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S.Y. 2017-2018

A Research Paper Presented to the

Faculty of Nagpayong Senior High School, Pinagbuhatan Pasig City

In Partial Fulfillment for the Subject Inquiry, Investigation and Immersion, General

Academic Strand

Balang II, Dhan Joseph
Rellon, Jimboy
Sioco, Jericho
Taguinod, Kriemark
Abina, Lenilyn
Garcia, Marichelli
Hermanes, Laurice
Herrera, Haina
Nabitad, Rizza me

April 2018


Title Page...................................................................................................................i

Table of Contents......................................................................................................ii

Chapter 1: THE PROBLEM AND ITS SETTING..................................................

1.1 Introduction

1.2 Theoretical Framework

1.3 Conceptual Framework

1.4 Statement of the Problem

1.5 Hypothesis

1.6 Significance of the Study

1.7 Scope and Limitations

1.8 Definition of Terms


2.1 Social Networking Sites

2.2 Most used Social Networking Sites

2.3 Effects of Social Networking Sites


3.1 Research Design

3.2 Research Instrument

3.3 Population and Sample

3.4 Data Gathering Procedures

3.5 Statistical Treatment


Chapter I



Technological advancement has brought major changes globally and has

grown immensely. Through technological advancement, communication barriers

have been reduced and new mediums are being introduced to connect people

globally. Gadgets become millennial’s constant companion in today’s generation.

There are lots of design, model, and brand that we can see and are now available in

the market. One of the most unique features of a gadget which make it more

appealing and interesting is the capacity of it to stay connected in the internet.

Internet offers many applications such as search engines and gaming. One of the

most in demand application that it offers is the social networking sites.

Social networking site has become an international trend. It becomes a

pervasive way to connect and interact with other people. These applications are

widely used all over the world connecting millions of people simultaneously. With this

kind of advancement, many concerns arise because one of the most active users of

it is the students. With the widespread adoption of technologies, people made social

networking site platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and much more a part

of their living for it allows users to communicate easier. Keep in touch with their

family and friends in most convenient way. Social networking sites become more

popular to students especially here in the Philippines. In the digital shift, the

Philippines had taken the global lead in at least one measure: time spent using

Social networking site. That is according to the closely followed internet trends report

released by social networking site management platform Hootsuite and United

Kingdom- based consultancy We Are Social 2017. The report, called Digital in

2017, showed that Filipinos spent an average of 4 hours and 17 minutes per day on

social networking site such as Facebook and Twitter. The data were based on active

monthly user data from social networking site companies as recent as January 2017.

A report from Cruz (2004) shows that Filipinos aged 15 to 24 years old is the biggest

consumers and most influential users of internet, specifically social networking site.

Some schools are experiencing technological advancements; because of it,

changes and improvements of teaching methods are very vivid. One of the school

that experiencing it is the Nagpayong High School where its students is very active

in using social networking sites. Social networking site platform are now used for

educational purposes like Facebook, where students log-in and check for some

announcement from their Teachers or classmates.

However, some student didn’t use Social networking site as a medium for

their learning rather they used it as their entertainment. There are handfuls of

studies showing negative relationship between Facebook and its impact on

academic performance including one which suggests how children with lower

attention span focused more on Facebook and children with higher attention spent

less time on Facebook (Paul, Baker and Coehran, 2012). Students spend most of

their time using Social networking site. They enjoy reading and posting status,

chatting with their friends, and stalking their crushes, favorite celebrities and well

known people.

With this kind of habit, students forget what they need to do and their

responsibilities in schools. The study of Lewis et al. (2008) found out that the

influence of these social networking site continue to get increasingly more pervasive,

making actual and virtual realities almost indistinguishable. Students are talking

about the social networking site related stuffs almost every single day; thus it would

be a surprise if any student never got involved with Facebook, Twitter or any other

social networking site nowadays. Moreover, students are paying more attention

towards these social networking site activities rather than utilizing their time to study

which will surely affect their academic performance. It may lead them in failing their


Hence, their academic performance must be managed efficiently without

losing sight of all the factors that can positively or negatively affect their educational

performance. This study will help the teachers in Nagpayong Senior High School in

formulating learning objectives that would help manage and organize on how

student could maximize study time in connection with social networking site usage.

