
mechanism set for a reversing operation and the
ribbon cam at its high point, adjust the feed plate
1. Ribbon Lift Cam — Adjust the ribbon lift cam so the forward or back on the carrier so the ribbon feed
slot on the print sleeve lines up with the dimple on pawl holds the reverse interposer within .005”-.010”
the ribbon lift cam. of its total travel. This adjustment not only ensures
sufficient throw for a reversing operation, but also
gives optimum ribbon feed results by determining the
rest and active positions for the pawl.

CAUTION: After completing the adjustment,

Ribbon manually cycle a character to see that two teeth feed
Lift Cam is obtained plus .005”-.010” overthrow. Be sure that
Dimple the feed pawl does not contact the interposer lever as
the pawl is manually reversed from side-to-side.

Print Slot
Sleeve -005"’-.010"
Ribbon Feed Plate (0,13-0,25mm)

(Right Side View)

2. Centering Spring (Level 1 Only) — With the ribbon

reverse interposer centered, form the lugs of the
ribbon feed plate for .003”-.005” clearance in the
centering spring loops. This adjustment ensures that Ribbon Reverse
the springs are not extended when at rest and that Ribbon Feed Pawl Interposer
they will properly restore the mechanism after a
reverse operation. (Top View)

Centering Springs
4. Cartridge Guide Lugs— Form the cartridge guide lugs
Ribbon Feed Plate
so the cartridge spools will be centered over the
ratchets. Side play of the cartridge must be limited
within .005”-.010”.

Ribbon Reverse
—_ (0,13-0,25mm) Ar cee

.003"'-.005” .003"-.005"’
(0,08-0,13mm) (0,08-0,13mm)

(Top View)

Form: Ribbon Feed Ratchet

(Front View)

Cartridge Retaining Springs (Level 2 Only) — The b. Form the rear lug so a clearance of .010’-.040”
cartridge retaining springs should be positioned exists between the lug and feed plate
laterally so they are FLUSH against the feed plate; positioning lug when the LEFT RATCHET IS
then adjust front-to-rear so the cartridge retaining FEEDING.
fingers are centered in the holes of the cartridge guide
lugs. The ratchet brake portion of the spring should
exert a small drag on the feed ratchet. Form only as

NOTE: Excessive or insufficient tension could result Detented

in reverse failure.


tf vf

SS! Pate os Feed Plate

> ; : ) Positioning Lug


Low Lift Position

Ribbon Feed
Cartridge _ .010’'-.040”
Plate Lift Lever (0,25-1,02mm)

© Form the front lug so a clearance of

.010”-.040” exists between the lug and the feed
plate positioning lug when the RIGHT
(Right Side View)

NOTE: Avoid forming the ribbon feed plate

positioning lug, since breakage would require
6. Ribbon Lift Lever (Level 2 Only) — Three conditions replacement of the entire feed plate.
must be met as follows:

a. Form the ribbon lift lever finger tab left or

right so the ribbon feed pawl will center
between the two feed ratchets when the lift
lever is placed in stencil position.

A Feed Plate

ate: i
il Lug

Ribbon a= Must Move Freely Into

Litt Lever | Stencil Position
a 010"-.040"

Feed Plate
Positioning Lug

Stencil Position
Lift Lever

Ratchet Detent Lever Lugs — These should be formed Ribbon Lift Control Link — Adjust the link forward
as follows: or back by means of its clevis so the underscore will
strike the ribbon .016”-.045” from the bottom edge.
ae Left or right so the ribbon feed ratchet tooth The ribbon lift lever must be in the high lift position
overthrows the edge of the detented lug by when this check is made.
.025”-.050” when hand cycling to the high
point of the ribbon feed cam. CAUTION: Do not adjust the link so short that it
chokes off the front end of the cam follower slot as
the ribbon lift lever is moved into the high lift

Ratchet Detent Lug

mn ——_—_—

Feed Cam On (0,41-1,14mm)
High Point

Form Ribbon Lift

Control Link t

b. Form the detent lugs front-to-rear so the ribbon

feed pawl engages a ratchet tooth by
approximately one-half the depth of the ratchet

NOTE: The feed pawl spring lug should clear the

teeth of the opposite ratchet by at least .015”’ when
the feed pawl is being withdrawn to the rest position
at the end of an operation. Failure to clear the teeth
of the opposite ratchet under power may result in a
lockup and consequent failure of the ribbon feed
operation. High Lift Position Ribbon Lift Cam Follower
Minimum Clearance
0157 (0,38 mim) |<=
(Right Side View)

10. Stencil Lockout (Level 1 Only) — With the lift lever

in the stencil position and the cam follower on the
high point of the ribbon feed cam, form the ribbon
feed latch for .010” clearance with the lug on the
Feed Paw] cam follower.
Ratchet Detent Lug
Spring Lug

Minimum Engagement
Ribbon Feed Latch
.030” (0,76mm) ——$<$ ||< ——_

8. Ribbon Lift Guide Plate — Adjust the plate as low as O

possible without causing a change in the ribbon lift
guide height as the ribbon lift lever is moved from the Cam Follower Lug Nea
low lift to the high lift position. The ribbon lift cam
should be at the low point when the check is made.
‘ (0,25mm)
This adjustment ensures the same relative throw for
both the high and low lift position.

Ribbon Lift Guide Plate

Z Parallel
Ribbon Lift Carn eS (Right Side View)


The purpose of the selective ribbon system is to operate The feed modes for the IBM Correctable Film Ribbon and
with the film ribbon, the IBM Tech III ribbon or the IBM film ribbon are the same, but the feed mode for the IBM
Correctable Film Ribbon. All three of these ribbons are Tech III ribbon differs completely. The film ribbons must
contained in a cartridge, similar in appearance to the be fed so that no characters overlap, whereas the IBM Tech
‘Selectric’? Typewriter fabric ribbon cartridge, but Ill ribbon is fed in much smaller increments so as to use the
considerably larger. The complete supply of ribbon is in the overstrike capabilities of this ribbon. The inner
left side of the cartridge. The used ribbon will be wound construction of the cartridge determines in which ribbon
around the take-up core on the right side and the cartridge feed mode the mechanism will operate.
will be discarded when the ribbon is used up. The cartridges
for the three types of ribbons look the same but have A ribbon lift pattern of three tracks is used for all three of
different color take-up knobs and leaders for identification; the ribbons. However, the IBM Tech III ribbon lift is
blue for IBM Tech III, cerise (pink) for film and yellow for wobbled (varied) slightly to maintain even color.
the IBM Correctable Film Ribbon (Figure 1).

Ribbon Leader

Take-Up Knob

Take-Up Core

Stencil Lever

Spiked Driver

Tech ||! Ribbon Mode Projection

Load Lever

Ribbon Lift
Supply Spool

End Of

Take-Up Post

SS i Ribbon Plate

(Viewed With Cartridge Removed)

Figure 1 — Selective Ribbon System


RIBBON FEED As the print cycle nears completion, the cam follower rises
Ribbon feed is accomplished by the ribbon feed cam toward the high point of the cam, moving the pawl toward
follower assembly operating a ribbon feed pawl. During a the front of the machine. The pawl operates against the
print cycle, the ribbon feed pawl operates in one of the front surface of the window, rotating the ribbon feed and
eighteen feed windows on the ribbon feed and lift wheel, lift wheel in a clockwise direction (Figure 4).
rotating it in a counterclockwise direction. At rest, the
ribbon feed cam follower is on the high point of the ribbon
feed cam and the ribbon feed pawl is engaged in one of the
feed windows (Figure 2).

Feed Cam Follower

Ribbon Feed Pawl
Feed Window

Ribbon Feed Ribbon Feed Cam Follower

And Lift Wheel

Feed Windows
N Feed Cam
Figure 4 — Ribbon Feed, Print Cycle Near Completion
(Right Rear View)

At the completion of the print cycle, the feed cam follower

Ribbon Feed Cam
is again on the high point of the cam and the ribbon feed
and lift wheel has been rotated 1/18 of a turn to its next
Figure 2 — Ribbon Feed At Rest (Right Rear View) detented position.

The ribbon feed and lift wheel is connected to the ribbon

feed post with a hex-headed screw. The feed post is free to
The ribbon feed cam follower is spring loaded against the rotate within the ribbon feed swing arm. The ribbon feed
ribbon feed cam. At the early stages of a print cycle, the swing arm pivots within a bearing in the ribbon plate
cam follower moves toward the low dwell of the cam. The (Figure 5).
feed pawl moves toward the rear of the machine, causing it
Ribbon Feed Post
to cam out of the window of the ribbon feed and lift wheel.
As the cam follower approaches the low point of the cam,
Ribbon Feed Swing Arm
the pawl drops in the next window to the rear. The ribbon
feed and lift wheel is held detented, preventing clockwise
movement by the ribbon lift control lever (Figure 3).

Ribbon Plate


Feed Pawl
Feed And Lift Wheel
Feed Cam Follower
Feed Window
Hex-Headed Screw

Figure 5 — Ribbon Feed Post And Swing Arm Mounting

The rotation of the ribbon feed and lift wheel rotates the
ribbon feed post. The ribbon feed gear, mounted on flat
surfaces of the feed post, also rotates (Figure 6).
Feed Cam
The spiked driver is mounted on a post at the free end of
the swing arm. Two intermediate gears mounted on the
swing arm transfer the feed gear rotation to the spiked
Figure 3 — Ribbon Feed, Early Stages Of Print Cycle driver.

(Right Rear View)

Ribbon Feed Post
In the IBM Tech III ribbon mode, a projection within the
Spiked Driver
cartridge depresses the ribbon mode button which, through
a compression spring, depresses and holds down the ribbon
feed gear. This allows the small gear on the ribbon feed gear
to engage the large gear of the first intermediate gear and
causes the spiked driver to rotate approximately 1/6 the
amount as in the film ribbon mode (Figure 9).

Tech Ill Ribbon Mode Projection

Swing Arm Tech II] Ribbon Compression Spring
Ribbon Feed And Lift Wheel
Figure 6 — Spiked Driver Rotation
The free end of the swing arm is heavily spring loaded
toward the ribbon take-up post. This causes the spikes. of
the spiked driver to dig into the used ribbon. When the
Ribbon Mode Button
spiked driver rotates, it causes the take-up core to rotate
about the take-up post, winding up the used ribbon and
pulling new ribbon into the print position (Figure 7). First Intermediate Gear
Ribbon Feed Gear
Small Ribbon Feed Gear Engaged With
Spiked Driver
Large First Intermediate Gear

Figure 9 — IBM Tech III Ribbon Mode

The ribbon must be kept slightly taut throughout the

ribbon path for proper feeding and tracking. This is
accomplished by the ribbon shock wire detenting the
ribbon supply spool. The ribbon supply spool is not
allowed to rotate until the ribbon applies sufficient tension
on the shock wire to release the detent. As fresh ribbon is
supplied, some tension is released from the shock wire
Swing Arm allowing the detent to reseat in the teeth of the supply
spool (Figure 10).

Figure 7 — Ribbon Feed Operation

Ribbon Shock Wire
The different feed increments for the two ribbon modes are
controlled by the amount of spiked driver rotation for each
print cycle.

The ribbon feed gear is free to slide vertically on the ribbon

feed post. Its vertical position determines the amount of
spiked driver rotation. In the film ribbon mode, the ribbon
feed gear is spring loaded upward by the feed gear spring
allowing its large gear to engage the small gear of the first
intermediate gear. This causes the spiked driver to rotate a
sufficient amount to feed film ribbon so the characters do Ribbon Supply Spool
not overlap (Figure 8).

Ribbon Feed Post = Figure 10 — Ribbon Tension Spring

Ribbon Feed Gear
Spiked Driver

BCE ors
Cie Ch

Feed Gear Spring First Intermediate Gear

Large Ribbon Feed Gear Engaged With

Samll First Intermediate Gear

Figure 8 — Film Ribbon Mode

RIBBON LIFT The ribbon feed and lift wheel camming surface has three
All three of the ribbons used with this mechanism are different heights. As the forward end of the ribbon lift
slightly less than 11/16 inch wide. In order to get the control lever follows the feed and lift wheel camming
maximum character yield, the mechanism will use three surface, the yoke on the rear end of the ribbon lift control
different ribbon lift positions. The ribbon lift mechanism lever positions the ribbon lift cam follower. roller over one
includes a lift cam, lift cam follower assembly, lift control of the three lobes of the ribbon lift cam. This changes the
lever, lift arm and lift guide assemblies (Figure 11). ribbon lift from high lift to medium lift to low lift and back
to high lift again to repeat the cycle.
The lift cam follower pivots above and to the rear of the lift
cam. A lift spread adjusting plate is mounted to the cam High Lift
follower by two small screws. A lug on the adjusting plate Medium Lift
contacts the head of the height adjusting screw in the lift Low Lift Cam Follower Roller
arm. As the cam follower is pivoted by the lift cam, it
é =]
supplies vertical motion to the lift arm. --

Lift Guide Ribbon Height

Assembly Adjusting Screw

Lift Lift Control Lever

Lift Arm
(Top View)

/ 1 as
High Lift Lift Cam le}
Follower YG 5
Ribbon Spread ™ Low Lift
Adjusting Plate
Lift Cam Lift Cam
Follower Pivot

é 3 | ate @ Cam
Ribbon Lift Pattern LLLLLLNNNNNN Ribbon Lift (OQ 8 "034SS,——Follower
LLLLLLNNNNNN & FeedWheel go> {Roller
Bh 7

= UAE:rrsy wi
q SD

Figure 1] — Ribbon Lift Assembly

The ribbon is threaded through the ribbon lift guides which 4 eS

=) d

have the ability to move vertically in curved slots in the lift OW, Ribbon Lift Cam
guide brackets. The lift guides are connected to the lift
arms by the lift guide links which are part of the lift guide Ribbon Lift Control Ribbon Lift Control Lever
assemblies. The lift arms are biased (loaded) together by the Lever Stud
lift guide bias springs to prevent erratic ribbon lift (Figure Figure 13 — Ribbon Lift Operation
In the IBM Tech III ribbon mode, the ribbon lift pattern is
‘“‘wobbled” or varied slightly to ensure even print color.
Lift Guide Bracket —___, /
This is accomplished by the wobbler cam, the wobbler
bellcrank and the wobbler eccentric. The left pivot point of
Lift Guide Link
the ribbon lift arm assembly is the wobbler eccentric. The
wobbler eccentric has an upright lug that extends above the
Lift Arm Lift Guide Bias surface of the ribbon plate. Moving this lug front-to-rear
Spring causes the wobbler eccentric to rotate, moving the left lift
arm pivot point up or down (Figure 14).