This study was conducted to know the level of students’ involvement in social

networking site usage, and determine the positive and negative effects of these

social networking sites in student academic performance.


Theoretical Framework

This work will be guided Time displacement theory

Time displacement theory

The time displacement theory assumes that people have a limited amount of

time to do a particular thing (Mutz, Roberts & van Vuuren, 1993). Increased amounts

of time on a particular activity will displace other activities. According to Nueman

(1991), when people increase the time they spend online engaging in social and/or

recreational activities, time sacrifices will have to be made in other areas, such as

time spent on studying, reading, and doing homework.

Conceptual Framework

Independent Variable Dependent Variable

 Demographic Profile
 Facebook
 Twitter
 Instagram
Academic Performance
 Effects
 Acquisition
 Communication
 Accessibility

The Independent variable are the Demographic profile of the respondents, the

Social networking sites that they used and lastly the effects of it to them in terms of

Acquiring information, Communication and Accessibility.


On the other hand, the Dependent variable is the respondents’ Academic


Statement of the Problem

The main objective of this study is to determine the use and possible effects

of social networking sites in the academic performance of the Grade 12 GAS

students in Nagpayong Senior High School.

Research questions:

Specifically, this study aims to answer the following questions.

1. What is the demographic profile of the students

1.1 Gender

1.2 Age

1.3 Section

2. What social networking site do students of Grade 12 usually use?

3. How much time do student spend using social networking sites?

4. What is the students primary purpose in using social networking site?

5. How does social networking sites use affects the studies of the respondents

in terms of the following:

5.1 Acquiring Information

5.2 Communications

5.3 Accesability

Hypothesis of the study

Null hypothesis Ho:

There is no significant relationship between social networking sites use of the

Students with their academic performance.

Significance of the Study

This study will help the following:

Students. This study will guide them on how to use social networking site in

a right and effective way. This study will also give them idea on how to balance or

manage their time between studies and using social networking site. They will know

what will be the outcomes if they spend most of their time using social networking

site and disregarding their studies.

Teachers. This study will give them an idea what is social networking site all

about. They will know what kind of approach they’re going to apply for their student

with the help of advancement of technologies. They can also teach their students

about the right way of using social networking site.

Parents. This study will give them knowledge about the possible effects of

social networking sites that may experience by their children. They may use this as a

guideline on what will be the advice they were going to give to their children.

Administration. This study will give them awareness about the effects of

Social Networking Sites and by this they can make or propose a policy about usage

of Social Networking sites. They can held a seminar to share this to the current

students in Nagpayong High School.

Future Researcher. This study will be their guide in conducting related or

same study regarding to this topic.

Scope and Limitations

This study focuses on uses and effects of social networking sites in the

academic performance of Grade 12 students in Nagpayong Senior High School. The

cover of this research studies are the respondents is Grade 12 GAS students who is

very active in using social networking sites.

Definition of Terms

As words may mean differently in different contexts, the following definitions

are given as the words used as intended to be understood for the purpose of this


Academic Performance. Academic performance pertains to the First

Semester’s Final Average of the student.

Demographic Profile. Demographic profile pertains to the respondents’

basic information such as age, sex and section.

Number of Hours Spent in Using Social Networking Site. Number of

Hours Spent in Using Social Networking Site pertains to the Respondents’


allotted time in using social networking site accounts such as less than an hour, one

hour, three hours, four hours and five hours and above.

Social Networking. Social networking is the use of internet to make

information about yourself available to other people especially people you share an

interest with to send messages to them.

Social Networking Sites (SNS). Social networking sites platforms such as

Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, A website where people put information about

them and can send to others.

Student. Student is someone who is Studying at a University or School.

Trends. A trend is a widely mentioned or discussed on the surface web or in

a different social networking site.


Chapter II


Social Networking Sites

Ellison and Boyd (2007) define social networking sites as web- based

services that allow individuals to construct profile, display users connections, and

search and traverse within that list of connections

According to Awake (2012), a social networking sites is an online service or

platforms that focus on facilitating the building of social networking among people

who share interest, activities and background on real life connections. It is a website

that allows users to share information within a selected group.

According to Boyd and Ellison (2007) article entitled “Why Youth Heart, Social

Networking site: the role of networked publics in teenage life?” It shares a variety of

technical features that allows individuals to construct a public or semi- public office,

articulate list of their users that they share connections within the system.