The wobbler bellcrank pivots on a stud on the ribbon plate

Figure 12 — Ribbon Lift Guide Assembly just to the left rear of the ribbon feed gear. The tip of the
left wobbler bellcrank arm rests in a cutout in the upright
The three ribbon lift positions are determined by the lift lug of the wobbler eccentric. The wobbler eccentric spring
cam which has three different height lobes. The amount of loads both the wobbler eccentric lug and the wobbler
motion that the lift cam follower receives depends on bellcrank arm toward the front. If the mechanism is in the
which of the three lobes is used (Figure 13). IBM Tech III ribbon mode, the wobbler bellerank arm
moves front-to-rear, moving the wobbler eccentric lug
The ribbon lift cam follower roller is free to slide on its front-to-rear.
shaft. Its lateral position is controlled by a yoke on the
ribbon lift control lever. A stud on the forward end of the
ribbon lift control lever is spring loaded against the
camming surface of the ribbon feed and lift wheel.

Wobbler Eccentric Lift Arm Pivot
Pivot Point cH Point Wobbler Bellcrank ie (277

Control Lugs |
\ Ribbon

——_ Feed Gear

IBM Tech III Film Ribbon Eccentric
Ribbon Lift Pattern
Lift Pattern
Wobbler Bellcrank
Control Lugs
Wobbler Eccentric

Feed Gear

Wobbler Cam Wobbler Latched


Figure 14 — Ribbon Lift Wobble Mechanism

The wobbler mechanism is active only in the IBM Tech III

Figure 16 — Film Ribbon Mode — Wobbler Inactive
ribbon mode. The front of the wobbler bellcrank is free to
move vertically. Its vertical position is controlled by two
lugs on the wobbler bellcrank contacting the ribbon feed STENCIL MODE
gear. When the feed gear is pressed down into the IBM Tech When the typewriter is used for typing stencils, the ribbon
III ribbon mode by the cartridge, it also moves the wobbler feed and lift operations must be locked out. This is
bellcrank down into the operated position. When the achieved by moving the stencil lever left to the stencil
wobbler bellcrank is in the operated position, a stud on the position. The lever will latch in the stencil position and can
forward end of it follows the wobbler cam which is be released by pushing the release button. A lug on the
mounted directly above and turns with the ribbon feed and stencil lever contacts an extension on the front of the lift
lift wheel. The motion from the wobbler cam rotates the control lever, moving the rear of the lift control lever to the
wobbler bellcrank which operates the wobbler eccentric, right. This moves the lift cam follower roller completely off
causing the desired variation in the ribbon lift pattern the lift cam, inhibiting ribbon lift (Figure 17).
(Figure 15).
When the lift control lever is in the stencil position, a feed
ZZ lockout lug on it moves behind the feed pawl mounting
Cartridge —»
This Fprevents rearward movement of the feed pawl,
inhibiting ribbon feed.

b= Ribbon
At Feed Gear ;
Wobbler Bellcrank oe Stencil Lever Latch Feed Lockout Lug
Control Lugs rh Wobbler Cam
at —— Latching Surface
Wobbler >
__ 9 JEL
a Wobbler Eccentric i am Followe
e Ribbon Plate sich bilan seie ea
Bellcrank Sai tePor ey Roller

_Wobbler Bellcrank Lift Control

Control Lugs
< g
\ SS

Wobbler Bellcrank hrs Say ¥ ip 9 io EY a8

2, wy

NA ; D e OSes Gear
WaBEleeotht ee \\a! Feed & Lift Release Button \
Ce ae A — Wheel i Feed Pawl
<7 2 ae
IF. Stencil Lever Mounting Stud
Lift Cam

Figure 15 — IBM Tech III Mode — Wobbler Active

Figure 17 — Stencil Operation
When the mechanism is in the film ribbon mode, the feed
gear is up. This allows a lug on the wobbler bellcrank to be
latched against the ribbon plate, causing the bellcrank to be
inactive (Figure 16).

When the ribbon needs to be changed, the load lever is SELECTIVE RIBBON ADJUSTMENTS
moved to the left to the load position. An inclined surface
on the load lever contacts a lug on the right front of the lift 1, Ribbon Feed Cam Follower Bracket — Adjust the
arm assembly. This cams the front of the lift arm down and ribbon feed cam follower bracket left or right so the
raises the lift guides for easier ribbon installation (Figure ribbon feed pawl is .001’-.010” from the wobbler
18). cam at the closest point, with the play in the ribbon
feed pawl held away from the wobbler cam.
During the loading of a ribbon, the operator must be
prevented from turning the take-up core in the wrong This adjustment will ensure that the feed pawl will
direction. The take-up core interlock extends to the left not bind against the wobbler cam and will not move
from the right cartridge retaining spring. In the load beyond the outside limits of the feed window.
position, the take-up core interlock engages the teeth on
the take-up core, preventing it from -being rotated in a The bracket screws can be made accessible from
clockwise direction. In the normal operating position, the underneath by removing one of the cable anchor
take-up core interlock is held away from the take-up core bracket screws and pivoting the cable anchor out of
by a lug on the load lever. the way.

The load lever latch will not allow the load lever to restore
to the operate position until a cartridge is installed. This
Wobbler Cam
depresses the latch and allows the load lever to be restored |
to the operate position.
{+———Ribbon Lift
em ene .001'’-.010"
Guide (0,03-0,25mm)
Play Removed In
Load Lever This Direction
Latch Lug

Load Lever Latch Ribbon Feed Cam i

Follower Bracket ial aa es

eS Sel
Ribbor i / fi
\ eee
# p c Core
Lift Arm ft \ Interlock Lug

Inclined Surface ra
Weir: Take-
ake-Up Core Interlock Bracket Screws
(Rear View)
figure 18 — Load Lever Operation
As the swing arm moves to the load position, it contacts the
wobbler bellcrank, rotating it clockwise. This positions the
wobbler beilcrank so that when it restores, it will reliably 2. Ribbon Lift Arm — Adjust the right-hand lift arr
latch against the ribbon plate in the film ribbon mode or pivot screw for .005”-.010”’ end play of the lift arn
easily move down into the operated position in the IBM Make this adjustment with the wobbler eccentric lv
Tech EI ribbon mode (Figure 19). in an upright position.

As the wobbler bellcrank rotates, its left arm moves the

upright lug of the wobbler eccentric to the rear. The
wobbler eccentric lug contacts the nght arm of the shock
wire disengage lever which pivots on the supply spool post. Lift Arm Pivot Screw
The left arm of the shock wire disengage lever rides a
camming surface of the shock wire. As the left arm moves
to the front, it cams the shock wire detent from the ribbon
supply spool. This action is mecessary to enable the
operator to easily wind the leader on to the take-up core
Ribbon Lift Arm |
when installing a ribbon.
Shock Wire Disengage Supply Spool Post
Wobbler Eccentric

ay Wobbler Bellcrank
Shock Wire =

Camming as (0,13-0,25mm)
Surface Ny
(Top View)
Shock Wire Detent Supply Spool

Figure 19 — Load Operation — Wobbler — Release — Shock

Wire Disengage (Top View)
3. Spiked Driver Post — The spiked driver post must be
4. Ribbon Lift Cam — Adjust the ribbon lift cam so the
parallel to the take-up post within .005”. This must
aligning slot is lined up with the front edge of the flat
be checked in two ways. on the print sleeve.

NOTE: The swing arm spring should be connected

while making these checks. Aligning

a. Hold the Hooverometer edge flat against the

take-up post. Allow the swing arm to close until
the spiked driver post contacts the other edge
of the Hooverometer. The spiked driver post ™ Ribbon
should be flat to the Hooverometer edge within Lift Cam


b. Place a flat surface (such as an aligning wrench)

against the take-up post and spiked driver post.
The posts should both be flat to the surface
within .005”’.
5. Ribbon Feed Cam Follower Eccentric — Adjust the
Form the free end of the swing arm to obtain these
ribbon feed cam follower eccentric to cause the
conditions. The symptom of an out of parallel
ribbon feed pawl to drive the ribbon feed and lift
condition will be a bind within the cartridge caused
wheel .005’’-.010” past the detented position on a
by the used ribbon coning. This could cause feed
high lobe of the ribbon feed and lift wheel camming
surface. Keep the eccentric in the lower front half of
its orbit.
Swing Arm Ribbon Feed Cam Follower Eccentric


Spiked Driver Post fe Tak

Flat Within .005’’ e-Up Post

.005’’-.010" |
Ribbon Feed And Lift Wheel

(Top View)

6. Ribbon Lift Control Lever — Position the ribbon feed

and lift wheel detented in the medium lift position
(middle lobe). Form the ribbon lift control lever to
position the left edge of the ribbon lift cam follower
(Front View) roller .020”-.030” from the edge of the high lift lobe.
This may also be observed dynamically by putting
fresh grease on the ribbon lift cam and observing the
Take-Up Post Spiked Driver Post
roller track in the grease on the medium lift lobe.
Flat Within .005’'
(0,13mm) > eee 20 O80,
Ribbon Lift Cam Grease Track

Ribbon Lift
Cam Follower

(Right Side View)

Ribbon Lift Control Lever Ribbon Feed And Lift Wheel

(Top View)

7. Ribbon Spread Adjusting Plate — In the film ribbon 8. Ribbon Lift Height — In the film ribbon mode, adjust
mode, adjust the ribbon spread adjusting plate the ribbon height adjusting screw so the bottom edge
front-to-rear to obtain .380”-.410” from the bottom of the underscore clears the bottom of the ribbon by
of a high lift character to the bottom of a low lift .030’-.040”. Ribbon spread must be checked after
character. This may be measured with the aid of the making this adjustment.
Hooverometer handle which is .375” wide. The
ribbon spread adjusting plate must be biased in a
clockwise direction as viewed from the left side of the
carrier when tightening the binding screws. This is
easily accomplished by tightening the screws with the
machine half cycled. This takes out the play in the
en |
mounting holes in the direction of the lifting force
and ensures that the adjustment does not change. .030’'-.040”
Ribbon height must be checked after making this
adjustment. a8 Ribbon Height
Adjusting Screw



(Left Side View)
9 65-10,41mm HHHHHHHHHHHHH

Results Of Improperly Adjusted

Ribbon Height Adjusting Screw

Ribbon Spread Adjusting Plate

(Left Side View)
9. Ribbon Lift Arm Lower Stop — Form the left ribbon
lift arm lower stop so the ribbon lift cam follower
HHHHHHHHHHHHH roller clears the ribbon lift cam by .005”-.025” at
- HHHHHHHHHHHHH rest. This ensures free left-to-right movement of the
Results Of Improperly Adjusted
Ribbon Spread Adjusting Plate
Lift Arm

.005"’-.025" Lo
omni Lower Stop

Ribbon Lift Cam

ollower Roll
Ribbon Lift Cam

(Right Side View)

10. Ribbon Shock Wire — Form the shock wire to be tm |!«_ Clearance Between Roller
vertical front-to-rear and left-to-right. This & C-Clip
adjustment may need to be refined for proper ribbon Ribbon Lift Cam Follower Roller Ribbon Feed
tracking through the left ribbon lift guide. Lockout Lug

Vertical Vertical
Ribbon Lift Cam

Ribbon Lift
Control Lever

Stencil Lug

<= , D Ribbon Feed

Paw! Mounting
(Left Side View) (Front View)
>| +
Moved Away From
Stencil Lever | Ribbon Feed And Lift Cam

(Top View)
11. Stencil Adjustment — Form the stencil lug on the
ribbon lift control lever to meet two conditions when
the stencil lever is latched in the stencil position. 12. Swing Arm Lug — Form the lug on the swing arm
that contacts the wobbler bellcrank so the cam
a. The ribbon feed lockout lug must engage the follower stud on the wobbler bellcrank clears the high
ribbon feed pawl mounting stud by lobe of the wobbler cam by .030’-.040” when the
approximately the thickness of the lockout lug. load lever is detented in the load position.
Swing Arm Lug
Ribbon Lift Cam Follower Roller
Ribbon Feed Lockout Lug

Ribbon Lift Cam

Wobbler Bellcrank
Ribbon Lift
Control Lever Highest Lobe

Stencil Lug
Ribbon Feed
Paw! Mounting 030"-.040"" Wobbler Cam
Stud (0,76-1,02mm) ————»> <x
(Top View)

13. Shock Wire Disengage Lever (Load Position) — Form

the right-hand arm on the shock wire disengage lever
so the shock wire detent clears the ribbon supply
(Top View)
spool by .020’-.040” when the load lever is in the
load position. Ensure that the wobbler eccentric lug
cannot get under the arm. If necessary, form the arm

b. The ribbon lift cam follower roller must be Shock Wire Disengage L ever '
moved to the right, completely off the ribbon Load Position
lift cam, but still have some clearance between
the roller and the C-clip at the end of its shaft.
1 +)

NOTE: During normal typing, in the low lift ribbon ss,
position, the ribbon feed lockout lug on the ribbon
lift control lever must clear the ribbon feed pawl
mounting stud. If necessary, form the ribbon feed
lockout lug to obtain this condition. If the lug is
formed, recheck the stencil adjustments. Shock Wire \
Dete nt

.020’’-.040"’ Supply Spool!