Most Used Social Networking Site in the Philippines

In today’s generation, most people spend their time hanging in different social

networking site platforms. According to Manila Bulletin (2013) these are the three

most visited social networking sites:


It is the most famous social networking site. Facebook is a vast network

(Webwise Team, 2012). It let its users connect and interact with other people

globally. Facebook users can freely update status, upload photos and videos and all

the things they wanted to share online. It was founded by Mark Zuckerberg on

February 4, 2004 (Facebook, 2015) with his colleagues Eduardo Saverin, Andrew

McCollum, Justin Moskovitz and Chris Hughes.

Most of its users use the site everyday which ropes the reasons why teens

log in to social media daily discovered by We Are Social (2015). The following are

the main reasons: it is accessible for the majority who owns mobile phones; use it to

be updated, share and gather information and log in to it when it’s their free time. A

study from We Are Social (2015).

According to TNS Digital Life (2012) 90 percent of the Overseas Filipino

Workers (OFW) use internet as the primary channel of communication and

Facebook as the primary social media platform as they keep in touch with their

families here in the Philippines. The study also showed that 5 percent of the Filipinos

use smartphones in accessing their facebook account, 49 percent is through their

personal computers and 12 percent through computer rentals.

In Philippine setting, there are about 34,000,000 active Facebook users (We

Are Social, 2015).


It is a micro blogging platform. A social media where in its user can share

daily short message. Here is where “trending”, “followback”, and “hashtag” originated

(Manila Bulletin, 2013). Users can follow their favorite celebrities or famous

personalities. Twitter is like a daily newspaper where people can browse and know

the news and trends for the day (Mierra, 2014). It was designed by Jack Dorsey and

launched on July 2006.

Twitter has over 13 percent Filipino users (We Are Social,2015) According to

Pew Research Center (2015), 92 percent of teen go online on Twitter every day, 24

percent says that they go online “almost constantly” to tweet to their followers of just

browse. Filipinos are active on social network sites such as Twitter for more years

now and still adding up every year (Philippine Daily Inquirer, 2012)


It is a social media photo-sharing platform. It is a social networking application

where it users allow sharing their pictures and short videos in public or privately, and

like by user’s followers (Instagram, 2015).It was created by Kevin Systrom and Mike

Krieger. It was launched on October 2010 (Manila Bulletin, 2013)

Almost 9 percent of Filipinos are Instagram users (We Are Social, 2015).

According to We Are Social Media (2014), when Instagram was started in October 6,

2010 (October 7 here in the Philippines), with that after this social media introduced

it already had 1 million users in just two months. Every year users still growing and

growing because it is convenient and adding more features in it. Instagram will

apparently last for many years to come.

Cruz (2014) reported that 88 percent of Filipinos are using Instagram under

the age of 35 and most of them are from Philippines and they are income-earners.

94 percent of Instagram users are in the Philippines use smartphone while the other

uses tablet. According to Jenn’s Trends (2014), the popularity of Instagram

continues to grow.

Effects of Social Networking Sites

Hamat Afende (2012) presented the results of a nationwide survey showed

that SNS’s penetration is not full 100% as initially assumed. The SNS is not really

good for a student’s daily life. It might result of informal activity in the social

networking site. The student priority is not related on their learning.

According to Mark Salvation (2010), SNS has an impact on academic

performance of students. The students preferred to use SNS in academic related

discussions in conventional teaching and learning process. The importance of SNS

in academic excellence is the use of these applications in student lectures and

academic institutions. In the tools improve the academic learning of a student, and

use their understanding in criticizing the knowledge of the student.

Weber Alan (2012) stated that SNS was invented for daily life and it’s more

popular to operate on a free service model in advertising revenues. The educational

uses have generally been the results of the creature adaptation of study and

application manners. Thus SNS is in for enjoyment of a student so that the SNS

collaborated to the learning of the student for making the easy life of a student.

According to Kevin Brady (2010) an educational benefit of SNS’s is a

productive online tool for teaching and learning. It can be used most effectively as a

technological tool for the improvement of online communication to student in higher


education courses. In educational manner the SNS define as a tool to help the

students in their academic performance and also to enhance their communications

to other.