(Top View)

14. Shock Wire Disengage Lever (Type Position) — In the 17. Take-up Core Interlock — Form the take-up core
IBM Tech III. ribbon mode, form the shock wire interlock so that in the load position, the tip of the
disengage lever rest position lug so the shock wire interlock is .025’-.040” above the top edge of the
disengage lever arm clears the wobbler eccentric by middle step on the take-up post.
.005°-.015” when the wobbler bellcrank is on the
high point of the wobbler cam.
Shock Wire Disengage Lever
(Operation Position) Take-Up Post (0,64-1,02mm)

Wobbler Bellcrank : ~
U B | .

Wobbler Cam vu ar
High Lobe
Take-Up Core Interlock

(Right Front View)

15. Cartridge Guides — Form the cartridge guides to 18. Load Lever — Form the take-up core interlock lug on
center the ribbon take-up and supply cores within the the load lever to meet two conditions.
holes in the top of the cartridge. Maintain
.005”-.010” end play of the cartridge. a. In the operate position, it must hold the
take-up core interlock down completely
Supply Core Take-Up Core disengaged from the take-up core.
a Center
pe b. When going from load to operate, the tip of the
lug must clear the top surface of the take-up

¢ Go &
( ie
core interlock by a sufficient amount to
reliably depress it.
Take-Up Core
+! 005"-..010" 2
4 (0,13-0,25mm GR RE Completely Disengaged 7a an

epee (fa IU

Take-Up Core
16. Cartridge Retaining Springs — Center the cartridge Interlock
retaining springs in the holes in the cartridge guide
lugs. Adjust the springs left-to-right so they positively
hold the IBM Tech III ribbon cartridge down against
the ribbon feed plate. Refine the right spring
‘rotationally so the take-up core interlock clears the
middle surface of the take-up post by .005”-.020”’.
Load Lever

.005”’-.020" Take-Up Core

(0,13-0,51mm) Interlock Lug

Take-Up Post

Take-Up Core Interlock

(Top View)

Cartridge Retaining Spring Take-Up Core

Interlock Lug
Take-Up Core

(Right Side View) Cartridge Guide Lug


The purpose of the correcting mechanism is to enable an Each of the correcting tapes is designed to be used with a
operator to correct original copy errors from the keyboard. specific IBM ribbon. The IBM Tech III Cover-up Tape is
A correcting tape supply spool is mounted at the left rear used with the IBM Tech III Ribbon (both are color coded
corner of the ribbon plate and a tape take-up spool is blue). The Lift-off Tape is used with the IBM Correctable
mounted at the right rear corner of the ribbon plate (Figure Film Ribbon (both are color coded yellow). Due to incom-
1). The correcting tape is guided from the tape supply spool patability, intermixing of supplies is not recommended.
on the left, across the front of the cardholder, to the tape
take-up spool on the right.

To correct an error, the operator depresses the correcting

key and then restrikes the incorrect character. As the opera-
tor restrikes the incorrect character, the correcting tape is
lifted between the ribbon and the paper. The impact of the
typehead causes the correcting tape to either cover up the
character or lift it off of the paper, depending upon which
supplies are used. No escapement occurs during this
correcting cycle. Since the carrier is still positioned at the
point where the error was committed the operator can type
the correct character and resume normal typing.

Card Holder
Supply Spool
Correcting Tape

Paper Guide Lug


Torque Bar



Torque Bar YA
Stop Bracket Le
Carrier Ss : G wv——___ Mode Actuating

Torque Bar

Keylever we


Figure 1 — Correcting Mechanism


The correcting torque bar extends across the machine just The tape lift mechanism is located on the left side of the
to the rear of the front carrier support (Figure 2). Its carrier (Figure 3). As the correcting torque bar is rotated to
purpose is to activate tape lift and tape feed on the carrier its actuated position, it pivots the tape lift actuating arm
no matter where the carrier is along the writing line. top to front which in turn slides the lift arm and latch
assembly forward. This positions the lift latch above the lift
The correcting keylever performs two operations. First, an cam follower.
actuating lug contacts the front of the backspace keylever
which operates the backspace mechanism (see backspace
Lift Cam Follower
section). Second, the correcting keylever releases the mode
actuating bellcrank which will operate the correcting torque

NOTE: Complete operational theory of the backspace

mechanism is covered in the “Backspace” section of the Lift Arm and
Lift Latch
“Selectric” Typewriter Service Manual. Latch Assembly

As the correcting keylever is depressed, it moves the cor-

Tape Lift
recting keylever link to the rear. The link rotates the mode
Actuating Arm
latch down. Rotating the latch releases the mode actuating
bellcrank, allowing it to pivot top to rear under spring load. Correcting
A correcting torque bar link extends from the bellcrank Torque Bar
forward to the correcting torque bar and pivots it bottom
to rear. The rotation of this torque bar activates tape lift
and tape feed.

Correcting Mode Actuating éLift Arm and

Lift Latch Latch Assembly
Torque Bar Bellcrank

Tape Lift
Actuating Arm
(Operated) Correcting
R Bar

Front /
Carrier Support Figure 3 — Lift Armand Latch (Left Side View)

When the print sleeve rotates, the tape lift cam raises the
Correcting Mode Uatch tape lift cam follower which in turn raises the lift arm and
Torque Bar
latch assembly (Figure 4). As the lift arm and latch assem-
bly is raised, an extension on the rear of it will raise the
tape lift assembly. An arm on the tape lift assembly engages
the tape supply cradle fork on the tape supply cradle assem-
bly. As the tape lift assembly raises, the cradle assembly is
tilted to maintain tape alignment and prevent folding of the
correcting tape.
Lift Arm and T,
Latch Assembly ae ae


Tape Supply Tape Lift Assembly
Assembly ~


Tape Lift
Actuating CET - Correcting Keylever
Print Sleeve
Lug Link

Figure 2 — Correcting Torque Bar Operation Figure 4 — Tape Lift Operation

CORRECTING TAPE FEED The tape feed cam then rotates to its first high point. The
The correcting tape feed mechanism is located on the right tape feed pawl by means of the cam follower, feed bell-
side of the carrier (Figure 5). It is designed so that the crank and link rotates the spiked wheel clockwise for the
correcting tape is fed in two increments. One-third is fed first one-third tape feed (Figure 7). The feed cam then
before print and two-thirds is fed after print. This is accom- rotates to a low dwell position again. The follower is pre-
plished by a tape feed cam with two high points, the second vented from contacting the cam on its low dwell by the
high point supplying twice as much motion as the first. inhibitor. The inhibitor prevents placing the heavy cam fol-
lower spring load on the cam during print which occurs at
this time. The cam then begins its rise to the second high
Carrier guar Lug, point and the cam follower causes the correcting tape to be
fed the remaining two-thirds of the tape feed increment.

The spiked wheel which is mounted on the tape feed swing

arm is heavily spring loaded towards the tape take-up spool.
This causes the spikes on the wheel to dig into the used
Point tape. As the spiked wheel rotates, it causes the take-up
Point O 7a Tape Feed spool to rotate, pulling new tape into the print position and
Cc winding up the used tape.

First High

DP Tape Feed
Correcting Inhibitor
Tape Cam Follower

Tape Feed
Figure 5 — Tape Feed at Rest

The feed mechanism is actuated by the operation of the

correcting torque bar as was the tape lift mechanism, The
torque bar rotates the step on the tape feed inhibitor out of (Right Side View)
the path of the tape feed cam follower (Figure 6). As a
print operation occurs and the tape feed cam rotates, the
tape feed cam follower is allowed to follow the contour of
the cam from its highest point toward its low dwell. The
rear lug on the follower moves forward allowing the spring
loaded tape feed pawl to rotate counterclockwise by means
of a feed bellcrank and feed link, engaging the preceding
window in the spiked wheel. (Low Dwell Position)

Tape Feed
Cam Follower Rear Lug

ie 7c

@ Gaal Feed Belilcrank

Take-up Spool
Tape Feed SO) | :
inhibitor a Correcting
Q / \ape

\Spiked Whee!

Feed Pawi
Torque Bar

(Right Side View) Swing Arm

Figure 7 — Tape Feed Operating

Figure 6 — Tape Feed Inhibitor (Top View)

The correcting tape supply cradle assembly contains a bias The escapement trigger is disengaged from the escapement
system that performs three functions. First, the detent on torque bar to prevent escapement during a correcting cycle.
the high bias spring prevents the supply spool from being Disengagement of the trigger is accomplished from the
rotated clockwise (Figure 8). mode actuating bellcrank through the trigger link (Figure
10). As the bellcrank rotates to its activated position, the
Second, a low bias is supplied for use with the IBM Tech III escapement trigger is rotated top to the rear out of engage-
Cover-up Tape. This bias is produced by a low bias spring. ment with the torque bar. It is held in this disengaged
As tape is being pulled off the supply spool and the tape position by the spring tension on the mode actuating bell-
supply spool ratchet turns counterclockwise, the detent on crank until the trigger lever is operated either through a
the high bias spring cams over a tooth on the ratchet. The print or spacebar operation.
other end of the high bias spring, which contacts an upright
lug on the sensing shoe arm, pivots the arm. The low bias
spring connected to the upright lug on the sensing shoe arm
Torque Bar
produces the low bias. Escapement

Tech 111 Bee hiya

Cover-up a
Tape Supply Sensing Shoe Arm

Low Bias
Ratchet eeu aS erin
Trigger Lever
Mode Actuating
aque Upright Eug

Detent ————>
é a
High Bias
(Right Side View)
(Top View)
Figure 8 — Low Bias Operation Figure 10 — Escapement Trigger Disengaged

Finally, high bias is developed for use with the Lift-off The next time a print or spacebar cycle is initiated the
Tape. As the detent on the high bias spring cams over a trigger will not contact the escapement torque bar and no
tooth on the ratchet, high bias is developed due to lugs on escapement operation will result (Figure 11). As the trigger
the bottom of the lift-off tape supply spool preventing the is pulled down during this cycle a forward extension of the
sensing shoe from rotating inward (Figure 9). This causes trigger lever will contact the mode actuating bellcrank and
the high bias spring to flex, producing the high bias. rotate it back to its latched position. This restores the com-
plete correcting mechanism to rest.
One lug on the bottom of the Lift-off Tape supply spool is
shorter than the rest. It is shorter to permit the spool to Escapement
seat completely on the supply spool ratchet in the event Torque Bar
that the sensing shoe is under a window in the ratchet while Escapement
the operator is loading the tape. { Trigger

Mode Actuating

Lift Off Tape Lugs

Supply Spool
Sensing Shoe
Trigger Lever
Forward Extension

High Bias

(Right Side View)

Figure 11 — Escapement Trigger Actuated
Figure 9 — High Bias Operation
(Top View)

When the correcting tape needs to be changed, the tape Toggle
load lever is moved to the right to the load position (Figure Pt Spring
12). The load lever performs three functions to facilitate Extension Tape Load
installation and removal of the tape. Ribbon Load Lever Notch
1. A guide roller mounted on the rear of the load lever
pivots forward,

4: A separator wire is pivoted top to the front by means

of a camming slot in the load lever.

5: The spiked wheel which is mounted on the tape feed

swing arm is pivoted forward by a lug on the load Tape Load
lever. Lever

Tape Load Lever Type Position (Bottom View)

Figure 13 — Load Interlocks

To prevent the operator from turning the take-up spool in
the wrong direction when taking up the slack, a take-up
spool detent engages a ratchet on the bottom of the take-up
Guide Roller spool (Figure 14).
Load Lever

Lever Tape Feed

Lug Swing Arm


Figure 12 — Tape Load

A toggle spring holds the tape load lever in either the load Figure 14 — Take-up Spool Detent
or type position (Figure 13). An extension on the toggle
spring engages a hole in the ribbon load lever so it cannot
be moved to the load position while the tape load lever is in
the load position. When the ribbon load lever is operated,
an extension on the ribbon load lever enters a notch in the
tape load lever to prevent operating the tape load lever to
the load position.

Ribbon Toggle
Load Lever Spring
Extension Ribbon Load

Tape Load

Ribbon Load Lever Load Position (Bottom View)


if, Correcting Keylever Side Play — Adjust the keylever Mode Actuating Bellcrank — Form the lug on the
mounting screw so the correcting keylever has mode actuating bellcrank so the bellcrank overthrows
.001°-.004” side play. the mode latch by .005’’-.010” when the escapement
trigger lever is fully operated.
eel |e ON 00a Check this adjustment on the spacebar
(0,03-0, 10mm) or print
escapement cam lobe, whichever supplies the least
ele amount of overthrow.

NOTE: Check trigger knockoff in the escapement

adjustments after making this adjustment.
Escapement Torque Bar

(Top View) Mode Actuating

2 Backspace Keylever — Form the backspace keylever Operated
so that it centers in the notch on the correcting key- Lug

Mode Latch

Keylever 0,13,25mm)
Notch (Right Side View)


2h Trigger Link — With the mode actuating bellcrank

released, adjust the trigger link clevis so that the
working surface of the trigger clears the escapement
torque bar lug by .005”-.020.”

Escapement (0,13-0,51mm)
Torque Bar
5: Correcting Keylever Link — Adjust the correcting
keylever link clevis so that the mode latch releases the
mode actuating bellcrank at the same time or slightly
before, the backspace cam is released. renee:

Mode Actuating
Bellcrank ©) Releases at
Same Time or
O Slightly before BS Mode Actuating
Cam releases Bellcrank

Mode Latch

—— —~

Correcting poe cen

Keylever Retciaags,
(Right Side View)
(Right Side View)

6. Velocity Control Bracket — Adjust the velocity con- Correcting Torque Bar Link — Adjust the correcting
trol bracket so that the back-up tab on the bracket torque bar link to just span the distance between the
has a clearance of .001”-.006” with the correcting torque bar and the mode actuating bellcrank with the
torque bar with the carrier positioned at the extreme bellcrank latched at rest.
left margin.
Mode Correcting Correcting
Actuating Torque Bar Torque Bar
Correcting Back up ,001'’-.006"'
Bellcrank Link \
Torque Bar Tab (0,03-0,15mm)

Just Spans

Ape Torque Bar
Stop Bracket
Bracket (Bottom View)

(Left Side View)

7. Corecting Torque Bar End Play — Position the clip on
the left end of the correcting torque bar left or right
so the torque bar has .003”-.010” end play.

Clip Correcting
Torque Bar

10. Cable Guide Bracket — Form the velocity control

cable guide bracket as far to the rear as possible and
still not touch the power frame. The bracket must
keep the velocity control cable from getting behind
the carrier.

NOTE: Check that the guide bracket clears the frame

at the extreme left margin.

003'”-.010" |
(Top View)


8. Torque Bar Stop Bracket — Adjust the torque bar

stop bracket located at the right end of the torque
-bar front- to- rear for a clearance of .0107-.015”
between the bracket and the top curvature of the fo ie
correcting torque bar.

eu .010"-.015”
(0,25-0,38mm) Velocity Control
Torque Bar Cable
Stop Bracket
Velocity Control
Cable Guide
Torque Bar

epesatesy) (Top View)

(Right Side View)

NOTE: The platen adjustments must be correct before NOTE: This clearance can be easily checked by using
making the following adjustments. the handle end of the 224 backspace adjustment
wrench (P/N 9900369).
11. Card Holder — With the copy control lever forward,
adjust the card holder mounting brackets to satisfy \) .190'’-.210"
the following condition: : (4,83-5,33mm)

a. Front-to-rear so that the card holder clears the

platen by .020”-.030.” Adjust the right bracket 7
and form the left leg to meet this condition.

.020’'-.030” *
< .,~~ Platen Ribbon Lift Guide

Bracket \ Carrier

(Left Side View) (Machine Half-Cycled. Ribbon In A

eal Center Lift Position)
Adjust b. Position the left-hand lift guide left-to-right for
.030” minimum clearance between the front of
Bracket First
the lift guide and the left arm and latch assem-

Copy Control Lever Forward

(Left Bracket Left Side (Right Bracket Right Side

View) View)
Left Hand Ribbon
b. Position the mounting bracket left and right Lift Guide
and up or down so the horizontal line on the
card holder rests .002”-.005” below the writing
Lift Arm And
line. The vertical lines must be centered on a Latch Assembly
printed character. .030" Minimum
Lines .002"’-.005”
B: = Ribbon Supply
| (0,05-0,13mm) (Top View) Spool

13. Tape Lift Assembly — Adjust the tape lift assembly

to satisfy the following conditions:

a. Front-to-rear so that the tape clears the front of

the cardholder by .010”-.020.” The tape supply
Horizontal cradle fork must be loose while making this

Line adjustment (reference adjustment 14).
Cardholder geal .010"'-.020"
Mounting (0,25-0,51mm)

Holder eel

12. Ribbon Lift Guide (Left Only) —

a. With the machine half cycled and the ribbon in

Tape Lift
the center lift position, adjust the left ribbon
lift guide assembly front-to-rear for
.190”’-.210”’ between the rear face of the guide
and the platen. (Left Side View) (Tape Supply Cradle Fork Loose)

b. Vertically so that the bottom of the underscore 16. Lift Actuating Arm — With the torque bar at rest,
clears the top of the tape by .001”-.005” when form the lift actuating arm for a clearance of
the tape is at rest and the underscore is in the .001”-.005” between the lift actuating arm and the
print position. correcting torque bar at the closest point.

NOTE: This adjustment can most easily be made

from the bottom of the machine,

ima Tape

Lift Actuating he Ze
Ane Nee .001’’-.005
(Rear View) : : Sa (0,03-0,13 )
(Left Side View) ? ie

14. Tape Supply Cradle Fork — Position the cradle fork 17. Lift Arm Latch — Adjust the lift arm latch to satisfy
so that it centers in the groove of the stud mounted the following conditions:
on the tape lift assembly.
a. With the correcting mechanism at rest, position
Tape Supply the lift arm latch front-to-rear so the tape lift
\ Cradle Fork cam follower clears it by .0107-.015.”

Lift Arm Latch


Lift Assembly

(Top View) Lift Cam

15. Cable Guide Lug — Form the cable guide lug on the (OOs ONS e
tape lift assembly front-to-rear so it is centered (0,25-0,38mm) | ,
between the rotate arm assembly and the power (Left Side View)
frame when the carrier is at the extreme left margin.
b. With the print mechanism at rest and the cor-
NOTE: Be sure to maintain a sufficient left-to-right recting torque bar operated, the bottom of the
angle to ensure the velocity control cable cams under lift arm latch must clear the lift cam follower
the carrier when the carrier is at the extreme left
by .005”-.010.”

Centered ———>—
Cable Guide Lift Arm Latch
Lug /

ea Ae Pe
Cable Guide (0,13-0,25mm)

: Cam
Sea Follower

Left Side
(Left Side View)
(Left Side View) (Carrier At Extreme Left Margin)

18. Tape Feed Cam Follower, Front Lug — With the b. Position the bracket front-to-rear so the tape
machine at rest, form the front lug on the follower to clears the card holder by .010”-.020.”
satisfy both of the following conditions:
Card Holder
a. Front-to-rear so the tape feed inhibitor clears .010"-.020”
the correcting torque bar by .004’’-.010” at the (0,25-0,51mm)
closest point along the writing line with all
parts at rest.

b. Vertically so that the bottom of the lug clears

the tape feed inhibitor step by .004”-.008.”

Front Guide Roller

Lavtey Mounting Bracket
Step Tape Feed (Top View)
Siee Follower

21. Separator Wire — Form the separator wire to satisfy

Tape Feed ) Aw the following conditions:
Inhibitor @ Se

CS «
CAUTION: Do not type with the tape load lever in
Correcting the load position. The typehead may catch on the
Torque Bar ee .004”-.008” separator wire and result in rotate tape breakage.
.004-.010" a. Left-to-right so that the wire clears the type-
(0,10-0,25mm) head by .060”-.070” when the typehead is in
lx the print position and the load lever is in the
type position,
(Right Side View)

19. Tape Feed Cam Follower, Rear Lug — Form the rear
lug on the tape feed cam follower left or right so it
centers in the notch in the tape feed bellcrank.

ea a)En Centered in Notch Typehead (1,52-1,78mm)

Tape Feed
LL Belcrank

Tape Feed
Cam Follower
(Right Side View) (Typehead In Print Position Load Lever
(Top View)
In Type Position)
b. With load lever in the type position, the top of
20. Guide Roller — The guide roller mounting bracket the separator wire should just touch the card
must be positioned to meet the following conditions: holder while maintaining a minimum of .050”
clearance at the bottom of the upright portion
a. Position the bracket up or down so the used of the separator wire.
tape is centered on the take-up spool.
Form =a
Guide Roller Spool
fr Holder
Mounting Bracket

Centered rae Minimum

(Right Side View) (Load Lever In Type Position)

CG, With the load lever in the load position, the top
of the separator wire must clear the card holder
by at least .120.”

.120" Minimum Soe cb tee


[nn Card
Separator Wire

(Right Side View) (Load Position)

22. Paper Guide Lug — Form the paper guide lug front-
to-rear so that it clears the platen by .040”-.050.”

Tape Take-up Paper Guide

Spool Lug

\ | Platen

<=> —~—~—1021,.27mM)

(Right Side View)

23. High Bias Spring — Form the upright tip of the high
bias spring in or out so that the sensing shoe clears
the lugs on the tape supply spool when the mecha-
nism is at rest.

Sensing Shoe


(Top View)


The purpose of the margin mechanism is to allow the stop has a margin set lever attached to the pin and slider
operator to vary the length of the writing line. This is assembly. The margin set levers extend through a slot in the
accomplished by two margin stops and a margin rack front case of the machine to make them accessible to the
(Figure 1). The left and right margins are determined by the operator, Either margin stop may be repositioned by push-
position of the margin stops on the margin rack. The left ing the margin set lever to the rear to disengage the pin
margin stop is used to limit carrier travel to the left. from the rack, then, by sliding the margin stop along the
rack to the desired location. A line on each margin set lever
The right margin stop first operates a warning bell which serves as a pointer to indicate the position of the margin
alerts the operator when the carrier approaches the right stop in relation to the scale on the front of the case. A
margin, then locks the keyboard to prevent further typing. pointer, located on the front of the carrier, indicates the
position of the carrier (Figure 1).
Depression of the margin release keylever allows typing
beyond the left and right margins by rotating the rack. This The left margin stop controls the left margin. When the
disengages either margin stop from the line lock bracket on carrier is returned by the carrier return mechanism, an
the carrier. extension of the left margin stop is struck by the margin
stop latch pivoted on the linelock bracket attached to the
The margin rack is a flat rack containing teeth along its rear carrier. This action forces the margin rack to the left to
edge. The number of teeth per inch in the margin rack unlatch the carrier return mechanism and leaves the carrier
corresponds to the pitch of the machine. resting at the left margin position.

Each margin stop has a pin and slider assembly that meshes
with the teeth at the rear of the margin rack. Each margin

Margin Lainie Left Margin Stop


Pin And
Slider Assembly

Right Margin
e : eae Stop

os Rack

Left Margin Margin
Stop Set Lever

Line Lock

Figure 1 — Margin Control


As the carrier approaches the right-hand margin, the bell- The level | linelock mechanism locked the keyboardin the
ringer bellcrank slides over two upright tabs on the linelock same manner as the present mechanism. However, the key-
bracket. This causes the bellringer bellcrank to pivot about board lock interposer was composed of several parts. The
its mounting stud and cam the bellringer bail to the front of bellringer bail operated the keyboard lock interposer which
the machine. An extension of the bellringer bail forces the through an extension spring pulled the keyboard lock bell-
keyboard lockout interposer into the selector compensator crank into the compensator tube (Figure 4). ;
Spring Cannpcneaton Line Lock Bracket
As the bellringer bail is cammed to the front of the ma-
chine, the bell clapper bellcrank pivots the bell clapper
away from the bell (Figure 2). Further rotation of the bail
causes the bell clapper bellcrank to slip off the bell clapper
allowing the bell clapper to restore to rest. The pull of the
bell clapper spring and the momentum of the bell clapper
returning to rest causes it to overthrow its rest position and
strike the bell. When the bellringer bail is allowed to re-
store, the bell clapper bellcrank resets above the bell clap-
per ready for the next operation. Bellringer Bellerank \ Margin Rack
Bell Clapper
Bellcrank _ Za Bell Ringer Bail
Upright Tabs
Keyboard Lock
Bellringer Linelock
I nterposer
Bellcrank Bracket

Figure 4 — Linelock Mechanism — (Level 1)

™ Bellclapper
The margin release mechanism allows an operator to type
beyond the left and right margins without changing the
Bell oe & ) position of the margin stops. The margin release operates
by rotating the margin rack so the margin stops move
ee Bail
upward out of the path of the margin stop latch on the
linelock bracket (Figure 5).
Figure 2 —'Bellringer
LINELOCK The margin release keylever pivots at the left side of the
If the typist continues typing after the bell rings, the key- keyboard. Depression of the margin release keylever causes
board is locked after several spaces to prevent typing in the the rear of the margin rack to rise. A lug on the left end of
margin. The keyboard is locked by forcing a special inter- ‘the margin rack remains in the path of the margin stop
poser into the selector compensator tube to prevent the latch to unlatch the carrier return if it is operated with the
depression of any other interposer (Figure 3 ). margin release keylever depressed. An extension spring
restores the mechanism and holds it in the rest position.
As the carrier approaches the right-hand margin, the bell-
ringer bellcrank moves into the path of two upright tabs on Margin
the linelock bracket. This causes the bellringer bellcrank to Rack Lug Margin Stop a
pivot about its mounting stud and cam the bellringer bail to Latch
the front of the machine. An extension of the bellringer Extension
bail forces the keyboard lockout interposer down and into Spring
the selector compensator tube. This action in turn prohibits
any further depression of the selection keylever interposers
into the compensator tube until the linelock mechanism has
restored to its normal rest position.