According to Ellison, Boyd (2007) and Awake Social Networking sites is a platform

where people can put information about their self, and can be seen by everyone. It is

the most convenient way in connecting with other people around the world.

Manila Bulletin (2013 release an article about the top 3 most visited social

networking sites. Facebook is the first, followed by twitter and the third one is


Afande (2012) stated that social networking site has a bad effect to the

students’ academic performance. But with Mark Salvation (2012), social networking

sites help to improve the knowledge of the students


Chapter III


Research Design

This research study sought to determine Social networking sites use and its

effect on Academic Performance of the Grade 12 GAS students in Nagpayong

Senior High School. This study follows empirical investigations to easily find a data

related to the topic and to make sure that the result will be factual. The researcher

used correlational descriptive study because the researchers wants to know if there

is any significant relationship between the usage of social networking sites and

academic performance of the students.

Research Instrument

The researcher used survey method in order to gather necessary data from

Grade 12 GAS 1 to Gas 9. Questionnaire method is an indirect method, in which, it

is a set of questions intended for the problem to be answered by respondents,

accomplished by clear and concise directions, send to the respondents by mail or

hand carried. The respondents can answer the questionnaire with privacy at their

convenience (Cruz, 2009)

The Part 1 of the questionnaire will determine the respondents’ average or

typical characteristics. The Part 2 will determine the respondent’s use of social

networking site. Lastly, the Part 3 of the questionnaire will determine the Effects of

Social Networking Sites based on the perception of the respondents.

Population and Sample

The respondents of the study are the Grade 12 General Academic Strand

(GAS) students of Nagpayong Senior High School A.Y 2017- 2018.

The researchers applied stratified random sampling. Stratified random

sampling was a more efficient procedure wherein the population is grouped into

stratum wether vertically or horizontally.

Total sample size of 184 students were randomly selected using Stratified

random sampling with a confidence interval of 0.05 and confidence level of 95%

from the total population of 341 GAS students in Nagpayong Senior High School.

Section Population Percentage Samples

GAS 1 36 11 20

GAS 2 38 11 20

GAS 3 37 11 20

GAS 4 38 11 20

GAS 5 39 11 21

GAS 6 39 12 22

GAS 7 38 11 20

GAS 8 39 11 21

GAS 9 37 11 20

TOTAL 341 100 184

Table 1

Table 1 shows the actual number of population of Grade 12 GAS students in

every class, its percentage and the samples.

In order to get the population’s percentage, the researchers used this formula:

Percentage Formula

𝑁𝑢𝑚𝑏𝑒𝑟 𝑜𝑓 𝑠𝑡𝑢𝑑𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑠 𝑝𝑒𝑟 𝑐𝑙𝑎𝑠𝑠

P= X 100%


N= total population

In determining the sample size of the study, the researchers used the Sloven

n = 1+𝑁𝑒 2


n= number of sample

N= total population

e= error tolerance or the margin of error


n = 1 +𝑁𝑒 2

= 1 +341(0.05)2

= 1+341(0.0025)

= 1+0.8525

= 1.8525

=184.08 or 184 respondents

Data Gathering Procedures

The researchers used primary and secondary resources in collecting and

gathering data that is relevant and connected to the research topic. The researchers

randomly select samples using stratified random sampling from the total population

of Grade 12 in Nagpayong Senior High School. Total sample size of 184 from the

total population of 341 General Academic Strands students become the respondents

of this research study. Researchers prepared survey questionnaires for our

respondents to know what type of social media they primarily use, how much time

they spend using social media, their purpose of using social media, and the effects

of social media to them.

The researchers used online websites, blogs, scholarly articles, journal, local

and international reports as secondary resources. These following sources help us

more to further investigation, analyzing and understanding related issues and


concerns of the effects of social networking sites in the academic performance of the

Grade 12 students in Nagpayong High School.

Statistical Treatment

The researchers used the following statistical treatment to organize and

interpret the answers of the respondents. Percentage formula, Weighted mean and

Pearson r.


P= 𝑛 x100


P represents the percentage

f is the number of respondents who answered given questions,

n represents the sample size (no. of questionnaire distributed to the respondents).

This formula was used to interpret the profile and the extent of social

networking site usage of the respondents.

Pearson R

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