Compensator Tube

Bellringer Bellcrank Linelock Bracket

Keyboard Lockout Keylever
5 M
nee Rack

P* (>

: |
i Line Lock7 ,‘ 3/ Right Margin
Bracket (Left Side View) Stop
. Ss Right Margin Stop /? ' ~aa=e™

Bellringer Bail SJ Figure 5 — Margin Release

Figure 3 — Linelock Mechanism

c, Level 3 — 7X1, 7X3, 7X5 form margin release
final stop.

NOTE: Dual pitch margin adjustments are slightly differ-

ent. See “Switch Pitch Adjustments” section of this

1. Margin Rack Horizontal — The margin rack must rest 7X1 — 7X3 — 7X5 [
on a horizontal plane.
a. Level 1 — 7X1, 7X3, and 7X5 adjust margin
release lever,

Level 3

a Left Hand Final Stop — Position the margin release

bracket left-to-right on the margin rack so it will clear
the margin stop by .001”’-.010” when the margin stop
pin is fully seated in the extreme left-hand tooth of
the margin rack.

Left Margin Margin Release

Stop ; Bracket

7X3 — 7X5
Margin Stop Pin

b. Level 2 — 7X1 only — Form margin release

lever stop. On 7X3 and 7X5 machines adjust
margin release lever for 1/32’ engagement with Margin Release Keylever -001’’-.010”
margin stop. (0,03-0,25)

Margin Release Final i on

7X1 3. Linelock Bracket — Adjust the linelock bracket up or

down so the bellringer bellcrank contacts the bracket
.050”-.060” from the top.

Linelock Bracket


Bellringer Bellcrank
Left-Hand Margin
Release Lever

7X3 — 7X5

Level 2
(Right Side View)

4. __ Bellringer Bail Extension — Form the bellringer bail
extension up or down so the character keybuttons
lock when the red pointer is directly above the right-
hand margin set lever.

CAUTION: The linelock should not be felt in the

space preceding the desired locking point.

Bellringer Bail
Selector Compensator

Bellringer Bellcrank
Seay Bracket

Margin Set Lever

Right Margin Stop

SS. Bellclapper Bellcrank — Adjust the bellclapper bell-

crank rotationally on the bellringer bail so the bell-
crank clears the spring by .015’’-.025.”

Bellclapper Bellcrank
ao serra

Bellringer Bail Pa

c .015"-.025"

(Left Side View)


There are three types of covers: tilt-up, console mount, of the cover material has been removed on the rear side to
and ring mount, First, we will describe the tilt-up covers, permit the guide to slide off easily.
and then the differences between them and the other two
types, The paper table is connected to the center cover assembly
by two screws and two brackets. The paper table pivots on
TILT UP COVERS two studs mounted on the bracket to allow the platen to be
The cover assembly is composed of three major sections. removed from the machine.
They are the top cover, center cover and bottom cover
(Figure 1). A margin scale is attached to the lower lip of the top cover.
The scale is graduated to correspond to the pitch of the
The center cover assembly has the paper guide attached to typewriter. The margin scale is attached to the top cover by
it. The paper guide may be removed by sliding the guide to an adhesive that becomes active when IBM cleaning fluid is
the extreme right and pulling straight downward. A section applied.

Top Cover

Paper Table

Paper Guide


Center Cover
Bottom Cover

Figure pees Covers

The top cover is attached to the center cover by a hinge at There are three basic levels of center and bottom covers
the rear. The hinge brackets are adjustable front to rear to used on the ‘Selectric’ typewriter. The level 3 cover has
allow for proper fit between the top cover and center cover. been used since 1965 and is the easiest to identify. This
The hinge contains a detent that prevents the top cover cover has a latch extending vertically just inside the right
from falling when it is in the raised position (Figure 2). and left side of the center cover (Figure 4). The absence of
the level 3 cover latches identify a level 1 or level 2 cover
which are similar to each other.

The cover latches are attached to the center cover by a

bracket and a mounting screw. With the lever to the rear,
the lower portion of the cover latch fits beneath the latch-
ing surface attached to the bottom cover: Pulling the lever
toward the front of the machine will cause the lower part
of the latch to pivot to the rear, out from beneath the
latching surface. The top and center cover may now be
removed from the bottom cover.

(Level 1)
Center Cover
Top Cover
AB a
See as Vi
| Se

Cover Latch
(Level 2)

Detent Detent

Figure 2 — Top Cover Hinge (Bottom View)


Near the front of the top cover are two spring clips (Figure
Center Cover tag
3). When the cover is in its lowered position, the spring
clips latch the cover in place to prevent vibration.

Top Cover

Latch Mounting

Latch Bracket

Cover Latch |
(Left Side View)

Figure 4 — Center Cover Latches( Level 3)

Spring Clip

Figure 3 — Top Cover Spring Clip

(Cover Raised)

The level 3 bottom cover has the vent positioned in a slot at MOUNTING BRACKETS
the rear. The rubber mounting to suspend the typewriter The machine mounting brackets are attached to the
inside the case is also contained within the bottom cover machine frame and are adjusted vertically, A latch lever
(Figure 5). (Figure 7) locks the machine to the rubber mounting foot
on the left side of the machine (Figure 5).
The level 1 and level 2 center cover assemblies have the vent
grille mounted in the rear by a plate. Slotted holes in the
plate allow the vent to be removed without removing the
plate from the center cover, The level 1 bottom case is held
in place by a screw at the center rear,

Grille Mounting Plate


Rear Mounting Bracket

Vent Grille

Rubber Figure 7 — Frame Mounting Brackets (Level 3)


The level 1 and level 2 cover assemblies are mounted to the

machine by brackets secured to the center cover assembly
by mounting plates. The machine is suspended on rubber
bushings attached to the mounting plates (Figure 8).

Rubber Mounting Machine Brackets

Figure 5 — Bottom Cover Rubber Mounting (Level 3)

The level 2 bottom case is held in place by friction fit and
does not use the rear mounting screw (Figure 6).

Center Cover Center Cover

Rear Mountings : Front Mounting
g Friction Fit Clip Mounting Plates

Front Mount Rear Mount

Figure 8 — Center Cover Frame Brackets (Level 1 & 2)

Bottom Cover
Bottom Cover Front Mounting
Rear Mounting

Figure 6 — Bottom Cover Mounting (Level 2)

There are two levels of dust shields located just below the COVERS ADJUSTMENTS
carrier (Figure 9). The level 2 dust shields are plastic and
snap into the power frame at the rear and into three mount- ie Top Cover Hinge — The top cover hinge should be
ing brackets at the front. The level 1 dust shields are metal adjusted so the contour of the top cover matches the
and are held in place by three screws and a nut. contour of the center cover. Position the hinge
mounting plate front-to-rear to obtain this condition.

Snap-In Brackets

Hinge Mounting Center Cover

(Level 2) Right Dust Shield

(Bottom View)
Mounting Nut

Left Dust Shield

is) Top Cover Latches — Form the level 1 latches front-

to-rear and adjust the level 2 latches left-to-right so
the top cover is latched securely in the closed posi-

(Level 1)

Mounting Screws

Figure 9 — Dust Shields

Center Cover

(Level 1)

Top Cover

(Level 2)
(Raised Position)

3. Hinge Spring (Level 1 Only) — The hinge spring b. The platen will clear the covers with the copy
should be positioned front-to-rear so the top cover lever operated to the extreme front and rear
hinge is detented and held in the open position. position.

Center Cover Hinge Spring


(Bottom View)
Center ie
Ce (Left Side View)

4. Cover Mounts — Adjust the cover mounting brackets

so the machine will be positioned in the covers and ©. The clearance between the paper guide and the
the following requirements are met. deflector will be .020’’-.040.”
a. All of the openings for the keybuttons will have
equal clearance on each side.
Paper Guide

a -020”-.040”
(Level 2) (0,51-1,02mm)
SS x
Rear Cover (Level 1 )

Rubber Mount

d. The top of the spacebar will be 1 3/8” above

the parting line of the cover.


= 4
ies) {sam

Se eee se aa | Cover Parting
a Yo a oe
ui HAT AAO AEA Ope f


Cover Latch ‘

(Oo) Keyboard !
Side Frame

Mounting Bracket

Bracket (Level 2)
(Level 2)

The purpose of the cardholding platen is to keep cards from held by either the top or the bottom. A movable card stop
slipping while being typed on. The blade of the cardholding is mounted on the blade to assist in positioning the card
platen has a groove under both edges to allow a card to be laterally in the card slot (Figure 1).


| Groove

Figure 1 — Cardholding Platen

There Are No Adjustments On A Cardholding Platen.



The purpose of the dead key disconnect is to disable the With the control wheel rotated away from the operator, the
dead key mechanism and allow normal escapement for dead dead key mechanism operates normally. With the control
key positions. This is accomplished by a cable which pivots wheel rotated toward the operator, the dead key
the dead key cable away from the finger on the dead key mechanism is disconnected and escapement occurs for dead
bail. The disconnect cable is controlled from the keyboard key positions (Figure 1).
by a wheel mounted next to the tab set and clear
key button.


Disconnect Cable

Bottom View

Dead Key Bail

Dead Key Bail Finger

Tab Set & Clear


Disconnect Cable

Dead Key Disconnect Wheel

Dead Key Indicator

Figure 1 — Dead Key Disconnect Mechanism



di Indicator — Adjust the indicator to match the slope

of the tab set and clear button.

Dead Key -,

Left Side View

2 Front Cable Clamp — Adjust the cable sheath so that

the first two loops of the sheath extend beyond the
edge of the clamp.

Cable Sheath

left Side View

3. Rear Cable Clamp — With the control wheel rotated

away from the operator, adjust the cable sheath left-
to-right so that the dead key cable is centered on the
dead key bail finger. With the control cable rotated
toward the operator, the disconnect cable should
push the dead key cable away from the working
surface of the selector bail finger.

Selector Bail Finger Dead Key Cable

Disconnect Cable

Cable Clamp Qo Di

(Bottom View)


The purpose of the dead key mechanism is to prohibit In order to prohibit escapement a 7th selection bail is
escapement on certain predetermined keyboard positions. installed in the keyboard. With the typewriter sitting on its
This mechanism is used with several foreign keyboards. We back, the dead key bail is the bottom bail. The interposer
will refer to the Trilingual keyboard for discussion purposes for a dead key position has an extra lug to operate this bail.
(Figure 1). Attached to the bail is a finger over which the eye of a
cable is located. This cable is very similar to the cable used
On the Trilingual keyboard the characters in position 41 to control impression. The sheath of the cable is held rigid
and 42 are accent marks used with the vowels in certain by two clamps, one for each end, mounted to the power
words to indicate pronunciation. These are “‘dead key” frame. The rear end of the cable is attached to a hole in the
characters and when they are typed, the carrier does not bottom of the escapement trigger (Figure 2).
escape. The next character typed will appear directly
beneath the accent mark.

CY\(@l\(FA %\(e iif & (2D) F

YAWN 3 5 6 ¢ iS) O =
° 3 7 i! 15 ioe alae? Sif Sbarso 43

| 5 re Pein le wesw eS Se Se a)
Dead Key Positions

2 6 1O iQ 18 22 26 Se SB 42

Figure 1 — 74 Trilingual Keyboard

—e _ Trigger


Dead Key Bail

Dead Key

Figure 2 — Dead Key Mechanism


When an interposer in a dead key position is driven forward
Spring Window Spring Window
by the filter shaft, the rear lug on the interposer pulls the
dead key bail forward. The finger on the dead key bail pulls
the dead key cable which pivots the escapement trigger
away from the lug on the escapement torque bar. A spring Torque Bar
window which normally rides on the top of the escapement
trigger is allowed to fall in front of the escapement trigger
as the trigger pivots. This prevents the trigger from restoring
over the torque bar lug until the end of the print cycle. ties
When the escapement mechanism operates, the trigger is t
: Trigger
away from the torque bar lug, thus preventing escapement
(Figure 3)

As the escapement trigger is pulled downward, it loses Dead Key

contact with the spring window and is pulled forward by a ae Mech. Cable
spring. As the escapement mechanism restores, the top of
the trigger contacts the bottom of the spring window,
pushes it up and is allowed to restore in its normal position
over the escapement torque bar lug.
At Rest \ Operated

Figure 3—Spring Window Operation


1. Rear Cable Clamp — Adjust the cable sheath under Front Cable Clamp — Adjust the cable sheath under
the clamp for .485”-.565”> movement of the cable the clamp so that the escapement trigger is pulled
when a dead key position is operated. .030”-.060” past the spring window.

NOTE: With the dead key mechanism installed on a

Correcting ‘‘Selectric’’, be sure to maintain
.005’’-.020”’ clearance between the working surface
of the trigger and the escapement torque bar lug with
the mode actuating bellcrank released.
" ow elt
17% Spring Window
(0,76—1,52mm) -7 ES oj

(Level 1)
Cable Clamp

Level 2—Adjust cable sheath to be flush with rear

edge of rear cable clamp to obtain .485”"—.565”
movement of cable when a dead key position is

(Level 2)


The purpose of the double indexing device is to provide a The double indexing mechanism can be locked out for
second index operation for each carrier return operation. normal linespacing. To lock out the double indexing
operation, the mode switch, mounted above the on-off
Double indexing is accomplished in the following manner. switch lever, is rotated toward the front of the machine.
When the carrier return button is depressed, a normal The mode lever, through a link and locator, loads the
indexing and carrier return operation occurs. Motion from tripper and tripper shaft to the left so the tripper rotates
the carrier return shoe bellcrank through the interlock shaft between the index and carrier return keylever pawls when
rotates the index trip shaft. The tripper, mounted on the operated. When the tripper rotates between the index and
trip shaft, rotates downward, pulling the index keylever carrier keylever pawls, normal linespacing will occur.
pawl down. The index keylever pawl trips the index
interposer, causing a second index operation.

Index Keylever


Index Trip Shaft


Carrier Return
“t———__ Shoe Bellcrank

Index Keylever Pawl

Mode Lever


Figure 1 — Double Indexing Device


E 3. Double Index Bellcrank (Level I Only) — Adjust the
DOUBLE INDEXING DEVICE ADJUSTMENTS bellcrank bracket so the motion of the carrier return
latch trips the index keylever without choking off the
4. Tripper Position — carrier return latch when the operational shaft is hand
a. Adjust tripper left-to-right for minimum
clearance between the spacer and locator.

Bellcrank Bracket

Cable Sheath


Minimum Clearance
4. Side Frame Clamp (Level 1 Only) — Adjust the cable
sheath under the side frame clamp so the index
keylever does not choke off when depressed.

b. Adjust tripper rotationally for .020’-.035”

clearance to the index keylever pawl.
Index Keylever

(0,89-1,14mm) VA

DO Locator — Adjust the locator for positive engagement

and disengagement of the tripper to the index
keylever pawl.
Cable Clamp


Positive Engagement

Positive Disengagement


The external ribbon control is designed for customers with link connects the control lever and the control bellerank.
applications that require frequent changes of a bicolored When the control lever is moved front-to-rear, the control
ribbon by allowing the operator to select stencil, black or bellcrank pivots on its mounting stud. The control
red ribbon positions without lifting the cover. bellcrank causes the lift control lever to pivot. Connected
to the lift control lever is the lift control link. The lift
The control lever is located on the left side of the carrier. control link for the external ribbon control functions the
The operation and appearance is similar to the impression same as the lift control link on the standard fabric ribbon
selector lever (Figure 1). mechanism.

The ribbon control lever is mounted with the ribbon

control bellcrank inside the left-hand carrier casting. A wire

Flat Link

Control! Lever Ribbon Lift
Cam Follower

Ribbon Lift
Ribbon Lift Cam
Control Link

Print Sleeve

Lift Control Lever

Ribbon Lift Guide Assembly

Ribbon Control Bellcrank


Flat Link

Ribbon Load Lever

Figure 1 — External Ribbon Control Mechanism



Ribbon Control Bracket — With the control lever in

the stencil position, adjust the control bracket so the
ribbon feed pawl is centered between the two feed
ratchets throughout the full movement of the feed
plate assembly.


Feed Pawl

Stencil Position

(Left Side View)

2. Ribbon Lift Control Link — With the ribbon control

lever in the red position, adjust the control link clevis
so the underscore will strike the ribbon .030”-.045”
from the bottom edge.





High Lift Position

(Left Side View)


The manual velocity control provides the operator with a wheel rotated away from the operator, all keyboard
means of controlling the automatic velocity control feature, positions will be low velocity, The control wheel must be
A control wheel mounted just to the right of the on-off held in this position. When the control wheel is rotated
keybutton determines keyboard velocity, When the control toward the operator, the keyboard will be in high velocity,
wheel is in the middle or normal position, the keyboard is This position is detented and need not be held (Figure 1).
in the automatic velocity control mode. With the control


Low Velocity


ie Cy | j Low Velocity
Cam Follower

Low Velocity |] AF
Vane 1 Ke

On-Off Low Velocity Latch


Figure 1 — Manual Velocity Control


The velocity selection lever is mounted to the right of, and
on the same stud as, the low velocity latch. A link extends
between the top of the velocity selection lever and a lower
extension on the control wheel (Figure 2A). When the
i Velocity Control Indicator — The indicator should be
control wheel is rotated away from the operator, the link
adjusted to satisfy two conditions.
pulls the top of the velocity selection lever toward the front
of the machine, A lug on the velocity selection lever
a. Rotational — Adjust the indicator rotationally
contacts the low velocity latch and rotates it away from the
to match the slope of the keyboard,
low velocity cam follower stop, With the control wheel held
in this position, the cam follower is allowed to provide low
b. Lateral — Adjust the indicator left-to-right to
velocity from any keyboard position (Figure 2B).
maintain .002”-.010” end play of the velocity
control indicator wheel.
When the control wheel is rotated toward the front of the
machine, the top of the velocity selection lever is pushed
toward the rear of the machine. Another lug on the velocity
selection lever contacts the low velocity link and pushes it
up out of the foot of the “L” slot. When an interposer Velocity Control Indicator
operates the low velocity vane, the low velocity bellcrank Slopes Parallel
will pull the link and the link will slide down the slot
unable to move the latch (Figure 2C).

Velocity Selection Lever


Velocity Control Wheel

Cam Follower

Figure 2A — At Rest 2. Low Velocity Link — Disconnect the clevis from the
low velocity .latch. With the machine at rest and the
Selection low velocity vane against the tail of the interposers,
Lever adjust the clevis .020”-.025”’ past the end of the slot
in the low velocity latch.

Low Velocity
Low Velocity Latch

Low Velocity Link Adj. .020°'-.025""

Too Long

Cam Follower

Figure 2B — All Low

Velocity 3 Velocity Control Link — Adjust the clevis so the

Selection control wheel will completely lift the low velocity
Lever latch link to the top of the slot in the velocity latch.

Low Velocity
Velocity Control Link

Cam Follower

Figure 2C — All High

Figure 2 — Manual Velocity Selection
(Right Side View)

The purpose of the pin feed platen is to feed continuous The platen core is keyed to the right hand pin wheel body.
forms (Figure 1). This is accomplished by pin wheel assem- The pin wheel body is setscrewed to a hexagon shaped
blies, on each end of the platen which engage perforations platen shaft and rotates with the shaft whenever the platen
along the outside edges of the form. Platen cores come in is indexed. Each pin wheel body contains 9 pins sym-
lengths to accomodate most standard width forms. metrically spaced around its surface. A cam mounts over
the hub of the pin wheel and fits into a guide slot in each
During operation, the feed roll release lever should be for- pin. Mounted onto the cam is a control plate which pre-
ward in the released position because the feed rolls are not vents the cam from rotating. The cam control plate is pre-
required to feed the paper. vented from rotating by an anchor rod. The anchor rod
extends the width of the platen and is mounted to each side
of the center cover,

Key Slot Setscrew Grip

Platen eer Pin Wheel


Platen Cam Anchor be Rod
Shaft Rod

Bun o Control
Pin Guide f Plate
Slot Setscrews


Pin Wheel


Cam Control Ratchet

Figure 1 — Pin Feed Platen Assembly


As the pin wheel body turns, the pins move around the The paper guides are attached to the right and left cam
stationary cam and move in and out of their holes as they control plates and are positioned in front of the extended
pass the high point of the cam. This means that the pins pins to guide the paper (Figure 4). The paper guides may be
will exit and enter the pin wheel body at an exact radial pivoted upward to aid in positioning the form paper around
position thus providing the motion necessary to feed forms the platen and over the extended pins.
through the typewriter (Figure 2). The point at which the
pins reach their fully extended position can be varied by
adjusting the position of the cam high point.

Cam Control
Cam ‘Plate


Figure 2 — Pin Wheel Assembly (Right Side View) Figure 4 — Paper Guide


The platen ratchet is attached to the right end of the platen The pin feed platen mechanism uses a short metal card-
shaft (Figure 3). The platen ratchet is rotated by the index holder (Figure 5) to prevent interference with the pin
mechanism. Rotational motion of the ratchet is coupled to wheels on paper guides when the carrier is close to either
the platen shaft through the platen variable mechanism. end of the platen.

The platen variable mechanism consists of a variable shaft,

compression spring, driver pin, variable driver and a driver
guide which is setscrewed to the platen shaft. The variable
driver may be disconnected from the platen ratchet by
pushing in on the right hand platen knob. This enables the
operator to reposition the writing line without moving the Short Metal
platen ratchet. Cardholder

Variable Driver
Shaft ‘
\ Platen Ratchet

~ O @ Compression Spring

Figure 5 — Card Holder


Large diameter bail rollers are available for use with the pin
feed platen to aid in keeping the form paper flat against the
platen surface. :
Figure 3 — Platen Ratchet And Variable


1. Platen Core Lateral Position (Level 1) — Loosen the 3. Paper Guide — Form the front extension on the paper
locknuts on both ends of the platen and center the guides front-to-rear for a minimum of .010” clearance
core, Turn locknuts in and tighten, between the underside of the guide and a fully
extended pin as it passes under the guide.
Core Centered

.010” Min.

Paper Guide ,
yy, y

Lock Nuts

(Front View)


Level 2 — Loosen the setscrews in the pin wheel

bodies, Center the core and slide the pin wheel
assemblies up against each end. Tighten the setscrews.

Core Centered
(Right Side View)

CARDHOLDER — Adjust the cardholder for the

following conditions:

a. Position the cardholder up or down so the

bottom of a row of typed Vs is .002”-.005”
above the top edge of the cardholder.

Setscrews (0), Position the cardholder left or right so the

bottom of a typed V is centered on the pitch
mark on the cardholder.
(Front View)

Centered On
2. ._ Pin Wheel Assembly — Adjust the cam on the control Pitch Mark
plate so the pins are fully extended immediately after
passing into the slot of the form guide.


Cam Control



(Right Side View) (Front View)


(0,13-0,38mm) — aha

ag el
Ribbon ae
Lift Guide ats

LL .035'" Max.
) e (0,89mm)
any ni: avenKeue HtsQi) aii aa
: iq of}
iosdwoe Te sbite

mete: BAT AOS ae dose deoiage ae 4


(Left Side View)


The purpose of the shift sensing mechanism is to move the crank is mounted to the rear of the vane and held against its
low velocity vane to the left when the machine is in the spring tension in a counterclockwise position by the shift
upper case mode, This allows certain predetermined key- sensing cable, The other end of the cable is mounted to 4
board positions that are low velocity in lower case, to be plate on the rear of the shift arm, When the machine is
high velocity in upper case, This is used on keyboards with shifted to upper case, tension on the sensing cable is relaxed
the ten key numeric inset such as the 056 and 065 OCR and the bellerank spring rotates the bellcrank clockwise, As
keyboards where the numerals 8 and 9 are above the the bellcrank rotates, it pushes the low velocity vane to the
comma and period (Figure 1). left. This allows certain interposers which have low velocity
in lower case to now have high velocity in upper case
With the machine in lower case, the low velocity vane is because the lugs on the low velocity vane are not in front of
held to the right by a flat spring. The vane actuating bell- the interposers.


Low Velocity
Shift Arm

Shift Arm Plate

Low Velocity
Shift Sensing Cable

Flat Spring Spring

Vane Actuating Belicrank

Figure 1 — Shift Sensing Mechanism



is Vane Return Spring — Ensure that the low velocity 4. Rear Cable Clamp — Adjust the sheath under the rear
vane does not bind off on the vane return spring. cable clamp so the sheath is flush with the clamp

Vane Return Spring

Rear Cable Clamp

No Binds
Left To Right


Low Velocity Vane

Two Loops Extended

ee Vane Bellcrank — Adjust the bellcrank left-to-right so
the vane moves .095”-.105” to the left when actu-
ated. 5. Front Cable Clamp — Adjust the sheath under the
clamp so the front cable anchor does not restrain the
actuating bellerank when the machine is in upper

Lever Front Cable Clamp
Spring Vane
Return Spring
Vane Bellerank

ER Velocity
Latch Link Low Velocity
Vane Bellcrank Vane
Control Bracket
.095” - .105”
2,41 - 2,67mm

6. Center Cable Clamp — Adjust the sheath under the

clamp so most of the slack is to the rear of the clamp.

NOTE: When adjusting either of the three cable

5, Actuating Bellcrank Bracket — Adjust the bellcrank
clamps, care should be taken to ensure that the cable
bracket so the actuating tip travels in the center line
does not kink in either the rest or activated position.
of the low velocity vane shaft.
There should be adequate room at either end of the
sheath for free motion of the cable and the sheath
should not interfere with adjoining links or mechan-
Actuating Bellcrank

Return Spring

Low Velocity
Vane Shaft

Low Velocity
Vane Bellcrank Center Cable Clamp
Vane Control
Bellcrank Bracket


The purpose of the stroke counter is to record actual usage the cycle shaft operates, The left-hand dust shield has a
of the “Selectric,” “Selectric” II and Correcting “Selectric” portion removed to allow the counter to be read,
typewriters. This is accomplished by a nonresetting 9
mechanical counter mounted inside the power frame above Stroke counters for the ‘Selectric,’ “Selectric” Il and
the left-hand cam of the cycle shaft assembly (Figure 1). Correcting ‘‘Selectric’ Typewriters are available with a
10:1, 100:1 or 240:1 ratio. This means that for every 100
The stroke counter arm is spring loaded against the cam and print operations, the 100:1 ratio counter will advance 1,
moves up and down with the camming surface each time etc.


Stroke Counter

as Counter
Cam Follower
There Are No Adjustments For The Stroke Counter.

Figure 1 — Stroke Counter


11. The following adjustments should be checked after
REMOVAL PROCEDURES the rotate shaft and tilt ring are replaced:
a. Tilt detent
COVER REMOVAL b. Typehead homing
(Mech. Code 704) (eh Tilt ring
d. Upper ball socket
Level 1] & 2
Position the carrier near the center. CARRIER AND ROCKER ASSEMBLY REMOVAL
Move the margin stops away from the carrier. (Mech. Code 702, 703, 706, 712, 718, 722, 723)
Tip the machine on its back.
If level 1 cover, loosen cover screw at center rear. Remove the platen, deflector and feed rolls.
Pry rear of cover straight away from machine. Remove the cardholder and brackets.
Nn If level 1 cover, lift bottom cover vertically to Remove the tilt tape. ;
free front brackets. is Release
WHE the rotate spring tension and remove the
b. If level 2 cover, pry front of bottom cover rotate tape.
straight away from machine, Disconnect the carrier return and escapement/tab
7. Remove the power cord from the rear vent grille. cords from the carrier.
8. Loosen the four mounting screws that secure the Disconnect the velocity cable from the carrier,
mounting plates to the center cover. Remove the escapement bracket screws and work the
9. Set the machine on its feet, then pivot the locking carrier out from beneath the escapement bracket.
plates from beneath the mounting screws. Remove the print shaft.
10. Pull the paper release lever and paper bail forward. a. Level 1 print shafts are removed by removing
11. If the machine is equipped with a paper table, pivot the print shaft gear and sliding the print shaft
the paper table to the rear. out through the right bearing.
12. Raise the top cover and remove the platen by b. Level 2 print shafts are removed by removing
releasing the latch at each end, the C-clip to the right of the left bearing and
13. Latch both margin levers and pointer up. sliding the print shaft out through the left
14. Remove the top and center cover by lifting straight bearing.
up. The carrier assembly may now be lifted from the
15. Reinstall platen. machine.


1. Position the carrier near the center. (Mech. Code 702, 713, 714, 722, 723)
2. Move the margin stops away from the carrier,
3. Pull the paper release lever and the paper bail Remove the ribbon mechanism.
forward. Remove the cardholder brackets.
4. Raise the top cover and pivot the paper table to the Slowly release the rotate spring tension.
rear, Disconnect the rotate tape.
5. Remove the platen by releasing the latch at each end. Disconnect the tilt tape.
6. Pull the cover release levers (inside center cover Remove the gearless tilt pulley.
section) forward. Remove the tape guide.
7. Latch both margin levers and the red pointer up. Remove the striker if present.
8. Lift the top and center cover straight up. Remove the rotate spring.
9. Remove the plastic vent grille by lifting straight up. Remove the rotate pulley.
10. Reinstall platen. Remove the impression control or velocity plate.
11. Pull bottom cover release lever forward. Loosen the rocker shaft setscrew.
12. Machine may now be tilted up within the bottom Remove the C-clip from the right side of the rocker
cover. shaft.
Remove the rocker shaft.
TILT RING AND ROTATE SHAFT REMOVAL The rocker assembly may now be removed from the
(Mech. Code 702, 704) carrier,
Remove the dust cover and ribbon.
Center the carrier over the cycle shaft.
Shift the machine to upper case. (Mech. Code 702, 704, 721, 723)
Half cycle a zero rotate, tilt 1 character. Il Position the carrier to the extreme right.
Remove the C-clip and disconnect the tilt pulley link 2, Remove the left dust cover.
(gearless tilt mechanism only). 3 Remove the gear guard, cycle shaft gear and lower
Loosen the tilt ring pivot pin setscrews. idler gear assembly.
Remove the two pivot pins. Remove the C-clip, check pawl and spring.
Remove the tilt ring and dog bone. nS Remove the cycle shaft bearing screws, dust cover
Loosen the rotate pulley setscrew. retainer and metal gear guard.
Use the butt end of the small springhook as a a Loosen the bearing plate from the frame by prying it
follower to push out the rotate shaft. This prevents away from the frame (front first) with a screwdriver.
the wedge from being lost. When replacing the shaft, Force the positive bail down with a screwdriver and
be sure the pin is pointing toward the front-left and remove all latches from beneath the bail.
right-rear corners. Remove the cycle shaft, pushing the negative 5 and
rotate 2 links out of the way with the pusher end of a

N N ro
9. On machines without an adjustable collar, check to 2. Remove the shift interlock spring, the shift release
see the shims remain in place, Check to see that arm spring and the shift detent spring.
proper end play (,001°-,006"’) is present, Reshim if 3. Remove the C-clip from the operational shaft and
necessary, remove the shift clutch ratchet.
10, The drive belt or cycle clutch can now be removed.
11. The following adjustments should be checked after 7X1
the cycle shaft is replaced: 4, Remove the interlock,
Idler gears 5. Remove the detent arm.
Cycle shaft end play 6. Disconnect the shift release link,
Cycle clutch spring 7. Remove the shift release arm.
Cycle clutch latch bite
Damper spring (if used) 7X3-7X5
Filter shaft timing 4. Disconnect the shift release link,
nogePrint shaft timing 5. Remove the shift support bracket screw.
6. Remove the shift support bracket, interlock and shift
(Mech. Code 702, 704, 711, 721, 723) 7. Remove the detent arm.

Position the carrier to the extreme right. All

oe Remove the left dust cover, platen, feed rolls and 8. Remove the shift clutch spring (behind the ratchet).
paper deflector. NOTE: Observe the spring position for replacement.
Remove the machine from the bottom pan, 9. Remove the shift clutch arbor.
aa Disconnect the clevises and remove them¢rom the 10. Remove the shift cam.
selector latch links.
5. Remove the latch bail spring. ROTATE SPRING REPLACEMENT
6. Remove the motor. (Mech. Code 702, 704)
7. Remove the rotate latch springs.
8 Pull out the rotate links. Gear Tilt
9 Disconnect the tilt differential spring. [he Remove the left dust cover,
10. Remove the upper guide bracket screws. 2, Remove the ribbon.
11. Remove the balance arm mounting stud. Sie Center the carrier over the cycle shaft.
12. Disconnect the minus 5 bail drive link from the right 4 Gradually remove the tension from the rotate spring.
end of the balance arm. Remove the two nuts, one on newer machine,
13. Rotate the cycle shaft until the cam followers are on immediately to the right of the yoke on the carrier,
the low points of the cams. remove the black rotate spring tension clip from
14. Remove the rotate differential assembly. under the nut.
15. The following adjustments should be checked after a. On older machines, back out the two screws on
the rotate selection differential assembly is replaced: the right 1/4” and remove the screw on the left,
a. Typehead homing which is under the cycle shaft.
b. Rotate latch clearance b. On new machines, remove the lower right and
( Rotate differential guides left screws and back out the upper right screw
d. Selector latch links 1/4”,
Remove the striker and rotate spring retaining plate.
The rotate spring can now be removed.
NOTE: In new machines there may be a spring clip
(Mech. Code 702, 709, 717, 721) (P/N 1141238) that prevents the spring from being
trapped in the pulley notch. If not, one should be
1. Align the carrier over the linelock interposer,
added on reassembly,
2. Disconnect the operational keylever springs and
The following adjustments should be checked after
repeat bail spring.
the rotate spring is replaced:
3. Remove the keylever upstop.
a. Rotate spring tension
4. Remove the spacebar equalizing rod,
b. Typehead homing
5. Remove the bell bail lever.
G; Damper spring (if used)
6. Remove the bellringer bail.
7. Remove the margin rack.
Gearless Tilt
8. Slip sound deadening over operational keybuttons
il Remove the left dust shield.
and pivot the keyboard up and out of the way.
ays Center the carrier over the cycle shaft.
9, Push the fulcrum rod to the interposer being removed
3 Remove the tension from the rotate spring gradually.
with a fulcrum rod tool. 4 Remove the screws from the rotate spring retaining
10. Remove the spring from the interposer being
Remove the rotate spring retaining plate. The rotate
spring may now be removed.
SHIFT CAM REMOVAL The following adjustments should be checked after
(Mech. Code 702, 716, 723) the rotate spring is replaced:
a. Rotate spring tension
1. Turn the typehead counterclockwise and remove the
b. Typehead homing
relaxed rotate tape from the shift arm pulley.
G Damper spring (if used)
NOTE: On one-piece shift arm the rotate tape must
be disconnected from the right side of the carrier.


OPERATIONAL SHAFT REMOVAL The following adjustments should be checked after
(Mech. Cody 703, 716, 718) the escapement pawl is replaced:
Escapement torque bar stop
Remove the C-clip from the right end of the Pawl mounting stud
operational shaft and remove the shift clutch ratchet. Torque bar backstop
Remove the shift clutch spring. Carrier return pawl clearance
Loosen the torque limiter hub. Tab pawl clearance
Loosen the tab governor collars. Backspace rack
Loosen the operational cam ratchet. Rmeao
te Backspace motion
(7X3-7X5) Loosen the collar at the right side of the
operational shaft. ROTATE TAPE REPLACEMENT
Install the hand cycle tool.
Pull the operational shaft slightly to the right and
Perform cover removal.
remove the C-clip(s) from the carrier return pinion,
Remove dust shields.
The operational shaft may now be pulled to the right.
Wn Position carrier approximately 6 inches from left side
Half cycle a zero rotate tilt 2 character.
(Mech. Code 702, 713, 714)
Withdraw the detents and turning the typehead, wind
up the rotate spring approximately 3-1/2 turns or
lie Center the carrier.
until the “T” slot is in the front of the rocker after
a Remove the ribbon mechanism.
the third turn, Allow the detents to restore.
3h Remove the print shaft.
Raise the tape anchor screw and install the rotate
a. Level 1 print shafts are removed by removing
tape below the tilt tape.
the print shaft gear and sliding the print shaft
Thread the tape around the shift arm pulley, under
out through the right bearing.
the carrier, under the carrier return cord, around the
b. Level 2 print shafts are removed by removing
rotate arm pulley through the left end of the rocker
the C-clip to the right side of the left bearing
pivot shaft, under the plastic guard on the tape guide,
and sliding the print shaft out through the left
around the rotate pulley and insert the “‘T” end into
the rotate pulley “T” slot. NOTE: It will be
Remove the left print shaft wiper retainer.
necessary to put a twist in the rotate tape between
Loosen the ribbon lift cam.
the rotate arm pulley and the rocker pivot shaft.
Loosen the ribbon feed and detent cam.
Twist the tape so that when the rocker is in print
Loosen the print cam.
position, the twist is at a maximum, The top of the
Slide the ribbon feed and detent cam to the right
tape should be to the front when coming out of the
against the print cam.
rocker shaft.
Slide the ribbon lift cam to the right and onto the
Hold the typehead and manually withdraw the
print shaft key.
detents. Control the type element to allow the rotate
Slide the print sleeve to the left.
spring to slowly wind the tape as you guide it
Remove the print cam.
correctly around each of its pulleys.
Remove the ribbon feed and detent cam.
Half cycle the machine to a lower case ‘“‘m’” ” and
Slide the print sleeve to the right.
check rotate spring tension. Check homing and other
Slide the ribbon lift cam to the left.
adjustments as necessary.
Remove the print shaft key.
Pull the print sleeve out through the left carrier
bearing while sliding the ribbon lift cam off. TILT TAPE REPLACEMENT
The following adjustments should be checked after
replacing the print sleeve: Perform cover removal procedure.
a. Print sleeve end play Position carrier 3 inches from the left frame.
b. Detent skirt clearance Half cycle a zero rotate, zero tilt character.
e Print shaft timing RWN Withdraw the detents, rotate the head
d. Ribbon plate counterclockwise 1 rotate position, tilt the head to
the 3 tilt position, allow the detents to reseat.
ESCAPEMENT PAWL REMOVAL Raise the tape anchor screw and install the tilt tape
(Mech. Code 701, 702, 706, 712, 722) above the rotate tape. (Do not allow the rotate tape
to relax.)
Remove the platen. Thread the tilt tape around the right tilt pulley, under
Remove the deflector and feed rolls. the escapement bracket and around the left tilt arm
Position the carrier near the left margin. pulley.
hWN Remove the nut from the escapement pawl mounting
Insert the tilt tape through the left end of the rocker
stud. pivot shaft and install the tilt tape on the tilt
Remove the escapement pawl mounting stud. bellcrank, :
Remove the escapement pawl and backspace pawl. Hold the typehead, withdraw the detents and slowly
AIANInstallation of the escapement and backspace pawls allow the typehead to return to home, while ensuring
and spacer will be much easier if the 2 pawls and both the tilt and rotate tapes are positioned on their
spacer are assembled and retained with a rubber band. respective pulleys.
Then the 3 parts can be installed as a single unit and
the rubber band cut away.

(Mech. Code 722)
1. Perform cover removal.
2. Remove dust shields, The feed rolls may be removed from the “‘A frame” in the
3, Remove both cords and hand cycle the machine until following manner:
the mainspring tension is relaxed,
4, Disconnect the carrier return unlatching link, Carefully spread the feed roll arm assembly and remove the
5. Manually latch the carrier return mechanism and front feed roll. Pivot the rear feed roll toward the front and
rotate the turning wheel, while counting escapement remove,
shaft revolutions, until the mainspring is wound the
proper number of turns (Figure 3), The “A frame” is removed in the following manner:
6. With the carrier to the right, connect the cord to the
carrier return cord drum, position cord to the left 1. (“‘Selectric” Il and Correcting “Selectric”
over the idler pulley, around the left rear corner Typewriters) Remove detent release lever and stud,
pulley and connect to the carrier using scissor clamps 2. Remove the platen ratchet detent.
or the pusher end of a springhook (Figure 1). 3. Remove the index link from the index pawl without
7. Hold the slack out of the carrier return cord and disturbing its adjustment.
rotate the turning wheel until the carrier approaches 4. Remove index pawl overthrow stop.
the left side frame. Stop hand cycling when the notch 5. (Dual Pitch) Disconnect half backspace links, loosen
in the escapement cord drum is visible. half backspace stop bracket nut and pivot bracket
8. Connect the escapement cord to the escapement cord from under nut.
drum and wrap approximately 1 turn of the cord 6. (Dual Pitch) Remove pitch cam cable from switch
around the drum (Figure 2). pitch sector gear.
9. Thread the cord around the cord tension pulley and 7. Scribe the position of the multiple copy control
connect it to the carrier. detent plate; loosen the screw and pivot the plate
10. Pull the carrier return cord over the left front corner from under the screw.
pulley and connect the carrier return unlatching link. 8. Disconnect both anchor springs. These springs
connect the paper feed assembly to the power frame.
9. Lift the paper feed assembly at the rear; pull toward
the rear of the machine and remove the assembly.
NOTE: Removing the “‘A frame” assembly will allow
easy access to rotary backspace, escapement bracket
'_/ 4__. Fold Eyelet Back and transport cords.
Into Cord Drum
(Mech. Code 720)

1. Remove feed roll release lever.

2. Remove selector lever. Move grip clip to left until clip
disengages from selector lever.
3. Remove selector lever mounting stud. Retain stud.
Pull On The Cord clip and spacer. These will be used later.
; 4. Remove pawl assembly.
Figure 1 5. Remove detent release lever.
6. Remove detent release lever mounting stud.
CR Unlatching 7. Disconnect tilt spring. Remove right tilt pulley
bracket and keeper.
8. Remove detent.


(Mech. Code 720)

Install grip clip, index bracket and spacer onto index

selector lever mounting stud.
2. Install selector cam onto index selector lever using
stud and C-clip.
3. Install stud with nut and washer onto index bracket.
4. Install selector lever.
OnesrOr Anchor Fold Eyelet 5. Install spring onto stud and engage selector cam and
Taera Erant.O¢ Back Into secure with C-clip.
Machine Cord Drum 6. Remove detent roller from old style detent assembly
and install on new detent.
7. Install detent assembly using stud that was in
Bieseiteeaien Tab machine and detent release lever mounting stud.
8. Install C-clip that was on stud.
9. Install tilt pulley bracket and keeper. Connect tilt
Sly ate y Long Ears ve ee sae os lever.

This Spring Should This Spring Should 12. ail Ped Jenene lever.
Be Wound 7 Turns Be Wound 5 Turns
ESCAPEMENT RACK REMOVAL (DUAL PITCH) Me Remove the mainspring backplate screws and remove
(Mech. Code 707) the paper feed support bracket.
{Pas Slide the mainspring backplate from the escapement
ih Remove the platen, deflector and feed rolls. shaft, leaving the backspace bellcrank in its position
2. Disconnect the margin pitch link from _ the in front of the ratchet.
escapement rack gear. Shs Remove the cable tension spring, arm and spacer.
3% Loosen the switch pitch sector gear screws and move 14. Remove the CR/BS cable drum assembly and
it to the rear of the machine. disengage the cable.
Remove the escapement rack gear. Isr When installing a new drum assembly, engage the
n Remove the escapement rack bearing plate and cable, orient it properly and install the cable tension
compression spring. spacer, arm and spring. This procedure will hold the
Disconnect the lower half backspace link and remove cables in place.
the half backspace intermediate lever and bellcrank 16. Reinstall the remaining parts in reverse order.
link, VT The following adjustments should be checked:
Remove the half backspace bellerank mounting screw Paper feed support
and spacer from the power frame. Switch bracket
Operate the tab to get the escapement pawl out of Mainspring hub
the escapement rack. As you pull the escapement Escapement shaft collar
rack from the machine, disengage and remove the half Transport cable tension
backspace bellcrank. Backspace motion
The following adjustments should be checked after Backspace latch height
the escapement rack is replaced. Index interlock shaft
Half backspace motion Index interlock paddle
Sie Half backspace rest position
oY Index multiplying lever stop
Escapement rack gear
Escapement rack gear lower stop COMPENSATOR BALLS REMOVAL
Switch pitch sector gear (Mech. Code 721)
aa Pitch cable
1. Remove covers.
MARGIN RACK AND RAIL REMOVAL (DUAL PITCH) 2. With the machine tilt up, raise the interposer tails.
(Mech. Code 710) HINT: The interposer can be held out of the
compensator tube by inserting a drive belt between
Remove the margin rack gear toggle spring and gear the filter shaft and interposers.
guard. 3. Remove the right-hand end plug.
Loosen the margin pitch link guide bracket. 4. The compensator balls may now be removed by
Disconnect the margin release bracket spring. carefully tilting the machine to the right. The
Loosen the margin release bracket screws and slide compensator balls may be cleaned in IBM cleaning
the margin release bracket to the rear. fluid.
Disengage the margin sliders by holding the margin 5. Reverse procedure for installation.
set levers to the rear. Slide the margin rack out of the CAUTION: There must be a compensator ball on the
machine. Note the position of the margin rack spring, outside of position 0 and position 43 interposers.
washer and bushing. 6. The compensator tube adjustment must be made
Lift the margin rail out of the machine. after replacing the compensator balls.
Remove the margin rack gear if necessary.
The following adjustments should be checked after LUBRICATION
the margin rack and rail are replaced.
a. Margin pitch link guide bracket The “Selectric” Typewriter will not operate dependably
b. Margin rack gear and reliably if it is not thoroughly and properly lubricated.
G: Front margin rack gear stop
Use IBM No. 10 oil on the following:
ASSEMBLY REMOVAL (DUAL PITCH) b Cycle shaft bearing
(Mech. Code 724) (oF Margin rack bearing
d. Margin stops
Position the carrier at the extreme right. e Carrier shoe
Remove the switch and swing it dut of the way. f Rotate detent guide, upper and lower ball
Carefully remove the mainspring. sockets, tilt detent pivots
Remove the backspace bellcrank retainer. g. Motor
BW Remove the pin and C-clip connecting the driver links h, Selection bail rollers
to the driver. i Index pawl assembly
Remove the index interlock link and the left-hand j All power operated links and clevises at both
index interlock shaft clip, Slide the index interlock ends
shaft toward the right, k, Ribbon feed and reverse plate
Remove the index multiplying lever stop and switch il B/S intermediate lever
bracket screws. m. Differential assemblies
Remove the mainspring hub. n. All functional parts and pivots in operational
Remove the two screws that mount the paper feed box assembly
support to its bracket. Oo. Tilt arm pivot and rotate link stud
Disconnect the backspace bellcrank spring. p. Rotate arm pivot and rotate link pivot studs

Carbon ribbon drive spring and bearing
Power frame center bearing
Platen bushings
See All other rotating or pivoting members at the
bearing area which are not specifically excepted
in the listing following

Use IBM No, 23 grease on the following:

i) Operation ratchets
Keylever return springs
Interposer latch springs
Ribbon lift control lever
Linelock bracket
Filter shaft flutes
Operational keylever pawl guide studs
Tape guide
All cams on print sleeve
Ball joint
Cycle clutch and shift clutch springs
Feed roll bearing
Cycle clutch restoring cam
Low velocity latch contacts
OS All sliding parts not excepted


Cut Along
21. Line Position Reset Lever “Selectric”? Typewriter —
Form the right-hand extension of the line position
reset lever to obtain .001”-.010” clearance between
the detent roller and the lever with the lever at rest.
Form the detent arm so the lever overlaps the detent
roller by the thickness of the lever. Machines
equipped with a 54-tooth detent arm should have
.005”-.015” between the lever and the C-clip.

24 & 27 oF
Tooth Tere
Roller oller

Overlap ]| .005"’
The | aa To
Thickness 015"
Of Lever 0,12-0,38mm

Seema kaa
Form Here To
Give Clearance

Detent Roller

In Rest Position

Line Position Reset Lever ‘‘Selectric”’ II Typewriter —

Form the rear extension of the detent arm to clear
the lower lug of the line position reset lever.

Line Position
Reset Lever ae


(SE IT Right Side View)

The ribbon feed cam, which is keyed to the print sleeve,
supplies the motion for ribbon feed. The motion from the
The purpose of the Film Ribbon Mechanism is to lift the cam is transmitted through an adjustable stud to the cam
ribbon into the path of the typehead during a print opera- follower, which drives the feed pawl (Figure 2). The cam
tion; and to feed the ribbon from the supply spool to the follower mounts on a bracket that is fastened to the front
take-up spool, carrier casting by two hex-headed screw, An extension
spring, anchored to one of these screws, loads the cam fol-
The film ribbon mechanism mounts on and moves with the lower against the cam. The feed pawl mounts at the top of
carrier assembly, The supply spool of ribbon mounts on a the cam follower by a shouldered rivet and is spring loaded
permanent supply spool on the left side of the carrier, Due into engagement with the ribbon feed and lift wheel.
to the inner-connection between the plastic core of the
supply spool and the permanent supply spool, both spools Ribbon Feed and Lift Wheel
rotate as a unit during a ribbon feed operation, As the
ribbon comes from the supply spool, it threads around the Feed Pawl : * Shouldered Rivet
ribbon circuit to the take-up spool, The take-up spool is a
disposable, transparent spool mounted on the right side of
the carrier. Once the ribbon has been used and fed to the
take-up spool, both the take-up spool and the plastic core
from the supply side are removed and discarded. The new
ribbon to be installed comes equipped with its own take-up
spool fastened to the end of a clean leader (Figure 1). Cam Follower 3
Load Spring

Shock Print Sleeve

Supply Spring
Spool Plastic Feed Cam
Follower Bracket
Ribbon Lift
Guides Figure 2 — Ribbon Feed Mechanism
Permanent (Half Cycle Position)
The ribbon feed and lift wheel contains sixteen feed win-
dows laid out in a circular pattern (Figure 3). During the
first half of a print cycle, the cam follower will ride to the
low point of the feed cam under spring tension. The feed
pawl attached to the top of the cam follower will move to
the rear camming out of one window and dropping into the
next. As the feed cam follower and feed pawl are powered
forward, the feed and lift wheel will be rotated clockwise.
The wheel will rotate one window during each print cycle.

Lever Carrier
Pressure Low Lift Feed Windows
Roller Disposable
Take-Up Spool
Feed Roller
Med. High
oe Tare
Load Lever

Figure I — Film Ribbon Mechanism High Lift

Figure 3 — Ribbon Feed & Lift Wheel

(Top View)


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